#I know it's not what the Super SSS would be worried for...
one-half-guy · 1 year
I wonder 🤔... If the Egg Bosses ever got infected by the Metal Virus and so were cured, would the bombs/countermeasures from their cybernetics be deactivated/destroyed too? Or am I just wanting believe they had any chance of being free?
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piracytheorist · 6 months
Episode 35 screaming notes!
So what if I'm emotional over a fictional, fake family spending one day of vacations together?
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I love Twilight's comment about how he's glad the SSS is looking out for the bombing threat (and we know it's in vain), but it still puts him on edge to be stared at like this. He trusts them to protect civilian life (and Ostania's pride and joy of a ship) but he doesn't trust trust them, you get what I mean?
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We shan't forget. The one thing this man can't pretend to be is someone who is having genuine fun and we'll drag his ass about it and then cry because this is a direct result of his traumatic childhood
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Loid blushing when he spots Yor is so precious. I think it might be him blushing half because she saw his dorky skipping and half because… well. He might be falling in love :)
He notices the swelling on Yor's face, but I think he wouldn't even suspect her at this point. He sounded mostly worried about her.
And of course, Anya wasn't plaguing her with questions because she knows all, but it's funny that neither went like "Isn't our super curious five six-year-old going to ask where this bruise and swelling is from?"
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The following montage was absolutely adorable, and the insert song just made it even cuter. I love how it was Anya who lead them to each activity; neither Loid nor Yor had to drag her around anywhere, their attention was on her and on what she wanted. They even explored a cave! She was their priority, she truly must have had an amazing time and this is such a sweet way to end this cruise!
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I mean, look. One of the ways Twilight learns how to parent is by fearing 24/7 that his daughter may fall. Very normal things.
Maybe it's because I'm the youngest child, so whenever we were out as a family and I asked to do something my parents would usually decline, because they had two more kids to look after and a place to go, but I have a lot of appreciation for the Forgers going around the resort and stopping to do whatever and anything Anya asked to do.
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Very normal man who is definitely not an elite-trained spy trying to fit in. Normal things.
And like. Okay. Yor looking at Anya with such a soft face as Anya is having pure unrestrained fun is one thing.
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Like, for real. I can't stop looking at this. It's just his eyes but there's so much longing and yearning in them and also some sadness because deep down he thinks that what he wants is something he'll never get but this is really deep because it'll take him about three to five business years to accept he's grown feelings.
Like. It's not just "growing feelings" anymore. You don't look at someone like THIS when you're just "warming up" to them. He'd grown so accustomed to life with the Forgers that after Yor was away - though in the very same ship as them - for a couple of days he went all yearning looks and doe-y eyes at her when he met with her again. He's in LOVE.
I am so excited to see how their dynamic will develop from now on! It's gone on an entirely new page!
Anyway. I love how Yor went like "Oh they might see the wound on my chest" for the snorkeling but when she saw they could wear wetsuits she went like oh that's okay then and DIDN'T WORRY AT ALL ABOUT THE FACT THAT SHE'D GET SALTWATER ON HER WOUNDS. THIS WOMAN EATS HOT COALS FOR BREAKFAST AND WHITE HOT IRONS FOR LUNCH.
I mean, I'm guessing she is a fast healer and her wounds are not openly bleeding anymore but still. Hardcore.
And of course she'd beat the shit out of sharks. It's funny seeing the trio try to come up with excuses now but I think it's going to be a different type of good post-reveal, cause they'll be like "I have nothing to hide" and act on their abilities without a single moment of hesitation. Imagine Yor beating up sharks and Loid and Anya looking at her with heart eyes.
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Aw, but look at them snorkeling. It's Yor who is holding Anya. I wonder what Yor's thinking is on that since she thinks that Loid is Anya's biological father and has been longer in her life. I doubt she thinks anything bad about Loid, but it is something that would make someone wonder.
I was so impressed by everything in the episode up until that point that I completely missed what the dialogue there was XD I only had more thoughts after I rewatched it.
Anya is having fun looking at the colourful fish. Yor has hunting in mind. Loid is… not impressed XD
Though very light, this could be a reflection of their characters. Anya is a child full of curiosity for the world, easily impressed by new stuff; she loved the aquarium, and she loved seeing new fish from up close.
Yor's encounters with animals were either for hunting (for food) or with guard dogs from people she was sent to kill. She understands the concept of pet animals, of course, but it seems to be a "secret third option", as tumblr would say. Her first instincts are either hunting or fighting, and since those fish were too small to be any threat (I mean, she's confident about fighting sharks), her mind went to food.
And then you have Loid. His wide knowledge of the world has rendered him almost incapable of getting impressed. There's nothing new for him to learn in anything… except for child rearing, of course. And maybe human connection. And so, he seems to be looking at those two in the last shot.
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Just like Gram, Anya gets thrown around by a professional, super strong assassin and she just goes like "Again!" And Loid doesn't even make a comment about Yor pushing Anya too strong. He really took to heart and meant it when he told Yor that her being strong is one of the things that make her an amazing mother.
I had guessed right, as Yor had indeed not rested at all for the entire three days of the cruise and had a long and intense fight the night before. AND THUS FANSERVICE HAPPENS <3 <3 <3
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No but seriously, there's a lot to love about this moment. Apart from how cute it is, Twilight at first only seems annoyed by how this attracts attention to them. He was already alert from how the SSS was looking at everyone, this would only add to his uneasiness.
But it doesn't take long for him to find an excuse for his wife. Blaming all her exhaustion on her work, being thankful for her going along with everything Anya asked to do, and smiling at her!! Bruh!! And he STILL can't see it, this man is such a good liar he can even lie to himself!!
Seriously the way Eguchi delivered those lines? Superb <3
They didn't have to go so hard T_T It was a relaxing (and quite prolonged!) chapter to wrap up the cruise arc, but it was wonderful T_T
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Even the Handler is up to him, though. Fullmetal Lady won't fall for his emotionally constipated bullshit.
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She even drew the family in their colours! Yor in red, herself in pink, and Loid in a muted green! I can see Yor holding one of her stilettos, but what is the other thing? A rose? I don't think I can tell what Anya is doing in the drawing, but Loid looks like he's holding a bomb? Or a surfboard?
AAAAAHHH It was wonderful!! T_T
The parts with Yor and her coworkers and Yuri and Lieutenant Guy were actually added by the anime! I feel Yor about the gifts. I'm so bad at gifts you have no idea. And Yuri is on another level, he doesn't stop talking about his sister and he tells Lieutenant Guy "Are you psychic or something" and he's like "Sure sure". And this being this kind of show I was like "MAYBE???" but yeah no he was just messing with Yuri XD
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Hey psst. You know what will look even more convincing? If you both slept on those pillows 👀👀 next to each other 👀👀
I was cringing so hard at the scene in the school! Anya! We love you as you are, you don't need to go embarrass yourself!
It was interesting, though, to see that Damian stayed out of it all. It's proof that he can mind his business and keep his opinion to himself. I hope he learns to do that more often.
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Becky continues being best friend material <3 Anya is so lucky for real
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It's been less than a week
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It's so funny to me that the anime added the detail that it was Loid who picked the snacks for Yuri. I wonder how quickly Yuri would spit them out upon learning that XD
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My mans tired. I felt kinda sad for him ngl XD
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Okay, this was hilarious. His paternal instincts are starting to kick in to the point where he imagines teaching Anya the proper methods of deception. It was also funny that as Yuri was imagining his speech, I went like "Uhm you lie to your sister no?" and before I got to finish that thought, the excuses kicked in.
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And Anya is starting to learn that actions have consequences.
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This isn't what she manipulated two enemies of the state into adopting her for.
TWO EPISODES LEFT T_T I might have to pick up making crack recaps again for however long the next hiatus will last :'D
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thelreads · 3 months
Imagine if Anya gets kidnapped by project apple
Her family would obviously be super worried about her (although they do have ways to get her back)
Of course Anya being kidnapped would be bad for Operation strix. So twilight and wise plan to infiltrate the place they've located Anya.
Meanwhile uncle Yuri does totally obviously not care about the stupid Chihuahua girl but because he knows yor does. He can't stand seeing her upset and is doing all in his power to investigate the kidnapping (not knowing project apple is probably connected to the sss somehow)
Then twilight and probably nightfall infiltrate the lab and it all goes smoothly until they hear an alarm. And suddenly mama bear thorn princess breaks through a metal door, covered in blood and fuming with rage
Twilight and nightfall being like what the fuck-
I would like to see the family getting together to kick ass. Franky can be there with his gadgets as well, and if we play our cards right even the Handler would be there, giving support. Probably dressed as a nurse again.
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ask-the-cosmic-duo · 7 months
"What....?" Aurora paused, holding a beaker with sigils halfway before looking back at Stella sighing, "For all that's worth, that armor can't be produced without the right materials & cost. It looks way too expensive. How would Elysium fund this? Do your world have starships? Augmentations are one thing, but I heard less than 1% survive it. I heard we had a super soldier project in Sky Roc but was scrapped shortly a long, long time ago. For some reason, they went berserk and the entire country went down. It was never revived again."
Aurora continued, heating the beaker with her magic and poured its contents into a small bowl, filled with what seems to be chicken soup with fish maw. Stirring its contents, she resumed calmly, "Technology is of course useful, but all I'm saying, you need the infrastructure and built environment to manage your gizmos. Can cars run without roads? Yes you can, but it will be tougher. But how are you going to house them? You need car parks, and it's going to make the city crowded with smoke. We need to be environmentally friendly too."
She picked up some meat from the side and started chopping, "l honestly do not know what is "America" but I bet it does not have flying cars. How are you going to regulate air traffic if idiots going to crash their vehicles everywhere? In hospitals? In air fields? Private property? Madness!"
"Almost done." Aurora looked back at the both of them before adding more liquid from a goldbox container filled with bones. It is labelled as "Elxir SSS Grade". "MMA refers to mixed martial arts. We don't have racing machines, unless you meant scooters. I was referring to e-sports... yeah, our world is really due for a upgrade, but it is charming in its own way."
"Her highness is suffering from some animal unknown animal wound. She sometimes cough blood and have seizures. It takes special ingredients to lead a normal life. But she does need regular treatment I suppose you could help me with hunting, but maybe you'll like to see her first."
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"I don't think Elysium would have too much issue with the cost. Equestria, though..." Stella shrugged. "Eh, I can just pay for the entire thing myself. I'm by far the richest back home, mostly because of the whole Council Agent thing. Still working on building stuff like starships, though. I have a personal gunship, but that's it."
She nodded, humming in thought to herself. "That... does sound strange. I feel like it's possible that their magic might be interfering with the augmentations, or vice versa. One's emotions have a pretty big tie to their magic, and the stronger the emotion, the stronger the magic. I've yet to test if it works the other way around, but if it does, that'd explain what happened. It'd mean the augmented magic screwed with their emotions, and probably drove them insane."
As Aurora continued, it made Stella really think about what she's turned Ponyville into. "Well... yeah... Our cars run on liquid mana instead of petrol, though. Not nearly as harmful, if at all, since the expended energy just gets recycled by the planet."
She giggled, which was strange due to the timing of it being when Aurora was talking about the dangers of flying cars. "Yeah, that stuff wouldn't ever work unless they were on metaphorical rails, and at that point you may as well just teleport. It's no fun when you don't get to drive it yourself. I try to educate Equestrians the best I can on driving, of course. Actually, I sometimes teach at the driving school in Ponyville!"
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Sol nodded. "I did say she was good at racing games, so don't worry, I know what you were talking about. She could probably go pro if she wanted to... but she always tells me it wouldn't be fun to always be sweating over a video game."
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"Well, of course it's not fun! Video games are like... my way of getting away from things, y'know? I don't want to turn it into a job, that would defeat the purpose of them being a hobby!" Stella sighed. "And don't worry about feeling outdated, okay? If what you have works, then it works. Sure, it could be better, but that's what R&D is for."
Stella felt bad for Empress... Midnight, was it? Not much was said about her, but it was the only Empress she remembered Aurora mentioning the name of. "Goodness... Yeah, I'd like to see her, perhaps sooner than later, because that really doesn't sound good. I'm not great with animals or providing aid, though... Gosh, I should've grabbed Fluttershy, she could've helped."
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eigengrauone · 11 months
So The Past Within is part of a puzzle game series called Rusty Lake by a studio of the same name. There’s 15 games (and a short film!) that precede it and one coming out in September. That SOUNDS like a daunting amount of games but at least the first 9 were released as flash games (and rereleased as a collection) and they’re all relatively short. Most of those games are in the style of the 2D sections of The Past Within or something similar, whereas the 3D was unique to TPW. There’s a variety of different characters, families, and time periods these games take place. I won’t go into too much detail about the other games in this rant so you can either experience them yourself or I’ll explain in another post or whatever! But be warned that those games are a lot darker than TPW and def have more blood, violence, etc.
ALSO if you’re interested in playing but you’re worried about the cost of 15 whole games, you can buy them all for like $20!!! They’re available on steam as well as mobile and some of them are just straight up free. If you want to test the waters, I would recommend getting the Cube Escape Collection on mobile since they’re free and are the first 9 games. If you don’t want to play them that’s cool too I don’t mind ranting :) BEFORE THE HUGE RANT!!! past this point I’m going to talk abt this game like you’ve seen the sss stream so if you haven’t, stop reading here and I’ll write a non-spoilery rant and review!!! I really really don’t want to ruin the experience if you didn’t watch the whole stream!!!!!
