#I knew it would probably trigger me I just chose to watch it anyway lol
juniperhillpatient · 5 months
omg I’ve been wanting to watch Wrong Turn 2003 forever but it always seems to be “unavailable” so I just checked YouTube & it’s there🥺 I’m so excited because ALL I know is that this is a horror movie with Eliza Dushku & I do see it referenced frequently in slasher circles. that’s it. so I’m going in blind which is my favorite way to go into movies
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beansricejc · 5 months
tagged by @scarlettspectra @discoscoob & @gea-chan96
so actually I ended up sort of finishing the WIP I was going to post… it was meant to be a short & sloppy one anyways lol
[kinda dumb but this song helped me out - don’t ask]
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cw: john’s a peeping tom
A few hours had passed, and the exhaustion from driving for 8 hours has finally kicked into your body. You opt for a nice steamy shower, taking in a deep breath to clear out your stuffy nose.
The man at the desk was pretty… hot, you suppose. You just aren’t exactly sure why he out of all people is running a motel in the middle of nowhere. Of course this is one of those classic ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ joints. Ever since escaping your toxic ex, you’ve mastered the art of evading, and these places weren’t new to you.
Even though you weren’t a criminal, your fellow motel guests definitely were. Drug lords, mobsters, low level robbers and get away drivers. Honestly anyone in the game, you’ve probably accidentally bumped into at one of these places.
John certainly knows how many times you’ve been here. Or any other off brand Continental motel in the general region. After faking his death, he had to go way off the map. And cutting his hair was one of the only things he could do to help evade watching eyes.
But John was the watching eye at the moment. Unbeknownst to you, he’s taken a particular liking to the woman who checked in today. He’s checked you in about 5 times now, you leave the place clean and don’t make any trouble. The perfect customer.
If only you knew that this time, he gave you the room next to where he stays.
Your tits in this shower look fucking phenomenal. Your hands massage your breasts, working in the soap to create a lather in order to wash yourself. The foam of the bar makes its way to your nipples, even sliding down to your soft tummy. A good lather, the steam blowing into his eye, your voice humming some pop song, and watching your body, all naive and wet.
All for him.
What once was a building mistake actually gave himself the ultimate peeping Tom hole. Right into the shower of the hotel room next to his. Hidden by a simple framed picture, he was able to look in at any moment he chose.
John’s teeth dig into his bottom lip, tasting copper as his hand pumped his shaft. He’s unbelievably hard, wondering what it would be like to fuck you against that shower wall. To come up from behind and pull back the curtain, feasting his eyes while you screamed in shock.
In another world you wouldn’t scream. Scratch the scream. He needs this to be perfect.
In a perfect world you’d be his girlfriend, or secret lover.
Who cares?
You in this shower was the best thing he’s ever seen. The soap slips from your hand, and you’re forced to bend over, giving John the best possible view of your cunt, ass, and upper thighs. You’re so, perky. Silky smooth. Supple.
So fuckable.
John covers his own mouth as his hand twists the head of his cock with a tight grip. His hips buck forward, reenacting the movements he would be doing behind you in that shower.
That’s when you let out a soft moan, just from unwinding in the heat of the moment.
It’s like music to his ears. Your simple noise triggered something in his body, and the way his cock twitched in his grasp let him know of his impending orgasm.
John goes over the edge, he bites the skin of his palm, eyes rolling back into his head as heaps of milky seed shoot from the head of his member. Just thinking of you on your knees, smiling excitedly, eyes crossed just getting a closer look at his orgasm, it did wild things to his brain. He hoped you were a freak, using your fingers to wipe what he left on your cheeks, nose, lips, etc.
Picturing you sucking on your digits that are full of his cum really seals the deal.
The shower turns off, you wrap a towel around your soaking wet frame, and step out of John’s line of sight, proceeding to brush your teeth.
John catches his breath before looking around him, cursing that he didn’t put a new Kleenex box in his secret corner.
tagging: @rosevette @iovesia @cuddleyhoney @treedaddymcpuffpuff | sorry if you were already tagged!
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alaskasmonsters · 4 years
(Divine) Dog Cuddles | Fushiguro Megumi
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the divine dogs aren't just useful in a fight against curses but also when faced with emotional battles.
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pairing: fushiguro megumi x gn!reader
w.c: 1.592
warnings: reader being sad? other than that none
a.n: this one is kinda bad (just lowering the expectations beforehand lol) but i still hope you enjoy it!
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There was a soft knock on his door and when Megumi opened it he found you standing in front of it, nervously shifting around as you fiddled with your fingers.
You looked cute, he noticed.
Your hair was disheveled and your face clear of any makeup. You were only wearing an oversized hoodie with, what he recognized to be, pikachu shorts underneath.
Yes, you looked cute.
He opened the door a little wider and you scurried inside, face lighting up when you noticed the divine dogs were already summoned, sitting in front of his bed. As soon as they saw you entering they had started wagging their tails and you smiled happily.
He didn’t know how you had done it, but they liked you. Megumi had never seen the dogs so excited to see someone. They were usually nonchalant, not paying much attention to the general humans as they were fixed on curses. With you there was a difference.
He couldn’t help but ask himself if maybe that was because of him, if they could pick up on his feelings for you and liked you because of that.
You were already kneeling on the floor and eagerly patting the dogs heads and they happily rubbed their heads against your hands, panting.
Megumi sat down on the bed behind you, eyes watching you with fondness as you started talking to his dogs in a baby voice and caressed their fur and scratched behind their ears.
He hadn’t asked why you had wanted him to summon the dogs, he felt it was inappropriate and out of place after you pleaded him over text, the desperation clear as day. The humor all your interactions naturally included had been missing.
You were a person that hardly took anything too serious.
In the beginning he wasn’t too sure what to think about that, or you, for the matter. You’d joke about everything, no situation deemed too serious or professional to not make humorous comments.
That was probably why you got along with Gojou-sensei so well. Both of you were utter crackheads at times, hardly ever responsible with the words you were spouting.
In every area, that was.
When you had started making comments about being attracted to the King of curses, and how absolutely “hot and sexy” his “tatts” were... the bluntness and insolence your words held, it had shocked him.
You were always upfront and naively honest about everything that went on in your head, and despite your silliness he learned to respect that about you.
He also realized rather quickly that your humor was part of your charm and that despite mostly cracking jokes in any given situation you were well aware of the seriousness of the matter. When push came to shove you could put aside your penchant for humor, although never completely and get the work done.
He liked that about you.
Megumi had grown quite fond about all the little behavioral traits you exhibited, that made you you. While in the beginning, when the two of you had just met, he hadn’t thought much of you, now you belonged to the very few people he respected very dearly.
So much, he had reconsidered questioning you about your reasons for wanting to see the divine dogs this late at night, when you messaged him. He had decided he could still ask you when you arrived at his door, but then he’d seen your messy appearance and it had thrown him off guard.
And now you looked so peaceful with your hands buried in his dogs’ fur, that cute little smile on your lips. You were so content in that moment, he’d feel bad if he interrogated you now.
He almost decided to just let you be, lie down and pretend to read a book so he could watch you subtly without it seeming creepy.
Then white dog licked over your cheek and for some reason it seemed to trigger something inside you, because the next moment you suddenly buried your head into the dog’s furry neck, clinging to him tightly.
Megumi watched in surprise.
That was a little too affectionate, even for you.
Only then he noticed your shoulders were shaking with every breath you took and the almost inaudible sound of sniffles that reached his ears. You were crying.
Black dog, who had noticed as well, dropped his head into your lap and although he was a little surprised on how well adjusted they were with the emotional depth of a human, he was feeling a little useless in comparison.
He wanted to help you, as well.
“Y/n...” he started, deciding that if he wanted to comfort you as well it was better to do it now, “are you feeling alright?”
Despite the attempt to keep his voice as calm and monotone as he could, he still feared the question alone had been crossing a line.
One thing he had noticed about you was that although you seemed to be perfectly aligned with your emotions and fine with others knowing about your state of mind at any given moment, considering how naively honest you were, you were actually very private in that matter.
You were often honest about the superficial feelings you experienced in situations and weren’t ashamed of crying when it seemed appropriate, say when dealing with a sad movie (a story about dogs...those seem to always get you), but what you showed to others was only the surface of it all.
You chose carefully what you wanted to share with the rest of them all, and to Megumi’s disappointment you never came to him or anyone else when you were experiencing serious sadness.
Well, you hadn’t been until now.
At his question you had pulled back slightly, just enough so Megumi could hear you, but still too hidden by the fur for him to see your face.
“Yeah, sorry...i...i’m just feeling a little emotional that’s all,” you replied softly, voice strained from tears.
If he was a little closer to you he would have deemed it appropriate to hug you, but he knew that the both of you weren’t on that level, yet.
“May i ask why?”
You chuckled, probably at his choice of words. That was okay, though, it seemed to cheer you up a little.
“Just haven’t been feeling all too great, missing my family a little bit,” you muttered, one hand reaching out to pat the head of the dog lying on your lap as you kissed the top of the white dog’s head.
Megumi hummed, encouraging you to continue talking. He wanted to know what made you feel this way and preferably how to make you feel better, if you’d only let him.
“I...you know dogs, when you pet them you release all these happy hormones? Like serotonin, oxytocin and prolactin. It calms you down, that why dogs are often used as emotional support animals, too,” you explained in a quiet voice, unusually shy about what you were saying.
Megumi couldn’t figure out why.
“I didn’t know that,” he admitted, because he hadn’t.
He never had a dog, an actual one, or known anyone with a dog and although the divine dogs may appear similar to the animal, they weren’t real dogs, either.
“Yeah...i know it’s not really the same but i thought maybe your dogs would have a similar effect and petting them would make me feel better,” you continued, before hastily adding, “I’m sorry, i am totally exploiting you for selfish reasons.”
Megumi couldn’t help but shake his head at your remark, partly fond of how you were concerned about him, partly confused why’d you even come to that conclusion.
“I am happy that I can help you feel better, if only through my ability to summon the divine dogs.”
That was the first time you turned to look at him since you’d stepped into his room and the smile you were giving him was absolutely blinding. Your red eyes seemed to sparkle at his comment, too.
“You’re too kind, Megumi.”
He returned your smile, hoping it was just partly as reassuring as yours was.
The both of you sat in silence, Megumi racked his brain for a way to distract you even more from thoughts of homesickness and cheer you up but his mind came back blank.
He wasn’t really the best when it came to ted talks, Itadori would have been a much better candidate for that, or Gojou sensei, who was specialised at distracting others with his silliness. If only he were a little more competent in one of those areas.
“I think they like you.”
He didn’t know why he had said it, it was just the first thing to come to his mind.
You looked up in surprise, the white dog nudging you into your side when your hand stopped moving though its fur. Your eyes fell down at it in confusion and then a wide smile broke out on your face.
It was beautiful. Blinding.
“You think so?” you ask happily, turning back to look at him for a second, before resuming to pat the dog in your lap.
Megumi watched, smiling softly at the exchange.
You hummed in content.
Maybe he wasn’t too bad at it, judging by your lightened up features and the soft upwards curve of your move as you continued coddling his dogs.
Anyway, if you asked him, he’d summon the divine dogs for you anytime if that gave him an excuse to have you around more.
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nekojitachan · 5 years
Okay, so the A/B/O fic won with two votes (LOL, voting counts, people). But I still have time tomorrow, so may do the HtSaM and I’m still plotting out the Spiderman fic.
Anyway, This is like the first scene, just to give you an idea (A LITTLE) of how things will work out in this world.
Uhm... don’t think there’s much to reference for triggers here, other than Neil’s past (very vague).
Neil watched from his seat in the bleachers as the maintenance crew cleaned up after Millport’s graduation ceremony – a graduation ceremony he’d attended despite some misgivings in the end. He’d decided that it would raise less questions if he disappeared after receiving his diploma, one more student who wandered away without any prospects, than be a no show.
His duffel bag was at his side and packed, he merely needed to decide on Reno or Chicago (north or south) as the place to buy his next ID – did he want to return to Canada or try Mexico? The States never had brought him any good luck, it was time for something different.
While he pondered his choices, the bleachers creaked as someone approached – Hernandez. “I didn’t see your parents anywhere,” the counselor said as he sat next to Neil, blue tie askew and grey-shot hair mussed as if he’d run his hands through it a few times.
“No, they’re too busy working. Besides, it’s no big deal, just high school,” Neil murmured as he tapped the folded piece of paper against his knees. “Not like it’ll do me much good.”
“Your grades aren’t too bad, especially for math and Spanish. Mrs. Engles said you’ve a talent for languages, that you speak French better than most of her students.”
Neil winced as he thought about that slip, about responding in the language the one day when he’d been too tired to think straight. “Still not going to do me much good when I can’t afford to pay for university.”
Hernandez grunted as he stood up. “About that, come to my office, would you?”
Neil hesitated for a moment, suspicious of the man, but during his year in Millport (several months too long, really, but he’d been so tired after his mother’s death), Hernandez had done nothing to make him doubt the middle-aged beta. Had asked about his parents, had constantly pressed snacks on him and asked about his health, but hadn’t tried to hit him or appeared to be working for his father.
So Neil followed, figuring that the counselor would press one more college or scholarship application on him (wasn’t it too late for that stuff) and then he’d be on his way, off to another city by the night’s end.
“You’ve got a lot of potential,” Hernandez said while they walked, the start of his usual spiel. “I know it seems that things are easier for the alphas, that they manage to claim whatever they want, and people feel that omegas need special help, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any support for betas. In fact, there’s groups out there who are doing their best to make things equal for everyone, regardless of their classification.”
“It’s been the same way for centuries, I doubt it’s going to change anytime soon,” Neil murmured as he thought about his father and fought to rub his fingers against the side of his neck, where he’d applied the scent patch earlier in the day; it should still be good for a few more hours.
“No, things are already changing, and they’ll continue to change as more people take a stand.” Hernandez gave Neil a significant look before he opened the door to his office, as the scent (odor) of an unfamiliar alpha washed forth to overcome the familiar one of the friendly beta. “I think you can help, too.”
“Who- no,” Neil denied as he shook his head even while Hernandez all but shoved him into the office; he gripped the straps of his duffel to both hold on to it better and to use it as a potential shield/weapon even though the stranger merely stood still on the other side of the room, muscular arms folded across his chest and wearing an orange jacket bearing a familiar fox head logo. “Fuck, you’re a Fox,” Neil breathed out.
Hernandez winced, probably at him swearing, then motioned at the alpha. “Neil, this is David Wymack, and yes, he’s in charge of the Palmetto Foxes. I asked him to come here to meet you.”
“Pretty mouthy for a beta,” Wymack chuckled; he was taller than Hernandez and had the typical ‘alpha’ build, was broad-shouldered and looked as if he could pick Neil up and snap him in half with ease (looked too much like Neil’s father even if his skin and hair and eyes were darker). Yet his smile was friendly and eyes warm… though Neil knew to never trust someone by their appearance. “Hernandez there sent me your files and I can use someone mouthy who has a talent for languages to help out my crew. What do you say?”
No, this couldn’t be happening, not the Palmetto Foxes; the straps of Neil’s bag burned against his palms as he thought about the binder inside of it, of how the man who ran the Palmetto chapter of the Foxes had invited him, someone who’d once dreamed of attending the Edgar Allan academy, be part of the same ‘crew’ as Kevin Day, who’d run from the prestigious school for alphas to join the Foxes.
Just how much more fucked up could Neil’s life become? What next, would he bump into one of the Malcolms when he went to buy more hair dye or a bus ticket?
“Kid, are you having a panic attack?”
“No,” Neil managed to wheeze out while he shook his head; if Hernandez wasn’t blocking the room’s only exit, he’d make a run for it. “No, I don’t think it would be a good idea, me joining the Foxes.”
“Neil, don’t make a hasty decision here, this is-“
Wymack cut off Hernandez with a slow shake of his head. “Look, can I talk to Neil alone?” he asked, and only the fact that he didn’t back it up with any of the usual alpha posturing kept Neil still when Hernandez agreed after a slight pause.
“I’ll be right outside the door,” he told Neil, which wasn’t as comforting as it sounded. “You’ll be all right, I promise.”
It was quiet in the room for several seconds after the counselor left, then Wymack cleared his throat, which made Neil jump a little. “Seems like a nice guy, he clearly cares about you.” The alpha cleared his throat again and pushed up the sleeves of his garish orange jacket, which revealed tribal flame tattoos on his thick forearms. “Look, you seem a little familiar with the Foxes, so you must know that we take in people around your age from troubled homes regardless of their classification and work with them to earn an education in return for them helping out others. We’re trying to teach a generation that it doesn’t matter if you’re an alpha or beta or omega, that we’re all human.”
Neil stared at the man to make sure if he was finished then sighed. “Am I supposed to slow clap now?” When Wymack glared at him, Neil reminded himself that he was pretending to be a meek beta and shuffled a step back. “I don’t see why you’re interested in me.”
“Because when everyone’s not studying online, they put in some hours at a call center that provides assistance to… well, it’s usually omegas and betas in need,” Wymack admitted. “I could use someone who speaks French and Spanish, and from what Hernandez said, you could use both the degree and someplace safe to live.”
“I already have someplace to live,” Neil lied, indignant over the implication even if it was true.
“Yeah? Then how come Hernandez suspects that you’ve been crashing in the various locker rooms here some nights, hmm? That you seem to avoid your parents as much as possible?” Wymack appeared smug when Neil glanced aside, upset that the counselor had picked up on him sleeping at the school since it at least had running water and heat, unlike the abandoned, partially constructed house which he’d been squatting in for most of the year. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on at home, but this is a chance, kid. Don’t be stubborn and take it.”
It was a risk, is what it was… but Neil was tired of squatting in and breaking into places to bathe and… and he was terrible at living alone, of being on the run without his mother. She might have ‘only’ been an omega, but she’d had the will of an alpha, had been so strong and focused, had kept him focused.
If he left on his own, how long until he just… just ended up rooted somewhere like he had in Millport again? At least if he accepted Wymack’s offer, he’d be one in a group, could blend in and build up some supplies, could properly plan for once. He’d have a stable address to receive his patches and contacts, and could work on a new ID if needed.
