#this is the perfect night for a horror movie I’ve never seen
juniperhillpatient · 5 months
omg I’ve been wanting to watch Wrong Turn 2003 forever but it always seems to be “unavailable” so I just checked YouTube & it’s there🥺 I’m so excited because ALL I know is that this is a horror movie with Eliza Dushku & I do see it referenced frequently in slasher circles. that’s it. so I’m going in blind which is my favorite way to go into movies
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kiss-theggoat · 1 year
I wanna know your opinion on billy loomis getting jealous bc his s/o was hanging out with someone else more often
A/N: Thank you for this request and I can’t handle writing for Billy I’m so in love with him it’s crazy 🧍🏻‍♀️ I might do a pt. 2 to this 😍
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Eyes on Me
Billy Loomis X Reader
Word Count: 1K
Summary: Billy hates how much attention you give to that nerd, Randy Meeks.
TW: Possessive Billy, Suggestive, Mainly fluff/domestic stuff
It was a perfect, stormy October evening. You and your beautiful boyfriend Billy had decided to have a night in, watching scary movies and indulging in all of your favorite sweets and snacks. So, in preparation for this date, you two decided it’d be cute to go out and shop for a little bit as couple. Your first destination was the grocery store, where you picked up some popcorn and your favorite candies, watching as Billy tossed one too many chocolate bars into the basket you carried in the crook of your elbow.
And now, you held hands as you browsed through the horror section of the video store, eyes fondly scanning all of the cheesy and brightly colored covers of all the movies on display.
“Hmm…what about The Exorcist?” You asked, grabbing the tape and showing it to Billy, just to be met with his usual unimpressed shrug.
“Just saw it the other night.” He tells you, grabbing a different movie and flipping it over to read the back cover. You set the tape back down and decided to look around the store to see if Randy was working, and to your delight, you saw the spiky haired cinephile just a few feet away, pushing around a cart of rom coms.
“Randy!” You called out, completely abandoning Billy where he stood. Randy stood still for a moment and looked around, seeming alarmed at having his name called until his eyes landed on you. He’d had a crush on you almost the entire year, but he knew better than to mess with Billy.
“Oh hey!” He said fondly, leaning against the cart. “What’s going on?” He asked, immediately cursing himself afterwards for sounding so awkward.
You smiled, motioning towards Billy. “Not much. Just picking out a movie to watch.”
Randy could feel the anger behind Billy’s gaze, his dark brown eyes burning into the side of his face. “O-oh uhm…what are you guys looking for?” Randy asked, even though he already knew.
Billy walked up behind you and snaked a tight arm around your lower waist, yanking you against his body. “Horror.” He said, eyes not moving away from poor Randy’s terrified face.
Randy cleared his throat and gave you a quick glance, but you seemed to be completely oblivious to Billy’s display of ownership. “We uhm…we just got a new slasher in... I’ve never seen it, but it looks pretty good….”
“What? A slasher movie that Randy Meeks has never seen?” You asked with a teasing tone, eyes still focused on Randy. This had Billy absolutely fuming. “We’ll take that one. And I can finally spoil a movie for you for once, not the other way around.” You joked. Randy let out an awkward laugh and knelt down to the bottom shelf of the cart he was pushing, grabbed a tape and handed it to you. It was covered in neon colors, bright red, and a dramatic font splayed across the front.
“Hm. Looks interesting.” You said, setting it down in the basket you held. “Thanks Randy! Hey, I’ll see you at school on Monday!” You said happily, walking back over to the horror section without a second thought about the interaction, not knowing that both men were feeling the tension.
Billy kept a tight arm around your waist and when you got back to the horror section, he whispered so close to you that you could feel his lips against the shell of your ear. “What the hell was that?”
You jumped at the intrusion, turning around to face him, face scrunched in confusion. “What the hell was what?”
“Flirting with Meeks.” He said sternly, eyes dark and lips pressed into a disapproving sneer.
“Flirting with Meeks?” You almost laughed at how surprised you were.
“You talk to him like you just sucked his dick.”
Okay, now that caught you off guard. At first you thought this was sort of funny and a little cute. Billy being a little jealous, but the way he said that to you made you feel…disrespected. You backed up a step and scoffed.
“Billy, what the hell? Randy and I are friends. I’m not allowed to say hi to him?”
Billy rolled his eyes and grabbed another movie off the shelf, tossing it into the basket. He ignored you, a classic Billy comeback.
You grabbed onto Billy’s bicep and shook his arm a little bit, a little, sly smile sneaking onto your face. “You’re so cute when you’re jealous, Billy.”
“I’m not jealous of Meeks.” He grumbled, his back still towards you despite your mighty effort to get him to face you.
“Oh? You’re not? Maybe I should watch movies with Randy then. I’m sure he’d like to come over and sit with us…eat some snacks…maybe we could-“
Before you could finish your thought, Billy grabbed the top of your forearm, finally turning to face you. His grip didn’t hurt, but it was definitely firm. The look in his eyes made shivers go down your spine, and he leaned closer to your face, allowing his breath to fan across your forehead as he spoke to you.
“You just wait until we’re alone.” His tone was low and his voice was gravelly. You felt warmth pool between your legs, and you shyly averted your gaze from Billy’s oppressive stare, but Billy wasn’t having it. His fingers gripped your chin and you felt a slight ache radiate up your cheeks as he yanked your face back towards his.
“Eyes on me.”
As you caught his eyes, you could see and feel the lust behind them, and he leaned closer to you, his hand moving down from your chin, slowly trailing to your neck down the side of your chest and finally resting on your hip. “You’ll be lucky if you make it home.” He growled, pushing you back slightly by the hip. He walked away towards the counter where Randy stood, ringing up another customer.
He left you in the horror aisle, mouth open and face beet red, feeling like you could practically combust at any moment from how he’d just spoken to you. Maybe you’d have to make Billy jealous more often….
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galamalion · 6 months
┈ ✧.* romance in the red line
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┈ ✧.* summary﹕You and Nami attend Vivi's well-planned sleepover, and meet a new face the next day.
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╰┈➤ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ pairing﹕one piece x fem!reader
┈ ✧.* chapters﹕[i] [ii] [iii] [iv] [v]
╰┈➤ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ w/c﹕4.1k
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┈ ✧.* chapter v﹕three's a crowd
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“Wow, Vivi…” You took a deep breath in, marveling at the architectural wonder before you. “This is…”
“Totally awesome?” Nami chimed in, looking around the room.
“I was gonna say that it rivals the work of Michaelangelo, but that works too…” you replied.
Vivi crouched down and crawled into the blanket-pillow fort, poking her head out and looking up at the two of you.
“Feel free to come in! There are many snacks for us to share and movies to watch!” Vivi said cheerily, tucking herself back into the fort.
Both of you crawled after her, choosing your spots within and diving straight into the generously provided snacks.
Nami shoved a handful of pretzels in her mouth, “You’ve really outdone yourself, Vivi.”
“For sure,” you added. “Having a sleepover wasn’t on my college to-do list, but it definitely should have been.”
“And without the boys!” Nami cheered, kicking her legs excitedly. “No Luffy here to eat all the food!”
Vivi smiled at you both, “I’m glad you are enjoying the sleepover! I don’t have any siblings, so I have perfected the art of fort-making from a young age…”
“Well, that’s what friends are for!” You took a couple pretzels from the bowl. “Now we can do all sorts of things you couldn’t do back then.”
“And we can drink!” Nami interrupted, stealing a pretzel from you.
You rolled your eyes, moving over to the laptop to pick a movie, “I’ll leave the drinking to you, Nami.”
“Really?” she snickered. “You seemed pretty open to it when we were at the Baratie. If I can remember correctly, Sanji had to carry you back to the dorm…”
“How the hell would you know that?” you gaped, crossing your arms defensively. “You drank more than I did!”
Nami laughed, crossing her arms proudly, “I can hold my liquor pretty well, for your information! I’ve outdrank at least 30 grown men before!”
“What an accomplishment, Nami!” Vivi clapped.
You grimaced at Vivi’s cheeriness, “Don’t congratulate her for that, Vi…”
“Any more interesting bits of information from you, ____? A story we’ve yet to hear, maybe a long lost love? Or perhaps you and Sanji…”
“Nope, not a thing,” you quickly countered.
“Oh, you’re no fun!” Nami pouted.
You were quick to bring this party back on track, and away from your own personal life, moving to the laptop to search for movies.
“Alright, what are we thinking, gang? Romance? Comedy? Horror?”
Nami made a gagging noise, “Ew, no horror, please. I’m here for a good night, not a nightmare-filled one.”
“I do love romance!” Vivi said excitedly, looking over your shoulder with Nami at the selection of movies.
“Also, I want something classic!” Nami reached for the laptop, scrolling endlessly for movies. “And no superhero stuff, or future-y stuff.”
“Ok, well, we’ve got Clueless, Mean Girls, 10 Things I Hate About You…”
“10 Things I Hate About You!” Nami shrieked, reaching over and clicking on the movie before you could stop her.
Vivi gave Nami a confused look, “I’ve never seen it before, is it good?”
Nami scoffed, “Only the best romance movie of all time! Trust me, Vi, you’re in for a treat.”
“Agreed,” you added, “it’s at least in the top ten best movies of all time.”
“Make that top five,” Nami corrected, leaning back into the pillows.
“I’m glad to be experiencing it, then!” Vivi cheered, joining Nami in her cushioned throne.
You cracked your knuckles, “Alright, ladies! Movie’s starting now, I expect all phones to be silenced and all mouths to be zipped! Now, please enjoy the show.”
“Ok, mom,” Nami quipped, throwing her arms behind her head.
“You wish I was your mom.”
“Nuh uh, my mom’s already the greatest mom, like, ever!" Nami hissed, sticking her tongue out at you.
“Yeah, I already know, we had a fantastic time last night.” You grinned, copying Nami’s pose.
You earned a pillow to the face for that joke.
“I knew it! They belonged together from the start!” Vivi sobbed as the credits rolled, throwing her face into a nearby pillow and staining it with her tears.
“It’s a romantic comedy, Vi,” you said, pinching your nose, “you’re not supposed to be crying.”
