#I just wish I had more free time is my main point but I won't be done with school until Spring or Summer of 2025 🥲
I want to do so much more for this blog but I'm so busy with school that I'm limited with time to make stuff for it. I crave creating content for this blog but I barely have any free time and it makes me sad and frustrated
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kichiyosh1 · 1 year
Me or my mother?
scaramouche/kunikuzushi x reader
slight angst/comfort
w//: if you squint (or even if you don't) I would say this counts as a yandere kuni aswell! just cuz he is really jelly and possesive of you in this one
Let's say Ei did keep the puppet and had given him a new purpose to live freely, but due to her busy schedule, she has you keep him company. Soon, Kunikuzushi begins to realize how frequent you are to leave him for when his mother calls for you, and from there his anxiety grows. Is it jealousy or insecurity? heck if I know!
Kunikuzushi was free to stay in his mother's estate, same as he was also allowed to visit the streets of Inazuma if he ever so wishes, but that currently isn't his main objective of the day.
"Kunikuzushi!" Ah, what great timing you have.
Right from the moment he opened his eyes after what felt like a long dream, all he was able to recall from the scene was that you had stepped forward bowing your head.
"I would be honored to serve you both, my Archon."
"Excellent, then you shall be entrusted with this task."
It had only been a few weeks since then, but the puppet had already grown very attached to you, to the point you can see the visible frown on his adorable face whenever there were other duties you had to attend to. The longing looks and the hesitant grip he'd have on your sleeve along with how meek and tiny his voice would get, it really was an effective way to keep you rooted into place, and the fact that he did all this unbeknownst to even him? It really showed how innocent of a person he was. Just wants your attention is all.
"y/n! good morning, how nice of you to drop by," yeah, like he wasn't already anticipating your arrival. "Good morning to you as well, oh, I came here to drop off a few things." In your hands was a tray of food, and despite his unecessary need for it, he was insistent on trying your cooking, even willing to choke on some sweets and desserts if it meant he'd be eating food that you made just for him. "Mhm smells good, say, why don't we share the meal, I think you deserve to eat a portion of your own cooking too, right?" Giddily taking hold of the tray, ready to lead you to his place in the estate when he sees you're not following him.
"Is something the matter?"
"Nothing that should concern you too much, the Electro Archon has called me in for the day to discuss matters concerning—" His mother called for you? "Oh, unfortunately I didn't have time to prepare your food since I was busy arranging my materials, so I had one of the maids make it for you. Please go on without me, it won't take long I promise." You were already facing the opposite direction before you could finish your sentence. "Eat well kunikuzushi!" you turned your head with a wave, while all he could do was stand there, his eyes switching between the tray in his hands and your disappearing figure.
He was confused by two things, one: how could you leave him there so quickly? and two: so this ISN'T your cooking?
"Why would I eat something prepared by a stranger? blegh." He set the tray down and stuck his tongue out in a childishly manner, displeasure written all over his face and gesture with his hands curled to his chest, like he was scared the food would jump out at him or something.
"I-I wasn't hungry anyways, I'll just wait until you get back." he says to himself nodding his head, since there was no y/n in the vicinity for him to say that to. What a silly little man.
He's come to the realization that your meetings with the shogun have become more frequent, more than he would like
It was cutting off his quality time with you
Sure that's his mom you're meeting with and you basically work for her but you were also assigned to him weren't you? Which means you should be here by his side right now attending to HIS needs, not hers >:(
Why did she have to pick you of all people anyway? there are plenty others in the estate that are at her beck and call, so why did it have to be his dear y/n :(
You said it was nothing to worry about, oh but it was worrying HIM very, very much
He's tried different methods so you wouldn't have to attend those stupid meetings, latching on to you and blocking your path, the most desperate one of his attempts was probably locking you up in his room, it didn't last long though since you threatened him you'd ask for a transfer if he continued acting like this (which you meant playfully but it almost gave kuni a heart attack)
It was like watching a puppy stand by it's door waiting for it's master to come home
and everytime you would return, you would always have something to say about ei. "she was in a good mood today"," she thaught me techniques in order to do my work more efficiently." the meeting was already over so why were you still mentioning her?
With how much time you had gone from him, he was starting to think you enjoyed his mother's company more, was that it?
Was his childish personality to immature for you? do you prefer if he had that same strict and authoritive demeanor his mother had? Were you really going through with that threat of yours? wanting to transfer?
Do you really like her more than him?
Now he just HAD to be in one of those meetings, it was a must he got to the bottom of this before he goes absolutely crazy, and to his suprise you agreed to bring him to your next one
So there he was, sat a little way from you.
Oh, so was it usuall just you and his mother alone during these? which means all your attention would be on her right?
oh hell nah, she's trying to steal you away from him wasn't she?!
Kunikuzushi was quick to shoo you out of there once his mother dismissed you
cue sad ei noises because her son didn't eat any of the deserts she prepared
When you asked him why he was so quick to leave you were thrown with the most sudden question
"...what was that?"
"Me or my mother? It shouldn't be hard for you to decide right?" He was obviously the only right answer, so why was it taking awhile for you to reply?
"Are you really contemplating this...?" He had repeated this question many times in his head, and he swore everytime that he wasn't going to cry, but now that it was out there in the open he could feel liquid pulling in his eyes. Were these what you humans called tears? a product of ones sadness and frustration?
"What reason would I have to choose between-"
"You've been 'hanging' out with her more recently! we used to spend all day together but we barely have time for that anymore because you're always quick to leave me when it concerns her. Is it because you've already grown tired of me? you like her more than me..?"
The amount of hurt written on his face and heard in his trembling voice had you grimacing at your actions. You never intended for him to feel this way, you had no idea he was hurting on the inside because of your ignorance. So you took a step, slowly to not startle him as if he were some corner creature, handling it with the utmost care you've always had, reserved only for him.
"My sweet, darling kunikuzushi." You start, craddling his face so that he'd meet your eyes, letting him know he had your full attention.
"I apologize for my actions. I had failed to see the pain you felt and made you feel neglected, but know that I would never choose anything or anyone over you, no matter what or who they might be."
His tears have fallen, but not even a sniffle was let out, as he made sure he was able to hear your voice, the voice he had missed speaking to him, loud and clear.
"The reason for this is because her personal attendant hasn't been present as of late due to a sickness they caught. Your mother thought i'd be good to fill in for the meantime, and this way I would also be able to report to her regarding your wellbeing."
That was the genuine truth, and he believes you, and as you continued speaking he slowly let his arms engulf you, a sigh of relief escaping him as you continued giving him words of reassurance.
He was content with your answer, but before he could be truly satisfied he needed to hear you say it.
"You still didn't answer my question."
"Which one?"
"Me or my mother? This time I'm only giving you three seconds to-"
"You, kuni. I'll always choose you, but do keep in mind I still work for her."
You let out a chuckle as kunikuzushi let out a pout, puffing his cheeks and crossing his arms, back to his usual self you see.
"Hmph, I should still be your top priority, always, the same as you are mine."
"Alright, alright, you really can be childish sometimes, but that's one of the things I love about you."
and with that, kunikuzushi could finally sleep peacefully, knowing his chances of having you to himself are high up there, so goodluck getting to your next meeting.
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Part 2: Adam
This is part of my first series! If you missed the first part, please feel free to enjoy Part 1: Kellen before you continue on with Adam. In terms of content, this is rather new territory. There is a bit of violent content, bullying, slurs. This is likely to be the only part of this series with that kind of content.
Kellen knew about Adam long before he found himself in academic turmoil. The poor kid was the perfect punching bag. Kellen took pride in the fact that this kid skirted the perimeter of any campus space where he saw any jocks. Unfortunately Adam couldn't avoid Kellen when they lived on the same floor of the residence halls. Even when he'd change schedules or leave out the fire escape stairs instead of the main entrance, Kellen would still manage to find him and insult him, shove him, dump out his backpack, throw him in a trash can—basically everything besides throwing outright punches.
Adam came to the bottom of the fire stairs and found his path blocked by Kellen. All he could do was freeze—his fight or flight reflexes worn down to nothing but paralysis.
"Hey nerd, I need something, and you're gonna do it for me."
Adam continued to quake, unable to muster any further reaction.
Kellen smiles. "Glad to see you won't object. I have a paper due tomorrow in my history class. You're gonna do it for me. Here's the rubric," he balls it up and throws the paper in Adam's face. "I'd better get a good grade."
Kellen punched his fist into his other hand to emphasize his point. "See you tomorrow with the essay, right dweeb?"
"Uh... yes." Adam barely manages to get out. He knew the only way to get out of this was giving in and playing along.
"Just yes? I thought I'd taught you respect by now." Kellen took a menacing step closer.
"Yes, sir." Adam looked down as he said it, hoping it would be enough to appease the menace. He waited for Kellen to say more, but he just laughed and walked away. Adam collapsed on the landing. He'd be late for class again but he needed a few minutes for the fear to leave him.
A week later, Adam is loosing sleep. He already maxed out his workload on his own school schedule and now he had another one—well, it wasn't quite as rigorous as his own work but it was demanding, demeaning, and had to always take priority or... well he didn't wanna find out.
Two weeks later Adam is deep into mid-terms. He barely sleeps, his anxiety has risen steadily, and he was starting to slip on his own workload. His roommate Ben is a nerd like him with ambitions to be valedictorian and president of the student senate, etc.—a much more high-profile brainiac. His campus-wide notariety is probably why he never manages to face the wrath of the school's star jock. Ben sees Adam's mental health slipping and tries to check in on his roommate, but he evades. After a few times, Ben gets more insistent and manages to get the truth out of him.
"But that breaks so many rules. You've gotta turn him in."
"You don't understand, Ben. I don't know what he'd do to me and... it's terrifying." Adam breaks down crying for the third time in the course of the conversation.
"Then I can," Ben volunteers, "and he won't take it out on you."
"You're my roommate. He'd still make me pay for it."
"Then we could—"
Adam shuts down his roommate. "Don't do anything. Please, don't do anything. I can't risk it. There's nothing either of us can do that doesn't result in me facing consequences."
Ben, still visibly not over it, decides to let it go. He leaves for the library so Adam can have the room to himself.
Working late into the night and the early morning, Adam gets all the work done but the conversation with his roommate still weighs on him. It's cheesy, but he even looks out his window at a particularly bright star and wishes he could do something about Kellen, wishes there was some way out. But that was never going to work.
Ben returned at a rather late hour—2:30 am—but Adam was still awake even after his room mate returned and went to bed. He finished up around 4:30am and went to get even just a few hours of sleep.
The next day brought sun and warmth. Adam had no time to take it in or enjoy it as he sent the daily batch of assignments to Kellen that morning before breakfast. The jock would send him a message through Snapchat—since nothing was saved there—telling Adam where to meet, or from time to time, where to drop the assignments. He fell asleep in both his morning classes, one of which was review for the midterm test coming up later in the week. Adam was so defeated and exhausted that he didn't even bother with lunch, choosing instead to head back to his dorm for a nap. He hoped that would help him get through the test he had at 2:30.