There was a risk with Kevin being involved, but he looked nothing like the ten year old kid he’d been the one time they’d met, eight years ago. He smelled nothing like Nathaniel Wesninski anymore, especially when he used the patches.
It should be all right.
It had to be all right, because Neil didn’t have any better ideas.
“When do you need an answer?”
A pleased grin spread across Wymack’s face as if he realized that he’d won. “I’m here for the night and leave tomorrow at 10am. I’d much prefer to take you back with me, unless there’s something holding you here for a few days.” It was as if he feared that Neil would change his mind once he was out of sight.
“I… give me the night to talk to my mother,” Neil lied as he shuffled his feet again. “But there shouldn’t be a reason why I can’t leave with you.” No, that would be plenty of time to grab one or two things that weren’t in his bag, change clothes and apply another patch.
Now Wymack appeared concerned. “Do you need my help when you talk to her?”
“No, it’s better that I do it alone,” Neil said in a rush. “She doesn’t like strangers.” That was an understatement.
Wymack didn’t appear pleased to hear that but was mollified when Neil signed an agreement to work for him in exchange for a scholarship, room and board, and a small stipend. Hernandez almost burst into tears when he was told and would have hugged Neil if he hadn’t stepped out of reach in time.
Wymack also wasn’t pleased when Neil chose to run home that evening instead of accept a ride, but he soon would learn that Neil did things his own way. Neil promised to be at the airport on time then left, mindful to make sure that neither man followed him ‘home’.
Since he was leaving the next day, he stopped by the grocery store for food and a few items, such as wipes so he’d be clean enough the next day without taking a shower. Considering it lucky that he’d just dyed his hair a couple of days ago, he went to the rest room after he paid so he could clean up and change clothes, then went to the laundry mat to wash anything that was dirty and ate his supper while he waited.
He thought about how nice it might be to have a shower every day again, or wash clothes whenever he wanted, or to sleep in a real bed….
It was another night on a plywood floor with the sleeping bag, another night where he slept in snatches, always on the alert for any sound which might indicate someone trying to sneak up on him. As soon as the sun began to rise he was up; he had a breakfast of fruit and granola bars washed down with energy drinks, then used the wipes to clean himself before he applied another scent patch. While it sunk into his skin, he checked that everything he needed was in his duffel bag; anything he was discarding was rolled up in the sleeping bag, which he would throw out in a dumpster on the way to the nearest gas station.
He cleaned up once again when he reached the gas station, just to make sure he was presentable for the flight, and brushed his teeth. Then he bought a couple of snacks and used the pay phone to call a cab to take him the airport, where he waited for Wymack to meet him at the one check-in station.
The alpha was surprised to see that he didn’t have any luggage to check and gave him an odd look as he handed over Neil’s ticket. Neil did his best to act nonchalant when they went through security, to not worry about his fake ID, but the TSA worker barely paid him any attention.
There was a reason his mother always made him present as a beta, even though his build was small enough to pass as an omega as well; people didn’t think much of betas, didn’t expect much trouble from them. Betas were amicable and hard-working and common.
If the TSA agent had known that he’d just dealt with a null? Well, the place would probably be on lockdown by then, with Wymack swarmed by guards and placed under arrest while Neil was (carefully, but all the same) hauled off to a secure location, was sequestered from everyone.
A null was anything but common.
A null didn’t just walk around without an armed escort, oh no.
A null, so rare that there were only a handful known to exist at a time, were cherished and protected (were owned) by the most powerful families. Families which used them for their abilities to remain unaffected by an alpha’s aggressiveness or an omega’s emotional manipulation, who wasn’t triggered by a heat cycle or overwhelmed by pheromones. Everyone around Neil was susceptible to their own nature, could be weakened or enraged by a mere scent or a growl or look… but not him.
It would make him feel powerful if he wasn’t so terrified of the artificial scent which fooled people into thinking he was a beta failing, of them realizing that he didn’t have a scent, and everything his mother had sacrificed for him would then be for nothing.
Ha, nothing, just like him.
However, no one called him out as a fake and he was able to board the plane, even though the scent of cigarettes which clung to Wymack made him want to dig the pack out of his bag and light one up, to hold it near his face so he could inhale the smoke (and let it wash over him, to add its scent to his own as yet another layer to the mask).
Wymack waited until they were in the air to speak. “Look, some of the others… most of them mean well, but a few of them are rather rough. If you have any trouble, come talk to me, Abby or Dan. Abby’s the group’s nurse and unofficial den mother, and Dan’s like my second in command.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine, it’s not like I’m going to cause any trouble,” Neil insisted before he opened one of the magazines he’d brought along to keep himself distracted during the flight. After all, he was pretending to be a quiet beta and had every intention of keeping his head low for the next few months before he moved on.
“Sure, you say that now,” Wymack muttered before he opened a notepad and started writing things down.
Neil didn’t know why the man was so worried – it wasn’t like he was the one who had a serial killer father hunting him down because of a weird genetic quirk. However, he decided to keep that fact to himself, since he planned to be long gone from Palmetto before anyone had a chance to figure it out.
I guess if I wrote more, I would have to figure out a name for the damn thing? And it’s more A/B/O/N at this point. Obviously I’m playing with Neil being Demi/on the Ace spectrum here (though it’s not such a rare thing in the real world, I have to have some reason for him to be in the run).
 I think what’s held me back from writing this (well, other than FREE TIME) is what the heck would the Foxes do?
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houkagokappa · 5 years
Favourite anime of the decade
Although I only began watching anime in 2013 and thus didn’t think I could make a post like this, I started to think about which shows I would pick if I would make it, and before I knew it I had it composed. I chose the anime that meant the most to me and I feel a strong connection to, not necessarily the ones I think were the best of each year (though in a way they are the same).
The anime for 2010-2012 are series I watched after they originally aired and the anime I picked for 2013-2019 are all series I watched as they aired.
Under the cut because this is super long and incredibly self-indulgent. You’ve been warned.
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2010 - Katanagatari
What better way is there to start this list than with Katanagatari, an epic that took the entire year to air.
I watched Katanagatari with my university’s anime association in 2014-2015. I didn’t know anything about it beforehand, which is why I like attending our anime meetings. They’ve introduced me to a lot of great anime I otherwise never would’ve watched (or in this case wouldn’t have discovered until much later).
I love the colourful world and the interesting characters, the banter and all the twists. The ending to Katanagatari is one of the best endings to any anime ever. It’s a great story with a good structure and an amazing conclusion. Nanami is the best girl and we need to treasure her. That’s all.
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2011 - Mawaru Penguindrum
What better way is there to continue this list, than with my favourite anime ever?
After watching and falling in love with Utena, I had Penguindrum on my radar, but I didn’t feel rushed to watch it anytime soon. Then one day, about half a year later I saw a gif of Ringo with the burning diary on my dash, which looked super cool and I took it as a sign to finally start the series.
I watched all of Penguindrum over a long weekend in November 2014 at my parents place. I remember being sick, just as I had been when I first watched Utena, which is a weird coincidence and possibly something needed for additional effect. I saw half of it on my laptop in my bed and half of it on our TV in the living room, which I regret, because turns out it’s not the kind of show you want your parents to get glimpses of. I still remember the fear I felt when episode 14 rolled around and my dad was sitting with his back to the TV and I PRAYED that he wouldn’t turn around to question me or why I was watching some animated lesbian bondage infused attempted rape scene... I also don’t know why I thought Penguindrum wouldn’t throw something like that at me, I had seen the previous 13 episodes...
Anyway, that’s my favourite anime of all time, ever. I love all of its themes to death, and it’s such a beautiful and emotional series. I think the first episode is one of the best first episodes of any anime ever and I love how the ending ties back to the very first scene. 
I could write an entire essay on why I love Penguindrum and why it’s the best series ever (well, competing with Utena for that title), but I think anyone reading this already knows why, so I’ll leave you with the funny anecdote above instead. And if you haven’t seen Penguindrum yet do yourself a favor and go watch it NOW. This is the Ringo gif for you!
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2012 - Nisemonogatari
I love the Monogatari series. I love the unique animation and visual style, the amazing characters and the fun dialogues. I also really love Nisemonogatari in particular and I’m sad how it’s often dismissed for being the least interesting season or for being nothing but fanservice. I watch Monogatari specifically for the dialogue (and visuals). I don’t care about the plot as much as I care about the character interactions and Nisemonogatari delivers with those. More specifically I appreciate how well it divides the time spent with each girl. Later on in the series there are long breaks where some of the characters don’t appear at all and I end up missing them, but with Nisemonogatari we get a little bit of everyone (of those who have appeared so far). Of course it’s also great how Nisemonogatari introduces us to some new characters and upcoming plot points and contains a lot of cool foreshadowing, but that’s beside the point. All I want is the dialogue. I don’t even care what they’re talking about, Monogatari manages to make anything interesting.
I watched all of Monogatari during my spring break (lol) in 2015. I also watched it at my parents place, on the TV in our living room, which was great because Monogatari deserves a bigger screen. This time around I was older and wiser and didn’t have my parents around. It was just me and my sister and although Bakemonogatari impressed me so much I tried to make her interested in it, I wasn’t successful with that so I got to watch it in peace (peace). (In hindsight, with consideration for what was to come, that was probably for the best).
As another fun fact I should add that although I was super impressed with Monogatari, I didn’t consider myself a die-hard fan until a year or so later. I was happy to watch Owarimonogatari in the fall, and glad to see the announcement for the Kizumonogatari movies that came after it, but I wasn’t over the moon thrilled about it until I actually watched the first movie. It had to grow on me a little bit, which isn’t unusual when it comes to my favourites. I loved Utena the first time I saw it, but it took months for my obsession to build and grow and fully develop. Maybe because they’re both shows that leave the viewer with a lot to think about, so you only realise their full brilliance later on?
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2013 - Kill la Kill
I began watching anime in the spring of 2013, when Shingeki no Kyojin, Free! and Dangan Ronpa began airing, because Homestuck went on a hiatus and that’s what the content on my dash changed into. I also began attending conventions and in January 2014 I went to Yukicon. At the con I ran into an acquaintance of mine and joined her gang, who decided to go and listen to a panel called “Kill la Kill - is this how Trigger saved anime?”. I would never had gone there on my own, since I wasn’t watching Kill la Kill or interested in starting it, but I’m glad I did because that was my first proper introduction to Kill la Kill and what ultimately sparked my interest for it.
When I tried the first episode I didn’t like it a whole lot. I hated the style, it was so sketchy and ugly and the fanservice made me uncomfortable. However, the first episode was really good at setting up the story and I was curious to see how it would continue so I kept watching. I didn’t love the following episodes either, but there was something that compelled me to keep watching and 4 or 5 episodes in I began liking it once the story and Ryuko’s personality had managed to fully suck me in. I binged the first half until I was caught up with the airing episodes and then I had fun waiting for the new episodes each week. I don’t remember much more about my initial reactions, but because it’s one of the first anime I ever saw and one of the first airing anime I ever followed it’ll always have a special place in my heart.
I’ve since rewatched Kill la Kill multiple times and it still holds up. I love the crazy energy, all the different personalities and characters and the amazing twists. I also grew to love the style, it’s very distinct and now that I’ve seen more anime I appreciate it all the more.
Having loved Kill la Kill and hearing so much about Trigger, I started to follow them and make sure to watch everything else they would put out. I like to think that we both started out at the same time, because this was their first anime as a new studio and one of the first anime I followed. Trigger has a special place in my heart as much as Kill la Kill does.
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2014 - Selector Infected WIXOSS
Battoru battoru!
Selector Infected WIXOSS is probably the least known anime on this list. I was introduced to it by a friend who at the time watched everything that aired. She sold it to me as a Madoka-ripoff (knowing I was a huge fan), which it kinda is, but also not at all and people should stop using that phrase. It’s about girls who make wishes and suffer, but that’s where the similarities end. It’s also very much what I’m into, I love a good show with dark and somewhat taboo topics, lesbian undertones and all that jazz. It got a second season which concludes the story, but any continuation past that is not worth anyone’s time.
It was written by Mari Okada and made to sell cards. I own a set and I’m still waiting for the day when I get to play with them.
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2015 - Hibike! Euphonium
Hibike! Euphonium is another anime that I watched and liked, then loved, then became absolutely obsessed over long after it had already ended. I picked it up only because it was a music anime and I had just finished Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso and was in the mood for another similar show. (I also picked up ShigaUso on a whim, because someone I followed on tumblr was hyping it up as a music lover). I’m not a musician, but I loved the series regardless and ended up relating to Kumiko and her struggles like I’ve never related to anyone before (even though the specifics of our struggles are somewhat different). Hibike! Euphonium is one of the first pieces of media that made me cry, not over a sad scene, but over a emotionally charged one when Kumiko realises she wants to succeed, she wants to win and get better and put her whole heart into her playing. (I vividly remember telling my friend about how an anime made me cry and being super embarrassed to reveal which one, because it was so new and personal to me).
Hibike! Euphonium is a beautifully made, incredibly touching anime. It’s done with so much care and so much love. I also have a lot of precious memories attached to it; I went to Kyoto for a student exchange and took the opportunity to spend an entire day in Uji, where Hibike! Euphonium takes place. I visited most of the locations seen in the anime, cried about how ridiculously realistic everything is, sat on Kumiko’s bench by the river, randomly met up with some Japanese fans and ended the day on top of Mt. Daikichi, as seen in episode 8. It was one of the best days in my life!
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2016 - Doukyuusei
I was introduced to Doukyuusei through the Penguindrum tag on tumblr. Either tumblr was broken (very likely) or someone was spamming it (also very likely), but there were a couple of posts promoting Doukyuusei that showed up in the tag CONSTANTLY. They weren’t terribly out of place because the director of Doukyuusei (Nakamura Shouko) was previously known for her work on Penguindrum, but I should add that there were so many of those posts, actual Penguindrum posts (which there weren’t many of to begin with) disappeared among them, which made me quite annoyed with Doukyuusei.
Then the trailer came out and I watched it and it seemed pretty cool. I think I even glanced at the manga, but I didn’t think much of it. Then the anime came out and everyone was sharing gifs from it and they looked so good I watched the movie as soon as I could. Even though the quality of the first stream I found wasn’t great I loved it and watched it again as soon as I finished it the first time, and then again the next day when a better stream came out.
By reblogging Doukyuusei a mutual started talking about it with me and our conversation made me pick up the manga again, mainly since I found out that there’s a continuation to the story. Now that I properly read it I really fell in love with it and Nakamura Asumiko’s artstyle. I also find it funny how when I looked her up in order to find out about her other works, I realised I had looked her up before thanks to her joint project with Ikuhara. Back then I wasn’t in the mood to read Nokemono to Hanayome and I didn’t care for “some BL mangaka” to continue checking her out, but now that I’d found her again it all came back to me. I think it’s really neat and funny how I’ve been introduced to her through Ikuhara several times over!
Back to Doukyuusei, I love it a lot because it’s a very sweet and simple story. It feels realistic. I like the flow of time, or rather how it skips forward a lot and we only get small glimpses of the more important moments in their relationship, along with some of the small cute ones. It’s not an amazingly unique story, but it feels very refreshing, maybe because of how basic it is. I’m not sure how to best describe it, but at the end of the day it’s a very wholesome story about two boys who fall in love and there aren’t that many of those, especially not any that have gotten anime adaptations.
It’s quite short for a movie, which makes it very easy to watch. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve seen it. During my exchange, I spent 10 days in Tokyo at an Airbnb that asked me not to stream anything, so in order to have something to do in the evenings I downloaded Doukyuusei and watched it every other night. I also used to watch it at least every month for more than a year and as a general pick-me-up whenever I was feeling down. I know the entire movie by heart by now.
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2017 - Owarimonogatari 2nd season
I already shared how I got into Monogatari and why I love it so much. Yet, or precisely therefore it shows up on this list again (though all things considered it should be a bonus instead of an entry). The second season to Owarimonogatari is an amazing conclusion to an amazing series (not that it’s the conclusion at all). Hachikuji is my favourite character so it was great to see her again after so long (see my comments about Nisemonogatari) and I’m still crying over the brilliance of her kamimashita gag. It was also very rewarding to get an end to the mystery that was Ougi.
The anime came out while I was on a field course in Tvärminne. I remember it well, because I had the luxury of having a room to myself and an entire afternoon to chill there. I began watching it and had a really good time doing so until a classmate of mine came knocking on my door, asking me to join him in some game and I had to choose between being social or watching the long awaited new season of Monogatari. It was a tough choice to leave Hachikuji behind (I’M SO SORRY), but I ditched her and joined them. After that I didn’t have enough time to finish the series, until it was time for us to leave. I couldn’t get a car ride all the way to Helsinki, but I managed to get one to the Inkoo library and my dad to pick me up from there maybe an hour or two later which was the perfect time and perfect place to continue watching Monogatari. I really haven’t learned anything when it comes to watching possibly questionable anime with other people around. Luckily no one lives in Inkoo, so I got to watch it entirely undisturbed. Good memories indeed.
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2017 BONUS - Eromanga-sensei
Look. I couldn’t honestly write this list without including Eromanga-Sensei. I unironically like the series. It began when I read the LN just to pass the time and have something to laugh at. Then the anime got announced and I knew I’d watch it, but I wasn’t really into it yet (the LN’s aren’t that good). Then they made a figure of Sagiri and I got it because I really love her design and then I started to look forward to the anime more, because I began having certain expectations for it and suddenly I’m here blogging about my first impressions of it (which are now lost forever, yay!).
I actually find the story to be quite touching and I got emotional watching the anime. Sagiri and Masamune have lost and gained their families multiple times over and now with all their parents dead it’s just the two of them left, both desperate and scared and unsure, wanting to find and create a new family and sense of belonging for themselves. It’s also a really well-made series, all the production values are top notch, the animation is fluid, the music is nice and the voice acting is great. It’s pretty funny and although none of the characters are particularly likeable, it’s an enjoyable series to watch. You can’t take it too seriously though. I had a really fun time with it, mostly because I made myself have a good time with it. I didn’t care about any of the memes and I got made fun of by all my friends, but that’s what I mostly remember 2017 anime for. I can’t wait for the second season, which we will inevitable get!!