Vivi’s lip wobbled, “I can’t help it…”
“Shh…there, there, Vi,” Nami cooed, rubbing the poor girl’s shoulders. “Be nice, ____! It was her first time seeing the movie of a lifetime.”
“It was a romantic comedy, ” you groaned, laying down in the mass of pillows.
Nami hummed, giving Vivi her blanket before collapsing down beside you.
“Tell you what, girls,” Nami yawned, pulling her sleeping mask over her head. “We absolutely need to go shopping soon. I know we all need a break after this heart-wrenching cinematic experience.”
“It was a fucking romantic comedy!”
“Well, so was the Fault in our Stars, and I cried at that!”
“You’re supposed to!” you yelled, hitting Nami with a pillow, “it’s not a comedy!”
“Comedy, shmomedy,” Nami shrugged, “you in for a shopping trip, Vi?”
Vivi smiled, her blanket pulled up to her chin, “Yes, it sounds very fun! I would love to go out with the two of you again!”
“Well, I suppose that depends on our little roomie,” Nami smiled devilishly, turning towards you. “You in, ____?”
You grimaced as the two girls looked at you expectantly, waiting for an answer you didn’t want to give. Nami’s eyes were dark and knowing, while Vivi’s were light and full of happiness, unaware that Nami would probably coerce her into paying. You were more than capable of saying no to Nami, but Vi? A world with a sad Vivi was a world you couldn’t bear to live in.
“...How about Friday evening, after classes?” you muttered.
“Perfect!” Nami cheered, sliding the sleeping mask down to cover her eyes. “I’ll see you girls then. Just text me when you two are out of class and we can head out!”
“A terrific plan!” Vivi said, snuggling into her pillow. “I will see you both in the morning, good night!”
“Yeah, night, Vi,” you murmured to yourself, fearing for the safety of your wallet.
And so you joined their roommates in their quests for sleep, shutting your eyes and curling up in the mound of blankets and pillows surrounding you, giving you a very cushioned send off to the world of dreams.
“...up, ____,” a voice mumbled above you, though you were hardly able to make out their words on account of the pillows smothering your ears.
Instead of responding, you just rolled to your side and pulled the fluffy comforter over your body, deciding that whatever the person was trying to tell you wasn’t worth it. You could decipher it in a minute, or five. Hell, why not just make it ten?
“Wake up!” the voice, now shouting, called out.
The dull pain in your ears was nothing compared to the unexpected pain in your face as a pillow hurled at top speed smacked you in the head.
“Hey!” you shrieked, clutching your cheek and looking around frantically. Nami stood above you, fully dressed with a hand on her hip, brows furrowed. 
“Are you kidding me? How many times are we gonna have to wake you up?” she huffed, throwing a pile of clothes at you. “You’re lucky I set my alarm for earlier, you still have time to get ready.”
“My savior,” you groaned, examining the clothes laid before you. “Thanks for the clothes, though.”
Nami certainly had style, and it wasn’t hard to see with her daily outfits. What she picked for you chic, but comfortable enough to walk to your classes in, and wasn’t that the college dream?
“Oh it’s nothing, just something I threw together for you,” she giggled. “Vi’s in the shower right now, so once she’s done and dressed we can head out, ‘kay?”
“Got it, girl boss.” You rose from the jumbled mess of pillows and blankets and stepped carefully over to the closed bathroom door, gingerly knocking.
“Vi, it’s me! Mind if I come in for a sec?” you called out.
A muffled ‘yes’ came from the other side, so you creaked the door open and stepped inside with your bundle of clothes, doing your best to get dressed as quickly as possible.
“Sorry for the intrusion, Vivi,” you apologized, slinging the top over your shoulders.
“Ah, it’s no problem, really!” she said from behind the glass walls of the shower. “I hope you had a good night’s rest after our sleepover.”
You scoffed, “Oh, believe me, the rest was wonderful. It was the wake up call that sucked.”
Vivi laughed heartily, the sound echoing in the cramped bathroom, “This is the second time Nami has woken you up, yes? I am glad I missed this time, the first was quite…brutal.”
“Be lucky you’re not on her bad side, Vi,” you snorted, pulling your phone out.
Aside from notifications from games and emails, you did have a couple unread texts from Sanji this morning.
| Mr. Prince: Good morning Sleeping Beauty!!!!! | Mr. Prince: &lt;333333333 Read 8:12 AM | You: lol i swear you say the same thing every morning | You: do all the women in your life get the princess treatment? | Mr. Prince: Just you! | Mr. Prince: I swear princess <33333 | You: swear your loyalty to me and i’ll believe you | Mr. Prince: ;3; | Mr. Prince: If it means earning your love… | Mr. Prince: I’ll do it!!!! | You: lol i’m just kidding | You: pls don’t do anything rash | Mr. Prince: ;3; | You: go forth and take care of every princess!! | You: that is my command | Mr. Prince: You are too kind!! | Mr. Prince: I wilokgopp;;;;;
You raised an eyebrow as Sanji’s final text, clearly too disordered to be anything except for a violet keyboard smash.
| You: did you die prince charming? | You: it’s only like 8 in the morning lol | Mr. Prince: its zoro | Mr. Prince: sanji needs to get ready so im taking his phone away | Mr. Prince: see u guys at 9 | Mr. Prince: Attachment (1) Image
The picture featured was a selfie of Zoro and a very angry Sanji, the latter attempting to wrestle the phone out of the former’s hands. You could also make out a very blurry Luffy crawling over a horrified Usopp in the background, clearly trying to be a part of the picture.
“I’ll give you some space, Vi,” you said, exiting the bathroom and making your way over to Nami amongst the mess of comforters.
“I got a text from Sanji—well, from Zoro, technically. They’re planning on heading down at nine, if that’s cool,” you said, sitting beside her.
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Nami responded, scrolling through her phone. “We’ll probably have a few minutes to kill, depending on how fast Vivi can get ready.”
Vivi’s voice rang out from the bathroom, “I will be out shortly, do not worry!”
“Take your time, Vi!” you shouted back before turning to Nami. “Judging by Zoro’s texts, Sanji might be a while.”
“That tracks,” Nami sighed, a smile slowly forming on her face. “Knowing him, he’s probably ironing his suit right now.”
“Or curling his eyebrows.”
“Or waxing his shoes.”
Vivi’s head poked out of the bathroom, clearly trying to hold back her laughter.
“Perhaps,” she giggled, “he is powdering his nose!”
The room was silent for a second before the three of you burst into laughter, doubling over at your stupid jokes. You could afford wasting a couple of minutes to laugh, unknowing that the boys were, indeed, waiting for Sanji to finish ironing his suit.
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“Pancakes aren’t that bad, Vi,” Nami said, drizzling her stack of pancakes in tangerine syrup. “You just gotta add what you like on top!”
“Yeah, Vivi!” Luffy said, voice muffled as he stuffed his face with his seventh pancake. “You’ve got syrup, sugar, butter, ice cream, gravy, meat—”
“You can’t put meat on pancakes, Luffy,” you pointed out, sliding your plate further away from Luffy’s potential grasp.
“Sure you can!” Sanji said, carefully decorating his own stack. “There’s plenty of traditional recipes that utilize meat and ‘pancake’, though I’m not sure you could call every example a pancake…”
“I’m saying you can’t put meat on pancakes like how Luffy does it.” You gestured to Luffy’s plate, which consisted of pancakes with huge pieces of steak and chicken on top. 
“They’re not even serving steak right now!” Usopp hissed, looking at Luffy’s food with a mixture of awe and terror. “This is crazy! He’s crazy!”
“Pancakes don’t have any special nutritional benefits, but they are yummy,” Chopper remarked, taking a bite of his cotton candy-covered pancakes.
“I will stick to rice, but I thank you for your unique perspectives,” Vivi said, giving a polite smile to everyone.
“Here here,” Zoro agreed, taking a sip from his bottle.
“Stop drinking during breakfast, you have classes afterwards,” you whispered, nudging his shoulder.
“I’ll quit when I’m dead,” he responded unflinchingly, taking another swig.
You sighed, continuing to eat your meal amidst your chattering table of friends. Every conversation seemed to switch, both in topic and participants, every five minutes. You were able to catch details about the introduction of new majors—as if Grand Line didn’t have enough—as well as the topic of Luffy’s potential major.
“Come on, Luffy,” Usopp said, pointing his fork in Luffy’s direction, “you’re gonna have to choose a major soon. Why not try engineering?”
“I don’t wanna do math!” he pouted.
“You could do exercise science like Zoro,” Nami added. “Isn’t Ace doing something similar?”
Zoro hummed in agreement, “I think you’d like it, Luf. You’ve gotta learn a little bit, but you might like it.”
“But I don’t wanna copy Ace!” Luffy cried, shoveling more food into his mouth.
“If you’re interested in it, then you’re not copying,” you reassured. 
“But I’m not interested.”
The table sighed in unison, knowing that any hope of finding Luffy a major would be short-lived on account of his short attention span.
“Well, you can always talk to your advisor,” Sanji concluded, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “Or your brothers. They’re juniors, aren’t they? Should have plenty of experience.”
“Oh, yeah!” Luffy exclaimed, practically jumping out of his seat. “I bet Sabo would know what to do! He’s way smarter than Ace!”
“I wouldn’t say that out loud, Luf,” a blond man sitting behind Luffy said, turning to face your group. “You know how Ace gets when you compare us.”
Luffy’s momentary confused expression turned to one of glee as he tackled the man, grabbing onto him like a koala.
“Sabo!” he shrieked, earning the attention of nearly half the cafeteria.
“I think I remember something like this happening with the other brother,” Usopp grimaced, looking all around as if something would hit him at any moment.“Has he been there the whole time?” you whispered to Nami.
“I’ve only started sitting here since last week,” Sabo replied, giving you a knowing smile. “I heard Ace had a rather ostentatious entrance, so I thought I’d surprise Luffy in a little quieter way.”
“...I’m not sure you can call this quiet,” Nami said, watching Luffy squeeze Sabo rather violently.
