#I just really love how happy Peppino seems to be
radaverse · 10 months
Ch II. On My Own - Page 7
Tower of Mistakes
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panhbr · 5 months
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I'm really happy with how this turned out, I always had trouble finding a way to draw him that I liked, but now I finally managed to solve that problem!
And yes, in my head, Peppino is 40 years old
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I still have a few more headcanons, but I decided to only include the ones that I think are most important (in my opinion)
Peppino really likes to wear button-down shirts, but he doesn't show his chest too much because of the scars
I don't know if you can see it in the reference drawing above, but I imagine he has a little dark circles under his eyes (this is due to a lot of work and some nights he couldn't sleep well)
As much as it may not seem like it, Peppino likes to sleep hugging something soft, most of the time being his pillow (I thought that would be cute) Because he feels safe and also finds it quite comfortable
He LOVES old music (80s/90s) and his favorite singers are "Bon Jovi", "Freddie Mercury" and "Elton Jhon"
When he's saying something nervous (or just talking a lot), he has a habit of making gestures with his hands
He only takes off his shirt in front of someone he trusts A LOT (but even then, he's shy and a little embarrassed, so take care of this man as if he were a piece of cotton PLS)
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zedortoo · 5 months
HAPPY DAY AFTER WEED DAY err here's how I think certain characters act when under the influence of alcohol or weed
Relatively good natured when drunk, can get a bit boisterous at times but never on purpose. Used to have a drinking problem after the war but now drinks a responsible amount.
Usually just. Falls asleep when he gets high. Too much stress on the poor bastard already, his body takes any chance to conk the fuck out. When he's awake he's quiet, almost in his own little world.
Does stupid shit when drunk. Takes any dare and makes it ten times more dangerous. Also seems to somehow be invincible while under the influence of alcohol, none of his stunts ever go wrong. Often climbs people taller than him.
Laughs at anything while high. He would laugh at a fly spot on a wall. One time he was doubled over barely able to catch a breath because he thought a painting of a duck was the funniest shit ever. Loves to cuddle and pet brick, who takes advantage of his inebriated state to ask for lots of treats which Gustavo gives out without a second thought.
Very happy drunk! A bit of a lightweight but once he gets a buzz he wants to be EVERYBODY'S friend. It's like his entire personality does a 180. All of a sudden he's laughing at everything and not starting arguments or trying to scam people. Perhaps drinks a bit more than someone his age should but he still manages. Loves to sing and dance even if he has a terrible voice and two left feet.
Gets incredibly heightened emotions under the influence of weed. In most cases this leads to him freaking the FUCK out and having like three panic attacks. Thinks the government put a chip in his skin and considers whether or not to pull it out. He doesnt do this every time he gets high though, when he's with people he trusts he relaxes a lot more. Doesn't talk much. Still dealing with heightened senses but in a more palatable way, a fluffy blanket is like heaven to him. like peppino, often conks out as his body desperately tries to catch up on sleep.
Surprisingly lightweight for someone his size. Despite being a bigass pepper it only takes him as much as the average Joe to get drunk. Often gets experimental with his paintings, had dipped himself in paint and cannonballed naked (or as naked as he can be) onto canvases to make art with his cheek prints or some shit. Has a taste for nicer alcohol and orders gay ass drinks whenever he goes out. Turns his metaphorical nose up at regular beer.
Mellows out a lot when high. He becomes a lot less self centered and is able to talk about things other than him and his art. Doesn't smoke, only does edibles but likes making ceramic pipes and shit for his friends. Sometimes he can get emotional and go into tiny pepper mode, which is why he doesn't tend to get high alone.
Can handle his alcohol relatively well. could drink most of the cast under the table any day. If he gets too drunk he begins to melt into a puddle, struggling to keep a form. Makes his own incredibly potent moonshine, which would probably kill a small dog. Loves doing karaoke while shitfaced, is actually good at it.
Literally just fucking melts while high. First time it happened, everyone thought he was dead because he wasn't making any movements or noise. No eyes no nothing. He says he enjoys himself, but noone really knows because. Well. He's a goddamn puddle. Tends to trip sit for the more anxious, has stopped Mr Stick from having a heart attack at least twice. Of course, stick never thanks him when he's sober because he's an asshole, but he has endless praises while high.
ROWDY DRUNK. ANGRY DRUNK. BITER. keep a wide berth when out drinking with him, he'll pick a fight with whoever he thinks looks at him funny. He won't attack any of his friends though, in fact he becomes very protective. Has growled like a feral animal multiple times- though to be fair, he does that sober, too.
Like pepperman, becomes less painful while high. You can hold a conversation with him without him insulting your entire bloodline. Actually a pretty chill guy most of the time, laughs at dumb stuff. He does get very cuddly though and will wrap himself around whoever is available. Usually this is noisette, but he'll settle for anyone. One time he curled up and fell asleep in Peppermans arms.
