#I probably just hate him cuz straight women love him lol
seraphares · 1 year
Ngl I only really care for Neuvillette lol
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I feel like every girl knows that Colby isn't interested, they just want to see it for themselves or have this disillusion that he's gonna get changed if they have sex once or several times
Tbh i don't buy the first relationship story anymore, how he can't get over it. It's just an excuse to not open himself up anymore to any girl until a certain point. Just admit it straight away and stop with that story cuz I'm tired of it and no one's gonna keep believing that u still think about that certain person so much that u can't move on with ur life
i honestly think it's the mindset of "i can fix him" which i think a lot of women feel like is something they can do to "broken" men. when in reality, you don't exist to fix ppl. you are not a therapist. it's not your job.
take it from someone who's thought like that before lol
and as for his past love/ex gf, this is all gonna be speculation bc he honestly never talks about what fully happened but here's what i believe happened: i think he's not hung up on the girl, i think he's hung up on the things he did in the relationship, or what happened to him. the couple times he's talked about his past relationship, he goes heavy on the fact that he was too clingy, and he was the one that would fall apart when plans were cancelled. he always makes it seem like he did too much, and she didn't seem to do anything wrong. it was always a him problem. i think what happened is he fell madly in love with this girl, and she just… didn't love him the same way he loved her. and bc the love wasn't reciprocated, he ended up looking desperate and clingy and over-protective when in reality, he was just in love with someone that didn't love him back the same way. sure, maybe he did take things too far. that's perfectly possible and probably also true. but i think he's embarrassed by how he acted in the relationship, but not bc he actually had gross behaviors, so to speak. i think he's more embarrassed for maybe not realizing how not interested she was in him, or how he was giving 90% to her 10%.
i mean, he literally has said he doesn't want to fall for someone like that ever again unless it's his wife. that means he was basically ready to marry this girl, which is insane to me for a number of reasons.
for example: colby clearly cares about appearances (both literal and general), i mean that's why he hates looking back at old videos. but you would think that if looking back at old videos makes him cringe, he would a) stop doing that and/or b) moving forward, not act in a way that makes him uncomfortable, right? instead he doesn't do that. he continues the cycle. and not that that's a bad thing, but either way he loses if he doesn't change. he either has to learn to pretend to be someone he's not, or learn to not get embarrassed by stuff like that. both take time and internal work, and one is clearly the better option than the other. and i think that goes for his past relationship.
i don't think he really started to get over the relationship OR work on himself until 2019; which i think is why that was the most depressing year for him. i mean, that's when we got the balcony tweets, that's when he talked about staying on his couch for days on end, ect. and god knows there are a ton of layers to who he is as a person that maybe need to be addressed on top of the relationship issues he has.
and now, he goes for girls that are already very interested in him, that way he doesn't have to worry about them ever falling out of "love" for him. and then on top of that, he has one foot in the door, one foot in the grave. so, in the very rare occurrence they do stop being into him, he's already gone to begin with. forever ago, i saved this one post he liked on insta that was a tweet of his: you can't miss what you forget with a meme attached that said "scared of ppl leaving you? leave them first". and i think that perfectly describes colby. he's terrified of not being wanted (again) so he only goes after girls that want him more than he wants them. that way he can leave if things get weird, and on top of that, he doesn't have to commit in the first place bc it wasn't that serious to begin with. does he do this on purpose? i don't think so, or i don't think he fully realizes what he's doing when he messes with girls that might fall for him. i also don't think it's his intention to make a girl fall for him, i think that just kinda happens naturally.
slight side tangent, but i've always felt that ppl who rely heavily on casual hook-ups and flings and never settle down are most likely hurting from something in their past and try to use sex to fix it, or at the very least to number the feeling of it. not saying that's every person that likes a casual relationship. do whatever makes you happy. but, why are you doing it? is it bc of the lack of commitment or being scared of it? is it bc you don't think you deserve a loving, full-body relationship? just some food for thought.
and as for colby, i think to some degree he sees the casual hook-up life easier for him. he gets to stay emotionally detached, and he gets to have fun too. it's a win win. but… i don't think in the long run for him it's gonna be. but that's how i think.
again, totally not shaming those that like hook-ups and what not. as long as you're healthy and safe about it, do it. i don't judge. i'm just more stating what i've observed over the years. but if you disagree, totally fine. god knows i'm probably not right lol
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whiskyblu · 8 months
Ok the fuckboy allegations agains Jae eon are making more sense.
Ep 2 starts with Na Bi and Jae On about to kiss under a tree, then he gets a call, and has to leave.  
Enter Best Girl Bit Na trying to explain to Na Bi
“Flowers don’t bloom for just one butterfly….he’s like a flower, a symbol of seductive beauty that withers once its plucked…and you don’t know how to keep things casual.”
And now that Na Bis been warned, Best Girl Bit Na proceeds to support and enable Na Bi to have as many orgasms as possible before she gets her heart broken. 
And thats when I realized, I’m the fuckboi here. Like I’m pretty sure most of the people calling JaeOn a fuckboy would say the same about me because, while I’m not Song Kang Hot (bc really who tf is?) or as calculated about it as Jae On, that’s pretty much how I relationship. Like a neighborhood cat that wanders from house to house, no one knows who it technically belongs to, but everyone lets it in their house, feeds it, loves it, and lets it back out when its ready.  If this dynamic does not spark joy in you, I’m probably not a good fit lol
Bit Na gets demoted from best girl to fuck girl for a bullshit speech about how men and women can’t be friends. -.- 
Ok here’s where I get annoyed with jae eon, dude takes Na bi to a club, and she clearly hates it and has her ears covered and wants to leave. And he just acts cute and gently manipulates her into dancing with him and ‘having fun in spite of herself” cuz she’s so into him. Both cheesy and obnoxious. If it’s not fuck yea, it’s no my dude. In everything else as in sex.
Ok this part is dumb, too.
Nabi walks out of the club to meet Jae eon, who’s smoking outside. A girl gets to JE before Nabi does and clearly knows him, asks if he wants to come hang out with them, asks if he’s with anyone. A perfectly reasonable friendly interaction.
Nabi gets all sad and insecure, and Jae Eon…he reacts the way an insecure mono person would want him too, but it’s rude and stupid. He like. Looks at NaBi, looks kind of annoyed and nervous, and then puts an arm around NaBi and is all “i’m with her you can hang out without.” Girl suggests they can all hang out together, NaBi is like “no I can leave its fine!” -.-
Like. The appropriate way to handle that interaction is to be friendly, introduce everyone “i’m here with this person to night, we’re gonna hang out on our own. See you next time!” and everyone fucks off their separate ways. 
But no. it’s all…tense and dumb. 
Ok so I left a thing out.  Theres this butterfly theme in the show. NaBi, I think, means butterfly, or sounds like butterfly in korean. JE has a Thing for butterflies. Like a cat lady, but butterflies. And the first time NaBi and Jae Eon met, he beat her at darts, and “the winner grants the loser a wish.” His wish was to draw a butterfly on her forearm in marker. Very cute, she didn’t wash it off, blah blah. 
When he saw her again, he was like “oh its still there, it’s water based marker it should be gone by now.”
So, enter Random Club Girl, she’s got the same butterfly on her arm and its fresh. So, you know. More insecurity for NaBi
NaBi asks about the butterfly and he’s like “she did that on her own, she must’ve wanted to see how I’d react…she was a little obsessed with me and delusional.”
Squints ok yellow flag. That could be true. Or bullshit. Or “she wanted to date and I didn’t and then she wouldn’t leave me alone.” All plausible, but kinda shady. So, point in the fuckboy column.
The green flag, tho. Is that dude communicates. Addresses the situation head on, checks in. Asks here ‘hey why’d you try to ditch me?” and then proceeds to be reassuring and. You know. Normal about it. MonoNabi is unconvinced, and I am annoyed.
UGH fucking ji wan again. “Sol! Your so pretty! Even your eyebrows!” *pets eyebrows* “so what are we doing for lunch?”
Being closeted sucks. Oblivious straight girls suck, even when they are less straight than pre-gay. 
Sidebar. Deeply fucking annoying thing in both kdrama and us stuff: character has some completely insignificant owie, and the other person fusses like they’ve broken an ankle. Bitch it’s a papercut, calm down.
Anyway, like that, and PJ being overly concerned is the thing that makes her think “yeah, no, I gotta nip this in the bud”
-.- Maybe I’m just too old for tv that doesn’t have monsters in it.
*a bunch of unnecessary angst about completely normal dating behavior*
…and then it gets gross. He messages her a lot and she ignores him, and angsts, and has a sex dream about him. Which. I mean. Fair.
Then  she’s in class with him, and she has a Period disaster, so she starts acting uncomfortable and tries to escape, he goes to check on her-and notices she's trying to cover up her butt. So he just wraps a shirt around her waist.
Yeah, total fuck boy *eyeroll*
And then later when GoodFriend BitNa is trying to talk NaBi down from getting her heart broken she’s like:
“The things that make you feel special probably mean nothing to him. He’s nice to everyone without exception.”
He’s perfect. Why? Whis is this a problem? I’m so confused. The only ML with zero red flags and HE’S a fuckboy in a toxic situationship?
There’s another drunk college kids party, and it gets a little. People hang out at Na bis house, everyone scatters for a minute (cue some cute shit) and Na Bi seek Jae eon kissing one of the other girls
Ok, this part is gross. As soon as he sees NaBi, and tells the other girl “go back inside, I gotta make a phone call” and makes a very sincere-seeming, direct bid to be kissing NaBi instead instead…and she wipes the other girls lipstick off of him and kisses him.
Now I’ve got some fuckin feelings.
Like. He says something dumb like “oh, nbd, the girl just wanted to try kissing, I’d rather be kissing you.”  
So like. Man is either a supervillain, ho edition, and is trying to see how far he can push her, or…idek.
Like. He’s obviously trying to persuade her to become part of the rotation, which is valid. But this just seems fuckin disrespectful to both of them. 
Except if I was flirting with someone at a party, and saw him kissing someone else, it wouldn’t bother me. I mean, ok yes, I’m a human person who gets jealous but…not angry or disapproving. More like “ooh i wanna be smooching them too, get it, girl” you know? Like it wouldn’t bother me to be one of a few people making out with him in one night. 
I miiight even feel weird to watch him ditch her to come make out with me?  
Im also established enm, and very open about it so…different dynamics.
This is me being genuinely annoyed at our boy for the first time
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loveless-scribes · 3 years
Uchiha Itachi: NSFW Alphabet
So, it has come to my attention that Itachi of the Uchiha has been done a disservice in the eyes of the internet and been called terrible names. *COUGH* vanilla *COUGH* basic *HACK* I assure you, my friends, nothing could be further from the truth! And so, I present to you, my interpretation of the one and only. Enjoy.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Aftercare is not optional. It is just as much a part of the experience as foreplay and the actual sex. 
Will he clean you up? Not religiously, like it’s something he’ll do every time, but yes, he would. If you’re still feeling tired or lingering in bed by the time he’s gotten cleaned up, he wouldn’t think twice and just take care of you as well. If you mention that you think it’s sweet or you enjoy it, then… YES, he would absolutely start doing this religiously. 
Expect hairstroking and holding you to his chest, letting you listen to his heartbeat. If you want to share your 4 AM thoughts here, he’ll be down for it and let you know what he thinks about your ideas. After you’ve fallen asleep he will stay awake sorting through his thoughts, over what it means to have you by his side and the risks involved for you. This is pretty much the only time in the day that it’s safe to be vulnerable with his thoughts and so, this is where he will think about what you mean to him, and press a kiss to your forehead before finally going to sleep himself. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Eyes, definitely. The eyes are known to be the windows to the heart and his own eyes define so much of his life and his destiny, so yes, he could stare into his partner’s eyes for an almost uncomfortably long time, drinking them in. I can’t really say he’s a butt or boobs guy cuz that’s not how his mind is wired. He’s wired to be mission-oriented and there’s no room in his mind for distractions but on his S/O he would appreciate and worship every inch of her. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Um… breeding kink, anyone? Defo see him as having one. Is this an underlying psychological thing because he was deprived of having a normal family? At the same time, though, he’s in no rush to have children of his own, because he knows what a terrible place this world can be. But the desire to spill his seed deep into his S/O’s womb is deeply ingrained. Modern birth-control would really solve this problem. 