“Does this mean Luffy’s off our hands?” Sanji asked, peeking over at the reunion.
Sabo seemed to think for a minute, looking between Luffy and your group, before saying, “I doubt he’ll let go in time for his classes, so I can take him for a bit.”
“Sounds good to me!” Nami cheered, standing up from the table. “We should all head to class anyway.”
“Have fun on your field trip, Luffy!” Vivi smiled, waving at Luffy before dashing out of the cafeteria with Nami.
You grabbed your plate and turned to Chopper, “Do you have class right now, Chopper? I’m heading over to the science building to talk to a professor before my biology lab, so we might be heading the same way.”
“I have my chemistry lab there in a bit!” Chopper said.
“Perfect, we can head over now.” You smiled, before thinking for a second. “Are you in organic chemistry, Chopper? Or are you in some higher class?”
“No, I’m still in general chemistry,” Chopper nodded excitedly, but then looked down at his feet. “I think I’m in your class…” 
“Oh, shit,” you blurted, feeling guilty. “Where do you sit? I don’t think I’ve seen you in class before…”
“In the front.”
Chopper blushed, looking embarrassed, “I can’t see when I sit in the back…”
“Well, I can sit up there with you tomorrow!” you offered. “If that’s not a problem, that is. It might be nice to have someone to talk to.”
“I’d like that!” Chopper smiled, picking up his bag. “But we should head over now, before all the spots get taken.”
You slung your bag over your shoulder, calling back to the table,  “See you guys later! Don’t let Luffy cause too much trouble, please!”
Sabo waved back, laughing, “I’ll do my best, but he can be unpredictable…”
“Hey!” Luffy shouted, “I’m 100% predictable!”
“That’s not—”
Before the conversation could grow into an uncontrollable argument, you escaped with Chopper in tow. Luffy may be unpredictable in seemingly every other aspect of life, but you could certainly predict how that was going to go. There would be no winners in that cafeteria, only poor, emotionally-scarred college students.
It’s truly amazing what you can learn from someone despite knowing them for less than a month.
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“I fucking hate chemistry, Chopper,” you deadpanned, feeling wrinkles etch on your face as you looked over the lab you’d gotten on Tuesday.
You’d been sitting at one of the few tables in the building, trying to get a start on your lab before Chopper finished completing the in-class portion of his, but you’d been struggling with question two for roughly the entirety of Chopper’s lab, leaving you feeling hopeless, even with the aid you’d received from the professor.
Chopper looked shocked, joining you at the table, “It’s not that bad! I promise it’ll get better, ____! If you want, I can help you study?”
“Truly, Chopper,” you sighed, “I think I’m a lost cause. But I’ll still take you up your offer.”
You dug your phone out of your pocket and opened your contacts, swapping info with Chopper. Another friend to add to the collection, and this one had inherent value to your major!
“Thanks, Chop.” You smiled, tucking your phone away. “I should probably head to my psych class now, so good luck with your lab.”
“Thank you, ____!” Chopper beamed, waving you goodbye.
Luckily, your psych class was in the next building over, so you didn’t have to worry about being late. In fact, the only thing you had to worry about was your chemistry lab. Psychology wasn’t too hard for you, especially back at South Blue High. It was basically just memorization—albeit a lot of memorization—that you didn’t really struggle with. Differentiating ideas could be a tad difficult, but nothing you couldn’t manage. Way better than chemistry, at least.
Your class wasn’t all too great, however. It was full of people who didn’t really want to talk to others, leading to incredibly bland discussion times. Their lack of enthusiasm killed your vibe, so despite the subject being a total snoozefest, you weren’t really looking forward—
“Hey, ____!” Luffy yelled, waving at you from a lone table near the back. 
Sitting beside your rambunctious friend was his brother, Sabo, who also gave you a polite wave.
“...Is this part of the field trip?” you asked Sabo.
“Well, I’m TA-ing for this class, so I thought it might help Luffy to learn about other subjects!” Sabo said, grinning.
“Wait, you’re the TA for this class?” You raised an eyebrow, setting your bag down at a nearby desk. “I didn’t see you on Wednesday, and you weren’t introduced either.”
Sabo leaned back in his chair, “It was a spur of the moment thing. I’m a sociology major, but I thought I might dabble in psychology. It’s fascinating, the mind, and what you can do with it…”
“You sound like a supervillain.”
“Me? A supervillain?” Sabo gasped, putting a hand over his heart. “I’ll have you know, I am the kindest, gentlest, utmost altruistic gentleman this world has ever seen! Isn’t that right, Luffy?”
Luffy blinked, not a single thought going on behind his eyes, “Sabo is totally awesome! One time Ace dared him to eat a caterpillar, and he did it!”
“...Gentleman, huh?” you snickered.
Sabo shrugged, his grin tugging at one end of his mouth, “What can I say, I was a strange child. But not as strange as Luffy…”
“Hey!” Luffy yelled, shaking Sabo violently as the latter laughed.
“Well, if you have any questions, just ask,” Sabo said, easily pushing Luffy off. “Though, you seem like a smart cookie, so I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”
“Or you could ask me!” Luffy shrieked, trying to push back against Sabo.
You laughed, finally taking your seat as class began. With Sabo and Luffy providing you company, the class wasn’t so bad. Sabo was nice to talk to during discussion times, as well as when you were filling out your notes—though it was slightly grating to hear your notes being critiqued. Luffy, despite being reprimanded by the professor multiple times, kept the mood of the entire class up. Luckily Sabo was good at smooth talking, or else Luffy would have probably been expelled. You can only break the same desk so many times before being a lost cause.
As soon as the clock struck 3:20, everyone filed out of the room. You left with Sabo and Luffy, making your way over to the cafeteria for dinner, though Sabo planned on showing Luffy one more class before officially ending their ‘field trip.’
“Has any class struck a chord with you, Luffy?” you asked, glancing over to your friend.
Luffy seemed to think for a moment before speaking, “Nope.”
“Seriously, Luf?” Sabo groaned, pulling on his hair. “Not even sociology? Come one, it’s awesome!”
“I hate sitting in a classroom all day!” Luffy pouted, dragging his feet as he walked. “I wanna do something cool, like being a firefighter!”
“Well, you can bring that up to your advisor,” you offered. “I’m sure there’s a degree that—”
“Fire Fist!”
You felt a tug on your waist as Sabo pulled you ever-so-slightly closer to him and away from Luffy, and within an instant you understood why. Hurling towards Luffy at top speeds was Ace, who tackled Luffy and sailed into the nearby grass patch.
“That’s 572 to 0, Luffy!” Ace cackled, slapping his brother harshly on the back.
Luffy heaved for a couple of seconds, clearly trying to catch his breath after being so blatantly assaulted by his older brother.
“I’ll get you next time,” Luffy scowled, jumping to his feet. “I’ve been working on my punches too!”
“Oh, I’m shaking in my boots,” Ace snorted.
“Now, now, guys,” Sabo said, releasing you. “You almost hurt this poor young lady! What would Dadan say if she saw you now?”
“Don’t leave the house until you’ve done your chores?” Luffy responded, picking his nose.
Ace punched Luffy again, causing the latter to fall over onto the grass. He stepped up back onto the sidewalk, approaching you with an apologetic smile on his face.
“Sorry ‘bout that, ____,” Ace chuckled, scratching his head. “But brothers will be brothers, ya know? Can’t go a day without tackling one of them.”
“I seem to manage just fine,” Sabo coughed.
“...In other news,” Ace said, “I thought I might invite Luffy and his gang of pals—that’s you—to a lovely restaurant in order to celebrate the upcoming hockey season!”
“Is it really hockey season? School literally just started,” you deadpanned.
Ace barked out a laugh, “Every season is hockey season, baby! Now, I have other plans currently that I’m 10 minutes late for—”
“You’re what ?” Sabo’s eyes widened as he turned to Ace.
“—and I need to be there soon, so I’ll take your stunned silence as a ‘yes’ to coming, and I’ll see you Saturday night at eight!”
Before you could even respond to Ace’s outlandish statements, he sprinted away as quickly as he came, dashing through—not around—groups of people, knocking over countless bystanders as he ran away.
“Your brother is a work of art, Sabo,” you finally said, feeling breathless watching Ace’s escape.
Sabo only snorted, looking down amusedly as his little brother rolled angrily through the grass.
“Which one?”
“...Fair point.”
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tag list: @sylum , @dimplewonie , @kingofthemfingpirates , @luuffyswife
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
Coming back to say that this went in a completely different direction than I imagined, but I’m just gonna keep it.
Obsessed with the idea of Steve trying to be Eddie’s wingman.
Like one day Eddie is lingering around Family Video and Steve notices a girl eyeing his friend. And yeah, Eddie is cute, Steve isn’t afraid to admit that, but he’s never seen him even attempt to ask a girl out. So he decides it’s time to maybe encourage him or do it for him.
So, Steve follows this girl over to the horror section - and look at that, similar interests! - and notes that Eddie is following behind him. And yeah, the girl is pretty cute, she even has some metal looking band on her t-shirt that Steve is sure Eddie mentioned to him before. Oh! They’re definitely on the mixtape Eddie made for him. This is perfect.
So, Steve taps on the girl’s shoulder and smiles when he notices her staring at Eddie over his shoulder. “Excuse me, I was wondering if you needed any help.”
The girl replies in a higher voice than Steve expected, “Oh… I… I don’t know.” Jackpot. She’s utterly enamored by Eddie. And yeah, she should be when he’s wearing his hair in that messy bun and those jeans that fit just right.
Steve takes a moment to think about how well those jeans fit before shaking himself out of it. Weird. But he has a mission. “Well, my friend here knows all there is to know about horror movies, so I’ll let him help you.”
Steve gives Eddie a quick pat on the shoulder, noting how adorable he is when he looks panicked. He goes back to the counter and watches as the girl nervously twirls her hair around her finger, then she’s loudly laughing and Eddie looks startled. Steve tries to suppress a laugh.
Then the girl is picking a movie and thanking Eddie for his help while trailing a hand down his arm. Steve’s stomach churns. Must’ve had something bad for lunch or something, but that doesn’t explain why he feels so… angry with himself. He’ll deal with that later. But now the girl is rushing to the counter.