ANYWAYS The Past Within is pretty straightforward. You play as Rose Vanderboom who has received a letter that her father, Albert, has died and you must resurrect him with help from a person from the future. You do this by using a black cube and a golden cube. These cubes are featured in most of the other games. They represent memories and have been shown to manipulate time in some cases. It is revealed that before he died, Albert built a cubical device that utilizes the time abilities of the cubes, and transports the three required “ingredients” to be transported from 1926 to 1984. Another staple of the series are corrupted souls. When Albert became “corrupted” (after Julia put the coins on his eyes and when he was in the tube for Jacob) he was a corrupted soul. These are also featured many times throughout the series and are crucial to many parts of the lore. Some of the puzzles on this device allude to the previous games, such as the use of chess, the masks Albert wears, and the voodoo doll. There’s also appearances of other characters in these games, such as Ida, Albert’s sister, and the suited parrot Jacob sees in the mirror (fun fact: a comment on the vod of the stream said the parrot was actually a super important lore character and it sparked a lot of questions of why he appeared in TPW, which is what really prompted me to look into these games!). A majority of these references are to Rusty Lake: Roots, the game where Albert and Rose originate from. If you have any questions about Albert, Rose, and the rest of the Vanderboom family, Roots is the game for that, but I would not start there as there’s a specific order the games are recommended to be played! Though it is a co-op game, both players are Rose, one in the past and one in the future. (it bothers me SO MUCH that Jacob does not say this until THE END OF GAME despite it literally being written on a piece of paper he just. didn’t acknowledge.) I realize this is not an extremely in depth answer but I can explain more if needed.
Overall, I really enjoyed the game. I really loved the aesthetic and style of it and I thought the co-op puzzle were pretty fun. I know a lot of other people didn’t like the co-op aspect and I think some say the puzzles were too easy, and it makes sense why people would feel this way, but I personally didn’t mind. I think there was also a big complaint that the game didn’t expand much upon the lore and had too many questions rather than answers, and I do agree with that. Looking back on it after having played all the games I can see how annoying it is to have all these new questions that ignore several unanswered ones. Like whatever the ending was. I still don’t understand the ending. However, it is a GREAT game to hook in new players and I’m actually really glad this is the first game I ever saw of the series. TPW has such an intriguing atmosphere and teases at all the lore behind the characters that it draws people in, or at least people like me. I get a bit worried people won’t like the other games bc there somewhat different than TPW, like people might expect them all to be co-op, or just that the other games are a lot…..weirder (it’s weird in a way I really love tho). But it’s a really interesting starting point for those of us who didn’t know abt the series in its flash days. For the characters I really love Rose, she’s everything to me. She doesn’t have a lot of dialogue in the one or two games she appears in, but I love her. On the other hand, I have a lot of complex feelings on Albert in a way I can only describe as “I want to study him like a bug and then smash him with hammers.” I don’t like him, I don’t hate him, but rather a secret third thing. But keep in mind everything I say here is just my opinion and I’ve only known about this series for like. one or two months.
Ok this is the longest post I’ve ever made ever and is probably so incoherent but I’ll stop there. Thank you so much for asking bc as you can see I’m so totally sane abt this……and this was me holding myself back (and not knowing what to say.) If you have any other questions you can add them or send a new ask or whatever bc I will most certainly rant again. Um also if any of my other mutuals see this no you didn’t don’t worry about it
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confused-bi-queer · 2 years
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Hello, everyone!! I’m back!!
I’m going to share something personal now, so the SSS is below. I’ve been hating myself lately, mostly because of my shitty habits of eating garbage but also because of my writing. I’ve been feeling like I should stop writing and give up because there are 1736373 stories better that mines and people who’d write them better than me. So, that’s why I’ve been absent, trying to not listen to my own head and trying to get out of that hole. I am SO good right now, so no need to worry (I’m keeping good habits now!)
BUT, god, there’s another story coming. I started writing like 10 years ago, mostly stories super exaggerated about my own life and issues and myself trying to cope with my insecurities and my unheard wishes. But on 2018 I had like this huge ass writer block due to a heartbreak. For the first time ever I couldn’t write, it felt so wrong because I was always writing. Then on 2020, I took advantage of the pandemic and forced myself into writing something that wasn’t sad or about my own life, (and I did! I have OCs and all) but I still couldn’t help writing about my ex because he was all I wrote about back then. AND THEN THIS THURSDAY, I found a note I had written on 2020 that was saved on iCloud, and my first thought was that it’d be cringe because it was about this guy BUT FUCKING HELL, IT WAS NOT. IT WAS FUCKING MIND-BLOWING. I was so SURPRISED when I read that because back then I was feeling like shit and had no desire or energy to write and I still wrote a hell of a story. If that didn’t inspire me, nothing else would.
And it did. It inspired the hell out of me and made me remember that every single second, I get better. And this is for everyone who feels like their writing is shit and that they should give up because no one will read them, IT IS NOT TRUE. Whatever bad thoughts you have about yourself, your worth, abilities, writing or art, it is not true. You will get better by the second and you’ll keep on learning and someone will like what you do (even if it’s yourself 2 years from now). You are not a shit artist.
So, I managed to write because I COULD NOT WRITE AFTER THAT. I also forgot what the thrill of writing was: for my enjoyment. I do write to publish them, but it’s been feeling like an obligation rather than a hobbie and it didn’t feel good this last week and a half. So, I remembered that writing is for me, because I want to and I enjoy and love it!
So, I’m back on my Simon Hanahaki AU for the angst and because me from years ago was so strong and talented, I admire her for that and I owe her to believe in myself.
“Crowley, Snow, what is wrong with you?”
This time when he coughs, I genuinely consider the sound being a growl since it wouldn’t pass him to communicate through animal noises since he already does it. But it’s not a growl. And it’s not another regular cough. I wish it was more screaming or hurtful accusations. Anything but this.
When he coughs on his hand, a few petals fall from his mouth.
“No,” I hear myself saying.
I take a step back.
“No, no , no.”
I shake my head and head out of our room, hoping that will make this fake. This is all a dream. It must be. It has to be.
“Baz, where are you going?”
I brush my hands through my hair and resist the urge to pull it the same way Snow does.
It’s the closest you will ever get to him from now on.
I leave the room and punch a hole in the closest wall on my way down the stairs. When I hear Snow trailing behind me, there’s no wall that seems more deserving of a punch than him. And there’s no Anathema out here to protect him.
Ah, yes, Baz not knowing how to deal with his emotions and therefore hitting the love of his life❤️
Now tagging: @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @artsyunderstudy @wellbelesbian @qyx @takitalks @martsonmars @castawaypitch @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @yellobb @moodandmist @palimpsessed @urban-sith @sharing-a-room-with-an-open-fire @ionlydrinkhotwater @johnwgrey @cutestkilla @ileadacharmedlife @fatalfangirl @forabeatofadrum @letraspal @facewithoutheart @foolofabookwyrm-activated @captain-aralias @bookish-bogwitch @nightimedreamersworld @underworld-capcakes @samalander01 @dragoneggo @sillyunicorn @angelsfalling16 @annabellelux @ic3-que3n @whatevertheweather @bazzybelle @tea-brigade @aristocratic-otter
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dokidokitsuna · 2 years
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It’s really been bugging me that most of my art for SSS so far has been mediocre at best (by my standards). I know I’ve always struggled with group shots, but I can definitely do better than what I’ve been doing. I just need to pay more attention…so voici, my first attempt at actually paying attention. ^^
And since most of the important images come with lore, I think what I’d like to talk about this time is how these multicolored suits actually work. What advantages do they confer; how can they turn 4 ex-cons and an engineer into superheroes…?
Well…they kinda can’t, to be honest. ^^; The suits mainly serve to protect them against the elements of a planet in shambles: poisonous gases in the atmosphere, extreme temperatures, UV radiation, occasional run-ins with magma, etc. They’re basically highly-sophisticated spacesuits, which can achieve that level of sophistication through something I’m currently calling Star Power~
That Star Block that Susie is holding is one way of storing Star Power, the main energy source used by Evil Kirb and his alien friends. Not much is known about how it works, but at its most basic, it will usually serve to protect or heal any living things in the vicinity. This functionality is heavily relied upon to create the Green Zones, as well as the SSS suits themselves.
BUT, in order for it to be possible for them to fight Evil Kirb and co. (or even to just escape them alive), that healing power would have to be ramped up…like, a lot. This is a guy who literally punched the Earth in half; any semi-serious attack from him would instantly red-mist a normal human body. ^^ The suits do generate opposing forces to negate most of this damage, but it’s to be expected that some things would get through occasionally. When this happens, the suits immediately radiate a ton of Star Power into the body, which (coupled with various drugs that should already be in the bloodstream) initiates a process kind of like cancer on steroids. ^^; The point is to force the body to replace all the lost cells as quickly as physically possible.
And one of those drugs in the bloodstream is designed to prevent them from losing consciousness while this happens...like, if you think about it practically, there’s no point in being able to heal super-fast from grave injury if you black out from the pain anyway. So nope, gotta stay awake so you can get back in the game as soon as possible, even if that means experiencing levels of agony the human brain is not designed to even comprehend. ^^
All that is to say, that these suits have purely defensive functions. They don’t enhance the heroes’ senses or reaction times; they’re literally just designed to keep the wearers alive against all odds.
Although this does mean they can behave a lot more recklessly-- they can jump off buildings, try parkour, or really push their muscles to the breaking point when trying to move things or hit opponents, since they don't have to worry about permanent damage. And until they can gain access to more powerful abilities (hint-hint~) that’s about as much as they can do: their ability to be ‘super-human’ depends on how comfortable they can get with destroying themselves.
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
The First
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Rita Calhoun x fem!reader a piece of the SSS the early years. Warnings: talks of ptsd/nightmares and that kinda bs, some talk of SVU related shit. Also….she long…like over 5000 words… #sorrynotsorry…..
Rita’s phone buzzed on her desk and she nearly rolled her eyes at the movement as she picked it up, not recognizing the number as she slid the message open.
‘Hey, stole your number from Mom. It’s Y/n. I had to testify in a Brooklyn case and I happen to have an extra coffee if you’re at the D.A’s office?’
She smiled at the sentiment. She’d been toying with your business card for nearly a week since you’d given it to her at Liz’s place, she’d simply been so wound up in her head that she wasn’t sure if reaching out to someone “new” was a good idea right now. Work surprisingly hadn’t been dragging her down, but her head was in a fog as she started to try and figure out what the right next move in her life and career path was. She hummed for a moment as she thought about her reply, it wasn’t like she had much to do right now, Rafael could tell something was off and was taking the higher work load of cases as they came in.
‘I am. Sixth floor, office 208. That coffee better have hazelnut creamer in it.’ She added a wink emoji to make sure you didn’t think it was a snarky remark, clicking a few more buttons to save your number in her phone.
‘Fuck! I thought you were vanilla?! I could’ve sworn that’s what we kept in the Hampton’s house for you?’
‘Vanilla is my back up option, I guess I must’ve graduated to hazelnut a couple of years ago.’
She almost began to worry at your lack of reply, hoping that you weren’t headed back to the coffee shop to swap it out, but it was only a moment later there was a brief knock on her office door before you pushed it open.
“Sorry.” You winced as you entered the room, crossing to her desk and placing the coffee down, “I guess I should’ve asked beforehand.”
“You’re bringing me caffeine in the middle of the day, I’m never not going to thank you.”
“Noted.” You smiled, dropping down into one of the chairs, “and I’ll remember the hazelnut for next time.”
“Were you really just in the neighbourhood?” She cocked a brow over a sip of coffee.
“Yeah.” You gestured down to your more professional than normal attire, “though…I did want to check in…”
“Hamptons?” You replied, taking a swig of your drink, “and I’m not just asking because Liz insisted, you really are more than welcome to come join us, it’d be nice to catch up.”
“You know…it is slightly strange hearing you refer to your Mother by her first name.” Rita commented and you snorted.
“It comes with the job.” You shrugged, “another reason I don’t use her last name. Separates us, makes everyone know there’s no special treatment going on, besides, she was the one insisting I don’t use the Donnelly name for my safety growing up. I mean…would you want your kids out there using the Calhoun name while you’re on the wrong side of some of the perps?”
Rita barked out a laugh at your words, nearly doubling over over her desk before she glanced up at you,
“Kids? Seriously? Me? With kids?!”
“I dunno.” You laughed with a shrug, “it’s been a while, I mean you were a decent enough baby sitter…”
“I nearly burnt down that beach house three times…and your Mother will never let me hear the end of it.”
“That lasagna was disastrous.” You teased with a smirk, “but I mean, you don’t have to do the cooking? Your partner could easily handle that.”
“Crotch goblins are not up my alley, believe me.” She assured you and it was your turn to bark out a laugh.
“Jesus.” You laughed, “you sound like my Mom.”
“Has she called you that?!” Rita’s eyes widened for a moment in surprise.
