#I love little sheet ghosts whoo
heliosheart · 1 year
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Life has been hectic lately so I did this little piece to unwind 🍂🍁
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rosemary-writes · 3 years
The Lost Boys and Halloween costume headcanons
Warnings: swearing
No chance in hell. Nope. No thank you, he will gladly pass on that.
No amount of persuasion can convince David to dress up with you. Even if it was something extremely tame, he does not want to. He has a reputation to uphold babe! He can’t tarnish it!
“Maybe in the next 100 years?”
“David, you’re such an asshole.”
You can still take him with you when you find your costume though.
He does know where all of the good shops are and he will gladly take you to those places
He’s actually really good about figuring out what would look good on you.
He’ll hold the costumes up to your frame and tell you about it
“If you didn’t look annoyed, you’d be a very cute roman god.”
“David, I’m tired.”
“Nonsense. You wanted this so you got it >:)”
After a few more hours, you finally settle on a costume.
Both you and David thought it was pretty great so he was more than happy to buy it.
Who were you to refuse?
The moment you both got to your house, David begged you to put it on because he wanted to see how sexy you looked in it.
“After all of the hard work I put into finding you an outfit, the least you can do is show me”
You go to a different room and change so it can be a surprise
When you come out, whoo mama! David loves what he is seeing!
“Give me a spin, kitten.”
To say the least, he thinks you look very sexy.
However, he might not let you out on Halloween night
You're his to look at and his alone.
“If you don’t let me leave the house on Halloween, then you’ll never see me in this again.”
Costumes you say? Well, well, well, don’t mind if he does!
He may seem too dark and mysterious for it but Dwayne is a creative man, so he’ll want to do something creative
He might want to be an album cover with you. Or be a dapper Edwardian couple? He doesn’t know, it’s a team effort and team decision.
You both don’t want to spend too much money on costumes cause what’s the point in buying it if you’re only going to wear it for one night?
What if you did a classic costume?
“Dwayne, we could put bags over our heads so that way no one knows it’s us”
“Yeah, but then it’s all fun and games until you suffocate.”
A few weeks pass and you guys still don’t know what to do
You both still want to dress up but neither one of you can make up your minds
“Wait, dovey, you have spare bed sheets right?”
“Yeah, what’re you thinking of Dwayne?”
He goes to your sheet closet and pulls out two bedsheets. As you’re watching him, he rips two holes into both of them
“Let’s be the classic sheet ghost.”
“Baby those were my only other spare bed sheets :(“
He’ll sew them back up for you, but it’ll be after halloween
Dwayne loves the basic-ness of yall’s outfits. You just don’t see the classic ghost anymore.
On Halloween night you both wear the sheets and walk around different neighborhoods together. Hand in hand of course.
He’s a very happy man
He is so excited to dress up!
He wouldn’t be able to make up his mind cause one minute he’ll want to be his favorite singer, then the next he’ll want to be another singer, then he’ll want to be something kind of stupid, and he just keeps going and going.
You both won’t need to go to a costume shop because this man has a little area of the cave just for his massive wardrobe. He can’t help it, he just has so many pretty clothes.
Rummaging in the cave might take a few weeks.
One night you two have a talk about it.
“Paul, you like Twisted Sister, why don’t you go as Dee Snider?”
“Cause I kind of want to be Don Dokken now .”
It’ll take him a while to figure it out, but he’ll get there
“What if we were Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons from the Dressed To Kill album?”
“Paul, I don’t own a suit or clown makeup”
Both of you decide to rummage through his little closet space and pull out clothes that you both like so you can narrow it down to a decision.
It definitely takes a few hours because he just has so much shit in that room
Eventually, you guys take a break and go cuddle on the couch together. He decides to get high and you join him in his adventure.
Halfway through the smoke sesh he preaches his brilliant idea
“Babe, what if I went as Dee Snider? Wouldn’t that be amazing?”
The next day, you find articles of clothing that resemble the great man himself and Paul couldn’t be more in love with halloween.
He wants you to dress up too! He can’t be having all the fun!
So, you decide to dress up as a groupie.
Paul also wants you to do his makeup, please and thank you!
“We’re gonna look so smokin’ hot.”
Dress up? Dress up?
Nah babycakes, he’ll just morph into his little vampire face
It’s easy, it requires no money spending, and plus everyone thinks it’s makeup
“You can be my poor, innocent, little victim.”
