#I love it when you guys give me theories for my fics šŸ˜­
milequaritchsslut Ā· 1 year
I apologize if this is weird or if this is against rules cause Iā€™m not sure if this goes against the ED rule, but that starving fic with Miguel got me wondering on scenarios where his psychological/physical torture turns sour and ends up going in a direction he did not intend. I thought of a scenario where the reader used to be a spider person too, and like Miguel, she too has some biological mutations from her spider bite.
I considered the possibility of the reader ending up wanting to EAT Miguel, as a potential side effect of him starving her (as I interpreted that as him wanting to associate food/comfort with his image so she can rely and need him more) and her spider side just seeing her ā€œmateā€ as a perfect source of nutrients.
It doesnā€™t help that another reason female spiders resort to cannibalism is because of stress and aggression, which the reader is obviously experiencing at the time. It doesnā€™t help how feral she kinda got with her food and Iā€™m sure the experience of being purposely starved can potentially make her snap. Worse case scenario, she tries to tear a chunk out of him after sex (cause yā€™know, female spiders will also eat their own mates after mating for their own survival).
A.k.a, Miguel fucked around and found out and now as to deal with a darling who is so traumatized over him starving her, that she is one stomach growl away from sinking her teeth into his neck.
STOP RIGHT NOW THIS IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA ANONā€¦ā€¦. that makes so much senseā€”sheā€™d probably try to eat him when he tries to put her back into her restraints or when he tells her she canā€™t have anymore food since aggression=cannibalism
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imasoftieforbarb Ā· 11 months
i love the little fic u made of my request and you asked if the readers would like a part 2 AND IM SORRY IF IM BEING TO DELUSIONAL BUT
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Weā€™re gonna get into the movie stuff now
John Dory comes to check out Mount Rageous
As he makes his way through the ventilation he hears crying- but it doesnā€™t sound like Floyd so he moves on (a bit guiltily)
Once he finds Floyd (and lands face first on the dresser)
John Dory groaned as he pulled himself off the floor in a hurry ā€œYo! Floyd!ā€
Floyd looked up from his lap as his eyes widened ā€œJohn dory? I cant believe it!ā€ Floyd pressed his hands against the wall of his prison ā€œI never thought Iā€™d see any of my brothers againā€
John Dory smiled before pressing his hand up to the glass in confidence
ā€œDonā€™t worry bro Iā€™m gonna get you out of hereā€
ā€œNo! You need to get out of here!ā€ Floyd said urgently ā€œyou donā€™t understand- Velvet and Veneer are giant, pop obsessed succubi with NO talent and theyā€™ve been stealing mine and Y/nā€™s- itā€™s only a matter of time now until they come back for more!ā€
John Dory thought to himself ā€œY/n? Like our old manager and childhood best friend Y/n? But- why did they take her?ā€
Floyd sighed to himself, misplaced guilt eating at him a bit ā€œwhen you guys left, she followed me and after a bit we ended up confessing-ā€œ
ā€œShhhhhhh!ā€ Floyd shushed his brother, though he couldnā€™t deny the smile on his face- he had missed this
ā€œSo sheā€™s here?ā€ John Dory said looking around, ā€œI donā€™t see her anywhere!ā€
ā€œShe got taken by Velvet- as like a personal back up! I donā€™t know where she is- but if shes having her talent drained she wonā€™t last as long, she isnā€™t a trained singer JD! Iā€™m worriedā€
ā€œDonā€™t worry bro- Iā€™ll get both of you out-!ā€
JD tried many tricks to try and crack the prison his brother was in but to no luck
ā€œItā€™s made out of diamond- and thereā€™s only one thing thatā€™s strong enough to shatter diamondā€ Floyd hoped his brother got the clue-
ā€œA diamond shattering diamond hammer! Where do we get one of those?ā€
It went way over his head
ā€œNo, the only thing strong enough to shatter diamond is the perfect family harmonyā€ Floyd said giving his brother a look of humour
ā€œOf course! The prefect family harmony!ā€
Floyd nodded looking at his brother with tired but hopeful eyes until-
ā€œOur voices sound like GARBAGE! We need more TROLL!ā€
ā€œRun John Dory- save yourselfā€ Floyd urged, not wanting to get his brother captured
John Dory nodded, grappling back to the vent and shouting that heā€™d be back with the rest of the family
During the rescue mission youā€™re nowhere to be found
Floydā€™s theory is correct and you are drained far to quickly-
You turn into a crystal troll just before the rage dome show
Velvet decides to put you in her pocket like a little good luck charm
The perfect family harmony works and shatters the diamond perfectly
Floyd thinking of you as he sings the last line
ā€œJust let me take you to a better place!ā€
When he wakes up from his crystal form and has a moment with his brothers he looks around and doesnā€™t see you anywhere
ā€œJohn Dory, whereā€™s Y/n?ā€
Everybody starts looking around not being able to see you
Not even Crimp knows where you are
ā€œVelvet! Whereā€™s the other troll? The one you took as a backup?ā€ Veneer said, after confessing that they were frauds
ā€œOh her? She drained far to fast so I gave her another useā€ velvet stated- pulling you out of her pocket ā€œsheā€™s my little good luck charm- though she didnā€™t work so sheā€™s useless to me nowā€
Floyd gasped, tears finally spilling over as he takes in your completely crystallised form in shock
ā€œNoā€¦ Nonononoā€
Veneer snatches you off velvet and hands you to the group of trolls on the floor with remorse
ā€œY/n? Come on- this cant be happening!ā€
Floyd brings you into a hug- sobbing as he realises thereā€™s no hope for you
You, though crystallised, can hear everything around you
You try to open your eyes but theyā€™re so heavy
ā€œYou canā€™t do this to me- not after everything weā€™ve been through together, itā€™s my faultā€ Floyd stated through his tears ā€œI just want you back.ā€
Everyone looks down in sadness, shedding their own tears as they mourn with Floyd
The darkness starts to fade from your vision as you blink a few times
You raise your hand to his face, startling him
ā€œYouā€™re so sillyā€
you say weakly, watching his eyes tear up again- this time from happiness and disbelief
ā€œYou never lost me in the first placeā€
He brings you into a kiss- putting all of his emotions into it
The crowd cheers as they realise youā€™re alive and as velvet and veneer are taken away in cuffs
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tornadeoqueen Ā· 2 months
Really have been in such a bad funk lately so fuck it, here is a list of things about Twisters that I love in no particular order:
that scene where Tyler and Kate are explaining how a tornado forms and the scene cuts between the two of them so itā€™s like a seamless line of dialogue/they are so in sync each other. Taking about weather with the same reverence thatā€™s soulmatism.
ā€œOhkay uniform. Wrinkle free shirt. Crisp hat!ā€
That the wranglers and storm par crew cross paths so often they know each others names enough to rib at each other (and wranglers having the time of their lives competing against them)
When that one storm par guy yells ā€œchase it!ā€ because heā€™s secretly a Tyler Owenā€™s fan
Tylerā€™s truck driving across a field towards the first tornado looking like a cross between Mater from Cars and a horse galloping like yeehaw ā€œitā€™s like the Wild West out here!ā€ They saw the opportunity and they took it
That his truck is red!!!! And I know people are tempted to be like ā€œhe inherited Billā€™s truckā€ but letā€™s not forget Billā€™s truck got eaten by an EF5 and I donā€™t think it made it out like Tylerā€™s did
KATEā€™S BARRELS (never not over KATESā€™S BARRELS)
I wanna know more about Dani and Dexterā€™s friendship. Dexter being all ā€œthereā€™s a name for that thereā€™s a name for thatā€ and Daniā€™s like ā€œjust enjoy it, man!ā€ I just know they balance each other out
ā€œWeā€™re driving into a tornado for gods sakesā€
The way Tyler is immediately smitten and recognises how smart Kate is and like thatā€™s why he likes her so much?? Like yeah sheā€™s pretty but sheā€™s pretty BRILLIANT You can tell heā€™s just like ā€œwow I have met my matchā€
Kate giving it back to him and not falling for his charm so easily - thereā€™s a fire/cheekiness in there
When Tylerā€™s heart of gold/the real Tyler starts to show away from the cameras and itā€™s just Kate and Tyler testing Kateā€™s theories but Tyler is still 100% himself like his persona is not all bravado he still wants to send things up in rockets and drive into tornadoes like thatā€™s just who he is and when itā€™s away from the cameras itā€™s kind of dorky dude
Frankenstein playing in the cinema in El Reno and Doctor Frankenstein yelling ā€œitā€™s alive!ā€ Right before the wall of the cinema is ripped off
Also while Iā€™m on that, that the wall that gets ripped away is the wall with the screen, making the storm outside in some sense the movie wow I just thought about that. Art imitating life or whatever the ultimate 4D experience (reminds me of sound and light shows ok Iā€™m digressing)
ā€œSheā€™s your story, Ben.ā€
Hanging out and sitting on the truck having lunch and staring at clouds I need 1000x fics about this
When they rustle the team together to get Kateā€™s theories in motion with the whole team and everyone is immediately on board and defers to Kate as to why they need a trailer ect
Addy: ā€œyouā€™re no fun since you got hit by lightningā€ I WANT THE STORY
The Tornado Wrangler belt buckle šŸ˜­
Ok this list is getting long but anyway the movie isnā€™t perfect but itā€™s fun and Iā€™m glad it makes me happy in this way
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regularme12 Ā· 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Tickle headcanons!!
