#I know I should have something bc my sugar is probably crashing
coderzxd · 1 year
When you create a boyfriend because you're all alone
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nakitengoku · 9 months
oc interview: 💙Vex💙
Shoutout to @mail-me-a-snail for tagging me in this post and also egging me along with getting into Cyberpunk 2077 and subsequently creating Vex 💫
(I don't have a single good photo of Vex so you instead get the Compilation of sillies I've drawn, many featuring Snail's Vance!)
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💙 Name?
"Name's Vex, but call me anything you like."
💙 Nickname?
"Some people used to call me V, but that was a while ago."
He used to be called Ghost when he was younger, being able to slip into the background unnoticed at any moment, but he later grew out of that. When he eventually adopted the name V, it was less of a nickname and more of a stage name. It's mostly forgotten now, but some hardcore fans will still recognize and call him V.
💙 Gender?
"Prettyboy 💖"
💙 Star sign?
"Oh, I used to be really into these! If I remember right, My sun and moon are both Libra. Missy could probably tell you more about what that means though."
I decided to take one out of Max's book and use the first time i drew him as his birthday, which if we're going by the absolute first concept, was September 26, 2022. He's changed a Lot since then. Also, reading up on libras with Vex in mind is just 💥
💙 Height?
He's actually 5'7 and a half.
💙 Orientation?
"Anyone able and willing. Why, you interested?"
If he cared enough about labels, it'd probably be pansexual. But by the end of the day, he doesn't really care what he gets called. As long as he gets what he wants out of it, anything's fine.
💙 Nationality/Ethnicity?
💙Favorite Fruit?
"Oh man, okay so I've only had it once at an after party forever ago, but it was this round, redish purple thing. When I bit into it, it was a little tart at first, but the inside was such a sweet taste that I was in heaven. By the time I finished and threw the pit away, there were no more left and I nearly cried. I haven't seen it since and I can't remember the name but man. Best organic thing I've ever tasted."
If you give this man a plum, he'd kill someone for you. Which isn't a lot given that that's his job, but still. He'd do it without expecting to be paid in money.
💙 Favorite season?
"Fall, for sure. While I was in Atlanta, they had these parks with trees that would change their colours to these gorgeous shades of reds and oranges. God, kinda makes me wish I could grow something like that here."
I don't actually know the plant life in Nevada or how much the temperature differentiates between the seasons in Night City, but I imagine that what shrubbery they do have there have leaves that are always green or simply non-existent. Vex saw a plant change colour outside of blooming and immediately fell in love with it.
💙 Favorite flower?
"Officially, Lilacs. But between you and me, I'm very partial to forget-me-nots."
He used to be gifted Lilacs all the time during his first career by Jonathan, his producer, but Vex always found himself enjoying the little forget-me-nots that acted as accent flowers than the actual lilacs themselves.
💙 Coffee, tea or Hot chocolate?
"Hot chocolate. Although, I will drink coffee in a pinch."
This man has the biggest sweet tooth. The amount of sugar he puts in his coffee before he chugs it down for the caffeine should be illegal. [I cannot judge bc I am the same way <3]
💙 Average hours of sleep?
'We talking Mean, Median or Mode?"
It varies so much that the actual average ends up being about 6, but um. Do not be fooled into thinking he's actually sleeping 6 hours every night. Think more along the lines of several all-nighters followed by crashing super hard for a day or two.
💙 Dog or cat person?
"Oh, a cat person. I'm just not home enough for a dog."
💙 Dream trip?
"I saw a pamplet once of Crater Lake in Oregon. It was something about the ten deadliest lakes in the world or something, but I'm just into how Blue it is. If I could, I'd visit the rest of those lakes too, but. Eh, I doubt it."
💙 Favorite Fictional Character?
"Hmm, it's a toss up between a side from this really long and old comic from the 2010's and the protagonist from a just as long manga from the 2000's. I think their names were Kanya and Ruffy? It's been 15 years though so don't quote me on that."
It's Kanaya from homestuck and Luffy from One Piece. He likes Kanaya because of her fashion sense and her dealing with the responsibility of her entire species on her shoulders. And he likes Luffy for his optimism and stubbornness. At one point, he imagined finding friends like Luffy did, being surrounded by so much devotion. The reasoning has since faded and he just barely remembers much about them now.
💙 Number of Blankets you sleep with?
"Eight. I like the weight and warmth."
His AC bill is through the fucking roof but he refuses to take a single blanket off, instead insisting on just making the rest of the room freezing. Giving him a weighted blanket wouldn't fix it, but he'd probably go down to five instead of eight.
💙 Random fact?
"When i was really little, my mom used to take me to a church. Don't think it exists any more, but I remember the Stain glass windows, how the light shone through and fell onto her. In normal lighting, I remember her looking pale a sickly, but once a week, with a statue of a half-god watching over us, my mother glowed. She was gorgeous.
"Anyway, I stopped going after she died. For a while it was because I never remembered what day it was, but later it was because I realized I only ever went to see my mom glow."
Thank you for tagging me, Max! This was much longer than what i thought when i was getting into it but I'm still glad I did it.
I can't think of anyone specific who'd want to do this, so if you see this and want to give it a try, please do and tag me! I'd love to see your little blorbos :)
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ktheist · 4 years
girls like you [don’t] run ‘round with guys like me | m
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characters. popular!reader x shy!jimin
genre. college au. rich kids au. fwb au. eventual ceo au. eventual racer au.
words. 4k
warnings. 18+
note. this is a repost. tumblr messed up my exposure last time. this fic didn’t show up in search and it’s probably a third post of mine that ends up like this. this one probably won’t either but posting bc someone might see it and like it.
It’s easy to tell when Park Jimin is in love.
Unlike Kim Seokjin, his eccentric, dad joke-loving friend, Jimin would only wear the pastel pink when he’s feeling giggly and shy and mushy inside.
The source of said feelings being either the barista he goes to get his daily dose of coffee from, or the girl at the library he studies at during finals or well, right now it’s the girl he’s fucking almost every day of the week - you.
“What are you doing?” Seokjin looks at him like he just dumped a spoonful of salt in a broth that needs a little, teensy bit of sugar.
Or his face seems to say that as he goes on, “she’s a mean girl. She’s mean.”
Jimin isn’t sure if Seokjin’s aware that he’s just repeated the same thing twice.
“She calls you Chim!” The older man reiterates.
“Yeah, it’s…” Jimin trails off, the heartwarming image of you cuddling into him after yet another mindblowing sex, flashing at the back of his mind, “...her pet name for me.”
“Sounds to me like she can’t remember your actual name,” Min Yoongi interjects from the couch he’s claimed for himself ever since they got to their usual hangout.
It’s a penthouse Jimin’s parents bought him on his 18th birthday. Him and the boys would hang around there after they’re done with classes or just need a place to crash whenever they have problems with their girlfriends or boyfriends or parents or any sort of problem that renders their usual room not sleepable.
“I think we can just agree we have different wants,” Jeongguk - or the sanest of them all, as Jimin likes to call him - chirps in, taking a bite of the apple he got from the fridge.
“Exactly,” Jimin throws his hands up as if freed from his elder friends’ judge-filled eyes. The vibration of his phone in his lap gives him even more comfort to know that he finally has an excuse to slip away - he checks his phone, your name flashing in the bubble that says ‘hey, wyd?’
“I have to go, it’s ___.”
A series of groans and hollers equally erupts from the men in the room at the realization of what Jimin’s ‘having to go’ means.
And so it goes. Jimin finds himself under your blanket that smells like fresh laundry - it’s a nude green color compared to the pleated black and white from last time. Your head is on his chest and he’s caressing your hair like it’s the softest thing he’s ever laid his hands on.
Besides your boobs, that is.
“I was thinking… since we have Monday off… maybe we could-”
It’s the way you push yourself off him, eyes that are onto him gazing straight into his soul, “oh shoot, Monday’s a public holiday. I totally forgot! I have to meet my parents. My dad’s been nagging me to come back since I skipped Christmas and New Year.”
And there goes his chance to ask you out on a date.
“Oh yeah, what were you saying about Monday?”
Jimin wears the biggest fake smile he can muster, “just that… me and the boys are gonna hang out and we’re bringing our girlfriends and boyfriends and uh- doesn’t have to be someone you’re exclusively seeing,” he almost chokes at the almost-admittance that he has the fattest crush on you and wants to make it official by inviting you to a couple’s-only hang out, “but like, I don’t think I’m going, it’s boring anyway.”
He waves his hand dismissively, trying to play it cool.
You make a cooing sound, eyebrows knitting together as your lips pout cutely before a playful smile blooms on your face, “I know what you’re trying to say.”
“You do?” Jimin thinks he heard his heart dropping to his stomach.
“Yeah, you’re single and all the boys have someone special they’re gonna bring… it’s gonna be awkward as hell because they’re gonna act different because they’re around their special someone so you thought if I was there, it’d be more fun because at least you have a friend with you that’s not gonna act fake the whole time there but I can’t go so you decided you’re not going too like a minute ago.”
Silence lulls in after your analogy that you sound so sure of when, in fact, he has a whole list of things he’d do on the date which he may or may not have gone over a hundred times in his head.
Doesn’t matter now, since that date is a no-go.
He’s going to delete that list off his phone once he gets to his place and drink himself silly until he wipes it out of his mind.
“Yeah,” Jimin says a moment later, “yeah… I mean, girls in love are cute but boys in love are just… annoying.”
The week flies by without Jimin ever mentioning Monday and you’ve showed him the clothes you’re going to wear to visit your parents because apparently-
“It’s lunch at some five star Michelin restaurant and I think they’re gonna tell me they’re getting a divorce,” your voice drifts into the room from the open, walk-in closet.
“If they’re not in some long, dreadful battle on who gets the holiday house with the pool and the dogs - how do I look?” You step out, in a frilly creme sweater with a black ribbon tied around the collar of your white undershirt with a black pleated skirt that stops mid-thighs, just inches from your black stockings.
A glaring contrast to your collection of washed out skinny jeans, plain t-shirts and sneakers.
“You… look…” Jimin knows he should stop openly ogling at your never-before-seen drip but there’s just something about the creme colored sweater.
“Like a good girl?” You offer with a smile Jimin couldn’t quite put a name to. Somehow he notices a trace of sadness in your eyes, but you disappear into the closet too soon.
“I’ll think about what to wear the morning I need to wear it,” you’re in the middle of pulling off the sweater when Jimin comes up behind you, kissing your neck and grabbing your boobs like they’re his.
The sound of your giggle is music to his ears.
That is, until his boner brushes against your butt and you gasp, “Chim! We just did it.”
“I know but you look so cute in that sweater.” He sounds exactly like Jeongguk. Like a fuckboy.
Like one of the boys you got tired of before you finally noticed him, the quiet, shy guy who’s friends with the outgoing, baby-faced Jeon Jeongguk whom - Jimin hates to admit it but he thinks about this every once so often and gets jealous all on his own - you’ve humped and dumped.
How you and Jeongguk still manage to stay friends and tease each other about the other’s choice of partners, Jimin doesn’t know.
It’s like a twin calling the other ugly.
He wonders if you and him will still stay friends after…
Jimin pushes the thought out of his mind. It’s not hard to forget everything when he’s with you - when he’s kissing you on the mouth like you’re the only girl he’ll want to spend the rest of his college life with and maybe his old days with together too.
“Chim, I can’t get my shirt creased,” you say but you’re already dripping wet and laying down in said shirt that’s half ridden up from him sucking and biting on your nipples.
He stopped you when you tried to take off your clothes.
“I’ll wash it and iron it for you,” he negotiates just as he rolls the condom over his length.
The sound of your giggle makes his heart skip a beat. Or maybe that’s the libido?
Either way, your mouth clamps shut when he pulls you down against him by the dip of your waist.
A different kind of hymn leaves your lips as Jimin throws his head back, relishing in the feeling of you around him.
When Monday rolls around, Jimin’s lying on the bean bag with his two legs sprawled over the floor. The boys are all out with either their significant others, working part-time or at a party.
The worn out baseball Jimin’s been tossing in the air and catching with one hand finally hits him square in the face when he hears the doorbell, signaling the presence of someone at the door and that someone being none of the boys because they would just punch in the code and strut in like they own the place.
Jimin thought maybe it’s Yoongi - the guy couldn’t even remember what he had for dinner and actually forgot the passcode to his own rental room once.
So he didn’t think to check who it was.
When your bright smile and slightly puffy eyes flash in front of him, Jimin thinks his soul just yeeted itself out of his body.
“Hey!” You sing song, holding up two plastic bags of beers and snacks.
It takes a moment for him to snap out of his stupor and grab them from your hands and then stepping aside to let you in.
“Is… everyone late or am I just early?” You sound increasingly confused as you step further into the center of the room, standing right next to the bean bag he was laying in just a moment ago.
“Oh-” he says once before he opens his mouth the second time, ready to spurt out another lie, “oh yeah… we decided not to ‘cause why hang out in a group when you can hang out with your significant other… you know, just the two of you… doing what couples do…”
“Huh,” you say, nodding though not quite believing him but you being you, easily lets it slide, plopping on the bean bag and grabbing the closest thing to you which is the ball that hit Jimin in the face - he’s sure he has a circular mark smack dab in the area on the top of his nose bridge, in between his eyes.
The dress you end up wearing is creme colored and riding up your thighs - Jimin swallows thickly and give extra attention to the bottle opener.
“So… how did lunch go?” He pops two beers open and hands one to you, taking a seat on Yoongi’s favorite couch and admiring how your dress is taking the shape of your body as gravity pulls it down.
“Oh, you know, everyone was being fake and acting like the perfect role in the family,” you put the beer down a few inches above your head so as to not tip it over with the ball you’re waving around but not throwing in the air like Jimin did.
“Sounds suffocating,” Jimin repeats a similar answer he gives whenever you use that dismissive tone while talking about your family.
“...are you okay?” Then he asks - and he’s genuinely asking - about your state of mind while casually downing the beer and feeling the bitterness lessen with every gulp.
The silence that lapses in between you is familiar.
“If I say no, can I get a hug?” It’s the look in your eyes, glimmering like the lake he used to go to in summer.
“Always,” he sets his beer down on the table next to the couch and goes over to you, standing on his knees before bending down and engulfing you in his arm.
You’ve always had a knack for picking yourself up.
When he sees you the next time, which is on instagram and a post of you having lunch with your friends, Jimin could hardly believe that’s the girl who asked him for a hug as if she’s afraid she’ll be putting him in an uncomfortable spot by asking for too much.
But there’s something…
Like an invisible wall made of ice that he can’t thaw through nor can he climb over to get to the other side where you are. Where you keep the people you love the closest. Closer than he’ll ever be.
Jeon Jeongguk is one of them.
In the picture of five people huddled close to fit in the frame, Jeongguk has his arm over you with a peace sign while you lean your head on his neck but not actually resting on it - like it’s an unconscious action you’d do because you’ve done that plenty of times.
Is it when you two were together?
Everyone he knows, knows that you and Jeongguk used to be more than just friends at some point.
Sometimes he still hears people talking about you two in passing.
‘Did ___ and Jeongguk get back together? I saw in Jeongguk’s snapstory - they were in a club or something.’
‘No way. There goes my chance of getting close with Jeongguk.’
‘Girl, with ___ hanging around him 24/7, do you think he’d look at girls like us?’
‘A girl can dream though.’
Jimin wanted to open his mouth and tell them they deserve way better than Jeon Jeongguk - though they’re not prettier than you.
He thinks you’re the loveliest girl on planet earth and if there was another life form on another planet, he’s almost a hundred percent sure you’d still be prettiest being in the universe with your obsession for skinny jeans and the way you’d unconsciously pout when he talks about how things weren’t going his way that day as if you would’ve exchanged your abundance of luck with his shitty one just because you’ve got that big of a heart and how you’d be walking with your friends, laughing and giggling and when you see him, you’d wave at him like you’re good friends.
Second only to Jeongguk and your friend group that you’re always hanging out with.
“Oh, ___? We were childhood friends.”
“Hmm… Gguk and I became friends because our parents are friends.”
The two of them say at different times and settings when Jimin asked, trying to play it cool. Like he isn’t just brimming with jealousy. Like he’s not half-way to losing his mind because the girl of his dreams just went to a retreat with his friend-of-a-friend-turned-actual-friend together when everyone else in the group who was excitedly planning for the trip - couldn’t make it.
The rooms at the inn weren’t even pre-booked. It was owned by Jeongguk’s family and they didn’t deposit any money for the trip for them to rationalize going on that trip anyway despite everyone else not being to go.
“The trip? It was fun, if you want we can go together next time.”
Jimin isn’t sure if you even mean that when he asked how the trip went after you’re glistening with the glow of after sex and scrolling through instagram, liking posts of everyone you know.
But then three months later, on your break, Jimin is hit with a ‘keep your schedule free next week for a whole week!!!’
Then he finds himself at a five star hotel by the beach with the most breathtaking view of the sea.
It wasn’t the inn owned by the Jeon’s but Jimin liked the fact that you brought him to a place - and he hopes his assumptions are true - your friends have never been before. Especially Jeongguk.
“Woah, this place is better than I thought,” a king sized bed lies directly across from the balcony where you’re standing, hair flying behind your back as the seaside breeze blows into the room.
“We can watch the sun rise and set from our bed,” Jimin comments for the sake of saying something.
He’s not sure what this means. He’s not sure if he should be having a boner at the thought of the two of you being together for a whole week without any other person getting in the way. He’s not sure if his heart should be thumping this fast.
For the first time since he’s known you, Park Jimin is the most unsure he’s ever been.
“You know what I wanna watch?” Your hands slip in his as you stand between him  and the open balcony door, “you under me, biting your lips because you’re still shy about the sound you make.”