“Marko, you’re just saying that as an excuse to put blood on me.”
His ulterior motive is probably some type of little couples costume. He just wants everyone to know that you’re his so they won’t hit on you.
“Y’know, if you were a vampire, you could do the same thing.”
You eagerly ignore his comments. Instead you put together a little fake bloody ensemble of clothes.
On the fateful night of Halloween, a lot of people compliment his face. Little do they know that it’s his actual face from hell.
Someone even complimented you on “the fake vampire bite on your neck.”
Yeah, they didn’t need to know that was real.
Throughout most of the night, Marko keeps you close. He’s not afraid to get a little bold in public. It’s Halloween, the man's hormones are a bit haywire.
Plus, he has his vamp face out and no one suspects a thing. As far as everyone knows, he’s just really good at special effects makeup.
“Man, you humans are so naive.”
Poly! Lost Boys
Group costume? Group costume!!
All of them would love to dress up with you.
Except for David cause he’s too much of a macho man.
It’s going to be really hard for all of you to decide on what you guys want to be
There are so many ideas
Paul: we should be those inflatable things outside of car dealerships
Marko: Yeah, you can do that buddy, I’ll be Luke Skywalker
Dwayne: I wanted to be a domino
How’re you going to figure everything out?
You and David actually stay up together one morning and you confess that all of you guys could have corresponding outfits but they didn’t have to be matching.
When you fell asleep, David told the boys what you had said and they eventually figured it out while you were asleep.
They wanted to be supernatural creatures, even though they were already vampires.
David would be staying as himself because “it counts babe.”
Marko wanted to be a wendigo
Dwayne thought a banshee would be most fitting
And Paul kind of made up his own thing
“Worm on a string can be its own entity.”
They all made their outfits while you bought a simple Angel costume
They all felt indifferent about your choice
David even gave you the nickname Angel for the spiritual night when it was upon you all.
Halloween night would be filled with laughter, sweets, loud music, and the gentlest of touches. All of them wanted you to have an amazing Halloween night.
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engagemachine · 3 years
Reader here! I was wondering how J and Taylor would spend a Halloween together, or have they spent one together yet that we just didn't get to see? I envision Taylor bringing home candy and they might watch some old cheesy horror movie like Gremlins or something? Or maybe Taylor asks him for help carving a pumpkin, doesn't like touching the mushy insides, and he thinks it's funny. And he's like scary good at cutting it open, and when she lights it shes SO proud of how good it looks 🎃❤
HI HELLO. This answer is SO incredibly late but can I just... write a lil AU fic where Taylor is still a bb but for some reason still with Mr. J (sometime after Clockwork)??? Just go with me on this.
(but also, I love your ideas. LOVE THEM. I would like to incorporate them into a future scene for Burn, so I'll add some of these to the prompt list, if that's alright. Or I can write another lil fic. You decide!) In the mean time...
He hears her before he sees her—as is usually the case; Taylor is many things, but quiet is certainly not one of them. Her little rubber-padded feet come shuffling down the hall to announce her arrival, and he looks up from where he’s sitting on the couch—without moving his head—newspaper unfolded in his lap, to catch the exact moment she knocks head-first into one of the kitchen chairs.
Not hard to do, of course, when you’re three feet tall and wearing a white sheet over your head.
He forgot it was Halloween.
She’s aware of the holiday, he thinks, because of the show she watched earlier on TV, when he’d made her sit down on the couch with a box of Cheerios so he could get some goddamned work done without her incessant chatter. But even then she was still a nuisance, singing along with the characters on whatever inane show she was watching, clapping her hands, talking in that shrill, high-pitched little voice of hers. And later, during Scooby Doo, hiding under her blankets when she became scared, or letting out the occasional gasp or delighted squeal of surprise. She's nothing if not animated, to the nth degree.
He figures they might as well get this over with sooner rather than later. Otherwise she’s just going to keep bumping around the furniture until she knocks into something sharp that makes her cry. He’d really like to avoid her crying.
He clears his throat a little dramatically, for her benefit, and she’s quick to spin in his direction.
And that’s when he sees it: her poor attempt at cutting eyeholes for her little costume. The droopiest, sorriest pair of mismatched eyes he’s ever seen, hanging down around her chin instead of her eyes. She’s blind as a bat (no pun intended), underneath that sheet.
