#I just wanna have fun man😥
Squid bagging in the lobby seems to guarantee a reasonably tough battle with people not taking turf war too seriously.
If they don't, 87% of the time they'll just keep you in spawn and shark until you walk by trying to get to mid
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Saw a post about you wanting welcome home requests. Dont know how old it is but.
What would wally be like as a CG???
Caregiver Wally Darling!
A/N: OMG YAY!!! I already have a shorter more general version of this on my blog, so I’m gonna repeat myself a bit here, but that’s okay because I love this man and I really wanna talk about him.
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He is such a good caregiver, I think. Like…he struggles a bit at first but he eventually gets the hang of it and does really well!
I mean. He is quite literally the host of a children’s TV show. He knows how to take care of and entertain kids.
He likes taking you out on little play dates and adventures. One of his favorite things to do is take you to the park, and you often see Julie and Sally there, so you play with them a lot. :)
He paints you a lot. You’re his muse. ❤️
Speaking of painting, if you’re down for it, he’d be happy to paint with you! Finger paint, watercolor, anything! And if not, that’s okay too! He’s fine with just using you as inspiration.
He actually made a deco paci for you one time (if you use pacifiers)! It was for your birthday. You have loved and cherished it ever since.
If you ever draw or color something for him, it immediately gets hung up on the fridge or on a wall somewhere.
He does better with calmer littles. If you’re like me and you get very sleepy randomly or very easy, he has no problem with cuddling you while you sleep if you want. He doesn’t try to sleep with you; because he can’t, and his “I’m sleeping” chant gets a lil annoying.
Barnaby is Wally’s go to babysitter, as you probably expected. Barnaby is basically your uncle. He’s the cool, fun uncle who loads you up on sugar before sending you back to your parents. And that is exactly what he does!
He is VERY cautious and protective. He baby proofs the hell out of everything.
He also does most things for you. You need to tie your shoes? He’s got it! Wanna refill your sippy cup or your bottle? That’s his job, sweetheart, don’t worry about it.
He will love any nickname you give him, “dad/daddy/dada”, “papa”, “baba”, etc.
He loves them all.
He canonically goes limp when you hug him but I’d like to think that he eventually gets the hang of it and becomes a really good cuddler. 😭
He has so much apple juice. And apples in general. Does not understand apple pie or anything with apple filling in it, though…where are the apples…where did they go?? 😥
His voice is super monotone and his face kinda is too, so he actually does super well with autistic littles. Cuz like. He gets it. Also I know Wally isn’t CANONICALLY autistic but. Erm. Yeah he is. In my mind he absolutely is.
He doesn’t do too well with tantrums. He’ll try his best to calm you down, but if that doesn’t work, he usually has to call Barnaby for help. He always feels so bad, though. He’s your caregiver, he’s supposed to know how to help…
All in all, 10/10 caregiver. Would recommend.
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chrisis-averted · 2 years
Eurovision 2023 Songs ABRIDGED
Yes, I’m doing that again. You’re welcome!  😙 Once again, this is for humor purpose, don’t take it too seriously.
Albania: treasure your family, it’s not going to be there forever 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧
Armenia: I want to meet my soulmate 🥺
Australia: dare to try new things 🤩
Austria: yeah, fuck the music industry, it just exploits artists 👻
Azerbaijan: we broke up but I still think about you 🥺
Belgium: you got me to love myself 🥰
Croatia: yeah, fuck Russia 😈
Cyprus: you’re toxic as hell, girl 😠
Czechia: yeah, fuck gender inequality 🧕
Denmark: I’m afraid of starting a relationship because it might go bad 😥
Estonia: I want to connect with people 🤗
Finland: it’s Friday, I’m tired as fuck, I just want to party and get drunk 🥴
France: I have changed, for good and for ill 😌
Georgia: I have faith there will be better days 😌 
Germany: we are made of beautiful and ugly things 🤩
Greece: it’s those who are broken that help others more 🥰
Iceland: I got out of a toxic relationship and I’m euphoric 😃
Ireland: treasure your uniqueness 🌈
Israel: I’m rare and precious, like a mythical creature 🦄
Italy: I’m a hopeless romantic 🥺
Latvia: I lost hope in this world 😔
Lithuania: I got out of depression thanks to you 🥰
Malta: I’d rather stay at home than get out and party 😴
Moldova: I shall marry you in the forest under the sun and moon 🦌
Netherlands: I lost fascination with life and I’m scared I’m wasting time 😥
Norway: I’m a goddamn queen 👸
Poland: I slept with half the jury because sure as hell I can’t sing I am sexy and want to party 🥴
Portugal: oh fuck I’ve fallen in love and I’m a mess 😵
Romania: I’ve fallen head over heels for a girl who’s toying with me 🙃
San Marino: oh wow, you’re sexy, wanna come home with me? 😍
Serbia: the world is severely fucked up 😡
Slovenia: our generation sees no hope in the future, so we at least we enjoy the moment 🙃
Spain: I love you, my child 👩‍👧
Sweden: I want the only man I cannot have 🥰
Switzerland: our generation feels trapped in the wars caused by people who don’t care about us 😡
Ukraine: we are stronger than they think 😡
United Kingdom: I got cheated on, so now I’m having fun without him 😏
Eurovision Songs Abridged 2021 | 2022
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brimbrimbrimbrim · 2 years
I have seen like zero movies with adult metalheads, where they were serious characters and not just cartoonish joke of a character. Bit sad. 😥😤
I agree that there needs to be more of them. There's not a large pool of movies or media that give metalheads a fair(ish) take, BUT... I do have some stuff I wanna share that I love, and while some of it can feel cartoonish, it's not without its deep cuts either. Let me plead my case...
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Airheads is a movie I will die for. It's got mother fucking Brendan Fraser in it, and it has one of the only roles that Steve Buscemi has played where I kinda wanted to fuck him... Adam Sandler is fine in it, too, oddly enough. And it's just a totally underrated movie I feel like everyone has heard of but rarely watched.
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Lords of Chaos flew under my radar for many years until my best buddy @gomakeawaffle forced me to watch it. It's quiet, heavy, metal as fuck, and does an amazing job of telling about the band Mayhem. The aesthetics alone are worth the watch.
