#I lied about my spoiler tags
three--rings · 1 year
Yeah I'm not getting through these without pausing to yell at a textbox. The previously on nearly ended me and I've seen all that shit before.
Spoilers below
Well, @amuseoffyre was bang on about the Steard and Izzy dueling scene. It makes total sense that they took a fanon version of Stead and made it real, opened the season with it, and then it was a dream.
Granted I literally have seen three seconds of it, but I'm assuming this is Izzy dream. Since Fyre said that I've been sure that was the case.
OMG OMG are they running to each other on a beach. Is this Stede's dream? This isn't the fighting the english on a beach scene, though, right? OMG I can't get through five seconds without my brain exploding.
I'm fucking DYING with laughter over this whole thing. ESPECIALLY since I wrote a fic that basically referenced this running to each other and forgetting everything like a couple weeks ago. They really are like, hey, write the fanfic version and then ruin it, okay guys?
Roach: "He's single" omg I love you Samba, that delivery.
The fucking MUSIC kicking in over the shot of Ed behind the cake OMG I love this show so much.
Adore the Olu/Stede scene very much. Olu's line is a little different than the trailer, he's asking if STEDE is scared of Blackbeard. Interesting.
Rhino Horn...which is fabled as an aphrodisiac...okay ed, I'm sure that will help.
Also I adore Con so much, he's so fantastic.
"I'm afraid your life is better without me" OH BABY, of COURSE that's what you're afraid of. Of course. But it really, really isn't sweetheart.
Okay obviously got sucked into the rest of it.
Like I don't have anything to say about the rest, other than WOW Ed, okay, he's in a PLACE. I expect the shooting of Izzy will be the big topic for discourse for the next week, because I've been here the whole time.
Ed is 100% on a self-destruction flameout and he is way past caring about anything around him. He really doesn't seem to flinch at killing Izzy. Though I need to watch it again, obviously. But Izzy dared speak truth to him so he had to go.
And literally the worst truth it could be: "everyone on this ship KNOWS you're acting like this because you got your heart broken." Because Stede didn't want you. Of course Ed shoots him to shut him up.
Obviously Izzy isn't dead. I wonder if he's hiding in the walls now with Lucius. Wouldn't THAT be an interesting time. Someone write the fic.
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warpedpuppeteer · 4 months
It's interesting how Buck's love interests are all written in a way that ends because of the reason they meet/happen in the first place and then of course, we have Eddie.
Abby, who changes Buck's view of a healthy relationship but then turns around and ghosts him, making him wait for months on end and letting him realize she's not coming back on his own.
Ali, who meets Buck during a dangerous situation in his line of work and then leaves him for how dangerous his work is.
Taylor, who lashes out at Buck for using her as a fake date and saying she thought she could trust Buck to be a friend who then ends up using him for her career and chose to put his friends in danger.
Natalia, who's there to help him embrace and deal with his temporary death but it leads to their break up because of the constant talk surrounding death when Buck's not comfortable with it.
We can't confirm for Tommy till it ends but it's important to note how he offers to get Buck into his interests like flying and muay thai yet doesn't show effort with Buck's interests like dressing up according to the bachelor party theme despite Buck being stressed about it. And we also have the fact that the entire reason they got together was due to Buck's jealousy for Eddie which he then claims to be was for Tommy. Makes me think they are either going to end because of differing interests OR because of the jealousy issue popping up again.
Funnily enough, every scene above has an Eddie parallel:
Eddie co-parents with Buck and not only does this not stop after a dangerous event but Eddie also has Buck down as a legal guardian (healthy relationship - Abby).
Eddie is in the same dangerous line of work and they have each other's backs. This happens right off the bat too.(dangerous job - Ali).
The Lawsuit era and The Dispatch era - both where they "betray" each other but manage to work through it (betrayal/lie - Taylor).
Eddie doesn't pressure Buck to talk about his temporary death until Buck's ready and is more focused about him living than in his death (death doula - Natalia).
Eddie who has different interests than Buck (poker, basketball and UFC/MMA) but also manages to show interest and actively takes part in whatever Buck comes up with; he suggests their outfit for the themed party AND ends up staying there for Buck even when others leave (different hobbies & showing interest/taking part - Tommy).
Absolutely fascinating when you start noticing that Buck's relationships keep failing for one reason or another and then we have him and Eddie who face the same sort of situations but they still come out of it stronger together.
It's clear that there's a reason Buck is able to overcome anything when it comes to Eddie (that conversation with Maddie about being there for each other even at their worst 👀) and we've already established that everything Eddie looks for in a partner is already something he has found in Buck. So really, all that's left is for them to realize that hey, the one I'm looking for is right in front of me! 🤷🏽
And yes, it's been said to death (hah) but you don't find it son you make it. And Buck and Eddie have already made it.
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koszmarnybudyn · 8 months
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The four horseman.
