#I just think it'd be really funny if after all this back and forth with hermie
vegalocity · 10 months
the more Hermie is being Like That about Scary and being hot and cold with Normal the funnier i think Marloak would be as an endgame ship
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torialefay · 4 months
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You Know Whose You Are 👀
hyunjin x gn!reader smut
✨ friends to lovers trope 🔞
✨ request: "Hi!! For your smut prompts can I pls request Hyunjin & 24 (Hyunjin being the jealous one)? Maybe enemies to lovers or friends to lovers scenario? And for the actual p-in-v part can he fck reader holding her up against the wall (like her back against the wall and legs around his waist position)? Sorry if this is a lot, I’m on my period and I’m having many specific thoughts lmao. Thank you!! 🥰🤍" -anon
✨ word count: ~3.5k
✨ warnings: porn with a plot; minors dni!
• you and hyunjin had become close friends quite a while ago.
• he quickly became one of your closest friends after you'd met him in a bookstore after first arriving to korea.
• while keeping your eyes fixated on the rows of books next to you, you accidentally ran straight into his chest.
• after quickly apologizing to him, you both struck up a conversation about your favorite books & authors. you had no clue who he was, and he liked that about you.
• a real friend.
• since that day, you'd messaged back and forth a lot, hung out almost on a routine basis, and made lots of fun memories.
• after a while, you eventually found out he was an idol (it was bound to happen with his weird "work schedule" he always had), but it didn't matter. he was the same hyunjinnie that you'd built a solid friendship with over the past few weeks.
• but that was the problem- you didn't want it to be just a friendship.
• and who could blame you? hyunjin was the most amazing, kind, intelligent person you'd ever met. you had more in common with him than even your very best friend. it was only natural to develop those feelings for him.
• but you knew the feelings weren't reciprocated.
• he'd never made so much as a subtle hint that he was interested in you as more than a friend... and let's be honest, he was basically the most wanted guy in all of korea. how could you compete with all these other beautiful people?
• so you didn't even let your mind wander to that extreme. you accepted the fact that he'd be nothing more than a friend to you, no matter how much you knew it could have worked out.
• "my best friend", you'd learned to teasingly call him. and soon, even you started to believe it. only that.
• one day, you'd gone over to hyunjin's apartment. he mentioned that he wanted to repaint the walls in the living room, so you offered up some of your free time to help him out.
• it wasn't super often that you came to his apartment. only a couple of times. you'd usually only gone out to do things together like go to a new art gallery or to grab coffee and talk about life. cutesy little things.
• you weren't the most familiar with his apartment, but that didn't matter much as you quickly settled in. you placed your phone in the kitchen to blare music, then headed to the living room to help coat the walls with a fresh set of paint.
• it did take a bit longer than you thought, but you didn't mind. when you and hyunjin were together, you always had fun, taking little jabs at each other and laughing to funny stories you had. the time always seemed to melt away.
• after a couple of hours, your playlist turned off. you guessed it had run out of songs.
• "jinnie, could you get a new playlist going on my phone?" you held your hands up, covered in paint. "i think it'd take me a while to do it."
• he laughed, realizing how messy you were compared to him.
• he didn't need to say anything, just got up and walked over to the kitchen, which was only a few steps away.
• as he went to tap the screen, a notification popped up... from one of hyunjin's life-long friends.
• the two of you had met a week or so ago when hyunjin invited him to go to a poetry reading with the two of you. his friend, ha-joon, wasn't necessarily as into the activity as the two of you were, but hyunjin felt bad canceling his original plans with him when he'd found out the event was happening and really wanted to go.
• and now... he was texting you?
• he read the message as it splayed across the screen:
Ha-Joon: Excited to see you tomorrow :) What are you doing?
• it's not that you were very enamored by ha-joon when you first met, but he seemed like a nice enough guy. plus he was friends with jinnie, so you figured he couldn't be too bad. when he messaged to ask if you'd be interested in going out with him, you thought you'd give it a shot. it's not like you had any other romantic prospects.
• "what's your password? i'll flip to a different playlist," hyunjin raised his voice, trying to act non-chalant. he silently thanked the fact that he was just out of sight.
• "2-7-4-4-1-2" you said back to him.
• he quickly scrolled through the playlists and chose one, letting the music blast through the speaker once again.
• "i'm gonna get a drink, do you want one?" hyunjin lied, going to open up the messages on your phone.
• "yeah, i'll take a water if that's okay?"
• "sure, i'll get it in just a sec." he started to sound nervous as he clicked to ha-joon's name on your phone. dang, texts going back to the beginning of the week. he quickly scrolled through to find quite a few message exchanged between the two of you. he scrolled back to the conversation that started last night.
Ha-joon: This might be a little bold, but I'd really like to get to know you more. Not just through texting. Would you want to grab a coffee sometime? Just you and me?
Sure! That'd be really fun :)
Ha-joon: Are you free sometime tomorrow?
I'm not really sure yet. I'm going to help Hyunjin paint. How about we just plan for the next day?
Ha-joon: Sounds good to me!
Ha-joon: Hyunjin will be okay with this, right? With us meeting up?
I don't see why not. He'd probably be happy about introducing us!
Ha-joon: Okay, I just didn't know if I should let him know or not is all.
Ahh that's okay. I don't think we need to rope him into any of this unless things go well between us ☺️
Good plan. I'm excited to see you!
Same here :) Text me tomorrow and let me know where you want to meet up.
Will do! Sleep well 😊
• hyunjin felt his heart break. he knew he had no right to. but he couldn't help it.
• of course he harbored feelings for you. how could he not fall for the one girl he ever felt like truly "got" him?
• but he hadn't wanted to tell you. not yet. he didn't want you to think that was the only reason he kept hanging out with you. he genuinely LOVED being around you. he was himself when he was with you. and he was so scared he'd lose that if he told you.
• but he hadn't said anything. so he couldn't be upset.
• he mentally kicked himself for introducing you to ha-joon.
• he thought on it for a bit as he reached into the fridge to grab a bottle of water for you. he quickly exited out of the app as he rested your phone back on the table to play the music.
• the upbeat tunes coming out completely mismatched what he was feeling in the moment.
• he stood for a moment, then walked back to the living room, where he saw you sitting cutely on the floor, knees bent criss-crossed as you painted the bottom of the wall carefully.
• suddenly, he started to think about how lucky he felt with this sight in front of him. and how he didn't want another man to be able to see you like this: hair tied up, sitting contently on the floor, completely covered in paint, looking so happy just to be there while bopping your head to the beat without a worry in the world.
• he wanted that. he wanted you. and suddenly, he saw red.
• he leaned against the door frame, now subconsciously squeezing the bottle of water in his hand.
• "y/n, can you come over here for a minute?" he said, voice now full of authority. his face looked annoyed, as he looked off, not able to focus his eyes on you.
• you looked at him confused for a moment, then carefully stood up, walking over to him wondering what was wrong all of a sudden.
• "what is it?" you asked, looking up at him innocently. you could tell something had him deeply bothered.
• his jaw clicked for a moment before he finally looked at you.
• "why didn't you tell me you were going out with my best friend?"
• the question caught you off guard.
• "were you going through my phone?" you asked. you didn't mean to sound accusatory, but that's how it came out.
• "i didn't mean to, but there it was." he looked down at you, not backing down.
• "i mean, yeah, he invited me to get coffee... is it a big deal? i thought you'd be happy if maybe we started seeing each other."
• "well, i'm not."
• "look jinnie, i'm sorry. maybe i should have told you, but i didn't think you'd care. surely he's a good person if he's your friend. and i'd like to think i'm a good person, so it just-" suddenly, he cut you off.
• "it's not about being a good person, y/n!" he began to raise his voice. "what about me?!"
• "what about you?" you asked, voice full of confusion.
• "i like you, goddamn it! give me a chance, not him!" he was full on yelling now, pressing himself up against you. suddenly, you felt small, but so fucking smitten at the same time. hyunjin actually liked you? this whole time?
• your head started spinning. it was just... it was a lot. you began to slowly move back from him a bit.
• "jinnie... i don't... i don't know what to say."
• he followed your path, pushing his body forward toward yours. you were about to be trapped in against the freshly painted wall behind you. you had no where else to go without ruining the wall.
• "say you'll let me take you out. not him." his eyes were trying to tell you something, but you couldn't quite pinpoint what. you'd never seen him like this.
• "i can't just do that to him... i mean he's your friend and i don't want to make things weird and i didn't know you even thought about me-" you were just rambling at this point before hyunjin cut you off.
• "i don't give a fuck if he's my friend. i wanted you first." he pushed his body right against yours, your front feeling him completely. he aligned his face perfectly in front of yours.
• "for how long?" you asked meekly.
• "since i first saw you." he let his eyes wander down to look at your lips before coming back up to focus on your eyes.
• being so close to you, he lightly closed his eyes, letting his lips linger next to you. "give me a chance first. if you don't like it, you can go to him... but i want you more than he does. i promise you that."