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Okay, Deathgasm is cute and fun, and I'll die on this hill. I've seen so many people get into this movie, spot the preppy blonde and turn it off. Like... if they had just watched another 15 minutes, they'd see that chick turn into a metal-loving battle maiden wielding a fire axe against demons. It's hilarious and adorable, and it's just plain fucking fun. It's also probably got the best metalhead rep of them all.
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Wayne's World... enough said... (That Alice Cooper Scene. LOL)
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Is Brutal Legends over the top? Yes. Is it stupid? Yes. Does it have an amazing soundtrack? Yes. Is it a love letter to all metalheads everywhere? YES. This game is the fucking shit, and it's still fun a fuck to play now as it was on the 360. Eddie is just... ugh, such a fucking charmer (how can you not love Jack Black too??)
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I've been watching Metalocalypse since it first aired on Adult Swim, and I even got to meet Brendon Small (the voice of Nathan Splosion) while I was doing B-roll for Adult Swim Fest in my hometown in 2010. It doesn't have a very decent ending, so like... if no one's watched it, be warned going in. They canceled it, then came back and tried to wrap it up with a long final episode that was pretty meh. Every episode is basically a loose plot followed by a song number and a blood bath, but there's some fun behind-the-scenes manipulation plot that's a blast as it goes on. Also... GILFs... and a spikey codpiece...
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Alright, Onward has nothing to do with metal, but it's got one of the most lovable metalheads I've ever seen. I feel like Barley is a culmination of every metalhead I knew in high school. Fuckin' dork, lovable, just are unapologetically themselves. Also, Gwendoline does have a sweet-ass paint job.
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I mean... Stranger Things really had some rough times, but Eddie Munson stole everyone's hearts, so like... Hnnnn, he's just utter perfection, right down to the musical high horse he charges into battle on. XD
Man... we need more metal content. If anyone has some stuff I should check out, PLEASE PLEASE let me know. <3
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carrinth · 1 year
The (Re)Adventures of Marzel Amell
Sooooooo ok I ended up binge playing DA:O for the last two weeks. And it might as well have been a blind playthrough because I forgot almost everything ^_^;; Below are Carrinth's Random Observations or Things That Have Happened to Marzel (Redux):
DA armor is still ugly as sin. I'm sorry. Robes 4 lyfe.
Man I tell you, a single Heal spell makes ALL the difference. Especially early on when you don't have money or potions or skillz. Dying less apparently makes game moar fun! SHOCKING.
I have recruited Sten.
I have also recruited Shale for the first time. I love Shale. Shale is best rock. Squish me. (Not really pls don't Shale) DLC ftw!
Sten really, really, REALLY likes my warden this time wtf. His affection is the HIGHEST of everyone, second only to dog. I have no idea how that happened. O_O I just RP-ed Marzel as being very indifferent to Sten. "I'm not here to impress you, bruh." Sten is a tsundere confirmed.
I did the FADE quest. Again. I told myself it wasn't as bad this round and that I'm fine but obviously I'm not fine but you just have to hold it in and my bags are full of junk and I need to sell them bcos I needs the money but I can't leave pls pls let me out LET ME OUT!2111
Wynne talking about what makes an abomination made me have Anders/Justice feels. "If one retains one's humanity, one is not an abomination." 😥
Still bff with Jowan. We bros for life. Alistair didn't like that.
"Teagan! Who iZ dis mAN?" Idk but the second round I really enjoyed her voice-acting. She's a distraught mother close to hysterics. It's amazingly hilarious and compelling! <3
Wait. Wait. I totally forgot about Connor. So wait. We CAN CURE demonic possession??? I thought it was permanent?! No way of saving but death via a pokey sword yadda yadda?? Omg is this one of those 'we could cure you but it's too expensive and you can't afford it' scenarios? IT IS. Poor farmer's kid can't afford a pile of lyrium but if you're the son of an arl? No problem! Whole Circle bending over just to help you. Wow. Goddamn. Chantry/Circle seriously just kill mages because it's the cheaper alternative! >:O
MMmmmm. People say I should save Orzammar for last because it is harder. But. Oghren. But. Difficult. But OGHREN. But BROODMOTHER. DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THE SUFFERING OF DEEP ROADS?! .......... OGHREN. Marzel and friends died a lot. Mostly because I stubbornly wanted my party to consist of Oghren and Shale. That's like, two warriors ugh. We got by. Shale extra conversations were worth it ;)
Got Flemeth's grimoire for Morrigan. Formed a team made only of dude-bros to help Marzel get laid. Which meant they had to make do without any healing or bard song. I named them... the Snu Snu Squad (affectionate). Zevran died almost immediately. (Note: Dragon bum be dangerous position) Marzel stupidly killed his own self with blood magic while throwing his single Heal spell >_> MVP goes to Alistair for keeping alive long enough to whittle away Flemeth's health and died just exact moment Sten landed a killing blow. Grimoire was given and snu snu was had!
Marzel is in weird love triangle where all romancable persons love him. This cannot end well.
Why are there so many Desire demons? Holy crap, with the DLCs I have encountered no less than 4. Were there always this many?? Are Fereldans so horny?
People who challenge MAGES to duels deserve to die... from stupidity. I don't make the rules. You sir, have a pointy stick. Marzel can conjure blizzards and crushing barriers with his fingertips. We are not the same.
Ok I just read codex that those Wild Sylvan trees are possessed by Rage demons?? Omg. They are Angry Trees. Low-key wanna see Justice fight Angry Trees while yelling about demons.
Haha I missed this game. Now onward to Sacred Ashes and moar stuff I can't remember!
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triviareads · 1 year
Hiiiii! This is a bit specific but do you know any romance novels (Modern or historical) with Brown leads that aren't about cultural trauma? 💀 I feel a bit tired everytime I pick up a book with a Brown (SWANA or South Asian) lead bc it's always about arranged marriage drama, generational clashes between disappointed old fashioned uber strict immigrant parents who wanted their kid to be doctor and their child, terrible aunties and racism and/or islamophobia related drama. I kind of feel bad for thinking like this bc all the romance books with SWANA or South Asian leads are always written by women who belong to the cultures in the books and I wanna support them whenever I can, but I'm also tired of getting slapped by trauma I personally know when all I want is fun, drama,good chemistry,cute tropes and good spice without pin straight honey blonde locks, ocean blue orbs and milky white skin,you know? 😥
I have literally dedicated my life to finding such books (I joke with a friend that every time she picks up a book with an Asian lead, there's inevitably generational trauma), and it's hard! I feel like only recently have I started to see South Asian authors write in a way that doesn't make me think they hate their own culture or are embarrassed by it. Unfortunately, I can't think of a historical romance that doesn't have some form of racial trauma (I wish more romances set in South Asia existed/were published abroad). But here are some contemporary recs:
Tastes like Shakkar by Nisha Sharma (out on 8/1): My full review isn't out yet, but I loved Bobbi and Benjamin's (dw despite the names, they're both Punjabi) relationship progression (it's sold as enemies to lovers but the enemies portion doesn't last super long tbh). It has solid sex scenes and Nisha even ventures into kink (a rarity for non-white characters). Plus, both Bobbi and Benjamin embrace their culture and you get the sense that they truly love it, and funnily enough, the aunty squad in this book is actually a force for good lol.