Ben returned shortly after. He barged into the room expecting to find it empty and found Adam just drifting off.
"Oh, sorry. I wasn't expecting you to be here." Ben said from the doorway.
"Yeah, I just needed a nap. Hopefully I don't get too hungry in my afternoon classes."
Ben clearly wanted to say more. Adam was sure that his roommate was still holding back his urge to do something for him with his Kellen problems, but Adam was grateful Ben decided against bringing anything up. After mulling it over for a moment, Ben settles for a different approach: "I'm getting lunch, but I can bring you something before your next class."
Adam was so tired he could cry and the simple showing of kindness. "That would be great. Maybe a burger?"
Before exiting, Ben left Adam with an obviously coded statement of support. "Adam, you know I would do anything in my power to help you right now." But ultimately Ben seemed to respect Adam's requests to stay out of things with Kellen and ducked out without pushing the matter further.
Adam woke up an hour later feeling quite refreshed. He looked over at his desk and saw Ben had returned at some point with a salad. Adam sat up and looked out the window, taking in the nice weather for the first time. He had a half an hour to kill with some last-minute studying and then he had to pick up some assignments from Kellen before his test.
He sits at his desk, eats the salad, then opens his textbook and class notes... but despite feeling renewed by his nap, the words on the page still danced around like he was tired and he couldn't settle in. He must still need more sleep... or he must want to feel the sunshine before his class. It was just so nice out—of course he was distracted. Maybe he'd benefit more today by "touching grass" instead of cramming—after all, mental health was just as important as studying.
At 2:05, Kellen was ready to shove Adam against a wall. At 2:10, he was ready to throw punches at the little punk. This dweeb was always way too afraid of him to ever show up late, but today Kellen knew he'd have to teach a more impactful lesson since respect had clearly not yet sunk into the mind of this geek. He messaged Adam over Snapchat:
After progressively more threatning messages, he finally gets a response—accompanied for the first time by a photo from Adam.
It was a nice day out Thought I'd go out for a run
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Something was seriously off. Since when was Adam a runner? Since when did he take selfies, or wear tank tops. Hell, did he have all that muscle tone before hidden under his conservative clothes, or was that somehow new? Now Kellen was as confused as he was angry.
Another response, and another picture from Adam:
oh hehe i totally forgot i can be so dumb sometimes i'll run over to you quick, ive already worked up a sweat i can't wait to see you😜
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Kellen was dumbfounded, though not as dumb as the new Adam seemed to be. He was suddenly some homo. This was either an elaborate prank or something fucked up was going on here. Before he could process further, Kellen receives another message:
see u soon daddy
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Kellen stared in shock. This was a prank for sure, but he wasn't going to stick around for part 2. Instead, he was going to teach this geeky fucker a lesson tonight—and whoever else helped him with this. No one humiliates and defies him and gets away with it.
Despite his fury, Kellen was kinda impressed with the depth of the prank. This fake Adam had set up social media accounts. That last selfie he sent Kellen was even cross-posted on all his socials in their stories and somehow there were bots set up so the pages had thousands of followers and the posts had hundreds of likes and comments. This imposter even looked more muscular than before—probably yet another fake in on the scheme.
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Even so, Adam's fate was sealed. Kellen waited until after dinner. He knew the nerd would be studying. After 7pm, he stormed down the short hallway to the geekling's door and pounded on it.
"Open up. You know who it is, so you'd better not ignore me."
The door opened and in a split second Kellen was inside with the person at the door shoved up against the wall, hitting the brick hard.
"Ungh." he moaned.
Kellen had acted so quickly he hadn't taken stock of who had answered his knock. The sexual moan broke his blind rage in an instant and he registered who he had in front of him. He only had a brief moment to register the blonde from the social media pages before he responded.
"Oh, Daddy, that felt so good. I was waiting for you all day."
Kellen is struck by a wave of repulsion. Was he turning this little twink on? He goes to push the imposter harder against the wall, but the homo looks him dead in the eye, bites his lip, and grabs Kellen's dick. He's immediately hard. His rage mixes with his horniness and his desires become carnal. Kellen whirls the little slut around and pulls out his thick cock. Adam is ready, as usual, wearing nothing but a jock strap allowing for immediate access. He thrusts inside his submissive twink and roughs him up as Adam moans louder and louder. At this point the hall was used to it since it happened at least once a night.
Kellen has had such troubles keeping his grades up since receiving a warning from financial aid threatening to kick him out. He's still on the search for a nerd to do his homework, but at least he found Adam. Adam could take anything from Sir as long as Sir didn't leave a mark. Adam made sure he set his boundaries, after all, they both should know respect always goes both ways.
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an-au-blog · 11 months
Omg i have an idea - Sanji prince set to marry the princess of Wano arc but she is in love with her bodygaurd Zoro. This makes sanji jealous of him and he in his free time does everything in his power to piss off zoro but zoro starts liking it. In reality he had never had hots for the princess, but the day he saw Sanji and his fighting skills, zoro was inexplicably drawn to him. So they start sparring together and arguing but they find it comforting in a way.
Will u elaborate this au ?? I would love to see you enhance it
Yesyesyesyes! I saw that (I just hate replying from my main and as far as ik I can't respond from a secondary)
This reminds me of a royal au art post that I see or come back to every so often like "I should probably write a royal au"
(anyways here i go... this turned out longer than intended lol:)
At first, Sanji would be so happy and anxious about meeting the princess. He's never seen her, it was an arranged marriage, but he heard that she is the most beautiful and elegant woman. So it was a huge shock when he arrived and all she would do was try to tend to her bodyguard or try chatting him up. Emphasis on the "try". The most he replied with was a huff or a grunt. Most of the time he acted like she wasn't even there. Even when she did talk to Sanji, the conversation somehow always circled back to her body guard.
It was all "Zoro this," and "Zoro that," and admittedly, Sanji could hesitantly agree that if what she was talking about him was true, he was a man of pride and honor. It still pissed him off.
Sanji was a bit disappointed on many levels. He wanted a nice date with his future wife. What was he thinking? The mossheaded brute? She could do so much better than that swordsman. What does he have that Sanji doesn't??? Not to mention that the guard was staring daggers into him the whole day.
At the end of their "date", the swordsman insisted on sending him off to where he'd be staying. He even offered to give him a tour of the city.
Sanji responded with a "I'd love to get a tour from miss Hiyori, but I don't want anything from you, mosshead."
They end up going anyway because the very next day...
Zoro to Hiyori: I should take him into town for a tour.
Hiyori: Yes that's a great idea! I could come too,
Zoro: No
Sanji: Yes
Zoro sweating: it uh... it won't be safe.
Through out the whole walk Sanji would keep saying things like "oh, how I wish my FUTURE WIFE could be with us now," and "do you think my FIANCE would like this if I bought here one?" to make sure Zoro knew that Sanji was the one who would marry her.
Zoro seemed irritated at first but it slowly started seeming more like sadness than anger. At one point Zoro turns and interrupts him, telling him that they're lost. Turns out not only were they lost, Zoro didn't know where they were going for a while now.
An insult turns into a snarky remark in return, which turns into a kick, turns into a fight. After they were all worn out from the fight, Sanji begrudgingly realized that he enjoyed sparing a bit too much. It was the most fun he had since he arrived. He would never admit it though.
Once they found their way back Sanji decides that he would try and be as close to his fiance as possible. If he flirted with her enough, the Marimo would get the hint.
On one hand it worked. Zoro seemed to get really angry whenever he flirted with her. Which usually ended with them sparring. Zoro would say some questionable things during their fights... so Sanji responded. It escalated to the most fucked up and homoerotic shit, to the point where people got used to leaving the room to give them privacy.
As the wedding approached, Sanji started seeing less and less of Zoro. When he asked Hiyori about it she always gave an answer that sounded extremely fake.
It didn't bother Sanji... until it did. He stormed every room until he found the mosshead meditating under a tree. Sanji didn't know what he was going to do, but it would definitely going to include a confrontation.
Sanji: Are you avoiding me shitty swordsman?
Zoro, not even opening his eyes: ...
Sanji: At first I thought you had left or that you were avoiding both me and Hiyori, but then I find out you were with her daily.
Zoro still not answering pissed Sanji off and was his sign to continue talking.
Sanji: I can't believe you'd try to seduce MY future wife behind my back like that! For all that talk about honor, you sure are dishonest!
Zoro finally snapping: I avoid you because I know she'll marry you, I'm doing this for her sake. I don't want to ruin her wedding.
Sanji: Oh, right you're stealing her from me for her sake.
Zoro: I'm avoiding you because if I see you I can't guarantee I can hold myself back from ending the engagement and running off with you.
Sanji, absolutely baffled with this answer. That was so much new information, he didn't know what to ask first. After a minute of gaping like a fish, Sanji started talking on auto pilot. An apparently "autopilot" was "bitchy": What makes you think I'd want that?
And when he thought Zoro would spit something back, Zoro looked up at him with the saddest most heartbroken look in his eyes: I don't.
It sounded more like an apology than an answer.
Sanji felt like his world shattered.
The swordsman stood up and paused for a bit. As if he was ready to do something that he would regret but stopped himself. Sanji would have done anything to know what he was going to do or say. But alas, felt frozen.
Zoro: It's okay, I told Hiyori I'm leaving after the wedding. I won't be bothering you and your wife anymore.
Walking away, Zoro couldn't help but think how much he wanted to rush back and give him a kiss farewell. One filled with all the passion, frustration and despair he'd be harboring until now.
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sroloc--elbisivni · 1 month
Fic roundup: Heart Pirates, post Winner Island
After seeing @purplehairedwonder's post rounding up her fics from the aftermath of the Law-Blackbeard fight now that it's been animated, I thought I'd make one putting together as many as I could find or remember. These are ones where it's the main focus--I realize it does feature in like, various longfics, as a background/inciting event but my goal was to sift out the ones that are focused on it. If there's one that is post WI focused you know and love I'm missing feel free to toss the link in the replies and I'll update the list. I've done some minor sorting into sections for Lulaw, Heart Pirates crew fics, bad end, and various, and within those things are listed alphabetically.
a beating heart by Heartprts (jiaaa27)
After successfully escaping Egghead, the Straw Hats are on their way to Elbaf when two individuals made their way to the Thousand Sunny. The ensuing events led Luffy to realize his feelings for the dying captain. Prompt: confession | heart swap | i thought i'd lost you
A Thing Both Terrible and Beautiful by purplehairedwonder; E, 3.5k, complete.
Law wants it rough, wants it to hurt, because it’s what he deserves after losing everything. Again. Luffy knows he needs something else.
as I hold your hollow heart by betsib; M, 25k, complete.
The Straw Hats pick up Bepo and an unconscious Law after the events at Winner Island. Luffy is more than ready to help him, but when Law opens his eyes, he is a stranger. Meanwhile, Law wakes up in Dressrosa, with Doflamingo's symbol tattooed on his chest and servants calling him "Corazon".
Ballast by SyrupFog; NR, 7.3k, complete.
