#I just want a full southern bell dress without needing to cut the front to see the legs 🗿
seraphares ¡ 1 year
Ngl I only really care for Neuvillette lol
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nightwingshero ¡ 4 years
"Next time I'll hit you like I mean it" for Jane pleaseee? 🥺✨
Thank you sweetie!! Have some Jane canon!!! I just want to make it clear that I am not at all responsible for the damage she causes. She is who she is. 
It was fucking annoying. But if I was being honest, there wasn’t much that wasn’t nowadays. Even as I sat there with my feet propped up on one of our supply boxes, I couldn’t help but dig my knife into the wooden table next to me as they carried on. Even as Randy stood off in the distance, too preoccupied playing fetch with his new pitbull John had gifted him. Blue was about a year now, and she was so full of energy and getting so big. I couldn’t wait to see her once she was older, even though I would never admit it.
I watched in distaste as the others carried in supplies for John, stacking things neatly in his hanger. It annoying, watching over shit like this when there were more important matters at hand, like the Reaping that had just started. I had insisted we take back Fall’s End, that we could easily do it. And eyeing my sniper rifle leaning against a crate, I felt that familiar urge again. This time I would drag Fairgrave out myself, kicking and screaming if I had to. But John had decided not to, insisting that the new Sinner—the new heretic—wasn’t one we needed to concern ourselves with. Just a rookie deputy that was still green around the edges, someone that didn’t know what the fuck she was doing. It was amusing to me slightly, that the so-called Resistance trusted someone so inexperienced to spearhead this. Perhaps it would be easier to take them out now, all things considering. Either way, I was ready to test those boundaries, to see what made her so damn perfect to be a leader. I was ready to knock her ass down a peg.
“Viking Princess looks displeased, does she demand a sacrifice to appease her?” Randy teased as he approached, using the rope to play tug a war with the puppy.
“Shut up, Randy.”
“Pissed off, indeed.” He smirked. “What do yah got up your ass this time?”
I glared at him then, the mischief dancing in his light blue green eyes as I wondered how fast I could cut his face to pieces. It wasn’t as if we haven’t fought before, enough to know that I was at a disadvantage…for now. His size and experience in fighting outweighed mine, but I knew I would better him. I would take him the fuck down and see who the fuck was smiling then, with this face bloody in the ground. “Fuck off.”
Raising his brow, he pulled a chair out and straddled it, his eyes shifting to the few members that were doing most of the work. It was one of his fancy days, dressed in a button up and waistcoat. The Chosen always got special treatment, and when you were John’s, you were really special. Being John’s righthand had given us privileges…like not dressing like a fucking homeless person. I preferred a tank top and jeans, it was easier to move in, it was more practical and made more fucking sense to me.
“Y’know…you could just work that shit out, mate. Go punch a tree or something.” My grip on my knife tightened as I stabbed the table again, this time with more force than before. “Ain’t no reason for scarin’ everybody.”
“They can fuck off.” I muttered. It was infuriating. And maybe the problem was that I was stuck here, overlooking low-leveled members when I could have been out there, fighting and bringing people in like I was trained to do. What was the point of being one of the best marksmen in the fucking county when I couldn’t even use it? Or perhaps part of it was because I was itching to fight her. It was only a matter of time before our paths would cross again, and I knew exactly where she would be holed up. After her father died, that’s all she ever fucking did. Visit her father’s memorial at that fucking church.
I couldn’t wait until John gave the order to destroy them.
“They’re taking to fucking long. It’s annoying. And why the fuck are we here when we can be out there?” I spat bitterly, throwing a glare at one a younger guy, his eyes immediately cast down as he hurried past and out of my line of sight. “What’s the fucking point of this bullshit?”
“Supplies are important.” Randy answered as he lightly tossed the rope, Blue quickly running after it. “And we’re Chosen. Not a Priestess, not a hunter—”
“Who would wanna work with Jacob anyway?” I scoffed, my foot pushing against the crate and tilting my chair on the back legs. “Have you fucking been up there? Couldn’t handle the training he gave, can’t imagine workin’ for his ass. I’d scar that face up more than it already is.”
“Easy there, Scarface. You almost became one of his.” He threw me a smirk and I knew he was messing with me, doing what he could to poke and get me riled up. It wouldn’t fucking work though, not this fucking time.
“Almost became one of hers too, but could you fucking imagine? Rainbows and sunshine. Iced teas and fucking brownies. Fuck that shit. I don’t need that fucking overly sweet southern belle trying to make me smile all the damn time. She fucking hugged me last time.”
“Hmm. The Mother’s not so bad.”
“Pretty sure she poisoned Brady and almost got Miss Mable.”
“That a bad thing?” he laughed. “Mable is someone I can live without. You meet Brady? Asshat.”
I rolled my eyes at him and made a face. “She makes my teeth fucking rot. And she’s touchy. I don’t fucking like touchy.”
“But you’ll let Faith braid flowers in your hair.”
Grabbing the nearest glass, I chucked it at his head and watched in frustration as he skillfully dodged it. I didn’t know what I was expecting, it was so fucking him. Perfect fucking Randy, with his beard and muscular frame. His eyes found mine again, his small smile not widening even the slightest before he pulled the rope away from Blue and threw it again. “Fuck. You.”
My hand twitched on the knife that was still protruding from the table, wishing nothing more than to fucking fight someone, to go after Grace or that fucking deputy. Anything but to sit here, watching as everything fucking went on without us. When was the last time we got into a good fight? When was the last time I saw Randy beat someone until his fists ran red? I was tired of being on the sidelines while our people were constantly being attacked, constantly at war. It was bullshit that I was just used to babysit when I could do so much fucking more, I was better than this shit.
My mood only seemed to worsen when the next person came in, her honey blonde hair falling perfectly over her shoulders, her head held high as if she owned the fucking place. I sneered as Holly looked around, her arrogance dripping off of her. Once upon a time we had gotten along a bit, which I suppose for me it just meant I hadn’t threatened to fucking kill her. Randy had defended her, people said, in a bar from her abusive husband. This was when John had been talking to her, slowly convincing her to join us. Which only led to him bailing Randy out that fateful night…and a few years later, we were here. Giving me plenty of time to know that I was tempted to rip her extensions out from time to time.
“She’s sleeping with Johnny again.” Randy sighed as Blue ran back, her front paws on his leg to hold herself up as he pets her, cooing praises.
“Shocker.” I muttered as I dug the knife out roughly. “Probably because poor Holly couldn’t snag her a place next to the Father. She wants a fucking position and thinks being the Baptist’s wife is gonna fall in her lap because she blows him. Fucking Holly.” After giving a quick look around, her eyes fell on us and an overly sweet smile spread across her face. I suddenly longed for the presence of the Mother in comparison.
“Hey, y’all! How yah doin’?”
Fucking Christ.
“Holly.” Randy gave a polite smile in return, a slight nod as he gave attention to the excited puppy tugging on the rope. Satisfied with the attention from him, she looked at me expectantly, her smile becoming tight. My chin tilts, holding my head high as I stared her down, daring her and showing her that I wasn’t playing her fucking game. I wasn’t her friend, I wasn’t gonna cater to her. She wasn’t my fucking Herald, no matter how badly she wanted to be.
“Well hey there, Jane.” She called, finally breaking the silence between us. I moved my feet, allowing my chair to fall back onto the floor on all fours again. Eyeing her up and down, I gently slid my knife back in place. John wouldn’t be too happy if I impulsively stabbed her, and I wasn’t taking any chances. I would behave…for now.
“Surprised to see you out here considering I never see you do any heavy lifting.” I replied, enjoying the way her face turned a bit pink. Pride swelled as I smirked at her.
Finally recovering, she scoffed. “Well, it seems that all your heavy lifting is going just fine.” She offered a pointed look at Randy as she put her hands on her hips as her words dripped with condescension. “You really are Sloth, aren’t you? Just sitting there when you can put those muscles of yours to actual use.”
It happened too fast for her, but I was in her face the next second, making her stumble back in shock as I glared at her. Randy watched quietly and I knew he was trying to tell me to ease up, to not let me be ruled by the pride that felt wounded on his behalf. But I wasn’t going to allow this, not when she owed him. Not when she needed to know her motherfucking place. So, I followed her stumble, taking a menacing step forward as the others stopped to watch.
She was trembling underneath her façade, her eyes wide as she tried to stand strong. It looked pathetic on her, it didn’t fit right on her. Not the way it was with the Heralds, not with Whitney, let alone on of the Chosen. Holly didn’t deserve the entitlement she reeked of. She earned nothing. I sneered in her face, our noses coming close to touching. The creak of his chair tells me he’s tensing, Randy’s own way of reminding me where we are, reminding me that I need to keep it together. I just wanted to claw her fucking eyes out. Just a little bit. Just enough to draw blood, to make her blind, to make understand that I wasn’t someone to fuck with.
“Most of your work is done behind closed doors, Holly. I would say watch your fucking mouth, but I think we’re both well fucking aware of what comes in and out of it.” Her mouth hangs open as she gaps at me like a fucking fish, taken aback by the crude and direct words that I’ve spoken. It makes me want to laugh at her. “Remember who’s in charge here. Last time I checked, we’re the Chosen. Fucking John doesn’t give you power here, don’t even fucking try.”
I wanted her to swing. I wanted her to give me a fucking reason to drop her, I was practically shaking for it. Violence vibrated in my veins, making me run hot. Another creak from his chair as he shifts, a subtle clearing of his throat, and I know I need to walk it off. Perimeter check was probably due, Randy could easily watch over this to make sure everything was in order. Maybe I could work of the frustration. Maybe I would see someone and be able to use my fucking rifle for once.
