#but I am being paranoid
three--rings · 9 months
Yeah I'm not getting through these without pausing to yell at a textbox. The previously on nearly ended me and I've seen all that shit before.
Spoilers below
Well, @amuseoffyre was bang on about the Steard and Izzy dueling scene. It makes total sense that they took a fanon version of Stead and made it real, opened the season with it, and then it was a dream.
Granted I literally have seen three seconds of it, but I'm assuming this is Izzy dream. Since Fyre said that I've been sure that was the case.
OMG OMG are they running to each other on a beach. Is this Stede's dream? This isn't the fighting the english on a beach scene, though, right? OMG I can't get through five seconds without my brain exploding.
I'm fucking DYING with laughter over this whole thing. ESPECIALLY since I wrote a fic that basically referenced this running to each other and forgetting everything like a couple weeks ago. They really are like, hey, write the fanfic version and then ruin it, okay guys?
Roach: "He's single" omg I love you Samba, that delivery.
The fucking MUSIC kicking in over the shot of Ed behind the cake OMG I love this show so much.
Adore the Olu/Stede scene very much. Olu's line is a little different than the trailer, he's asking if STEDE is scared of Blackbeard. Interesting.
Rhino Horn...which is fabled as an aphrodisiac...okay ed, I'm sure that will help.
Also I adore Con so much, he's so fantastic.
"I'm afraid your life is better without me" OH BABY, of COURSE that's what you're afraid of. Of course. But it really, really isn't sweetheart.
Okay obviously got sucked into the rest of it.
Like I don't have anything to say about the rest, other than WOW Ed, okay, he's in a PLACE. I expect the shooting of Izzy will be the big topic for discourse for the next week, because I've been here the whole time.
Ed is 100% on a self-destruction flameout and he is way past caring about anything around him. He really doesn't seem to flinch at killing Izzy. Though I need to watch it again, obviously. But Izzy dared speak truth to him so he had to go.
And literally the worst truth it could be: "everyone on this ship KNOWS you're acting like this because you got your heart broken." Because Stede didn't want you. Of course Ed shoots him to shut him up.
Obviously Izzy isn't dead. I wonder if he's hiding in the walls now with Lucius. Wouldn't THAT be an interesting time. Someone write the fic.
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blushweddinggowns · 5 months
If Stranger Things Season 5 ends with Nancy and Steve having 6 kids in Hawkins and she gives up the journalism dreams for "true love" then the duffers will owe me 2.5 million in emotional damages.
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I live in fear of more of my favourite restaurants getting tiktok famous bc I know this sounds paranoid but I haven't been able to order delivery from one of my favourite Chinese places for weeks and a tiktok gassing the place up from a few weeks back JUST came across my feeds
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stepperthenobody · 1 month
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Being middle-aged at its finest.
I guess I will be making tadc fanart once an episode releases. I don’t rlly wanna make that much fanart and all so yeah. I like my oc’s and would like to give them attention.
That doesn’t mean I won’t make fanart tho! I have made lots of fanart over the course of years so- yeah I don’t think I won’t be stopping with fanart soon.
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qrovidcore · 4 months
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
btw when it comes to like alastor and how much he gives a shit about vox I feel like sometimes I don't articulate myself well but like. I DO think alastor gives more of a shit than some in the fandom may make him out to but at the same time I think alastor still occupies vox's brain MUCH MUCH MUUUCH more than vox occupies alastor's.
like I DO think alastor does see vox as a rival (as funny as the susan jokes are I actually do think alastor hates vox more than her lMADSKSGLH. mostly cause of the episode 1 pettiness towards tv and video and also his encouragement of "you'll have to try harder than that, old pal!", which to ME feels like encouragement for their rivalry to carry on) but I still think vox is MUCH more obsessed with alastor than the other way round you know.
vox would be thinking about alastor when he's not there, alastor usually wouldn't be thinking of vox when he's not there. HOWEVER, if they were put in a room together, alastor would NOT miss any opportunity to mess with vox because he's a piece of shit like that. like he could theoretically just not do anything if they were in the same room but he would choose to mess with vox because he thinks it's funny. like do you get what I mean.
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greenwire · 2 years
If you're in this community, you're a target. We are gender atheists in a community of fanatics. We have extremely unpopular ideas and there are tech-savvy and well-connected users who want us to go away. I know a lot of us have gotten messages or replies about what people want to do to us. Almost all of them are completely full of shit. But not everyone.
There was an article written several years ago now, following the money on the political spending for this movement. Unsurprisingly, this article was scrubbed off the internet and is very difficult to find on google. It jumps from place to place. Here is a copy of it.
The broader movement to eradicate women as a medical and legal class is run by people, largely men, who are wealthy, well-connected, and tech-savvy. This movement is run by people who are willing to break the law, stack the deck, and do whatever it takes to "win." And the entire time, they'll cry about how you're making them feel unsafe.
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Someone on tiktok pointed out that Viserys was quick to being convinced that killing Aemma was the “only way” to save the baby and how it shows he’s easily manipulated and why Daemon is ultimately right about how Viserys should’ve kept him close
Initially I was on “the maester didn’t try hard to determine if the breach was truly dangerous and if Aemma was a lost cause because they hate women” and “Viserys is a coward for not giving her the option to steel herself for her own death”
But now I’m on “holy shit Otto could’ve bribed the maester to lie about the issue w/ the pregnancy knowing Viserys is both selfishly wanting a boy and lacked any suspicion of ppls motives, considering Aemma was screaming like a mother during labour but outside of that was pretty calm and coherent and happy. He did this knowing Viserys wouldn’t have a clue about childbirth. Knowing that he’s impulsive and cowardly. Knowing, perhaps, that if this child FAILS to live after birth and Aemma survives, there will be no more opportunity for snatching succession, as she made it clear (supposedly in private) that she wanted no more children. And if the child LIVES (remember the maester walked away from the bed for a moment) then the succession is sealed, as he would likely be married to another Targaryen. Otto intended for Aemma and Baelon to die (as the maesters are in the pockets of the hightowers, and for months have been making this birth stressful since Aemma couldn’t even have a BATH), so that he could shove his daughter into Viserys’ bed. THIS is why Alicent hurts herself, as she’s been preparing for this move since the day she befriended Rhaenyra.”