“Whooo… whooooooo!” she says, in her best imitation of a ghost.
She stretches her arms out in front of her, feeling for any potential obstacles as she starts towards him.
He smirks a little, despite himself.
“Where oh where could Taylor be?” he asks, playing along.
His little ghost giggles, and moves closer still.
“Whoo... WHOOOOOO!” she echoes.
She’s starting to get a little off-track, so he folds the paper for her benefit, the crinkling sound alerting her to his exact spot on the couch, and she redirects her course, arms still outspread, like the antennae on an insect, her little feelers.
She bumps into the couch, trails her hands along the cushions until she finds his knee, and then she says it.
The Joker gasps, because he knows how to have fun, too, and he can see through one of the eyeholes that Taylor smiles. Then she’s ripping off the sheet, tugging and tugging and tugging until the last of it pops loose over her head—blonde hair all mussed, her ponytail drooping sideways—and she beams at him.
“Look, Mr. J, it’s me, Taylor!” She bounces on the balls of her feet in front of him, delighted to reveal that it was her all along. “Did I scare you? Wasn’t I the most spookiest?!”
“Oh, the most,” he agrees.
Satisfied with his answer, her grin widens, and then she cocks her head to the side, scrunches up her face in that adorable way she does when he knows she’s about to say something completely ridiculous—
“Happy Halloweeeeenie!” she crows, and then she dissolves into a fit of uncontrollable giggles, collapsing onto the couch next to him, like she’s just told the funniest joke in the whole world. After a moment, she pulls herself up onto the couch, grunting a little with the effort, and then kneels next to him, her hands on her thighs. “I said ‘weenie’,” she giggle-whispers, said with such a conspiratorial hush, like it’s some filthy word she’s not supposed to say. “Isn’t that the most funny?”
“Uhuh,” he answers.
She beams at him again, pleased. Then, easily distracted, she finds a discarded bottle of milk wedged in between the couch cushions, pops the bottle into her mouth without a second thought. She’s really too old for it, but he isn’t going to be the one to try and break her from her habit. Not worth the resulting meltdown, he decides. Besides, it’s not his fault she stills asks for mommy milk, and only knows how to drink when it comes from a nipple—rubber or otherwise. Can’t help her with that one.
She flops herself dramatically into his open lap—he moves the newspaper out of the way just in time—and she lies on her back, her head cushioned against the armrest, so that she can look at him. She sucks noisily on her bottle, blinking up at him. Her legs are curled up, her socked feet cushioned on his thigh. She’s wearing the onesie she likes so much, the bright red one that makes her look like a cherry tomato. He thinks it’s probably the warmest article of clothing she has.
She has a hand on her stomach, absently patting her own belly, and he just watches her, a little amused at the way she so openly stares at him, the way she has taken to inviting herself into his space. He doesn’t push her away—he’s curious to see what she’ll do.
After a few minutes, her eyes widen all the sudden, and she pops the nipple out of her mouth long enough to say, “I HAVE TO PEE!” before scrambling off the couch in search of the bathroom.
He looks at the aftermath of her destruction—her discarded ghost-sheet, her bottle—and he chuckles.
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toukenramblings · 3 years
NSFW Headcanons: Izuminokami Kanesada, Horikawa Kunihiro,Nagsone Kotetsu
Give me an instance to talk about the Sin-sengumi, I will take it. The Sin-sengumi shall soon become gospel, just y’all wait. It’s catching on. I also don’t give Naga enough love so here I am.
Warnings: S I N. I’m projecting
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Izuminokami Kanesada
I would like to clear this up before we continue, this man is a brat and he knows it. Bottom, top, Izumin don’t care. He can and will tease you however the hell he wants. Maybe he’ll hide something under his clothing for you, but it’s easy to tell with his red face and overly trying to make you look at him and notice him, damn it! Look at what he did for you! Be proud of him! Get horny for him!
He is a horny lil shit when he is in the mood and you can tell, he’ll want to always be close to you, hugging you to his form, glaring at others, kisses pressed to your open skin, if he’s feeling naughty, sucking on your fingers. Sure in public he’ll control himself (MAYBE) but wait until you two are alone.
Izumi gets off on praise and that is a fACT. Call him a good boy as he plows into you or services you with his mouth, his moans during these times will be oh so heavenly, vibrations jolting up and down your spine as he does so. Tug on his hair during sex too, it gets him going.
