#I know october is like a week something away but I have to upload this now because It's starting to look ugly
heaveniowa · 7 months
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keep a calendar, this way you will always know.
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dreadnotau · 10 months
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It’s been a hot minute, hasn’t it? This time, I come bearing actually good news!
Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone for their patience during this hiatus, and welcome all the new people! It always surprises me when the blog still gets notes and follows, even though it’s inactive. I have to say, though, the hiatus was completely necessary. College takes a lot out of me (who would’ve guessed), and I can’t imagine keeping up with comic uploads during it (more on that later), and while it hurts that I haven’t been able to continue my passion project while I study, I’ve made a lot of genuine improvements to my art and I hope that’ll show with the pages that’ll release shortly (and maybe with some projects I do in the future, ooo).
Oh, yeah, pages will be releasing again! When summer break started, I also slowly started chipping away at the comic again, but didn’t want to start uploading again until I had some pages ready a-la backlog in case of emergencies and blah blah, if you’ve read my announcement posts before, you know the story. The problem is, I glanced at my calendar the other day, and realised I REALLY don’t have that much time to spend dicking around and bouncing between projects willy-nilly, not if I want Dread Not Act 1 to actually wrap up soon. Which, I really do, because… there’s 3 other Acts after it.
I already have 2 pages ready to go, so the new upload schedule is as follows: This Saturday (8.) I’ll release one of the ready pages, then I’ll release the next on Tuesday (11.), and from the Saturday after that (15.) and on, I’ll be releasing pages weekly again. Yes, weekly, not with an extra week gap between them. This may prove catastrophic, BUT if my calculations are right (even though I’m bad at math), Act 1 should wrap up completely by the end of October.
The last page(s) SHOULD release on the 21st of October, if I don’t fuck something up royally. And that absolutely can happen, and I suspect it will, because October is when college starts, and if ya’ll remember oct. of 2022, you’ll know I absolutely DIED in October and handled absolutely none of the schedule well. I hope I’ll be better prepared this time though, and it’s a risk I’m willing to take to finally see this through to the end. BUT! Absolutely don’t be surprised if the last few pages end up having longer breaks between uploading them (even though I would HATE that for the comic’s pacing), because school just be like that and I can’t help it, for the most part.
Thank you all again for your support, and I hope this summer is a good one for all of us!
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66 notes · View notes
More than 2 and a half weeks | Phan one shot
Summary: The night before Dan leaves for the American leg of his tour, Phil pulled him into shooting a video and then he pulled him into his arms.
Tags: Domestic fluff, we’re all doomed tour, sleepy cuddles, you all know the drill they are real best friends companions in life actual soulmates            
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: I don’t know guys, blame the video. I take no responsibility for all this sappiness. And happy 19th of October!
Read on AO3 or below
Phil was not sure how he felt about this. It had been one thing to see Dan embark on the UK leg of the tour and know he’d soon be home again. He was never too far away. If necessary, Phil could jump into a car or a plane and get to him within a matter of hours. And the most he was away was ten days.
Just ten days.
This would be a whole lot more. The American and Canadian leg of the tour would take Dan away for months. It was going to be a long time. Dan would be fine. He surprisingly did well on the minimalism of life on tour and being on a rumbly bus trekking across the country. Phil knew that. He’d seen that. Experienced it right beside him.
That was what was going to be different. Phil wasn’t coming along this time. It would just be Dan and the crew. He’d not be alone but he would be without Phil, and Phil would be without him.
They hadn’t really done that before. Not for this damn long.
Dan was just packing the same suitcase he’d just come back with. He was going to stuff it full, and live out of it. The striped shirt would likely come along. Dan was attached to it, and by extension so was Phil.
They had already filmed the pick my outfits video earlier, but Phil was itching to go grab his tripod and camera. He should just have left Dan to pack up. He was leaving in the morning. It was already late and he’d procrastinated to the night before, in true Dan fashion.
And yet…
“Hey, want to film a video?” Phil asked him.
Dan’s head whipped up and he gave Phil a funny look. He was holding the black shirt with the skeleton on the back in his hands. He tossed it into the suitcase.
“Didn’t we already do that?” he asked with a laugh.
No refusal. Just amusement.
Phil couldn’t really remember the last time Dan had refused him anything. They’d known each other for so long now. They knew each other’s boundaries better than their own sometimes. They’d never ask for something the other one wouldn’t be willing to give.
“Another one,” Phil said leaning on the edge of Dan’s walk-in closet and trying to appear smooth.
It didn’t really work, when his shoulder slipped and he almost stumbled into the closet and onto Dan. He caught himself last minute, but Dan’s hand still shot up to grab him by the hip and try to steady him.
“What are you thinking?” Dan asked.
“You’re leaving me,” Phil said.
Dan narrowed his eyes, but they were still filled with mirth. “Dramatic but sure. What of it?”
“Just makes for a good title, don’t you think? Proper old school clickbait. You’re back in the YouTube game now. We should take advantage of all of the tricks,” Phil said, half teasing and half being serious.
View counts did matter. It was his job. The usual fans would never believe such a title anyway. The ones that were going to watch anything he uploaded would not care one bit. They would probably see Dan in the thumbnail and be excited.
They would likely be excited to see Phil too. He’d taken a bit of a step back from YouTube. In part to allow Dystopia Daily to catch the attention but also because of his health issues. He was so ready for them to go away.
“You want to film a video,” Dan said with a nod.
“About me leaving?”
“Yes,” Phil said with a smile. Dan shook his head fondly but got up from the floor.
In just a few weeks, it would have been 13 years since they filmed their first video. One that would be framed in infamy and had started much more than any of them could ever have anticipated. It had created both a career and a community that Phil would always be thankful for.
But most of all he was thankful for Dan. Through it all, they had stood side by side and learned to navigate this crazy world they had been tossed into. Phil wasn’t sure he could have made it alone.
Dan didn’t say anything. He just walked off to grab the camera and tripod and start to set it up. This routine was familiar, one that never really went away, even though it had been a very long time since Dan had just shot a video at home. He liked doing them in studios now. With crew and more punch behind them.
Phil could understand it but he’d never felt that pull. There was something magical about being able to film from home. Edit and post it himself. He might get an editor on at some point but he wasn’t sure if he could ever truly give up this charm of YouTube that had pulled him in all those years ago.
Not that he knew if he’d have continued for this long without Dan by his side. Without him, it wasn’t sure that he could ever have made a go of it. They’d lifted each other up, and they were both aware of it.
Now they were settled. They were no longer struggling YouTubers. They were more. They were older. They were in a position in life where they could do whatever they damn well pleased.
Turned out that what they pleased was still creating creatively for the people who’d given them all of this. It was for them that Phil wanted a video like this. And perhaps for himself too.
They were just going to turn on the camera and see what happened. Nothing needed to be prepared before a video like this. Phil trusted them and their chemistry to fill the void. He just had an idea. A simple premise: Dan is leaving for tour. The purpose was just to spon the tour and chat about nonsense. Dan would never make him say anything about it, but how could Phil not?
Only days ago, he’d been in the audience in London and gotten to see with his own eyes the endless hours Dan poured into this. It was truly one of the best things he’d ever made and he needed to be proud of himself. He needed to know that Phil was proud of him.
Filming the video passed in the blink of an eye, like conversations with Dan often did. Time hung between them, feeling suspended as they sat in their own little bubble. Nothing could touch them.
And then they spent half an hour running around the house filming little bits to insert into the video, based on what they’d said. It almost had a bit of a pinof vibe to it, and Phil’s heart ached. He didn’t miss filming those videos. The format had been restrictive by the end and it was on the verge of becoming repetitive. Much better to stop while it was still good.
He’d seen too many shows run into the ground.
He refused to do that with him and Dan. Even the show version of Dan and Phil got to be retired nicely and now pulled out for the special episode now and again.
That’s what this would be. A moment suspended in time.
Dan went back to packing afterwards, uncaring of the late hour. He could sleep on the plane, and they weren’t even leaving that early, he’d argued.
Phil knew better than to fight him on that. He did go check if Dan has his passport ready. Just in case. For a moment when he was holding it in his hand, he considered hiding it from him.
He’d never actually do it but the impulse was there.
If Dan didn’t have his passport, then he couldn’t leave. But of course, Phil wanted him to be able to leave. He had a whole tour waiting for him. He had to go. Phil put it back into the inner pocket of the jacket Dan had laid out.
He let his hands run over the collar of it, wondering if it would be warm enough.
It was an hour later that Dan was finally done with packing. Phil had stayed up, curled up on the sofa, PS4 on and playing a game to pass the time. He refused to already be asleep when Dan slipped into bed, though they did occasionally go to be separately on normal nights.
Dan told Phil that he automatically opened his arms once Dan crawled under the covers. Phil could never remember any of that, but Dan insisted that he did it without fail every time. Phil had challenged him on it. Saying he must be kidding and he was just being cheesy. He’d shut his mouth pretty quickly when Dan had caught it on camera.
It seemed even in his sleep, Phil was turning towards Dan. It was pure instinct after all of these years. It came as easy as breathing.
“You still up?” Dan asked baffled as he passed the living room.
“Yeah,” Phil said but paused the game. “Done packing?”
“Would have been done sooner except someone interrupted me to make a video,” Dan joked, putting a hand on his hip.
He looked good. Messy hair and tired eyes and he were still so beautiful.
Phil extended a hand towards Dan and he came over to take it. He helped pull Phil to his feet and then they stumbled into the bedroom without another word.
“You have to remember your pillow tomorrow,” Phil said, around a yawn.
“Shit, you’re right,” Dan said, grabbing his phone and ordering Siri to make a reminder. There was still a chance he’d forget it but at least he had a better chance now.
It was a cuddle night for the two of them. Dan seemed to know so, having picked up on Phil’s reluctance to go to bed alone. But he needed it too. Dan tangled their legs and pulled their bodies flush and just sank into the mattress and Phil.
It still felt wonderful, even after all these years. Phil had taken for granted how easy it was to just sink into Dan’s arms whenever he needed it. He’d never been away for so long before. Phil didn’t want to think about that anymore.
He wanted to just enjoy this. To breathe in Dan and forget about tomorrow. He couldn’t control that. He could only control now. He snuggled a little closer and he reached up to run his fingers through Dan’s curls.
“How am I going to fall asleep without you?” Dan asked, into the darkness of their bedroom. His voice was so quiet but genuine.
“You’ll miss getting kneed in the balls in the middle of the night?” Phil teased, hoping to steer Dan away from deep introspection that would keep him awake all night. He felt a bit like a hypocrite, since he’d barely been able to keep his thoughts off it tonight.
“Yeah, I’ll miss it,” Dan said and pinched Phil’s side. He yelped and tried to scoot away from Dan, but he couldn’t escape him.
He clung on so tightly. It should have been suffocating, but they had long ago learned to share air.
“Fuck, it’s bad that I wish you were coming too, isn’t it? I’m doing this whole tour, making a show of it being my comedy tour, so that we can grow creatively without being the brand of Dan and Phil, and yet… I want you. I want you there. I want you there for all of it. Isn’t that shitty?”
Phil’s heart broke just a little and he wasn’t sure how to comfort Dan. Words in times like these were hard. But Phil had to try. He’d learned how to try because Dan needed words too. Actions weren’t enough.
“I’m going to be there,” Phil said, reaching down to put his hand over Dan’s chest. His skin was warm under Phil’s palm, as he placed it right onto Dan’s beating heart. “Always. You aren’t getting rid of me now.”
Dan chuckled and it sounded lightly wet. Dan wasn’t one to cry very easily but he did get overwhelmed by emotions. Phil knew how to fix this one though. He leaned closer to kiss Dan’s cheeks. They scrunched up. They felt warm.
Phil poured love into Dan, one little peck at a time.
“We’re going back to four hour long skype call. I’ll call you from the venues, from the bus, from hotel rooms. From everywhere. Anytime.”
Phil chuckled; heart so fond. He’d love that. He’d expected that but it was still nice to hear Dan say it. They were used to being each other’s sounding boards and to share basically every little detail of their lives.
“I’ll tell you about all of the weird incidents I’ll attract while you aren’t here.”
“I’m serious, don’t get fucking murdered, or I’ll come and kill you twice over,” Dan said and pulled closer until he could bury his face in Phil’s shoulder.
Phil’s hand found its way back in Dan’s hair and he hummed in contentment.
It was a long time for them to be apart but they could do it. And if they couldn’t, then Phil would just cave and fly out. Their viewers would make fun of their codependency, but they wouldn’t be wrong.
They would also be more than happy to see them together again, but nowhere near as happy as Phil would be.
He was so proud of Dan doing this tour, taking it around the whole damn world for everyone to enjoy. He was going to be cheering him on from the sidelines, every single step of the way because Dan would do the same. They’d always been good at that.
Quietly, Phil would still be counting down the days until Dan would be right back in his arms like this. This place was just a house with four walls without Dan in it.
But it would be a home again soon.
They’d done two and a half weeks apart.
Time to take on two and a half months.
It would be hard but there wasn’t anything they couldn’t do when they had each other. Physical distance was no true obstacle. Phil would make sure of it.