Doesn't drink much, doesn't like the way alcohol tastes unless it's flavoured as something else. On the rare occasion she drinks enough to get inebriated, she's just very giggly but surprisingly quiet. Just loves to listen and laugh with her friends. Surprisingly cooks very well when drunk. Gets very red in the face.
When she's high, she also doesn't talk much. She just giggles and stims alot, likes soft things even more than usual. Gets very sleepy, which everyone thinks is adorable. She's always attached to Noise when she's high, snuggled up to him and hiding her face. She just wants love and Noise is happy to give it.
Fake Peppino:
Alcohol doesn't work on them, per se. They don't get mentally impaired but, like Vigi, fakey becomes very melty. He never seems to mind, in fact it seems to be relaxing to him to let go of his physical form. Although he can't actually get drunk, he loves to mimic the behavior of his buddies when they're shitfaced, which can lead to him doing dumb shit.
Noone can actually tell if weed has an effect on him or not. He acts similar to the way he does when given alcohol, becoming very melty, and seems very relaxed- though, nobody really knows if they're actually high or just pretending to fit in. The one key is that their sclera go BRIGHT red. Almost neon when compared to the regular bloodshot high look. Maybe they're trying to mimic that too, but it's a source of a lot of laughs for the rest of the crew.
SAD drunk. Actually, no, not really? Whenever they drink, they start crying, but nobody can place whether it's happy or sad. Very lightweight, two glasses and the tears start pouring. Nobody can figure out if they're happy or sad tears, because Pizzahead just blubbers and tries to hug people the entire time. Has the ability to simply sleep until his hangover wears off, which often leads to him just curling up wherever and snoring away until the afternoon.
Gets even more mischievous when high. Rubs their hands together and plots stupid shit. Practices his evil laugh. Instead of his usual closed eyes, when he's high they bulge RIGHT out and scare everyone because he looks like he's glaring directly at them. Has a habit of lacing the edibles with psychedelics, freaking everybody out, which is why he's banned from bringing his own material to the sesh because it'd be too difficult to just ban him outright.
Literally cannot get drunk. He's a rock, it's not possible. Likes the taste of beer, though, and drinks it like it's water. this has lead to people who dont know him to presume he's an alcoholic, which he laughs at. Dude just doesn't care.
Surprisingly enough, however, weed does work on him. How? Cartoon laws, idk. Gets *slightly* more talkative when high, but it's mainly just nods and mhms, unless he's with John, in which case he'll be yapping his brothers ear off. He only does it in private, though. Nobody can know how talkative he can get.
Can actually get drunk, unlike his brother. it's like a party game to see if he can get even the slightest bit tipsy because he's just so massive. Could beat anyone in a drinking competition and still be sober while the other person is blackout drunk. The only time he got fully sloshed was when everyone worked together to bring him several barrels of liquor. They had to keep an eye on him for the rest of the night because he REALLY wanted to smash pizzaheads skull in. Slept for a week afterwards, everyone thought he died.
Doesn't get high often, mainly because it makes him more emotional. He doesn't enjoy talking about his experiences in the tower while sober, but when he's high it kinda just... Spills out. He doesn't know how to stop it but next thing he knows he's crying and feeling like an idiot, not matter how many people attempt to comfort him. If he's in a good mood pre-weed, though, he's usually fine, just having a good laugh with everyone else and not batting an eye when people use him as a rock climbing surface.
YAYYY hope these were readable uhhh I have never drank or smoked before because I am a good Christian boy (lie) so sorry if these aren't accurate 😢
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manicplank · 7 months
In a similar vein to the romance headcanons (though it could be platonic as well) what’s everyone’s reaction/response to “I love you”?
I'll do romantic and platonic
How would they react to "I love you"?
(Romantic): He would probably get bright red and sweaty, maybe even faint. At least for the first few times you say it. After that, he's mushy and lovey.
(Platonic): He'd start sobbing. It's a phrase he doesn't hear enough. To hear that someone loves him when he doesn't even love himself... It hurts in both good and bad ways.
(Romantic): Would blush and point to himself. "Me???" Yes, you. He would giggle and be all flustered, even after you tell him for the millionth time.
(Platonic): Would feel absolutely honored. He'd smile bright for the rest of the day. He wouldn't even question it. He'd just be so happy.
Mr. Stick:
(Romantic): He'd flush bright red like a tomato. He'd probably try to speak, but He'd stutter and stumbled on his words. He'd be too flustered to complete a coherent sentence.
(Platonic): He'd question it at first. "Oh... Wait, really? What does that mean?" But once he's reassured, he's incredibly happy.
(Romantic): He'd play it off and act all cool. Of course you love him, how could you not? He's like, totally the greatest! But inside, he's screaming, totally overwhelmed with emotion.
(Platonic): Similar to romantic. He doesn't seem to realize that by saying "I love you", you're saying that you value him as a friend and care about him. He just thinks you admire him as an artist.
The Vigilante:
(Romantic): Would blush and rub the back of his head. He'd get all bashful and shy. He'd probably ask what about him that you love. He'd even get a bit melty.