Izumi is loud, gag him, gag him for me. He’ll look so pretty when he’s gagged, trust me. Do it with your underpants if you must, he’ll look so beautiful, flushed and screaming into the object, desperate for you to touch him.
Yes he gets off to your scent, don’t be surprised if you find him touching himself with an article of clothing against his nose when he misses you, hand furiously stroking himself, wishing that it was your hand or your mouth instead.
Izumi is a bottom-leaning switch, he wants to be taken cared of but that doesn’t mean he won’t hesitate to top you anytime soon. Push his buttons enough and he will. He’ll mark you, mark him in return. He’ll flush as he tries to hide the love bites you give him. But is more than proud when he can see the bites he has given you.
The times when Izumi tops are...whoo baby. He’ll spill nothing but filthy praise from his lips about how your mouth feels on him, how good his cock feels whenever you do something to him. He’s highkey possessive as hell, so catch him calling you ‘mine’. “This is mine, right, master? You know I’m the only one that can make you feel good like this~”
Izumi is fucking greedy as hell whenever you decide to wear something underneath your clothing for him. A glimpse of it and he has a heart attack, Izumi.exe cannot work. Please come back later. He might straight up run away before coming back two seconds later to try and drag you into a secluded corner of the citadel to rip those damn clothes off of you and how dare you wear such a thing that’s only for his eyes.
Yes he isn’t afraid to publicly tease you or being caught having sex. Sure he’ll scream and be super duper embarrassed about it for a while but he’ll be fiiiine. It’s not gonna stop him from dragging you into your office and closing the door and curtains to fuck you on top of your desk anyway.
Izumi has a pretty decent sex drive, which tends to come and go but he’s honestly always ready to fuck you at any given point. Just give him a good reason to. He’ll flush and be flustered, stutter over his words and may downright pass the fuck out but he won’t hesitate to tease you right back with some naughty words.
Izumi loves it when you are on top of him, taking your pleasure from him as you see fit - he also secretly loves it when he’s being tied down when you do this. He loves seeing your face as it contorts in pleasure, and his mouth having an easy reach to your chest and nipples.
Damn it put his mouth to WORK. Shut him up with your nether regions, make him service you. Izumi adores being between your legs and watching every movement, every gasp and moan you make. He wants to drink up your moans like water if he could.
There are times when Izumi denies how horny he is, especially when you can see it in his body language, the way his oceanic blues ghost over your skin, how he bites down on his lower lip when his eyes glaze over your chest and ass - keep pushing his buttons, if he’s in denial that normally means he wants to be topped. He’s also very very much into overstim.
Loves it when you are wearing nothing but his haori, you cannot tell how many times you two fucked on top of that thing to the point it permanently has your scent on it.
Aftercare is rather quick. Clean you up to the bare minimum than pass the fuck out and cuddle. He has to cuddle you! No arguments here!
Horikawa Kunihiro
Hori Hori may have a pretty low sex drive, but he is a little shit about it when he wants to. You can tell when he’s in the mood, he isn’t as showy as Kane-san but it’s much more subtle. Soft whispers when you two are alone, his cheeks lightly flushed at the naughty thoughts in his head. “I want to give you my love tonight, master. Will you let me taste you until you cannot remember anything else but me?” 
Hori doesn’t pleasure himself often whenever he misses you, as said before, pretty low sex drive. That doesn’t mean he won’t do such a thing though, it’s quick and seamless, almost preparing himself for the night to come. Of course he knows to control himself but sometimes he can’t help it!
Hori’s favorite position is him between your legs, servicing you until you are screaming his name, where he can watch you with hooded eyes, forcing your legs apart for better access. He lives to pleasure you, to see you cum at least six times more than he does. 
Hori is also a service top, treating you as glass whenever he is on top. Soft kisses to your thighs, peppering kisses to your chest and marking them as his. That being said, he doesn’t mind being on the bottom. He has a habit of covering his mouth whenever you pleasure him in turn though, tIE HIM DOWN. His moans are beautiful, don’t hide them.
Speaking of tying, yes he will use the red ribbon on his uniform to tie your hands together. Don’t you fucking dare hide your screams and moans from him. Hori will not hesitate to gag you if needed, but would rather not. Would have you choke on his fingers if he must. Yes you can suck on his fingers, it’s great as hell and it gets him going.