• goose bumps popped up along your skin. you couldn't believe he was actually into you. it was actually such a shock, you almost didn't even let your mind think on it. you'd wanted it so bad and suppressed it for so long. you didn't even know what to think. so you remained quiet, just pondering on what you could say.
• "let me show you," he whispered into your ear, getting too impatient to wait for your response. "let me show you how good i could be to you."
• again, you couldn't muster up words. you were so shell-shocked, you didn't even know where to start.
• he leaned into your ear, his breath hot over top of you.
• seductively, he whispered into you, "just tell me to stop," before planting a slow kiss to the side of your neck, at the sensitive spot right below your ear.
• you let out a slight moan at the unexpected sensation. you felt the hairs on your body start to stand up.
• hyunjin smiled and moved his small kisses along your jaw and cheek, then planting straught onto your lips.
• he wasted no time in deepening the kiss, running his hands through your hair until he was holding the back of your head in one hand and squeezing your jaw with the other. he wanted full control of you.
• he moaned as you slipped your tongue into his mouth, giving him access to enter inside your mouth too.
• as you smiled into him, he walked you back until you were pressed up against the wet wall. to hell with it.
• you continued grappling at each other, shoving tongues down throats like horny teenagers. you couldn't help it. this was all you'r ever wanted.
• until you started feeling hyunjin slightly buck his hips into yours. you felt his bulge grind the tiniest bit against you, turning you on with the gentlest touch.
• he let out a small chuckle as you moaned at the sensation.
• he kept sucking on your tongue, harder and harder as he more fervently grinded himself into you. you could feel him getting rock hard against you. and fuck did it feel so good. you couldn't help but pant, and run your hands along his body, desperate to grapple onto whatever you could.
• you pulled on his collar, pushed your hand up his shirt to run along his abdomen, tugged on his waist band- anything and everything you could cling to in order to feel closer to him.
• and he reciprocated fully. he moved his hand around your jaw to secure your face down against the wall, pinning you back hard. his mouth never disconnected from yours as he used his other hand to run along your body. down your neck, around your boobs, down your stomach, down to wear he ground against you, hoping to make brief contact with you before taking his hand around your waist to grab your ass.
• you moaned loudly as he shoved his tongue deep into your mouth and grabbed a handful of your ass with a harsh squeeze. the slight pain felt too fucking good to not yell out about.
• your noises only agged him on more.
• he pulled his mouth off of yours for a split moment.
• "let me take these off?" he asked hungrily, pulling at the top of your leggings.
• you didn't have to respond, you quickly yanked the fabric down, along with your underwear and ripped them from your feet and to the side.
• he smiled down at the sight, loving how willing you were to give into him.
• he connected his mouth back to yours as he followed suit and hastily unbuttoned and slid down his pants and boxers.
• when he was done, he grunted as he felt himself now unclothed, finally getting some friction against you.
• you couldn't contain yourself as you heard him grunt for you. you quickly pulled your hand up to your mouth, spitting into it quickly before bringing it back down to stroke hyunjin's cock.
• "ah fuck," he let out, letting himself grow harder and harder. this was the hardest he'd ever been.
• a wave of aggression came over him as he started to feel territorial. he brought a hand around your neck to give it a tight squeeze.
• "faster," he instructed. he reached his hand down to toy with you too, slowly working up pace.
• you felt yourself becoming more deprived of oxygen as you pumped your hand along him, going down to his tip. when he wasn't satisfied, he rested his forehead on yours and began thrusting his cock into your hand, throwing out grunts as he went. he kept working at your hole until you were lightheaded and writhing underneath him.
• he smiled and let out a little laugh as he released the pressure from your neck to let you gasp for air. you felt light-headed and needed to come back down. but hyunjin didn't let up.
• "let me fuck you." it was more of a demand than a question, but you didn't fight it. you slowly nodded from underneath him.
• he swiftly rand both hands down to your waist and then around your ass until they were resting behind your thighs.
• "jump," he instructed.
• you weren't sure about this. you'd never done it before. you were scared you'd fall and ruin the moment, but you decided to just put your trust into it. pushing your back against the wall, you threw your legs up as he guided them and secured them in place around his hips. he made sure to support the rest of you by keeping your back pressed tight to the wall.
• he used one hand to guide his dick to your entrance before steadily thrusting himself inside. it took your breath away at the sudden stretch and feeling of him inside of you. he didn't give you very much time to settle into it though as he started to fuck into you. hard and steady.
• his hand came back up to support under your thighs, securing you on top of him and pushing you back so your head was almost slamming into the wall as he pounded into you.
• you felt so good around him. so tight. squeezing onto him for dear life.
• he hungrily brought his mouth to your next as he sent fast, angry strokes into your. he guided his tongue around, planting sloppy kisses and fast, violent bites that made you scream out. he fucking loved it. he wanted to hear you scream. make you forget about any other man.
• "that's right baby, scream for me. you know whose you are," he growled. he was fucking you so hard you thought you'd pass out from the overstimulation of it all.
• you kept moaning for him, not knowing how to do anything else.
• before too long, you felt yourself start to pant harder, feeling hyunjin hit just the right spot. you started to grow warm inside, getting your breath taken away with each pounding.
• "jinnie," you breathed out, finally opening your eyes to see him with his eyes hyper focused on you, like he was ready to attack at any moment.
• you could only breathe heavily before repeating his name again. "jinnie, i'm gonna cum." you felt yourself reach a breaking point. it was coming. now.
• "that's fucking right. you're gonna cum for me right now... it's just me from now on. only me." he growled, fucking himself into you faster. "cum on me right fucking now!" he ordered, ramming into just the right spot to send you over the edge.
• you gasped as you threw your head back, beginning to spasm around his cock.
• "ahhh fuckkkkk, just like that," hyunjin mimicked you, throwing his head back now too. "fuck, fuck, fuck," he breathed out, slamming into you faster than ever.
• "ughhhhhhhhh," he yelled as you felt him release inside of you. you could feel yourself still shaking around him, not being given any sort of break.
• as he finished out his high, you wiped at the few tears that had built up in your eyes from the overstimulation.
• once hyunjin was done, he slowly lowered your legs off of his hips and set them back down on the floor, keeping his cock resting inside of you as he put you down.
• with you both now panting and trying to settle down, he just brought both hands up to cradle the sides of your face. he pushed himself a bit deeper inside of you, just enjoying the feeling of resting within you.
• he smiled down as he planted a soft kiss to your forehead.
• you smiled back up at him, placing your hands on his chest over his heart.
• "i think this is how we're meant to be," hyunjin said in a low voice.
• "i think so too," you grinned.
• he kept planting tiny kisses onto the same spot of your forehead. "tell me you aren't still going with him tomorrow."
• "of course not. i know whose i am." you gave him a quick wink.
✨ if you enjoyed, please consider liking, commenting, or re-blogging <3
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2-dsimp · 1 month
Is Quio's daughter a platonic yandere? I figure maybe she sees her dad acting all possessive with darling and ends up taking after him. Or is she just a normal kid who either doesn't notice his behavior or care?
Idk I think it'd be funny seeing her get jealous about darling being nice to other kids. Piena gets ready to throw hands with the little boy that lives next door because her new mom gave him a bandaid after he tripped and fell. So what if she shoved him? He needs to step off, it's HER mom, not his. Meanwhile Quio's patting himself on the back because his little girl is following in his foot steps
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Nah she wasn’t influenced by Quio per say since he’s the subtle type. What really got her attention was her Uncle Noknok (Nokka) and his darling back when they were renowned as high school sweethearts.
As a kid she’d always been exposed to how Teen! Nokka was so brazen around his darling. Going as far as to act like a literal Doberman around any other guys in the vicinity who’d even glance at his wifey.
Whenever Teen! Nokka happened to take Peina out baby shopping. Bringing along his darling for some help since he didn’t know shit about what to feed a child and so on so forth.
So thanks to Nokka’s influence in co parenting with Quio in high school. Peina more or less mimics Nokka’s possessive behavior. Resulting in her immediately getting defensive at any threat. That dares to take away any of your attention.
Of which should be focused solely on herself, her Dad, and a little brother she expects to be on the way. Not some damn random kid down the block. Who thinks he could worm his way into y’all’s way of life. Not on her watch!
So overall it’d be more of Nokka feeling like a proud Uncle. While Quio merely shakes his head like a disgruntled mother. At how stubborn both his daughter and his knuckle-headed bestfriend are.
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thermitetermite · 7 months
I return from the grave for one night only to post a Helluva Boss AU. Enjoy my delulu AU about a Christmas tree capitalist clown spider demon and his adopted cyborg clown son.
Also there is swearing and mentions of Fizzaroli's accident.
Mammon being a half decent step-dad AU
Mammon hears about Fizz much earlier though the grapevine (Paimon complaining to all royal demons about how his son got rid of all their shit bc of some clown kid)
Interested, he attends a show in disguise.
He finds that Fizz is good. Like, really good! Dollar signs start popping up in his head. Also the little bugger kind of reminds him of himself.
Immediately asks to buy Fizz from Cash Buckzo. He refuses at first because Fizz is his star but with strong negotiating tactics (money and threats) he caves.
