#I hope you know I count this as revision for my English language mock on Monday
getting-through-it · 5 years
GCSE Results day!
I know it’s late but I decided to make a post about results day because I’m happy with how it went! I’ve also got some advice so stick around for that.
I got all the grades I needed to get into the sixth form I wanted to go to so that’s good (+no fails!)
I’ll post the actual grades below the cut, as well as what I expected for each subject. This is not meant as a boast or anything but just to blog my experience. I’m curious to how everyone else found Thursday (but no pressure to share grades ofc).
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(“PPE”s were what my school called mocks. We had three sets of mocks, but apparently our school can’t count.)
(The “predicted” column is what my school predicted for me, the “target” column is what I was kind of hoping for before sitting the exams and the “guess” column was what I thought I might get based on sitting the papers.)
The grades I needed for my 1st choice sixth form were:
7s or above in the subjects I want to do for A-Level (Maths, Music, Psychology, Spanish/ Top four listed)
At least 6 grades at a 6 or above, including English language
So, yay!
The grades I’m most shocked at are english lang & lit because they’re lower than expected but I’m not disappointed because I’m not continuing them.
I’m not surprised about getting a 9 in music because I already knew a lot of the content before starting GCSE music, but I’m still happy I got it.
I can’t believe I got 8s in psychology and maths. I struggled so much to get my grades up in those. For maths, during and before exam season, I woke up early each morning and did at least 30 mins of practice questions. It paid off, I guess! Psychology was mostly difficult because there weren’t many revision resources because we were the first year group to sit the exams (GCSE Pearson Edexcel Psychology) and all we had was like 1 sample paper.
In Spanish I’m really happy with an 8. I didn’t think it was possible to get higher than a 7 because I struggle so much with speaking and confidence, especially in a foreign language. Also, the listening paper was extremely difficult (AND the audio quality was AWFUL: I heard more crackles than words). But apparently it is!
I’ve never cared for RE. Find it mostly boring. A 6 is cool though.
Triple Science is fucking hard. So much fucking content. In the end of year 10 mocks (PPE1) I had revised mostly just for the sciences because they were so difficult, even when we went away for a week I brought my science stuff with me. I got a U in all three. In fact, in the physics paper, I got a grand total of 2 marks. Fucking hell. But y’know, I kept doing quickfire questions all year round and kept up my flashcard game and I ended up with 6-5-6 so not fucking bad.
And, finally: additional maths. When they were selecting people to take the FSMQ additional maths course in year 10 I thought I’d never be able to do this shit. Everyone else picked was smarter than me and cockier than me and always got good grades. I am so shook with the B. I can’t believe I did that well (the top grade was an A, not A*)!
Life lesson: Don’t give up. You can always do this shit. Especially for GCSEs: just push through. It will be fine.
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stanbangttan · 7 years
WANNA BET? 18+ (M)
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Jungkook x Reader(A®my Lee) (M)
Warning: Smut, mature, daddy kink, CHARACTER
Summary:Amy is single after 3 years of tough relationship. Her best friend and roommate Monica decided to cheer her up and took her out clubbing, where she met Jungkook. Rude but good looking guy, who made a bet with her and preformed the bet perfectly.
A/N: This is my first ever fanfic, smut or an oneshot. My first everyhing.  English is not my native language and I really tried. I hope you like it and if I have some mistakes please comment down below. I would love to thank one girl from Twt that did a “tiny revision” and helped me a lot @Miniefaithful Thank you.
Game / Giveaway (sort of)
“Monica, It’s been three years since I have been single, chill a little”, I sighed and she throws another dress at me. The jerk of my ex was kind enough to notify me trough text that we’re over. Like I didn’t deserve more than a fucking text after 3 years of struggle, which he was to be honest. I have been so involved in that relationship that my friends slowly distanced themselves from me and I didn’t even noticed.
“I’m just saying you need to be extra hot tonight! You’re single, and ready to mingle! Maybe some guy will be your rebound.” Monica yelled from the bathroom. “I’m not going clubbing with a sole purpose of finding some guy to fuck. I just want to get drunk and have fun tonight.” I cried out. “You were with that asshole for fucking three years, Amy. You don’t even know what hotties are out there. Don’t try to fool me, I know you’re dying for a rebound fuck with some hot guy right now.” She said smiling.