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I had 2 drafts in my drafts, and Tumblr won't let me edit them so now I'm pissedšŸ˜­
Anyways, I just got into HH!! And I fucking love it omg!! āš ļøTw! Implied SAāš ļø
U guys can give me asks and reccomondations for like tickle fics or sum else over Hazbin Hotel, or anything in general!!
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-This men right here!!!
-Let me just tell you he's a massiver ler!!
-Like, he only tickles people as revenge, if someone tickles him
-And don't be that person who tries, trust me
-He only ever tickled Husk, because he's been that dumbfuck who actually tried tickling him
-He'll never do it again though.
-He turns really evil while tickling people, he turns into his demon form, and starts teasing his lee, Husk.
-It starts off with gentle teasing like, "Awww, u actually thought u'd get away?" Then he turns full Sayan on you, like, "HAHAH, IT'S CUTE YOU ACTUALLY TRIED THOUGH!!"
-Alastor just starts off rough, like no going back.
-He uses his big claws to do more damage then his fingerprints.
-It will feel like he's puncturing your skin, but he won't do that, he's trying to become "better" as I put it.
-So you don't know if it tickles or hurts like hell.
-You're in a mix of "Hahahah, stohohop Alastor!!!" And, "Ohohowww, Alastor!! Ihihihit hurts!!"
-When Charlie hears you say that last line, she'll jump in and try to stop it with, "Haha, okkk, Alstor, that's enough. They had enough, go easy on them, yeah?"
-Most of the time Alastor won't listen to her, so her girlfriend's gotta step in.
-"Hey, Radio demon! She told you to stop!" And Vaggie just hits him until he does and Charlie would tell her to go easy on him.
-It takes Vaggie to have Alastor to stop.
-"Next time you're gonna learn to not fuck with the radio demon, got it?"
-Then you, well Husk in this situation, would scramble away to catch your/his breath.
-Okkkk, he's not really a lee at the Hazbin Hotel, because people knows his perdicament, and what would happen if u poked the bear, so you gotta be really stupid to test his theory.
-The stupid one would have to be Husk.
-I mean they go way back so it would be unethical if he didn't at least try, right?
-No one could tickle Alastor long enough, before he transforms into a demon.
-I give 5 seconds tops, Alastor just really hates being tickled.
-You gotta tickle him at his worst spot for him to not turn into his form.
-It's his collar bone, so try getting there, Husk.
-He's really ticklish tho, but not the most ticklish, like he's in 4th place in this headcanon. Well, in Hazbin Hotel, period.
-Husk would just run up and try tickling him because Alastor would piss him off.
-Never again.
-So if, and only if, you manage to get his collar bone, you can take it from there, but u gotta stay tickling that place, because if you move anywhere else, he'll gain the upper hand and destroy you.
-He can't focus when u're tickling his worst spot.
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-He's not the best at tickling people, because he's so short so people can get the upper hand, but he tries his best.
-He's gentle but not gentle at the same time
-When he tries to tickle people, he starts off slow and teasy, but then rough and hard.
-He does try to tickle Alastor, but on rare occasions he does that.
-He lets his anger issues get the better of him, so Alastor pushes his buttons all the time, does Husk even learn his lesson?!
-No, obviously he doesn't
-He thinks everytime he tries to tickle the radio demon, he'll actually manage to do so.
-But it never worked out, until that one faithful night.
-Husk got fed up so much, he jumped on Alastor's back, his intentions weren't to tickle him though, but he accidentally clawed Alastor's collar bone, and he fell down with a cackle.
-Husk realized what he did, and started tickling him there
-"Awww, what's the prob?? U can't defend your self when this spot in paticular is targeted? I thought u were the radio demon??"
-But when you do get him there, u better be prepared to stay there for eternity, bc demons hold grudges... let me rephrase that, Alastor holds grudges
-So you're best bet is to not tickle him at all, Husk.
-When Husk does get done tickling Alastor, he automatically turns into a demon and wreck him hard.
-"Did you really forget who's leash you're on, whiskers? Fuck around, and find out!"
-And Husk is dead, quite literally.
-Alastor won't let him go until he's panting out of breath.
-And he does, every. fucking. time.
-Husk is the third most ticklish person in Hazbin
-He hates being tickled too, so why does he keep trying to tickle the radio demon? After he knows the consequences?
-I don't really know. Guess it's Greed.
-But still, his worst spot is his toe beans and his ears.
-Alastor targets that last, only until Husk starts coughing.
-Charlie tickles him too, along with her girlfriend, Vaggie.
-Then he's fucked, because only Charlie will let him breath, she physically has to pull Vaggie off of him for a split second then they continue their torment
-Ik, it's out of character for Vaggie, but what can I say?
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Lee: āš ļøImplied abuseāš ļø
-Hates being tickled so much, he will actually have a panic attack.
-This is where the implied SA is.
-Now, idk what u call it, but to me, it's kinda like abuse that Valentino put him through.
-Just because he's a porn star, doesn't mean he doesn't have boundaries, he does, and they need to be respected!!!
-I feel like Valentino put him through the worst tickle torture ever, for most of his videos.
-For the people who have tickle kinks
-And it drives Angle mad
-He would constantly tie Angle up and have his minions tickle him to peices.
-Bc Val also gets off to tickling too... well, let's put it more specifically, he gets off to Angle's laugh, and his pleads and begs to stop.
-Angle's literally over here panting for him to make them stop, "Val, plehehehhease, Mahhahhke them stop, Ihihihi can't breathe!"
-But Valentino, never listens, I mean why would he? Angle signed his contract, not the other way around. The spider is under Val's control in the studio, he's gotta do what he says. And if that means being tickled to near death, then that's what that means.
-But Angle never agreed to this torment, he never did like tickling growing up, so this torture made him act out when being tickled.
-I mean, if there's hints that u're finna tickle Angledust, or u like squeeze his sides, he would freak out, and fight back
-He once nearly killed Husk for tickling him
-Husk poked his side, and Angle reacted horribly.
-So, Husk being Husk, decided to try it out more, and he literally pinned Angle down, all three sets of his arms, ignoring his pleads or punches.
-Husk only stopped within minutes of him tickling him, because Angle started getting frantic, and Husk could see the fear inside of his eyes.
-"Angle...? I'm-I'm sorry, Angle, I didn't know tickling affected you that much..."
-"Just... *sigh* just leave me alone for a bit..." Angle literally curled into a ball, and isolated himself for the rest of the night.
-When Husk overheard Charlie talking to Vaggie about planning on tickling Angle to make him stop sulking, he stepped in and stopped it.
-"Don't tickle him Charlie."
-"Why not? Tickling is so fun!!! Plus, he seems so sad, my mom and dad, sometimes, would tickle me to make me cheer up, and I loved that!"
-"I swear, on every inch of my body, you fucking touch him you're dead!" Husk got a lil too close to comftort, so Vaggie stepped in to desecalate this situation.
-"You better back the fuck up, Husk, I mean it!"
