#I just think Katara needed to process her hurt but because she's a more sensitive person no one was really getting it
icegoddessrukia · 2 months
You know, so much of the fandom bashes Katara harshly for one harsh comment she made in The Southern Raiders to Sokka, when she was highly upset about her mother's death and she felt Sokka was dismissive of her feelings (which he kind of was, to be honest) and they go on about how unfair it is that Sokka didn't get an apology. Meanwhile, I've never seen any fans complain about how Zuko literally says the most disrespectful thing about Aang's culture (the "this isn't air temple preschool" comment) when he's literally the prince of the imperial nation that wiped out Aang's entire culture in the first place. Aang is just supposed to let that slide and no one in the Gaang defends him either. He never gets an apology for his culture and religion being mocked by an imperialist. Zuko is two years older than Katara here and this is after he went through the Day of Black Sun development when he realized that the Fire Nation were horrible to the other nations. There's no excuse for Zuko being such an asshole to Aang but I guess because he's Zuko, he gets a free pass while Katara has to be bashed forever for saying something unfair when she was traumatized and no one was really listening to her.
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plutoswrath · 3 years
i’m back again because i want to ask again for other cool cartoon characters risings like avatar the last airbender ones or even teen titans ones. or just any characters you’re fond of. i always thought azula was cancer/scorpio and zuko was aries/scorpio. i’ve put an unhealthy amount of thought into those two because i wanted to calculate their home life/ic while i did it. azula with cancer and libra ic makes sense just due to her being more spoiled. scorpio makes less sense to me when using the ic method for her so i basically just convinced myself it’s cancer. when using the ic method with zuko, aries makes 50/50 sense because he was babied but the rest of his familial relationships were yikes. he could also very well be libra ic too because he has some really harmonious relationships with a select few of his family and then some REALLY bad ones mixed in. it’s balanced out like that. i just realized that i basically just assumed you’ve seen atla and that’s rather presumptuous of me. so feel free to ignore this lmao.
An ask about Avatar….,,,.excellent 🤌🤌🤌
Very nice observations from your side here, while we’re at it, let’s stay a while with Azula and Zuko!
I think considering their IC/MC axis here is really important and helpful as well with these two. Zuko and Azula both grew up in the same home, but while Zuko had a good connection to his mother and bad one to his father, Azula had a bad connection with her mother and thus was more even more focused on her father and followed his steps.
I think Zuko could be a Leo/Scorpio/Cancer Ascendant. Leo Ascendant because his whole journey revolves around rebuilding his reputation and thus focuses a lot on his relationship with his own ego. He comes from a family that forced him into ultimate survival mode and made him dependent on the power of others, there were a lot of secrets he had to uncover. His self image and self worth is really damaged, he comes across as stubborn, fixed, team avatar is barely able to talk him out of his rigid perception and ideas of how people are, how connections are ought to be, even though all he is is deeply hurt inside. In the end, he values peace and harmonious connections. On the other hand, an Aries Rising would push him to become an individual that values taking responsibility and a Cancer rising would explain his aggressive and ‘lone wolf, get out of my way’ behavior: his story of being an autonomous individual went from being self righteous and motivated by ‘becoming strong’ to someone independent from the judgement of his family, able to form and decide his own path.
Azula could be a Scorpio rising because of her exposure to secrets but also many intrigues in her childhood, there was no ‘order’ and many liars/trainers that only revealed themselves after a while (Pisces IC: revealing the truth sparely over time in families), and now she tries to create ‘the right thing’ and order and just with her father together by dictatorship (Virgo MC). Which for me btw is also very funny because due to Azula ending up alone and being deceived by the ideologies of her father she slowly falls back into a messy, chaos state (Pisces IC) which she so desperately wanted to eliminate by following the only thing that’s right (following Ozai). I also get why she could be a Cancer Ascendant with an Aries MC, an Aries Ascendant with a Capricorn MC, but I can also kinda see her being a Libra rising with a Capricorn IC and Cancer MC because her family required her to be autonomous and cold/cruel from an early age on and she adapted to it and now follows her fathers credo, and actually is quiet manipulative, especially when it comes to Zuko. She keeps reminding him of her family ‘back then’ and once even lured him back to her only to reveal. That deep down she is still the same, duty oriented person.I think actually a Scorpio MC with Taurus IC kinda make sense with her closed off, manipulative nature on the surface and her being spoiled by/the golden child her father in her childhood buuuut I personally have a harder time seeing her as an Aquarius Ascendant.