Steve notices Eddie lingering in the horror section, likely a little flustered by the whole interaction. So Steve winks at the girl and says, “So, I see my friend was a great help to you.”
The girl giggles in response and leans forward. “Does your friend have plans tomorrow night?” she asks then bites her lip.
“With you at nine o’clock? Absolutely. I’ll give him your number in case he needs to reschedule.”
The girl scribbles down her number on a notepad Steve hands her then they exchange notepad for her tape. “Have a goodnight!” Steve yells after her and looks down at the note. Why does he want to rip it to shreds? The front door shuts.
“What the hell was that?” Eddie asks and Steve jumps not realizing he was at the counter.
“I was helping you out, man. Being your wingman.” Steve shrugs it off and starts organizing the returns in piles by genre, struggling to find why Eddie is so pissed at him.
“Maybe let me decide who I want to ask out, Harrington,” Eddie bites out, shoving the tapes to the side.
What the hell? And Harrington? He hasn’t heard that in a while. And something about it pisses Steve off. “Well, Munson, if you actually went on dates then I wouldn’t feel the need to help you.”
“Help me,” Eddie scoffs. “I’m not some damsel in distress that needs saving King Steve.”
“Don’t call me that,” Steve says turning around to try to look busy at the computer so Eddie doesn’t see the way the name gets to him.
Eddie hops over the counter as Steve is typing the girl’s name into the system and finding her past rentals. “Why not? King Steve can’t help but try to save The Freak. Why not just call it as it is?”
Steve turns around and runs a hand through his hair. “Why are you getting so worked up about this? It’s just a date!”
“I’ve never been on a date, you asshole! And I certainly wouldn’t want to go on one with a girl because I want to go on one with you!” Eddie yells then the color drains from his face as he must realize what he’s just admitted.
Steve freezes to process what Eddie’s just said. But then Eddie’s backing up and saying, “I have to go.” He turns to jump over the counter again, but Steve comes to his senses and latches onto his wrist stopping him.
Eddie slowly turns to him and whispers, “Please, don’t hate me.”
“I could never hate you, Eddie,” Steve says still latching onto his wrist. “Just… give me a minute, and please don’t run.”
Eddie reluctantly nods at him as Steve lets go of his wrist. His eyes flicker to the door, but his feet remain in place.
Steve stares at him and processes. Eddie wants to go on a date with him. Okay. He’s had girls who have had a crush on him before that wasn’t reciprocated, and he easily turned them down. Some of them he even remained sort of friends with.
But for some reason the news is making his heart race in a good way. Like… a really good way. Almost like he wants to go on a date with Eddie. But he’s… not gay. Right?
His eyes slowly roam over Eddie, and then he stops when he realizes he’s blatantly checking him out. But when has that stopped him from checking out his friend before?
Oh. Oh shit. He thinks about the way he notices the fit of his jeans, and the way he loves when Eddie pushes the sleeves of his shirt up to expose more skin. He thinks about how he’s always been curious what it would be like for girls to kiss Eddie when he’s let his scruff slightly grow in. But then he imagines what it would be like for him to experience that. And his world kind of combusts.
He likes Eddie. Like really likes him. Not just physically but like, he loves the way he scrunches his nose up at the music Steve plays but sometimes reluctantly sings along. He loves the way his lame jokes make the corner of Eddie’s eyes crinkle. He loves that bright smile he gets on his face whenever he’s messing around with the kids. He loves whenever Eddie comes by the store and lingers for as long as he can just to keep him company.
He thinks back to the way he felt when the girl traced her hand over his arm, and the way the thought of Eddie using her number to call her made him feel… jealous. Holy shit. Oh he’s such an idiot. But an idiot who can make amends.
He notices how Eddie is practically shaking while Steve has just been standing there not saying anything. He needs to fix this. “Are you free tomorrow at nine?”
A look of betrayal crosses over Eddie’s face. “I’m not going on a date with that girl. You can’t make me straight-”
“No! That’s not… shit. That’s not at all what I meant,” Steve huffs out and runs a hand through his hair. He’s messing this up more. Shit. Okay, here it goes. “I’m asking if you’re free tomorrow to see if you can go on a date… with me.”
Now it’s Eddie turn to freeze and process. A few excruciatingly long seconds later Eddie is responding, “Are you kidding me?” Steve’s heart drops to his stomach. Eddie continues, “You’re asking me out before I got the chance to?”
Steve can’t help but burst out laughing. Eddie joins him but between laughs he says, “I’m serious! This is unfair!” For some reason this makes Steve laugh harder, and soon enough he’s wiping tears from his eyes as Eddie looks at him fondly.
“You’re free tomorrow at nine though, right?” Steve asks.
“No, but are you free tomorrow at nine o one to go on a date with me?” Eddie asks and Steve is cackling all over again.
The bell to the front door rings and Robin enters. She looks at the two and asks, “What the hell did I miss during my break? I was only gone for fifteen minutes.”
This only manages to make Steve laugh more as Eddie joins him.
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gukkielu · 1 month
Any moth related media recommendations ? + MOTH (2016) review
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☆.𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊.☆
One night, I was totally committed to finding any movie whose main theme was moths (because I was desperate for moth content). Eventually, I came across a film that, in theory, was going to be PERFECT !!
It was a found footage horror/mystery film about a teacher named Thora and her student, Adam, trying to prove Mothman’s existence. How could a single piece of media portray all of my main interests at once? I was bursting with enthusiasm until I read the reviews (929 total). Its IMBd rating was nothing less than 2.8/10. I gave a quick look into the opinion of some users online, but made sure I didn't end up spoiling the whole plot.
However, I still hoped that the film was going to be interesting, at least, and that the critics were exaggerating. Surprise, surprise, they were NOT wrong.
Although the film came out 7 years ago, I feel the necessity to share my (awful) experience with it. Moth (2016) is genuinely one of the worst films i’ve ever seen, and trust me when I said that I’m usually not picky when it comes to films, Tv series, video games, etc.
Firstly, the poster is a complete lie. There we can see a black creature with wings, clearly resembling Mothman. Guess what? Mothman is never shown on screen. Not. Even. Once. In fact, he doesn’t exist at all. It's revealed that the research is completely staged by Thora and her goal is simply to make a movie about the urban legend. Well, THAT is the point that pisses me off the most. 
Sure, you can make a story about how “truth is always scarier” and I understand that the topic itself is not entirely uninteresting, but the point is to make that clear from the beginning. Because if I go to watch a movie that promises to be about a scary fantastical creature, I'm obviously going to be angry at having been tricked into wasting my time with it. I genuinely feel like it was the recipe for failure.
Besides, the acting is straight up bad and the camera movements were nauseating. This makes it impossible to live an immersed experience watching this film for more than a minute, and makes you apathetic to any situation and/or problem the characters go through. 
I can excuse the awkward dialogue, thanks to the fact that English is not their first language. Besides, the film had a really low budget, which I’m sure had a really negative impact on the film’s making. Although I don't think the fact that it's an indie film makes up an excuse for why it's horrible.
Finally, after 81 minutes straight of bad acting, boring writing and excessively shaky camera movements, my suffering has ended and I seriously need recommendations of ACTUAL GOOD moth related media.
Any suggestions ? :3
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miraculous-pyxie · 2 years
marinette headcanon time
marinette’s knees are filled with little scars and long-term bruises from how many time she falls over 
she carries a very cute first aid kit in her backpack just in case her skin breaks or if she needs a quick ice pack (those lil crack and shake things that get really cold)
marinette became the go to person when somebody got hurt is phys ed when the teens were younger. she eventually got first aid certified.
 marinette used to carry a bit more weight (you see her parents genetic make up) but from becoming ladybug she burns a lot of calories/fat from running around all day. to keep people/parents from getting suspicious, she starts running which keeps her even more in shape.
little marinette got into sewing because her mom always needed to repair her clothes from the rips and tears they would get from her falling over. she felt guilty about it so she said that she would do it. her mom taught her then she started teaching herself
I love the idea that Adrien and Marinette get stronger and more flexible from using the miraculous. Adrien has an excuse that this is how he needs to look for modeling (everyone believes that) but marinette has less of an excuse so she has to flub saying she started going to the gym and attempt to become less clumsy. not wanting it to be a lie, she starts going to a gym once a week for an hour (this is where she does her runs instead).
marinette meditates with her mom whenever she’s stressed and gets lightly told off when she starts fidgeting too much
along with Tikki’s cookies, marinette keeps a stash of protein shakes and protein bars in her room
 marinette has ADHD so she is prone to zoning out and has accidentally zoned out in someone’s direction before then zones back in and profusely apologizes for ”staring” at them
marinette will hyperfocus on a project for hours and she has almost missed patrol several times because of it.
adding onto that, she will sometimes be working till 3 am so getting up at 7 am for school is really hard. (delayed sleep phase syndrome let’s goooo)
on top of that, coffee is her best friend. not because of the energy boost but it keeps her focused in school. (Alya doesn’t know about the ADHD at first and thinks her best friend has a severe coffee addiction)
from becoming ladybug, Marinette has actually gotten very coordinated.  she was very clumsy as a kid, but now it only spikes when she feels emotionally vulnerable. (i.e. around Adrien, when she’s nervous)
 Adrien is Marinette’s first big crush  so for the first few weeks marinette actually was really uncomfortable. she was having an internal battle of never feeling something like a crush before and also beating herself up over the idea that this might be a celebrity crush and she’s just a crazy fan
i saw this somewhere else but marinette doesn’t like horror movies not because they scare her but because they are underwhelming to her. mari and the gang will be having a movie night and she’ll just sit their with her arms crossed and say “I’ve seen worse.” and alya nino and adrien will just looked at her absolutely baffled. (even though adrien is chat noir, he’s had less exposure to scary things growing up)
adding onto that, marinette 100% had unrestricted internet access as a kid but she does not let it show
Marinette doodles on her skin in pen and one time she was drawing on her arm in red pen in class and an akuma related explosion happened really close. The pen exploded all over her skin and it looked like she had just killed someone.
marinette wanted to join the costume department for theater but because of her crammed schedule she can’t do it. everyone is confused as to why she doesn’t bc she’s perfect for it.
marinette matches the color of her hair ties to her outfit
marinette is better at listening to people in chinese then speaking or writing it
marinette actually gets along with her grandma really well and that’s why her grandma knew exactly what bike to get her
even though Marinette’s focus is in high fashion, she loves learning about streetwear and street fashion in places like Japan and the US
she is an absolute force to be reckoned with when she’s being stubborn about something 
she indulges in the confidence that being ladybug gives her from time to time so when chloe is back on her bs she claps back better than the last time
 a personal retcon is she gets a hold of her boy crazy-ness after the first few weeks. (the show really did her dirty on this like stalking? stealing? they should not be promoting that behavior to kids tbh)
marinette wears her new designs to school. she also secretly has a commission style business (so she can keep on top of orders bc she is just 1 person)
all and all, she is a little frazzled gremlin and i wish we got more of that blunt ,frazzled, always-busy, gremlin side of her
that’s all i can think of for now :)
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beauspot · 1 year
Beau is Afraid is the movie I have been waiting for
!Spoilers Ahead! *LONG POST*
TW: Child Abuse, Gaslighting, Narcissistic Abuse, Strangulation, Discussions of Severe Anxiety
Like many people I knew Ari Aster as the guy who made Hereditary and Midsommar. Weird and trauma focused horror and that is definitely what Beau is Afraid is classified as, but it is nothing like his previous films.
