#I know it's not TFP Megs but... I had it right there...
ivycorp · 1 year
Breasting Boobily (7708 words) by IvyCorp Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers: Earthspark (Cartoon) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Elita One & Megatron & Optimus Prime, Elita One/Megatron/Optimus Prime Characters: Elita One (Transformers), Megatron (Transformers), Optimus Prime, Dorothy "Dot" Malto, Twitch Malto Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, the Non-Con tag is there for the following reason:, Consensual Non-Consent, it's in the last chapter, otherwise it's just, boobs, just titties being appreciated, Bondage, Rope Bondage, Milking, Sticky Sexual Interfacing (Transformers), Hucows but make it Robots, Sub Megatron (Transformers), Bottom Megatron (Transformers), Because yes, mention of voyeurism, Taking photos, induced lactation???, if you squint?? - Freeform, Gags, Blindfolds, sort of??, riding a Sybian Series: Part 2 of TFE Megs with titties Summary:
set right after 'Accidental Accuracy'
 The aftermath of the discovery of a surprise addition on Megatron's frame
That's it. It is what it ways on the tin.
  Chapter 1: The first time (titties get played with) Chapter 2: The picnic (titties get tied up) Chapter 3: The experimentation (titties get milked)
@transingthoseformers you are one of the few that I am blaming for this, because I have seen this yesterday at the wee hours of the morning and could not stop thinking about the one version of things where I DID give Megs titties
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primus-why · 8 months
Okay but imagine if in TFP when Optimus loses his memory and becomes Orion, he's not automatically so trusting towards Megs?
Like how funny would it be if it went down:
Orion: Where are we, Megatronus?
Megatron: Don't you remember, old friend?
Orion: Evidently not, seeing as this isn't the Citadel. It looks like we're stuck in a cave... and don't you 'old friend' me, I shouldn't even be talking to you after what you said following that disastrous Council meeting...
Megatron: Wh-- what I said?!? Need I remind what you pulled when you decided to go off-script in front of said Council?
Orion: I had to do something, you were freaking them out!! Security would have kicked us to the curb if I didn't step in!
Megatron: I was heading a revolution, Orion; it would not have been the first time I've found myself thrown out on my aft by policemech!
Orion: Ah, you're right! How dare I imply you could ever be antagonistic on purpose?
Arcee: Uhh what is happening right now?
Orion: Are you sure it was your aft? Indeed, the culprit must lie with how frequently you've been tossed out onto your helm-- the dents have clearly scrambled your processor.
Megatron: Wow, disparaging my processor? Spoken like a true mid-caste! I always knew you had it in you, bravo!
Orion: Ugh, just tell me what mess you've gotten me into now?
Bulkhead: Um... Optimus?
Orion: Are you talking to me?
Bulkhead: Yeah I--
Megatron: -- Nevermind them. You know what your problem is??
Orion: Oh, please, enlighten me!!
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Fearless buddy being sent to the tfp universe at first made me want the tfp team prime to see mtmte Megs interact with buddy and have a crisis over the fact that Megs became a dad, to a human no less.
and then I realized, no. no I dont want team prime to just react to mtmte megs, I want these fuckers to get yeeted into the portal one by one and suffer through the general chaos of the lost light.
Arcee - What was that?
Swerve - oh thats just Skids, you can tell cause when Buddys' in the vents it sounds more like a pitter patter.
Drifts gets double to Ratchets to simp for
Optimus curls into a ball and cries when he sees Megatron with an autobot badge and being a decent person
Tailgate fanboys and asked for an autograph, yes he knows that its not their Optimus Prime but he's cool none the less
Miko quickly finds Buddy and Whirl and Rodimus quickly grabs Bumblebee and Smokescreen. Ultra Magnus has his back turned for for ten minutes and suddenly the Lost light has been turned into a race track with Swerve handling the betting's and a small world has declared war on the lost light, stating the instigators was a human and two mechs, one of which kinda sounds like the Apex armor.
Brainstorm finds Raf and gets into a custody battle for him with Ratchet.
Optimus and Megatron both have a conversation and get some kinda closure from it.
Ultra Magnus nearly cries over Jack being responsible and polite. he loves buddy but why did they get the well mannered human
plus the rest of the autobots being fucking flabbergasted at how Megatron is with his tiny organic child
In short: C H A O S !
There simply would have been way too much to cover with just this request alone. So, I've tried to condense everything down to 4 key highlights of events that defiantly happened during the trip. This would also be assuming that this is also the same universe as Old Predacon Buddy.
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy gets a visit from TFP Bots
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
4 Conversations and confrontations that have defiantly happened during the visit
Meeting the Co- captains
The bots had just arrived at the Lost Light via portal and met Buddy once again.
Buddy wanted to bring them to the med bay just to make sure everything was okay with their systems.
Optimus was the one to have Buddy on his servo as they pointed the way to get to the med bay.
How did they not come across any other crewmember?
That is beyond them.
But just before the team made it to the med bay a streak of black came in front of the bots.
“Who are you and what are you doing on board?”--Ravage
Buddy waving from Prime’s servo.
“Hi Ravage!”--Buddy
Ravage takes notice of Buddy and pins his audials back.
“Let them go now!”--Ravage
Ravage tries swiping at the Prime, but Arcee fires a warning shot.
“Don’t even think about it.”--Arcee
“Wait can’t we all calm down—"--Buddy
Multiple heavy pede steps are heard.
“And now he’s coming…”--Buddy
Megatron and Rodimus come running from the corner and stop behind Ravage.
Megatron has his fusion cannon ready and Rodimus is powering up.
Everyone is tense.
“All right Fake Optimus, put Buddy down and no one gets hurt too badly.”--Rodimus
“Fake Prime? This is Optimus Prime.”--Smokescreen
“Yeah, and Megatron isn’t Buddy’s dad. That’s not Optimus.”--Rodimus
“Excuse did you say that bucket head there was Buddy’s dad?!”--Miko
Buddy nods and pats Prime’s digits.
“Just pass me to Rodimus while I explain everything.”--Buddy
Optimus hesitates a minute before handing Buddy to Rodimus.
Buddy Jumps from Rodimus’s servo start onto Megatron’s arm, which freaks everyone out for a minute as the ex war lord does catch them.
“Buddy we’ve talked about this.”--Megatron
Buddy stick’s out their tongue.
“Can someone please explain what in Primus’s name is going on?!”--Magnus
“In a bit Magnus.”--Buddy
“Wait, wait wait, this is Magnus?”--Rodimus
Rodimus looks at him amused.
“Just wait til Minimus finds out.”--Rodimus
“Who’s Minimus?”--Wheeljack
“In a minute, now to the med bay. Ratchet should take a look at them before anything else.”--Buddy
“Ratchet?”—Team Prime
Rodimus and Buddy turn to each other with a mischievous smile.
Megatron just sighs tiredly.
This was going to be a long day… or week even…
2. Ratchet confrontation and some honorable mentions
Both Ratchet’s nearly have a stroke when they see each other.
The team gets checked out by every medic available.
Buddy manages to catch everyone up overall on the ‘alternative universe’ fiasco. Everyone manages to understand for the most part.
Megatron watches Buddy like a hawk while also sending a message to Minimus on the situation.
He could practically hear the stroke happening from here.
MTMTE Ratchet taking a double look at everyone’s energon levels.
“How are any of you even functioning?! Your energon levels are so low you shouldn’t even be standing up right?!”—MTMTE Ratchet
TFP Ratchet huffs.
“Unlike this universe, energon is not a common thing to run by. Naturally the levels are going to be low.”—TFP Ratchet
“I’m not saying that it is, but what I am is astounded on how any of you are still even talking. And you especially.”
Optimus looks curious.
“What are you referring to?”--Optimus
MTMTE Ratchet takes a deep vent and lets it out.
“Your Ratchet has the lowest energon levels out of your entire team combined! Miracle that he is even with us.”--ratchet
Bee buzzes angrily.
All MTMTE bots look at him worriedly.
First Aid comes over to him.
“What happened to your voice?”—First Aid
MTMTE Ratchet, Ambulon and Velocity join in crowding Bee.
“His voice box was damaged in the war on Cybertron. Our Megatron damaged it.”—Raf
Bumblebee looks down a bit.
The medics are all looking at one another.
“We can see what we can do here, if you’d like Bumblebee.”—MTMTE Ratchet
Bee buzzes happily as Raf hugs his digit.
Drift enters the med bay.
“Hey Ratchet, I heard you yelling in here, is everything—”--Drift
Drift looks at the scene in front of him stopping dead in his tracks.
His optics land on TFP Ratchet.
Buddy looks at him mouthing ‘No!’
“Who’s this guy?”--Smokescreen
“I finally made it to the Afterspark.”--Drift
“What?”—TFP Ratchet
“That’s just Drift just ignore him.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Ratchet I don’t think that’s going to be possible.”--Buddy
Drift pulls them both into a hug.
TFP Ratchet is struggling to get out of his grip while MTMTE Ratchet just goes along with it.
“Buddy, who’s that?”--Wheeljack
“And why is he hugging Ratchet?”--Bulkhead
“That’s Drift, he’s Ratchet’s Conjunx.”--Buddy
All TFP Bots nearly have whiplash at how fast they move their helms.
“HIS CONJUNX?!”—Team Prime
“MY WHAT?!”—TFP Ratchet
“Not yours.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Aww Ratty! You do care.”--Drift
“RATTY?!”—Team Prime
Several members of Team Prime laughing on the med slab so hard the medics are on standby.
3. Kids custody
Tfp team goes to the bar.
Kids stay with Buddy in the human safe portion of the bar to get some food.
Everyone is staring at them.
But to be fair they did have way different frame types than everyone else in this dimension.
Buddy yells at them for being rude.
That they help them in their time of need.
Suddenly everyone is in a much better mood.
Swerve serving Team Prime some engex.