I think uncle Iroh can be a Taurus Rising with an Aquarius MC and Leo IC or Sagittarius Rising with an Aries IC and Libra MC - he was feared and came from a place of pure destruction and egotism (which he was very popular and praised for by his nation) but came to be a person that changed his perspective and was eager to be a person preaching of harmony and the cycle and symbiosis between the elements and energies/people on earth. I think Uncle Iroh could have his Sun (especially if he’s a Sagittarius, which he btw always was for me) or Jupiter conjunct his MC. Or he is a Pisces Rising with a Sagittarius MC, I think Iroh’s big mentor energy and the wisdom as well as huge transformation he went through in his life stick out the most for me. Due to to the transformational aspect in his life he could also have the potential to have very prominent Scorpio/8th house in his chart paired with the other signs I listed above!
Katara could very well be a Cancer Sun with a Cancer MC, seriously she carries big Cancer energy and the fact that they lost both their parents and had to be self sufficient and grow up on their own quickly (little to no time to truly process their feelings) and she taking over the role of the mother naturally speaks for this. She's very sensitive to keeping a harmonious vibe in team avatar, but yet she's also not blind to any mistreatments and injustice. She tries to mainatain a balance of kind and strict. Also, with Capricorn as her 4th house it would explain why she's seen as serious, even unfunny, by team avatar, those that know her pretty well and actually get a glimpse of her IC nature. I kinda can see her having her Ascendant and MC/Sun in an Aquarius degree as well.
Aang for me is very young at heart, childlike and seems to like being in the presence with others and thus for me always carried a Leo IC (due to circumstances he also received a lot of attention from others and was either hated or liked for his reputation/character growing up because he faced a lot of jealousy/mistreatment from his peers as well). I think despite the fact that we quiet literally watch Aang having to become an adult in his early years, he is someone who has to act for the greater good regarding the danger human kind faces and the responsibility he carries (which also contradicts his peaceful nature) are enormous but due to that he always seemed to be an Aquarius MC for me, a bearer and symbol of change and philanthropy. And a Taurus Ascendant would make sense especially if he’s an air Sun (as I always imagine him).
I need to think a bit more thoroughly about Toph and Sokka (also even though I watched the serious probably around a thousand times I want to reread Sokka's and Toph's story arc again before getting back at their possible Ascendant!) feel free to share your thoughts! x
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missturtleduck · 4 years
The Girls of Ba Sing Se - (Sokka x f!Reader) Pt.5
Part Four│Part Six
“You look familiar.”
TW: Slight mentions of blood
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“Ma, we haven’t had any letters this month.”
The wearied woman sat at the windowsill, staring out at the walls of Ba Sing Se. Blank eyes couldn’t see the child tugging at her sleeve, but that child had his smile – his laugh. Yes, she had the beautiful brown eyes of her earthbending mother, but there was so much of him in her that made her ache.
“Ma,” The child begged, sat on the floor with her cheek pressed against her mother’s leg. “When will dad come home?”
She didn’t know a mother could lie until that day. “Soon, my little lotus.”
Appa was grounded. The group had divided quite quickly. Y/N was extremely stressed. She could forget that in all their abilities as benders, Toph, Katara, and even Aang were still young, the gap between them and her widening when considering maturity. It was no surprise then when Toph stormed off, raging and directionless. It didn’t matter that she ended up being right – Appa’s shedding giving their position away at every rest stop – because she was hurt.
They needed to devise a plan, and fast.
Firstly, Appa; his accidental betrayal of the group would need to be fixed. Guiding the bison to the nearby Nan Shan River, those who could waterbend got started on washing him clean of the clumps of fur overdue to come off. Despite the exhaustion, the creature seemed to enjoy the process, far more than Sokka and Y/N were. Brushing the excess fur off of him, ensuring it be swept downstream came with its own occupational hazards, notably no protection from the splashing water that drenched them. Y/N hated water. Y/N hated water more when it meant her clothes were stuck tight to her skin.
Sokka turned red very fast, likely due to the shock of the cold water, Y/N guessed.