To summarize, Beau is afraid starts off with Beau meeting his therapist (well it literally starts with Beau being born but i digress) and here we learn that Beau has a severe and crippling anxiety disorder. From the moment Beau starts talking about his mother I knew exactly what this movie was going to be about(though i don’t think anyone could guess the plot). We see that he is planning to visit his mother the next day because it’s the anniversary of his fathers death. Due to unforeseen circumstances Beau oversleeps and as he is rushing his keys get stolen out of his door along with his suitcase. Beau calls to tell his mom just wanting to tell her what’s happened and as she began to speak I got immediately triggered. You can see him sink into a shell of himself as she tries to make him feel guilty for thinking he should stay at home since someone has access to his apartment. She hangs up on him and Beau begins to lose it a little bit.
A lot of things domino fall and this leads to Beau getting locked out of his apartment (this also leads to the first time we see Beau experience something i’ve never seen so perfectly portrayed in a film. executive dysfunction. and it happens multiple times, he simply freezes in place even though he knows he should move. Part of it is definitely his anxiety as he is afraid to move because thats a decision and he doesn’t want the responsibility of what comes after a decision)and learning that his mother was killed by a falling chandelier. Then we see him get hit by a car. He ends up in the care of a family and long story short he has to run from them and ends up in the woods with a theatre troupe.
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This is important because we learn that Beau’s biggest dream is to simply have a job and home of his own with a family that loves him. That’s his perfect future, but even as he’s seeing it playing out his kind can’t help but conjure up the worst case scenarios. We also see it repeated here that Beau can’t have kids because he can’t have sex because of a genetic heart murmur that killed his father. After Beau is separated from the theatre troupe he makes his way to his mothers house(though he should have been healing after being hit by a car and being stabbed his ONLY CONCERN was his mother not being humiliated by not being buried). When he sees her body he isn’t at peace yet but he lays down and gets his first night of good rest in days. When he wakes up he is greeted with his old friend Elaine who asked him to wait for her and he did. Long story short, Beau and her have sex. He is under the direct impression he is going to die when this happens.
But he doesn’t. However, Elaine does. He is rightfully terrified and cowers in fear until the music Elaine was playing suddenly shuts off and he looks up to find none other than his mother staring back at him. She faked her death to get him home and then tries to turn this on Beau saying he couldn’t wait for her to die, when Beau admits he knew she was alive because of the birthmark on the hands on the body. But she’s not done. Out of the shadows steps Beau’s therapist as his mother begins playing a recording of one of his sessions where Beau admits reluctantly that he felt his mothers love was conditional. Since he feels like he has nothing to lose he chooses to finally confront his mother about the dream he has where he sees an identical version of himself ask about his father because Beau isn’t brave enough and he asks where his father is.
His mother takes him to the attic from the dream and tells him to go up there telling him it wasn’t a dream, it was a memory. There Beau meets his twin brother and his father(it’s a lot more batshit than this but that’s the gist of it). He begs to go back down and his mother finally lets him and he LITERALLY KISSES HER LEGS telling her he’s sorry. But she’s still not done. She goes on a whole tirade about how her mother blamed her for her mothers mistakes completely missing how she’s doing the same to Beau. She continues to berate him until she finally says what she means. She hates Beau. And at that point Beau puts his hands around her throat, strangling her. He eventually comes to his senses and lets her go, shocked at his own actions, but the damage has been done, she collapses and dies.
Beau leaves the house the look of shock frozen on his face and he reaches a motorboat on his mothers private little beach. He starts the motor and begins to drive the boat towards a cavern. For the first time the whole movie Beau seems like he might no longer be afraid. Until the motor mysteriously sputters and here’s where shit gets VERY REAL. SERIOUSLY IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE MOVIE GO WATCH IT BEFORE CONTINUING.
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Beau is sitting in darkness for a few seconds and suddenly this cavern is flooded with light and he sees no, it’s not actually a cavern at all. It’s a stadium filled with people. They are all watching him. Through his (and the audiences) confusion a voice booms from a microphone. When Beau finds the source he is shocked to see that it is coming from a man on a mini stage high in the stadium sitting next to his mother. From a giant 4 sided jumbotron video plays of moments from Beau’s life dating back to when he was NINE. YEARS. OLD. All of of which is taken out of context. Beau’s only “defense” is a shitty lawyer who has yell because he wasn’t given a microphone and even when he is heard and things his lawyer says are reasonable his mothers lawyer simply writes it off and moves onto the next thing he’s “done wrong”. (To me this represents all of the times Beau tried to reason with his mother and make her see his side before he just had to succumb to her will for survival, because you can’t reason with a narcissist.) When his defense is literally thrown from his stage and dies on a steep rock Beau is left to defend himself. Through his anxiety and fear he still tries to make them see his side, but Beau is found to be guilty. He never really loved his mother, he was a manipulative child who took from her and never gave anything back.
As this is all coming to a close the motor on the boat begins to flame and the boat begins to sink. Beau is begging, pleading, screaming, for his mother as she watches him in distress. As the entire arena of people watches him struggling and does nothing. We can see the exact moment Beau succumbs to his fate, he says nothing and for the first time in the whole film his shoulders droop. All of his anxiety is gone. He knows his mother won’t help him, that no one will. And the look that crosses his face is one I understood so deeply. One of anger that he dedicated his life to this woman, one of realization that he couldn’t trust anyone, one of sadness that he was truly alone. And I relate to that so deeply.
I remember people talking about the relationship between Joy and Evelyn in Everything Everywhere All at Once and while I definitely relate to their story somewhat there was something missing and I didn’t know what it was until I saw Beau is Afraid.
On the one hand there’s the constant twisting of Beau’s actions that is particularly triggering to me. Him living in one of his mothers apartment buildings and using a card with her money is turned on him when for one thing the apartment is shitty and he is constantly in fear for his life. Number 2 the card was given to him by her to use, because Beau is literally agoraphobic because of HER ACTIONS. He can’t hold down a job even if he wanted to. His whole life is his therapist and his home. I find it so strange that mothers like this will stifle any interest their child has that falls outside of what they want for them and literally block them from opportunities to advance, but then get upset when their kids aren’t able to function on their own as adults.
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But that’s not the main thing that stuck out to me and made me realize I had been carrying this massive weight with me I couldn’t explain.
This ever present fear I felt living with my mother that just never left. This feeling that she was always watching me even when I wasn’t with her and that I couldn’t trust anyone because they would turn them against me eventually. That I couldn’t say bad things about her because the words would find their way back to her. When I was actively going to therapy I would triple check my phone to make sure I didn’t accidentally dial her and she could every word I was saying. That’s how terrifying it feels and I’ve never seen that captured on screen. Tears were streaming down my face as I watched Beau’s cries be ignored and as people just let him die. In the silence of the theater I simply stared at the place Beau had been and thought “you have to leave, you have to get out.”
!End of Spoilers!
It’s a great movie and I think you should definitely go see it if you have 3 hours to spare. I’ve personally seen it twice and I relate so much to Beau it’s kinda scary. Sorry for this long post I wonder what anyone who saw it thinks though, i’d like to hear new perspectives. Now time to watch Queen Charlotte for something lighter 😭
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mrsshabana · 2 years
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♥ CW: 18+ content, MDNI, noncon, dacryphilia, somnophilia, blood kink, smut, creampie, dark content
♥ AN: I've been watching too many demonic possession shows, so it inspired me to make this. What if Gyutaro wasn't a demon like those in demon slayer, but the kind of supernatural demons we see in horror movies? Gyutaro is an incubus (sex demon) that haunts your new home.
♥ WC: 1,820
Repost from my old blog mrsshabana-archive
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Your new house was weird to say the least. It was perfect and suspiciously inexpensive. Large, beautiful, and surrounded by wilderness. It was hard to believe that it hadn’t been occupied for over a decade.
The strange part though was the way that the house made you feel. Either that or something within the house itself. Especially after you found that pentagram in your basement.
The abnormal occurrences started a few days after you had moved in. Your hair would be tugged on as you walked through the halls at night, only for you to turn around and see nothing there. Once the sun had gone down, that’s when the house came alive. The shadows would watch your every move.
It never got too serious, until now.
You lay asleep in your king sized bed. Suddenly awoken by a deep guttural growl. You find yourself unable to speak and your body is frozen. There’s a heavy weight atop your body, alarmingly human. Yet inhuman at the same time.
Something had its arms wrapped around your torso, with its face nuzzled into the crook of your neck. Sharp bones prod at your flesh as the creature rolls its hips into the meat of your thighs. 