-"Sorry, sorry, I got a lil carried away, but the first and last time I attempted to tickle him, he seemed really freaked out, I think it's what Valentino put him through, but he doesn't want to talk about it, so I didn't push him to."
-"Oh dear, I'm so sorry, I didn't know."
-"I mean, how could you? That spider never tells people what's going on, so now you do know. So please, just respect his boundaries."
-And that was the end of that convo
-When Valentino did that, it was like some, if not most videos, it started off as one, until he got multiple likes, follows, and comments about how hot Angle's raspy laugh is, and how hot he is at begging. So Valentino continued.
-There were alot of times when Angle humilitaed himself, bc he pissed on himself multiple times, not all, but most, bc Val gets too carried away.
-He actually passed out once too, then it continued so on so forth.
-Val's minions would target his arm pits, like all of them, and his neck, bc that's his worst spot. it makes him act out, like bad.
-He's the second most ticklish
-I'm so sorry how much I put this in detail.
-He doesn't tickle anyone either, bc of the trauma he was put through, and he doesn't want to relive that, even tho he's not the one being tickled.
-But if u ask him to tickle u, he'll prolly consider it, but if u show any signs of displeasure, or u ask him to stop, he will.
-Even if u tell him ahead of time that if u tell him to stop, don't actually do it bc it's ur reflex, he'll still do it
-Wether u don't mean it or u do.
-He hates it when ppl begs him to stop and he does, but then they beg him to keep going, he won't
-It'll make him hella uncomftorable.
-So, don't be piss that he won't continue if u ask him to, one word can make it all stop, that's j his wishes.
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-massive ler.
-He'll tickle people all the time.
-Since he's a fallen angle, I headcanon, he always gets into tickle fights with Adam, not bc he wants to, or even starts it, he does it to finish it, but Adam always wins.
-He tickled his daughter, Charlie when she was younger, for the few times he's alowed to see her, so he can see her smile, or just so he can be playful with her.
-Idt him and his wife r on good terms, but he usually, if not rarely, tries to tickle her, but she's not ticklish, so he doesn't attempt it no more.
-If you tell him to stop, he would, but only if he's not tickling you to relieve stress.
-Yes. he does that.
-Instead of yelling, he'll get in massive ler moods, and tickle the shit out of the first living thing he sees, which isn't all the time, bc he's been isolating himself.
-He doesn't tease anyone bc it makes him flustered toooo, I think that's so cute tho!!
-He gets flustered over his own teasing!!!
-He's the biggest fucking lee ever!!
-And he hates how ticklish he is
-He's the most ticklish person ever if not, in both Haeven and hell!!! And it's so embarassing bc he's the king of Hell, so what would people think if they can overturn the king with a few pokes and squeezes to his tummy?
-Charlie tickles him sometimes too, but since she was little, it didn't take much for Lucifer to overpower her and get her back.
-His worst spot is his navel, and belly button.
-And if you hear his laugh, u wouldn't want to stop any time soon, it's so bubbly and cute!!!
-He coughs and hiccups alot too, so that's also really cute!!!
-He's a short king, so it doesn't take much for someone to win the tickle fight between him, especially since he's the most ticklish demon!!!
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ghost4ghosts Ā· 2 days
i wrote down my live reaction to jurassic world: chaos theory s1 for youšŸ«µ to read it, under the cut
darius baby boy!!!
NOOOO BROOKLYNNšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i knew her voice was recast but i never expected that
ben being a redditor is so funny and believable
i never participated in the fandom outside of posting a couple fics but i ship ben/darius, they're so cute!!!! does anyone else see my vision
poor sammyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
give my guy darius a rest, he's been going through it 24/7 since he was like 14 (<-i do not know their canon ages)
someone give the writers a firm handshake and slap on the back bc i LOVE the character interactions so so much. i think they talk really realistically for teens
okay my guess isssss the dpw are somehow in on it
kenji #relatable asian american representation (including the shitty dad)
sammyšŸ«¶šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’– i just love her
me the whole time during the end of ep5:
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who tf is that guy
the flashbacksšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
i'm having as much fun trying to guess the dinosaursšŸ¦–
oh yazšŸ„ŗ
mateo whistleblower?
is he filipino lol. new headcanon
dude this is wild oh my god
secret home?
so my guess is brooklynn was working undercover to expose the dino trafficking but got caught and they killed her
god i LOOOVE road trip stories
that awkward moment when your dead friend's ex wants to look through her phone but you spent like the past year blowing up her notifs because you miss her and aLSO YOU'RE IN LVOE WITH HER?!
šŸ˜­šŸ˜­they're brosšŸ˜­šŸ˜­
this guy's hat is so big lmfao
are those dinos brainwashed or sedated or something??
glowy eyes
ahh they're all together now
bumpy dead? bumpy sick? bumpy... pregnant?!
that woman is genuinely offputting, i LOVE her character design
dino fight!!!
so many people dying offscreen jfc
oh my god this is a lot
NO HAND?!/!?!
wait lol brooklynn still dyes her hair
all in all: GREAT television, feeds into my love of jurassic park, these kids need a BREAKKKK. i really like the art style+animation, it's so pretty!! they have glow in the dark dinos!!! i would genuinely recommend this and jurassic world: camp cretaceous if you also like dinosaurs and are interested in seeing 6 teenagers going through the wringer. its second season is coming out in a couple weeks and i'm EXCITED. i hope this story can be seen all the way throughšŸ¤ž
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biggie-chcese Ā· 2 months
OK friend, I'll give you an easy one
Or maybe Twiford for something more rare
oops sorry for answering so late I AM HERE NOW
What made you ship it? upon his introduction, makoto flashes his whole naked dick balls and ass to yuma while stepping out of the hot tub and then asks to be friends. i feel like it was just a given at that point (jkjk the actual reason is like... all of chapter 5 basically, especially its finale)
What are your favorite things about the ship? honestly it's the dichotomy. it's just how similar and simultaneously different they are. it's the fact that both of them know each other more than anyone else, and it leads to some very good interactions in fanon
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on the ship? uhhh hm. within the shippers? no. there's some "who tops" disagreement that i dont care about because i like them either way. but for the fandom as a whole i cannot stand the sibling headcanon if im being honest. it's like okay but i tend to stray away from art/fic depicting them as siblings because it's not my cup of tea. unless it's a meme or joke. blowjob brothers my beloved.
Don't Ship It
(at least, not actively. i never really think about it, but i'm open to it)
Why donā€™t you ship it? It doesn't have yuma in it. i'm sorry it really is that simple. i'm hyperfixating on one (1) little guy and don't care much abt anything else djfaklds.
What would have made you like it? to avoid just saying "slamming yuma in there" i'd probably have to say... them having more canon interactions? of the NDA, they have the least amount of interactions with each other. so it's just kinda... i have nothing to go off of for them. it's cute in theory, but i have the most fun when im playing around with canon for my ships and such, which just means that having less canon to work with doesn't get me invested enough. having too much canon (or canon that annoys me) does the same, tho, which is why idc about kokowendy šŸ˜­ it's a hard balance to strike.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? i love both fubuki and vivia a lot, and i think the ship is really cute! aesthetically they really work, and i can see fubuki being the sunshine to vivia's moonlight. good taste šŸ‘
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curiousquirks Ā· 2 years
okay so, here's my request šŸ˜¼ sorry this is too long šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
this imagine has been spinning around my mind for a while now and... imagine prohero!reader x best jeanist as a married couple. prohero!reader is known as charismatic, brave, bold and confident (a similar personality to mirko's!) who's not shy to express their emotions, specially to their husband; they take place as the number 4 hero and their relationship with the number 3 hero is quite popular among people and more known as power couple (since when they fight together, they're just amazing). but what would happen if they have an argument about something not too serious and take some time apart to clear their minds? the media goes crazy and starts a hero drama, endless gossiping about them, entire internet blogs making theories and, specially, reporters surrounding jeanist and prohero!reader looking for answers about what could've possibly happened to make the so powerful couple separate momentarily (failing miserably because none of them would talk about their personal lives). tsunagu starts feeling annoyed by all the drama over a little argument but reader remains chill about it, they aren't really mad, so the story ends when tsunagu is being surrounded one day by reporters asking the same things as the last week and prohero!reader appears on scene with a rose in hand, apologizing and ready to patch up the past argument with their spouse in front of the camera! they make up and reader gives hakamada a kiss over his hero costume and leaves for patrol, stating out loud they love him humongously beyond the argument (leaving tsunagu heart-warmed).
this would be a oneshot with an humoristic/romantic-fluffy touch if possible (feel free to give reader a quirk of your choice if you want). SORRY IF IT'S A LOT, feel free to ignoreā™”
Red Threads of Fate
Word Count: 2,023
A/N: I appreciate all of the details, they honestly help me so much so donā€™t worry about it! I hope you like it! This also took longer than I thought but I made it a longer fic to hopefully make up for it aha <3 Still not that used to writing Best Jeanist so I hope I did him justice. Enjoy <3
Your head whipped around towards your TV when you heard your Hero name.Ā  Your local news anchor was currently moving onto a ā€œspecial segmentā€ they called Troubles in Paradise. You paused your actions as you moved closer to hear him better.
