#I know its a bit ooc depending on the characters but i think its cute so
nlelira-vintgesunf · 11 months
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arcann · 1 month
if you don't mind me asking what FFXIV classes do you like in terms of gameplay/fun to actually play versus ones that are fun for the story/characters; taigat related or not
Taigat is canonically a conjurer (... just a conjurer), dragoon, dark knight, red mage and reaper. He won't ever be a ranged dps because he's missing an eye.
My top favorite classes by just their gameplay are reaper, red mage, dancer and sage. I like playing all roles of the triad! They can all be fun but tbh I don't like all classes.
For gameplay, I enjoy warrior very much because it's a no brainer and you can just rush through dungeons without the help of a competent healer esp by level 90. Dark knight and gunbreaker are also very fun but they do requiere more attention. I never adapted to paladin because it feels like a hot mess. It got a rework like a year ago and it's still pretty annoying.
I agree that dark knight is the best job storyline as it is the accepted general opinion. Gunbreaker is nice but too short. Things they tried to explore are explained way better in a different raid mission (Bozja). It also had a random dark knight garlean duskwight villain that came out of nowhere and they said he was as poweful as gaius which was super random and ooc for garleans to recruit a guy like that. Warrior is mid but it takes a turn for the worst when the mentor gets introduced to The Girl tm and they fall in love (heterosexual af despite the girl being a better warrior than him). Paladin is the worst, I know you didn't like the gladiator part and tbh it just introduces more and more annoying characters and very little of it's lore is worth it. They completely leave out ishgardian knights in favor of uldans 💀
I love healing too except maybe astro. It's enjoyable and very pretty but some parts of the rng are annoying and it's always getting reworks. It will probably get another one in dawntrail. Sorry to the people who main it if that happens. Sage is my favorite and I find white mage and scholar very fun too.
I love the white mage's npcs they're very cute to me especially Sylvie and Gatty. E-Sumi-Yan is one of my favorite mentors as well. I've mentioned it before but Taigat ran the whole whm story but only to help Sylvie and the Senna twins. The rest are fine. Just fine. Scholar and Astro give some neat lore tidbits but tbh I'm not that interested in them. Sage has you running around with a sharlayan cop catgirl so several points will be taken off bc of that.
The only caster I like for its gameplay is red mage. I know black mage players enjoy how much freedom they get to make their own rotations but I just don't see it, also it changes a lot depending on the level you're in. Summoner got reworked in ew and now it's a no brainer (Sasha has a lot more to say about these changes, I just didn't experience it when it wasn't like this) and like I get no braining tanking with warrior bc I'm pulling all the heat and still living but. just clicking 5 buttons without worries? While nothing is chasing me? Not for me. Red mage is super fun and sexy. This is a good mix of melee attacks and ranged magic. I wish paladin would approach it a bit but tbh I don't imagine how. Blue mage doesn't really count and I haven't played through it but it feels like a hassle.
Thaumaturge's plot is pretty funny because you see how fucking pathetic those lalafell siblings are. I made it so that Taigat goes through it post ew but just so he can go "you're all freaks i'm stealing something from your house". Dyulgor did the black mage storyline decades before ARR happened. It's interesting and it has a moon keeper conjurer who doesn't trust you and it was cool to think there was still enmity between black and white mages but they kinda ruined him a bit by making him have a crush on our lalafell mentor. Some beast tribe members are also important here but tbh they act to much like caricatures and it's sometimes annoying. Summoner introduces a lot of interesting lore about your relationship with the primals and allag + you hang around with y'shtola's half sister and she's very neat + the ascians are one of the main villains which is unique outside of the msq. The red mage storyline has voidsent and weird implications about getting close to vampirism with this class which gets an automatic 10 from me. The mentor is a really nice catdilf from ala mhigo who fought long ago, before and during the garlean conquest. He's also Alisaie's mentor and he will mention her a couple of times. Blue mage sounds fucking awful and that's all I'm saying.
Dancer has a very unique rotation and even if parts of it are rng based I can't complain because you're mainly support and you're there to buff other teammates. Machinist is fine even if I don't like certain attacks where you have to stand still or else you'll interrupt your attack. Bard's rng is a mess right now and in lower levels your rotation feels very incomplete which is pretty unsatisfying.
Dancer's story is really bad and like gunbreaker, too short to explain anything introduced there well enough. It would have been better to give them something to do in Thavnair. Machinist makes you spend a lot of time in Ishgard and I think that's great but I didn't care much about what happened. I'm glad the mentor kicked nobles' butts though. Archer is kinda rancid bc it's about a racist elezen learning that maybe moonkeepers are people and still being super rude around them. Bard has this two mid looking white guys so ofc there's a section of the fandom that is obsessed with them but I don't care for them. Moogles give you your job stone and they're involved so that is a plus.
Tbh I like all of the melee classes' gameplay. It traumatized me a bit that I wasn't playing dragoon right for a long time but I recovered. I probably don't remember all the rotations that well on account of not practicing lol.
I like Foulques way too much to let him die so like you I make him older and changed his background quite a bit. He does have a competitive relationship with Taigat but after they save him from falling down that cliff they start bonding. If anything Taigat visits him more than anyone at the lancer's guild but I imagine Foulques travels a lot around the Black Shroud so sometimes it's a bit difficult to find him. Dragoon is neat. Just neat. It was fun to see Estinien lose his marbles and swear revenge then several days later going "no no, I'm fine, we're fine. Let's forget that happened." in the msq. Puglist and Monk suck so bad especially that racist historian I hope he drops dead and his wife cucks him. Samurai started really strong but after you reach Kugane it becomes a story of "maybe the oligarchy is there for a reason and everyone who defied them is being too violent ergo worse than it" which. why. why. Rogue is an interesting idea to insert in limsa, which is very much filled with plot holes but having a secret police to keep the pirates in check is neat. Hated that the mentor is just a nod to jack sparrow. I imagine Dyulgor has a huge problem with these guys since he's very friendly with the sahagin and he has killed several of the people sent to investigate him but they can't track the murders back to him, lol, lmao. I don't remember ninja quite well but the main rival was a clown who annoyed me real bad. I'm glad the mentor and his main ally came back for Bozja and got away from that guy.
Y'all know I'm insane about reaper but it did a good job at having a neatly closed story imo. Tbh sage did so too, when compared with gunbreaker and dancer. Maybe they realized by then they would have much less screen time and organized the story beats better.
For dawntrail, viper and pictomancer look extremely unappealing to me right now. Viper seems like samurai but with nothing cool about it and pictomancer looks like something adapted from neopets. Not excited about this at all.
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crunchchute · 5 months
what would u say or reccomend to someone who knows nothin about sonic but is a bit interested in the fandom o_o
hmm thats a tough one! first, it depends on if youre more of a gamer or a watcher - im a watcher so i will look at it from that perspective. im also biased towards modern sonic... so classic sonic media is not my thing, at all.
ive seen a lot of people get into the fandom through the sonic movies! its its own continuity and sort of a one-off thing, so i guess that could be a nice simple start. cons: the movies arent perfect, and you might get caught up in the human lore instead, like me over here. but you get to experience the cutest sonic ever so, win?
if you dont mind kids audience focused media, the sonic prime show coming out currently (new season tomorrow!) is also pretty cute, But everyone is a bit ooc there!! so im not sure if its good for the first watch? sonic is a tad dumbed down, everyone else is an alternate version of themselves, except shadow, he has like the best writing Ever here. my opinion but i think many would agree...
if youre not a serious person, you could go my route and get into the fandom through sonic boom - i started watching it because i was also a bit interested in the fandom but the games were too overwhelming (and i really suck at them, honestly) boom is also like an AU for sonic, but its hilarious (if that sort of humor is your thing)
if you wanted to read - i would recommend the IDW sonic comics, specifically the 2018 one. gorgeous artwork, has its own story, introduces really cool new characters but also focuses on the main cast. im not caught up on the current story but i read the zombot part and it was really fun.
sonic boom also has a comic, you could check that out before watching the show to get a taste of the humor (its not taking itself seriously At All, and i love it)
if you wanted to check out the games, i guess sonic mania and sonic adventure 1 and 2 are probably the best to go with? i only played SA2 myself and i failed miserably, but you could emulate any of the older games on pc easily. or find a streamer/youtuber you like, maybe they played sonic before :] frontiers also has good reviews but as a true sonic fan, i havent played it myself 😌 (the sountrack is all bangers tho. honestly, sonic as a franchise has like the best music ever, i think the only franchise that is on the same level for me is homestuck and undertale when it comes to music, but they got fucking kellin quinn and one ok rock on this. unreal)
honorable mention: snapcube sonic dubs. literally, go watch 2006 sonic real time fandub, it was one of the things that also tipped me over to fully explore the fandom, i kid you not
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rosietrace · 7 months
Victoria Shard — Thoughts on Felicitas Leya
Second half of this ask for UiO >:)
Character Featured: Victoria Shard
Mentioned: Felicitas Leya(@authoruio), Malleus Draconia, Zenith Devi
Warning(s): Vic being the Malleus hater of all time™, Feli having to put up with Vic's hatred of him 💀, Zen being Zen /j, potentially ooc
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
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“Lili…. She has a strong sense of justice that I admire. She does things in her own way, and I find that admirable of her, as well — even if her temperamental nature can be a bit… Much.”