It growls deeply, feeling the rumble of its chest rattle your core. You’ve never been more terrified in your entire life. The only thing you can see is an unruly head of black and green hair. You can barely make out something swaying in the darkness. Trying to make it out. Could it be… a tail?
The creature groans before lifting its head. Showing off its fangs with a twisted grin.
“Oh? Awake now are we?” its voice makes your skin crawl. Deep and raspy as the words that come from its lips are drawn out.
Observing the features of this beast, it resembles that of a man. But everything is just off. His skin is ashen gray and covered in dark splotches. However, his eyes are what really strike fear into your soul. Green irises, red pupils, and yellow scleras. This is no human.
He sits up to straddle you, giving you a better view of his body. It’s terribly deformed. A sickly middle contrasted by a healthily muscular upper. Two horns poke out from beneath his mismatched hair.
“Been so long since I’ve had a guest…,” he rasps as he trails a clawed finger up your stomach, “and you’re so pretty too…” He leans forward, caging you beneath him. Not like you had any chance of escaping, as you are still unable to move your body.
Tears begin to fall from your eyes as he starts humping you again, his erection prodding at your core. Please let this be a dream.
“Oh poor girl,” he coos, “Are you scared?”
He chuckles deeply before bringing his long pointed tongue to wipe away your tears. A shaky moan leaves his lips as he savors the flavor of your fear.
“Fuck,” he says under his breath. Hastily getting off of you to remove his pants. Seeing his aching cock makes you panic even more. It’s larger than any you’ve ever seen, and not only is it covered in the same black splotches that litter his body, there are large veins wrapping around his length. You swear you can almost see them pulsing as they pump the blood to his shaft. It looks angry, hungry even. The sight only makes your tears flow heavier.
“What?” he snaps, “It’s that ugly, huh?”
He frowns and aggressively hikes up your nightgown, exposing your panties to his gaze. No longer filled with lust, but replaced with anger. He didn’t care that you thought he was ugly, he would do with you as he pleased no matter what you thought. But it still pissed him off.
Snaking a long bony finger under your panties, he begins to run his finger along your slit. His eyes widen before he begins cackling. The sound is unnerving, causing every hair on your body to stand on end.
“You don’t think I’m ugly,” he brings his fingers up to his lips and runs his tongue between them before continuing, “Because if you did, you wouldn’t be so wet.”
Your eyes are red and puffy now, as your sobbing has yet to cease. You don’t want to be taken advantage of by this thing. And seeing his throbbing cock only causes your vision to blur even more. So much so that you almost don’t notice him moving up your body. So far up that he’s straddling your neck, his thighs on either side of your head. 
Using one hand to force you to look up at him, while the other languidly strokes his aching length. 
“Don’t worry,” he says as he wipes a tear from your face, “promise I’ll make you feel good.”
With a perverse smirk, he holds the base of his dick and slides it across your cheeks, gathering the tears that have accumulated there. This only makes your crying worse, exciting him even more as he continues to lube himself up with your tears.
“F-fuck,” he moans breathlessly, “Can’t -ngh- can’t wait anymore.”
To your relief he backs away from your face, only to move between your legs. His desire to wreck you completely overtaking him, he rips apart your panties and nightgown before tossing them to the side.
Hovering over you, he wastes no time. Almost immediately pushing the head of his cock past your folds. It hurts. You’re wet, but not nearly wet enough to accommodate his size.
Your body resists him, but he doesn’t care. Forcefully pushing forward and spreading you apart. Spearing you on his length, he sets an aggressive pace. He doesn’t wait for you to adjust, selfishly chasing his own pleasure. His heavy balls slap against you as he violently thrusts into you. Your body feels like it’s tearing apart…
He truly doesn’t mean to be so rough. You’re just squeezing him so tightly he can’t help it. 
“So-so tight…” he tilts his head back as a needy moan leaves his lips.
Something wet and slimy splatters across your cheek. He’s so drunk on the feeling of your pussy fluttering around him, that he can’t control himself anymore. Drool rolling down his chin and dripping onto your face. 
The claws of the man above you dig into the flesh of your hips as his pace quickens. He pushes his face against yours, cheek to cheek. Moving to wrap his arms around your torso to hold you as close as possible, his hips stutter. Animalistic snarls and growls fill the room as you feel him reach his climax. 
You can feel the muscles in his dick convulse as he pumps his load into you. A warmth begins to spread in your lower half. His chest heaves as he continues to orgasm longer than any normal human ever could. Cum overflowing you, beginning to trickle down your ass and his balls, only to pool onto your bed sheets. All of the years of not having a release was being forced into your warm hole.
When you finally feel the spasm of his muscles stop, a wave of relief washes over you. It’s finally over.
He lays there for a moment before moving his head to your chest. To your dismay he hasn’t softened at all and is still seated deep inside of you.
“You’re the most fuckable human I’ve ever met…'' he slowly pushes his hips forward. Straining the tip of his cock against your cervix, forcing more of his seed to spill out of you.
He begins to pull out, only to abruptly slam his cock as far inside of you as humanly possible. And with that, a sharp pain begins to spread across your chest. The monster is latched onto your breast, sharp teeth firmly seated in your soft flesh.
Groaning deeply as your blood fills his senses, he resumes the harsh pace he had set earlier. Though this time his mind is slipping. So overcome by pleasure that his grasp on you is loosening. You slowly begin to gain control of your body. A pained whimper leaves your lips as your ability to speak returns.
The sounds coming from you only encourage him more. Now eager to hear the cute little noises you’ll make just for him. 
Clawing at his back you cry, “Please… ah it-it hurts.”
He unlatches his fangs from your flesh, blood dripping down his chin. He looks you in the eyes as he gives you an especially hard thrust, resulting in a yelp coming from you.
“So pretty,” he pants, “Told you I’d make you feel good. Now -ah- keep making those pretty little sounds for me.”
On his knees, he partially holds you up. One arm wrapped around your waist, holding you against his body as his other arm holds himself up. You wrap your legs around his waist, and your arms around his neck.
When his eyes meet yours, the look he gives you is different than it was before. This time much softer, almost loving. His thrusts are less violent, and he’s angling himself so he’s hitting that spongy spot deep within you. Thrusting slower and more deliberately, more passionate.
You can feel yourself getting closer to release. The monster begins kissing and suckling at your neck as he feels his climax approaching as well. Lustful moans and the wet slapping of skin fill the room.
Every vein of his cock can be felt gliding along your walls, the twitching of his muscles adding extra sensation as he quickens his pace.
He knows you're close.
Crashing his lips into yours. you reach your limit, gushing all over his pelvis. You can’t help but scream in pleasure as his tongue glides over your bottom lip in an open kiss. He inhales your screams, internalizing them.
Your body trembles in his arms as he spills inside of you again. Pushing himself as far within you as possible, needy moans and gasps escape him. You return his affection and softly suck his bottom lip as he rides out his high. Slowly thrusting, forcing his cum to overfill you and drip onto the bed.
A shaky breath leaves his lips as he gently sets you down beneath him. That was so intense that your entire body is numb and your brain is fried. 
The man lingers above you, wanting to stay but knowing he should probably leave.
You weakly wrap your arms around his neck and pull him close. He returns the embrace and you hold each other. Before you drift back to sleep, he says one last thing.
“When you want me again, just call my name…”
At first, when you had awoken in the morning you thought it was all a dream. It was too surreal… too good to be true. But the aching between your legs, the stinging pain on your breast, and the wet spots littered across your sheets beg to differ.
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becauseimanicequeen · 7 months
My Thoughts on DFF
I'm listing my thoughts on the good things and not-so-good things about DFF after seeing the finale last night. Let’s start with the not-so-good to get that out of the way:
As a former author, some of the writing was too lazy for me. Or, perhaps there were too many writers working on this (4 screenwriters are listed on MDL).
There were too many loose ends and unanswered questions than I would’ve liked. (Are you seriously telling me that I hallucinated the ninth person? I swear, I haven’t smoked anything! 🤣)
White’s character was tragically underdeveloped (perhaps deliberately so?).
Here are the good things:
They gave us something new and different with DFF and (for me) that made this series better and more engaging than 90% (rough number) of the bl/gl/bi/queer movies/series I’ve seen so far (I’ve seen 270+, which isn’t all that much, but still).
They gave us a group of characters that were complex, flawed, and interesting. (Well, everyone except White who they totally ignored…)
The ending was a mix of Uzumaki (Japanese horror manga) and Shutter (Thai horror movie) where they let the curse (in this case hallucinogenic weed) take over the characters and force them to be haunted by Non’s ghost for the rest of time. That was really satisfying and fitted the genre.
The acting of some of these boys was outstanding. As someone who had never seen Mio before (the actor who played Tan/New) I was in awe of his performance. Barcode and Ta were amazing as well (I’d seen them in KP before, yet, both of them went above and beyond my expectations).
Overall, I liked DFF.
Was it perfect? No. But I never expect that from anything because perfection doesn’t exist.
Were there some issues? Sure. Some small, some big.
Had I wished there was a little hint at the end that there was an actual masked person by the house “overseeing” the whole thing? Sure. That would’ve made it just a teeny tiny, itty bitty more satisfying at the end. But I’m still pleased.
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juniperhillpatient · 5 months
I know the firefly family are irredeemable serial killers but have u considered the way Baby cries for her mom & Otis has to drag her away after their brother is killed in front of them? how about the way mama tearfully tries & fails to kill herself while the cops try to take her after watching her son die? have u considered the tragedy of the line “I think Tiny went out last night” as they are surrounded by cops?
anyway what I absolutely love about this series is the way it is 100% the hillbilly inbred killer family horror trope but from the villains pov & how artfully the cast & writers do absolutely make us love these characters without ever not making them villains. which is what every horror fan really wants deep down. perfect movie series. 100/10. no wonder I’m obsessed. yes I’ve seen these movies countless times no I’ll never get tired of them
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Barbarian 2022 Thoughts
Spoilers and TW: Incest, Rape, Police being Useless
First off, this was one of the most unsettling horror movies I’ve seen in a long, long time.  I had to keep pausing the video and looking away to get passed some of these scenes.  But onto a more analytical note, I think it’s very interesting how men in the story think of themselves as a good person, not by comparing themselves to the best, but by comparing themselves to the worst. 