Fizz is nervous about leaving his only home behind but is excited to be "adopted" by Mammon! His hero!
It's giving bought by One Direction vibes
At first Mammon was planning to just train him to be a child actor/clown, give him a TV show and pawn him off to someone to actually raise full-time. He wanted to be the convenient step-dad, not a full time parent!
That changed after the first couple nights with Fizz living in his mansion.
It started with Fizz handing him a red balloon horse.
"Alright, not bad kid, but can ya make a balloon unicorn?"
Fizz ran off to attempt to make it. That'll keep him busy for a few hours, guess that meant he could make some calls and... He was back already with the completed unicorn.
"Give me another!"
"Uh, alright ya little bugger, why dontcha make a Quevie?"
This back and forth happened for the next few hours, with Mammon judging the balloon animal, giving a few pointers when he messed up, and Fizz making the next animal he asked for.
Damn, this parenting shit is easy.
It eventually got so late that Fizz fell asleep on the couch trying to complete a kangaroo.
Sighing, Mammon picked Fizz up and carried him to the bedroom he hired someone to decorate. He tucked him into bed and finally after an entire day was able to make a call.
However, the first call he made wasn't to the networking company or his broadcasting station. Instead, it was to Lucifer, his self proclaimed best friend and a successful parent.
"What is it Mammon? Do you have any idea how late it is?"
"Yeah, yeah. I just had a quick question for ya. What do children eat? Cereal? Oats? Ice cream?"
Needless to say, Lucifer had a long talk with Mammon about how to raise a kid, stating it'd be hard work.
After hanging up and going to bed, Mammon had only one thought on his mind. To raise this kid better than any of the other Sins could. His boy would be talk of the town and the best clown in all of Hell.
That first week of parenting went about as well as you'd expect.
Mammon had the approach of being "The fun step-dad" which included eating candy for every meal, teaching him swear words and showing him how to do all the tricks he thought a capable child could do.
(These tricks may or may not have included tax evasion and driving)
Speaking of, Mammon insisted on bringing Fizzaroli everywhere. Including work.
"Mammon, sir, I'm sorry for filing the paperwork for the expansion of LooLoo Land wrong- is that a child?"
"Yeah, this is my boy. Look attem. Ain't he talented!" Cue Fizz hanging off one of his arms. "Whatdya think Fizzie? Should we keep or fire him?"
"You heard the boy! Off withya, ya bloody cunt!"
"Bloody cunt!"
Mammon would belly laugh whenever Fizzaroli would copy his swearing or accent. When is children swearing NOT funny?
Mammon's definitely the type to have tons of pictures in his wallet of his kid. Fizzaroli does get a TV show, lots of interviews and the spotlight often but whenever someone asks Mammon about him he immediately opens the photo wallet.
(He would kill anyone who even touched it)
Of course he still has some of the Mammon-ness we know, bribing and pushing Fizz to do shows, acts, commercials and more, causing Fizz to start getting overwhelmed.
Then one day Fizz's accident happened (it's a canon event)
Mammon practically broke down Belphagor's door when he got the news Fizz was hurt, demanding his boy get the best treatment in Hell.
Mammon didn't sleep for the entire time Fizz was in that hospital bed, sitting beside him for days at a time just thinking about how he nearly lost him. He couldn't lose him.
When Fizz woke up/was stable, Mammon was there during his emotional moments. When Fizz asked if Mammon would replace him he scoffed.
"Fizzie, why would I replace you? You're in recovery right now. A break. Yer fans are dying to see that Fizzie face when you get outta here. You're more popular and more in demand than ever. You do the recoverin and I'll show you the huge profit we return."
Mammon to English translation: It's stupid to think I'll leave. You'll be able to return to the stage, I'll make sure of it. You'll get better and I'll be here with you.
Fizz eventually recovered but needed limbs so Mammon sent a request (demand) to the best mechanic in Hell, Asmodeus. If anyone could make limbs for his boy it'd be that rooster fuck.
Of course just because Mammon had faith in him didn't mean he wasn't picky in what he delivered.
"Can ya loop your arm like a bendy straw?"
"Uh, no."
"Then it's not good enough for you!"
Mammon practically sent Asmodeus a list of limb adjustments and upgrades that needed to be done every other week. All other times he had Fizzie trying all these different therapies, practicing with his limbs, and occasionally try doing a trick. (Not clown car driving after last time). Eventually he was mostly satisfied with the work and to celebrate "Ozzie not *HONK*-ing up" he started teaching Fizz how to play the guitar.
Cue a bit of a time skip of say 7 years.
Fizz has his hands in nearly every facet of entertainment. News, sports, cooking competitions (which he surprisingly sucked at), and of course comedy. Fizz didn't want to say it but doing so much had him tired, stressed, and anxious. He was doing this for Mammon, the person who gave him everything. He couldn't just let him down. He'd seen what happened to those that failed him. All those people who got fired for mistakes they made. He couldn't fail.
At the same time Mammon wants to get into the robot doll industry. Not sex dolls because he can't stand the thought of his (boy) brand being sold like that. Instead personal assistance robots that have all the features. It can make coffee, teach you yoga, be a parent, etc. but of course he needs the mechanical help of Asmodeus again.
Once again Fizz is taking trips to Lust to oversee the production of the robots. After 2 years of this the robots are completed (a huge financial success) and Fizz asks Mammon if he can stay with Ozzie.
Mammon is surprised but ok with it as long as he visits and does a show every now and again. Especially guest judging the Clown Pageant.
He doesn't realize Fizz and Oz have a thing until the Clown Pageant (his final one in canon)
Once it comes out, oh boy, Mammon goes full demon mode. Shit gets ugly. Mammon goes on his normal rant (minus the "raised you like the son I didn't want" part) and Fizz, unwaivering because he's seen this a million times, retorts back with all the anxiety Mammon caused. The acting and shows. How it weighed on him. How he was so scared of fucking something up and getting kicked out.
"I'd never kick you out! You're the crown jewel of my empire! My runt turned pick of the litta! I made you in my image! If I pushed you hard it was because you could be better! I raised you! You've got my training in your back pocket so I knew you could be a better clown than I ever was! All of this was for you!"
Eventually Mammon breaks down and asks why Asmodeus. He's worried about their relationship considering he's known Asmodeus since the beginning of hell.
"Why do you need to date him when you have my empire! If you need money, we have it! If you need companionship, we can buy it! If you need power we have that too! We built this empire! Your talent brought in a fortune and you've seen how to run the business! If you need your own power or your own space you can have it!"
"I'm not with him for any of those things! I know I have everything else here! But I love him Mammon! He takes care of me. He's kind, sweet, handsome, and supports me even on my roughest days. I love him."
"...he makes you feel safe?"
"He treats you good?"
"He treats me amazingly."
"You love him?"
"With all my heart."
"I... Respect your decision. I'm going to make it about me but please bear with me. I know I haven't been the best at raising you. I can be overbearing. And clingy. And I pushed you to do a lot of things that were hard or uncomfortable or er... greedy. I haven't been the best influence on your life but I did my best and if I had to I'd do it all over again."
"Up up up, let me finish ya little shit. You know I have a hard time letting go of things. And I was kidding myself when I thought I'd have ya forever. I forgot how fast ya implings grow up. I thought I could keep ya safe and smilin but I couldn't even do that right. The second most painful thing I experienced in my life was gettin kicked from heaven. The most was seein you in that hospital bed. I've been smotherin ya since. Yer my boy and I wanted better for ya. Thought I could protect ya if I pushed harder. Taught ya more. Did more shit with ya. But in the end you were always gonna have ta leave ta find a life of yer own.
Mammon paused, taking a familiar but heavily deflated remnant of a red horse balloon from under his hat
"I'm at least glad ya took somethin after me. Yer greedy like me and ya landed the best bachelor Hell has ta offer. I... I don't want to let ya go but... Ya need to do this. Live yer life kid, and live it better than me."
The fucking stadium was in tears (me too tbh)
Before Fizz could say anything (he was choking on his words) Mammon extended a card with his sigil on it.
"Remember I'm always here. Please... Call me if ya need me."
Fizz wrapped his robotic limbs around Mammon, bringing him in for a tight hug.
"I love you, Dad."
Mammon cried on that stage, hugging the son he always wanted.
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fallloverfic · 8 months
TGCF donghua Season 2, Episode 3 thoughts
Screaming through my tears of happiness. Spoilers under the cut (also book/story spoilers, for folks just coming in from the donghua).
We may only get him for a minute or two BUT I LOVE ALL THE PRECIOUS SECONDS OF YIN YU, MY BELOVED T-T The second he started talking I had to pause to scream adlkjaldaj
I also love how obvious this is. It's a nice way to set up for the audience "yeah, something's fishy here and it's not just He Xuan". I'm just imagining Hua Cheng like taking Yin Yu's bandages off and unrolling his sleeve to properly set the scene for Xie Lian to see the shackle alkdjalj Cause it'd be funny. Yin Yu, tiredly, "Yes, Hua Chengzu, whatever you want, Hua Chengzu..."