“No!” You laughed again, “just…I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t exist if she hadn’t been roped into marrying my Dad. She never wanted kids, I mean, don’t get me wrong, she loves me and is super happy I exist…most days…but…she’s more than aware that the Donnelly name is dying with her.” You took another swig of coffee, “anyways! I’ve gotta get back to the precinct soon, but…Hamptons?” You raised a brow in her direction, “trust me…it’ll be a bit of a chaotic mess, but a ton of fun. Mom said you needed a break? Vacation or something?”
“Work has me all of three days away from burnout.” She admitted and you frowned.
“Then you should definitely come. I mean…I can’t promise a long weekend free of legal talk considering there’s two cops and four lawyers, but…it’s something?”
“Your partner’s fiancée’s a lawyer too?”
“Yeah.” You laughed, “how did you think they met?” You grinned, “super cute too. Denise is defence, she subpoena’d Ayanna to testify on a case and they just couldn’t get enough of each other.”
“That doesn’t get in the way of the job?”
“Nah. They make it work. They don’t take a lot of the same cases, but like, I guess….love prevails all and some shit?” You joked, groaning as your phone started to vibrate with a message, “fuck, duty calls.” You stood from her desk, “so?” Rita smiled softly,
“I will pack a bag and be prepared for the chaos.”
“Perfect.” You grinned, “if I remember correctly you don’t drive? Or has that changed too?”
“Car services are wonderful things.”
“Alright. Well, now that you have my number….text me your address and what time you’ll be done Friday and I’ll pick you up?”
“Sounds great.”
Rita shot you one last smile as you turned, leaving her office before the door swung shut behind you. She couldn’t deny the confusion in her brain right now, the slight fluttering within her body that she couldn’t quite get a grasp on yet. She’d always liked you, even when you were six and drawing on the walls, you were spunky, she said yes to babysitting you because you always had a glimmer in your eye, an adventure that you needed her help to complete. Over the years you’d obviously grown up, made a name for yourself, but that spunk and chaos was still there, the glimmer in your eye had never faded, and she was curious what kind of trouble you currently got into considering you were an NYPD detective. She tried to put that thought aside for the rest of the afternoon as she focussed on work until the weekend rolled around.
While you left the office you didn’t think too much of it, Rita had always been someone who was part of your life. Sure, it had started out with a considerable age gap, but eight years was substantial when you were nine and she was seventeen. But now, in your thirties? It barely meant shit. You realized just how attractive she was, and, you were on the same page about kids without actually having to really talk about it….stop…you were getting way too far ahead of yourself.
Rita was just coming to the Hamptons get out of a bad spot, a rough couple of weeks. No matter how cute you thought she was, you would respect boundaries and make sure that this long weekend was exactly what she needed.
Rita was happily surprised when you actually showed up outside her apartment door rather than just texting that you were there, greeting her with an excited smile and helping her with her bag as you lead her to the car. You told her not to mind Alex being in the backseat, she was still working through a couple of cases that were coming up and figured she’d use the ride to finish up what she needed. Though that didn’t mean that the trip wasn’t filled with sass and a hint of chaos, Alex requesting specific songs and playlists the entire time, claiming certain ones were giving her bad vibes for her work. You simply rolled your eyes, but skipped whatever she didn’t want.
You explained that Casey was stuck in court later than intended and would be meeting you out there later, and obviously Ayanna and Denise would be driving out themselves. The car ride was filled with lots of laughter, sass and genuine relaxation, even with Alex spouting random legal knowledge or questions pertaining to the case every so often.
By the time you’d reached the house in the Hamptons everyone was relaxed, happy, laughing and ready for a weekend away from the city and away from work, thankful for the extra couple of days you’d each managed to get off. You did a brief tour to Rita, reminding her where things were, and showing her what room she’d be staying in, dropping you own bags in yours. You were barely begun a half flirtatious conversation when Alex’s voice echoed up the stairs,
“Y/N! There’s no fucking booze here!” You rolled your eyes, gesturing to Rita to follow you back downstairs as you moved through the house.
“Lex!” You called back to her, “my Dad’s been retired to Florida for five years…..and I love how you completely glossed over the fact that there’s also no food in the house. I figured once Ayanna got here we’d hit the shops, she wasn’t too far behind us.”
“But I wanted a drink now.” She pouted and you laughed, reaching into a not used cupboard, retrieving a very old wine cooler.
“This is your only option.”
Surprisingly, but reluctantly, Alex took the wine cooler, chugging it back before two more of your party made it to the beach house. You made a couple of runs, everyone splitting off to make sure you grabbed everything you’d need for the weekend that you didn’t bring with you. You left Alex and Rita in charge of the liquor, knowing they’d come back with the highest class and variety of wine, liquors and beers while you, Ayanna and Denise hit up the grocery store considering you’d be doing most of the cooking. Though you had sent a text to Casey letting her know that she should pick up pizzas at you faved local place on the way in.
Your first night was filled with relaxation, pizza and drinks as you indulged in a marathon of 90’s comedies, sprawled across the couches and chairs in the living room. Everyone was having a good time and not worried about work for once and it really was something that all of you needed. One by one you started to tidy up the place before retiring to their appropriate rooms for a well deserved sleep.
You weren’t totally surprised when you got up the next morning to find Rita out on the back porch, watching the waves crash against the beach with a cup of coffee. You settled in beside her with not much more than a quiet ‘morning’ as you sipped at your own mug. It was only after there was some commotion inside from the others that she finally spoke.
“You know…I forgot how peaceful it is out here.”
“When was the last time you were here?” You asked softly.
“God….probably…Harvard graduation?” Rita nearly laughed.
“That was years ago! Jesus! You that busy with work?” She let out a soft sigh, her eyes focussed on the horizon.
“After Mom died I guess it felt kinda strange coming out here? I own the house now but…with both of them gone? Why bother really?”
“I’m so sorry.” You gently reached over, squeezing at her hand and she squeezed it back, glancing up at you.
“You don’t need to be, but thank you.” She took another sip of coffee and you felt your pulse begin to race at the fact that she hadn’t dropped your hand, “I guess it felt weird to be here without you or your Mom or cousins around.”
“All you had to do was ask.” You smiled warmly at her and she returned it. Suddenly the door to the porch flew open and you dropped each other’s hands, looking up at Alex.
“Casey says breakfast is ready and then she wants to go surfing. But I’m voting for the yacht.” She half pouted. You both laughed, following Alex back inside, reminding her that the yacht had been relocated down to Florida with your dad before you indulged in your meal.
You managed to balance the rest of the day between all of you, Casey and Denise wanted to surf, you and Ayanna enjoyed the water while Alex and Rita became the beach bums. They laid out blankets for everyone and stashed the booze in soda bottles as they relaxed under the sun (and Alex reminded everyone how important sunscreen was). Rita practically couldn’t tear her eyes off of you as you frolicked around in a bikini, laughing with your friends. She wasn’t quite sure when this attraction began, but at this point, she definitely couldn’t deny it. Every so often your gaze would turn back to the two of them, as if you could feel her eyes on you, shooting them a wicked grin, or trying to convince them to join you. Alex warned Rita of the dangers going anywhere near the water when you and Casey were involved, smirking as she watched the other woman’s eyes graze over your body as you were yelling back to them.
They both vehemently declined, knowing that the spark in your eye was matching the one in Casey’s for chaos reasons. It didn’t take long for them to fall into a comfortable conversation, both being sex crimes prosecutors it was easy to start off with work topics before they slipped into more personal things. Despite having not crossed paths much in the professional field, they had met years ago through you and Liz, and had a lot of similar life experience. Halfway through the afternoon Alex commented on how happy she was that Rita was there, how nice it was to have someone around to talk to instead of just being left on her own while the rest of you played, and that she hoped Rita would end up joining in on future trips too.
The rest of the day sped by smoothly, you and Ayanna whipped up a magnificent dinner for everyone, while Alex stayed on top of making sure everyone’s wine glasses were regularly refilled. There were a few rounds of different card games played, a large and very fiery debate of whether pineapple belonged on pizza or not (you, Casey and Denise sided for yes against Rita, Alex and Ayanna’s hard no) and a few movies were watched until people started peeling off to head to bed.
Rita wasn’t sure how much time had passed when she jolted awake, her heart pounding in her chest as she came back to reality and realized it had been another nightmare. Not wanting to close her eyes and have her brain take her right back to where she’d been, she pushed up to sitting, rubbing at her eyes as she let out a shaky sigh. She understood the nightmares right after it happened, but hated that they were coming back now that she was burnt out and drained, though she was sure seeing Chip hadn’t helped. Figuring it couldn’t hurt, she slipped from her room, heading downstairs to get a glass of water, when she entered the kitchen she noticed that the back door was open. Moving to close it, a suspicious smell wafted through the screen and she noticed you sitting on the wicker couch, staring out to the ocean. Your eyes darted up to your intruder as Rita pushed the door open, stepping out onto the porch, raising a brow in your direction.
“Don’t tell my Mom.” You muttered, glancing toward the joint.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” She replied, sitting next to you on the bench as you offered it to her, she took a drag of it before passing it back to you, “how does a cop exactly go about buying weed?”
“Swiped it from evidence.” You admitted with a small laugh, “been having a bit of trouble sleeping recently, figured it would help.”
“Everything alright?” Rita asked softly, taking the joint from you again.
“Yeah.” You let out a sigh, “last case was a hard one. Found a dirty cop, the sex ring we busted had a couple of girls who were barely thirteen already hooked on heroin selling their bodies and getting abused. It was rough convincing them into testifying, I dunno how you guys do it, sex crimes seems like an untameable monster.”
“Tell me about it.” She huffed, passing the joint back to you as you took another hit.
“That why you’re up? Stressed about what you’re doing next?” You asked, offering the joint back to her once more, after she took a hefty hit you stubbed it out in the ashtray to save for later. “Mom said you wanted out?”
“Yeah.” She hummed as the breeze from the ocean filled the air, “it’s just too much day in and day out, dealing with live victims is way harder than I would like to be dealing with.”
“You think homicide would be better?” You mused, the arm that had been supporting your head on the back of the couch dropped down straight, coming to rest at the base of her neck.
“There’s no openings. The only slot available right now is a junior attorney position in narcotics.”
“Ooo don’t do that. Way too dangerous.”
“That’s what your Mom said.” Rita laughed and you grinned.
“You’ll figure something out, I know you will. And none of us are going to think you’re evil or the bad guy if you swap to defence.” As the weed started to sink in, your hand absentmindedly shifted to play with the roots of Rita’s hair, tickling at her skin ever so softly.
“I thank you for that. I know there are some dick ass defence attorney’s out there, but they’re not all bad.”
“Not at all. Casey hangs out with Sophie all the time, and Langan’s a pretty decent guy. I’m sure if I was straight my Mom would’ve not so subtly shoved me in that direction.” Rita snorted, “what?”
“You saying Langan’s your type?” She teased and you laughed,
“I said if I was straight.” You prodded at her arm with your free hand, “Mom just wants the best for me, I guess. I mean, after living through a crappy marriage herself she just doesn’t want me to settle unless it’s meant to be.”
“You think that exists?” She asked quietly and you hummed, your gaze redirecting out to the beach.
“Yeah. I really do.” You cast her a soft smile, “I think there’s someone out there for everyone, it just takes longer to discover them in some cases. Life has a funny way of leading us to the people we love, sometimes it turns out they’ve been sitting right under our nose the entire time and we had no idea.”
You had no intention with your choice of words, the weed was just helping them tumble out of your mouth. It was like those late night conversations as parties died down back in college, the philosophical life talks when you weren’t anywhere near your right mind but somehow everything made perfect sense. You sometimes missed those nights, and that was why you loved weekends in the Hamptons with this crew so much, it brought back a sense of youth, the days you weren’t quite literally responsible for citizens of New York City, it had a sense of freedom that you lacked in your every day lives.
“I never thought about it that way.” Rita murmured in reply, “I guess I just figured I’d end up a cat lady who was married to the job.” You snorted.
“You need to stop hanging out with Rafael so much. There’s more to life than work.”
“I think I definitely need to be reminded of that.”
“I take it you’re not seeing anyone then?”
“No. It’s been….incredibly hard finding someone who understands my job, and after…everything…I find myself unable to really trust a lot of people.”
“I can imagine.” You murmured, “Casey was telling me about one of her cases the other week, how the perp had been married for twenty years, his wife could never believe the horrible things he’d done, by the end of the trial she was a fucking wreck.”
“It’s exhausting.” Rita’s eyes fluttered shut briefly as she tried to wash away the thoughts of returning to work after the week was up. “Which is why I wanted to thank you.”
“Hmm?” You turned your gaze back to her, your hand still softly tickling at her hair.
“For ensuring that I came this weekend.”
“Of course.” You insisted, “you’re always invited.”
“Thank you. It really has been an incredible break from everything, some time to reflect, and just the company I needed.” She added with a small grin as she glanced your way and you huffed a laugh.
“We are a nice balance of chaos and legal conversation.” You teased, “and I’m sure Alex has loved having someone to hang out on the beach with.”
“She did mention that earlier.”
“You know everything’s gonna work out, right?”
“What?” She raised a brow in confusion over the change of subject, wondering if she’d missed something.