Also, swallowing. *COUGH* If someone does this for him it will go straight to his head. Prepare to be rewarded. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Hmm… I almost feel guilty about characterizing him like this, but I could see him somewhere deep down having a desire to have his partner submit to him? Not in the sense that he would ask for that, but if he had a wet dream about his S/O she would probably be on her knees, and he would feel guilty about it the next day and be a little sweeter than usual to her. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Okay! So, this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Itachi is inexperienced! Even if we take Canon!Ita (but maybe age him up a little) I feel like there could be situations, mission-related, or pursued by women he objectively finds appealing, where saying no is just more inconvenient than going along with it. Especially if it’s for the sake of a mission, he wouldn’t think twice. Or if he does it in order to not blow his cover. While he does largely turn admirers away, more for their own good and because he’s generally not interested, I do believe he could have realistically encountered situations in his travels that led to sexual encounters. He hasn’t taken a vow of chastity, so I don’t see why he should go to unreasonable lengths to say no?
So yeah, in my mind he definitely has some experience, but not a whole lot. Obviously, he takes necessary precautions to ensure those brief dalliances stay just that. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Hahahaha, so I had to do some research to find out what this position is called. The Mastery? Basically, it’s woman on top but the couple is in a seated position. Meaning, he gets to look into your eyes and just basically, the heightened intimacy and closeness of this position are what does it for him. Also, he has more control than in the normal girl-on-top position, so he can control the pace somewhat and help you out. 
But if you’re tired, he’ll pick you up and flip positions, he won’t wait for you to admit you’re tired and he won’t listen to your protests. He wants to see you out of your mind in ecstasy, not wondering whether or not you’re too tired to continue. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Alright, so it’s Itachi, right? He isn’t very jokey. That just is what it is. He might do something unintentionally that might make you giggle, or you could laugh out of nervousness and while he very much enjoys that sound he doesn’t really know how to provoke it from you. It’s just not his area of expertise. (Sorry, Ita. Couldn’t give you this one.)
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Hmm… well, Itachi definitely is clean by nature, and is definitely well-groomed and particular in all aspects of his life, so… I’m going to go with trimmed. Neat and orderly. Just like everything else about him. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I lowkey just want to link my oneshots to this, cuz they say it all, but alright! He will want to be connected to his S/O. That means either being able to see her face, or if the position doesn’t allow for it to hear her voice the entire time. He’s good at that. He’s so sweet and considerate and perceptive. He knows what’s working for you and what isn’t even without you saying a word, He may not have a whole lot of experience, but he has an innate talent (because doesn’t he just… with everything?) and he’s an exceptionally quick learner. He will legit ruin you for anyone else because if you ever ARE with anyone else and they snap at you, “What do you think I am, a mind reader?” You’ll realize what Itachi was doing.
So, yeah. He wants to make sure you’re into it and you’re taken care of and you’re near delirious with pleasure before he decides to let go himself. Being self-sacrificial and caring for others is in his nature. So, yeah, you really need to man up and figure out what he needs because he isn’t going to tell you. But you’re smart. You’ll work it out. (OR JUST READ THE REST OF THIS ALPHABET.)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Sorry, no. Don’t see him doing this. You have to consider how disciplined the guy is, and how insanely busy. It really is kind of a waste of time at the end of the day and if he wants it that badly, he can just make the trip to see you. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Teasing, edging, getting you to beg. He feels bad for you, he really does. But how much more can you take? You won’t know until you know. He’ll reward you for your patience though. And let’s be honest, you’ll love it, teasing and all. Not to mention mindfucking you to oblivion.  
So, I went through an alleged “complete” list of 239 kinks to try and answer this question and most of it was just… weird. So, let’s do this differently. What follows is an incomplete list of things I could potentially see him being into or good at or have an interest in. In no particular order: mirrors, sub/dom play (with a little coaxing and admitting to himself that this is even a thing that he’s into. It would absolutely be limited to the bedroom, though), sensory deprivation, and.... bear with me here, but… I could see him having a hand for Shibari. THINK ABOUT IT. Those knots and things they learned to tie in the ninja academy? And we know Itachi is the best of the best in everything he does. So, I don’t think this is beyond the realm of possibility. 
Generally speaking, though, he just doesn’t have the time for this stuff. BUT IF HE DID…
And now, this is exclusive to AM!Ita but he most likely has a praise kink. Being hated and cursed for eons, and being disillusioned with his own role, if his S/O comes in and tells him how great he is, how handsome, how wonderful. How good he is at what he does. How wonderful he makes her feel. Mmmm. I can see that doing things to him. XD
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Ideally, in a lake or a river. Outdoor bathing spaces are generally approached with caution, so even if someone were to come by they would call out and make sure no one is there first, which means, less risk of getting caught. And I mean, this is Itachi… He’s an S-rank exiled nin. HE KNOWS HOW TO NOT GET CAUGHT. LOL. But yeah, he spends a lot of time out-of-doors. He’s more accustomed to the starry sky overhead than the roof of a house or woodland cabin. In my interpretation, he feels very much at peace when surrounded by nature and he would enjoy being intimate with you in that setting. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Confidence. Enthusiasm. Not necessarily seduction, if it’s a stranger he’s dealing with, this is more of a turn-off than anything. But if it’s his S/O and she turns up the charm and crooks a finger at him… You might even get a smile on that stoic face. I don’t see him being into the shy and stuttering type. If you blush and say, “No! St- stop!” He’ll literally stop. And probably apologize. AND NOT DO IT AGAIN.
If you try and explain to him that your no doesn’t mean no… Ah, yeah. He’s not into that. Be straightforward. Say what you mean. Don’t play games with him. He’ll see right through you. 
That being said, being a lonely fighter all his life means he’s very sensitive to your touch. Just run a hand along his shoulder in passing and he’ll grab it and press a kiss to your palm, and haul you in. I could see him being into your hands. It really isn’t hard to turn him on, it’s hard to earn his trust and a position in his life that gives you the right to touch him and be touched by him. But when you’re there, it’s the easiest thing in the world. A smile, a kiss, a brush of your fingers over his collarbones. He’s a goner. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Pegging. This goes without saying. I can’t really think of much else he wouldn’t be into. I mean, stuff that’s a little more out there. Watersports. Daddy/Mommy kinks. Actual exhibitionism, (not genjutsu version) no way is he going to let anyone look in on your most intimate moments. Impact play. He knows very well what his hands are capable of, and there’s a lot of blood on them, so he really wouldn’t be into stuff that involves actually hurting you. 
If his S/O likes it VERY rough, he might resort to genjutsu so that she gets what she wants, but he doesn’t have to actually hurt her. Other than that, bruising, choking, the usual level of roughness? Bring it on. Being adept with his hands also means he knows very well where that fine line between pain and pleasure is. 
Not to mention, he’s very perceptive, so he’ll figure out what you’re into even without you saying it. He’s also very giving so he’ll focus more on your preferences than his own. But if the day ever comes where you realize what submission does to him… The man would be putty in your hands. Kukukukuku...
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving, because he has absolute control over your pleasure, and because he enjoys how easily he can drive you out of your mind. We’ve established that he’s a terrible tease, so driving you to the brink and leaving you hanging, feeling every single one of your reactions… It’s good stuff. 
Receiving takes the cake though. Being that vulnerable with someone, even having someone he can trust that much. It’s definitely something he’s very partial to, something that makes him soft towards you, and something that plays into his forbidden desire of seeing you submit, whether or not he’s aware of it. He’ll make sure to return the favor tenfold.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
This is an odd question I think, because… doesn’t it depend? On how much time he has, on how the two of you are feeling, on what the mood is? 
Anyways, I’m going to go ahead and say slow and sensual because he really is a man who likes to take his time with you. He likes to feel every one of your responses, hear every little mewl and whimper and moan that crosses your lips. He definitely makes it an experience. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not his preference, but he isn’t above having a quickie if that’s all that time allows. But he would definitely follow up with a proper session at a later time, then. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Itachi is so nice. He really is. There’s nothing you could want that he wouldn’t be willing to try at least once for your sake. I mean, apart from the stuff listed under “N”. 
And would he take risks? YES, HE WOULD. Because his assessment of the risks varies greatly from yours. So, something that you would think is very risky, might seem not risky at all to him, because he knows exactly how to go unseen, unnoticed. You might think he’s being risky, but he’s well aware there was a 0% chance you were going to get caught. Because Itachi skillz.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Stamina! *insert sparkles* AM!Ita has been established in the works, so I think that needs no comment. Canon!Itachi is a freaking fighter. An S-class exiled nin. Someone who claims Itachi has no stamina wants to start something with me. DID YOU SEE HIM HAND SASUKE’S ASS TO HIM? Despite his illness? He lost because he CHOSE to lose. I don’t see the Akatsuki hauling out a wheelchair for Itachi to go on his missions, so don’t go telling me nothing about Itachi having no stamina. SHAKE MY HEAD WHILE JUDGING YOU.
Dude is strong as hell. And you can’t tell me some bedroom fun is more physically taxing than literal superhuman battles against huge ass tailed beasts! It’s just ridiculous. I’m not here to rant. Better calm down.
I’m here to tell you our man can go for at least three rounds and you will *GUARANTEED* always tire out before he does. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yes. The sharingan. THE ONLY TOY YOU WILL EVER NEED. As mentioned above, he’s not above using his skills to heighten your pleasure, and mess with your mind. But actual, physical toys? Nah, the thought processes that would lead to considering, comparing, and actually purchasing those are just so foreign to his thinking. It would never even cross his mind. What can a toy even do that he can’t do better? (To his thinking anyway. Well, he’s not wrong.)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He will make you beg. Absolutely. He’s totally unfair. He will have casual conversations with you while driving you out of your wits. And then he’ll ask you why you’re not answering him. Ask you what’s wrong. Ask you what you want. LIKE HE DOESN’T KNOW. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Itachi is very restrained and disciplined so, unfortunately, this means he isn’t very vocal. I know, cry with me, it’s such a waste. *hires an orchestra of the world’s smallest violins* BUT that means when you do manage to make him groan or moan in pleasure, it’s such a huge ego boost. Apart from the sounds he makes when hitting a climax, he’s generally in control and whispering praise and teasings into your ear or over your skin.
If you want him to talk, get on your knees and give him some head. Not kidding. Mentioned it above already. He gets to let go, a lot of his secret kinks are getting fulfilled, he feels vulnerable and is cool with it. He’ll dig his hands into your hair, cup your cheek, his eyes will roll into the back of his head and he’ll tell you on a low moan what a good girl you are. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
So, let’s say you’re waiting to talk to him and he’s busy meeting with some people or whatever and you’re standing off to the side patiently. He just briefly glances at you before turning back to his comrades and BOOM. Next thing you know, he’s got you by the neck, has you pinned against his desk/table/whatever (this was originally a Hokage!Ita headcanon so do with that what you will), and is doing unspeakable things to you in front of everyone. No sooner does the encounter come to an end, than you suddenly wake up and find yourself still standing right where you were, until it happens again, and this time he takes you against the wall. It’s an illusion wrapped in an illusion wrapped in an illusion more times than you can count and when you finally do come to your senses, you can barely stand. The meeting is over. Itachi turns toward you, “You wanted to speak with me?”
Ah, yes. Good old Itachi mindfuckery.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I mean, muscles, yes? Lots of them. Man’s fit as a fiddle. He’s a ninja. So, yes, the entire delicious length of him is covered in lean, firm muscle. He’s clearly well-endowed because… he just is. Maybe not the longest cucumber in the farmer’s market (which isn’t to say he isn’t long, because he is… don’t claim I called him short) but thick and veiny and above all else, attached to a man with a brain who knows how to use it efficiently. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
This is a tough one, because the constraints are not on his drive, but on his time. He’ll take whatever chances he can to be with you. AM!Ita is established to have a very high sex drive, but he also has restraint, so when you’re not into it, he’s cool with it. As if that would ever happen. So, I would have to say, the actual encounters will unfortunately be far between because of his lifestyle, but he will always make up for lost time.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Kind of already mentioned this above, that those moments afterwards with you are his most vulnerable moments where he feels relatively safe and at ease, so he stays awake for a long time after, sorting through his thoughts. Also, he won’t say this to you, but it’s his job to protect you, so there is no way he’ll fall asleep before you do. Not gonna happen.