With one last glance over her, looking down at her, I turn away with the intention of grabbing my gun. I could make Randy pay me back later, giving me his best whiskey at his cabin while we sat around the fire. He fucking owed me for this. Biting my tongue until I was sure I could taste the iron of my own blood. The temptation to spit it in her face is one I have to shove down hard. Her scoff stops me though, makes me listen careful as her nasally voice echoes through the hangar as everyone hold their breath.
“Bitch, you fucking wish you could. You’re just jealous that nobody fucking wants you. Grace didn’t want you, your own husband didn’t fucking want you. Best you can do is this washed-up lumberjack—"
Years of ballet. That’s what it is, and I wouldn’t ever fucking admit that shit to anyone. But that’s how I’m able to turn on my toes so quickly. It’s how I’m able to throw my elbow in her face as swiftly as I do. I didn’t care what anyone fucking said, dancing gave you a fighting advantage. Cardio, flexibility, speed, balance…it was useful in moments like this. She jerked back, her eyes squeezing shut as she tried to process, but I wasn’t giving her the time to. Finishing my turn, I reach out and grab the back of her head with my other hand, quickly slamming her face against the table. I smiled when I hear the satisfying crunch, that’s when I let her go and watch as she slips to the floor on her back. There’s blood from her broken nose and busted mouth, running down her face. Finally.
Her hands cup her nose, covering her face as her scream pierces the air, and even though it’s muffled by her hands, it was enough to carry through the hangar and I’m sure it could have been heard outside. I just hoped that John had decided to keep his damn office windows closed. Randy sighed as he calmed Blue, and I just glared down at her, towering over her with clenched fists. “Let this be a fucking warning to you, Pepper. I do not care to be fucked with, and I fucking dare you to pull that shit again. Because next time?” A humorless laugh escapes my lips as I sneer. "Next time I'll hit you like I mean it." Giving her one more onceover, I turn back and see the others gapping at me, completely shocked and a bit terrified. Good. “What the fuck are you doing? Brother John needs this shit done, get it done!” I snapped, making them scramble and collect themselves as they continued moving supplies in.
Randy follows me instead of staying behind, Blue nipping at the edges of my trenchcoat as we walk, the incident completely forgotten. He gave me a side glance as he crossed his arms. “Johnny boy ain’t gonna like that.”
“John’s judgement is obviously clouded, Randy.” I scoffed. “Someone needs to fix that for him.”
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gamergirl929 ¡ 5 years
Ever Since I Mended Your Robe... (Charlotte Flair x Reader)
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Anonymous Request: Could you please do a part 2 of Mending Your Robe (the Charlotte flair imagine) I really enjoyed it
Ever since you’d returned the mended robe to Charlotte, you’d always felt the woman’s green orbs on you, when you’d catch her staring, she’d grin, that dazzling smile accompanied by a wink.
Her dazzling smile made you go weak in the knees every single time you’d seen it, the wink she’d sent you made your cheeks flush bright red.  
Your admiration hadn’t been admiration at all, but a crush, a crush that had grown ten-fold ever since you’d mended the woman’s robe.  
You jump, turning your head to find the blonde with the green orbs standing behind you, a robe hanging from her shoulders.  
“H-H-H-Hey.” You stutter, Charlotte’s lips splitting into a wide grin.  
“So, you can steal my robe, but you’re still too shy to talk to me?” She teases and your mouth drops open, opening and closing every few seconds before you snap it shut.  
“I-I-I'm sorry.” You mumble, Charlotte biting her bottom lip as she takes a step towards you, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. She leans closer to your ear and you swallow hard at the feel of her hot breath dancing on your flesh.  
“I’m really grateful you did.” She whispers, her nose bumping your earlobe makes you shudder. “It gave me a reason to talk to you.”  
Abruptly you turn to face her, your nose brushing hers and your eyes wide as you practically jump backwards, Charlotte giggling.  
“I’m going to have a lot of fun with this.” She winks, turning around and marching away, her hips swaying.  
“What’s going to be fun?” You mumble, your cheeks flushing when Charlotte turns around, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth as she sends you another wink before disappearing around the corner.  
You shake your head, heart racing.  
“I’m so screwed.”  
You inhale sharply when Charlotte sneaks up behind you, her hands resting on either side of you, gripping the crate behind you.  
You turn around, eyes wide when you realize how close in proximity the two of you are.  
You clear your throat, face so red it spreads to the tips of your ears.  
“Still so embarrassed.” She whispers, leaning towards your ear, running her nose up your jawline.  
“O-O-Of course I-I am.” You murmur. “You’re re-re-really close.”  
Charlotte chuckles, taking a step closer, your bodies now flush.  
“And now?” She asks, and you swallow hard, the woman turning to nuzzle against your temple.  
“Do you mind?” She asks, her lips moving against your temple.  
“N-N-No.” You mumble, the woman’s lips splitting into a grin.  
“I didn’t think you did.”  
“I don’t know how I missed this.” Charlotte mumbles as she runs a fingertip up your spine, tracing your tattoo.  
You let out a full body shiver, Charlotte grinning cockily.  
“Every time I touch you, you shiver.” She chuckles, her fingers running up your neck and tangling in the baby hairs there, a soft sigh passing through your parted lips.  
Charlotte smirks, watching as goosebumps spot on your arms.  
“Looks like I found your spot, I’ll have to remember that.”  
Charlotte then swaggers away, leaving you behind completely and utterly flustered.  
Being cornered by Charlotte had become a common occurrence, one that you can’t say you minded, having the woman so close, the smell of her perfume intoxicating.  
“Almost looks like you’re waiting for me.” Charlotte says as she leans back against the wall beside you, her fingertips brushing your hand that’s hanging between the two of you.  
You blush as she gently caresses your palm before her long fingers slip between yours, giving your hand a squeeze.  
You glance down at your intertwined fingers and you smile, your heart skipping a beat.  
“They kind of fit together, don’t they?” Charlotte whispers and you chuckle, glancing away.  
“M-M-Maybe.” You shrug, Charlotte’s small smile splitting into a grin.  
Charlotte’s thumb delicately strokes the back of your hand and you swallow hard, glancing away bashfully.  
Even as superstars pass, Charlotte’s hand doesn’t leave yours and that makes your heart skip a beat, the blonde staring at your profile with a massive, megawatt smile.  
The hallway is eventually empty, and that’s when Charlotte makes her move, leaning towards you, pressing a tender kiss to your cheek.  
“You’re cute when you blush.”  
Charlotte’s hand leaves yours, the woman grinning as she backs down the hallway, her green orbs shining mischievously as you touch your cheek in disbelief.  
Charlotte sends you a wink before turning and moving out a sight, leaving you behind, frozen as you stare down the hall she’d just been in.  
“She just kissed me.” You mumble, wiggling excitedly, not realizing that Charlotte had seen your little dance, the woman giggling before she sneaks off not to embarrass you further.
Your eyes double in size, tips of your ears blood red when you see Charlotte making her way towards you, wearing a short black dress topped off by a leather jacket.  
Charlotte giggles when she sees your mouth is quite literally hanging open.  
“W-W-Wow.” You stutter, the blonde grinning.  
“I take it you like the outfit?” She asks, doing a spin and you smirk.  
“Like? I l-love it.”  
You surprise not only Charlotte, but yourself by softly taking her waist and pulling her closer, her heart skipping a beat.  
You realize what you’d just done and your eyes nearly bulge out of your head, shuffling nervously from foot to foot.  
“S-S-Sorry.” You mumble, about to take your hands from her waist, but before you can, Charlotte covers your hands with her own.  
She leans towards your ear and you swallow hard.  
“You can touch me whenever you want Y/N.” She surprises you by pressing a soft kiss to your neck, making you tremble.  
Charlotte grins, kissing your neck again and getting the same reaction.  
“You eventually stop being so shy around me.” She teases and you chuckle.  
“May take a while.” You mumble and Charlotte grins, pulling back, kissing the tip of your nose.  
“I can wait.”  
In the coming weeks, you’d become bolder, touching Charlotte more, much to the blonde’s delight, even if it was a simple brush of your hand against her waist, or her hand.  
“Hey.” Charlotte winks as she makes her way towards you, a smile tugging the corners of your mouth upwards.  
Charlotte grins.  
“Damn, you said hey without stuttering.”  
You shrug, blushing.  
“Still... A-Adjusting.” You mumble and Charlotte grins, ducking down to kiss you on the side of the head.  
You open and close your mouth rapidly, your cheeks flushed red.  
“I’ll see you in a bit.” She winks before taking her leave, leaving you behind with a dopey smile on your face.  
Little do you know someone else also has their eyes on you.  
The WWE Universe had watched a friendship blossom between the two of you, the confident, cocky charismatic Charlotte Flair and the quiet, high flying, shy Y/N Y/L/N.
Only you and Charlotte knew that more than a friendship had been growing and to the two of you, though, neither of you had made a real move to take that next step in your relationship.  
Charlotte’s out in the ring, her music playing loudly as she outstretches her arms, the WWE Universe cheering and clapping loudly.  
Charlotte is about to speak into the microphone in her hand when the image on the Titantron changes to one of someone running backstage.  
Charlotte’s green orbs widen when she sees you, wincing as Lacey Evan’s smashes a chair into your back.  
Green orbs fill with fury as Charlotte slips out of the ring, the fans cheering as she races backstage in search of you and Lacey.  