“Any friend of Buddy is a friend of ours. Drink up fellow bots!”--Swerve
“Thank you Swerve.”--Optimus
Prime feels something poking his side
He looks at a white minibot poking his side holding a data pad.
“Hi! I know your not this universes Optimus, but can I still have your autography!”--Tailgate
Prime looks a bit surprised but he gives in.
“Thank you!”--Tailgate
“And what may be your name?”--Optimus
“I’m Tailgate!”--Tailgate
Arcee spits out her engex, Bulkhead calms her down.
“Is she okay? I didn’t upset her right?”--Tailgate
Arcee walks up to Tailgate, who is roughly around her size.
Cyclonus walks up behind Tailgate as if daring her to do something dumb.
She eventually holds her servo out.
“I’m Arcee.”--Arcee
Tailgate hugs Arcee instead.
“Thank you and your team for taking care of Buddy while they were away!”--Tailgate
Arcee is holding back tears as she gives into the hug.
“SHE’S ARCEE!”--Rodimus
Many bots look over with curiosity and some with fear.
Bulkhead looked over at the human table to find it empty.
“Hey where are the kids?”--Bulkhead
“Oh! Whirl took them around the bar when you weren’t looking.”--Swerve
“Whirl? Who’s Whirl?”--Magnus
Swerve points to the helicopter bot with his cockpit open.
“That one who’s trying to fight with Getaway.”--Swerve
Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Ultra Magnus navigate their way to Whirl.
He turns to show Buddy and Miko laughing in the pit.
“So, you’re this little monsters guardians?”--Whirl
“Well, TOO BAD!”--Whirl
Whirl places a protective claw over both of the giggling humans.
“They are not your Amica—”--Magnus
“Actually I’m his.”--Buddy
“And that’s something we’re going to talk about later. Miko—”--Wheeljack
“Miko no!”--Bulkhead
“MIKO YES!”--Miko
Meanwhile with Arcee…
Arcee stares at MTMTE Magnus, Cyclonus, Tailgate and Pipes.
Pipes and Tailgate are asking him all sorts of questions.
“Ultra Magnus. Cyclonus.”--Arcee
“Arcee.”—Magnus and Cyclonus
All three of them look over at the other three who are happily laughing at a joke.
All three mentally promise to destroy anyone who harms Jack.
Meanwhile with Ratchet…
Brainstorm holding Raf high above his helm.
“I HAVE FOUND MY CHILD!”--Brainstorm
“HE IS NOT YOUR CHILD!”--Perceptor
“Fine! Percy and Nautica we need to schedule visiting time—”--Brainstorm
MTMTE Ratchet taking Raf out of his servo.
“Leave the poor boy alone.”—MTMTE Ratchet
Drift looks over at MTMTE Ratchet and Raf and smiles teasingly.
“AAAAWWWW Ratty!”--Drift
Ratchet suddenly getting the hint.
“No…”—MTMTE Ratchet
Drift no.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Drift yes?”--Drift
“…”--MTMTE Ratchet
Ratchet hands Raf back to his counterpart.
“I think its best to keep him in check.”—MTMTE Ratchet
“Will do—HEY!”—TFP Ratchet
Brainstorm once again nabbing Raf from him.
“Mine child! Now Rafael. Would you like to see my lab? It has all sorts of inventions in it.”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm starts heading to the exit faster before Skids tackles him down letting Raf to get thrown up in the air.
He gets caught by Swerve, who just puts him down next to him.
“…Do you like Bill Nye?”--Swerve
Meanwhile with Rodimus…
Has Smokescreen and Bumblebee both thrown over his shoulder looking at Megatron and Magnus.
“Too bad.”--Rodimus
Confused car noises intensify.
Later on, Optimus and Megatron are found in one of the booth having some whispered conversation.
No one knows what they talked about, but both came back from it looking tired yet somewhat happy.
4. Promise to meet each other one day in the future
A couple days pass, the portal comes back.
Tfp team says their goodbyes.
Buddy wishes them good luck and to say hi to their alternative.
Portal closes.
“Wait you said, ‘other Buddy’, there was another Buddy?”--Megatron
“Oh yeah, but they’re an old Predacon.”--Buddy
“AN OLD WHAT?!”--Whirl
Meanwhile back in TFP…
The team comes out of the portal groaning at the semi harsh landing.
June and Agent Fowler came running in.
June nearly tackles the kids asking so many questions their heads are spinning.
The team explains what happened.
“Would have guessed that after Buddy’s explanation.”—Agent Fowler
“Heh, hey where is Buddy anyways?”--Bulkhead
“Bet their taking a nap.”--Miko
“Nope. After four hours of you guys ‘disappearing to the other dimension’ they’ve been trying to keep everything under control. They’ve been increasing patrols and energon digs.”—Agent Fowler
“They should be coming in soon.”--June
Heavy wing flaps are heard from the main entrance.
“June! I think another rocks stuck in my—”--Buddy
Buddy stops to take a good look at the team before going in for a group hug, spreading their wings as much as possible.
“Thank the Primes your all safe.”--Buddy
“Woah! Buddy, your…umm…”--Smokescreen
Buddy looking down at their dented and dusty self.
“Someone had to pick up on the patrols. The Decepticon’s couldn’t know that you were gone.”--Buddy
Optimus places his servo on Buddy’s shoulder.
“Rest old friend. We can take it from here.”--Optimus
Buddy just yawns and moves to their spot near the human area and slumps down hard and falls asleep.
The kids go over to Buddy to see if they are still awake.
They were out.
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hiiii I love all your little blurbs that show on my fyp your angst stuff hits so well…could I ask for something following Megs’ “death” after the TFP premiere and Optimus struggling to mourn, due to them being enemies and having to keep a brave face? Again, luv your stuff. Have an awesome day.
Optimus had to smile. Pretend he was as glad as everyone else. Had to ignore the bitterness he felt as his teammates, in their own ways, expressed how glad they were over Megatron's death. Feel unending guilt at the fact that he even feels bitter about it. He cares about his teammates. He knows each and everybody has lost something precious at Megatron's, Decepticon's, or at the war's hand. The war they all believe Megatron had started.
They don't know. They don't see. They don't realize what brought uppon this war, and now what Optimus will have to fight alone towards. Megatron represented hope. Hope for a better future, hope for equal treatment to all that the previous system ignored and abused. Hope.. Even so, Optimus doesn't regret disagreeing with the way Megatron wanted to go about things. He just regrets that he and Megatron couldn't have come to a compromise. Couldn't find common ground.
'Now he's dead.'
"He could be alive." Optimus comments out loud.
"Who?" Ratchet asks. Probably hoping to Primus that Optimus doesn't mean-
"Megatron?" Bumblebee beeps out, making everyone else stop in their tracks
"You don't seriously think he's still alive, do you?" Bulkhead adds
"Well," Arcee begins. "Even though it feels like there is no way he could be alive. You have to admit, he has survived worse." She scowls.
The mood of the base drops. Optimus already feels an argument brewing. He decides to stop it before it begins. "We do not know if he is alive or not. Arce is right, Megatron has survived worse. But even so, we must remain alert. We do not know what Decepticons will do with the loss of their leader. Only time will tell if this loss is temporary.. or permanent."
His team nods their helms with serious expressions. All except Ratchet, who is looking at Optimus with a look that says they will have a word about this later.
Optimus can only internally sigh as he walks off after a few more reassuring words. His team also dispersed after that. Ratchet followed after him.
"Optimus! Surely you can't be hoping he's alive! You of all mechs know of all the evil deeds he has done!" Ratchet begins once Optimus stops walking.
"I know all too well, old friend. I still wish things could have gone differently." Optimus admits this small bit to Ratchet. Hoping he of all bots could understand...
Ratchet only scoffs, crossing his arms. "Well, they didn't. Megatron made his choice, and he chose genocide. He chose to continue this war even after what happened to Cybertron! So many were killed because of his choices, Optimus.. You should stop being a bleeding spark for mechs that don't deserve it. Especially for a monster."
Optimus felt a part of his spark break. The small hope he had about trusting anyone with his thoughts was gone, just like that. It's fine. His field is still pulled tightly against his frame. Ratchet won't be able to feel how deeply those words hurt him. Optimus sighs. Trying to regain his composure. "Once again, you are right. Perhaps it is for the best that things ended up like this." The words felt like lead to his tongue. He had to force them out anyway.
"Damn right I am," Ratchet mutters, nodding. About to say something more. But Optimus tunes him out.
The Prime finds himself out at night, staring up at the singular moon. Why is he here? He should be back at base recharging. Rarely does Optimus come out at night. But when he does, he likes to drive to a secluded place. A place only he knows of.
"A place that reminds me of you.."
"My sworn brother turned enemy. How did things end up like this?"
'You betrayed him. You became a Prime.'
"I didn't wish to become a Prime!"
'A Prime shouldn't think about not wanting to be one. You are a fake. A failure as one. It is an honor and a privilege to fight for the people of Cybertron.'
"There is no Cybertron left to fight for.."
'And for the people?'
"They will always be worth fighting for."
'Then why are you here?'
'He's dead.'
"He could be alive."
'It would be better if he wasn't.'
'Why do you want him to be alive?'
"I do not know."
'You don't wish to admit it.'
"I wish things could have gone differently. That me and him could have rebuilt Cybertron side by side."
"He was my sworn brother. The Decepticons follow his lead, and I know with his help, no unfair laws could have ever been put in place."
'He was more than your sworn brother. You wished he was more than-'
"He shouldn't have been. That was a mistake on both our ends. We were both foolish -"
'You still love him. You still wished you both were more than enemies. Now he's dead.'
Optimus remains silent. Covering his optics with a servo. "This is ridiculous. I am a Prime. A protector of all life. If these feelings and thoughts are going to cloud my processor. It would be best if I didn't have them at all."