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burnedbyshoto · 3 years
this isn’t any hate at all but what’s ur response to this? i’m curious.
mmm well tbh I’m not sure why this needs my response because i’m one of hundred of thousands 18+ content creators within the bnha fandom who strictly doesn’t want minor interaction. but you want my opinion and my opinion is what you shall get.
in case you did not watch the tiktok linked above, i’ll give you a rundown of what it was. a person standing in front of the camera with a judging, puritan look on their face with an audio clip of children screaming-singing as the text on the screen reads:
Tumblr media
with of course a caption reading: that’s something that will never make sense to me.
okay! so content of the video is covered! now for my opinion :)
the person is of course free to feel however it is they wish to feel (I did not look anything about about the content creator nor do I wish to so I will use gn pronouns in case) but we should all be vividly and extremely aware that I do not agree.
there’s obviously a certain type of disconnect between their thinking and my thinking. whereas they give a puritan, human right to fictional characters, I say fuck these pixels and make them anything and everything you want them to be. I will not continue fighting this battle of how fictional characters have no rights because they aren’t human. if they want to believe that these characters are somehow affected by works where they are noncon’d or killed or thrown into the ocean then that’s on them. I believe that this shit will never harm the characters because they’re fake, and so long as I warn the actual living humans who are reading my content, I am in the right.
“shouto breathed in deeply, but too deeply, and snorted a peanut, killing him instantaneously.”
“shouto revived because his cock is too fat and god gave him another shot.”
oh LOL! spoke too soon! he’s alive!
how can he die and instantly revive? oh I don’t know cuz he’s not real! that’s it!
now let’s talk about adults within fandoms, especially in fandoms that garner a lot of children/less than 18 year olds attention.
imma say this while laughing because i’m sorry but minors and even adults who try to be cool fandom moms for the children have this mindset that if you say “18+ minors dni” that means immediately you have to be a porn hub central. more often than not, these accounts probably do have porn and smut and what not, but it’s not the only reason. there are some very strong and obvious adult content. drugs, alcohol, abuse, and things like marriage are very adult like topics. now i’m not trying to say that minors don’t experience these things, but when someone is simply talking about how they want to go smoke some weed or go drink, they don’t want to see minors on their page liking shit, commenting shit, or whatever.
minors have the habit of either saying they agree which is awkward as an adult or being this puritan shit that screams about how sex is bad, drugs are worse, alcohol is a sin, and how fictional characters are hurting and are in abusive and toxic relationships because you wrote or drew deku taking kacchans dick up his ass.
some adults also need to do this to protect themselves. it’s a warning that what’s on their page, what’s on their content is a clear and unmissable symbol that this isn’t for kids even if the content of the show is aimed for kids. we should all know that by the time you reach your 20’s that you’re not going to wither off and die, that you’re not going to be stuck in the kitchen or in the office, we are aware that taxes and bills don’t take years of concentration to do, and that adults whether they are 25 or 80 have hobbies and interests outside of work.
fan content is something that many people love to do. adult women have been the pioneers and trailblazers to things such as 18+ content for years. as adults, trust me when I say that we don’t want to simply write fluff and one shot romances with only a sweet soft buildup. of course there are people who do that, and that’s all good, but adults are allowed to do whatever the hell they want to with anime characters because they simply do not exist.
I have a major lady boner for todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku, and bakugou katsuki all three of which are technically minors within their universe, so you will hear me once more say that I am not within their universe, they are not human, therefore my works do not and will never hurt them. for that I am able to write 18+ content and because of previous minors who have come onto my blog waving puritan flags and “you’re too old for this get a life” flags, I deemed it best to put up the 18+ minors dni because they were now infringing on my ability to create content in the light hearted way I want to do. if you look back at my content, they all have adult themes to them, even if it isn’t smut. I am just past the bump in the road where I feel like I need to direct my things at people who are simply unwilling to see my work and scream bloody murder in my ears & will gladly take on all adults who want to spew bullshit about how fictional characters are real and can feel things.
that’s my opinion. feel free to agree or disagree. but the original creator is a straight up acting like a gate keeping puritan. let people create what they want for fiction, even if you don’t agree.
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nov5aftermath · 3 years
1st anon. And naw but don't feel bad about stating facts. I'm a gay cis white man and I HATE Billy's school shooter lookin ass. Billy 1. knocked up a whole living breathing girl in h.s 2. pressured his gf into sex 3. Flirted with chicks on screen and 4. sl*t shamed women like every straight high school boy ever and even the writer and creator of scream only ever talked about the possibility of Stu being in love with him and not the other way. Billy is yet another unremarkable str8 white boy that destroys everything around himself and would probably bully you and then tumblr tries to use its fetishization of gay men and gay romance cuz he's a moderately okay looking twink that they're attracted to (aka feminine in their eyes so he must be gay lol) that they can pretend is their omg gayby!!! Like wow super funny how Sidney x Tatum is right there and no one talks about it but I guarantee if they were beardless, skinny, conventionally attractive men there'd be tons of fics and theories about their tragic gay love story. Where are all the x Readers making threeway fics with them instead of Billy and Stu? Also the biphobia in the community, not even gonna touch that.
Just say u fetishize and project onto maleness and mlm romance and go.
Stu can stay though. There's no way he ain't gay or bi.
Honestly yeah most of this is dead on, it's kind of in the same vein as the columbine stans (although waaaay less severe and problematic of course bc billy's just a fictional character at the end of the day)
Also the point of stu being in love with billy and not vice versa is pretty central to their dynamic imo and probably how billy manipulated stu into first participating in the killings (although don't get me wrong, stu is still guilty, i just think with him it's more of an addiction to the feeling thing and he had to be coerced into getting his first taste of blood, so to speak)
Yesssss more tatum content and queer sidney would be so much better than mediocre white man stannery like let's stray from the norm and be a lil different... but ya know, fandom gonna fandom, femslash is never gonna be as popular sadly :/
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Hey Goldy, i'm positive Yoongi isn't straight and has been fairly open about it from the early years. So do u think that Yoongi could've influenced Jikook (especially Jimin cuz he is very close to him) in any sort of way on their journey?
Jimin is VERY close to Yoongi
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Thank you so much for this statement😭
I feel seen and heard🤧
Not a lot of Jokers out here appreciate Yoonmin's bond😭😭😭😭
The disrespect! How dare they!
In reality, Yoonmin is one of the best ships that reflects the hyung dongsaeng dynamic perfectly in BTS in my opinion- Jinkook and Yoonkook, NamTae are heavy contenders I'd say but Yoonmin is right up there with them. Love Jihope too- if they could cut down on the flirting chilee.
No JHOPE I don't want you to call Jimin sexy or look at him like you want to gobble him with a glass of Sprite- it's weird😭😭😭
But also don't stop
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From Suga 'bullying' Jimin, teasing him, praising him, mentoring him, the bickering- he is the biggest PJM right next to JK and Namjoon. I said what I said.
So thank you for this. I literally cried.
Feel so good to hear someone say that.
I'm having an existential crisis at the moment and Yoonmin is what is getting me through it at the moment.
People need to stop invalidating the members' bond. Seriously. Not cool. They all have beautiful dynamics real or not.
But he's gay? 🤔
You believe Suga is gay??
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He's queer and has been pretty open about it from the beginning???
A lot of people assume that about him actually. I think it's interesting.
Did he influence Jikook, Jimin in anyway...
If by influence you mean support then yes. I think he was and has been very supportive of Jimin and JK individually and has helped them embrace and make sense of certain aspects of themselves.
I think he's more understanding than most of the challenges and difficulties of being young and uncertain of who you are growing up under public scrutiny and in a highly hostile environment.
I think he is wise beyond his age and I have a ton of love and respect for him as both a person and an artist.
I love 'People' so much...
I think the most Iconic thing he's said so far to me is this totally woke, fanservice questioning and ridiculing statement:
'I didn't want to wear the maid outfit. I was surprised when they said it's for the fans. We don't have any interest in seeing girls wear men's clothes so why does the fans want us to wear women's clothes?'
It's weird. Fanservice is weird.
My least favorite moment of his is when he admonished JK not to say things like he'd want a tattoo when he grows up because the fans wouldn't like that.
I found that very contradictory for someone who's life motto is nevermind- or is it I don't give a shit?😏
Find it equally triggering whenever he teases JK about crying too much or being a cry baby as if it's wrong for men to cry. There's nothing wrong with shedding tears. Men cry too.
Then the bit about him not wanting tattoos or just a dot on his toe or feet or something because he has things he might want to do post BTS that having a tattoo would just be an inconvenience... quite conservative I'd say.
He don't give a fuck but then he gives a fuck?
Mans gotta be a realist or I'd chalk up these inconsistencies in his values to the clash between his Persona and his real self.
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To be fair, he's not the only one. That conflict plays out in almost every member's outlook.
I see Yoongi as that one person who'd say to a person, go for it but end that advice with a caveat such as, 'but understand people will hate you for it' or some truth along those lies.
He places consequences right next to desire and as long as the person is not oblivious to and can bare the consequences of their actions, decisions and choices then I think he'd ask them to go for it and stand in their truth.
That much I know is his value and I can see how that might have impacted both JM and JK. But rather than encourage them to take risks, I think he pushes them to seize opportunities and put themselves outside- there's a difference there. Their not one and the same.
More than anyone in BTS, I think he understands the gravity of being queer, closeted or being in a relationship with a bandmate in the industry they work in.
I think he is much mature enough to understand the consequences of over attachment and risks of detachment and that too plays out in the way Jikook carry themselves around in the group.
Other than that, I think he minds his business most times.
Do I think he is open minded about conversations on sexuality? Absolutely.
But that's as far as I can go on the topic.
I do not believe he is queer and I'm not convinced in anyway he is pansexual or bisexual either- don't quote his song lyrics to me I already know. Lol.
Boy or girl my tongue will send you to hongkong....
And then his interviews about what he finds attractive in women??
'... it's not limited to boys or girls?'
I think that bit was heavily misconstrued.
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This was his response when he was asked to talk about moments his heart skipped because of JHOPE. Similar to moments when the members had said their they almost fell for a band mate perhaps.
Other translations of that statement he made in the interview was, 'since we are both men, how can my heart throb for a man' and then he laughs it off.
Knowing Suga, I think he probably meant that in the most ridiculing, most mocking way possible- these interviewers be asking some stupid questions sometimes.
But imagine Suga saying that with two gay members sitting right next to him in that interview and how these members would feel hearing him say that about homosexuality.
One thing about BTS, if they be making loud openly 'woke' statements, take a shovel to their past- it's usually because they've messed up somewhere and are simply acting conscious of the things they say that can come across as problematic. In my opinion.
They do learn and grow from their mistakes. That's one thing I love about BTS.
They've all had their problematic moments as I keep saying.
To me, this interview moment would be one of such said problematic moments if not one very homophobic moment of Suga's- if the translations were right I mean. chileee. Lemme shut up. Lol.
And before anyone says but JK said the same thing too...
JK had a 'fear' of coming across as Gay in his early years. Part of the reason he wanted JM on the west of his east when the cameras came around- in my opinion.
He'd stutter when similar 'gay' questions were thrown his way- prompting Jimin to ask him straight away not to answer said question when an interviewer asked him.
You pair that with some of the members describing him as 'wanting to be manly' or appear like a manly man and it's not hard to figure out what was going on with him.
He'd pause and look at JM funny when JM would describe their relationship as in between friends and romance...
Jimin had to tell him to relax and that it was normal for men to say 'love' to men without it being weird or gay.
He knew gayism was a thing. He simply didn't want to be viewed as one- either because of his own repressed homosexual desires, in which case that would be internalized homophobia or he really really didn't like being thought of as gay- homophobia.
Suga's is different.
He either genuinely didn't know gay was a thing or that some men's heart actually beat for other men- seems to me he thought the idea of a man's heart skipping for another man absurd or impossible- or dude thought he was being a smart pants with that remark. Lol.
Baring his age in mind at the time of the interview, that in anyway reflects his ideals or assumptions about sexuality. That heterosexuality is D norm. That straight is all he can be or should be thought of as- He clearly hasn't read the blogs. He's in for a rude awakening.