So when you tug him back into the bedroom just minutes after checking in, naturally, Park Jimin follows like he’s been bewitched by your ungodly beauty.
Once the one week of nothing but heavenly morning wishes and passionate night kisses - oh, there was more than just kissing but Jimin remembers how your lips meld so perfectly together with his the most - Jimin is sure.
‘Something definitely changed.’
He thinks maybe it’s not impossible to dream of a future with you even after college.
“Jimin I-... I’m not at a point in life to be thinking about relationships,” you say, hand gripping your arm, head lowered as if your whole body is saying sorry.
“O-oh,” is all he says, he hearts his heart breaking and his chest caving.
All of a sudden, the lights in Gangnam city doesn’t seem so bright anymore.
You both live your last year pretending like the other doesn’t exist. He doesn’t look at you when he passes you and neither did you. Only talks to Jeongguk even though you’re right next to the aforementioned man - granted you were talking with your other friends like you didn’t even notice him there.
But Jimin’s never felt so invisible in his life than he does now.
Then, graduation rolls around and he thinks finally, he won’t have to walk through the hallway and pretend like he didn’t see you. Don't have to keep a five feet distance whenever you meet up for a group project.
Park Jimin doesn’t need to see your pretty face and starry eyes anymore.
“Jimin… do you have a minute?”
Or so he thought.
“So… congrats on surviving college,” you make small talk while standing just ten feet away from the boys whom he’s sure are speculating on what you’re talking about.
Jimin never got to prove to his friends that you’re not the mean, name-forgetting girl they all thought.
Jeongguk knows you’re not. He’s always backing Jimin up when Jimin’s debunking their passing accusations about you.
“Sometimes things just don’t work out between two people but doesn’t mean one of them is the bad guy.” Jeongguk's words put an end to their debate of whether Jimin deserved better than you or not.
For someone young, Jeongguk spoke his mind decidedly.
Jimin felt ashamed that he’d ever been jealous of Jeongguk’s relationship with you.
“I just… didn’t wanna leave things on a bad note. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings when I said no but I really like spending time with you - whether it’s sex or just staying over and cuddling for hours… I like it all.” You say the word sex and cuddle like they’re used interchangeably and Jimin thinks his heart just fluttered.
And you’d said it in public where your everyone can see or possibly pick up on what you were saying, at that.
Well, one thing’s for sure, you’ve got bigger balls than he does.
“My feelings are the same as six months ago and call me crazy but I don’t think you dislike me either.” He finally says and it feels like a deadweight has been lifted off his shoulders.
There comes that pout, as if something is bothering you and you always ever pout like that when that something concerns him.
“You kidding me? I can never dislike you.”
The Jimin from six months ago would have stared at you with disbelief and a dust of pink on his cheeks. But the Jimin he is now simply smiles, heart thumping in his chest. He nods.
“Thanks for telling me that,” and Jimin knows that’s the closest to an ‘I like you’ he can get with the girl who builds an ice fortress around her heart.
A whole year passes by and Jimin finds himself in different shades of grey every day, working at his dad’s company and attending dinner meetings. Life comes to a standstill while time passes him by.
“So, like, you have a sports car, right? Why don’t you come over to the race circuit after dinner? Everyone’s gonna be there.”
Jeongguk tells him over the phone.
And by ‘everyone’ he means the sons and daughters in the corporate world. It’s networking at its finest.
When he’s there, three cars are already racing in the circuit. The smell of burnt rubber and the sound of tires screeching against asphalt isn’t exactly his favorite but they have cheap booze instead of fine wine and he knows the people here are in for the same thing as he is.
An escape.
Away from the grandeur of fine wine and dinner dresses and the elders breathing down their necks and having to act like the next heir to the legacy they were born to carry.
“That Chevrolet over there,” Jeongguk comes, hand on Jimin’s back as his other one that’s holding a bottle of beer points at a red car that looks like a racing fireball, “everyone’s betting on that one tonight.”
Jimin doesn’t know there’s a bet.
“I’ll skip the bet this time ‘round. Haven’t seen the driver yet,” he shrugs dismissively.
Even in stock investment, he’d learned to study the market first before placing his best bet.
Jeongguk leaves his side when his friends - he’s got new ones now - beckons him over. At the same time, the Chevrolet passes the finish line seconds before the Ford Mustang and McLaren 720s, making it the winner of the night.
The driver seems like a show off with the way the car rolls up to the audience, the sound of its engines revving into the night being met with cheers of half-drunk young adults.
Arrogance is a man’s downfall.
Jimin’s about to turn around and head for the exit when the door of the car gets pushed open. The driver steps out, decked in black and red leather jeans and jackets that seem to match the car.
But it’s the smooth, silken hair that cascades past the helmet that catches his eyes.
Park Jimin’s seen many arrogant men in his life but he’s only ever seen one woman with balls and looks good wearing them.
“___! ___! ___!” The crowd starts cheering as you pull off the helmet, holding it underneath your arm and waist.
Your eyes are as brilliant as the night sky full of stars. They’re tinged with shock and then recognition. And finally, you smile that gorgeous smile that gets you misunderstood often as a woman who doesn’t need anything or anyone but uses them as they come.
But Park Jimin knows better than anyone, how wholeheartedly happy that smile looks when you see him.
Like meeting a good friend after a long time.
Seven months down the road, Jimin finds himself with just a blanket draped over his waist while you’re taking a shower in his bathroom to get ready to head to Hong Kong for a business trip.
He hears the sound of the shower head being turned off. The tapping of your foot around his bedroom as you pick up your clothes that are strewn all over the floor.
Then the bed dips ever so gently under your weight as you climb over to him, the fresh scent of shower get filling his senses.  Lips press a deep, lingering kiss on his. As if you don’t want to go to a place where he won’t be.
A few socials and midnight races after his first meeting with you after a long time, you asked him if he’s seeing someone.
“If I say yes, what will you do?” It’s playful at first, because Jimin didn’t want to get himself hurt the second time.
But it’s the way you tilted your head, a finger tapping on your chin as you pondered on his words, “that’s a problem because I don’t want to be that girl that steals another girl’s man,” then you looked at him like you know he’s the one you want to wake up to every morning and the last face you see when you sleep at night and if you can’t have that. then-
“Can you be mine… just for tonight?”
“I don’t think I can.” The crestfallen expression you wear makes his own heart break, even if it’s just for a split second-
“Because I’m not seeing anyone but I’m in that point in life where I want a serious relationship or nothing at all.”
But what he doesn’t tell you is how he doesn’t want a relationship if it’s not with the girl who still haunts his dreams even after all this time.
Just like how you’d turned him down because you weren’t looking to be in a relationship before, you’d courted Jimin like you’d want to spend your whole life with him now.
Flowers got sent to his office everyday until it smells nothing short of floral. You’d be there, waving at him like he’s your savior in that dreadful social you were both attending. Every week, you’d plan dinner dates under the guise of catching up.
Before you race, you’d look over to where he’s standing, as if saying ‘this one’s for you’ before slipping into your car and coming out first every single time.
As if you were making up for every month of the year that you’d let life pass you by.
Now you’ve won a total of 36 races since he met you and the metal band you gifted him on the night of your 12th win feels warm against his skin. As if it’s absorbed all the love and adoration you poured into it.
And you’re wearing that ring he got you on your birthday on your finger that’s resting on his chest where his heart is as he kisses you back just as reluctant to let you leave.
But Park Jimin knows wherever you are, wherever you will be - you will always find your way back to each other.
Back home.
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ocpdzim · 5 years
i want coffee but its sunday so the good coffee shop is closed 
#there are OTHER coffee shops but i need something that is actually worth drinking in order to consider spending any more money on coffee#this week because i have already gone like 3x over my usual coffee budget and even though i TECHNICALLY have enough money for more coffee i#should really save it for gift shopping / emergencies / donations#bc i really shouldnt be paying for more than 1 coffee per week especially not when grandma bought me 2 as well#theyre worth it now and then but i mustnt make it a habit#and since ive been hypomanic i like. i have wanted a lot of coffee#which is so funny really bc that is probably the time in my life i have the absolute least need for caffeine#its just also when i have the most want for coffee bc i can Really Make The Best Of It#but i got 5 coffees and a chai this week i REALLY dont need more#@ me just make sugar tea dipshit#i thought my hypomanic episode ended without a crash and was baffled that it had done so#but you know this morning im kind of thinking it might have just like. taken a break and then started up again?????#can they do that???? mine have never done that before. but theyve also never ended without a crash before#idk#anyway im rambling.#the other coffee shops in town make weak coffee and its just not worth going to them unless my only goal is to have the calories#which for all its faults is something starbucks is absolutely great for. where else can i get a 2500 calorie item i will actually consume in#its entirety. literally nowhere else i think the highest calorie thing i am capable of getting down other than a starbucks syrup latte is#only like 600 calories.#so starbucks is good for one (1) thing which is if im having trouble eating real food i can go over there and get my daily calorie#requirement and then some without having to actually fucking eat anything bc i hate food#food -#disordered eating -#their coffee is nasty though its intolerable without the syrup and the syrup only makes it tolerable#swearing -
0 notes
satanloveschicken · 4 years
Midnight thoughts -B.C.
-Bang Chan
This is a comfort one shot i wrote for myself bc i was sad so i hope it cheers u up bc it worked for me. This was originally an entire fic idea but i’m not sure i want to write a whole ass fic rn but if yall want the entire thing just lmk. also i totaly turned this in as an assignment for my creative writing class. I’m such a clown. omfg
warnings : mentions of suicide, theme of self degrading thoughts, angst
word count : 1,017 
“Maybe I should kill myself,” the girl leaning on the balcony rail mumbled to herself. She in fact should not kill herself. But oh, did she so desperately want to.
           The light of the street lamps cast a soft glow over the girls face as she admired the sight below her. Scattered blobs of color from other houses and apartments shone around her. Stars twinkled far above as a light breeze brushed through her hair. The smell of fresh spring rain lingered. God, did Faryn love that smell. It always brought the comfortable reminder of home, but not tonight. No, tonight she hated it. Tonight it brought the reminder of her dead parents.
           Faryn’s hands slipped from where they were resting on the railing to her sides, lying limp. A heavy sigh escaped her lips.
           Why did they have to die? Why did they have to leave us so early? I don’t know what to do without them.
           The cement of the apartment’s wall was cool against her clammy back, her sinuses started to sting. A pressure built up behind her closed eyes. Felix can take care of himself. He has a life here. I shouldn’t have intruded. Faryn didn’t have a choice though. It was either move in with Felix in a new country or stay in Australia where everything reminded her of her parents. Maybe she didn’t want Felix to be alone, or maybe it was really her that needed him more than he needed her.
           It’s just him and her now. Two siblings against the world. She didn’t want it to be just them though. She wanted to be sitting at the dinner table laughing, surrounded by her mom and dad and Felix on family game night. She wanted to be baking a traditional recipe with her mom. She wanted to be working on broken cars with her dad. She didn’t want to be sitting on her younger brother’s apartment’s balcony crying. Yet here she was. Doing exactly that.
           A car honked far below on the street and Faryn flinched. Images flashed in her mind. Blinding lights. Screams. The smell of spilled oil. Fire.
           Faryn slammed her palms into her eyes, as if she could rub out the memories. “No, not now! I don’t want to. Not right now!” She whispered. More tears leaked from the corners of her eyes, gradually sliding down her cheeks.
Faryn shifted on the hard concrete carrying the sound of her pills moving with her. She froze. With a shaky hand she dug the bottle out of her pants pocket. Everything seemed to fade away as she stared at the bottle full of tiny little anti-depressants. Maybe she was delusional but the bottle stared back at her. Taunting her. Egging her on. Wanting her to pop the lid and throw them to the back of her throat.
Yet something stopped her. A voice in the back of her mind. Screaming at her not to do it. But she shoved that voice down. Down, down, down into the deepest parts of her mind and locked it up. A dumb idea really but she clearly wasn’t thinking straight.
Faryn’s thumb freed the pill bottle’s lid from its attachment. The tiny white pills spilled into her hand like a rushing waterfall.
The sliding glass door crashed open and Faryn whipped her head in its direction. There stood her neighbor, staring down at her folded form with sad eyes. His eyebrows were creased in what Faryn might’ve thought was worry. She looked up at him. Her eyes wide and questioning, filled with tears.
He took a step forward, and then another when Faryn didn’t react, up until he was sliding down the wall to sit next to her.
She knew who he was. She knew that he was Chris, Felix’s best friend and now her new neighbor. But what she couldn’t fathom was that he was here. Trying to comfort her when he could be anywhere else. Doing whatever else he wanted. She didn’t understand why someone would value her. She didn’t get why he would pull her into his arms. She couldn’t figure out why he let her cry into his shoulder or why he rubbed comforting circles on her back. She didn’t know but she didn’t care. She kind of liked being held.
The pills that were seconds away from being taken now lay discarded on the floor. The white a stark contrast against the dark gray. They stood out the same way darkness does against light.
Soft sobs spilled into the night. Followed by hiccups and sniffles. They stayed like that for a while. Just sitting. Faryn crying and Chris comforting her.
He wished he could do something more for her but he didn’t know what. He knew not to mention cars or board games but maybe, just maybe, baking something could help her feel better. Probably not one of the recipes Faryn and her mom would make, but maybe a simple chocolate cookie. Cookies almost always cheered people up. They sure seemed to do the trick for him.
Chris’s voice was just above whisper when he spoke, “Cookies? I can make you some cookies and we can put on a silly movie.” He held her tighter, like she might break any second.
The hiccuping slowed down as Faryn took deep breaths. In through her nose and out through her mouth. “Yeah.” Her voice broke on the one word but she smiled anyways. “Yeah,” she repeated, nodding her head that was still lying on his chest.  
“Chocolate chip or sugar?”  
“Chocolate chip.” Faryn’s head moved back so she could look at Chris and his grip loosened a tiny bit, “Please.”
Her smile was breathtaking and her eyes lit up for the first time in a week. Even with snot and tears running down her face she looked like she was gonna be alright for a little while longer.
Chris’s own mouth turned up into a lopsided smile, “Alright, sounds like a plan.”  
After all, a dying plant can still recover with the help of tender care and love.
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trickkombowerskru · 5 years
Road Trip-Henry Bowers Imagine
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Request: Anonymous: Hey can you do an imagine where the reader gets a call saying she has to go pick up henry from juniper hills and she is like super successful and she isn't sure if she should but she ends up doing and they have a super cute road trip to her house and it's all fluffy. Also I love your work❤
A/N:I kinda went nuts with this prompt bc I really loved it so this one is real long strap in folks
Warnings: None
You exhale after an exhausting day at work, as you take off your coat. After an entire day of meetings, finalizing pieces, and reviewing editorials you were beat. You wanted nothing more than to get into the bath and have a glass of wine.
Then to follow that up by changing into sweats, and watching whatever new awful movie hit Netflix recently to turn your brain off and relax while you could before you had to be up the next morning to do it all over again.
As soon as you poured your wine your phone ringing obnoxiously loud killed the mood. You pick it up not recognizing the number at all, but seeing it was a call from Derry, Maine. Just upon seeing the town, a familiar feeling struck you, something that was pulling you to answer.
“Hi is this Y/N L/N?”
“This is she. “
“Hi this is Katherine with Juniper Hills Asylum.”
Why the hell was a random mental hospital calling you?
“Can I ask why you’re calling?”
“Ah yes, due to good behavior and new found evidence in the case that he did not commit these crimes, Henry Bowers is to be released early, and to the first person on his emergency contact form, which is you.”
Hearing his name again made you feel like you just got punched in the gut. And then you know the feeling. It was everything your first boyfriend had made you feel. You needed to take a minute to debate whether you would go.
“Oh I have another call I’ll call you back soon.”
You think of all the pros and cons, you were in New York now which was a while 7 hours away, and it was one am, in order to get there by morning you’d have to leave at three or four. On the other hand you would feel terrible if he was thrown out on to the streets or something. Also the fact that the feelings were slowly coming back, along with memories.
You quickly call your assistant since you decided you would go. Who knows? Maybe it could even be fun.
“Hey Addison? Yeah something just came up I won’t be in tomorrow until late in the afternoon, maybe not at all.”
“Is everything alright Y?N?”
“Yeah fine, fine I just need to go on a business trip in Maine.”
“Oh okay I’ll be sure to get the email out”
“Thanks Addison you’re the best.”
You quickly called the number back.
“Hi Katherine I’ll be there.”
“Great tonight is his last night, he’ll be released to you when you arrive.”
“I can get there around 10.”
“10 am got it, we’ll let the other workers know.
You put your wine glass in the fridge and then proceed to grab a bunch of caffeine. By the time you had to go you were more than awake. The closer you got to Derry, the more memories came flooding back to you. Along with guilt, you remember when everything went down, and how you would go to see him.
Then you graduated and once every few days became once a week, once a week to once a month, and by the time you left Derry it was once every few months, and you had to break it off.
You hated hurting him like that, but you had no choice, seeing him even less would just hurt your relationship. You moved to New York for college, and worked your way up to the ladder to where you were now. Currently you were the CEO of a really large fashion magazine, really creating an empire.
You laughed to yourself remembering all the dumb shit you two got into, how he carved your initials into the kissing bridge, your first kiss, your first time, and just everything else.
It felt weird to be back in Derry, you never really forgot it, but you had somehow forgotten enough. Enough where you had made up enough to seem believable in interviews in case they had asked you about your childhood.
You take a deep breath to calm yourself down when you finally pulled into the parking lot. A sense of dread filled your entire body as you were lead down the halls into the lobby by a worker.
Before you entered you could see Henry waiting through the clear double doors, you smiled seeing how nothing had really changed. he still had that rough and tough small town charm and even still had his mullet, which you would be sure he got cut, later.