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They are so cute. I love them so much.
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I imagine a bajillion people have said this but this is very funny as a comparison to Beast giving Beauty the library in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Hua Cheng knows what makes his gege happy: a fully stocked armory. Xie Lian's pose is so adorable T-T "I really do" indeeeed. Their back and forth kills me T-T
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E-ming, babyyyy T-T gets some sparklies cause it's so happpp cause Xie Lian is noticing it :3333
Xie Lian leaning over to pet Hua Cheng's weapon while Hua Cheng is wearing it ends me. Just ends me. Bless them all.
Spider-man Xie Lian was hilarious aldkjalj You think "oh he's not being good at this whole sneaky thing isn't he, Yin Yu is probably like "how long do I pretend I can't tell he's like 10 steps behind me"" and then WOOP SPIDER-XIE LIAN alkdjaldkja
Spider-Lian, Spider-Lian, does whatever a scrap collector god can...
I also love the parallel stuff with Lang Ying and Hua Cheng, setting up for Hua Cheng to later impersonate him. I know part of it is just twigging Xie Lian's memory of Hong-Hong-er, but the first time it happens (with Lang Ying's silhouette after dropping the bandages fading into Hua Cheng's face in the present), I think it's a clear set-up for the later plot of Hua Cheng pretending to be him.
Also Ruoye and Xie Lian being badass: I am always here for it.
Qi Rong getting a second of reference. I'm so excited to see how he's handled, terrible man that he is, love him.
Wind Master was also really funny, "I never want to go on patrols with you ever again!" aldkjaldja He's so mad aldkjaldaj
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Wonderful episode. I cried. I screamed (no literally I had to pause and make myself be quiet alkdjaldja). E-Ming's chirping T-T Yin Yu T-T Hualian. So adorable.
Other episode thoughts for season 2 (didn't start till episode 3):
S02E03 (you are here)
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
24 asks :000
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Sorry. I don't take art requests! And also trust me, I've seen it everywhere. Its a very bizarre series indeed.. <XD
(Also thank you! :D)
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:DDD Thank you so much!! I'm glad you like my art! Also BIG thank you for the acknowledgment of boundaries, it means a lot <:}}}
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Actually, someone made a post discussing this. I cant remember who it was but they made a good point-
In Above and Beyond(?), Natquik is introduced to Tracker and they both act as if they are meeting each other for the first time. But in that flash back with Barnacles, Tracker was there.
If you look at Barnacles and Bianca compared to the other scouts, their outfits are different..
They put it all together and it looks like Natquik was there for Barnacles junior/younger years in the polar scouts. But at some point he disappears..? Then later on when Barnacle is a senior polar scout he falls in the ice. So it looks like in canon that Natquik wasn't there when he fell in the ice. WHICH would be wonderful angst materal.
Barnacles and Natquik are back together on an adventure and they fall in the ice. Natquik is fine but Barnacles is panicking. When they get out he tells Nat the whole story. Nat would feel horrible for not being there for Barnacles all those years ago.. :'(((
HOWEVER.... I'd like to think that Natquik was there through all of Barnacles polar scout years and saw him graduate. Where he eventually retired young to go and do research in the Antarctic. Hmm.. I'll have to think about this one <XD
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Uhhg, yeah. The DLC lost me at Cassie. That was already complicated enough. And then the Mimic came around and the 3 other suits and the weird glitchy computer bunny thingggg
I mean don't get me wrong, I love all of FNAF to death but sometimes I wanna push it down the stairs XDD
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XD Our army grows bigger and bigger everyday!
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Right after posting that I looked back and cringed a liiiittle bit because I felt like maybe the angst was too much/unnecessary. So I'm really glad to hear that you liked it! It makes me feel better about having posted it XDD
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Oh don't worry! The fact that you don't have a default pfp wipes you of any suspicion XD
Also thank you! Its always fun to hear about people getting into Octonauts because of my art! :DD
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Also today currently I am dizzy and full of anxiety weee
Also I love the ',:) too funny! XDD
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Sorry, I don't take art requests. That character looks great though! Also thank you! I'm glad you like my artwork! :DD
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That's an interesting thought actually. I imagine Freddy wouldn't really like to look at it too much. I have this idea that none of the Glamrocks really like their new forms. Freddy especially, he misses when he was shorter and softer. He was very huggable and it was very rare that a child was scared of him.
Now a days he's mostly just designed to look flashy, not really to hug. And his sheer height means that some of the little kids are afraid of him. :( So looking at one of the older model behind the glass- although its tall too, it'd probably make him sad and miss his old form. :((
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XD They might fight at first, but then they'd be two peas in a pod.
Foxy: "Yarr, I cant believe it! Yer a REAL pirate!! I wish I could sail out on the watr' and be a true pirate too.."
Jack: "Yarr, sailin the seas don't make you a pirate, Its what's in yer heart lad! Yer just as much a pirate as me!"
Foxy: ":DDD"
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THANK YOIUUU!! I'm so glad to hear how I've inspired you!! :DD
Actually its funny that you mention Foxy's legs. Since I've designed Foxy, Bonnie and Roxy with those legs, I've been going back and forth constantly on whether or not it was a good design choice. I kept considering going back and redesigning all of them to have normal legs in my FNAF recap/repair. But I ultimately I kept them for reasons that will be explained later 👀 All in all- I'm glad you like them! :DD
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XD Heck yeah! There's quite a lot of us here on Tumblr. Type #octonauts in the search bar and see for yourself! :DD
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THANK YOU SO MUCHHH!!! I'll be sure to take it easy <:}}]
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That.. is a good question. I never really thought about it. :00 Also thank you! :D
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Mmm, I'm not so sure. Some older employees know that Bonnie and Foxy are down there. I don't think seeing him active again would make them bring him back to the stage. They don't have the authority to do that. They would most likely just shut him down again. Maybe even remove his battery so he cannot be reactivated..
Also if I were to make a Glamrock Bonnie design, personally I would keep him purple and make him look more bowling ally themed. <XD Maybe someday I'll draw that! :0
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THANK YOU!! :DDD Of course everyone is free to do their own thing. But I personally got kind'a tired of the CONSTANT shipping everywhere. Its like some people think that fandoms cant be fun if the characters aren't romantically pinned together. Or like the most powerful kind of love is romantic. Which is just not true.
So I've just wiped away any and all shipping from all my fandom content. With a tiny select few of exceptions. I wanna show that these characters can love and care for each other, WITHOUT romantic interest being the motive.
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I have drawn him before actually, twice that I can recall!
Once here, and Here! Although if I were to draw him now? Or even add him to my AU? He'd look a lot different than he does in those drawings <XD
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:DDDD Thank you so much!! :}}}
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I've been drawing literally as far back as I can remember. So I'm not 100% sure what initially inspired me.. Although I did draw a lot of sonic back in the day so maybe it was that? :0
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Hmm.. that's not a bad idea :00 Maybe I'll draw it sometime!
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XD Thanks for the reminder. I'm doing my best to take it easy while working on all these projects-
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amazingmsme · 8 months
Think Fast, Move Faster
AN: Had a rough day today, so this one's a little late but with an hour to spare! Regardless, this one was super fun to write! Can't believe it took me this long to write a Top Gun fic, but here we are! Based on a gif I saw that I'll try & look for later, but basically Ice tried to spike the ball at Slider after the vball scene & it gets stuck in the net. This is totally what happened after that. Hope y'all enjoy day 9!
It was the perfect day to be at the beach. Clouds were few and far between, allowing the sun to shine uninterrupted. The sand was hot beneath their feet, crisp blue waves crashing against the shore off to the side. Cheerful shouts and playful bickering rang through the air as they whacked the volleyball back and forth over the net, taking an occasional dive for the ball and sending sand flying.
The game was called, and Iceman was a little surprised by how quickly the sandy court cleared, leaving only himself and Slider, Goose and Mav already standing off to the side. Iceman played with the ball, wondering what it was they were saying. Then Slider slipped under the net and was walking right in front of him: a perfect target.
"Slider, think fast!"
The words "think fast" never bode well for anyone, usually serving as a harbinger of a flying object to the face. Slider's head snapped over to look at Ice, who was sporting a devilish grin as he spiked the ball right at his head.
Slider yelped and tried to dodge out of the way, preparing for impact. Thankfully, the ball hit the net and bounced weakly to the ground. He locked eyes with Iceman through the net, watching how his smug smile turned to a nervous one.
"Did you just try to hit me?"
"No?" It was more of a question than the firm denial he'd been aiming for. Slider grinned and stepped under the net.
Ice turned to run, but running in loose, hot sand isn't ideal for a speedy getaway. Slider caught up to him easily and slammed the entirety of his weight into him, knocking them both to the ground. He wasted no time before digging his hands under Iceman's arms, sending him howling with laughter.
Maverick and Goose immediately turn to see what all the commotion was about, sly and amused grins on their faces. Slider had Ice pinned against the sand, sending it flying through the air with each frantic kick.