As the boy removed his shirt to ring it out – Y/N pointedly not looking in his direction – she stood in front of Aang, ready for a quick blow-dry. There was no way she’d be removing any articles of clothing.
“Here, Aang,” Y/N said, kicking a pile of fur towards him as she attempted to flatten her hair. “Make a fake trail with this.”
The Avatar seemed all too keen to get the Fire Nation off of their tails. Spreading a false trail down the river, the others climbed onto Appa, and headed into the other direction. Everything was going smoothly until an almighty crunch startled them; Appa had broken some of the tree branches in his fatigue. Though Sokka and Katara didn’t seem to bothered (they had left a more obvious trail after all), Y/N couldn’t help but worry. Azula was far too smart for her own good.
Their next priority was Toph. Although her blindness wasn’t as big as a handicap as her parents would say in their micro-aggressions, it couldn’t have been too helpful in a new environment, let alone when those looking for her didn’t have their feet on the ground.
The hissing of mongoose lizards caught their attention. They had caught up. Appa was too tired.
“Appa, yip yip!” Sokka tried, patting the bison on the side.
“No,” Y/N said, readying her staff. “He’s too tired. Let him land.”
As if on cue, the sky bison groaned, landing rough on the bank of the river. Only two of the girls had pursued them, meaning Azula had noticed the treeline. She was going after Aang.
“You couldn’t have landed on the other side of the river, could you?” Sokka exclaimed, panic creeping into his voice in the form of a voice crack.
With no time for laughter, Y/N shook her head. “It wouldn’t have mattered. They can run over small bodies of water.”
Katara stared at her for a moment before taking a fighting stance. The girls finally approached the bank, hopping off of their mounts and immediately into battle. On paper, it was a three versus two fight, easy to win, but Y/N considered the advantages they held – and the disadvantages. Diverting the dark-haired girl’s attention away from Katara, she noticed how her friend was becoming sluggish in her movement, her bending not as sharp. But she had to be sharp; this girl was quick on her feet, and with her knives.
Somehow, Sokka had already been incapacitated. Much like a snake, he was laid useless on the ground, his limbs seemingly useless as he shuffled to cover. If Y/N could just protect Katara, then they may have a chance of winning.
“You look familiar.”
It was the pink girl. Her wide lemur eyes glazed with pep and curiosity at her opponent – at Y/N. Staying silent, she relented, charging with her staff. Her manoeuvres were impressive as she utilised her entire body to avoid defeat, but Y/N knew better. With range on her side, she attacked swiftly, forcing the girl to either stand her ground, or risk exhaustion. She wanted her to know how exhaustion felt, she realised bitterly.
“Y/N!” Sokka shouted, bringing her eyes off of the girl for a fraction of a second – a fraction too long.
A blade flew by her face, grazing her cheek. Distracted, she was vulnerable. Her opponent struck faster than a serpent, grinning as she watched her right arm fall limp. Raising her second, it was all for nothing as a second blade nicked the back of her knuckles, her staff falling from it. She was weaponless. 
There was only one thing left in her roster.
She looked at Sokka, and at Katara, sat under a tree, bound by their enemies. She saw the hatred in their eyes as they watched the two girls, the two Fire Nation girls.
Y/N couldn’t.
Raising her working fist, the fight was over as quickly as it began. There was not much she could do protecting one side of her body and battling two people at once. Leg swiped from under her, Y/N was dragged across the grass to join her defeated friends.
The girl with the darkest hair sighed, her voice rasping and bored. “I thought when Ty Lee and I finally caught you guys, it would be more fun.”
Before anyone could bite back, Appa had beaten them to it. Y/N hadn’t even noticed the mongoose lizards spitting and cowering across the river, and she wondered what the bison had done to them. As she did, Appa beat his tail on the ground, creating a gust of wind so strong it sent Ty Lee and the other girl flying through the air and into the river. Karma was sweet as they would have to experience the biting cold of the water just as Y/N had.
“Katara, any chance you can fix our limbs?”
Bending water from the river, she smiled just a little, already attempting to work on them. “We’ll see.”
“Do me first,” Y/N said, much to Sokka’s – very loud – chagrin. “I’ll steal one of their mongoose lizards and get the supplies back that we dropped.”
“What about Toph? And Aang?” Katara frowned, the water easing the numbness.