'Are you going to hide from your feelings? Your thoughts? Your memories? What you truthly long for? How many times will you do this, Optimus?'
Optimus paused when his processor conjured up Megatron's voice the moment he opened the folder he had been searching for. Shocked by the sheer amount of data he was hiding in it. One small folder he always forgot about. Was curious over. And always regretted opening again and again. It was all Megatron. Every memory, every thought, every feeling, it was all too overwealming. Optimus felt overpowering grief—
Optimus Prime did what needed to be done, closed, and hid the small, unassuming folder. "For however long I continue to be a leader."
Then he stood. The moon now hidden by clouds. Rain already beginning to pour.
And with that, Optimus Prime drove back to base. To the place that he knew could never replace home.
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altraviolet · 8 months
Haven't been able to read the last 3 chapters yet, so I'm up to the part where Soundwave met alternate Rodimus and gave him the hope to start the lost light again and reach out to his friends.
Had a shower thought, since the Megatron for this alternate Rodimus is dead (likely execution right?), once the new lost light gets up and going, will they pick up a new Megatron? Will they seek out a replacment the way our Rodimus is replacing his own lost crew members like Ambulon and Mirage?
I thought about which of the Megatrons that we know of would be in a position where this new lost light would take them in? SG Megatron has his war against evil Optimus, animated Megatron is still very much the decepticon leader, and armada Megatron is solidly evil I think from what I've seen from that show.
Then it hit me. At the end of transformers Prime (not talking about the silly supposed sequal that is RiD 2015) Prime Megatron, after being used by Unicron, gives up the decepticon cause and just leaves to wander the galaxy endlessly in exile or something. What if the new Rodimus and lost light crew come across Prime Megatron and take him in?
What would be really interesting, I think, is what if the alternate Rodimus wants to find our Prime Soundwave and thank him for inspiring him to try again. What if he succeeds, and Prime Soundwave and our lost light crew meet meet Prime Megatron and his lost light crew.
I think it would be really messed up to see the parallel between Prime Soundwave and Prime Megatron being saved by the lost light, especially because Prime Megatron was the one who hurt Prime Soundwave.
I don't know if you've thought about this before, but I'd love to hear your opinion on it. I hope this ask isn't too confusing. It's a little hard to differentiate between the rodimus we have followed in this story vs. the romimus we meet at the end. I'm glad to see that you met your goal of finishing on the 4th! This story has been nothing short of amazing! Thank you for telling it 😁
This is a fun bunch of thoughts :D Unfortunately my answers are going to ruin all the fun. Sorry about that :'D
>once the new lost light gets up and going, will they pick up a new Megatron?
The LL and its ability to jump were unique in the comics. There is no other ship or other Lost Light that the original Rodimus can find and then jump to another universe in. There will be no picking up of other alt-dimensioners, because there is no way to get to them.
>which of the Megatrons that we know of would be in a position where this new lost light would take them in?
ironically (as per the next question), the only one I know of is TFP Megatron. we did leave him in a state where he was questioning everything he'd ever done and basically sworn off subjecting others to that which he had been subjected to
>What if the new Rodimus and lost light crew come across Prime Megatron and take him in?
I'm afraid that there's something very subtle that has been missed here. The LL was able to travel to the TFP dimension at the beginning of the story because no one on the ship has a living equivalent in that dimension. So... yeah, that means in TEG, if we want to be correct about things, TFP Ratchet and Megatron are dead.
So, even if the original Rodimus found another ship like the Lost Light and managed to jump into the TFP dimension, TFP Megs would be dead.
Soundwave noted this veryyyyyyy briefly in the fic. Somewhere. It's like, one line, and he didn't linger on it. But I'm pretty sure I put it in there.
Despite those logistics-
>I think it would be really messed up to see the parallel between Prime Soundwave and Prime Megatron being saved by the lost light, especially because Prime Megatron was the one who hurt Prime Soundwave.
-yes, that would be very interesting to see. TFP Megatron has/would have had (yay tenses) already gone through that kind of arc, though. If he were alive.
Thank you for the well wishes! I hope you enjoy the rest of the fic :)
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scribe-of-hael · 1 year
What would happen if ES Optimus and Megatron ended up in the Transformers Prime AU?
What are the TFP characters reaction to a seemingly nicer Megatron?
In reality ES are pretty small since they kind align with g1 size! Its not their fault tfp are stupidly big. Tfp megs i believe is like 30ft tall, KO is about 21ft in comparison. But for their sake I'll bump them up to a tfp kinda height xD we grow during dimensional travel for science reasons.
ofc Tfp Optimus knows somthing up cause they are there and takes them back depsite knowing that one is a Megatron but clearly isn't his megs.
who's sus? Rachet sus ,because rachet is rachet and that is what he do lol the prime team are weary of Megs. But it comes very clear that this Megs isn't at all like theirs. Its kinda wierd for them to talk to him but God is ot nice to have a Megatron who's not trying to kill you. I think Arcee and Racehet are sus and weary. Which Meg i think would understand he's had to deal with this hesitation by others bots for a while of think.
How do I think the bots would be less inclined to avoid ES megs. The kids ofc! And megs knows how to talk to the kids and has some good practice with Moe and Robbie. He's acutally happy the kids (looking at Ralph and Miko , and eventually Jack) come to talk to him.
Seeing his gentle nature alrund the kids when their megs wouldn't even think twice about crushing them sets everyone at Ease.
Miko is fighting for a ride in his alt mode , she's so exicted. I think its adorable.
Bee , arcee , Bulkhead and yes you too raceht come around to Megs a bit.
Optimus is already very happy to see that yes, a megs can change. And he enjoys tlaking to him and the other op.
oh God I'm now seeing that tfp seeing megs might just fuel his thoughts of "My Megatron can change, I can help him change!" No sweetheart you can't and both ES megs and op agree that their megs is CRAZY.
don't let THE MEGS. MEET. PERIOD. DO NOT. it would such an epic fight let's be real. ES megs is just utterly disgusted that this who who he is here. Who he probably could have become the damage he caused. It makes Megs angery.
Though tfp megs is also disgusted that ES would change, give up the war and join Optimus of all people. The shame ES megs feels seeing Starscream get basically beat up by Megs. (Oof megs maybe you should properly apologize to your star because YEAH IT DOENST LOOK GREAT FROM THE OUSTIDE DOES IT?)
But when comes to TFP op, its a bit harder. Cause ofc tfp op is light hearted here and there but he's a very serious individual, he very much a noble leader and we don't get to many light hearted moments because of how serious the situation is in prime. But ES is extremely more light hearted, dare I say goofy, he's an old man/dad. Some of ES jokes go over tfp head but its ok. He gentle explains and TFP learns lol
See the difference in personality is one scene.
"Hey Optimus wanna see somthing funny?"
Tfp: No (being honest and not trying to be hurtful he just don't wanna that ok, but he seriosu )
ES: Oooo! Of course ! Is it the monkey video? I love that one ! (Interested, indulges even if he may not understand, he wants to see funny meme)
Optimus is having a fun time seeing different versions of himself while Megs is reminds ...right...I'm still bad most of the time in other universes and I still have alot to work on.
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TFP Megatron waking up g1 Megatron having to knock helms togeather in his army. He has no Knockout or any othermedic. No vehicons. the energon situation is reversed and he is a Gun that can only be weilded by Starscream. Soeaking of Energon, dark energon isn't a thing. The Nemisis is kaput and he's stuck on the piss poor replacement with mechs that died eaons ago.
But before he starts whooping afts into shape he is leting out a scream roar that picked up on oceanographic recording equiptment. Like a second great bloop, except it's called The Great Scream. Autobots listen and laugh and speculate on what the heck Starscream did to get Buckethead to wail like that.
Soundwave has opinions, concerns and "I looked like that?!"
Y e p
For as many advantages that tfp Megatron has over g1 Megs (not counting the frame differences for obvious reasons), g1 Megatron had plenty of his own: especially regarding knowing what to expect from the decepticons and the autobots as well as having found ways to work around his own limitations. Like g1 Megatron is a gun that's used to being a gun, tfp Megatron right now is a gun who is used to being a jet.
You've also gotta account for in g1, it's also easier to create, but again that requires frequent interactions with humans and human structures which tfp Megatron is definitely not used to.
The tantrum that was heard by all
Why did I just imagine the elite trine looking at a pic of tfp Starscream and g1 Skywarp just says "... Smash." G1 Thundercracker and Starscream are disappointed in her but agree.
G1 Sounders is so concerned
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showstopper35 · 2 years
King of the Hop (A Megatronus x Orion AU)
a/n: I am weak at heart and mostly wrote this to deal with my own problems so…enjoy. Free therapy for both of us. Swearing ahead. Also, @plutoids-thoughts this is now dedicated to you.
An AU in which TFP is set in a college universe…with a twist. This is the story of Orion Paciano, the greatest ballroom dancer in his class. And when one aggressive, angry student is accidentally placed in a ballroom class, shit goes down. 
“You’re stepping with the wrong foot.” Orion gently corrected him and stepped back for them to start again. 
“Everything I do is wrong. This is so stupid.” Megs cursed under his breath, wanting to rip off the tight ballroom shoes and storm off. But he gritted his teeth and awkwardly gripped his partner’s hand again. Orion curled his fingers around his hand, and Megs had to fight to not look at their hands. 
He had danced with him so many times, but he could never get used to that sensation. Orion’s hold was gentle, but Megs knew that the second he messed up again he would grip tighter and push until Megs’ legs would follow Orion’s. Why the hell did his hands have to be so warm? 
“Left turning box, are you ready?” 
“Shut up, you’re ready.” 
They turned, and Megs would have stumbled to the floor if it wasn’t for Orion sliding his hand down Meg’s back so that he stayed upright. Unnecessary, in his opinion. 
“Step back and to the si-yeah, you got it that time!” 
He got it? 