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2018 - 3-gatsu no Lion 2nd Season
3-gatsu no Lion is another anime that grew on me over time. I had difficulties watching and finishing both seasons, because at times it’s a really slow series, but I still consider it one of my favourites and one of the best series ever made. The second season was even better than the first and I sincerely hope we’ll get a third, and a fourth and a fifth or however many are required to finish the entire story.
Shaft has again done an incredible job with the visuals. I love the entire production, the music and voice acting and the overall feeling. The bullying arc was amazing, super emotional and raw and I love how it dealt with the aftermath and how there wasn’t a simple solution and how everything didn’t get fixed overnight, because that’s not how it works in real life. I love how Rei got a lot of personal growth. I love seeing him starting to rely on others more and become more comfortable with himself and what he likes and wants. It’s incredible how all the characters are multifaceted and how 3-gatsu makes me care for them (I’m cheering on you, pidgeon-man!). The Kawamoto family emits so much warm and positive energy I can’t help but cry everytime I see them. In fact, I used to prepare for each episode by making myself a nice, often Japanese styled meal, since there’s such a huge focus on delicious looking food in the anime I would always get hungry watching it, and a packet of tissues because I would cry every. single. week. It was ridiculous.
It’s not an easy series to get into, but probably the only series I feel the need to recommend to everyone I meet, just because it really is an amazing series that explores the human psyche and an incredibly rewarding watch once you get into it.
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2019 - Sarazanmai
Do I even need to write something here? Anime of the decade, no question about it. 
There’s something really special in being able to follow an anime project you’re passionate about right from the start and I’m glad I got to do it with an Ikuhara project, because his anime is on a whole other level and speaks to me in ways no other media does. This was also the first time I took on such an active role in the fandom, which has been incredibly fun, but a bit taxing as well. However, if there is an anime that gets better once you share your thoughts on it with others each week, it’s Ikuhara’s.
Sarazanmai ended up being what I expected and nothing like it. I don’t know how, but it managed to exceed my expectations, even though they were skyhigh and I was worried about getting let down, especially since Yurikuma Arashi didn’t live up to my expectations for it. Sarazanmai however, was everything I wanted and more.
I love the story and themes, I love the characters, I love how there was so much going on, but they managed to make it work and have a satisfying ending. The musical numbers were insanely good and I love all the crazy shirikodama shenanigans. Watching Sarazanmai is like being on an emotional rollercoaster, with just the right amount of everything. I can’t wait to see what Ikuhara comes up with in the next decade!!
If you’ve read this far, thank you for your time. I hope you enjoyed this and I applaud you for getting through all of it. If you feel like it, please share your picks with me, I’m curious to see what they are!
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rankdisasster · 5 years
Five and Nine dearie! ;)
since you asked about all my stories, I have around 13-ish so this is basically a giant commentary for everything:)🤘🏼😃
hidden in plain sight
what part was hardest to write?
The fucking letters, jesus christ. I thought, ‘hey, wouldnt it be fun to have Billy’s point of view with him reading what she admires about him and make it super lovey dovey and sweet?’ and I almost gave up so many times cause fuck it was hard. Took over a week with switching the wording around and finding what flowed best. Also finding what didn’t sound creepy.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
Nah, I mean I could’ve had their places switch, where he’s the one that writes to her... but I loved writing him feel all blushy and giddy over someone thinking of him like that.
look what you’ve done
what part was hardest to write?
After the fight and the ignoring and all that pent up anger being released, there was an awkward moment with all this tension between the two in her room - that was challenging for sure. Cause he was being a piece of shit and he himself knew it, she knew it, everybody knew it. But what took some thinking was to be able to show the guy he was before the fight and his insecurities getting the best of him.
were there alternate versions of this fic?
I dabbled with a lot of reasons why they’d fight, but Billy as a person is just sensitive and insecure and him seeing something like that, no matter how innocent or short the exchange could’ve been in reality with her and some nameless stranger could still set him off and trigger the monster he’s got hidden inside. I can’t remember other scenarios I had thought of but that one stuck to me.
what part was hardest to write?
The relationship felt natural, like I could hear all the conversations they’ve had and seen everything they’d done together, I really really liked that dynamic but one stupid small part that killed me was writing the douchey boyfriend lol. Ultimately it’s such an insignificant part, so I scrapped any further drama with him and his deal because the story wasn’t supposed to be about him; it was supposed to be about her and Billy, their past, how it affected them both when they saw each other again after so long.
were there alternate versions of this fic?
None actually! I had it in my mind right off the bat that I wanted him to be nervous and caught off guard for once. like I said in the commentary for this, I know his personality, I know he’s quite used to thinking/believing he’s the most powerful in the room but I wanted that to change for this instance, and I strayed away from having him be untouchable or macho in any way.
what part was hardest to write?
THE KIDS. I’ve never ever written them before, and I even debated watching a few episodes before tackling it.... but I didn’t and I think I pulled it off alright. I loved their humor. I knew Dustin was always being a paranoid goofball, Lucas as the same without all the anxiety or nerdy interests, Mike as impatient and pessimistic, and Will as being very quiet. So yeah, I overcame that doubt and just did what I thought felt right.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
I thought a lot about what movie they’d watch - like a rom com would’ve been pretty funny too, but I had to have him tease and scare the kids so I made their movie of the night thing be Nightmare on Elm Street😂
punch-drunk love
what was the hardest part to write?
A lot of this flowed easy and generally wasn’t stressful at all. Describing him as a fun drunk was a blast. Thinking of what he would he say if he had no filter and felt on top of the world. I can’t think of anything that I was held back by this time, it all came out in just a couple hours when I should’ve been sleeping lol.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
When I was brainstorming by myself I thought it would just be more smutty and desperate or even a little more sad. I had it planned that she’d reject him initially, but then I got an ask that changed the game and I’m really proud of how it turned out.
what part was hardest to write?
I hardly went over it or stressed much other than tweaking a few details, but plot was pretty self explanatory - I think the most difficult part to write was all the possible ways there could’ve been scenarios where he could’ve mislead her
were there any alternate versions of this fic?
I almost wanted to write them in class but thought him on lifeguard duty would’ve been more engaging and had a lot more to go off of
old habits die hard
what part was hardest to write?
Literally everything. every. single. PART about writing people have sex is challenging, omg. Foreplay....down to kissing.....then down to actually fucking, I got red the whole time. Especially after posting it I’d almost pissed myself ‘cause it’s so nerve wracking putting smut out there holy christ.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
I wanted to get into their marriage and relationship but.... tbh I thought everyone would just skip it and get to the good stuff. So yeah there was probably an almost started version on my phone where I had backstory on how he proposed and all but thought no one would care too much lol.
obstacle 1
what part was hardest to write?
Hurt/comfort is a little challenging when you wanna do it differently. I wanted to sway away from her being this perfect female caregiver that knows exactly what to say and what to do cause that’s just so hard to picture when it comes to real life and all, not that I’m mixing fiction and life it’s just sometimes hard to believe that every girl is perfect at taking care of a guy breaking down.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
Nothing too different, I reasoned in my head how he’d get into trouble cause there are infinite ways Billy could’ve fucked up but.... stealing chocolate is pretty funny and juvenile, and he knew it too, but he’d absolutely still get his ass whooped anyway.
playing hooky
what part was hardest to write?
I found it hard to know what they’d do after she got blasted, cause.....what would two teenagers do in a small town skipping school? Also easily taking personal experience for her snapping and getting tired of her careful image cause everybody had these impossibly high expectations for her, but what they’d get up to doing that was ‘illegal’ that they could get arrested for took some time to think about.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
At first I pictured them maybe like breaking in somewhere they weren’t supposed to, hence the ‘we could get arrested’ line, but skinny dipping was my favorite pitch.
thick as thieves
what part was hardest to write?
The ending gave me a tough time, I had to think whether or not if I’d forgive someone for doing that shit to me. It’s happened before, to everybody and myself, the pains of drifting apart and the jealousy that comes with seeing them blossom and become social butterflies, the joys of being in high school... Oh and I’m still working on another part:)
were there alternate versions of this fic?
I dabbled with lots of ideas but I knew I wanted two friends growing apart, a push/pull between their relationship...I don’t remember what else I had planned that I ditched.
the craft (1996)
what part was hardest to write?
Maybe the love spell part. I wanted to write it as severe and dramatic as possible, and really show how desperate and gone he was.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
Hmm, I based this off the film and it does show a lot more about the girl group besides the love spell bit, but I wanted it to focus on that cause it was more interesting fucking with Billy. I liked how dark both the movie and the fic was
in utero
what part was hardest to write?
My obstacle with this one was creating this female Billy in my head, which to me was basically a flawed, outrageous, outgoing/promiscuous high school girl who makes a mistake. Writing him pining was definitely enjoyable, and him practicing his lines on how he’d say how he felt and stuff. The wording was switched around a ton, but I’m fairly happy with it. It’s not perfect, he stutters and trails off because he’s nervous, but in it’s own way I think it’s a perfect display of an insecure guy summoning up any courage he has and trying to shoo away any doubt.
were there alternate versions to this fic?
Oh man, tons of ideas came to my head with this one. I wondered if maybe she could’ve never gotten ‘rid’ of ‘it’ and then they run off in the sunset, raise ‘it’ together.... Billy maturing and finding a home with their own family. BUT the reason I chose the path she took was because she’s just a kid, fresh from high school, had no idea what she was gonna do with no money other than visit her best friend. I think she knew she didn’t want it and couldn’t stand the guy who put her in this position, so she ran.
— so there it all is, kudos to you if you actually read this far down and to anyone who has reblogged or commented on any of these.... THANKYOU🖤🥰✨
And especially thanks to Haiden cause you’re the best
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krismusings · 4 years
we need to talk. | Ro&Jay
Discord thread featuring: Roman, and @jayceelynd - mentions of @aaronhart93
Where: Their house.
When: day after throuple event
Description: Roman comes home to a home-cooked meal, and decides to tell Jay about Aaron.
Trigger Warnings: Passing out, extreme drama, extreme babying lol
Roman hadn’t been in the best mental state these days, and it wasn’t hard for anyone to tell. Jaycee most of all, out of everyone, had to know that he wasn’t himself. He hadn’t had sex, or eaten much, in over a week, and mixed with the hard partying he’d been involved in for pride - Roman was pushing his limits. It was around seven when he finally got home from the theater, smirking to himself as soon as he was in the door when he could smell the aroma of Jay’s cooking. She’d been slaving away all day, and he was more than thankful for her. “Hey babe.” He called out, shrugging off his rose gold bomber jacket to hang in the coat closet.
Jaycee has set the table for a nice elegant dinner. Pulling out a nice red and white wine, unable to decide to be honest. So why not two? She knew Roman hadn’t been taking care of himself and she wanted to make him a home cooked meal, completely from scratch. Setting the food on the table as she heard him come in, smiling. Not in any pain since she had been stretching and working her upper body out to help her heal a little fast. She missed these intimate settings with her boyfriend and was truly excited to have time with him. Taking her Nonnas apron off she smoothed down here summer dress and padded her way to him barefoot. “Hey baby” she said with a soft smile as she stood on her toes, wrapping her arms around his shoulder to give him a kiss. Resting her face into his neck as she breathed him in. “I missed you” she whispered against his neck before giving a soft peck to the sensitive skin.
Ro was excited for food, but even more than that, he was glad to see Jaycee on her feet, and not in excruciating pain. He was sure there was still some sensitivity there, but compared to where she was at, this was a huge relief. “I missed you, too.” Ro tightened his arms around her girlfriend before placing a few kisses to the top of her head. “You look stunning, as always.” He mused with a dimple in his cheek, looking behind her towards the kitchen as a sign he was now focused on the small wafting from there. “I’m about to really embarrass myself with how much I plan on eating.”
Placing her hand to her cheeks, smiling up at him as he complimented her. “You as well, always”. Sliding her hands down his arms to his hand with a smirk on her lips. She loved cooking for Roman, he always ate the way she’d hope he would. Growing up with her full Italian Nonna teaching her the satisfaction of watching those you love most, enjoying your cooking that was made with so much love. “You could never embarrass yourself” she lead him to the table where there was a Tiffany bag sitting between their place settings. “I didn’t know if you wanted a red or white. So I grabbed both.” Waving her hand for him to take a seat as she served him a beautiful plate of Rigatoni with vodka sauce and grated some fresh Parmesan over it. The bread was freshly cooked and sliced to grab along with a tossed salad for them to enjoy. Before making herself a plate she grabbed his face and kissed him several time, with a smile on her lips whispering that she loved him. After her plate was made she sat next to him. “What whine? That’s vodka sauce over the Rigatoni so, you pick” rolling her R’s as she spoke.
Ro was smiling the whole time she lead him to their dining table, eyes fixed on the Tiffany’s bag that was placed there. He looked confused, but intrigued, especially by how damn good this food looked. “Wow, babe.” He smirked against her lips, returning each kiss before she pulled back to ask him which wine he wanted. “Uhh...let’s do the pino. Always good with pasta.” He pointed to the white, his stomach growling intensely as the scents filled his nostrils. “Thank you for doing all this.”
“Dig in, enjoy. This was all made just for you.” She smiled as she knew he was wondering what the hell was in the Tiffany’s bag. Opening the wine, she poured them a big glass of wine to enjoy with their pasta. “I honestly truly love cooking for you. It warms my heart to watch you enjoy my work.” Grabbing her fork she took a few bites before taking a sip of her wine, then licking her lips. “How was work?” She asked him while sitting the glass down.
“Thank you.” Ro was still smiling, because Jaycee just always made him feel pretty damn special. Maybe that was why he felt constantly guilty in their relationship, like she was always going above and beyond, and he was out being a fucking menace. “You’re an amazing cook, how could I not enjoy it?” He countered right back to her, not wasting anymore time before he was taking his first bite. He moaned, followed by a sigh of content. “Wow.” He chuckled. “Work was fine, but not near as good as this. Damn, babe.”
She had kept the same smile on her face, since he came in. Ugh this boy was everything that made her life so much better and happier. Jaycee did have a hard time sometimes not know who he was with, but she knew if he didn’t love her he wouldn’t be with her every night. Holding her, and the way he takes care of her when she’s hurt or sick.. He was her person, best friend and love of her life. Taking a bite, finding herself giggled with a soft hum as she took a bite. “I love watching you enjoy my cooking. And I don’t know why but it is kinda doing something for me. “ crossing her legs under the table. Taking a sip of wine, enjoying the flavors mixing with her cooking. “I made some more signs for some friends while cooking dinner. I really miss dancing.” She sighed softly, she hated not being busy, and If she needed a break she wanted to be lazy with her boyfriend. But that’s what vacations are for, god they needed one. Just them, away from their lives for a bit.
Ro just chuckled when she said it was doing something for her, shaking his head, because she was just so ridiculous in the best way. He genuinely didn’t think he was as attractive as others seemed to think he was, but the attention was nice. Roman pouted thiugh when she said she missed dancing, knowing it had been hard for her to stay away from the dance studio for so long. He’d be the same off the stage. “Soon enough, babe. But when you do go back, please be fucking careful.” He teased her, winking as he took another sip of his wine.
Grabbing her cloth napkin and patting at her lips as she laughed. “I swear I’ll never trust a newbie to catch me. I did find out he’s been kicked out of a few studios for the same reason.” She arched a brow as she tilted her head as she still thought about that. Letting her foot rest against his leg, needing to always be touching him when he was around. Rather it was sexual or not, his touch soothed her. Sighing contently as she enjoyed the candle lit meal with him, she got nervous about her gift. Hoping it wouldn’t be too much. Not realizing she was chewing on the corner of her bottom lip. As she always would while nervous. Nervous on if she’s crossing a line, on if he would accept it even. What if he denied it, how could she not hide the hurt it’d cause. It would probably be best to wait until they were finished eating, anyways. That way she knew he got enough, knowing he hadn’t been eating. “Roman..” she said softly as she turned her eyes up to his. “Please don’t forget yourself again. I.. I had sort of an eating disorder a long time ago and still to this day struggle with my moms voice telling me not to go over a certain weight. But I was lucky I had Khai and Aaron to keep me in check. That’s why they watch me, making sure I don’t fall again. And I won’t, I have a deep love for food. So that’s why I get worried, I know how I hurt people for doing what I did. I’m not saying you’d do that. I just don’t want you to forget to eat, or to take care of yourself first. Always” she grabbed his hand closest to her, stroking her thumb over the back of his hand.
Roman clenched his jaw when Jaycee continued to talk about the idiot who dropped her, still wishing he could go kick the shit out of him. His mood certainly didn’t lift when she proceeded to express her concern, reminded him that he needed to not forgot himself again. Ro of course knew where she was coming from, but hearing Aaron’s name did nothing but make him feel sick, again. That seemed to be a recurring theme lately. Roman placed his fork down on the plate, and decided to take this opportunity to finish off his wine. Ro flashed his girlfriend a tight lipped grin, and then turned his hand over so that he could lace their fingers together. “Jay. Aaron told me last night at Throuple that he was in love with me.” The words felt like lead on his tongue, but he had to be honest with her, even if the other male’s confession wasn’t changing his relationship with Jaycee. He couldn’t wait until they were done eating to tell her what was on his mind, and maybe that was a bad idea, but oh well. “He’s now exclusive with Eden though, so I’m not sure why he chose to tell me that, but I just feel like it’s something you should know...”
Jaycee’s heart stopped hard and fast in her chest, causing her to breathe in a sharp but subtle breath, as she listened to him. Her brows furrowing, lips parted as she shook her head. Looking down at their hands connected. “Why.. I..l .” She closed her mouth and took a sip of her wine with her free hand. Placing it back to the table.  “I didn’t know it was more than sleeping together..” she said with her shoulders dropping. “And do you feel the same?” She said as she couldn’t look up at him. Her eyes stinging, swallowing slowly as she controlled herself. Was she losing him? Why would anyone tell someone they were in love with them, knowing that, that person was in a relationship of any kind to his friend of so long. Some friend that is, she thought to herself.