"Did you think it'd be funny?" Slider interrogated, raking his hands down his ribs. He threw his head back as loud cackles erupted from his chest and he thrashed around, desperate to get away. Or maybe not too desperate, seeing as he was getting nowhere, but he did a great job of putting on a show. It was almost believable.
Iceman shook his head frantically, snorting when he found a particularly sensitive spot at the top of his ribs. "Nohohoho! I'm sohohorry!" his pleas fell on deaf ears. Well, Slider wasn't paying him any mind. Goose and Maverick on the other hand proved to be quite the peanut gallery.
"What he do this time?" Goose shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth. Maverick snickered behind his hand, glancing away every now and then before his gaze was inevitably pulled to the scene. He wore a shit eating grin and chimed in, "He deserves it regardless, keep going!"
Slider looked up with a feral grin, kneading down Iceman's sides and sending him into a fit of boyish giggles.
"He tried to spike the ball at my face!" Slider yelled, drilling his thumbs in his hips. He shrieked, the sound abruptly cutting off with a snort.
"Ihihi dihid nohohohot!" Iceman denied.
"I looked you in the eyes as you did it!" Slider cried, shaking clawed hands over his sides. The sand that stuck to Iceman's sides created friction between his sensitive skin and Slider's wicked hands, and it was driving him mad. He latched onto Slider's wrists, pushing him away but not really. It was almost too easy to escape his hold and dive for his bare belly. Ice arched his back with an honest to God squeal, legs drumming against the sand.
"Ohoho shihihit! Ihihit tihihickles!"
"What? Nooo I had no idea!" he teased, feigning innocence. Iceman blushed, and in his senseless flailing, managed to grab a handful of sand and scrub it into Slider's hair. He gasped and froze before locking on Iceman with a predatory look.
He made a show of shaking the sand out of his hair before wrestling Iceman's wrists down by his sides, pinning them under his knees. Slider brushed some sand off of his toned stomach, making him giggle and babble out incoherent pleas, yet miraculously avoided saying the word "stop."
Once his tummy was sand-free, Slider took a deep breath and leaned down. Iceman knew what he was doing, had been a victim of these shenanigans countless times, and his eyes widened out of fearful excitement.
"Nonono wahahait!" Slider didn't wait.
Lips met skin, and Slider blew out as hard as he could. Iceman thrashed around helplessly, cackling and snorting occasionally. When Slider backed off, it took Ice a few moments to calm down. When he did, he sat up and gave him a shrug.
"Asshole! You nearly killed me!"
"You lived," Slider brushed him off, pushing him back down on the beach. Iceman scrambled to his feet and took off after him, hungry for revenge.
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
Keep rotating a theoretical fic in my mind where our Mobius ends up with the two kids to raise, and introduces Loki to them. However. This is one of the universes where Loki attacked New York, and the boys very quickly realize who he is. They are understandably disconcerted by this (although they trust Mobius too much to be genuinely frightened because this is a very angst!lite fic in my head), and while they are soon awed/delighted/amused by Loki, they decide to keep up the act for a bit, on the Thor-ish child's side because he wants to make sure his Dad's not being overly nice and innocent and putting himself in danger, and the Loki-ish child for initially the same reason; however he very quickly decides Loki's alright but keeps egging his brother on because he thinks making the grownups sweat is very funny. And oh boy is it working. Loki is sweating bullets, puling out all the stops, has never been so desperate for approval as he is from these two small children because how long will Mobius keep around someone who scares his kids?? Mobius is having a less bad time on the whole; he can tell his kids aren't horribly frightened (even if he can't seem to make Loki believe he's not just trying to calm him when he says so), but he sure is on edge. Keeps coming up with new elaborate strategies to facilitate at least baseline civility from his kids towards Loki (he struggles to quiet the nagging fear that if it goes on too long Loki might decide the unpleasantness of engaging with this central part of Mobius' life just isn't worth it). Thinks maybe it'd be best if they give the kids a bit of distance to adjust *cue Loki materializing in the room with a gaming console that won't be out for another month and worryingly realistic wooden swords and three new kid-friendly magic routines and would the kids like to meet his brother's buddy Hogun who can train them with those sw—" Most importantly, Mobius has got to put a stop to this because he's pretty sure that whatever it started as this has developed into his children's scheme to manipulate a god into making them the proud owners of a sailboat and a horse. And it's working.
Anon thank you for giving me enough life to get through the upcoming day 😂💖
Honestly even though it's not something I see Mobius wanting in series I'm obsessed from a fic perspective with the thought of him stepping in to take care of the kids perhaps after Don gets taken by the TVA after his nexus event?? Then because he's always been smitten by minor facts like Loki taking over a major US city he doesn't really consider the impact that's had back on the timeline while it's always in the back of Loki's mind, so when it comes time to make introductions Loki assumes any nervousness or hesitation is because of his reputation when in reality Mobius is just worried they'll be upset he's been clearly dating this entire time and didn't say anything 😅
Cue Mobius being pleased the cautious greetings and wide eyed stares being passed back and forth are pretty much the best case scenario here while the kids instantly enter the exact situation you described of cautiously then much, much more boldly testing exactly how dedicated Loki is to their dad, first out of concern then just to push the boundaries of how much cool stuff they can get after realizing how amazing Loki is and how much they like spending time with someone who gets the need for chaos lmao.
(Cue Mobius not being so pleased when the house starts magically expanding like a Tardis to fit increasingly large and at times alarming sentient objects that were definitely not there when he made breakfast and no one's convincing him otherwise but who would want life any other way 🤣)
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murmurmurl · 4 months
hiii pjsk oc ramble again :3
(this is super all over the place btw)
I feel like I should be developing Toshiro more, since he's the unit leader but I haven't come up with that much stuff about them compared to the others. BUT. I'm thinking about Seina. In the relationship thingy I mentioned that she works part-time at a café. I think it'd be funny if it's a café Ena and Akito go to somewhat regularly. then I'd have to change some stuff up though, because it wouldn't be just "met them once". Maybe I'd even make her friends with Ena. I did say I'll change a lot of stuff lol
Seina is very collected and pretty much knows how to deal with ppl, so I think she's pretty good at handling customers. It's still tiring for her though, more than you might expect, actually.
I think she deserves a break ngl (I say after being the one to make her need a break in the first place but uhm anyways)
I've also been thinking about their siblings... Seina and Toshiro both have siblings, actually. I haven't figured out their sibling dynamics as much yet. Like, I keep going back and forth on Seina's sibling especially, whether to make them older or younger. Because I have both options thought out, how they would have affected the relationship and in what way they contributed to how Seina acts. I know I'm gonna project with the sibling thing a lot, but uh. That's what OCs are for..? Kinda??? I guess?????
Fumi and Matsu are only children in their families, but I think with how they act with each other and their past connection, they act a little like siblings. I've also been thinking more about the period where Fumi wasn't as strong-willed and couldn't help or stand up for Matsu when he was bullied. Around that time, they had a bit of a falling out due to Fumi blaming herself too much and ending up isolating herself. They interact again for the first time since then already when the unit's story starts. Its awkward at first, and despite all this time working on being the best she could be to make sure nothing like that ever happens again, Fumi still blames themself and ends up avoiding Matsu at all costs. I can't say that he NEVER blamed her... of course, at first, back then, he felt hurt because no one would help, and when he needed his best friend more than ever, she ended up practically abandoning him. There is a little bit of that.. bitterness (??) left to this day, but overall, he doesn't really put them at fault. Fumi is extremely harsh on herself – that's actually something all of them have to a degree. Toshiro wanting to improve, be better at everything, be reliable because of his family problems, he wants to prove a certain person wrong. I now realize that this might sound kinda like the Shinonome dad situation, but it's still different. Seina blames herself terribly for accidentally hurting a dear friend in the past, she thinks of herself as unworthy of being forgiven and cared for, and tries her best caring for everyone around herself instead, devoting it so much time and effort that it leaves her exhausted and even puts a distance between her and the people she loves because she doesn't want to bother them with any of her personal struggles, even thoughts, she doesn't want to be a burden and upset them by having feelings. Fumi's case I already described here. With Matsu... I feel like it's less present in him, but it's still there. He tends to put a lot of pressure on himself about being good enough to be loved. Also because of stuff in the past, partially because of the bullying, partially because of how he as a child perceived Fumi distancing herself from him. He tries really hard to fit into the expectations others have of him, as well as be as independent as possible.
Of course, during the course of their story/ies I want to work through all of that. I think that coming to terms with things and starting to heal would take the longest for Seina. In part because she doesn't let anyone worry about herself as best she can.
ANYWAYS. Uhm. Stop the angst yapping, please, okay, thank you.