Megs looked over to meet Orion’s smile. It was slightly crooked in that sweet, hopelessly nerdy way. He should smile more, honestly. People with nice smiles-
“Now do it five more times.”
Megs decided it wasn’t that nice of a smile after all. Nope, perfectly ordinary. Annoyingly smug at best. Fuck you, Mr. Ballroom. He let go of Orion’s hand and let out a long-sufffering sigh. He closed his eyes and rubbed his arms, groaning. His muscles could get surprisingly sore from this class. 
A small chuckle from the other male caused him to open one eye. Orion’s eyes were twinkling, and Megs felt an unwelcome prickle of heat creep up his neck. Probably just because the ballroom classroom was always hot and stuffy, right? 
“I know it’s hard. My first semester was rough.” 
Megs scoffed. “See, you say that, but I don’t believe you at all. Hasn’t anyone ever told you it’s bad to lie, Paciano?” 
Orion splayed his fingers with a hint of exasperation. “I promise, I’m not ly-”
“HEY! Listen to the teacher!” A loud voice cut through the air, and the two turned to face a frowning girl with dyed blue hair. Megs could never remember her name, but she was damn good at dancing and that was enough for him to find her annoying. He shot her a glare that she shrugged off with a smirk. 
“Now that I finally have your attention,” Mr. Magnus drawled, ���We can start a new dance. This one is called the Cha-cha. It’s from Cuba. Watch me.” 
He gestured to Orion, who immediately began to execute the dance with flawless accuracy. Megs watched in disbelief at the way his hips moved back and forth, rocking from one foot to the other. The dance was fast, and looked complicated as hell. So many side-to-side steps that Megs suspected only Orion could pull off perfectly. 
God, why did he have to be so good at this? It was unfair, really. Megs was good at plenty of stuff. History, writing, swordfighting, even occasionally art. So why couldn’t he get this? Orion looked so happy when he was dancing. He had this wide, stupid smile that he couldn’t get off his face. All Megs did do when he danced was frown. 
The teacher let go of Orion and began going over the basic steps, instructing the class to follow long. Megs tried his best, stepping forward on the beat but losing all coordination once Mr. Magnus threw the random-ass spin in. 
“The hell? This is awful.” He tried to readjust his body, but now his rhythm was off. He moved backwards and stood stiffly to the side. Maybe if he observed this nonsense better he would be able to pick it up. 
He tried to ignore it when the blue-haired girl rolled her eyes when she caught sight of his still frame in the mirror. 
This dance was the worst. At least he could kind of do the other ones. Sometimes. This was just hell. What the hell were his fellow Cubans thinking? 
“This is my favorite dance.” A whisper in his ear nearly made him jump. Orion laughed at his startled expression and held out his hand to Megs. 
“Of course its your favorite dance. It’s fucking awful and I don’t understand any of it and I just want to go back to fencing because I’m not even supposed to be in this class and-” 
“Shut up, Megatronus.”
And before he could continue protesting, Orion took his hands in his and pulled him to an empty space in the ballroom. 
“Here. We’ll go at our own pace.” 
He clasped Megs’ hand to his, and kept a gentle but firm hold on his back. His hands were so goddamn warm. It was like he was trying to electrify him with the power of dance…or some shit. 
“One..two-three-four…” Orion murmured the count under his breath, making eye contact with Megs every few numbers. 
And of course, he was good. He guided them forward and back, keeping them both upright even when Megs stepped on his feet and even when Megs awkwardly crossed his legs around and nearly fell. 
“Okay, we’re going to try a spin.” 
Orion pushed against Meg’s hand, and Megs turned, a little too quickly. He felt his ankles knock into each other and he fell forward, but Orion was faster. He reached forward and caught him with both hands, one hand against the small of Megs’ back and the other wrapped around his waist. 
They both froze, and Megs knew the warmth in his face wasn’t just from the stuffy room. He looked into Orion’s eyes for one second, two, before looking down and correcting his feet. 
“Don’t be sorry, be better.”
“Whatever, Paciano.” 
Orion let go, a small smile on his face. It looked more tender than smug, and his eyes were sparkling. A small snort left his mouth and he shook his head, still smiling. 
He was so beautiful.
He looked at Megs and held out his hands to dance again. 
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Unexpected allies Pt.1 rewrite
lol it's been about a year and a half since I've written the first part of my Unexpected Allies au. I read what I had posted and I realized I could do better so I decided to start from scratch. there will be a few changes and I've added some more stuff so I hope you enjoy!
In the Tfa Universe a nameless scientist found a way to create a very powerful teleporter one that if modified in the right way could connect to a certain planet and allow a possible ambush at any time. so the Tfa Decepticons decided it was a good idea to steal the teleporter. Unfortunately for them the Tfa Autobots were prepared to stop them. During their scuffle one of the bots ends up smashing in to the control panel activating the teleporter.
the Tfa Autobots not knowing something was wrong decided the best course of action was to throw the Tfa Decepticons into the teleporter then shut it off. So they managed to do just that and the Tfa Decepticons are teleported to a whole different place. once they gather their bearings they look around only to see what looks like desert. Almost immediately a ground bridge opens up and out comes Tfp Megatron wanting to check out these new cybertronian signatures himself. Tfa Megs not wanting to fight manages to convince Tfp Megatron that they (the Tfa Decepticons) no threat to him and just want to find a way back.
Tfp Megatron invites them back to the nemesis and offers to help them under the condition that while they are here in the Tfp Universe they would help him and his crew to defeat the Tfp Autobots. Reluctantly the Tfa Decepticons agree and are taken to the nemesis.
they are introduced to the Tfp decepticons and are given a brief rundown as to what is going on in the Tfp war. During their stay the Tfa decepticons witness Tfp Megatrons madness and abuse towards his subordinates. Tfa Megatron now wanting more information about Tfp Megatron ask Tfp Megs about his goals after winning the war. Tfa Megatron quickly realizes that Tfp Megs wants to oppress all that stand against him. Tfa Megatron informs his team that they won't be staying and finding their own way back would be better than hanging around the nemesis.
once they finalize their escape plan and put it into action they are attacked by the Nemesis crew in an attempt to stop them but the nemesis crew fails and the Tfa decepticons escape. The Tfa Crew decide that they need to stay low so once they hit far enough away from anything in sight they land and start walking.
That's when they are confronted by the Tfp Autobots and they fight but due to being low on fuel and already having lost a lot of energy escaping the nemesis the Tfa Decepticons lose the fight and are captured by the Tfp Autobots. they are brought to the Autobots base and quickly put into makeshift cells (very well made ones if I might add).
That's all I'm putting for now because I want to make a separate post about the Tfp Autobots interactions with the Tfa Decepticons. i hope you like my semi rewrite of my Unlikely Allies au!
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favesgrave · 2 years
Funny idea
Upon returning to the TFA world Blurr no longer finds TFA Megatron that menacing, compared to the nightmare TFP Megatron was
TFA Megs is tame compared to his TFP version! Of course, Blurr still knows that doesn't mean he's not a threat, but he's not as afraid as him as he is with TFP Megatron (even if he DID fuck off to deep space).
Now, I'm not too sure about TFA Megatron's origins pre-war. All we really get is that he overthrew the previous leader and took control of the Decepticons, eventually leading them into the war. Meanwhile, TFP Megatron was a miner-turned-gladiator who had loads of fighting experience before the war. He fought Soundwave in the gladiator pits, a character who's pretty much undefeatable to the point they banished him to another dimension, and the battle was a draw. He's also raised entire undead armies and committed so many war crimes I can't sit here and list them, because that list would go on for too long.
It's hard to top that.
Yeah, in terms of scariness, TFA Megs definitely does not beat TFP Megs.
Blurr's not sure if funny's the right word, but sometimes he'll think about it and smile to himself while simultaneously thinking "by the allspark i was in a different universe fighting a war against that guy nope nope nope never again never want to see him again no thank you"
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
You know what
I do want fearless Buddy and Megs to go to tfp.
I want one of those little portals to open up during poetry club and Buddy just to accept their fate and let the portal take them, Megatron is less accepting of getting dragged through said portal but he has no choice.
I want Team Prime to not even be surprised at this point, and Optimus is already trying to calm down Agent Fowler because WHY IS MEGATRON NOW IN OUR BASE!?
I want there to not even  be a few days of peace before everything hits the fan.  
The Decepticons have Team Prime on their back foot.  There's no other choice.  Time to send in their own Megs.
And for convenience I shall be referring to Mtmte as Megs and Tfp as Megatron.
Megatron's shock of getting punched by himself doesn't last long and the fight between the two is evenly matched.  But Megs is older, tired, weaker.  Megatron starts to get the advantage.  Megs is on his back, Megatron's fusion cannon aiming right at his spark.
And then Buddy comes along.
Yep, With all the autobots out, Megs running to punch himself in the face, and Ratchet manning the ground bridge controls, there was no one to keep an eye out for Buddy and Miko as they immediately ran through the ground bridge, and poor Jack and Raf following just to keep an eye on them.
Poor Buddy who spent the last few days talking up Megs.  “Are you kidding me, your Megatron looks like he's on space crack, my Megs would beat him no question.”
Poor Buddy who was so confident while watching the fight because their Megs is out now and he’s here to clean house.
Poor Buddy who immediately runs through the fighting to throw a rock at Megatron's leg and yell at him various cybertronian swears because of course that's the first thing Whirl taught them upon meeting them. 
And poor Buddy who immediately gets Megatron's fusion cannon pointed at them
But it doesn't hit Buddy.  No, the blast nearly digs through Meg's back as he shields he’s funny little human kid.
Luckily they get him back to base, maybe Bumblebee rammed into Megatrons fucking shins and they drag Meg’s body back through a ground bridge.
Cut to Megs waking up and Buddy immediately sprinting towards him because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and they also can't stand to be near his limp body while waiting for him to wake up
“...he was on space bath salts… that fight didn't count.”