She rounds the corner just as Lacey again slams the chair into your red, welt covered back.  
A violent spear is the only thing that stops the Sassy Southern Belle, the spear nearly splitting the woman in half.  
Charlotte’s assault is far from done though, the woman stomping on Lacey until refs and security pulls her off of the downed blonde.  
You meanwhile are still of the floor, being tended to by other refs and the medical staff.  
It’s no surprise to you when Charlotte literally shoves them out of the way to get to you.  
“Y/N, are you okay?” She asks, cupping your cheek and you shift, wincing loudly.  
“We need to get her to the trainer’s room.”  
“Move.” Charlotte growls and everyone does, The Queen’s snarl sending fear though everyone of them.  
“We need to get you to the trainer’s room.” Charlotte whispers and you nod, sitting up slowly with a pained grunt, your jaw clenched.  
Without even a warning Charlotte pulls you into the arms and rushes through the backstage area towards the trainer’s room.  
Charlotte places you on the bed with a sad frown on her face when she sees a red welt forming on your cheek.  
The trainer moves into the room and Charlotte sends him a venomous glare, snarling.  
Charlotte remained silent as the trainer iced your injuries, bandaging a cut that formed across your back from the assault with a steel chair.
Eventually, you left the arena, still, Charlotte remained silent.  
She’d remained silent the entire way to the hotel and even now, in the elevator on the way up to her and your hotel room, she was silent.  
“Char...” You whisper, the blonde staring forward, her nostrils flaring angrily.  
“Charlotte, please...”  
The elevator dings and Charlotte walks down the hall, her hold on your hand gentle as the two of you slowly make your way towards her hotel room, the blonde unlocking it and letting you inside.  
You limp to the bed, teeth gritted as you take a seat on the edge, the sheets still messy from where Charlotte hadn’t made the bed.  
“Charlotte, please look at me.” You whisper, the blonde’s eyes downcast as she drops to her knees in front of you, she picks her head up and your eyes widen when you see her green orbs full of unshed tears.  
“This is my fault.” She whispers and you shake your head, slipping your arms around her neck and pulling her close, forgoing your shyness in favor of comforting the woman.  
“It’s not your fault, I promise it’s not.” You whisper in her ear, turning your head and kissing her temple.  
“It is, I wasn’t there to protect you.” She sobs and you shake your head.  
“You can’t always be there, she just caught me off guard.” You mutter nuzzling against the side of her head.  
“She hurt you because of me.” She frowns, your shirt stained with the woman’s tears.  
“Shhhhh...” You shush her softly, whispering sweet nothings in her ear to calm her down.  
Eventually, her tears subside, her hands running tenderly down your back out of fear of causing you any type of pain.  
Charlotte pulls back, revealing her red rimmed green orbs to you for the first time since the two of you had went into the hotel room.  
You cup her cheeks, ridding her smooth skin of her salty tears, the woman’s green eyes hidden behind her closed eyelids.  
She leans into your touch for a moment before moving to her feet.  
“We need to get some ice on your back.” She mumbles, walking away, leaving you unconvinced that she isn’t blaming herself.  
Charlotte shivers when you let out a loud moan, a cold compress lain across your bare back.  
“Better?” She asks, laying down beside you and you nod.  
Your Y/E/C orbs are on the woman lying beside you, her green orbs darting around your face.  
“No, don’t move.” Charlotte says as you sit up, your teeth gritting together as you sit up.  
“C-C-Can I?” You motion to her lap and the woman’s green orbs widen, milliseconds later her legs spread and you grin, crawling in between them, settling down on the woman’s chest.  
Charlotte’s cheeks are bright red when you snuggle into her, your nose brushing her neck.  
You sigh softly when Charlotte adjusts the cold compresses on your back, your bare back.  
Your eyes widen.  
“Wait, I don’t have a shirt on.” You mumble, Charlotte snickering.  
“No, you don’t... But I don’t mind.”  
Charlotte holds you close, leaning her head against yours.  
“I’m sorry Y/N, I’ll get her back for this, I swear.”  
You shake your head, sitting up slowly, hovering over the woman.  
“I don’t know how to convince you that this isn’t your fault.” You frown, your eyes darting around her face.  
Charlotte shakes her head.  
“There’s nothing you can that-
Charlotte gasps when you lean in, pressing your lips against hers, cutting the woman off mid-sentence.  
You abruptly pull back, grimacing, your eyes locked with Charlotte’s green orbs.  
“Did-Did I j-j-just kiss you?” You mumble in shock and Charlotte giggles, nodding.  
“You did, and I’d be incredibly happy if you did it again.” She licks her lips and your brow arches, your lips spreading into a grin.  
“Only if you admit this isn’t your fault.” You say, tongue trapped between your teeth.  
Charlotte rolls her green orbs, taking a deep breath.  
“I can’t help it Y/N... Lacey attacked you because you’re close to me...” She shrugs. “I can’t help but feel responsible.”  
You hum, nodding slowly.  
“How about I kiss you until you forget the name Lacey Evans?” You grin and Charlotte beams, her cheeks flushed pink as she leans in, meeting you halfway.  
“That, I can agree to.”  
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mrsbhandari ¡ 4 years
a/n: hi!! ive recently gotten past my block a little bit so ive been able to write more. this is a sequel to Wilt, and i’ll be writing more for this short unplanned series soon!! 
words: 1.3k
warnings: language, awkwardness
summary: he’s home for the holidays, and boy is it cold.
It was three in the afternoon when Ajay passed the sign reading “Welcome to Cedar Cove!”, and it was around 3:05 when he pulled into his parents’ driveway, looking the exact same from when he had last visited a few months ago. He hadn’t told anyone but his family about that last visit, but everyone was sure to find out about his current one. He was half excited and half dreading it. Before he got out, he heaved a sigh and tightened his grip on the steering wheel, steeling himself for the inevitability of having to face his friends who mostly decided to stay in Cedar Cove, and even the ones who didn’t still returning home for the holidays. 
His suitcase was light in his hands, a testament to the fact that he always packed light. A small flashback to the London trip left as soon as it came, centered on a blonde ponytail and a bright smile. Fuck, it’s been a year and a half. Get over her, he scolded himself and sucked his teeth, choosing to focus instead on the faded  yellows and dull oranges of the dead leaves lining the cement path to his door, adorned with a small note. 
Ajay let out a bitter laugh. Of course it’s the diner. Finding the key under the mat, he set to work getting inside and to his room, both pleased and uncomfortable at how untouched it was. Rather than immediately start unpacking, he dug around in the memories of what felt like his past life, full of pictures and gifts he couldn’t bear to bring with him when he went to New York. His side of the dorm room was bare, but he figured that it was better than filling every inch of his new life with his old one, featuring a girl who probably hated him. He sucked in a breath as that truth came to the front of his mind. Nope, definitely hates me. 
The breakup had been sad but swift, since Ajay left the very next day. He never considered himself to be an asshole, but upon watching her weakly beat her fists against his chest as she sobbed against his shirt while he just stood there silently, taking it without a word, he knew that she was going to go home and cut up all the pictures of him that previously cluttered her walls. His legs felt weak as he walked over to his own relationship shrine, a collection of movie tickets, pictures, and notes shared between them that he had never gotten the chance to take down. A music box she gifted him gathered dust on his desk, so he blew it off and wound it up, allowing the light, tinkling notes to play as he placed his clothes back into empty drawers. It was 3:25 when he finished, grabbing his phone from his nightstand and shutting off the light to leave. 
It had been months since he’d visited Cedar Cove, but as he drove down the streets he’d grown up on, it seemed that the only thing that changed was the leaves on the trees. The closer he drove to the diner, the more he felt the anticipation and hope that maybe...something else was different. 
The parking lot was far more packed than he ever remembered it being, even when teenagers stormed the place after plays and football games. The spot he pulled into was facing the diner, and in the late afternoon sun, he sat in his car and watched the people sitting in the booths through the windows. He spotted his mom, Jim, and Mohit sitting in a booth, his little brother laughing loudly at something his stepfather said. Ajay glanced up and felt his breath catch in his throat. 
She changed her work hairstyle, electing to have it in a messy braid that reached down her back. The uniforms had changed, too, now consisting of a simple checkerboard T-shirt rather than the previous solid red. Desperate to keep a low profile the last time he visited Cedar Cove, he refused to even pass by the diner; now he wanted to know everything he’d missed out on because of his pride. Everyone else in the diner was facing away from him, so he couldn’t pick out anyone that could possibly know him. Taking another deep breath, he turned off his car and made his way into the restaurant. 
The bell over the door rang obnoxiously as he entered, signaling an arrival he wished to keep quiet. He kept his head down as he walked to wear his family was seated, but quickly looked up after everyone who was facing away from him turned around at once. 
“SURPRISE!” a chorus of voices shouted, making him wince as his eyes traveled from face to face. His family was the first group of people to say hi, but they quickly went back to their seats to allow the onslaught of hellos from his friends, who gathered around him expectantly. Erin stepped forward and threw herself into a hug, swaying back and forth to prolong it. 
“We missed you, stranger!” she said, laughing at the choir of agreement that erupted from his other friends. Clint and Graham held hands as they waved hello, indicating that Clint really did move on from Rory, who excitedly clasped hands with Ajay. Skye waved a small greeting from her seat at the breakfast bar, still dressed in the dark colors that he remembered her for. Casey called his name from the open kitchen, showing off his cooking skills by flipping a pancake while keeping a conversation up with him. He felt awkward with so much attention on him, but at the same time, he was upset that the one person he wanted to be close to and let ask him invasive questions was refusing to even get near him. Ajay was led to a booth where everyone crowded around him, questioning him about New York and his fancy film school, intent on squeezing every ounce of information out of him. 