Law stands at the helm of a ship that isn’t his. They need supplies, they need to recover (he needs to recover), they need to go back. He can’t— he doesn’t have another choice. They have to go back to Winner Island as soon as possible, as soon as they’re able. There’s just no other option, here. Not for him. Not when his entire crew, save for Bepo, is somewhere out there. They’re strong. They must have survived. Law needs them to have survived. Law and Bepo have commandeered a small marine vessel, but there's a ship that simply won't stop following them, and Law-- Law's having nightmares.
Bet by Salemmcit0; G, 1.3k, complete.
Luffy wants to take care of Law while he's wounded, and he lets him. Both pirate crews are freaking out. And betting about it.
Broken Hearts by Dragon_Fallss; M, 33k, complete.
After retreating from Blackbeard, Bepo takes Law to the Thousand Sunny for help. Law's broken. And on top of that, the virus from the battle makes a surprise return. He now has to deal with his grief and a new body. And Luffy is so kind it's painful.
Call You Mine by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead; T, 8.8k, complete.
“Who would even be crazy enough to date Straw Hat Luffy?” “It’s gotta be someone who’s pretty strong,” one of the bar’s patrons mused. “I don’t see Straw Hat falling for a weakling.” “Strong enough for Straw Hat, and crazy enough to accept his advances,” another patron mused. “There aren’t many people that can say they’d meet those requirements.” “It’s pretty much just the Worst Generation, right?” someone else pointed out. Law scowled at his drink and wished Penguin wasn’t such a busybody. “Makes sense. Those Worst Generation guys all seem pretty close. When they’re not trying to kill each other, anyway,” the bartender pointed out with a shrug. Law had to admit he was right, at least when it came to Luffy. The idea of Luffy dating someone in their exclusive little band made sense to him, too. Or: Five times Law was jealous of Luffy's mystery boyfriend, and one time he realized the mystery boyfriend was Law himself.
Dead Defend No Honour (Day 9 of LawLu Week 2023) by KhepiAri; G, 2.7k, complete.
What if Luffy found out, Law lost it all at the hands of Blackbeard? Will he let Law suffer alone, or will he drag him back to Sunny?
Dissecting a Captain by devils_regrets; E, 10.8k, complete.
Law's anguish and hatred drives him to lash out at the Straw Hat Captain, but Luffy of all people knows that's not how to heal the heart.
Grounding Exercise by heart_sen_ya; T, 2.5k, complete.
The panic didn’t leave Law’s body, but he managed to slow his movements, grip tightly at his first mate’s sleeve. “Bepo?” he huffed. “Real?” The question hung heavy between them. “Yes,” the word was dripping with sorrow, with apology. “Not dreaming. I’m sorry, Captain.” Tattooed fingers curled deeper into Bepo’s sleeve. Law leaned forward into him, his body screaming in protest. He didn’t care. How could he? Here he was, alive amidst tragedy. “Again,” he hissed, vocalizing the thought. “Again?'' The word tasted like poison.
Healing of the heart by Tchell1; G, 10.5k, complete.
In the aftermath of Law and Black Beard's battle, Law is left broken and hopeless. Monkey D. Luffy will not allow Law to fall into despair.
Look Who's Laughing Now by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead; T, 13.2k, complete.
I really like Torao, Luffy thought contentedly. I like him, too. The words felt like a warm echo of his own thoughts, bumping against the inside of his skull in a gentle but insistent way. That was weird. But not the weirdest thing Luffy had ever experienced, so he ignored it. “Did you get something in your eyes, Mugiwara-ya?” Torao asked. “They look a little pink.”
Loss & Regret by CaptainButterBuns; G, 1.4k, complete.
Blackbeard has dealt a crushing blow to the Hearts and Law is left to deal with the trauma but an old ally could be just what he needs to help him through it.
Lost and Found (You) by purplehairedwonder; T, 7.5k, complete.
Five times Law and Luffy almost lost one another and one time they did something about it.
My Heart in Your Hands, My Hands around Your Heart by purplehairedwonder; G, 1.9k, complete
In Luffy's lowest moment, Law takes Luffy's hand and promises that his story will not end. In Law's lowest moment, Luffy takes Law's hand and promises the same.
My Heart, Fragile in Your Hands by purplehairedwonder. T, 2.3k, complete.
“I failed them,” Law whispered, and it felt like a confession—like at church in Flevance. Confession was supposed to absolve someone of their sins, right? He doubted there was a god anywhere who could absolve him of his. And yet, he confessed at the altar of Luffy. “They were my responsibility, and I failed them.” Or, Law wakes up in the Sunny's infirmary after Winner Island.
On fire by Suwym; T, 367 words, complete.
Law has lost practically everything: his father, his submarine, his crew, and that vivre card.
Our Hearts, Made Whole in Each Other by purplehairedwonder. T, 2.3k, complete.
Luffy cupped Law’s cheek with his hand, softly grazing his thumb over a yellowing bruise. “Torao is so pretty,” he said quietly, a note of awe in his voice. Law flushed. “Torao’s heart is beating so fast.” “Yeah,” Law agreed, swallowing. “It is.” Luffy’s, despite a few flutters, was beating steadily in Law’s chest. Law, on the other hand, felt pinned to the spot, one hand holding Kikoku and the other in Luffy’s grip. “You should stay.” Law blinked. “What?” “You should stay,” Luffy repeated. “On the Sunny. With me."
Seeing the Light by CaptainJoJo; G, 1.4k, complete.
Law doesn't want to talk about it and Luffy isn't pushing him.
Tattoos by Salemmcit0; G, 4k, complete.
Luffy takes Law and his crew to Swallow Island to build a new Polar Tang, and retouch his tattoos. Nobody knew that Mugiwara-ya was planning on getting one too.
The Heart is a Thing to Be Broken by purplehairedwonder; T, 5.5k, complete.
The Straw Hats learn about Winner Island.
The Lost Case by felsefeslegen; M, 24k, WIP.
SPOILERS AFTER 1081 IN THE MANGA. What happened to Law and Bepo after they defeated by Blackbeard and lost in the ocean? How will they survive and what will happen after Law and Luffy meet up in Elbaf? --- After the total defeat of Heart Pirates, Law and Bepo washed up on a deserted island. After that the thing made them survive became their nightmare, they were rescued from there like a miracle. Yet, Law was broken enough to hurt both himself and others. And mostly, Luffy.
Then Came You by Raiya
„Please Captain don’t die.“ Law could hear Bepo repeat the words over and over. The seawater around him felt like it was holding him in a breathtaking grip, but maybe it was Bepo carrying him. Law did not know if he was unable to move because of the water or his injuries but it did not matter much, he barely could keep himself conscious but tried his best.
What once was lost, now found by Callunar; T, 7k, complete.
You didn't have to come by Salemmcit0; G, 1.6k, complete.
After parting ways while leaving Wano, Luffy can't stop looking at Law's vivre card. Days later the paper began to disintegrate. Or, Luffy goes to look for Torao as the Winner Island encounter is going on Day 1 of Lawlu 2023 week - Loyalty
your hands in mine by betsib; T, 1k, complete.
Luffy has always liked Law's hands.
Your Heart, Broken in My Chest by purplehairedwonder. T, 3.6k, complete.
Luffy was far from an expert at having someone else’s heart in his chest, but he was pretty sure what was happening with Torao’s heart wasn’t normal. AKA, Law and Luffy switched hearts after Wano, and Luffy feels Winner Island happen.
10 Days of LawLu 2023 Day 6/8/10: Holding Hands/Hurt & Comfort/Confessions by Straw_Heart3; M, 4.6k, complete.
The aftermath of Law's fight with Blackbeard on Winner Island.
Heart Pirates major role
A Last, Beating Heart by HyperbolicReverie; G, 1.4k, complete.
“Oh, my wonderful crew,” you think, thoughts hazy as bits and pieces of yourself begin to drift in the currents. “Oh, my dear, brave little boys. I hope you can forgive me for not being able to carry you further. I can no longer be your heart.”
Your journey has ended. But this? This you can do.
A Swallow's Cry by Heartprts (jiaaa27); T, 3k, complete.
Klabautermann: a spirit that dwells in ships, an incarnation of a ship that has been well loved and cared for. Tangs, surgeonfishes: a family of marine fish with a distinctive characteristic of having scalpel-like scales at their caudal peduncle. or Polar Tang fought for her family, to her very last breath.
At Our Dream's End by chioccowine; G, 2.5k, complete
A snippet between the Heart's captain and his first mate after chapter 1081 - - - “But, Bepo...” his captain’s body shivered as he uttered softly, like the blossoms of the epiphyllum under the moonlight, silently withering in the gentle wind without anyone knowing. “What lies at the dream’s end? What lies at the end…when there’s nothing left to dream about?” Bepo sniffed to hold back his tears, and he reached out his paws determinedly. Like how the three of them used to do for him when he was still a little cub, he hugged his captain tight, sheltering him from the long freezing night.
Bioluminescent Hearts by Harmonica_Smile (Rescue_Remedy); T, 5.7k, complete.
"No bodies?" Blackbeard fumed. Doc Q and Stronger had bounced across rocky Winner Island when that bear had gone all Sulong and knocked them out. Van Augur's range for warping wasn't that great, and was tricky over open water. He could sharpshoot the skin of a hangnail, but the bear was fast. If he'd managed to get a shot in, they could've finished the Mink off, and pulled the shitty doctor from the water, taken his heart and returned triumphant. Once the horse had woken up.
blessed, not cursed by Heartprts (jiaaa27)
For a few years now, Jean Bart feels like his life is cursed. It all happened too quickly; one moment their ship capsized, and the next moment he's wearing an explosive collar. It was the start of all the curses.
Caught by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.2k, complete.
Maybe this wasn’t such a bad death, Hakugan thought as he felt darkness beginning to encroach on his vision. He’d been on the crew of a Warlord, had helped in the fight that defeated two Emperors, and had seen more incredible, unbelievable things than he would have once thought possible; it had been a much more fulfilling life than he would have had if he’d stayed in his boring, backwater home in the North Blue. He would never regret agreeing to join Trafalgar Law all those years ago. He only hoped that his captain would somehow live on to fight another day; as long as Law lived on, so would the Heart Pirates.
Celebration by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.6k, complete.
As the Heart and Straw Hat Pirates celebrate the jailbreak of the imprisoned Hearts, Shachi tracks down a guilt-ridden Law and offers his captain some moral support.
Cursed by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.4k, complete.
After Wano, Jean had never been prouder to sport the Heart Pirates Jolly Roger on his back, tattooed over the slave brand that had marked him as cursed for so many years. But they had failed Law on Winner Island. Jean had failed him on Winner Island.
Clang, Ding, Zing by Mekachu04. G, 489 words, complete.
Still, it surprised him when Kidd approached him first, a thick pad of blank newsprint that Law hoped he'd gotten permission for before liberating from Franky's workshop. Kidd dropped the heavy booklet on Law with no preamble. an *extremely* short snippet of two very much down on their luck pirate captains dealing with their recent losses. More light-hearted than it sounds.