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skylermadness · 6 months
A Step into Aionios (Teach TF/MC)
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(Original Date of Upload: October 6, 2023)
Original Description:
This was written as a birthday gift for my friend A-C-Crowley on DeviantArt! This story took me a little under a week to complete! The process of it was actually more complicated than my usual stories, mainly because I had to have my Switch near me at all times so I could write down an accurate depiction of the Cooley Lake area in Melnath's Shoulder. I also needed the model viewer to stare at Teach's face. And overall it resulted in me learning many new ways to try location descriptions! This was definitely a heavily experimental and new story for me, but I think for a first time I did extremely well! Also personally Teach is definitely one of those moods for me that you wouldn't peg as a mood for me. Mysterious and cryptic men are my jam~ Also the Indoline race look very pretty. ...now would you believe me if I said Teach is literally younger than Mio by a few months though?
   If Matt were to be honest, hiking was not his biggest forté, but sometimes he felt like trying new things even if it isn't a fully thought through concept.
   The good news was he wasn't lost in the middle of the forest. The man had elected when he started his trip to follow whatever pre-ordained hiking trail was set up in this forest so he wouldn't get lost. Despite that he had found himself getting slightly inconvenienced by some of the smallest things. Somewhat heavy backpack that he somehow over packed just enough to be a problem. Kind of achy legs from just the fourth five or so minutes he's been walking. There was also the fact he probably picked some of the worst pairs of shoes possible for a hiking expedition.
   There obviously existed pairs of footwear that were equipped for lengthy hikes on rough trails. Usually hardy boots with thick soles that could perfectly grip onto the rough and slanted terrain that these trails had. Unfortunately, Matt's shoes were evidently not those. He just had a ratty pair of old, deep gray sneakers. They were well worn, but way too well worn in the sense that if you took a look at them they'd appear like they were on the precipice of breaking open.
   "This was… not my best decision," Matt remarked to himself, noting the slight chill in his feet thanks to the various rips and tears of his footwear. Even with his socks on it wasn't the most pleasant experience imaginable. 
   In the end all of these factors culminated in what was rather unpleasant trek through this trail. The only thing that really took his mind off the tiresome experience was the scenery that was the nature around him. It wasn't the densest forest out there, but it was a rather nice looking one that had a beautiful appearance thanks to the sunlight frequently breaching the treeline. Perhaps the only thing that stood out was the autumnal feel the forest possessed, Matt sometimes musing to himself about the warmer colors of the leaves despite the fact that it was only mid-August.
   Yet those thoughts were only temporary. He'd feel his feet chill or feel something poke up against his sole only to find out a third pebble slipped in through the cracks of his footwear and that just broke all sense of calmness he'd gain from being here. And the aching in his legs was only growing more prevalent because he was still walking towards a destination that he was only now realizing he doesn't really know. What was the usual end goal of hiking? Just reaching the end of the trail or something…?
   Matt stopped for a moment and sighed. He really did not think this through.
   He then resumed walking. One step, another step, then another. The dirt crunched beneath him as he continued forward towards his uncertain destination. Although if he were going to be honest he was this close to calling it quits and doing a reverse hike down because it felt like his shoes were only a few moments away from-
   Matt's head slowly drifted downwards, the man not really ready to take a look at what had just happened to his footwear. He knew what to expect though, the ground entering his gaze more and more with the unpleasant sight of his shoes following shortly after. It wasn't as bad as he was anticipating, the left one noticeably having its toecap somehow pried off the sole to the point that his entire foot could poke through it with minimal issues. The right shoe luckily seemed fine but it also was only barely holding on.
   Matt sighed, then took his eyes off his feet to look at his watch. "An hour…" he muttered. That meant he would have to spend an hour walking back through the trail just to leave this place. An hour with a broken shoe with the other on life support. Such a prospect seems miserable. He groaned in exasperation as he thought about it more, ready to turn around and high-tail it out of this place. But as he started to turn he caught a glimpse of something from the corner of his eye.
   Due to the forest being light in terms of tree density it was rather easy to see distant things between the thin trunks of the grove. In this case Matt's eyes captured the sight of what seemed to be some kind of clearing off to the trail's side. Curious, he walked forward towards the spacious looking area, cringing slightly at the feeling of his left shoe's sole flopping around the air as he walked. Luckily for him the walk wasn't that lengthy and it only took less than a minute or so for him to reach the mysterious area. Although he was rather surprised at just what he ended up finding…
   "Is that a camp?"
   The answer was yes. Matt had managed to come across a small camp in the middle of the clearing. An unlit campfire stood in the middle of the space, and sprawled around it were a few chairs and a pair of tables. Beside one of the tables was a stack of metallic-looking boxes as well. Strangely, everything looked rather pristine and polished as if the campsite was recently maintained.
   "Perhaps this site is a rest spot," Matt tried to rationalize as he stepped forward into the newly discovered area. With a sigh of relief he places his backpack beside one of the chairs and takes a seat upon it, noting how weirdly designed it was as he eyed it from the side. The 'legs' of the chairs being Z-shaped, hinges on each joint as if these chairs were collapsible. The prospect of collapsible chairs wasn't weird, but the shape and overall metallic feel felt a bit off. It gave the vibes of being pseudo-militaristic.
   He attempted to ignore that though. The dull ache that was in his legs steadily died down as he remained seated, Matt deciding to take in the view of the nature around him. It wasn't very different in comparison to the rest of the hiking area. The forest remained sparsely packed, autumnal, and there weren't any animals to be seen. Strangely enough there wasn't the sound of any birds either. Just Matt himself alone in the silent, sunlit camp. It was kind of creepy if he thought about it for too long.
   His gaze then wandered towards the set of boxes stacked at the far end of the site. They were likely some strange assortment of supplies used by the trail's management, but that thought wasn't enough to dispel the budding curiosity in the back of his mind. This was a public site after all, it's not like the people who set this place up wouldn't have expected people to be curious enough to rummage around their things. And if they did, the boxes would probably be locked to prevent visitor rummaging. He stood up and made his way towards the boxes, the man still vehemently hating the feel of his torn up shoe as he walked. Once he was at the stack of containers he took a few seconds to adjust the shoe to the point that his sock wasn't digging into the ground, then placed his hands on the sides of the top-most box's lid before opening it.
   Matt was surprised to find that the first box just contained clean dishes. Okay, free dining stuff if you want to eat here. He placed the lid back on and picked up the box before setting it onto the nearby table, then went to open the next box. This one was a little more interesting with it seeming to contain an assortment of cylindrical containers with some kind of green fluid in them. Part of him thought they were fancy glow sticks, but there was a slight feeling of unease from looking at them that made him seriously not want to touch them. So he resealed that container and moved on to the one beside it. Shortly after removing the lid of the third container, Matt looked into it only for a sudden feeling of surprise to arise once he saw what was in it.
   While many of the objects within the metallic box were just a random assortment of things, by some stroke of luck it seemed there was a pair of footwear that was sealed within the container. They didn't look to be hiking footwear per se, rather seeming to be a pair of sandals with rope-like straps and silvery metallic soles. Not the most well equipped for long treks it would seem, but as Matt gathered together the straps and held the object up out of the box and in front of him all he could feel was relief. 
   "These don't look perfect, but I'm sure they're a lot better than what I've got on now," he stated as he made his way back to the chairs and took a seat on one. In a few seconds he shirked off the dying and dead pair of sneakers and cast them aside. It took a bit longer for him to slip the sandals on though, the man having to properly adjust the straps to hold onto his feet properly while also having to wrap a portion of them above his ankles in order for the newly acquired footwear to stay on his feet without slipping. It was rather tiresome to do so, but he would eventually reach a point of satisfaction that allowed his new sandals to hold onto his feet perfectly. The soles were slightly larger than his feet though, if only by a few centimeters. There was also the fact they were still open, so his feet were still a little cold. He only had a single comment though.
   "...socks with sandals," he idly said to himself. He'll get used to the slight chill, and at the very least he didn't have to worry anymore about stepping on a pointy stick and getting impaled in the heel or something. 
   He took a couple more seconds to stare at the shining silver of his footwear though. Something about it just felt unique to him for some reason. The feeling of the hard metal at the bottom of his feet, the nice smooth texture as he rubbed the sandal's flat heel with a thumb. He was kind of hoping these would be complimentary because he wouldn't mind taking them home!
   With that in mind, Matt heaves up his backpack onto his back and starts to make his way back onto the trail. A part of him was ready to make his way out of this place, but a conflicted part just wanted to keep going. There was a budding desire to just see the end of this place, to not give up and just continue his trek forward. It was still daylight after all.
   The ends of his mouth curled downward as he tried to think. He did have a new pair of footwear that was evidently better and more durable, and it wouldn't hurt to see if he could go a little bit further. Especially if there's a few more rest spots lining the path.
   He turns his head towards the right, tilts it a little to the side, then nods. "Yeah I… think I can go on actually," he decided. The sound of dirt crunching beneath his feet resumed as he made his way forward through the trail. Matt felt particularly reinvigorated thanks to the fact he didn't have to worry about a pair of ratty old sneakers anymore. 
   However, as the man walked he remained oblivious to something weird beginning to occur within his body. In truth it had started a minute earlier at the camp. Matt had removed his hands from his sandals and started preparing to leave, him not even noticing the tinge of blue that had stained the tips of each of his fingers. And as time progressed to the present that blue tone was steadily making its way down his fingers as well. His white complexion deepened to the slate azure with each second, with each step he took. It was like water slowly trickling down each extensor and making its way closer and closer to his hands. Eventually it would reach his hands, and from there it would proceed to try and make its way towards the rest of his body.
   While the changes in tone swept across his skin there was another set of more minute alterations occurring in his hands. His hands grew out a little with a bit of size being added to them. His fingers got just slightly thicker and a little longer too to fit with the new proportions of his hands. There was a slight addition to the thickness of his hands as well, a small level of muscle mass being added into them as time progressed. There also came a level of hardness being placed into his palms with that region lightly callusing.
   His wrists widened in circumference by a few centimeters as the transformation seemed to move up and past them to reach his arms. While the newly developed cyanosis still continued, beneath it all were more changes to Matt's muscularity. It wasn't the most impressive level of muscular tone though. His forearms bulked up lightly, muscle mass seemingly only growing large enough to dispel his thinner appearance. The same would apply to the muscles in his upper arms as well with his biceps and triceps only swelling enough to look conspicuous, but not overtly prominence. In general the gain in muscularity only seemed to be enough to fill out the sleeves of his shirt a bit, making them feel a bit snug while just barely having his newfound mass bulge through them slightly.
   This addition to muscle mass did come with a new feeling. A strange increase in stamina within Matt's form, alongside a burgeoning of strength. Albeit this strength wasn't intense. The best way to describe it would be that he had power, but it was more honed into endurance and agility. It was a fairly odd and unobtrusive sensation, only seeming to help Matt more as he continued his trek forward through the path.
   His steps seem to slow however as he begins to approach a… strange obstacle directly in his path. It seemed the trail he was on led towards some kind of rock face, and the trail itself connected to a single steel slope of sand. There was no way around the rocky terrain it would seem as all Matt was greeting with as he looked left and right were more forest. The only way forward was to climb up the sand slope.
   Matt rolled his eyes and remarked, "Why does this terrain look like a video game glitched in its world generation and made everything beyond this point higher?"
   This would be a good place for him to give up, but a thought crossed his mind instead as he eyed the sandy slope. Imagine a stake…
   Matt blinked. Why did he…? Actually… He dwells on the thought a little as he unconsciously takes off his backpack and places it into the ground in front of the slope. The back of his mind tells him he didn't want the unnecessary weight.
He then takes a step forward and shoves a foot into the sand. Then another, then another. He manages to take another few steps as he tries to explain the stake manta to himself. Bury his feet deep into the sand, imagine himself one with the earth. Do that and repeat with each step. As he does so he's able to get himself halfway up the slope before his thought patterns break for a single second and he asks himself, "Why does this make so much sense…?"
   Matt then began to slip. Did his voice sound different?! Wait- "Crap, I broke my concentration!" 
   Slowly he slips and moves downward more and more before he falls forward and tries to grip his hands into whatever terrain is in the sand. He groans as he looks upward, but is glad to find that he didn't move too far down. He could just climb up… and with that in mind he does indeed climb. He continued to grip his hands into the ground, steadily hauling himself up more and more. 
   As he does so the newfound strength that was added to his body comes into full effect, plus more musculature being added to his upper arms as he pressed on. Shoulders got thicker as his deltoids grew out a little more, and his upper body strength got better as the wave of blue skin went beyond the axillary region of his arms and began to coat his chest and back. He could feel his back broaden a little as the muscles within it developed more and the newfound strength continued to coarse through him.
   With all of this happening at once it allowed Matt to garner enough strength to pull himself up the slope before promptly collapsing onto the ground. His shirt, which is usually pure black, now noticeably had a good amount of sand on the front, and he could feel sand in his socks. He also left his backpack down the slope and he knew for a fact he wouldn't be able to pull it up. In the back of his mind though, Matt had the feeling he was reaching the end of this trail. Or at least he was hoping he was…
   He laid on the ground for another few seconds before finally getting the strength to push himself up and stand back up. He spent a bit trying to dust off what sand and dirt he could before he looked forward to see where the hiking trail would lead. Except there was no trail anymore and instead he was greeted with a more astonishing and rather concerning sight.