“Is everyone there super stylish? You’ve changed a lot from last Christmas, Ajay,” Erin prodded, referring to his outfit that didn’t seem to belong in southern Oregon. He laughed and took his jacket off, feeling hot under the inquisitive gazes of his previous classmates. 
“I showed up to the first day and immediately felt out of place, so my roommate helped me out.”
“What’s your roommate like?!” Rory asked, leaning their head on their hands to listen. 
“Oh, his name’s Nikael. He’s, uh, more into photography. But he’s really cool! You’d like him.”
“What’s the dating scene like?” Ajay’s head whipped to his right and he nearly fell out of the booth in his haste to stand, towering over Bailey as she looked up at him with a blank stare. The entire diner fell quiet, intent on watching what would happen between the two. 
“I…” he trailed off, running a hand through his hair. He searched his mind for a response that wouldn’t lead her down the wrong path, but he couldn’t find one. “How’ve you been?” 
“Avoiding the question? You don’t need to spare my feelings, Ajay.” She crossed her arms and gave him a cold smile that lasted a split second, but its effects lasted far longer. He struggled to respond when she turned away from him to call out to Casey, who was loading batter into a waffle iron. Ajay suddenly noticed that she had changed from her uniform into normal clothes that made his heart ache, wishing that he could say a word. Instead, all he could do was watch helplessly as she spoke to her brother. “I’m clocking out, Case!” She walked to the door and opened it, ignoring the bell that loudly rang in favor of sending him a glance over her shoulder. 
“Bailey, I--”
“Welcome back, Ajay.”
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artificialqueens ¡ 5 years
Complex Love, Ch 1 (kamasia) - Crazy4Kameron
A/N: This is the very first thing that I have ever written and I just have to say a huge thank you to Mac and Alex, because without them this wouldn't have been possible. They patiently answered all of my questions and bounced ideas around with me, all while encouraging me. So THANK YOU a million times over!! I have never finished anything in my life, so I am very proud of this work and can't wait to see where it may go. Thanks hy-jinkx and imalwaysaslutfordrag for beta-ing this. Love both so much
St.Charles Recreation and Cultural Complex was built and sponsored by the Mathews and Daly Architecture Company. It was a huge blessing to not only the town but the community as well, providing tons of new jobs and a place for the kids of St. Charles to stay out of trouble. This thing had everything, including an indoor water park, ice rink, and state of the art gym, plus lots of office space to hold classes and meetings. There was even a kitchen for cooking classes.
Working at the reception desk at St.Charles Cultural and Recreation Complex was not exactly a dream job, but moving out for college with her roommate Monet who also happened to work at the complex and needing to help out financially at home meant that she needed the money. Asia’s real dream was to run her own costume design company, making outfits for theatres, dance groups, figure skaters. She was always designing new outfits for her little sisters’ dolls or fixing holes and tears in shirts and pants to make them last just a little while longer. Turning old scraps of cloth into something new and watching the way her sisters’ faces would light up when they saw the new dress-up costume Asia had made for them always seemed to make the time and effort worth it.  
 It was finally the end of the day, and Asia was looking forward to going home to make dinner, put on some music and study. It’s not that this job was hard by any means, but the days seemed to drag on and she could think of at least 20 things that she would much rather be doing. If she didn’t need the money to pay her rent, she never would have taken the job in the first place.
     Asia was just packing up and thinking about what she was going to make to eat when she heard someone tapping their nails on the desk. As she looked up she saw a tiny, perfectly put together girl. She looked more like a doll than a human, with her porcelain painted skin, long eyelashes and plump lips. Her platinum blonde curls lay perfectly down her back. Asia recognized her instantly, it was hard not to know exactly who this beauty was, she was impossible to miss. Blair St.Clair had gone to high school with Asia. The girl was a few years younger than her, but Asia recognized the stereotypical southern belle from the years of hearing tales about the pretty new girl from her fellow classmates. Everyone had been infatuated with Blair since her family moved to town in her ninth grade year. Asia didn’t blame them.
"Hey, Blair. Sorry, I didn’t see you there, sis." Asia said as she finished packing her bag.
“No big thing girl, I’m just waiting for someone. I love your hair, did you do something new?”
Asia reached up to play with loose waves that frame her face, “Thanks, but it’s the same as the last time I saw you. So, if you don’t mind me asking, who are you waiting for, cause I’ve never seen you here before. So he must be really special.” wiggling her eyebrows and giving Blair a playful wink.
“Oh no, it’s nothing like that! I’m just waiting for…” but before Blair could finish, the most beautiful girl that Asia had ever seen came walking around the corner. There was just something about the way her red ponytail swung from side to side in perfect time with her hips. Her muscular creamy arms were covered in tattoos, but Asia’s eyes immediately fell on a very large tattoo covering the girl’s ample chest As she got closer, Asia realized that she also had a tattoo on her neck too. It was hard for Asia not to stare.
Asia knew she must look like a pervert or something, the way she was ogling this fiery goddess from head to toe. Checking out the way her tights hugged every inch of her perfectly sculpted legs and hips, her shirt was just tight enough you could tell she had a toned stomach and cut low enough to get a perfect view of her full breasts. Something inside Asia just didn’t care, it was like her brain had short-circuited, and she no longer knew how to act human anymore. She prayed that the tattooed beauty wouldn't come over to the desk because there was no way that she was going to be able to speak anytime soon. How long has she worked at the center and why have I never seen her before? I would definitely remember seeing someone as radiantly beautiful as her. Just please, don’t come over here, please, please… Oh, fuck is she coming this way…?
It was just her luck, she was walking directly towards her. Asia knew she needed to reboot her brain into remembering words, she was an intelligent woman and words had never been something she was at a loss for, until now. Why was this redheaded goddess affecting her like this?
As Kameron walked out of the changing rooms, with her freshly washed hair in a ponytail and her bag on her shoulder, she was mentally trying to remember if she had everything that she needed when she noticed her sister talking to the girl at the reception desk. She had flawlessly smooth chocolate skin that made Kameron want to touch it, and the way her wavy brown hair framed her face was sinful. Kameron noticed the girl was staring at her and wondered if she had a stain on her clothes or if her shirt was showing too much cleavage and began to get a little self-conscious.
There is no way that she is checking me out. A girl like that would never go for a gym rat like me.  Definitely not checking me out.  Kameron was pulled from her thoughts when she reached the desk were Blair was waiting.
“Hello, Earth to Asia...are you okay?” Blair was waving her hand in front of Asia’s face.
Asia knew someone was talking to her but she was too lost in her thoughts to hear what they were saying fully only catching the end of the question. “What. Yeah. Sorry. I’m fine."
“You sure because you spaced out pretty hard there for a second?”
Asia looked over at the red-headed goddess again. “Positive,” she flashed her a bright smile.
“Okaaaay well…. I was saying I'd like to introduce you to my sister Kameron. Kameron, Asia, Asia, Kameron. Kameron is a trainer at the gym.”
"Hi, nice to meet you," was all that Asia was able to manage to get out as a smile she couldn't hold back crossed her lips.
“Hey,” was all Kameron could say as a shy smile crossed her lips and a blush began to heat up her cheeks. That perfect white smile was too much for her to handle.
There was an awkward silence as the two girls just stared at each other, Blair looking between them wondering if either was going to say anything else. Blair finally broke the silence. "Well we should get going, Kameron, we don't want to be late for dinner. You know how your mom hates it when we're late."
"What. Oh yeah, she does hate when we're late for dinner. " Kameron finally broke eye contact and looked down at the countertop, both of her hands held the shoulder strap of her duffle bag just so she had something to do with all the nervous energy she was feeling. "I'll wait out by the car for you." With a shy smile and a wave, Kameron made her way to the door before anyone else could say anything.
"Okay!" Shouted Blair.
Asia couldn’t help but take a quick look at Kameron’s perfect plump ass as her hips swung tantalizingly from side to side as she walked away, or at least she thought she had only taken a quick look.
“So, you enjoying the view? Blair chuckled.
Busted. Don’t let her know you were looking.
“I didn’t even know you had a sister till right now. Did she go to school with us?” Asia asked, tilting her head to the side and giving Blair a questioning look with a fading smile on her face. She knew she was avoiding answering the question, but she had to redirect the focus. She couldn’t let Blair know that she was indeed checking out Kameron, even if she had made it obvious.
“Technically she’s my step-sister, our parents married the summer before we moved here. And no, she was homeschooled… She’s around the same age as you.” Blair said as a sly smile began to form on her lips. ”But seriously though I really have to get going. It was so good seeing you again though. I hope you have a good night.” She said, grabbing her purse off the counter.
“Yeah, it was good seeing you again too. Have a good night, Blair.”
As Blair reached the doors she stopped and turned back towards the desk, “Hey Asia, just be careful with her. She might look tough, but she’s really shy and soft-spoken.”
“Wait what! I wasn’t even-” but Asia quickly realized that she was talking to herself, as the door closed behind Blair.
When Asia finally made it home and took her shoes off by the front door, she was not only met with the sound of loud music coming from the kitchen but also the unmistakable smell of burning; which could only mean one thing. That her roommate must be trying to cook, again. Making her way to the kitchen, Asia found Monet, waving a dish towel in front of the stove, as smoke was pouring out.
“What in Jesus’ name are you doing?” Asia asked as loudly as she could standing in the doorway, not only so she could be heard over the music, but out of fear that her roommate might actually burn the apartment down this time.  