If JK had this ideology about sexuality I think he would have been able to hide his sexuality better and not freak out each time people made jokes about it💀
Suga's said explicitly he is attracted to gal's who wear headphones, doesn't like gals who play hard to get- said he'd kick em if they didn't quit playing hard to get (misogynistic and abusive lyrics there but it's hiphop- let's not talk about that) finds it ridiculous that men should wear female clothes, thinks 'men' shouldn't cry.... all the making of a fine gay man😃
Should we chalk it up to internalized homophobia then??
I wouldn't.
A very dedicated Sope shipper will tell you, he said what he said to cover the fact he is gay so there's that. Lol.
I'm just not convinced Suga is part of the community but I think he is open minded now, leans less into his conservative values and more towards progressive values and thoughts.
I don't think he in any way shape or form 'influenced' Jikook to be gay or to do the gay if that's what you were asking.
But I do respect your opinion on Suga. I think we are all free to assume whatever we want in this case.
I might be wrong about him. You might be wrong about him or we could all be right. We will never know.
Thanks for the ask.
Wasn't comfortable answering it though. Lol.
I don't like when I have to watch what I say.
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coralsgrimes · 3 years
You know I was on twitter all day yesterday and I get it. It's so gross. Did he fool us with his wholesome persona? Because some part of him has to be rotten for falling for that... creature. How does he work with and be friends with people such as Evan Rachel Wood but THAT'S his taste in women? I'm so disappointed. It's not even about jealousy, i hate when people say that. It's just this behaviour, so juvenile, so embarrassing. I won't even touch her part of it because everyone already knows she's cuckoo. Yikes ben.
I honestly think that most of his public friendships and other relations with famous folks are only business transactions to him? He got Evan and most probably Floriana Lima to star in his videos as ‘fren helpin fren out’, name dropped Darren Criss (ughhhh), showed at the premiere of the Westworld lady new film out of nowhere just to schmooze, lookin like homeless guy (Thandiwe Newton said she had no idea he was there, but he needs nothing from her so why bother?) and the thanks he said to Chloe on twitter was late as fuck and kinda like he said it only cuz she posted about helping him first, so he had to. Maybe the shitshow is clouding my judgement but that’s how it feels.
The disappointment is immeasurable but let Wanda help me to explain it better:
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All the signs were there always but he does a good job showing us this good guy image ;c I can’t see him as honest anymore. He has been playin for a long time now and he got lost. He can’t put his priorities straight I think? I’ve been thinking about that InStyle smoke bomb interview where he admits that someone (the almighty unnamed THEY) had to tell him what he should do LOL At the same time, as I said smoke bomb, the interview is just a bunch of shit he been already tellin us for years but with few fucks chipped in. He is telling his fans what they want to hear to sell his music dream.
AND THE PLEASE DO NOT SPECULATE WHO THE SONGS ARE ABOUT!!!!!!! u tell us nothing?? thats all we have??? AND HOW HE IS AN EMPATH!! you know who tells out loud that they are an empath or some of this sort? Narcissist looking for approval x.x
Just gonna add the nice video I found on twitter (obvi) love that I want to marry and impregnate someone talk. when I find someone worth sharing I will do let my fans know... ye been saying that for years and I can’t see u moving in that direction BB <3
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therealsehinton · 4 years
Dress by Taylor Swift screams Chylvia to me. Anyways, can I please have some Chylvia headcanons?- Cherry
AHHH okay!!! I'll make sure to listen to that song!!! AND THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING CHYLVIA CONTENT I LOVE THEM
▪︎they didn't really know each other before the whole, um, murder incident in the book
▪︎sylvia knew OF cherry for sure, like she was a very popular cheerleader in their school 
▪︎cherry, on the other hand, barely knows about sylvia besides seeing her hanging on dallas once and being like "oh so that's his type"
▪︎sylvia has always thought she was cute, but she's never been interested in straight girls who've had the same boyfriends since middle school, especially rich white popular girls
▪︎but in the aftermath of all their trauma, cherry distanced herself from her social circle and sylvia did too
▪︎at some point they just found each other
▪︎i hc that sylvia sings at night clubs often for some extra money and I think that's how cherry would stumble upon her, at a nightclub and hearing her sing
▪︎and they started something casual, they figured no one really understood the pain they were going through so it just made sense for them to hang out
▪︎because they're around each other so often now, the gang often judges them cuz like, you know, they hate women 
▪︎but they would be close with pony 
▪︎after everything went down, cherry feels really bad for ponyboy and figures the least she could do is talk to him at school 
▪︎and I hc that sylvia and johnny were good friends, so her and pony probably keep in touch because of their old connections to johnny and dally
▪︎so pony knows about them too and confides in them that he thinks he may be gay
▪︎and they're like, "you THINK you might be gay, lol?!?"
▪︎they start becoming really close as friends before they know it
▪︎and that eventually makes them develop a beyond casual relationship
here's some fluffy stuff:
▪︎sylvia LOVES cherry's hair so much, it's like everything she wanted as a kid. cherry's hair isn't tangled and tough like hers so it's easier to braid and play with, and she likes putting bows and ribbons in her hair
▪︎cherry loves everything about sylvia but she really likes her eyes and her hands like she will just randomly study her hands and link their fingers together and kiss her palm
▪︎sylvia is obsessed with cherry's freckles, and when she draws her that's her favorite thing to do: dot all the freckles
▪︎sylvia draws cherry 24/7
▪︎they do makeup on each other for fun, like cherry does her more natural toned down look on sylvia and sylvia does her smoky eyes 
▪︎they wear each other's clothes even tho it doesn't fit that well, and you can always see sylvia in a cardigan a little too big for her 
▪︎sylvia LOVES cherry's clothes please like she will wear her shoes, her shirts, her dresses, anything that can fit her, she practically robs her
▪︎cherry always asks sylvia to sing for her, she loves her voice
▪︎they cuddle a lot ♡
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offtopicoverload · 4 years
Howdy there!! Who are the li’s you fancy the most from LITG??
hi! thanks for the ask!
i honestly dunno who’s my top answer, cuz they’re all interesting in their own way
I’m only going to talk about female LIs cuz the only male routes I’ve finished are Bobby and Jake, and I tapped through most of Jake and only ended with Bobby on my first run cuz I never unlocked Marisol, so I’m not the best source lol
She’s just so chill but has no problem standing up for MC, she has her back no matter what
Which, like, what a queen
She’s the original and only one of 4 LIs, which maybe it’s just me, but for a game based on an incredibly heteronormative reality show, allowing representation for queer audiences from launch is such a big deal and so cool to me, so Talia’s kind of special in my mind
She was also my first LI so nostalgia points
And she’s such an easy LI, not much drama on her route outside of Lucy, just her having MC’s back as the boys make themselves look like idiots
And she has so much potential, like I know some people think her only personality trait is fancying MC, which I mean, is a little fair, but there’s so many opportunities for her in fics and headcanons to develop the good amount of information we got on her in 13 days
I absolutely love how self-aware and confident she is
She just went for what she wanted, struggled a bit with commitment at first, because who wouldn’t, but after that it was smooth sailing
Like obviously what she said in the Beach Hut at the beginning of the season wasn’t great for MC, but she knew exactly what she wanted out of her time on the show
She was confident in herself and her sexuality so much so that she was just down to have a fling with a girl and not worry about how it would effect the show
And then she *coupled up* with that same girl, not even giving a shit about the rules or anything
A queen
I know she’s not an official LI, but her arc is what got me into writing so she gets a million points for that
I love what could have been done with her progression if she was given an actual route, I’m a sucker for some good enemies to lovers, but alas, she’s canonically a bad bitch with a lot of internalised homophobia yet enough confidence to ask MC out
I still love her
I know so many people hate her, and I get it, but I do really like her growth
Maybe it’s cuz I’m pretty analytical too, but her analyses never bothered me or anything, and now that I’ve played her route so many times, it’s pretty obvious that that’s a defense mechanism, and I understand that
She very much so has a “figure their weaknesses out before they have a chance to figure mine out” attitude, and I’m 99% positive it’s because of the ex that Elisa reminded her of
So not only has she been burned in the past, I’m willing to bet it was by the only woman she’s been in a serious relationship with
I really have no problem with her commitment issues, it’s understandable, and I can really empathise with her fear of coming out, it’s absolutely terrifying even if you’ve accepted it and bought a flag, saying the words can be really difficult
My biggest issue is her entitlement and immaturity, I guess?
Like her using Graham to make MC jealous just feels like an excuse to crack on with him and still have MC available for when she’s ready
I understand her being scared to couple up, but playing games to distract herself just made things with MC worse
And unless youre on her route, and sometimes even when you are, it’s clear to me that she expects things and has no problem saying what they are, but going after them is a problem?
Like her going after Lurik even though they don’t have a connection, or Gary even when he’s with Hannah
But then it never works and she gets sad and I melt because I’m weak
ALSO, can I just say how awful it is that Lucas and Henrik don’t pick her unless they have to???
Like cmon she deserves MC after that
And when they finally couple up? And she’s all soft? The GROWTH ohmygod
Anyway I love who Marisol became, maybe not everything she started out as, but definitely the person she ended the season as, more confident and self assured and willing to be vulnerable
It’s precious
I still haven’t done an Elisa route
I tried to a couple months ago, but dumping Marisol felt so cruel, what the hell was Fusebox thinking with that?? 
I do really like that they learned from their mistake though, even if they went in the opposite direction
From what I’ve seen of Elisa, she can be pretty sweet, I’ve seen her described as a Lucas-Bobby hybrid, and while that’s not the most interesting personality to me, I will say that she’s a really cool character that FB messed up on
Why did they make her a straight up villain???
And why ONLY her???
None of the other female LIs have been villains or had such a complete 180
Like her going from shouting at Chelsea, who is literally meant to be MC’s ride or die and the person outside of your LI that youre supposed to want to defend and avenge, to “i cant even sleep because im pining so hard”
I know the treatment of black women has been discussed before, specifically in regards to Hope and Erikah, and it is by no means my place to speak on it, but I definitely think something’s going on with Elisa
Anywayyyy, I love her archetype
The celebrity and influencer has so much potential, to the point that I wrote a one shot without even knowing her lmao 
And she’s so confident in a way that’s so different from Marisol
She doesn’t even care if MC’s happily coupled up, she WILL get in her pants and I respect that
In conclusion, Fusebox did her dirty and I’m probably going to try and retcon some canon for her in the future
A goth babe
Yeah, anyway, so I love her
Her growth is just unbeatable in my opinion
Yeah, she still has her flaws by the end of the season, but she went from ready to rip everyone’s throat out to biting her tongue around Hannah
And her and MC???
And the development between them??? 
No matter what way you swing it, you’ve either got best friends to lovers or enemies to lovers and I adore both
And her aesthetic is one of my favourites, I’m alt myself and having a character like that is just so cool
My Runaways MC is a ball of sunshine with some hidden darkness specifically because Lottie’s such a dark cloud but can start shining with the right person, and that’s my absolute favourite trope
But man were the wedding episodes a cop out
Why couldn’t they give her the Noah treatment? Or the single treatment? Where they just get together after the show? Same with Hannah, why are they giving such an intense confession after who knows how long of literally nothing, like no communication even????
Don’t get me wrong, I kinda simultaneously love it for the angst and yearning, but it just… makes no sense?
So yeah, amazing bat lady that I seriously vibe with and wish my MC could have wifed up
I know this is a little controversial buuuut
I fucking love Hannah
But only OGHannah, Returning Hannah was butchered and I will never let that go
And it was such a toxic message too, that she needed to change herself and her appearance just to get a guy to like her?
Fuck that, Original Hannah was amazing and perfect exactly as she was
I love her trope, too, the naivety and how obvious and clear it was that she’s still learning about the world and relationships, to the point that it’s going to get her in trouble
And her obsession with fairy tales? 