“With work.” You assured her, “I know it feels like the world is crashing down a bit right now, but I also know you’ll figure it out. Inside that pretty little head of yours is a very smart brain who will know exactly what your life path is, the universe will definitely help guide you the right way.”
“You always get this woo-woo when you smoke?” She teased and you scoffed.
“And here I was thinking I was giving you proper encouragement.”
Rita laughed, her hand moving to squeeze at your knee softly, “I appreciate it. I really do. And I want you to know how proud I am to see you moving through the ranks, you’re really making a name for yourself.”
“Thank you.” You felt your cheeks heat as you ducked your gaze from her.
“Oh now she’s playing the shy card?” She teased, her finger curling under your chin to raise it and you felt your breath catch in your throat at the gesture.
“I…it…means a lot…coming from you.”
“Really?” Her brow furrowed for a moment.
“I mean…I always looked up to you. My Mom always raved about you, you were like…the daughter she wished she had.”
“Oh don’t say that…” Rita’s head titled in sympathy.
“I don’t mean it in a bad way.” You shrugged, “just…you’re part of the Upper East Side team, you go to all the galas and events and make it look like a breeze, you went to law school like she wanted me to, and you kick literal ass in court…God, you really would make a bad ass defence attorney…”
“Thank you.” She mused and you sighed softly. She watched carefully as you appeared to get lost in your thoughts, your lip tugged into your teeth as your eyes swept over the beach, watching the waves crash against the sand.
“Can I ask you something?”
You turned to her, your head titled, “feel free to say no, I won’t be offended or anything…”
“Okay…” she laughed.
“Can I kiss you?”
For the briefest second Rita’s eyes widened with surprise, she’d been expecting a question related to work, or having something to do with your Mom, not you asking for explicit consent before making a move. It was bold. But it was also incredibly respectful. Her mind raced as she tried to think of a single time that anyone had ever actually asked in the past and she couldn’t think of one. It made her feel suddenly much stronger toward you, knowing that you would probably extend that attitude into everything, never convincing her into something that she may not be interested in. It was the sheer fact that you were more interested in making sure she felt safe, and that the action was welcomed that made her want it even more.
“Yes…” she breathed out, not missing the smile that crept onto your cheeks in return.
The hand you had playing with her hair slid to her cheek, cupping it incredibly tenderly as you closed the space between the two of you. You could feel your heart thundering in your chest, nearly nervous about it, and Rita would admit she felt the same, her pulse skyrocketing as you got closer. There was something that made it feel like it was your very first kiss, like you were an anxious kid who had a crush that they thought would be the end of the world if you didn’t get a kiss.
The moment your lips touched it was like the entire rest of the world melted away, absolutely nothing else mattered. It was soft, nearly hesitant as your hands settled on each other’s bodies, getting comfortable, making sure the other person was okay with everything. Your lips moved with an easy grace, a dance that you felt like you’d always known but never gotten to perform before, like this was exactly where you were meant to be. Your tongue slid across Rita’s lips gently and she eagerly opened them, accepting you into her mouth. Her arm wound around you, pulling you practically into her lap and you laughed into the kiss as you nearly toppled off the couch before your legs settled around her hips. Your hands came up to cup her cheeks, thumbs stroking soothingly at her skin, sighing softly against her lips as her tongue began to explore your mouth.
By the time you had to come up for air you were both nearly breathless, your little make out session leaving your skin flushed, hair slightly out of place, but shy smiles on both of your cheeks. You leant down, leaving a tender kiss on her lips before you spoke,
“How would you feel about going to dinner tomorrow? Just the two of us?”
“You asking me out on a date detective?” She teased with a quiet laugh.
“I most definitely am Counsellor.” You smirked and she leant up to capture you in another kiss.
“I’d love to.”
“Perfect.” You leant to kiss her again, only a clunk from inside the house pulling your attention to the door as a light was flicked on and you huffed, scrambling off Rita’s lap just in time before the door swung open.
“You’re out here!” Casey sighed heavily, “please tell me you brought edibles?”
“Technically no, but would I ever let you down?” You asked, reaching for the abandoned joint and holding it up for her.
“Oh thank fucking god.” She crossed the porch, settling into a chair across from you and Rita.
“Nightmare?” You asked.
“Yeah.” She huffed, lighting the joint and taking a pull of it.
“Which one?” You asked quietly, accepting the joint from her.
“Office attack.”
“You okay?”
“Just shaky…this should help.”
“You wanna sleep in my bed?” You offered, knowing Casey slept better when there was someone with her.
“I think I’ll be okay, but thank you.”
“You wanna talk about it?” Rita asked softly and Casey sighed.
“I think it’s just being back at the D.A’s office full time. I mean, I’m not in the same office so that helps, but the case I just wrapped my second chair was in my old office, so I spent way too much time in there, including late at night…”
“Security’s a world better than it was seven years ago.” You assured her, “Mom fought like hell for it after that happened.”
“Really?” Casey’s head shot up to you and you nodded, “she…never told me that…”
“Just because she thinks your chaotic as all hell doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
It was only a moment, the joint having been passed around once more between the three of you, before the door opened once again, revealing Alex.
“Ah…so we’re all cursed with the trauma of not being able to sleep thanks to ptsd from our jobs. Wonderful.”
“You okay?” You asked and she huffed, swiping the joint from Casey.
“Yeah.” She dropped down into the chair beside the redhead, “it’s just too fucking quiet out here, reminds me of Wisconsin, which….brings up bad thoughts.” She took a hit of the joint, passing it over to Rita as her eyes fell on you, “this from evidence? This is good shit.”
“Supplier’s still out there and the dealer got off with a slap on the wrist.”
“So what you’re saying is you still have an in.” She smirked as you passed it back to Casey.
“I have their info, I can pass it along to my cousin if you want more of this weed.”
“Please do.” Alex replied as she took another hit.
“Just don’t tell Ayanna, it was her collar.”
“Yeah, why do those two get the privilege of sleeping through the night? This is bullshit, they have the same jobs as us.” Alex half laughed in return, gesturing towards the house.
“Maybe it’s cause they have each other.” Casey murmured.
“Case…” your head tilted, your voice soft as you addressed her.
“No she’s right.” Rita cut in with a sigh, “it’s like…statistically proven. People in relationships, who feel loved, are happier, their bodies release more endorphins from the physical contact and shit.”
“And happy people don’t kill their husbands.” You and Casey quoted in synch with each other, a small laugh echoing off your lips as you made eye contact and Rita rolled her eyes with a groan.
“God what is it with people and that movie?! It’s horribly inaccurate.” She asked and you laughed,
“It’s top tier comedy.” You prodded at her arm.
“Maybe you should hang out with Rafael more often.”
“Wait, does he like Legally Blonde?” Alex asked, suddenly sitting forward in her chair.
“Yeah.” Rita laughed, taking a puff off the joint before handing it to the blonde, “he’d probably kill me if he knew I told you but he watches it every year when they host the bar exam.”
“Oh my god.” You laughed, “maybe I will start hanging out with him more often, give you a break from his sarcasm and sass.” You teased, resisting the urge to lean in and kiss her quickly, you didn’t need to reveal your potentially new dynamic to Casey and Alex quite yet.
“Oh but life would be so boring without that.” She sassed back with a grin, you laughed, your gaze settling on the beach once more, noticing the slight glow on the horizon. You nudged at Casey with your foot,
“Hey….you lonely asses…come over to this side, watch the sun rise.” You suggested, happily squeezing closer to Rita as Alex and Casey sandwiched the two of you on the couch.
It was still comfortable, but the less personal boundaries diminished as Casey immediately snuggled into your side and you felt free to drop your head onto Rita’s shoulder, feeling the feather light, silent kiss she left on your hair.
“This is really nice.” Alex murmured softly as she let herself fall against Rita’s other side, “thank fuck we came out here this weekend.”
“Yeah.” You replied, “we should have a bonfire tomorrow.”
“You mean today?” Rita teased as the sun started to come over the horizon.
“I mean it’s not like any of us will be asleep anyways.” You shifted your head on here shoulder, looking up at her and she smiled softly back at you, the unspoken words coming through clearly.
“I’m definitely going to need an afternoon nap.” Casey commented.
“Yeah I’m not gonna lie…” Alex cut in, “I really miss sun naps on the yacht.”
“I guess I’ll have to call my driver and get mine over here then.” Rita nearly teased, laughing at the way Alex shot off her shoulder.
“You have one?” She nodded, “this entire time, I could have been on a yacht and you were what, conspiring against me?”
“Oh stop it!” You cut in with a yawn, “and if I remember correctly, you were the one that crashed my dad’s yacht.”
Laughter overtook the porch as the four of you began to fall into a comfortable silence, watching the way the sun cascaded over the ocean and the beach. There was something about that weekend that made you feel like you were exactly where you were meant to be, that life had directed you to this exact moment. Your head shifted, rolling up on Rita’s shoulder to gain her gaze and she smiled down at you, the gleam in her eyes warm and welcoming as yours was. The arm she had across the back of the couch moved up to play with your hair and you knew you’d made the right move in kissing her earlier, that your request for a date would be a wonderful one.
It was only when the sun had fully risen that you guided Casey back into the kitchen, making breakfast for everyone before Ayanna and Denise woke up. The dynamic between all of you settled into an amazing one, and Rita smiled, knowing that this was exactly where she wanted and needed to be, that this group of people would be one that she valued for the rest of her life. She knew it just wasn’t an inkling as you cast her a gaze at the breakfast table, the gleam in your eyes present more than ever. You were excited for the one on one date with her that night, and honestly, she couldn’t wait either.
________ @natasha-danvers @veteranwerewolf95 @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @beccabarba @imlike-so-gaydude @thatesqcrush @bisexual-dreamer02 @altsvu @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @paulson-hargitay @whispered-tear-drops @wannabe-fic-reader @lawandorderimagines @gaylorrds @solemnnova @whimsicallymad @disaster-and-disgrace @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @screenee @nocreditinthestraightworld @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @jamiethetrans @molllss @wosoimagines @snowsgay19 @michael-rooker @alexbllake@infernumlilith @yourtaletotell @australiancarisi @cerberus-spectre @emskisworld @wandas-wife @addictedtodinosaurs @lawandorderuswnt @ex-uallyactive @rosiewritesagain @wandasbrat @lustvolle-liebe @disn3y7 @hbkpop @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @muscatmusic18 @ladysc @alexusonfire @season4scullyhair @Annieray2020 @dxtery
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existslikepristin · 3 years
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Lol, I don't know what's wrong with me. Just fuckin read this.
Thanks to @midnightdancingsol for the thorough editing and @worldsover for the help with the ending because that shit was killing me.
Tags: NSFW, TheLounge, Purple Kiss, Swan, super sexy words, porn tropes, I really should have written just literally anything else honestly, widdle cotton candy cheekie-weekies going commando
The Cutest Duckling
The design and layout of the room were brutally obvious. White walls, black couch, dark wood desk, floor-length windows with aluminum blinds, and several high-quality cameras hidden from each others’ views with one shitty prop camcorder at the center of the desk.
It was brand-name casting couch bullshit, and therefore exactly what Swan was looking for. She rubbed her palms together deviously before adjusting her cage bra, ensuring maximum cleavage presentation.
The door creaked open and an exhausted middle aged man walked in. Swan sat up, arching her back in the most stereotypically sexy way she could manage. The guy paid absolutely no attention to her, sitting behind the desk and flipping through a small pile of papers. He opened his mouth as if to speak but wound up yawning instead.
Swan took matters into her own sexy, seductive lips. “Hello, Mister Director,” she breathed.
“Hey. Uh…” He didn’t so much as look up. “Swan? I don’t see a surname here.”
Swan shoved her shoulders back. Her tits were massive as far as idol standards went. Surely they could grab the director’s attention. “Oh it’s just Swan, sir. But you can call me whatever you want. Sexy Swan. Slutty Swan. Sss… Swan… Sultry. I’m a barely legal teen with huge melon jugs and a thicc, juicy ass, and I’m willing to do aaanything to become a famous pornsta—”
“Looks like you opted out of condoms. Alright. Uh…” He clicked his tongue a few times.
“What should I call you, sir?” Swan practically whispered, giving the top of his balding head a smoldering, half-lidded stare, just in case he ever looked. “Just ‘Sir?’ Maybe… ‘Daddy?’”
He still didn’t look up. “Oh sorry. Name’s Lee Sungjin.”
Swan dug her nails into her palms and cracked her neck. Why the fuck was it so hard to get laid?
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sung. Jin. What a strong name. Will you be the big... sexy man taking advantage of me when we turn on these cameras? I sure hope so.”
“No, that’ll be Ju-Won. He’s getting fluffed right now, but you met him right?”
Finally, she was getting somewhere. She definitely hadn’t met him. “I haven’t, no! How exciting! I looove fucking strangers!”
“Shit. That’s not good. Uh… fluffing can wait. Ju-Won! Get in here!”
The sudden shouting spooked a jump out of Swan, but she quickly recovered. Sungjin’s eyes were lifting. She picked her heels up, making the stilettos look taller. She scooted forward, letting her skirt hike itself up. She puffed her chest out even further, praying that the deep V of her shirt’s neckline would rip in half. “I can fluff him myself! I specialize in... inducing intense lust.”