Food by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.2k, complete
“Sorry for borrowing your kitchen without asking. I just...” “It’s fine,” Sanji said easily before starting to roll up the cuffs on his sleeves to his elbow. “You wanted to make something for your people, didn’t you?” “I...” Clione blinked in surprise. “Yeah.” “I get it,” Sanji said. Once his cuffs were rolled up, he crossed his arms and leaned against the side of the counter. “It’s how people like us show our love, right?” Sanji went on. “Through our cooking.”
going through by aghhhhhh; G, 1.1k, complete.
Hakugan has an idea. Written for Heart Pirates Week 2024 Day 8: Hakugan and Caught
Heart to Heart by MorWicked; G, 1k, complete.
The Heart Pirates have been destroyed, and now they need to help each other remember what matters most. ----- Digging his fingers in amongst the flotsam of pebbles and broken shells, Law wrestled his harrowed anatomy into a position somewhat less prone. Slumping against the familiar form of his salvation, Law found it a little easier to breathe. A heavy paw settled over his shoulders, somehow easing the gravity of devastation even as it rested in a fashion that belied a bone-deep exhaustion.
'homeless heart' by fab_ia; T, 4k, complete.
“They’ll make it,” Bepo says. “They always have before, haven’t they? From the North until here…” It isn’t survivors' guilt. Bepo refuses to call it that, at any rate, because that would mean expressing some degree of doubt that the rest of them have managed to survive. He isn’t sure that he’ll be able to keep going if he lets go of that hope, if he doubts them for even a moment.
Last nights with Tang by Lyy30; G, 6.5k, complete.
Ikkaku has her first and last conversation with Tang.
Loyalty by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.2k, complete.
The only solace the Hearts had after being taken captive by the Blackbeard Pirates was the revelation that Bepo had gotten Law away from the battlefield. They’d all sworn in Wano that they would do whatever it took to protect their self-sacrificing captain, and any of them would have made the same choice, had they been able. They were the Heart Pirates, and Trafalgar Law was the beating heart at the center of the crew. They would hold out until Law came for them, and they would give the Blackbeard Pirates nothing.
Low Battery by killyhawk; T, 1.5k, complete
Two times Shachi carried Law, and one time he couldn't.
Night by purplehairedwonder. T, 1.1k, complete.
Their rescue comes at night.
Wish the 4 of us stay together forever by Horsehead_557; G, 837 words, complete.
Penguin, Shachi, Law and Bepo are all waiting outside to see the shooting star while drinking some tasty hot chocolate until Bepo suggest that they make a wish
Bad end
Broken Hearts by CaptainButterBuns; E, 736 words, complete. Graphic Depictions of Violence + Major Character Death warning.
Law has bitten off more than he can chew with Black Beard and the Heart Pirates pay the ultimate price.
Forced Disease of Despair by ProfessorDatenix; E, 6k, complete. Law/Blackbeard and Blackbeard Pirates. Rape/Non-Con warning.
Law gets turned into a woman in the battle against the Blackbeard Pirates near Winner Island, but something goes wrong and ends up captured by them, being completely at the mercy of mean that want to show their new slut what it means to be a captured woman by an enemy ship
From the Ashes by purplehairedwonder. T, 10.8k, WIP.
Blackbeard takes Law and the defeated Heart Pirates captive after their defeat at Winner Island.
Some version of you. That I might not have, but I did not lose by ImpassiveMoon; T, 3.2k, WIP.
Law doesn't escape Winner Island. Luffy and the Strawhat Pirates, sailing high after their escape from Egghead Island, find out far too late. A butterfly flaps its wings and creates a tornado. What then would a beetle do? A god? Brace yourself. For D will bring a storm.
The promised I have to keep by Horsehead_557; G, 3.35k. Graphic Depictions of Violence + Rape/Non-Con warning.
the young captain taking out his den-den mushi and vivre card luffy like calling the other captain while looking at his vivre card cause it makes him feel like that torao is infront of him “wh-where is” luffy panicked he cant find torao’s vivre card - in something happened to law and they cant do anything about it
the steps to an foretold conclusion by aghhhhhh; T, 3.2k, complete.
Law was always going to die. He is on the altar, heart torn out for the sun.
to the victor go the soiled by Anonymous; E, 8k, complete. Rape/Non-Con warning.
Law had been Doflamingo’s slave-concubine for some years before escaping the clan in his late teens and starting his own crew, but no-one left Doflamingo’s harem. Doflamingo was excited that Law now had a hole that he and other members of his crew had not yet sampled. Variety was the spice of life and all that. Another thing Doflamingo liked was how docile the constant fucking from Blackbeard’s crew, the transformation, and the specially designed seastone adornments had made Law. Straight into the PWP. Hurt, no comfort. If it's not your thing, click right back. Tags are not for show
Aftermath by purplehairedwonder; G, 1k.
The aftermath of the fight at Winner Island.
A Most Surprising Alliance by Cygnus_the_Harper; G, 13.3k, complete. Users-only.
After the battle on Winner Island Bepo and Law flee across the ocean. Finding themselves stranded on a winter island they try to pick up the pieces, find a plan for moving forward, and worry about their crew. This was written after the cover page art depicting Law napping with a leopard and a bottle of vodka. It was such a fun picture that I had to write the adventures of Law and Bepo on that island, and their eventual rescue.
A Promise Fulfilled, 13 Years Later by betsib. T, 5.8k, complete.
Rosinante wakes up on Minon Island on the exact spot where he died, 13 years later. He's surprised to find Law is now a notorious pirate, and sets out on a journey to find him. Written for CoraFest 2024.
a victory every year by betsib; T, 6k, complete.
Law finds himself imprisoned in Impel Down, injured and possibly dying. His only company is Doflamingo, who tells him Luffy has been captured too. All in all, not the best way to spend his birthday.
A Wave Across a Bay by Sleeping_Songbird; G, 785 words, complete.
The aftermath of The Hearts fight with Blackbeard.
Faded by meowmystery; T, 819 words, complete.
Alone with his thoughts, Trafalgar Law begins to think his past over, which he has done over a million times. No matter how much he tries, he can't seem to come to a conclusion. Is there really an answer?
Fem Law on Winner Island by SilverSphere; G, 1.4k, complete.
This is just a canon-divergence drabble of Law getting stuck as a girl on Winner Island : )
Give Us a Little Love by cptrum; G, 2.3k, complete.
Law and Bepo get away from Winner island, but now what? Bepo is stuck trying to help an injured Law and also get his crew back. A what happened after chapter 1081 (since we still have zero resolution for that).
Hurting by lostsometime; T, 808 words, complete.
It hurts different, is the thing.
In the Light that Falls at Moonrise by Rimetin; T, 12.7k, Smoker/Law.
"The Captain,” the mink repeats, “trusts you.” Smoker chews on his cigars, letting his head fall back again. “Yeah, you said that.” “And you trust him.” Smoker and Law speak with their respective seconds-in-command, gain some valuable insight, and come face to face with some difficult to admit facts. Part 3 of Bitten by the Cold
Magneteers by Mekachu04; T, 2k, WIP.
After fleeing Blackbeard, Law & Bepo have been rescued by the Strawhats. Luffy is more than happy to help Law find his ship and crew, but his crew rightly points out that finding a submarine under the water is a big ask. If only there was someone they knew who could find large metal things and easy move them around. Possibly bring a sunken sub up to the surface with his magnetic abilities. So they detour to hunt down the Kidd Pirates. Unfortunately for Law, Shanks found Kidd first.
Polar Bear, Ocean Blue, and A Glass of His Dreams by chioccowine; G, 8k, WIP. Shanks/Law.
In order to bring Black Beard down to his demise, the Captain of the Hearts seized the opportunity to propose an alliance to the notorious red-haired emperor. The young captain’s willing to offer anything - - As he had nothing to lose.
Salt for Salt (Bone For Bone) by Friendly_Neighborhood_Asexual; NR, 2k, complete.
Bepo didn’t know how long he had been swimming, only that his lungs burned and his limbs ached and that he could not stop until his captain was safe. Law was tucked firmly under his arm, pressed close to his side with all the strength the mink could afford, and Bepo couldn’t tell if he was still breathing anymore. He couldn’t dwell on that though - wouldn’t dare to entertain the thought that he might be - his captain was strong, strong enough to survive Doflamingo, strong enough to survive Kaido and Big Mom, strong enough to bring emperors to their knees. Law would be strong enough to survive Blackbeard. Bepo didn’t know if he would be strong enough to survive Law’s death.
Suns Will Sink to Shade by Rimetin; T, 7.3k, complete. Smoker/Law.
Smoker gnaws on his cigars, puffing thick clouds of off-white smoke. “I’m trying to help you, brat.” “I didn’t–” Law cuts himself off. It dawns on him then that he did, in fact, ask. Involving Smoker was his own express decision, however impulsively made. Bepo certainly hadn't made it for him - hell, he hadn't so much as questioned it. And he hadn't been the one to bring the rumors, either: it had been an innocuous bit of conversation Law overheard, and his traitor brain had latched onto it. Pushed to his breaking point and beyond, he'd heard Smoker's name and only thought refuge. Fuck. Smoker and Law talk some things through. Plans are made. (now with art!) Part 2 of Bitten by the Cold
The Aftermath by RitsukoRyoku; G, 3.5k, complete
This is how I envision the aftermath of that fateful battle as the Heart Pirates recover and recuperate.
what we have left by betsib; G, 716 words, complete.
Bepo and Law are picked up by the Straw Hats after the events on Winner Island, and Law proposes another alliance.
When Stars are Silver by Rimetin; T, 7k, complete. Smoker/Law.
When the air around him thins and fills with bluish static, Smoker knows exactly what it is. He turns in his chair just in time to catch two of his meditating rocks poof out of existence, replaced instead with… A man and a polar bear. SPOILERS for ch. 1081. After Winner Island, Law finds Smoker. Part 1 of Bitten by the Cold
I II II L by darkrogue1 (Lily_Haydee_Lohdisse); T, 764 words, complete.
Bepo worries about his Captain
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weolucbasu · 1 year
So, @da-proti-toku-grem kind of inspired me to make a lengthy post, sharing some positive vibes across the fandom, listing the reasons why I love each member of Joker Out and why I would go full mom-mode on them and cook for them and bake them gluten-free cookies.