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I have thoughts so here's a rant:
Normal is conquest/i think its illnes or something (its zaraza so plauge where i'm from) because the Oaks brought the doodler about (plus he's the one that brought it to heaven with willy so started the apocalypse), plauge cause the Oaks also have the doodler in their blood and its an "infection" (he's also the stinkiest lol). He has the black eyes he got after seeing what the doodler wants, the purple in his eye is for love and hate, and the blue is there cause that's his signature color and again love. The crown is made of tentacles and also have the eyes (red to symbolize hate and the rage the Oaks carry). I tried to potray him slightly Jesus and Mary like (its so wierd writing that in english), and of course he has the white cloak (i did not draw horses because im bad at drawing horses and i didnt want this to take half a year to make). He and Scary are the ones turned straight to the camera because they are the ones that are the most important doodler wise. Also them being white and black paralleal.
Taylor is war because well i just thought it fit him best, (also he gets the sword then), and i made him look demonic. I dont have much to say about him unfortunetly because this was honestly a struggle. He does parallel with link though in their demon and angel designs.
Link is famine, i feel like hes the one to give up the most, hes been denied his sustanance (love) and as the series progresses he gets more nihilistic because of that and gives up, i feel like famine fits that. He also gets the scales because hes a judge (he condemned his father and he forgiven Scary) and because of the goddess of fairness. Like everyone he gets the eye treatment (i love eye motifs what can i say, also please notice how everyones eyes are diffrent cause that was also a struggle) but i also incorporated the angel motif (yes every link i draw in an au has to get the angel motif i just like angels and well he is a protector and is trying to be good, but then "falls" (cause many deaths) and becomes jaded) the angel thing is also there because he has spent a lot of time in heaven (and he has that generational catholic quilt ya know). The eyes are orange and yellow because that's the colors i usually give him but also because the're golden and sun like.
And of course our seeker of darkness-Scary as death. I contenplated making Link death and her war but i finally didnt. She is partially inspired by that one painting of Mary staring into the viewer as shes holding the corpse of Christ (maybe its silly but my little dramatic heart thinks of Scary summoning the doodler and Marys story to be similar, and just a pretty cool concept you know), and partially just death depictions. She was the first one i finished and probablly still my favorite. She of course has the most purple (i thought about making everyone purple to fit the backround but that would have been a hassle). The whites in her eyes are a nod to the doodler summoning again.
Oh and of course the backround, it has tentacles for thr doodler and doves for innocence because idk if you noticed yet but i am obsessed with religious symbols and also because i think the teens are just teens and they are not quite to blame (and neither is the doodler)
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asmolbirb · 5 months
Turns out I’m NOT done being unhinged about Temeraire, so…..
I’ve started working my way through the AO3 offerings while I wait for the last 3 books to get in at the library, and I’m having a phenomenal time sussing out which themes in the fics are common bc they’re likely canonized within the final books
Like Granby and Little have to fall into a relationship in the books, right? No one ever pairs Granby with anyone else in the fics, and Little is such a minor character in the first 6 books that I can’t imagine why he’d be the go-to for Granby over literally any other character otherwise…. If there’s canon gays in the Temeraire ‘verse, I’ll cry fr
Also the idea of Tharkay canonically inviting Will to his estate in Scotland to live out a domestic happily ever after is driving me into a frothing frenzy. Like hello? Hello??? Imagine meeting this guy who you think is maybe a double agent and then he starts traipsing across every continent in the world after you and then he becomes the only person who can tether you to reality and THEN he shows up asking you to pick out curtains for a pavilion for your dragon, which he is building on his grounds, so you can stay with him forever!! Like I’m sorry I would simply COMBUST
Also also the Tharkay curing Laurence’s amnesia thing……. O.O if this is real, it will make me eat my entire phone
No one confirm if any of this becomes canon btw! Going insane is about the journey, not the destination
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elsaqueenofstress · 2 years
the daisy jones and the six series changing the interviews to be 20 years later instead of closer to 40 years feels like such a weird, superficially aesthetic choice, where they get to keep the young, attractive actors (how did none of them age a day except graham??) instead of committing to the fact that these people are only able to reflect on these events because there's so much distance from them and they have perspective now (though it also means that memories are contradictory, contributing to the lack of reliability). it also does a massive disservice to camila, who instead of getting to live a long, happy life with her husband who stated that he always loved her and would always choose her, is basically turned into the second coming of the mother from how i met your mother – a pit stop to give the main, important man some kids to tell a story to before dying so he can be with his real soulmate before they're too old for it to be sexy
i feel like too many people (mainly daisybilly shippers) are conflating the "unreliable narrator" aspect of the book with "oh, no one told the truth about anything so we can make up our own completely different story and have it be canon!" instead of understanding that while there were probably times that the interviewees lied, a lot of what jumbles up their memories is the time that has passed, the weed that was smoked, and their personal feelings toward certain events (why you get daisy and billy gushing over the aurora cover that highlights only them while everyone else talks about how much the shoot sucked) (oh and the fact that reviews are mentioning that the rest of the band rarely appears in scenes w/o daisy or billy?? meaning that the series did what the characters in the book were constantly complaining about and relegated them to backup?? i must laugh to keep from crying) (also if they weren't even going to focus on everyone, why the fuck didn't they keep pete?)