When the doors open, the look of awe on his face is so heartwarming. He had no idea it was you who was picking him up, his heart swelled seeing you again after all these years, looking somehow even more beautiful.
He was never mad at you for leaving, he actually understood it, and if he held you back, he would hate himself even more. So yeah while being stuck in this hellhole he still loved you and thoughts of you made him smile.
“Y/N,” he asks.
“Hey,” you say softly.
“Hey,” he replies.
Without missing a beat you are hugging, almost wanting to cry at the way he clutches to you as if you were his safe place.
You sign the papers and he practically takes your hand and runs out.
He takes a really deep breath in once outside.
“Aw finally some fresh fuckin’ air.”
“They didn’t let out out?”
“Eh sometimes, but not for long, I swear being stuck in those walls drove everyone even more fuckin’ nuts... it’s the little things you miss the most, but they add up ya know.”
“I guess get that. Like what?”
“Uh fresh air, a nice cig, good food, just to name a few,”
You nod the ride began extremely awkward. Not a word was said from you at first, worried he may have just been secretly mad or something.”
He seemed to pick up on this right away, as after about 25 minutes he looks over at you an smiles.
“I ain’t mad at you.”
“For leavin’ I ain’t mad.”
You nod, feeling a weight taken off your shoulders.
And shortly after as cheesy as it was “I Melt With You”  comes on the radio. You smile and turn it up, looking over at him. It was your song back in the day because of a whole running joke. In no time you two are singing terribly at the top of your lungs and laughing.
“God remember that night we snuck out to go to prom. I still have no clue how I got you to go with me.”
“You were my girl, and beside I knew that shit would get me brownie points, and what happened it did.”
“Yeah yeah whatever you say Bowers, you still cut up the dance floor.”
“Maybe,” he smiles.
You pull to a halt when you reach one area.
He looks around and chuckles when he sees you get out of the car.
It was the kissing bridge, you look around and then see it, the carving he made all those years ago, still clear as day, you run your hand over it and grin.
You take a picture with you phone and then head back to the car.
“It’s still there. God I remember that night, on the way back from that shitty horror movie, first time you told me you loved me, after you did that carving.”
“Yeah...” he breaths out still taking in how gorgeous the sunlight bounced off the side of your face
The rest of the ride flies by filled with reminiscing and laughter.
You make stops every now and then at gas stations to refuel and get snacks and drinks.
Henry even surprises you with what you always used to get back in the day.
“You remembered?”
“Layer the blue and the red, blue on top, and then since for some reason it’s such a damn pair like we are a two pack of Slim Jims and I get one. ” he shakes his head with a laugh reciting what you used to say to him all the time when you went on snack “runs” back in the day as he pulls apart the pack, handing you one of them.
“I’m impressed. God it’s been so long since I have this absolute garbage combo!,” you exclaim taking a really big sip of the Slurpee.
“So where are we goin’ anyway? Where do you live?,” he questions a s he takes a bit of his Slim Jim
“New York,” you say his eyes light up and you can see a cute sense of childlike wonder in them 
Once you hit New York you notice Henry’s eyes go large again  as he looks around at the hustle and bustle of the city and all the shops and stuff. Now though the crashing effects of the caffeine were starting to get to you, but you wanted to get Henry settled in, and then get him a few things, considering his old clothes definitely wouldn’t fit him, and lord knows he probably wanted out of that hoodie and uniform.
You take another sip hoping that the sugar will be enough to keep you up.
When you pull up just by the size of the outside of the building Henry was taken so back, but that was nothing compared to his face when he got inside.
“Holy shit Baby! This is like a fuckin’ mansion how do you not get lost? What do you do to live here?”
“I uh, I run a fashion magazine, and help design stuff, CEO of the company now actually,” you say feeling flustered hearing him calling you “Baby” again.
“God damn!”
“Yeah it’s pretty nice.”
“That’s an understatement.”
You laugh as he looks around.
“Okay so I’ll show you the bathroom so you can showers, and then I’ll just give you some men’s designs I have lying around here, then we can go out and I can get you a few things,”
“Hot water,” Henry says as you start walking him to one of the bathrooms.
“That’s another small thing you miss, hot water.”
“They didn’t give you hot water?”
“They did at first, but then the damn shower busted and they never got it fixed.”
“Well you can take all the hot water you want, just leave your clothes on the chair there and uh I guess I’ll uh-”
“Burn em.”
“You want me to burn them?”
“I ain’t ever wearin’ that shit again, not like you wanna keep it.”
“Okay noted. I’ll burn it, and I’ll leave you fresh stuff in the guest room 2nd door to the left from here.”
He nods and starts stripping before you leave, making you laugh.
“Can you wait till I leave?”, you joke.
“Ain’t nothing you ain’t seen before,” he smirks, making your slight blush come back.
“Yeah well it’s been a while since I’ve seen it. I don’t know if anything’s changed<” you tease and drift your eyes downward.
“Only for the better Darlin’ not much to do in that hellhole, but walk around, watch the shit they had on the tv, read somethin’, or workout.”
You laugh again and shut the door, heading to your design room. to get him something casual, but nice. You luckily had some down played stuff from a shoot coming up. Sure you liked fresh stuff on your models, but you could always wash the stuff, and have it pressed to restore it. 
You quickly retrieve his outfit from the bathroom and lit your fire place throwing in stuff one by one slowly so it doesn’t grow too large, then grab some more caffeine to stay awake. 
Oh yeah you were going to for sure gong to crash at like 7 or 8 tonight and there was no way you were going to try and go in today, you’d be falling asleep during any meetings.
You pick up your phone, calling Addison again to let her know.
“Hey Girl.”
“I just wanted to let you know that the maybe has definitely turned into a no go today, I am exhausted.”
“Aw I’m sorry, make sure you get some rest tonight okay?”
“Oh trust me I will soon. Just wanted to let you know that way you knew that you and Mark were still in charge and heads of the meetings and all that. I mean you can call or text if you need something during them of course, but yeah just wanted to give you a heads up on that. Plus they are smaller meeting anyway so I know for sure you guys will handle them perfectly.”
“Of course,” you say as you hear the shower finally shut off.
“I gotta go, but good luck I know you two will do great!”
“Alright. Thanks for the heads up. I can put an extra shot of espresso into your latte if you want.”
“Oh yes! I know I’ll definitely need it, I know I’m still gonna come in tired despite how much sleep I get tonight God knows I won’t wanna get up thanks. Okay see ya.”
You turn around and your breath hitches for a minute when you see Henry in the outfit you had chosen. He almost looked entirely different then he did when you picked him up now that he was in actual clothes.
“So how do i look Sweetheart could I be in Vogue or what?,” he jokes striking a ridiculous pose with a smolder on his face.
You let him pick out whatever he liked, along with helping him with a few things, and making sure he head a few nicer pieces and a suit, then go to the barber’s shop.
“Okay I know it’ll be shocking and all, but Hen....the mullet has to go you need to update your look for a full 2016 makeover.”
The look on his face was priceless.
You tell the guy how to fix it at least a bit, making sure the mullet goes, he could style it up if he wanted, but something told you he would just leave it with the slight bangs he had. either way it was for sure an upgrade.
When he was done he looked in the mirror, ran his hand through it a bit, you could tell he liked it. Then he puts his hand on the back of his neck, feeling it.
“Feels weird. Like I always had it.”
You laugh.
“You look good.”
“Yeah,” you find yourself leaning in, in the slightest way to kiss him before catching yourself, your phone ringing saved you so you stepped out to take it. It was Addison making sure of a few things before the meeting started, but you were thankful for her timing.
You went back in mentally kicking yourself for that. Hoping he didn’t notice, which it didn’t seem he did. Like it would be weird after all this time to just pick things back up where they left off right? 
Like it had been forever and sure he may have been being flirty all day, but that could also just be because you were taking him in. Also would he even want that?
You shake your thoughts and then go to the apple store where you had the field day of teaching him his way around a modern phone. Were you spoiling him a bit? Yes. But you couldn’t help it, despite these feelings coming back, you wanted him to be able to find his way around the city, even if it wasn’t by your side.
Once you leave of course it starts to rain, you quickly rush into the house, changing into comfy clothes and grabbing a blanket. You eventually drift off, waking up somehow in your bed to the loud crash of thunder.
Did Henry carry you here? How long did it take him to find your room? Did he tuck you in or did you just pull up the blankets yourself? The thunder takes you out of your thoughts along with a squeaking sound. 
You check your phone it was midnight, you fell asleep around 7, and you had around 5 maybe 6 more hours before you had to get up, and head into the office. While you did wanna go back to sleep, you still felt pretty refreshed from that nap. First thing first though you wondered what that noise was. 
You pull on a hoodie and quickly find your source when Henry’s door was open. You see him toss and turn, seeming to be stuck in a nightmare. You knew he hated storms back then, they were harsh and loud, and reminded him of the lashes his father gave him.
It made sense that without any form of comfort over all these years, along with whatever else piled on top of that, that he would still be afraid. He wakes up in a gasp, wiping the cold sweat off of his forehead.
You gently knock on the door he looks over and slightly smiles seeing you.
“Hey,” you gently say.
“Hey Doll.”
“You still hate storms.”
He nods.
“Yeah. Yeah they're the fuckin’ worst.”
“Well now that we’re both up you uh, you want me to make some cocoa?”
“Yeah..sounds nice.”
“You still want that dash of cinnamon?”
“You got it”
He sits on the couch, hugging one of your pillows, as you get to work on the cocoa., when it’s finished you add the final touches, and can’t help but sneak a glance at him shirtless, when he releases the pillow to take the mug.
He was definitely right in that joke earlier you notice that he for sure had lots of muscle still built up. You try and shake yourself out of your thoughts, but this time it just holds there.
“Um do you wanna sleep in my room tonight? It just sounds like your fear has gotten worse. I’d hate to leave you alone with that.”
Once the cocoa is done, you put the mugs in the sink and go back to the couch. The thoughts cloud your mind again when he lays next to you, and you want nothing more than to either be held or to hold him. You just decide to let it out before it bottles up.
“Hey Henry?”
“Do you um...do you still have feelings for me?”
“That obvious huh?”
That took you for surprise.
“No actually I was in my head all day about it. When I got that phone call the other night some feelings came back, but once I got into Derry and saw you again they hit me like a damn bus. I just wasn’t sure how you felt.”
“Well now you do, the thoughts of you were the only thing that could get me to even crack a smile in that shit hole.”
“Do you...do you still love me?”
“Princess I never stopped.”
You lean up and finally after all these years kissed him again, and that was the final nail in the coffin with every single emotion blasting through your body. You pull away and he caresses your face.
“You had no idea how badly I’ve wanted to do that all day or to just do it again for so long.”
“Come ere’,” you say and as if it’s nothing has changed.
You remember the first time he came to you in the rain, not caring it was pouring or storming, he needed you after a particularly rough time from his dad. It was also the first time he came to you after his dad, and after a bit of comfort he told you the truth.
He shifted over into your arms, and you started to do what always used to calm him down, running your fingers through his hair.
“I missed you,” he says smiling up at you.
You kiss him again and quickly drift off again, getting back together with Henry or even really seeing Henry again was definitely not how you would have expected to spend a day, but you weren’t complaining.
He was here in your arms again and you were going to be here for him this time. You would be here to help him heal, to help him grow, and everything else.
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Rating: G
Summary:  With the help of the baby he found along the way, Mr. Banana sets out to rescue Princess Floria. If he can return her to Paris, she should be able to end Lord Gabriel's war on magical creatures. He'll only have to fight off giant lollipop monsters, Mayura's minions, and his own feelings along the way.
Word Count:  3082 | Chapter 1/2
Notes: I blame @botherkupo. Floria’s her name for August’s mom. Overall I’m torn between pride and regret at writing this. i wont tag maddy bc i think she’s suffered enough for her sins
“Lollipop!” The baby—Mr. Banana had taken to calling him Greenie, on account of his radioactive green eyes—cried out and tried to clutch at the castle in the distance.
“No, it’s not a lollipop,” Mr. Banana laughed as he adjusted Greenie on his hip. It did look like one, though, with the swirling stripes and colorful shingles on its turrets. “Here you go, little guy. This is even better than a lollipop.”
He stopped walking to bend down and pluck another onion from the ground. Some people thought he lived off of nothing but bananas, and that that was the reason he looked the way he did.  It always boggled him. Didn’t they know that would be like cannibalism? But onions—now those were a vegetable he could get behind.
Sometimes he chose to pretend it was his onion breath that kept all the other fairy tale creatures away, and not the fact that he was a giant sentient banana.
“Lollipop?” Greenie tried holding the onion by its tall grassy top, as if it were a stick. When the onion drooped, he spun it around like it was the heroic Ladybug’s magic yo-yo. 
At least the baby was entertained. Mr. Banana had run out of lollipops about ten kilometers ago, so it was the best he could do.
Unfortunately, that meant that he had to carry Greenie instead of Greenie carrying him.
“At least I’ll have some nice biceps to impress the princess with.”  He flexed his free arm and grinned.  Well, he was already grinning.  His face just sort of did that, no matter how he was feeling.  His neighbors probably found that more unsettling than the onion breath.
Greenie didn’t mind, though.  He just gurgled and swung his onion at Mr. Banana’s peel.
Two hours and one diaper change later, Mr. Banana stood in the castle’s shadow.
“Lollipop,” Greenie said with wide eyes.  Mr. Banana held him close, patting his back.  The castle might look disarming with all its pastel colors, but Lord Gabriel had told him that a terrible monster guarded the princess inside.
Not for the first time, Mr. Banana wondered if this quest was worth it.  Lord Gabriel wanted him to retrieve Princess Floria, who had been imprisoned by the enigmatic witch Mayura over a year ago.  Mr. Banana didn’t understand all the details.  He just knew that Lord Gabriel said the princess’ brilliant red hair could heal any ailment.
Maybe it could even Mr. Banana into a human.
No point in getting his hopes up about that, though.  He still had to actually save the princess first.
“You’d better stay outside, Greenie.”  He set the baby down in a patch of grass.  “It might be dangerous in there.”
“Nana?”  He reached out, opening and closing his tiny fists.  His radioactive eyes were wide, like he was about to cry.
Mr. Banana’s grin faltered.  “I’ll be right back.  I promise.”
Ever since Mr. Banana had saved Greenie from Lord Gabriel’s minions, they’d been attached like apples and bananas.  Magical creatures like himself and the baby weren’t safe in Paris.  Hopefully, Princess Floria could change that.
Mr. Banana saluted the baby before pushing open the heavy castle door.
“Stay peachy, little guy.”
The inside of the castle was just as bright as the outside.  Weren’t castles supposed to be dark and scary?  But this one was decorated with bright purple and blue swirls across the walls and up the pillars.  It was prettier than Mr. Banana’s lonely swamp, honestly.
But pretty or not, the castle was lonely.  Mr. Banana hadn’t seen a single sign of life.  Was the princess actually here?  If no one was guarding her, wouldn’t she have just run away?
Maybe there were guards further inside, near the tower.  He’d better be careful.
He pushed open another large door.  This one was pinky-orange, like a soft ripe peach.  His stomach rumbled; he should’ve eaten that onion on the way here.
“Woah,” he breathed when he entered the room.  “Greenie would love this.”
Giant lollipops seemed to grow along the walls of the chamber.  Were they part of the castle’s magic?  Or did Princess Floria spend her days gardening lollipops to pass the time? ...Could you even garden lollipops?  He didn’t think so, but then again, most people didn’t think living bananas existed, either.
No time to get distracted, though.  He crept through the chamber, leaving footprints in the thin layer of sugar that dusted the floor.  If his were the only footprints here, he could at least be pretty sure the room was deserted.
A low rumble sounded from the far end of the room.  
Okay, not deserted then.  
He froze as a cluster of lollipops peeled from the walls, then latched together like the limbs of a saccharine golem.  Despite not having a face, it seemed to swivel to look at him.
“Uh-oh.” He gulped.
Time to make like a banana and split.
He dashed down a corridor branching off of the chamber.  The thundering footsteps of the lollipop monster crashed behind him.  That thing would be too fast to outrun, and his potassium-filled heart was already beating as fast as it could go.  Should he dive out a window?  No, the castle was at the edge of a cliff; he’d end up mush in the chasm below.  But this hallway seemed to stretch on forever, and the monster was gaining on him.
He tripped over the plush carpet.  This was it.  After everything, he was going to get crushed by a giant lollipop monster.
But if he was gone—who would take care of Greenie?
He rolled to the side, and the monster’s lollipop fist shattered the floor where he’d been lying.  That could be him next, if he didn’t get up soon.
He scrambled to his feet, but still nearly slipped into the fresh hole.  That dark abyss was not peachy.
“Wait—that’s it!”  He grinned.  (Well, he was already grinning, but his heart was in it now.)
He dashed further down the hall while the monster was shaking the dust from its spherical fist.  Then, he removed a section of his peel.  There was no time for blushing modesty; he dropped it on the floor and kept running.
A few moments later, he heard a giant crash.  Hopefully the monster slipping on the peel.  He didn’t look back to check.
He finally reached a spiral staircase at the end of the hall, and sprinted up the steps two at a time.
“Wow,” Mr. Banana whispered as he reached the top of the tower.  He could’ve stared at the gossamer curtains, or the plush carpet, or the broken bits of lollipop hung from the ceiling, catching the afternoon light like stained glass.  But each of those things only got a passing glance.
The real beauty was the princess lying sprawled on the couch.
Her limbs were askew; one arm hung off the side, fingers dangling in a piece of peach pie.  (Clearly she had good taste.)  A soft snore escaped her, sending his heart stuttering.  But the most stunning thing about her was her brilliant red hair.  It fell around her face in waves.  One strand was stuck in her mouth, and seemed to be plastered to her cheek with drool.