I tweak some elements in the request a bit, hope that's okay when you read it. If not please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy witnessing Megs get beaten by his counter part
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Slight Angst, Mention of injury but nothing graphic, Human reader
It’s a normal day in Megatron’s classroom.
Megatron had just finished his final class of the day and was looking forward to going back to his habsuite.
Fearless had other ideas.
They decided to come by and visit after the lectures were over.
Megatron didn’t want to see Fearless right now.
He had been running a bit of the Cybertronain equivalent of a cold and hadn’t gone to the med bay yet.
Not that he thought he needed to.
He could handle something like this, but he knew Buddy would want him to go to the med bay if they found out.
Then portal time.
Megatron is clawing at his desk, refusing to get sucked into the portal.
Fearless sighs and just goes limp as the portal began dragging them in.
“What are you doing?!”--Megatron
“I’ve stop trying to fight these things Megs, just let go it makes things so much easier when you land.”—Fearless
Megatron lets go of one servo and tries to reach for Fearless as they are dragged into the portal.
His grip falters and let’s go of the desk and starts screaming as he gets dragged into the portal.
Meanwhile, Fearless was just thinking which dimension they were going to end up today.
Meanwhile in the TFP universe…
The portal opens dropping Megatron on the ground unceremonialy and Fearless safely bounces to the floor.
Team Prime just looks at the pair surprised.
Fearless waves happily as their Megatron groans in pain.
“Hey guys! How’s it going?”--Fearless
Everyone is surprised to see Megs and Fearless back.
Optimus has to calm down June and Fowler over this Megs appearing inside the base.
It’s a happy reunion with Fearless.
Ratchet’s sixth sense is tingling seeing Megs being more withdrawal than normal.
A couple days later, Team Prime gets ambushed.
Megs is actually feeling worse than what he felt on the Lost Light and still refuses to get help.
He feels bad for wasting their resources and knows he needs to cover his tracks better, Fearless was catching on to him.
Megs volunteers to go out and help.
He leaves before Fearless can do anything.
Fearless spots Miko running to the groundbrigde.
“I did not miss that, Miko!”--Fearless
Fearless is now running behind Miko trying to stop her from entering the groundbrigde.
“Miko! Get back here!”--Fearless
“I am NOT going to miss this fight!”--Miko
“Miko just because I said my Megs could crush yours, doesn’t mean that you get to go off on your own and—GET BACK HERE BEFORE THE PORTAL CLOSES!”--Fearless
On the other end of the groundbrigde.
Fearless sighs tiredly while Miko chuckles a bit.
“C’mon! You can’t deny that your also curious on how this fight could go.”--Miko
“Miko lets just get you back to—”—Fearless
Fearless turns around to see Jack and Raf behind them.
“… The three of you stick to me because I swear to Primus if you run off again, the last thing you will see if my foot denting your sorry behinds.”—Fearless
“Bet the last soda in the fridge Megs beats our Megatron”—Miko
They are not expecting Megs to get beat.
It was a bad beating.
Sure, Megs got good hits in the beginning, but it was nothing compared to the hits Megatron was landing.
Fearless starts panicking when they notice his fatigue.
It was time to put their name into use.
Fearless grabs a bunch of rocks and sprints to Megs and stands in front of him and starts chucking the rocks left and right.
They run out of rocks and move to their trusty pocket blaster, courtesy of Brainstorm.
Megatron looks down at the fleshy who was landing some blasts at his frame.
“Insignificant worm! You dare try and hit me!?”--Megatron
Fearless starts moving away from Megs and tries to lure this Megatron away from him.
Fearless dodges several blasts from the fusion canon.
Megs is terrified for Fearless as his counter part starts going after them.
Megatron also spots the kids and fires one shot before continuing to pursue the other pest.
Megs shields the kids with his body nearly crumbling down at the massive hole burning on his side.
Fearless screams in agony and rage making rapid fire with their blaster straight to Megatron’s face and wire sensitive areas.
Thanks to this distraction Bumblebee could get the drop on him going to the kneecaps and Optimus taking him down before he retreated like the coward he was.
Fearless is running back to Megs as he is being carried to the groundbridge.
Fearless get taken care of by June as they wait anxiously for the news.
They were so sure that Megs would beat this Megatron.
What happened out there?
Ratchet comes out of the med bay.
Fearless is on their feet.
“How is he Ratchet?”--Fearless
“He is stable, my counter part would need to do more extensive work in the long run though.”--Ratchet
Fearless looks relief but scrunches to confusion.
“He should have beaten him. It doesn’t make sense! Something happened to him when he went out and… and…”--Fearless
They hang their head a bit.
“That could be the exposure to the dark energon and the illness.”--Ratchet
“… Run me that again.”--Fearless
“Dark energon and the illness.”—Ratchet
“He was sick?!”—Fearless
“It’s a non-lethal sickness, most akin to a human ‘cold’.”--Ratchet
“… So, my Megs got his aft kick because the other Meagtron was on the space drug and he was sick...”--Fearless
“I would use different terms, but that is the gist of it.”--Ratchet
“… Thank you Ratchet, seriously.”--Fearless
“You’re taking this well.”--Miko
“Oh, I’m furious that he hid this from me, but that’s something he’s going to get when he can at least walk again. Then he is going to be thankful that I’m not a full grown Cybertronian.”--Fearless
Fearless feels sick to their stomach seeing him power down and still.
They try their best to keep themselves occupied with the kids and the others.
Fearless jokes around that the match didn’t count because their Megatron had enhancements and theirs was weakened by a sickness.
It was an unfair fight.
The moment Megs wakes up Fearless is once again sprinting to his side, climbing to the top of the med slab by themselves and to his chassis.
They cry a bit with relief when they see he is okay.
They were so going to snitch on him when they got back to the Lost Light.
Right on cue the portal opens up.
Megs is strong enough to walk a bit and goes to the portal with Fearless.
They say their thanks and goodbyes as the pair leave this universe.
In the Lost Light…
Megs lands on his chassis groaning in pain as Fearless lands beside him.
His biolight flickered dimly which caused Fearless to panic bad.
The doors to Swerve’s bust open as several bots come out to see Fearless cradling one of Megatron’s digits with tears threatening to spill.
“HELP HIM!”--Fearless
Whirl comes over and picks up Fearless as some other bots hurriedly carry Megatron to the med bay.
Fearless just watches his limp body get carried away and digs their face into their Amica’s neck cables stifling a sob.
Whirl can only gently stroke their back as he takes them back to their shared room for privacy.
Megatron has to stay in the med bay for a while thanks to the injuries and the complications the illness made on his frame.
Fearless made sure to tell everything to the crew once they calmed down.
Once Megs is given a clean bill of health and another scolding for keeping his sickness to himself, Fearless isn’t leaving his side for a while.
Magnus grants some grace to Fearless on their work.
Everyone gives the two some patience.
It wasn’t everyday that one of the most fearless organics on board got into a panicky state.
Thank goodness Rung has some room in his schedule because this was going to be a lengthy session for many bots.
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atlailx · 1 year
EarthSpark Season 1 Finale Retrospective (from someone who hasn't seen every single TF show)
(I'm not too sure how to format text posts but whatever)
Spoilers for Transformers Earthspark (obviously lol)
I finally had enough time to finish season 1 of Earthspark, and though I loved the finale, there were just a few things I think it could've improved on.
1. The ending was too easily solved, we had that HUGE buildup of the machine that could kill anything with energon in its body, then it's just reversed 2 minutes later? The finale would have generated so much hype and appreciation for the second season if it ended on a cliffhanger.
2. A few of the plot devices didn't make very much sense if you REALLY think about it. For example, once the Autobots arrive at the Malto's home to save them from ghost, why didn't they take off their ghost badges? They clearly do not associate with ghost anymore, why were they still wearing the badges? And even after that, when the Terrans and Bee defeat a mind controlled Elita and OP, why didn't they remove their badges? They saw that the badges are what caused them to power down at first, and it's safe to assume that once Elita and OP awoke from the Terrans defeating them, they'd still be under mind control. (Unless this was specified in the show and I just missed that)
3. This is minor, but where did the cassettes go? Surely Soundwave would've freed them, right? Also where is Tarantulas?
4. When Twitch and Thrash were on the tower fighting Mandroid, they knew that the cybersleeves were powering the energon machine thingy, why didn't Thrash just free the Maltos while Twitch distracted Mandroid? (Unless that's what he was trying to do originally, I may have missed/forgotten that)
Though I do have complaints, the finale had so much good in it
1. I love how Twitch and Nightshade were the main two Terrans, their personalities work so well together.
2. The camerawork and animation is amazing, the blend of 3d and 2d works so well in the finale and it looks phenomenal.
3. The reference to the hanger fight from previous episodes when Twitch propelled herself with her cannon was perfect, I love that she picked that up from Megs.
4. Overall it was an amazing finale, and though I still do prefer Cyberverse and TFP to Earthspark, the second season could steal my heart.
Speaking of season, here's a few things I'd love to see in the 2nd season of Earthspark (Obviously not every single one, that'd be a bit too cluttered for a single season)
1. More characters who (in canon) who changed sides (during the war) such as Jetfire and Drift, I'd love to see the dynamics of a reformed character showing their perspective on the past.
2. Add the DJD, they would be perfect for Earthspark, since in IDW, they hunt down Megs for changing sides, they'd be perfect since Earthspark Megs changed sides. I just want to see Earthspark Megatron be held responsible for his actions during the war, and would love to see Megs explain more of his previous ideals and tactics.