— Victoria Shard
Non-verbal Thoughts
「 General Thoughts 」
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Victoria enjoys Felicitas’ company, and vice versa.
➜ They both have a sense of justice that they want to fulfill, for varying reasons. But where Felicitas is keen on upholding justice in its entirety…. Victoria is, to say the least, only choosing to uphold it when it’s convenient for her.
➜ She finds amusement in Felicitas' cut-throat nature. In a way, Victoria respects someone who can hold their own and stands up for what they think is right.
↳ (Even if, at the end of the day, they both have different ideals.)
➜ Felicitas respects her. At times, she questions Victoria as a person, but is quick to remind herself of one fact: “The Fae’s sense of morality is different from a mortal’s.”
↳ Although, it seems to not be the case for Vic... Sort of
➜ After learning of what kind of woman she is, Felicitas wasn't surprised to find out Victoria's worst class was morality, of all classes.
➜ Victoria ensures that Felicitas doesn't have to worry about ‘too much’ makeup on her face. Seriously, her makeup skills are so good, it kinda scares Felicitas.
➜ They both have a shared interest in fencing/sword-fighting! It's possible that the two of them could spar together if they so desired!
➜ Funny how Felicitas broke her own rule of not befriending anyone from Pomefiore. Look how that turned out, huh. Blew up on her face!
➜ Victoria knows of Felicitas’ love for cute things, just as much as the latter knows about her love of pastries. (Specifically chocolate)
➜ I like to think that Felicitas likes listening to Vic's singing, from time to time. Not even singing, just- Hearing her hum some random melody is enough to put Felicitas at ease. To Felicitas, Victoria's voice is soothing and oddly nostalgic.
「 Interactions 」
❐ They could've met through an assembly for the third years! No one really knows. They kinda just…. Hang out, with no clear origins of how they met.
➜ Back then, and even now, Victoria was interested in the kind of person Felicitas was (and still is). To put it simply: She wants to inspect her with a microscope and pick her brain for any useful information.
➜ They both bond over not liking the bitter taste of…. Well, bitter chocolate /j
➜ Woo! They're both much more adept in cold temperatures! Good for them!
➜ It depends whether or not Felicitas is aware of Victoria's manipulative ways. More likely than not, yes, but for the most part? Felicitas mostly knows Vic as being cold-hearted and distant with too much ambition for her own good.
➜ They both treat each other with mutual respect and see one another in high regard. Zen wouldn't call them super close, but they're definitely up there!... Probably!
➜ Tea parties (less of a party and more of a ‘Tea session’) are a regular thing for them. Conversations are rather long-term, but that's mostly attributed to Victoria.
➜ Why? Simple answer: Malleus Draconia. Felicitas, like everyone else in NRC, is well aware of the woman's hatred for the abyssal prince, and kinda just…. Let's Vic do most of the talking during those kinds of conversations.
↳ At times, Felicitas wonders if Vic loves or hates Malleus, from how much she talks about him 😭
➜ I'd say that Felicitas also gets along with Zen! At least, mostly. Maybe not as close as Vic, but she definitely thinks neutrally/positively about Zen! (She's a bit concerned about his obsession with Vic and Malleus, though 💀)
➜ If Felicitas ever tried bringing that up with Vic, the latter would just- Deny all claims of ever being romantically interested/involved with Malleus. Welp, whatever helps her sleep at night ig /j /j
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singular-braincells · 4 years
i just wanted to thank all of y'all for nearly 100 followers and i'll probably do something special for it (maybe a Q&A? idk come up with something dw)
school is dumb and i hate it here stressing about college applications is also wack
i've always wanted to try my hand at the fluff alphabet so i hope this isn't too ooc or bad
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kageyama tobio A-Z fluff alphabet
[a]ctivities: what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?
kageyama would absolutely love love love to play volleyball with you. it doesn't matter if you're a professional or don't know what a recieve is, if you show interest in playing it with him he will be just so over joyed (of course without showing it very much)
his favorite thing to do with you that's not volleyball is going out for hikes or walks in the park. just being able to go outside and enjoy the weather is a good stress reliever for him. you two don't even have to talk very much. if you want to ramble about your day or about the latest tv show you've watched, he's gonna listen but if you want to just be together and walk in silence he's totally down for that too.
[b]eauty: what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?
one physical trait kageyama likes is your voice. he would love your voice no matter what. if you're one to talk about anything and everything he is low-key relieved because he cannot carry a conversation for the life of him but if you prefer a comfortable silence he's down for that too.
a personality traits he admires is patience. he knows he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed and isn't one to pick up hints easily. so if you bare with him and help him maneuver through life and its obstacles he will definitely fall harder for you
[c]omfort: how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
to be honest, I can see Kageyama not knowing what to do the first time his s/o has a panic attack or feels awful. he's just very inexperienced with relationships in general, but he's gonna try to do some research and ask his upper classmen teammates for help. the second time it happens he'll be there for you. he is gonna provide all the physical and emotional support that he can.
[d]reams: how do they picture their future with their s/o?
once he has a stable schedule, kageyama sees the two of you living in a large condo home living the domestic life. making breakfast together on days that the two of you have off, movie nights with popcorn and tea, doing cosmetic face masks together (despite Kageyama having the clearest skin known to mankind), and just being able to take the time to cherish one another.
[e]qual: are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
at the beginning of the relationship Kageyama's gonna be more passive just because he a) doesn't want to accidently hurt you and b) he does not have the slightest clue what to do in a relationship. as the relationship goes on he's gonna be a little bit more dominant, but he will always ask to do something (like ask to give you a hug or for kisses etc. because he is a polite boy 😤)
[f]ight: would they be easy to forgive their s/o? 
it honestly depends on what the who's at fault. if you're clearly at fault kageyama is gonna expect you to apologize and own up to it, but if he's the one at fault he will apologize as soon as he realizes it. he doesn't want to lose you in some dumb argument so he'll quickly and sincerely apologize, though it might take just a little bit of time for him to realize.
[g]ratitude: how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
kageyama is super duper duper grateful for all that you do for him. waiting for him to come home at night with late practices, him leaving at dawn for early practice, all of it. he doesn't know how to verbally say "thank you so much for all that you do I don't know where I'd be without you" but he'll show it through actions. he's gonna get you a cute little trinket he sees at the airport when he's away or gets you that thing you've been looking at for some time without you realizing.
[h]onesty: do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
Kageyama doesn't share too much, only if you ask. he's not very good at opening up and he's very scared of abandonment. just be patient with him and let him open up at his own pace. he'll tell you everything just not at all once
[i]nspiration: did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? like trying out new things or help them overcome their personal problems?
he's become more aware of how to talk to people and the general aura he gives off. he’s learned to be vulnerable around you, to lean on you, and love you. it scares him that on any day you could pack your bags and leave him, never looking back. he’s scared of making mistakes and ultimately destroying the most wonderful thing that the two of you have so sometimes he overthinks every action. you’ve taught him to go with the flow, that it is okay to mess up. mistakes happen and that is okay. you’ve soothed and ease the insectuities that kageyama has. he can’t thank you with words because he’ll stumble and stutter but he can thank you with a gentle hand squeeze and a hug that conveys “I don’t ever want to let you go” 
[j]ealousy: do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
again, baby boy kags has abandonment issues from Junior high so he's gonna be at least a little bit jealous, but not to worry! he trusts you 100 percent to make the right choices and to be loyal. he wouldn't really get that jealous unless someone was blatantly flirting with you. you notice his jealousy when he gives off the iciest glare to whoever is flirting with you. unless you look visibly uncomfortable he won't step in since he knows you can handle yourself. but if you needed him to step in, he would in a heartbeat. he deals with his jealousy by pouting at you and glaring at the other person until you give him all the affection he wants.