It was happening. Sungjin was really going to look up. He was going to see Swan in her tightest outfit. It was finally her time!
“Don’t worry about it, he’s gotta be hard when he walks into the r—”
Swan pursed her lips. Was she really so hot that he lost his words? Excellent. She knew her next words. They were rehearsed thoroughly in the mirror. Do you like what you see, baby?
“Oh my god, you are adorable!”
“Fucking dammit!” Swan screamed. Why did this always happen?
“Hey Ju-Won! Get in here! This girl is the cutest!”
Swan leaned forward, pointing a threatening finger at Sungjin. “No! No. Don’t you dare. I will deepthroat your goddamn cock! So far back in my throat!”
The door cracked open and a fully nude, erect man resembling a brick wall in both build and voice walked inside. “Sup boss?”
“Take a look at this chick, Ju-Won! She’s just an absolute button!”
Swan stomped off the couch. “Shut your whore mouth! I am a voluptuous vixen here to coax all the baby batter out of your balls and wear it like a necklace!”
The awkward, mostly one-sided escalation continued. Ju-Won scanned Swan up and down a couple of times. A stupid grin crossed his face. “Woah, you’re super heckin’ cute.”
“Isn’t she though? Hey Swan, how’d you get so cute?”
Swan steepled her fingers in front of her nose and took a long, deep breath. Surely this wasn’t real. This had to be a nightmare. “How about you two fuck me at the same time? Give me a DP.”
“Hey, you know who she reminds me of?” asked Ju-Won, completely ignoring Swan’s proposition for a threesome, “One of those round pink jiggling puffs.”
“Churlish mother fucker!” Swan snatched the camcorder off the desk and snapped the viewfinder off over her knee, then yanked her skirt up, revealing her lack of underwear. The men laughed as if they were watching someone else’s child throwing a small temper tantrum after being refused a toy with their meal. “Both of you! In my asshole! At the same time! Anything!”
A young woman with neon blue hair popped her head through the door, dabbing some saliva away from the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief. “Dude, you’re not due to come in here for like five minutes, we gotta keep you… Oh gosh, who is this delightful ball of fluff?!”
Swan lashed out and grabbed a handful of the girl’s hair, pulling her face down into her spilling cleavage. “Is this what you guys want to see? Some lesbo action?!”
“Awww,” Sungjin cooed. “Chohee made a friend!”
Sure enough, the woman’s arms wrapped around Swan in a loving embrace. Swan looked down. Ju-Won’s cock had gone soft. Fury bubbled up inside her. She pushed Chohee away. “Lady… fucking please. Sit on my face. I’ll eat you out fo—”
Chohee pinched Swan’s cheek. “Oooh, I couldn’t sit on this pretty little face! I wanna see these widdle cotton candy cheekie-weekies!”
“Chicanero—oow owowow!” Swan threw all her weight into a haymaker into Ju-Won’s glistening, rock hard abs. Her pillowy arms, however, were not made for violence. She cradled her throbbing wrist tenderly against her fluffy bosom.
“Oh no! Poor baby, do you need a kiss on the boo-boo?” Sungjin came around the desk, looking genuinely concerned.
With big, glistening, tearful eyes, Swan snapped back. “I want you to kiss my boobs!”
Three sets of warm, comforting arms wrapped around Swan from every direction, simultaneously infuriating her and making the pain fade away.
Ju-Won, being so much taller, nuzzled the top of her head with his chin. “It’s okay, honey bear, we’ve got you.”
Swan struggled and elbowed her way out of the group hug. She pouted, but in a totally sexy way and surely not in any way that could be construed as cute. “How about you get your dicks in me… and spit roast me!”
Swan steeled herself for her final resort. She grabbed the hem of her shirt, grit her teeth, and pulled up. Her cage bra didn’t have any fabric except for the “bars,” which all met at gold rings that circled her nipples. It wasn’t made for support. It was made to maximize lewd stares. It was her secret weapon, her big guns. Or in her case, big boobs. It had to be worth an “ooh” or an “aah” or maybe even a little drool!
Instead, it got a round of three “Awww”s.
Swan ripped the shirt the rest of the way off and flung it to the floor. “I’m done with this shit!” she shrieked as she stormed off set, “Someone on the street is going to fuck me and you’re all going to be jealous!”
She slammed the door on the way out, screaming bloody top as every staffer she passed, despite her curvaceous nudity, squealed or cheeped about how adorable of a little duckling she was.
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quickspinner · 2 years
WIP Report 5/30/22
It’s been a while since I did an update on what I’m working on so even though this makes me cringe a little because it’s not super great news, here we go. 😂
Overall, the news is not so great, everything is moving slow. I haven’t been doing WIP Wednesdays and SSS as much because if I do you guys will literally be reading the chapters as their written, only choppy and out of order. I’m just not making enough big chunks of progress to have something to share every week. I’m still recovering from the issue I had in January (long story short, I had a pulmonary embolism that damaged my lungs, and while I should fully recover, it takes time to regenerate lungs and rebuild stamina, so even now months later I get tired out really easily, and the string of colds the kids have brought home haven’t really helped). Add to that summer vacation for the children and my daughter’s ongoing GI issues and all its related doctor’s appointments, I’m just short on time and both physical and emotional energy. I know, I don’t actually have to tell you all this and no one can get mad at me for real life coming first, but I like to keep you guys posted, especially when things slow down as drastically as they have of late.
Anyway, as summertime is beginning it means another set of schedule adjustments for my family, and it remains to be seen whether that will mean more time, less, or about the same. 
Indelible - This is still my first priority, and I feel like the end is in sight! At the same time, it’s grown hugely from my original concept so I could very well be wrong about that. I honestly thought it was mostly done when I started posting it but my original draft is probably only a quarter of what ended up being the final story. I hope that, after the chapter I’m currently working on, the next few bits will skip along a bit faster, but I have to look at what’s already written and see what adjustments need to be made based on how the story’s changed so far. But, we’re deep into this thing now and I’m gonna see it through one way or another.
Guard My Heart will be next up on the list because I seriously owe Mal big time for taking so long on it; I should know by now I can’t handle more than one big ongoing story at a time, so I should’ve waited to start Indelible until this one is finished (but again, I thought it was mostly done at the time, I didn’t realize I’d still be posting a year later 😅). I do have a pretty good chunk of the next chapter written, and the one after that, so I hope once I buckle down on it I can make it happen.
The Magic of You is also hanging out there taunting me, but I’m kind of letting it sit for now because I feel like I stopped it at a good place at the time, so I’m not as worried about it. I could have ended the story there and been fine, so the only reason it’s continuing is I still have ideas for it. I don’t mind if it sits for a bit.
Live With It part 2 can’t seem to make up its mind what it wants to be, and it should be so simple to finish, so I expect that one day I will get a random weekend burst of inspiration/motivation to finish it off, and who knows when it will happen. I expect to spend a lot of time in the car this summer so there should be plenty of thinky time.
Beautiful Dreams...sigh. Someday. I don’t know how it always ends up on the bottom of the list because I really love this story and want to finish it, and whenever I go read some of what I have for it I’m like *augh I love this I need to work on it some more* but we’ll get there eventually. This is the one story I would be truly heartbroken not to finish. 
So those are the major things I’m working on right now, and I usually don’t let myself get this far in the weeds on published works so I’ve really cut down on my one shots, prompt fics, sprint fics, and everything else in an attempt to dig myself out of this whole. I’m trying to ease up on that a bit; I think it’ll do me and my readers both good to break up these long efforts with some light hearted quick things. But, that’s where things stand for the moment. If you’re curious about a particular work that I didn’t mention here go ahead and drop me an ask!
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Do you know omniscient readers viewpoint? (Though if you're reading the webcomic then possible spoiler alert I haven't caught up with it so I don't know how far they've gotten)
In that, Kim Dokja is always stealing Yoo Jonghyuk's name and creating messes it's this running thing and at one point Yoo Jonghyuk thinks he's been dead for ages but then he gets this notification and it's like "your reputation is increasing in this industrial complex you've never heard of" and he's just like Kim DokJA??? Is that you-
So amnesia Diluc has been using his real name without really thinking so thats the name on the posters that say "wanted: dead or alive" so when he meets Childe (who is pretending to be a toy seller) he comes up with the first name he can think of: Kaeya. (It's just scammer x scammer except they're both terrible at scamming)
So when Kaeya goes to track down Diluc to stops some big political problem and is following his trail all he keeps hearing is that apparently himself stopped here, or had food there and he's like????? What is going on here?
I know of it. But I personally haven't read it. I kind of fell out reading those novels and comics. Just cause I pulled myself and stressed myself out keeping up with updates.
I do still like Solo Leveling (Tho I feel like the second half wasn't nearly as good as the first), SSS Class Suicide Hunter (I really love this one super funny to me), Second Life Ranker (I'm worried about having happened to Solo leveling happening here but fast). Then I read a whole bunch of villainess stuff. And if you want to piss me off in zero to sixty, just mention Abandon Empress. BUT ANY WAY
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But I love that idea so much. And it's funnier because Diluc and Kaeya look nothing alike. And I can totally see Kaeya just absolutely dying in the background thinking "How could anyone mistake Diluc for me?!?!" and just really questioning why Diluc would use his name. Like yeah, he hates him but?? It's just creating a problem for Mondstadt which Diluc would never do.
It's a really interesting idea on the whole.
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i wish i were, part 3
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part one
part two
summary: it’s getting harder to pretend that everything is okay. 
word count: 4.2k
warnings: step- inc*st, smut, underage sex, suicidal ideation (oops), ANGST, depression, self-harm mention (doesn’t actually happen, just intrusive thoughts), it’s all mentioned very casually so if this is triggering for you please don’t read!! <3 , ambiguous ending 
this is the last part y’all! thanks for going on this ride with me. this was my first multi-chap fic and it kinda gave me the confidence to know that i’m capable of writing longer stuff without it being super shitty lol. sorry that it’s taken me so long!! 
love you all
- bloo 
It's getting harder to pretend that everything is okay.
Peter hates to say it, fuck, the thought physically pains him, but he’s glad the school year’s almost over. He’s glad that it’s almost time for graduation, time for Tony to leave for the special summer program MIT invited him to participate in. 
He just wants to stop feeling like this, never wants to feel like this ever again. He always feels heavy, weighed down, like his clothes are soaking wet. It’s a feeling that goes deep into his bones, leaving him cold, aching, and tired. 
It’s a good thing there’s not really any work left to do for school, other than exams; Peter spends most of his time in bed, headphones on and staring at the wall, the one that separates his room from Tony’s. 
He keeps hearing Pepper’s voice in his head. He thinks you hung the moon, babe. It’s so cute. The words make him burn inside, make him want to dig his fingers in and peel his skin back until the feeling spills out of him. Until his blood spill out, until he doesn’t have to deal with this anymore- Fuck-
That’s how his brain is working, now. The intrusive thoughts have reached new levels. Peter’s always had them, he’s been passively suicidal for most of his adolescence, but it seems that any minor inconvenience has him ready to end it all. But it makes sense, he supposes. He’s already hurting, already weary and withdrawn. It really wouldn’t take much to push him over the edge. 
Too bad he doesn’t really want to die. He just wants everything to...stop. So that he doesn’t have to feel like this.
And because the universe is obviously enjoying fucking with him, the first thing he sees walking out of first period is Pepper walking down the hallway, a faded black t-shirt hanging from her shoulders, exposing the bright red of her bra straps. 
Peter recognizes the garment immediately.
It’s the Black Sabbath shirt, the one he’d kept under his pillow for over a week. The one he’d spilled multiple loads of cum onto before finally putting it in his laundry and carefully slipping it back into Tony’s room once it had been washed. 
And now Pepper’s wearing it. Which means Tony gave it to her.
Peter stops, freezes right there in the doorway of Mrs. Flannigan’s classroom. He blinks, staring blankly in the direction the blonde had gone. His classmates protest behind him, pushing forward until he snaps out of it. Taking a few stumbling steps to the side, he leans back against the wall.
He feels like he can’t breathe. Some kid walking down the hall looks at him funny, and he realizes that there are tears rolling down his cheeks. Hastily wiping them away, he slowly pushes himself off the wall and starts making a hasty exit to the bathroom, head down and eyes trained on the linoleum. 
“Hey, Peter- Wait, Pete what’s wrong, what happened?”
Shuddering, barely able to contain the sob that threatens to rip its way out, Peter ignores Tony, just pushes past him and doesn’t stop moving until he’s locked in the private restroom. 
With his back to the door, Peter slides down til his butt’s on the cold ground, arms wrapped around his knees as he tries to muffle his cries as he sits there, shaking.
He just wants it to stop.
Something’s up with Peter, and Tony has a sinking feeling that it’s got something to do with him. But he doesn’t know what he possibly could have done. 
They’d had such a nice time celebrating his birthday. He even had a new photo in his wallet, a polaroid of him and Peter cheesing goofily into the camera. Looking at it brings a smile to his face. 
He really does love his little brother. Though he was young, Tony can remember life before Richard and Peter came into their lives. He remembers being an only child as lonely hours spent trying to entertain himself while his mom was busy working, trying to support him as a single parent. He’d been ecstatic upon meeting Richard and finding out that he had a little boy, too, that he was going to get a brother. 