Ro took in a deep breath, and closed his eyes tightly when Jay began to respond, able to hear the heartbreak in her voice, which in turn hurt him as well. He didn’t want to make her feel this way, he hated hurting her, and yet it felt like he did so often. Why she wanted to be with him, he’d never know. “It wasn’t more than sleeping together, at first.” He squeezed her hand, hoping she would continue holding onto him, because he wasn’t trying to let her go. “I wish I could say I didn’t.” He said softly, his eyes still on her though, because he wasn’t going to look away like a coward, not with her. “But it doesn’t matter Jay, Aaron and I aren’t running off together or anythin’, okay? It jus’ happened, and we didn’t mean to hurt anyone. I jus’, I needed to be honest with you. I love you.”
Bringing her free hand to her face to cover her mouth as she listened to him. “I know it’s bothering you that I’m hurting but, Roman. This makes me feel as if my love isn’t enough. I can’t help how it makes me feel, and I’m not sorry for feeling the way I do.” Not removing her hand, because even though she was hurting so much right now, his touch was keeping her level and secure. It calmed her. Her eyes watering as they looked up at him and read him through his eyes. He was hating himself right now, and she knew it. “But do you want to? Am I holding you back?” She asked him in a soft tone. Searching his eyes. “I don’t know what you want.” She cried softly as her shoulder shook. Fear of him saying he wanted Aaron over her as she breathed as deeply as she could. Even after all of this fear wrecking through her tiny frame, Jaycee wanted to just crawl into his lap and be held by him, comforted by him as she held him back.
This was exactly what he’d been dreading. He hated making Jaycee feel like she wasn’t enough, and he couldn’t blame her for feeling that way. At all. He just shook his head, using his free hand to rub at his temple while he looked down at his half eaten dinner now. “Jay, this isn’t about you at all, or you not being enough.” He assured her, feeling like he was on the verge of yet another panic attack. Christ, he was so damn fragile these days. “I didn’t tell you any of this to make you feel like you’re not enough or you’re holding me back. Aaron is going to stay with Eden, and you and I are going to continue on as we have been. My mental state has just been so fucked up with Landon coming back into town, and this shit with Khai - I just leaned on others more than I should have, and this is because of me, not you.”June 6, 2020
She wasn’t trying to make this about her, but she needed to say what she needed to say. He needed to know how she felt because of all of this. “I wish you’d lean on me, let me in to help you. That’s what a girlfriend does, Ro” she said as she placed her free hand over his. “I mean it’d mess me up if Lane came back. You don’t just stop loving people, I completely understand and see that. I’m here for you, always. You are so fucking frustrating.. You know that?” She couldn’t help but to let out a breathless laugh as she held onto his hand with both of her small ones. Bringing his knuckles to her lips, not letting her eyes leave his. Maybe one day he will feel like he can lean on her always. And right now he was testing that out in theory, yes it hurts but not everything is going to be bliss at all times. Jaycee stood up and sat in his lap, sideways. Grabbing his fork, she got a piece of pasta, making sure some sauce was coated on it nicely. “Here..” she wanted to feed him, and take care of him. She knew he was breaking and wanted to be here as she cared for him. Not mixed in emotions that will be resolved and worked out. Bringing the fork to his lips, offering him a bite. “Let me..” she whispered as she looked into his beautiful eyes. He deserved to be proven that her love for him was endless, unconditional and understanding. And in caring for him in all desires, was what she loved doing for him.
Roman turned his face away from her when she said she wished he would lean on her. He was a shitty boyfriend, and felt like an even shittier person right now. He wasn’t upset with her, he understood exactly what she was saying, and how she felt. His eyes began to water when Jay said he was frustrating, because even though she was joking, he knew it was truth. When she got in his lap, and tried to feed him, all he could do was stare at the fork, and then look up at her with a heaviness in his normally so lightly tinted eyes. “Jay, I’m so fucking sorry.” His voice broke, and instead of worry about the food she was offering him, and lunged forward to wrap his arms around her waist, and press his cheek to her chest.
Sitting the fork down slowly as her heart literally broke for the pain she saw in his eyes. “Baby..” she said as she held him to her chest. Playing with his hair, and gently rocked him in her arms. Kissing the top of his soft hair, letting him just be held in her arms even though in return he was holding her. Both of them sitting there for awhile, just embracing one another. A tear rolled down her cheek and into his hair, sniffling with a soft hiccup as she hated when he hurt so much. “I got you” she whispered against his hair as her cheek rested on top of his head. Her heart beat racing as she held him tightly. Looking over at the table, squeezing her eyes shut at the Tiffany bag. She wondered if she should wait, and just take Roman to bed and hold him all night. Grabbing his chin after stroking his cheek gently so he’d look up at her. “You wanna go to bed and snuggle. Let me hold you?” She searched his eyes, as he thumb gently caressed his cheekbone.
Once again, Jaycee was comforting him when she really shouldn’t be. Ro felt like he deserved to feel every ounce of pain, both mental, and physical. His life was only a mess, because he made it thus. Jay loved him, but it wasn’t her fault that Ro was out fucking around, and making the wrong decisions. He was so fucked up from what his mother had done to him all those years ago - and maybe it took a long fucking time for those issues to surface, but they were, and Ro was now like a ticking time bomb. Fuck. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m sorry...you made this lovely dinner and I’m...” he took in a deep breath, and just squeezed his arms around her.
She sat there and just held him, no matter what he did. She loved him, and Jaycee could see deep down he was hurting and she felt that at some point he would need her to catch him. Fuck, he’s caught her a few times, probably more than needed. “Hey..” she said softly as she looked into his eyes, resting her hand on his chest. “There’s some in the fridge, we can snack on it later. It’s okay..” she assured him. “I’ll clean up tomorrow, we can do whatever you want.” Her eyes moving side to side as she continued to look into his eyes. “We both know I over cook at times, and I’m a sucker for candle lit anything. So this isn’t the last one.” She winked at him with a faint smirk. Reluctantly she stood up and held his hand as she used the other to hold her hair back while blowing the candles out. “I got some new weed today that will help you sleep, hopefully. I know you haven’t slept much and you need it. How do you feel about maybe..” she stood near him as she fidgeted with her dress with her free hand. “Playing hooky and spending the day in bed, we can just bum around and enjoy being home.” She looked down at his big hand in her small one, tracing the veins in his hand.
As usual, Jay was being her naturally understanding, and charming self. He’d never been so thankful for anyone in his life, because honestly? If it wasn’t for Jaycee, Roman would be jumping off a cliff at the point. She kept him grounded, and focused, and he appreciated that SO damn much. He smirked when she fidgeted with her dress, and suggested playing hooky tomorrow. How he’d be able to take time away from the show, he wasn’t sure, but the idea sounded so inticing. “Maybe...” he said weakly, taking in a deep breath when he started to get dizzy once again. “Let’s jus’ go lay down.” Ro requested, moving to stand up, and then he went cold immediately. Little food, barely any sleep, emotional stress - apparently that’s a cocktail for eyes rolling back in your head, and passing out cold, because he folded down to the floor like fucking human origami, and there was no way for poor Jay to even attempt catching him.
She couldn’t help but to return his smirk as she felt hope in spending time together. Turning back from blowing the candles out she felt like everything was in slow motion as she watched him buckle to the ground. “ROMAN!” She cried as she went to her knees, checking for any rhythm near the artery of his neck. It was steady, but she grabbed her phone and dialed for the doctor that lived below them, then called nine one one. Tears were streaming down her face as she held his head in her lap. “Baby, please answer me..” she cried out. As the doctor and paramedics came rushing in to work on him, to get him to respond. She never left his side regardless of being told to. They started an IV while checking his vital signs. She sat there waiting, not knowing what to do. She can’t lose him, not like this. “I know he’s barely been eating or sleeping lately, and he’s had a lot of stress. Some heavy stress at that. Please tell me he’s going to be okay.” She sniffled.
Ro could remember flashes of things once he was in the ambulance. It was really bright, and it felt like a million people were talking at once. Jaycee was next to him, he remembered that. He remembered how bad his head fucking hurt - pounding, and miserable. It was hard to focus on anything other than that until he was once again falling asleep. He was just so tired, both physically and mentally. Roman was the ultimate caregiver, always taking care of his friends, even if he did do a lot of things on the sideline that he considered to be extremely selfish. This though, took the cake. It was by far the most selfish thing he could have ever done, neglect himself enough to get to this point, and scare the shit out of everyone he loved. He deserved a crown for this one. “I’m sorry.” He rasped out when they were finally in a hospital room, Roman coherent and uncomfortable enough in this damn hospital bed to be alert. “I know that’s all I ever say to you anymore, but I am.” He played with the hospital band around his wrist, closing his eyes when his blood pressure cuff started to go off again. God, he hated those damn things.
Jaycee paced back and forth as he rested here and there. Her heart was racing as she feared he truly hurt himself, with him passing out. Looking out the window, as she played with her necklace. Saying so many unspoken prayers to who ever or what ever was listening. Turning around as he spoke, moving faster than needed to be by his side. Her eyes tearing up as she shook her head. Her chin trembling, she cleared her throat. “I thought..” she choked as she sat on the side of the bed, grabbing his hand that was playing with  band. “Please, don’t make me lose you like that.” She sucked in a shaky breath, as her head gently shook. Looking into his eyes she gently stroked his face. “Roman, I love you no matter the times you have to apologize. I’m just so fucking thankful to see those beautiful emerald green eyes that hooked me from the first day we met, them and that dimpled smile.” She smiled at him softly as a single tear slid down her cheek. Sniffling a little. “You need anything? Want me to get you anything?”
Roman felt his heart clench when Jaycee rushed for his side, the look on her face alone, enough to make him feel a massive weight on his chest. She was being so passionate, and sweet, and saying everything that someone could possibly want to hear from a lover. He was too guilty to accept it though, reaching out to rub her cheek after catching the falling tear. “No. I don’t need anythin’, I jus’...” Ro dropped his head back, and looked up at the ceiling with a defeated sigh. “Can we not tell anyone about this? I feel bad enough that I’m putting you through this shit.”
Leaning into his hand, she sighed. Jaycee could see he wasn’t allow himself to accept her kindness or words she spoke. Nodding her head to his question not saying anything for a minute or two as she watched him. “I don’t have anyone I care to tell, this is something we’re dealing with. Together, okay?” She said softly. Shaking her head she remembered feeling bad enough to put him through her ordeal as well. “I want to be here for you though, so please don’t beat yourself up that I’m here with you.” She squeezed his hand softly. Leaning up she turned the lights out, knowing his head was probably pounding from everything. “Just try to rest.” She leaned over him and played with his hair, softly and gentle.
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dreamingofjoon · 7 years
You’re Special
Johnny Seo x Reader and Lee Taeyong x Reader
Word Count: 9k (WWHAATTTT)
Warnings: Stalker!AU, Sexual Content (Dirty Talk, Masturbation), Some triggering acts forced due to blackmail
A/N. There’s a lot of background info, sorry lol but YES. IT’S BEEN WEEKS BUT IT’S DONE! I’m so proud;-; I love Johhny so much you guys have no idea but this idea was just too good to pass up. Hope you enjoy it and please, please, please, make sure to provide feedback.
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This photo does not belong to me. Credit is given here
Another night, another sob story. Tonight, your reclusive tendencies returned once again. Your roommate invited you to a party in one of the frat houses of the campus. As per usual, you shut her down, wanting nothing to do with loud music, skimpy clothing and strange looks from girls you barely knew, and random men standing abreast to you in uncomfortably close proximity.
Once again, you were seated in your room, unwillingly sulking about a subject all the people you knew found trivial. Throughout all of your years, you had not been in a relationship. None that you would have claimed, that is. Your only mistake was Jaehyun yet after him, there was no one else. At least that’s what you tried to tell yourself.
In junior year of high school, he approached you randomly and asked for your number. You oddly gave him your information and began talking to him. From what you could collect, there was nothing bad about him. No venomous comments came out of others mouths about him. With all of your friends in relationships, you had been speculating as to why no one had been interested in you as of yet. His presence soothed many insecurities you held. He would reassure you with the simplest words but it turned out that his comforting words about not worrying when you gave yourself to him were merely pleasantries to get in your pants sooner. He succeeded which earned you your first heartbreak.
He tried to pull the “We can still be friends” card which only made you burrow your feelings further until a close male friend named Johnny managed to coax you into telling him what was wrong. As you told him your side of the story, his face slowly contorted in anger. His face became more sanguine as you poured the feelings you had been storing for the past two months. He comforted you and reassured you that you could do better and you would be able to find better. He allowed you to rest on his lap as his hand patted your hair gently. 
Johnny had always been there through your fits of anger, sad moments, and then, your first heartbreak. You could not have asked for a better male to associate with. You used to be the one who would watch him be confessed to as often as three times in a single month. It amazed you as to how he attracted so many people but you soon found the answer afterward. Of course, Johnny had shown no interest in you as other than a friend but after your break-up, you could not help but see him in a different, if not brighter light. Who knew if you just wanted a rebound or if you wanted Johnny for the guy he was. When you spoke to him, your stomach would act strangely. It was not exactly butterflies but the feeling certainly alerted you further of your feelings for the guy you often ranted to. You trusted him with details that you couldn’t even tell your mother at times.
All through the metastasis of becoming a junior to a senior, your feelings did not subside. If anything, they grew to the extent where you would embarrass yourself in front of him. Although you had often embarrassed yourself in front of him previously, you were new conscious of how much it affected your chances with him. You knew he wouldn’t go for a clumsy girl. His girlfriends had always been the graceful type even when doing the most menial tasks. He had only gotten even better looking which prompted further interest in your best friend. You, however, looked the same if not with deeper bags under your eyes. The only thing that really changed was that you wore your glasses less and contacts more. You had also learned a bit about makeup but found little time to do it before leaving the house.
Time was running out and Johnny was not going to be around forever. If you had something to say, you would have to say it soon. The soonest you could think of at the time was prom but you chose not to go to prom, thinking it to be both a waste of time and money. Instead, you went from museum to museum and ate at two restaurants, trying food you never thought you’d ever consume. You even met some people along the way and made a “friend”. By the time you got home at around one in the morning, you were content with what you had done and were smiling blithely to yourself as you approached the steps to your home.
It wasn’t until the next morning that you noticed the swarm of messages that you received from your friends that went to prom. You smiled at the videos, photos, and messages sent, happy that they all had fun. You were finally at the last set of messages and found them to be not what you expected.
JohnnyBoy [10:46am]: I didn’t think you would actually stay home on prom??
JohnnyBoy [11:20am]: Why didn’t you come?
JohnnyBoy [11:54am]: Bet you would of looked gorgeous…
JohnnyBoy [12:48am]: Is it because you had no date? Not everyone needs a date Y/N
JohnnyBoy [12:59am]: I woulda dropped my date for you y’know
JohnnyBoy [1:02am]: What good what I be if I didn’t for my best friend;)
His needy tone had you staring at your phone for much longer than needed. Some of the texts had actually gotten your hopes up as to the confession you were planning. That was until you read the last message. 
Best friend.
The phrase resonated in your mind as you sighed in disappointment. Of course, it lessened your prospects for a deeper relationship in future. How could it not when it literally put you in a box as to what Johnny thought of you? 
You [10:21]: I had fun. I hope you did too last night
You [10:22]: It wasn’t because I didn’t have a date. It just didn’t seem fun 
You [10:23]: Thanks for the offer though
You sat your phone down on your nightstand before returning to bed. You had to lug the covers over your head because of the bright rays of the sun. You had no school and you were planning on milking the situation the best you could. Even on regular weekends, your mother would wake you up earlier than preferred to make you complete chores before allowing you go back to bed. Knowing that you were almost done with the hell that was high school, she allowed you to sleep in as long as you wanted those days. It was the best feeling to not wake up unwillingly and so you stayed for as long as wanted in the warm blankets that contrasted from the tepid room. 
It was already two in the afternoon when you woke up and it took a while before you realized your parents had gone out. The only thing on your mind was to find food. Any other thought would have to come after. As you shuffled around the kitchen, you prepared the ingredients needed for a sandwich. As you toasted the bread, the front door rang and you briskly walked to open it. Upon its opening, you found Johnny with a broad grin on his face. Your eyes had probably widened to the extent where one would describe it as barmy.
“Hungry?” he asked as he lifted a bag with a picture of a bowl of rice on it.
You only nodded and invited him in before asking why he had visited.
“I’ve been texting you since morning but someone didn’t think it’d be right to respond, apparently.” he quipped.
“I went back to bed and just woke up. I didn’t think about my phone.”
“So, what did you do last night?” he queried as he began to empty the bag set on the kitchen island.
“I went museum hopping and ate out. Much more fun than prom and I spent about the same amount.” 
You smiled to yourself as you remembered the gallivanting of last night. What you hadn’t realized, however, was the way Johnny had looked at you when you smiled. It prompted him to do the same albeit unknowingly.
When he finally set out the food, you were not shy about digging in. No matter how much of a crush you had, that did not prevent you from being the fat ass you usually were. Johnny only continued to smile as you scarfed down as you pleased. You realized a bit too late how you may have looked considering you had woken up not too long ago and then started cramming food down your throat like you had been starving.
“ I’m sorry for eating like that Johnny. Must be the reason why you haven’t touched your food yet.” you apologized as you shied away from his gaze and started eating slower.
“Don’t be sorry. You eat well and I love watching you eat”, he smiled. “It’s very entertaining.”
“Well, I know you didn’t come here to watch me eat. Why’d you come over?”
“Well for one, you weren’t answering my texts.” he began.
“Yeah, sorry. I knocked out right after answering.”
“Can’t blame you. But anyway, second is that I had a question.” he said slight hesitation.
You had set down your food before giving him the go ahead. “Shoot.”
“Do you have a crush on me?” he queried which automatically made you choke on your saliva.
“Excuse me?” you asked as you got yourself a glass of water and coughed.
“Do you have a crush on me?” he reiterated.
You sat back down slowly, chugging the entire glass of water before you looked at the man in front of you. You held his quizzical gaze before taking a deep breath.
“Yes.” you breathed out. “Why do you ask?”
He only let a small, sad smile grace his features before he began to answer you with confidence.
“People have been telling me that they thought you liked me. I didn’t believe it at first but then I started noticing some things.” he answered.
“Guess I suck at hiding things, huh?” you awkwardly chuckled to which he nodded.
“Kind of.” he acknowledged.
“So? Is that it? Are you going to do anything about it?” you asked hopefully although your mind was filled with one answer.