[k]iss: are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?
there is a 100 percent high chance that Kageyama has never been in a relationship before, let alone kissed someone. he's gonna be very inexperienced so if you take the lead until Kageyama feels more comfortable with it he'll be grateful. but fyi this boy learns and he learns fast don't worry ;)
your first kiss was an accident (i know cliché but hear me out). the two of you were sitting together shoulder to shoulder studying for midterms. you were aiming to give kageyama a kiss on the cheek for getting a question correct on his literature homework, but he moved his head towards you to ask you something about a certain kanji character and bam. that was your first kiss. 
[l]ove confession: how would they confess to their s/o?
kageyama would do the cliché "stick a note in your locker asking you to meet after school on the roof top" but would either fuck it up by a) messing up some kanji so it's unreadable and confusing, b) make it sound like a threat, or c) both. how he wrote it is option c.
you ended up going to the rooftop of the school out of curiosity and you see the dark haired boy standing there with a strawberry milk carton, bag of steamed buns, and a single rose (fun fact: the karasuno boys vbc made him get all of those things because let's face it this boy is hopeless with gifts).
as soon as you meet his gaze, his face turns red in record time. he adorably stutters out that he's got the biggest crush on you and you can't help but accept his heartfelt confession.
[m]arriage: do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the marriage be like?
he would totally want to get married. he'd propose to you at a really really serenic place at night either at like a picnic at the beach or under the night sky on your condo balcony. your wedding would be small private with just your friends and family. the marriage would just be your relationship before y'all got married just now y'all share a bank account.
[n]icknames: what do they call their s/o?
at the beginning of your relationship, he was used to pet names but as he got comfortable in your relationship he uses some of them. the most common ones he uses are things like "honey", "love", and "babe"/"baby"
[o]n cloud nine: what are they like when they are in love? is it obvious for others? how do they express their feelings?
tobio makes it painfully obvious that he has a crush. he's never experienced these feelings before so he doesn't really know how to handle them so it's very obvious to others that he has a crush (even if he doesn't know himself). the longing glances, the flushed cheeks, the spacing out, the stuttering, it's really really obvious to tell if he's infatuated with someone.
he doesn't really express his feelings very well but he does express it by walking you home after school or after his practice, getting you your favorite drink from the vending machine, and just showing he cares in small ways.
[p]da: are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag about their s/o in front of others? or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
kageyama is definitely more reserved when presenting his relationship. he won't go sucking off your face in front of people, but he doesn't mind the small gestures like hand holding and settling his hand on your waist.
when the two of you first got together, he kept it a secret from his team for months until hinata accidently saw the two of you kissing in the closet. it was only then when kageyama decided to announce to the team that the two of you are dating.
[q]uirk: some ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
okay, he is a god at massages and other things with his hands ;))))). so if your back aches from sleeping weird or sitting at a work desk for too long he will gladly give you a quick massage to relieve some of the pain. because of this you learned some massage methods and tricks to help tobio out when he comes from practices sore.
[r]omance: how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliché or rather creative?
he's not very romantic himself, but he'll do anything he can to make his s/o happy. most of the things he'll do will either be corny and cliché as hell or they'll be super thoughtful and unique. it honestly depends on who he asks for advice (hint: nishinoya and tanaka are cheesy as hell so do what you want with that info)
[s]upport: are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
he will support you all the way with your dreams and goals like you've supported him with his professional volleyball dreams. he can't help you much with writing essays or calculating certain equations, but he'll try his best to give you all the emotional support you need to achieve your dreams.
[t]hrill: do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? or do they prefer a certain routine?
i think he'd be more of a routine sort of person, but if you want to do something new he will give it his best shot. he'll do anything to make you happy and who knows, maybe he'll discover something new about himself.
[u]nderstanding: how good do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
when it comes to your niche habits and things you like, he knows them like he knows the back of his hand. y'all saw how fast he memorized those lil volleyball signals, he unconsciously memorized all these small little details about you.
when it comes to being empathetic, he's got the right idea but he's going to come off a little off. the best way to get your feelings across to him is by straight up telling him. he'll learn to notice the small signs you give off when something is off.
[v]alue: how important is the relationship to them? what is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life
he will value your relationship like he values volleyball. he takes most of his relationships seriously so expect him to put the most effort he can. he'd expect you to do the same.
[w]ild card: a random fluff headcannon.
he saw you taking care of your friend's three year old son once. the way you were so doting and motherly towards him made his heart go doki doki. he realizes how much of a good parent you'd make and after that, he sometimes has cute domestic fantasies about having children with you.
[x]oxo: are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
kageyama is not very affectionate in public, but in private he will be all over you. he's just more comfortable being cutesy and vulnerable in private with you. he will give you cute forehead / head kisses, snuggle you while the two of you sleep, hold your hand while you're doing laundry, and put his chin on your head while you do the dishes. he's just more baby in general when at home away from the public.
[y]earning: how will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
when kageyama misses you he will look at old pictures the two of you have taken together or pictures he has taken of you when you asked him to over the years that you've been together. these get him through some of the more lonelier times when he's away from you due to volleyball competition. he'll hold a pillow trying to pretend it's your warm self, but it doesn't work too well in the end.
[z]eal: are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind?
kageyama is willing to do whatever he can for your relationship. as long as you're his anchor in the storm and treat him with kindness, he's willing to move mountains for you. he just loves you very much and will do any action to prove it to you again and again.