Tony knows that he and Peter haven’t been spending as much time together as they usually do, but he just chalked it up to it being his senior year. He wanted to spend the time with his friends, with his girlfriend, making the best of their last bit of time together before everything changes. 
Peter’s words from his birthday ring in his head. I don’t want you to...forget me. Maybe he’s feeling left behind? 
He’s only got a little over a week left until graduation, and then a week after that he leaves for MIT. That’s not much time at all.
The teen resolves to make some more time in his schedule to spend with his younger brother. Rhodey and the guys and Pep can deal for a couple days. 
Peter’s pulled out of the clusterfuck of ruminative thoughts that have kept him awake for the past week by the squeak of his bedroom door being opened. He blinks under the covers, instinctively curling in on himself. He’s been under here for hours, but he still feels so cold.
Tony’s voice comes through the small crack he’s created between the door and the jamb, one eye peeking inside. “Peter? Are you….” He pauses and clears his throat before continuing softly, “Are you okay?” 
The lump under the covers that is Peter shifts a little. His voice is dull and monotone when he replies, as apathetic as he can muster. “...Just leave me alone, Tony.” So much for that. Even saying his brother’s name hurts, a lot more than he thought it would, making his voice crack pathetically. Peter pulls his hands up to his chest and tries to quell the sudden surge of emotion that rushes through him, stifling a whimper. Please just go away. 
Of course, instead of listening for once in his fucking life, Tony opens the door further so that he can slip inside. It closes behind him with a soft click and he takes a tentative step towards the queen bed that’s pushed up against the walls in the corner of the dark bedroom. "Pete…" Peter can hear him softly pad over to the nightstand and flick on the small lamp sitting there. His breathing in the quiet room is near deafening to Peter. “I…” He hovers there for a minute before sighing and sitting at the foot of the bed. “I wish you’d tell me what’s wrong. So that I can… I just want to help, Pete.”
The silence stretches on uncomfortably between them and even under the covers, Peter can feel the worried gaze burning him alive. 
His skin is crawling with how badly he wants to crawl out of the covers and into Tony’s lap, the way he would when they were younger and he was upset. He needs to get Tony out of here. He can’t- 
Peter moves so that his head is exposed, but he looks down at the bed rather than the other teen. "No, it’s fine. I mean I-, I’m fine," Peter sniffles, blinking furiously in an attempt to will the tears away. Fuck. His- fuck, his throat is tight, he can't swallow. His mouth falls open, a shuddering breath escaping as the muscles in his throat spasm. "I get it, Tony. I promise I get it, I really do. I do. She's-" 
Fuck. He must really be exhausted, he wasn’t supposed to say that, wasn’t supposed to let on the truth of why he’s upset. Peter's eyes flit around like he's on speed, darting from one focal point to another without him truly seeing anything. His voice is hoarse, thin. It's as small as he feels. Miniscule. Insignificant. He’s gonna ruin everything but he can’t make himself stop. "I mean, I can’t- I can't compete with-" The words come to an abrupt halt, his mouth snapping shut. 
Tony nudges Peter’s foot with his knee. “What? Peter.” He bumps against Peter again until the younger boy looks up to make eye contact. 
That stupid fucking crease forms between his older brother's eyebrows. Peter wants to slap him. Or kiss him. Mostly he wants to scream. 
"Peter, what? Compete with who? Are you talking about Pepper? I know we haven’t been spending much time together, but I’m gonna fix that before I leave, I promise. I don’t want you to feel left behind, not at all but I still don’t get- What’s this got to do with -," Tony starts, placatingly. But there’s something in his eyes, in the barely there tremor in his voice- And Peter suddenly realizes that Tony knows, has to know at least a little bit. 
He swears his vision flashes red for a second. "It has everything to do with her," Peter all but shrieks, nails digging crescent-shaped welts into his palms. He feels overwhelmed, trapped. Like a hermit crab without its shell- vulnerable, horribly exposed. It comes out without his consent, and so does his fucking stutter. Fuck it all. "And I know- I know- I know I'm fucked up, Tony, I know it, but I love you, the way that you love h-huh-her.” 
He takes a shuddering breath, reeling from saying the words out loud for the first time. “I'm sss-suh-sick, and g-gross and you- I know I'm a fff-fuh-freak and nnn-now- now you’re gonna hate me!" Peter sobs, his entire body shaking as he works himself towards an anxiety attack, a panic attack, a heart attack, fucking something. “I can’t even fu-fu-fu-fucking talk-” There’s snot and tears running down his face, he’s upset himself so much he can’t get through a fucking sentence. He knows he’s making a fucking fool of himself. He’s so stupid, why did he ever think that anything could come from this. He just wants it all to stop, he wants Tony to leave so that he can figure out some way to fix this, to make it all go away-
Tony’s staring at him, mouth parted, dark eyes wide and concerned. "Baby, what- I could never hate you, babydoll." It’s like the nickname comes out instinctually, the sound of Peter’s stutter instantly taking him back to the way he would console Peter when they were much younger, pulling him into his arms and rocking him like his own little baby. 
He climbs on the bed and burrows into the nest of blankets and pillows that Peter has created, but he stays sitting up. His arms wrap around his baby brother and pull him up into his lap so that he’s close to his chest, in spite of the younger’s attempts to squirm away. “Calm down, Pete.” Tony presses his lips to Peter’s head when his cries only increase, frowning at how hot the skin of his forehead is. “You’ve gotta calm down,” he soothes. “C’mon, it’ll get better once you calm down, baby, you know that.” One of his hands glides up and down Peter’s heaving back. 
Gasping, Peter shakes his head. He buries his face in the space where Tony’s pec and arm meet, taking a shuddering breath through his mouth. He’s trying to calm down but it’s not working. “I’m so- I’m so ssss-sss-suh-sorry, Tuh-Tony!” He feels like he’s gonna pass out. Shifting a bit, he pulls his head back in an attempt to get some more air. They almost make eye contact but he hurriedly looks away. He’s ruined everything. Tony hasn’t reacted to his confession yet but Peter knows that it’s gonna be bad, it’s gonna be so bad when he does. 
What’s he got left to lose?
Peter can't help himself; he leans in. The tips of their noses brush, and he pauses there for a moment. He can hear Tony's sharp intake of breath through his own heaving as they finally lock eyes. The look in Tony's chocolate depths is- Peter doesn’t really know. Tony's never looked at him like this before, no one has.
“Tony,” he whispers shakily, breath catching in his throat before closing the distance between them. Time stands still for a moment before something breaks, the tension snapping like a rubberband pulled too tight. Their mouths meet and Peter immediately whines at the feeling of Tony’s lips on his, body instinctively arching up against his brother’s, too lost in it to feel embarrassed of how easy he is to get worked up. 
It’s...everything he ever dreamed of.
Tony’s hands move to cup his cheeks, and Peter’s own hands find their way into the other’s dark, wavy locks as their mouths move against each other. There’s a swipe of tongue across his bottom lip, timidly asking for entrance. The younger obliges immediately, letting the warm muscle slide into his mouth where it meets his own. It sends shivers down his spine and he keens when his tongue is sucked into the wet of Tony’s mouth. His dick begins to fill rapidly in his sweats, leaving him feeling lightheaded and a bit disoriented.
Peter’s never made out with anyone before, but this- 
He thinks he understands what all of the hype is about, now. 
They pull apart, both gasping for air. Tony moves his head slightly, taking heaving breaths that blow onto the exposed skin of Peter’s neck, and his entire body seizes. The elder brother pauses, eyes darkening, before he latches his mouth there and sucking, hard- Fuck, Peter swears he’s about to cum in his pants. 
“Tony.” The name is all but ripped from his throat, ragged and wanton and filthy sounding. He didn’t know he could feel this good. There’s precum steadily leaking from the slit at the tip of his cock, and though he can’t see it at the moment, he’s sure there’s a wet spot staining the crotch of his pants. 
More moist air on the sensitive skin of his neck, now slightly red from being rubbed by the stubble covering Tony’s chin. “Shit, Peter,” comes the eighteen year old’s wrecked gasp and his hips shift, nudging his own erection against Peter’s thigh. “Fuck, fuck.”
Peter feels like he’s losing his mind. “Tony, Tony lemme- Wanna touch you, please-,” he says, unable to put together a full sentence. The cock he’s been dreaming about for almost a year is within his reach and he doesn’t know how they got here, has no idea what’s going to happen after, but he’s so fucking close to getting what he’s wanted for so long but thought he could never have. His hands flutter restlessly near the front of his brother’s basketball shorts and the bulge that’s pressing insistently against the loose material. 
“Yeah,” Tony gasps, shifting Peter out of his lap so that he can lie down on the bed on his side and then he pulls Peter down with him, facing each other. “Me too, can I…,” he trails off, the fingers of his right hand running down Peter’s body from his shoulder down to the sharp point of his hip bone. 
All Peter can do is nod jerkily, already reaching to tug at the dark red fabric that’s wrapped around the older teen’s waist. He lets out a desperate, frustrated sound when they get caught, but Tony’s hands take over for him, so he pushes his own pants down to his knees instead. His dick hangs down heavily once it's free of its confines, and there’s a quiet thud as Tony’s slaps against the dark hairs smattered across his lower belly. 
Looking at his big brother’s cock for the first time in the dim lighting makes Peter’s mouth water. He can make out the slight shadow of a vein running the length of it, and his tip is big, a drop of precum sitting there just waiting for him to lick at it. He’s bigger than Peter, in both length and girth. It’s perfect, something right out of his fantasies. 
Tony rocks his hips forward and their erections rub against each other, prompting them to let out synchronous groans. “Holy shit,” Peter whines, his own hips stuttering as they start to rut against each other in earnest. They quickly get into a slightly stumbling rhythm. It feels so good, their cocks both so hot, so hard. He already knows this is going to be over before it really even starts but he couldn’t care less. “Tony, Tony, yes-”
The brunette all but growls. “That’s it, Petey. Fuck, your cock feels so good, I never- Shit,” Tony pants before spitting into his palm and wrapping his hand around both of their shafts. “Fucking hell-” His toes twitch against the inside of Peter’s ankle. “Pete-”
Peter’s movements get jerkier, his hips stuttering at the feeling of Tony’s wet hand, the way their dicks are sliding against one another. He’s so close, so fucking close. “Please,” he whimpers, fingers digging to Tony’s shoulders where he’s holding on in an attempt to ground himself. HIs tongue licks at his brother’s bottom lip. “Wanna cum, Tony, lemme cum-”
“Yeah, fuck, yes Peter, cum, cum for me-” Tony groans, the speed of his stroking increasing. The rhythm is jerky, and it’s so uncoordinated when combined with their frantic undulating, but it feels amazing. 
“Tony, Tony, Tony,” Peter chants as his orgasm slams into him like a brick wall. His muscles lock up, and there are probably crescent-shaped welts in the skin of Tony’s shoulders and back. Thick, white ropes of cum shoot from his cock and make a mess in his brother’s hand. A whine escapes him as he grows more sensitive in Tony’s grasp. 
The feeling of the warm liquid smearing over his erection is what does the older teen in. He crushes his mouth to Peter’s as he cums, fucking into his fist and rubbing against the other’s softening cock, licking lewdly into the wet of his mouth. “Pete,” he sighs, pulling away after he’s ridden out the wave of his orgasm. 
“I love you,” Peter whispers contently, snuggling in and pressing a kiss to a freckle on Tony’s shoulder. This is everything he’s ever wanted, to be held in his big brother’s arms like this: like a lover. Maybe he was worried for nothing, maybe everything will be okay. Sure, they’ll have to hide it from everyone, especially Mom & Dad, but once they’re both in college… They have different last names, no one would ever have to know. They could be happy. Peter just wants to be happy, just wants this feeling to stay. 
Tony shifts slightly and takes a deep breath, the puff of air ruffling Peter’s sweat-slick auburn curls. “Pete,” he says again, softly. “I love you too, I do.” He pauses, pulling back slightly and loosening his hold on the younger boy and rolling onto his back so that they’re both looking up at the ceiling. “But I-”
Peter freezes, the afterglow fading instantly. His heartbeat picks up, and there’s a slight ringing in his ears. He grips the sweat damp comforter in his hands, fingers twitching restlessly, stroking back and forth over the fabric in an attempt to soothe himself. No. No, no no, this isn’t- Tony- He can’t-
Another heavy sigh. “We can’t- We can’t do this again, Pete,” Tony says into the quiet of the night, still slightly out of breath from exertion. His voice is soft, gentle. He’s trying not to hurt Peter; Peter thinks that’s bullshit.
There’s a lead weight in his stomach. He feels like he’s drowning. He feels like he’s gonna be sick. He feels dirty. He feels- 
He’s so tired of feeling.
Tony hesitates before pulling his shorts up and sliding out of the bed. He reaches out, brushing his fingers over Peter’s hand, jerks back when the younger immediately tenses and recoils from the touch. “I’m sorry,” he whispers before hastily making his way to the door, shutting it gently behind him. 
“Just go, Tony,” he croaks before rolling over in the bed, away from the love of his life his brother. 
Peter lays there for the rest of the night, unmoving, staring at the ceiling, tears running down the sides of his face, seeing nothing. 
If only he could feel nothing, too.
“Where...where ya goin, Pete?” 