“Y/N, I like you too. Hell, I love you. Just… not like that.”
Although you were expecting it, your heart still sank. You fought back tears as you acquiesced with his decision. 
“But you shouldn’t be hung up on me. You could get any guy you wanted. You just need to put some more effort-” he cajoled before you stopped him.
“It’s fine. I was expecting it. That’s why I wasn’t planning on telling you.” you admitted. “Was that your only question? Is that why you came over?” 
“Well, yeah. I thought it’d be better for you to get it off your chest face to face.”
“And what if I had said no?” 
“I would’ve known you were lying but I would’ve let it go. You would’ve gotten over me.”
“Johnny, you’re usually the smart one. The one that’s always right. So why would you think letting you see me on the brink of tears would be better?” you asked as tears began to emerge in your eyes. You tried to blink them away but that only allowed a few to escape.
“I’d like to be alone right now.” you said coldly as a means to tell him to leave.
Johnny suddenly realized that he hadn’t thought everything about this through. He thought that it was a little crush that had been on and off for a few weeks now. When you were rubbing away tears, however, he realized that this crush meant a great deal more than what he assumed. He got up from his seat on the other side of the island and made his way to the front door. You followed him on his way out but moved back a bit when he tried to hug you goodbye. At your apprehensiveness to his hug, Johnny really noticed how he had hurt you more than intended although none was ever intended.
“Call me when you feel better?” he asked as he stepped outside.
“I’ll try.” you sniffed as you wiped your face with your sweater sleeve and closed the door.
You cried nice and hard that day. Instead of binge eating, you refused to consume anything. The day that you were to go back to school was one you dreaded. It was not you to skip school for bad reasons and you did not want to end the year that way. You had avoided all contact with Johnny. At school, however, you shared half of your classes with him. There was no getting away from his acquisitive nature.
You flipped your hood over your head as you walked in the classroom. Although you were lucky you did not have to see him until third period, you did not want anyone to see how terrible you probably looked.
As the day went by, you could not help but dread the moment you would have to face him. Not only had he tried to reject you in the nicest way but you also ignored his concern after the fact. Johnny was indeed one of the most caring people you knew yet you were acting like this.
All day, you had done nothing and the same went for third period. It was so close to graduation that your professors let you do as you pleased, seeing as though there were still a few of you who came. When you walked in, you were met with Johnny. More specifically, Johnny smiling at a girl he had been talking to for a while. He had confided in you that he liked her and thought that she reciprocated his feelings. The memory only made your stomach churn even worse than before you stepped foot in the classroom. You kept your head low, wanting nothing more than to sit on your phone like you had done the past few hours and waste time instead of confronting the problem. The problem would solve itself. It would go away if you ignored it.
For the first thirty minutes of the period, it actually seemed as though your plan was working. Your earbuds were in and you were trying to take a nap when your phone vibrated in your lap. You took the phone out and looked at your screen, thinking it was a notification from social media.
Johnny [12:54pm]: Hey, do you want to meet up after school?
Johnny [12:54pm]: I’ll treat you to whatever you want
The message made your heart pound solid against your chest. You looked behind you to see Johnny looking back with an unreadable expression on his face which made you both embarrassed and confused.
You [1:00pm]: I’m not hungry. Just meet me at the park by my house
You set your phone on do not disturb and laid your head back down on your desk, not daring to look back at whatever face he was making. You just needed to get through the rest of the day. And hey, maybe talking about it would give you closure.
You sat at the park, waiting for him. As soon as school was let out, you raced for the park. Johnny probably had something to do so you thought it best to leave without him and wait. Wait for the further heartbreak and possibly a portend of closure. You waited and waited.
He never came.
You waited three hours for someone who did not plan to come.
Why not? He was the one who wanted to talk. He was the one who had been contacting you the entire weekend. He was the one who made you feel as if for once you had a chance even with someone seemingly out of your league. He was the one who gave you false hope when you thought there was still a chance for you to finish strong! To finally move on! So why didn’t he want to talk then?
You trudged home, limp. At the very least, it wasn’t raining. It wasn’t dark. I wasn’t terribly cold. Just a slight, mocking breeze. Birds chirped, children played, people happily walked. All was happy. All was normal. Except you. 
Whatever mess of feelings you felt at the time were something worse than your first breakup. Something you couldn’t compare. Yet instead of blaming him as you should have, you stuck with questioning his actions which came back to you. What had you done? Had he been fed up with asking how you were? Was he ready to move on from you? The questions hung with you until you got home. Until you sat in your bed and stared at your phone, hoping he would explain why he had done as he had.
Nothing came. No one called. Not even one text.
He ignored you. As if you had not existed. As if the two of you had not been friends. You watched as he got another girlfriend. Another stunning, picture-perfect student. Volunteer work, great grades, even a bit of commercial modeling on the side. One you would expect for him. You sat through graduation with a heavy heart as each of you were called. Instead of a graduation party, you secluded yourself in your room for a week. You came in and out of the house. You still had your fun. You heard that Johnny’s graduation party was fun. You weren’t invited though so you couldn’t have known.
Your mom had been asking about him yet all you could answer was “I’m not sure”, or “I don’t know”. You didn’t know anymore. You just breezed through the time. Your summer break was over and it was almost time for university. In freshman year, you were excited. Higher knowledge was always an exciting subject for you. By sophomore year, you were tired. You went out with your friends when you could but it was not as often. Now in your junior year once again, you barely went to those stupid parties. You missed having fun though. You had the first of a few one night stand in sophomore year and you could’ve sworn that it was one of the most exhilarating things to ever happen to you.
Now, here you were, grumbling about not having a boyfriend and remembering the hurt of the past. It was time stop being pathetic.
You took a shower and put on black, leather skirt that was a bit higher than mid-thigh. A black turtleneck bodysuit was under it. Matched with a pair of black thigh high heels, you wondered why you didn’t dress like this more often. It was certainly something that took away your insecurities. After some dark makeup, wanting to be bolder than usual, you left your shared apartment with the idea that you would definitely get someone’s attention.
You skipped the idea of the frat house party house party and automatically went to a club. You hadn’t been to one for so long that it was hard to believe you were in one at the moment. A drink or two in and you were still seated at the bar, watching people dance and have fun. Maybe you should have invited someone to come with you. You were contemplating on dancing when a cute stranger sat next to you at the bar. Under the neon lights, it was hard to inspect him thoroughly but from the big eyes to the sharp jawline, you could tell you already liked this guy.
“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked as he looked you up and down, unabashedly.
“Sure.” you nodded before ordering an Old-Fashioned to which he ordered the same.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing, sitting alone?” he questioned.
“Looking for fun, I guess.” you answered before grabbing a hold of your drink.
“I could show you a fun time if you’re up for it?” he sipped as he raised an eyebrow in challenge.
“What did you have in mind?” you asked as a handsome smirk graced his features
He only chugged the rest of his whiskey before holding out his hand to you. You did the same before delicately placing your hand in his. He led you to the dance floor and moved along with you under the flashes of red and green in the club. Close bodies became sweatier as you had a good time dancing with him. Eventually, a time came when he wanted to change up the tempo. Grabbing your hips, he slowly ground into you which prompted you to wrap your arms around his neck.
“I don’t even know your name yet, handsome.” you addressed.
“Taeyong. I would’ve thought you’d recognized me, Y/N. I’m disappointed.” he pouted a bit.
Taeyong? The name sounded familiar but you could not pinpoint where you remembered it from. You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to remember seeing the gorgeous specimen in front of you somewhere previously. Taeyong made it harder, though, when he managed to wedge his thigh in between your legs as you danced. You bit your lip, continuing to wonder where you had heard the name.
“I bet all you can remember is braces and bad hair. As you can see, however, I’ve grown.” he added when you started to tug at the hair at the nape of his neck.
“In more ways than one.” 
That was it. Taeyong from last year. During sophomore year you had a project with Taeyong. He did more than his share of work even though you told him you had everything under control. He was what you would’ve described as the cutest nerd you had ever seen. His smile showed off his braces and it always prompted you to do the same when you saw him. He wore the same style as you for the most part which consisted of hoodies and jeans. He was such a kind guy which made you feel bad when you allowed him to do more work than he needed to. You were fine with the workload and felt as if you were burdening him but he was unyielding. On the last day that you spent together, celebrating the completion of the project, you bought him coffee and sent him off with a friendly kiss on the cheek. His red face made you giggle as you said goodbye but you never got a speak afterward.
He had been working out. He got his braces taken off. He was definitely more confident which revamped him from a cutie to one of the hottest guys you had seen in your three years as of yet.
“You really did change.” you breathed out as he pulled your head back a bit by your hair and started kissing your neck.
There, on the dance floor, you were practically fucking with your clothes on. His hum reverberated in your neck which made you moan lowly at the feeling.
“You want to show me how much?” you challenged.
The man only smirked at you again before he had led you to a booth. Here, the music of the open floor was muffled, although the vibrations of the beat could still be felt. The room had an intense red light that shone all over the room. His eyes inspected your body as you stood there almost awkwardly. Were you going to have to make the first move this time? Taeyong had obviously started this interaction with the intent of claiming you for the night. Now, he sat in front of you, anticipating what you would say or do next with that cocksure smirk on his face.
Taking the chance to be more assertive, you sauntered towards his seated figure and turned around before sitting down on his lap. This surprised Taeyong a bit but he showed no signs of helping you. You took his hands and let them stay on your hips before you started slowly grinding forwards and backward. Taeyong enjoyed your teasing before he chose to move a well. His hands slowly made your way to your exposed thighs, parting them enthusiastically as you continued. You smiled to yourself as his hands moved again- one towards your chest while the other went underneath your skirt. You only allowed him one soft squeeze before closing your legs and standing up again to straddle him instead.
“Impressive so far.” you sassed as he grasped your thighs.
“Had to become impressive to earn this privilege, didn’t I?” he asked as he found the zipper on the side of your skirt and unzipped it completely. “To be able to fuck you like I’ve wanted to.” he grunted as he unsnapped the opening of your bodysuit.
“You wanted to fuck me?” you raised your eyebrows at the confession.
“And have those pretty lips on mine? Damn right.” he laughed.
“Where else did you want these lips?” you bit your lip as his hands squeezed your ass.
“Second place would have to be on my cock.” he whispered low and dangerously to which you moaned. “Maybe even while mine were tasting that pretty pussy. But we have to be quick so I can’t- not tonight.”
You nodded and complied as he pushed your panties to the side and moved his fingers up and down your slit.
“Looks like you’re ready for me, baby.” he smiled as you started pushing down his pants and boxers. You pulled his cock out and reveled in it. The head was incarnadine, making you almost salivate at the sight while each vein in it pulsated.
You licked your lips before standing up and lowering yourself on him. You basked in the feeling of being full since it had been so long. Taeyong’s groans only spurned you into moving. You looked at his expression and could not help but indulge in the sexy expression. His head was thrown back as he bit his lip in bliss. Your gaze shifted down towards his impressive jawline until it came to his strong, pristine neck. You made it a point to tarnish the untouched skin.
You began to bounce up and down, eliciting a hiss from the male under you. The rhythm started to pick up as Taeyong found purchase on your hips and helped pull you up and down. You nipped constantly at his neck before the two of you shared an ardent kiss which involved a clash of tongue and teeth. Your lipstick was probably all over him as you pulled him closer by the back of his head. You could tell that you were close. Apart from the panting in between the clashing of mouths, high whines began to recur more frequently.
Taeyong was whispering the most enticing expletives to you which only brought you closer with each new fantasy. The release of pressure was only that much greater with the descent of your orgasm. You allowed Taeyong to continue to move you, making sure that he got his as well. He pulled you off of him right before he was about to finish and you watched with heavy, lidded eyes as he pumped his cock.
His cum landed on your black body suit but you couldn’t have cared less. As he slowly finished riding out his orgasm, you giggled at his fucked out face. A smile slowly made its way onto his face as you hooked your index finger under his chin and kissed him again. This time, slower but there was still passion nonetheless. As you pulled away, you saw the slightest movement of his head following your lips.
“Better than I could have ever imagined.” he concluded in a breathy voice.
It only made me you smile like a fool as you stood up and began to fix yourself.
“Much better than I would’ve thought.” you mused. “Didn’t expect to get cum on my shirt though.” you joked.
“Oh! Sorry! I’ll get something to clean it up. Don’t move.” he said before tucking himself back into his pants and walking out of the compact room. You left your skirt off because the stain and sticky feeling was lower than the waistline of it. You looked at yourself using your phone camera and tried to wipe away the smudged parts of your lipstick. Waiting patiently, you looked around the room, now sober enough and not clouded with lust to think about your surroundings. The door finally opened, making you light up, thinking Taeyong had come back. Your smile automatically dropped when you saw another couple, stumbling in with their lips locked. They hadn’t noticed you as they staggered about, desperately devouring each other. You thought it would be better to gather your things before alerting them of your presence.
As you were about to say something, the door swung open and Taeyong came rushing in a handful of napkins.
“They only had-” Both him and the couple stared at each other before resting their eyes on you.
“Sorry. I- I was just leaving.” you stuttered.
“You were so busy, that you couldn’t tell that someone else was already in the room?” Taeyong directed towards the guy on the edge of the couch you were seated on just a few minutes ago.
“Sorry. I was too busy. She didn’t seem to mind watching though.” he sneered but you were too embarrassed to look in his direction. “Did you, sweetheart?”
“I wasn’t watching. I just wanted to get dressed and get out as soon as possible, thanks.” you muttered before moving towards Taeyong’s side.
“Don’t be a dick, Johnny.” he spat before pulling you closer by the small of your back.
You paid no mind to the name and glanced over to where a tall male with honey brown hair stood with a mischievous smile. When your eyes rested upon the male, they must have blown out of proportion at which his expression mirrored yours. There stood the guy who walked past you and paid no mind to how you felt about it. The man who allowed you to believe that you meant less than nothing after he made you feel as if you were on top of the world. Correction; the spineless, brainless, idiot that taught you not to put yourself in the same situation.
“Y/N?” he asked in disbelief, forgetting about both his date and his friend.
“Taeyong, can we go?” you asked almost desperately, tugging on his shirt.
“Sure, let’s go.” he said as he pulled you closer to him.
“Y/N.” Johnny said more firmly this time.
You only ignored him but it prompted Taeyong’s interest. He could obviously see how uncomfortable you were, however, so he just walked quicker with you in hand.
“Y/N! I know you can hear me!” he yelled as he tugged on your arm.
You only jerked it away to finally face the man right in front of the entrance of the club.
“You. I don’t want to talk to you. I certainly don’t want to see your face. Just… just leave me alone.” you firmly said as you dragged Taeyong off with you.  In the parking lot, you stood still, trying to calm your pounding heart.
“Want me to take you home?” Taeyong asked assuredly.
“That would be wonderful, yes.” you said as he led you to his car.
Once you began driving, Taeyong couldn’t help but begin the myriad amount of questions.
“So… how do you know Johnny? Ex-friend? Ex-boyfriend?”
“I guess,” you chuckled. “We just know each other from high school. It’s been a few years. Friendship kind of died off.”
“Oh. Sorry for that.” he mumbled as his eyes stayed on the road. “For both Johnny and your shirt.” he elaborated which made you laugh.
“It’s cool. I could always send you my dry-cleaning bill.”
“How about you leave it with your number of course, and I’ll call when it’s ready to pick up?”
“Sounds like a plan.” you happily complied with his flirting.
He dropped you off at your home but not before getting both your number and a good night kiss. You smiled to yourself as you walked up the stairs to your apartment complex. You were in such a stupor that you hadn’t noticed the car that had followed behind you since the club. The sleek black vehicle only drove away after ten minutes after you entered the building. You had no idea that it would be back again.
Taeyong had texted you the following morning. You hadn’t slept during the night but talking to him actually took your mind off of Johnny. You didn’t realize that he had become such an ass. His attitude was obviously a confident one. Much more so than when you knew him. People change. You knew that. You just never expected him to change so much. He wasn’t worth your time. You had to stop thinking about him and the asshat he had become.
Unknown [11:54am]: Hey, guess who?
You [11:55am]: I’m not sure. Who is this?
Unknown [11:56am]: Oh um it’s Taeyong
Taeyong [11:56am]: You gave me your number last night?
You [11:57am]: I know lol
You [11:57am]: I’m sorry for playing with you like that
Taeyong [11:57am]: You really scared me! I deserve a better apology than that!
You [11:58am]: How about coffee today? At 3?
Taeyong [11:59am]: It’s a date. I’ll pick you up:)
It surprised you to no end that Taeyong could still manage to be so sweet when just last night, his assertiveness got you wet in little to no time. Just the thought of what went down last night had you biting your lip and wondering what else he had in store for you.
As you left the confine of your room, you were met with your roommate already using the shower.
“Hey, where’d you go last night? You came home later than me,” she whined. “If you were at another party, why didn’t you invite me?”
“I just went out for a bit. Don’t worry about it.” you chuckled before beginning to brush your teeth.
You had to look decent today. In fact, you had to look great today. Seeing as how Taeyong looked, you had to raise your usual standard. Maybe it was a sign. A sign that you needed to get off your ass and start pursuing people with a positive attitude and more effort. After last night’s effort’s you were finally engaging with someone and that was what mattered. Johnny was no one to cogitate about. You didn’t have time to be hung up on him again. Taeyong would be the main priority. He would be the harbinger of good news.
It was all going well. In fact, it had gone much better than you thought it would have so far. Although you were the one who offered to buy coffee, Taeyong kept insisting that he be the one to pay for it. You talked, caught up, and laughed. There was still something that you itched to say but found it hard to bring up. Finally, you found the courage to tell him.
“Taeyong, you look… great.” you started which made his smile broaden.
“Thanks. So do you.”
“But I just want you to know that it’s not why we’re on a date today,” you continued. “I always thought you were cute it’s just… last night, you were assertive and we clicked. I really don’t want you to think I’m here for shallow reasons.” you admitted.
“Oh, I know.” he laughed.
“And how would you know?” you inquired while you took a sip of your coffee.
“You remember what I said last night, don’t you? I knew I didn’t have a chance and at first, I thought it was because I was the stereotypical nerd but I realized that you just didn’t seem to like anyone. Surprising, seeing as how many guys were after you but-”
You almost spit your coffee out at that line. “There were guys after me?”