ā€œAnd no new development on either half of the dynamic power couple, it seems they need time to work on their differences. We here at the station donā€™t fear for their relationship, knowing nothing could tear them apart.ā€Ā 
ā€œThank you.ā€ You replied to the man, as though he could hear you. ā€œI know you guys wouldnā€™t care as much as the other stations do.ā€ You know Tsunagu was no doubt growing irritated with the publicā€™s meddling in your relationship, making up their own narrative to your private but childish argument.
ā€œThat doesnā€™t stop other sources from trying to figure out just what made two of our top Heroes to part even temporarily. Some have stated that Best Jeanist seems to be getting restless without his spouse by his side. Are the troubles in paradise going to affect his performance as a Pro Hero? Here's hoping they kiss and make up soon.ā€
You picked up the remote and clicked the TV off, giving a soft laugh to yourself. The public and media was always eager to pick apart every detail of Pro Heroes, their relationships were no exception. It didnā€™t bother you at all, youā€™ve grown used to the constant badgering and pestering. Sometimes, it was even amusing to you. Tsunagu, on the other hand, finds it tiring when they come to the wrong conclusion. Image is everything after all, and when the public doesnā€™t have the full story theyā€™ll go out of their way to fill in the gaps themselves.Ā 
You were currently staying in your own agency building, agreeing with Tsunagu on it being best to give each other space. Youā€™ve made jokes to a reporter that had cornered you that being around each other too often would lead to more petty arguments, especially because you enjoyed messing with him far too much. Tsunagu however, after hearing your little comment, didnā€™t appreciate how lightly you were taking this whole thing. He had known, without even having to look at any article or forums, that you werenā€™t helping any false narratives people kept trying to spin. You telling him to lighten up and relax didnā€™t help your little loverā€™s quarrel either.Ā 
It had been a few days now, time flying by because the antics of various villains in both of your areas proved a large distraction. You plopped yourself down onto the nearest chair, beginning to mindlessly scroll on your phone. Sure enough, your timelines were filled with you and your husband, usually with the tagline: ā€œIf they break up I give up on love!!ā€ You clicked your tongue, heaviness sinking in your heart. You really missed Tsunagu. You threw your head back, letting out a long exhausted sigh. This was going to need to be fixed soon and you didnā€™t really care how at this point. It was both of your prides at this point, the argument wasnā€™t even worth this much drama.Ā 
You looked back at your phone, swiping until you could scroll through your own collection of photos youā€™ve taken with Tsunagu. You scrolled for a few minutes but you had to put your phone down, throwing your arm over your face. You stayed like that until you grew tired enough to move to somewhere more comfortable. You paused, deciding whether or not to toss your phone onto the table but waging a war with yourself. You quickly swiped up on your text messages before you quickly typed a message to Tsunagu, but had decided not to send it, leaving it up on your phone before you had gone to sleep for the night.Ā 
I miss you and your stupid blue jeans <3
Being rudely awoken because of an emergency alarm asking for your assistance was something you still hadnā€™t gotten used to. You sprung into action, quickly putting on your hero costume as you as you contacted your sidekicks to assist you. Your efficiency was impeccable and one of the many reasons you were so praised, quickly arriving at the scene to assist civilians and take down any Villain in sight.Ā 
You handled aiding the civilians you spotted immediately with ease, their concerns and uneasiness falling off of them at just the sight of you. You had helped move any rubble and debris that was in the way, scooping up the random strangers and taking them somewhere safer. Youā€™ve been keeping an eye out for the Villain but you canā€™t seem to find any sign of them. You assessed the damage on the victims you had near you before you signaled over two of your sidekicks who finished aiding some other civilians themselves.
ā€œHelp aid their injuries, this one has a broken leg and that one needs stitches.ā€ You commanded them as they both immediately got to work. You checked around again before calling back down to your sidekicks. ā€œHave either of you seen the Villain anywhere? I havenā€™t seen any signs.ā€
You watched as both of them looked at each other, seeming to debate whether or not to tell you something. You narrowed your eyes, but before you could open your mouth you heard cheering coming from the far side of the battle field that was obstructed from your vision.
ā€œIs another Hero already here?ā€
ā€œUhā€¦well uhm Best Jeanist also arrived on the scene and he was taking care of the Villain while you had aided these civilians.ā€ One of your sidekicks explained, not looking you in the eyes as they tried to focus on helping the person in front of them.Ā 
ā€œJeanist is here?ā€ You asked, looking back towards the area where you heard the cheering. ā€œWhatā€™s he doing in this area?ā€
ā€œWeā€™ll handle everything from here if you want to go and uhmā€¦greet the crowdā€¦ā€ The other sidekick started saying before letting the sentence fall off before trying to quickly add on: ā€œIā€™m sure theyā€™ll appreciate being able to thank you as well.ā€
ā€œHe shows up in my area and takes care of the Villain, taking the credit from the publicā€¦ā€ You ranted in hushed whispers, crossing your arms, scoffing at the audacity. ā€œIs he trying to get a bunch of good publicity to get the media off his back about our fight?ā€
A quiet ow had you spinning around as the second sidekick was holding their arm after getting hit by the other. You sighed, rolling your eyes, as you composed yourself. You were being unreasonable and didnā€™t intend to let your frustrations be front stage for the civilians behind you, so you quickly flashed a grin at them.Ā 
ā€œMy sidekicks will take good care of you until rescue teams arrive. I'm going to go assist Best Jeanist with taking in the Villain responsible for this.ā€ You reassured the civilians, flashing a thumbs up at them before rushing off towards the crowd. Maybe fate was on your side for this encounter.
You rushed over, spotting a flower cart out of the corner of your eye. You made a small detour before getting over the collapsed rubble with ease. Sure enough, Best Jeanist had the large Villain thoroughly secured with extensive lengths of threads. He was currently talking with various civilians and an onslaught of people with cameras as he waited for transport. You casually made your way over, the second your presence was seen the crowd screaming your Hero name. Tsunagu eyes glancing towards you, his obscured face completely unreadable, something you were cursing. Surely he wasnā€™t still upset.
ā€œGood thing you were in the area, Best Jeanist.ā€ You called out cheerfully, any bitterness youā€™ve held onto from before was gone. ā€œHad no idea you would be over here.ā€
The quick and harsh whispers from the crowd didnā€™t go unnoticed from either you or Tsunagu. You could see him close his eyes briefly, probably cursing your insistence on not taking your public image as seriously as he did. The reporters seemed to be at odds with themselves, struggling to decide if they wanted to turn the cameras towards you or keep them on Best Jeanist, eager to learn more about this apparent ongoing argument. All of the reporters kept talking over each other trying to get a statement from you.Ā 
ā€œAre you two still at odds?ā€
ā€œYou didnā€™t know he was going to be in the area? Were you planning on coming to apologize to your spouse, Best Jeanist?ā€
ā€œCan you tell us what started this feud between you two?ā€
ā€œIs there not enough in common for you two to keep things together?ā€
ā€œDid one of you cheat on the other?ā€
The last question that you heard gave you a pause, immediately causing you to look at Tsunagu. Your voice was loud and commanding as you shouted for silence, forcing the talking to come to a sudden halt. You took a deep breath, Tsunaguā€™s eyes snapping to you, eyes slightly wide in seeming shock.Ā 
ā€œGuys, guys, guys. Thatā€™s enough okay.ā€ You said, trying to ease the crowd growing antsy. ā€œI admit this little disagreement between us has gone on for too long, isnā€™t that right babe?ā€ You lifted up your arm bumping your elbow into his side as a not so subtle signal.