Peter is putting clothes in a small duffel bag. He makes a mental note to remember to grab a new thing of toothpaste when he gets his toiletry bag together. “I’m, uh, gonna go stay with Ned. For a few days.” More like a few weeks, but he doesn’t need to tell Tony that. 
It’s only been two days since they- 
Peter’s already had enough. He can’t be here, he can’t skirt around the elephant that is his feelings towards Tony, can’t handle the awkwardness in the air as his stupid fucking brother tries to go on as if nothing ever happened. As if it meant nothing to him. 
As if Peter meant nothing to him, means nothing to him.
Peter can...he can be okay with that. He has to be. But he can’t be here. He can’t.
“What about mom and da-” Tony cuts himself off, and Peter can tell that’s not what he is really trying to ask. Of course he’s so fucking disgusted, so fearful of someone else knowing, that he can’t even say it. No, what he really means is- 
“I didn’t tell them I kissed you, Tony,” Peter hisses, tears burning in his eyes. He yanks the zipper of his bag closed, biting back a scream when it gets stuck for a second. “I’m not stupid. Why would I tell them what we did? I don’t want them to hate me, too. Don’t worry about what I told them, they said I could go.” 
Maria and Richard are under the impression that Peter’s just stressed about his grades and going a little stir crazy. When they’d talked last night, Mom had frowned gently at him, mentioning how down he’d looked lately and letting him know that he was loved and cherished. Dad had actually been the one to suggest spending some time with Ned; maybe seeing his best friend would help pull Peter out of his funk.
If only they knew. 
Tony gapes at him, an incredulous look on his face. “But what about Tuesday? You’re gonna miss my graduation? For what, to fuck around with Ned? Peter-”
Something in him snaps. He clenches his jaw, swallows harshly. Glares tearily at his brother. “Would you please just stop it?” 
The taller boy sets his shoulders and crosses his arms, defiant. “I don’t want you to go.” His eyes are narrowed, searching Peter’s face. For what, the younger has no idea. Nor does he care. 
“It doesn’t matter what you want, Tony,” he yells, glad that Mom and Dad are out at the grocery store, getting supplies for Tony’s graduation party. His voice cracks on his brother’s name. Always on his name. “Not anymore. I don’t- I know you don’t- Do you know how much it hurts me? To- to hear you? To know, to have to listen to-”
Tony’s mouth opens, but no words come out. “Hear us? You- you heard us? When?” His eyes are wide. He must realize exactly what Peter’s talking about, when he’s talking about, and he looks uncomfortable, vulnerable in a way that Peter’s never seen him before. Something ugly deep inside the younger teen feels satisfied for a moment before it deflates. He’s left feeling just as drained as before. 
Tony continues, “Peter, I-” He cuts himself off, looks away. 
Of course he can’t even come up with something to say.
“For fuck’s sake, Tony, you don’t have to explain everything to me!” It comes out as a sob. Peter feels like he’s a volcano; the words are erupting and he can’t do anything but allow it, powerless to stop them. “Nothing you say will make it better! I know you’re straight! I know it’s- that it’s wrong. I know Pepper is-,” he chokes, gasping. Why is this happening? Everything is going so fast. How is he freezing and on fire at the same time? 
“She’s gorgeous and I’m just the path-th-thetic little br-brother who th-thinks you hung the moon.” Peter’s spluttering, flapping his hands at his sides as he tries to do something with the energy humming inside him. He wants out, he needs Tony to go so that he can finish packing. He has to get out of here. 
Tony takes a step towards him. “No, Peter, how could you-”
Peter’s sniffling, eyes squeezed shut. His hands are clenched into fists at his sides, trembling. Why won’t Tony just leave him alone? He just wants to be alone. “I know I’m ugly and I- I bet you can’t w-w-wait to go to MIT, to go away from me!” 
“Babydoll,” is what leaves Tony’s mouth, so soft Peter almost doesn’t hear it. His hands are shaking as they land on his younger brother’s cheeks. Warm tears are gently brushed away by his thumbs. “Pete.” 
Brow furrowed, Peter slowly opens his eyes and blinks the tears back in order to look at his brother. Tony looks...scared? What does he have to be scared of? 
Peter tries to pull away, out of Tony’s grasp but the older teen just clutches him tighter. “Tony- What? It’s fine, j-just stop! Let me go, I need to finish-”
Tony closes his eyes and crashes their lips together.
don’t hate me 
@spidey-sins @silkystark @thegreenmetblue @snailshome @hp-nv-221b @lemondrop313  
if you wanna be untagged lmk 
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arsenicpanda · 3 years
Just saw your reply to my Bh gifs question, can’t wait then! I’m not a multi shipper so this season has been long lol.
What are your thoughts about Betty talking about how she feels she is addicted to Jughead last episode? I haven’t seen your take on this and I always like to see different takes on those scenes. Not the Bughead part if you don’t want to go there I guess lol, but mostly about Betty’s trauma and her.
Oh yeah, I’m sure this season has been rough if you’re only into bughead, like I do not envy that experience.
For the record, before I start, I haven’t really read anyone’s takes on this, just talked about it with friends, so idk how this fits into the greater discourse outside of some shitposts I've seen. Anyway, let’s head to under the cut:
As for Betty, I think she is peak Not Doing Great, Bob. It’s good that she seems to intellectually know her problem, but not great that she’s doing nothing to fix it. A friend of mine likened the situation to previous versions of Betty being very Batman-esque in her pursuit of criminals and justice, but post-time skip Betty more resembles the more violent Thomas Wayne version of Batman from Flashpoint, and, ok, I don’t know a lot about that version of Batman, but it sounds right from what little I do know. I might bug her into making a post about it sometime, idk. But Betty's attitude and willingness to use violence have really changed--she's much more compulsive about it, and she doesn't fear using violence and how that might be her "darkness" manifesting anymore, and idek when that happened or how or why, although I wish they'd tell us. Like, Betty's at a point where I'm kinda worried she's gonna turn into the Punisher.
But Betty has a very flat affect through that conversation--she has a flat affect in general post-time skip, tbh--and like...I am Worried about her. Every time I think Betty’s reached rock bottom, she takes out a shovel and goes “nah, not far enough down, gotta keep going,” like, bby, please stop. She is very much allergic to emotions this season, just absolutely hates them and wants nothing to do with them, and I am Concerned for her. I also hate her “I should be taking care of my mom” like no!! Betty, it’s not your job to take care of your mother! You have to take care of yourself first, and also you shouldn’t be parenting your mom! God, the fact that this is never presented as a bad thing pisses me off so much.
Anyway, it’s a very interesting conversation because it’s very honest, the most honest we’ve seen Betty be all season, but it’s also very detached, but also very nonjudgmental. Like, s1-4 Betty would have been all !!! about Jughead drinking after the “I’m an alcoholic” reveal, but this Betty just...has no reaction? You could interpret it as either “well, I’m not going to judge the backslide because I'm not doing so great myself” or “ok, I don’t really care”, and I lean toward the former, but I’m not a fan of the fact that the latter is even a possible interpretation.
I am worried that Betty’s emptiness will be attributed to being apart from Jughead because, like...that’s not a great dynamic, if they can’t function as regular humans at all without each other. “We help each other be our best selves because we inspire and help each other”, which previous bughead was, is very different from “without each other we can’t function at all and just kind of suck”, like the former is romantic and the latter is depressing. Idk, it goes back to my beef with this season that everyone is miserable and shittier as people; I think all the characters should have been moderately successful and happy enough, and then when they’re back together it’s like...yeah, this is what makes things the best they can be, this fits more than anything else. The difference between “good enough” and “ideal”, B tier vs SSS tier, basically.
I will say, I’m also not thrilled about the “Betty is addicted to these investigations” thing, because it kind of means that, in order for Betty to live a happy, well-adjusted life, she has to stop investigating stuff, and I think that’s absolute horseshit. Like, it’s an interesting take, sure, but it ultimately has a boring outcome, and therefore I hate it. Like, it would have been more Betty-esque to have Betty struggling to fit herself in the “Perfect FBI Agent” box as a way to prevent her “darkness” from interfering with her job, and then have her realize that that’s not who she is or how she functions and she needs to quit, because Betty’s struggle always includes who she thinks she should be vs who she fears she is vs who she actually is.
I do kinda love broken, dysfunctional bughead though, they’re pretty fun to watch, just two disasters careening through life, that would have been really fun to spend a season watching, but Jughead’s on the mend now, so that’s kind of not on the table anymore, alas.
Ok, that was super ramble-y, but I think I got my thoughts in? Hopefully it makes sense and doesn't jump around too much. Idk, if there’s anything else you want me to cover, just ask.
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xuseokgyu · 2 years
Yes! Only time will tell though if I actually watch his drama though, I have been awful with watching shows lately. Uh basically the rest of 96 line plus Mingyu and Seungkwan are at the top currently. Though Vernon lately.. hmm.
Oh yeah all vocal unit songs are so good. Fav Unit. All My Love is a really good one... Woozi is just very good at lyrics 💞 Pinwheel and Come To Me are probably my fav vocal unit songs. Come To Me has a super cute little dance that goes with it too... and I've been thinking about changing my blog description to be like idk... #1 pinwheel fan, svt pinwheel defender or something. I love that song (and the lyrics) literally so much. Hm for full group tho... lyrics wise the first song I can think of is Without You, I love the verses in that song so much... especially the first one. Ah and then Lie Again... the beginning bit from Jun to Coups, and how the song ties back to I Don't Wanna Cry. When song lyrics reference other songs... I love it. Seventeen has few songs like that. Oh or when lyrics like tell a story...
omg you pinned the ask sorry I took awhile :( I've been busy and oh so tired 😪💤 I did not sleep very well this week... my sleep deprived brain power was being all used up at work lol. Your answer has been sitting in a separate tab on my laptop. I also still need to start on the gift 😬
Um if you could spend a day with your biases what would you do? Individually or as a group.
Cat line is such a good line... I applaud hahahha and true carat dilema right there, many many members claiming a spot
I 100% support that description too hahah Pinwheel is absolutely incredible AND YES songs having connections to others songs is just sooo cool
And no worries about the time!! I pinned more because I knew I I had taken quite a while to answer too (this one as well 🙈) and I know it can get hard to find things, also because tumblr likes to mess with the search feature...
Ok that’s a really good question... I’m really a homey person so really just chilling watching a movie would be soo good, maybe a slumber party where you get more and more sleep drunk and you start to get super silly and have the best time of your life! This can be with my three boys or the whole group; We know these boys can get crazy and they are the funniest people around
Also, karaoke with DK... I would looove to sing with him... I always sing his adlibs in songs the dream
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selflesstwin · 3 years
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Happy birthday, Gi ( @earthssprout )! It’s not your birthday yet but I worked hard on these gifts so I’m posting them early because I’m impatient. When it is officially your birthday, I hope you have a wonderful one. You mean the absolute world to me. You’re one of my best friends on this site and I am so very blessed to have you in my life. Your birthday is a wonderful day to celebrate because it’s the day you began to exist and honestly... That’s such a gift to the world. You’re an amazing friend and I love you so very much. I’m not a very creative person but I wrote you this drabble and made this collage to go along with it. I hope you enjoy both gifts and I hope you enjoy your birthday, too. Thank you so much for being one of my best friends, for being such a supportive person in my life, for making me smile and laugh, for making my day every time we talk. I adore ya! 
Also, don’t mind me tagging these two for good reason: @cryptidiiots & @rxtrase
       “ He’s purposely pissing me off! ” Arms were wrapped around the Hitachiin and a soft kiss was placed on their forehead in order to calm them down. Receiving affection from their boyfriend always helped to soothe them but as quickly as they were tamed, well, they were riled up when their enemy spoke up, “ Is that all that you do? Whine, scream, and run to your brother or boyfriend? ” Oda carefully rearranged some paint supplies as the couple engaged in their little moment. With his back turned to them, Kaoru quickly spun around, ready to say some choice words to the other male... That is until Shuu tightened his hold to keep them back and used one hand to cover their mouth. “ ...You’re cute when you’re like this but shouldn’t we finish your plans? ”
       When that suggestion came up, another voice spoke up, “ Shuu’s right! You both need to shut up and get to work! I’m doing everything here and this wasn’t even my idea! ” Kaoru’s eyes met Momo’s and after feeling a bit more calm, they lightly tapped their boyfriend’s arm so he could release them. Even if the anger lingered, they would resume what they had in mind. But not before mumbling a quick, “ Sure. I get in trouble but he doesn’t. ” They could tell that Oda heard them and knowing that he was probably amused by their childish behavior only annoyed them even more. “ Everything looks awesome. Momo, can you make some final touches? I’m going to grab the cookies from the oven. Love, go pretend that you’ve been asleep with Ari this whole time before she wakes up. And Oda... ” Nothing was said after that which earned them an unamused look. Taking their boyfriend’s hand, they walked back into the manor and immediately went their separate ways. 