Only a few hours after the deaths he’s making moves. Isolating Viserys. Making him hate his brother. Yes, Daemon is violent and volatile. He’s probably a terrible choice for a king, but what does Otto have to gain from saying this. Daemon is truly only a menace to the smallfolk. If that. He’s been shown to spend most of his time away from people. His display of violence could be the norm… or a rare occasion of violence for show. He’s a Targaryen (they’re impulsive).
We see Daemon be mean and Otto be hurt. But are Otto’s reactions intentional? Are we finally getting a Littlefinger that tricks even the audience into trusting him?
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snzluv3r · 4 months
hi! Can I request more talkie wavs? Even if it’s hard to achieve, love hearing you attempt to talk through!
thank you for the request, i tried so hard to talk through this fit but as i said at the end, it was so hard to get a word out between the tickle itself and the sneezes it was producing.
it was so hard to hold back against that classic desperate, allergic itch i’ve gotten used to—and stifling the sneezes that i couldn’t keep in just drove the tickle further up my nose—but this fit came at a late enough hour that everyone was sleeping and i didn’t want to risk being too loud and waking anybody up (or worse, getting caught recording myself sneezing and talking about how bad my allergies are…)
i’m not usually allergic to dogs and when i am it’s mild, but holding back, especially when it comes to my allergies, makes my nose 10x more dramatic than usual
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roxiusagi · 7 months
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Sangcheng week Day 2 - Music
Even with all the effort that Nie-zongzhu put into not cultivating properly with the Nie sabers, he still starts suffering from Qi deviations just like his predecessors, due to accumulated heart demons from the past decade. He vehemently refuses to be treated with the song of clarity for the longest time and only finally relents when he is promised to be held through it and kept safe by his beloved.
(this time i went with the live-action flavour because i never tried that before and it was pretty fun change actually haha)
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ineed-to-sleep · 9 months
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I'm watching Berserk and I may or may not have hyped myself up to turn my vampire ocs into dark fantasy characters. mmaybe
#sketch tag#so uh. pepper is kind of a guts basically jdjgkckkc#they're both in an army and they butt heads a lot bc pepper is big and stronk but very impulsive and reckless#but there's no griffith situation or anything like that it's just that vince worries abt her#and he's way more restrained as a fighter and a strategist. maybe a commander or second in command#and just like in vtm he's very paranoid and afraid of change. so he worries abt her and is also unhappy in the army but too scared to leave#so he broods a lot and mopes around and gets on her ass abt her recklessness#and just like in vtm pepper is impulsive and has a lot of pent up frustration and she uses the battlefield to release all of it#sometimes overexerting herself and nearly getting herself killed#she also wants to leave bc she's not sure she believes in what they're fighting for anymore. but then she loses her coping mechanism#things change when they have an argument where he reveals he cares abt her sjfjjfkf YES very cliche I am thriving#and she's dismissive at first but after being alone for a bit his words start sinking in#and when they're on a battlefield again there's a moment where they have to retreat and she's about to absolutely not listen to that#but then she has a change of heart bc she remembers what he said + she cares abt him too so she doesn't want him to be hurt by her actions#neither by him getting worried nor trying to come to her aid and putting his life at risk#so she retreats#and he's very happy abt that he thanks her later for what she did#and then she's like yeah sure I guess I didn't die but also guess what. I'm bored#everything she wanted to release back there she just didn't. so she's still frustrated and especially bc she had to admit defeat#and she's an extremely proud person. she's irritated#and he's like aight. I'm gonna fight you then#and she's like what. and he's like yeah#so he picks up a sword and throws another one to her and there's a *sexual tension play-fight* hell yeah babey#I'm having sm fun w this au can you tell jejfjckckkc#eventually they do desert the army they're in bc things get worse and pepper decides she no longer wants to be a part of it#and in a fight or flight moment she pushes vincent to make a decision and he leaves with her#and like the story is only getting started there bc then there'll be some big misteries in the story they're gonna uncover#which. I haven't figured out what they are yet#but either way akhhdskfha I'm having a lot of fun w this#sleep.txt
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jewfrogs · 1 month
it’s wild to me that people act like the bad kids were baselessly paranoid and rude to the rat grinders as if kipperlilly wasn’t weird and hostile in her introduction. and as if the girl who had a baseless one-sided grudge against them before she was infected with preternatural rage was gonna go ‘nevermind’ and give up her evil plot if the bad kids were perfectly niceys. Okay
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rocicrew · 8 months
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When traffic exceeds a certain mass energy threshold, a ship will disappear in transit. Abruptly vanish without a trace. It's connected to the artifact we discovered on Ilus and it's happened a number of times. What can we do about this?
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cluster a culture is being extremely vague when someone asks you anything about yourself
"so what do you like to do in your free time?"
'I do like things'
"what is your favourite colour?"
'it is a colour'
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manhwameltingpot · 11 months
The face you make, when you can't remember whether you left the stove on or off
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Why do I keep getting tragic vibes from yei Cher...
They're scaring me. This whole episode I thought yei was going to die or something
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