He hated to wake her when she was sleeping so soundly, but he had no idea when the lollipop monster would right itself, or if it could fit up through the spiral stairs.  Either way, he would surely have to get Princess Floria past it.  He hadn’t really thought that far ahead yet.
“Um, Princess?”  He stepped forward and tapped her shoulder.  
No response other than a louder snore.  This wasn’t some kind of magical sleep, was it?  In all the stories, true love’s kiss could wake any unconscious princess, but that wouldn’t help him.  He was a banana.  He couldn’t be anyone’s true love.
“Princess Floria?”  He shook her a little harder.
“Ah!”  She bolted upright, fists swinging.
He yelped and sprung back, but not before taking a punch to the nose.  “Ow...”
“Oh my gosh.” Floria’s eyes widened.  Her hands covered her mouth.  “Are you okay?  I’m so sorry, I’m—wait, who are you?”
He flashed his best grin (well, his normal grin) and flexed his arms.  “I’m your knight in shining peel, Princess.  Here to rescue you from this castle.”  
She took him in from stem to toe.  Maybe he should have worried about modesty—it would take a day for that strip of peel to grow back, and he was painfully aware of how naked his side would look. Still, he wouldn’t let his worry show.  She didn’t have to like him; she just had to come with him.
And, hopefully, fix his curse.
“You—you’re a banana.”
“Mr. Banana, actually.”  That’s what he’d taken to calling himself, anyway.  If he had a real name, no one had ever bothered to tell him.  Maybe he should’ve picked something a little more… normal-sounding.  Well, he could pick a new one if he got to become human.  
He was thinking Louis.  That had a nice ring to it.
“Is this some kind of joke?”  Princess Floria asked.  Whatever remorse she’d had for punching him had vanished.  She rubbed the back of her hand across her cheek, scraping off the dried drool.  “Why did Mayura send you?  Isn’t trapping me here enough?”
“Mayura—?  No, I’ve never met her.  Lord Gabriel sent me, actually.  He said Mayura should be on vacation this week.”
“Oh, that’s so much better.”  She crossed her arms, getting peach filling on the sleeve of her green dress.  “Mayura may be a witch, but I trust her on one thing.  Gabriel’s more of a heartless monster than any creature she’s created.”
Mr. Banana blinked.  None of this was going how he imagined.
“So, uh… does that mean you don’t want me to rescue you…?”
She sighed.  “Sorry.  None of this is your fault.  I’ve just—it’s been a long time, and talking to the sentimonsters gets pretty boring after a while.  Mayura only comes around when she wants to vent about something, so… yeah.  Shall we?”
She held out her hand, as if expecting him to help her to her feet.  That hand happened to be the one with peach pie still stuck to it.
He shrugged and tugged her up.  “Guess we shall.”
“You didn’t slay the monster?”  The princess gaped while crouching behind him.
Mr. Banana stared over the side of the spiral staircase, where the lollipop monster was trying to shove its bulbous fist through the handrail’s supporting bars.
“I’m a banana!  I don’t know anything about killing monsters!”
“Then why did Lord Gabriel even send you?”
“I was the only one who would try!”  
He was the only one with nothing to lose.  Well, except Greenie, but the baby would’ve been taken by Lord Gabriel if Mr. Banana hadn’t complied.
The sentimonster shook the staircase again.  If he didn’t find a way out soon, the structure would crumble right into the monster’s sugary clutches.
“You couldn’t just eat the lollipop thing, could you?”  Mr. Banana grinned at the princess.
She gave him a deadpan stare.  “Not any more than I could just eat you.”
Sweat beaded on the outside of his peel.  “R-right.  Just throwing out ideas.”
He couldn’t make the monster slip again; its feet were already planted on the ground.  Maybe he could slip through its legs?  But he wasn’t confident he could carry Princess Floria at the same time.
The princess gripped the railing with white knuckles.  “Maybe we could—”
“Lollipop!”  A high-pitched voice interrupted her.
Mr. Banana’s eyes widened.  He leaned over the rail, searching the floor below.
“Greenie!”  He spotted the baby crawling towards the monster.  His dark brown face was powdered with sugar, but those radioactive eyes were unmistakable.  (Plus, there probably wasn’t another baby in the castle.) 
“Is that—August!”  The princess shouted.
And then, before Mr. Banana could stop her, she leapt over the railing.
“Floria!”  He reached out, but she was falling, falling, her green dress billowing up around her.  The sentimonster swung at her, but she gripped the stick of its arm and flipped from it like an acrobat on a trapeze.
Mr. Banana gaped as she stuck the landing.  She… she was incredible.
She scooped up Greenie while Mr. Banana was still tripping down the stairs.  The sentimonster couldn’t move fast, but it was still too big to outrun, especially if the princess was carrying a baby.
“Lollipop!”  Greenie wailed while Princess Floria rushed him away.
“Right, banana-split up!  Keep the monster confused.  Brilliant,” Mr. Banana said.
Well, it would have been brilliant, if it worked.  The monster only seemed interested in Floria.
He dashed after them, trying to keep up with the monster’s lumbering steps.
“Lollipop!  Lollipop!”  Greenie still screamed.  Now wasn’t the time for the baby’s sugar addiction— 
Or was it?
“Princess!”  Mr. Banana shouted from behind the monster.  He could still see her running away through the wide gap in its legs.  “Put Greenie down!”
“The baby!  You’ve got to put him down!”
“Are you out of your mind?  I’m not losing my son again!”
But like it or not, she didn’t have a choice.  The sentimonster’s heavy step shook the floor, and she tripped, barely managing to curl around the baby as she fell.
“Lollipoooooooooop!”  Greenie squirmed from her embrace.
This had better work, Mr. Banana thought with a grimace.  Magical, monstrous lollipops might not trigger Greenie’s transformation like the ones he’d stolen from the town.  They might not even be edible.
That didn’t stop Greenie from latching onto the monster’s foot and licking it anyway.
Suddenly, Greenie grew to enormous size.  Purple and pink spandex stretched over his dark skin, so thankfully none of them had to deal with the problems of a giant naked baby.  Just a normal giant baby.
“A-august?” The princess gasped.  “What’s happened to you…?”
“No time to explain.”  Mr Banana grabbed her wrist and tugged her along.  “He’ll be fine, trust me.”
“Why should I trust you?  You’re a talking banana who cursed my son and wants me to leave him with a monster!”
“Lollipop!”  Greenie—no, August, apparently—laughed and picked up the sentimonster with both hands.
Then he stuck its head in his mouth.
“Y’know, I think I feel worse for the monster right now,” Mr. Banana said.  “I’m sure he’ll find us when he’s done.”
She glanced over her shoulder one last time before nodding.
Then she hiked up her skirts, and they ran.
Ten minutes later, August crashed through the castle wall, still clutching bits of chewed-up lollipop in his chubby fists.
“Lollipop,” he announced proudly.
“Fantastic job, Gree—er, August.” Mr. Banana beamed.
“Are you going to tell me why my son is the size of a house now?” Princess Floria asked once she’d finally caught her breath. She straightened from where her hands had rested on her knees.
“Nana,” August crouched beside them. His eye was as tall as the Princess, and it took her in with curiosity. “Who?”
“You remember me.” The princess’ voice was pained. “Ma-ma. I’m Mama, August.”
“Ma...ma?” The giant baby frowned, then looked at Mr. Banana. “Na-na.”
“I’m sorry.” He fought to turn his tetanic grin upside-down. “You’ve been in that tower for over a year, haven’t you?  Do you think he…”
Princess Floria didn’t meet his eyes.  Probably for the best, since he shouldn’t bother finishing that sentence.  It would only make her feel worse.
Instead she scooted closer to August, resting her hand against his giant foot.
“He doesn’t remember me.”  She bowed her head.
“Pretty,” August said, patting her red hair softly.
She choked out a laugh.  “Thanks, sweetie.”
She wiped her eyes before turning back to Mr. Banana.  He froze, still feeling like he was intruding on this mother-son moment.
“You brought my son back to me.  Even if I don’t know who you are, or how you did it, I suppose I owe you for that.”
His heart pounded.  This could be where he asked her to heal him.  To turn him human.  If she even could.  He had no proof that he was like August; once normal, but cursed by Hawkmoth’s evil taint.
“You don’t owe me anything,” he ended up saying instead.  “You’re free now.  To take August and go… wherever you want, I guess.”
She frowned up at her son, who had taken to picking tiles from the castle roof and tossing them into the river that flowed at the base of the cliff.
“Will he be okay?  I mean… will he go back to normal?”
“In about an hour.  He only changes if you let him eat lollipops.”  Mr. Banana smiled.
“Okay… weird, but convenient.  No more sugar for you, huh, baby?”
August ignored her, blowing raspberries as he continued deconstructing the castle like it was made of legos.
“You might want to leave now.  While August is still big enough to carry you.” Mr. Banana said, though his heart ached at the thought of returning to isolation.  But he couldn’t ask Floria to return with him to Lord Gabriel.  He doubted she’d do it, considering her opinion of the man.  Besides, she deserved to be free, to finally raise her son.
Maybe he could take her place here.  Living alone in a castle would be better than living alone in a swamp, wouldn’t it?  At least here he’d have a lifetime supply of candy.  
Mayura might come back and demand to know what happened to Floria, though.  
“Leave?  But… alone?”  The princess wrapped her arms around herself.  “I’ve been alone for so long… and August seems to like you, even if you are a talking banana…”
Mr. Banana chose to ignore that half-insult.  It was better than what he usually got when people talked to him.
“Are you saying I—I can come with you?”  He asked.
“Well, you are my knight in shining peel, are you not?”  She smirked.  “Plus, I think August might listen better to you.”
Listen was a bit of a stretch, but Mr. Banana still grinned.
“Greenie!”  He cooed, and August dropped the brick he was playing with to blink at him.  “Up?  We go up?”
“Up!”  August threw his hands in the air.
Then after a bit more coaxing, he picked up Mr. Banana and Princess Floria, and they were off to…
Well, hopefully somewhere safe.
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Tomorrow Never Came PT. 7
A direct continuation of Part 6, with a few hour’s jump. Now that you’ve become closer to Roger than ever, you start to see obstacles - not just Freddie, but real, legitimate obstacles that could threaten your safety, as well as Roger’s safety. Now that feelings are involved, you have a lot of choices to make, and they all need to be made quickly before things can get worse.
Read PT. 1 here | Read PT. 2 here | Read PT. 3 here | Read PT. 4 here | Read PT. 5 here | Read PT. 6 here
(a/n: this one is so convoluted and i didn’t get the chance to proofread hsksjdfkdsl sorry anyways here’s some fluff and angst and EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN besides smut srry. also thoroughly embarrassed bc my Cristalle imagine comes up on google images if you search through Roger Taylor images enough fml)
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As much as Roger didn’t want Freddie to catch the two of you in the compromising situation you were currently in, he couldn’t seem to make himself leave you, much less wake you up. You were serene, unbothered, and truly at your most vulnerable state right now, still deep in sleep as the early morning light filtered in through the window. It was partially blocked by Roger’s shadow, but the light that did hit your face made your skin look ethereal, and before he could help himself, he was reaching out to cup your jaw, his thumb brushing over the bandaid on the side of your face once again.
From the back of your throat came a quiet confused noise as you blinked sleepily, not really sure where you were. But the smell of Roger’s cologne on his wrist was all-too-familiar, and you smiled softly as you kept your eyes closed, nuzzling into his hand. An affectionate smile crossed his face for a moment, which scared him more than anything, so he quickly erased it and put on a much more amused front as you yawned, covering your mouth. “Why are you touching my bandaid?” you murmured, nudging his wrist with your nose before slowly opening your eyes fully.
“Think you look kind of cute with it, honestly,” he replied softly, holding back a wide grin as your cheeks turned a light, rosy color. As he admired your bashful expression, he could feel the beginnings of a headache creeping on, but it wasn’t threateningly bad, so he ignored it for the most part.
“Glad my cuts and bruises are cute to you.” With that, you stretched, reaching over your head and using the headboard to stretch out completely. Roger shifted slightly and the blanket slid down so that your chest was revealed, the curve of your breasts and the soft expanse of skin also glowing under the soft morning light. Roger could hardly keep his eyes off of you, the female body still a marvel to him after all these years – and yours was even more marvelous, in his opinion.
“Suppose Freddie will be back soon?” Roger asked, wincing slightly as the sleepy demeanor wore off and you started to look worried. The few moments of otherworldly bliss were over, and it was back to reality again.
“What day is it?” you asked, sitting up and leaning over him to check the calendar across the room. He laid back to allow you, and you sighed in relief, slumping down into a laying position on Roger’s chest. “It’s my day off.”
“Day off. Good,” Roger repeated, moving a hand to your hair and pulling it over one shoulder as he hummed, mainly to himself. You relaxed into his touch, closing your eyes again and pressing your cheek against his torso. Almost dozing back off on him again, you draped your arm lazily across his abdomen, forgetting the whole world and your mission for the time being. Right now, you were living for yourself, and as selfish as it felt, you couldn’t feel too bad with Roger’s hand running through your hair.
When his hand moved to your back to rub it, you made another happy noise and moved your hand to his side, yawning again. “I suppose we have to get up sometime, yeah?”
“Sometime,” he confirmed, sighing at the thought. “Freddie’s going to kill me. And then he’ll probably disown you.”
“M’not afraid of Freddie,” you mumbled, although your voice betrayed you and showed at least some concern. So, Roger sat up, pulling you with him despite your reluctance, and he crawled out of bed, picking up his boxers and pulling them on as you watched. You were fully stretched out across the bed, laying on your side with your head propped up on arm, the other hand covering your mouth as you yawned.
Roger’s eyes wandered over your body for a moment before he came back to the bed, offering you his shirt, which you pulled on without a word as you stood up, stretching. After that, he listened as you padded back out to the lounge, your bare feet scuffing against the rough hardwood in the hallway before meeting the shag carpet again.
“Lord, help me,” Roger mumbled as he looked at himself in the mirror, recapping the night’s events in his head for a moment. What had he done? What if he’d scared you away, and you were going to move out and leave them hanging again? The thoughts of the repercussions for what he’d done were terrifying to him, but for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to regret it. Something akin to affection blossomed in his chest, and he struggled to choke it down as he ran a hand back through his hair, pulling it away from his face and revealing a glow that only young love (and a good shag) could supply.
As he joined you in the main part of the apartment, he found that you’d changed into your own pajamas, his shirt hanging over the back of a chair, and you were in the kitchen, making tea and pulling out some food to make for breakfast.
“Do you want bacon and eggs or sausage and eggs?” you asked when you heard him come in, and he stood in the doorway for a moment, staring at you with an odd smile when you turned to him. “Jesus, you look like the Joker. Bacon or sausage?”
“Bacon,” he finally replied, chuckling at the Joker comment. “Sorry, I was just admiring.”
“Admiring my-“
“Oh, fuck me!” you heard Freddie groan from the front hallway as he came crashing in, his fingers tangled into his hair as he nursed a headache. When he came around the corner into the kitchen, he nearly moaned in delight as he saw the kettle on the stove, and a package of bacon near it. “You’re a saint, Y/N.” When neither of you replied, Freddie sat down at the table, burying his face in his hands for a moment before looking up at Roger through his fingers, slightly narrowing his eyes. “Do you think Y/N wants to see you walking around with your cock out, Rog? Put some pants on.”
Freddie then resumed his face-buried-in-hands situation, and you held in a laugh as you looked at Roger, quickly glancing at his boxers and sending him a pointed look. He rolled his eyes, mouthing the word “Wanker” before he was off to his bedroom again, returning in a moment with some trackpants and his shirt on.
“Sorry you had to see that, dear,” Freddie apologized, and you turned your back to him as you hid a huge grin, wanting desperately to say something, but knowing Freddie would be livid if he knew. “Roger doesn’t have boundaries, obviously… Why is there a bandaid on your face?” You froze up a bit at the question, which you should have expected, and you felt both of their gazes burning into your back as you came up with a quick, lame excuse.
“Fell up the stairs,” you mumbled, pulling the kettle off the heat once it was whistling and biting your lip to subdue the grin that was peeking out while you put some tea in to steep. “How’s your head?” you asked, changing the subject as you brought the kettle and tea cups over to the table, sitting the kettle on a heat-resistant oven pad. When Roger came over with the sugar and cream, you thanked him with a small smile and sat them down on the table, his eyes following you when you headed back to the stove to make some bacon and eggs.
“Horrible,” Freddie muttered, starting to make his tea and sighing. “Left with Mary to go to the club, don’t remember getting to the club, and I don’t remember ending up at Brian’s.”
“You went to Brian’s?” Roger snorted, sitting across the table from Freddie and crossing his arms. “What, is Bri your new favorite now? You two can’t even be in the same room for more than two seconds without lunging at each other’s throats.”
“Oh, you’re one to talk!” Freddie shot back, flipping him off as he stirred his tea and tried to ignore the bright light now coming in through the window. “As much as you and Brian go at each other, you’d think you had a crush on the man.”
“Ugh, yeah, love Brian to pieces,” Roger remarked sarcastically, rolling his eyes as you shook your head and laughed, pulling down a couple of plates from the cupboard. “His skeleton build makes me harder than year 11 maths. Wonder if he notices me too.”
Freddie snorted into his tea, nearly spilling it and covering his face before grabbing Roger’s shirt that was hanging over the chair and wiping off the liquid that had hit his nose. Giggling softly, you finished the bacon and eggs, then brought them over to the table while the two of them went back and forth about the night before, Freddie finally asking where Roger ended up.