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tsukuyomi-e · 4 years
31 days AU challenge
That may interest some people here, so I’ll copy paste my custom prompt list I did for Inktober 2019 ! :)
Hello ! I didn't know what to draw for Inktober and didn't want to do the official list... I didn't find any list I'd like to do (maybe I'll do a goretober someday), but I felt like drawing some alternate universe, so I did my own list ! So feel free to use it, just don't forget to credit me and notice me, so I can see what you drew ! Or what your wrote, you're free to do it in any media you want :D Also you're free to do it with one and only character or with 31 different characters, or more if you draw several characters a day, or less if you draw a character multiple times :) You can do it with your characters or a character from a show/anime/manga etc :) (If you want to use someone else's character, ask permission before !) And of course you can use it for any 31 days challenge, and not only for Inktober :D And if you can’t finish it or keep up the pace, it’s okay, you’ve done your best, so stop or take your time and continue later or slowlier ! :) If your character already have an official version of an AU, stick to the official version or do your own ! If your character canonically fits to one of these AUs (so it's not an AU anymore...), you have solutions : - Draw its normal version - Have a free space and choose an AU that is not on this list - Do one of the AUs on this list twice, differently if possible - Stick with the trope but do it different as the normal one - Do the opposite of the trope - Any other solution I didn't think of, this prompt list doesn't really have rules ! So here is the list ! 1 - Different hairstyle Longer, shorter, curly, straight, tied, untied, braided, shaved... You can also have fun with facial hair ! 2 - Butler/maid If it doesn't fit your character or feel too outdated, feel free to draw them as a cafe waiter or a bartender instead :) 3 - Artist Your character is now an artist, be it a musician, a painter, a photographer, an actor... Draw them in action, do they do it alone or are they famous ? 4 - Pokemon Draw them with a pokemon that would fit them, or even with a whole pokemon team ! You can draw them as a pokemon trainer if you want, or they can stay with their usual outfit. If you're really not familiar with Pokemon, you can still draw a cute scene with a Pikachu, or at least search a pokemon with a type, with a color, or based on an animal that would fit them. If you really don't know, I can help you :) 5 - Mermaid/Merman Of course you're not forced to stick to fishes, you can mix a human with any aquatic creature if you prefer. 6 - Younger or older / Future or past 7 - Japanese traditional clothing If being a ninja, a samurai, or a geisha would fit your character, it's time ! But Japan is not only those cool types of characters, you can just dress them in a simple yukata, or choose an elaborated type of kimono from a precise era ! 8 - Modern There are other modern AUs in this list, but what would they usually wear if they lived in our world ? 9 - Hot springs More a situation than an AU... But still pretty cool, and depending on the world your chracter is from, they may not have an easy access to it ;) 10 - Angel/Demon Choose one... Or do a mix ;) If your character is already one, it's time to switch ! Unless you want to keep this option for role reversal and race reversal days ^^ 11 - Role reversal/change If you draw, that may be quite difficult to show, so if possible change their looks in consequence. Try not making them too much OOC (there is an OOC AU later), though this change may affect a bit their personality. If you don't have ideas, just make them changes sides, heroes become villains. 12 - Pirate 13 - Suit Be it for an office worker, for a CEO, for an important party/dinner, for a marriage, for a crime syndicate leader... Make them wear it ! Of course for girls (or crossdressers~) it can be a women suit or a pretty dress, any way it's formal wear, choose for which occasion ! 14 - Cosplay Your character dressed as any other character, be it from its show or another ! 15 - Animal As an actual animal, as a furry if you prefer, or with animal parts only like ears, tail, wings, scales... Be careful with this last one, because there are mermaids, werewolves, angels and demons and yôkais days ! Or you can draw them with a pet if you prefer. 16 - Genderbend 17 - Chinese traditional clothing 18 - Sports Your character as an athlete ! If they already do a sport, you can make them do a different one ! 19 - Cross-over Your character is now in any other show world you know ! What would their role be, their powers, their outfits... That's different from the cosplay category, because they would have their own outfits and would have been born in this world :D 20 - Vampire 21 - Tattoo Add them a tattoo. If they already have one or some, add them more, or erase them or change their design ! 22 - Military 23 - Beach Swimsuits time ! 24 - Medieval fantasy European medieval times, but you can add magic ! Your character can be from any fantasy race or any role-playing game class you want ! 25 - Werewolf 26 -  Race reversal/change If there is only one race in their universe, draw them as any race from any fictive universe you know :) Or, because with races I mean humanoïds with different powers/abilities, if there is only one race but with different powers between individuals, you can just change their powers :) 27 - Arabian traditional clothing 28 - School Your character as a student, or as a teacher if you want ! 29 - Sci-fi That's pretty large ! But you can draw them as experiments, as zombies, as aliens, as cosmonauts, as cyborgs, as mecha pilots, or mecha itselves, in an intergalactic war, in a devastated world... You have choice ! 30 - OOC Out Of Character. You're not forced to make your character act the exact opposite he usually does, but make him act unusually ! This is the place if you want to draw you character as a tsundere, a yandere, blushing, shy, cold, crual, cute, afraid, badass, agressive... Or you can even give him another character's personality, and/or adding a body swap AU ! 31 - Yôkai Japanese monsters. You have a lot of choice but most famous ones are kitsune, tanuki, kappa, baku, bakeneko/nekomata, yûrei, oni, tengu... Don't forget, let me know if you plan to do this list !
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xmarksthescott · 4 years
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scottemma ajndskmf to the shock of no one it’s literally my main ship on here @diamvnd​ feeds me that good content(tm). im quite fond of scottjean too.
most things especially if we know each other ooc. i love aus and plotting. i just won’t do anything that crosses uncomfortable boundaries.
scott is 33 so u know. no one young enough to be his kid/the same age as his kids or his students. late 20s/early 30s is probably the ideal age. 
I FEEL LIKE u just know?? the dialogue shifts as does the prose itself. probably once clothes are beginning to get removed then i’ll put it under a read more. but it does depend.
aside from emma it’s jean mostly....lol. scottsteve can be cute n so can scottwarren. scott/felicia is cute.  i love scott/carol too a lot.  i love my scott/sue storm ship on this blog...
ughhhhh im kinda into scott/abigail because of that one au ????? but only in that secret wars au because i love the idea that 616 scott and abi would fkin never and also b horrified. also scott and colleen wing im STILL on them. 
tbh i mostly just like scott with people who can support him/understand him. he’s difficult and he bounces very well off people who can handle that and challenge him to be open.
ahsdjfn yeah in some form or another because im a moron and i cant tell unless u spell it out. 
I MEAN. i’ve got the biggest space in my heart for scottemma but i’ve never hid it asjdnmk. i also post a lot of scottjean. but im also into exploring all kinds of different dynamics besides romance.  i think atm i have....3 active ships? i just get very into the few i have. 
scottemma lmao ! 
just ask me or send a meme. plot with me. i’d prefer if we’ve written a bit but with some characters he has history with?? its easier to create chemistry so i dont mind less work behind the scenes.
TAGGED BY: i stole it :)))))) TAGGING: u
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splitsuit-moved · 4 years
Send me a url and I'll answer the following;;
Opinion on;  @defectiveanarchy
Character in general: Seeing Anti from the sidelines one could say the muse is cool and nasty all around, and I bet you’re proud of that. Working hard on how your threads read and sing, reading them I always catch myself breathing and reading up and down how those stressed words bubble and bounce. He’s a real rotten guy, I feel as if he is a young god yet I am almost certain you and maybe anyone else see him completely different. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all ! Anti is not your average villain, nor is he the incompetent kind. . . He’s that ethereal kind that is unworldly and cryptic. So much more than just a glitch  
How they play them: The way Anti’s icons fit with the formatting and dark text makes everything feel like a thriller, and depending on the subjects it feels like a great book or even a movie. It feels like dark themes and a bright rage, you make it feel as if I were standing right in front of him and I was in some serious danger. You’re hush-hush on tumblr sometimes, but I think with a muse you know so well and have your own lore behind one may feel. . . there can always be more but just do not know what
The Mun: I love Jaunty, we talk on discord a lot more than tumblr. I wish we talked more OOC but throwing cute faces back and forth can only go so far. Maybe you just have a lot on your mind or jumping between DMs and just unsure of what else to say. But that doesn’t detour me from trying when I can. I can honestly say I trust you though we may not always meet eyes nor hearts
Do I:
RP with them: Yes. . . Perhaps on tumblr we leave hearts on our shared posts when we finish one reply deep, I save the asks you answer rather than try to reply back with something hopefully witty, saucey, or rage-inducing but we know why and I won’t push that 
Want to RP with them: I do. Though what we have going back and forth for. . . literal years is amazing and I would never change it, you bring out a softer muse to me via discord but there and tumblr muse are far different and I wish to share that with you, I wish to see Anti in a more serious scene but perhaps that is just not your cup of tea with us, and I wouldn’t push that either
What is my;
Overall Opinion: In my eyes, you’re a lot more open than I am. I think its that fire inside you that keeps me drawn to you and sometimes I feel as if I blow that away and so I keep a distance for a little bit until I feel the tides had settled. Our friendship sounds complicated but I’ll always adore you as long as you’re here 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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co27 · 5 years
yr thots on nova and ottos relationship pls :)
OH GOD.. OH SHIT ok i know u just said their relationship but i know damn well u mean ottova so (fucking GETS you)
i ws gonna answer the sparx/gibson ask but i am a spite-fuelled being. im so sorry anon
literally every bit of fan content ive seen for it has been better than canon. however, i cannot even begin to bring myself to enjoy it, because of how inherently ooc it is. i like GIBOVA more than ottova because of how repulsed i am by ottovas in-show writing.
like. let me ask you one thing: what is special about otto and novas relationship? what kind of romantic chemistry do they have? what do they bring to each others metaphorical tables that they find appealing and unique?
the answer to all of that is nothing! NOTHING!!!!!
antova has more chemistry based on ONE EPISODE (snowbound) than ottova does in the entire god damn show. i could go on abt how antova has a slight power imbalance just because of how high regard nova holds antauri, but thats irrelevant atm
ottovas entire romantic chemistry revolves around nova sometimes acting like an exasperated big sister to otto, and her sometimes complimenting him and him blushing in return. its LAZY.
otto and novas dynamic changes nearly episode-by-episode. sometimes theyre teammates who trust each other a lot, as the respective foot cruisers, who support each other in battle and support each other emotionally. although, to be fair, name one time otto actually supports/helps nova in a way thats unique to her rather than something hed realistically do for any of is teammates 🤔🤔🤔
but then... sometimes shes the exasperated more ‘mature’ girl who reigns in his antics, who acts maternally and still.... is the one with more responsibility in the relationship, who does more and picks up his slack.