The Roommate Risk (previously Wanna Bet?) by Talia Hibbert: Friends-to-lovers but done RIGHT. Rahul Khan has been in love with Jasmine Allan since he gave his virginity to her (the flashback scenes in this one are great). Now, 7 years later, she's living with him because her apartment flooded, and cue all the angst and confused feelings!! Talia writes her sex scenes really well, this amazing combination of emotional intimacy and realness (and a little humor), not to mention they're uniformly hot.
Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert: So in hindsight, Talia Hibbert tends to make her South Asian heroes daddy types (stern brunch daddy types.... if you will) and Zafir Ansari fits within this pattern. Him and Dani decide to fake-date to help get publicity for his charity. The funny thing here is that Rahul is the romantic (he reads Harlequin romances!!!!!! And having sex without feelings is a STRUGGLE for this man) and Dani is relationship-avoidant, so that's fun for them. Also, Zafir is dealing with grief from losing his father and brother, but it's less "South Asian Family Trauma" and moreso just a genuine exploration of grief and coping with the help of his family.
Claiming His Bollywood Cinderella by Tara Pammi: I think Harlequins might be your best bet if you want to read about Indians in India (fun fact, Tara inspired me to try writing a Harlequin-style romance). This has kind of a Cinderella vibe; The hero Vikram is a Bollywood actor, and the heroine Naina is his grandma's assistant and they hook up at a masquerade party (which was.... very hot even if Vikram is prone to speeches while he's inside her lol), and it goes from there. It's a solid (technically slow-burn I think) romance.
The Secret She Kept in Bollywood by Tara Pammi: This is about Vikram's sister Anya and the adopted father of the child Anya gave away several years ago, Simon (he's brown too), who might also be the DILFiest DILF to ever DILF. Tell me what other man can help you through a panic attack without even knowing who you are, and then immediately proceed to give you the best sex of your life? I'll wait. No but real talk, this one hits a lot of really great emotional notes about family (not to mention a great romance) without being about, like, South Asian trauma.
Sink or Swim by Tessa Bailey: Ft. a Gujarati heroine, Jiya, and Andrew, her friend who's been in love with her since forever. What I love about this book is that the friends-to-lovers aspect isn't too cutesy; it's a bit angsty and the sexual obsession aspect is what really sold me (not to mention the fact that Andrew's a service top and that's shown in the BEST scene, therefore also subverting the "submissive Asian woman" stereotype). I also think I think the book has very reasonable portrayal of Desi parents; they want what they think is best for Jiya, and Jiya actually agrees to meet a guy in an an arranged-marriage set up, but ultimately they come around to Andrew once they understand that he loves her and will take care of her.
Serving Pleasure by Alisha Rai: Okay so maybe this has some intergenerational South Asian family drama (namely how Rana's mother views her sex life) but it's too good not to recommend! Like, sometimes you really want a crazy heroine who lowkey stalks the hero (but it's okay, Micah here gets off on it... literally), and Rana ends up being his muse (he's an artist) as they start an affair with a definite end date but obviously, Feelings get in the way.
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orcelito · 3 years
............ I hate being right
(Smt v spoilers in tags)
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allisonlol · 2 years
Hello can I request Fyodor, Sigma and Nikolai when they see their s/o wiping of their kiss?
a/n: anon i just want you to know that this is probably one of my most fav requests ever?? plz it's so funny
warnings: none? maybe the tiniest bit suggestive in nikolai's
(Fyodor, Nikolai, Sigma) When You Wipe Off Their Kiss
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first of all let me just say you got some nerve to do this to HIM
but regardless, you'd thought it'd be a funny lil prank to try in an attempt to get a reaction
on this day, fyodor had been holed up in his office for hours so you'd prepared some tea for him <3
you brought it to his office, and he gives you a quick smile as you place it on his desk
fyodor gestures for you to come closer before grabbing your arm and pulling you down to give you a kiss on the cheek
whispers "thank you dear" in your ear after too 😳
plz you almost get too distracted to follow thru with your prank. but you pull yourself together and stand back up, wiping off the kiss with the back of your hand
you act as if nothing happened tho, and say "you're welcome" with a smile before turning to leave again
fyodor stops typing for a second, and out of the corner of your eye you see him shoot you a glance
there's zero emotion on his face so you can't tell how he's feeling
since he doesn't say anything, you leave the room and it's a few more hours until you see him again
but once you do, this mf ignores you?? straight up walks past you without even a glance??
barely acknowledges you when you speak too; the most you'll get out of him is a hum in response 😥😥
fr gives you the cold shoulder until you come crying back to him about how it was a prank and that u want his affection again
fyodor stares down at you coldly until breaking into a smirk and pulling you against him, saying some "is this what you want now??"
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why would u wanna give this man an excuse to be even more annoying than he already is?? just kidding
you and nikolai have a history of playing pranks on each other so you figured this would be a great way to get back at him
so this night, once nikolai had gotten home from a day of wreaking havoc, he went to greet you & gave you a kiss on the cheek
you gave him one back but then immediately after wiped your cheek hella aggressive with your sleeve
obviously nikolai notices and he squints down at you before grabbing you and giving you two more kisses
but you wipe those off just as fast and that's when he's had enough 😐
crosses his arms all bitchily and looks away, saying some "well i guess i just won't give you a kiss ever again"
mf we know that is not true but go off
ur having too much fun to tell him it's a prank quite yet so you just smile at him and point to your cheek, asking for another
bro cracks immediately but instead of kissing your cheek he full on makes out with you?!
has a GRIP on your neck so we know damn well you aren't pulling away
after that you ain't even in the mood to continue the prank anymore...
nikolai may have caught onto your prank but hey, at least it ended up working out in your favor!