   The area that sprawled in front of him was a lakefront. Judging from where he was, it looked rather shallow. A single flat hill raised out from the small lake, and beyond the lake seemed to be another clearing that led up to another rocky face that had a waterfall pouring into a separate lake that seemed to be on a lower level from the one Matt was on. The concerning part however came from two primary factors.
   The first factor was the fauna roaming around the lake. There were a couple large bugs flying around, and within the lake were three massive sentient plant-like organisms that roamed around the place. The second factor came from the fact that as his gaze turned more towards the sides, he came to the realization that the area he was in was somehow in some kind of fantastical mountain range. It felt like he had stepped into a world radically different from his own.
   "W-where did- uurgh!" Matt took a sudden step back and placed a hand on his head as a sudden headache pierced him. His worries got purged in an instant as a single name entered his head.
   Cooley Pool…
   That was the name of this place, he knew it was. His mind steadily began to rationalize everything as his sudden onset of panic was forced to subside. "Just… don't think about it too much…" he tried to reassure himself. "You'll reach the end of this path soon and then leave."
   With that thought in his mind Matt started to step forward again and approach the lake. He quickly noted that there was no way around the lake, so his only way was to wade through it. The man luckily was able to assess the portion of the lake that would be easiest to walk through in order to reach the small portion of land that was in the middle of it and minimize the amount of water he'd get in his clothes. With that assessment in mind he steps into the lake and begins to walk across the bar of dirt bridging the mainland to the miniature island. The calm water seemed to easily reach knee height as he walked.
   Something about this act seemed to continue his transformation again while he trekked. Everything about his physical changes progressed more with each step. Shades of slate blue deepened his skin tone more and more across his chest and back as the waves of discoloration steadily began colliding across his midline. Once they did, another layer of musculature entered his form, this time with it happening in his chest region. A twinge could be felt in his pectorals as the muscles were prompted to grow, prominence forming in them just slightly as they got slightly larger and more matured. They didn't seem to grow too large though, the musculature only growing enough to make his pecs just barely stand out. The increase in size did continue making his shirt feel a little bit tighter though.
   The trek through the segment of the lake was extremely short. But even once he left the water and continued onto the landmass that stuck out of the lake, the changes only continued. As he tried to avoid the large flying insects that harmlessly roamed around the island, the increasingly blue tone of his skin started to inch up his neck while at the same time rapidly cascading down his torso. This prompted a slow increase in height as his spine decompressed slightly. Meanwhile at his front the steady increase of his muscle mass was being facilitated as well. His abdominal region pushed out slightly, light fat just barely melting away as abdominal muscles formed. He didn't seem to form any level of packing however, the new muscles only creating a solid firmness in the area with only a barely noticeable hint of a more solid muscle mass. Despite that there was still a level of strength coursing through him, flowing downwards as it began to reach his waist.
   His torso had finished changing by the time he reached the edge of the island that led to the latter portion of the lake. Matt was about to make his way through the lake again, but found himself stopped as he noticed a creature beginning to lumber through his line of sight. One of the massive plant-like creatures that he saw earlier. Its sudden appearance seemed to startle him, forcing him to step back a bit as a feeling of fear entered his body at just how large that creature was up close.
   "That thing, it's- ah-" another headache dulled his feelings, seemingly trying to force his fear to subside. Something about it forced him to speak again to continue that easing. "It's just a Blant, they're fairly common around here. Just don't aggravate it and you'll be fine…"
   He swayed a bit as he tried to take in what had just happened. His vocal tone sounded so different there. So formal and calm. And it was from his mouth no less. The dullness in his brain only stayed as he tried to dwell on it more, trying to think of just how he knew that or why he said such a knowing thing. He has never been here before, but at the same time it felt like he's been here more times than he could count. A sense of overgrowing familiarity that he couldn't shake off or repress.
   But as the plant-creature, or Blant as he seemed to call it, moved out the way all Matt could do was feel this feeling to press onwards. "I-I should move… move forward. Almost there after all…"
   He stepped into the shallow lake again and tried not to dwell on how his voice kept changing in and out of tones. His accent wavered between its standard British feel and something more akin to a posh American one. He didn't want to dwell on how much more different everything seemed, how his shirt felt tighter or how he felt stronger. That weird feeling in the back of his mind only grew stronger the more he continued this hike, thoughts and feelings and memories in a weird cloud that was mixing everything together. There was even a more prominent thought telling him that thinking about all of this wasn't needed, especially since he needed to focus on his surroundings. After all, even with the Blants being docile they could always ambush him. Or worse, he could suddenly get attacked by Kevesi troops…
   Matt held his head again as he continued walked. "What are these thoughts…" he said through gritted teeth.
   His lake walk this time around had also become rather sluggish. Instead of being knee deep this time it was waist deep and really amped up the wet feeling his pants had experienced this whole portion of the trek. He was even getting some water on the hem of his shirt. But what really mattered was how this was influencing his transformation, soggy denim pressing up against his legs as the skin upon those limbs shifted in tone like it did the rest of his body. However in contrast to his slow movements it would seem his stamina was only improving, especially thanks to muscle mass accruing within his legs.
   Similar to how it was in his arms, the muscularity in his legs was only growing just enough that it would be perfect for someone more agility-based. Hamstrings and quads getting slightly larger, thighs growing a little more thick and firm. The crus of his legs followed shortly after with his calves just barely garnering any semblance of prominence. There also came a slight lengthening in his leg bones causing another bit of height to be added to his form. All of this made his jeans feel a little bit snug around him, his newly muscled legs pushing up against the wet denim of his legwear. Alongside this these changes just gave Matt more stamina, which was a stark contrast to his hazy mental state at the time. If anything it felt like he could run and fight for ages!
   By the time the blue pigmentation overtook his legs and started trickling its way down his ankles, Matt had finally reached the end of the lake and hauled himself out of the water. His brain was too dazed to acknowledge the intense wetness of his clothing, or the discomfort his feet were experiencing because of that, or even feel concerned about what would happen as he continued to move forward. He just felt compelled to continue on at this point, his mind being constantly granted strange and unfamiliar thoughts that he couldn't ignore. That he felt like he wanted to accept.
   Now a few steps out of the lake and still walking, Matt found himself in a large open field. The left portion of the field led to another lake, but he was willfully ignoring that as he continued onwards. He could see another sand slope on the path ahead, and he knew once he climbed that slope he would reach the Transcendent Retreat. And yet he still wonders why and how he knows that's the destination he was heading towards. He could've sworn he didn't even know where he was hiking, that he was just going where the path led him!
   "Is-is that not what I'm already doing though…" he asked himself. The sound of his voice again echoed in his ears, the former sound of it seeming even more lost now as he spoke. It didn't sound like him but at the same time he was registering it as his own. "None of this is… right-"
   Matt's thoughts break as he walks further into the field and his peripheral vision catches onto something. He slowly turns his head and realizes that there was a massive dropout towards the far right of the field that opened to a scenic view of the mountain range. His head instantly recalled the name Melnath's Shoulder, and as he continued to walk he took note of an absolutely massive opening on the mountain side that he was given the view of. That view forced a single comment to slip out.
   "Seeing that little bit of Colony Gamma from this far is always an astonishing sight…"
   The term Colony Gamma resonated with him. Something about that seemed to force his ongoing mental haze to do something with his mind that it wasn't already. Filling his head with strange memories of people (his… students?), of events (combat training), or places (this place was the Aetia Region, right?) He grit his teeth at this sudden assault of revelations, remove his gaze from the far-off Colony Gamma in order to focus on the trail he was walking.
   He's only taking this hike to find a good spot to meditate after all. He had to start preparing his mind…
   The headache intensified at that thought, Matt's sense of self seeming to dull and blur as everything got even more confusing. His mind felt like a tumultuous whirlwind of entropy, conflicting thoughts and memories trying to determine dominance as he was unable to discern himself away from this growing force in his head. The stressful feeling of it was giving him a feel grayish-white hairs… literally.
   That wasn't the only change as well. The wetness in his clothing seemingly caused physical changes to the attire itself, things steadily shifting as he continued forward towards the next sand slope. His shirt's hem was the first part to change, steadily drying off as the black coloration of it shifted into a sleek blue. A split formed directly in the front middle while the rest of the shirt's bottom began getting longer by stretching downwards. This shifting downwards continued more as the hem formed a more triangular appearance that ended halfway down his thighs. Immediately lengthening from those newly developed extensions were a set of vertical tassets, five on each side.
   At the same time as that was happening the newly forming split in the middle of his shirt grew upwards and divided his shirt out more. The deep blue that was overtaking the shirt's former black color was also proving that the cottony feel was changing to a new material and becoming something more leathery instead. As this progression continued a few weird alterations occurred in his shirt. Two straps formed on the sides of the split, and a red and gold band materialized and looped in those straps to hold them together. Once the leather finally spread onto the upper torso portion of his shirt, the split dividing the shirt's halves even more, two diagonal straps stretched upwards across his chest in an X-formation before clipping beneath the shirt collar with golden intricately-shaped buckles.
   It was at this point that the changes in material had finally reached the peak of his shirt and his sleeves. The stretching split finally reached the shirt's neck, and that portion of the shirt lengthened upwards until it became a proper collar that was long enough to graze Matt's own neck. The now much larger and longer collar also gained a golden trim around itself. As for his sleeves, the wrist ends rapidly unraveled themselves as they both seemed to shrink away. This only continued for a few seconds until he was left with what could only be described as a quarter of his sleeves, that quarter being the upper half of the upper portions of them. The material of them changed, and a pair of maroon ropes manifested from one halfway point of the partial armholes before snaking their ways to the other half of the corresponding armhole.
   All while his shirt was changing, something else was appearing beneath the shifting attire at the exact same time. Another set of layers stretching across his very form. The first set was a chest plate, silver shimmering into existence as it atomized itself around Matt's body to form a metallic armor piece that served well in protecting it. It even seemed to run a good length as it went from the main plating covering his lower chest to the horizontal tassets that gently laid above his upper thighs. The second layering ran beneath the chest plate, a softer garment of some kind slipping beneath it and front-wrapping itself over his torso.
   If that wasn't enough layering, the transformation in his absolutely soaked pants was going to add a fourth layer to his form that went alongside their own changes. While the sogginess steadily subsided, the standard gray of the denim was forced into a dark black as the material changed into something that was rather similar to nylon. Their size increased slightly to the point they looked a little baggy now. The ends of each pants leg steadily shrunk up his legs before settling just a few inches below each knee, meanwhile the top portion of his pants stretched upwards and under the three layers of clothing he already had on his torso. It would seem his pants were shifting into some kind of one-piece jumpsuit, moving upwards more and more to the point you could see it through the large armholes of what his shirt had become. It didn't even stop there as it moved up more and more and reached his shoulders, then steadily slunk its way down both his arms. Then once the newly formed sleeves reached his wrists, one final set of accessories appeared around various points of his body. A pair of metallic bracers manifested around his forearms, then there came another pair of bracers that strapped themselves around the crus of his legs. The final bit of clothing that formed on Matt's body was a pair of leather gloves that materialized around both his hands.
   By the time most of his clothing was finished changing he had finally reached the sand slope. Matt, despite his mental haze and confusion, eyed the slope with determination. 
   "Be a stake and root yourself in the ground," was his only comment as he stepped forward and plunged a foot into the sand. Then another, and another. All the while the sand seemed to erode at his socks, the last piece of clothing from his former self that seemed to remain. The wet cotton of his socks wore away, practically getting washed in the flood of sand pelting each foot as he walked up the slope.
   If that wasn't enough, the physical changes in his body were finally reaching his feet themselves. Slate blue deepening the original pale tone, rapidly overtaking the surface area of each foot with each. This forced changes not unlike the ones in his hands, size steadily shifting larger within the straps of his sandals. Both sandals seemed to adjust alongside this increase in size, ropey straps loosening against his now larger feet and ankles. His toes easily made their way to almost grazing the apex of his metallic sandals as they grew just slightly chunkier, and he could feel the big and index toes graze the straps. He could practically feel his own soles squeeze up against his footwear while his heels dug into the backs perfectly, the remainder of his socks wearing away completely as the changes in his feet came to an end.
   And once his feet finished changing, Matt reached the apex of the sand slope flawlessly. For just those moments his concentration stayed intact, the man repeating the stake manta constantly without questioning it. It was the only way to keep himself from slipping after all. Concentration is key for things like this. Truthfully, it is key for many things in general. Combat, teaching, meditation…
   He sighed, somehow content despite the whirlwind of identities re-entering his mind. "Just purge those stray thoughts…"
   He continues his trek forwards, the man knowing he was approaching a cliffside. He disregarded the fauna roaming around, the manta ray-like Moramora flying above him while he took note of some creature movement leftward. Everything here was the usual wildlife, but he liked to keep vigilant in case anything decided to ambush him.
   After all, his mind was filled with combat maneuvers and battle moves. If need be he could easily summon his Martial Linkstaff and use a Furious Flash on the opponent to Bind them.
   He blinked his eyes a few times and shook his head. No, he didn't need to be mapping out combat plans right now. He just wanted to make his way to the peak of this cliff and meditate. With that in mind he walked, thought, and unawaredly let the final set of changes overtake the last unchanged part of his body: his head.