A Joker Out, brain-rot, appreciation post
(members listed in alphabetical order)
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First up - as someone who had the chance to see them live, he is an insane performer
His ability to enchant the crowd is insane and you can tell really well that he has great acting abilities too
Watched him in Gospod Profesor too, spot on for someone who is a so-called amateur
His singing voice is... amazing to say the least, it feels really unique
Also, the way he talks, the sound of his voice, the words he uses, his pronunciation, if there were awards for talking he would get one
The languages he speaks, I want to study him, linguistically, he is truly a phenomenon
We of course love a bilingual king
He looks like he has his priorities straight
I also respect him so much for how open he is about his mental illness
I might relate to him a bit too much at times whoops
And the fact that he can somehow befriend literally anyone??? Love that
His friendship with Jere is the main one of course
Oh yeah and the fact that he literally helped people who collapsed at their gigs a few times
Bless him, he deserves all the rest he is hopefully getting
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First things first, I have a soft spot for math guys
And the way he talks about math is fascinating (but you still won't get me to like it Jan)
Cat dad???? We absolutely adore Igor and a man loving cats is such a green flag
I know people say he mumbles a bit and it's hard to understand him at times, but idk, he talks nice and slowly, so it's still really easy to understand him
He comes from my home region, so I am very biased haha
Also, every band needs a guitarist with luscious locks
He absolutely owns the colour red, that colour was invented specifically for him
The nose ring suits him so well too, this man KNOWS what fits him
And if that ends up being jackets with nothing underneath when he performs, THEN SO BE IT
I know people call Kris the lesbian icon, but from what I've seen lesbians are very drawn to Jan as well
Oh, and he gives me Klaus from the Umbrella Academy vibes (I blame the hair and the pink boa)
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Holy shit, sunshine in human form????
The most underappreciated one in the band imo
His surname literally means 'cat' and I am so normal that Jan has called him 'muca'
He also comes from my region haha, bias again
He's really good at filming, he actually shot a few things for RTV (national TV station) and edited them as well, god, talent
Also playing drums... I have sang, I have played guitar, played bass, but drums is something I feel like I could NEVER do, so hats off to you
As @da-proti-toku-grem pointed out, THE MOLE ON HIS LIP? weak knees, yes
He also reminds me of a good friend of mine and I vibe with him so much, I feel like I would vibe with Jure as well
I really don't like the fact that drummers tend to get ignored and I just wish there was more Jure performing content
Though I love it how every time, during Novi Val, he comes to the front and hangs with the others
His hair also looks so soft and fluffy aaaaaa
Again, biased but he resembles my bf the most out of everyone so hmmmm
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The baby of the band! (and the only one in the band I could actually call 'mulc')
In case you didn't know yet, he's half Dutch
And he speaks Dutch, which, as someone who speaks Dutch (in theory, not in practice) makes me really happy
I wish to study him linguistically as well
Also his parents' story feels very close to me, as I'm dating outside of my culture as well
According to him he was menace as a kid and I think we should normalise the fact that you can become a better person as you grow up
But pls don't honk at me on the road Kris, pls, I will cry
The songs he wrote??? NGVOT and Vse kar vem??? Oh boy, I love them, adore them
His holey sweaters are also a vibe
Dutch fans, if you don't shower him and the rest of the band with gifts at their Dutch concerts, I will be mad
Also gotta honorably mention Maks
They gotta be my fav nepo-but-not-really babies out there
Kinda like Maya Hawke?
I am ranting
He also looks like the only member of the band that I would fight, and idk why
Also, I must know if he supports Max Verstappen haha
Minus points for chemistry though, I cannot with that
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Okay everyone
Here we go
We have reached my beloved
I love all of them, but Nace just a bit more
It was love at first sight, I cannot lie
I have a soft spot for bassists and he might actually convince me to try and play bass again
He has been playing it for so long too??? like wow
I will always go feral about his tattoos
At every concert
I know he was the last to join the band but it looks like he fits in so nicely, it's beautiful
Strong mom-codded dad friend vibes
He kinda is the dad of the band haha
And he looks like he gives amazing hugs (lucky all of you who had managed to get one already)
A nice addition to the band
Oh and he's apparently shit at sports which is like... felt
Plus the fact that he wanted to be a vet?
Me too boo, me too, but neither of us is there now
Anway, I'll stop now. In conclusion, this band has my whole heart and they deserve every good thing that happens to them and so much more.
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abitlikelemon · 2 months
Before I get any further into the 1900's, let's take a quick moment to reflect back.
For anyone just joining us, I am currently playing through a cc free (ish) decades challenge. I'll post expanding on what the (ish) means at some point, but I'm doing this for a number of reasons, the big one is I want to know if you can do it. Can you dupe the vibes well enough to feel emersed during each decade? I've got all the packs. This is easily a thousand-dollar game I now have. Yes, I am ashamed saying that. But, with all this money spent, I should be able to make this work.
With the 1890 decade complete, I wanted to share how I dressed or wished I had dressed my sims during this decade. Posts like this, shout out to out to Ashubii, really helped me along the way- so I want to return the favor to the community.
To start: -I am using zero CC clothing, hair, accessories etc. -I do have some "body" cc (lashes, skin overlay, body blush) -I am not a CAS simmer, so I'm not revolutionary in my styling -Between the limitations of what is available in game and my basic knowledge of the decade, don't expect accuracy just inspiration -If you want to know what pack an item is from, please ask! I am very WCIF friendly
I think it's also a good callout that I played the 1890s very 'country' focused. The 1900s outfits I have planned, I think, could easily work for 1890s if you were starting in more of a 'city' so come back for that post if you need fancier inspiration!
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Here we have our main man, Bobert Pancakes showing off his everyday, formal, athletic, sleep, party, and cold weather outfits. He was a farmer, so his outfits were simple, and repetitive. His swim wear was his sleepwear, minus the socks, and his hot weather was his athletic wear plus the bandana from his every day- so I just saved a little room and left those off.
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Here's Eliza 'I don't have a favorite child' Pancakes rocking an extra outfit because you know she has to be showing off. I have her everyday, formal, athletic, sleep, party, hot weather, cold weather outfits. Eliza is pretty country, maybe a little more than she would have liked. So, her outfits are also simple, repetitive, but with an extra bow. Her swimwear was a dress from Eco Lifestyle- but she never swam so I'm leaving it out, though you can see mouse nose Nora wear it in some gameplay screenshots.
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Speaking of Nora! I grabbed her to show off some teen outfits. Though, these are more outfits I wished I dressed her and Hazel in. I also grabbed Arthur, Herbert, and Walter to show off their actual outfits. I've got, for the boys, an everyday for Walter and Arthur and party for Herbert. Nora is styling everyday, hot weather, and party. I dressed the teens, mostly, like adults because teenagers weren't really a thing in 1890, so I imagine they are wearing a lot of hand-me-downs. What I like about the outfits above is that they blend in the 1890s with newer fashion I will be including in the 1900s, I wish I did more of that sooner. I imagined those pieces were the few new items Eliza made for them.
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So! Here we have Thomas rocking everyday, formal, party, hot weather, and cold weather. Hazel is wearing everyday, sleep, and formal. Children are tough to dress. Or, rather, dressing Hazel and the gals in this age group was painful. Some of her outfits are so bad, I won't share them. If you wanted to get a little CC in your life, this would be a spot I'd consider adding to. I was feeling so limited because all the skirts are short or very themed to Island Living. Swatches also were very modern, so there just felt like a million restrictions. You can see in the rest of the outfits, I have a preferred color pallet, so Hazel stands out (to me) like a sore thumb in comparison.
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I'm grouping infants and toddlers together and, for the first time, showing off Aunt Sylvia and Uncle Harold's children. This is where my lack of interest in CAS really stands out. I do actually think this age group has good options but... I don't careeeeee. Again, I'm not a CAS simmer and this is where it shows. Generally, my toddlers and infants aren't going to events or honestly even leave the house. They are also this ae for only a few days. So, I repeated these looks for almost every little one. This is also probably why I couldn't tell the Pancakes' kids apart until they hit childhood/teens.
I hope this was as fun to skim over as it was to compile! Again, super open to questions or honestly suggestions. I'm having so much fun with this challenge I'm already thinking about doing it again, so I'd love ideas for the next round!
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artist-issues · 6 months
Could you elaborate on your “you can make your wish come true” =/= Disney’s true message idea? I really like it and want to incorporate the sentiment into my Wish rewrite, but I’m having a hard time finding a solid idea that makes it so different from the aforementioned “believe in yourself and it’ll come true” concept
The idea is not to believe in yourself. Thats super counter-characteristic to Disney heroes. It's all over their merch and songs, but in the actual story, the character isn't usually rewarded for doing things their own way and making it happen. They're also not usually rewarded for chasing their own dreams. They really aren't. Hear me out.
Tiana is not rewarded by the narrative for all her hard work. She's actually scolded by the narrative for being so focused on her dream, and her own way, that she forgets more important things.
Pinocchio, too. The narrative won't let him, or Geppetto, have their dream of Pinocchio being "a real boy." Instead, he has to be brave, truthful, unselfish. Again, the story puts more emphasis on "more important things" than the character's dreams or abilities.
Instead, Disney movies usually reward the character for giving themselves (what they want, what they like, what they dream of) up. For just doing the right thing. More examples and fleshing out here and here.
When I sit down to try and "script doctor" what went wrong with Wish, I change the message from: "You alone have the power to make your wishes come true, so keep trying!" to "Have faith to do what's right, and even more than what you wished for will come true."
Break it down like this:
"Have faith" - Focus on a truth outside of yourself and what you want and what you like, and keep focusing on it no matter the circumstances or how bad you feel. (Think Cinderella "finding the good points" of her stepfamily, or Belle sacrificing her dreams for her father's sake.)
"To do what's right" - This is where faith means taking action. Cinderella doesn't just daydream about things being better, she makes them better for her household by doing her work cheerfully. Aladdin doesn't just finally tell the truth: he gives up his chance at being with Jasmine and sets the Genie free. Tiana doesn't just change her mind about wanting love more than her restaurant; she breaks Facilier's necklace and won't let Naveen marry Charlotte. Faith = action based on that faith: the character focuses on doing what's right. Even and especially when it means giving up their "dreams."
"And even more than what you wished for will come true." - Usually, the characters dreams actually change. They no longer wish for a thing or a set of circumstances, like living in a palace or having their own restaurant. Instead of wanting a thing, they want a Good. Belle goes from wishing for more out of life to getting true love, which is "more out of life,"—and a way better version of "more" than just vague adventures in the "great wide somewhere. Tiana goes from wishing for a restaurant to wanting love. Pinocchio goes from wishing to be a real boy to wishing to be good, for his father. And then it turns out, that's what being "real" meant all along.
The reason the "power to make these wishes come true yourself" is never mentioned is because in most Disney movies, it's not ABOUT you. The main character learns to just do the right thing and stop focusing so much on what they want. They usually sacrifice something, in the name of something bigger than themselves. And when they do that? They're rewarded.
By what? What are they rewarded by? (The narrative, yes, but what does that mean?)
The first Wishing Star Disney ever had come down to reward a main character for doing good was Pinocchio's Blue Fairy. When Pinocchio did the right thing, she literally rewarded him. And the same is true in Princess & the Frog: Tiana finally humbles herself and wishes on a Star, and instantly meets Naveen, who turns out to be better than what she wished for.
The idea is that the power to make your wishes come true is actually NOT in you. The power to make your wishes come true comes from something or someone outside yourself: the Blue Fairy and the Wishing Star represent that. It's like a higher power. Thats exactly what it is.
There's no reason for Tiana to be turned human, or get her restaurant, after she smashes Facilier's necklace. None at all. She broke the thing that could've gotten her to her goal. She gave her goal up. She thought she was choosing to "stay a frog." In fact, she also wasn't even wishing for love on the first place: she humbled herself and wished for her restaurant. Even though she didn't believe in wishing stars. That step of humility was seen and rewarded by a higher power—and the reward wasn't what she would've picked out. But it was exactly what she needed.