Fucking adorable ohmygod
I started a fic a while ago that I think I’m gonna scrap, that just indulged in the fairy tale metaphors and stuff because I just love how cute it is lmao
If she wasn’t dumped, I think she could have had amazing growth alongside Lottie, and their friendship/kinda, probably, most-definitely-if-MC’s-not-there-more-than-a-friendship growing together would have been so good
In an alternate reality Hope was dumped instead, and that helps me sleep at night
I firmly stand by the fact that Noah should have been the deciding factor between Hope and Hannah/MC, where Lottie said something that screwed with his head earlier in the day to make sure her friends were safe
Noah should have saved Hannah/MC and Hope should have returned with Rocco, hellbent on revenge and proving herself
That would have been so good for Noah stans and such good drama, that actually made perfect sense
Hope was fully expecting that she’d get picked by Noah because they’d spent three days attached at the hip and then to just… not have that happen. It would have driven her insane and if there was then a scene with MC where she just like, gives up
Like she’s spent the past two days grafting Noah but he won’t make up his mind and she’s just done and MC can comfort her or fight with her and you just get to humanize her make her vulnerable and hurting and I fucking WISH they did something like that, even for RHannah
And Hannah’s growth in the Villa would have been so amazing
I think her idea of a perfect guy is definitely too much, and I’m not advocating that she settles by any means, just that she could have learned that there are things more important than money
That conversation on day 1 where you choose between money, kindness, and intelligence still baffles me
Like why are you a gold digger Hannah?!?!
Why don’t you just want a Prince/ss Charming???
Her and Hope should have swapped and I don’t understand why they weren’t
I mean, I do really like Hope, but Hannah’s just so cute and has so much to learn and her struggling in the Villa just to have a lightbulb moment with MC would have been precious and now I want to write it dammit
Anyway, Hannah is adorable and had so much potential and she never should have returned if they were just going to scrap everything that made her Hannah, except for snooty literature
I wanna listen to her rattle on about Belle and Mulan and every other Disney Princess and what they meant for representation and progress in media and then compare them to their original stories like a dweeb and I would have melted on the spot
Like yes, please tell me more about how gruesome Cinderella is
She should have shown up at the finale and hugged MC and been innocent and sweet so I could have just lost my shit for like a half hour
But stan OGHannah, burn RHannah
Adorable, precious, denied an arc outside of coming out
I am not exaggerating when I say that I cried at 4:30 in the morning at her blushing face when playing the first two days
It’s just so fucking cute and I’m a sap and I don’t know why it made me cry, but it did okay?!
And her coming out was such good representation!!! By far the best thing in Boat Party, and I’m so proud of the progress FB’s made in queer representation at the very least
I know she’s pretty one dimensional, but most of S3 is unfortunately
Her being available right off the bat was also such a win, I’m positive it’s the reason she had so many stans
If her and Yasmin had switched or her and Lily, they would have been the ones that were dominating Reddit polls and stuff
And I know she’s written as masc but I just can’t really see it? Like I can’t see her in a dress, but outside of a few clothing items, I guess I just can’t see it? Maybe androgynous is more the word for my image of her, like definitely a mix
She’ll wear a skirt under the right circumstances, but never a dress, a crop top with a flannel, her prom outfit that’s like a frilly jumpsuit, stuff like that? idk im not a lesbian
Her route for me was so glitchy, but I know that if MC’s stolen from her by Yasmin, Tai, or Ciaran, she has some really cute scenes and I wish I could have seen them
And I know some people were ragging on her for the eyelash at the end of the scene but I thought that was just a perfect callback - maybe it’s the writer in me
Basically, AJ’s adorable and why did Ciaran have to split her and MC up, not cool dude
I forgot I was doing a Yasmin route a while ago, but from what I’ve seen and played, she’s really sweet 
I hate that she’s almost nonexistent outside of her route
Give us a mysterious musician friend, you cowards!
I saw that she sings to MC on the final date and damn is that cute
Her eyeshadow kinda throws me off, but her stuffed animal makes up for it
And I’m salty that Yasmin the Lamb disappeared too, that was such a nice detail that made me start a Yasmin route
She’s distant and self-assured, but has a soft, gooey, nostalgic center and I wish we saw more of that, even if we weren’t on her route
My final thoughts on Yasmin: An artsy indie icon that I really need to stop getting distracted from and finish her route
Again, don’t know much about her, but she seems really cool
Her shaving her head between the finale and Boat Party is such a flex and I wish she did it right before Boat Party so we could see her in all her bald glory
She’s into cars, right? And… architecture?
Idk, I barely remember my own name, let alone a 10 minute date from months ago
But I’ll definitely get around to doing her route at some point, maybe just to write for her, we’ll see
I know she’s not an LI, but MC so should have been able to run away with her
I missed that option in S3
I kinda get why they didn’t do that, but Boat Party’s just so messy in general
And I would include Genevieve here, but she’s so cute with Seb that I’d feel bad splitting them up
But Elladine had actual problems with Nicky!!!
Why did they mention it for it to never pay off??
And I’m so mad that the hype around her died when it was revealed she wasn’t an LI or the badass of the season, because I still adore how sweet she is
I also want to brag that before we got a name I was calling her Emma and that’s just on example of my almost psychic-ness
But yeah I wanted Ell to be a run away option and I’m salty that she wasn’t
Know what, fuck it, Viv too, she’s smart and cool as hell, let us love these awesome women FB, you cowards!!!
I have no idea who would be my number 1 based on canon, but if we’re talking hypotheticals, I think my answer, as strange as it is, is Hannah.
I just love what she could have been, but by no means what she is. 
It’s so awkward to know her for three days, not see her for three weeks, then spend a couple more days with, a couple weeks at most, just for her to write a whole ass book about MC?? And tell her about it with that hair????
No thanks, I’ll stick with closeted sapphic horse girl nerd Hannah because I guess that’s somehow my type??? Oh god what the fuck I swear I’m not a total weirdo
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purplebunny0517 · 4 years
I see. I'm interested to know what you like about the sorceresses in The Witcher, and their relationships with each other (pick your favs cuz there's a lot :P) xD Also, do you ever see yourself in these characters?
Are you sure you want to give me this chance anon? ARE YOU?
Let me think...
They are cool (duh)
They give zero fucks about people who think they aren’t
They are beautiful. I mean all girls are but let’s be fair they are like super doper beautiful
They are ambitious and methodical, stubborn little shits, headstrong, powerful, but also tender souls with compassion and care
(that last part probably exlcudes Sabrina
They are in charge of their body and sex life
(so much so that sometimes they are the ones men should fear and yes again I’m talking about you Sabrina
(but pls do it safely and on top of a hedgehog is NOT safe
Magical powerful ladies and possibly lesbians! WHAT ELSE TO LOVE
As for my favorite sorceresses relationship the first one is actually Triss/Yenna. Apart from the fact that my gf’s favorite sorceress is Yenna and mine is Triss and we both like them together, their relationship with each other, in my opinion, is way more interesting than either of them with a certain witcher.
Did I mention I don’t like and even extremely dislike Geralt/Yenna? So much so that I even refuse to call Yennefer Yen because that’s what Geralt does? Well now I do. I don’t have anything personal against the famous white wolf, not really. I’m just really allergic to men and heterosexuality in general oops. And the most thing I hate about him is how a man can easily turn two dear friends into their ugly selves we sadly witness toward the end of Lady of the Lake just before all hell broke loose in Rivia. If not for the event, they were going to fight each other like two mortal enemies and it broke my heart way more than literally any other thing happened throughout the books. They are way better than this. So yeah later I was happy again.
And a quick reminder to something I wrote about Triss and Philippa,(book spoiler warning) two canonically sapphic women who have been sharing suspectable long screen time together and nothing happened, yep, definitely
Also it may not be per question request but I still want to talk about Ciri and Triss. I don’t think many people realize the intensity of their bond as it was hardly presented anywhere but in books. Ciri would have been a real witcher through mutation or dead if Triss did not stop the witchers of Kaer Morhan from doing so. The sorceress dressed her,demanded extra attention for her periods when no witcher ever had the presense of mind because of course it’s a woman’s thing, taught her basic elder speech (before Yenna did the advanced one) and makeup and all the “girly” thing, and was her closest friend all the way until much later, apparently closer than all those witchers. Now personally I don’t like those girly things, but to a girl who had lost everything in her past life and only have harsh and servere trainings given by a group of men without emotion or the slightest clue as to how to care for a princess-to-survivor, Triss was the soft landing she did not have the presense of mind to know how much she needed. If Yennefer did not walk straight into Vilgefortz’s trap, he would have kidnapped Triss to torture for Ciri’s whereabout. Triss was her first motherly figure after Calanthe, NOT Yenna. They both parented Ciri. Please let them share custody o(╥﹏╥)o
This shit still turned out to be too long lol I can literally talk about sorceresses all day (proven by my annoyed friends)
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purrincess-chat · 6 years
You're absolutely right lol why is it that the main female is always expected to grow and take responsibility for her emotions, even when she’s not at all in the wrong but when the guy is acting up it's cuz of his "man pain" and any bad behavior isn’t his fault and he’s immediately emphasized with. Because, oh, all of his wrong doings are the reflection of the world’s, not him. This “girls are flawed for having emotions and boys are not” trope is annoying and not at all a good message for girls
So, I’ve put off commenting on all of this for a few days because I wanted to see what other things came out of it and take time to stew over my opinions and give Thomas a chance to potentially explain himself further. Gonna include a bulk of this under the cut because I don’t know how long it will be. It’s just gonna be a mixture of me rambling about my thoughts and being a little salty. Not too much I don’t think, I dunno we’ll see when we get there. (spoiler I get kind of salty… and by kind of I mean a lot)
For anyone who doesn’t know what this refers to, a few days ago someone asked Thomas on Twitter what he considered to be Adrien and Marinette’s biggest flaws to which he replied that Marinette has “poor control of her emotions” and that “Adrien is perfect. But his flaw comes from the fact he’s not accustomed to the “ outside” world. His innocence makes him vulnerable. To sum it up: he’ s not flawed. The world is.”
This did not sit very well with fans who are already not too pleased with Thomas and his treatment of certain characters, for good reason. It does come off as misogynistic, and even if he is just trolling and not being serious, why does he want to troll in such a way that he comes off as misogynistic when he’s supposed to be writing a cartoon that empowers girls? Salt under the cut: (seriously, the Dead Sea ain’t got nothing on this salt)
For me, this didn’t surprise me too much because Thomas has always spouted shit and come off as extremely rude and belittling to fans even if they aren’t doing anything wrong or being aggressive, i.e. this fan who just asked him for his opinions, not even asking for spoilers, and who genuinely wanted to chat with him about his show. I could write novels about how un-progressive this show is and all of the unconscious misogyny that’s in it, which Thomas will deny wholeheartedly, and actually did in this same thread. I don’t know whether or not he genuinely doesn’t realize that his episodes are riddled with internalized misogyny or if he just doesn’t care? Because many times throughout both s1 and s2, male characters acting problematically have been glazed over, and not just in Adrien’s case, whereas females, typically Marinette, get a much harsher treatment when shown in similar circumstances. Females (Marinette) are often made out to apologize for other characters wrongs and their actions are blown way out of proportion when they do even the tiniest thing wrong.
Take Glaciator, for example: Ladybug tells Chat straight up that she probably won’t make it because she already has other plans. Chat still gets his hopes up and believes she will come which that in and of itself isn’t necessarily wrong, but when she doesn’t show up, which he knew she might and was even reminded by Plagg that she didn’t say yes, gets angry and throws a temper tantrum at her for not showing up when she told him from the beginning that she probably wouldn’t. And then SHE has to apologize to him sincerely and practically plead with him for forgiveness and in turn all she gets is a *shrug* Sorry. Maybe next time. What is the message you are hoping to convey with this, Thomas? “Women should be more decisive when giving men answers?” We aren’t fucking psychics. She didn’t know how her evening was going to play out and if she’d have time to show up. “She didn’t say no.” Yeah, but not saying no isn’t automatically a yes. That’s how most men get convicted of rape. Didn’t say no =/= yes. “I really wanted you to show up and when you didn’t that hurt my man feelings because you didn’t say no, so I got my little hopes up.” Cry me a river. Really couldn’t care less. Like real talk, if a man ever pulled that shit on me I’d block his ass to hell. If I explicitly state that I probably won’t make it, and then some asshole gets upset when I definitely do not just because I didn’t say no? Bitch, bye??? You are not entitled to my time, and if that’s the attitude you’re going to have then you are not worth my time. But ohhh Chat is such a sad, pouty cinnamon roll whose daddy doesn’t love him enough to eat dinner with him, boo-hoo.