but phineas, you cry! how is this different from sparx and novas relationship, or gibson and ottos, both of which you love!
simple: the reasons behind their dynamics, and how those dynamics are integrated into the show.
sparx and nova are the traditional insufferable guy and feisty gal. HOWEVER, they have a lot of respect for each other, and are on EQUAL FOOTING: sparx pokes back when nova teases her- when she gets tired of his antics, it isnt her having to reign him in like with otto, its the two of them bickering with each other. their romance is well-done because it shows they care about each other underneath the bickering and that they trust each other- they would do ANYTHING for the other, they dedicate a lot of time and attention to each other, they even spend their downtime together.
gibson looks down on otto because of his own issues- he looks down on EVERYONE. gibsons arc involves learning that he doesnt HAVE to be the smartest, that there are things he doesnt know and has room to learn, and to stop being a condescending motherfucker accept that hes no better than the rest of the team. his relationship with otto as it grows and changes is a great way to show it- by the end of the series, he and otto are GOOD FRIENDS- they trust each other, and gibson holds a lot of fondness and respect for him.
what nova and otto offer to each other is very one-sided, and even then, nothing they would do for each other is unique or special. nova trusts him because hes her teammate, and she respects his engineering skills because hes a fuckin mechanical WIZARD. otto cares about nova because shes compassionate to him and shares his more sensitive side. nothing more, nothing less. their dynamic doesnt change meaningfully or reflect their character arcs. hell, their dynamic changes literally depending just on what the rest of the team is doing at any given moment.
i LOVE their friendship, really! i think its cute and i love their more tender moments together. them being the legs of the robot being a metaphor for them holding up the team, emotionally? brilliant! but god DAMN does their romance sour it for me!
i SEE the appeal, really! their friendship IS nice! but the way their “”romance”” is written in the show is just... SO painfully lazy and dull, i literally can never get myself behind it.
tl;dr their romance is SO basic and boring. theres absolutely nothing remotely compelling about it, and while theyre CERTAINLY amazing friends to each other, they are absolutely nothing more. u think nova getting with the insufferable pilot who secretly cares is bad? try her getting with a guy who she has literally never treated as anything more than a little brother. (beats the shit out of canon ottova)
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Lucio Headcanons
This is simply because it suddenly popped into my mind, so they’re not like super fleshed out, but I can definitely build upon it and tweak and refine it to however fits his character jfkdsfjkdsj!!! 
Also please,, let me know if its super ooc because its spleepy hours for me plus I wanna get a more of a handle on his character as well as perhaps develop him in plausible, reasonable ways more so!
When he first displayed a deep interest in animals and taking care of them, he wasn’t quite the most informed in exotic species, but most definitely knew some sort about the ones native to his tribe! 
As well as some from the areas in which he partook mercenary jobs in!
At one (1) point, as Count he entered the library in an attempt, to somehow learn a bit more about different exotic species!
Didn’t exactly work out, especially if some were in different languages in which he isn’t quite fluent in, or even had any knowledge in!
Not always a reading man, think it really depends on who he’s with and his level of patience on that day.
(I think if the Apprentice likes to read, there might be a soft scene in which they convince him to read with them, and he finds he enjoys this much more than he initially thought)
I think truly though, what with his genuine interest and love for animals, Nadia would help to a certain extent with searching the library!
She would try to show him just how, to look through archives and was gonna teach him how to return the books back to their place but y’know it didn’t quite work out.
Though occasionally she will simply stop when he begins to complain about the dust of the library, and how long it was taking.
While the library experience didn’t work entirely, he probably learned more about animals through experience and in person interactions!
Likes to believe that all animals like him, he’s absolutely destroyed and borderline offended/appalled when an animal runs away or doesn’t like him.
When he first adopted the puppers, one of his favorite things about them is how luxurious their fur are, plus their long boye snouts, but as puppies?? They’re so cute, they are puppies obviously! But they’re so large?
When he first started working on his menagerie, I like to think Camio had a few other bird friends, but had imprinted of Lucio enough that he chilled with him at the palace!
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
skyrim, atla, detective pikachu, lotr
hi, i’m blue! reposting because my gmail has been just… completely off the chain. no idea why. it keeps eating my messages so i’ve moved onto another email account! if we were in contact and i randomly stopped responding, hit me up again at my new email so we can continue! i’m looking to roleplay strictly oc x oc in skyrim, fallout, a:tla, detective pikachu, or (NEW ADDITION!) lotr.
  ‣in my early twenties, i only roleplay with those who are 18+. ‣i’ve been roleplaying on and off for about nine or ten years. ‣third person, past tense. my length tends to mirror my partners and varies depending on the scene at hand, but i spitball around 400-500 words at the minimum. my first few messages tend to be rather lengthy especially since i used to write novel style, so hopefully you aren’t put off by that! don’t be put off by my typing style rn, i type way casual ooc compared to when i actually write. ‣i’m only looking to rp M/M at the moment! ‣doubling’s fun but not required. if we do it, i’m down for two M/M relationships. orrrr maybe M/M and F/F if you’d rather. my preferences go M/M, F/F, and then M/F, but i’m crazy picky about M/F so i’m not really looking for it right now. ‣smut is just fine by me, but hard pass if you play a strict role in bed. like… hard pass. the hardest. (won’t do: pedophilia/anything with underage characters, toilet play incest, rape, bestiality, mpreg, abuse, dom/sub.) ‣i write adult characters and expect you to do the same.
  ‣skyrim**. yes, i know fallout is way more popular when it comes to roleplaying, and i really can’t blame anyone lol. i’ve been playing tons of skyrim lately and would really love to rp it, but i never see anyone looking to write in the skyrim universe so hopefully this isn’t a shot in the dark. :( no plot in mind, so we can come up with something together! i like the idea of a mismatched pairing, like a completely random normal person with someone with a very important or intense status (dragonborn, noble, hardcore brotherhood assassin, surviving snow elf, etc) since i think it’s cute. ‣atla***. making our own avatar and merry band of an avatar team would be fun. i have an avatar character already in mind, but it’s more than negotiable if you’d either prefer i play a different character as the avatar or if you’r rather take on the role! either pre-aang or post-korra, though i do kind of prefer post-korra since it’s new territory entirely. i’ve got a few vague plots we can run over together and bring to fruition or brainstorm something entirely new. i’ve had some super promising atla rps in the past that never really went anywhere, so i’d love to really get into things. or if avatar action isn’t your thing, that’s fine too. we can take on roles separate from the avatar side of the setting with just regular benders and/or nonbenders. ‣detective pikachu**. yes i’m aware that it’s kind of a weird differentiation from regular old pokemon, but what can i say, detective pikachu sunk its metaphorical claws into me. it was fun seeing a different spin on the pokemon world that’s more grounded in real life! not so sure about the plot or setting, but i think it’d be fun to have it in ryme city or in a new location we make instead of an in-game location. since this is set in (relative) real life, face claims are very good but not required. ‣lotr***.  bit of an outlier to the ones above! i binged the lotr movies on netflix in a bout of frustration to unwind after my email mishap and it’s never occurred to me to roleplay lotr before, let alone with ocs, but i’m actually very into the idea! i’ve been mulling over characters and plot ideas, so i’d really love it if someone were game to write ocs for this.
  my email is [email protected] now!
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ofbesaid · 5 years
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
i don’t write it myself too often, but my otp for yuna will always be tiyu!!!!! can’t ever have too much tuna t b h
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
honestly, i’m willing to roleplay most things. as long as both muns are aware of the content they’re writing and understand why they’re doing it and it’s not for like... weird reasons. there are definitely topics that i’d be iffy about actually writing myself, things like non-con and such!
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
to give a bit of context, yuna in canon married seymour when she was 17 and he was 28. that’s 11 years of a gap. yuna was forced to marry seymour, bcus he threatened to kill her friends. but also, keep in mind... that when seymour first proposed it, she was ~sorta~ considering it. bcus it was more of like a marriage out of duty for the people of spira, a distraction. but this doesn’t mean she was comfortable with it on her own accord lol!!!! i would also want to take a look at the marriage conventions of spira. people were dying left and right, without warning. i would say their thoughts as to how much time they had left to live their lives was a bit messed up, wouldn’t you agree (see: cid telling rikku she needed to have kids.......)? also, yuna... had already decided she would sacrifice her life to save spira, so what’s a marriage to seymour gonna be compared to that? at least the spirans would have something to be happy about... ok but i digress lol!!!! a n y w a y, depending on the verse and context, anything more than 7 years would be uncomfortable. if yuna is 18 or older in a modern verse, she will not date anyone who’s a minor.
