#I love drawing him so much but I’m rarely pleased with the result😭
manadesia · 6 months
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Goofball man consumes my mind rn so have a quick late night sketch where I try to become more pleased with the way I draw him !! 💕
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
So Ive been reading your haikyuu "didn't know they where dads" and was wondering if you could maybe do one for suga and daichi.
Ps they are great and super cute
I definitely can!! I’m so glad that you liked it!! I think they’re very interesting to write since I rarely write conflict!!(just letting you know that I’ve only written for Daichi once and idk if it was to good…) for Sugas I changed it a little!! Also!! I should start working on the prompt list soon just wanted to say that!
I am so sorry for how long this took! I was in school and my school is like I think an hour or two longer than the average school here😭😭
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Tw- drunken one night stands(suga), probably cursing, arguements, let me know if I missed something!
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He’d be ecstatic, he’d always wanted to be a dad. Your precious daughter was the result of a drunk one night stand and you had met Suga only a few times from a friend before, you couldn’t really careless though, she was amazing and your favorite person always asking if she could draw pictures with you when you’d try and write things. The problem was really that you didn’t know how to contact him as said friend ended up breaking their friendship with him.
Unfortunately, Yui was starting school today, unfortunate for you not her. Yui was insanely excited to start school as she bounced on her feet asking if you guys could leave yet.
“Just a second honey, a few more things and let mommy get a photo please?” You tell her as you open up your camera app, you see her pose and you snap a few photos.
“Ok ready?” She nods happily.
When you walked into the building there he was, his eyes widen dramatically as he drops his gaze to the little girl who’d suddenly gone nervous at the idea of being left here.
“Suga?” You ask quietly and he nods, it’s evident that he knows Yui is his daughter, it wasn’t like she didn’t look like him, she had a similar mole near her eye, his eye and hair color, and a matching piece of hair that as much as you tried to flatten simply wouldn’t stay.
“So this is uhmmm” he motions toward Yui and you know what he’s trying to ask, you nod a bit.
“I tried to contact you but you know with everything…maybe we can talk about this after school” you suggest as he nods taking hold of Yui’s hand as be guides her to sit with the rest of the kids.
“I’d like that”
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It ended bitterly, you couldn’t grasp that his job wasn’t dangerous.
“Daichi, and what do I do if you piss someone off one day and they hurt you?”
“That’s not going to happen!” He yells right back and before you knew it it was over.
Too stupid of an argument to apologize for as the both of you had taken it too far.
But almost a whole year later, you’ve got two precious babies, a boy and a girl and they’re the lights of your life.
“Good morning my loves” you coo turning the lights on in their nursery as they smile and giggle bouncing in their cribs, “who wants to go to the park?” You ask as if they could understand.
It felt like you’d been in the house for days, besides the sun was good for them. So you loaded them up into the double stroller and buckled them in placing a few snacks on the tray to keep them occupied as they giggled and babbled.
You smiled softly letting your mind lead your legs to the park not even thinking twice to go down main street…coincidentally the same street Daichi directs traffic on…
So when his eyes widen at the sight of you you begin speed walking down the street as he calls after you buzzing on his walkie talkie for someone to take over his position.
By the time he’d reached you he was panting hands on his knees as you leaned over the stroller the babies cooing happily.
“Daichi” you speak, your words come out sharp and harsh, harsher than you intend.
“Listen I just wanted to say I’m sorry, I see you moved on had kids,” his heart wants to break at the idea.
“Daichi” you mumble
“that’s fine, I just want you to know I still love you.” He finally catches his breath as you roll your eyes.
“Are you done?” He nods as you pull back the little visor on the stroller.
“They’re definitely yours…I didn’t settle down at all and I love you as well but we’re kind of a package deal babe” you tell him in almost a joking manner.
He’s nodding the most serious look on his face as he looks down at the twins both staring right back up, eyes the same dolor of brown as his are.
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Pls let me know if you want to request anything because I love writing requests so much!!