“Well, of course…”
You began to burst into laughter.
“Wow, that’s hilarious.” you chuckled as the laughter died down and you wiped a tear from your eye.
Taeyong’s expression, however, told you that he wasn’t joking.
“Oh? You’re serious.” you frowned.
“Do you think that lowly of yourself?” he asked in true curiosity and a hint of pity.
“No… It’s just hard to believe some things. I haven’t ever really been sought after.” you sighed.
“Well I went after you last night, didn’t I?”
“Yeah. Says a lot, considering you could do better.” you sadly smiled.
“Do I have to fuck the idea that you’re sexy back into you?” he asked in a low voice that made you straighten up.
“I wouldn’t mind.” you mumbled making him playfully growl at you.
“Sexual acts and jokes aside; you’re beautiful. It’s true. If you want another opinion, I can call up a friend.” he said, while pulling his phone out.
“You’re joking,” you snickered as you watched him shake his head. “It’s ringing.”
Taeyong put the phone on speaker and it rung a few times before a deep voice on the other line picked up.
“What do you want?” he asked irritably.
“I need your opinion on something and don’t hold anything back. Do you think Y/N is hot?” he inquired casually as he grinned at you.
“What kind of question was that? Yeah, she’s hot. Aren’t going on a date with her? Why would you if she’s not hot?”
“What about her is so attractive?”
“Her legs, her eyes, her ass, wow, I could go on. She even has this tiny mole near her left collarbone and it drives me crazy.” his friend said.
Your cheeks heated up at his analysis of your body. It boosted your confidence yet also gave you a gross feeling to be spoken about in that manner. It surprised you that he knew about your mole, though. You didn’t think many of the clothes you wore would allow anyone to see such a small detail about you. You didn’t even think you allowed people to come close enough too see it. It was strange the stranger had checked you out enough to remember it’s location, much less its existence.
“A mole? Hm, didn’t notice.” Taeyong commented as he bent over the table for a closer inspection.
“How was last night, by the way? How did you fuck her? How wet was she? Did you take control?” he bombarded him with questions that only made him blush, thankful that there were no passersby who would hear this.
“None of your business.” he grunted.
“Wish it could’ve been. I’ve always wanted to do the nastiest things to her. She seems so pure, doesn’t she?”
“Hey, I don’t think you should be talking about her like that.” Taeyong firmly said, putting an end to his friend’s tirade.
“Anyway, where are you guys meeting for your date?” the stranger asked queerly.
“I’ll tell you later, bye.” he promised before hanging up. “Sorry about him. He’s very blunt.” he tried to explain which only made him even more flustered. “I’ve never spoken about you that way, don’t worry.”
“I know. You’re too sweet to.” you replied.
The date went without a hitch and so did the next one as well as the one after that. After a few more dates and great amount of your time spent texting each other, Taeyong asked you to be his girlfriend. Although your exterior was as cool, inside, you were screaming like a school girl. Taeyong brought the best out of you. He made you want to dress better and become more social. The two of you still didn’t go to parties much, knowing it wasn’t your thing.
One night, Taeyong had gone to a party that you weren’t feeling up to. You sat in your room, wondering what you should do. Boredom overtook you and you ended up doing what every bored adult does. Masturbating. Taeyong wold probably rush over as fast as he could if you had texted him and let know that you were horny but it had been a while since you were left to your thoughts with no one else to satisfy you. It was a nice change of pace, to be honest.
As you slipped out of Taeyong’s borrowed joggers, you thought back to the man you were lucky to call your own now. The idea of his warm nature quickly transformed just like he seemed to do at intimate times. His bright smile that shone at you during the day soon became the sexy smirk he wore at night. The way his brown eyes tinted black when he became lustful. Everything about him was a turn-on, especially how much of a gentleman he became once his rough, dominant nature subsided. It was wonderful. Taeyong was a beautiful mix.
You thought about your gorgeous boyfriend as you let your hand glide down your body and into your panties. You sat propped against the wall on the side of your bed as you let two of your fingers roll your clit gently. As you continued however, the feeling of your panties were too sticky against your sweaty skin. You took them off and went back to work, playing with yourself with your legs spread wide. By the time you finished, the room was entirely too hot for you. You stood up and took off your shirt, thinking that a shower was in order. Once you came back, you went to open your window and let in some fresh air but as you approached your window you were frightened when you caught a glimmer of something outside. If you moved too quick, it could have been missed completely. It took effort to even maintain sight of the position it was in. When you opened the window and reached for the object, you came to realize it was a camera.
A camera.
Someone had been filming you. In your room as you slept, changed your clothes, studied, hung out, and now, as you got off. The thought made you wretch, wondering who would have planted it by your window? The fire escape was not something you would have wanted to be on unless it was an emergency. You wanted to destroy the infernal device but could not, thinking that if you brought it to the police, it might lead you to the pervert who planted the microscopic object.
Thoughts of what the footage could be used for were running through your mind. What if someone was selling it- selling you off? What if it was a pervert who planted multiple and was using girls as porn? What if it was a stalker? Fear of whatever was going on took over and you ran out of your room while yelling your roommate’s name.
“Y/N? What is it?” she asked when you stormed in her room and alerted her of what you had found.
“Okay, first, we should call the police. I’ve heard of these things. They can send footage wirelessly or the culprit has to come back and get it. If he does, we’ll catch the bastard.” she instructed. 
You nodded frantically and called the police, frightened to no extent. You even called Taeyong after the police had come and confiscated the camera. He rushed over and comforted you the best he could as your ceaseless tears continued to flow. Of course, you were too frightened to sleep in your room so he brought blankets and pillows for you two to sleep in the living room.
“It’s okay. We’ll find who did this and when we do, I’ll make sure to kick his ass.” he promised as your tears slowly diminished into hiccups.
If Taeyong kept true to his promise, you were going to make sure to be there along side him, serving the justice you knew you deserved.
Days went by and campus police had warned of the suspected pervert. Many other females took precautionary measures including you. Covering your window and locking everything was just the minimum. It had all calmed down as two weeks went by yet the fear of being watched still stuck with you.
One night as you walked home from a gathering of friends, you could have sworn there were footsteps behind you. When you turned around, you saw a lanky man walking as well. As it was winter, their scarf covered their face as they continued walking while looking at their phone. Paying no mind to it, you continued your trek back to the apartment. As time progressed however, it seemed as though he was going in the exact same direction as you. Being a little paranoid, you took a detour. Instead of going straight, you took a left and entered a neighborhood you were not very familiar with. The stranger followed tout suite. His head was no longer staring at his phone when you turned back but was instead staring back at you. His eyes held a mischievous glimmer which only made you fearful of what he was capable of.
As you continued through the twists and turns of the neighborhood, you eventually ended in a dead end and began to panic as you saw the man slowly approaching. You contemplated Scaling the fence behind you but you were in heeled boots which seemed too large to climb with. Surprisingly, the last thought you had was to call Taeyong. He knew of all the places on and near campus. Hopefully, he would find you. As you turned and called the memorized number, you could hear the shuffling of gravel. You turned to look the stranger in the face and see his eyes turn up as if he was smiling underneath the large scarf.
Taeyong did not pick up and your frenzy only grew. You tried calling the police next but the stranger snatched your phone as you tried to make some space between you.
“You only get one call, princess. Should’ve called the cops first.”
“What do you want? Money? I don’t have any on me.” you nervously said.
“Oh, I don’t want money. I want you.” he cooed.
“I have a boyfriend. And you’e going to be sorry when he hears about this.”
“Thing is, he won’t hear about it. Not if you want me to keep that video of you from going viral.”
“What video?”
“Oh, don’t be stupid. When I went back to get my camera, you already found it. Good thing the footage was already saved. And believe me, there’s still more you don’t know about.” he hummed.
“Now,” he said as he took a step closer to which you moved back. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Which would you prefer?”
“Neither.” you finally said before kicking the man in the shin. He dropped your phone and hissed in pain. You were able to grab the device to find a small crack in it. It still worked, nonetheless.
You ran around him and out of the alley, screaming for help as you bounded. It didn’t seem as though he was following you anymore but that only made your heart race faster, not knowing where he was. No one came out to help, seeing as though it was nearly one in the morning already but you managed to make it out of the neighborhood and sprinted the best you could in your boots. You managed to make it to your apartment and ran into your room, already tearing everything up to find where he may have placed more cameras.
You found one on the lamp at your desk, another by the mirror next your closet, and one more by the window. You crushed them all under your heel then breathed deeply, looking at the mess you had made and cried hysterically. Was that it? Please, say that was it.
As you sank on your bed and continued to look around, a call came on your phone from an unknown number. You automatically declined. It called again but you declined. When the same number called a third time, you finally picked up, yelling “Yes?!”
“You missed one.” the raspy voice said on the other side as you looked witlessly around the room.
“What do you want?” you began to sob as the voice chuckled.
“Told you, princess. I want you.”
“What does that even mean?” you cried into the phone, covering your face.
“I’ve always wanted you to be mine. But then Taeyong came along. So we’re going to show him who you belong to.” he said bitterly.
“I’m not yours!” you yelled into the phone.
“Oh, but you are. Now, we’re going to have a little fun if you don’t want Taeyong to get hurt or your fellow classmates to see you having fun with yourself, okay?”
You nodded reluctantly before listening to what he had to say.
“You’re going to do a strip-tease for me. Get to it, princess.”
“I’m not getting naked for you.” you warily muttered.
“What was that? Send the video?”
You sniffed as you stood up and took off your jacket and the sweater underneath.
“Now we both know you can do better than that.” he growled, making you flinch.
You reluctantly took off your shirt and jeans after a while, leaving you in your underwear. You tried to cover yourself as much as possible with your hands.
“Now isn’t that a pretty sight? Why don’t you give me a spin?” he smugly said to which you turned in a robotical way, in place. “There’s that beautiful mole. that I love. You should show it off more. It’s one of my favorite things about you.” he complimented and you felt as if you were going to throw up.
“I guess that’s it for tonight. Not the worst thing that have happened, was it, Y/N?”
You only tried to put on your pajamas as quickly as you could before exiting the room.
“Sweet dreams.” he wished before hanging up. You sunk onto the couch, crying your eyes out at what you just been forced to do. You could have refused but he threatened to hurt Taeyong. He threatened to expose your intimate time and now he had even more for the spank bank. Your head was light and you felt weary as a strange detail of his commentary came to mind. You couldn’t sleep, knowing that someone had broken into your room to commit such horrible acts. You had been violated and no one else knew. Your roommate was gone, spending the night with her boyfriend while you still wondered about where yours was.
Ten in the morning rolled around when you chose to arise from your spot on the couch. You had slept none, wanting to nullify or finalize your suspicion against something that happened before.
You called Taeyong, hoping he would be up and you sighed in relief when it turned out that he was.
“Taeyong, I have a very important question.”
“Go ahead.” he spurned in a groggy voice.
“On our first date, who did you call to say I was hot?”
“It was… Johnny.” he replied after some thought. “Why?”
“Sorry for disturbing you. Go back to sleep.” you quickly said before hanging up and making a call to the unknown number.
“Good morning princess. Hope you slept well.” he yawned.
“Cut the shit, Johnny. You’re going to jail and then I’m going to make sure hell is next.” you threatened.
“Wow. Impressive deductive skills. How’d you find me out?”
“Why does it matter? All that matters is that I know who to get a restraining order against and who to file a police report against.”
“I still have your videos. You want them exposed?”
“Do what you want. All I care about is you being locked up now.” you iterated before hanging up.
You immediately set out for the police station, paying no mind to your disheveled appearance. As you spoke about your current case, the officer warned that they could not trace the camera back to determined IP code. You told him about the disturbing experience you had the night before and suggested that they acquire a warrant before checking it out. You allowed them to take your phone to try to trace back the phone number as well but the number was led to some old phone that seemingly had no determined names attached to the phone company.
After a while of waiting in fear and avoiding all contact with those outside of your apartment, they finally caught him. With the help of the warrant, the police were able to check out Johnny’s dorm and although he did a good job at hiding everything, he wasn’t immaculate in a clean up. When his laptop had been taken to the station, it took a while of trying to get rid of the encryption he had on a file but they finally found it. A video of you uncomfortably in your underwear, playing his game. His arrest was no small matter but it finally allowed you freedom to come out with what he had done and tried to do to you.
Taeyong blamed himself when he found out about his former friend’s horrible deeds but it was not his fault. He didn’t know what had been going on but had gotten a weird feeling when you obviously did not want to see Johnny as time went on but he constantly asked about you.
“It isn’t fair!” he yelled in court. “I had her first! She was wrapped around my little finger. I don’t know where he came in the picture but it was ridiculous that she ended up with him!”
You didn’t want to even look at him so you didn’t go to the court hearing. Your room mate had gone and told you what he had been ranting about in court.
“Thank goodness he never came.” you muttered to yourself as you reminisced about the moment he did not give you the time of day.
“Who never came?” Taeyong asked as he pulled you closer with his arm around you.
“I don’t want to even think about it,” you shivered. “I get chills. The bad kind.”
“I’ll be here to warm you up.” he whispered into your hair.
“I know.” you smiled.
He would keep you from remembering the chill of that winter. Spring was already underway and all you wanted to do was bury the past under that winter weather. The cold, the cameras, the memory; gone.
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optimisticcritique · 6 years
Gotham 4x18 - Review
This might just be the last episode for a certain character...it is time to see. 
Interim mayor? Haha good luck with that, buddy. I have a feeling you will either die or resign by the time this season ends. 
Who is the commissioner these days?
At least half of the people at this meeting are going to die this episode.
This woman really needs to chill--never mind. Freeze has it covered.
His voice sounds so much like a voice changer. Mr. Freeze could really say some fun deep voiced quotes with that voice. I actually believe it’s required in order to be accepted into the voice changer club.  
I want to know why they chose Mr. Freeze and Mad Hatter for this job. It may not require any specific skills, really. Do they just flip a coin to decide who will go kidnap or murder someone?
Look at this guy. Trying to make deals with anyone who will listen. Kind of reminds me of season 1 Oswald a bit. You know, trying to do whatever it takes to survive. 
You are really asking the Mad Hatter to save you from lunatics? Do you not know him at all? 
“Lunatics is a bit harsh. I prefer visionary” Well, that is typical. Is Jervis Jerome’s number 1 fan now? He is going to be so crushed when the visionary is no more. If it is anything like how he reacted to his sister, there might be more trouble coming. 
“I am with Mr. Valeska one hundred percent” Oswald, I hate to break it to you but...you are a terrible liar. That was unconvincing and you should know this.
Oswald is pretending to smile but deep down he is so ready to be done with all this XD
Hey, I know purple is Oswald’s color but that shade of blue tie? It really does bring out his eyes. 
Geez this toxin is way crazier than I expected it would be in this show. I really want to know why Jerome came up with the idea just now. Also, how did he explain it to Mr. Freeze and Scarecrow as they were helping to create it? Did he just say, “Hey yeah, I want them to go bonkers. Laugh maniacally, go insane, possibly start bleeding and change color from laughing so much so they look like sadistic clowns.”  
I am just waiting for the moment that Oswald leaps out of the truck and just runs as fast as possible. 
You thought Alfred would forget your birthday? I know life has been crazy but he has practically raised you. 
Ooh did you buy him a giant red wagon? 
Awe his baby bat mobile! Awesome! The fact that he didn’t even notice it in the garage until he pressed the button... 
I just realized...he has so much money...how come he hasn’t bought like twenty cars at this point? Although, to be fair, this one is so much cooler and is bullet proof. 
Harvey and his liquor.
I want to know how Oswald knows Jim’s cell phone number. Has he always had it saved in all his phones? Surely it isn’t public knowledge, unless he researched it.
“Well, this is a first” Oh please, like you two have never met in secret before ;)
This reminds of the Pilot, where Oswald was snitching on Fish...yeah, nothing can possibly go wrong here. 
“Why did you come here if you aren’t going to help me?!” Jim, I think you need a vacation, you seem tense. Also, at least he is giving you a heads up on the toxin that may destroy Gotham and turn everyone insane. Think positively :)
Oswald being scared of Jerome? I am honestly not surprised. 
“Or maybe you just don’t like the competition” ...maybe so but does it matter? You got to take whatever help you can get, can’t be choosy on the motives there.
“And I am an honest criminal, Jim” Oswald seems so offended. Like, how dare you excuse him of serving his own interests! 
Why did Oswald sneak off? Didn’t Harvey hear Jim say “Oswald” when he answered his cell phone so he knows who Jim is meeting with? Jim is not discreet.
Jerome breaking out a killer dance entrance. 
It is scenes like these that make me wish Jerome met Ed. You know that they would totally fight over who has the best extra entrances.
People losing heads? That’s a bit graphic for all of Gotham to witness...well, I mean, as of now. I am sure it is going to be even more graphic as years go by.  
Side note: I feel like the pacing of this episode is far better than last week. Less rushed, less story lines that need to develop.
I know the League has major skills so this probably wouldn’t happen but I can just imagine what would happen if someone had terrible aim, accidentally harming or killing Babs. She’d probably still live or be resurrected somehow but I can just picture the shocked responses and the person going “Whoops...I might need more practice...” 
Awe come on, let Tabby have her murderous fun! 
Yeah, Tabs isn’t having any of this league crap. 
Ooh wicked ice device! I want to see more of these cool gadgets that Victor has been saving. 
Wait, I know that tune... 
Oh my god they are doing 60s Batman theme! This is brilliant!
Now say “Batman!” or something similar.
*stops music before getting to the “batman” parts :( I guess close enough...the batman part will come later ;)
Where was Bridgit even shooting the fire for people to duck?
Of course he wants Jeremiah and Bruce...
Wait, so Jim didn’t seem totally against the idea when it was Jeremiah but when you mention Bruce Wayne? Absolutely not! 
Jim, now is not the time to be negotiating with him. He is not going to bite.
A bundt cake. Not really my taste. A nothing bundt cake is better. 
Happy Birthday, Bruce! Wait until you see the presents waiting for you today...