ā€œIā€™m afraid weā€™ve been quite busy and werenā€™t able to set up any official explanations for our strange behavior. Which we both apologize for, of course.ā€ Tsunagu had explained with that elegant grace as he always did. ā€œMuch like frayed denim needs delicate hands and care to prevent the threads from coming apart, our disagreement needed time apart for us to not handle it incorrectly.ā€
ā€œActually Tsunaguā€¦ā€ You had turned towards him, pulling out a rose you had snatched off a flower cart you had passed coming over here. ā€œI shouldā€™ve just apologized, instead of dragging it on. Iā€™m sorry, I just didnā€™t want to admit to being wrong.ā€Ā 
You saw Tsunagu pause for only a moment before his eyes softened, his hand reaching out to grab the rose from you. He delicately twisted the stem in his fingers as he clasped his hand in yours. ā€œI was at fault too, my love. Stubbornness is not one of my best traits, I admit.ā€ He said, smiling underneath his denim collar.
You grinned at him, stretching up to place a kiss against his covered mouth. ā€œWe have those red threads of fate wrapped around our fingers.ā€ You explained, moving your fingers to hook your pinky around his. ā€œWe may disagree at times, sometimes for something stupid, but nothing is going to tear that thread apart.ā€
Tsunagu marks this as another moment where he swears that he falls even more in love with you everyday. The awā€™s and cooing from the crowd was drowned out as he focused solely on you. He marked every single detail of your beautiful face into his memory, cursing his pride for how long it had been since he had last seen it. Despite his irritation at some of your antics, he wouldnā€™t trade you for anything and couldnā€™t have asked for a better partner.Ā 
You heard your sidekicks calling out for you, your head looking back towards them. You let go of Tsunaguā€™s hand as you waved at the crowd next to you. ā€œSadly, duty calls!ā€ You called out, making your way towards your sidekicks. ā€œI love you, Tsunagu!ā€
You moved over the rubble with that same grace you did the first time. He heard your voice calling over the debris still: ā€œI love you a lot! Like a whole bunch! Annoyingly, one might say!ā€Ā 
Tsunagu looked down at the rose, his eyes falling to his pinky, his mind imaging that little red thread. His eyes could see it leading right over that debris you just jumped over, smiling to himself before he turned his attention back to the crowd he still needed to address again.Ā 
That little red thread of fate that wouldnā€™t tear no matter what pulled you two apart. He couldnā€™t be luckier.
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aphroditelovesu Ā· 6 months
Hellooooo I missed you soo muchhh!!!! I wanna give a review of TLQ ch12 if u donā€™t mind like I did to ch11, ok letā€™s start with how Perdiccas is so obsessed with our girl so much that he betrayed his king to have her but it puzzled me how Darius found out about his little crush, did he have spies in Alexanderā€™s army? Thatā€™s the only logical explanation for him finding out about this and about the pregnancy. Also, what is Alexanderā€™s reaction when he finds out that some men hugged his wife casually because if in the story he did care about her being a virgin, does he cares about her being touched by other men?, Iā€™m still intrigued to see his reaction when he realises that sheā€™s been kidnapped šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but Iā€™ll be honest it took me by surprise when we saw the man who is the reason for all of this, my personal theory is that he is a time traveler from the past who wants to ā€œcorrectā€ the history of Macedonia because in reality Alexanderā€™s death was itā€™s downfall due to him not having a direct heir and how he died very young and it wasnā€™t natural ( I still believe he was poisoned by his own army) so letā€™s say this strange man was from an organisation or a cult of some sort who was born AFTER Alexanderā€™s death wanted to bring back the glory of the Macedonian empire by travelling through time to fix it.
One final question, are you planning for this fic to be long? It has so much potentials and I really like to read it it feels like its some type of a tv show for me, keep it up and I hope your study goes well for you šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚
I love reading these reviews!! Always feel free to send them!!
Perdiccas really is obsessed with our girl and it's not going to end well for either side. He chose to become a deserter, a traitor just so he can have her.
Ohhhh šŸ‘€ how did Darius find out? I'll explain it better in chapter 13... But let's say he has eyes and ears in the macedonian war camp.
Alexander doesn't like it when other men touch her, but he won't freak out over a hug. But he won't react well when he finds out about his Queen's kidnapping and... Well, you'll find out šŸ‘€
Your theory is good! The man who sent her to the past is an important piece in the story and he will be the cause of some chaos. You'll find out eventually... But remember him.
Hmm... When I started writing this sheet, I planned for it to have 20 chapters at most but there will be more due to recent events. I think about 30? I don't say for sure.
Thank you very much!! I'm really glad you like it and are having fun! I have fun writing too. I confess that I would watch a TV show like this, it reminds me a little of Outlander lol.
Thanks, anon! I hope to see you more often! ā¤ļø
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fluffypotatey Ā· 3 months
Uhh Fluffy. Alright firstly, I was just sitting here going bonkers over the insanity of S5 yet AGAIN bc half the time I seriously think there's two fake monkeys going around pretending to be SWK and Mac, and they each fought a fake before finishing the fight with each other, and Ik I said this but the perspective is too weird! Wukong pleading for Mac to not make him do this was either outside that vision OR part of the vision and that is NOT something you say while flying down with a punch and a yell(?) hard to tell voices apart in the Chinese version for me. I'm not used to them, but I'm guessing the yell his. Mac did impersonate him but in HIS flashback he was on the receiving side, while in this one, Wukong seems to be šŸ˜­ It's so confusing omgg. Sorry okay secondly, and this one will REALLY make you crazy, is that someone pointed out that in that S3 EP 4 scene with the zodiac compass scene to free LBD, apparently Mac is SHIRTLESS and you can see scratches and scratches on him. So uh, if this is post-revival and post fully clothed Mac tied up in his own shadows, WHO UNDRESSED MY BOY BC WHEN I GET YOU- I cannot BELIEVE that theory that Wukong stole his old scarf so Mac had to get a new one might actually be true!! Wukong you are NOT a grave robber so what GIVES. I can't buy it. Did the bugs eat it. Do I need to dedicate a good portion of fic to writing decomposing Mac and give him trauma for that. Bruh, sure I imagine fabric decays quickly but also, that would mean he'd sincerely been there for awhile before LBD had to revive-heal him or just make a totally new body, this guy isn't really the real Macaque and he never will be!! No wonder he'd be all naked afterwards if the flesh had to literally regrow over old bones. Fluffy this is HORRIFYING. And looking at it, even in the scene with Mac's arms spread out and LBD descending like some angel, he is shirtless! You can see by the lack of color bro wears bright YELLOW he sure isn't there and there's torn scruffs by his pant waistline. Perhaps I am actually subscribing to LBD possessed him during this fight, and then the blue chains and shadows tried to bury him underground, and then you see him clawing his way out and there's HEAPS of blood splashing all around, and THEN you see LBD cast it all away. When Wukong fought LBD, instead of her pretending to be a bunch of villagers, she could've very well been inside of Mac the whole time. Remember the whole, our old friend the Lady Bone Demon- bit? What if they were actually on okay terms on the journey, Wukong killed LBD two times, and then on the third try she crawled into Mac and Wukong couldn't figure out why he swapped personalities so quickly. Maybe there was another LBD (like what she did to the Mayor, so she still has HER form but also him.) And hosting a piece of herself inside Mac was insurance for failing yet another fight with Wukong. Why ELSE would she do this to ensure "Mac would free her when the time came" unless if she was expecting to get sealed/lose to Wukong again? Mac has always had that motif of blue chains clinging to him. This is why. They've been there for centuries.