Monet turned around suddenly realizing that Asia was home and turned the music off so that they wouldn’t have to yell to hear each other. “OH! Welcome home honey, how was your day? Good, good. Bitch I was trying to make dinner “  
“No, what it looks like you’re trying to do is burn our apartment down, and give me a nervous breakdown in the process.” Asia grabbed another dish towel to help clear the smoke.” You know full well you can’t cook, so why did you even try?”
“I thought I would be a good roommate and do something nice for you for once.”
“If you really wanted to be a good roommate you could have just cleaned up the apartment, instead of making a bigger mess for me to clean. I have enough things to take care of when I come home from work, cleaning up after your raggedy-ass, shouldn’t have to be one of them.”
Monet’s phone suddenly dinged on the counter, abruptly putting an end to their bickering. After a minute Monet put her phone back down with a smile on her face and continued to clean up the kitchen, with Asia’s help.
“Speaking of work, how was work? Anything interesting happen today?” Monet asked wiggling her eyebrows.
Asia’s thoughts instantly returned to Kameron. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about what Blair had said. What did she mean don’t hurt her? Asia had only just met this girl and had no idea if she would ever see her again. But she knew if she told her friend about the beauty that she would never hear the end of it. “Nope, same old boring shit like every other day. Why are you asking?”
"No reason just looks like you had a hard day, so you go relax, I’ll clean up this mess and order food, I’ll let you know when it gets here." Monet was being suspiciously civil for some reason, but Asia couldn't quite put her finger on why.
After dinner, the girls decided to go watch TV. Asia had been thinking about Kameron all night. She couldn’t help but hope that she would see her again soon. She was actually somewhat excited to go to work now. Hopefully, the next time she saw her she would get to talk to her a little longer, maybe get to know her.  
 "So you still never told me how your day was?" Monet asked nonchalantly well flipping through the channels trying to find something to watch. “Normally you tell me about your day as soon as you walk in the door. You sure nothing happened at work today?”
“ I would have told you about my day if you hadn't been trying to burn our apartment down when I got home. I’m pretty sure I already told you though, my day was boring and long as usual,” Asia said trying to avoid the subject altogether.
“You just seem kinda out of today is all, you were really quiet at dinner. You sure you didn’t meet anyone exciting or interesting today?”
“I met new people every day, that’s kinda my job, Monet”
“Yes, but I’m more interested in whether or not you met a certain redhead.” Monet with a wicked grin spread across her lips.
Asia let out an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes, “Oh Lord, who told you!”
“Brianna, you know Cracks can’t keep a secret”, Monet could see Asia’s eyebrows raise with an unimpressed look on her face, “ who heard it from Vixen, who may have heard it from Blair after she left the complex tonight.”
“Seriously, y'all some grown-ass adults, why you still need to gossip like you’re in high school.”
“Look it’s just been so long since you’ve even been interested in anyone, we’ve all been worried about you. All you ever seem to do is go to school, work on your outfits, study and go to work. I’m happy that you’re living your dreams and all but you still need to take some time for yourself every once in a while. You know go out and relax, meet people, have a social life outside of me, maybe get a little action If you know what I mean.” Monet winked at Asia with a sly smile.
“I really don’t want to talk about this anymore, plus who I may or may not like is none of you or your chatty little friends business.” Asia let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose she took a breath to focus herself before she continued. “ But yes I do like Kameron. She’s beautiful, and I would like to get to know her better.” Asia pointed her finger at Monet to silence her as she continued, “But I DO NOT need any help from you or any of your friends. I don’t want you to interject in any way. I will do this in my own time and at whatever pace feels comfortable to me. And that’s even if Kameron likes me too.”
Holding her hands up in mock defence, giggling “ Okay fine, have it your way. I and my friends won’t get involved.”
“Thank you. Now if we’re finished, I need to go try and study before bed, so good night.”
Asia had been sitting on her bed, staring blankly at her open sketchbook for the past 20 minutes, nothing but thoughts of the nights' previous encounter with a certain redhead running through her mind. No one had ever affected her like this before. Why was this woman who hadn’t even said more than 2 words to her taking over her mind? Asia didn’t know but she knows that she needed to find out what it was about her that was doing this to her. She really hoped that she would get to see that gorgeous redhead again soon because she didn’t know how much more of this she could take.
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the-house-of-the-nine ¡ 5 years
In Depths Below, Masquerade, Part 5
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“Yeah yeah.  I see him.  A nearsighted leper gnome could see him.”  the gruff voice of the demonic Bladewarden snarled.  
He was sitting atop the large walled structure with his lovely frozen counterpart beside him.  His leathery black wings tucked up against his spine while the pair of them watched several large carts and mounted guards stroll through the first gate into the courtyard.
“. . .what does being a leper gnome and being able to see far away have to do with this. . .let alone one another?”  she asked inquisitively as she shifting lich fire eyes locked onto him.
“Well you know. . .the. . .and then there's. . .because. . .”  Koltun stumbled through his words as he tried to find a reason for it.
“Mhmm.” she hissed, turning back to the scene unfolding as her spyglass was placed back on her eye. “It’s Dawnseeker alright. . . I can see the emblem to his House on the back rider.”
“Lepers lose parts. . .maybe he lost his eyes?  Or they’re just bad.”  the demon continued to wrestle with his comparison.  Straining to think behind that contorted face.
“And there is Sennaris. . .” Pyravari added.
They were both atop the large stone wall of the bell tower.  Below in the court, several of their Illidari and the Harbingers elite personal guard were well placed as carriage riders, valets and groomers.  Several of them were stable hands and others were just simply house folk who would be there to tidy the beautiful carts which were waiting to be taken home.
“And Zalra. . . Both of them with their meat shields.” Vari seethed while she scanned over the crowd of guards and nobles who were arriving in the entourage of the powerful Magister. “They are moving over to his cart. . .”
“I’ve got it.  A leper gnome that lost his eyes due to the radiation.  So even he could see it. . .” the demon proudly puffed his chest out.
“Focus. . .”  she added, motioning with her hand toward the lavish and grand cart that was being surrounded.
Out from the cabin, a large elven man stepped out.  His hair was a lovely flowing amber; hanging down to his middle back with braids of various sizes scattered throughout.  His robes were that of the colors of their people; the brilliant gold and crimson that so many others adorned.  He was slender, and rather graceful in his action as he was warmly welcomed by the stewards of the House Honeywell.
“And here we go. . .He is meeting with Sennaris and Honeywell now. . .Sunwood. . . they’re in. . .” Pyravari hissed when she lowered the spyglass and collapsed it in on itself.
“Go. . .You move to the southern entrance. I want a sweeping flank.  Two moving, while two recover.  No blood, no bodies and absolutely no sound.  I'm going to take the front gate and start the pincer.. . .What?. . .what is it?”
“And you’re not going to say anything about the leper. . .”  he groaned with a look of disappointment across his face, he too started to stand and prepare to depart from their bell tower. “Typical.”
“Sweet Kolty. . .” she said turning around where they had climbed up from.  In her hands was the large braided rope which was attached to the grappling hook wedged in the wall.  She wrapped the end around her back, funneling it around to her other hand and coiling it there.  “Get over it. . .”
His hopes dashed, here he had half expected her to praise him for his efforts.  And as she back peddled and leapt from their vantage, he heard her toss out a phrase.
“A blind seer.”  
“Dammit!” he snarled as his bat link wings sprung from his back.  His clawed foot stomped against the stonework as he clenched his teeth.  “A blind seer. . .why couldn’t I think of that. . .that's good. . .”  
Both he and the Harbinger separated at that point.  His silent gliding wings taking him to his destination, and her own physical prowess carrying her down the side of the bell tower and into the courtyard where they would begin eliminating their threats.
Back within the ballroom. . .
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There was a dead silence that fell across the gathered guests that evening.   On the center stage, the mechanical musicians had been silenced via remote control.  And the collection of servers, chefs and artisans were asked to hold their affairs.
From the front of the ballroom, the lord of the manor and host for the evening; Magister Honeywell took the opportunity to greet everyone who had come out, and start the evening off.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, my esteemed collages and fellow Magisters. It is my honor and the honor of my house to welcome you all to our thirty seventh annual Vintner of the Year ceremony.  I would urge you all to mindfully keep away from the Sweetblossom Merlot; it is absolutely sinful.”  
Magister Honeywell was greeted to a full room of applause.  And at his wise crack about the wine; the audience in attendance would laugh and clap as if the words were some of the most rich to ever grace their ears.  
In realty though, most of these people were probably just trying to muscle their way higher on the food chain in order to gain more for their respective houses.  Bumping a few elbows always greased the wheel.
“Now many of you may also know that this night, marks a very special occasion.  It is not only our annual tasting but also the anniversary of the splendid couple, our own Magister and Madam Sunwood.” He said in announcement; his hands beginning to clap as he looked about the ballroom at the shining faces.  To his right, both Zalra and her ‘husband’ took a bow.  
The room cheered when they shared a little innocent kiss, and hoisted their glasses in celebration of the wealthy couple.  Sennaris stood beside her Master as he prepared to speak again; hands raised over his head while he quieted them down.
“We have one other reason for gathering this evening.  As we share a common ground within the courts and magistrate respectively; one among us is celebrating his centennial marker.  His house has served the court of Quel’thalas, and remained a dutiful supporter of the Sin’dorei for countless years.  We would like you all to help welcome and honor. . .”