“I came back here,” Roger admitted, taking some of the bacon off of the plate and getting himself an egg as you sat between the two of them, giving Roger a questioning look. As Freddie focused on his bacon, Roger shook his head. “Passed out in my boxers. Thank god for Tylenol.”
“I know what you mean,” Freddie groaned, none the wiser, and then you were all eating, the room significantly quieting. The only sound came in from outside, people chattering cheerily on the sidewalk and dogs intermittently barking, the usual sounds that came with the area. But one of the sounds in particular made your blood run cold. The church bells started ringing, and you narrowed your eyes as you stared down at your plate, which was only half-eaten. The appetite you’d had moments ago vanished, and you got an intrigued look from Roger, but he said nothing of it.
When you got up to clear your place, Freddie was again oblivious to the secrecy surrounding you, but he did note that you were a bit off. When he raised his eyebrow in question, you sent him a small smile and shook your head. “Just not as hungry as I thought. I’m going to go out for a moment, need a smoke.”
With that, you took your plate to the sink and finished off your tea quickly, grabbing Roger’s cigarettes from the counter and making sure you grabbed the lighter from his room before you climbed out onto the fire escape just outside his window. Settling yourself in and sitting cross-legged in the far corner where Freddie or Roger wouldn’t be able to see you, you leaned back against the bars and just watched the church, flipping an unlit cigarette between your fingers absentmindedly.
Things were a whole lot more complicated now. You and Roger had sex, there was no denying it, no avoiding the truth. A painful realization was settling in, one that let you know you adored Roger to the point where you couldn’t see a future without him – his laugh, the way he smiled when he did so, those beautiful, inquisitive blue eyes, that maddening sense of intelligence that he masked with an innocent, jesting demeanor.
But this was your mom’s life you were talking about – you were at the helm of it, in charge of a decision that meant either prosperity or ruination for her, and you had to remember that you were here for her, not for your own selfish purposes. Roger’s attention was making you lose focus.
 You caught a glimpse of William and Ted, greeting people on the steps of the church, and a faint buzzing noise started taking over your hearing, steadily growing until it nearly drove you mad, like a hive of bees was inside your brain.
Injure them? Kill them? Gruesome images started conjuring themselves up in your brain, ones that ended in their death or hospitalization, and you were perplexed by these thoughts. But what could you do? Sit here, day after day, knowing that they were leering after your mom, planning an assault that would leave her scarred for the rest of her life?
And if you did kill them, as horrifying as it was, you could stay here. The thought was slowly occurring to you that you enjoyed your life here quite a bit more than you did your future. Sure, it was redundant sometimes, but you could enroll in school, or start helping with Queen – Lord knows they’d need a lot of help in a few year’s time. Besides, the past would be changed enough for your mom that she could maybe have a boy instead of you, or another girl that wouldn’t have to suffer the same fate as you, wouldn’t it? 
Your life back in 2018 was rough – beyond rough, actually – and maybe you’d done enough here to warrant just spending the rest of your life with Roger. Not seeing your mom anymore would be tough, but it would be enough to know that she was safe from those monsters and not living the nightmare she currently was day to day.
Currently? Could you even use that when you were here? Probably not.
“You alright?” Roger’s voice pervaded your thoughts, making you jump as you snapped out of the daze, looking up at him. He’d joined you on the fire escape, walking out so he was out of the shadows, and the sunlight caught his eyes just right so that he looked like an angel staring down at you. That angel joined you promptly, sitting by your side and nicking the cigarette out of your hand before putting it between his lips and lighting it. As he took a long drag, he looked forward, then exhaled slowly before looking over at you, where you were still just watching quietly. “I asked if you’re alright?”
“Oh, yeah,” you murmured, looking away bashfully and catching the tail end of the last person walking into the church. “Just a lot on my mind.”
“Me too,” he agreed, still watching you and taking intermittent drags out of his cigarette. He seemed introspective, almost, as he looked you over, watching the way your fingers gripped the metal bar to your left, the same fingers he’d had running through his hair last night. Suddenly, he was overwhelmed with that affectionate feeling in his chest again, and as much as he loathed it, he couldn’t suppress it anymore. When you looked over at him after a prolonged silence, his free hand took you by the nape of your neck, pulling you in for a dizzying kiss that tasted like cigarettes and breakfast food, an interesting combo that still managed to make you putty in his hands.
Within moments, you were kneeling between his legs, carefully avoiding his hand that still held the lit cigarette as you wrapped your arms around his neck, moving your lips in sync with his. His arm snaked around your waist, just lazily resting there as he made no attempt to deepen the kiss, so you held back too, content to just be in contact with him. And you pulled away first, after a minute or two of gentle, subdued kisses that weren’t meant to lead anywhere.
Roger’s nose brushed against yours as you pulled away, and he let go of your waist as you turned around to rest between his legs, leaning back against him and resting your head on his chest. You could hear him take a drag and hold it for a moment before releasing it, the smoke swirling around above your head and quickly getting caught up by the light breeze.
“You know, Freddie could catch us out here.” Roger was the first to break the silence, his chest rumbling against your ear as you closed your eyes, focusing on all your other senses. His voice was gentle, but there was a kind of warning tone to it that couldn’t be ignored. “He’s a hell of a grudge holder – he’d never let me live this down.”
“Just a few more minutes,” you mumbled, wrapping your arms around his torso and burying your face in his shirt. It smelled of him, the faint scent of his cologne and just a bit of body odor lingering on it. Curling up your fingers, you took ahold of the back of it, holding onto him like he was your lifeline. He only rested his free hand on your head in response, his thumb lazily rifling through your hair before rubbing small circles into your scalp, a reassuring presence that almost made tears come to your eyes as he spoke again.
“Why were you so upset last night?” Letting the question linger, you mulled over your options. If you were going to go through with your own attack, should you tell him? And even if you weren’t, what was the harm? You tried to recall any moment that Dan had spoke to you about revealing your identity, but couldn’t think of anything – most likely, he hadn’t gotten as close to Roger and Freddie as you had. But he was from the 70’s – wouldn’t it have been hard to disguise himself around all of those former friends? Still, your efforts were fruitless, and you just shrugged as you sat up, opening your eyes to meet his gaze, which was scrutinizing at best.
“I don’t know if I want to talk about it. But I’m okay now,” you murmured. Then, you diverted your attention down to the street, chewing on your lower lip. A queer feeling arose throughout your body, starting at the tips of your toes and rising all the way to the hairs on your head as you saw the church out of the corner of your eyes. You had to incapacitate them. It was the only way. “I’ve got to do something.”
Standing quickly, you left Roger in a bewildered state as you headed for the window. “I thought it was your day off?” he asked, but you were already crawling through, heading for the kitchen once you’d gotten into the apartment. In the kitchen, you grabbed a knife – this wasn’t you, usually, but you had no other focus besides hurting these men that had hurt your mom. They deserved every bit of pain that they caused her and more, and if that meant sticking a knife in their shoulder, then by God, you were going to do it. Then, you could be with Roger – that was, if you weren’t arrested first.
You could faintly hear Roger’s footsteps following you from far away, but you’d already shoved the knife into your waistband and headed for the hallway, deadset on the target, or targets, for that matter. Down the stairs, and then you were out on the street, crossing it, a stormy look on your face as you neared the church. And then, there he was.
Weston, on the steps of the church, staring you down with an intimidating look you’d never seen out of anyone before. “You again?” you almost spit, stopping on the sidewalk maybe ten feet in front of him as he rose to his feet, descending the stairs.
“God, it’s like I have to babysit you,” he muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets and glancing over your shoulder as Roger burst through the front door of your building, looking around wildly to find you. “You really don’t listen, do you? Go home. All of this? It’s dangerous. You’re playing with fire, and you’re going to get burned.”
“Y/N!” Roger called from across the street, finally having spotted you. When he realized you were talking to Weston, his eyebrows furrowed, and he cocked his head for a moment before starting to cross the street.
“Get out of my way,” you mumbled, pushing past Weston and starting to head up the stairs. When your hand rested on the doorknob of the church, you felt the cold metal of the knife press against your thigh, and then the sound of a car’s tires screeching and a horn honking made you whirl around and forget all about what you’d just been on the warpath for.
Weston had taken off down the street, giving you a look that said it all as Roger stood in the street, inches from a car that was laying on the horn while he stared in shock. Running back down the stairs, you cursed whatever omnipotent being responsible for this giant mess – the past was fighting back again, and this time, Roger was going to be the victim. This was a completely different ballgame altogether now.
When you got out to Roger, he was thoroughly apologizing to the driver of the car, but you cut him off in the middle of his rambling, dragging him over to the curb and back into the building as he took deep breaths, not sure what had just happen. “Jesus Christ, I just about bit the big one,” he muttered, mainly to himself, as you pulled him upstairs, trying to ignore the tears welling up in your eyes. Dan and Weston weren’t joking – now it was personal, and you had no one to blame but yourself. What were you thinking?
Once you finally got back to the apartment, Roger walked in as if in a daze while you followed, shutting the door behind the both of you and heading to the kitchen to put the knife back before Roger had the chance to see. When he rounded the corner slowly, you were already intercepting him, dragging him towards his bedroom and also shutting that door behind you before you wrapped your arms around Roger, pulling him into the tightest hug you’d ever given anyone before.
“Thank God, you’re alright.” He reciprocated the hug, burying his face in your hair, and you could tell that he was trembling just a bit, probably still on an adrenaline high as he embraced you tightly.
“I’m just glad it wasn’t you,” he mumbled, his voice still sounding as if he was in a daze of some sort, and when you pulled back from the hug a bit to look at him, the glazy look in his eyes confirmed your suspicion. Tears finally fell from the corner of your eyes, and you sucked your bottom lip in between your teeth as Roger’s eyes cleared, his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to wipe away your tears with his thumbs. “No, no, don’t cry, what’s wrong? I’m sorry, I should have looked both ways, I’m blind as a bat so I didn’t see-“
“God damn it, Roger, shut up,” you choked out, laughing a bit as you tried to keep your volume down so  Freddie wouldn’t come barging in. “Are you alright, really?” you asked, sighing as you took his face in your hands so you could study his reaction.
“Well, it was a bit scary,” he admitted, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close as he took a shuddering breath, apparently recounting the moment. His face was conflicted, a multitude of emotions crossing it including embarrassment, before it softened. “But I was more worried about you.”
You were dumbfounded for a moment – though you had an inkling of a suspicion as to what the answer was, you still asked the simple question. “Why?”
“Because... I fancy you a lot,” he mumbled, giving you a small smile as his face reddened just a bit. It took a lot of courage on his part to just openly admit such a sappy thing, but he was feeling emotional and sentimental, so you’d caught him at just the right time.
“Oh, Rog, I like you too,” you murmured, starting to cry again, which prompted a pout from him as he pulled you flush against his chest, kissing your head.
“Please don’t cry right after I’ve told you I like you,” he begged, making a pitiful giggle escape your lips as you shook your head, realizing that whatever reservations you’d had before about telling Roger the truth were obliterated. You couldn’t keep lying to him.
“I have so much to tell you.”
PT. 1 PT. 2 PT. 3 PT. 4 PT. 5 PT. 6
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ultraclops · 5 years
I Can't Think Of A Creative Title [Mao Mao Spoilers]
Oh the Hero's Code IS a real book! Made by Mao's family no less! Cool
I'm gonna say it now. The pirate aunt's kinda cute.
I don't know much about cobbler but I'm pretty sure you don't put it in a trough
*screaming interspaced by cobbler eating*
Why exactly is eating cobbler against the Hero's Code? Did the first person in the Mao clan really hate cobbler or something?
"If I could have that cobbler, I would do things to it that would make my ancestors cry in shame." JESUS CHRIST HOW'D THEY GET AWAY WITH THAT
"Buuut I can't!" Am I the only one who thinks he sounded like Thomas Sanders when he said that
"Has anyone told you that you have issues?"
(Mao ominously hovers into the kitchen with glowing eyes while creepy wails play in the background) Nothing to see here.
The thing Mao's eyes do when he goes 'Oooooo' like if you agree
Apparently Badgerclops' biggest fear is 'crushing self-doubt'. Oooooo.
Tbh I had the same reaction as Mao when the cobbler started talking
I don't like where this is going...
Okay but if Mao passed out in the kitchen how'd he get in the living room? Badgerclops couldn't have moved him because then he would've known he ate the cobbler
And that's, what, the second table Badgerclops has destroyed?
Cool, HQ has security cam - oh nevermind.
If Badgerclops and Adorabat saw the cobbler on Mao's mouth why didn't they assume he ate it? It wouldn't be there otherwise
"Ah know ah wooould :)" Sassy Adora
"And you're going by yourself. That's okay, I'm emotional anyways."
So the Sugar Berry Fever is literal? Like, an actual condition caused by eating cobbler? Is that why it's against the Hero's Code? And why didn't Badgerclops and Adorabat get it?
BEARCLOPS HAS RETURNED for like 2 minutes.
I know we makes jokes about Mao going feral but he ABSOLUTELY went feral in this episode. CBS incarnate.
Ok that's really sad. Why would you make a child destroy the thing they love and force their siblings to watch?! At least one of the sisters looks a little hurt over it.
Aaand the Bull Monster's back of course. And it has the fever too? Suspicious.
I don't wanna say where my mind went here but you probably know what I mean
If only fighting your demons was as easy as shoving a cobbler down their throat.
Are we gonna see Golden Truth Mao in the future? I like the he
Mao probably crashed the moment they got home ngl
Those stealth boots look like weird cleats.
"Stealth boots aren't toys." "Then why are mine colored like toys?" "I found them at the toy store." Isn't that a contradiction-
He used to be a villain what did you expect
If BC's chores are fixing the Aerocycle and grocery shopping, what do Mao and Adora do?
"I need to be away from you right now before I LOSE IT on you." Is that a callback to The Truth Stinks or Legend of Torbaclaun? Both?
Yay another BC song, with some casual boulder-chucking
Aww the Sky Pirates are swimming together. Fambly.
Yes, follow the cute but suspicious puppet that totally isn't trying to murder you
What's with the glowy eyes and creepy autotune?
So running away and cry-singing into a lake is normal for Badgerclops? Damn why isn't HE in therapy
You heard it here folks, BC is canonically depressed
That was quick
HOUSE MUSIC ELECTRONICA! And can we get uhh Orangusnake in the 90s?
Dang they still don't have any food? What happened to Mama Ratarang's meatballs?
I know it's supposed to be kinda sad but the imaginary food is really shiny.
So he'll fix the Sky Pirate's ship but not the Aerocycle? Priorities, priorities...
Mao and Adora Have Become Ninjas
*Jaws theme*
"I love house music!" Trust me, I know.
They're gonna take the Pure Heart? Weren't they trying to destroy it a couple episodes ago? Oh god what if Badgerclops DID get the Ruby Pure Heart's powers... that'd be scary
I can see the Badgersnake fics now
Mao fixed the Aerocycle - oh nevermind.
"How'd you get over here so fast??" "Badgerclops, I walked over here. Casually." Reminds me of a girl I used to know.
Hmm. Should've known the Sky Pirates not eating anything would've had side-effects
So the Sky Pirates could've just. Bought groceries. But chose not to.
"Aren't you forgetting something BIG?!" "*sighs* Thank you for having me" I mean at least he's polite??
How'd he manage to plug the ship into Benny and Penny's house though? And how'd it WORK?!
"Those guys are a little too relaxed" -cuts to the Sky Pirates panicking-
Aww, family training exercises - OH NO ADORABAT
Nevermind she's okay she just chipped a tooth.
'Physics...recital?' Do 5-year-olds even study physics? Is Adorabat a child prodigy?
Adorabat can face giant monsters but can't stand the dentist? Is she secretly Goku?
Aww, Mao still has one of his old plushies and he kisses it
I like that book it looks like there's a gemstone on it
Meditating Melvin, because you can't have enough alliterative names.
(Insert ASCENDED meme here)
Adora: *masters a technique that should take years* ight i'mma head out
OH GOD THEY'RE GONNA KILL HER. good thing her soul isn't in her body huh
Oh look it's the Meditating Melvin guy. And he gives me strong Wander over Yonder vibes.
Being in the Astral Plane causes you to lose your memories?? Dang Adora better get out fast
Time for a song that TOTALLY isn't a desperate cry for help!
Bugs, smoke bombs, and popping balloons with pikes. These are the things used to summon Adorabat.
Wait, how come Adorabat doesn't feel any of the pain she sustained when Mao and BC were trying to return her soul to her body?
Yaaay Adorabat got over her fear and is ready to go to the dentist - OH MY GOD THAT IS UNCALLED FOR
Wait a minute. If Mao said the technique took years to master, but Adorabat and Badgerclops both achieved it in under a day...does that mean they're more spiritually inclined than him or there's something preventing him from ascending?
If I'm honest, I misread the title as 'Boast in Show', which made more sense at the time.
Why is Snugglemagne playing discus by himself though? Where's Quinton?
Snugglemagne: it's free dog (and royal pet show)
"You're my new best friend!" Ooh boy.
"If he leaves me a third time, who knows what could happen? I might explode, LITERALLY" Mood
Literally everyone in PHV knows Badgerclops, how does changing his ear shape and putting on a leash count as a disguise. The guards could tell who Penny and Benny were why not him
Adorabat has a pet fly asdgdgffkh
Hey Chet's back
I don't want to imagine all the weird fanart and fanfics that'll come from this scene. Actually from this episode in general.
Whoever wins keeps Bao AND BC?! WHAT THE F-
"I'm not actually a pet." "I know." Then why didn't you say anything??
Yay, Mao and Bao are reunited - nevermind Bao just wanted BC's snacks.
HE ACTUALLY EXPLODED and took it shockingly well I'm surprised
Well Mao, you did it. You pissed off Snugglemagne again.