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nooooo why would u do this to him
nikolai probably set you up to it ngl
you both were curious as to what his reaction would be, so you told nikolai you'd do it just so he'd shut up LMAO
on the day you decided to do it, you had just gotten off work and went to see sigma at the casino, per usual
you meet him in the manager's office, where he gets up to greet you and gives you a lil kiss on the forehead
pls, sigma was so happy to see you and you respond by feigning disgust and wiping off the kiss??
and i mean you SCRUBBED that shit off. pulled your sleeve over ur hand and wiped aggressively till ur forehead was bright red??
sigma just looks at you like "..." while his smile slowly fades 😕😕
"oh-i'm sorry? was there anything i did wrong...?"
omg stop he looks so sad & worried. like he reaches out a hand to touch you but then thinks better of it and pulls back
his hand is literally shaking bro apologize rn
now you feel really bad and don't even have the heart to continue the joke 😭
"honey...no. it was just a prank nikolai wanted me to do!" relief floods his face once you say that
later on, you explain to nikolai what had happened and he LOSES IT
meanwhile sigma's sitting in the back with his arms crossed, all huffy while you and nikolai laugh smh
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie  @scul-pted @exorcisedstraydog  @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert  @stygianoir @sonder-paradise  @nervousyetconfidentway @beautiful-is-boring @alexaizawa @irethepotato @serenareiss
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laceymorganwrites · 2 years
hq boys and how they text
A/N: this is a fun little mini collab with @miyaniacs that started out as me commenting: omg xy emoji reminds me of Bo. And then we just kept making hcs so...have those xD
frequently used emojis: 💪🤩🥺👉👈😼🤣😥😲😭🥴😵🤠🤓🦄✨🙉🎉🐓👀😤
always does typos cause he´s wayyy too excited 
and when he does the * he still gets it wrong
will send 10 minute long audios talking about nothing
also will keep every group chat updated about his day, checks in on everyone every 5 minutes
also in way too many group chats but too scared to leave them cause he doesn´t want ppl thinking he´s rude
emojis: 💔💦💯🔥😎😥🥵🤫🥴🤙👅❤☕
texts ppl who are like 5 feet away from him to get him something (poor Osamu)
always gets left on read
then double texts like
r u mad at me?
flirts way too much but in a really direct way
is blocked by so many girls
he loves calling people and will annoy anyone when he´s bored
emojis: 👨‍🦯🦶👂✌🤘🥰😇🤠🙊✈🌜💁‍♂️🙆‍♂️🤦‍♂️🏃‍♂️😣😙
sends too many selfies
it´s like he´s vlogging cause he´s constantly sending pics to the gc 
has a bunch of rps going on and he´s super good at them (actually has good and interesting ocs)
sometimes speaks uwu just to annoy people
randomly quotes anime 
sends videos of himself talking rather than making audios 
makes such cute faces too
sigh, I love this man
this man is on his damn phone too much
yet never texts back
will literally take up to 3 weeks to reply
is on discord a lot and just trolls people
has the do not disturb thingie
only texts 3 ppl (Kita, Osamu, Aran)
has Atsumu blocked
the type of guy to have a drama channel
always on his phone
his gallery is rlly neat
has an album for everything and way too many photos
has an album just for receipts of drama he thought would be more important than it rlly is
ootd pics to the gc
expects all the compliments
gets: u still ugly
short answers
uses punctuation
has all gcs muted
only texts in there to roast Atsumu
leaves ppl on read all the time
except for Komori
sooo many unopened chats
only emojis are: ❤ and :) also 🙄
sassy all the way
only reads messages when they´re important
otherwise he just ignores it
involuntarily is in a gc with Kuroo and Bokuto
has a secret meme chat with Akaashi and Yamaguchi
picks up on too much gossip amd doesn´t even wanna know about it
had Tendou explain his phone to him 
texts Oikawa at least once, showing him a picture of Shiratorizawa being like: this could´ve been you
is blocked now
does this thing where he overuses autocorrect and types the emoji instead of the word
🤠🍆 otherwise he rlly doesn´t use any
Filth stuff under the cut:
accidentally really good at sexting
doesn´t know what he´s doing but it works
keeps complimenting and praising you
has issues taking dick pics cause he can never get the right angle
always begs to have phone sex cause he gets too excited
wants to be on facetime with you all the time
okay but how can someone be so beautiful when they cum? and his moans are feral, will just stare at you all hazed 
talks a lot during everything, just tells you how amazing it feels at all times
thinks he´s good at sexting 
but tries too hard
legit just fuckboy energy
but we all know he´s just a sweet soft boy who wants to know if his dick if pretty cause he´s insecure abt it
texting game isn´t strong
would actually ace it once he had sex since his texting game would just....oof it´s so good
also not as awkward anymore
sexting with him is so much fun
it´s super chill and lighthearted
tells you how good you make him feel
if you ever have phone sex he will moan just for you (usually he doesn´t cause he doesn´t see the point in it)
somehow it feels more intense with you watching him and touching yourself to him
gets his confidence (and dick) up
would be up to try everything with you, just gets so excited abt you overall
he WILL leave during a session to make food or smth 
one time he forgot about you and just went back to gaming
kind of lackluster at times
you really have to initiate the convo
but he makes up for it with nice pics and vids
has a really pretty dick
somehow he takes really good pictures but without any effort
would do it on facetime and let me tell you:
prettiest moans
intense af eyes
never really shows his dick
partly because of bad experiences and cause of insecurities 
makes you feel things by just his words
actually will either smirk like the little bitch he is or have a super cute soft smile on his face
probs has his phone in his one hand and is throwing a volleyball up and down in the other
sooo many adjectives to describe exactly what he´ll do to you
sends a pic of him in only sweats, hand on his cock and tells u to come over
or a random: I need to feel your mouth around me
´why do you want me to send a picture of my hand?´
can get really filthy, taking you by surprise
call him sir and watch him flip the switch
when he´s comfortable enough with you he will tell you all his dirty secrets
phone sex
teases you about being horny and needy
then supresses his own moans 
makes you tell him what you want him to do
maybe he´ll reward you with a picture
never starts anything since he doesn´t wanna seem needy
but every time you sext or have phone sex he´s like super petty at first
being all like: aww you just can´t get enough of me~ what took you so long this time?
straight up dick pics or his abs/veiny arms
would send you pics after/while he works out and turns you on without intending to
accidentally leaves you on read after you call him out for it
kinda internal panic because...we all know this man is awkward asf
so you have to guide him through, tell him what you want him to do and what you wanna do to him
is kinda embarrassed the first few times, but slowly enjoys it more and more
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iambilliejeanok · 2 years
Which of the Naruto boys do you think would be into big areolas/heavier boobs that sag, and would tell their S/O how hot they find their insecurity? These titties give me so much grief 😥
Warnings: 18+, nsfw
Shino can be quite perverted🤫 and if he could sleep in a field of titty he would fo sho. Does he even think about what titties look like? I mean, he hasn’t quite had any thoughts about preferences, he always just wanna smoosh em in his face. That’s all he cares about.