Around the room people were absolutely astounded by the fact that they were about to meet with a very influential person within their city.  But elsewhere around the room, certain individuals were more focused on the fact that they were about extract their revenge.  Siida was sitting in a chair at the table of Magister Sunwood.  Her hands had been magically fused in her lap so she could not try anything.  
She was dressed in a lovely ball gown, no doubt the same style that the Lady of the manor wore.  Her hair and makeup had been done properly.   Everything that presented her to look like a guest, and not a sacrificial lamb.
Marseille, Verzatea and her several magical wards all continued to watch for the lead man himself.  Zalra would have to keep her emotions in check, being up front and with eyes upon her, being so close to the man responsible for all of this.
“Please. . .let us welcome Magister Darnallas Dawnseeker.” Honeywell said completing his sentence after holding for effect.
Blood was not something that would have been allowed tonight.  Because of that simple rule, Vari and Koltun had agreed they needed to use stealth, and they needed to use subtlety.  
Garrote wire, bludgeoning tools, anything that would make a softer and more silent attack.  But this was not an all out war.  They needed to specifically target the ones who were guarding these Magisters belongings and not harm the innocents.
Koltun and several of his elite moved with the shadows; their clawed hands and powerful wings encasing people.  They were working from the back and moving forward.  
“Thank you all, It is an honor to have served the courts of our beloved Silvermoon City these last few decades.  I am but a humble servant to our people and it gives me great pleasure to continue serving; hopefully for another century. . .”
Koltun locked his under arms around the throat of a guard, his larger size easily allowing him to be hoisted upward.  The guards feet dangled like two pendulums swinging as he struggled and grunted to escape the horrible choke hold.  Beside him, another one his guards were having the same treatment.  Both men watching the other die, and in a simultaneous -SNAP-, their necks were broken and they were dropped to the ground.  A pair who were there to clean up the dead swept in after Koltun and his chosen fled, they would move the bodies as the others worked.
“Years ago, my father told me about the necessary steps that must be taken and sacrifices that must be made; in order for our people to prevail.  He would say, you need to snap a few branches to get to the fruit, and that remains true even to this day.  Nothing worth having comes without a price!”
The massive winged demon took another swing, the guard dodging to his left and attempting to cut him with a blade.  “No Blood”  he thought to himself and skillfully avoided taking a jab to the gut.
“When I was just a boy, I knew that I would go on to follow in his footsteps.  And had it not been for the morals and values instilled in me when I was young; I would never stand before you, a beacon to our people for what it means to put your mind toward victory!”
Koltun stood atop the guard with his clawed foot firmly planted on his chest, his arms flexing as he proudly showed dominance over the dead man.  He had also been a bit too aggressive there and snapped his spine when he delivered the killing blow of a back breaker across his knee.  But subtlety was not always his strongest point.
The cleaners rushed in, scooping the last of the southern guards away and bounded over the wall which led to the wooded area.  Koltun and the others would cling to the sides of the manor like little dark winged bats all arranged along the cave walls.  
One after another, the dark demons would swoop down like vicious hungry birds snatching their prey and devouring them whole.  It was a singular, and brutal attack which would only be relieved once the target was dead and the ones collecting would rush in behind.
“And nothing will tarnish my resolve!  I will continue to dutifully repay the kindness our fare city has bestowed upon me with every ounce of energy I have.  It is my honor, nay privilege to stand before you.  So many faces I recognize, and so many more I hope to someday soon know very, very well!”
Vari continued to sweep through the corridors and path ways of the front part of the estate.   Her elite keeping track and rushing behind her, their own blades were locked snug one their backs.  “No Blood” She reiterated once more.  And she and her several Valkyries charged toward the guards who were enjoying the night off.
“I hope you all enjoy our festivities this evening.  Magister Honeywell has provided us with our food and wonderful beverages this evening.  As well as a fantastic little surprise, I am sure he is eager to introduce. . .Aren’t you Aloysius?”
And what a surprise it was.  She would slam her large plated forearm directly into the unsuspecting guard, while she climbed on top of him with two clawed, plated hands curling around his neck and suffocating him.  Two other of her personal guard rushed in beside her, tackling the others and matching her near perfect delivery with similar attacks of their own.
“Magister Sunwood has organized the entertainment for this evening, from what I see it is a marvelous little robotic musical box.  And of course, the many fabulous vineyards from around our beloved Quel’thalas have all entered their hat in the race to be crowned this years Vinter of the Year.  And please, do not forget to fill out your voting cards and place them in the ballot box by tenth bell this evening!”
The bodies that continued to toss aside were cleanly removed and taken with the rest as the cleaners worked from both ends, swooping in and picking off any that were marked for delivery.  One by one the Bladewarden and Harbinger would cut a swath through the enemies, and those who were innocent remained unharmed.
“Thank you Magister Dawnseeker!”  Honeywell said as he clapped his hands in unison with the rest of the crowd.  
A cupped wave would be made as one of his own personal guards handed Dawnseeker his own glass of wine as he made his way toward the rear of the presentation.
“Now, I would like to announce our very special treat for everyone.  Along the waterfront while we have been enjoying meals and festivities, a wonderful treat has been set up for all to witness.  We have a magnificent fireworks display that will carry us up to the announcement of Vintner of the Year, so please. . .if you all would follow our escorts down the carriage path out the rear balcony doors.  They will take you all the short distance through the gardens and down to the water.”
Honeywell smiled and began to motion people in the direction of the large double doors that were leading them out to the gardens.  It was this distraction that would help to ensure whatever was going to happen in the manor; stayed there.  At the behest of the young lady Kash’ebahl, no innocents were to be harmed if it could be avoided.
To be continued... In Depths Below:Masquerade,Part 6
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ivedonestranger ¡ 5 years
Chapters: 24/?
Fandom: Teen Titans (Animated Series), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Jinx/Raven (DCU) Characters: Raven (DCU), Cyborg (Character), Robin (DCU), Beast Boy, Batman, Green Lantern, Diana (Wonder Woman), Superman (DCU), Blue Beetle (DCU), Jinx (DCU), Koriand'r (DCU), Phil Coulson, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), See-More, Dorcas "Godiva" Leigh (DCU), Jason Woodrue, Bulletman, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Zatanna Zatara, Komand'r (DCU), Stephen Strange, Karen Beecher, Kyd Wykkyd, Gizmo (DCU) Additional Tags: Multiple Crossovers, World Domination, Epic, Dark, Canon Temporary Character Death, Minor Character Death Series: Part 1 of The Midnight Saga Summary:
Though there were some in the know when it came to multiple realities, very few understood how expansive it was. Not only were their realities that changed fundamental parts of the known quantities, but there were also realities out there that were entirely different. Worse, there was something between those realities, and it wanted to get in.
All it needed was someone to open the door. She was his way in.
It was time.
The feeling flooded through Raven like a dawning truth, and it caused her eyes to pop open. She felt the thrum of excitement, the primordial terror of failure, and the fact everything was about to change permanently.
Raven and Jinx's naked bodies were intertwined among the blankets and pillows in her room of the Fortress and the pinkette mode in protest when Raven pushed her off. The woman walked over to the windows and throwing them open to allow the light to flood in. The rain from last night left everything glistening in the morning light as the sun came up.
It was time.
"Wake up, Jinx," Raven ordered as she pulled on her dark dress and fastened the control gem around her throat.
"Just five more minutes, Mistress," Jinx muttered rolling on her stomach and burying her head in the pillows. The Midnight Empress scooped up the leather belt and gave a good swat across the sleepy girl's exposed posterior which caused her to yelp and fall out of bed.
Fastening the belt around her waist, Raven leaned down to the surprised and sleepy girl.
"It's time."
The knowledge that the world was on a knife's edge was not lost on Robin when Batman signaled for the pullback of his team from Boulder. They all knew the alignment of the realities would give their lost friend a clear shot at opening the portal to Sovereign's prison.
The Quinn jet that had picked them up screeched through the sky towards the rendezvous, only miles away from Boulder, Colorado at the foot of Apache Peak. They did not want to sit on top of the portal point in fear of the rupture, destroying their chance to stop the evil creature. Robin leaned forward with hands together while Cyborg and Gizmo were going over some of their gadgets.
"You get the briefing, Robin?" Clint asked in the jumpsuit beside him. Robin nodded without looking at the bow and arrow wielding Avenger.
"We're air support on the southern flank. We're to keep Midnight's troops busy so Superman and Shazam can close in on Sovereign."
"And the Midnight Empress."
"You gonna be okay, kid?"
"Do I have a choice?"
Had they ever had a choice. Weren't he and his friends just curled up in Titan's tower only over a year ago eating pizza and watching movies? Now, he was part of an army that was trying their best to murder a woman that he once cared so much about.
'Not murder. Stop.'
This was war, and this was something that needed to be done to preserve the rest of reality.
"T minus 13 hours before optimal alignment," Iron Man's voice came through the speakers. His suit of armor flying in formation beside them. "Then, the party begins."
The Armies of Midnight rose like a dark cloud from the Fortress. The heroes and metas that allied with her taking the lead of Millinium's minions. The giant cyber bug himself was not far, towering over her thin frame like an ever-present watchdog with the power to level streets. Raven strode out among the troops, humans who had joined her cause, Metas who saw the truth of Sovereign and the cybernetic bugs that followed Sovereign's oldest ally.
Even clans of the Kaz-Kal, space insectoids from another galaxy had joined her cause, probably sensing the impending doom if they continued to resist. Blackfire and Jinx stood in the front of their legions, their heavy black outfit mirroring her own in their own unique cut. Jinx was showing some skin while Blackfire's resembled more battle armor of Tamaran.