Will also love it when you wear nothing but his shirt or jacket. It’s also a surefire way to get him in the mood. He’ll flush, clear his throat, and almost try to adjust it to look more proper on you. “Did you miss me that much, love?” he would question before kissing you.
And then we get to marking. Hori is very easy to mark, his skin bruises pretty easily and he won’t hesitate to show off his marks with a sense of shy pride. He loves marking you up though! It brings him a sense of pride whenever you two are in public and he sees that you are also showing off the marks he gave you. 
Oh Hori is very curious about toys, will dedicate an entire day of learning about the kinks and toys of the modern era. Consent is very important for him of course so he will always ask before doing anything naughty to you, unless you like the spontaneous stuff then he can do that! He caters his needs around yours as he is so giving after all. 
Rarely does Horikawa get jelly at all, he trusts you! But he won’t lie that it makes his skin crawl when someone looks at you with interest in their eyes. Even Kane-san is not safe from Hori’s glares. Expect him to mark you up even more after this incident.
Hori is very versatile. Top? Bottom? Whatever! He’ll be oh so happy just to be connected with you like this! He doesn’t care what position he’s in as long as he can be with you!
Horikawa always wants to see your face whenever you two are fucking. So if you two are doing doggy style, expect some mirror sex with some dirty talk thrown in there. He loves seeing your expressions as you two fuck.
If Horikawa is ever bottoming for you, it’s beautiful. He becomes so needy, praising you no matter what positions you two are in, begging for more. He’ll always be touching you somehow, and giving up control is something he isn’t against. He’ll tug on your hair during these times, arching his back, so on and so forth.
100% is that one dude who wakes up their partner with oral sex, change my mind. It’s gentle and sweet, fingers toying with your nether regions and a smirk dancing on his lips. And then he’ll pull away, is a weeee bit into orgasm denial until one of y’all is a sobbing mess - prefers it if you orgasm deny him though. But is more so into overstim, he loves you so much after all! You need to be fucked properly!
Yes Hori will 100% steal your bank account to find you something cute to wear under your clothing. Will love it when you model for him too! Has an entire collection of tabs saved of things for you to wear.
Super prepared for aftercare. Sheets? Changed. Water? Ready! Cuddles? Mandatory.
Nagasone Kotetsu
His nipples and chest are his biggest weak points, tweak them, nip them, suck on them. Oh man Naga-san will be putty in your hands. He just has really nice man tits i want to suck on them. But Nagasone will do the same to you! He will lavish your upper body with nothing but marks and kisses, adoring the way you squirm in his arms. During sex, Nagasone’s mouth has to be on something. Be it sucking on your fingers, a gag, or something or other man. It’s good as hell.
He has more control over his sex drive than Izuminokami but his sex drive is a lil bit more higher than Horikawa’s. Right in the middle. He knows he can keep control of himself but then there’s moments when he goes feral, pinning you down to whatever surface you have, teeth digging into your skin, giving you all of the love he can ever give you and more. Nagasone loves you, he wants to show it to the world.
There is a sly smirk whenever someone notices the love bites he has, or he has given you. He may have a light pink flush that decorates his cheeks when someone teases him about it, but he is proud of the marks he bears whenever you mark him. Won’t hesitate to show them off to the world if he must. Hachisuka might tell him to cut it out but is that going to stop him? No.
Like Horikawa, Nagasone is a service top and gives more than he gets back. He may be a fake but Nagasone thinks that you are his sun, his stars, his moon, the one who loves him despite who the hell he is. He wants to show you how much you mean to him, so most of the time the sexy times between y’all is soft as shit. He worships your body oh so much.
Do the same to him! Like I said, his chest is his weakest point. Mark it up, lavish him with praise and affection. Nagasone will act like it doesn’t do anything to him, but the way his cock twitches with your words speaks volumes. “Don’t say such things, love, you never know what I could do to you next.” though Nagasone always makes sure to return the favor!
Nagasone is so into body worship it’s not even funny. He could spend the rest of his day in the temple that is your body, between your legs, marking your thighs up and just basking in your presence. He also loves it when you wear something of his. It smells like him and it’s warm and cozy but man does it get him going.
Like Horikawa, Nagasone will be rather curious about toys and lingerie. Yes he may have tabs open on your computer on things for you to wear, but it’s all leather and lace. A few toys here and there, he doesn’t go fully into it like he will but he will happily learn more to pleasure you and please you!