   Blue coloration had etched its way up his neck and onto his face, steadily crawling onto his lower jaw and spreading its coloration upwards across his face. All the while the structure of it was being shifted. The broad rectangular look of his face reshaped, skull structure altering into something less overtly masculine. His jawline narrowed, the chin's apex rounding slightly. His nose thinned slightly, and his eyes narrowed themselves. The thickness of his brows faded, thinning out and garnering a silvery white coloration that replaced their original deep brown. Perhaps the most notable change was in his ears, both of them stretching out with the top of the lobes sharpening into a fine point. This ended with them getting a more elfin appearance instead.
   The change in skin coloration was also adding another layer of changes. Features seem to youthen, his skin smoothing out and softening. A bit of age regression it would seem, even if his face still had a wizened appearance to it that mixed well with his now young adult features. Although it also easily possessed a bishie sparkle to it, something that got accentuated by his glasses melting themselves down into a single diamond-shaped crystal that embedded itself into the far side of his cheek.
   Lastly were the changes in his hair, whiteness starting at the brown roots before quickly ascending up his follicles in rapid succession. The shock of white overtook his thick hair easily, and it wasn't long before that forced a complete style overhaul in its once swept-back appearance. The strands grew longer while at the same time trying to maintain their uniformity which forced the density of his hair to increase more. His hair also got a noticeable parting two-thirds into it causing one portion of it to sweep to the right side while the other swept left. The leftward facing bunch of hair was the thicker of the two sides, and the rightward one was seemingly not as thick but still significantly dense. The lengths of his sideburns also grew more as well, etching their way downwards more until they were inches away from the start of his jawline. Lastly came bits of hair on his hairline sticking out; a rather small lick of it hanging out from somewhere on the right half of it, and on the left half of it grew a longer collection of strands that gently hung from its place on his hairline.
   With that done his physical changes had reached completion. Nothing of 'Matt' remained upon his body, and what was left in his mental space was quickly getting consumed and replaced by a new identity. The layering of thought processes he once deemed foreign had rapidly gotten to feeling like they were his own now because to him they are his own. A new, different, much wiser and learned, and very mysterious persona placed itself in and overtook the man's mind, and as he reached the cliff's peak that very persona would seem to take over completely.
   "Here it is, the Transcendent Retreat…"
   The peak of this cliffside was one that was privy to an astonishing view, one that was much more grand than the mountainside view from earlier. Here he was granted not a look into his own home mountains, or a look over a forest, but rather one into a canyon that the red-grassed lowlands of Gura Flava were located in. Due to the height of the cliff, he could also see the Gaur Spikes that overlooked the Millick Meadows in the distance. Then there was the massive behemoth of the Urayan Mountains that was just miles away, and yet here he was given a full view of the whale-like mound. It was truly astonishing.
   "It never gets old," he said as he took a cross-legged seat on the ground. The identity related turmoil in his brain was dying down to none the longer he looked at the view. So much familiarity being packed into one place that always made Teach know his place in the world of Aionios. With that he clears his mind and closes his eyes, the brown hue of his irises taking a green tone instead as he does so.
   He now begins to meditate, feeling at peace despite the everlasting war that rages on in the world.
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mohgfest · 2 years
This is a really early post! Feedback from potential contributors is welcome. Please share your thoughts in the reblogs or replies. This post is subject to change.
February 1-7 2023 is currently being considered for the event time. I know that seems far away, but I want to give participants time to put something together, and the end of the year (October onwards) is really busy for a lot of people.
While this is a week long event, there’s no minimum requirement for number of pieces, finish, or quality (or fic length, if you’re writing). If you want to celebrate Mohg with us, you’re welcome to join in. Upload content during the week and submit it to the Mohgfest blog.
There are no content restrictions, but content should fit the rules of the site you’re posting it on (ao3 or tumblr at the moment) and creators are required to tag their works. (Tagging mostly applies to ao3 or fic uploads. Reblogs on the Mohgfest blog will be tagged by mods.)
Also! This is a celebration of Mohg, so if you’d like to depict dark content or touch on the less savoury aspects of canon, please feel free. The mod may refuse to host a work on a case by case basis if they deem it to be character-bashing (example: if the work is about how evil Mohg is and how he will never be redeemable. That’s not the focus of this event).
Shipping content is allowed, just tag for it.
Mohgfest has a zero tolerance policy for harassment. If you don’t like something, that’s fine. Refrain from engaging with it. If you harass another creator or encourage someone else to, your works will be removed from the fest and you will be blocked.
About the mods: I have never moderated an event and I’m trying to research to make up for the discrepancy. I am looking for a co-mod, ideally one with some experience moderating events. If there is anyone willing to donate their time, please let me know!
And, question for anyone interested in participating: would you like prompts for inspiration, and if so, would you like to submit prompt suggestions before the event?
Questions, concerns and suggestions welcome!
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10/4/2022 DAB Chronological Transcription
Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3
Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm China. Today is the fourth day of October, welcome. It is a joy to be here with you today. I have been loving the month of October. I always think how much I really love the month of October. And it's like I was talking about yesterday kind of transitioning out of the heat and really into fall. We don't get a very long fall in Nashville. I wish we would, but the moment leaves turn color, we get a bunch of rain, and they just all plummet. So our fall is, like, on the ground. I guess that's why they call it fall. But I'm pumped. Wish I had sound effects, but you just got my mouth for today. Today we're kind of like bouncing around in the Gospels. I don't know if that has the same fun effect as bouncing around the Psalms, but this is the fun part about reading chronologically. So we're reading it in the order, which is to be believed, that things happened in things that were recorded in. And so we kind of go through the Gospels and we get to hear potentially the same story or picking up from a story where they're the one left off. And we get different obviously they're different writers, so we get different perspectives and different flavors. And you almost walk away from reading the Gospels and you somewhat have, if not a favorite, like a preferred one. And I feel like every year mine switches, so we'll see which one comes out, feeling the preferred one if that does happen this year. But today we are in the Book of Matthew. We are reading chapter three, when the Book of Mark reading chapter one. And the Book of Luke was chapter three. Continuing on with the New International Version for this week.
So we read about the story of John the Baptist preparing the way. And up until today's, reading, baptism had not really ever been a thing. So imagine John, who is coming out of the wilderness, who is wearing camel skin clothing and eating locuts and wild honey. So probably very mangy wild looking and is now speaking of things that have never been shared about if this were to be happening in today's time, I don't think we would really bat an eye at it. We'd be like, okay, that person is a follower of Jesus. Okay, cool. I'm already baptized, but I'll pull up my phone and take some videos, maybe upload them, get some likes, like that kind of a thing. But imagine that this is the first time that you are seeing people getting dunked in this lake, in this river, and you're being told there's value in repentance. There's someone who's more important coming, someone who's actually so much greater that this man is claiming he couldn't even carry his sandals or untie them. I feel like that would have two different responses. One that's very compelling and you feel the Holy Spirit convicting you and you feel that move and you're running up there and you are probably weeping, and you're confessing your sins, and you're like, yeah, I want to get baptized. And I don't even know who you're talking about, but sure, this sounds great and true and something seeming to check out in my spirit. I don't even know what that means. But then all of a sudden, here comes Jesus. And you're like, who is this guy? And John is emotional and saying, what, do you want me to baptize you? Aren't you supposed to baptize me? And then you watch Jesus get baptized. And in a bodily form, a dove is descended upon Jesus. Sorry. In bodily form. The Holy Spirit is descended upon Jesus. And there's a loud voice from heaven. Now, I've never heard a loud voice from heaven, but could you imagine all of that being shifted? And I don't know, up until this point were people still sacrificing everything that they needed to make atonement for their sins? I'm not really sure. But imagine hearing a different way of reconciliation happening where it requires something internal and not something external, which has been all these generations. That's honestly pretty groundbreaking. And so then we start reading about Jesus performing healings and performing miracles. Well, I think that healings are miracles, and I think that falls underneath that category. But I do know that the quote first miracle Jesus does is at a wedding. We'll just say that's what they are healing, I think their miracles, but I'm not sure, philosophy wise, if those meshed together, if that counterproducts that that was his first miracle, I'm not sure. I don't know that that fully needs to stand up in a debate. But anyways, so Jesus is revealing himself, revealing who he is, but God is also revealing who Jesus is by a loud voice. There wasn't just a couple of people at the river. There were many people, and many people of importance, too. Soldiers, tax collectors. Probably, people walking around being like, dude, why are you soaked and weeping and saying that you're changed? And then people being like, you gotta go to the river, man. You gotta go to the Jordan. And then kind of like this ripple effect. I don't know, my brain kind of goes into what are the other parts of the story that could have happened just to kind of paint the picture? But who knows if that happened or not? But we do see Jesus in the Book of Mark, starts to choose some of his disciples. We're getting into Jesus'ministry. It's like, man, he was just born a couple of days ago, and yesterday I'm reading about him in the temple and boom, now he's 30. They really grow up.
But Jesus, I thank you for your word. I thank you that we are finding so much about you by just slowly taking in your gospels. And I just thank you that everything you did was with intention and with heart and with character. And I thank you so much that we have a savior who is personal and personable that you understood so much more than what I think we even give you credit for. You are fully God and fully man. And even though our brains cannot fully fathom that, I thank you, that it's still the truth. And I thank you that as we continue to find ourselves in these stories, that we find a Savior, we find someone who was willing to save us from our ways and to be committed to reconciling us back to the Father. And I thank you that you gave your life so that we could have that. And I pray that we would have just so much gratitude in our hearts that would center us. And it's in your name we pray, amen.
Dailyaudiobible.com is our website. That's our homebase. Check that out. You can also go to Facebook.com/dailyaudiobiblechronological, and that's also a good connecting place with other DABCers and other believers. So be sure to check that out as well. That is all for today. I'm China, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.
Community Prayer Line
Good morning. D-A-B-C. Family, this is Rodney from Atlanta. I want to lift up a couple of family members in prayer today. Follow me. Thank the Lord for the day. We thank the Lord that you told us to come boldly before you're thrown in grace to come with confidence. Lord, I pray, Lord, right now for my family member of Atanya. God, we pray the Lord for her son, for the case that he has to go to court for. God I pray, Lord, right now, you are a lawyer in the courtroom. So God thank Lord right now for making this situation to your glory, that he will see your glory and he will give you the glory for the situation right now. God, I prayed for, for Abigail and for her sister Blossom, I come against that suicide spirit right now. You are a liar. I thank Lord for life in the name of Jesus, satan lose her mind and God, I think, Lord, for deliverance right now for Blossom, she'll rise up to do what you have called her to do. God, I pray, Lord, for Aaron and God for her missing brother in law. Lord, you know exactly where he is. So God, I pray, Lord, in the name of Jesus, that truth will surface right now and bring this burrow off back home safely. Let your angels cover him. In the name of Jesus, I come against any violent person coming to his realm right now. And God, I thank you for the finding of Abigail's brother in law. Lord, we give you praise right now. God, you are prayer answering God. And God, you send your word if we pray according to your will and your word that you will answer our prayer. God, you told, you were granted the petition we bring before you now. So God, thank you for answering prayer, and God, thank you for deliverance. In the name of the Lord Jesus, no weapon form against these family members will prosper. And God, I thank you for doing it right now. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen. Amen and amen.
Hello D-A-B-C family, this is Diana from Florida and I have a praise report to share. So of the two girls that I had requested prayer for that I am currently mentoring one of them who was set to give birth to her baby girl has already given birth and her baby girl is doing very well and she's doing very well and working out all the kinks of feeding and naps and all the things, but she is doing well. By God's grace. And we're still praying for my other Amenti who needs a car to keep her in prayer. But I just wanted to thank this community and Simone from Texas for persisting in prayer for them. I will come on soon to provide updates as those updates come up. What I did want to request prayer. About now is that the same young lady who just gave birth recently found out that her dad has cancer and it is very difficult for her and her mother and the family. This is her adopted family, she was adopted at a very young age. And so if you could please pray for them, pray for God to do a miracle in their lives. They are not Christians, neither is a young woman. This ministry, Florida is a ministry that works to help young ladies with their pregnancies and deliveries and doing life with them and encouraging them to come to crisis. So I pray that that be the case that her father may hopefully be. Love you all, bye.
Hi, this is Josh from Illinois, formerly from Indiana and I wanted to call in to call for Christie in Kentucky and her husband. Lord, you know everything that needs to go on with the body. We know exactly what needs to happen. So Lord heal the body. Lord, let it be whole in the name of Jesus.
Hey, this is Chassis from Kansas. I just wanted to call and just pray for those who don't call in because I know that we all are going through things even if we don't call in. So Lord, I was just coming to you and I lift up all of those who are in this community, this amazing Bible community that don't call in. Lord, we know that they are going through things as well. We lift up their prayers to you. We lift up the heartaches, the pain that they're going through, the loss, the grief. Lord, we also lift up their joys to you and thank you for those where we are so thankful that we can be in relationship with you God, thank you that you love us. Thank you that we can praise you and that we can be in this community. Lord, I thank you for Joe and Chyna and their family that they are healing. And Lord, I just thank you so much for their faithfulness to listening to you in Jesus name. Jill, China and Brian, I want to say thank you so much to all of you for when you say I love you at the end of the podcast every day. I don't know that you all realize how much that means. These past couple of months have been really hard for my family. My marriage was practically falling apart. Praise the Lord. He turned that around. We are better than we've ever been in our relationship. But on those really hard days just when you all said I love you at the end of the podcast, that honestly helped me get through the day because some days that was the only time I heard I love you. So God bless you guys, every single one of you. I love you all.