Are you selective when shipping?
honestly, i’m not. LMAO in theory, i could ship yuna with too many muses. however, even though i enjoy the idea of yuna and “insert muse here”, doesn’t necessarily mean my yuna will be down with it or the chemistry is lacking. even if i wanted it to work, if it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t fit. also, i find it easier to ship with others who like to talk about the ship ooc as well. it’s hard if i have a lot of things to say about a ship but my partner doesn’t reciprocate that same energy. it’s like i’m that spongebob meme where he’s holding the water or something and his face is small and is like “oh okay” :( i hate feeling annoying or like a bother and that’ll affect yuna too honestly, as much as she likes ur muse.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
tbh i don’t write much nsfw on my blog, and haven’t in a while... or at all on this blog really LMAO but when clothes start coming off or there’s any sort of touchy touchy, that’s when i’d consider is nsfw :-)
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
bless these people because i love you and ur muses, thank u for loving yuna and letting me bother u with random pics, tweets, songs, etc.... people i’m like... actively shippin with!! @ofmako ( cloud strife ) , @endsought ( nooj ), @heartmemos ( calum ), @pxperhearts ( peter parker ) also @tidalfayth ( tidus ) receives an honorable mention bcus i love her and her tidus and all the cute stuff we’ve done in the past!!!! 
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
tbh ships with me and my muses seem to happen a bit naturally? rarely do i need to be asked to ship bcus i’ll just shoot you an eyes emoji after a few interactions and it’ll be history bcus i’m usually not alone in my feelings lol!!!!! again, both ic + ooc interactions help a lot!!!
How often do you like to ship?
only if it feels right and the energy is returned!!!!
Are you multiship?
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
ship more-or-less!!!!! again, if it feels right!!
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
ok i think i read this question wrong but i’m answering it that way anyway. so i’m currently watching lucifer and my favorite ship is maze and like all of her prospects as long as she’s happy. but i guess for yuna, i’m sure you expect me to say tiyu bcus its my otp. but i actually love gipyu and want to do more of it ( on either end, since i write both characters lol )
Finally, how does one ship with you?
let’s write a bit together and chat ooc !!!!!
Tagged by: @heartmemos thank u hehe
Tagging: no one bcus idk if everyone has done it already lol!!!
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What’s your name? Myr
Preferred Pronouns: She/her pronouns
Timezone: GMT+1
Character Name: Daisy Gemma Maris Hookum Daisy - From the English word for the white flower, ultimately derived from the word ‘daesaege’ which means ‘day eye’. It gained its popularity in the 19th century when many of plant and flower names were used as names. Gemma - It is an Italian nickname meaning ‘gem - precious stone’. A variation also often seen in Great Britain is Jemma. Maris - The use of this name is rare in the English language. It’s meaning as ‘means of the sea’. It’s from the Latin title of Virgin Mary, ‘Stella Maris’. This means to be exact ‘the star of the sea’. Hookum - The name looks close to the Irish surname ‘Logan’. It comes from the ‘descendants of Ogan’. Ogan is a diminutive of óg meaning ‘young’.
What’s a hobby or pastime that your character enjoys? Daisy is inseparable from her writing pad. Wherever she goes, she always carries one with her so she can write whenever she wants. Her mother introduced her to the pen and she will always have one with her as well, next to a spelled quill that would produce its own ink. So it is safe to say that a hobby / pastime to Daisy is to write. It’s kind of cliché, but she loves a dramatic and romantic setting. It is the same subject of the books that she reads so much and that she can forget the entire world in. If she wants, she can spend an entire day with her nose in a book. She doesn���t mind studying for her school as well however. She tries to keep up with the subject that she would have followed at school with tutors in Diagon Alley. As of right now she wants to be finish her school once the war is over.
Do you have any preferred ships or anti-ships? I don’t really have anti-ships for Daisy. First and foremost I am one for chemistry between two characters. So if that happens then it is great of course! But when it comes to Daisy however there is only one ship that I go for and that is of course Daisy x Tilden. I love their dynamics and their backstory. I just have to say that it is cute.
What do you think your character’s Boggart would be? If their greatest fear isn’t something that could easily take a solid form, what is it? Why? Her Boggart would take form into a headstone. It is the headstone of her mother’s grave but this time the name of her father is also added. And if she probably was close by the Boggart for longer then more graves will be shown as well. With Tilden’s grave next. All the dates on the graves are timed in the period of the war. The reason that her Boggart would take this form is simple; Daisy don’t want to lose more people to the war than she already have. Her mother might have been the only loss to her but it is enough. The young woman is pretty sure that she would not survive it mentally if someone else is taken away from her as well besides her mother.
What’s your character’s biggest pet peeve? It is quite a silly pet peeve. At least, that is what Daisy would call it. Her biggest pet peeve is when people walk too slowly in front of her when walking in the city. She is a quick-pace walker most of the times. She can get very irritated or annoyed whenever she is stuck behind them and is unable to get past them. If you are joining her at that moment you’ll definitely notice.
What would you consider to be an eccentricity of your character? Daisy has a profound love for everything that writes. She has a collection of writables. This includes two typewriters, several quills (some write on their own, some write when talked to, some predict), different kinds of ink (some change color depending on mood, all kinds of colors) but also Muggle attributes like different pens, pencils and writing pads. Every time she finds a shop with these attributes, she has to buy something. Her father would say she had enough by now but she would argue otherwise. Scribbulus Writing Instruments is her favourite shop in Diagon Alley.
What is / was your character’s favorite subject in school? Why? Despite having a Muggle mother, Daisy found Muggle Studies to be her favourite subject at Hogwarts. It is a different kind of view on the world that she knows so well and as she can learn from this and this view on Muggles, others are also able to learn from her as she’s a part of the Muggle world whenever she returned home as well. She believes that the relationship between Muggles and the Wizarding World could be so much better if there weren’t people with a patronizing view of the other. They are all equal, the Wizarding World had his plus sides, just as the Muggle World has.
What time of day is your character’s favorite? What time of year? Daisy prefers late nights or maybe even midnights. It is at those times that she gets the most inspiration when it comes to writing. Even with her eyes heavy of sleep she is able to get the most words on paper at that time. It is not that enjoyable for her neighbours probably since she does her writing at home with a typewriter that she had gotten from her mother at the age of eleven. When it comes to her favourite time of the year, it has become the spring. This means that most of the plants and flowers are in full bloom. Maybe it is because of Tilden, maybe she does her name justice, but she loves it to be outside in the spring. At times chilly but the view makes up for that without any problems.
What’s your character’s Patronus? If they can’t conjure one, what would it be if they could? Why? When Daisy has tried before to conjure a Patronus, she was unable to do so. Ever since classes she hasn’t tried again. If she would have to do it again right now, she would not be able to do so. The memory of her mother dying is one that is too fresh and too heavy for her to be able to find a happy memory at the moment. Her Patronus would be a Basset Hound however. It is not something that many people would expect with her since the Patronus looks a bit clumsy. But the Hound is a sign of being smart, intelligent. They are a bit stubborn but above all friendly and devoted to their friends - or in Daisy’s situation also devoted to whatever she put herself to. Determination above all.
What is your character’s biggest vice (bad habit or immoral craving)? Daisy’s biggest vice is hastiness. This can be discovered in different ways. She does things without thinking it through properly. This is due to lack of time or simply due to impulses. This is definitely what is the case with her the most. She acts on what she feels and with the current developments in her life, acting on her feelings is not the greatest things to do. There are only a few things that keep her grounded very much but she tries her best on changing this.
Is your character an introvert or extrovert? How well do they handle social situations? Daisy can be seen as a combination of both. Whenever she joins in social matters, she first stays silent so she can look into the situation. It will take a little bit of time before she decided to join in. She won’t go meddling into subject that she doesn’t have a say in. Once Daisy is feeling more in her place then she will start the talking and once she’s started it can be a lot. She can ramble in moments when she feels comfortable and sometimes you will have to stop her from talking. So this is why I would call Daisy both an introvert and an extrovert.