(Platonic): He'd respond with "I love you, too, my good friend." He's not the fragile masculinity type of guy. He holds his friends close like family.
The Noise:
(Romantic): For once in his life, he'd go silent. His face is beet red, and he's shaking. He has no idea what to do or how to respond. He doesn't hear that a lot. He might even start crying. He doesn't know how to express himself.
(Platonic): He'd bump you on the shoulder with a smirk. He has trouble saying it back, but you know he values you as a friend. The fact that he hasn't murdered you by now is a telltale sign that he loves you, too.
(Romantic): She would jump up and down, squealing and screaming. She's blushing, and her heart is racing. Instead of being flustered, she's ecstatic. "I love you, I love you, I love you!!! EEEEEEEE!!!"
(Platonic): She'd giggle and poke you. "Awww, I love you too!" She'll probably tell you that all the time from then on, especially when she's worried about you or when you're sad.
Fake Peppino:
(Romantic): He is confused! He doesn't understand romantic love. It doesn't quite process in his brain. He would tilt his head and make a little noise. "Hmmmmmm?????"
(Platonic): He would let out a (terrifying) scream of joy! His little arms would flail, and his eyes would get wide. He would then charge to hug you and rub his face on you!
(Romantic): He would give you a confused look. Do you not realize he's a robot? Maybe not. He's not even sure he's capable of love. He'd probably just go, "Okayyy....."
(Platonic): Similar to romantic, he'd give you a bit of a scowl. You're weird... But, deep down, he appreciates it even though he'd never admit it.
(Romantic): He'd gasp, blush, and put his hand on his chest. "You LOVE little ol' me? Are you sure?" He'd then get the biggest smile on his face. He'd probably hug you, wrapping his arms around you a million times.
(Platonic): He'd put his arm over your shoulder with the cheesiest smile on his face. He enjoys that you enjoy his company and is honored you feel that way.
Pillar John:
(Romantic): His jaw would drop, and his eyes would get all wide. "You WHAT?!?" He's too shocked to move at first, but then he gives you a hug with a big jolly laugh.
(Platonic): He laughs and pats you on the head. He loves you too! He greatly values your friendship and would do anything to protect you.
(Romantic): He would give a thousand yard stare as if he saw a nuke being dropped in front of him. He would be completely in denial. There's no way he would ever believe you.
(Platonic): He'd smirk, but deep down, he's smiling wide. He's stoic and not great with emotions, but friend mean the world to him. That just assured him that you are a true friend.
This one was fun and a great distraction from feeling sad. Tysm for sending this in.
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goldengrecha · 1 year
Sometimes i feel like we doesn't give Peppino enough credit for him being.. Peppino?
Like i know everyone says how he is so alive in animations and etc and im agree with that, animations and sprites in Pizza Tower is really a SOMETHING i really love and appreciate, but still.
Like, yeah he isnt a "sympathetic"/"pretty" character (idk how to say it in English correctly, sorry) like he is anxious slash angry most of the times, he isn't a Beauty TM, he is looking like a fucking mess, but... but still, somehow, he is really enjoyable, to play and to look.
Yeah, Pizza Tower doesn't have much of a storyline, but still. People say he is anxious/angry mostly (and i can understand that yeah), but he is also dancing from happiness if there will be reason for that; he looking kinda smugly when he finds keys or open doors, he is smirking smugly when he hit the boss, AND HIS TAUNT POSES! dude just so emotional overall, its kinda makes him really.. reletable?
Yeah, i think Peppino is really reletable, because of his looking, because of his struggles (haha money who), and because of his emotions. I think Peppino emotions can be really reletable if you're too anxious person or have an angry issues or just really emotional overall. At least, it how it's work for me. I really love him, because he is reletable in, well, lets say, at "ugly" parts sometimes, but he also makes such an incredible things, and its giving some inspiration, really.
And i really love how Pizza Tower is seems to break fourth wall, doing it so casually. Like, i love how Peppino joking at player when he got an D rank, and how he is content and satisfied with A rank, or how he is just screaming from happiness at S rank. Its like you and him is a some kind of partners there, its just a little things, but god, how much i love them. And i love this silly man. God bless the Pizza Tower.
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nyanloane · 9 months
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Nacho!! ★
I remade his ref 2 days ago! My goober evolved so much :-)
More info about him below ↴
Nicknames / Referred as : Chips boy, Cheesy superhero, Chipster
Gender : Male
Age range : 20s
Birthday : March 9th
🇫🇷 headcanon voice : Ramzy Bedia (Rapido from Ratz)
Nacho is the delivery guy of Peppino and the main rival of The Noise.
He is a playful, energized dude, generally outgoing and kind, probably the most fun person you’ll ever meet!
He goes super fast with his rollers and might act as a superhero sometimes, he also looks like one too ☆.
He is generally nice, and frank; he is not the type to lie (unless it would be for his own safety…). He still likes being provoking, teasing others, especially towards his enemies, he doesn’t waste the eventual fun!