3. Give us more time to address the stuff that happened in the war, since we've seen people talk about it, but we need to SEE it, with characters like Starscream addressing the insane shit that happened within the cons ranks. (Similar to my previous thought, lol)
4. More classic characters being MAIN main characters, like give us more Arcee or Wheeljack. (This could be fixed with spotlight episodes)
5. More character spotlight episodes, we need to explore individual characters, especially the now freed Decepticons. I'd love a Shockwave, Soundwave, or even Skywarp spotlight episode. (Also where did the cassettes go? They should've been freed during the finale)
6. Possibly introduce Quintessons since this show loves Quintus Prime so much, and if they don't do that, introduce some of the other Primes.
7. Because of how progressive the series is with its representation, introduce Knock-Out, finally canonize Breakdown and Knock-Out's relationship in a show (I know it's canon in IDW), instead of just implying it like in TFP.
8. Have the second season focus on developing characters and introducing new ones, have the second season be a set-up for the third, and build up the antagonist through pre-existing characters. For example, using my Tarn/DJD suggestion, have an episode where Megatron reveals the DJD has found his location, and have him explain what the DJD is, and why this is an issue. Or with my Quintesson suggestion, have Quintus Prime give the children a vision of the Quintessons and warn them about their approach, then have the children ask what the Quintessons are.
9. This show could introduce Unicron, but honestly, a plot following the effects of the war would be better, though a Unicron plot is always welcomed.
10. Expand the Terrans more, they all share the same enthusiasm, and just feel a little too similar. I'd love to see Twitch become more pessimistic after all the insane stuff that happened in the finale, show her being affected after nearly being killed, watching her family "die", and having to mature so quickly, show Twitch being weary around Megs after nearly being killed by him under mind control.
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saberstars · 7 months
Tell me more about your OC with Starscream. <3
Ahhh there’s so much I could share but I’m unsure of what to share since her story changes depending on the iteration haha—
More under cut
I guess I could talk about tfp the most and tfa :3
In tfp Aero meets Starscream during his “neutral” era when he doesn’t have a t-cog. She quite literally stumbles upon him, it’s a miracle she’s alive lol. The only reason she lived was because of the fact she offered to bandaide him. He had dings and minor injuries and she offered shelter and a patchwork in return for him not killing her.
Of coarse he hated accepting aide, his pride and ego screaming in protest but eventually they grew to be friends. He talked about the war, his home, and much more opening up slowly. And she pestered him with her blabbering on whatever was on her mind. Her bubbly demeanor is quite literally a mask to hide her true thoughts, feelings, and intent.
She can and would go on for hours taking about her likes and interests while listening to his even if some of his were quite deranged.
Personality wise, she’s just a version of myself, of a version I wish I could be. She’s an avid gamer, loves dancing, music, surfing, skating, snowboarding. She’d jump off a cliff for fun. That kind of person. Very yolo and wants to at least die having fun. She’s good with a knife and an axe heh.
Her quips can be quite dark too, she has quite dark sense if humor despite her initial disposition which throws a lot of people off. She finds it quite humorous.
Fav music genres are grunge, metal, alt, rock. Though she will listen to pop. Never country tho. If she plays country that’s an sos!!
Over time though Aero eventually gets into a situation with screamer where he’s hurt and she can’t fix him like it’s just out of her hands. She can either rat him out to Megs or Attempt to contact the autobots. She chooses the autobots ofc because at least they won’t kill a pow right? Like the way screamer described them just made her feel as if they wouldn’t because of prime. If prime wasn’t there she probably wouldn’t have outrightly trusted them as much. Just because they are autobots and have more respect/sympathy for another bots life doesn’t mean an author probably hasn’t killed a con on sight before in the past ya know.
She uses a voice mod to sound like screamer and basically pulls a story out her ass saying “I’m injured come fix me or I’ll kill this random human hostage.” And when they arrive at the coordinates they find him basically unconscious and her just there sitting 😂 and she’s like well you can’t leave me help me get home yall. So they ofc take her back with them. But she’s very stand offish, doesn’t talk, refuses to explain how tf she got herself into a hostage situation with him and instead asks a lot of questions like “is he gunna be ok? How long until he’s better. You guys are gunna fix him and let him go as per the agreement right” which prompts a few to think of maybe it’s Stockholm’s??? M
And eventually when he comes to he’s very very confused and like how TF did I get here where’s the human? And that’s when she has some waterworks and it’s revealed they were buddies and she lied and basically made him a prisoner to save his life Oofa—
And everyone just wide eyes her and him and is like oh well — you can’t be his bff he’s a war criminal and she pulls the so are you out her ass and YEAH.
She’s like idgaf about ur issues, yall an alien race that’s had a civil war this long and somehow haven’t talked it out or hashed it out yet not my problem. I can look past war crimes of the past if he ain’t committing them actively rn. Imma treat yall with the same basic level of respect and kindness until given a reason not to. But the only reasons she’s genuinely kind to him is cause at least he was honest about his ick intentions to the human race her ect ect. Which says a lot cause Starscream is a pathological liar and even if his initial imma kill you shit was meant for intimidation AT least he was honest about it.
She deadass raised and eyebrow and said bet, I’d like to see you try and if you do oh well. She lives out of spite and the motto “there is nothing you can do that I haven’t already done to myself”
Ok that was alot of rambling I hope you enjoy haha
Tfa Starscream and her deadass Met after he died and came back to life with the alspark frag and she kept him as a pet head for a bit cause I thought it’d be funny if he was body less and she helped him find his body 😂😂😂that’s there goofy story.
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trans-wolf · 2 years
Had a dream the other night that will NOT leave me alone. Basically it was some continuity soup with the TFP kids/bots & IDW cons.
Under cut cuz goddamn this got way to long
Brief summary: tfp kids get cyberformed into mechanimal dogs and are adopted by Megatron. Drama & plot ensue. Miko-centric.
Post-war where the cons won but Megatron is like semi-reformed. Still definitely a decepticon but is working on rebuilding Cybertron peacefully for now. Bots aren't on planet & it's a mystery to the reader? viewer? whatev, it's a mystery to the observer what happened to them.
ANYWAY into the meat of it! Story follows the TFP kids who have been turned into cyber-dogs. Again mystery how, but I think they maybe got caught up in a cyberforming process so everyone else thinks they're dead. The kind of dogs they got turned into were colloquially called hell hounds. They're fairly burly black/grey with other colored accents, commonly used as guard dogs back during the golden age. I guess think rottweiler/doberman kinda dogs.
When the kids wake up they're running largely on new instinct. Their organic memories take a while to be coded in a way that their new processors can read. Long story short, they end up being found and given to Megatron as a suck up gift and also like 'look how good you're doing at reviving our planet! Animals are coming back, have these!' and all the kids know at first is that he's familiar. Megatron used to work with these kind of dogs so he knows how to care for them.
Eventually when they can remember more, Megatron has already been caring for them and being... nice?? He's being perfectly civil and normal and talking to them as if they could understand him (he doesn't know that they can and they don't know how to get their vocalizers to make words) They reluctantly find themselves liking him, but this whole time they have no idea what happened to the autobots and assume that they were killed when the cons won.
The kids are all reasonably upset about this but I feel it would affect Miko the most. She takes to their new instincts the easiest and becomes kinda jaded and cynical with Bulkhead being dead. Because of this Jack & Raf tend to follow her lead & Megatron sees her as the leader of the little 'pack.' She has a hard time reconciling this Nice Megatron with the monster that killed her closest friend and so she is super standoffish and defiant with him. He still never mistreats them though. He'll discipline when necessary, but never excessively so. Usually just time-out or no treats or something similar.
This infuriates Miko to the point that she tries to deliberately provoke Megatron even though the other two try to stop her. During all this Megatron catches on that they may be more intelligent than first assumed. He devises a few subtle tests and they pass all of them. Megatron absolutely does NOT want to own another sapient being. It all comes to a dramatic head when Miko finally pushes him too far and he yells that he will NOT have this sort of behavior and that she should know better and that he KNOWS that she can understand him! Miko gets freaked out that their cover is blown and that he's gonna kill them now and it's all her fault and goes into a panic attack. Megatron Instantly regrets losing his temper and tries to comfort her. It's super awkward but eventually she calms down and Megs apologizes, explains that he's not gonna hurt any of them, and that he only just recently figured it out.
He offers to let them continue staying with him and to find a place in society. He gets Shockwave in on it (under strict supervision don't worry) to see if they have bipedal modes, or comms, or anything to help them communicate. Surprisingly they do! They're shown how to transform and can finally speak with Megatron face to face. It comes out who they used to be & Megs has conflicting feelings on it, but he made a promise and as much as he doesn't want to admit it, he cares about them.
Miko does give him a punch right in the face and says 'that's for Bulkhead you bastard' Cue Megs confusion & it's revealed that none of the bots were killed, just exiled from Cybertron. All the kids are extremely relieved and insist on getting in touch to let them know they're not dead. Megs has no way to contact them and insists instead that they're basically newsparks and need mentors to learn how to be cybertronians & integrate into society.
The kids reluctantly agree as all they really have is mechanimal instinct and what they've extrapolated from living with Megs. Raf ends up with Soundwave, idk who'd get Jack maybe Starscream? And Miko would stay with Megs. They learn and eventually it all becomes very familial, they see their mentors as parental figures. Obv there's some angst along the way what with previously being on opposite sides and their human families they can never go back to, but the cons are surprisingly patient and compassionate.
Eventually the autobots get into contact & there's a bunch of negotiations and then a big reunion of the kids & bots. Finally it all ends in a cease fire and although Cybertron is claimed by the cons, trade opens up and bots are allowed back on planet. Their previous bot guardians are now like older siblings and the kids keep their con parents and everyone lives happily ever after.
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doruumon · 1 year
I don’t want to be annoying on someone else’s post but I think that’s like, been a really hard thing to talk about with others when you already write in a niche.
To me there’s no fun in muddying waters with what happens in one continuity and insisting it’s the same across all others. It removes what makes each one interesting and unique.