Not to mention at the end when Ladybug tells him they can’t be together for very legit reasons like, um, the safety of everyone they care about, Adrien is just like *sigh* I’ll just keep hoping. Like bitch she rejected you. Move on. That exact mindset of “if I keep trying maybe she’ll eventually love me back” is exactly why women feel unsafe to walk the streets at night because men feel like if they keep pestering women that eventually they’ll see the error of their ways. Which just no. That’s obsessive as fuck and men often get really violent with women when they eventually don’t like them back. (not saying that Adrien would, he’d probably just throw another hissy fit and take off his ring) But this show is aimed at children, and that’s not a good message to teach boys who are not Adrien and won’t necessarily react the way Adrien did. If a girl rejects you, move the fuck on. She doesn’t owe you shit just because you like her, and your continued advances will likely only make her uncomfortable and less inclined to like you back. Reminds me of a post I’ve seen where someone’s teenage nephew talks about how a girl rejected him, and when the aunt asks him what he’s gonna do he says “keep trying” and she’s like bitch, no. Leave her alone, and it blows his fucking mind. Men are constantly reinforced on this “keep trying until she says yes” mindset, and it’s honestly why violence against women is so prevalent. Because manbabies never get told that women don’t owe them affection or sex or whatever the fuck they want. And you know when a good time to teach them how to respect a woman’s boundaries is? When they’re children.
“But I was talking about Adrien, not Chat Noir.” Yes. Thomas actually legit separates the two in this instance. I’m not making it up. Mr. Ship Wars are stupid because Adrien and Chat are the same person has separated the two as not the same person. It doesn’t matter if they’re “treated differently”. Chat’s flaws are Adrien’s flaws and vice versa. They’re both petty and jealous. (And, no, Adrien defense squad, I don’t hate him as a character or even think he’s a bad person. Recognizing character flaws isn’t the same as hating. Unclench) 
This isn’t a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde situation where the two halves function separately and have no recollection afterward. Taking off the mask doesn’t suddenly make all of those flaws disappear. It also doesn’t make sense based on his earlier reasoning that “Adrien doesn’t know how the world works” does that mean Chat fucking does? Shouldn’t Chat be excused from his wrongdoings by that logic because he also doesn’t know how the world works and is just as naive as Adrien? You can’t say one identity is perfect while the other is flawed. People don’t work that way. Characterization doesn’t work that way. A character is still inherently the same character regardless of whether or not they’re secretly a superhero. Superman is still Superman regardless of whether or not he’s got his fucking glasses on. Hell, a whole plot point in Antibug was that Marinette is a hero with or without her mask. Don’t pull this bullshit, Thomas. It’s not believable, and you haven’t supported it in canon. In fact, you’ve unsupported it in canon.
“Ladybug and Chat Noir are supposed to represent yin/yang.” Okay, yes, that’s a motif we’ve picked up on like since episode 1. Cool, but still doesn’t make up for shitty characterization. “I have a personal theory” okay, cool motive, but still shittily executed. Your personality doesn’t magically fucking change just because you’re in a new situation. Who you are as a person is constant. Your reaction might change as a result of the circumstances you find yourself in, but who you are does not just change because you put on a mask. Someone who knows fuck all about the world doesn’t suddenly learn how to function just because he gets superpowers. “People are constantly fluctuating” please, do the world a favor, and take a class in personality. That’s not even an insult. Like there are literally classes out there that teach about how personality works. I’ve taken them, so I know they exist. 
I’ve also mentioned before that I’m not a fan of Thomas’s whole “puzzle-piece” plot line because it doesn’t fucking make sense. Like I could be okay with it, if it made sense, but it doesn’t fucking make sense. It’s like he dumped 6 puzzles together and told the audience “here, figure it out” and like that’s exhausting. If I wanted to build a puzzle, I’d go build one (assuming my cat doesn’t absolutely destroy it). And if I as an adult have problems keeping up with your plot and character development (which is only present if you squint) what makes you think a child can keep up with it? My niece who just turned 9 calls your shit out for not adding up. Don’t say kids don’t notice or care. Cause if you give them good media to consume, they notice when something is bad. Seek to raise kid’s standards of what a good show looks like. Don’t use them as a crutch to be lazy. 
“Plot driven kids shows don’t do well.” Um, bitch wanna give some examples? Cause I can give some examples of many beloved childhood shows of mine that have a cohesive plot. ATLA, for example. Everyone fucking loves it. MLP is another one I enjoy which does still have “lesson of the day” set-up but at least those lessons come into play later?? Like I think it was s4 or s5 where they all got some friendship object that ended up being a key later in the finale. So all of those episodes then had a purpose outside of the token friendship lesson of the day. Didn’t particularly matter what order you saw those episodes in for the most part, but you could see a progression of the characters and plot the whole time. You knew things were important to the overall plot of the season, and the development of those characters actually sticks around for more than just that episode. Kids can handle shit. Look at the latest Incredibles movie. I never once had trouble keeping up as a kid when watching plot driven shows. Not once. Saying it’s a kids show is a cop out. It’s an excuse, and a bad one at that. And that’s not even to say that the other things I listed are perfect either. They have their problems, but they dull in comparison.
Thomas also tried to boast some shit about how they show guys and girls being akumatized and emotional equally, and I’m like we’re not talking about background people, Tommy. We’re talking about your leads and how unbalanced they are and how you hold one to a higher condemnation than the other. Because one has daddy issues and conveniently happens to coincidentally be a boy. But he gets a free pass because he’s sheltered. Yes, and who made him so sheltered, Tommy? Who made that executive decision? Who decided to give him all of these excuses for his behavior? Who in turn decided to make everything the girl does her fault even if she’s right? Who also calls himself “Hawkmoth,” (and has always used the nickname Hawkdaddy) a villain established to be a neglectful, emotionally abusive, and controlling father bent on something that isn’t entirely clear and willing to allow his son to be in danger multiple times to achieve that something, meanwhile two teenage girls are the worst things you could think of because they’re bratty and they lie, and anyone who sympathizes with them are just fooled by their good looks? Cool. #female empowerment, am I right? 
Honestly, I could dissect every single thing Thomas said throughout this discourse but truthfully it’s tiring, annoying, and frankly he contradicts himself way too much I could just write a book if I actually cared enough about him. At this point things that he says doesn’t really surprise me anymore because I’ve just accepted that he’s got loads of internalized misogyny, borderline narcissism, and just overall isn’t worth anyone’s time. Bitching at him is never going to change his mind because he doesn’t believe he’s done anything wrong. It’s why I say that Adrien is his self-insert OC. He’s a perfect little golden boy who never does anything wrong, and if he does, it’s the world’s fault, not his. Sounds a lot like how Thomas approaches anyone who tells him what they understood from his writing because it’s fucking there whether he realizes it or not. 
(Tl;dr I guess) My advice to anyone who read this far is this: Ignore the fuck out of Thomas because he’s always gonna be a piece of shit who doesn’t care if you think he’s a piece of shit and actually seems to enjoy people thinking he’s a piece of shit. Lower your expectations for the writing of this show tremendously, basically only subscribe to it for cute interactions every once in a while, and you’ll enjoy it. If you are here for detailed plot or good character development, might I suggest rewatching ATLA? Basically, expect nothing from this show, and you’ll never be disappointed. It’s what I’ve started doing because this ^^^^ is what happens when you pick it apart. And there’s a lot that I left out for time’s sake and because I don’t want to look at this man’s Twitter anymore. I have a migraine.  
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whatare-cats · 6 years
here’s the fucking truth.
3 years we were almost dating, I wanting to have your fucking baby i was waiting.
I gave you every piece of me I help you pay our rent, but at the end your best friend became the priority and you wouldn’t even let me vent.
Nigga he slept on the bed my rents bought and we slept on the fucking floor.
You were verbally abusive it would have been better if you just beat me, you made me feel so fucking useless and worthless like even you didn’t want me. what kind of joke was that lol.
You’re just like marc, he even told me you probably got it from him, youre a fucking goof no fucking man puts his own goddamn women down like that.
Supported us when you couldn’t hold a job gave you my car even bought you guys a goddamn one too, you guys made me hate myself made me feel trapped and claustrophobic so I flew.
I stayed in someone’s backyard for a week while you pricks stayed in the fucking house we got together, but we didn’t really do anything together because there was always another (milf) or several
You claim to not have cheated, then you claim you fucked some bitch in yyc. But bitch i have all your messages the notifications from every app your just a lying motherfucker who was so fucked in the head, and i couldn’t breathe.
I see your messages they legit say “ if you ever need good head and thick dick let me know cuz ur fine af” now buddy i’m pretty sure your thinking with your dick cuz that’s cheatn on your girl i’d say. ask anyone they’d take my side.
While you were doing this you’d leave me every morning in our bed, At this point I was going through the worst part of my life because of you and ur bf and all you could ever fucking think about was giving another bitch head.
“No baby, I don’t wanna sext you because It makes me uncomfortable,” “Come here bitch my gf just left for school let’s go fuck in her bed” your fucking head is unstable.
My bad for wanting to have a 3some i know you weren’t mature enough, lol i didn’t think you’d twist my words to make it seem like i gave you permission for you to cheat. But i guess i forget the things i say (bcuz i’m bipolar right), so you were right babe my bad, yes go ahead and cheat on me.
You made me feel suicidal, made me feel fucked for going thru the same shit you did in 2014, Nigga you made me so desperate to get away from you the only solution was the gun but first some morphine, cuz i’m a fucking addict right.
I was in the hospital forever not that you fucking care because you claim to be the fucking victim, NOT ME, buddy you gave me an ulcer from all the stress you caused me from all your sick milf fun i hope she bruises her knees, for you, i bet you’d like that wouldn’t you. (since you were tired of normal boring sex)
Moose you downgraded hard you see I gave you the world, i’m crazy in bed i paid all your bills and oh ya, i never cheated on you because i was your fucking girl, man.
Haha let me know when you find another b who squirts. Seriously, cuz i’d like to take her for a spin myself damn i’d make it hurt.
Look how fucking easy it was for me for 3 years to stay faithful to you, wasn’t that hard now you call me a fucking whore, why i have no clue?
Lol is it because I enjoy sex ? I’m not sure how that makes me a whore, that’s fine, youre hilarious because you’d be sexting other women behind my back then go kick down the fucking door. Like I betrayed you.
You’re pathetic, I know you have no life, because you lost it when you left it all out west just because of the tinder hype.
You make me fuckin laugh because I saw the fat bitches you were sexting, nigga look at your girl look what you had bud but you must be fucking tripping. or mentally insane. (i think both)
I know my worth, and damn them other men fucking know it too haha, my fucking turn to have some fun cuz man i deserve it 3 years faithful to you, (what a waste), but damn idk how that makes me a whore.
Ha one more thing.
I recall you telling me all the drugs you’ve done your whole life, nigga what have i done?? xans to help me relax from all the overwhelming stress, some weed some liquor, blow, for some fun.
Nigga you done acid, speed, molly, now you fucking with the fat bitch named tina (wish it was holly) w/e bitch shut the fuck up i ain’t no addict you need the fucking help for making me feel these fucking symptoms bro,
Freak cuz I had one dart when we ended it buddy go look at your lungs you might as well have been smoking in your mamas womb.
Look how fucking easy it was for me not to cheat, wow, think with your head not your fucking dick you need help you’re a little beat.
You need to stfu bitch and get your priorities straight, you bitch so much about respect, nigga where was mine?? you claim to be so perfect but you have no respect for the people who loved you.
Anyways bud, Thank you for showing me my worth, now i won’t ever waste my time on boys like you.
Finally got a taste of the different meat, red, damn maybe i’m trying to get up on that girl on girl heat.
Cheers baby
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ralfstrashcan · 6 years
3x08 Reaction / Commentary
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Clary is so rebel putting her hands up first and then dropping her stele lol.
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“So you can salt-ify her, too, when she inevitably attacks.” Great thinking, Luke! Also, how did they know it's salt? Did they lick it?
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Ohhhhhhh I like where this is going!!
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Ominous Elevator Rattling Powers Activate!
FunFact: I thought the shadow moving on the wall behind them was some demon Lilith summoned but it was just Simon's shadow. Oh dear.
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Instant Sunroom Powers Activate!
Also, Lilith is a dirty liar. They totally didn't 'stay exactly where we are.’ (Also, now I'm having Reichenbach Fall Flashbacks.)
But what's with the other disciples? Do they get texts with the new address of the moved hang out spot? Man, that sunroom's gonna be so crowded.