What is your character’s diet like? What’s his or her favorite food? If you look at Daisy, you would definitely not expect it but she is a person that is able to eat whatever she wants. She can surprise you with how much she is able to eat before she is finally full. She has a massive sweet tooth, so you would make her happy with any kind of dessert. This is definitely something that she has from her father. She can remember very well how long they would be seated at the dining table after dinner together simply because the food was good and the mood was nice because of it. If she had to pick one type of food she would go for anything chocolate related.
How do you think your character’s psychological issues have manifested and changed your character up to this point? Daisy has shown a big growth in her character due to the war. She had to grow up all of a sudden. It was not possible for her anymore to enjoy her youth and her time at Hogwarts. The war had gotten too close to her all of a sudden. The death of her mother in front of her eyes is something that is edged into her brain. Whenever she closes her eyes, she sees it happen in front of her. Sleeping got harder and there are times whenever she wakes up screaming for her mother as she died in her arms. But this happens behind closed doors, no one knows about this besides the one that are close to her and the ones that have seen her during the night. When Daisy is out in the open she is one that tries to keep a brave face. She does not want to be seen as weak. People already underestimate her and it would only grow worse if they would take pity on her. Daisy will always keep her walls up and it will take quite something to make her break down those walls.
Give us a headcanon for your character. Anything is acceptable. Daisy started her seventh and last year at Hogwarts, knowing very well that her heart was somewhere else. The war had already started when she started her last year and she had lost her mother in the winter of her sixth year. Her focus was not at school work anymore, it was on the many people at school that were suddenly not worthy of any of her trust. So when Dumbledore let every student at Hogwarts know that they would not be allowed to be a part from the Order of the Phoenix, it was an easy decision made by Daisy. Mostly out of stubbornness but she decided to stay home after the winter holidays. Until this day she has not regretted it one bit, despite taking lessons of tutors so she will be able to finish her last year one day.
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sternenteile · 5 years
★*・ lovely ooc meme.
TAGGED BY:  y’all i stole it from multiple ppl on my dash TAGGING:  idk just take it from me and let the thief train continue
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NAME:  nikki NICKNAME:  nikkibun, bun, assturd AGE:  26 weeps......... FACE CLAIM:  my bunsona!! my bunsona’s icons are so old and crusty tho so i’ve just. been using geno’s. rip. PRONOUNS:  she / her, but they / them is fine, too! HEIGHT:  5′3″ i am berry tinie BIRTHDAY:  april 4th
AESTHETIC:  cute animals (namely bunnies and cats), a basic n64 with a purple controller, pastels, piles of tasty chicken wings, and. and. more terribly charismatic buns.
LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO:  y’all listen the lavender town theme from pokemon lgpe is absolutely destroying me and it was absolutely the last thing i listened to. i love it.
FAVORITE MUSE ( S ) YOU’VE WRITTEN:  my boy papyrus ( @outbraves ) was easily one of my favorites ever. i just had... so much fun with him and had a lot of development for him, and just. i have such fond memories of rping him. i love my bone boy, even though his muse has long gone.
tbh, tho? geno is climbing up there, too. in so short a time, i’ve already got so many ideas and so much development plotting going on. given how expansive the mario universe is, too (esp. compared to undertale’s), there is just... so much room for different things to do with him?! i’m really excited. the potential is bananas.
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO TAKE ON YOUR CURRENT MUSE ( THAT YOU ARE POSTING THIS ON ):  ok i’m not going to lie. this is a bit of a story, and it starts off in a very interesting way. at first, i actually... didn’t really give a single floppy titty for geno? seriously. i didn’t care. i played smrpg and i just fell for mallow that much more. i was like, gee, i wonder what people see in him. he’s cool and cute, but mallow has all this development and stuff! basically, based on my memories of smrpg and how ‘overrated’ i felt he was, i just didn’t really give geno much of a chance.
now, rosalina is my favorite mario character. ever. i used to rp her a long time ago. i absolutely adore her. thanks to smash speculation really bringing geno to the forefront of peoples’ minds again, i was like, huh. i wonder what kind of lore could come from her and geno? a lot of stuff i saw was implicating ship stuff, and i was... not impressed LMAO. i was like, naw, i see them being like mother and son. he’s a star spirit, after all, very similar to a luma. she’d totally be his superior + mom figure.
and then i started headcanoning more between them, which... via causation, started the headcanon train going for geno in general? i was like, no, i’m not going to get attached to this dumb doll, he’s overrated, blah blah. then i started thinking of him more, started doodling him, seeing why people liked him so much, and i was like... fuck. shit. damn. i used to have a weird disdain for you, you fuck puppet, why are you wiggling your way into my heart. no. get out.
needless to say, he didn’t get out, and i had to unleash my creativity with him. i missed rping, too, and i was like... this, this will do. voila. here we are.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ASPECTS OF YOUR CURRENT MUSE:  where do i even begin omg... ok. let’s see.
first, his design in general is just? really great. he’s a design that fits in the mario universe while also feeling so unlike it. mallow feels more integrated, yet geno feels... so... otherworldly? so different? his design philosophy hinges on round, soft familiarity while also being colorful, complimentarily so, and encapsulating it in a way that comes off as both cute and mysterious. i just love his design. even in all of my disdain for him initially, i’m pretty sure i always liked his design.
with that shallower bit out of the way, let me tell you about the virtues this boi has that i love (or, at least, in terms of my version, most of it not being canon oops). i love how courageous and forward he is, even if at times, it results in some fumbling. he’s fascinated in the world around him and has an innate desire to explore, to experiment, to experience. he gets pretty into it, but it does result in some very silly moments where his cultural differences play a large factor. he’s so distant from the modern world in a lot of ways, and it shows. between this and his curious nature, he’s just... god, he’s just a dork. he’s just a huge dork.
but boy, his vices. he doesn’t have much of... any at all in canon, but it’s clear how attached to his duty he is, even in what little we see. building flaws off of that has been a blast. i love how he feels so tied to his purpose that he feels branching out isn’t an option, yet it conflicts with his desire to break free and just be. he’s still figuring out how to be his own person, how to be geno and not just ♡♪!?, the protector of star road. even then, he’s trying not to fail his most precious person, rosalina, and those who depend on him. it’s a lot of conflict that pulls his heart in a lot of directions at once. chances are that he’ll progress and then harshly regress multiple times, going through a bunch of shit before he finally manages to find a happy medium. it’ll be a long road ahead, and what can stem from this has me soooo excited.
also he’s just rly cute. did i mention he’s cute? he’s so cute. he’s literally a doll and i need to cuddle him.
WHAT’S YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION WHEN IT COMES TO WRITING:  honestly? steven universe and undertale have played huge inspiration into the way i write. undertale is obviously because i love it (and deltarune) and have written a muse from it. it’s just kind of integrated into my writing to the point that it feels natural. it’s... it’s something that’s just there now, lmao.
steven universe, however, is more particular. it hasn’t really influenced how i write in general, per se, but some aspects have inspired my geno, actually. garnet’s cool demeanor with inner conflict and a goofiness that she often shows? yeah, that definitely inspired a good chunk of my geno’s exterior personality. 
in terms of his inner self, those bits of garnet, plus the pearl + rose and steven + rose conflicts, pretty much shaped that up in my head. pearl + rose on its base level minus the romantic aspect definitely touches stone on how geno feels about his duty, his dedication to rosalina, and how he’s trying to become his own person, not just a star spirit in servitude. steven + rose more represents the mother + son aspect, the way geno wants to live up to her and what she wants, the way he views her as a parental figure that’s just unattainable (even if in a more figurative sense than steven and rose). there’s also a tiny, tiny bit of lapis in there, solely the tendency to flip a switch and bail if he thinks it’s best, just for less selfish reasons and more dutiful reasons. it’s. it’s very minuscule and very base-level, but it’s there.
in terms of geno himself, those two have to be my biggest inspirations at this point. ye.
FAVORITE TYPES OF THREADS:  god. anything is great, but these two are especially important:
slice-of-life. given geno’s distance from earth traditions, customs, and general livelihood, slice-of-life threads are immediately that much more interesting and even a bit crazy. being able to show how much of a curious little nerd he is and Hecking Things Up is always a good time.
finally, anything that draws out his insecurities. something that conflicts with his view on his purpose in life, that stirs his longing for parental recognition, that turns his beliefs on their heads... things like that. just. yes. gimme that.