       Once in Kaoru’s room, the vampire carefully climbed back into the bed where the small child slept. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to drift off for a moment until he felt the presence of someone watching him. “ Shuu? ” One eye was opened and upon seeing Ari sitting beside him, he finally woke up from his brief nap and sat up. “ Www... Where is Kao? ” Not much was said. After getting out of the bed, he offered his hand for the girl to hold and once she had a good grip on it, he exited the room with her. “ ...Let’s look for them. ” Obviously, he was aware of the big brother’s location but he was instructed to play naive for the plan. Ari didn’t say much as they walked down the long hallway. All that her mind kept thinking was that it was strange that her big brother wasn’t in the room with them. They usually sat at their desk, waiting for them both to wake up from their nap. 
       With the walk being a long one, Shuu decided to pick up the child instead and resumed the rest of the journey to the back of the manor. Ari’s eyes immediately went wide when she realized where they were headed. “ Nnn... No, thank you! Kao sss... says I www... will get lost. ” Right, her older sibling had always instructed her to avoid that specific area because she could wind up losing them. Even if her curiosity got the best of her and she wanted nothing more than to explore, she respected Kaoru’s wishes after they explained their worry about her wandering off alone ( especially in that area ). “ ...You won’t get lost. I’m here. ” His words were comforting but a part of her still worried about going against her brother’s wishes. 
       After they entered, she was immediately put down so she could explore. Her hesitancy made it difficult so she clung onto Shuu’s pants, not wanting to move until he did. As they slowly inched closer to the surprise, Ari released the other and gasped. “ Momo! Oda! ” Not wanting to leave one of her favorite people behind for her two other favorite people, she grabbed Shuu’s hand and did her best to tug him along. Once they reached the blanket, she wrapped arms around Momo who crouched down in order to scoop the little girl into her arms. “ Hi Ari! Did you have a good nap? ” A nod as a response before she turned her head to look at Oda. Seeing that, Momo moved closer to her boyfriend and allowed the other to put a flower in in Ari’s hair. “ Kaoru’s on their way. ” It was easy for him to tell that she would ask that soon. 
       And speak of the devil. Carrying a plate that required two hands, they slowed their steps once they reached the spot. “ Welcome to your Garden Party, Princess Ari! I’ve been planning this for weeks. We’re here because we want to celebrate you. ”
       A Garden Party. Even if Kaoru had the idea, everyone pitched in to make the event even more special. A blanket laid under a tree with two picnic baskets resting on top, containing lunch, drinks, and some snacks. Along with that, the older brother had baked cookies for the celebration as well and placed the plate alongside one of the baskets. Oda had suggested spending some time to paint together so canvases, brushes, and paints were set aside for that. Momo came up with the idea of costumes for dress-up and bubbles so Kaoru made sure to purchase a bubble machine along with buying some costumes for everyone. Shuu had recommended playing some of Ari’s music ( ABBA ) and decorating the area with flowers since that seemed to be her aesthetic, according to him. Finally, Kaoru had prepared the food and drinks, making everything themself and invited all of their little sister’s favorite people. 
       “ What should we do first, Ari? It’s your day. ” Momo looked down at the child’s face ( who still tried to process the whole surprise ). It took a few seconds but once she made up her mind, she decided that they should eat before indulging in any other activities. After all, she had woken up with a hunger. “ Food first! Let’s eat! ” With Momo’s exclamation, they all took their seats on the blanket. Ari gently took a seat on her big sister’s lap, smiling when arms were wrapped around her. Oda sat beside his girlfriend, making sure to place a flower in Momo’s hair as well ( one that would match Ari’s ). Kaoru sat beside their best friend as well, wanting to be sandwiched between one of their best friends, their little sister, and their boyfriend. 
       With all the food handed out, they all took a few minutes to enjoy their lunch. The rest of the day went smoothly as well ( even with Kaoru and Oda having to spend hours together ). The small family had the time to do everything that Ari’s heart desired: painting and with Oda teaching techniques while Ari sat on his lap, creating an adorable masterpiece with her newest friend, then a bubble and dance party where she danced with her big sister and made sure to leave time to dance with Shuu as well, and finally a moment to finally explore the garden with her big brother, not letting go of their hand as they picked flowers and stumbled upon new friends ( little critters and insects ). The day had been perfect and one that she would surely remember forever. 
       When it was finally time to say her goodbyes, she made sure to give lasting hugs to her people. A super tight hug and a small spin with Momo, a more awkward but still heartwarming hug from Oda, a somewhat lazy but lovely hug from Shuu, and as they approached the door to the front of the manor so Ari could go home… Kaoru made sure to carry her the rest of the way. In the car, they never released her tiny hand and once they approached the orphanage, they gave her a hug that lasted for a good while. Saying goodbye for the meantime was always hard but they knew it wouldn’t be forever. “ Did you have fun today, Ari? ” A nod before she exclaimed, “ Yyy… Yes! Thank you, Kao! ” One final embrace and a soft kiss to the top of her head before the siblings had to the part.
       As Kaoru watched her head inside with a guardian, they thought of more fun plans to do with her someday. Maybe a trip to the zoo? Or aquarium? Maybe a beach day? They weren’t sure but they’d decide at a later time. All they cared about was spending time with Ari and making her happy. That’s all that mattered. 
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un0vian · 4 years
Hear me out, SSS Miraculous Ladybug AU?
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oh man you guys have no idea how much I’ve thought about an au like this before
The anon is new, but this has been in the inbox for a while, I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long! Also this kind of takes a general understanding of the show to make any sense!
This is just a HUGE bundle of ideas lmao I’m sorry it’s so disorganized. I’ll put some of the doodles up here and put in a read more for all of my bullet points (I wrote almost 2K words for this hhhh)
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No Pokémon in this AU, and I’m not clever enough to shape the Miraculous after any of them lol.
I think Lance being the Guardian of the Miraculous fits the most.
Lyra becomes the Ladybug Miraculous holder the same way Marinette does, by showing and acting upon her compassion towards someone in need (not the same exact way, considering Lance isn’t nearly as old as Master Fu; she probably saves an old man and Lance notices).
In this AU’s origins I think it would make sense that Giovanni and Silver just moved to Goldenrod from Kanto. Giovanni (obviously) was a part of the crime-world, but found out about the Miraculous and their power, got ahold of the Cat and Butterfly Miraculous, learned of the Ladybug Miraculous’ general location, then decided moving was a good idea. They move into a place like the Agreste mansion (Silver thinks the move is just random btw).
I would say Giovanni holds Silver to high standards like Gabriel does for Adrien. Giovanni has Silver play the Violin and Cello (READ FVAWA!!!), and was probably homeschooled in Kanto. I’ll also say he probably has basic self defense training.
To blend in, Silver becomes enrolled at the same school that Lyra, Kris, and Ethan attend.
Lyra, Kris, and Ethan always try to yoink the back two tables, and every new seating chart the three play Rock Paper Scissors, loser sits alone. Lyra loses and ends up at the table next to the other two with an empty seat.
Their teacher, Professor Elm (I mean, who else would it be?? There’s Oak ofc but eh), introduces Silver to the class and has him sit with Lyra. 
It’s obvious to Lyra that Silver is more socially reserved, but she introduces herself anyway.
Lyra moved from New Bark Town to Goldenrod City early in her childhood (Her and Ethan were childhood friends, Ethan moved to Goldenrod a little before Silver. Kris grew up in Goldenrod). I think it would be cool to keep the Bakery; Lyra’s mom would work there with Lyra helping out a lot.
I’m thinking Lyra could possibly be a model like Adrien, but wayyy on the DL in comparison. She has the right temperament for being in the spotlight (aka not being a flustered mess all the time), hence why she’s so well suited for the Miraculous.
Her passion is writing! Writing poems, speeches, music, all of it. And she enjoys public speaking. She’ll pull out a notebook (or just type on her phone like a sane person) whenever she gets a new idea.
Lyra sings and plays the synth. She plays songs she writes sometimes!
Tikki helps Lyra a lot with her worries about being a Superhero, and is great at giving suggestions and ideas of what Lyra should write if she has a block. Basically usual Tikki being great.
When the first Akuma appeared, Lyra found her Miraculous the same way Marinette did. The difference is when Tikki appeared she was less fearful, and learned about de-evilizing Akumas from the start.
When Ladybug showsed up to stop the Akuma there was no other support. She was able to defeat the Akuma, but damn, what a workout.
Hear me out here, what if there wasn’t an umbrella scene? I’d rather have their feelings for each other grow over time as Silver begins to doubt his father’s reasons for needing the Ladybug Miraculous and reflects on his actions. Besides, Lyra having feelings for Silver in the beginning would be kinda cringe 😬 (@Marinette in the PV smh)
The first Akuma was Giovanni’s way of testing the waters, and confirms that the Ladybug Miraculous is in Goldenrod. The night afterwards he approaches Silver with the Cat Miraculous. Giovanni explains that he needs the Ladybug Miraculous along with the Cat Miraculous to bring Silver’s mother back (which is total bullshit, all he wants is power), and offers him the Miraculous.
And about Silver’s mother; I know there’s a theory about Ariana being his mom, but in this AU (and in general, really) I HC his mother being kindhearted and not part of the mob ahah. (Also same sitch as Adrien’s mom in this AU)
Silver is apprehensive towards the “offer”, but can he really say no? And he does want to see his mom again. So he accepts. Giovanni barely hides the vile smirk on his face and throws in a “I’m proud of you, son” for good measure :/
From then on, Cat Noir shows up to battle Ladybug after an Akuma is de-evilized.
Plagg is somewhere between neutral and good. He’ll (not-so) subtly suggest that Silver should join Ladybug, and point out how much of a dick Giovanni is… but he won’t actively try to stop him because he can’t really do anything about it anyways. Plagg supposes he’ll just have to be patient. And he teases Silver about anything and everything, and his reactions are priceless.
Already having no partner to rely on during Akuma battles, Ladybug is most definitely tired out and has far too many close calls in her battles with Cat Noir. Lyra vents about this to Tikki, and worries about being unable to contact the guardian and request more help.
Lance realizes his mistake after a particularly nasty fight when a stroke of luck saves Ladybug from de-transforming. He introduces himself right after that fight, and apologizes for his oversight.
At this moment I don’t know if it would make more sense to introduce only one more Miraculous holder or two, and if they should be permanent or temporary. I’ll put down my bare-bones ideas for the Miraculous holders anyways.
Ethan - Fox Miraculous, Kris - Turtle Miraculous. I see Kris suiting the Turtle Miraculous because she waits for the right moment instead of jumping right in. I see her as being a great protector compared to Ethan.
Sheesh this is already super long any I haven’t really gotten to the SSS portion 
Slow burn like the show, but in this case neither has a crush for a whiiiile. That part is quite different from the show, but the context is not the same.
Eventually there’s a semblance of a friendship between Lyra and Silver. They got close through sitting at the same table in class and working on different projects together. They also find they both share a love of music.
Anyways, Lyra gets really excited about their friendship and prattles on about it to Tikki.
“Wow, it almost sounds like you like him!”
“Whaaaaat? No!!! He’s just a friend, Tikki!” (Nice Adrien impression, Lyra 😃)
Along the way Silver begins questioning Giovanni’s reasons more and more, but it’s difficult for him to decide whether to keep fighting Ladybug or not because of all the things that could happen. 
Eventually Plagg sits him down and is like:
“You don’t want to fight Ladybug.”
“You have a friend (Lyra) who has made it clear to you that you are welcome in their home, so you would have somewhere to stay if Gio-bitch kicks you out.”
“Ladybug may not trust you at first, but if you explain yourself she may begin to understand, and the act of switching sides paves the path to redemption.”
Then there’s the ol’ switcheroo. During the worst Akuma yet (with Kris and Ethan helping as heroes), Cat Noir is able to get close to the Akuma and Cataclysms the Akumatized object. He flees immediately, thinking it better to show loyalty in small increments pffff
It’s a HUGE shocker to Giovanni. And Ladybug for that matter. Silver already packed a bag and had his violin ready to go, he grabs his things and doesn’t bother staying. He’s a little pissed Giovanni didn’t even try to stop him.
At this point Lyra and Silver like each other, but neither know how the other feels. Silver feels SO awkward about showing up at the Bakery with his stuff and almost turns around when Lyra’s mom (who had a bad vibe about Giovanni in the first place) spots him.
“Do you need a place to stay?”
“You’re lying. Tell me what happened.”
Silver reluctantly explains that he couldn’t stand staying there anymore, and that he had had enough of his father’s shit. So he left.
Lyra’s mom is a bit iffy on letting him stay. Without enough context it seems like Silver is just angry with Giovanni. Silver can tell she doesn’t understand and tries to explain the situation more.
“I… betrayed him. In a way. I’m sure he doesn’t want to see me around for a while.” “I understand. Feel free to stay the night, but you should talk to your father about whatever’s going on tomorrow. If he doesn’t let you back in you’re welcome to stay.”
Lyra shows up moments after, very confused. Her mom explains the gist to her and leaves them alone to talk.
Tikki overhears Silver explain the situation with a bit more detail and becomes suspicious. If Giovanni was Hawkmoth and Silver was Cat Noir, this situation would make a lot of sense. And Silver has the same hair color as Cat Noir (Lyra is obviously none the wiser because Adrien and Marinette be like that). Tikki doesn’t draw solid conclusions (it’s very easily just a coincidence) but she takes a mental note.
I think that’s where I’ll leave it. I’m already delving into so much plot skdjfbfb Anyways here’s a bunch of bonus drawings for sticking til the end!
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