Wear something under your clothing and flash it to him. I dare you. He will not hesitate to drag you away to somewhere private and make you fucking sob. “Wearing something like that? I didn’t think you would find out I liked that kind of thing, master. Mind if you take it off for me?” and then its ripped, whoops.
Nagasone loves your hands and how they deal with the rest of the swords. Loves kissing your fingertips and finger pads, sucking on your damn fingers and smirking as your eyes glaze over with lust.
Oh dude praise dOES something to Nagasone. He loves it when you praise him for doing such a good job when he’s servicing you, tug on his hair. He loves it when you’re rough with him.
If you ask him to be rough with you, you’re not walking for a week. He’ll make sure that you are fucked properly, overstimmed to the point you might just pass out from the pleasure. Pinned down to whatever surface he deems right, kissed until your lips are swollen and sore. Oh Nagasone will not be holding back. He will drag his nails down your back when you cling on to him, your body will be covered in nothing but his bites and marks now.
Is not into choking. I’m gonna put that out there right now. But kinda into collars?
Loves it when you sit in his lap and he’s ramming into you from below. He loves seeing your face when you get worked up like this! He always wants to see your face when you two are fucking, and also sucking on his fingers as he sings nothing but praises about how good you feel. Will also love to sit on your lap whenever he is taking you.
Nagasone will not deny that he has thought about fucking you under a table, your desk most likely. He’s a sneaky little shit and smirks as his fingers find your sex, toying with it until you want to snap. He’ll hate you forever if you do the same to him, expect him to slam you against a wall in frustration and roughly take you right then and there.
After care is simple. Swiftly clean and then pass the fuck out. Nagasone is a fucking furnace of a big dude so you’ll always be warm around him. Maybe he’ll joke that he wants a second round? Who knows, fufu.
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atc74 · 4 years
Smooth Talker
Square(s) Filled: Aroused by the sound of their voice (BTZ Bingo) and Mutual Masturbation (Kink Bingo)
Warnings: NSFW Phone sex, mutual masturbation
Summary: Your man is states away and the nights are lonely. 
Pairing: Choose your Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 907
Written for: @spnkinkbingo​, btz bingo
Beta’d by: none, all mistakes are my own
A/N: This fills my first bingo squares in almost 6 months! Whoo! Inspired by true events ;)
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Being together was easy, it was the time alone that was hard. The nights were the worst. The sheets didn’t feel as soft, the bed wasn’t as warm. The dark was almost too dark, pitch black seeping into the corners, drowning any source of light it could find. 
Sighing, you rolled over to your other side, trying to find some comfort in the space too large for just one person. Your hand slipped out from under the blankets tucked up to your chin, snaking over the emptiness next to you, his scent barely clinging to the linens. If you closed your eyes and breathed deeply, you could almost imagine him next to you, his warmth seeping into your bones. 
On the nightstand, your phone buzzed, the screen lighting up and chasing away the darkness, even from behind your closed lids. A smile crept across your face as you opened your eyes, reaching for the device. Just seeing his name pop up on your screen made you feel lighter. Sliding your finger across the glass, you answered. “Hey handsome.” 
“Hey honey,” he greeted you, fatigue seeping into his voice. “It’s been a long week. I miss you.” 
“I miss you, too,” she yawned. “I can’t sleep without you here.” 
“I know. I’ll be back soon. But I know what will help you sleep,” she heard the smile in his words, could picture the boyish grin lighting up his features. 
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” she asked, already knowing his answer. 
“First, I am going to kiss you, soft and tender, with just the right amount of tongue. Then I’m going to trail my lips down and across your jaw before I dip lower, until I hit that one spot on your neck that makes your knees weak. You know the one. The one that when I suck just right, you give yourself over to me fully.” 
You moaned lowly, your legs stretching out under the soft blankets as your body started to warm from his words, the sound of his voice. Your free hand snaked under the covers, straight into your panties, your arousal already soaking through your panties. “Yeah? Then what?”
“I’m going to leave kisses all the way down your body to where you really want me. I’ll kiss and lick the inside of your left thigh, slowly switching sides. And when I do, I’m gonna just barely ghost over where you need me. I’m gonna leave little love bites all over your thighs, get you worked up for me, so you’re dripping wet by the time I finally settled between your legs.”