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snailvibes · 22 days
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I am not your brother
I am not your lover
And there is nothing wrong
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00fairylights00 · 1 year
Pinocchio is not immune to the effects of being called a Pretty Boy, send post
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sparklespeckles · 1 year
Has it been long enough that I can ask this?
Someone who has played the game, I have a question. Do the people in the Hotel ever mention or talk about Sophia? Do they imply interacting with her? Cause I know she talks about Antonia and Geppetto, but I don't remember anyone talking about Her.
And there's that one conversation you have with her, where she tells you she's a listener and says something like, "You're the only one my voice reaches." And at first I thought she was saying he was the only puppet that could hear her since the city's puppets have gone crazy. BUT since spoiler things with the Isle of the Alchemists, I was wondering if she was actually some sort of ghost in the Hotel that just hung around only ever interacting with you because you're the only one that can perceive her.
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kingdomoftyto · 3 months
Y'know, I kept seeing DCMK fics tagged with some variation of "Touichi is dead" and at first it kind of made me chuckle but I didn't think too much of it
Now after reading a fic or two written AFTER the reveal, in which everyone (author AND characters) rightfully hates Touichi's guts for what he pulled....... I feel the need to go back to my own fic and tag it so no one gets the wrong idea about Mirror-World Touichi being a good father akdbsndjekdndsk
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insurged · 2 months
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all for one, the dramatic and petty beefcake demon lord
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muninnhuginn · 6 months
feeling so normal about li bing and qiu qingzhi btw
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apollo dni i dont want this one to be a prophecy
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queseraphita · 10 months
i need to do like low effort doodles to organize my thoughts on the Things
like how do i eloquently elaborate that the "God" and watchers from Drakenier would absolutely send a plague or disease that turns people into stone and then inadvertently have said humans discover and use the energy from the human soul "ergo" to advance the speed of their own destruction.
What I like about both said games and stories of that world is that its a story about pain, misery, hope, secrets and lies are all such human things. I often think about the protagonists in Yoko Taro's works and how you don't necessarily have to be good or bad you just have to think you're right. I feel so excited thinking upon these scenarios that can be applied to P and his own dilemma on being "good" and the choices the player can make telling lies or the truth in any given scenario, I feel like what makes this really effective in the setting of Krat is that all of the cast and characters have a secret, withheld information is kept away from the player to be discovered. An end to justify the means. Meanwhile the whole world seems to be falling apart.
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peanut-butter-fox · 1 month
I haven't posted any wips here before but here's Silver going absolutely feral
actually I'm putting it under a cut justtt in case-
//possibly unsettling, lotta teeth- kind of
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(it's having the time of its life)
yes that is a projector in its mouth- it can make holograms 👍
and boot loop drones like a sentinel but we don't need to worry about that :)
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shield-and-saber · 1 month
yeah, so i just finished cataclysm
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#spoilers in tags#do not read unless you've already gone thru phase 2#the high republic liveblogging#the high republic spoilers#cataclysm#i am....... in agony#i spent pretty much the entire last 20 pages crying#I THOUGHT I WAS HEARTBROKEN WHEN AIDA ACTUALLY DIED. SO IMAGINE MY PAIN WHEN THE LAST LINE TO REFERENCE HER SAYS#''[ENYA ZIRI AND PHAN-TU'S LAUGHTER] ECHOED THROUGH THE TEMPLE HALLS AND MADE THE OTHER JEDI SMILE BECAUSE IT SOUNDED LIKE AIDA'S LAUGHTER'#SHUT THE FUCK UP#SHUT UP#WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME#THE FIRST THING CREIGHTON DID WHEN HE WOKE UP WAS TRY TO FIND HER#I'M DISINTEGRATING AS WE SPEAK#WHAT THE FUCK#CREIGHTON TAKES ON ENYA???? THEY'RE GONNA HELP EACH OTHER THRU THEIR GRIEF??? HE BEFRIENDED THE MED DROID?????????#the entire funeral for the 3 fallen jedi had me fucking sobbing btw i was a mess#also. wasn't expecting this but axel's redemption did end up winning me over. i was so sure i would continue to hate him#he's very much in love w/ gella and that means i love him very much as well#cataclysm also keeps up a 2/2 record that it shares w/ convergence by way of:#gella nattai says a deeply profound and spiritually moving/comforting line in each book and it hits me right in my religious trauma#the whole 2nd half of the book was incredible. i quite literally spent about 7 hours reading it as fast as i possibly could#i'm not the biggest fan of certain parts of kang's writing but her strength ABSOLUTELY lies in describing battle scenes#those were the easiest to read battle sequences i've ever read in my life and that's out of the entire phase 2 + other prequel books#i think the only other book whose combat didn't confuse me was the 1st republic commando but it's been long enough that i'm not sure#chancellor greylark is so interesting i'm obsessed and also the end scenes w/ her and axel had me weeping like a babe#anyways. that's all for now#my posts
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shreepytime · 1 year
"i have magical wood in my pocket"
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