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triptychgrip · 10 days
New chapter upload of my Yakov-centric post-canon, Yuri!!! on Ice fic
As part of my post-canon, married Viktuuri series "Gold's On the Inside, Elevated My Feet", I have been writing a Yakov-centric story (currently at 33K words), and just recently updated a new chapter, if folks are looking for something to put on their reading list.
If you're new to my fic-verse, the big things to know before diving in are that at the time this story is set, in October 2021: 1) Viktor has been retired for nearly 3.5 years; 2) he and Yuuri (married since April 2019) live in Fukuoka, Japan; and 3) Viktor coaches Yuuri and Yurio at a Fukuoka-based rink called Papio Ice Arena.
This story's premise is one where Yuuri is trying to cheer Viktor up in the midst of a fight that Viktor is having with Yakov. The cause of said fight? Yakov majorly projecting after hearing Viktor's interview response to the question "What advice you would give your younger self?"
Without giving too much away, Viktor's answer triggers a major shame response within Yakov that touches upon the latter's career workaholism, and his past marriage issues with Lilia. Despite how heavy it sounds, a major theme of the fic is support -- specifically Yuuri/their friends (Yurio, Mila, etc.) supporting Viktor through this fight -- so there is a good bit of fluff and humor (and smut!) to balance out the angst.
I have just one final chapter left to write, but so far, here is a breakdown of what to expect:
Chapter 1 features Viktor surprising Yuuri with a sexy "Little Red Riding Vitya" roleplay fantasy (that goes a bit awry), Chapter 2 features Yuuri building off of this fantasy to cheer Viktor up, whereby he writes a fairytale that he reads aloud to his husband called Little Red Skating Vitya and Yusha, the Lovestruck Okami (fyi, an 'okami' is a Japanese wolf spirit), Chapter 3 is pure smut (lol), and Chapter 4 features Yuuri eliciting the help of his friends to confront Yakov in the hopes of encouraging him to resolve things with Viktor.
The final chapter will be done in a few weeks, and will focus on Yakov/Viktor making up: a conversation that will lead them both to deepen their understanding of one another.
Below is an excerpt from the latest chapter; I hope you'll consider checking it out!
“I think it’s best for you to hear this from Vitya, but since you won’t speak to him, to either of us, I feel compelled to let you know…” Yuuri began, trailing off when the other man’s eyes narrowed. 
He clasped his hands together so that he wouldn’t be tempted to fidget, and shored up his courage.
“His interview response to Bryant…I know you think he was trying to insinuate something negative about your career, and about your and Lilia’s relationship, but when he gave his answer, those were the furthest things from his mind,” he continued, tears beginning to leak from his eyes with the desperation he felt at getting his point across. 
“He would never want to hurt you like that, especially in such a public venue. And it’s been killing him that you could think he’d be capable of that,” Yuuri went on, fully aware of how obviously pleading his tone was.
“He was speaking about himself, first and foremost, and also about Ilia and Sonya, and he assumed – we both did – that you knew that. You know what his parents’ relationship was like…the lack of love between them, it was textbook narcissism. It’s nothing like what you and Lilia had, even when you two were at your rockiest.”
Yakov said nothing to this, but Yuuri felt heartened that he at least hadn’t been cussed out (yet). His tears continued to flow, and he reached into the breast pocket of his suit, glad that he’d thought to stow away his Potya-printed handkerchief. 
“We all know what Ilia and Sonya’s relationship was like,” Oleg chimed in, somberly. “Yasha…Vitya thinks of you and Lilia as the parents he never had, the parents he wished he’d been raised by.”
And now Oleg appeared to be getting emotional as well, a film of tears covering his irises. The ex-bodyguard had been privy to so much of the loneliness that Viktor had tried to mask with his career ambitions…the kind of loneliness that could only result from not ever having felt wanted by one’s own parents.
It was a permanent type of wound that Yuuri would never wish upon anyone, least of all the love of his life. 
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idleglowingpixels · 12 days
It's 12am and I'm sitting here debating which fanfic WIP I should work on again q-q
The two Monster High AU ones could honestly be released interchangeably so I could work on either or (I mean, Trapped In The Rain happens after BOTH of these fics in the timeline so it's not like I'm hyperspecific about chronological releases). Though the Clawdeen POV fic takes place a few months before the start of freshman year and the Frankie POV fic starts even further back, but is mainly based on their first week's experiences being in a public high school for the first time, the beginning acts almost like a prologue. Also debating whether or not it should be written in 1st person to emulate Frankie's narrations throughout the G1 films (Also kinda reminds me of Cady's narrations in Mean Girls 2003, it fits the "fish out of water" trope so well).
But the PPG fic is JUST A SMIDGE AWAY FROM THE BEST FREAKING PART FOR ME TO WRITE IN THIS PARTICULAR BATCH as if Chapters 8, 9 and 10 weren't already absolute BANGERS to work on and have at least one scene that made me go "THAT'S THE ONE DUDE I AM COOKING" y'all are not ready cause I'm sure not lol. And I literally have like 2 1/2 chapters left to write before getting to my editing drafts, and I've been dying to share what I've got and finally update the fic after...I don't even wanna know how many months. :'D Definitely over 6 at this point, I am SO SORRY.
The last thing is a super secret 4th thing (and no it's not the potential Miraculous rewrite, that's debatable on whether I'm making it as of right now but we'll see cause I still have enough ideas and interest for it, just wanna get through this long-term WIP first). I'm probably not gonna share it on the blog or my AO3 but that's only because it's a different kind of WIP (also different fandom than any of my previous works) and idk I'll just keep it at that. But I've been working on it 5+ years (even earlier than the first XXY drafts back in 2019) and my LORD do I want to just complete the mfkin first draft that I'm only like 50 scenes away from finishing bhngvfdcfgvbdcx ugh
Also I've been drawing a lot more lately so expect some MH and/or PPG art whenever I complete more than a sketch lol. I LOVED making my little title cover thing for Trapped In The Rain back in October (the perfect excuse to let my shipping brainrot go feral) & sharing my AU version of Stitched In Style Frankie art (which btw idk if I ever mentioned it but my cousin is the GOAT and bought her doll for me as a Christmas gift!!! She's hanging out in-box with my G3 dolls). Having art to go alongside chapter updates for XXY and oneshot uploads for my MH AU is something I have a lot of fun making and it's something I would like to be consistent with moving forward. I will also probably make art covers for Chs. 1-7 of XXY too because I had felt like doing it at the time of uploads but just got too busy with life stuff. Last year was awful for me besides these fics and my blog. :') Also istg I need to make that Instagram account for my art that I share here! Maybe someday, if I do I'll let y'all know.
0 notes
October 24 , 2023
Listening to Kevin Gates while also reading the Bible as well. Keeping my mind studying as well.
My bible that was Copy right 1977, 1984, 2001 by Thomas Nelson Inc, All rights reserved Printed in Belgium the verse in Psalms says ,
Also was baptized and well that was November 16, 2008 a week before I turned 10 as well. In front of My father Glenn Ray Seymour and , my two little brothers as well as my step mom and as well as my step brother as well. The verse Psalms 10: Oppression of the Poor.
Psalms 10:2
" The wicked in "his" pride doth persecute the poor,. Let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined."
Now reading this the bible states women are to "marry" its hard to marry when women feel a sense of entitlement to credibility and being thief of a man's pride . A man's pride is anything he actually pours his energy and time into as well as mind.
Men will looks at all women the same because we are always counting on a hand on how fast we can mess them over or manipulate them.
The devices they are talking about is the phones and devices and how we use them. I use mine for research, google translation and communication to people that I promised to always be here for no matter how bad things get.
A few people is about to see me as a joke because I don't hold any vengeance from anyone who hurts me or betrays me. I look at myself and having spiritual warfare in my soul because my father's obituary did not have to be exposed, nor did my face-book need to be tapped in my old foster brother from him hacking me back in March of 2015 to April really, actually April 20 of that year in 2015 and that hurts to know because he was tapped into my information and was having access to all my conversations as well. This life is getting scary being able to see it at a distance as well.
Reading this and realizing what dcfs meant by I am blessed. My daughter could be in the same position as I was as well. My spirit in my shell is feeling growth in more ways than one. I am learning the knowledge everyone is wanting and trying to manifest from the Devil, they are trying to learn take over.
That knowledge was not meant to be used for destruction it is meant for knowing the power you hold in yourself as a person as a human being. I will not be looked at like my father as a liar or a addict .
Life is a choice.
I have to much life meaning my spirit.
Women give the names you are called by the first name.
Seeing someone go by a middle name is Red flag, also after learning the truth behind my father's biological father I had already stated my last name needs to be changed to Barker because well truth came out fast and I see why my grand mother wrote that message of her red bible.
She knows how I am with my faith and knows i will do whatever means necessary's to keep my bloodline safe and as well as always reach out to talk to family because as life goes on and people block and do things as if I am here to make anyone feel bad about themselves. Nope sometimes as life goes on its better to let go , write , if there is something you want to keep with you but you don't want to carry it with you in your mind you can actually write it down and keep it , write down your mental rights with a note and keep that information personal close as well.
Family will play like they love you and trade or speak information to others that was it there business to do because now it takes away truth behind what I say or do. My past will not dictate or conflicts my faith as I am typing this. Women are always called crazy no women are tired of our voices being covered, Hint my drawings has the mouth as well muscled as well.
I like the fact that Porn Hub asks for a license or a number to upload things as well. Its amazing because well. I am from Louisiana and well, I am sorry I love music, I speak truth. One main focus I am hunting for and doing is writing or saying lyrics that doesn't look like a gateway to a bad path. The path hand and hand with Allah, God . The Alpha and Omega and understanding even as an artist that has more talents than one, I will never be perfect, right now is not the time to dive into my dream with my music because truth is , being seen as if I am noone. Lies , everyone sees what is going on. Money holds no real value when you learn the place of a women as life goes on. I don't want to be looked up to as I promote self harm, verbal abuse, mental abuse, or physical violence. My body is my body , We are all part of the problem of todays society. Women on twitter one specific is talking about things on twitter well, formerly twitter and is debating and speaking of topics she's trying to speak to women and say to be quiet and submits to every word a man says , But leaving out other factors that she wants our daughters to learn to listen and elt a man take advantage and mentally abuse you, I was once beatened by her father and we made peace and moved on from it, but his family got in the way and as life goes on we are all learning how to ehal because well. Now its feels like whose going through worse and feels like it is Karma as well for speaking up as well. I refuse toever be looked at as if I did wrong in my past when speaking up. I don't trust a person walking because everyone just wants something from you just so that way they can take your photos, data, and stories adn use them for themselves, shit even seeing my mom betray me its okay. I am greatful she is alive but she was my momma and she is protecting someone that did alot of harm to other kids as well and my baby daddy's sister thought I was wrong when I told Him that I wanted to beat my brothers ass for doing something to a kid as well my child said that she was touched by him as well and my mom is acting like she forgot who I was as a person. I know my rights as a mother and as a person I am influencing women to speak up and always keep diaries because even when I was on drugs I am still able to remember everything that has ever happened. Maya Angellou felt that she had to keep mute because she felt as well the same thing , stay quiet becasue she felt her voice played a hand in getting a man killed when facts are that is a false because murder is a choice, all humans feels a evil instinct in us but its about how we chose to pass it down and demonstrate it. I was raped 3 times and State of Louisiana through Celeste White dropped my case becasue she was intimidated by Thomas Vincent to drop the case as well, so I did allow her father to visit with her and see her under the supervision of some family from the Hebert side and May 19, 2023 my daughter came to me saying that she was touched by him as well then I got my mothers dumbass boyfriend saying and trying to message me aying that he is my dad when my father is deceased and what makes it even more sick for me is that well being honest in my life he is part of the problem as well having sex with every one he does air conditioner work as well for my mother. Church is through your way of worship. I just find it funny ebcause I was even wrong back in September 16 , 2014 when I spoke up on cocain as well about the accusations as well.
Makes it amazing for me because I even left 26 Old sandy hook road in July or August of 2017 because my mother brought him back around my daughter after I gave birth to her as wel.
I will always love her father but in truth I do believe her, but also on top of that Chris Cuevas even made a mistake and said " Why didn't you fill out a Police report."
Sir common sense is The courts does not hold anything that a child says at 6 years old accountable to be used, this is facts because on honesty It was as easy as just leave and not speak to any of them again. Do I wish them bad? Never I am staying near my home front because well. Its home.
Tired of the judgement oh wait Thomas Vincent father of three wont name because they are family but he even screamed at me saying infront of 410 edwards street that I deserved to be raped and I am not mad because they rather see me home less and not care. I asked for even a ride from Misty Portier to help me to get to court from Lafayette and she was told me no as well.
Manipulated me threatening me saying I remember you calling the police from 2021 because her father didn't let me talk to her because of his emotions. I am so sorry that I felt played because he said " I will teach her how to please a man."