He loves nipple play and will torture your poor nips until you right there on his lap. Fully clothed with his head buried under your shirt. “Pathetic”, he teased you, continually sucking on those juicy chocolate drops until he’s had enough.
All the soft gestures he does will naturally have you feeling pretty. The way Shino obsesses over your body has you blushing and loving yourself all the more.
The thorn in your foot. Will not leave you alone about you titties. Literally wants you to breastfeed him, like a baby. Prefers to lay on you laps and with his head being cradled and your fingers running through his blond hair as he sucks, bites and squeezes. Saggy tits are perfect for his needs, so please don’t be shy, drop em in his face and let the man have fun🥺
He doesn’t want you to ever feel insecure or shy about them, because the size of your areola or nipple is quite the turn on. Naruto sees a pair of big fat areolae and his dick immediately on📈
Especially when they nearly cover the entire teet😭 he’s immediately in your personal space every time you get nakey😋
Nothing like a movie night, on the couch, his hands under your shirt as you lay on your back ontop of him, cuddled up for the movie. Like any mature person out there, he has no particular preference for tittys. As long as he can touch them anytime like they’re his own, he’s a happy man fr.😁
Sasuke is the type to fall in love with whatever you have to offer. If you titties sag, all of a sudden he has a serious saggy titty kink. Everything about the design of your boobs is special to him because they’re on you😊
He loves to reassure on the matter every now and then. “Mmhm you feel so good baby” or “why are you hiding those from me? Not fair, I love to look at them, or do I not deserve it today?” ,he’ll babble, and wear the cutest pout you’ve ever seen. You have to titty flash him y/n!!! You’re too beautiful 😩
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herofics · 2 years
Hey! Was wondering if you did suggestive content? (I was about to put slightly but this is very much out there, still not fully down and dirty though I don't think ((unless you wanna go there? 😏/hj)) so don't worry 💀💀)
So I was wondering, Dabi, Toga and Twice separately with a gn!so, right? And the s/o is like very open and expressive with everything, very important to note that it's very, very rare to actually see them like shyly flustered for this next part 💀
So basically, one day they're like in private with their s/o and like they're in the mood and whatever and it's building up to the actual thing but like when they're like just about
The *very* open and *very* expressive and *very* confident s/o just starts acting like extremely shy and flustered / embarrassed about everything... basically just a virgin... but... times... pi. Yes. Times pi.
"Oh my god naked bodies 😃😲😳😳🤯😳🤠😳🤯😳🥳"
"OH MY GOD SEX 😟🤓🙁😎😖😥😦😲🤪🤫😐🤭🤭🤗🤪🤗😝😗🥲🥰☺🥰🙃🙃🥰☺😅😝"
"OH MY GOD WE'RE *BOTH* NAKED 🤯🥳🤠🥳🤠🥳🤠🤯🥵🤠🥵🤯🤠😥🤠😥"
"UHH ARE YOU SURE ABOUT LIKE... DOING... *THIS*???? 😩😫🤯🥳😈😳😳😳😳"
Puts their arms around their head (kinda like deku actually! Just remembered he does that with homegirl uraraka) and just blushes at the fact that they're maybe, possibly, PERHAPS gonna go down. Honestly also just thinks about how beautiful their s/o is all the while 😇
"aw man! I can't find the fic that I want on tumblr! And not even the sickos on Ao3 have it, but I can't go about writing it myself!"
So I'm begging for help to my fav fic writer here 💀 I am so sorry that you had to be cursed with this ask 🙏 I truly am
I made you some HCs, since I didn’t feel like doing scenarios and I can fit more stuff into them. I’ve been meaning to add to the rules that suggestive stuff is okay, and I hope this is okay. Toga is aged up to 18 or over and the guys are with a partner of their own age too. I have this one NSFW Dabi post if you want something actually smutty, it’s older so probably not very good. If someone doesn’t want to see posts of this type, blacklist the tag: suggestive. Thank you for requesting this, it was fun to write
Minors stay away I guess?