Wow, Selina. Way to take away all his wishes by blowing out the candles. Unless, of course, Selina was his wish. 
lol where did she even come popping from anyway? Such a kitten, pouncing when you least expect her.
Aww as much as I liked them having separate story lines from each other (just because I was curious to see where their stories would go), I did miss them sharing scenes. Teen batcat is cute. 
Luuuccccius! (Yes, I will say this every time I see him in an episode)
Where were you Foxy? Vacationing? Taking weeks of spa days? Practicing better defense skills? Hanging with your secret lover? What? 
Yeah, Jerome doesn’t care if he has to blow up any heads. It does not faze him whatsoever. 
I love how much Alfred and Selina care about the well being of Bruce...yet Bruce is going to do it all anyway. 
“I’m positive.” Yeah, I believe in you Foxy! “99% positive” That 1% is going to get you, isn’t it? 
Why didn’t the league show Babs this room sooner?
Wait, the painting has... why do I feel like this is a set up or something? This seems so fishy. 
You know, if Babs was still working her art gallery, this would be the painting on full display. 
Oh gosh...Babs is about to fall deep into this, isn’t she? 
Ooh Jeremiah and Bruce in the same scene! ..And now shaking hands and having a conversation!
This is going to hurt when Jeremiah most likely becomes the Joker. Is Bruce going to blame himself for this too?
Wow, that is a very nice speech Bruce. You make a good motivational speaker.
I bet this guy is regretting being interim mayor. If you make it through this, you may want to take a very long vacation and just forget to ever come back.
So, what did Jerome do while he was waiting this whole time? Dance around? 
Wait, wha-Oh, of course Jerome would foresee this. Always be prepared for anything. Impressive.
Hey, where is Butch/Grundy while all of this is going on? He just joined the group last episode. Why isn’t he involved and by Oswald’s side?
Oswald looking at this like “Maybe I can build one shaped like a penguin later in life...” 
Hmm...why is Jervis using the watch now? He didn’t need the watch before, did he? 
Oz, maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to criticize Jerome’s plans in front of his most loyal followers... Just a thought.  
“A bird’s eye view” ha. ha. 
Jealousy? Okay, I know that Babs was pretty mean to Tabby in season 3 but this just seems like her mind is getting twisted or something... She isn’t thinking clearly. 
Babs isn’t letting this all go to her head or anything.
Tabby being so mistreated. She just wants to run a club with people she cares about. At least she can turn to Selina for help.
The two wild jokers in a deck sitting side by side. 
Jeremiah rolling his eyes at Jerome is such a mood. I get that way when I have to hear people ramble about stuff I have heard many times too.
“We are practically identical” Can’t imagine why...
Well, I give you points for effort, Jeremiah. You at least tried. 
Lucius is so done with this crap.
Lol Jerome repeatedly trying to hit the trigger. Him and Ed should rant about how frustrating that is. 
Harvey with his whole “I’ll shoot it down. Oh right” lol at least he didn’t impulsively do it first. 
Whose idea was it to leave only two people on there? Did they not think Oswald would get loose and stop it?
Oswald freaking out. Come on, you can think of a plan! Oswald’s thoughts: This is why penguins don’t fly!
Oswald calling Jim for help first because he knows Jim will help. I wonder if he tried calling others but they just didn’t answer. 
“I don’t even drive my own car!” LOL I’m dying. He is so not for this plan. 
Well, he can actually drive, he just probably doesn’t do it very often or likes to.
“If you don’t, thousands will die...maybe worse.” “What’s worse than that?” Pfft. Yeah, death doesn’t matter but not being able to rule? Far worse. Man, he REALLY doesn’t want to steer.
It seems to me that Jerome kind of knew he was going to end up dead all along, didn’t he? 
Oswald’s relief when he starts steering...he’s like “I’m doing it! I’m actually doing it! Oh my god...” 
You just know that Oswald is going to want to have a blimp of his own later in life. Well, I can now check that off the wish list. Now, can we have Oswald in a scene with some live penguins? Thanks. 
Where is Bruce and Jeremiah when all this is going on? Kind of a shame that they aren’t there to probably see Jerome in his final moments. 
Of course Jim would still try to save him but Jerome is like “Nah”. Would he really rather risk his life for all this? 
Laughing to his death. Pretty appropriate. 
This is sad. I’m going to miss Jerome.  
I believe I can flyyy. Okay, sorry. Now is not the time. The slow motion is getting to me.
Now, I am 99.9% sure that he looks dead. At least he died with a smile on his face? ...again...
I know it is all about plot armor but they should really define deaths better on the show. Selina falls out a window and lives. Sofia and Butch get shot in the head, live. Was Jerome’s body just too feeble? Was it because he was shot a few times AND fell off a building onto a car? 
Bruce trying to make things right. Starting somewhat of a friendship...that is doomed to be heartbreak. 
Oh my god he is still up there. How long has Oswald been up there?
Who knew Oswald would be Gotham’s hero? Go figure. 
“Jiiiiiiiiiiiiim” That shot, that scream. I swear it is like the end of a cartoon. 
Poor Oswald. I feel bad but it is also hilarious. 
If this is the end of the episode or if he is still up there at the start of the next episode, I will laugh so hard. 
I just think of the standby pilot like customer service. Standby: Yes, can I help you? Oswald: I am stuck on a blimp, I want off now! Standby: Is it the blimp or is it the zeppelin? People often mistake the two. Oswald: Wha-does it MATTER?! Standby: Please hold *music starts playing* Oswald: *screams in rage and frustration*  
Yeah, as good as Tabby is...it is difficult for her to fight against a few members of the League. 
Aha! Ra’s is about to come back. 
Wait, where are they taking Tabitha?
Jeremiah...uh oh...what’s about to happen? Surely, we aren’t just going to watch him drink tea. 
A gift. Don’t open it. Don’t open it. Don’t open it. 
You are supposed to be smarter than this. You JUST got back from dealing with Jerome. Do. not. open. 
A jack in the box? You know that isn’t from Wayne enterprises. Throw it now! It’ll probably spray you with toxin! 
A special made toxin for him? Oh, so it isn’t exactly the same as the other...that’s good to know. So, that is how it will affect him differently!
Oh god... this is about to be even more insane! 
What a birthday present for Bruce...the birth of the Joker.
I’m interested in seeing how different Jeremiah’s Joker will be to Jerome.
Kind of wish the season had one extra episode, so that we could have seen Jeremiah and Bruce be friends or partners for an episode before being sprayed. Maybe the package comes in the mail the next day, instead of waiting for him, and it doesn’t seem as dumb for him to open it.  
Over all: Solid episode. Jeremiah becoming the Joker is happening a bit fast but not enough for me to be too upset. I have to wait to see how it all plays out before deciding if his joker and evolution is a good one. RIP Jerome, you will be missed. The rest of the episode was nice. It always does well when there are only a couple of major story lines going with all the characters, rather than there being 4 or 5 separate ones. Babs sees a painting of herself and Ra’s from supposedly centuries ago, she believes she has a major purpose but Tabby doubts it, resulting in Tabby being kicked out/beat up by the League. Tabby encounters men who say Ra’s is the true Demon’s Head and isn’t really gone, they take Tabby. Bruce meets Jeremiah, offers him work with Wayne Enterprises. He briefly celebrates his birthday with Selina and Alfred. Lucius gets around 7 lines (not that I counted), where he helps in not getting heads blown to bits. Oswald tries to stop Jerome’s plan, ends up steering the toxin away from the city. Jerome falls to his death, but not before giving Jeremiah his own special toxin to drive him mad. The rest of the Legion of Horribles are in unknown places, I guess.
Previous review: 4x17   Next: 4x19
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yotsutama · 7 years
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Tamaki Photobook: Special Interview
“If I work hard, everyone will be happy.”
Mitsuki: Tamaki, good work on shooting!
Tamaki: Good workー.
Mitsuki: You did great! The cameraman also praised you!
Tamaki: Seriously?
Mitsuki: You really have a good body, don’t you~! You look so dazzling even when you’re just standing there!
Tamaki: Mikki, are you proud as my producer?
Mitsuki: I’m proud, I’m proud!
Tamaki: Fufun.
Mitsuki: Were you nervous during the photoshoot?
Tamaki: Well. Mikki was here so it didn’t feel like a job.
Mitsuki: It didn’t feel like a job?
Tamaki: Umm. You told me that I should look like I just finished taking a bath for the cover, so the shooting felt like I just finished taking a bath with Mikki.
Mitsuki: Hey, the theme is “A Morning with Dearest Person”, you know! (lol)
Tamaki: But, my dearest person is everyone. And I like Mikki too.
Mitsuki: Tamaki… You really are…!
Tamaki: What?
Mitsuki: No, I think that being able to say that kind of stuff SO smoothly is one of your charming points!
Tamaki: Are you praising me?
Mitsuki: Of course!
Tamaki: Yay.
Mitsuki: I heard that you received lots of compliments from the staff recently? Sougo looked so happy when he told me about that.
Tamaki: Sou-chan did?
Mitsuki: “Tamaki-kun greets others properly, he really works hard,” he said. And this time I got to see you at work up close, you really amazed me!
Tamaki: How did I amaze you?
Mitsuki: Uum, after the cameraman and I told you how to pose, you worked hard to show a nice expression. Some of our directions were difficult, right?
Tamaki: Like, “feel the morning sun!”
Mitsuki: Yeah, that (lol). Given those difficult instructions, you only said, “got it,” and tried to change your expression, I was so proud of you that time!
Tamaki: If I work hard, everyone will be happy.
Mitsuki: That’s right! Seeing you work hard makes us, as members, and your fans so happy!
Tamaki: If Mikki and everyone said that, I’d be happy too.
Mitsuki: Tamaki……
Tamaki: Mikki, are you crying? Does your stomach hurt?
Mitsuki: No, no! I’m just moved! I get emotional easily, you know! I’m no good, huh? (lol) I should properly show off Tamaki’s charms in this interview.
Tamaki: Ooh.
Mitsuki: Anyway! How did the cover photoshoot go?
Tamaki: Everyone laughed when Yama-san said “Ichi took off my clothes,” so I was happy I got to take off my clothes too.
Mitsuki: You’re happy!? (lol)
Tamaki: Because I could be like that too.
Mitsuki: So cute~! But, you should have looked more embarrassed!
Tamaki: Is that so? If it was Iorin, he would have been so embarrassed.
Mitsuki: Iori?
Tamaki: When we have PE and have to change into our jerseys, Iorin refuses to change with us.
Mitsuki: Seriously!? (lol)
Tamaki: He probably went to the bathroom or somewhere else.
Mitsuki: I’m worried about my little brother now…
Tamaki: You should worry about me too.
Mitsuki: I’m worried about Tamaki too! You’ve been voted in the Desired Embrace ranking even though you’re still in high school. I’m worried that everyone will misunderstand you.
Tamaki: Wellー, I don’t want those who don’t know about me to think of me as a pervert or something.
Mitsuki: Yeah. But the No. 1 Yaotome and No. 2 Tsunashi-san use that ranking as their weapon, so I hope Tamaki can do that too!
Tamaki: Then, I’ll be No. 1 someday.
Mitsuki: You can SAY that out loud so easily?! Tamaki really likes rankings (lol). The cover shows your maturity, and the special cut shows your innocence that fits your age, so this photobook might help you reach that goal of yours!
Tamaki: Ooh! I’m happy Mikki thinks about me this much.
Mitsuki: Yeah! Those who read this photobook will get to see Tamaki’s young but dangerous sexiness, coolness, and cute sides. Lots of your charms will reach them I think!
Tamaki: I feel like the strongest now.
Mitsuki: You’re the strongest! Believe in my producing skill!
Tamaki: Got it!
Mitsuki: Ok! Back to topic, how was the shooting of the special cut?
Tamaki: The sea was beautiful. I wanted to show Mikki how beautiful it was, but you suddenly took my photo.
Mitsuki: I wanted to take candid photos of you! I knew that you would get excited looking at the sea so I had to be prepared for that moment.
Tamaki: It totally went according to your plan.
Mitsuki: Don’t say it like that (lol)! We all live together so we know each other’s habits or how each of us will react to things.
Tamaki: Yeah. I know when Yama-san will stay in the bathroom for a long time or not just by looking at his face.
Mitsuki: This topic will get long so let’s stop here (lol). Next question, what kind of person do you like?
Tamaki: Pass.
Mitsuki: This isn’t a quiz so you can’t just pass!
Tamaki: No. That question is NG to me.
Mitsuki: Don’t say it’s NG on your own! Asking this is fun, you know!
Tamaki: Don’t ask what girls like to ask!
Mitsuki: Ooh, I got to see a normal high school boys’ reaction.
Tamaki: And I already answered this before!!
Mitsuki: Think about those who don’t know about you when they read this! They might become your fan after knowing this.
Tamaki: Uhhhーーーーー. Someone who would spoil me! I don’t mind if they want me to spoil them too sometimes.
Mitsuki: You sound a bit cocky, but that’s so cute! Where would you like to have a date?
Tamaki: To an all-you-can-eat dessert restaurant. That’s allーーーーーー.
Mitsuki: Okay, thanks!
“After reading this photobook, you should watch over me more.”
Mitsuki: But hey, you didn’t get embarrassed when we talked about this with everyone, right?
Tamaki: This and that is different! Just thinking about this interview being printed and seen by everyone makes me nervous.
Mitsuki: I see! If it’s just text there’s a lot of things that wouldn’t reach them. Everyone, Tamaki is blushing really hard nowー!!
Tamaki: Aaahhhhーー!! I’m not blushing!! Mikki you idiot!!
Mitsuki: Ahaha, my bad, my bad. Then, next is…!
Tamaki: Let’s end this alreadyーー.
Mitsuki: No way! This is important. I want you to tell us your happiest and saddest moment. First is your happiest moment!
Tamaki: Umm, it’s hard to choose.
Mitsuki: It doesn’t have to be just one.
Tamaki: Then, I was so happy when we won Black or White. Everyone cried and manager was so happy.
Mitsuki: It was the best moment, wasn’t it?
Tamaki: And, when we sang Restart Pointer for the first time during our concert. When Iorin and Rikkun did a high-five, they looked so happy. I felt so good inside when we sang that time.
Mitsuki: That concert was great!! During that time, Tamaki called out to everyone to cheer us up. I wasn’t feeling well that time, so I’m sorry. Thanks, Tamaki.
Tamaki: I’m a big brother, after all. I can do that at least.
Mitsuki: You are! I’m counting on you.
Tamaki: And one more, when we had the collaboration with King Pudding.
Mitsuki: That, right!! I went straight to your room that time!
Tamaki: Everyone was excited too, so I was glad.
Mitsuki: Not just me, the others also thought of you that time!
Tamaki: Everyone’s so nice. If we have a collaboration with Kokona, I will congratulate Nagicchi.
Mitsuki: I’m sure he will be happy! I can already imagine it. Alright then, how about your saddest moment?
Tamaki: Umm, about Sou-chan?
Mitsuki: You’re asking me!? Hey, is it safe to talk about that?
Tamaki: I wonder. I’ll just say it and Mikki will decide later.
Mitsuki: I’m a bit worried now, but okay. Go ahead.
Tamaki: When I wasn’t sure if Sou-chan and I were doing alright, when I wasn’t sure if I was dependable enough.
Mitsuki: It’s barely safe. It’s because you two lacked communication. But since that time, you two started to face each other properly, right? Talk about anything, even the tiniest of details too.
Tamaki: Yeah. We tell each other what time we wake up, how many puddings I’ve eaten, how many times Iorin talks about Usamimi Friends, and how many times Rikkun looks at me and smiles.
Mitsuki: That sounds like a girl’s diary though, but I guess you two will be fine if you tell each other even those details! (lol) I feel like you’re saying too much but if it’s the two of you, that’s important, huhー.
Tamaki: Sou-chan always reports things to me too.
Mitsuki: Seriously!? I wonder what kind of reports he gives!
Tamaki: About when he eats lunch or when he has lessons. I’m always with him during those times though, so it’s meaningless.
Mitsuki: That sounds like Sougo, but it’s kinda adorable…
Tamaki: You spoil Sou-chan too much.
Mitsuki: That’s not it! I think about you two a lot. You two are like the two classmates who never talk with each other. But now the two of you sing together, producing the best harmony. That’s so amazing!
Tamaki: Well. Ryuu-aniki said that the best partners that are perfectly compatible right from the get-go doesn’t exist, so I’m trying hard little by little.
Mitsuki: That’s admirable! You keep true to your senpai’s words.
Tamaki: If I don’t, the extremist will go on a rampage and it’s scary…
Mitsuki: Extremist?
Tamaki: It’s a secret! Ryuu-aniki said that TRIGGER didn’t get along at first. But now, they’re ultimate comrades that can’t be replaced. He said that’s why Sou-chan and I will get there someday.
Mitsuki: Tsunashi-san is a wonderful person, isn’t he?
Tamaki: He is aniki after all.
Mitsuki: I know. I want to know how it feels to be protected by him.
Tamaki: If I had a big brother, I would want him to be like Mikki or Ryuu-aniki.
Mitsuki: You’re counting me too!?
Tamaki: Mikki’s food is delicious. And even when you get angry, you’re always nice.
Mitsuki: What’s with you all of sudden? You don’t have to praise me just because we’re doing an interview right now!
Tamaki: That’s not it. Iorin, Rikkun, and Nagicchi don’t feel like a big brother. The lunch boxes Yama-san makes for me are always cute but he takes my pudding sometimes. And Sou-chan pays too much attention to details.
Mitsuki: So you chose me because of that! (lol) But thanks!
Tamaki: The thing you said about classmates earlier was right. I think if we’re classmates I’d get along with Mikki first. Then Nagicchi, Rikkun, Iorin. Next is Yama-san. Then last is Sou-chan.
Mitsuki: To think that you can produce such beautiful songs with Sougo, the last person you thought you’d get along with. MEZZO"’s future has no limits! Let’s work hard as IDOLiSH7 too!
Tamaki: Yeah, bring it on.
Mitsuki: Now, lastly! Your message to your fans!
Tamaki: Thanks for always supporting IDOLiSH7 and MEZZO". After reading this photobook, you should watch over me more. I will work hard with Sou-chan and the IDOLiSH7 members, so that I can make everyone even happier.
proofread: @ousama-pudding scans: @carefreejules thx for always!!