So Louisiana did fail that. Speaking that as well. My bad.
But in truth I never did anything to harm my child, when you remove a child from a mother's custody we will lose our mind and find hobbies to fill the void, so me leaving a man was wrong ? No matter what we are always serving the devil without knowing it and well I have the right to type as I am losing my mind watching how this crap really goes, I am keeping my silence as I am healing mentally right now so I am greatful because we could all be killed in America like the Genocide that is going on across the borders.
And noone will ever really get promoted or paid correct as honesty goes. So yeah, some artist play behind a screen because even right now I am looked at like an attention seeker , no , I am a woman who has alot in her mind and also alot of pain supressed, but I hold no threats.
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hwdesperado · 1 year
2022 Sculpture Recap: Part 8
This is going to be a big, long, horny post.
First up, I started two projects simultaneously in September. I already had the eyes pre-made and baked, so the next step was the sculpt the skulls to go with them. They would both be exercises in becoming more acquainted with the resistance Super Sculpy Firm offers.
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We'll come back to the one on the right later, maybe at the very end of the year. But for now, we will concern ourselves with the lady with the split-jaw on the left.
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The object of this sculpture was to do away with some of the filters and limitations I might overwise put up when conceptualizing a character. I have soft spot for snake people (sneeple?) and extra limbs, so I was going to continue to push at the boundaries of humanoid characters. I also had a desire to "just go with it" and create a character that wasn't just "artistically nude." She is "intentionally horny" and no apologies will be made for that.
You can see me using an artists model figma to get the pose right. I actually need to two of these to model both sets of arms.
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Two of the biggest challenges I gave myself with this sculpture were the hands and the mouth. Like most folks, hands take a effort for me to get right, but I gave myself leeway to focus where it would be important and not waste too much energy where the details didn't matter. Locking myself into more of the split snake jaw rather a more familiar human jaw would drastically affect how her head was shaped and take time for me to execute in a way I was satisfied with.
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By my third attempt at resculpting her face, I finally settled on something close to my original vision. There was a coy femininity I had hoped for (even without eyelids yet), but she was kinda monstrous.
It was also about this point in mid-October that the sculpture started looking "real" enough that sharing these pictures on Discord became its own challenge. I don't know if it was the bulbous, pale flesh colors bits that app's built-in filters flagged as too phallic, or the app correctly identified underboob, but I had to censor a few pictures to upload them.
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Her pose was inspired by an early entry in the artist InCase's "safe for work" Twitter project. Sometime a snake can be a little sleepy.
Anyway, check back later in the week for more in-progress pictures as things heat-up and we move on to the patching and painting phase.
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alexstorm · 2 years
Please! Do you know in how many forums I was with people claiming they knew shit? At best their guessing game is on point but I doubt a band as tight lipped as this would talk to any outsider leave alone anyone in the know would blab to outsiders// Blake, admin of the forum was the one of the first who uploaded AM songs online. He was "hired" by management to take care of online-related-outsider stuff. He's now "retired" but during his heyday, he was the one who always gave firsthand info for incoming singles and releases, was friends with the focus creeps dudes who directed AM videos, and gave away free tickets to fans. Any news from the band, we'd hear from him first. His activity decreased shortly after the release of TBHC but he emerged just a few weeks ago to shut down rumors from unreliable sources about the incoming album. October, basically is the alleged time of the release. For the other people at the forum who claim to know something, Nobodytoldme, also strangedayindeed on YouTube, I don't know much about him except he sort of took over Blake's work. He was the first one who teased Anyways and is now the primary source of info. Don't know about the others on the forum, these two are the most notable ones. Both of them are yet to spread false Intel, so for that I leave an open mind whenever they say something.
I know that fans rely heavily on that Blake guy for years now but I have a hard time seeing how all this "advanced info" stuff is in any way helpful when the band itself has a management and publicist when they're in promo mode as well as Twitter/Instagram to diffuse any rumours themselves. Why do they need an "outsider" to spread stuff?! Like, let's say all this is true, it doesn't get us any closer to the album and it takes the air out of any conversation about the album because the excitement is gone. Now it would be just waiting time to kick our heels until October. Also it kinda sucks for all the fans who can't go to any of the concerts, therefore can't hear the new songs and have to wait until October. I always hate people who feel important because they think they know stuff and hold that over everybody's head as a kind of reminder.
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celestialking · 3 years
Here for the boos
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◇ NSFW 18+ only ◇ Minors/Ageless blogs DNI◇ You will be blocked ◇
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Finished Writing: October 2, 2021
Pairing: CC!Dream , AMAB!Reader
Warnings: amab, Webcam (cyber sex), daddy/sir
24 and 25 please, with dream, amab/he/him, honorific; sir/daddy
A/n i’m gonna end up writing 32k words by the end of this month on kinktober alone T^T. I’m also trying to get back in the habit of daily uploads after this is over
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Visiting Dream in Florida was amazing. Sapnap was there for a day or so before he flew to Karl's so you all got to hang out for the first time in a while. 
The second he was gone however Dream had bent you over every fuckable surface and railed you into oblivion. It was surprising you didn't get a noise complaint from how loud you had screamed Daddy. The night before you left Sapnap came home, so your departure sex had resulted in him covering your mouth as you cried out his name, writhing in his sheets. 
You assumed once you had gotten home it would slow down a little. Not that you were complaining about being fucked for a week straight, but it would be nice to slow down a little. Sapnap had forced you to join a stream right after you had gotten home, unknowing that you hadn't got any sleep thanks to Dream. He was persistent and finally you agreed.
3 hours of pure chaos. 
"Alright I'm calling it a night," you sighed. "No," Sapnap started whining. "It's been a long day dude," reluctantly they said goodbye watching as you ended your stream and left the game. You were just about to move away from your desk when a discord message chimed. You clicked it open. It was Dream. "Let me help you relax," you smiled softly before calling him. 
"I miss you," Dream spoke softly. 
Whether that was because he was tired himself or he didn't want Sapnap to know he had stolen you away for himself you didn't know. "Would you like to do something?" His voice seemed to hint at something a bit more suggestive. Your camera was already on. Eagerly you bounced in your chair. 
"I can get the toys or-" 
"No," Dream cut you off. You paused, staring at the discord call. 
"No toys. No, I want to try something new tonight," you looked at the monitor confused. 
Dream switched his camera on. The camera was angled down at his stomach, the lower part of the camera revealed he was only in boxers. "Take off your shirt. Slowly," you gasped the hem of your shirt pulling it up. You dragged your nail up your stomach as you went. "So good for me," Dream watched your muscles move, tense and relax as you removed the fabric from your body. 
"Put your hands here, and do this," you placed your hands on your chest, slowly moving down your body as Dream requested. "That's it baby boy, give me a show," you shivered under your own teasing touches. "Roll back, do you have pants on?" He asked when you reached the edge of your boxers. You gulped before shaking your head. 
"When I ask a question I expect an answer," Dreams tone contrasted greatly from the sweet honey he spoke moments ago. 
"No sir, no pants," 
"just makes things easier," Dream mused. 
You rolled the chair back revealing the aching hard on you had. "I want you to tease yourself," you whined in protest at his command before moving your hands to your thighs. You touched everywhere, everywhere except where you desperately wanted to. The pre-cum that steadily dripped from your cock was beginning to leave a spot on your boxers. 
"Doing so good, little prince," Dream sighed. 
You glanced at the camera seeing he was palming himself, still denying you the pleasure of seeing him. "Go ahead and remove them but don't touch," you shifted in your seat, pulling the boxers partially down your legs. You hissed at the cool air on your sensitive tip. Dream watched your fist that rested on your thigh clench and relax. 
"Dream can-" 
"What's my name?" 
"I'm sorry. Daddy, can I please touch myself," Dream made a soft noise for a show of thinking. "Go ahead," your hand quickly gripped your dick. "Slowly," you whimpered, beginning to slowly drag your hands up and down your cock. It wasn't as good as Dream's or better yet his mouth, but it would do for now. 
You thumbed over the tip trying not to squirm. The slow touches seemed to heighten your sensitivity. You desperately needed to go faster. "Please sir," you panted. "Let me go faster," Dream had pulled his own cock out of his boxers, leisurely stroking it. "In just a minute," he responded. 
It took everything in your power not to buck your hips. You whimpered softly. "Let me hear those noises baby boy," Dream coaxed softly. "You can speed up a little," he added murmuring. Dreams' end of the call had started to fill with soft grunts and pants as his hand sped up. You copied him, gasping as a jolt of pleasure ran through you. 
It took every bit of self control you had not to thrust up and control the pace. Your dick drooled, desperate for release already. Before you could ask once more to speed up, Dream demanded you slow down almost to a complete stop. You choked on a sob, forcing your hand to stop. 
"Use your nail, lightly," gently you dragged your nail up your cock which twitched in response, shivering. 
"Good," he groaned. 
Dream rolled back in his chair so you could see his face as well. Dark lust filled eyes stared at you through the webcam. "Go ahead little prince, speed up," you hesitantly grasped tighter, using your precum as a means to speed up. "Faster, I know you want to," Dream cooed. 
He was already jerking himself off faster than you realized. You could see his thumb smeared over the tip whining as he did. "Please, please daddy can I cum," you gasped bucking up into your hand. It was quiet except for the slick noises of your hand. You didn't know how much longer you could hold out. 
Dream groaned. "You can cum baby, but first look at the camera," 
You glanced up watching as his cock twitched spurting cum onto his stomach. You whined, speeding up at that. "Thank you sir," you babbled, finally cumming. Dream helped you down with a steady flow of praises. 
"There we go," he cooed once you came down from you high. 
"Why don't you get cleaned up, water and snack, then come to bed with me," you smiled, switching your discord over to your phone. 
"I doordashed you something," he hummed. 
Giddily, you went to the front door seeing some takeout from your favorite place. You grabbed it heading back to your bed to eat and fall asleep. You could get used to nights like this. 
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Reminder: DNI = Do Not Interact
If you are a Minor/Ageless blog, Do not follow. Do not comment. Do not reblog. Do not like. DO NOT INTERACT.
Either add your age to your bio/pinned, message me in private, or DNI.
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Animal Companion (RATLD-October Prompt)
Another AU where Namaari didn't try to steal the dragon gem.
I will upload it to A03 eventually.
Timeline: Still 12 years old
Warnings: None
"Pleaseeeee," Raya pouted as she sat at the end of her Ba's bed, clutching a letter close to her chest.
"Dewdrop, it's too early for this," Benja huffed as he shifted onto his side, maintaining his eyes closed. He knew the moment he opened his eyes and looked at his daughter, she would win. "I can't just drop everything and accompany you to Fang today."
"BUT--" Raya pouted as she jerked her body up and down, making the whole bed shake.
"What's so important that you woke me up before the sunrise? Only to ask me to take you to Fang?" He asked as he frowned his eyebrows at Raya's tantrum.
"Namaari is choosing her serlot cub today, and I just really want to be there for her" Raya cut herself off, scared of the personal information she accidentally shared, "I MEAN I want to meet the cub." 
Benja yawned as one eyelid blinked open. Raya looking directly at him, with a pout on her lips, puppy dog eyes, and both hands clasped together at her chest, pleading with him. 
"Tuk Tuk needs a friend! Look at his sad face," Raya said, then pointing to her lap.
Benja finally allowed both his eyelids to open as his gaze fell to Raya's lap. The pill bug also looking up at him with pleading eyes as he silently grunted. "UGHHH," He growled as he shifted to laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling. 
Raya knew her Ba was caving; he just needed a little push. "I realllyyyy think traveling to Fang will give us more time to bound, as the trip there and back is somewhat long by foot..." She grinned as she watched her Ba close his eyes, gulping. "I get to met a serlot cub, and you make up for all the bonding time we've missed this week BECAUSE of your busy schedule."
Benja sat up, a broad grin on his face. "Ohhh, you're good." He chuckled as he nodded yes, Raya screaming in her joy, "I'll take you, but I have to arrange a few things before we go."
Raya nodded her head happily as she threw herself onto her Ba, planting a massive kiss on his cheek.
"Are you excited, Morning Mist?" Virana asked, reaching out and brushing her daughters hair out of her face. Namaari only looking back at her with such excitement.
"So excited!" She purred
"Princess Namaari" Atitaya voice announced, "Cheif Virana, You have vistors."  
Namaari had her back towards the General, but she watched as a wide grin appeared on her mother's face. "Ohh Chief Benja, and Raya! Welcome! It's a pleasure to see you both!"
No sooner had Namaari heard Raya's name had she fallen face down onto the floor, Raya having tackled her from behind. Everywhere Raya was touching, pulsing with a warmness that made Namaari's heart smile.
Raya lifted herself off Namaari, sitting off to the side, smiling as the other sat up looking at her. 
"Dep La! You came?" Namaari asked in disblief. 
Raya only smirked as her most trusted companion rolled off her shoulder onto Namaari's lap. 
Namaari using one hand to gently scratch his forehead as the other massaged his shell tenderly. "Of course! I couldn't miss the day you met your second best friend" Namaari's smile turned into a smirk as her eyebrows went up, challenging Raya's words.
"Who's my first?" Raya gasped as she let a hand fall against her heart.
"I'll just walk back home then," Raya taunted, but she had no intention of leaving.