He is also used to often drink orange juice, like, a lot of it. might be the reason why he is so energized heh?
And because of how energized he is, he can’t stay still for a second! (or at least it’s pretty hard).
Our dear hero isn't only able to make deliveries for Peppino, but also a pretty good dancer, (maybe even singer?? ✨)! He usually moves a lot and would usually twist a lot if he does a pre-existing dance, he puts his own touch into it! He seems to share some in common with the Italian man too ★.
Not only that, he is pretty good at playing basketball or any kind of sports in general. This helped him to make more precise shots if he had to throw something that requires that (on an enemy for example). It seems Nacho also has a good strength, he can lift pretty heavy things! (Even Peppino, crazy right-)
The Chipster is also used of doing pretty acrobatic moves while running, it can be pretty impressive to see him jumping around everywhere…
Outside of work, Nacho likes to spend time playing videogames, or going to arcades, it's more fun with friends! he would probably beat you on DDR haha
He also enjoys going to the cinema, always with some popcorn ☆.
Nacho is also mostly a joyful guy, filled with joy and excitement ★. He is always hyper-vitamined, cannot take a break and needs to move and do something constantly! No wonder why he gathered multiple skills and hobbies to stretch that endless stamina he contains.
Nonetheless, he can still sometimes be moody due to being upset or too tired (if he didn’t sleep well for example). In this state he wouldn’t like things he would usually do...
Nacho also likes having some attention or just showing off in general ☆. He is flexing!!
He takes a lot of care about his appearance (hair included), he is a superhero after all!
It's not hard to flatter him and he would appreciate compliments and support quite a lot ☆.
Nacho also does not really care much about money, he is even the opposite of greedy : he loves gifting, sharing to others despite not being *extremely* rich, a generous lad! ★
And just like most superheroes, no one knows what Nacho looks like without his mask nor his true identity (is Nacho his real name??).
He said that he decided to look like this to make him look "swag and mysterious".
Nacho also likes to dress differently from time to time, but he will remain keeping his mask and sometimes his gloves too while doing so.
⚡️Relations with…
💢 The Noise
Nacho and him are main rivals. They hate each other, and cannot stand each other for a minute. They would usually fight a lot, but they sometimes enjoy themselves on rare occasions, even helping the other at times but it’s not common.
It seems they know each other before the events of Pizza Tower.
Nacho doesn’t entirely hate him, but The Noise is not in the same way and wants him gone...
💖 Noisette
Him and Noisette are good friends! They share quite a lot in common, sharing the same interests like stuff with wheels ☆.
He sometimes likes to help her out with her café just to give his help.
We could see them as besties! But this friendship doesn’t make The Noise really happy about it as you may have guessed… He can be jealous, and even feel humiliated seeing his rival hanging out with his girlfriend.
Nacho sometimes needs to be sneaky while trying to chat with Noisette, her boyfriend always has an eye on him.
He also always gives a tip whenever he comes to see her!
🍝 Peppino
Speaking of his relation with Peppino, they're on good terms, and could even consider them as good pals now.
He first met him by hearing Peppino needing some help with his pizzeria, and Nacho took the opportunity to be his delivery man. At that time Peppino wasn’t really benefiting that much, but Nacho insisted on being hired him. Seems like he wasn’t really looking for money for this job. Peppino was pretty skeptical at first, not knowing Nacho at all but ended up accepting.
As time passed, Nacho was able to impress the Italian man by showing how fast he was with his job, always asking when the next order is coming! He is very motivated. After after a while, Nacho could gain some money with tips, and since he is fast for delivering the boxes, people were usually generous with him, wanted to see him delivering them!
Though, I wonder if one of them got unsatisfied with the order to come too fast heh…
When they are off work, they sometimes spend time together to have fun ☆.
⭐️ Vigilante
They're both good cheesy friendos. Despite not spending a lot of time together, they still enjoy the time they spend when they do!
🍕 Pizzaface
(If they ever encounter)
Nacho and him are both true enemies. They both despise each other a lot, but they somehow can be cool but only in a comical way.
Pizzaface would messes a lot if Nacho was seen in the tower, Nacho does not hesitate a second to mock him or make him look like a fool!
Pizzaface doesn't want to deal with another speedy guy after all, and even more annoying.
⚙️ Nabot
Nacho and them are meant to be enemies. Nacho personally has nothing against Nabot but sees them more as a goofy robot who wants to defeat him. He is not worried about it though, he even takes it easy and prefers to tease them ☆.
❤️ Pepperoncino
Nacho only met him once. All he knows about Pepper' is that he was Peppino's mentor and that he is "a nice pizza".
⚡️Likes :
Reading comics, watching movies & cartoons, collecting things he finds ‘cool’
He is very passionate about superheroes, he would discuss about them for countless hours
Helping others and giving things
Orange juice, one brand in particular 🍊
Mint flavor!