Keith is the best man Tessa encounters (save for Andre), but he’s still kinda pushy and creepy and needs validation at the expense of Tessa’s comfort.  He thinks he’s a good person.  He may be dismissive of Tessa’s concerns and needy, but he’s not one of those creepy, rapey guys.
You know, guys like AJ who definitely ARE one of those creepy rapey guys.  He is a confirmed sexual predator in the movie, but even he thinks of himself as a good guy, because his definition of “rape” doesn’t match what he did to that girl.  He pressured her, again and again, coerced her until she finally gave in.  In his own words she “took some convincing.”  But because he didn’t grab her by the hair and shove her down and rape her, it doesn’t count.  
Even AJ reacts in horror to what Frank did to those girls, which was a much more classical idea of what rape is.  He kidnapped women and kept them in his basement and filmed himself sexually assaulting them as they screamed and cried and begged him to stop.  Going so far as to impregnate these women and then continue this cycle of abuse with his own children for who knows how many generations.  
AJ is able to think of himself as a good guy, because he isn’t a Frank.  And Keith is able to think of himself as a good guy, because he isn’t an AJ.  I’m pretty sure Frank knows he’s evil, and just doesn’t care.  It goes to show how narrow definitions of what “counts” as sexual assault allows supposedly lesser forms of crime to perpetuate themselves, because if your actions don’t fit some narrative scenario, then it doesn’t count.  You did nothing wrong. 
The problematic nature of narrative is also shown in how the police handle Tessa’s accusations of being held captive.  She calls the police in a frantic state, as anyone just having escaped a nightmare would be.  She’s in dirty, weeks old clothes, disheveled and scared.  They think she’s a addict describing some hopped up solution.  They refuse to help her or even investigate the house, leaving after getting a call about gunshots across town. 
There’s this idea of the “perfect victim” in abuse cases.  A wilting flower that merely excepts the violence done to her and never tries to fight back.  A completely innocent person in a violent, toxic scenario.  Only then can sympathy be cast upon her.  Any transgression from this ideal gives way to backlash and criticism.  “You should’ve known better.”  “You should’ve fought back.”  “If he was really so bad, why didn’t you leave?”  “You hit him back?  You’re also an abuser.”  Etc, etc.  And because Tess doesn’t fit this narrative of a perfect, wilting flower, her accusations aren’t taken seriously.  Of course, there’s a wider issue of women’s accusations not being taken seriously, but I think the racial element comes into play as well.
Andre, the homeless man Tessa originally called the cops on, tried to warn her about the Mother in the basement.  If even the homeless know what’s going on in that house, I’d hazard to guess the entire neighborhood knows what’s going on in that house.  The Mother does, after all, come out at night, so she must’ve been spotted by others in the 40 years she’s been alive.  You’d think the story “Multi-Generational Incest Monster Terrorizes Locals” would make headlines if it were reported.  You’d think someone would report it!!  You’d think anyone with a conscience would tell the police that bad things were happening to women in that house.  But even if they never tried, I can’t blame them.  I don’t think the police would’ve taken them seriously.  
The area Tessa is renting the AirBnB from is mentioned to her would-be employer, who immediately reacts with shock and concern.  The neighborhood is known for being dangerous, but obviously not because of the Mother.  Because it’s a predominantly black neighborhood in a bad part of the city.  Of course, it wasn’t always this way.  Flashbacks show the same neighborhood as a picturesque suburb only a few decade prior, when it was a white neighborhood.
The film even makes a commentary about “white flight” as one of the neighbors tells Frank they’re leaving because the community is going to hell in a handbasket, implied to be that the racial demographic of the suburb is changing.  We also hear on the radio the recent election of President Ronald Reagan, who is infamous for so many things, but most pertinent here was the war on drugs which destroyed a lot of black communities and families through over-harsh policies and policing and also literally introducing crack into black populations. 
We’re shown how society has left this neighborhood to crumble and decay because of who lives inside it.  Police are often an antagonistic force in colored communities, but the negligence can be equally as harmful.  Tessa tries to call the police on Andre, but she’s informed there’s no available units to come to her aid.  I don’t know if the film was trying to imply this or if I’m just projecting, but honestly I think the Operator was just lying to her.  I think there were units available, but they just wouldn’t “waste” them sending them to THAT part of town. 
My mother is Latina, not black, but she grew up in a very rough part of San Diego.  And she described to me how she saw from her window a woman faint on the street.  She seemed to be having a medical emergency.  She called the police, and 20 minutes passed.  She called them again, and 30 minutes passed.  Finally, she calls them a third time saying, “I bet if I lived in a better part of the city, you’d have sent someone down already.  I’d bet you’d actually care if it was someone who didn’t live here.”  And finally after an hour, somebody shows up.  
The police treat “bad” neighborhoods as low-priority.  Their concerns and fears are not worth addressing.  Their word is not to be taken seriously.  So Tessa’s reports and the assumed community’s knowledge of the Mother goes in one ear and out the other. 
It was a really good film.  I would suggest it if you can stomach it.  
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Superjail #2: “Superbar” | September 28, 2008 - 11:45PM | S01E01
Superjail! It’s back, baby! The darling of The Night of 1000 Pilots roars back onto our small screens. Glad to have it back; It’s been a very long time since I’ve watched through this show, and I’m not entirely positive I saw every single episode.
Superjail is formulaic. But, it’s also very, very funny and well animated, so you rarely feel how formulaic it is. Jailbot apprehends the recidivist Jackknife who commits crimes in the real world. Jailbot brings Jackknife to Superjail. A Thematic story unfolds that builds towards a big fight filled with violent sight-gags. Jackknife is seen escaping in the background. Repeat. 
In this one, Jackknife is at a carnival on a pier, where he darts a guy in the face to steal the carnival prize and tries to make a getaway on a rich family’s speedboat. Jailbot shows up in boat form and takes Jackknife away. 
At Superjail, the Warden wants to ask Alice out for a drink. For this to happen, he needs to build a bar in Superjail, which he does. This hearkens back to Bar Fight, Christy Karacas and  Stephen Warbrick’s 2001 short film that is set in a bar where a crazy fight breaks out. I’m pretty sure I mentioned this on the write-up for Superjail’s Bunny Love pilot, but it’s basically a prototype for this show.
The Warden gets jealous when Alice agrees to meet him at Superjail’s new watering hole, but brings a date; a prisoner she wants to bone. The prisoner is not there on his own accord; in fact he at one point bites his own head off to free himself from bondage when Alice ties him up at the bar. Despite now being a severed head squirming around on the bar counter, the Warden still tries to drunkenly pick a fight with him.
One of the bar patrons is disgusted by the condition of the men’s room (where a pile of naked prisoners are playing a lewd game of Twister), so he enters the pristine and empty ladies room. He gets fed up with an animatronic wall-display of the Warden and punches it, which puts a hole through the wall. That’s when he finds out that Superjail’s Seagate is just on the other side of the bathroom, and he enacts a plan to escape through it. 
Jared, a recovering alcoholic who is cruelly shoved into the role of Superjail’s bartender, winds up getting a drop of alcohol on his tongue which triggers a full-on relapse. He bitterly goes into the Warden’s office while puzzled on hooch and starts pushing random buttons, one of which open the seagate, causing the ocean to rush into Superjail’s bar and spurring the episode’s customary themed melee. This involves Jellyfish, Swordfish, Tridents wielded by mermen on sea horses, piranhas, et al. The part where the squid squirts so much ink it fills the entire screen is really cool. The show is very good at mixing up the visuals to keep things engaging. 
Jackknife escapes, and he creepily visits the teenage daughter of the rich family, in a final scene that looks like it’s more from a horror movie than a comedy. It’s difficult to watch comedy of almost any significant vintage and think YOU COULD NEVER MAKE BLAZING SADDLES, I MEAN, SUPERJAIL TODAY! But the show’s spirit is so fun despite it’s unpleasant-on-paper subject matter that it’s difficult to get truly mad at it. I said a lot of this in the Bunny Love. This applies to Alice, the walking trans joke. As misguided as some of that humor may seem today, I get the sense that the creators of the show like her as a character, and she's rarely (if ever) misgendered by her co-workers. It's not perfect, but it's not nothing.
There’s also a new prisoner guy, I think. He’s the guy who punches the hole in the wall. Maybe he was in “Bunny Love” but I remember thinking “oh, this is the main character on this show, now” the first time I saw this. He sorta seemed like an attempt to make a likable main prisoner guy. It’s the one added element to this show that felt like the biggest evolution from pilot to series. It’s fairly subtle, but it stuck out to me. It sorta makes the show feel more like a sitcom and less like an artsy-but-funny short film like Bunny Love does. 
Stray stuff: I think my favorite joke on this is when Alice shoves a plate of hot wings into a prisoner’s face, and it melts his skin off, so he dunks his whole head into a big barrel of bleu cheese to cool off. The Twins are in this, but they just sorta observe. At one point they go shirtless, and you can see they have quadruple nips. Didn't catch a Sealab 2021 reference when the prisoners were observing the underwater civilization, which I consider to be a good thing, fuck Sealab.
This episode is very good, and if it were my introduction to the series I’d probably be pretty impressed with it. But I feel the same way watching this as I do watching Robocop 2; that it’s about 80% as good as the original, but the original is one of the best things ever made, so it’s still satisfying. 
KON writes:
The Robin Bain bit (specifically her being nude and uncensored on DVD) never quite sat right with me because it seemed like it was by design a way to get easy-access nude tits into the hands of every 12 year old boy. Though I guess most kids would have had smartphones or at least unfettered internet access by then. And I didn't complain when the Whitest Kids I Like did it. Still, weird!
Yes, I agree! I think it's weird and suspicious when a show that doesn't have a built-in outlet for sleaze suddenly has sleaze in it. Not that I am saying nude female presenting nipples are SLEAZY, per-se, I just mean they are when Seth Green is involved.