“Uh-huh.” Your fingers rubbed lightly up and down your pussy as you listened to his words. 
“I’m slowly tracing your outer lips with my tongue, dipping inside, licking at your tight hole, just wet and wanting, clenching around nothing, waiting for me. I’m going to tease you until you can’t take it anymore. Then and only then, will I pay attention to that pretty little clit, flicking my tongue across the tip, all around, pulling it lightly between my lips and sucking until you lose control and come all over my face.” 
“Oh my god, baby, yes!” she moaned louder, her voice carrying through the phone shot straight to his dick. 
“I’m not done, hooney. I’m gonna lick that pussy clean, everything that leaked from your empty hole, all the way down to your ass. You like that? I know you do, you want me to lick that ass, pretty girl?”
“Please...I love it, please.” Two small fingers moved inside your tight channel, but it wasn’t really what you wanted. Tonight it would have to be enough combined with his words, driving you to heights only he could. 
“I know you’re going to come again and I can’t wait to feel you. I can feel your muscles tightening and the minute you think you can’t hold out any longer, I’m going to slide right inside, fill you with my cock and fuck you through that one, until you come again, and again.” 
“Oh fuck!” you squealed as your orgasm hit you hard. “Fuck!”
His voice was strained, his breathing slightly labored as your brain cleared, registering his own pleasure. “Does that feel good honey? My cock sliding in and out of your tight, wet pussy, while I suck and bite your nipples? They’re so sensitive, I bet you could come again, can’t you?” 
“Yes, yes! You feel so good inside me, baby. Come for me, fill me up, make me come again” you whimpered. 
“Oh fuck, honey. I’m gonna fill that pretty pussy full,” he groaned, a deep breath filling the air. 
“Come up here, let me lick our come from your cock. Slide your cock in my mouth, baby,” you begged, still pulling at your nipples, so tight and hard between your small fingers. 
“Oh, I’m not done with you. I’m gonna slip my fingers inside you, use both our come as lube before I slide a finger in your ass, cucking on your clit, until you come screaming my name again. Because you fucking love it.” 
“Oh god I do! I fucking love it!” Another, smaller orgasm washed over you and your body trembled. 
“I can’t wait to have you in my bed so I can live this little fantasy out with you baby,” he moaned sleepily. “Now get some sleep, pretty girl. I’ll see you soon.” 
“I can’t wait, smooth talker.” 
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The Whole Enchilada: @iwantthedean​ @dolphincliffs​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @flamencodiva​ @blacktithe7​  @amanda-teaches​ @hannahindie​  @kickingitwithkirk​  @wi-deangirl77​ @hobby27​​ @gh0stgurl​ @alleiradayne​ @idreamofplaid​ @manawhaat​ @crashdevlin​  @emoryhemsworth​  @fangirlxwritesx67​ @winchesterprincessbride​ @waywardbeanie​ @jensengirl83​ @anathewierdo​  @winchest09​​
The Dean’s List: @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @supernatural-jackles​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @akshi8278​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ @deanwanddamons​ @rockhoochie​
The Sam Sin-dicate: @supernatural-jackles​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @deanwanddamons​
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i-bite-out-of-love · 5 years
2-22-2020 First Rough Writing Warm Up of the Year
Oh BOY a writing blog i said, i’ll write more this year i said, oh yeah i’ll definitely feel up to finishing that novel this year i proclaimed
Life. Life is mean. 
Anyways, this is a short piece composed of a couple of prompts thrown together, all chosen at random by my friends who were give numbers to choose and I had to write the prompt the number(s) represented. 
Evening is a time for... (shows a pic of a city from above)
The Sadness of not fitting into a stereotype or role that would be better for your lover, crying over it, and she never looking back
No dialogue 
whoo boy, hopefully I’ll have something a little more natural in feeling! Time to get my groove back after a year of no writing!
Evening was the time for…
Lovers. Friends, criminals, partners, partners in crime, friendly criminals, lovers of the night, night lovers.
There’s a whole gamut to who is out in the evening, the last wisps of the warmth lingering in the fading red lights to the pale lavender, the golden winds, the violent violets. It all drops into the darkest blackness, ghosted over gray with the city lights we all so love to surround ourselves by. Neon lights mirror themselves off dim store windows, run away with the passing cars to light up the nearest alley corners, but still too shy to go any further in.