"Lead, Archon," Millennium's voice thrummed in low pressure. "We shall follow you."
Wrapping herself in the golden light of her power, Raven rocketed into the sky, and the swarms followed. The first fight of the final battle about to begin.
The wind whipped and cut at her, but Raven pushed through, her mind focused on the goal, to land in the center of the point and ripped a hole in the fabric of space. The thoughts of Robin's laugh, Starfire's ill aligned words, and Cyborg's battle cry flitted across her mind, but she shunted it aside. There was a greater good to be fighting for, a greater good that required sacrifice.
'Can you do it?'
Sovereign's voice came through to her mind as clear as a bell. The alignment was almost perfect, and his presence could be felt.
"Can I do what?"
'Can you kill them if you face them?'
"I'll do what I have to do, my Sovereign," she answered, pushing her friend's faces out of her mind. "Whatever it takes."
Conveniently, the mathematics pointed to the entrance of the portal being in a field at the foot of Shoshoni Peak, and it had allowed them to dig in and hide among the sparse wood and rock faces. SHIELD and ARGUS agents with all sorts of weaponry, metas that Robin had never seen, and weapons of all sorts had been set up. Robin strode out of the Quinn Jet, his armor activating and the mask extending and wrapping his face. His titanium gap still billowed, but he resembled more a soldier than the hero of Jump Suit. The suit's optics kicked in overlaying the scene with augmented reality.
Cyborg strode up beside him and pointed to a cluster of trees.
"That's gonna be the best place to intercept any of the air attacks. We're gonna need to keep as many as we can off of Iron Man as possible."
Traveling a few more clicks, His new Titans found their spots and quickly hunched down to hide. Gizmo dropped a few scatter probes that masked their signature from any sensors. Starfire huddled in close to him. She had donned the full Tamaranian armor and face mask. Koriand' r had insisted as this was a fight for the existence of her own people too. Her eyes flitted to his mask a few times as they silently waited. Bumblee had shrunk down to a smaller size and up in the tree.
It was now time to wait.
The waiting was the hard part. The holo chronometer counted off the seconds, and the sun slowly rose into the sky, bathing them in its light. It had begun to get hot to the point that his suit's environmental systems kicked in to try and regulate. Birds were singing, and animals flitted to and fro as if nothing unusual was happening.
A few deer had taken up to eat in the center of the large field oblivious that they stood in the center of an intergalactic portal point.
"This waiting is killing me," Gizmo growled, his binocular lenses zoomed out giving him a strange insect-like look.
"Trust me; we're going to want to wait as long as we can. Once it starts, it's going to be all in." Cyborg responded. "There's no booyah in what we're about to do."
Dick Grayson turned to his friend Starfire, who had come up close and lowered her voice. "I understand how difficult this is for you, but if you face Raven and find that you cannot do it. I will kill her for you. I am willing to take that burden."
"Star..." Robin started as a wave of emotion, choked him. She had spoken all their fear. Each had pretended not to hear her words, but he knew that they had.
"I'll make it quick. A snap of the neck and she won't feel a thing. It's the least I can do for someone who has meant so much to us."
"I'm not giving up on her," Robin said firmly.
"Dude," Cyborg said as quietly. "She's gone. If we don't kill her first, she'll take us out. You saw her eyes. Our Raven is gone. It's the Midnight Empress we're about to face."
Starfire returned to her spot to keep a lookout, and for the next hour, the image of Raven's lifeless body and the sound of her neck snapping played over and over in his mind's eye. It couldn't come to that. It couldn't.
"Heads up!" the speaker in Boy wonder's ear kicked in. "We've got incoming and a lot of it."
Robin looked up at Bumblebee as she zipped down and returned to size, her entire body covered with yellow and black armor, weapons at the ready.
"What is it?"
"They're sending in the grunts. Clouds of cyber minions and Kaz-Kal. They're going to try to overwhelm and hold so they can bring the bitch in."
"Alpha-2 this is central," Batman's voice came over, grim and somber. "It's a go. We see Midnight Empress in the center of the cloud. Pull those flankers away and give us our opening."
"Understood," Robin responded standing and turning to his team. "Let's do this."
Charging out, all of them shot into the sky. The jet pack lifted Robin off the ground while Cyborg's jet boots, had him going alongside Gizmo. Almost immediately the sky became alive with multi-colored energy bolts emanating from hiding spots cutting into the swarm and dropping them in droves. It seemed though that for every one killed, three appeared in its place. Bombs and bolts cut through them, and The New Teen Titans all banked north drawing a good swarm of them away. Below Robin could make out the descending mass being met by the colorful metas of the Avengers.
"Damn, all hell just broke loose!" Falcon called as he shot overhead, machine guns blasting away.
'No, hell is coming.'
In the center, Raven watched from her floating perch in the sky. The swarms had begun to descend, and as she had expected, Iris had set up, and they were mowing through her troops efficiently. She had expected as much. With their positions shown, the sorceress turned to Jinx and Blackfire and gave them a nod. With glee, the descended leading their armies with them.
The Midnight Empress watched closely as the battle raged, watching for her opening to cut through and to land. She could feel the urgency, the draw of the alignment growing closer. Raven could taste the anticipation coming off of her imprisoned comrade.
Without hesitation, she shot down towards the spot, and her guard followed. They twisted and turned as they descended, and she could feel the enemy focusing their firepower on her. Heroes flew by in blurs as the Kaz-Kal, allies, and cyber minions put themselves between them and her. She alighted on the ground and fell to her knees. She drew held her arms out, and the world became silent.
What was next was sheer pain as the power exploded out of her and into a forming vortex. An energy beam sliced through her shoulder spurting blood, but she could not care. Sovereign had come.
Forcing her eyes open, Raven saw the black portal that warped reality as if being pulled inside and from the distant stars. A form appeared and stepping out, floating in the air was a young man with brown hair, simple features but brilliant glowing gold eyes. He glided forward with a grin of pure ecstasy on his face.
"I. Am. Free!" he said with a laugh that seemed to reverberate through her.
"Sovereign!" Raven choked out a warning as she saw Superman come blasting from the woods, every ounce of energy thrown into the Kryptonian's influence. She knew that the blow he was about to deliver could shattered meteors, but when it connected with Jason's face, he barely flinched. Superman halted in front of him with a mixture of surprise and realization of how powerful the entity was.
"Hello," Jason said, a look of glee on his face. He backhanded Superman which sent him soaring away and impacting the side of a mountain. Shazam, in his red outfit, tried to hit also but found himself caught by the arm and hurled into the ground below, leaving a crater on impact.
Raven floated up to him, and he turned his eyes on her. His smile softened, and the girl's heart thrilled with excitement. It was horribly stupid of her, but she was glad he was handsome. Her Jason wasn't striking or adonis, but his eyes seemed ancient but kind. He ran his hand down her cheek.
"You've saved me. Thank you."
"Now, hold them off while I begin my process of bringing peace."
He floated upwards with arms outstretched and instantly, she felt a strange tug on her body and mind as if the world itself was beginning to shift and phase.
Raven turned to see Superman, bloodied and bruised charging in again with Wonder Woman right on his heels. Jason gritted his teeth and turned to face the attacker but caught the glint from the corner of his eye just like she did.
Batman stood there with Coulson with a strange bazooka, and the realization hit.
"No!" Sovereign's scream of anger reverberated through her.
Instinctively she flew up to him to shield him, but he dropped and grabbed hold of her. Instantly, she felt white-hot as if his hand was somehow cooking her body completely. She screamed in pain as he held her fast with no way to escape. The feeling broke abruptly when a bolt of red and blue energy struck him and dropped him to the ground. Raven could feel the power being ripped from him. Iris had done it. They had found a weapon to hurt him.
Dropping as fast, she caught the entity who had fallen unconscious, and as Superman darted towards her to grab her, she threw open a portal, fell through and snapped in shut cutting of the shout of rage from the Kryptonian. The next thing she knew, she hit the marble floor of the Fortress hard, the sorceress head slamming with a sickening crunch and though being ripped from her.
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ohthatbunnygirl ¡ 7 years
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Cheers Darlin’
A Reylo drabble about a bitter wedding toast inspired by @krystellbarraza , Damien Rice, and the joy of thinking about Rey saying Kylo Ren with a thick Southern accent, 
“Is there anybody else who’d like to toast the happy couple?”
A sudden hush descended upon the joy in the room when the man in black stepped up to the microphone.
Scooching up to the front of their seats, the wide-eyed crowd gawked at him. Panicking in silence, but giddy to witness what sort of hell he’d raise since everybody in the room knew who he was. After all, you don’t date the small town preacher’s daughter for five years without gaining some notice- especially if you happen to come from a long line of deadbeat Solos.
And Kylo Ren might have been the worst of the bunch.
All throughout his teenage years, the mechanic’s son ran the town ragged. Blowing through cars and girls faster than they could fix up again, and troubling everybody with his disarming smile. Some of even the most pious of church ladies gossiped that a flash of that famed toothy, dimpled grin could make one forget a lot of suffering, but he’d remind you soon enough. Yes, destruction had been the handsome boy’s specialty, patience never one of his attributes, and no matter how much he promised to avoid it, he couldn’t help but find trouble.
That’s why whenever he left town there wasn’t much of a parade of mourning.
It was good riddance and goodbye.
Heck, hardly anyone brought Kylo Ren up after a year, but there he stood where he was least desired.