The color orange 🟠 obviously it's his fav color haha
Being complimented ✨
Dancing, music that kicks and is funky!! ♪
Playing videogames
Noisette, they're besties :)
He can be a sweet tooth at times 🍭
Ice creams, especially banana split and Sunday :p
Butterscotch popcorn 🍿
⚡️Dislikes :
The Noise >:( (grrr)
Being bothered when he is moody
Overly complicated things : can be either discussion or instructions. He would end up not caring listening
The color green 🟢, especially on him
Whenever we mess with their friends
Anything that is ‘dirty’
⚡️Fun & Facts :
Nacho is very expressive even though he would usually put his "serious face" by default
He can speak Spanish, but it not confirmed he has any kind of latino nationality
It sometimes happens that he can become drunk by drinking too much orange juice (based on a true story)
It is said that he may have wanted to be a delivery man to have some visibility this way…
He is bad at math.
He is very secured about his secret identity that the only way to see his true self would be after wedding (if it ever happens) "You might see my face after our wedding."
Nacho doesn't mind crossdressing!
His design was first inspired by the supervillain Electro (Marvel), one of his powers he can obtain is also taken from this character!
The main inspirations for Nacho are : Bugs Bunny, Superheroes (like Batman), Sonic, Rapido (from Ratz), ROBIN IS A COINCIDENCE
His english voice would be similar to Sonic.
Copy pasta from his TH profile.
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lultimagoccia · 3 months
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Peppino had been so surprised by the name on Caller ID, he'd nearly dropped his phone. He fumbled it between hands, saving it from near destruction against the tiled pizzeria floor in just the nick of time before lifting the device to his ear. Almost didn't want to speak. He was afraid she may not answer.
“ H - hello, angioletto. Are you okay? ”
There was a pause – please don't have hung up, please, he just wanted to hear –
“ Heyyyy, Papa. I'm okay! I just … wanted t' check in. And wish ya a happy Father's Day .”
Relief, utter relief and absolute joy at hearing his daughter’s voice responding. His own shook as he spoke again, emotions boiling within his chest, filling his lungs with air that wanted out all at once. But he had to keep his calm, control his feelings. Too many mistakes had been made in moments he failed to do so.
“ Father's Day, today? Really?? My God … I really been losing track of the days. Thank you, Calamaretti. I … I am so happy to hear you. I miss you so much. ”
“...I miss ya too, Papa, ” she replied sadly. “ 'm sorry, for not callin' more … ”
“ No, no! ” Pepp was quick to reassure her, before forcing himself to regain his calm, even tone. “ No … it is okay. I understand. You got your own life, your own things to take care of. I am always here when you need me. Always. ”
A measured breath, like she was trying to contain a swell of emotion. He hoped he had not made her more sad. He never knew what to say, to not make things worse. So he let her take the lead, talk about what she wanted to.
“ … I, uh ... heard about Bisnonno … ” she began again, hesitantly. “ I really wanna fly out, but I got finals coming up and I just couldn’t afford th' tickets right now. But I was worryin' about you, that it was hard for ya to handle all of that, alone … ”
“ It has been hard. Very hard. But I am not alone. Please, focus on your studies and do not worry for me. I am doing well now. ”
“ Thank God, that makes me feel so much better about it ... who's helpin' you? Gustavo? Nonna Margherita? ”
“ ...my, eh. My. She's. Hmmh. ”
He wasn't ashamed of Creecher – quite the opposite, he adored his wife - to - be and was very proud to admit so. But it was always a little nerve wracking, introducing a new partner to his daughter. He worried what she might feel about it. While his life continued on, he never wanted her to feel she was left behind. That he had moved on, without her. She was always in his heart, and so much tenderness and understanding had come from being her father.
“ She? Is … are ya seein' somebody new, Papa? ”
“... yes. Her name is Creecher. I … got no idea how to explain alla that quickly … “
“ Well. I got time. Why don’tcha tell me all of it, slowly. Always did love your stories, right? ”
Peppino chuckled, the sound rolling all the way through him. This was good. A door opening again. A hand extended, offering him the chance to come in again to her life. He just had to be a good houseguest, while he was there.
“ I will do my best, heh! Let me think … her name is Creech, like I say. She is … incredible. Older than me, than anybody. Than the town, even! She come from the forest, and she protect it all that time. ”
Alone. Life moving around her, just within reach but never within her grasp. They had both been so alone before meeting, existing within a world that changed them, but never seemed to make a space for them within it. What a wonderful turn of fate that they found each other, and carved out that space for themselves instead. 