“No point rescuing them if we have nothing to eat afterwards.”
Katara nodded eventually, mulling it over in her mind for a few moments. As she did, Y/N felt a cloth dab her cheek. Sokka, with some feeling back in his arm, was carefully wiping the little blood from the cut administered to her cheek. He stuck his tongue out as he concentrated, Y/N’s lips quirking into a smile. When he was done, he turned red, realising that she had watched him the whole time.
“The blood was bothering me,” He scoffed, looking as macho as he could with floppy limbs. “I got rid of it. You’re welcome.”
Rising to her feet, Y/N patted Sokka on the head affectionately. “Sure, honey.”
With that, she walked to the shore of the river bank, Momo sat on her shoulders; she would need his keen ears to meet up with them once she had collected their supplies. Two fingers to her mouth, Y/N whistled, high pitched and sequenced. To the shock of the Water Tribe siblings and the Fire Nation girls, the mongoose lizards approached, seemingly obedient. She considered for a moment, wondering how cruel it would be to leave the girls without a mount. Her thoughts were interrupted by one of the beasts nudging her hand.
Yes, that one.
Rubbing her palm across it scaly head, Y/N climbed onto its back, taking the reins. They were much faster than Appa at top speed, she realised as Momo screeched, taking refuge under her jacket. The environment became a blur of brown and green as the forest merged into an ocean. Steady, the pace of the beast became easy to focus on as Y/N considered the possibilities.
Ty Lee had recognised her. That was an issue. Although she had never met the girl, it was enough that she could even summon up a likely image of her. The other girl either didn’t recognise her, or was too miserable to be bothered to speak up about it. Moreover, Ozai had sent his daughter out to catch the Avatar, so either Prince Zuko was dead or just dead to his father. It was painful to think that either possibility was equally as likely.
Back in the initial clearing, free of any tank trains, Y/N dismounted the mongoose lizard and began collecting their items in a cloth sack. Momo helped in his own way, picking up individual berries that had fallen out of a basket, and keeping them in his mouth for later. It took longer than she anticipated to pack up, but nevertheless she was back on the road.
With the mongoose lizard’s keen nose, Momo’s sensitive ears, and Y/N’s vague knowledge of the area, she diverted away from the river and into drier terrain. It seemed Appa had still shed a little bit of fur, though not enough for the common hunter to recognise. The sun was setting below the horizon at this point, but that made it easier. In the far distance, Y/N caught sight of flame – a campfire. Urging her steed on, she grew happier as she recognised the low voices of her friends. Clambering up the rock face, the lizard hopped down into the camp, causing a couple of surprised yelps and some hasty fighting stances.
“I brought dinner!”
No one seemed as chipper about it than she expected. Shrugging, Y/N slid off the side of the lizard, removing its tack and all of their supplies. She anticipated the animal bolting as soon as it was freed, but it merely curled up to sleep around her body. With nothing else to do, she stoked the flames, beginning to prepare root vegetables she had found foraging.
“What’s up with everyone tonight?” Y/N hummed, feeding the vegetable peels to Momo and Appa in turns. “I must have missed something tremendous.”
“We got into a fight, that’s all,” Sokka said, cleaning his boomerang so quietly it was as if somebody died.
“If you insist.”
Her friends looked amongst herself, bar Toph who seemed oddly still, before continuing with their chores. It must have been some fight, Y/N realised, and didn’t push for details. What she did do was serve a delicious, hearty stew to warm them up, as well as some good conversation. If she couldn’t have been there to fight, she could at least cheer them up now.
TAGLIST: @lunariasilver​ @maragreene​
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ashtonq247 · 4 years
Here are some Sokka centric fics! Most of these works are not labeled as Sokka centric and so it’s very hard to find! There’s only 64 fics out of 15019 fics 
Keep in mind I did not do any Zukka or Tokka fics bc I did not want to wade through that esp bc Zukka fics are 80% Zuko centric. It’s also possible that I missed some fics as, again, they are kinda hard to get a hold of. I literally had to block the Zuko tag at one point bc if Zuko was a character in the fic, it was going to be about Zuko, and it was just a lot to wade through to find that one fic where Zuko was a character but wasn’t the main character. I think my chrome shut down at some point which could have caused me to not include some fics. Basically I’m saying I didn’t get everything but I got MOST of it. Like 80% of it, even if I didn't include things I personally don't really like to read-sorry. Show this to anyone who says Sokka isn’t underrated! my man got 64 out of 15019 fics! 