I like thinking through the sad and struggling parts of their characters, but I don't want to stop focusing on how they support each other and how much they care about each other. I also think I focused a little too much on their personalities and less so on the. Other necessary stuff... I've started thinking about their SEKAI. I think it should be something nostalgic in a way? With how much their stories seem to be dealing with the past so far, it'd make sense. I have a few ideas maybe, but I still need to flesh them out to even choose hehe
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adachicuto · 1 year
last date before wedding with ptg
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warning(s): food and wine mentions
↳ jinho: helping him with a cover of a song for youtube and it’d be a pretty romantic song maybe ed sheeran thinking out loud or john legend or maybe something else like eyes, nose, lips and you wouldn’t realize that he got you singing. i don't think he'd post it and just want to save it for the two of you to rewatch. it wouldn’t matter to him if you were an amazing singer or not, just being able to share that moment with you would be enough for him. so, it would probably become a tradition where you'd rewatch the cover for every wedding anniversary, and maybe you would cover more songs together each time as a little segment on his youtube channel and the members would text him and tease him about it every time lol
↳ hui: i get the feeling that he would bring you to a really nice yet underrated restaurant where smooth jazz is played and people are allowed to go onstage and perform a song. both of you would have the biggest smiles on your faces because the date would be reminiscent of your first one. you'd end the date off with really good wine and of course, hui would go onstage and sing (he'd claim it as practice for your big day) and would leave the audience stunned by his amazing vocals. on the drive home, his hand would never leave yours and he'd probably fidget with your engagement ring with a huge smile on his face.
↳ hongseok: your "date" would be so sweet and domestic because hongseok just gives me homey vibes. like, you'd both go to the grocery store to get ingredients for dinner and a dessert you both like. idk it would be the cutest thing and then you'd head back home and he'd start cooking while you worked on the dessert and you'd definitely catch him staring at you every few minutes with a goofy smile on his face and he'd wiggle his eyebrows playfully. you'd step away for a second to back-hug him and hongseok would smile to himself before he'd turn around to kiss you and he'd pull away to say something really cheesy but it would still put a smile on your face.
↳ yeo one: i think changgu would plan the cutest little picnic in the park for both of you. he'd pack some of your favorite foods and snacks and would even get you flowers or something. it would be the cutest thing and he'd take a flower and put it behind your ear and you'd do the same to him and then you'd go back and forth about who's the prettiest lol then the two of you would lie down and cloud gaze. idk i can see a really adorable dog running over to the two of you and it would really like changgu and it would be such a cute moment that would lead you to discuss the possibility of adopting a dog after the wedding. once the sun would start to settle below the horizon, you'd head home and would probably spend the rest of the day watching a show or movie.
↳ shinwon: both of you would agree on going to a spa and maybe a little shopping. i could definitely see him goofing around with you while in the sauna by making weird faces and telling you funny stories. then, he'd have you rest your head on his shoulder and he'd smile to himself. then, he'd tell you about how he was so nervous to propose to you. after a few minutes he'd realize that you weren't talking only to find you asleep. so, he'd make sure that you would be comfortable and would relax too. i think he'd love to spoil his s/o so he'd really enjoy going to the spa with you and it'd be a nice break from all of the wedding prep. on the way home, you'd both decide on ordering in bc neither of you would want to cook after being at the spa.
↳ yanan: he'd wake up extra early to get your favorite breakfast foods and coffee. when he'd make it back to your apartment he'd be met with you half asleep on the couch and would quickly put everything down to cuddle with you for a few minutes and then you'd eat breakfast together. afterward, the two of you would get ready to go and yanan wouldn't tell you but it would all make sense later. so, the two of you would go to multiple places throughout the city and you were thankful that they wouldn't be too far and at each stop, you and yanan would talk about what happened at each, like, one place was where he took you for your first date and another would be where you both said you loved each other for the first time. looking back on all of the memories would make both of your hearts feel so full.
↳ yuto: i think you'd go to an aquarium or botanical garden and it would be on a day when it wouldn't be so busy and the two of you could goof around and take funny pictures of each other imitating the animals. throughout the date, you'd both feel like little kids on a field trip again. both of you would stop every few minutes to stare at something you'd find interesting and the look on your faces at that moment would be so adorable and you'd have to capture the moments. after that, you would go get something to eat and then walk back to your apartment. on the walk, you'd both reminisce about how you met, your first date, and how he proposed to you.
↳ kino: i feel like hyunggu would go all out but it would still be a pretty laid-back date idk if that makes sense but he'd sign you up for a couples' dancing class where you'd learn how to tango and it would be so romantic and fun, even if you're not much of a dancer. after that, you'd go back home to shower and then he'd take you out to a really nice restaurant for dinner. the two of you would be so impressed with your meals but the highlight of your would be getting ice cream or your favorite dessert from your favorite place but then on your way back home it'd start raining and you'd have to wait it out inside a nearby cafe with steaming cups of tea. the whole situation would be pretty funny to both of you and it'd make for a nice moment to look back on.
↳ wooseok: being the youngest, i don't think he'd plan everything out and would just go with the flow. so, i think wooseok would also enjoy a night in with you as your date, especially if it would be a rainy day. he'd go and get your favorite snacks and drinks the day before and would surprise you with everything. the two of you would spend the day watching movies, playing video games, and just enjoying the calm before your wedding day. somehow, you'd end up talking about some of your embarrassing moments early on in your relationship and neither of you would be able to stop laughing and maybe you'd each go through your camera roll and it'd be a really cute moment for both of you.
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quinloki · 4 months
I don't know if you have Netflix or not, but they recently put a show on there called Resident Alien starring Alan Tudyk and I highly recommend it. If you've ever seen 3rd Rock from the Sun, this is kind of like that but more sinister but equally as funny.
I also took tally of all my One Piece figures (some of which won't arrive until September) and here's the breakdown:
3 of Trafalgar
3 of Shanks (one is pre-ordered)
2 of Zoro
2 of Beckman (one is pre-ordered)
1 of Sir Crocodile
1 of Arlong
1 of Smoker
1 of Kid
1 of Borsalino (pre-ordered)
1 of Aramaki (pre-ordered and no one that evil should look that good the bastard)
And then saved in my to purchase list are:
7 more Shanks (one has kid Luffy too)
6 more Trafalgar
5 more Zoro
3 more Sir Crocodile
2 Ace
1 Sabo
1 Marco
1 Mihawk (I don't even care for him but the pose damn near has me drooling)
1 Doffy
1 Sakazuki
1 more Smoker
1 more Kid
I have built a little shrine around my OP DVDs and it's too small to hold all of these future purchases, so I'm trying to figure out where to put them all. In the meantime, when the non-pre-ordered figures come in, I'll share a photo of the shrine. I don't know why I have a hankering for Shanks recently but now Gildarts from Fairy Tail has suck up on me. I do like Marco and I want at least 1 Sabo figure because I like having Luffy's most important people (Zoro, Shanks, and his two bothers).
I don't really know what else to distract you with, um, I had an idea for a One Piece/Fairy Tail crossover one-shot. For some reason, yesterday at dinner this idea popped into my head and had me grinning like an idiot which alarmed my dad. What if, the FT peeps ended up in the OP world for reasons not important to the story so I won't ever have to get into it, and Cana decided now would be a good time to try setting her dad up on a date. Dude has been single her entire life (with a string of unsuccessful short flings that never amounted to anything [the wiki says he was with 13 other women post-divorce]) and she decides to set him up with somebody.
Now, this could go two ways. I could have this be a canon character x canon character or OC which would be the hard way and not nearly as funny as I want it to be OR I could make it canon character x reader thus allowing for the shenanigans. I was thinking of having the one-shot be Gildarts x Reader with him having already met someone and begun dating her but keeping it quiet because he didn't know how Cana would react. Then, when Cana announces how she thinks he should meet someone and kind of sidelines him, Reader plays along because she has to keep up the ruse of them not dating. So the READER sets Gildarts up on a date with a hot, young doctor lady.
And I just thought it'd be hilarious to do that to Gildarts.
The only other idea I have of a simple crossover would be Gildarts and Shanks meeting and upon realizing they kind of look similar, the two hang out in the bar and start comparing how similar they are to each other and then it becomes a contest of who is cooler. Shanks thinking he's so cool because he's maintained his power as an Emperor of the sea despite having only one arm, and how he lost that arm is both cool and inspiring. Then Gildarts dishes it back about how he lost half his body (and an unspecified organ) and is the only person to survive the creature who did it in single combat. Et cetera and so forth. It could be hilarious and also be a fun way to actually show how similar they are without being boring.
Alright, this time I'm sure I've run out of distracting things but if I come up with more I'll be sure to send them in to you. Sorry about your evening burning out.
I need to watch more Fairy Tail so I actually meet this Gildarts - I've seen the art of him so I know the similarity is there =3 But every time I get into FT I end up stopping just after the Lightning Church arc with the guild master's grandson.
Not for lack of interest, but something always seems to come along and pull my attention before I get any further.
Last time it was One Piece >.>
I like the set up for the story idea - the best part about stories that we sometimes forget is that they don't have to explain everything. You're allowed to leave loose threads or things unresolved.