“ We meet by chance, many months ago now ... ” felt like a lifetime, at this point. Like her place in his life had been sitting vacant until she was ready to occupy it. He opted not to mention she was living in his garbage can, that part felt much less whimsical and romantic than was proper for a love story like this one. “ She is not like anybody I met. She is clever, and wise, she got a wicked sense of humor and she understands me. I … I am very happy, angel. ”
“ …she sounds really incredible, Papa. I’m really happy for you. All I've ever wanted for you and Mama was for you two to be okay. ”
“ Ah … it is not your job to worry about our happiness, angioletto. You got to take care of you. ”
“ ... I'm trying to, Papa. But it's been so hard, lately. ”
“ Hard? ” his brow furrowed, phone clutched in both hands. If only he could hold her hands in his own, take the pain and burden from her. He knew the world could be merciless, no matter how strong you were. He knew that sometimes, you got tired of being strong. “ Talk to me, angel. What is so hard? I will listen. I am here. ”
There was silence from the other end, such that he feared she would pull back again. She wanted to prove she could handle herself, he knew that. She wanted to show she was brave and did not need Papa fighting all her fights for her, dragging her by the hand everywhere and getting in the way all the time –
“ ... the girl I was seeing. She, uh. It didn't work out. ”
“ Ohh…I am sorry. What happen? ” he asked sympathetically, permitting himself a little protective fatherly anger at the thought that girl she was seeing, ol' What's - Her - Who - Now had missed out on the chance of a lifetime. Her loss! His angel was too good for her, anyway.
“ It’s a lot. I mean, it’s Father’s Day, I’m sure you don’t wanna hear about all my lame college relationship drama … ”
“ ... well. I love your stories. And I got time. Tell it slowly. ”
She laughed, genuinely giggled the way she used to at his jokes, when she was small. And Peppino felt a great warmth settle within his chest, the slightly painful but necessary repair of an old wound finally sealing itself back together. And so they spoke at length, of life, of food, of all that they had missed in the time since last they had talked.
It was the happiest Father’s Day Peppino could ever recall.
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lilysmiles11223345 · 1 year
I was able to finally get myself to finish these drawings >:D this post will be about my characters in @bobmirum ‘s mafia au!! :D
Your au is lovely and it’s given me many cool story ideas >v< so many I could not fit them into here properly -w- im hoping to be able to write a fic with those ideas and maybe post it soon! :D💗
TW: Some of the info will be very dark, there will be lots of serious topics! this au is based on something already pretty serious irl(mafias)- so Ofc I had to add my own spins <3
~read more for the info/drawings!~
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“A kind and gentle florist, one that just so happens to be peppino’s childhood friend. She seems to see the good in most and that includes peppino— as she is completely clueless to him being the right-hand man to a mafia
To be fair, peppino does try and keep her in the dark about it too- she isn’t allowed to visit any of his restaurants for this reason. But it does seem that the idea of peppino being in such a situation is a topic she’s most oblivious on. As if she couldn’t really see him as evil in any shape or form— and if she knew, perhaps that wouldn’t change at all.
There are times she can defend herself, though there are rumours that a traumatic event happened in the past that had caused her to have forgotten parts of her past— including the traumatic event. peppino was there for the event, and wants to keep her safe and protect her from danger like that from now on. Though, Knowing it’d be risky if she got too involved with him he doesn’t visit her often, but when he does he still can’t help but get a bit soft…
Though when someone on pizzaheads side discovers their closeness.. will Anthea still be shielded from all of this?”
Fun fact! I came up with this whole backstory before I even knew about this au <3 it was for normal evil peppino at first! I just changed It ever so slightly for the mafia au! Though I understand the love for evil X evil I also really like evil X oblivious sweetheart so much >v<
I also decided her being a florist would be best in this au >:3 like to imagine that peppino listens to her ramble on about flower meanings— and eventually he started secretly asking her for flowers to give secret messages and stuff >:D she probably does get the meanings of the messages he’s putting together with flowers but because he just says they are for one of his restaurants she just brushes it off, thinking it’s slightly odd.
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“A loyal guard dog. Masky is apart of pizzaheads little gang- and to an extent Darling’s part of it too, though cares more about Noise than anything else involved. They and noise had known each other since childhood- and have had history together. Noise was there for most of masky’s trauma— so they are greatful and plan to stay with noise through anything.
when noise started gambling— they didn’t really like that, but felt powerless to stop him..
Instead they opted to help noise in other ways, making sure to protect him and doing little things for him. Now and then they would slightly try and protest on the addiction, but when that failed they wouldn’t do more but continue to stay by his side through it.
Now, they ended up working at pizzahead’s casino with noise— though they never wanted to be involved in the first place they wouldn’t want to get out of this mess without noise— so they silently repress their own feelings and do any job they are told to.
..though if it ever came to them finally standing up for themself, and disobey darling.. would they still be alive to keep noise happy?”
Mute is probably the biggest simp in this au AND that’s saying something 😭👍
Like normal mute also can’t talk- so they’d have to find some other way to communicate such as cherades, a whiteboard or a voice box ^w^
Noise despite not really realising how important they are to him— understands mute very easily still too..
Since noise seems more focused on making money in this au - it takes a while but eventually he comes to realize how important mute truly is to him.. but, the problem is it may be too late before that happens 😔👍
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“Whippy works for pizzaheads little gang, but more for Darling herself. She used to be a highly trained assassin but with some “small talk”, Darling was able to “convince” her to work for her. For the most part she is only needed as a bodyguard for Darling, though there are times she is given jobs to kill someone.