while i do like the idea of Macky being stripped bare in death and revived physically vulnerable, i do think he was wearing clothes
letā€™s just examine these two:
hereā€™s our lovely boy pre-death (i think) but post his battle with swk
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so, dully noted here is he is very much clothed here but in considerable pain/anguish (why? well itā€™s either because Wukong did what had to be done struck him down OR someone pulled a little spell and did the deed instead of Wukong)
anyway, here is our lively boy post-revival
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from my eyes, it does look like he is wearing pants and a torn shirt (notice the two marks on the arms are almost symmetrical to indicate the end of the sleeves). like itā€™s less clothes than before, but thereā€™s still something.
itā€™s a cool theory but i do doubt that itā€™ll hold. lmk does leave a lot to speculate about the specifics on Mackyā€™s death and revival (though since s5 it has been pointing closer to Wukong pulling the trigger šŸ‘€) but lmk also likes to play with charactersā€™ memories and leave a lot of the past unreliable
we heard the Samadhi Fire story about three to four times and yet every one has its own variations about what it was, how the rings were split, and stuff. and then you even have MK skewing Wukongā€™s point about the group being mortal compared to the Monkey Kingā€™s own immortality in 3x02. Azureā€™s story he told MK also wasnā€™t 100% true
however, what we are shown in the memories are supposed to be the charactersā€™ deepest and darkest memories. ones they do not like to share or think about often. the Hundred Eye Demon never skewed or manipulated the memories; rather, it was him scouring through them for his own self gain
so like, thereā€™s a very high chance that what we heard in 5x07 is something Wukong said to Macackle during their battle in jttw. thereā€™s also laughing in that memory, so idk what Wukong would be laughing about which makes the ā€œdonā€™t make me do thisā€ line be Wukongā€™s rather than Macrackerā€™s
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adonis-koo Ā· 8 months
Fantastic chapter as always! šŸ˜­šŸ‘šŸ¼
Just wannaā€™ lay down a few points:
ā€¢ JK being the first to confess and fall in love with MC is evidence how far he has come from the first few chapters. Also, I noticed that MC hasnā€™t even told him she loves him yet maybe because she hasnā€™t had closure with Seokjin. Which will bring us to the Yule!
ā€¢ The smut is šŸ˜™šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼šŸ’Æ
ā€¢ I have this theory (even though itā€™s a stretch but hear me out) that maybe MC isnā€™t meant to heal but to fight/kill. Basically, the blood and fury of those before her is manifesting in her unconsciously. Itā€™s like Celestia is inside her (want to point out also what MCā€™s mother said in ā€œOf Bones and Gods how ā€œshe holds the wrath of the gods in her bones). What she did to Di Jin was self-defense but listen, the flashback to her being taught healing by Baba EnĆ ir and not really getting it or being proficient in it is maybe because she wasnā€™t meant for it. MC may be looking up to Galadria and what the current Eunoia stands for, but something tells me that the old Celestial is slowly coming out of her.
- me a nerd for the worldbuilding in a fic
ā€¢ On a non-serious note, when will MC give the JK the succ of his life? šŸ˜
Again, thanks so much for gracing us with more Wicked content! šŸ«¶šŸ¼
!!! I love nothing more then an E2L where he falls harder itā€™s just UGHHH and Iā€™ve been patiently waiting for people to point out that MC has yet to return an ā€˜I love youā€™ it might have to do with Seokjin, it might be because of her own self loathing, what counts is Jungkook may not have heard it yet, but he feels it strongly with her and heā€™s very patiently waiting for when sheā€™s ready to say it back šŸ„¹
I also LOVE your theory!!! omg makes me squeal when people start theorizing events to come or why things are or what it means, her being unable to successfully heal like her dryad kin and her unbridled rage are definitely connected and the parallels to old Celestia is not a coincidence, how so however??? Is yet to be revealed! What we do know is Galadria and Celestia were sisters and directly related to MC so itā€™s not too far off the mark to assume that there is definitely some kind of ancestral related influence, especially when it came to Di Jin attempting to kill her and it triggering such a violent reaction from her.
I love when people give extra love and attention to the world building side of things šŸ„¹ does it make me sweat a little because thereā€™s definitely a few plot holes in my world building due to pure laziness on my part?? yesā€¦.does it still make me IMMENSELY happy to see YES!!!
as for your last questionā€¦šŸ˜ you guys can expect to not wait too long for that
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fumifooms Ā· 10 months
HI. I loved your marchil fics and I love your lil blurbs and hcs and all you're lil thoughts on them it's beautiful and makes my heart melt. It's just seeing this lil guy and how he has all his feelings locked away in a box until marcille walks over and picks right through the lock and gets him to open up (well in a metaphorical sense-).
I KNOWW RIGHT, I love how you described it!! Thereā€™s so much fun imagery and metaphors you can do with themā€¦ They lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship, as people say
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I love their dynamic they are so romcom shapedā€¦ Speaking of romcoms I recently read Dame na watashi ni koishite kudasai/Please love me ! which has major marchil energy, I love reading it while thinking of them lmao. They banter and she infiltrates his social sphere & gets all the family gossip and also he owns a cafe and cooks her things, itā€™s like my coffeeshop AU but real šŸ˜­šŸ’—
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People when getting into marchil:
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Thank you for this ask! šŸ„ŗ Itā€™s always really nice to hear things like theseā€¦ I never know what to respond though so naturally I shall go overboard, handing out more marchil thoughts as per popular demand! Marchil nation is a tiny island Iā€™m sorry for getting you invested, but also mwahahaha hahahA YES HAHAHA YESSS! Handing you these ramblings as apology
My motivation to write essays has been waning lately BUT I do have a big post about theories and facts on Chilchuckā€™s family planned, his wife and daughters plus some Chilā€™s dad and siblings, the whole package. On top of more marchil crumbs to post oofā€¦ Ideally I should also rework the first part of the marchil crumbs to make it more streamlined and dare I say convincing. Also fanart and fics which I hope to get around to finishing upā€¦ I def want to make more marchil content, but I honestly have no clue which idea to work on nextā€¦ (I take requests and prompts btw~). I want to make more fluff but I also want to make more hurt/comfort, ahh dilemma
One idea I have thatā€™s particularly relevant is a fic that Iā€™d call Locks of Hair, about blonde hair and the key to his heart. Iā€™d love touching on his attraction to blondes and how that might affect their relationship in a neat lil introspective oneshot like I like to make. LOCKS of hair? Being the KEY to his heart? I love the english language. Thereā€™s sorta this trope where if a character loves money has a liking for blondes itā€™s because like, the hair is "golden", and Iā€™d find playing with that so funny too.
Another that really has my heart right now is Marcilleā€™s mom visiting them to see her daughter and meet her new partner Chilchuck, and it throws them into a frenzy to prepare for it, Chil being entirely too stressed and dreading. And seeing them her momā€™s eyes soften and she tells them they remind her of her and her late husbandā€¦ The bittersweet pride mixed with anticipation at how her daughter has grown into someone who can accept loss, and is willing to throw all of herself into loving despite them not even having 20 years together ahead of themā€¦ā€¦. I think about marchil proposals and marriage a lot. Hey hey did you know that in Japan "I want to drink your miso soup every day" is a way to propose, because thatā€™s so Dungeon Meshi. The way proposals are so meaningful with these two because it truly is like "i want to give my lifetime to you, knowing all that it entails, but I believe that itā€™s worth the trouble. That itā€™s worth it." I have so much proposal dialogue between them written up oogh they make me so emotional
You truly are a warrior for reading all I wrote about them omg, if you like these sorta convos then maybe youā€™d enjoy joining our dunmeshi discord! I rarely get the chance to speak with another marchil enthusiast~ We have a lot of big convos on characters and ships over there hehe, ofc no pressure though, invite link in comment just in case. I get cuteness agression over them TOOOOO I need them-shaped stress balls to squeeze in affection
-trips and falls and some of my favorite marchil moments slip out-Soulmates ā¤ļø (delusional)
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kidflashimpulse Ā· 10 months
Literally your HC's are what's keeping me alive these days, somehow you always manage to put into words what has been floating around in my brain aimlessly and it just gets better every time šŸ¤Œ
No but fr I've always thought that Bart had been experimented on for some time (a few months? Years?) before escaping/getting a collar slapped on his neck and being sent to the camps and I'm super interested to hear your and other's takes on it, there's just so many possibilities!