Those combo attacks are freaking GENIUS
I'm tempted to make a "Long live the king" joke when Bao Bao bites Snugglemagne's arm
At last, Mao truly forgives Bao and is willing to let him go
"Until next time." Is Bao Bao gonna come back??
Snugglemagne tortures people by forcing them to listen to his harpsichord? Does that even count as torture? And is Mao gonna get them out?
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mattharlow99 · 5 years
Entry 17
Well, since one of the things I need to do today is make a plan, why not write down here where my mother won’t find it.
Okay, for starters I need to move out if I want to be happy and successful, but that doesn’t mean I should put my education on the back burner.
I’m definitely not going to MassArt, for many reasons. Mostly bc of my mother but also I hate Boston (except for the T, the T is awesome. But I also live in a place with crappy public transportation that’s almost nonexistent). But where should I go then? And for what?
Well, Art doesn’t always do to well, especially if the economy sucks. And it’s a lot of work and in the beginning I’ll be very poor and need a job to support myself. Not to mention a job while I’m in school so I can pay back the money I owe. So, since I also love baking and it’s a pretty damn stable career, why don’t I go to school for that? I can possibly minor in art.
Alright, since I want to start my life over, let’s go to Australia (Melbourne). It’s a big city that’s popping for bakers and cooks right now (and has a growing art scene). I have a boyfriend there whose place I can crash at until I find an apartment. Also a bunch of my friends have friends down there so they can come vist. Alright, I’m going to Australia. But when? Well, since I have to respond to MassArt by November and I want to get out of here soon as possible, why not leave August 31? While I would love to leave as soon as I get enough money for the plane ticket, being homeless in a foreign country isn’t a good idea (even if the do speak English). So, I’ll save up my money so that way I should have enough to put down for an apartment when I get there. But, I’m gonna wait till I get there to go apartment hunting since I don’t want to get scammed. I should also find one with a roommate. While I love being naked and might be a nudist, I’m gonna be going through a ton of emotional crazy stuff and probably shouldn’t be alone for the first year so I don’t have a depressive episode (or at least have one that isn’t as bad as it could have been). I’ll spend the first week learning about my new country and looking for an apartment. Then I’ll go job hunting. I should have enough from my sugar mama to live day-to-day until I find a job.
Okay, so what about school? I should look into cooking schools, but due to them needing my address I won’t be able to inquirie till I move out. I should have a few written down though so I have an idea.
As for the visa, I should apply for that today. I should be able to get it. If I need an address I’ll ask Harley or Art if I can use theirs. I know Harley will say yes but Art is a lot closer so a lot easier to sneak off to if I need to get anything from them.
But Jack wants to move to Paris. I don’t really want to go there right now though (since I know no French and if my mom overheard me she might know where I’m going). Not to mention I’ve lived in a small town my whole life, so going to one of the most famous cities in the world (and probably a really big city) while dealing with all this massive change sounds awful. Especially when you add in the language barrier. Also besides him I would know no one there. I think I’ll complete my baking education in Australia and if we’re still together (we probably will be), I follow him there when I’m done and get a job baking there. If not, then I’ll just get a baking job in Melbourne. With the sugar mama money I won’t need a full time job so I can spend a lot of time improving myself and gaining new skills (both useful to my career and not useful to my career).
As for the visa, I’m gonna stay there at least a year just working. Then when I reapply I’ll apply for the student visa and go to school there. That means I should be there for 3 years. After that, I will either immigrate to Paris to be with jack or become a permanent citizen of Australia. While I’m at school and working though I’ll take some French courses (online and hopefully on campus) so that way I won’t be so lost in Paris (since I’m definitely gonna go vist jack, that’s for sure).
As for the plane ticket, I’ll buy that soon as I have the money (and $200 extra just Incase something happens or I need gas). I’ll print it out when moms not home and keep it in my wallet.
So, as for my stuff, I’ll slowly sneak that stuff out to my car while my moms at physical therapy. Then I could say I’m going to the beach for a bit or going to hang with Morgan when really I’m shipping my stuff off to one of jacks places or selling it. Hopefully I’ll only have two suitcases of stuff to take with me (plus my staff) when I leave. I probably won’t bring much clothes since I’m a sentimental person and clothes are replaceable, that thing my mom bought me when I was 5 is not.
So, let’s get into goodbyes. I should write a letter for each member in my household. I’ll write one a week since it’s gonna be super emotional. I’ll be sure to write them at night though that way I won’t be interrupted (also don’t have to worry about someone seeing me after I’ve been crying).
So, what’s my fake plan then? I need this to throw my mom off. How about this: I’ll go back to 4Cs for a semester to get a cooking/baking certification so I can get a better pay job while in college. I’ll also sell the stuff I don’t use anymore to de clutter my space and have some extra money for food and textbooks. I’m also gonna get a Thearpist (which I actually do need). I’ll play nice to keep mother off my back and make her less suspicious. I’ll also do things I don’t need to be sneaky about but will act all sneaky to throw her off.
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youleftme-clarke · 6 years
Who are your favorite bellarke authors?
I am so glad you asked, nonny, because I have been meaning to do a fic rec! The authors listed below are in no particular order; I just went with whoever came up first on my history on AO3, and included some of my favorite fics by each author!
the_most_beautiful_broom ( @the-most-beautiful-broom​ )
Drops of Gold Like Sparks | Rated G | 7,682 words
Coffee Shop AU. Whenever their apartment is too quiet, Clarke and Madi settle into a local coffee shop to catch up on work and homework. Clarke steps outside to answer a call, and Madi asks the most erudite-looking person within shouting distance for help with her history homework.
Room 337 | Rated T | 22,609 words | 5/5 chapters
Hospital AU. Clarke broke Bellamy’s heart; she knows that. She also knows that even though she had her reasons, he never heard them. It takes Octavia being in a motorcycle crash and being rushed into Clarke’s O.R. for the two of them to finally reconcile their differences.
verbaepulchellae ( @verbam​ )
Sugar, Let Me Be Your Passenger | Rated E | 58,829 words | 7/? chapters
“Don’t you think there should be some cosmic rule,” Clarke says, leaning back against the counter as well and contemplating her glass. “That when you suffer through a bad date, the world owes you a blow job?”
Bellamy chokes on his wine, and Clarke helpfully pats him on the back as he splutters. “Jesus, Clarke. Warn a guy.”
“What? I’m trying to commiserate with you,” Clarke laughs. “Wouldn’t that be the ultimate?”
“Well, sure,” Bellamy says, a little flustered. “Cosmically owed orgasms sound like a pretty good deal to me. There’s just the small catch that most bad dates don’t lead to sex.”
Encased In Case I Need It | Rated M | 37,063 words | 5/? chapters
Her friends have finally come back to Earth. It’s been six years. Somethings have changed more than others.
theoneinquisitor ( @octannibal-blake​ )
when there’s nothing left to burn | Rated M | 2,677 words | 1/? chapters
The first time she meets Bellamy Blake, he’s spitting blood into a dirty bathroom sink somewhere on the outskirts of Polis. Or: the angsty bellarke boxing fic literally no one asked for.
now i’m running, and i can’t stop anywhere i go | Rated T | 7,034 words
He’s just the boy who conquers his fears and could conquer the world. She’s the girl who can’t get on the ride. A Modern Bellarke AU.
HawthorneWhisperer ( @hawthornewhisperer​ )
there’s an art to life’s distractions | Rated E | 14,585 words | 4/4 chapters
Bellamy needs a place to live for a few months and Clarke has a spare bedroom.
What could go wrong?
it’s been said many times, many ways | Rated M | 18,311 words | 5/5 chapters
A Hallmark Christmas Movie-esque AU, featuring: Clarke as the big city business woman trapped in a small town for incredibly contrived reasons! Bellamy as the surly-but-good-hearted bookstore owner who takes her in! A bookstore with a name that’s also a Latin pun! Madi being adorable! A gift swap and mistletoe! Bedsharing for even more contrived reasons! And more.
not_a_total_basket_case ( @raven-reyes-of-sunshine )
I Want To Fall In Love (With The Stars In Your Eyes) | Rated T | 42,543
This is going to be a whole bunch of relatively short one-shots/drabbles. Probably, but not definitely, going to be all Bellarke. Also they’ll probably all be modern day.
Friends First | Rated T | 3,936 words
“Fine.” Bellamy all but snaps, turning to face Miller and trying to keep his exasperation at bay. “I’ll tell her.”
“You better.” Miller says, wiping the counter down, while Bellamy counts the tills. They’re closing up the bar and Miller has spent the last three hours trying to convince Bellamy to just tell Clarke how he feels. That he’s basically been in love with her since they met six months ago. Even if all they did was fight initially, he was doing it for an excuse to talk to her. He’s never really been great with his feelings.
“I will.” Bellamy says, holding up his phone so Miller can see the screen. “I just texted her to tell her I need to talk to her.”
selflessbellamy ( @selflessbellamy )
Just Another Graceless Night | Rated E | 8,785 words
Clarke Griffin is the newest member of the Alternative Rock band, The Delinquents , but in the band they have one (1) rule:
“Everyone hates Bellamy Blake.”
Of course, Clarke didn’t know this when she slept with him… That complicates things a bit.
You took a polaroid of us | Rated T | 3,767 words
Roadtrip AU: Two weeks after Clarke loses father to cancer, her boyfriend Bellamy decides that it’s time for her to get out of her room
asroarke ( @asroarke )
Only Once | Mated M | 9,963 words
If Clarke could date, he was exactly who she would be going for. He’s smart, funny, a little too cute for his own good… He always managed to say the sarcastic thing that Clarke was already thinking. And he understood her curse, possibly even more than Wells did since he actually had one. He was sweet to her when he needed to be. He teased the hell out of her and loved to pick fights with her, but he knew when to be supportive. And when he praised her for something, she genuinely believed he meant every word.
Bellamy Blake was exactly who she would want in a world where she wasn’t cursed… which was why she needed to steer clear of him.
A Modern AU where Clarke Griffin has a curse. Anyone that she says the words “I love you” to will die. The only logical thing to do is to just swear off dating… or at least, that was the plan until Bellamy Blake walked into her life.
Diamond Heart | Rated M | 11,801 words
The Country Music fic where Bellamy can totally handle Clarke’s fake relationship with Finn Collins. He is not jealous at all. The songs he writes just coincidentally happen to make it sound like he’s jealous.
marauders_groupie ( @marauders-groupie )
Kept Going, Kept Rolling with Nowhere to Go | Rated M | 7,365 words
Clarke Griffin meets Bellamy Blake on her third night in Spain and she blames sangria and travelling for what happens after.
A Cup of Coffee, a Sandwich and You | Rated T | 1,820 words
Bellarke + “You give me a different fake name every time you come into the coffee shop and I just want to know your real name bc ur cute but here I am scrawling “Batman” onto your stupid cappuccino”
islabbe ( @blueshirtbell )
We’re On Thin Ice (We Might As Well Dance) | Rated G | 16,417 words
Finn is disqualified from competing and Clarke needs a new ice dance partner fast! Luckily, Marcus knows just the man for the job.
That’s a Wrap | Rated T | 4,097 words
Clarke owns a gift wrapping shop. Bellamy is terrible at wrapping and of course he leaves it until the last minute on Christmas Eve to bring it to Clarke’s shop.
Willaphyx ( @rebelprincebell )
Things We Shouldn’t Do | Rated T | 92,654 words | 8/8 chapters
Clarke is at the bottom of a downward spiral and Bellamy is riding an all-time career high when they’re cast as the leads of Marcus Kane’s newest drama. The entertainment world expects a blowup of immense proportions between the two feuding actors but get a hard to explain romance instead. Or: a fake dating celebrities AU.
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tyrus-time · 6 years
Lyric Analysis, TJ/Cyrus
I’m gonna give my analysis/interpretation of a few songs from my Tyrus playlist. Buckle up, friends...
(I’ve linked to their Genius lyric pages btw)
"Must Have Done Something Right” by Relient K
I’ve already posted about this song & I’ve seen other people express the same sentiment but it needs to be said again! It’s such a cute bop and the lyrics are on point. Some highlights:
We should get jerseys 'Cause we make a great team But yours would look better than mine 'Cause you're outta my league
We all know Cyrus loves making cute shirts, posters, etc. so this is really cute and perfect for them.
If anyone can make me a better person you could All I gotta say is I must've done something good I came along one day and you rearranged my life All I gotta say is I must've done something right
I imagine TJ saying this about Cyrus. Because seriously, if anyone could redeem “toxic TJ Kippen,” it’s Cyrus. Pretty self-explanatory?
Maybe I'm just lucky, cause it's hard to believe Believe that somebody like you'd end up with someone like me And I know that it's so cliche to talk about you this way But I'll push all my inhibitions aside
These can be interpreted both ways for TJ and Cyrus, because they are a lil bit of an unexpected couple (wholesome gay jock/nerd pairings aren’t seen very often) ... I’m sure they both feel lucky to be with each other, and they both get v cheesy about their feelings, but it doesn’t matter if it’s cliche bc they’re both so smitten, okay? And neither of them hold back around each other.
It's so very obvious to everyone watching us That we have got something real good going on
So I guess it’s not obvious to the T*ffy shippers [eyeroll] but the Tyrus chemistry is pretty darn obvious. And this song perfectly matches the wholesome, joyful young love that TJ and Cyrus show for each other.
“Someone to You” by BANNERS
OOF, THIS SONG. This song makes me particularly emo bc its on S1 of “The Bold Type” and [spoilers] it plays when Kat realizes she wants to commit to a relationship with Adena - her first actual relationship with anyone. It’s a really beautiful, powerful moment about realizing how much someone means to you, and you wanting to be someone to them. So, with that context, I think this song works beautifully for Tyrus -- I specifically interpret it from TJ’s perspective.
I don't wanna die or fade away I just wanna be someone  
This can relate to TJ’s wanting to stand out by being a star basketball player. He lashes out at Buffy bc he doesn’t want to “fade away” or be upstaged by her
And if you feel the great dividing I wanna be the one you're guiding 'Cause I believe that you could lead the way
TJ realizes Cyrus is a truly kind, helpful person, especially after the scene when Cyrus comforts TJ at the game; “there’s nothing wrong with you.” TJ appreciates and desires this guidance from Cyrus (and TJ offers a different form of guidance to Cyrus, too! We stan a mutually supportive relationship)
I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh I wanna be somebody to someone, oh I never had nobody and no road home I wanna be somebody to someone
I imagine that TJ hasn’t had very close connections with his peers, as evidenced by how standoffish he seems to be towards every except Cyrus. (Remember when Marty said at try-outs?) TJ seems to be ‘bros’ with some other guys from the team, but I have the feeling that he isn’t very vulnerable with them in the way he’s been with Cyrus already. SO, TJ wants to have a deep, human connection with someone - Cyrus specifically - instead of just performing the persona of the mean jock.
And if the sun's upset and the sky goes cold Then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall I really need somebody to call my own I wanna be somebody to someone Someone to you
The artist himself annotates these lyrics with this explanation:  “This is really about wanting to lift people up when they’re down, and I suppose having someone to do the same for you.” Need I say more?
“Tear in My Heart” by Twenty One Pilots
Another song that could work from both perspectives, but I imagine specificaly from TJ’s! You will notice a pattern: I am in love with the whole “Cyrus helping TJ emotionally and TJ being both smitten and deeply grateful for Cyrus”
Sometimes you gotta bleed to know That you’re alive and have a soul But it takes someone to come around To show you how
TJ acts pretty heartless, or rather “soul-less,” when we first encounter him with Buffy. But it turns out that his callous exterior is a wall that he’s put up to prevent anyone else from seeing his insecurities (such as his problems with math, thinking of himself as “stupid”). However, Cyrus is able to “come around” and “show [TJ] how” to open up, be vulnerable, and accept his flaws. It is painful to open up in this way, but it is very healing, and TJ is able to really come “alive” when he’s around Cyrus.
The chorus builds off this -- [H]e’s the tear in my heart / I’m alive
Take me higher / than I’ve ever been can be a fun, literal reference to swinging up high on the swings. I’m cheesy and I won’t apologize!
And then, the “outro” is probably my favorite part of the song:
My heart is my armor She’s the tear in my heart She’s a carver She’s a butcher with a smile Cut me farther Than I’ve ever been
My heart is my armor refers to TJ having that hardened heart as an emotional defense mechanism. And Cyrus -- the tear in his heart, aka the person who cracks open TJ’s hard shell -- is the only who can soften TJ up. 
[H]e’s a butcher with a smile / Cut me farther than I’ve ever been -- Cyrus' smile cuts through TJ’s hard exterior to get to the most vulnerable part of him, allowing TJ to be more vulnerable -- and thus, more completely loved and accepted -- than ever before. 
"Never Give Up On Me” by MisterWives
Okay this one is actually more a Cyrus song (but again, it applies to both because they both support each other so well). I can imagine TJ trying to help Cyrus with more things from the List, and Cyrus experiences some difficulty --
I crash and burn asking you to look away I crash and burn wondering why it is that you stay I know it isn't pretty how I can't handle everything But you never give up on me
Cyrus becomes a sweaty, anxious mess. He can’t believe how supportive TJ is through it all. But TJ never gives up on him :3
When you love me so damn good I know I will get better When you hold me so damn good I know I will get better
[...] How is it that you never give up on me?
Pretty straightforward message about a supportive and reassuring relationship.  ♥
"Love Like You” by Rebecca Sugar (Steven Universe End Credits)
Literally this whole song. I can’t even pick favorite lyrics; it’s all so perfect. 