~Twice/Jin Bubaigawara~
•Twice has not had an intimate relationship since his incident with the whole personality split thing
•He’s very much into you, but he hasn’t pressured or even really asked about if you would like to get intimate with him, because things are enough for him as they are
•Don’t get me wrong he’s totally down to fuck if you want to, but he doesn’t bring it up
•So when you’re a stammering, flustered mess and you’re muttering about how you don’t know what you should do or what you even like really, he’s telling you he’ll make sure you enjoy it and have a good first time
•When the clothes come off you’re sitting on his lap and he’s kissing your neck and his hands are traveling up and down your sides and back
•He keeps talking the whole time, praising you and telling you how good you’re doing, but there’s probably just a little bit of degradation thrown in there too, because that’s just how he talks and is
•So don’t take it badly, if you’re not into that, he tries to keep it to the praising though
•Twice makes sure to keep asking you if you like what he’s doing, because he needs the reassurance too
•You answer his questions, and ask if you’re doing things right and if he likes what you’re doing, but otherwise it’s all moaning and whimpering from you
•Twice doesn’t care about his own pleasure that much, he just wants to make sure you enjoy yourself as much as possible
~Dabi/Todoroki Touya~
•Dabi hasn’t had many relationships, at least not very permanent ones, it’s mostly been about sex for him with the people that came before you
•But it’s different now, he wants to prioritize someone else other than himself for the first time in a long time
•So when you’re getting a bit hot and heavy and he asks if it’s okay to go further, you’re really not sure what you should say or do
•You get super awkward and whisper super quietly “I’m a virgin”
•Dabi can’t make out what you’re saying, because you’re so quiet, so he asks you to repeat yourself
•You’re a bit frustrated, sexually and just normally, so you repeat it pretty loudly
•Dabi chuckles and goes “It’s okay sweetness, I’ll take care of you”
•It’s pretty slow going at first, because he wants you to be sure that you like what’s happening
•He probably kisses every inch of your body during the whole thing, and you’re very much reciprocating
•Dabi is taking the lead in  the situation, but he makes sure you enjoy everything he’s doing as much as he does
•He can get a bit rough at times, but it isn’t his intention to hurt you, unless you want him to of course
•He doesn’t talk much but when he does, he’s praising you, telling you how good you feel and how beautiful you are
•Afterwards he holds you close and makes sure you feel alright and that you enjoyed the whole thing
~Toga Himiko~
•Toga hasn’t actually really dated anyone before you, not seriously anyway, and even if she did, she would’ve most likely just ended up killing her partner before it got intimate
•So she’s never had sex either, but she is very interested and she thinks you’d be a great person to have her first time with and maybe even experiment a bit with
•So when you’re making out and you’re both starting to feel like you want to take it a step further you ask each other if you’re up for it
•Toga is more on the “taking initiative” side, so when she’s straddling your hips and kissing and biting on your neck, she notices you seem pretty frozen in place
•So she lifts her head and you’re bright red and you’ve wrapped your arm over your eyes
•She asks if you’re okay and you start stammering like “Yeah-yeah, I’m totally fine, nothing to worry about here, no sir, I so-so know what I’m doing”
•Toga giggles a bit, because you’re so flustered and awkward, she just asks what’s bothering you and sits on top of you still
•You kinda squirm and try to avoid the question, but Toga starts tickling you and you give in quickly because you end up barely being able to breathe
•You tell her you’re a virgin and you have no experience with this stuff, so you don’t want to disappoint her or do something wrong
•She tells you she’s not experienced either, and that you don’t know how it is until you try
•You’re both fumbling around, you more than Toga but still
•Toga is taking the lead a bit and you’re both exploring each other’s bodies, inch by inch
•Toga takes your hand and puts it on her lower belly, letting you decide where to go from there
•It’s a great time for both of you, many good times are achieved, many times in a row, by both of you
•Toga bites a lot though, so there is bound to be some blood involved, but not too much, because she is pretty much like a vampire
•In the end you’re both pretty tired, but very, very happy
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I’m so so very new to the fs world, like at most it’s been two years since i’ve started paying attention to figure skating (and in particular, competitive fs)... 
yuzuru was and still is one of the only skaters i’ve actually watched skate (through videos lol if only i had paid attention earlier) and while i figured this would happen sooner than later - especially considering how long he’s been skating competitively and all that ~fun~ 😑 isu stuff that i’m still learning to understand, i’m still a little sad for a while because i no longer have the chance to see him skate in competition though OH MY GODS I AM SO RELIEVED TOO because dear heavens people getting injured during/because of the work they do FRIGHTENS ME and i only know of a few instances for yuzuru and already i wanna wrap him in fluffy blankets it’s ridiculous
still gonna go to skate america (can’t refund those tickets anyway lol) cos i do wanna see a competition in person at least once and i am curious about the skaters who’ll be assigned there (when will we know???)
but i will now be planning for a future where somehow i manage to see yuzuru as a pro skater and possibly be his awesomely wild self faoi 2022 style (gods there are so many clips i’ve seen and so many videos i have yet to watch just from faoi 2022 alone... O_O) ... though, let’s be real, i’d be all heart eyes anyway just getting to see him skate in person
man... all this while i’m still adjusting to bts’s current plans of focusing on solo projects (another thing i’ve been expecting but could never have been ready for)... issa lot wow i might need to watch some sad drama episodes for a good cry at some point
bah... i just have a lot of feelings in these recent months and i had been kind of holding onto the tiniest hope that i could’ve seen yuzuru skate in competition but well this is a decision for himself and all i can do is just what i’m doing for bts - support and cheer on as he and they move into a new part of their lives
this got very long... oops...
also dang it i did not think this was gonna be the first yuzuru-centric post i was gonna make on my account 😥😭😭😭
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Caution this may be unhealthily long.😋
How would he make her eat???? What other ways does he have??😏😏
The only person hotter than loki is loki in a suit (or nakey maybe) so her argument is just stupid and she's stupid. I have feeling she's slept with the guys Y/n slept with as she claims them "hotter than him"😒. Has she slept with Steve too??
I don't think she should've eaten pasta right after not eating for so long😥.
Sameera did him bad huh, did Thor do something in that area to make it worse??
They're being so cuteee. You can get me to love anything.🙃🙃
I have a poison bottle with Steve's name on it😌. How about you suck that face in before I punch it and push it in instead. Sick bastard.
Did she get herself attacked? Did Steve do it??Whatt is happening???? Ooh I'm invested now!!
And yes loki hug her. Hug all her problems away. It's so sweet it hurts 🥹.
Her mother just makes me think if loki didn't show up she'd probably have the same fate. I hate her father and yet somehow steve is still worse (I think).
Sad thing is that media thing is very accurate. Media treats celebrities like stories instead of people with feelings. Their misery is a way to make some extra bucks. And people call that having a work ethic in that business honestly it just lack of humanity when it comes to someone they assume is doing good.
Loki can do as much cooking as I can 😌. Boil water. They both do know what they're doing tho, right?
What did thor do with his wife this time!!??? I have a feeling again😅.
Wow Bucky has no personality of his own does he? Why does he love his job to this level? Does he not have enough brain cells for being able to find any other one ?🙂
They're getting some hand action in the car😏😏I love that he calls her darling now. The journey of ma'am to darling is just 🤯.
He's feeding her everyday 🥺. Every time he wants to keep his distant but can't is because he doesn't wanna be another man to hurt her. Was that line in BMUBMD too??
People like Katlyn are the reason people probably assume y/n is like that. Call her a slut, she probably is. (I hate that word but when it fits, it fits)
Now she wants to sleep with loki. Why am I not surprised, seriously what is wrong with people?
They're actually bullying her about being a chubby kid. That's healthy you sick fucks. I hate them sooo much.Imma kill her father too exsqueeze me.
They just give her loki😒. What is he another dress? Loki please say no to her advances somehow. Damn she's a bitch for no reason, isn't she?
How is a granola bar unhealthy 😑. They're dumb too.