Well, she wasn’t wrong about that. I missed sex, not with him in particular. I just missed sex. And I wanted to loosen up with some drinks tonight. Dance a little and get rid of the stress I have been having lately . “Where is that new highlighter you got, Mon?” I said finishing my make-up. “Top left drawer, and put some on me.”
“What are you gonna wear? I thought of borrowing your black lacy dress, just so you know.” I grabbed it and started putting it on. “I thought of red for you and black for me but we can switch.” “So you like to switch, Mon? Hm?” I teased her. “You know it!” She winked at me.
We got in the taxi and said the address. I didn’t want to think about driving myself, especially because I plan on drinking. Well, more like getting wasted. Two single girls night out is all I need, hopefully. “I’m going to order vodka shots, what do you want?”
“Make it double.” Mon said.
The bartender got our order fast and we drank it even faster. It burned like a bitch. Our table is now empty for anyone to sit because Mon wanted to dance right away.. Seconds later, I was too on the dance floor, grinding to God knows who, laughing and feeling the song. I don’t know when I became this good of a dancer but I’m feeling myself. I can feel my stress lowering and my mind getting clearer.
Some guy started to dance with Monica and she signalized me he’s a good catch by doing thumbs up behind her back and that was my queue to leave her with him and dance with someone else on the dance floor. I turned around and wish I paid attention to whom I was grinding because the guy stared at me with hungrily and horny. Oh hell to the no.
I’m trying to get to my table, just now it’s not ours, or at least it’s not empty. I told you Monica, i said you so. The guy leaning on it, eyes searching trough the crowd, probably waiting for someone. His broad back is facing me, and his leather jacket is hugging his shoulders. I tapped him on the shoulder, ”Umm, hiiiiii. So this is my table, did you get lost?” “Your table? Do you see it written somewhere?” He says instantly.
I point to the paper on the table with my last name and he grabs it, “This? How can I know if you’re Ms. Lee? Can I get an ID? Are you even a Miss? Well, maybe because I don’t see ring on your fingers..” he uttered.
Suddenly he throws it away
“What the fuck are you doing?” I’m shocked at his behavior.
He turns around, eyes glistening and reflecting on club lights, his mouth making a smirk, eyes going all over me. Right then I’m realizing that he’s checking me out. Not saying that it’s rude but also it’s disrespectful. “Are you done?” I point at my body, show him I notice. “What do you mean done, I haven’t started anything yet?” he dared to smirk again. 
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I am so sick of fuckboys, I can’t and won’t deal with him. I ignored him and ask the waiter for a drink. Surprisingly, he orders too. Glass of whiskey. Classic douchbag. “So what’s your real name, babe?” He continues. Pffft, real name. I ignored him. Finally he got the memo, “Okay, beautiful, we got of the wrong foot here. Let me put the ball down and introduce myself, I am Jungkook.”
I should just ignore him this time as well. Even though I could hear his sincerity this time he spoke, I’m just that stubborn to let go. But damn, he’s is hot. Monica was right, I didn’t know how many hotties walked in this town because I’m not a type that looks around while in a relationship.
His eyes are piercing through your soul when he looks at you, licking lips and biting them the same way as he did when he checked me out earlier. He is in all black, like he knew my weakness for it. Jeans are so tight you can see his thighs muscles twitch, not that I looked. Broad shoulders and a small waist created that triangle proportion. Like he can read my mind, he removed the jacket and I gulped. The veins on his arms. I drooling all over him, not even realizing until the same ripped arms were now picking his jacket up and that pinkish mouth saying something to me while I was waking up from my daydream, “Well, I see I am not welcomed here, then I’ll just go.” Really Amy, do you wanna pass this opportunity? He seems like he’s good at rebound sex, right? I can’t belive I am thinking about this, damn you Monica.
“Hi douchebag, I’m Amy Lee, and don’t call me babe.” “So I can call you beautiful, but not babe? And you can call me douchebag?” His bunny smile appeared. “Well, why would I complain, when we both are telling the truth? ” I said with confidence which I can tell he likes.