Also, PLEASE KUDOS THESE STORIES 👏👏👏👏 so many of them have far too little kudos and deserve more love! I think bc ppl are kinda bad with tagging, some of these stories hardly get any hits! Give them some love. And reblog this so other Sokka stans don’t have to wade through so much fics like I had to (seriously I’ve seen some crazy fics you would not believe *shivers*) bc it’s hard to find a needle in a haystack
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14326722 - cute tickle fight (pure fluff :DD)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14984378 - Aang and nightmares, and Sokka and his big brother instincts
https://archiveofourown.org/works/488040 - Sokka and Tenzin, Sokka gets the news that Aang died (set in LOK)
-there is very little Aang and Sokka fanfic, let alone Sokka centric Aang and Sokka fanfic :(
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1885884 - Sokka makes smth for Toph 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15472509 - Toph dreams abt the airships
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24720889 - “In the bad dreams, he loses his grip. In the worst ones he lets go”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25229905 - Sokka teaches Toph to write her name
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14718887 - Toph and hands, Sokka being her favorite hand to hold
https://archiveofourown.org/works/53498 -Sokka stuck in a cave
-there’s quite a lot of Toph and Sokka stories, not necessarily abt Sokka tho. They kinda go hand in hand, so it’s not really about one or the other.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15288189 - before they leave to fight Azula/airships 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19946611 -Sokka sick fic :)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22005709 -katara apologises for what she said to Sokka
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2277381 - Sokka wants to teach katara how to fight (also this is the first atla fanfic on AO3 that isn’t fucking weird lol)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2523782 - the gaang is too young and too starving :(
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18452795 - the only bender!Sokka story that has interested me bc it doesn’t take away from his character. It’s also vry satisfying to read
https://archiveofourown.org/works/404527 - Sokka’s feelings after his mom’s death- childhood
https://archiveofourown.org/works/404522 - “After the war Sokka says goodbye to his sister and the Southern Watertribe
-I wish there were more Sokka and Katara stories of before they met Aang.It’d be cute and angsty.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25243948 - The gaang plays hide and seek/train, Zuko and Sokka team up to make a prtty good team- Sokka is rlly bad ass in this ;D it’s one of my favorites ngl
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24809161/chapters/60002182 - fire nation sokka- oof this one hurts :,)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22305031 - like the only modern au that I rlly like, featuring Sokka on cactus juice and… McDonalds employee Zuko lol
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24462145 - Sokka gets kidnapped. Sokka is… very Sokka ish in this
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21475717/chapters/51180856#workskin -Zuko is a fire nation spirit, featuring Jet
-Zuko and Sokka stories tend to be well written, but it’s rlly hard trying to find a story with both of them that isn’t Zuko centric, and even some of the stories I have here are borderline Zuko centric 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12270624 - what Sokka feels every full moon
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1338157 - stars, and both suki and Sokka contemplate being away from home
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24423484 - “Sokka and learning to let himself be loved”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/648200 - “she should be jealous, she knows, of this ghost that clings to sokka”- it’s short but I love this one 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25290874 - set right after boiling rock before they go back to the air temple. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/334919 - Sokka and suki dig up the secret library and try to strike a deal with its caretaker
The gaang
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14348382 -basically a re telling of the Sokka’s master ep, but in Sokka’s POV 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16303286 - the meaning of tattoos, and non bender tattoos 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24426670 - “the gaang has a sleepover and Sokka manages to reforge bonds between the four nations while he’s unconscious”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22252 -Sokka thinks of his place in the gaang (set after season 2) 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24439972 - the gaang needs a potty brake and Sokka is annoyed (pure fluff :DD)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24559357/chapters/59308846#workskin - spirit sensitive Sokka! Very interesting I’m invested and there’s only 2 chapters so far TvT (featuring Sokka w/ white hair 😩👌✨)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25004614 - Sokka being a child soldier, and Hakoda’s regret
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22964113 - “how all the members of team avatar discover their bending abilities”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25003291 - “Sokka gives himself his first warrior’s wolf tail” (pure fluff :DD)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24580543 -Sokka throws his first boomerang https://archiveofourown.org/works/24720004 - why Sokka never grew his hair out- child soldier/ insecurity stuff
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24384172 - Sokka tells his dad about Yue 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/686093 - Sokka asks piandao to continue training him
https://archiveofourown.org/works/582971 - Sokka visits piandao to make a new sword and ask a question
https://archiveofourown.org/works/570663 - kinda piandao centric, but also Sokka centric? Piandao’s backstory and father figure feels :)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/566995 - Sokka believes he’s simply ordinary, nothing special about him
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11580402 - “we do not induct children into the Order, Piandao!”