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........you mean New York, right, because the Lightwoods were banished from Idris for being in the Circle, which is why the Lightwood kids grew up in the NY Institute? *sigh*
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.........because any orphaned Shadowhunter immediately gets tossed out into the streets instead of being raised by other Shadowhunters, you know, to be a soldier and serve the heavenly duty of killing demons. Makes sense. Okay, sorry, I get it. Jace is trying to get into Alec's head and it's clearly working and that scene was totally dramatic, but... it also didn't make sense.
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How the hell does Possessed!Jace know about that? Alec had two opportunities to talk to him about his drama with Magnus (in 3x05 and in 3x06) and he chose to evade the topic altogether both times. In case he didn't change his mind off-screen and talked to him in the short time between Jace allegedly returning from the City of Bones and them discovering his possession (time that was spend with Maryse at the Hunter's Moon btw) then Jace can't know it from Alec. So, where did this knowledge magically appear from? @kaysgreenery suggested that Lilith did some research on Magnus's dating history and taught Jace all the details but why the hell would she do that. I'd like to think that this Possessed!Jace has the ability to somehow warp into the thoughts and minds of the people around him and snatch information on how to hurt them the best, but.... I don't think that's the case or that it will even be addressed how he learned that.
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Again, arguing with possessed people. I still don't get it. Then again, from Simon I don't really expect more. (Sorry, Simon.)
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.....yeah, Disgraced-Ex-Circle-Member-turned-Downworlder-who's-not-even-allowed-to-enter-Alicante, do tell how you plan to get that intel.
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................................dude you're so sounding like Clary right now it's not even funny anymore. So yeah, thank you Izzy for being the voice of reason.
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For a second there I got my hopes up that they were going to address Possessed!Jace's mindreading-powers. </3
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Alec doesn't approve, lol. But I'm super into it. Lightwood siblings gooooo!! Also, love that face.
This sounds like they're gonna dive into Jace's subconsciousness or dreamscape or whatever and this would be so cool!!!!
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1) Pretty skylight 2) I acknowledge that that Equilibrium Rune does make sense on the wall
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Yo but why was he standing there holding the sword? He could have put it in its fancy stand as soon as he arrived. And why wasn't it on the fancy stand from the get-go? Where do they store it when there's no trial?
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Sassy. I like it.
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Yeah, way to misunderstand your assignment, dude. Did you even go back to that building or did you go straight to Maia to whine a little? *sigh*
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“Right now, bigger fish to fry.”
Wow, finally someone who can prioritize sensibly. I'm impressed.
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Yeah, a decision that should have been Simon's. Because he's the one who the case is about. And if he's constantly hating on Kyle that's helping no one. Just sayin'.
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“I'll still take my not-magically-invincible girlfriend with me, you know, just in the unlikely case I get the upper hand and Lilith needs some leverage.”
Seriously, this whole Mark Business started because he was up against someone more powerful (the Seelie Queen) that held Maia hostage and blackmailed him into obeying. Didn't he learn from that?? Apparently not.
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Especially because the Vampire nose at their disposal seems to be malfunctioning, falling out of commission whenever the Plot calls for it.
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That smile tho.
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“Especially when the Clave kicked you to the curb for breaching the Accords, slaughtering Downworlders.” Yeah, those werewolves really look like they're seconds from throwing Maryse a welcoming party.
“Well, then a deruned ex-Circle member is the last person you should be talking to.” Lightwood Women being extra reasonable this Episode, I dig it!
Also, how exactly does Luke want to “negotiate Clary's release”? I mean, call me old-fashioned, but I thought you needed leverage for a negotiation. What exactly does Luke have to offer the Clave in exchange? A few Selfies? (They might actually go for that lol.)
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I'm sooo calling bullshit on this because of Maryse's behavior during the entirety of Season 1, but whatever. Also, “was having an affair with”? Does that mean Robert's relationship with this Anne-Marie person fell through? Why? In the two weeks tops that passed since 2x16? I need answers!
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Luke/Maryse-Shippers crying in the distance. What is that pairing even called? Luryse? Marke? Lightluke? lol. Lightway?? (Tho that's probably a li'l ambiguous cuz there are several Lightwoods. And now I imagined Luke with Robert. Ew.)
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Imagine, if you could harness the luminous power of Parabatai Runes you'd never need electricity again.
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Dramatic Stare is Dramatic
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What the hell dude lol are you trying to get yourself kicked out of the van (possibly while it's still in motion)?? Seriously. This I-know-you-so-much-better-than-your-current-boyfriend-talk is waayyyy out of character for how Kyle behaved towards Maia and Simon so far so what the hell.
On a different note, I find it very intriguing that Simon doesn't feel temperature (and is maybe even immune to very low or very high temperatures?) and I'd love to see this explored in the show.
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Okay but what are the chains chained to? Magnus's furniture?? (There's not one shot where you can see where they end. Very frustrating. They're probably chained to Plot Convenience.)
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That is a fine comeback.
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What was Magnus even doing? He couldn't have been prepairing because he was prepared already when they tried earlier. So, what was he doing? Reapplying his make-up maybe?
Okay, but Alec's eyes were already rolling back in his head earlier
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did he specifically un-roll them again
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to have the last roll??
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Drama Queen. Magnus chose wisely.
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This confirms like every head canon I have on how incredibly badass Izzy is and always was, so thank you. I always had the feeling that she's probably a better fighter than Jace but didn't show it because she knew he needs the limelight and she doesn't. Also, they have super limited time and the first thing they do is watching sweet childhood memories. Priorities.
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Well, I would hold hands in that case, just to be sure.
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.........could have prevented this from happening. *sigh*
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Lilith killed all those Seelies, does that mean she has to stay in the Seelie Realm now and that the Seelie Queen owns her life? lol
So that exchange between them was kinda enlightening but also not at all because whaaaat. Can't Lilith just track Jace, the person she herself possessed? That's a little inconvenient and dumb because she's ass powerful but can't do this easy thing? If the Mark of Cain can only be borne by a Daylighter and is also the only thing that can banish Lilith, does that mean there was a Daylighter before who bore that Mark and banished Lilith? Or was she never on earth before and banished, in which case, how does she know that's the only thing that can banish her? How do her visits to the Seelie Realm work? I thought you need to be summoned to leave your home dimension as a demon so if she was in the Seelie Realm before could she have easily walked over into the Real World as well? Was the Seelie Queen alive when Lilith last visited the Seelie Realm (which would have been at least during the time of her predecessor) or do they have pictures of her somewhere so that's why she knows what Lilith looks like? Also, that line with the complexion
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is rich, coming from the Seelie Queen, like seriously, glass houses, bricks.
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Same, Jia. Because what the hell, Clary.
One, I don't get why Clary told her the truth about the wish when she didn't have to, like, wasn't it her main goal to keep that truth from ever coming out?? Why would she just spill? Just because it was a dramatic gesture? Then again I also don't understand why those guards tried to restrain her immediately after she let go of the sword, like, did they want to put her back in her cell right away? And why does she need to be unrestrained to talk? Why not just put the sword back on its fancy stand and make her touch it again to tell the rest of the story? So many questions.
Two, the wish from the angel wasn't a one-time-voucher to kill everything with demon blood. Clearly, because Clary used it to bring back Jace. It was simply a wish that could be shaped by the person making the wish. So just because that wish was powerful enough that it could be used for mass murder doesn't mean the wish itself is inherently evil?! What the hell, Clary. It's like she's trying to argue why using the wish was like a public service to Shadowhunter Society?! Who's going to believe that?? At least she didn't say something pathetic like “To you, an insurmountable evil is a world overrun by demons, to me it's a world without Jace in it” because, honestly, I was half expecting her to, lol.
Sidenote: Until the end of Season 2 the Shadowhunters hadn't even figured out that the Mortal Mirror was in fact Lake Lyn, so without Clary figuring out what the Mortal Mirror was, still having that wish wouldn't have done them any good. Of course the middle of the apocalypse is always the best time to try and start figuring out where the long-lost third Mortal Instrument is, so I totally see your point, Jia.
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..........why would Shadowhunters allow a feral wolf pack in the forest around their capital when Downworlders aren't even allowed to set foot into Idris? That makes no sense.
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...................did Luke forget to mention the weird bloody altar? What was even the point in sticking his fingers in then? *sigh*
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If Jonathan's in there I will flip my shit. Lilith definitely took him with her in that fancy display vitrine.
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Okay, no Jonathan, I'm relieved.... but Jonathan was clearly stored in there in 3x03, so, Show, explain yourself. Why did Lilith decide to repot him? To better stare at him longingly? (Also, why aren’t the ley lines getting corrupted again? I’ve been wondering for a few episodes about that already....)
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Just don't let your phone fall in there. That would be awkward as hell. Pun intended.
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........................................................Simon. Si-mon. Are you for real. I don't even have words for this level of stupidity and recklessness. But sure. Leave those two alone to fight whoever decides to come in, without your fancy forehead mark to protect them. I mean, it's not like this is the exact reason you told them to stick close to you less than five minutes ago.
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Yeah well, would have been weird if he had been studying ancient demonic languages when he was still a mundane. Also, why is no one taking advantage of the great change-werewolf-pun-opportunity??
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Are you shitting me why doesn't she just say she's Izzy? She has the same Runes as Young Izzy in the same spots and everything. Then again, they cast Young Izzy looking nothing like Emeraude Toubia, so I couldn't even blame Young Jace on calling bullshit and not believing her. But this line of reasoning only makes sense if Izzy is aware that her younger self looks nothing like her which she can't possibly be because they're supposed to look alike, being the same person and everything.
Okay, so their little sing along was a little touching (tho a lot ridiculous, too, sorry) but I'd be seriously creeped out if some stranger wanted to prove their legit-ness by singing my kiddie lullaby to me like what the hell man.
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Those are a lot of Claries, but why are they all wearing the same thing?
Absolutely loved the whole scene with Alec and Jace.
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Okay but how did Young Jace know that he needed to bring her here? Did Young and Regular Jace ever meet? I need answers!!
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Thank you for this precise and not at all vague information, Luke, as always.
I can't really make sense of that Maia Kyle Whatever Scene so I'll just leave it uncommented.
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Edit: Since I was delayed in posting this for several days (because my lappy decided it would be a great time to die on me) I've had some time to think about it. I didn't like the scene when I first saw it, but I couldn't really put my finger on why. Now I know it's because of the way Maia acts, I feel like this is ooc for her. Maia is unapologetic, she takes no shit from anyone. Remember how she told Kyle off in that flashback when he wanted to decide if she got to go to college or not, or how she put Russell in his place when he thought he could comment on her relationship with Simon, or even how she pre-emptively refused to apologize for hooking up with Jace when she thought Simon expected an apology? The case I'm trying to build here is that Maia is very aware of what she wants, what she will accept in regards to behavior of another person towards her, and where she draws the line, where she will put her foot down and not accept something. So seeing her basically begging Kyle to not act like he's in any way likable so she can cling to her resentment for him is strange for two reasons:
1) It makes it seem as if she's not in control of her emotions, as if her resentment is something she needs to actively fuel to maintain it. This is the stellar opposite of how she acted towards him in the last episode, where she was confidently hostile.
2) It makes it seem as if what Kyle did isn't something where it's entirely reasonable and justifiable to be angry and hurt and unforgiving about even after a long time has passed. When someone betrays and abandons you like that (like Maia undoubtedly experienced his actions) you don't really need to exert yourself to not-forgive that person. That's natural, isn't it? Of course one could argue that it's not as black-and-white here because she was in love with him and it's not like he was some stranger betraying her.... but to be honest, the way she acted towards him up until this very scene, including the flashbacks, didn't really make it seem as if their past loving relationship was influencing Maia. So I really don't get why it's suddenly the case.
I mean, I do. If Sizzy is endgame (yikes), then Simon and Maia will have to split up at some point and Maia and Kyle will probably be a thing somewhere along the way. But I feel like this current behavior isn't really ic for Maia and that's why it annoys me, even though I have nothing against the pairing Maia/Kyle per se.
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Where they seriously trying to make it seem as if Izzy would kill Jace lol I didn't believe that for a second. I was also totally distracted by the fact that she licked her lips and her lip stick stayed on fleek like how do you do that Izzy let me in on your secret powers please.