I'm not as good as you are in putting thoughts into words but gosh Bart needs a nap and so many cuddles, that we can all agree on
(Thankfully Ed will provide)
i appreciate this a lot because honestly most of the time it feels like I just word vomit lol so the fact that thereā€™s something coherent to them, is a relief
the possibilities really ARE endless itā€™s insane !! both frustrating but also great because we can go ham with them lol
i feel like the overall consensus really is that he was experimented on one way or another, which is cool!! i think the when, how, in what way and to what extent is what probably varies the most and i eat up every single theory out there !! always super interesting to read. like u mentioned, i would be super interested to hear others takes on it !
my take which i wouldnā€™t consider spoilerish because itā€™s not like itā€™s specifically central to the plot (more like in a round about way) is definitely in line with the whole ā€œexperimented on his speed/legsā€ aspect. I love me a good ā€œhe has loads of scars on themā€ fics, always enjoyable. Personally, I donā€™t think he has any visible scars on his body and if he did, it would be like very few but very much major types. Like really big or something that even with a healing factor would scar, like long flesh wounds across his legs or something. Personally in AAIT (and my YJ HCs) he doesnā€™t have any noticeably obvious scars at all, and that plays into some stuff in the next chapter.
this is kind of unecessary to add but i will anyway lmfao, whenever i think about him being experimented on in some way thereā€™s loads of blood. I think the electric-shock stuff we see in YJ is a given too, but i feel like they might have toned things down for censorship. But personally I also like to think that in Barts era they amped up their experimentation by a lot and were much crueller about it. So copious amounts of blood spilling from him as a result it is.
and he really, really does. Keeping up with his scenes in Phantoms was like, this guy has been through quite a bit give him the spa treatment just for me to put him through a lot in AAIT sdfghjkl but ultimately thatā€™s just who he is, with someone like his background, it feels like he needs all the spa treatments, hugs and naps in the world šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and period his man Ed will always come through !
thank u for sharing this with us <333
p.s i feel u, bart HCs keep me alive too sdfghjkl take care šŸ’›
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jungkookschin Ā· 5 months
the way you describe jungkook and ocā€™s relationships from both their perspectives is so cute šŸ˜ž just the way they talk about each other is so?? omg i donā€™t even have words. ā€œfuture mother of my kidsā€ OH HES REALLY IN LOVE. also when jungkook was like ā€œshe doesnā€™t need to be a superhero with meā€ STFU SO CUTE I CANT šŸ˜­ itā€™s really so crazy that theyā€™re really just saving the world but so gentle and normal with eo.
fuck apollo, fuck ares, kinda donā€™t know how i feel about hephaestus but yeah fuck him too why not, just fuck all the gods tbh
oh? weā€™re learning more about jungkookā€™s past hookups? why is that so funny
i love the way you write oc tho. like her thinking is so real and realistic. sheā€™s secure in their relationship but also has doubts about herself that are totally understandable.
jungkook being so protective lowkey had me blushing šŸ¤­ he was thinking how oc should be more aware of her surroundings to protect herself from perverts and then was like wait no thatā€™s why iā€™m here
smut was explicit but that was hot and sweet ngl. jungkook really just wants to please his girl
iā€™m curious about the dream tho like?? anticipating the next chapter already
thank you so much for taking the time to write this amazing chapter!! šŸ«¶
AWWW THANK U SMMMMM <3333 again full transparency i use chatgpt to rewrite sentences bc my ass is soo lazy to think of pretty sentence structures.
im sooo happy that u commented on their dynamic just bc i put a lot of effort into making the little things matter. like i COULD just say some shit like "Jungkook is in love with her and wants to protect her blah blah blah" but i TRY to show it thru his actions.. which is superrr fun given that this is an action story and he can like kill monsters and shit hehe
NO FR FUCK THE GODS!! fuck hephaestus too. in greek mythology hes always been up to some STRANGE and WEIRD activities... but in this fic im trying to portray him as a good father bc he's yn's dad šŸ˜­āœ‹
And as for oc , i think she's super relatable ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ like i COULD make her crazy and insane (as we all r sometimes šŸ˜Œ) but i want to show her rational side . lowkey some fanfic readers are kinda women-hating, for lack of a better term. bc if i give my oc's any flaws, they'll go off in my inbox about how much they hate oc šŸ˜­ like damnn she's not actually dating jungkook chillll
i lovedd writing the protective aspect, and i love when guys r protective. not FORCEFULL but idk he was kinda forceful in the fic but it's always hot cause he's like "omg wait, im the strongest demigod in the history of the world, i can take care of her", and i can imagine that it gives oc an overwhelming sense of security cause shes gonna be safe foreverrr
AS FOR THE SMUT AHHHH, i recently started to add smut in my fics, but IM so scared of making it too explicit. Like I don't want to make it too obvious because i feel weird writing words like "dick" or "pussy" jkdfsfkldf
furthermore, i have a theory that a lot of my fics would be more popular if i added some delicious smut to it, but then sometimes i think that oh wait jungkook is a real person and if he saw this he might not like it. which is why i try to add the appropriate amount to make the story make sense and not sexualize him too much?? instead just try to convey the intensity of his love .
as for the dream, i think when i wrote it i wanted to portray y/n's paranoia , which is another reason jk wanted to keep her away from the quest
nonetheless, thank u for ur comments <33, i can tell that u really read the story which means so much to me. I hope u have the bestest day ever anon!!
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kamiversee Ā· 6 months
okay, i breathed.
holy shit kami.
first of all, ā€œa tinge of angstā€ is a MAJOR understatement. my heart was pounding, my head was reeling, and my knuckles were turning white from gripping my phone. YOU KILL ME, KAMI.
i always understood the Gojo delulu, but holy shit. iā€™m sure this isnā€™t the last time weā€™ll run into him, but the way that last kiss felt so permanent made my heart shatter. THIS MOTHERFUCKER SAID HEā€™D THINK ABOUT KIDNAPPING THE READER and you have the audacity to write him so well that i was okay with it for a brief moment so long as it meant that weā€™d still have him around šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
that Sukuna passage was ominous from beginning to end šŸ„¹ something is coming and i know iā€™m not ready for it. just talking to him gave me major anxiety again. it was like a reminder that while the list is over, the consequences of that list are still revealing itself. iā€™m overanalyzing that whole passage to see what it could be foreshadowing to. i have a few ideas, but every one of them is making me go crazy. oh my fucking god. while the Sukuna scenes have been so great, considering his relation to Choso iā€™m slightly going insane from the possibility (guarantee?) that Choso will find out about this. UGHHHHHHH
speaking of Chosoā€¦ that motherfucker. Kami i donā€™t know if i mentioned it before, but i wasnā€™t a Choso girly before your fic came along. i never even watched JJK. to me, this is my JJK LMAO. but the amount of parallels from what the reader is currently experiencing with Choso with what Choso is now making the reader go through is karma not giving our girl a break šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ if this ends up with Choso pulling a ā€œthereā€™s someone elseā€ i think iā€™m going to bite off a piece of drywall šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ CHOSO Iā€™M ROOTING FOR YOU!! WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU!!!!