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@spidaerman this is prob more than you bargained for, but I’ve got a lot of feelings okAY
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petalsandpurity · 6 years
48 & 49
49: Character’s starbucks order:
Okay so I might just do the whole squad bc why not hahaha I’ve given this more thought than I should 
Yuu: the sugariest coffee you’ve seen in your life. Like a syrupy//vanilla latte with like four sachettes of sugar and just…He would have his coffee very very sweet I’m telling u 
Mika: something strong w/ extra shots. He’s definitely probably addicted to caffeine. Yuu has to limit his intake causing mika to also limit his intake of sugar.
Yoichi: he doesn’t even like coffee he just orders a hot chocolate
Kimizuki: esspresso//black coffee
Shinoa would go from having the strongest shit on the menu to having a hot chocolate with a mountain of whip cream and marshmallows there is no in between
Mitsuba: doesn’t want anyone to know but she gets really excited when pumpkin spice lattes make a come back. Any season outside of spooky season she has mocha’s probably.
48: a happy future moment you’ve written/have planned for this ship? (will post under read more for spoilers)
The most recent one I’ve written for Mikayuu (I assume that’s the ship seeing as it’s the one I mainly write for 99.9% the time) is in my one-shot The Tide. If you haven’t checked it out yet and don’t want the ending spoiled//want context check it out here  !!!
  Yuu had simply stopped and smiled a sad smile, his hand reaching up and clasping onto Mika’s chin. “Because when one love ends, another begins,” he mumbled, pushing his lips against Mika’s.
  And in that moment, Mika realised that love was real all along.
  He feels himself get pulled to the side, the warm hand enclosed around his own briefly tightening. “Hey, Mika, how about we sit here?” Green, sparkling eyes meet his own, flecks of ebony hair ruffling as the wind attacks them both.
  “Sure,” Mika nodded, smiling and hugging onto Yuu’s arm as he pulls him down towards the sea, the tide rippling calmly, the sun pushing through the clouds and bathing them in a sudden light. Yuu pecks Mika on the cheek and pulls himself out of his grip, shrugging off the bag on his shoulder and letting it drop to the floor with a thud. It goes ignored, however, when Yuu reaches into his pocket, and he falls to one knee.
  “I know you’ve had a lot of bad memories here,” Yuu told him quietly. “So how about replacing it with a good one?”
  Mika stares with wide eyes, his breath caught in his throat as his heart pounds against his chest.
  Yuu opens the small velvet box, the ring glistening in the glow of the sun, the tide thrashing behind them, sea water beginning to soak into the bottom of their shoes, but nothing could be loud enough to muffle those gentle words: “Mika, will you marry me?”
  Mika crashes onto his knees gripping tightly onto Yuu’s arms for support, pushing his lips against his, mumbling a yes, yes!
  “I love you,” Yuu mumbled, slipping the ring onto Mika’s finger, kissing him on the nose.
  “I love you too,” Mika replied with a giggle, every ounce of his being believing in what he had said.
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acquagalaxies · 6 years
my bits for “Together Alone”
It’s incredible how much happened in just 11 minutes, as It’s difficult to even decide where to start. Hard was also to not scream every 0.5 seconds for all the things the crewniverse and miss Sugar dropped in. Since already many of us covered up a lot of the stuff that have been proposed in a marvelous way, with all the references of the case, I’d just write down some thoughts I had in mind. to join my rant about an episode that blow my mind and try to talk calm-
Ehm. So. What is presented to us I think is something like we saw in “Jungle Moon”: one of Pink Diamond’s past memories that appears in the shape of a dream, distorted by Steven’s mind (since, is in fact a dream and not just a vision/hallucination), which is a normal thing while one is dreaming, the brain in the unconscious state works and interprets things in a little bit different way, especially when it comes to memories: in the dream world the situation can take some sort of “surreal” twist that of course changes from what happened in reality and from what you remember consciously, in this case Yellow Diamond’s massively long neck (I wonder if the crewniverse is aware of the fandom’s YD giraffe neck meme and add it on purpose).
(the fact this all could have been a dream is evident already by the very first frame of the episode, when we see all the Diamonds’ ships on Homeworld perfectly intact, this alone made me confused at first for how strange and impossible it was, since we all know Yellow and Blue had to leave their ships on Earth for their being broken at the moment due to the events of Reunited.)
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Aside that, the moment I loved the most is watching the complicity between Steven and this pearl (pretending to perform their role as what they’re supposed to do/be in front of others, satisfying their expectations so said others would not have anything to argue with, like Yellow smiling seeing everything seems to be at its right place, and when they’re alone again goofing around happily) that is just an altered reflection from the memory, in this case what is really shown is the bond Pink Diamond shared with who seems to be confirmed as her former pearl.
I couldn’t hold only inside a smile, because it’s heart-warming seeing this kind of relationship with someone else, with happy moments, laughter and bubbles, you can see that Pink treated her pearl like a close friend and most important, like an equal (many gems should take this behavior as a suggestion and moral model, but it’s very hard in their so hierarchical society to treat “lower gems” as your peer). By watching first the Jungle Moon flashback and Legs from here to Homeworld, I feared the physical damage that the now-white-pearl shows is the result of Pink Diamond’s infamous bursts of rage (since the first time she is introduced in Jungle Moon, Pink seemed used to this bad temper from what is seen to us, by this “brat and capricious behavior” of going around hitting things bc your parents didn’t give to you what you’re whining for) ended bad. I’m glad to see otherwise it’s apparently not Pink’s direct fault after all instead, the two seemed to share a more than good relationship.
(little thought: the way Steven lands graciously on the floor after his juggler number sweetly reminds me a bit when the young Greg met Rose in the old temple after their conversation on the beach.)
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By this carefree spirit of hers and peaceful kind attitude, even a bit childish, the other diamonds maybe thought that was the pearl being a “bad influence” for Pink, deciding after to replace her with another (that’s why it is a little heart-breaking in now we’re only falling apart while Pink is trying to have a conversation with Pearl, she probably missed that complicity and the chatty moments with her old pearl, and because she wanted them to be friends and buddies, not just servant and master, encouraging Pearl to have her own thoughts and be self-conscious).
• but why keeping a broken pearl and not directly get rid of if the society cares so much of maintain only perfectly functional gems? What if White decided to keep Pink/White Pearl to make her be a constant walking reminder to Pink Diamond of who is really the one who commands and of what could happen if she tries again to make a gem behaving “different from how she is supposed to be and do”, or treats them differently from “the value” they own (like treating Pink Pearl an equal despite pearls are considered so much less, especially compared to a diamond). That’s creepy enough, I question if White was so cruel to make Pink watching while her so loved Pearl and (only real) friend turns from that pink fluffy sunshine ball into an empty shell smiling puppet without anything else left, ripped away from thoughts and individuality, a perfect obedient servant that would never get against your authority or retort your words.
The even sadder thing is, even if Steven will succeed in “bringing” back white pearl at her old self (something still welcomed just sayin’, #save the precious), still Pink Diamond, her diamond, the gem she was made for and with she shared that bond, is not here anymore.
Pink pearl has cinnamon buns on her hair bc like them she’s a cinnamon roll herself.
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another heart-breaking detail is, by hearing them laugh, the voice getting from Pink Pearl’s mouth is patently Deedee Magno Hall’s, so Pearl’s supposed-to-be true voice. I’m weeping.
Then everything, pinkish and joyful, slowly becomes a grey dull nightmare, with Pink Pearl fading away into the void. Puking hair (whatever your own or someone else’s) in a dream often is the representation of the desire of expression about something that is denied. The will of wanting to express and be yourself that instead is being repressed (by someone, some situation, ecc.).  Or can also representing, in this particular case, White Diamond trying to push outside by force Rose Quartz’s persona/facade, a fake self, away from her Starlight.
Also, we’re finally able to see White’s hands (nails rigorously polished, I adore, as the cloak, so in style). Is not such important stuff but I appreciated that.
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The pebbles are so adorable, they seems to love Pink Diamond’s very much (probably she was the only one that treat them decently, since apparently the word “pebble” is used in gem language also as a not-so-kind epithet? See Peridot using it with Steven when she was released from the bubble seasons ago), and I found  somehow cute (?) hearing one of them exclaiming “Pink is moving again” (which is totally reasonable since gems don’t have total acknowledge of what dreams are and what means sleeping in general, since is not something needful to them as is resting for organic beings). Plus, they apparently became attached at Connie too, that’s so sweet. Just to add, the green male pebble (which is also incredible to see a “kind” of gem being a “he”) chilling with Steven’s phone from the previous episode is so #icon. I love these little creatures.
“It almost feels like home” just being immediately replied with Garnet underlining embittered “almost” like to precise no matter how much the pebbles make the furnishing resembling as much as they can the real ones from Steven’s house back on Earth, still is not really “home”.
That grasps my heart a bit by hearing Blue Diamond, so emotionally and happily, announced than “we haven’t had Pink in 6000 years!”, since they still believe the one in front of them is always Pink Diamond and can’t well comprehend yet this aspect is not just a form Pink shapes for her amusement (just listening Yellow saying to her pearl “help her since she seems to have so much trouble recalling her past here on Homeworld”. But time to time), and getting worried this choice would not be liked by White, labeled as one of Pink’s usual childish jokes.
Ok but, someone pointed out that, “if the Diamond don’t throw a ball from 6000 years, then what about the Cosmic Jubilee Lars crashed in?” Well good question, I guess that is categorized as some kind of another event to participate at? I don’t think from Pink Diamond’s demise they never threw any party for other celebrations (a new colonial conquering for example).
Steven in the pink diamond’s outfit is a babe. It gives me the impression he actually wears It better than his mother.
What Yellow Pearl means exactly with “accept” or “reject” the members of Steven’s court? And… what happen to the ones that has been rejected from their diamonds?
Just realizing White’s throne other being of her dominant white shade, it actually reflects the colors of yellow, blue and pink, in the spots they’re placed the other thrones. Beside than being pretty aesthetical, it’s calling me the fact real life pure diamonds, reflecting the light, could do those spectacles of colors and reflections.
“Everyone stay where they belong” and Steven immediately floats near his friends and family. Bae.   smol beam of sunshine.
I really loved the explanation of what means to have “fun”, something you like to do, could it even be a passion or a simple playtime, for the good feelings it brings to you.
The pearls interactions, and the discovering of Blue Pearl’s hobby for drawing and Yellow’s for being a model just gives me life. I love the pearls and still want to learn more about their dynamics. Still, one of the moments that gives me chills is YP saying that “her feelings don’t matter” and how proudly she actually said it. Not gonna be surprised, we all know the conditions and how the pearls are considered in Homeworld society, as I know how much YP worships her diamond and how she considers herself lucky by having the “privilege” to serve the maximum rank of all gems. But still, it’s sad hearing someone states something like that without a problem.
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OK SO. Since the very first Diamond Days trailer I was curious about one scene in particular: the one in which Blue Diamond separates with such brutality Steven from the group. I didn’t want to speculate about this just because I wanted first the context of the situation, and after seeing it… it actually makes more sense. I know people addressed this as Blue having a bitchy behavior because apparently she doesn’t want a Diamond that mingles herself with other gems (that compared to said Diamond, still remain lower beings, is like don’t wanting the princess of a country to get along with the farmers and peasants), but now it’s kinda reasonable? I mean, it’s still hurtful, but since White Diamond would be there, she’s afraid the gem matriarch would not be happy to see this kind out-of-the-rules behavior, and I’m sure no one would ever want to see White angry, am I wrong? Blue someways tries to protect Steven (and everyone’s asses) from doing a mistake in front of WD that could cost them. Still, it’s just the impression all the scene gave me, maybe I’m wrong.
NO NO BLUE, I UNDERSTAND YOU CAN’T FULLY COMPREHEND THE EARTH AND THE HUMAN HABITS, HOW ALL THERE WORK, CHANGE AND GROW, THAT IS SOMETHING BEYOND YOUR USUAL KNOWLEDGE, BUT DON’T DARE TO ADRESS CONNIE A SECOND TIME AS A “PET”, ‘kay?? Maybe she doesn’t do it through malice, but I really want episodes in which Steven teaches them with kindness and patience the beauties and worth of Earth, the things Pink Diamonds saw in the nature and its creatures, what took her to re-think her colonial project to preserve all of this, how magnificent and so different can be life, the organic beings, to change their consideration of them as inferior, they (we) just have another ways to live, to think and to do, that’s all. And when it comes talking about Amethyst…
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“oh boy, here it comes…”
I know millions already talked and pointed out this but, I’m so proud of the character development  Amethyst is showing to us, already from the Heart of Crystal Gems arc. She has let behind her shoulders all the struggle, the feeling out of place, “wrong”, for being so different from the other quartz soldiers (“different” doesn’t mean “wrong”, and this is a very important teaching); she matures and understood it’s as alright as the way she is, and mean words from others is not worth her consideration, her tears, anymore, while in the past the same situation and phrases would have back the reaction to burst into trembling fury or silent crying.
From this dialogue whatever, it makes me consider one thing, probably “overcooked” gems seem not to be that much of scandal and dishonor (unless, Blue would have made more fussing about Amethyst and not allowed her into the ball in the first place): as long as they are, even with their “disabilities” and disadvantages, functional and useful for the society, it’s more or less consented and accepted. To not forget, Era 02 was for Homeworld a time of crisis in the production of gems due to less resources, so it’s not so shocked to see gems like Amethyst, or our Peridot, with less compared to the Era 01 gems, but still capable to fulfil a purpose.
Blue, for goddammit sake, let Garnet alone, together alone, thank you. at least, I’m content they included in this episode more lore, talking about the other types of “Garnets” presented on this planet: the Hessonites, of which we already have some acknowledge, thanks to the name dropped previously in Legs from Here to Homeworld and the contribution of  the “Save the light” game, that gives us clues on how they look like (someone else, beside me, prays to have the pleasure to see the same Hessonite from the game in the show? That would be cool, I can’t deny);
but also the Demantoids
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And the Pyropes
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However, who Blue just listed apparently are not invited at the ball. I’m not sure what kind of gems the ones presented above are, but they don’t seem to be Garnets however (the designs of those on the left – the green/yellow group – are kinda fascinating, not the same in my tastes for the ones on the right, but it concerns almost the “Thomas the Tank Engine” gems. Bad design in my opinion, but good memes for that. Interesting the choice to their “skirts” resembling gears, reminding Homeworld reflects a perfectly mechanic system where everyone has its specific place and purpose, working as, in fact, a gear in this immense society, and by fulfilling that purpose, this said society moves on and on, like a huge mechanism moved by the work of every single of its components – it’s also directly/indirectly underlined by their dancing afterwards, especially in the shooting sequence from above).
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Look, look how many beautiful Garnets. Jokes aside, I’m really happy having the chance to see other sapphires (other rubies would same welcomed, of course), I already get in sympathy the cheek-gem one and the other few steps behind with a similar hairstyle like our Sapphire, but shorter:
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oooh look these sapphires that never saw it comiiiiing
This is a one more time love for Garnet: even if she says moments before she’d not come, annoyed and angry for Blue Diamond’s talk to follow with head down the rules, she decides to do it for Steven, as Connie suggested, to give him the maximum support at the point to stay unfused for him. This, is real love too.
Aaand now here it comes the Diamonds!! Spectacular entry on the red carpet. Yellow is particular amused about how the project of the ball turned out, complimenting with Pink/Steven for the result (if she arrives to the point to congratulate with you and said that your idea is brilliant, you really did a good job then).
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(same we could say for the future episodes)
E X T R A diamonds posing the way of their murals portrait.
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as it is releasing sparkles and shimmers through the throne room at your subjects. because they’re glimmering and magnificent (shine like a diamond 🎶)
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Icons. I adore. I can’t blame the random crow gem dropping tears, it’s so relatable I’d do the same.
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Or the other one getting thrilled by the entrance of Yellow Diamond. I can’t blame her either.
But honestly, dat blue diamond hips sway. She is so elegant in her postures, a queen.
I know it sound so out of contest in the current talking but damn, Blue Diamond’s voice is so ASMR, soft and gentle. I especially feel nice chills hearing her says “you’re doing great”. Just. Fantastic.
“White Diamond… has more important things to attend to”  but 🙃, for real bro? It’s fucking new Homeworld Era ball. Pink Diamond return!! guess it’s important???? Poor Steven, he was so hopeful to catch the opportunity to finally talk to her (comparing my reaction with his when this was announced you won’t find any difference)
“Therefore, I will be here to observe in her place.”
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How nobody says nothing about? a P-E-A-R-L that has the permission to stay on her diamond’s throne and be presented at her diamond’s place in sostitution. I don’t believe is something allowed to the other pearls (owed by a diamond or another high rank gem), to substitute their master and sit on their place during these events, even for Yellow P. or Blue P., or even our Pearl in her time on Homeowrld at the service of Pink Diamond. But maybe due to being the pearl of the most important Diamond and, if it’s her Diamond that orders her, it’s understandable and accepted. Dunno buddies.
Also, among all these crowds, it makes me remember Zircon’s words at the trial of what kind of gems were once in Pink Diamond’s entourage: where are the Agates, since there’re amethysts and quartz soldiers in attendance. Wasn’t their job to keep them on the line? And those sapphires? Are Pink Diamond’s? Or, since sapphires are considered aristocratic and not so common gems, this small group represent the only and all sapphires in the entire Homeworld? Another question, if not and there’d be others to meet, all Homeworld!Sapphires are all like classical blue sapphires or exist others of different types, like Padparadscha, but without being “off-colors”?
Plus, I’m sure the green/yellow gems are not from PD’s court but from Blue and Yellow’s (tiny hinted by those two react with emotion at their entrance, and we don’t see them greeting Pink like the other group do), but… there is none White Diamond’s gems (except the pearl, of course). After all, Yellow Pearl said  gems by the Diamonds are accepted or rejected. Think about it, maybe it’s why there’re no white gems…
But seriously tho, does White Diamond actually have her own court or directly ALL the entire society with all its gems is considered as “her court”, the other Diamonds included? Since her being the Mother of all gem kind and its supreme ruler, that would actually make more sense than the other way around.