Leaving all that aside this scene was perfectly acted and very intense..... but. I don't know if that makes me really insensitive or something, but they were under immense time pressure. If all it took to get them back was grabbing hold of each other's hands I really don't get why Alec and Izzy didn't do just that. There would have been enough time to placate Jace when they were back in their own bodies without the very real threat of getting lost in Jace's mind forever hanging over their heads. Of course it would have been a shock for Jace to be ripped out of his environment and be thrown back into his body, but honestly, he must be so heavily traumatized by all that Lilith did to him that this little thing wouldn't even register in comparison. So yeah, call me heartless, but it would have been more efficient to grab Jace and talk him down once they were safe.
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I'm asking again. How did the Seelie Queen know where Jace was? And, seriously, why didn't Lilith think to check Magnus's appartment, I mean she must know Alec is Jace's parabatai and that Magnus is Alec's boyfriend and a powerful warlock. When Jace didn't come back to her it would have been reasonable to assume that the other Shadowhunters had gotten to him and would try to save him, seeking out capable help.
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Soooooo Magnus is officially Asmodeus's favorite. Dubious honor.
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I don't know if it's the camera angle or that cute eyebrow crunch, but to me Magnus looks so much like a cat while Lilith is choking him, so I was inappropriately cooing during this scene. Shame on me.
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If those are the chains immediately after Lilith takes Jace... does that mean he was chained to himself the whole time??? Like, ankles to wrists?????
Edit: Found a BTS pic that explains it:
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So apparently there are these neat anchorages that anchor the chains to..... the fluffy rug!! Extremely durable and a hundred percent tearproof!!! Hell yeah.
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I get that Alec feels super guilty but honestly, think about it. If he'd killed Jace he wouldn't have killed his body. He would have killed his consciousness, his soul maybe. Meaning the possession would have been given free reign over his body. Killing Jace while they where inside his mind would have killed the last part that was fighting against the possession. It would have made everything way worse.
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Funny you say that like it's a cute quirk when really it's pretty invasive and selfish.
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Oh man, those subtitles totally ruined the suspense. (Also, how is Clary supposed to learn and understand when she's dead, lol.)
I'm so thrilled to find out how they're gonna get rid of that death sentence. Or will Clary be a fugitive from the law for 3B? I'd totally be up for that, too.
(Gif Source, BTS Pic Source)
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specsnsarcasm · 6 years
The Affair - “402″
Watching "The Affair":
Oooooh! Tension! Something must have just gone down btw Noah and Cole. Tbc...
Can I just say how extremely happy it makes me that the kid from Noah's story (Anton) is on their “guy's trip” to find Alison? I'm way happier than I should be! Lol. I guess it's because it kind of means he's not being used as a prop in just one story, but is one of the gang?
It's a "Cole" episode! (Yay!)
Grandpa? Who tf is he calling "grandpa"? This dude looks like a straight-up villain from an 80's movie, and about 40 himself. Ppl in glass houses...
Omg, the scene with the police officer was so tense! I hate that some people get to use their privilege to get out of these types of situations. Cuz it sure as hell doesn’t work for everyone. 👀👀👀
Aw, Catalina is so cute and bashful when speaking Mandarin!
JJ is left handed (twinsies!)
So here's my problem with last season: EVERYTHING ended up in sex. PTSD/Depression? Sex. Drug addiction? Sex. A damn cold? Sure! Sex it on up! It led characters to end up in bed together again, which felt inauthentic and rather insulting. Look — I get that people have sex. (Couldn't be me, but I hear tell...lol). I get that it can be comforting. But not every scenario calls for it. Especially not the urgent 'I need you now', banging on the kitchen counter kind. Sometimes when people are feeling vulnerable or want to be close, non-sexual forms of intimacy are enough!
Oh, no. Cole, baby, don't do it! Don't get drunk and belligerent and make a scene.
*Phew* crisis averted.
You hate wearing a suit and tie? Awww, poor baby. (Grow the f^ck up!)
Oh, NO! He did NOT just say that to his wife. Boi! if you don't-
Luiza’s speech about the fear and helplessness of being undocumented is absolutely heartbreaking! And this is happening to so many people in the U.S. right now! Sadly, with the current... political climate (*SIGH*) it's only going to get worse. Immigration reform now.
Girl, I said the same thing about him whining about the tie. Tell him!
Holy sh*t! Is that guy on the beach just casually smoking crack? Cuz...
Aw, poor baby. You wanna be 20 and a free spirit, and smoke weed and drink beer on the beach, and f^ck that cute blonde chick and have no responsibilities? Too. fucking. bad. You have a wife. A kid. And a business. You are 40!!! I reiterate: GROW. THE FUCK. UP. (So help me, Pacey Cole! Do NOT make me dislike you!)
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA they drew on his face! They robbed him too? Man, those guys are dicks! The way they were talking, they’ll probably jack his rare surfbordt too! 
(Rubbing alcohol to remove permanent marker, dude! Not soap and water!)
I’m glad they’re laughing about gun violence. HA. HA. HA. Wouldn’t it be wild if she accidentally shot him rn? Cuz lulz, amIright? (What was he really going to do tho, I ask you!?)
It irritates me that both Noah AND Cole's version of Alison is a flighty, spacey, hippy chick, decorating the scene (like a manic pixie dream girl). She carries profound sadness, depth and has her own life. This illustrates how men often don't see women as complex, independently-motivated beings.
Oooooh! He touched her shoulder! (*tee hee*)
Yo! Dude got his head smashed tf in! Wasn’t that a little excessive? I mean- sure, he's a creep, but the guy lost his kid and is suffering from PTSD.
Great. Is Alison going to fall in love with her "saviour" now?
Wait- how did the guy get in, anyway? I thought the husband locked the door?
What did Alison’s patient hope to achieve by telling her husband what Alison said, if she had no intention of leaving him? And then she has the nerve to look all wounded at Alison as though she’s betrayed her trust!??!? Girlfriend just got choked tf out! Your husband is going through some things but at some point, you have to be real!  
Ben seems pretty healthy, mature and stable. Or at least trying (pretty cute too).
Cole, Noah, and this new guy? Alison? lol. Okay. 👀👀. Meanwhile, me: over here, single AF!
The way Jodie said “yes” to leaving the car light on reminds me of that fire-starting girl.
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Dang, Ben Cruz! The way he asked her out was really smooth! Points! (Although, Skype? Really?)
It’s interesting that in Cole’s version of events, the “kids” from the beach made him look like an old man when they drew on his face, whereas in Alison’s version, it was dicks and glasses and whiskers or whatever. It emphasizes that the “grandpa” comment and Cole's fears about getting older, and not wanting to become part of the establishment, are what resonated most with him. Also, it’s *really* cool that they took the time to make two different versions of the face marker. The show does this quite a bit. Attention to detail is what makes it so good!
Next week preview: Oh no! Dr. Vik seems really sick! Like... the kind of sick you don’t get better from. HO-BOY! 
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angelblumes · 3 years
food ment. Helllooooooo ugh would you like me to beat her up perhaps end up like her namesake, og mischa?(jk im not a (cannibal)) time to bust out the therapy voice tho , you will find your people and they will love you. Ok. ok wtf is happening? are we like the same person or something? wellbutrin buddies ❤ my room needs to be clean and moved the whole sha bang but I cant😔 life needs to be lived and such. I hope you arrived safely and happily and that everything is slightly better for you than it was last message and that you didn't get too carsick. my power went out today for like 3 seconds everything turned off everything , it usually takes alot for that to happen for my house just because its old and other reasons that I dont actually know. I've had a jam out session yesterday, it was so relaxing 😌 🙌 danced my little heart out to them guys I told you about. There's something abt the murders in hannibal that just does it for me... the artistry of it all. I love it when we talk outside of the 5 daily things too!!! hey, did you get that 'you're so mature for your age' as a kid or 'you've got an old soul' ? whats ur thoughts on that? I personally cant really imagine saying that to a kid maybe its a generational thing? ok 🙄😁 I like commentary ive been watching reactions? on youtube its a guilty pleasure, also I've been getting into some reality tv. Wife swap is crazy I love it alot and then the dating ones because ofc. whats one of the 1st reality show you remember watching and not hating? Honey Boo Boo and I Am Jaz (I think?) were my top two choices of reality. maybe a rewatch is in order for me. ok daily things um a guitar got brought into my house today i... its very.. it made me weirdly happy I love music and its instruments. thank goodness tbh my med were just a little later than usual, the pharmacy gave me emergency 3 days for they can figure out whats up because this is the second time we are having the same problem 😅 I had the best brownie of my life, it was store bought but like from the bakery fav dessert. I got this "new" shirt on so comfy, its tie dyed splattered different blues with an astronaut and nasa logo in white, its cute but also like 3? sizes too big (its a hand me down) dont worry abt the guy if a next time happens ill be ready for it 💪 it will go down, I personally know the man's family I will ruin his life if it comes down to it (we live in a town idk if it's small)or realistically just sic my family onto him. I found out my cousin has a gf now and is apparently very much happier than she was with her ex man (who made awesome cheesecake btw off topic tho) gay people stay winning, I did not know she was not straight tho so happy little surprise 😁 jeez its a lot of words uh I hope you're doing good and you had a good sleep and other nice stuff happen to you and you had a good trip🌷🤟🤙❤
HELPPP u are an angel. thank u❤️. and right exactly. normalize thinking fictional murders are artistic or something . thinkin abt how i used to think criminal minds murders were interesting but never had the right words so i'd just be like "woah he *kills them weirdly*? cool"😭. BUT YEAH i did get that all the time omfg "ur so mature for ur age!!" like thanks it's because i have issues and problems 💀....hmm i hate reality tv HAHA. this gc i'm in was just talking abt wife swap the other day how crazy !! idk if i've EVER liked reality tv .... i like watching commentary abt it (like uhh cody ko's stuff) but watching it myself... nope😭. daily things lets see!!! i went to the baltimore aquarium:) i was exhausted tho. saw that a tiktoker i like (hello fem will graham cosplayers...) went there a few days before me. how funny! i wish we had met and fallen in love or something. i went to bed at 5pm yesterday and slept til 3am. then went back to sleep from 6am to 10am. i think my new adhd/anxiety meds are the cause. sadly. cuz they work! but by making me too tired to be nervous or start thinking too much🥲. i'm tired 24/7 already and thats not helping LOL! i had this fancy meal ok multiple fancy meals and it was really nice. i got chesapeake chicken (haha like chesapeake ripper am i right?!?) and it had crab but i'm crazy i'm crazy i didn't eat the crab. the texture was soooo bad. anyway at another place i got a burger bc i'm lame i don't eat seafood (besides shrimp. which i am allergic to.) and i ate almost the whole thing and my friends mom said she was proud of me😭❤️. i always feel so guilty after eating a lot and that made me feel good. i've started watching more vampire video game play throughs. what can i say. vampire masquerade: bloodlines did something to my brain where i like vampire games now. it's the same guy which is cool. i dont like finding new youtubers becuz i've never kept up w whose problematic or not... like what if i get really into someone and mention it and someone's like oh yeah he preys on women. wtf. like umm cry? is he a youtuber? is he evil? cuz i was looking for a pathologic gameplay and he had one and i was like hmm... he sounds familiar. he has probably done something ? maybe? mm lastly.... i read this hunger games hannibal crossover WEEKS AGO but it's just still on my mind. i don't particularly love the hunger games but it's only bc i don't really know a lot abt it. i enjoy it but i've only seen the movies and read the first book (until rue died. never picked it up again after that! i cried a lottttt) and there's like an absurd amount of hannibal crossovers. i guess bc hannibal would totally rule in the hunger games. like come on a CANNIBAL? the uh.. capitol? they'd go crazyyyy for that. the fic itself wasn't even that groundbreaking or anything i have a lot of criticism for it tbh but it opened my brain to the concept. i have another one opened in a tab but it's super long so i haven't made much headway. i want one where it's like.... the one where the old winners come back for a game! and then they escape😈. but in the one i read will and hannibal sort of just escape anyway in a normal hunger game. like ok cool but i don't think that's plausible. but then how would it work ? like could will win a game on his own? maybe i should write my own fic. but then i'd have to understand what happens in the hunger games /j. ugh ok i was thinking abt that one scene where idk they do the little hand signal thing and drag katniss away and go to shut the door like right as they shoot that guy in the head. THAT WAS SO CRAZY. or when katniss shoots the lady instead of president snow and then everyone just descends on him💀 i feel like there's a level of nuance and understanding that i just don't have so i say "woah! cool :)" i hope ur doing well too ily❤️❤️💗
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