Yes she shall eat atleast three meals a day. And maybe snacks sometimes. She's healthy and that's all that matters. Loki is an angel. So he should just take her out of this hellhole. Or I'll say the winter soldier words to bucky and make him kill everyone or these bitches. (Yes a very despicable thing to do but I'm mad) she's beautiful and she should feel like that.
Yay he's gonna protect her for the rest of her life. Look at him making plans with her forever 😁. You've got me hooked again.
I read it all in just a day. There is no patience in my personality. What am I gonna do now??😩😩
I tried to keep it short these are all the necessary points I had to say. And I wrote this in intervals so if any of it doesn't make sense pardon me.😅
I've yet to read the requests so I have that atleast. I had so much fun binge reading your stuff. I don't think I've ever read it in a binge before except when I was re-reading it but that's different. Your stories just hit different either way. But as a binge reader this was such a fun experience. I'm willing to wait just to have this again. Thank u this was loads of fun!! ❤
Ahhh I love this so much. And even if I try I won't be able to answer to every point 😭 but thank you so much I'm so glad you got to binge read and enjoyed💚
She probably couldn't have gone like this forever, arrival of Loki is breathing new life into her and he's trying to help her get back to living in a healthy manner. He hates watching her suffer like this.
I think he knows more about cooking but he didn't want to embarass her when she admitted that she couldn't even boil water 🤣
And yes that line was definitely in BMUBMD.
I also based reader's physicality on myself so it feels deeply personal to write this one.
Yesss Katlyn she's your typical bitch rich kid, that's how he assumed y/n to be when he met her but obviously that's not the case 👀
Bucky gets paid well for all the venom he spews, he wants to be in Steve's good books and he knows Steve hates y/n so that makes him hate her.
Hope you'll enjoy the rest of the story.thank you 💚💚
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dottores · 2 years
First off, I’m sorry this took so long to get to you, been hella busy lately. I am sending this to you before reading ch 8 of LDA tho so if I speculate about something that has already been revealed pls keep that in mind lol. 🤧
OMG Cat I loved chapter 7, it was soooooo good on so many levels I enjoyed every bit of it. 😍
HNNNNG this flashback was so fucking good, it showed us everything I wanted to see about the progression of our relationship with the boys. Ran’s “they what?” when he found out that the Sugawara boys are mean to us fucking had me all giddy, his need to protect us just has me like adfasdjkl 🤩. Also really liked seeing us interact with typical kid banter and bickering it helps to show our age at the time, super cute. And I can’t even describe how I felt over us dancing with Rin, he got so flustered and nervous and it was hella cute to read it had me squealing, ah young blossoming love🥰 ; I love the HC that Rin gets easily flustered over shows of affection. And Ran over by his lonesome just getting jealous over his brother, I feel like this further solidifies my idea that Rin will back off or deny his love for us to allow Ran to have us especially since he mentioned he has a hard time reading Ran when he’s like that, probably really concerns him and doesn’t wanna risk Ran hating him. The smack talk we gave Sakuya fucking sent me, we’re witty sassy queens and I love that for us. We called the boys family that’s so hella cute and I feel like that just gives them more trust in us since they have a thing for sticking up for family 😊.
I really liked the comparisons to the past explosion and the current one we experienced, though it was a really great way to explain to us what the past one was like. I had a feeling that the past explosion was rigged but now I’m wondering what kind of trouble we were in to make our uncle think an explosion was needed to help us, or was this just so that we could absorb the other company Suvala? 🤔
I feel like the way you portrayed us as being very concerned over the explosion and not the fact that Sanzu was possibly going to slit our throat was really well done. Because that’s completely what it’s like when you go into shock you either don’t care/focus on anything or you focus on one thing whether it was the right thing to focus on or not. Thank god that South is still alive and for his quick thinking to make it a hostage situation to keep us alive😥 . Man Rindou turning on Sanzu for trying to take us out like they were ordered to made me so happy, but not surprised since he was desperately trying to get Sanzu to call off the hit before. Also, I’m glad everyone is ok, tho we don’t know about Senju I think she’s fine cuz I still believe that she has ulterior motives in this group and had this explosion thing planned. Also, the way Hanma treats us and quite literally saved us by sacrificing himself to the explosion makes me think he’s more on our side than we think, especially after his statement that we should hold Sugawara accountable for his assumption that the weapons weren’t there makes it seem like Hanma really doesn’t like the guy. The way that our uncle looked when we walked into the room and how nonchalant Sugawara was over the explosion tells me that they knew it was probably going to happen or even were a part of it happening.
Even tho I’m super glad that Ran is ok he’s not in the best situation and we can’t even help him😟 . Pls just let me cradle my boy I need cuddles after all this stress 🥺.
Hnnng Cat you’re killing me here; I swear I’m falling even more in love with LDA and you and your huge genius brain with each new chapter that comes out. 😍😘🥰🤗
JSKDKKSJD I TOLD YOU GUYS CHAPTER SEVEN FLASHBACK WAS PROBABLY MY FAVORITE, i had so much fun writing all of their interactions — with each other and with others in the flashback. poor rindou was so flustered SOBS and we did not hold back with the teasing LMAO. and poor ran sobs, he realized that he loved her n he also realized that rindou does :’) was not a good moment for him, hehe but i won’t spoil on what either of them do about the knowledge
OMG THE SWITCHING BACK BETWEEN MUNICH AND THE PRESENT I WAS SO PROUD OF THAT FR i had so much fun writing that part 😭😭😭 i was writing n giggling because it kept coming together so well and i was so happy with it—teehee, no spoilers ;) YEAH honestly a part of us didn’t even fully register that sanzu had a knife to our throat, we were so focused on trying to get everyone out of there because we know first hand just how much damage the smoke/heat of the munitions can cause 😞 and rindou </3 stepping in to protect us again just like old times sobs, poor man nearly threw up when he got off the ground and saw sanzu slamming our head against the wood 😞
hanma hanma hehehehehehe
yes 😞 we are in a tough situation and there’s nothing we can do atm, but we’re a crafty n sneaky little bitch, we’ll figure something out for sure hehe
SOBS I LOVE YOU😭😭😭 your asks never fail to make my night i s2g i look forward to them so much ilysm
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taegularities · 2 years
hey!! i'm not able to reblog the fic for some reason...? i have no idea what's wrong so I'll just leave my comments here <3
i read it ;)
“But I just want my baby to be comfortable.”