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veethewriter · 2 years
Hi! I hope you’re doing well 🤗💞 May I request a matchup? Thank you !
sexuality/pronouns: heterosexual female, she/her
fandom: obey me and mha please !
general/appearance: 18, scorpio, 5’4”, southeast asian, layered medium-length black hair, (tad bit hooded) dark brown eyes that apparently appear as if I have eyeliner on + long & thick eyelashes (if people were to talk ((positively)) about my appearance, it would mostly be about my eyes), light-medium olive skin, medium sized pouty lips (or that i just appear to not smile often 😭😭 “you should smile more” “you look prettier when you smile”), (apparently) thick thighs, soft hands w/ long fingers, (again, apparently) appears as if I’m rich and/or i make things look expensive, overall softer features
personality: I’m pretty quiet at first meeting, introverted (i def need my time alone, and s p a c e), but I’m silly, teasing, sarcastic, and quite loud when it comes to my friends. Trying out different things/exploring stuff is a pretty big thing to me which results into me acting more child-like (i love learning/cus im a student ((of life)), carefree/go with the flow, and passionate. When it comes to my (life) goals, that default “passionate” approach seem to manifest into me being serious/intense and perfectionistic. Preferring to finish an objective (a project for example) in one sitting rather than taking quite a bit of breaks in between. Despite my child-like nature, it would be amazing if my partner respects my wishes and supports my goals without them being too bummed if I can’t make too much time with them because of it for example (I’m quite goal-oriented i suppose).
interests/hobbies: im sure theres more but from the top of my head.. trying/exploring different/new things, anything creatively inclined (drawing, painting, photo/video editing, fashion, architecture, etc.), dancing, swimming, occult (divination, spirituality, astrology, manifestation...), analyses (i love when things are well-thought out and given meaning/has meaning when it comes to characters, shows, art/design, branding...), mystery & investigatory shows/games/stories. 🥴🔍
dislikes: when people gang up on someone without hearing them out first (yeah i root for the underdog, i try to be understanding of both parties but most especially the one that’s being accused) and honestly... being told what to do 💀💀 (but its not like i would refuse to do every thing i was ordered to yk, like i understand that i should comply in a bunch of cases..... especially that I’m not exactly one to stand up and prefer to be a leader..but it doesn’t mean i like it LMAOOO)
Thank you so much again whether you get to do this or not ! Have a nice rest of your day 💓
Of course!! For obey me I match you with Satan.
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Satan doesn't mind giving you alone time, mostly because he needs it to sometimes so he understands when you need it. Satan would definitely let you lend books he thinks you would like (his books are basically his babies so take care of them lol). Satan isn't that demanding of you, they only time he gets really bossy or ticked off is after he's had a fight with his brothers.
He never takes it out on you, at least if you don't catch him before he can make it to his room. Satan does spend a lot of time with you, even if it is just him reading in the room while you do something else. He supports and helps you in whatever you do, because he wants you to be successful.
He rarely shows physical affection, so you might have to be the one to start that (it will make him blush a lot and hide his face). For a date he'll probably take you to see a new crime documentary or movie. For gifts he'll probably get you one of those crime solving games, where you solve the case or he'll get you some drawing stuff for you.
For mha I match you with shoto!
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Now your gonna have to help this boy with learning about emotions completely because he does not understand them at all. Though he does understand if you wanna be alone, just tell hi and he'll leave you alone for a couple of hours before coming back to check on you. This man blushes even with just holding your hand (he doesn't get a lot of affection from his family after all).
Shoto loves to try your hobbies with you and will even spoil you but getting you things that will help you with your hobbies. Shoto for the life of him can't tell when your being sarcastic, so you have to tell this boy you are. After a while of dating, you'll just start finding random gifts around your house from him.
For a first date shoto would take you to an escape room or he would take you on a walk around the park to just talk and hang out. For gifts he would get you some photo editing equipment and a new camera to take photos with. Shoto loves supporting you whenever he can, especially f you support what he does also.
Nope you like it! ❤❤
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