I expect a collab with kokona soon, bamco
Thanks for reading!💙
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Can you please write a scenario with kuramochi, chris, miyuki with a soul mate au??
Ahh soulmate au
Kuramochi Youichi
He thought it would look okay, but mostly he wantedsomething different.  Something that made people look at him and payattention.  He knew he shouldn’t do it, however.  Even as he went outto buy the box of dye, he knew he shouldn’t turn his hair blond. 
In the back of his mind the knowledge that his soulmatewould suffer the repercussions was there.  His soulmate, wherever theywere, were never too far from his mind.  But he was frustrated and angryand wanted to feel like people could see just by looking at him.  So hedid it, he turned his hair yellow and felt pretty good about himself.
At least until three days later whenhe woke up to find streaks of pink in his hair.  He knew instantlythat his soulmate had had their revenge.  Strangely enough, instead ofirritating him, he only laughed, because really, turn about was fairplay.  He deserved it, and pink streaks achieved what had been his goal inthe first place.  Certainly, everyone looked at him.
He didn’t mind them, because they reminded him of hissoulmate and he grinned every time he looked in the mirror.  His friends,while he still thought of them as friends, mocked him mercilessly, but hedidn’t care.  It was worth it in his opinion, just to be able to see aphysical manifestation of you every day.
His hair grew out, and he did nothing to stop it.  Thepink only became an issue when it came time to think of high schools, but hisreputation already destroyed any chance of going to school in Chiba anyway, hishair didn’t really add or detract from that.  When the scout from Seidoucame and giggled behind a hand, he was a little embarrassed, but he could putit aside because a school like Seidou had offered for him.
Of course, he couldn’t start his new life in Tokyo with pinkand blond hair so right before he left he chopped it all off.  His headfelt weird with short hair, but he had to admit, it was nice having his normalgreen-brown color back, and the short, spiky style suited him.
Still, the loss of reminder of his soulmate hurt alittle.  He still had the mark on his wrist, a single character thatrepresented part of his soulmate’s first name, and he was glad for that but… hecouldn’t help but feel a little sad.
He waited impatiently for the day when the character wouldburn, letting him know his soulmate was in the vicinity.  He missed you,even though he didn’t know you.  Who knew, maybe he would find you inTokyo?
Of course, even though this possibility was there, he wasn’tat all prepared when it actually happened.  He was a little too busytrying to prove himself on the field, as well as putting up with one MiyukiKazuya, to pay any attention to the tingle in his in wrist. 
But then, on the first day of school, in the middle of anargument with Miyuki, he heard it, and finally felt the burning in his wrist.
“So you got rid of it… I’m actually pretty glad.  I cannotimagine you with blond hair.”
Kuramochi tensed, hands curling at his side as he slowlyturned away from Miyuki to face the person talking.  His eyes widened asthey landed on you, and in a profoundly cliché way, he forgot how tobreathe.  “I-It’s you!” He squeaked.
You smiled, tilting your head as you devoured the sight ofhim.  He was so handsome, in a wild, feral and sharp kind of way. Your heart beat faster, rejoicing in your luck at finding your soulmate on thefirst day of school.  “It’s me,” you acknowledged.  “Though I have toask, what on earth possessed you to go blond?  Also, it looked horribleon me, thank you very much.”
A grin spread like wild fire across his face and before youknew it, you were scooped up into his arms.  He squeezed you tightly, lettingout a loud, happy cackle that was so distinctive it made you laugh along withhim.  “Sorry, it was a tough time,” he murmured into your ear.  “Butit doesn’t matter now.  I’m Kuramochi Youichi, what’s your name?”
“______ ______,” you replied, pulling back from him a bitbecause class was going to start soon.  “Let’s catch up at lunch, ne?”
His grin was so wide it was almost blinding.  “You gotit!”
What a wonderful life he’d found here in Tokyo. Kuramochi was so glad he’d chosen to come here.
“Hahahahaha, you blond hair in middle school?”Miyuki’s nasally laugh sounded.  “You were really a yankee!”
“Shut up!”
 Takigawa Chris Yuu
He’d known your name his whole life, like everyone with asoulmate.  But knowing a name didn’t really mean anything.  Therewere probably hundreds of people with the same name.  When he thoughtabout it like that, he got a little depressed.  You could be anywhere inthe world, how was he ever supposed to find you?
Being prone to depression wasn’t new for him, it happenednow and then, usually triggered by something specific.  Usually you,because he couldn’t help but feel hopeless at the enormity of it all. Everyone had a soulmate, but not everyone found them.  Sometimes fate wasvicious.
He had your name, but that was it.  He’d never felteven a faint echo of your pain, which was unusual, because every child hurtthemselves at least a few times.  He was happy, on one hand, that you’dbeen blessed not to have to experience it, but it would have been nice to feeleven that part of you.  He couldn’t help but wonder if there were otherreasons for not feeling your pain.
Maybe you were already dead.
No.  No.  He would not think likethat.  He would not let himself be sucked into morbidity.  There wasnothing to prove that anyway, and he couldn’t be that unlucky.
Except that he was.  Early in his second year he’dseverely damaged his arm, thus relegating himself to the position of manager onthe team.  It was so hard watching Miyuki take over his position, aposition he’d worked hard for, and Miyuki was a first year.  But he was sotalented… Chris knew that he’d probably never regain his starting position,even if he managed to rehabilitate his shoulder.    This crushedhim even further.
But then, just when he was sure he couldn’t take the agonyany longer, he felt it.  A tiny prick of pain in the back of hishand.  He looked down at the appendage, sure he’d accidently touchedsomething sharp, but found nothing.  There was only the usual smooth,lightly tanned skin.  The prick came again, a little sharper this time, anecho of someone sticking themselves with a needle or a push pin, and he heldhis breath.
That’s when he realized it didn’t feel like hispain.  It was something else, something deeper, something that drewhim.  It was your pain, and he felt his heart flutter.
It was strange though, because it wasn’t the kind of painone got accidentally.  Accidental bumps and bruises didn’t usuallytransfer through to one’s soulmate – it had to be fairly serious pain. But it was a strange area for a serious wound…  Chris frown as he staredat his hand, mind working furiously. 
Was it possible?  Did you hurt yourself… on purpose? Were you trying to reach out to him in the only way you knew how?
It seemed impossible, but he wanted to cling to it. Cling to the idea that you were thinking about him.  He hated the idea ofyour hurting yourself for him, but it warmed him greatly.  It wasrelieving, either way, to know that you were out there waiting for him afterall.
That little bit was enough to strengthen him.  Christhrew himself into training and healing his shoulder.  Even if he didn’tget to play again in high school, there would be university, and his dreamwasn’t completely dead.  He let his father hype him up, let him push himto continue even when the pain and frustration was at its worst. 
He didn’t feel your pain again, but that was okay.  Itwas even better, because he didn’t want you hurting.  He suffered enoughfor the both of you, and it was bad enough that you were probably gettingfeedback from him.
He didn’t make the team in his final summer, but he had longaccepted that.  It was enough, for now, that he got to nurture thepromising young pitcher with more passion than smarts.  He stayed with theteam until the devastating game with Inashiro then retired peacefully tocontinue his work.
Studying was hard, but he thrived in it, and in the end, gotinto all the schools he chose.  He wondered sometimes, where you haddecided to go, if you were old enough for university, if you were alreadythere.  He wondered how he was going to meet you, and when.  He couldadmit to some impatience.  His soul longed for you, his other half, and heneeded you.
His chosen university was big, and he got lost easily, evenseveral weeks into the new year.  He’d just turned a corner, head down andstaring at the map on his phone when he felt himself collide withsomeone.  Luckily, it wasn’t hard, just enough to have him look up.
He gasped as he did, and heard the sound mirrored.  Itwas you.  He could tell instantly.  Somehow he just knewthat it was his soulmate that stood before him.
You stared at him with wide eyes, seemingly frozen. But then you moved, stepping back into his space and running your fingers alongthe hem of his jacket.  “Are you okay?” You whispered, fear tinging yourtone.  “You hurt for so long… I thought… I thought I might lose you therefor a while.”
Chris did not consider himself a particularly brave person,but he threw caution to the wind then, lifting his hands to frame your face. “I’m sorry you had to suffer that… and I’m sorry you had to hurt yourself topull me out,” he spoke very softly, leaning his head so that his foreheadpressed to yours.  “You saved me.”
A tremulous smile crawled over your face, and your eyesshone as they looked at him.  “I’m so glad.”
Chris returned your smile.  “Me too.”
Miyuki Kazuya
He’d never admit it out loud, but he lived for the momentswhen he got snippets of you.  A drop of joy here, a flash of frustrationthere.  They were such normal emotions, human and real, and they made himfeel less alone.  Especially before high school when he had no realfriends and was always alone.
He wondered how much you got from him – he wasn’t someonewho felt in large amounts, and what he did feel wasn’t even real half thetime.  So maybe you didn’t get anything from him.
And that was fine.  He wasn’t sure how he felt aboutanyone knowing what was inside of him, even you.  It was bad enough thatKuramochi usually just guessed.  It had taken him a long time to trust theother boy, and while he wanted to trust you, since you were his soulmate, hefound he just couldn’t quite do it.  There was a part of him that recoiledaway from the idea of trusting someone he didn’t really know.
What he did know about you though, he liked, but again, hewasn’t sure he liked it because he was destined to, or because he actuallydid.  There was a kindness in you, one that radiated, but you had fire –he could tell.  And you were strong.  You pulsed like a beaconthrough the connection you shared with him.
He kind of wished his soulmark had your name, butalas.  He stared at it sometimes, the abstract, winding circle on theinside of his right write.  It would tell him when he found you – at leastthat’s what every bit of lore and information about it said.  It wouldburn and ache when you were near and stop when you touched it.  He hopedit didn’t happen at a stupid time, like when he was playing a game orsomething.  That would be inconvenient…
Generally emotions from you were fleeting, flaring brightlyfor a moment before fading away just as quickly.  However, when the giantmoron from Seiko ran him over, he felt a sustained rush of panic course throughhim.  It shouldn’t have made him smile, especially not when his side hurtso damn bad, but it did.  Because with it, he knew you cared, and he stillwasn’t quite used to people caring about him.
At that moment, after soaking up your concern, he sent awave of calming as best as he knew how.  He’d never done it before andactually didn’t really know how, but found that if he concentrated on you, onthe feelings you were sending, the return emotion just flowed out of him.
He did wish, however, that he could talk to you.  Thesuffering he experienced trying to hold it all in so none of his teammatesnoticed was difficult to bear.  If you were there, he might have toldyou.  In the end, he had to make due with Kuramochi low-key threateninghim in his supporting mother-hen way.
It didn’t matter, he got what he wanted, they won and theywent to Spring Koshien and everyone was happy.
Well, actually, the older he got, the lonelier hefelt.  As he grew into adulthood he thought about you more and more. It wasn’t that he wanted a significant other exactly – that meant morehassle, and having to answer to someone.  But he could admit, to himselfonly, that there was a squiggle of something needy in his gut all thesame.  That something told him to hurry up and find you so he could buryhis face in your neck and breathe you in.
He always told himself that when he felt that telltale burnin his wrist, he’d be relaxed about it.  He wouldn’t rush or scramble –he’d find you, or he’d wait.  Seemed pretty easy when he made thedecision.
But when it actually happened, everything wasdifferent.  He’d been drafted by the Giants, and made the main team, ifnot the starting roster.  Just before his first game of the season hiswrist started to itch.  He was sitting in the dugout, absently rubbing athis wrist when one of his teammates asked him what was wrong.  That waswhen he realized what he was doing and what he was feeling, and it was likehe’d been struck by lightning.
He thought he’d known agony in his life – being beaten up asa child, getting run over by the Seiko monster, but these things were nothingcompared to the agony of waiting out the game.  His wrist burned fierytorment the whole time and he sat, unable to keep still, to the point that histeammates laughed at him.
It was embarrassing, to say the least, but he wasn’tthinking about that.  He was thinking about you and getting to you andsomehow making sure you didn’t leave the stadium before he could find you amongthe thousands of people.  He tried throwing feelings at you, but had noidea whether or not he’d got through.
Surely if he felt you, then you felt him?  You wouldn’tleave without trying to find him?
By the end of the game his skin felt like it was trying tocrawl off.  It was truly awful, and Miyuki was glad he only had to gothrough this once in his life.  As soon as he was free to do so, he tookoff, dodging around people as he searched and searched. 
The burning got worse.  That meant you were closerright?  You were nearby?
“Oh dear, this is a fine frenzy you’ve whipped yourselfinto.”
Miyuki froze, his entire chest constricting.  Thatvoice…
“You’re always so closed off, there were moments I wonderedif you were even real,” the voice continued on a sigh.  “But here you are,panicking like you thought I was actually going to leave without finding you…”
Swallowing, Miyuki took a deep breath and slowly turnedaround. 
You gasped as he came around, eyes widening dramatically ashe fully faced you.  “You… why are you so beautiful?”
Whatever he was expecting, that certainly wasn’tit.  Miyuki flushed, unsure of how to react.  You sounded moreexasperated than anything, like you couldn’t quite believe it.  Did youhate that he was attractive?  There were lots of times in his life that hewished he wasn’t, and he hated being called beautiful, althoughstrangely a lot less when the word was coming from your lips- “…What?”
You flushed and turned your face away, burying it yourhands.  “Oh god, I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean that how it sounded.”
The laugh was up and out of him before he could stopit.  “Oho, and how did you mean it~?” He drawled, moving closer.
“I don’t know!” You squeaked.  “Can we just startover?”
“You mean at the point where you were, quite rudely,pointing out my panic attack?” Miyuki teased, sliding even closer, so close hecould feel the heat of your body. 
You peeked out of your fingers, narrowing your eyes. “You were the one drowning me with it,” you grouched.
“Well, I did have to sit the whole game feeling youand being unable to do anything about it,” he retorted, reaching out to curlhis fingers around your wrist to pull your hand away from your face. “It’s a good thing I didn’t have to play.”
“How do you think I felt?” You returned, using his hold onyour wrist as an excuse to close the remaining distance between you.  “Ispent the whole game looking for you.  I never imagined you would be inthe dugout.”
“Never imagined?” Miyuki grinned terribly, leaningforward.  “I… I think I have to kiss you now.  Can I…?”
You sighed, eyes drifting half closed.  “I think I’lldie if you don’t.”
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sf9pentagoner · 7 years
embarrased. - a kino scenario (ptg)
Author: Kas Group/Idol: Pentagon, Kang Hyunggu/Kino Word Count: 653 Prompt:  Can i request a scenario where you’re an idol who Kino has a crush on since you debuted and you suddenly announced on a show ur group and pentagon was in that your favorite member of Pentagon is Kino because he’s handsome and dances so good? Notes: my first piece for this blog wowowowo im excited.  many fluffy goodness here :) and a lot of embarrassed hyunggu lol 
“Well, I’d have to say that my favorite Pentagon member is Kino,” you announced.  “It’s because he’s really handsome and an amazing dancer too.  I voted for him a bunch in Pentagon Maker.”
Hyunggu was in awe.  His idol crush, the one who he admired since her debut, said that he was her favorite member?  Out of all of the amazing members, she chose him?  She said that live, in front of all of Korea and the world.  Not to mention, in front of him too.  Yuto came up to him close and whispered, “Ooh. She probably likes you back.”
Kino waved him off out of embarrassment and went to go greet your group, who just got off of stage.  He first went up to all your other members, then you last.  He bowed and greeted you.
“Hi!  Um, thank you so much.  I appreciate the praise you gave me, ___.  I really love your music and your group, and I look up to you very much so.” Hyunggu said to you.     I really love you too, he thought as he said his goodbyes to you.  
The next day, Hyunggu was watching that scene over and over again on his phone, Hui snuck up behind him, scaring him as he yelled, “Boo!”
“Oh my gosh, you scared me!” Hyunggu responded, startled.  After responding, he quickly shoved his earbuds back on his ear to watch the scene again.
“Whatcha watching Kino?” Hui asked, curious as he plopped in the seat next to Kino.
Kino quickly shut off his phone as he said, “Nothing.  I’m just, um, playing a game.” Great job Hyunggu, he thought.
“Kinooooooooooo stop lying, I know you were watching ___’s group on the show that we were on last night.” Hui teased, “Just grow the balls to ask her out, jeez!  She likes you!  She certainly wasn’t hiding it last night.”
“Hey, hyung, shut up.  She doesn’t like me back.  You guys teasing me doesn’t help a lot either,” Kino said, as he went back to watching the video.  Hui pulled the earbuds from his ear, “She loooooooooves you, ya know.”  
Shinwon peeked into the room, “You know she’s performing here today, why don’t you go talk to her?  Or do you want me to bring her here instead because from the way I see it, you’re gonna be a chicken and not go to her.”
That triggered him to quickly shoot up from his seat and run to where her waiting room was, “Shinwon-hyung, I am not a chicken, you’ll see!”
He was cringing at himself after he said that though, he knew that he probably wouldn’t do anything anyways.  
As he arrived to your area, he knocked on the door quietly.  One of your members answered, “Hey Kino, what’s up?  Here to see ___?”
“How’d you know?” he asked, out of breath.  It was a long run from his area to yours.  
“I just know.” she smiled, “____-unnie, Kino from Pentagon’s here!”  she called out.
You ran out to see him; you liked him very much too, although you didn’t know he liked you back.  You really meant what you said up there yesterday.  
“Hey, um, how’s th-” Hyunggu started, as he saw your smile.  Your smile made him ever so speechless
 “Hey, Kino!  What’s up?” you smiled, while looking into his eyes.  His eyes were sparkling.
 Your smile motivated him to ask the longing questiong.  He caught his breath and looked at you, smiling with a big grin on his face, “Hey, ____, um, you know, you’re really sweet, you’re really talented, you’re really, um, beautiful in all of your aspects and, um, I was wondering if, um, you’d, y’know, go out with me sometime.  You don’t have to say yes I-”
 You cut him off and grabbed his hand, “Of course, Hyunggu, I would love to go out with you.  Are you free tomorrow?”
 Kino smiled and gripped your hand tighter, “Yeah, what about some coffee?”
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