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amazon160 · 1 year
My Opinion On The FNaF Movie ‼️‼️
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I’ve got four perspectives for y’all, but they’re all my own opinion-
From a horror aspect:
This movie had a lot of potential. Emphasis on had. The first step to the past tense was going with the game designs for the animatronics. I applaud Jim Henson’s for the creation of these animatronics, but I feel like the designs could’ve been so much scarier. I know the majority thinks they’re scary in the game anyway, but even as a kid I never personally found their designs alone to be as creepy.
The second step was their eyes. I’m fine with the red and yellow eyes, don’t get me wrong, but again. Wasted potential. They could’ve been BANGER. Of course Blumhouse would have their reasons to stray away from the black eyes in the games, but I still stand by my opinion.
The third step relates to the eyes, too, because it’s actually how EXPRESSIVE the animatronics are. Again, applause for Jim Henson’s Creature Shop. BUT. I feel like the more “lifeless” look the animatronics had going on fit them SO much better in most of the games.
Side note: that new footage of Bonnie behind Hank was so 😩👌✨
The fourth step was not as relative to the eyes, but just the whole film’s direction. You can tell by just the trailers alone that this will be leaning more towards the horror-comedy genre, WHICH I LOVE. It also means the horror will be toned down a bit. That’ll be disappointing to some people, but that means it’ll be enjoyed by more people and it could be perfect for a Halloween movie night.
From an outsider perspective:
The big takeaway I’m seeing from people is that this is a cheesy, campy horror movie. I think they are correct, and again, I appreciate it. I mean, haunted animatronics and Springtrap and all this stuff can be really scary, but the way Blumhouse is pulling it off, it’s a little more of a sillier concept.
I think this could be a really weird movie for some people, or it could be just the right amount of weird. We’ve got the core four, Golden Freddy, and Springbonnie/Springtrap. There were some old rumors of Puppet being in the movie, but I think these guys are enough. You’ve got the main victims as the core four, that fifth one for extra mystery, and the slasher. The final boss. That’s the perfect amount in my opinion.
The majority of people I’ve seen think this movie will be a good one to watch on Halloween weekend. There’s also a good number of people hyped, either from nostalgia or just from what’s been shown so far. And then there’s the minority that think it’ll be a dumpster fire.
From my perspective:
I want this to be what I think it is. The rating is perfect. The campiness is perfect. The horror is perfect. I came with very low expectations, but they have been raised a bit with this last trailer. There are some legitimately creepy shots (mostly just Bonnie behind Hank like HOLY CRAP) that I think will still get some good scares out of people. SO.
My hopes--that my expectations will be met. I want the animatronics and Willy to have good screen time, some movie lore on Golden Freddy, and Mike and Abby being wholesome.
My concerns--just the horror and cgi. The animatronics are very much revealed in the trailers, not shrouded in darkness like in the games. But the darkness was part of what made them scary in the original. I know Blumhouse spent much more than usual on this movie, so hopefully a chunk of that budget went to good cgi lol
Scott said a while ago he’d finally seen a draft of the movie in full play and it came together beautifully. I can’t imagine having my creations being brought to life like that, it’s gotta be insane. If he’s happy with it, I’m happy with it
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manicpixxiedreambitch · 7 months
Queer Heartbreak in Film and How I Reacted to it.
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Starting off strong we have Good Omens. This scene I watched play out in semi-silent horror. The sad desperation in Crowleys face. Aziraphale not quite knowing what to do with his hands. The feeling of betrayal that the audience gets. Aziraphale looks at Crowley almost as if he had been betrayed after the kiss, which is odd because it is clear that Aziraphale loved Crowley. Meanwhile, Crowley seems betrayed when Aziraphale says “I forgive you”, as though he had much of anything to apologize for.
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Next up is Bright Young Things. Now, I have mentioned before I know nothing about this movie, but I have seen this scene and I know enough context. This scene sits with me constantly. I think of it every time I cry, because it is in those moments I feel as though I know exactly the feeling that Michael Sheen was portraying in this. Its the crying where you are thinking “What did I expect? I should’ve known that it wouldn’t work out.”
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Glee, Episode 22.
I’ve seen this scene twice in my life. The first time I saw it, I was young. I still thought I was straight. I was whooping, clapping, cheering.
The second time I saw it was last year. The video came up on my recommended. And there was no cheering this time. No whooping, no clapping. I just sat there in silence. The second time watching it hurt a whole lot more than the first. Probably because it was a year after I had finally come to terms with the fact that I am bisexual.
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This one actually left me nonverbal for an entire night. The ending made me have my jaw stuck on the floor for a full twenty minutes. My eyes were wide as saucers and I felt almost like crying. It didn’t help that I started watching the show shortly after a similar situation happened with me and a girl I liked. We had been talking/flirting with each other for a couple of months and she even said flat out that she loved me. I felt the same about her, but I was new to dating women (honestly I was new to dating in general) and we decided to take it slow and not put any labels on anything yet while we got to know each other more. A month later she had to move away, and after a few weeks of texting back and forth, she ghosted me cold turkey. A couple months later she texted me and said she was sorry for ghosting me and that she just wasn’t interested in a relationship anymore and she wanted to protect me from her. It sucked because I was really into her. I never really expected her to stay, or for it to last, but I kind of hoped it would. So this particular Queer heartbreak smacked me across the face.
The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo
This one HURT. It’s the repressed actions, the pining, the repeated heartbreak. The feeling of hope that everything is going to be perfect only for it all to come crashing down again and again. The bittersweet feeling of entering a relationship knowing it’s not going to have a perfect happy ending. The feeling of regret knowing that they could have had more time together if they had just….
It made me want to cry SO BAD.
(Also Evelyn’s fury when she was asked if she was coming out as a lesbian after explicitly describing that she had been in love with men AND women. I related SO DEEPLY to that.)
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Any shows/movies/games etc you've been into lately that you would recommend?
Road House (fabulous neo western that has a very relaxed tone to offset a tense atmosphere with great characters and satisfying ending)
The Others (A horror thriller that’s definitely slowburn but worth the watch for the character writing and ending)
Saltburn (This movie was really divisive upon release but I loved it. Fennell’s work is this perfect mix of artistically driven, emotionally raw, and personal indulgence. If you liked Promising Young Woman you’ll probably like this. Also it’s not the grossest thing I’ve ever seen like some people are saying but definitely not one to watch with your parents so beware and maybe check a content warning guide before diving right in)
Conair (I’m a really big fan of “young and soft” Nic Cage movies and beyond that this is a stacked cast with a great premise that never gets dull for a moment. Also surprisingly very progressive accidental trans rep??)
Dylan Dog: Dead of Night. (You’ve probably never heard of this one because it’s an Americanized movie adaptation of a niche Italian horror comic that goes for a silly noir vibe but it’s utterly delightful. Taye Diggs as the head vampire absolutely slays, and the main cast are just so fun to be around the whole movie. It’s very earnest in its style and that style is bold and noir-its a good time!)
Crohnenberg’s The Fly (A great love story between to Austismo Supremes turned tragedy by a rendition of a 50’s monster movie that takes heavy inspiration from Jekyll and Hyde and has some of the gnarliest practical effects you will ever see)
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destinygoldenstar · 9 months
So, if you told me a month ago that I’d be making a post about The Amazing Digital Circus, I would probably call you a liar.
I DID hear of it. You cannot go anywhere on the Internet right now without someone saying “Have you seen The Amazing Digital Circus?” And/or “Wow, Disney has gotten so bland they’re losing to indie animation”
My hesitation to watch it, plus RWBY not working for me, (and still doesn’t tbh), makes people think I hate/don’t support indie products. That’s not the case. I’m an aspiring indie writer. I’m SO HAPPY that indie animation is getting so much attention, so much that I’m interested in watching Helluva Boss (haven’t had the time to do so yet). I’m SO HAPPY that there’s people who are not major corporations and executive demands control their creativity and passions, and are getting success by making what they want. It’s VERY inspiring and the rise in recognition has helped me in motivation on working on my original books that I’ve lacked the past few months.
I just didn’t want to watch Digital Circus at first, because fanbase.
Yeah that CAN drive people away from products more than you think.
This may be the next Undertale in more regards than one.
I usually wait till the hype dies down before I see something with great reviews. I did that with the first Spiderverse movie, and I didnt see it until over a month after the release. Then I became a fan, saw the appeal, and couldn’t wait to see the second movie in theaters.
And… well. The hype has NOT died. Not even a little. On YouTube, it was recommendation after recommendation to watch the pilot. My sibling watched it and told me to watch it. (I never listen to them cause it just made me think “Oh so it’s a Five Nights At Freddy’s knock off. If my sibling likes it.”)
What made me decide to see it was the news that it was MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN DISNEY’S WISH.
This is an INDIE product, and it’s way more successful in views and critical reception than one of THE most major animation companies of all time?!
I threw my hands in the air and decided, “Alright FINE. You win. I need to see what the appeal is.”
So I watched the pilot just a few days ago…
Okay, NOW I understand the appeal wholeheartedly.
This pilot alone pressed all of my buttons. Beautiful smooth clean animation, stellar voice acting, unique amazing character designs, the dark humor not unlike Total Drama (though not as crass as that show), the very memorable bits and lines that live in my head rent free now, the world building and the intriguing mysteries behind what’s happening. The existential horror of it all (that I personally think is more compelling than regular jumpscare heavy horror). I became loaded with questions that I really wanted to figure out the answers to. I care about the mysteries of the digital circus world, what happened to these people, how was it made, and what were these peoples lives before entering. I care about Pomni’s struggles to get out of her situation only to be grappled with a very real depiction of an existential crisis. I want to know more about these other characters and what their stories are. This is honestly the most addicted I’ve been to a show since Ninjago.
Do I a think it’s perfect? No. I have some nitpicks. But that’s where my criticism ends. Nitpicks.
Seriously, I hope and pray the remainder of this show lives up to the hype. And I’m perfectly content with waiting several months each, if it means the show stays this good. Quality over quantity. Any day.
So… yeah. I kind of joined the hype train.
It’s a real shame that I almost didn’t want to, because fanbase, because this honestly deserves the recognition it’s getting. Seriously, to my followers, if you somehow have not seen the pilot, check it out. You’ll thank me later.
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