And she couldn't have done it herself. In fact, originally, she didn't even wish for the thing she needed, herself, in the first place. The star sent her on a journey to not only get what she needed, but want what she needed. The star did it all. All Tiana did was take one or two faith-based steps that, from her point of view, were actually giving up on her wish.
I hope that clears it up.
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annymation · 7 months
This Wish (Villain Reprise)
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Heyyy! Spoilers for chapter 16 of my Wish rewrite bellow!
But I guess if you read the tittle you can already guess that the villains get a song in the climax 😅
I adapted the song “Asha’s Villain Song” made by Lydia The Bard, so of course all the credits for the instrumentals and a good chunk of the lyrics go entirely to her and her amazing team. Please go watch her song on YouTube if you haven’t yet!
Anyway, on to the lyrics!
This Wish (Villain Reprise)
Lyrics in Green- King Magnifico (Chris Pine)
Lyrics in Blue- Queen Amable (Emily Blunt)
Lyrics in Purple- Asha (Denee Benton)
Lyrics in Orange- Aster (Jordan Fisher)
Isn't truth supposed to set you free?
Why do you all seem so weighted down by it?
So long having to play pretend
Deceiving you had us entertained
Yes, but now’s time for the main event
See, when I speak they all bow down
But what we want
Is our ha-ppi-ly EVER after
You say they're made of stars
But we know I’m so much more than that
And we’re done shinning now, so our new vow, no matter how
We're gonna burn
So the girl trusted a wish upon thee?
Hoping you could be her little guide?
If this light you shine is what will free us finally
Let us be the ones to cross that line
So I make this wish
To have so much more for us than
So I make this wish
To have so much more for us
Than this!
So much more than this
So much more than this
So much more than this
My bloodline brought expectations
Tried to follow all their rules, did what I had to do
And now I feel that it's quite overdue
For me to have this power to use and abuse
Shouldn't have dared to fight royalty
No point begging, no point wishing
Now we’re the stars in the sky that you are pleading
The very night sky sanctified, blazing inferno sat on high
Two super novas here to burn and smite
So I made this wish…
To have something more for us than this…
So I made this wish
This wish
This wish
So I make this wish!
We make this wish!
For you to face your destiny!
So we make this wish!
To have so much more than this!
Is this really what you believe?
That my power will set you free?
You wish to be powerful
But what you want is not what you need
You see, I've been weak before
I won't be that anymore
I'd give anything to stop
History repeating
Magnus, understand
You are just a man!
Amaya, mortality
Cannot be defied!
Yes! My magic’s bright!
But it'll be your demise!
You'll suffer for your crimes!
Thank You For Reading!
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tetrakys · 2 years
I'm sorry it's been a hot minute since I interacted with the fandom but what is happening with Eldarya??? Also what is call of the dragon?? 👀
Oh boy anon... where to start?!
Let me try to draw a timeline...
1. The company decided to cut Eldarya in two seasons, move Lance's introduction as LI to season 2, remove other LIs and give the game to another creator since around episode 22 of TO. Since then Chino has stopped working on Eldarya and, this is my personal opinion, the person who took over had no interest in romance because since then the only romantic interactions we've had in Eldarya have been a few random sex scenes. No deep dialogues, no dates, no cuddling, not even kissing except maybe one or two exceptions and this has continued all the way through season 2.
2. In March 2021 the company hosting Beemoov's servers in Europe caught fire. Beemoov's servers were destroyed, fortunately most backups were in another building so all their games and accounts were saved except for... you guess it, Eldarya. All European language accounts were lost and the american and brazillian servers were the only ones who got spared. We all lost our accounts and the company had to come up with a way to bring people back to the game. They created a new free currency for TO and opened a shop for a few months. This led to the first season becoming completely unprofitable, plus lots of people never came back since then. Mostly old players who used to spend money on their collections.
3. New games started to be developped, Uncoven and Henri's Secret season 2. The "new" Eldarya creator went off to write Uncoven at the same time as still being theoretically in charge of Eldarya. The company started to recycle events mechanics both in MCL and Eldarya so everyone has been unhappy with events in both games because they are extremely repetitive since basically two years.
4. ANE's writing has gone more and more downhill. It'd started decently but because the writer was new and had no idea what happened in TO nor what were Chino's characters backhrounds and history, the story is full of plot holes, contraddicting things all the time and all the characters' personalities have changed. It reads like a different game.
5. Lots of people have left, very few are playing the game at this point, and even less are spending money on it, so it's very very obvious that the company is just letting it die, the game is often bugged and the art quality is a hit or miss. Only 2 episodes are left at this point. Fans who still cling to it are angry. Fans who abandoned are sad. No one wants to play ANE anymore but lots of people wish there was a revamp of the game once ANE ends, with good writing and art. However, because the game isn't making money right now the company won't invest in something that is not profitable.
This is it I think 🤔
About your last question, Eldarya: the Dragon's Call is a story I'm writing and publishing on my AO3. The main plot is Chinomiko's and we brainstorm together all events and characters' backgrounds and personalities. This is the story of Lance's route and Valkyon’s routes if she were to make Alternate Eldarya games. Because at the moment this isn't planned I asked her if I could write it and share it with people and she kidly said yes. If the company ever decides to make Alternate Eldarya games I will delete it. If you want to read this story, links are in the pinned post in my blog, I've released 4 chapters so far and the 5th is coming this weekend ☺️
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ultimate-weirdo-tk · 3 months
Re-introduction Post~✨
Hello there, everybody! So... This is my third attempt trying to come back to Tumblr.
Many years passed by and I feel like this blog needs some changes, since I don't feel like I connect to my past self anymore. Hopefuly, my social anxiety won't get in the way this time.
Anywho, we're here to reintroduce ourselves, right? Then let's waste no more time!
Who am I?
For those who don't know me, I'm Ultimate Weirdo, but you can call me UTK for short.
I'm a sfw tickle artist who makes silly fluffy drawings just for fun and comfort.
If you're not interested in this type of content, you might aswell visit my normal account:
Where I also post drawings that aren't tickle related.
If don't, you're free to explore around other Tumblrs that might be of your liking. Everyone has their own tastes and that's ok!
Where did the fandom list go?
I figured I don't wish to have a fandom list for many reasons.
But the main ones are that I'm in way too many fandoms to name, and the other one is that I prefear focusing my blog in my current fixation at that moment.
Note: My current fixation will always be stated in my blog's description, and will vary depending on the fandom I'm in at the moment.
Also, English is NOT my main language, so I apologize for any misspellings.
Things I do support and don't support in this blog
Some of the things supported in this blog are:
•OC x Canon
•Self Insert x Canon
•LGTBIQ+ Community
•SFW Tickling
•Alternative Universes
•And many more!
Things that I will NOT be supporting:
•Animal Abuse
•Any kind of Political Topics (Srry but this blog is to keep your mind away from the real world for a few minutes. Reality sucks so bad)
•And pretty much any other common sense stuff that is considered immoral
When will you be posting?
Only God knows. After a couple of tries of coming back to Tumblr (Each of them failing misserably), I've come to the realization that I will post whenever I feel like it.
I'm awful when it comes to managing my time and schedules, so you can expect a post coming out of absolutely nowhere in the least expected time.
Did I read "Social Anxiety" up there?
Yes you did, my friend. I really need to state this and it's quite important for anyone who wishes to interact with me at some point.
I suck at social interaction
That doesn't mean I don't want to make friends tho.
I just really need everyone to understand that I will not always be avaliable to interact, or that my brain tends to overwhelm so bad that sometimes I tend to leave the conversation.
This has been a trouble I've had for so many years now. And although it's theorically easier for people to interact via internet, for me that's not the case. I really hope everyone understands this, and I'm so sorry if I cause any trouble in the future because of this.
Take in mind it will not be your fault, but mine.
Well, that's about it! ✨
I really really hope this time I can keep up with this blog.
I also wanted to thank everyone who had been supporting this blog even if it was inactive for so so long. It really means so much to me and I really really want to try again and come up with more tiggle related stuff.
Take good care everyone! UTK out!
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torchickentacos · 1 year
You know what? Solidad rant time (again). GOD I WISH THEY DID MORE WITH HER. She has so much potential. Long post but I'm having a weird day and won't apologize for self indulgence /lh. Really trying to remember that this is my blog, my house, my rules, my free time, my hobbies, and you guys actually did follow me for this stuff. Anyways.
Let's take a look at what we know about Solidad. She's from Pewter city and is friends with Brock. She beat Drew in his first ever contest and accidentally made him cry about it. She does this to May, too. Canon: Solidad makes children cry /joking.
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But like, that's... kind of it? She's also old friends with Harley? So, her history is almost blank, and entirely tied to other characters (Brock, Drew, Harley).
So, let's look at what we get of her on-screen. All of her pokemon are from Kanto (Lapras, Slowbro, Butterfree, Pidgeot), so are we to assume she's never been to other regions until The Johto Arc (tm)? (ALSO Johto January will be happening. Work in progress.) Or is her bond with her first home-region pokemon all she wants? She seems to be an experienced coordinator. We know she beat Drew in his first contest, so that means either Drew did contests in Kanto OR more likely, Solidad did contests in Hoenn and interestingly just didn't catch any pokemon there. Maybe she's had this same team for years and likes to stick with what works and what she knows well? I wonder how she'd keep her appeals and strategies fresh and new.
We also see that she’s very calm and patient, and can get along with anyone (Drew and Harley are her two main friends that we see on-screen. And Brock, I guess. I like to think she's like my aunt, who knows everyone. She'll be in Trader Joe's and talking to the manager about his daughter's cousin's friend's wedding that she attended).
What else do we have? Not much. She exists almost purely to explain Drew to us a bit more and to win the Grand Festival. We can take from this, though- her explaining Drew. One of the main things she says is that Drew has, quote, 'feelings' for May and, ignoring that on its own (side tangent demons, go away), we can take her actions there and extrapolate. BUT LIKE, the thing about the side tangent demons is that they're unavoidable BECAUSE SOLIDAD DOESN'T REALLY EXIST OUTSIDE OF MAY AND DREW! And Harley, I guess? But back to extrapolation, I don’t imagine Drew gave her the green light to say that, so we can assume Solidad is someone who sees HER IDEA of the best thing to do and just goes for it regardless of other opinions, or regardless of if it's even her business at all. Extrapolation: If Solidad sees somewhere she can help, she WILL help regardless of if it’s even her place to do so.
This is actually supported by the Absol scene (of which I have... opinions on)- Drew's having an anxiety attack or whatever canon wanted us to think that was (him just being mean to his pokemon? something he chides other people for? Drew, who is shown to dote on his Pokémon? Sigh. There’s in-character ways to show flaws or move the episode forward, or whatever that scene even accomplished, that aren’t just making a character be mean to their Pokémon, but TANGENT DEMONS I will get stuck on this if I don’t move on). ANYWAYS Drew’s being difficult, so what does Solidad do? She explains how he feels like he failed in front of May (arguably the single worst person to have been present for this), Ash, Brock, Max, and (unknowingly) Harley.