"Kidding!" They sat on the floor, looking at each other, just smiling at the other. They've been communicating through letters for weeks, so now being able to see each other in person felt like the first sip of ice-cold water on a hot day.
"Princess," Atitaya announced once again, "It's time."
Both girls squealed as Namaari scooped Tuk Tuk into the palms of her hands, standing up. Once Raya was on their feet, she allowed Tuk Tuk to roll onto her shoulder again. Both of them grinning from ear to ear. "I bet I can get there faster than you," Raya stated with a bobbed eyebrow.
"Challenge accepted," Each of them exchanging a glare as they got into their running stance. "1...2...GO," both girls zooming off in opposite directions, as they didn't know where they were headed. 
After realizing none would win, they slowly jogged back to, Atitaya, Virana, and Benja. Who were engaged in conversation, patiently awaiting the return of the silly princesses.
"Aren't you a cutie," Raya purred as she held a female serlot up to her face, rubbing her nose against the kittens.
Namaari was happy; she was having a blast sitting on the floor, surrounded by several kittens, but she couldn't feel a connection. Or a spark. And the longer she sat there petting them, taking in their kitten breath, the more guilty she became. "I can't do this." She exclaimed as she lightly pushed three kittens off her lap, standing up running towards the door.
"Morning, Mist! What's wrong?" Virana said, beginning to chase behind her daughter only to be stopped by Benja gently gripping her arm. Virana raising her eyebrows at him as he motioned with his head towards Raya. Virana instantly understating to allow Raya to handle the outburst.
Raya had instantly placed the kitten down, running after Namaari. Yet as she was about to leave the nursery, she spotted a separate room with even younger serlots. She smiled as she instead walked into the room, looking at the four kittens, her eyes landing on the runt of the litter. 
Raya watched as the other siblings tried to gang up on it, only for the runt to hiss and protect herself. That's when Raya knew that kitten was meant to be Namaari's. So without thinking, she scooped up the kitten and ran for the door. She knew she would be in deep trouble for catnapping the kitten, but Raya had to do this for Namaari.
When Namaari exited the nursery, she walked over to a bench and sat down, throwing her head in her hands. She was overwhelmed by the cuteness, but nothing was clicking into place. She thought that she would feel something within her when she saw a kitten or even held it. Yet, she felt like she was cuddling and playing with someones else pets.
"The Namaari I know never runs away! What happened" Raya announced behind Namaari, watching her shoulders go up and down with every breath. 
Namaari shrugged as she exhaled loudly, disappointed in herself.
Raya chuckled as she stood right behind the other, lowering her voice. "You missed a couple of faces on your way out." Raya gently brought the kitten down on Namaari's head, who seemed startled. "She wanted to meet you, but you left so fast she couldn't say hi," Raya whispered as she brought the cat back up.
After having felt tiny paws on her head, Namaari quickly turned around, finding Raya holding the most petite kitten in her hands. The kitten wasn't very happy with Raya, hissing and scratching her hands as if the cat didn't want to be held.
Suddenly the kitten looked at her, and she felt a desire to hold it and keep it safe. So she reached out, grabbing it from Raya's hands. 
The moment she held the cat within her grasp, the serlot sprung into action, scratching her across the cheek. Instead of getting mad, Namaari chuckled. The kitten didn't attempt to strike her again but did continue to hiss. Even so, Namaari watched the kitten with understanding eyes, realizing the kitten was acting in self-defense, scared that Namaari was going to hurt her.
That's when the pieces made sense. This kitten was no older than a month, but she was extremely small, meaning she was the runt of the pack. Being so tiny makes her a target to her siblings, resulting in her being forced to protect herself from danger.
"It's okay! I'm not going to hurt you," Namaari whispered as she slowly pet the kitten. Its hissing increasing as its back arched, yet Namaari wasn't about to give up.
As the slow movements weren't working, Namaari placed the serlot on her lap. The kitten now tugging and biting on her clothing. She knew this should upset her, but she couldn't help but smile, thinking the whole exchange was adorable.
"Hmmm," she thought out loud as she clicked her tongue. "Of course," she thought as she brought her fingers behind the cat's ear, scratching it with her long nails. Within seconds the serlot had stopped hissing and tugging at her clothes, only purring in contentment. Finally, Namaari had connected with her new companion. 
Raya had watched the whole exchange and had just decided to sit beside the other, her hands occupied by petting Tuk Tuk, "So what are you naming your feisty kitten?" 
Namaari was okay with the rest of the world, seeing this kitten as feistily, maybe a little rude, but Namaari knew that there was a softness in this cat that she was going to enjoy unveiling over time: A softness that would only exist for her. And that was enough. "Thuy"
"That's beautiful," Raya comments as she reaches for the kitten. She was half expecting the serlot to hiss, bite or even starch her but instead, Thuy licked her, "You are gentle, making the name perfect for you." 
The princesses having no knowledge that Thuy would grow to be ice cold to everyone besides Namaari, Raya, and Tuk Tuk, while only tolerating Virana. So to the rest of Kumandra, the name Thuy was unfitting. 
I don't feel strongly about this piece, as I wrote it with a massive headache; even so, I'm just happy I completed it!
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purplylinos · 3 years
akrasia ♡ kim seungmin
♡ genre; fluff, slight angst, soft romance, best friends to lovers
♡ pairing(s); kim seungmin x fem!reader; felix appears for like .5 seconds
♡ word count; 1.2k
♡ description; akrasia (n) ... lack of self control - to be fair, there had always been some form of flirting between you and seungmin, but you knew your limits, what to expect and what not to expect. what you sure as hell didn’t know was coming was the impromptu confession in the parking lot.
♡ notes; first seungmin work here woop <3 so sorry it took so long for me to put one out!! i will be uploading more frequently once school is over, i’m really burnt out due to cramming these past few weeks. with that being said, i hope you enjoy some fluffy, blushy seungmin content <3
seungmin looked gorgeous.
his hair was dyed a fresh blond color, a white, fuzzy beret sitting atop his head. a blue, cropped sweater hung over his frame, his stomach being covered by a white undershirt, all of it being paired with black slacks and white converse. the gentle make-up the boy had decided to put on only enhanced the way he looked, making your heart skip a beat.
“we match,” he noted as you reached his spot, which was in front of the high school doors. you scoffed quietly with a smile, holding onto your wallet with a small hum.
“do you not remember planning that out?” you teased light heartedly, tilting your head slightly as you replayed the previous memories through your mind.
you and seungmin had gone to a local boutique after reasoning with him that everything you currently had was in no way, shape, or form acceptable for the home coming dance, especially considering the fact that the two of you were seniors. “we should match or something,” seungmin’s voice rang out, drawing you out of your thoughts as you stared at a rack of clothing.
“what made you think of that, minnie?” you questioned, not missing the way the boy’s ears turned red. “i wouldn’t think you’re the type of person to suggest that.”
“i’m not,” seungmin grumbled, folding his arms over his chest. “it’s just the fact that it’s our senior year, i would have thought that you would have liked to do something special this year, you know? especially because-”
“minnie,” you interrupted, giggling softly. “you ramble a lot, you know.” seungmin rolled his eyes playfully, prompting you to continue. “i’m fine with the idea, i was just teasing. what color were you thinking?”
seungmin thought for a moment, furrowing his brows before his eyes lit up. “blue. the sweater i’m thinking about is a really pretty blue color.” pressing your lips together, you returned your gaze to the clothing rack, grabbing an off-the-shoulder, pale blue dress that stopped at around your knee caps. “pretty,” you heard seungmin mumble, however you decided not to comment on it.
“i like this one. i have a good condition cardigan at home that i can bring with me if it happens to get cold.” you returned your line of vision back to seungmin, smiling brightly. “we can check out, then let’s go get that ice cream you were talking about earlier.”
“yeah, yeah, whatever,” seungmin responded, bringing you out of your short mind-movie. you could see him take a deep breath before offering his hand out to you, his cheeks dusted a gentle pink. “senior year home coming, are you ready?” you cocked an eyebrow at the hand the boy had offered out to you, but decided to take the offer before he could change hismind and potentially get more flustered.
“as ready as i’ll ever be,” you answered. taking note of how nicely his hand seemed to warm yours. he flashed a grin at you before opening the door, allowing you to step inside the school first before leading you down to the gym. it was almost as if the night would go by smoothly.
but what was the universe to be on your side?
you stepped into the gym with seungmin, your hand still tightly holding onto his. “there’s a lot more juniors here than i would have thought there would be,” you mumbled softly, gazing around the room before a certain pair of eyes catches yours. 
your breath hitched, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip as you gently shook seungmin’s hand. “what’s wrong?” he asked lowly, making sure he was loud enough for you to hear him over the music and people chattering nearby. 
“he’s here,” you responded weakly, feeling your legs turn to jelly as said boy approached the two of you.
to be fair, felix was a nice kid. he was smart, kind, and one hell of a flirt.
“y/n!” his deep voice called out, his eyes shining with an emotion you couldn’t quite decipher. “you didn’t tell me you had a date to the dance.” your breath hitched in the back of your throat, you could feel seungmin tense up next to you. 
“it’s not like that, felix,” you answered as flatly as you could, pressing your lips together.
“then why did you reject me all those times?” you could hear the slight hurt laced in his voice, sending a small pang to your heart. you let go of seungmin’s hand and folded your cardigan over your chest, suddenly feeling extremely cold. 
“i’m sorry, felix.” you answered once more. you turned and left the gym, leaving both seungmin and felix dumbfounded without any answers. 
you exited the school and let the chilly october air hit your chest, feeling queasy and full of guilt. not being able to process any emotions, you sat down on the side walk and planted your feet next to the space where your car was parked, gripping your wallet tightly. “y/n?” you heard a warm voice call out, squeezing your eyes shut.
“i’m sorry” was the first thing that flew out of your mouth, being answered with a warm hand carressing your cheek.
“open your eyes, dummy.” 
following instructions, you opened your eyes and searched his, they were still sparkling, more so than when you had encountered him earlier. he stared at you for some time before closing the miniscule gap in between the two of you, pressing his soft lips onto yours. you froze, confused for a moment before gently kissing the boy back, allowing a hand to let go of your wallet and grasp onto his sweater instead. seungmin tasted faintly of cinnamon and brown sugar, like what autumn itself would taste like. he was the first to pull away, his face a tinge of pink and his lips swollen.
“i guess you can tell what i wanna say to you.” your eyes searched his again, looking for some sort of doubt or hint of lying. but you couldn’t find any. it was all genuine, innocence, pure. it felt like the wind had just been knocked out of your lungs, but in a good way. your hand moved from his sweater to his cheek, smiling slightly.
“i think i wanna hear you say it anyway,” you whispered in response, noticing how his face went even redder. 
“i’m in love with you, that’s what. i’m sorry i tensed up like that when felix called us a date, it’s honestly what i’ve been thinking of this as to calm me down when it came to senior home coming and-”
“minnie,” you interrupted, giggling softly when the boy rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. he looked up to meet your gaze with a slight tilt of his head, his eyes catching the reflection of the near by streetlights. his lips were far too inviting for you to deny the urge to kiss him, so you did exactly that.
after nearly two minutes of fully enjoying his taste, his warmth, the happiness that radiated off of him, you pulled away again, causing him to tilt his head. “you remember that one word that the english teacher told us about the other day?” he asked suddenly, causing you to furrow your brows.
“um... akrasia?”
“yeah. they should add something to the definition of that.”
it was now your turn to tilt your head, silently asking for clarification.
“see also, kim seungmin.”
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s-creations · 3 years
Oh, That Imagination
Kids will always have active imaginations. But how the adult handles it depends on what the child is afraid of.
Fandom: DuckTales 2017 / The Three Caballeros         Rating: General Audience         Relationships/Pairings:  José  Carioca/Donald Duck/Panchito Pistoles Additional Tags: Growing up, Uncles with their Nephews, Facing Fears, Worries, hunting a creature, Krampus (character), giving a speech, watching a scary movie, protecting the boys, the passing of time, names OCs.
Part of a Series Called: We’re the Three- Sorry, Six Caballeros!
Author Note: I finished Student Teaching and passed my Content Test, so I’m getting back into writing! I do have a new job lined up for the school year. We’ll see how consistent I stay with uploading. XD
“Unca Donald, Unca Donald, Unca Donald!”
 Even with the loud warning call, Donald still staggers when something blue collides against his leg. “Dishes! I’m doing dishes. Go and sit on the counter please.”
 6-year-old Dewey gave a quick nod before clamoring up. The older duck impressed by how quickly the duckling could climb. 
 “Now, what can I help you with?”
 “Benny said there’s a-a monster living in the sewage of Duckberg! I wanna go catch it!”
 Donald let out a low hum as he washed the soap from the glass. This was twice in two weeks that neighbor Benny had told some story about some ‘creature’ they had seen. Dewey, always on the lookout for new adventures, ate each story up with determination and gusto.
 “I see, very interesting. What does this monster look like?”
 “Like...Like an alligator. Only bigger!”
 “Ooooh, that sounds scary. And you’re going to catch them all by yourself?”
 “Well, aren’t you brave. Are you going to bring them back to be studied for science?”
 “I’m gonna do it to rub it in Huey’s face. Cuz he says the creature isn’t real. But I’m gonna prove him wrong!” 