I'm in awe of the your figurine collection. I keep holding myself back, because I don't really have room for one, but also because I can get carried away to a bad degree with collecting things. But I do enjoy seeing a lot of the One Piece figures, so I'm patiently awaiting any pics you're willing to share once more of your order comes in =3
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silverbriseis · 2 months
I really love one-sided kyman but like mutual, where they pine for each other thinking it's unrequited but really both of them are just fucking idiots who can't communicate LMAO, though I'd like to think Cartman would be the first to catch feelings, like a slow gradual buildup because he's spent so much time with Kyle by his side but he knows deep down Kyle would never return his feelings because he thinks Kyle is the entire antithesis to his being and they could never be so he'd genuinely bury everything deep down (maybe it might manifest into his cupid me persona who knows) so I do think after a particularly gruesome fight or argument(and a horrible realization) he'd stop pursuing Kyle in whatever shenanigans and like slowly move away(Which he's shown to do both in s20 and PC)
And meanwhile for Kyle, everything just hits him suddenly like a trainwreck, he'd no doubt be happy at first that Cartman FINALLY decided to stop with whatever tomfoolery he had to begin with though after a while, he expects everything will go back the way it was(eg. cartman joining them again in their friendgroup) but then he slowly comes to realize... that isn't the case now. In lunchtime, He seeks glances at Cartman yet Cartman looks away, never meeting him eye to eye. He would probably try to approach Cartman after but Cartman again also avoids him, and even when he manages to finally find him and have a talk, Cartman just goes"oh sorry, Kyle I have to go to the bathroom/have somewhere to attend to" and then quickly scoots away. Kyle would resort to namecalling quickly and call him a fatass and instead of Cartman being mad or retorting it against him, he'd just smile and go "mhm" and leave which would so deal a devastating blow for Kyle LMAO. So anyways, I think for a while, Kyle would so 100% believe that cartman was onto some new scheme that he was planning so he would absolutely not believe this at all because Cartman has never disengaged him, how could he now?
So yeah Kyle would like probably spend the next week or two just trying to figure whatever the hell Cartman is planning, he'd probably try to convince the rest of the friendgroup to join him but like... unlike Kyle, they know how to take a hint or two LOL, Actually I think it'd be even sad/funny if Cartman just interacted with Kenny and Stan mostly normally with less insults/ while he just full on avoided Kyle, so Stan would be like "dude what are you on about? He's been pretty nice the entire week" and Kenny might chime in and be like "Yeah, he's even helped me some photography stuff" in some muffled speech. Anyways, Kyle would so be mad LMAO and be like "he's trying to trick you all! " in some huge speech, talking about how he's done this before while Stan and Kenny assure him that he's been doing this for a while now and that he most likely would have done something by now if he had any ulterior motive, and that it's pretty possible that he's grown as a person by now. (Kyle still wouldn't believe it)
So like after all that he'd so definitely corner Cartman in some secluded area in school and be like "alright, fatass this is enough, what the hell are you planning?" And even though Cartman doesn't wanna engage with him whatsoever in theory, he'd definitely give in it practice if Kyle pressured enough(it's in his instinct, okay!) So he'd be like "I dunno Kyle, what am I planning indeed?" And then Kyle would be so mad and frown and then they would definitely bicker back and forth with Kyle being like "just quit it already dumbass, it won't work on me" and then Cartman playing dumb and being like "Oh, what won't work on you Kyle? And knowing them, it has a pretty big chance of resorting to physical baha. But I do think before it escalates to that Cartman might drop the act and just be honest "Kyle, what if instead of me planning anything,what if I just genuinely didn't wanna talk to you?" And Kyle would likely freeze on the spot because he didn't even consider that a possibility, because the Cartman he's always known has never even thought about doing that, because if he did they most likely wouldn't be here now. So his first instinct would definitely be to argue against it. "Bullshit! that's what you always like to pull, I don't believe this for one bit!" And Cartman would raise a eyebrow or two and be like "Whatever you want to believe Kyle, it's not my problem" and then he'd just leave, while Kyle would probably be speechless.
Anyways after that day, he'd definitely be even more wary of Cartman, he would be expecting for some really messed up to shit yet it would never happen which would leave him even more wary, because Cartman now doesn't even have the gall to pretend to be nice to him, he doesn't even smile at him in the hallways,it leaves Kyles feeling quite weird, has Eric ever treated Kyle so.... Insignificantly?
I do think maybe after a month or two of some very sleepless nights, he'd probably come to the "same" conclusion as everyone else. Cartman doesn't care anymore. Coming to that conclusion, Kyle should feel happy, right? After all, isn't this what he's always wanted, for that fatass to leave him alone, to stop terrorizing him. Yet, why does he feel nothing?
I definitely think he'd notice that feeling and he'd try to avoid it but no matter what he does, he can't forget it, everything would feel, well-empty. For a while, He'd still acts the same way to everyone but now there's no one to demean him for that or to call him a dirty jew. Anytime, he does or says something impulse, there's no one to belittle him anymore for every little thing, Maybe he'd ACTUALLY avoid that thought admittedly, one day hes hanging with Kenny and Stan, maybe they are getting tickets for the movie, he'd notice how Stan only got 3 tickets, he'd get confused and ask "where's the other one" Stan would again ALSO be confused and be like "Dude, why would I get a extra one?" And kyle would retort back and be like "Oh obviously, for Cartman" until he realizes there is NO Cartman there. Maybe he'd notice the empty seat on their cafeteria table, wondering who's it for, then he realizes that Cartman is taking way too long so that seat is for Cartman right? Until he heard Cartmans laugh across the cafeteria then he remembers Cartman doesn't sit with them anymore.
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heaven-s-black-box · 3 months
Camping- Benny's Adventure Team
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Recovery date: April 2nd, 2024
Description: Benny's adventure team goes camping!
Notes: Trying to write for both Razor and Fischl, who both have extremely unique speech patterns, at once was incredibly difficult.
Word count: 667
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In Bennett’s opinion Wolvendom was scary, especially at night. The moon cast weird shadows on the rocky terrain, and you could hear camps of hilichurls along the edge of the forest. It was definitely his least favorite place to take commissions.
But he hadn’t hesitated to agree to camp there with Razor.
“Razor is happy that Bennett came.”
The two were setting up their tent just outside of Andrius’ trial area.
Well, Razor was setting up the tent with Bennett’s verbal instructions; they'd nearly lost it when Bennett tried to set it up himself. The wind had suddenly picked up and it'd nearly blown out of the forest.
“I’m glad you invited me! Most people don’t want to spend any more time with me then they have too,” Bennett sighed, swinging his legs against the log he sat on.
Razor stopped pushing a stake into the ground and turned to his friend.
“Why… not? Razor thinks Bennett is great friend.”
“Ya but I have horrible luck, and people tend to get hurt.”
With a solemn nod, Razor said, “Bennett won’t hurt Razor. Bennett is Razor’s friend.”
“That’s not-” Razor had already finished setting up the tent and wandered into the forest ignoring Bennett. “Hey! Where are you going?”
“Razor smells friend!”
Bennett jumped up off the log, nearly tripping over his feet in the process, and ran after Razor.
“Young knight of endless energy thou attract peril far beyond that which we are prepared for! Cease this incessant-”
The two boys looked down over the small ledge to find Klee and Fischl standing in the middle of a small hilichurl camp. Fischl seemed slightly out of breath, and Klee was as energetic as ever.
“Burny girl.”
Klee scrambled up the ledge and wrapped her arms around Razor in a tight hug.
“Adventurer who bears the world’s curse, thou hast forced the Prinzessin der Verurteilung to search for a servant such as thyself?” As Fischl began to rant about how much of an inconvenience looking for Bennett had been, Klee leaned into Razor.
“She talks funny,” Klee giggled, “I like her.”
“Sorry!” Bennett cried, bowing slightly with his hands clasped in front of him while Fischl struggled to climb up. “Razor asked if I wanted to camp with him, and I completely forgot we were supposed to hang out.”
The adventurer extended a hand to Fischl who nearly took it before deciding it would be better to haul herself up without his help. Bennett seemed to arrive at the same conclusion as he awkwardly laughed and rubbed at the back of his neck, stepping back so she could gracelessly roll up onto the ledge.
“Burny girl and friend, join us?”
Fischl paused in brushing herself off and examining her dressing for tears to look up.
“I should hope so after all we went through to get here!” Fischl snapped. “Oops. I-I mean, the Prinzessin der Verurteilung would be honored to join thou in…” she trailed off, looking to Bennett for help.
“We’re camping!”
“Camping?” Klee cheered, still holding on to Razor. “Oo! Can we have s’mores?”
“What are s’mores?”
“You’ve never had a s’more?” Klee gasped, almost sounding offended as she grabbed Razor’s hand and began to swing it back and forth. “They're really yummy, they’re all gooey and sweet and-”
As Klee rambled on, Fischl turned to Bennett.
“Adventurer who bears the world’s curse, am I correct to assume you have the required ingredients?”
“Yup! Wouldn’t be a camping trip without them. I’ll start the fire!”
“A-Ta-Ta! Please allow my most trusted retainer, Oz,” Oz swooped down from his perch in the trees, “to handle the flames. I do not seek an inferno on this fine night.”
“Very good, Meine Fraulein,” Oz nodded before gliding away.
“Oh, ya, that’s probably a good idea.”