Now. An ounce of forethought might get you to the conclusion that when someone is anxious/agitated/having a bad time, digging into them in front of their friends (or, uh, whatever Ash, Brock, and Max are to Drew) (or whatever MAY is to Drew at this point, for that matter, though Solidad did sort of outright tell us in the previous episode) might be a bad decision that makes it worse, actually, especially when that person pointedly and intentionally decided to go be alone, away from people. But Solidad saw an opening to attempt to help and she took it, regardless of if it actually helped or made things worse. I think she’s someone who is incredibly oriented towards helping and understanding people, but in an incredibly stubborn way.
This isn’t a bad thing, though. I showed a couple more or less negative examples, but it’s a strength to be so steadfast in your morals and beliefs. I truly believe that more times than not, she WOULD be correct in how she tries to help, but it's a strength and a flaw wrapped up into one.
The thing is... I half-made this characterization of her up. I extrapolated the hell out of a couple cherry-picked scenes that supported my conclusion (Which is not how proving hypotheses should really work by the way), because there's just not much there. She was in three episodes and was mentioned in a fourth. She showed up at the VERY end of AG and existed purely for other characters or the plot.
Which, one one hand, so does Drew. He exists only around May and, semi-adjacently, Harley and Solidad. We know so little about his backstory or, well, anything. The thing is that IMO separates him from Solidad is that he appeared often enough to give a strong personality, interesting actions, and just a good, solid presence. Solidad unfortunately wasn't given time to do this. Harley is similar to Drew. Very little backstory or individual focus but enough of a general focus to leave an impression.
HAF probably helps, too.
But Solidad DID leave an impression. I know people who are shocked when they hear she ONLY showed up for the Kanto Grand Festival and that she wasn't a recurring rival. People REMEMBER and LOVE Solidad despite her shockingly underwhelming presence. I think that the gaps in memory filled in with that potential I mentioned at the beginning.
Do I have a conclusion here? No, not really. This is by no means a well thought out character essay, it's just me talking in pure, unedited stream of consciousness. I'm always looking for ways I can expand on her when we weren't given much to expand upon. I love Solidad, I really do.
But even when writing her, I notice I fall into the same pitfalls I chide canon for- having her only exist tangentially around other characters or as a supporting factor. But she deserves more than that, truly. I don't have any ideas right now, but one of these days I want to really mess with SOLIDAD. As herself. Not as an older sister figure or as a friend or as a coordinator or as a rival, but as herself, whoever that is. Because canon never showed us.
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pup-b · 2 months
Real long post about an isekai anime that i feel nonone who follows me knows about or if they do prolly hates. If you want my opinion on polygamy in Mushoku Tensei please click under this read more lmao
I really have conflicting feelings on the polygamy aspect of Mushoku Tensei because like... on one hand it has definitely been posturing as an ecchi anime with a harem aspect and I Really can't ignore that. A lot of the earlier episodes involving young Rudy rubbed me very the wrong way, but the main plot kept me invested through the beginning struggle. Then they do something I didn't expect, making Rudy less pervy as he grows up and make genuine, meaningful connections with the people who he loves. He has heart-ache over someone who left him and has problems with intimacy due to the trauma. Later, he opens up again to someone dear to him from his past and marries her, intending to stay monogamous. It suprised me with how genuine the relationships get and how much like people they all feel.
Then Rudy finally reunites with Roxy and I Knew the harem aspect would come up again considering how she's been treated the entire run time of the anime. Again though, I was suprised. Rudy Doesn't just add her to the harem and everyone is magically ok with it. He Doesn't want to be unfaithful to his wife back home and is planning to leave Roxy after their exploration of the Labaryinth. Yes its shitty he had a moment where he cheated and I won't say it's fine he did just cause he was depressed that his dad died, but Roxy dies manage to comfort him and it's clear he would have been out longer if she didn't. Elinalise tells him that since he's not a follower of Millis who demands monogamy so he is free to persue who he wishes, and that she Personally sees nothing wrong with loving more than one person at once even though she Is in a millis approved monogamous relationship right now... it really struck a chord with me. It may not be perfect but it really feels like an endorsement for polyamory to me, and the fact it was handled with such nuance and wasn't just a girl collector because 'Polygamy is Fine in this universe and no one ever has issues with it' is Really refreshing to me. Some people Do take problem with Rudy having two wives, but he talks to them before making anything official and loves them each for who they are and not for being another body he can sleep with.
I usually really don't like harem anime but Damn if Mushoku Tensei didn't get me feeling and thinking... Not to mention all the other poignant moments of dealing with trauma and reckoning with past mistakes and not taking what you have now for granted. Despite the tropes it chooses to dabble with i think it really did the story justice. Mushoku tensei does not use tropes just to gain popularity it really engages with them and feels them out in a realistic sense. At least it does later in its run, early on it just uses the tropes for interest, which.. not ideal for me but considering everything Ican't blame them too much on considering the Isekai market rn. I think everyone saying the story is just for the author to justify cheating is Really missing the point of the relationships.
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ravenoclock · 1 month
Spoilers for a fic called presque vu by bizzarestars
Shit’s getting deep yall I grabbed the tissues just in case.
*clears throat* okay so starting off sad with Lily’s parents dying right off the bat. Holy fuck. And the fact that she didn’t cry until after the funeral?? MY GIRL DJSKSKKSKA. I CANT RN. and Sirius being like ‘I wanna fuck Remus’ and Harry being like ‘nuh-uh’ and crying LMAO. Hilarious.
He lives anyway, in the end. They both do. Rats can survive in even the most dire of conditions, and all dogs were wild once. They both make it through, just not together. Rats and dogs rarely get along.
Foreshadowing comes in many forms.
"No," Sirius croaks. "I can't ever imagine grieving you."
I’m on my way to go dig a grave for myself who’s with me? Cuz why? Would? You? Do? That? To? Me? Why? What? What the fuck??? I’ve spent so long deluding myself into believing canon isn’t real and that the marauders grew old and grey and happy together and then I read fics like these because I think im strong enough but in reality I just created a dream I can shatter (catch my reference? No? Yes?) but id rather the delusion shatter than my sanity but at this point idk. BEAR WITH ME. I’ll get therapy dw.
Sirius is right there with him, as that saying goes. She's growing, too, one day at a time even as she digs her heels in for every inch. She's just as imprisoned as him, in her own way. A prison of her own body, her blood, her name. She's been a prisoner her whole life.
Dead. Why is this so amazing??? Like I feel it in the very depths of my soul I swear.
(This, too, is a prison. You feel that, don't you, deep down inside? One day soon, you'll be free from it, only for it to be replaced by another.)
The foreshadowing is crazy. Insane. Every other word for practically amazingly heart wrenchingly horrible.
What if Halloween just doesn’t exist. They’ll live happily ever after right? Right? RIGHT????????
For Peter, this is, as the saying goes, his final straw. The camel's back is not only broken, it's been cleaved in half, and the fear spills out over the sides like blood, leading only to the promise of more. He's been straddling the line between both sides for nearly a year now, giving only bits and pieces of information to the death eaters just to make sure they won't kill him in duels, never enough for the Order to even suspect a proper spy at all, but now he knows which side is losing for sure, after this side has suffered so much loss, so it's time he throws his lot in where he can stop being afraid. He wants to survive like a rat, and gets his wish.
Fucking coward. I hope he dies a painful dead. Oh wait, he does. (I actually don’t remember. Does he? Idk if he dies at all ngl.)
Out of everyone, Marlene's are the only dreams that come true.
God fucking damn. Can I cry now? Oh my god. Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god. Marlene ml. You will be missed.
I rly can’t. The first death out of the main group came and went. It doesn’t feel as heart wrenching as it does when I read Marlene’s death in The Hand That Feeds cuz it wasn’t in her perspective, and Sirius is awfully and unhealthily detached and it’s just so so fucking sad I can’t even.
She died. I cried.
Strapping in because Zar said so.
The fact that people think the spy is Sirius. Because of his last name. A name she can’t control. A name that came from a reputation they tried so hard to remove themselves from only for others to only see it. The name ‘Black’ and what it’s associated with. I hope they all fuck themselves.
Sirius shouldn't even know about it, nor should Remus, or Peter, or Augusta—but of course, they all find out because Frank and Alice trust the latter, while James and Lily trust the former three. One couple here has made a mistake. Hint: it's not the one with parents.
"Sirius isn't a fucking toy," James snaps.
Remus arches an eyebrow. "Then why do you treat him like one?"
Oh my lord. Oh my fucking lord.
It's funny. When the doubt creeps in, Remus will think about the question Sirius asked, and Sirius will think about the answer Remus gave, but neither will think about how Peter said nothing at all.
So…I don’t know what to say anymore. I can’t say anything. It’s so awful.
Mary ran. Dorcas died. Peter should die.
Whoever the spy is, Sirius thinks that day, they're smart, and they're brutal, and they're not doing this just out of fear. There's more to it than just that, more that Sirius can recognize in the mirror; a deep, dark pit that the worst crawls out of, unleashed on those who don't think it exists there. This is someone who may not have always been a monster, but knows how to become one, and maybe believes that's the only option they have. This is someone, despite how hard it is to fathom and how hard it is to accept, that Sirius knows.
Irony never misses a chance to take center-stage in the tragic play of their lives. Believe it or not, they're still in act one. They're on their way to act two, though, one cut from the cast of characters at a time.
Peter doesn’t deserve to cry for deaths he fucking caused. He doesn’t deserve Sirius comforting him. He doesn’t deserve any mercy at all.
Very close now, with Dorcas out. Take a wild guess at who's next.
Emmeline. Lily and James. Those are my guesses.
Sirius starting to doubt Remus kills me.
Sirius thinking Remus is Dumbledore’s spy…im pretty sure he wasn’t? Was he? Maybe he was but I only remember Peter being both. Like Peter was the double agent before turning to work for baldy voldy.
The fact that Sirius thinks it’s Remus. The fact that none of them suspect Peter not even once.
Them trying to convince their best friends that the other is the spy. Why. Peter wasn’t mentioned once. I actually want to puke.
Also Dorcas. Just. Dorcas :( And then Mary running tf away cuz she’s done. I wanna die. Wolfstar fighting and falling in love during A WAR. MY LOVES. THEY FONT DESERVE IT.
I read like chapters 13-21 in a haze. Here’s my thoughts (not in any order whatsoever):
- Azkaban is so shitty to the extent that there’s no words to describe how fucked it is and how dehumanizing it makes its prisoners feel, innocent or not
- The entire chapter where Sirius was described without any pronouns was GENIUS and so brilliant I loved it
- Sirius passing time as Padfoot but forgetting a lot because of Padfoot and Azkaban :(
- Sirius using the dementors as a way of sh :(
- Sirius not remembering who his first kiss was (JAMES) actually KILLED ME
- THE BUGS oh the FUCKING bugs thing destroys me. i cried, threw up, did the whole thing. cuz GOD I WANT SOMEONE TO UNDERSTAND ME LIKE THAT HOLY SHIT. I LOVE THEM.