Like little things can be interesting here and there—in Tyran the species turns to cannibalism to survive. It’s a horrifying reality of losing their resources, but it doesn’t show up much/if at all in other continuities. But then a dear mutual of mine brought up, “maybe Armada Megs would definitely do it just because he’s already a bit off and just, unhinged,” and I can see it. Like, chews on an arm as a treat. It doesn’t change anything else about the UT meta, he just does it once in awhile and it’s like, what are you going to tell the wild toddler that he can’t eat someone? No. It fits well. They have synthetic Energon but sometimes you need the Cronch. It doesn’t change the underlying themes or anything. This weird guy is just more weird.
But like, “all Megs are miners or gladiators,” no quit it. “OP should always be a librarian,” stop.
I don’t like continuity soup. I honestly really fucking hate it. I like my foods separated on my plate. If I wanted everything muddled together in what I AM WRITING, then I’d make my own universe/continuity, but that sounds exhausting so I don’t want it.
And I know I’m a very tiny writer, my words mean nothing to anyone but me, but I just get. Frustrated.
IDW OP wouldn’t have worked the same way if he hadn’t been a cop. Archivist just doesn’t. It doesn’t WORK. Same with UT Optimus.
In the same breath, TFP OP couldn’t have been an enforcer and had the same impact. At all. It wasn’t who he was.
Fucjing Tyran OP was a scientist!! The study of societies I don’t remember what it’s called but. He wasn’t anything we’d ever seen before and it WORKED for him.
Does that make any of them better than the other? Of course not. But they’re all different and that makes each of them Great for their stories.
Every Starsc is conniving to some degree, but not all of them would hire assassins to take out people they don’t like, but almost none of them would sacrifice themselves to make a positive change in the universe without the right setup. And that’s FINE.
I don’t write soup. I don’t want it.
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sunntownn · 2 years
Am i late? If yes ignore but i've had an idea
What if tfp decepticons (maby megs, shockwave and knockout) with a war weteran human friend?
Like maby the first meeting?
Hope i didn't broke any of your reqesting rules
Keep up the amazing work fam❤
➪ ,,GN! reader,, platonic relationship
        ➪ ,, TW!! ,, kidnapping,, war,, mentions of death, grief, suicidal intentions
• retiring from the united states department of defense after a severe injury, you had opted to finally settle down and build the business you had originally planned on having before enlisting yourself into the army
• coming back to your hometown, jasper navada, had been the easiest decision you had made in years. the small coffee shop you now owned at the center of the small town in the shopping district was always busy with customersretiring from the united states department of defense after a severe injury, you had opted to finally settle down and build the business you had originally planned on having before enlisting yourself into the army
• coming back to your hometown, jasper navada, had been the easiest decision you had made in years. the small coffee shop you now owned at the center of the small town in the shopping district was always busy with customers
• one of your regular customers was a nurse at the local hospital, ms. june darby, and she would stop by every morning before her work shift and order a strong but sweet drink
• occasionally her son would accompany her on her days off and they were always a pleasure to serve- however it seemed quite strange that they would arrive separately even when coming from the same home
• for some strange reason you always felt like the darby son's motorbike was watching
• one fateful Saturday morning during the autumn chill, you were marching across the parking lot with tradh bags slug across your shoulder
• when very distinct purple cars circling your business distracted you from walking in a straight line, you managed to walk right into the darby boy's bike and knock it over
• with a gasp you dropped you bags and hauled it back up, putting the kickstand back in place and apologizing profusely as if it could hear and understand you
• the purple cars took a sharp left around the corner and that was the last you had seen of them
• you managed to throw the trash bags in the dumpster before making your way back inside after giving the bike another guilty look a praying you hadn't dented the obviously expensive vehicle
• walking straight up to the two darbys at their usual table. "hello jack," you breathed, unsure how to tell this poor kid how you knocked over his prize possession, but you did
• "if you find any damages please call me and i will pay for them as soon as i can, i am so sorry i should have been paying attention"
• "no need LN," he had said rather kindly, "she- I have a personal mechanic friend who will buff her out if theres anything, no need to worry!"
• june gave him a look at his fumble of words but smiled back at you, "thank you for letting us know," and then added "are you going to be open next monday? my coworkers and i need a place to have monthly meetings and the place we usually visit is going out of business"
• with a nod and a few more exchanges, plus several more appologies to the teen, you left to do the rest of the days work before closing the shop
• the next day you had driven up to your little coffee shop and had walked halfway up to the front doors with your keys in you hand when one of those purple cars you had seen the day before sped up behind you
• you gripped the keys tighter, remembering your training from your previous job, and spun around, ready to fight this rich asshole and his rish asshile car
• however, the last thing you expected when to door swung open was for it to be utterly empty
• and then, even more shocking when the seat belts inside of the car lunged at you
• wraping intself around your arms. locking them in place, and your inside, where you flew to the other side of car, face first in the driver's window
• you managed to register the pain enveloping your forehead before promptly passing out
• when you woke, you did so with a massive migraine, and your were internally thankful that whoever who decided to kidnap you with their remote-control car had the decency to dim the lights
• after a few moments on just trying to fully wake up your limbs, you managed to reasing you were moving- someone was carrying you
• you sat up and immediately regretted it when everything around you started swim and your head started to sway
• blinking away the nausea and clenching your jaw shut, you finally were able to look at where you were and who was carrying you so effortlessly
• it was a robot
• you were in the hand of a giant metal beast with a red 'v' on its face that glowed
• it wasnt looking at you, rather ahead as it continued to march down a dimmly lit hallway built for titains, and you passed so many more that looked just like him
• you gulped, clenching your fists and wincing when the points of the keys dug into your skin
• you still had your keys!!!
• probably wouldnt help much against robots bigger than your house though
• thinking about just jumping out of the things palm came to mind, but peering over the side of its hand and look down was enough to convince you "nope"
• during your interal panic you didnt notice that the robot had stopped walking
• whipping you head in all directions trying to find a way out of whatever the fuck this was
• the robots arm extended in front of him with in his hand, raising it higher "the human seen conversing with the autobot arcee," he announced and you froze
• you turned your head slowly to met with a silver chest,, level with what you would assume was maybe the bottom of a rib cage,, slowly your eyes traveled up, and up, and up
• and when your eyes met with the scariest thing you had ever seen in your god damn life, your sleep deprived and adrenaline running body jumped to your feet in the robot's hand and
• you threw you keys at his face
• yes because trowing your keys at it was the most logical solution (tbf it is like 7am and youve already been knocked unconscious and kidnapped by robots so logic isn't really at the forefront of your brain atm)
• a clang on metal on metal echoed in the room, and then you realized that the was filled with even more robots and they all stopped and stared,  the ones that had faces looked gobsmacked as their jaws dropped
• it hit him square in the middle of his face, and then the soft gingle of the keys hitting each other as they fell one hundred feet to the ground
• the much larger and silver robot's face twitched as anger began to build in his expression
• trying to save your sorry ass, you open your mouth in attempt to apologize before he decided to kill you
• "sorry i havent had coffee yet"
• which then began a very alien friendship with two sleep deprived soldiers
• retiring from the united states department of defense after a severe injury, you had opted to finally settle down and build the business you had originally planned on having before enlisting yourself into the army
• coming back to your hometown, jasper navada, had been the easiest decision you had made in years. the small coffee shop you now owned at the center of the small town in the shopping district was always busy with customers
• one of your regular customers was a nurse at the local hospital, ms. june darby, and she would stop by every morning before her work shift and order a strong but sweet drink
• occasionally her son would accompany her on her days off and they were always a pleasure to serve- however it seemed quite strange that they would arrive separately even when coming from the same home
• for some strange reason you always felt like the darby son's motorbike was watching
• one fateful Saturday morning during the autumn chill, you were marching across the parking lot with tradh bags slug across your shoulder
• when very distinct purple cars circling your business distracted you from walking in a straight line, you managed to walk right into the darby boy's bike and knock it over
• with a gasp you dropped you bags and hauled it back up, putting the kickstand back in place and apologizing profusely as if it could hear and understand you
• the purple cars took a sharp left around the corner and that was the last you had seen of them
• you managed to throw the trash bags in the dumpster before making your way back inside after giving the bike another guilty look a praying you hadn't dented the obviously expensive vehicle
• walking straight up to the two darbys at their usual table. "hello jack," you breathed, unsure how to tell this poor kid how you knocked over his prize possession, but you did
• "if you find any damages please call me and i will pay for them as soon as i can, i am so sorry i should have been paying attention"
• "no need LN," he had said rather kindly, "she- I have a personal mechanic friend who will buff her out if theres anything, no need to worry!"
• june gave him a look at his fumble of words but smiled back at you, "thank you for letting us know," and then added "are you going to be open next monday? my coworkers and i need a place to have monthly meetings and the place we usually visit is going out of business"
• with a nod and a few more exchanges, plus several more appologies to the teen, you left to do the rest of the days work before closing the shop
• the next day you had driven up to your little coffee shop and had walked halfway up to the front doors with your keys in you hand when one of those purple cars you had seen the day before sped up behind you
• you gripped the keys tighter, remembering your training from your previous job, and spun around, ready to fight this rich asshole and his rish asshile car
• however, the last thing you expected when to door swung open was for it to be utterly empty
• and then, even more shocking when the seat belts inside of the car lunged at you
• wraping intself around your arms. locking them in place, and your inside, where you flew to the other side of car, face first in the driver's window
• you managed to register the pain enveloping your forehead before promptly passing out
• when you woke, you did so with a massive migraine, and your were internally thankful that whoever who decided to kidnap you with their remote-control car had the decency to dim the lights
• after a few moments on just trying to fully wake up your limbs, you managed to reasing you were moving- someone was carrying you
• you sat up and immediately regretted it when everything around you started swim and your head started to sway
• blinking away the nausea and clenching your jaw shut, you finally were able to look at where you were and who was carrying you so effortlessly
• it was a robot
• you were in the hand of a giant metal beast with a red 'v' on its face that glowed
• it wasnt looking at you, rather ahead as it continued to march down a dimmly lit hallway built for titains, and you passed so many more that looked just like him
• you gulped, clenching your fists and wincing when the points of the keys dug into your skin
• you still had your keys!!!