-there needs to be more Sokka and Piandao fics and I’m pissed because there’s more Zuko and piandao fics then there is Sokka and piando what kinda bs is this??
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2676488 - kinda Yue centric but like Sokka centric too? It’s about her sacrifice and why, and the love she feels for him
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3443258 - it’s a full moon the night before Sokka and the other councilman judge a blood bender (set during that one ep in lok with that blood blender dude)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24872200 - Sokka and Bumi (katara’s kid) have a sleepover. Sokka and old wounds
-I’m surprised there’s not more of them. Yue is always mentioned in Sokka centric fics, but not really the center of it
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24059851/chapters/57900052 - Sokka and Momo. I think this is spirit sensitive Sokka story abt Sokka being able to process his grief (also friendship with Momo yes)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/567004 - Sokka and boomerang, right after the war
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13064682 - an au of sorts, dealing with a spirit in the southern water tribe that steals ppl. And like it’s sorta the only Kya and Sokka fanfic out there?? As far as I’m aware anyway
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25209895 - a Sokka character study: he has more to him than meets the eye
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24636988 - Sokka before Aang, this is explaining why he’s the way he is
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12611212 - Sokka meets a wolf spirit in the spirit world who questions his worth
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17201468/chapters/40447214 - haven’t actually read this srry all I know is that it’s time travel au, Sokka centric, and is one of the only stories with a lot of chapters (11 as of now)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/331690/chapters/535433 - “a series of unrelated drabbles centered around Sokka and his awesomeness” -29 chapters as of now (I haven’t read this one either)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/155711 -finally a story where Sokka is a strategic genius using his brains to help his friends and politics- set after the war
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15992618 - Sokka and Space Sword, an interesting take for what happened after the war, where there isn’t rlly any good guys in war, and Sokka tries to find his sword
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2960030 - set after the war, Sokka returns to the South Pole and finds himself again as just the regular guy
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24722083 - Sokka’s thoughts on himself
https://archiveofourown.org/works/259980 - an au ofsorts, Katara dies by Azula and Aang is missing, and wars don’t just end- Sokka is vry cool in this
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7547833 - Sokka and Kya II-  Sokka has to sit through kya’s singing of secret tunnel (pure fluff :D)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/887394 - Sokka and Kaatang’s and One of Toph’s kids (Sokka babysits, also HE INVENTS DND WHAT MORE COULD U WANT!!!) pure fluff :DD
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4949257 - Uncle Sokka and Bumi’s relationship oof
-Uncle Sokka is highly underrated and so is Sokka’s relationship with his mom. I will also never get enough of character study fics
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What have I learned?? People who are writing a story about Sokka should tag that story as SOKKA CENTRIC. It’ll give ur fic more love, and make it easier for ppl who love Sokka to find a fic about him. Also, on tumblr you see all these great analyses on Sokka, with theories like Spirit sensitive!Sokka, or Sokka working for the white lotus, and yet there are hardly any fics on it??? The untapped potential?!?! We also have no idea what Sokka does in the future (still salty LOK) so this gives us a lot of room to imagine and create stories! Like I need a fanfic on how Sokka does wtf??? You’d have thought that with this atla renaissance and people gaining a new found respect and admiration for Sokka’s character, that there’d be more Sokka focused fics, but nope :( 
I’ve noticed that those who like Sokka don’t contribute to the fandom fic wise and guys we gotta step up (like I’m one to talk lol I’m gonna try and write some fics I swear!) 