BABYYY!!! pls rid what are u doing to me-
So, as honest as ever, he doesn’t hesitate. He leans back in his seat, exhales and tells you, “Nara’s my ex girlfriend. She and I grew up together, but didn’t get together till freshman year.”
shit... i knew this was coming. i hate u 😤😤
How does a fake girlfriend compete against childhood love?
no!!! please, things like this just makes the oc more insecure 🥺🥺
Pulling his right leg in, he moves a bit, and lets it appear on the other side of your body. He pushes himself forward by a few inches, and presses his torso against your back before soft hands sneak to your tummy.
oh my goddd ahsghfdfd HOW ARE THEY NOT CONFESSING TO EACH OTHER RIGHT FUCKING NOW 😭😭😭 this is too domestic ✋😞
“Oh, come on. You won’t be thinking of me there. You’ll be busy having fun with your family.” You chuckle, eyes still slipped close, and jest, “And staring at resort girls.”
“We don’t have a coupon for starters. Every other shop and brand does,” you say, leaning forwards. “So what if we established a ten percent off coupon for those who become new members of our brand?”
smartass oc indeed 😌
“And if he doesn’t? He doesn’t take care of it, but books an expensive vacation?”
oh my god, this is so sad :(( the mom is such a snake!! why does she even care where he's gonna stay at? this is truly unacceptable... but i stan oc for standing for jk!! and that's how it should be ;)
Jungkook [6:13PM]: i hope you’re doing okay. i’m thinking of you 
awww ❤️❤️
Laughter sounds through the phone, and a few people clap. His relatives know how to have fun, and your heart aches for a bond you haven’t gotten familiar with yet.
i feel bad 😞 wish she would've gone with him too...
“I don’t understand why you wouldn’t choose him.”
??? because she has jungkook! when will the mother stop... I'm so done rid. 😠 thinking that jk won't be able to do anything in future just sounds so disrespectful 😥
“Look outside.”
hahah, i thought he was outside her house for a moment 😂
“I really like your dress.”
akskdksmdk HE'S HERE ISNT HEEE 😭😭😭 ridddd why are you doing this!???
As you dig your fingers into his back, he wraps an arm around your torso; presses you close to him, lips in your hair. A gentle timbre whispers, “Hi.”
oh gawd 🥺🥺 they're so in love... PLS LET THE CONFESSION HAPPEN 😤😭
“I need to talk to you, angel,” he says.
shit no no no, don't tell me something really happened... let them be happy ksksjsjs
ok, the part where jk for drunk and said his pink got hurt, LMFAO that was so adorable!! and when he yawned? this is what came into my mind:
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actually, that whole scene just reminded me of this vlive!!! 🥺 (except the bucket hat)
wait... jin is going to be important again? what the heck do u mean 😀 don't tell me it is what I think... you're the worst i hate u for this. this part screams danger for the next one 🙄🤨
anyway (😤😠) i loved this chapter 💖💖 good job 😘
ahhh yeah, tumblr sometimes doesn't let u reblog long fics from the phone! i can only do it on desktop, too, so if u still wanna reblog or anything, u could try it like that 😭 but this review is still so 🥺🥺🥺
UGHHH the 'you're my baby' to nara whiplash, lmaooo yes i understand ur feelings :') oc really does get insecure about stuff a lot! but i think jk's domestic and sweet behaviour are what calm her a bit, so let's hope things get better for her head. and fck yeah, oc is a badass and smartass, and we stan her but not her mother !!! girl knows what to do at work and defends her man? YUPPPP!
oh god yeah, i can see why it looked like he was outside 🤣 (then again... later, at the end... 🥺). YES YES WE NEED A CONFESSION CMON. tell em !!!
also, u're so so right to be reminded of the vlive! it was exactly what inspired his whole look, the sweater paws and the gentle yawn 🥺 i'm so glad u picked up on that !!! also ha ha, i'm not sure what u think about seokjin but 😀😀 interesting, isn't it–
thank u so much for reading, love. u leave such wonderful and sweet reviews, and they mean more to me than u know 🥺 <333
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Less depressing, life update!
I actually realised I have friends and my introverted self enjoyed spending time with people this week 😂
I met some friends in town on Monday (and literally being the token straight had a sexuality crisis, of course 😂)
The enbies went home early and so me and my LITERALLY ONLY GIRL FRIEND went out and did a bunch of ‘girl’ stuff like book and clothes shopping and sitting on a bench and talking
Then on Tuesday I met an old primary school friend and that was sooo fun and then I wandered around town with another friend before meeting another friend for a social action project thingy
I read RWRB on Wednesday (bought it on Monday) loved it loved it loved it it was sooo good very very happy.
Tyrion Lannister is my icon and nothing you say or do will change that that man is some man man psycho genius and I stand by and support that
My friend finally found her copy of CoB and I’m getting her to read it because I REALLY wanna talk about Shadowhunters with someone who loves it as much as I do 😭😭
I took my dog to doggy training and she was very cute
I did my music essay and have not done my English revision or science notes soooo yay, I hve till tomorrow to get them done and I don’t see it happening 😂
Uhh, I’m still the mum friend 😂 everyone tells me their problems, oh and, today, I ate 18 mini flapjacks to get me thru music essay and a Cadbury boost bar😰😥
I’ve started a compilation of snippets from different character perspectives, which is like my next gen tmi basically, and some of them are old, some new, can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this before but, it’s good, I’m excited, I’m writing and it’s not too full on
And there was also one random Gandalf, GIMLI and Legolas fic commissioned by my dad 😭🤭
I have exams every day next week but 3 of them are maths so it will be fine because maths is like my thing and I really really wanna get top marks 😭😭
Anyway yeah it’s a long one today, hope ur good, sending love
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Oh I am so glad you got to have a nice time with friends! Sounds so nice!
AND YES RWRB LET'S GO. It's one of my fave books ever. I'm glad you read it!
Tyrion supremacy only. And yas having a tsc friend is NECESSARY.
Send us pics from doggy training next time!!!
Snippet compilations are a great writing exercise - especially when we struggle with plots. It helps you keep motivated too!
ALSO NOT YOUR DAD COMMISSIONING (pretty sure this spelling is wrong) FICS. I LOVE THIS.
Also...Maths is your thing...I-I will be reconsidering our friendship. Haha just kidding. Unless...
All the best with your exams, babes! I hope the week flies by!
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