Ok now, everyone get crazy about Connie’s “clever” move to drag Steven into dancing with her. I want to say, I don’t doom Connie for, quoting from others, “have been dumb”, instead, I appreciate her effort to cheering her friend up, as he always does to her. She knows she can’t totally be part of this world (due to many things, not being a gem, living a kind of life style so different from Homeworld standards, another mind-setting, and also c’mon, she is just a very young girl, you can’t pretend) , but she wants to stay on Steven’s side and support him as much as she can, to make smile again a friend so emotionally and mentally tired and down. She believed few moments of dance, enough to raise up Steven’s moral, would not hurt anyone, and no one intended to fuse, that was accidental. Many other replied that, thinking of it, every time that they danced on screen, they fused, so how did not see that coming?. Yes, every time on screen, but all the other times, off-screen? Like, on other afternoons, and at Garnet’s wedding after the ceremony, we don’t see them on the dance floor but I’m sure they didn’t miss the occasion to dance together and have fun. Not less important to mention, it was supposed to be a call-back, as the title of the episode, at “Alone Together”, as “The question” from the previous arc did with the older episode “The Answer”.
Plus, even Stevonnie is so adorable with Pink Diamond’s outfit. Pure bae.
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While watching this gesture with the hands, I like to think is Steven and Connie individually still holding hands from the dancing, just a second before realizing now the hands of one became the hands of the other as well.
Oh, and there we are. Things fucked up in the worst of the scenarios. (there’d be a lot to say in particular about White Pearl’s frown at the sign of Connie and Steven twirling happily together, but all my thoughts I collected in a separated post, giving to that theory its own space, that I’d link here). Yellow whisper with tight teeth “Pink what are you doing?” is a cause of bad news.
And then the Crystal Gems come at the rescue, with Garnet and Opal (!!! before taking her down in 0.2 seconds, why this cartoon network, do you really want, at the end of the series, people coming up with videos like “every time Opal shows up” just to be, if everything went good, two and half minutes long? Is what you really want, CN?)
But the real surprise came with her:
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from the end credits of the episode it’s “Jade”, she is actually very adorable: this little missing tooth, these sunshine eyes and the gem-stones placed like two puffy cheeks make her even more sweet (judging by the combination of her dress, I was right saying the yellow and green gem from before during the entrances of the diamonds belong respectively to Yellow’s and Blue’s court). It’s admirable having the courage to do “coming out”, encouraged by the CG’s bravery, standing for what they have fate in and for what is right, even if it means getting against the society’s stricter rules and meet the judge of the rulers themselves, with all the possible consequences. I’m sure she believed Pink/Steven, by her influence dictated by her high rank status, would approve and legalize cross-gem fusions and decided to stay by this diamond side. “I knew I couldn’t be the only one” is sorrowful to hear, so away from Homeworld’s eyes exist other gems of different types that fuse for love, but have to keep it hidden to not meet an horrible fate (shattered or possibly harvested). That’s sad. Let them be.
Also, love Stevonnie and Opal staring at Garnet like “yo man, you’re the fusion expert, what about that?”, and Garnet is just idk stuff dudes.
ok but, it’s not that Ruby and Sapphire lost their wedding rings after being poofed, right? … right…? (#edit after ChangeYourMind watching: thank the Lord it didn’t happen)
Scene: *everyone poofed, delirium, everything went wrong and Stevonnie is grounded* the evil gremlin inside my head: new outfits/new intro?
Last thing, I just want to make a point about Stevonnie’s “prison”:
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A dark locked place at the top of a tower. Now, some time ago, Rebecca Sugar took part on a livestream with other cartoon creators, on the occasion, while talking about different stuff, Alex Hirsch (creator of Gravity Falls), asks miss Sugar what would happen if a gem was placed in a dark room for a long amount of time. Rebecca simply replied “I can’t answer that”, surely because if she does, it could be spoiler for the upcoming episodes (this constant keeping it secret is an ongoing situation with her, lol). The fact is, we all know the physical form of a gem is a projection of light that shapes in actual matter, to allow them to interact, act and speak, and it’s from light itself a gem takes her nutriment (and not from food, like organics do).
So deprive a gem of light (whatever kind: the sunlight, the moonlight, the stars’ light, natural light or artificial light), of her only nutriment, is the equivalent of making her “starving”? Adopted as a form of torture for gems considered needing a punishment for a possible wrong action?
A gem in a room surrounded only by darkness, without even the tiniest glimmer of light, what happens when she reaches her limit and lost all the energies left? Would she became a simple, faded, inanimate gemstone as the our ones from Earth?
Bonus: Who noticed that?
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Since the answer I always had the anxiety these two rubies get shattered for ineptitude towards the mission to strike down the rebels and protect Sapphire. I’m glad they’re still around then.
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pmtexts · 7 years
Tic Tic Tok
⤑ Prompt: Everyone is injected with two permanent watches on their arm. One is the time that they have left until they meet their soulmate. The other is the time that they have left until they die.
⤑ Word count: ~2k
⤑ Angst, Soulmate!Yugyeom
When I was born the doctors implemented this watch-band thingy to my wrist that told me how long I have left until I die. I basically have three more months at this point, and I’m only 19.
I was also given another watch-band thingy that told me how much longer I have left until I meet my soulmate. It hasn’t turned on yet bc my soulmate hasn’t gone to get his turned on. That’s the thing about the soulmate watch, you need to go to a specialist to get it turned on. So I guess my soulmate, whoever they are, either doesn’t believe in soulmates, or they just think I’ll be ugly. Ouch.
Ever since I was younger I had fantasized about my forever lover. “Maybe he’ll be a prince on horseback!” I wondered when I was 6. “Maybe he’ll be in some kind of band.” When I was 13 and boy-crazed for guys with instruments – I had always wanted the drummers. And now I wonder if I’ll ever even get the chance to meet him, since I have such little life left.
Now here I am, 11pm and cramming in my Honors Biology homework for tomorrow and really wishing I had someone that I loved to help me with my stress.
‘I wish I was still 6 years old, because I really need my prince char-’
Slowly and hesitantly, I looked down to where my soulmate band is, right under my life band.
Immediately my face went whiter than my bedsheets. My eyes shifted slightly upwards where I read my life band.
The two watches were in sync.
‘I meet my soulmate…at the same time I die?’
“Your soulmate must be Jesus himself. Why else would your soulmate meet you at the same time that you die?”
For the next few weeks after my soulmate band lit up with the, now dreadful, numbers, this is the majority of comments I’d get from people. I get that they’re trying to make me feel more lighthearted about this whole ordeal, but I’d really appreciate if they would just shut up sometimes. I know now that this is probably a glitch in the system. I mean, why would my soulmate be the one who kills me? 
“Maybe we should go get it checked out, like, I’m sure there must be glitches in the system. After all, this only started about a year before I was born, so it was still fairly new when you were born. They must have accidentally programmed the same number twice.” Sometimes, my best friend Jackson actually has good ideas. “Okay yeah, that’s reasonable. Let’s go downtown next week to their regional headquarters and settle this out, because I don’t think Jesus would be that great of a match for me.” I responded back, with the last remark resulting in Jackson erupting in his ever-so contagious laughter.
So with that, next week has rolled around and we’re now standing in front of the ominous government building about 20 miles away from campus. I feel a hand reach over to grab mine with a little squeeze, and I squeeze back while looking up and giving Jackson a half smile. He could definitely see the hesitation lingering in my eyes, as he gave me an even bigger smile back. One that told me everything would work out alright.
Gulping, I look down at my two bands to get an update until D-Day.
‘Maybe they just got my soulmate day mixed up with my death day. It’s not like I’ll probably be terminally ill in two months.’ My mind reassured me. 
Taking in my last breath of fresh air, I let go of Jackson’s hand and entered the building.
The building looked like any other office building, you’ve got your waiting area, mass amounts of elevators, a big area for receptionists – probably one for each big area of business here – and there is also a few families crying on their way out, having just had to send their dead loved one away. We made our way over to the receptionist for the soulmate handlers, a very tall and handsome man with died blonde hair. 
Mark Tuan was what his name tag read. “Hello and welcome to the Soulmate Center. Do you have an appointment or would you like a walk in consultation?” He asked with a vibrantly bright smile. “Could we have a walk in?” I asked. “Sure thing, just sit on one of the couches and I will send a request for you two. Guess your match didn’t work out huh?” He responded, while looking at both of us and shaking his head. ‘Gross, he thinks I’m with Jackson!’ “Oh nono, I’ve already found my match, is her that has the problem.” Jackson referred to me and the receptionist nodded, mumbling a sorry out. 
“I just need your name to send out the request Miss.” Mark handed me a paper and pen to write out my name. Once I did so, I slid it back to him and Jackson and I took a seat on one of their fading red couches. “You’d think that for a place so high tech, they’d update their furniture every now and then.” I disgustingly whispered while pulling at a failing string attachment.
“Hey sugar relax, it’ll all be settled out in a little bit muffin. Just sit tight baby.” Mocked Jackson, alluding to the mix up. “Gross dude, I’d never go for you even IF you were my soulmate. I don’t want someone who does their laundry once a month.” I lightly hit his arm.
He started to defend himself, something about not wanting the colors to fade easily, when he got interrupted by a calling out of my name from a technician. I got up quickly and peered down at my wrist, seeing that I was supposedly ten minutes closer to both tragedies displayed. Taking another deep breath in, I strode over to the man who called out to me.
“Hello Miss Y/N, I’m Mr. Park. I understand you have an issue you would like to discuss about your soulmate watch?” He shook my hand and led me down the hall and took one right turn and then a left turn before arriving at the third door on the left.
“Hi yes, I think there must be something faulty in your system.” I raised my right wrist to show him the two identical countdowns and his face fell.
“Oh no, no no no there’s nothing wrong with our system. We’ve been trying to see if there’s any way that we could fix this, assuming our coding got messed up. I’m sorry to say this but there’s absolutely no way to fix this. I know it may sound crazy, but you will fall at the hands of your lover.”
Tears immediately started streaming down my face as each word he said was like a knife jabbing into my heart, which was ironic given the situation at hand. “The day that your soulmate came in, our servers immediately sent out red signals and sirens in my office after I turned on his timer. I checked into the system to see what went wrong, and I found you. Now, with this visit I was hoping you were requesting to shut off your timer and forget about this whole situation.”
At this point he was rambling on and on, trying to better asses the situation. However, all I could hear and feel was the world slowly going numb. I’m never going to have my prince charming. I’m never going to have my drummer boy in some punk band. 
At least I’ll get to see him. Once.
Everyone talks about wanting to live up their last moments in life by throwing massive ragers or breaking petty laws to run from the police. I, however, have spent the last two months cooped up in my apartment with only my roommate and Jackson to keep me company, and it’s generally been just Jackson.
“Y/N, tomorrow’s the day. You can’t spend today just in a ball surrounded by your blanket’s and pillows.” Jackson wined, trying to pull my blankets off of me. “If I never get up though, maybe I won’t have to face him ever and I can just continue living my life, never needing a soulmate and dying at a normal age. Or even a car crash when I’m in my 40s.” I barely made out, as my face was buried in some pillows.
“Fine, whatever. Just don’t die thinking I couldn’t have done anything.” Jackson spit out while throwing the blanket part he had in his hands back onto me.
As soon as I heard the front door slam, signaling Jackson’s leave, warm tears filled my cheeks. The next few hours of the day were filled with different scenarios running through my mind of how I’ll die tomorrow.
At round 5pm, I finally got up. Not from some sudden want to go out and live my life, but purely because of hunger. I went into the kitchen to make some ramen, when I heard the news on in the living room. Putting the pot set to boil, I left the kitchen and sat on one of the chairs in the living room to watch what the people speaking had to say about my city.
“A string of breakins have been occurring in the apartment complex near the mall. An armed robber has been breaking into apartments and attempted to shoot some of the owners while raiding anything that they can. If you live near or in the complex, we suggest leaving the premise immediately and seek other shelter tonight and the rest of the time until the authorities catch the robber.”
The only thing that brought me out of my trance was hearing the boiled water spill over into the fire, singeing. I hopped off of the chair, turned off the water and ran into my room to grab a pair of clothes as well as other necessities and drove myself over to Jackson’s apartment complex, a 20 minute drive away.
“What do you WANT?!” Jackson threw open the front door and I squeezed under the available space under his arms. “Jackson I need to spend the night and I changed my mind I want to do something tomorrow night I don’t care where we go but I need to live for my last night we can go downtown and go drinking or we can completely go to another city I don’t care I just need to get out tomorrow night” I rambled trying to catch my breath in between words.
The morning and afternoon went normally, I crashed on Jackson’s couch last night. Now, it is 8pm and we’re both getting ready to drink the night away. Last night, when I recovered my breath and my sanity, I better explained to Jackson the situation and that I might miss him tonight if he planned to come to my apartment. Plus, my room mate is out of town visiting her family so he won’t possibly get her either.
However, my life band never changed it’s time. It kept ticking. So I decided that it must just keep running no matter what so I forgot about it and continued getting ready for tonight.
“Ready?” I looked over in the mirror to Jackson’s resting body on the door frame. I put my last swatch of lip-gloss on my lips and nodded, moving through the door frame Jackson had just resided in.
I took a fresh breath in when I stepped outside, and made my way behind Jackson towards the Uber he had ordered us. 
“Let’s spend one of my possible last nights right by getting shitfaced.” I reached out to Jackson’s hand, giving it a quick squeeze before getting in the backseat.
I could barely walk on my own two feet now. I lost count of how many shots I had after five and how many bottles of beer after my third. I didn’t realize, but I accidentally left Jackson alone in the club when I stumbled out of the doors, almost falling flat on my face and thus shattering my almost empty bottle in my hands.
On my way back to standing straight, I caught a glimpse of my band. 
Drunkenly, I started counting down as if it were new years eve. “10..9..8HIC7..6..5..4HIC3..2..1!” I took my last swig of beer in my hand.
A deafening shot rang through the air. I fall back on my back. I look up to see the most handsome man with equally stunning eyes and hair. His black attire fades into the surrounding black of the night.
Oo my first story on here! I hope you guys enjoyed it and didn’t want to kill me the whole time :) please send feedback about my writing and maybe request something along the way ;))
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drunkme-mories · 3 years
“White gay girl” KKKKKKKKKK cmon you didn’t have to humiliate me this way 😂 I kinda wish I could crash into your birthday party dresses as lover or folklore or evermore. And yeah, most of her songs remind me of you. About Taylor’s new song, I liked it but I’m not into this country era of her 🥲 I prefer the sad melancholic folk era and the pop-everysongisalmostthesamething-party era.
I understand what you said, and I respect your decision okay? And I realized that I have created so many expectations over you, and I need to change that.
I can imagine you dating (nowadays I don’t imagine with me anymore, but once I’ve used to imagine this a lot, and even dream about it) but you have this thing where you just build up walls around you and you don’t let anyone get close to you and get to know you, probably because you’re afraid, afraid of being vulnerable, of being hurt, and it’s something that only you can undo, and I hope that when you found your perfect match you won’t let her go away anymore and you’ll let her demolish these walls, so she’ll be able to see how sweet and intelligent and amazing and beautiful you are.
So, I'm writing you laying on my bed while I'm getting a sugar overdose after spending almost four days eating chocolates, hope you have eaten as many sweets as I have, cause in these lasts few days I assume that we're both needing to sugarcoat our reality 😂 happy easter ❤️
Omg can you imagine if you show up to my party, my friends would be jaw dropped, and so would I. I really just can’t imagine talking to you or even seeing you in person. I feel like this quarantine made me think of you being this persona that I can’t put in real life. I honestly think about me seeing you at our bar and being just like it was. I can’t even imagine you be there with your girl how hard that’ll be for me. But I’m a though girl, I mean the girl I used to “”””love””” kiss another in front of me so you guys I’ll be easy right?
Sure super easy I’ve freak out just from seeing tweets about it 😂😂
About the walls I still have them of course but you should see me now, I’m dealing so much better with my emotions. I don’t get so much time to talk about my love life on therapy bc I have so many bigger things happening rn, but even her gets confuse that I have some weeks that I’m like “fuck everything else I had this dream about this girl again” And she be like “noooo we’re not going down that rode again”. But yeah I’m dying for the moment all book three hours and only talk about you. So I’ll know more wtf is going on in my mind. Bc I’ll be having a good week then remeber you and only think about that all week. I just have no idea why. Like wtffff girl don’t you have anything else to do but show up in my dreams?????
Can you tell me what those expectations are? Bc once again I feel like I’m telling you all these things even the ones that I shouldn’t (like me hating your gf) and you’re not telling me anything. Btw since I saw our last conversations I notice that you were kind of already over me even before your current girlfriend show up, and maybe that was one of the things that broke my heart even more that time, bc I knew it and I couldn’t imagine you not being there, just like I said, you were for so much time a important part of my life that I just couldn’t picture it. But guess we’re doing fine right?
Hope your sugar overdose has pass and you’re already doing another lol. I spend my holiday just chilling with my chosen family and eating ALOT of candy as well 😂😂 btw yesterday I saw a meme on a sign page and i whats SO YOU that I was like on my way to send you but I just didn’t know if I could (honestly I find weird going back in touch with you bc like.....) . But yeah tell me how’s dating going? How did your family react? I know this was a big deal for you.
Hope your having a good weekend and thinking about me 😡bc I’m thinking that I miss the sunday nights were we be taking until late at night even knowing we’ve to wake up early the next day.
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