 “It sounds like your afternoon is full.”
 “It sure is! Oh, wait, I wanted to ask you if we have a large net that I could use?”
 “I don’t think we have a ‘large’ net. You’ll have your bug catching net.”
 Dewey let out a contemplative hum. Hand resting on his cheek while his pointer finger tapped out some unknown tempo. A habit he picked up from José. “That’s not great. But I suppose it’ll have to do.”
 “Look at you compromising. What are you going to use as bait?”
 “Do we have any old lunch meat?”
 “No and you’re not using what we have in the fridge.”
 “You’re ruining the search Unca Donald! I need bait.”
 “How about you take Tio Panchito with you? He had to help his grandpa search for farm animals when they got out of their pens. Didn’t have to use bait to get those animals back.”
 “Tio worked on a farm?” Dewey’s eyes lit up hearing this new piece of information.
 “Spent a few childhood Summers there.”
 “What did he do?”
 “Why don’t you go and ask him? I’m sure he would be more than happy to share stories with you and your brothers.”
 “Okay, bye Unca Donald! I’m gonna learn about cows!”
 Donald silently laughed as Dewey raced out of the kitchen. Childhood stories continued during dinner and only ended when the triplets were put to bed. 
 “So...should I question why Dewey furiously ran at me this afternoon? All while screaming his demands for me to tell stories?” The rooster asked as Donald joined him and José on the living room couch. 
 “Apparently, Benny had seen some ‘creature’ in the sewer system. Dewey determined that he was going to hunt said being down. I told him you would help in the search because you’ve helped with finding lost farm animals. That caught his attention and now you know the outcome.” Donald sighed as he leaned against the other, relaxing. 
 “Do you think the thrill of the hunt will call out to Dewey tomorrow?”
 “We’ll see.” Donald replied back simply.
 The hunt did not call out the next day. Dewey focused on creating a backyard zoo, he didn’t have time to worry about some creature. A few days later, a pet iguana was rescued from the neighborhood sewers. It appears Benny had actually seen something. It just wasn’t the towering creature he’d claimed before.
 The holidays were busy for all the adults in the household. Donald focused on getting the shopping done and holding down the fort while the ducklings raced around during their school break. Gleefully talking about Santa and what present they’re excited most about. José would be gone for weeks on end leading up to December 25, helping with numerous flights to make sure he had that day off. Starting from October through December, this time saw Panchito with booked weekends of different performances to help get other families into the festive feeling. 
 Even with having busy and exhausting schedules, they made sure to make time for the triplets. Baking, decorating the house, helping them pick out gifts for the other family members. Every year it was the goal to keep the ducklings as happy as possible.
 Which is why Panchito became worried when 7-year-old Louie started acting...strange. Almost what the rooster would call ‘stressed’.
 The duckling had started being overly helpful around the house. Doing more tasks than what would be required. Going out of his way to ask if he could help. And, most worriedly, he’d become quiet. Not in his normal way of just relaxing in front of the television. But almost fearful that he was being listened to by some unseen stranger. Eyes even darting around as he moved through the apartment. 
 Unfortunately, Panchito wasn’t able to approach this possible problem until a weekend late into the duckling’s break. 
 The rooster let out a sigh as he collapsed onto the couch. Thankful that he was done until the New Year’s celebrations he had the coming weekend. But he was able to relax for the rest of the week to celebrate Christmas. Cautious footsteps drawing closer caused Panchito to open his eyes. Finding Louis standing nervously in the middle of the room.
 “Hola Louie, what can I do for you?”
 “Um, do you need me to get you anything?”
 Panchito raised a brow. “No, I’m fine. Why don’t you join me until dinner’s ready?”
 “Oh, um, that’s okay. Maybe I should see if Uncle Donald needs any help.”
 “You’re on break. Why don’t you just sit for a while?” The duckling frowned, eyes darting around before settling onto the couch. Still tense. “So, how has school been? I haven’t heard you and your brothers talk about it for a while.” 
 “Just good? ...Try out any new schemes lately? I know Uncle Donald isn’t so thrilled when you do that. But you always have such clever ideas, makes me laugh.”
 “Nope, I’ve been good! No crazy plans from me!” 
 Panchito sat up a little more when Louie started shouting at the ceiling. “Okay Louie, what’s going on. Are you feeling okay? Did something happen at school?”
 The duckling dressed in green wrung his hands as he peered around. 
 “...Abby told me about the Krampus…” Louie eventually whispered.
 “The who?” 
 “The Krampus! He’s the opposite of Santa Claus! A big creature with long horns and wears a cloak! And he comes after bad boys and girls! He takes them away in his large, greasy bag and they’re never seen again and-” 
 “Okay, Louie, come here. You’re getting yourself worked up.” Panchito easily and quickly moved the duckling onto his lap. Wrapping arms around the smaller form to help keep Louie grounded. “Breath with me. We’re going to take a few deep breaths, okay?”
 Louie gave two quick nods. They remained this way for a few minutes, Panchito holding the duckling close and controlling his breathing for Louie to follow. The rooster only pulled away when Louie had calmed down enough to talk. “Okay, so, you were told a scary story. Why are you worried?”
 “Because he goes after bad kids and I know I’m...not good.”
 “Why would you say that? You’re a wonderful kid!”
 “But I get the most detentions and I’m lazy and I know I don’t do my homework when I need to and-”
 ‘Louie… Yes, we would like you to work a little harder than what you do now.  But you’re not bad. You...take risks. You have a point of view that I’ve never seen before. You’re a clever kid. And, well, between you and me.”
 Panchito leaned closer. Louie’s eyes widened with curiosity. “You fight the system and you don’t let them beat you down.” 
 “...Does that mean I don’t have to wash the dishes?”
 “Don’t push your luck. What I’m trying to say is that you’re not bad. You just think differently than others. Plus, if you’re this worried, this might be a sign you should help out more. But I doubt any Krampus will come after you.”
 “Really… Also, you know your uncles and I would beat up any creature who dares try to hurt you.” 
 Louie laughed. Beaming and squirming as Panchito placed a kiss on his cheek. Christmas Day arrived with no mysterious creatures knocking in their front door. Louie was still safely tucked away in his bed. Joining his brothers with running out to the living room and unwrapping presents. Curling next to Panchito as all enjoyed the afternoon glow while watching a marathon of movies.
 Huey took to the Junior Woodchucks like a duck to water.
 From day one it became a large part of his identity. He carried his handbook around with him everywhere. Writing his own notes and entries to add to the already thick volume. Gleefully patting his knees as he patiently waited for whatever uncle was going to take him to the weekly meetings. Even learning how to iron his uniform to keep it in tip top shape. 
 Dewey may complain that the eagerness was annoying. But nothing seemed to damper Huey’s spirit.
 Until Huey was tasked to write a speech. As he was top ranked among the troop, he was given the honor of addressing the new member that would be joining that year. A banquet being held with the duckling presenting a speech of his own at the beginning of the event. The duckling was absolutely thrilled at first. Telling everyone he could about the great honor bestowed onto him. 
 All in the family thought he would triumph over this just like many other things in his life. 
 José was humming softly one evening, making his way to the kitchen when he heard sniffing coming from the bathroom. The door opened a crack and, taking a risk, José peered in. He found 8-year-old Huey, curled up by the tub and far away from the door. A stack of paper was at the duckling’s feet. Red rimmed eyes glaring at said stack. 
 Said duckling’s head snapped up hearing José. Wiping his eyes frantically. “T-Tio José…”
 “Criança doce, what is wrong?” José  entered, leaving the door open in case Huey wanted out.
 The duckling sniffed weakly. “...I’m scared.”
 “Of what?”
 “My speech…”
 José frowned, knowing how excited Huey had been only a few days ago. “Can you tell me what you are scared about?”
 Huey let out another sniff. His hand starting to hit the side of the tub as time went on. Which José put a stop to by reaching out to take the duckling’s hand. “I’m scared...that people are going to laugh at me. I keep practicing my speech to make it perfect and I read a bunch of tips but… All I can think about is messing up and people mocking me. Then my scout leader will see me as a failure and strip me of my badges and-”
 The parrot pulled the duckling closer, humming a lullaby softly. Huey instantly clung to José, burying himself away in his guardian’s chest. It took a few minutes before the duckling finally relaxed, slumped against the older, hand still keeping a good grip on José's shirt. 
 “Huey, I would like for you to listen to me. Can you do that for me?” José received a nod, “I will help you with your speech. But you have nothing to worry about. Your scout leader seems to be nothing of the kind who would take away what you’ve achieved. And no one will laugh. We all know you will be doing your best.”
 “...But what if my best isn’t enough?”
 “It always will be Huey. Never doubt that.” José peered up hearing the floorboards creek. Finding Donald standing in the doorway wearing a look of worry. The parrot gave a quick shake of his head. A silent message that he had a handle on the situation. Donald gave a nod of his own before sneaking off. “Feeling better?”
 “...A little. I’m still scared.” 
 “That is fine. How about we make some cookies? I think I saw your Uncle Donald heading that way before. And while we are doing that, you can show me your speech.” 
 Huey sniffed weakly. Pulling back slightly to look up at José. “Chocolate chip?”
 “Of course.”
 The duckling smiled weakly and nodded. Donald greeted the two with wide arms and a smile when they walked in. Huey beamed as he was picked up and given a sturdy hug from his other uncle as José started the process. But uncles gave Huey their undivided attention when he gave his speech. The other members of the family joined them as the cookies started to bake. Dewey and Louie keeping their ‘helpful’ comments to themselves and clapping along when Huey finished. 
 At the night of the banquet, Huey beamed as he gave a flawless speech. His family cheered the loudest.
 “This is such a bad idea.” 
 9-year-old Louie huffed, rolling his eyes as Huey bemoaned at his flawless plan. “If you’re going to be a stick in the mud, then don’t watch.”
 “But I want to see it.”
 “Then what’s the issue?”
 “The movie is PG-13! We need parental guidance to watch.”
 “You know they won’t let us watch.” Dewey added.
 “You get two options here Hubert,” Louie interrupted. One hand holding up a finger to keep Huey quiet. The other holding the latest zombie movie that had just recently been release to DVD, “You either watch with your mouth shut. Or you leave and keep your mouth shut in the bed while you listen to the amazingness that is this movie from the closed doors. What’s it going to be?”
 Huey frowned. But he ‘zipped’ his bill closed and crossed his arms. Which the green-hoodied triplet took as keeping his mouth shut. With a nod, Louie popped the movie in and sat next to his brothers. All three were huddled together in the closet. Eyes glued to the small t.v. screen that was crammed in with them as well. The movie menu soon appeared and Dewey pressed play.
  Donald let out a content sigh as he relaxed further between his partners. Panchito clinging to him as Donald’s head was tucked under the rooster’s chin. While José was curled up at Donald’s side, using the duck’s chest as a pillow. That night was quiet and calm. There was a weekend ahead of them that was just filled with nothing. A relaxing time with his partners and kids. It was going to be great…
 A chorus of screams sounded from the triplet’s room. All adults were up and racing out in only a few seconds. Even hard to wake José was on full alert. Donald reached the door first, flinging it open. Fully expecting to see an intruder standing in the middle of the bedroom. Only to find Huey and Louie, sobbing as they clung to each other on the younger triplet’s bed. Dewey was waving his plastic sword  at the open closet. His entire being was shaking as wide, fearful eyes were on the open space. 
 “What is going on here?” Donald called out over the noise. 
 “There’s a zombie in the closet!” Louis answered.
 “It touched me!” Huey added.
 “I’m fighting it off!” Dewey finished. 
 “What- okay- Dewey stop swinging that around!” Panchito walked over and pulled the sword from the duckling. Collecting the blue cladded triplet as he continued to shake.
 Donald gathers the other two. Both of them desperately slings to the protection that was their uncle. José took to the closet, making sure it was empty. The parrot raised a brow, finding the t.v. that was still on and playing a movie. 
 He reached in to eject the movie and brought it out for the other two to see. “Donald.”
 The duck looked it over. Frowning, seeing the topic, letting out a slow breath. It was clear the triplets were in no condition to have a stern talking to. Plus, he was honestly too tired to worry about it at the moment. “Okay...let’s go back to our room.”
 The other two adults nodded. José turned off the lights as he was the last to leave the boy’s room. Donald rested himself back into the middle of the bed, only with more bodies pressed around him. Panchito cleverly left the bedside light on before he laid down on the bed, Dewey resting on his chest. The triplets flinched when José walked in.
 “It is just me.” The parrot assured. 
 Donald let out a sigh as he gently preened the top of each head. “You’re safe here. Nothing’s going to get you.”
 The bed was pressed further down as José laid down. Huey clamoring over into the parrot’s hold. Donald was free to wrap both arms around Louie. Three voices began to hum a familiar lullaby in hope of calming the triplets further. Even with their comforting presence, it took awhile for the three to fall asleep. It was not the way Donald wanted to start his weekend. But he should have known nothing he plans ever goes his way. Even with this hiccup, he was happy to have his family close. Falling asleep with a smile on his face.
 Donald was able to take his pent up frustration on the idiot who had allowed children to rent a horror movie. Panchito coming as back up to make sure the duck didn’t kill anyone.  
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