- Sirius and Crookshanks are cool asf
- Remus being jealous of Kingsley low key had me giggling and twirling my hair cuz Sirius is so oblivious like ‘oh he’s funny, and we’re mates’ AGAHSHGAA
- also Remus being like ‘we’re just friends’ you and who buddy? Ain’t no one buying that. And Sirius glaring holes into his head is so AHAHAHAHH. And then Sirius holding it against him for the next few chapters is actually hilarious. He’s so petty. I love them.
- Sirius: ‘hello buddy, best mate, my best of all pals’
Remus: ‘I sense I’ve made a mistake somewhere’
ZAR WRUTING THAT IS SO FUNNY. I think i might’ve cried from laughter.
- Sirius being upset that she’s not allowed to be there on Remus’ full moons is so cute, and then Remus letting her take care of him after, always, is so so adorable.
- also the doubt that maybe Peter wasn’t the spy and he had a reasonable explanation for it is so heartbreaking I actually wanted to puke. I think i did puke.
- Sirius singing in Azkaban :((
- the cross words. WAXING MOON.
Thx for coming to my Ted Talk <3.
Btw I’m so sorry i haven’t been on tumblr recently. Been a bit busy.
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fereldanwench · 7 months
Hiya Wench! <3
It's me, the chick who always wants you to explain things xD. I have another polite request (won't be upset if you decline, but I have to try).
I had an epiphany about my posts today - I tag for other people, not myself (twitter influence). And I realized I don't even know how to quickly get to some of the older posts.
And then I remembered your page and how it's all neatly organized xD I previously haven't realized all your tags were actually separating your posts into categories and such... I love it. I had some big brain moments today xD
Would you please have any quick tips (perhaps you already do have them on your blog, I just forgot how to display the blog with the template on) for how to get started with your own template and neatly organized posts you can always find? Maybe even some template creators and such?
I used to do HTML & CSS back in the day, but it's been a long while, I don't have that much time to do trial and error anymore, and any actual coding is out of the question for me. It's gotta be user-friendly. (Free would be best, but I'm ready to reward the work done.)
I'm loving it here now and I post A LOT... I'd hate to reach a point where I don't even know what's on my page anymore.
Thanks! <3
Hi, bb! 💙
I've been asked about this a few times, and I honestly never feel I have a good answer for it, haha. I just like organizing and categorizing things, honestly. Best I can do is share my thought process and a couple of handy tools--Hopefully that'll help give you some inspiration!
My tagging habits actually come from ancient Tumblr functionality--Back in the day, the search function didn't exist as it does now (in which it will (theoretically) scan the body and tags in the post), and you could only find posts if they were tagged in a certain way. Sometimes I wanted to post about game stuff, like Dragon Age, but I didn't want my post to appear in the main tag (because of fanwank hell) BUT I also still wanted to be able to find it later because my blog is for me first and foremost.
So I started using "s: dragon age" to gather all things related to Dragon Age (in which "s" in my mind stands for "series") and "g: dao" for posts specifically about Dragon Age Origins, "g: da2" for Dragon Age II/2, and "g: dai" for Dragon Age Inquisition. And if it was a post I did want to go into the main tags, like a GIF set or fanart, I'd use both the default tags (Dragon Age, Dragon Age Inquisition) and my personal ones for my own blog cataloging.
Tumblr search hasn't worked like this in years, but by the time it changed, I was already in this habit for a while so I've just kept doing it. I do change the way I organize stuff from time to time, and there are some tools that make that easier:
Xkit Rewritten This is a life-changer and has a ton of great features to improve your Tumblring experience, but the "Tag Replacer" specifically is awesome if you realize you want to change a tag en mass.
Tumblr Tag List Generator And this is really helpful if you need to do some tag wrangling and figure out what tags you've used. I periodically run my blog through this to catch inevitable typos in tags so I can change them, and see if I can consolidate any similar tags (e.g. catch if I was using both "g: da2" and "g: da ii" so I could figure out which one I liked more.)
As far as the organization itself and how I choose the categories, it's just vibes, haha. It's just how I catalog things in my brain. Which I know is probably unhelpful. Prefixes like "inspo: ###" and "shows: ###" are pretty self-explanatory. "extras: ###" is for the random stuff that doesn't really fit anywhere else, like shitposts and cute animal pics. "topic: ###" is for more serious subjects and discussions, like LGBTQ+ issues. "mine: ###" is for the stuff I've made.
Two things I wish I had done a better job of is 1) organizing other people's OCs by fandom (if you visit me on Pillowfort, you'll notice I use tags like "other's ocs (cp77)" instead of just "other's ocs") and 2) separating my edits tag into a gifs and virtual photography tag. Calling all video game imagery "edits" is also sort of a holdover from Tumblr days of yore, but I wish I had made a distinction there. (I had never even heard the term "virtual photography" until about 2022, though, and I've been on Tumblr since 2010 so yanno. Whatever. This blog in particular is 8 years old, and I'm not sifting through thousands of posts just to amend that.)
And this is a mostly comprehensive list of all the tags I use, if you wanna see the categories and whatnot in action.
With regards to blog templates, I've actually decided to stop focusing on that here because Tumblr has increasingly become a more app-driven userbase, and the pretty blog templates are only visible on desktop. Tumblr also nuked a lot of functionality of the custom pages you can make, which is where I used to keep my tags displayed. I still have a custom theme, but it's pretty bare-bones compared to what I used to do. (Now I get my CSS fix working on my Neocities website, although that is very much still a WIP.)
But there are fortunately still a lot of folks keeping the custom Tumblr themes alive! You can browse some of my personal favorites under my tumblr: themes tag, and @theme-hunter is a fantastic resource to find free user-made templates.
Oh, and because Tumblr is pushing more for a generic and uniform app experience, you do have to opt-in to activate your custom blog. It's this option under your blog settings:
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And if you want to view someone's custom blog (if they have one), you'll have use the https://fereldanwench.tumblr.com/ URL. If you want to view the dashboard-like version of their blog, you'll have to use the https://www.tumblr.com/fereldanwench URL.
Hopefully this made sense and can give you some ideas to get started!
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hamhamki · 1 day
Okay so I just finished Meguro's Part One so if anyone is interested I'll type it under the hidden bar. I never really give out my thoughts but coming from someone who was very on the fence and expressed myself a lot with his announcement, I feel like I should give some of my two cents.
For those who want to read this until AFTER you read his part one, you're free to do so, or for those who are just unsure, feel free! :) There will most likely be spoilers so oof 🤧
Okay, so Meguro as a character is very interesting, and I would be lying if I said he wasn't a bit intriguing. His cameo in the Kunihiro and Kuranosuke sub-story and in Kunihiro's S3 Main Story had already piqued my interests a bit. I could definitely feel how annoying he is with certain sentences and had me going "dude, you're so weird," whenever he mostly laughed like a freaking Disney villain. His laugh, I will say, is lowkey cringe, but sometimes it is funny depending on like context or what's happening.
Meguro's route feels so bizarre that I feel like it has Tokyo Love Hustle vibes almost because it's very comical. I've actually burst it out laughing a few times (maybe I'm easily amused, idk), but the MC tends to match his freak almost. She herself is very straightforward in this route, and I do love an MC that has a spine. I could almost see her actions through the screen, and she does talk back to Meguro instead of just sitting there like a bump on a log. When I think Meguro is crazy, MC says something that's on his wavelength, and there are like three where I went, "I think the MC is crazier than Meguro."
Their banters, I will admit, are pretty entertaining and hilarious. MC is running out of her house with her buttons not buttoned right, with mixmatched shoes and sweatpants with her dress shirt becaise she almost chases Meguro outside with just her underwear 😭 Thats got cracking up I won't lie. YES I SAID IT I WONT LIE. I just wish I could determine how Meguro laughs because he laughs like a damn hyena even when I get context he's just laughing really hard like a normal human and MC calls it cute. It throughs me off because he's acting like freaking Dio Brando LMAO 😭 But MC does fight back I do like that. Especially the face off against Meguro where she's just pointing the 3D printed magic wand at Meguro trying to catch him in a lie and she's like "I got proof!!" When she has none at all so she literally thinks on the spot and she actually gets him pretty good until they both just fumble and point at each other like they've caught each other. Like they're both weird 😭😭
Here's the part that got me the most
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I do like the pacing so far. I did gasp when I fpund out his glasses are FAKE they're literally just spy glasses. He wears them a lot and uhm isn't that a crime like right? Especially when Japan has a history of like camera related crimes. Maybe he can switch it on and off Idk that part just like made me give a side eye. He's in negative aura for that one so lets see in part teo if this gets redeemed.
Also it's most likely we'll get more of the story in tbe second part but I'm pretty sure there's more to this spying on the department for his gain to take over the projects amd tell everyome about VR. Because he gives us his "GLASSES" to use for a meeting and the next day the production department is like that meme this one below of MC walking into the destruction.
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Meguro uses the meeting info to then have their clients want to use VR so it throws everyone off and into a frenzy and its a yikes. I'm not sure how they will get out of this one if they're caught cause once again uh I feel like this is illegal LMAO but its not real and I'm telling myself its not real and to just wait until Meguro comes out with his explanation or smth.
It is entertaining so I will give it that, I do surprisingly enjoy it mostly because the MC won't back down and she's actually throwing back what Meguro throws at her. He is annoying, the writers did that really well but he does...
...make me swoon a bit okay okay I'll confess I'm a softie.
There are times when I'm like okay Meguro is pretty charming here and MC is the one to go up to LI and suggest to get married. So the pacing is not too bad. It seems like its like a Togo-thing where Meguro liked MC first cause when MC throws him for a spin Meguro gets caught off guard and acts all blushy after we call him out so I wouldn't be shocked if it's revealed he had a crush on us.
Also the mom and dad coming to MCs house while she's like beating up Meguro after she got changed in the dark was too hilarious. They're so happy that THEY'RE the witnesses for the certificate and I was like AINT NO WAY and bothe Meguro and MC are like "wait a minute, all of a sudden this isn't funny now" and seeing Meguro just be like "oh god what the hell" yeah its pretty funny.
Thats all my brain can think of at the moment Im not the best at summaries or reviewing, this is just dumping. It was worth a read, I hope part 2 don't let me down because I actually do like Meguro. The whole Dio Brando act is a bit silly and over the top but as if I'm not the same at work with coworkers and my boss acts like that too cause he legit has a badge that says "evil overlord" so I can sort of realistically see the attitude. Meguro reminds me of a mix between Dio Brando and Yoshiko Tsushima for Love Live Sunshine LMAO VERY drastically different characters but those two are so over the top that I just can't unsee it now LMAOOOOO
But this is getting too long now this is the longest I've written on here so happy reading and I'd like to hear what you have to say!!
Also Voltage ugh We'll talk about them another day probs after part 2 because I got beef to pick with them but its almost midnight here so they're lucky for now.
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