Also if you still want more Sokka fics I suggest searching in the tags bender Sokka, water bender Sokka, and fire bender Sokka. I also suggest that you go to fanfiction.net. I know it’s old, but so is this fandom, which means a lot of fics are there too. It’s easier to wade through the fics on fan fiction.net than AO3 simply bc of how little tags you can put there, so if Sokka is tagged, you know he actually plays a part in the story (no shade on AO3 I love it but sometimes it’s hard to find stuff bc the tagging system relies on the people knowing how to use tags, and the avatar fandom does not, but that’s bc it’s old)
Anyway, LOVE SOKKA MORE and don’t forget to reblog and let other ppl get access to these fics bc I know I would have loved it if someone made an entire list! (And organized it lol I never thought I was capable of organizing)
And now I'm gonna tag the ppl who commented on that one post who wanted me to make it @talonsandsuch @ships-and-shitty-decisions @dearestpartnerofgreatness 
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imagitory · 5 years
Readers of Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce,
I come to you needing some assistance.
Recently I stumbled upon a post here on Tumblr stating that the user had found one of my chapters, as well as the comments underneath, to be full of “vicious, intense, casual racism.” I am not above constructive criticism (I actually appreciate it), and I was deeply troubled by the thought that I’d hurt somebody with anything I had written. Considering it was a blog post and not a review, I sent the user a message via Tumblr chat. I figured talking the matter over personally and privately would allow me to take in the person’s point of view, hopefully reassure them of my intent, and try to mend what had been hurt. The next day I received a link to the user’s new blog outside of Tumblr with a public response to my private message. Although I was a bit disheartened that we could not have a private discussion rather than a debate, I still tried to address the concerns. You can read the entire exchange if you wish here.
I do not write this blog post, my readers, to ask you to defend my honor, or even to take my side. What I aim for is understanding, for if I’ve truly written something offensive, I need to understand the issue at hand. I’m well aware that I have my own biases – as everyone does – but I have tried very hard to be sensitive about cultures that are not mine, and in this situation I feel like there’s a piece missing from my understanding.
The user, zenolalia / @fangasmagorical, in part, said this:
While I do think that it’s a bit less-than-ideal to present a child trying to act within the dietary restrictions of her heavily, heavily maligned religious and racial minority as “cheating,” my issue was very much not with the fact that the characters within the story (such as Dumbledore) treated her as cheating. In fact, I think that’s a very realistic thing for them to do. Rather, that at that point in the story there was not indication in the narrative itself that this treatment was unfair. There was a strong implication that her disqualification was legitimate and deserved. The excuse given is that she should have simply asked for an exception to be made. But, that’s a completely unrealistic expectation to present on a child of color who has, especially in the UK in the 90s, definitely been subjected to extensive racism surrounding her religion. Indeed, canonical to the books, the exclusive celebration of Christian holidays in a school that pre-dates the wide spread adoption of Christianity in the isles is, itself, strong evidence that she would have experienced a lot of this racism. So, of course, her not asking for an exception is totally within reason and a strong character choice. Just like having the judges treat her as a cheat is also a strong and reasonable character choice.
The thing that burns me the most is, it would be a very, very easy fix to make. A single line tucked somewhere in the narration that indicates that although the judgement is reasonable (in that there are reasons for it), it is not necessarily just, would be enough. Anything that indicates that the racism of the scene is known.