also youā€™re revealing red flags in me that i never realized before bc why was i jealous over Chosoā€™s interaction with Yuki šŸ„² it makes no sense bc likeā€¦ Yuki is so fine. iā€™d usually be like ā€œFORGET CHOSO, I WANT HERā€ (iā€™m still kinda like that hehe) but the fact that theyā€™re hanging out makes me civisjndjdjcjdnfbdbvbennfjenf AAAAAA. like yeah, he has a point when he mentions how heā€™s not tied down in a relationship, but holy shit. Choso feels like the readerā€™s karma that she lowkey doesnā€™t deserve since the situation has been out of her hands from the beginning šŸ˜­ KAMIIIIIIIIII
the cliffhanger. iā€™m about to rip out my hair. KAMI PLEEEAAAAASE WHO?????? A CRUMB OF A HINT. JUST A CRUMB. THAT WAY I CAN AT LEAST HAVE AN IDEA OF WHO Iā€™M GOING TO GO IN A SPIRAL OVER FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS. the fucking possibilities šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the thing that would kill me considering the mention of the nightclub proximity my brain was immediately like ā€œoh god, Nanami???ā€ but i was also like ā€œhold onā€¦ Naoyaā€¦ā€ but then i remembered that the reader met Naoya at a bar and not a nightclub (and he doesnā€™t seem like the type to be at a cafĆ© šŸ˜­). KAMI YOUā€™RE DRIVING ME INSANE AND YOU HAVE ME JUMPIN TO ALL SORTS OF THEORIES AAAAAAAAA
- ā˜ƒļø
Gotta be one of my fav anons fr, I seriously love these long rants smšŸ˜©šŸ˜©
Hi my name is Kami & welcome to my podcastšŸ˜‰
Lol jkjk, honestly I didnt think the angst was tht bad?šŸ˜­ There were no tearssss but I SUPPOSE Iā€™ll change the warningšŸ˜”
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Guys Sukunaā€™s just a silly lil guy, I gotta include everyone again SOMEHOW before the story ends yā€™knowšŸ˜¹
As for the Choso & Yuki situationā€¦
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Guys I promise the person tht she sees isnā€™t tht badšŸ’€ well, it can be but uhhhhhh yeah lemme shut ip before I spoil everythingšŸ˜­
Like ik the cliffhanger is spooky bc likeā€¦ itā€™s me writing it BUT BUT itā€™s nothing yā€™all needa worry abt fr
TRUST ME !! Do NOT trust me
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atlas-affogato Ā· 1 year
Hi! Firstly, I want to say that I really like your fanfics and headcanons. I mean, they're so profound and detailed, and your writing style is just awesome
I sent you an ask some time ago but I had some problems with Tumblr and it didn't reach youšŸ˜© btw the ghost who liked your posts, which you once made a post about, is me (I hope I don't sound like a creep)
So, I'd like to share some hcs of mine, too:
1. I see Ratso as a person who, despite looking childish outside, can be pretty serious. I imagine him wearing glasses while reading (I also think that he likes reading hard and scientific stuff). He looks like a university professor with the glasses on sitting in the armchair with a huge book about theoretical physics
2. He also may resemble a professor or a teacher sometimes. He likes helping enforcers' nephews with school assignments and homework, but he tends to explain things and wait for the boys to solve everything by themselves like a real teacher.
3. Chow definitely wore glasses when he was young. He was told to wear them by doctors when he was about 8 - 10 years old and it made him really upset. At first Chow even refused to wear them but he couldn't see anything from the blackboard at school and distinguish people around him. He didn't like glasses as he looked like a nerd with them on. Chow also got bullied for being puny and weak ā€” so he started working out, but it didn't really help, unfortunately.
4. Finn and Ratso are extroverts while Chow is introverted. It took him some time to make their acquaintance and then become friends. Chow doesn't really communicate with other people from the Dark Hand while Finn knows everyone there. He likes small talks. Ratso is keen on chatting as well, but he's a bit shy so sometimes he feels awkward among new people. He just has an experience of people being rude towards him as they think he's acting like a child
5. It's totally not in canon, but I think Chow might have a tattoo on his upper arm. He got a tattoo right after finishing school to look cooler and have an "independent and giving no shit guy" vibe. Also he was a little bit into punk style back then, so he pierced an ear, maybe even two (I hc this not because I love punk guys, absolutely...)
Hi!! Oh my god thank you so much you have no idea what that means to me that you read and enjoy my fics šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thank you so so much
Yeah I only now got that other ask, which I can answer if you would still be interested! Are those numbers for the same list I answered with Finn? I can go digging for that post. Its nice to meet you little ghost šŸ‘»šŸ˜‰ (and you don't sound like a creep)
1. Yes yes yes 1000% agree. Ratso can be childish at heart but he's definitely capable of serious discussions, I see him as someone who enjoys the simple things in life and doesn't want to be embarrassed about liking cartoons or action figures. I think he's a total optomist, thinks the best of people and the world. And he definitely will sit and read complicated science and math books and theories and magazines and try to explain them to Finn and Chow, with little success
2. Oh yeah he's the guy to go to to get help with school work, he'll sit with his nieces and nephews and explain everything, spend hours with them to make sure they understand everything
3. Oh 1000% yeah Chow definitely got bullied for looking like a nerd and being a scrawny kid definitely did not help. He probably stated martial arts in high school with the hopes that it would help him with the bullying, which it did not, but it all worked out in the end right? šŸ˜…
4. Oh yeah, Finn is such an extrovert and Ratso definitely likes talking with and meeting new people but he can get tired of being around people too much. Chow is a total introvert, has no friends besides Finn and Ratso, and that's the way he likes it. I think Chow could go either way of either being a home body, or going out to clubs/bars pretty regularly. Anywhere where he doesn't have to make small talk. Ratso's definitely had people give him weird looks for being happy or excited about literally anything so he can be a bit more reserved about his hobbies and interests
5. Lmao I accept this headcanon šŸ˜† he so would, wouldn't he? He would totally do that (I definitely don't want to draw him in 2000s emo get up, no definitely not)
Thank you so so much for the ask, I LOVE talking about Enforcer headcanons, I never stop thinking about them. But seriously, I can't thank you enough for reading my fics, it means so much to me that you think they're good šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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ghost-proofbaby Ā· 2 years
DUUUUDDDEEEEE. Fork! (Iā€™m trying to sensor myself. Is it working?!)
So OK BUT THEN HERE WE MAYBE HAVE ANOTHER WEIRD NON-ALIBI if they find Fred. IS Willow gonna say something once they find/identify Chrissyā€™s body/know that Fred is missing. But also heā€™s by lovers lake? And then mentally Nancy came across Chrissyā€™s bodyā€¦closer to that where they found her necklace and shoe. So does that mean someone or something is moving her body? AND WHERE ARE THE GATES BUT WILL THERE EVEN BE GATES OR IS SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENING.
Omg. My synapses are firing!!! Cruel of you to release this first thing in the AM when I have a day full of meetings. I might reread tonight. I definitely have ideas but I DONT HAVE MY NOTEBOOK. Iā€™m gonna scribble some on a napkin. Hmmm too early to tell
Poor Eddie and poor Willow. But theyā€™re together and have one another. I thinkā€¦you know I joke about my theories and everything but truly thatā€™s what weā€™re all here for. The love they have for each other and their willingness to endure countless nightmares for each other. I canā€™t wait to see THEM RUN AWAY TOGETHER WHEN THE TOWN GOES ON A MANHUNT AND THEY JUST CUT AND RUN AND START OVER. TOGETHER (šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€) Damn I thought that was gonna work.
And Wayne. Iā€™m here for actual Dad Wayne Munson. Because he goes through so much to make sure his boy is safe. Omg. ā€œOur boyā€ Iā€™m freaking tearing up.
Congratulations on another great chapter and yet another strand in the grand web you are weaving. Aghhh. Youā€™re the best but youā€™re the worst but youā€™re the best. You deserve a medium place. *forehead smooches*
FINALLY replying because i was trying to give everyone time to read but i want you to know this made my day when i received it this morning šŸ–¤
first of all, as always, i love your mind. you're thinking big (even if you're not right) and i adore it <3 also the image of you scribbling down your theories on a napkin just has me cackling i love you jo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
and oh yeah, there's quite a bit going on, quite a lot to cover, but i think that's why even amongst this "angst", i find so much comfort in continuing their story. it's just as much their love that makes me giddy to write this story as it makes you all to read it (which still blows my mind, btw).
dad wayne munson is everything to me. him and hopper are the town's resident adoptive fathers, and both of them just bring me so so much comfort. if i find a way to insert hopper's return into this fic, you already know i am. just give me a day or two of planning i'm a determined woman on a mission
thank you so much. i know i'm a broken record, i know all i ever seem to do is thank y'all and tell you how much i appreciate you guys and your support, but i do. i truly mean it so much that if i think about it too much, i'd cry. when i started all this, i thought this was going to be some silly fic i'd post and have to celebrate even having one reader, something i'd have to manically talk and plan out with my best friend and that at the end of the day, would only really mean something to me. you guys have been so endlessly supportive, so achingly sweet, and i just. gah. i don't know how to repay you all. i love you guys. you guys let me have my cake, and eat it too. that's probably the greatest gift i've received in all my years of writing fics.
also... side note.... has someone been rewatching the good place? šŸ‘€
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