With such a cold expression, you’d expect a heart completely void of love. Though this is what she’d like you to believe— not only does she take care of two orphaned twins as her own siblings (after her real ones died in an “accident”), she had caught feelings for a specific cop(vigi).. and even fully knowing that her love was unrequited - she couldn’t stop herself from getting a bit soft around him.
It’s possible that this crush weakens her slightly, and may even make her hesitant to do one of her jobs in the future..
Though if it ever came to him being her target, and the safety of the twins relied on it— how could she ever deal with the possibility?”
Yeah if you thought mute gets hit hard in this au- Chelsey’s angst may be a contender for my favorite in this au~ she is completely taken over the edge and never will be able to be truly happy 😔
Cause yeah, it’s possible mute and noise could get together maybe- but Chelsey and vigi? In this au?? Impossible. Poor Chelsey 😔👍
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“a sweet face huh? Her charm and mesmerizing features are enough to fool most into a false sense of security- though Darling has never been the most sane of people.
She’s definitely good at keeping up a sweet and caring persona to most, though in reality she enjoys most people’s suffering, and is pretty manipulative to others. This goes to all she knows, except for one..
It’s unknown at how long they’ve known each other, but a while ago she had joined in on helping with pizzahead’s gang, working for the casino in secret and keeping her “mostly” innocent makeup brand separate.
She’s madly in love with pizzahead and is very loyal towards him, she watches others that work for him (and her) to make sure they keep in line, and isn’t afraid of dispelling punishments to those she sees are lacking slightly..
When she figures about the quarrel between peppino&gustavo’s gang and pizzahead’s gang, she immediately takes matters into her own hands to find a way to take peppino and Gustavo down..
And when she discovers peppino’s weakness, his childhood friend.. let’s just say things get a bit interesting..~”
I made her so pretty but so evil,, I hope you guys still like her 🥺
I did really like having the chance to do a human design for her~ I hope her design still translated her ice cream themes!! <3
Fun facts:
-You will find that all the characters names in this au (or well- nicknames) are names someone important calls them . “Fiore” is what peppino calls Anthea, “mutey” is what noise calls mute, “sugar” is what vigi calls Chelsey, and “darling”.. is actually just what everyone calls her but yeah ;v;’ it originated from pizzahead. :D
The only two with seperate nicknames that others call them is Chelsey and mute , others call mute “masky” and Chelsey “Whippy”. :)
-I have ideas for the missing two ocs too (strawbetty and Evi) BUT Evi’s doesn’t have enough structure yet and strawbetty’s will come later— it’s definitely boring compared to everyone else’s story’s LOL <3 strawbetty’s nickname would be berrie tho!
-mute was just starting to warm up to noisette and even crush on her too when noise and her broke up- they had to quickly get back on noise’s side after.
I hope you like them!! As I said I’m trying my best to write a fic with what happens to them all~ I may post it when it’s done! ^w^
also I put alot of effort into this but it’s possible I may have messed up somewhere and I’m so sorry if I did! ;v; I hope you all like it anyway ^^
May even skip ahead to do the good parts, who knows >v<
That’s all for now, thank youuuu!! QwQ
P.s I will draw the canon mafia au characters as soon as my brain lets me!! >:D
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dessertdungeon · 1 year
Everything to know about(peppy)
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~Basic info~
Name: Peppino spaghetti.
Nicknames: peppy, pep,
Age: adult. Probably about in his 40’s..
Gender: male (usually cis in this au, but in some versions trans.)
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual
Nationality: Italian
Species: human.
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Even from a young age, peppino had always enjoyed cooking. It’s what tied him to those around him, and also gave him general joy when learning how.
He started dreaming about opening up a restaurant in his late teen years, though it looked like he wouldn’t be able to just yet when it came to him going to war.
Peppino was always a little anxious, but he was definitely much happier before going to war. He felt like he almost lost everything after that..
Except for Anthea..
With her help, and help from a friend he soon met a few years from returning (gustavo), he was able to at least work on his dream of opening up a restaurant..
The trauma he brought back changed him a little bit, but there was still that love for cooking, along with the help of the other two and that, it made it a little more possible for him to have a happy life after the war.
Anthea had reminded him of the good times before what happened too, she honestly played a big role in calming him down now.. though sometimes he had wondered if he lost a bit of her too, but he didn’t know why..
Things first went pretty well for peppino- but over the time some interferences had made it hard for peppino to continue his dream- but even when times got tough he had his friends to support him, though that couldn’t help with the piling debt- it was still nice. Anthea did open her own business to try and help with his too, though he never knew that was part of the reason.
Now once the pizza tower incident started, he had worried he was going to lose everything all over again. will he be able to stop the interferences before it’s too late?
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Peppino is still the same Italian chef we know and love, he’s extremely anxious and depressed, and he’s done with most people’s BS.