• probably wouldnt help much against robots bigger than your house though
• thinking about just jumping out of the things palm came to mind, but peering over the side of its hand and look down was enough to convince you "nope"
• during your interal panic you didnt notice that the robot had stopped walking
• whipping you head in all directions trying to find a way out of whatever the fuck this was
• the robots arm extended in front of him with in his hand, raising it higher "the human seen conversing with the autobot arcee," he announced and you froze
• you turned your head slowly to met with a silver chest,, level with what you would assume was maybe the bottom of a rib cage,, slowly your eyes traveled up, and up, and up
• and when your eyes met with the scariest thing you had ever seen in your god damn life, your sleep deprived and adrenaline running body jumped to your feet in the robot's hand and
• you threw you keys at his face
• yes because trowing your keys at it was the most logical solution (tbf it is like 7am and youve already been knocked unconscious and kidnapped by robots so logic isn't really at the forefront of your brain atm)
• a clang on metal on metal echoed in the room, and then you realized that the was filled with even more robots and they all stopped and stared,  the ones that had faces looked gobsmacked as their jaws dropped
• it hit him square in the middle of his face, and then the soft gingle of the keys hitting each other as they fell one hundred feet to the ground
• the much larger and silver robot's face twitched as anger began to build in his expression
• trying to save your sorry ass, you open your mouth in attempt to apologize before he decided to kill you
• "sorry i havent had coffee yet"
• which then began a very alien friendship with two sleep deprived soldiers
• you had been living in jasper, a quiet, little town in, quite literally, the middle of nowhere- or the dessert, whatever you wanna call it
• you had retired from the air force three years ago after your copilot/best friend and you had crashed your jet during a test fly of a new prototype
• you were the only one to come out unscathed, and the military compensated you for your grief, offering a large sum of money, already paid for therapy treatments, and the option to leave the air force then instead of the seven more years that was listed on your signed contract
• you were still quite young when you left, and you didnt really have plans for after
• your friend and you had planned on moving to seattle, renting out a just big enough apartment so you both could explore the city of fine arts and live the rest of your lives comfortably
• now, you couldnt even imagine going anywhere near washington state
• the only thing you had left of your dear friend was some werid chipped bone they found near the base and had stayed up all night to wrap wires around it and slide inba chain, making a necklace out of the odd find
• which they had gifted you a month later, because they knew you, and they knew you liked to collect odd trinkets and stones since you were a child
• so, you googled, "most remote towns in the us" and jasper navada was on the list,, you packed bags and skipped town
• which now, three years later, seemed to be the worst decision you ever made, considering the town was now infested with giant alien robots, the town was mostly evacuated and in ruins, and a fucking metal castle type shit was now overlooking the entire town
• fantastic
• you simply had given up
• and while it rained, you decided, since ever ither decision ive made in my clearky worthless existence, i might as well end it with another dumb and illogical decision
• and you laid out in the street, arms and legs spread wide as if you were trying to make a snow angel in the angry rain
• you ignored the thumping of one of those purple dudes approaching and just closed your eyes
• the cyclops scientist was wondering around the secured town that megatron had efficiency taken over after the discovery of the autobot base and it's destruction
• he had discovered reading of a predicon fossil in the area, which seemed rather too lucky for him to believe
• the tumping stopped, and there was pasue as the rain water patted againt the robot's armor gently
• "what are you doing?" it asked politely
• "...existing, i guess," was your inspirational response
• "that is not a complete answer"
• "well, its the only answer ive got right now," you grumbled, eyes closed and body soaked, "and quite frankly, i wouldnt care to answer you truthfully if i had one anyways."
• there was silence, and as the rain picked up, you had expected him to continue his patrol around the crumbling town
• that however was not the case
• "your responce and behavior is extremely illogical. you do not act afraid as other humans do. explain."
• that made you open you eyes in confusion
• you blinked up at the robot curiously, and what met your two eyes, was his singular one
• you stared at him for a moment before figuring, what the hell, and, what else do i have to loose then spilling my woes to a robot with a gun for a hand
• "theres no point in caring about my life or anyone elses when everyone on this planet is going to die anyways," you mumble
• usually, the heat of jasper made rain warm, but that seemed to not be the case today, and you shivered as you laid in the middle of the road, without a care at the complete mercy of some random one-eyed robot
• "might as well lay outside and feel something before the inevitable happens. theres nothing left for me on the stupid planet if you guys decide earth isnt worth the effort of a genocide anyways."
• he stared at you quietly, processing your words
• the pitter patter of rain against his metal body was a beautiful rhythm, and you soaked into the sound as much as your ears allowed before you impending doom
• the silence stretched on for several minutes, and the a different sound came from him- the sound of a robot moving its limbs
• and then you were lifted off the ground, gently scooped into his one good hand, and peered up at him skeptically at such tenderness
• he rose his gun/arm thing above you as you laid limply in his palm with a frown, and he shielded you from the rain
• "I stand corrected, human, your response was quite logical. i cannot allow such an emotionally intelligent creature to perish so pathetically."
• you continued to stare at him
• "would you humor me with your opinion on my work?" he queried, and you didnt see why not, so you agreed absent mindedly
• he pressed you against his massive chest plates, his gun still sheilding you from the cold rain, and then his vents turned on, blowing hot air on your body
• you smiled for the first time at the warmth as the robot walked with you in his grasp towards the metal castle like building that he soon informed you was a replica of the decepticon's headquarters on his home planet
• he was very much aware of the small piece of cybertronian history you had wrapped around your neck, but it was much too tiny to have any effect on his actual project, so he allowed you to keep it- it was merely a crumb and wouldn't prove to be of any use, unfortunately
• in truth, shockwave had been lonely- so terribly loney as he patched his wounds on a deserted planet and was left to rot alone for several million years
• lonely enough to find comfort in the wobbly words of a primitive species
• lonely enough to scoop up said human and decide that he wanted a friend who could battle what he thought to be illogical and convince him otherwise
• lonely enough to notice the shiver the human gave when rain continued to hit them while being held in his wet servo
• and maybe you were lonely too
• coming home from war was like walking into a different reality. nothing felt the same around you, and you didn't feel the same inside.
• you had seen and handled so many dying soliders. countless
• you felt numb when you dropped you bags at the front door of your apartment
• missing limbs from bombs, bullet wounds in non fatal and extreamly fatal places, watching them die because there was nothing more you could with the primitive equipment they allowed you to bring to the battlefield
• having to count the seconds until they finally stopping breathing, look at your watch, and announce "time of death, eleven forty-six, date, January seventh" and then having to write, sign, fold, and seal those letters and death certificates to the families praying to their religious gods that their child came home safe and sound
• so,, many
• and when the conflict had finally settled, you immediately resigned
• you refused to treat another patient
• so when you finally got home, back to your cozy and slightly too expensive apartment, you did the only thing that ever eased your nerves before you became a responsible adult: street racing
• when you arrived to the scheduled meeting place, you covered your license plates incase the cops arrived and you needed to make a get away quickly without getting into any trouble if you managed to speed away before you were caught
• the reward money was why you had started racing in the first place,, your mom was sick and as a teen there were only so many things you could do to pay the bills, pay for your mom's medical treatment, and still have some left just to eat
• but she had died anyway, and you soon dived into medical school, paying every penny off with your racing
• and then you ran off to war to heal people who would die the next day anyway
• you rolled up next to a fancy red car who's tires had yellow rims and engine's impressive roar
• the sound relaxed you
• a skimpy woman wearing anything that could barely be considered clothes aproached the front of the vehicles, a checkered flag in hand
• she rose her arm up high so everyone could see and the crowd that came to watch quieted
• "GO!!" she yelled and swung her arm down
• you pressed your foot on the pedal until the bottom of it hit the floor of the car and your face got red with the amount of pressure you were using and your knuckles turned white with the grip on the wheel you had
• after several minutes of racing you had began to sob, not even focused on winning but rather just wishing this race would ease your interal pain
• your vision began blurring and fat ugly tears ran down your face in globs and you clenched your eyes shut, foot on the pedal, leaned forward, and screamed
• you screamed until your voice was horse and you kept your eyes closed because you would rather crash into who knows what than open your eyes again
• and crash you did
• right into that shiny red car with that mysterious driver that never left his car and always drive off before anyone could knock on his window and throw cash at his face
• you did hit the breaks after a moment of literally pushing the red car in front of you
• through your eyelids you could see the headlights of other racers speeding past until everyone was gone
• and once everyone was finally long gone, knockout, absolutely en-fucking-raged transformed
• he took one good look at his wrecked plates and his scratched paint and steam started coming out of his vents in pure anger
• the driver of the car hadn't gotten out, what he assumed was them seeing his true form and being too terrified to move, which amused his greatly
• however that was not the case and he learned so when he knelt down to yell at them through the windshield and threaten to crush him- but he stopped short
• through the glass he realized that the petty human hadnt even notcied him at all
• instead, their head was pressed against the streering wheel with their arms coving the top of their head and their hand gripping their hair painfully as they sobbed
• racing had not relieved any interal pain as you had hoped
• knockout, wasnt sure if he wanted to actually go through with all the vile things he had planned on doing the moment of the collision, or if he wanted to awkwardly leave
• and then, while peering at the human through the windsheilds, he noticed the the medical papers in the passenger seats and the copies of death certificates and then the human's medical license
• and then he remembered breakdown
• and he understood
• he under understood completely and so he decided not to inflict his wrath on the troubled human who was too deep in their sorrows to even notice the alien titan watching them cry pathetically
• and so he sat down next to the other wrecked car and allowed himself to cry too
• he could buff himself out later
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