Dark hair slicked back, tux sharp, and amber eyes intently fixed on the flushed bride who clutched her champagne glass as if she’d wield it as a weapon at any moment. Fuming at him, growing feistier by the moment. Knowing him well enough that she could already tell he’d ignore the startled fury lighting up her glare. Already distracted away from her new husband, she looked downright murderous as her old beau’s lip hitched up at the corner.
“My dear Rey,” Kylo began, staring only at her.“I apologize that my words will not be eloquent in comparison to what’s already been said about you and him. Although, Lord knows that I can’t speak flowery enough for what you deserve, and he likely wouldn’t consider it proper to hear what I could say about your apparent beloved. That’s why I’ll keep it brief, honest.”
“It’s no secret that there’s not a lot in the Bible that I agree with,” Kylo continued, shifting his smirk towards the table full of gasping old biddies that had run his family’s name down for years while conveniently forgetting about forgiveness. “I’ve never had much use for it, or it for me, but a girl once told me that ‘love is patient, love is kind’. Isn’t that just lovely? Yeah, that statement was a kind of peace that I’d actually started to accept before she proved how fickle her patience truly was.”
As his glass raised higher, Kylo’s smile dropped entirely. “She also quoted that ‘love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.’"
“Man would that have been nice,” Kylo’s heavy sigh trailed into a mirthless chuckle. “But to be honest, our love sampled from all of the above on our worst days. I could be a proud son of a bitch, and she could be a right pig in the mud when it came to recording all my wrongs… Some might even say that we possessed a talent for easily angering, but lovin’ each other don’t come easily when you’re oil and water trying your best to stay yourselves while others don’t want you to mix. Some days we took it out on each other, but I’ll be damned if my love isn’t envious today.”
When Kylo’s gaze briefly shifted to the groom, Rey blanched.
“Now hold on, I think you need to stop right there-” the groom demanded, but Kylo held up a dismissive hand as he stubbornly pushed forward. 
“The last thing she told me is that ‘love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres’. That’s what my former love use to claim on the days when we felt like everybody was against us. The days when we could only find joy with each other- and that’s why I thought I’d rejoice in the truth today.” 
Sucking down a steadying inhale flared Kylo’s nostrils. A year’s worth of holding back his feelings falling apart then and there as he gifted Rey with the most bitterly tender smile in front of folks who’d always delighted in his failings. “Well, I always protected. I always trusted, and up until I saw her go up that aisle, I always hoped.”
Inclining his head towards the less than happy couple, Kylo drawled, “So cheers darlin’. May your new love remain a happy man so long as he only believes half of your promises.”
Before Rey could bolt out of her seat to throttle her ex, he’d turned around and left. Leaving nothing behind but scandalized murmurs that followed Rey’s quickened steps as she cut a path down the center of the tree covered reception. Simmering with indignation, only half realizing that she’d shook off her groom’s hold on her arm as all she could focus on was having her say.
Outside of the twinkling light lit barn, Rey kicked off her heels. Choosing to run on foot to catch up. Forgetting about rules of propriety when Kylo had the nerve to throw a leg around his motorcycle after wrecking her good enough dreams.  
“How dare you!” she screamed, repeatedly smacking his arm. “How dare you come here, you ass! What in the hell is the matter with you? How dare you show up and say those things to me after not calling for a year!”
Silently taking the hits, Kylo offered up no apologies. He wasn’t sorry. He’d do it again and again if it meant shaking a lick of sense into the girl who looked more upset about him leaving than about consoling the man whose ring jammed into Kylo’s bicep.
“Why?” Rey sobbed, furiously shaking her head as mascara tears streaked down her cheeks. “Why did you do this?”
“You told me you’d wait.”
Five words had never been spoken more simply, but they knocked the fight right out of Rey. Dropping her fists to her side, she stammered, “I-I did wait.”
“Not long enough,”Kylo hissed, tossing down his helmet. “While I was busting my ass, you were courtin’ someone else! Hell, did you have him saving up for that house on Mulberry Street too?” he snapped, eyes flashing as he pictured it. “Did you also tell him that you wouldn’t accept his proposal if he couldn’t show you physical proof of his commitment? That you’d never loved anybody more, but that he had to be more first?”
Smearing a hand down her face, Rey lashed out. “You left!”
“I left to make enough money to buy your confidence in me!” 
Staring up into his pained expression broke her more than any cutting words ever could. This was the cheeky boy next door who’d snuck wildflowers into her bedroom. This was the awed teen who’d whispered encouragements as he took her for the first time in tall summer grass. This was the grown man with sharp features tensed and feral, but so heartbreakingly beautiful at the same time. Dropping her gaze down to her shaking hands, Rey sorted through all the excuses that had never quite settled into her stomach. Clutching for strands of anything rational to explain all her rash actions after he’d left that lead to her standing outside in her wedding dress in front of the first person who’d asked. “I’m sorry. I-I didn’t hear from you. You didn’t email. You didn’t call. You just said that you’d come back, and I thought that you’d moved on. N-nobody else heard from you, I couldn’t get out of bed after crying myself dry every day, and folks started saying that you must have found someone else-”
Gritting his teeth, Kylo raked his hand through his hair. “I never realized that our bond stopped existing when you couldn’t see me!”
“It was a year-”
“A year that I spent on a damn boat earning money to buy you this.” Kylo swept a contemptuous stare down her rhinestone and lace littered body. “Christ, do you even see what you’re wearing? You look like every girl that we hate.”
For the first time since she’d laid eyes on him again, Rey laughed. Startled into a new emotion with Kylo yet again to blame, hating that he wasn’t entirely wrong. Only a fourth of July sparkler twinkled more than her gown, and as Rey gnawed on her lower lip, she hesitantly glanced over her shoulder towards the mess left behind.
“It was a gift from him.”
“Then I’m sure of it now- he doesn’t know you at all.” Kylo sneered, but instead of stalking away, his arm banded around her waist. Dragging her close enough that his rushed words fell heated upon her lips, “See my girl didn’t care for looking like some Hollywood manicured princess. She didn’t need all the bells and whistles; she didn’t want ‘em if it meant that she’d have more money to spend on scrap metal for sculpting. No, all my annoying, creative girl ever wanted was a house where she could grow things in the back with a garage to tinker around in. Someplace calm after the stress of her parents breathing down her neck- a cozy loved up place to be happy and naked while sucking at cooking. That was my girl. A girl that didn’t need baubles to outshine the whole damn town, that’s you, Rey.”
The fire that he kicked up inside of her smoldered after his words. It was everything she needed to hear and all of it one day too late. It was all the future she’d once dreamed about, but her present called out her name in the distance.
“Maybe you don’t know me anymore,” she murmured.
“Well, I know that I may be the atheist, but you’re the one who suffered from a lack of faith.”
Stroking a calloused thumb along her jaw, he tipped her chin up. “And I know that you haven’t pushed me away.”
Instead of fighting his accusation, Rey gave in. Sealing their lips together with a gasping apology, startling him with a kiss that she didn’t deserve, but she couldn’t stop taking. Slipping her tongue between the seam of his lips, she silently begged him to return- to claim her back. Waiting for the longest second of her life before his eyes closed and his anger made way for passion. Holding her close, he met her intensity. Sparking alive every synapse in her body that was second nature in him to rile up, and Rey couldn’t have hated herself any more for convincing herself that he’d ever leave.
Not when he kissed her like this.
Curling her bare toes into the grass with every touch, and even as he took her breath away, she felt like she could inhale for the first time in months. Feeling whole and happy enough to regret the delusions that lead to her wearing a diamond choker around her throat that felt so impossibly heavy.
Pulling back, Rey sighed against his lips, “I’m already cheatin’, and I just got married.”
“Well, I already dated the good girl,” Kylo chuckled, roguishly tugging her lip.”Bout time I guess that I had a go with the new town trollop.”
Trailing his affections lower down her neck, he breathed her in. Luxuriating in the honeysuckle scent that had kept him company on rough nights. Underneath all the frills was the only sweetness that had ever mattered to him, and his chest squeezed when he pictured letting her walk away in order to be proper. “Tell me that you love me.”
Tipping back her head, Rey stared up at the stars. Watching the bursting white pulses as his mouth raced hers. “I never stopped,” she whispered.
“Tell me that you’re mine.”
“I’m married…”
Gently biting down on her shoulder, Kylo breathed out against the freckled skin he’d dreamed about, “Did the preacher sign the marriage license yet?”
“No,” Rey shivered, her lips fluttering. “I don’t think so.”
“Then you’re not married.”
Snapping his head up, he kept it simple. “Do you want to be married to him?”
“No,” she softly admitted, her insides twisting up into too many knots to count as it hurt to feel how far off the path she’d wandered. “But, can you ever forgive me?”
Up until that point, it was enough to be with her. To stare down into her luminous hazel eyes and fall right back into loving her- adoring her impetuous faults and all. But with an uncertain shake of his head, Kylo Ren released her.
Can I forgive her?
Watching the love of his life so easily walk away from him, and towards somebody else, wasn’t an image he’d likely forget anytime soon. Even if she tasted like home, there was a part of him that occasionally bought into all the talk that he’d never be good enough for anyone. Sometimes the negativity won, and Rey feared that was the case when that gorgeous face that she’d known as well as her own tightened with emotions.
After watching her go down that aisle, Rey accepted that he’d be well within his rights to wound her back. While his love had kept its value, her love had bargained. All the happiness that they should have shared flickered in front of Rey’s fears as he picked up his helmet from the ground, but a sliver of sunlight cracked through the darkness when he handed it over to her with a wink.
“How about you hop on the bike, come back to the motel, and we’ll find creative ways for you to make it up to me.”
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