BIGGEST STRUGGLE IN REGARDS TO YOUR CURRENT MUSE:  honestly, the fact that he’s such an old character that nintendo and square doesn’t care for is easily the worst part of playing him. it’s rough knowing that, even with all of the fan demand, he’ll likely never get a revival. he’ll just fade out of a lot of peoples’ memories more and more, and he’ll be even more irrelevant than ever. every time someone so much as knows who geno is, it just makes me giddy. i want that to stay alive, even if nintendo and square won’t do anything with him. the fan base keeping him going makes me feel so warm.
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lightshielded · 6 years
Hehe well I agree with Jarvan x Demacian ships except for Fiora and Vayne. Especially Vayne I feel like would hate Jarvan for allowing a half-dragon mage to be in high Demacian position since new lore Vayne is very hardcore about being against this so I can’t support this ship because it’s disrespectful to Jarvan or Vayne character because one of them would have to be ooc for this to happen. I love J4 x Quinn and J4 x Shyvana the most but I can get behind J4 x Lux and J4 x Karma it’s cute. :3
anonymous asked: Of course I can see Vayne x Jarvan in a setting that not canon complacent. I am not saying you can’t ship them at all but just form a canon view currently I can’t see them.
fair enough, ship and let ship i always say. no need to explain yourself to me ! 
though, i think vayne’s opinion on jarvan and shyvana would be dependant on 1) the individual writer and how they have interpreted parts of vayne’s lore and their own blog development cause all portrayals are unique and 2) what point of time it is as shyvana’s true nature is a secret to everyone but jarvan in the capital ( if i recall correctly ) so i don’t know if that would effect their relationship platonic/romantic/otherwise at current. 
and, yeah i’ve heard jarvan x quinn is a popular ship. its from the joke and some old bits of her old lore journal yeah? i can’t say i have explored it or thought much of it, but given the right circumstances it might work. hehe but yeah i’m weak for that jarvlux, jarvkarma and jarvshyvana.
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acuppellarp · 6 years
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We’re excited to announce that Leigh has decided to level up Jemma Sterling from a mumu minor character to a main character! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours. 
Name + pronouns: Leigh, she/her Age: 25 Timezone: EST Ships: Jemma/The Entire World Anti-Ships: Nah
Full Name: Jemma Mae Sterling Face Claim: Dove Cameron Age/Birthday: 20 / June 11, 1997  Occupation: Student at NYU, Midfielder for April’s Showers Personality: Effervescent, self-centered, fickle, nosy, creative. Hometown: San Francisco, CA Bio:
Who is Jemma? What is Jemma? Why is Jemma?
Okay, so when you first meet Jemma, it’s pretty safe to say that she’s exactly what you’d expect out of a pint-sized blonde with a voice like Minnie Mouse– she’s adorable. If the conversation goes past five seconds, then she’s making some kind of sexual remark while you scratch your head like did that really just happen?
Yes, friends, yes it did.
Jemma can’t really tell you anything bad about her childhood in San Francisco. She grew up as the youngest child to two perfectly normal parents, Andrew and Megan, with a sister and a pet iguana. Sounds boring enough, right? It gets better. While unaware of the other’s indiscretion, Jemma’s parents each began having their own sort of affair on the side… Megan with a woman named Willow, and Andrew with a man named Louis. Sure enough, after coming around to various backyard barbecues and Jemma’s tap dancing recitals, well, Willow and Louis… suddenly began taking an interest in each other. Too much of an interest in each other, you might say.
That’s the story of how Jemma ended up with four parents. From the time that she was eight years old, all she could really remember was that Megan and Andrew lived together, but… Willow and Louis came over and hung out a lot. Growing up in a very unusual nuclear family unit brought along its fair share of drama: the step-siblings, the confusing holidays (Jemma insists she’s Jewish, like Megan, even if Willow doesn’t believe in religion and would rather pray to a candle with Bette White on it), but things rapidly took a turn for the better when Louis showed Jemma how to draw. She’d always been attracted to pretty things– bubbles, rainbow cakes, a babbling brook, but she’d never been able to take the things in her head and transfer them onto paper until she felt the pull of Louis’s hand on her pencil. Jemma started out drawing landscapes but quickly worked her way into cartoons and comics. This was how she bonded with Louis, who was a freelance artist, and then Willow, who was a television producer. Jemma showed a tremendous interest, from re-painting Pokemon cards to drawing her own comic books, where, of course, Jemma was the star.
As a child, Jemma honestly wanted for nothing. She was able to pull her strings to command, and often, demand attention. Jemma was accustomed to being the life of the party, the baby doll, the cute one. Shower her in pink and glitter, sure, but she could rattle off superhero trivia with the best of them. Things started to take a turn for the worse, though, when Willow began to tire of the charade and wanted to make things more official. On paper, Megan and Andrew were married (mostly for the tax break at that point) but she was still single, and she hated that she couldn’t adopt Jemma and her siblings as her own. She, with no biological children of her own, eventually left the family. Jemma still keeps in contact with her every once in a while, and she has no abandonment issues as a result of it. Jemma quickly soured to her after that, though– their family was perfect, and there was plenty of love to go around. Why did she want to change that?
As forward-thinking as San Francisco was, Jemma’s always had a bit of a problem with loyalty and fidelity. Is she the person you can call at three in the morning when you’re in trouble? No, definitely not. But is she game for a good time always? Basically, yes. Jemma asked three different people to her high school prom (a fact her dates didn’t find out until they all got to the limo) and wondered why they all ended up mad at her in the end. It’s not like she hadn’t done a totally epic promposal for them, too?
Jemma’s decision to trek it over to New York City largely came from the fact that she wanted to experience life on the opposite coast. How often could someone say that they were both a SoCal and a NYC baby? Plus, NYU basically gave her the most money in scholarships, so she decided to go through their art therapy program. Jemma is all about self-expression, self-love and healing, so the idea of using art to help others is really what she’s after in life. She has no interest in working with children, but rather would want to work with adults and the elderly.
Pets: Taking care of Jemma is like having a pet. Would you trust her with a critter? Good, you shouldn’t. Relationships:
Nicola de Rocha/Peyton Lynn: Roomies. Jemma is kind of co-dependent on Nicola, who was her first friend when she came to the city. Jemma dotes on her and would consider her a best friend. Peyton is hot as eff, which is all Jemma really needs to know.
Spencer Porter: Jemma and Spencer have a podcast together called 2 Girls 1 Mic. They talk about Marvel, lesbian sex, and Marvel ladies having sex. Jemma is very quick to tell Spencer how hot she is, and since Jemma is close with Nicola, too, they get along very well. Even if Spencer won’t sleep with her. Which it’s only a matter of time. Because she’s Jemma.
Aria Abrams: Oh, Aria. Jemma doesn’t know what to do with Aria, which is saying something. She’s sweet, she’s cute, she can talk comics with the best of them, and Jemma is starting to act very un-Jemma-like around her. Probably because Aria has cooties, or something.
April’s Showers: Jemma loves her teammates. She’d say they’re like sisters to her, but she definitely stares at all of them in the locker room (which, by the way, she never wears clothes in). Jemma’s a new recruit to April’s Showers, and she’s got all the credentials as co-captain of her high school team, thank you very much. Plus, she likes the way her butt looks in the shorts, and so should everyone else.
jemma bo bemma/@itsjemmabitch/i take hot showers to practice burning in the fires of hell :)
Five latest tweets:
@itsjemmabitch: @josswhedon @avengersageofultronmovie welcome to ur tape #justiceforwandamaximoff @itsjemmabitch: ok so after being on the april showers and spending all my time with teachers, the only good thing i can say about being a teacher is that you can blame your farts on other people @itsjemmabitch: i’m queenie goldstein also where the fuck is leta lestrange my future queen #jewwitchpower @itsjemmabitch: the only interest i have in men is when 1) they’re chris evans 2) women are kicking their asses 3) they’re wearing spandex @itsjemmabitch: looks like a cinnamon roll, acts like a cinnamon roll, will eat u out like ur a cinnamon roll…..
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