The taste. Oh, the taste. The way the city slides over your tongue the way an inexperienced lover tries to seductively imitate intimacy, and all they do is charm you by how hard they try. The cold air makes it so hard to taste the smoke of a Marlboro versus an L&M from friends whose names you’re not privy to, standing beside the open door to a bar who beckons with peanuts and cheap beer and expensive whiskey you’ve only tasted off someone else. 
The gleaming neon lights, they’re the only steady things in the rolling waves of shoulders and hands beyond the windows. The taste of the scents, the familiarity is sometimes the only things you can grab onto when your life capsizes with icebergs made of half made good memories and mostly made poor choices. 
Inside, after wedging and jamming (gently) elbows into the sides of strangers just to forge a path, there’s a glimmering dark star among the heads of everyone else there. From behind she seems so ordinary, but if (when) she turns around, she’s the most extraordinary thing in that bar. 
She’s kind and beautiful and smiling and her manicured nails with their many tiny, trendy gold rings hold a cup of something dark and bubbly. There’s the urge to poke fingers into her camisoled sides and feel the soft give of her body beneath the softness of the cloth and, well, the jacket I wear is white and new, never did fit right, and definitely wouldn’t survive a wave of rum and coke. 
I tap her shoulder (polite) and she turns around startled, only to grin when she sees it’s me. She chirps a perfunctory greeting, taking my hand before I can even look at the bartender, and drags me away towards the center of a dancing ring of people that look better with her (than I do). 
She pulls my arms closer towards her, on her hips, and makes me dance the way she wants. I try to go higher up to rest on her shoulders and she yanks my hands back down to the same place everyone else’s hands were on their own dancing partners’ hips. 
She smiles again, glimmering and shiny, gilded, and I grin back. 
I raise up one of her hands to spin her around, and to my delight and surprise she takes the chance to spin me around instead. The music thumps in my bones, hurts my ears so bad I can’t feel them, and I have to read the words from her poison apple red lips are you having a good time? I don’t bother with saying anything back, just nod and grin and stick my tongue out at her with a cheekiness I’ve seen on others. I see her smile falter just that bit, but it’s enough to trip me, send me sprawling to the floor with the boots and dirt and the plastic swords people call heels. 
(I don’t think my hand will be the same for a long time yet.)
I push myself up and try to stretch my face into the grin i’m fighting with it to be, and try to apologize, open my mouth just for that, to a girl who’s not even there. 
No one else pulls me up but myself. I have to dust off the dirt from my white jacket in a sea of navy and black, and suddenly I feel the self consciousness of being the only spot of outlier is a sea of individuals. It feels so, so wrong. The neon stains my hands. They’re shaking to the same pulses as the music. Constant. Never ending and bitter but familiar.
I stumble out of the group of dancers and make my way back to the bar. I see her there, her sheet of dark hair glowing acid purple under the glow of a lit tropical tree. I’m alone in the dark, with the glimmer of the flickering lights as the most familiar things to me. She’s leaning over the counter of the bar, a pout pulling at her pretty mouth, the bartender leaning towards her the same way, until they’re barely inches apart across the counter and they capture the same air together. 
The bartender is grinning at her, says something to her, and she grins with all her perfect teeth and giggles at it. She reaches out one gold ringed hand to settle on top of the bartender’s hand, and now his face is so much deeper, his brow pulled down and serious, his eyes seem to darken even farther than hers and I see her eyes do the same. She flickers between his lips and his eyes and he sees her do it. His thumb strokes the top of her hand. She doesn’t see anyone else in the room.
I know that. I do. I just don’t want to. 
I don’t know how, but I’m out the bar the next time I look up, and the best companions I have now are the lights that harbor me in the dark around the street, the lit up beer bottles waves in the light, and the martini glasses made of acid green and the packs of cigarettes shaped by the empty spaces of the darkness. I follow them all home. No, not home. A place I live with things I have and gifts that were given to me. At the end of the day, they are all objects that I’ve acquired that mean nothing to me. There is no comfort in any of it, except for maybe the soft plushness of my bed and the dozen pillows with their mismatched cases and their over washed thinness. 
I keep as my chosen friends for the night, the bottles beside my bed. With any luck I’ll step on them and break them when I wake up with that splitting headache so I have a legitimate excuse to be miserable and sad and fucking terrible.
Until then, I cry.
In the morning I check my phone. There’s no messages.
I didn't leave my friends that day.
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