I had Monica in my sight, coming closer to our table with the same guy hanging around her neck and I see Jungkook’s confused face, “Jiminshi, where are you all this time? I was waiting for you like crazy.”   They started arguing or laughing, I couldn’t really tell or hear, while Monica and I looked at each other and I could tell she is going home with that Jimin guy, which means that our apartment will be occupied. She rocked her hips with his hand on them and she waved at me. She is such a slut sometimes, but I truly love that hoe. “So, that leaves you and me, beautiful?” Jungkook spoke suddenly, moving his hand behind me.
“Well, I guess, douchbag.” I spoke immediately. “Do you want to dance? Can you even dance?” he underestimated me. “Of course I can, probably even better than you.” “Are you sure about that, wanna bet?”
“Bet? What are you, thirteen?” I mocked him. “No, I’m twenty-two but if you win I will do any dare you give me. And If I win you’ll do any dare I give you.” He smirked at me “Seems fair. Any, any dare?”, it was high risk, but I loved to dance. I mean how good can this fuckboy be? “Yes.”
“Okay then.”, we agreed, walking towards the crowd.
As we stepped on the dance floor, his aura changed to possessive. If now you’re looking at completely different man. His hand grabbed me around my waist, pulling closer to him, my leg between is his legs, our cheeks touching. Hips rocking in the beat, we’re going lower and my heart starts knocking, asking for the way out. His other hand finds its way to my mid back and going up behind my hair to my neck. Which gave me goosebumps. He notices it and smirks with devilish face.
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Me messing up his hair is somehow making him more hot. I lost my balance and grabbed his shoulder to have gain it back, I realized that now he’s holding me tight so I moved my hands to his chest. He knew I had too much to drink, so he held me nice and snug. I can feel his heart beating fast just like mine right now. It just felt like we are alone, but now I am being randomly turned one-eighty, feeling his hands on my sides, moving my hips, holding me tight along his cock. I can see other people dancing, in a daze. I didn’t know If was that tipsy or that was his effect on me. I let my head fall back on his shoulder and roll my hips in the sound of the fast song that is blasting through the sound system. Raising my hands behind me to play with his damp hair. I can feel his bulge getting harder and I wanted to tease him so I bended s little, his hands working fast placed me in front of his features. His masculine scent filled my nostrils. Is that cologne or sweat? His chest breathless, gasping for air, our faces across each other, almost touching, I can feel his wheeze on my lips and how insanely close is he is to me. Hands holding, intertwining fingers and we started to slowly kiss in the center of the dance floor. Now I was sure, the only ones standing in this room were him and me. Letting go, he cups my cheeks with both hands, while kissing me passionately, full of lust. I took a grip of his wet shirt in my hand and squeeze at his hips. Intensity and pressure changed like the melody in the background.
He deepened the kiss, our breaths coming fast and shallow. Kiss has been broken, his eyes dark, he grabbed my hand and raced back to the table. Our jackets were in our hands, Mine other hand in his, which was tugging me along. We are finally outside, cold and out of breath.
“So who won?” I asked teasingly.
“Who cares.” He said, he says half running across parking lot, pulling me into a kiss, then grabbing a helmet from a motorcycle. “The important thing is that our dares aligned to be the same thing, or am I wrong?”
Well he wasn’t. How can I argue with that? He know that I want it too. I ignored the question and he smirked, putting black helmet on me and planting one more kiss on my lips once again after putting the protective glass down. 
I sat on the far back, my hands hugging him, resting on his rock hard abs. When the ride started I didn’t want it to end. There was something about this freedom and security I feel with him. We stopped on the parking lot of the new building in my street. I guess I really didn’t know what is on ‘display’ are out there. 
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He unlocked the apartment, throwing the keys, lifting me up, while supporting me by a cold wall that in combination my back, sent shivers down my spine. He’s snuggled his nose in the crook of my neck leaving smooches all over my shoulders, returning to sensitive spot behind the ear. My hands were up his hair, tugging as moans escaped one by one. His hand moves to my butt, steadying me in his arms and picking me up fully while I held my hands behind his neck pecking his lips and neck. He let out a whimper and I could feel the vibration of his voice while placing the kiss. This led him to expose more neck space for me to swirl my tongue on. He opens the door to what I assume is the bedroom. He put me lightly on the bed, starts undressing me and mouthing “shit” when my dress is gone. I hold the hem of his shirt pulling it above his head and the ‘shit’ is mutual, just I actually don’t say it or mouth it. His chest and abs are defined as much as my eyebrows are in the beginning of this night. Kisses continued to be scattered all over my body. My body moved, humping him. Our lips glazed over each other’s, ears pounding when his warm pant brushed over neck skin wanting more and hickeys forming all over my shoulders. He started to go lower, kissing and sucking on my nipples. I was already wet, humping his thigh in swift motions.