From what I understand, they wish that I had (to borrow a phrase) called a spade a spade and used narrative description to confirm that Arjuna was the victim of racism. The concern I have is this – as I said in my comments, I deliberately wanted to write a world where people of color are not treated like maligned minorities, and the rules of prejudice are different among witches and wizards than they are among us. Rather than racism, the main source of prejudice – like in the books – is blood purity. There are also touches of prejudice against different species like house elves and LGBT+ prejudice because their life style wouldn’t jive with the Death Eaters’ image of a Pureblood family with seven kids, but there’s practically no racism among witches and wizards. Even in J.K.’s flawed portrayal, we don’t get much evidence of racism – Lee Jordan, Dean Thomas, Cho Chang, and the Patils aren’t treated differently than their classmates for their race…Blaise Zabini is even one of those promoting prejudice against Muggle-borns. Perhaps someone like Bridget (or even Hermione, if you like headcanoning her as black like I do), who grew up among Muggles, would know the prejudices of our world as we do, but Arjuna was raised in an entirely magical household, in a world where the President of the MACUSA in the 30′s and the British Minister of Magic in the 80′s were both black women. And considering I purposefully wanted to write a world without institutional racism (at least in regards to race: I have referred to such a prejudice against Muggle-borns), I’m afraid I don’t see what would be gained from saying that the judges – when they disqualified Arjuna for cheating – were targeting her for her religion. At one point the idea that Arjuna wouldn’t have felt comfortable enough to come forward came up, but I don’t know of anything I’ve written that would’ve signaled that. She had been the best of the chefs and just about everyone had considered her more than capable of winning the competition – her decision process came down more to her pride making it hard for her to ask for help. I can’t help but think of media like Avatar: The Last Airbender and the new Star Wars films, where there are characters of color but there are different rules about how those cultures interact with each other. Finn is a black Stormtrooper, but the only prejudice he experiences in his universe is for being a Stormtrooper, not for his race. Katara, Sokka, and the Southern Water Tribe are treated badly by the Fire Nation, but it’s not because of their race – it’s because they’re a territory the imperialistic Fire Nation is exerting control over. Even when there are parallels to the real world, those fictional worlds still have their own rules.
Now of course, some real world parallels are relevant enough that they could still be offensive even if the rules are different from our world. J.K. got a lot of blow-back for saying every witch and wizard, including Native Americans, would attend Ilvermorny, which is a bit insensitive when Native Americans have a history of being forced to attend American schools far from home. Gay characters are so often martyred without proper development or as soon as they find romantic happiness that people understandably get upset when one is written that way. Jewish and gay coding on villains is still something people talk about. If this is an issue of that – as in many Hindu people or even Indian people experience discrimination specifically for what they eat – then I want to learn more about it and address that. My best experience with something like this are Jewish people eating things that are kosher or, in a looser example, Morman Elders, when they’re on missions, being unable to be inside a home without another male being present – because not everyone that follows a religion will necessarily follow every code to the letter and not everyone will be thoroughly enlightened about every religion’s code, sometimes one must bridge the gap. (Particularly when in this situation, the judges would’ve had no reason to know about Arjuna’s dietary restrictions – the only one who’d known her for any length of time was Dumbledore, and I can’t see him memorizing every student’s eating patterns when the Hogwarts house elves are responsible for every meal.) And as much as some cultures may feel pressured not to speak up on certain things, it doesn’t make cheating the right or moral choice, and in this situation that wasn’t even an issue at play.
I wrote this to explain my position so that hopefully I can get the feedback needed to approach this issue. If any of you were likewise troubled by what I wrote or have any other insight, please reply or whatever to this post, if you’d like. And if anything I’ve written has upset you, then you can always message me here on Tumblr, start up a Tumblr chat, or even just leave a review on my story. I will always read what you’ve said and I will not get angry. Even when I end up disagreeing, I always try to take in every bit of feedback I receive and try to use it to become a better writer, and I‘ve been so grateful for the constructive criticism I have received over the last year amongst the praise. At one point early on, I cited Ayer’s Rock as the site of the Australian Ministry of Magic in a montage scene talking about world travel. Not long later I received a review from an Australian fan explaining to me the history of Uhuru and why my artistic choice, made in the heat of the moment while I was writing three chapters in a week, was insensitive and gave me a suggestion on a location I could use instead, the Nullarbor Plain. I immediately changed it, not only because I realized how much I should have taken my time and done my homework, but because her idea ended up being so much better than my original concept. I later applied the lesson I’d learned when I had to do research for a character with autism, and I took almost an entire month researching American and Native American history before writing about the MACUSA and introducing a new character who was a half-Native American wizard. I’m not above improvement or reproach, and everything I learn I try to integrate into who I am. But I cannot learn if I don’t understand.
This is undoubtedly an emotionally charged issue and I truly don’t want to create controversy or hurt anyone. If this were a story set in our Muggle world, I would do everything I possibly could to address the racism, sexism, and homophobia that infects our world, and even in this fictional universe I try to slip in plenty of commentary wherever I can. I know we’ll all have our own opinions on the matter, but if any of you have been kind enough to read all of this and have anything to add, I would appreciate it. I only aim for improvement, both for myself and for my writing, and I hope that even if I have disappointed any of you with my sentiment, you at least feel my sincerity in that.
Thank you.
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