“Bennett, your marshmallow is on fire!”
“As is yours young knight!”
“It’s okay, we just have to blow them ou-ah, not my hair!”
“Stop, drop, and roll! Stop, drop, and roll!”
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genlossneg · 11 months
i really liked genloss, but i just dont get what ranboo was doing with the advertising and the hyping up of it. they would keep going back and forth on things they said, like one time he said "idc if it only gets 3 veiwers, ill have had fun with it" but then turned round to say "im playing the main character so that more people will watch it and get more people invested". i dont get it??? like which one????
also they said "im not cutting any corners with this project, this is going to be something that if i were to stop everything right after, id be happy" then didnt take any acting classes, didnt script like 80% of the show then went and said "i promise to make the future gens much better with the things ive learnt from gen 1 :)". ?????? so was it a test or was it his passion project. they acknowledged that their acting was bad...so why not hire a good actor if he didnt care about views??
i honestly think that the marketing team was just ranboo in a room going "yeah sure ill post this why not" and no one checking if it was a good move or not lmao. it honestly feels like two different projects that had nothing to do with wach other. its like ranboo didnt know the genloss yt channel existed and accidentally chose the same name or something.
we didnt know anything about the plot of genloss up to like a week before the show, and as someone who has been very invested in genloss since the start up until the show, the little teasers on the genloss yt channel were just...nothing. it was like ranboo expected us to just go "woah vintage tv :O cassete tapes :O" (and thats exactly what happened lmaoo).
ranboo said in a stream that "id rather give u guys 30 seconds of content than drag it out for 15 minutes" or smthn like that but like. how do u call a vintage tv displaying Analog-Horror-Phrase-52(TM) content? it didnt say anything about the plot. and the "plot" we got was fucking lightyears away from the teasers.
ranboo just lied for like 2 years, and i know ideas can change but it was marketed in the same way all the way up to like a week before the show so thats lovely i love being lied to :)
ranboo had a stream called like "talking about genloss/horror project" or something where it was just like an hour of them going "ITS GONNA BE SO COOOLLL!!!! GET EXCITED!!!!!!" which is kinda funny in hindsight lmao
i meant for this to be a single paragraph oops
in conlusion tho, the teasers were lies and felt very stream of consciousness and not very well thought out, and also ranboo lied to get people excited and it annoyed the shit out of me.
sorry to be all "ranboo said this ranboo said that" ive been a fan for about a year and a half now and have had these little bits of info stored in my brain for a while
no one could convince me they had any sort of meaningful marketing team. there was for sure a bunch of dissonance from what we saw to what this gen was. i think it'd be fine if it was at least a bit more related to what we got. idk im giving you a thumbs up in my brain
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greentrickster · 1 year
So, i find your Ace Parable/ Stanley Attorney fic on AO3. Absolutely love it. So much fun! So, in wanting to spawn more ideas- music and fashion. What do the Parable lads bring back with them, what did they enjoy the most? And for our silly Lawyer Men, did any of the things they changed include better music choices or options for new clothes? Miles does try to dress very nice after all. As opposed to Phoenix, of whom prefers casual, but will dress nice if needed.
Thank-you so much, and good job correctly deducing how you get more of my AUs! ;D
Hmmm... for both music and fashion I'd say Phoenix and Miles don't add much at all - they're busy trying to figure out what's going on and what they can do and, while they do make changes, most of them are the sort that there are already procedures for generating, like how to make a new ending, accessing the Narrator's large library of game assets, that sort of thing. They don't know exactly what's going are or what the limits of this place are, so they try and test the boundaries a bit and get creative, but not in areas there aren't pre-exisiting structures for. The Stanley Parable wasn't made to have clothing options as part of the game, so there aren't any structures or assets for that, and neither of them want to risk ending up trapped in this strange place while also naked. That might be funny/fun for an hour, but after that...? So neither of them suggest or risk it. Likewise, neither of them want to end up with the same song playing permanently on a loop with no way to turn it off.
No, it's the Narrator and Stanley themselves who eventually bring these new aspects to the game, though not until they've been back for awhile and gotten themselves reoriented and working together more. I think this would happen sometime after Stanley's gotten some options that let him go and stay outside for awhile (possibly even as a part of endings that involve him voluntarily going back inside eventually), and he brings it up to the Narrator.
Because, prior to going to the AA world, Stanley had never worn anything than what he spawns each new game wearing. He didn't experiment a whole lot while with the AA gang, because he and the Narrator were both rather overwhelmed and overstimulated, but going to bed his first night there was the first time he'd ever taken his shoes off, ever, or any of his clothes. Until that point, he'd known he had feet and toes and a belly-button and everything else, but he'd never seen them. It was kind of a lot (in a mostly good way), and even moreso for the Narrator, who'd never had a physical form of his own to undress before. And, to be honest, it was a bit of a relief for both of them to get back to the Parable where things were simpler again.
Except, once they've been back for awhile, Stanley starts to get curious about things he'd never thought to be curious about before. Like crouching down to see how the carpet feels against his hands and really pay attention to the texture. Once he's gotten used to being able to go outside in the Parable, he eventually puts forth that it'd be nice if he could take off his shoes and socks here, too, to feel the textures of the dirt and the grass beneath his feet, or even just the regular old office carpet.
(The Narrator initially says no on the grounds that there are people on the internet that get weird about feet, but Stanley argues him down with the fact that there are people on the internet who will get weird over anything and Stanley can't properly grade things with his little packet of gold stars if he can't get the full experience, now can he? (Barefoot mode gets unlocked two runs later.))
As for clothing the Narrator himself instigates that himself, on the grounds that the Parable is supposed to be a game all about choices, so of course it would make sense for the protagonist to be able to choose his own clothing (to a certain extent)! Think of all the exciting possibilities it will open up!
...turns out, Stanley is a man with boring, boring taste in clothes. Like, he absolutely tries a few new looks for a bit when the options first become available, but he generally ends up defaulting back to his classic look.
Thanks for the ask!
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crystalmarred · 6 months
[ lips ] in the midst of an intimate exchange, sender smooths their thumb back and forth over receiver's lips-Hiroto to X’kijin
MEME ( accepting! ) ⇢ [ lips ] in the midst of an intimate exchange, sender smooths their thumb back and forth over receiver's lips. ⇢ @oathofpromises
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Never had he been even half as smart as the people he spent so much time around and never would he be, so it was only natural that he would inevitably find frustration in it. But this was an entirely new level of frustration for him. To become so angry with himself that he would reduce himself to tears.
To think that all that needed to be done was for someone to hand him a recipe card and his inability to read it would reduce him to tears—and then came further tears when Hiroto had stumbled upon him. Embarrassment struck him like a chocobo carriage, made him feel small and insignificant. That he could read had been bad enough, but that anyone had stumbled across him in the midst of the worse of it, much less Hiroto...
He should judge him, he felt. Hiroto should get a laugh out of a man near thirty summers who couldn't read a list of ingredients without getting lost. It'd be understandable if he found it funny that he'd be so angry about it, he starts to cry.
X'kijin wouldn't find it funny, but he was too close to it, too personally involved with being illiterate.
But it didn't matter how he felt that Hiroto should react. Nothing mattered by how he actually reacted. He found no humor in it and instead X'kijin had felt an arm wrap around his back. At first, he thought that might be the end of it. A gentle comfort offered to him when he needed it just this once.
And then Hiroto stooped and wrapped his other arm behind his knees, lifted him and ferried him somewhere less inclined to traffic, somewhere he might be able to find a scrap of peace and quiet.
He didn't know how long after that he'd spent curled into his side. Hiroto had carried him to bed, tucked him in and crawled in beside him after divesting him of his boots.
Hiroto had curled around him, protective and sweet in the way that he held him against his chest. Minutes past and the initial burst of frustration ebbed and disappeared in the wake of his sweet affection. A hand cupped his own, thumb rubbed at the back of it in a way that soothed him.
An hour and he finally sank into the embrace, fully calmed after his... meltdown. Now that his feelings had finally settled did Hiroto's hand come up. He his hand slid up his chest and neck until finally, he cupped his cheek.
X'kijin leaned back, his head turned t'wards him as green eyes met Hiroto's.
"Sorry," he started, the word slow as it trickled out of him, his heart heavy and still overwhelmed by the conflict of feelings that stemmed from embarrassment. "I, uh..."
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Hiroto shushed him and his eyes widened a fraction, ever surprised by the gentle manner and soft tone of a man who had seemed so... guarded at the start. The thumb that rubbed over his lightly glossed lips only served to further ward away the apologize on the tip of his tongue.
"Hiroto..." The whisper of a name that tasted so sweet, in ways X'kijin could never have predicted when first they met. "Really, I'm—"
"Don't apologize."
So simple a demand, so sweetly spoken it barely qualified as one. A purr rumbled from his throat as Hiroto's thumb swept a path across his lips one last time before he punctuated the motion with a kiss that called a smile to X'kijin's face.
Instead of another failed attempt an apology, when their lips parted, X'kijin offered something altogether different: "Thank you..."
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