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“You are that impatient, aren’t you kitten? Slow down, just relax and enjoy..” His lips tripped over my stomach in zig zag pattern kissing every mark.
My soaked panties slid down and just after one of his licks over my folds, my head tipped all the way back. His mouth did wonders, licking, sucking, making me moan louder that I was allowed. “Shit, Jungkook, shit, shit.” Like he felt it, he started to finger me hard and hit the sweet spot while my legs trembled, lungs fighting for air just so I could say it to him “I am going to – “ and that is all I could tell before I was in full bliss. He didn’t stop, he was going for seconds. More vigorously, my back already hurt how arched it was and hands in his hair trying to move his head which was steady and not going anywhere at all. Suddenly he got up to grab the condom, slid his jeans and put it on his already hard dick. I was turned around on my shaking knees in a matter of seconds and positioned for him to enter me. “Daddy is going to reward his little girl with his cock only if she’s begging.” He was aggressive but still started slow, pulling out all the way and go back in a few times before his veiny hands was grabbing my hair, one holding the hair and other one on my hip. The grip on my hair tightened, his nails dug into my hip and dick filling me up all the way. “Harder, Daddy please. Faster!” I begged.
He gave in on my request and it got hasty, vigorous and loud. He pulled me by my hair more, started to move his ass in a circle, roll his hips, and bend so he can kiss my neck by the ear, “Do you like being tugged by your hair, princess?” His moans intertwined with mine, smell of sex filled the room almost as good as he filled me.
He suddenly stopped, and I realized he waited for a  response. His dominance in bed and on the dance floor is undeniable. “Yes, daddy, now can you please fuck me?”
“You are not the one who commands.” He slapped my ass as he pulled out, “Now ride me.” On the top, while riding him, I was enjoying the godlike sight. I caressed his abs with my nails and prompted my hands on his chest. His lips parted, moaning my name. I started jumping on his dick while holding on his muscular thighs, up and down, he held my boobs, moaning, “FUCK! Continue kitten, faster!”
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I started doing circles and rolls with my hips, moaning loud of how good it feels. Daddy wanted more, so he started to move, prompt his legs on the bed, so he can enter me deeper. I was near his face now, biting my lip to tease him, his hand holding me in place while we both simultaneously moved in sync, making each other lose our mind.  
“Oh gooooood, Jungkook. Shit.” I said as I started kissing him, now I bit his lower lip and started sucking on it after, which made him whine out of pain. My punishment for teasing was moving me up and down from his dick and stopping the friction on my clit. Now my breasts were hanging above his head, reaching, his hands full, he started sucking them. That turned me on, making me to do my movements faster and messier because I was near the high. This pose stimulated my g-spot and clitoris so I knew I’m going to orgasm hard. And I was so close. He started breathing out loud, mouth letting out unrecognizable  moans, whimpers and words. His movements got sloppier but more rapid. “I’m coming, daddy! Fuck!” I let the loudest moan in my life.
“Please, don’t stop, kitten. I am gonna cum too!” In few final thrusts he was coming undone in front of me, kissing me like crazy. While I laid on his rising chest.
“Well that was something..” he exclaimed.
“I like our dares.” I teased, smiling.
“I need to thank your friend leaving you alone, tho.”
“I think I need to thank her, too.”
“Do you wanna take a shower or do you want me to give you a warm cloth?”
“I want to shower, with you!” I boped him on the nose. He smiled.
I got up, not knowing where the bathroom is.
“That’s my baby girl”, he said while picking me up over his shoulder, he slapped my ass, started marching “This way!”
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Here’s Jikook slap on the ass as a reference and a gift.
Thank you all for reading guys. If you liked it please reblog, and send me lots of requests. 😊
*cough* title of a song *cough*
Keep eyes open. Good luck 🤞 🍀 REQUESTS ARE OPEN 🔓
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