Despite what you’d be thinking though, He genuinely does like to work in his restaurant and it kind of reduces his stress— well,, sometimes it makes it worse, but mostly he feels better and relieved when he has an order to work on.
Though for the most part he’s fed up with humanity, he has a heart of gold still. He’s still extremely soft and emotional, which makes it hard for him to say no to others at specific times. He also genuinely wants to help people, even those he doesn’t really like.. but This does especially show with people he finds extremely important to him— especially Anthea..
Anthea out of anyone definitely means the world to him, and she can calm him down a lot faster than anyone else. she stuck with him through so much, and still tries her best to help him. Sometimes he feels too guilty to accept her help, but he appreciates it a lot..
Also animals seem to just like peppino, and some try to comfort him whilst he’s anxious (especially cats and dogs for some reason.) Though he’s extremely afraid of frogs for some reason..
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~other information~
Coming soon! Everytime I post important info on peppy, I will try and update this!
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gerbits-vault · 6 years
if it’s possible, could you let us know how the other spares are doing? :-) like bayou and phoenix?? like, do they have any partners or kids or what do they do for jobs?? i remember i always loved how much of a glutton bayou was omg :’-)
Bayou & Phoenix are living together if I remember correctly! They don’t have partners or jobs or anything bc I just don’t have the energy to really keep up with spares (the only reason I’ve given Minnow a family & stuff is because of my mini series)
Bayou always wanted to be a social media success like his sister, and thanks to his cooking- he’s done it! He’s got a pretty successful simtube channel for recipes and whatnot. He’s even traveled to far off places to try new foods and has documented his “findings”! He is still single and will probably be single for a long time, because he does travel quite a bit. He definitely prefers it that way, because he finds the men in Selvadorada pretty spectacular and he can’t seem to settle on just one!
Phoenix is a little more down to earth. He enjoys following his siblings’ social media accounts (he’s even learned a thing or two about cooking thanks to Bayou), but definitely likes a quieter life. He has tried dating but seems to be a little unlucky in that department, but he’s not giving up! He loved having so many siblings, and would like to start a big family of his own. Since he is settled in Newcrest like his parents, he has offered to be the guardian of Peppino if needed now that Rio & Peri are elders :(
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zedortoo · 1 year
How about mr stick headcanons
Ohhhh you've opened the floodgates. Hcs under the cut (half of these are just me projecting tho). Also trying not to go over headcanons I've already done but I may retread old group on accident
he's like, mid-late 40s. A bit younger than Peppino and Gustavo but not by too much.
His bad eyesight isn't genetic. When he was a kid he whacked his head a bit too hard and his eyesight went all fucky. It got worse overtime until he was in his 20's. He's shortsighted.
He also has hand tremors cause from the same accident. They get worse when he's tired or upset but are usually very manageable. He's got a real "fuck it we ball" attitude about the whole brain damage thing
He ONLY wears expensive suits and shit. They are all orange. He will not be seen in anything else even for a quick supermarket run.
Despite living in the most insane apartment known to man and having lots of Road Blocks in his life, he's actually really happy with where he is. He never really had a goal in life and he's just taking everything one day at a time.
Really temperature sensitive. Too hot? He'll be whining about the sun giving him a headache. Too cold? He'll be complaining about getting sick or having his big ass nose freeze off.
He loves being compressed. It sounds weird but like he has several weighted blankets and he'll pile them all on top of one another and climb underneath he just likes feeling like he's being crushed between tectonic plates
He's gay but SOOOOOOO in denial it's crazy. Everyone knows he's gay apart from himself and it's hilarious.
Would fuck up the most simple recipe ever. He can't even cook toast without setting the whole apartment alight
Adding onto that. He's very unlucky in general. He's been struck by lightning so many times he's built up an immunity (cartoon logic). When you're hanging out with him you're gonna need several lucky charms to survive. It's like Milo Murphy's law did y'all see that show where the guy was voiced by weird al
IM GOING TO GET SOO MUCH SHIT FOR THIS BUT I feel like he'd like Lemon Demon. Specifically his older albums like hip to the javabean. He seems like the type of guy to like oingo boingo and shit noone understands him like I do apart from Olympe
He's usually the designated driver for the pizza tower crew because Peppino's too anxious to drive and Gustavo is such a reckless driver it's actually laughable. He DOES have his own car but it only works half the time and has several 'interesting' repairs and add-ons. (There is a whole ass fireplace in the back for heating)
He's actually the dude who helped design the don't make a sound animatronics bc he's the inventor guy. He sold them to pizzahead because they kept trying to kill him but didn't know they were used against Peppino
THIS DUDE HAS LOW IRON if he stands up too fast he will crumple in a heap on the floor and ppl think he's dead but it just. Happens. If you have low iron you get it. Also being a tall ass motherfucker doesn't work in his favor it makes the whole thing even worse (he thinks it's funny to lay out and act like a sickly victorian woman while recovering though)
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