#I love my best friend Naruto
r3dlif3 · 5 months
I think above all the worst misconception about a naruto character has to be a 31 year old obito still being in love with 14 year old rin. Not only does this go against obito's whole character past the third shinobi war but it's plainly disgusting that people think this about a middle aged man. I'm telling you now that rin was not the sole reason for Obito's hatred for the shinobi world she was just the catalyst for him agreeing to madara's plan, resulting in everything that happened.
It's just annoying to see this misconception even when within the manga itself obito has stated he isnt in love with rin anymore in his adulthood as he refers to his love of her in the past tense. It's just painful to see people forget that rin was his best friend, not just his crush. She was the first person in his life to introduce him to friendship and to truly believe in his abilities and dreams. They were eachothers closest friend within life, even if rin didn't reciprocate obito's feelings she still loved him and cherished him.
I see comments about obito being the ultimate simp or some shit like that and its infuriating to see this shit about such a complex character like obito, he's only wittled down to some guy in love who apparently caused a war only for her or kakashi's friend.
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lettered-mind · 9 months
Kakashi is shocked the first time someone tells him why he lets Gai follow him around like a lovesick puppy. He looks at the stupid, severely surprised.
I'm sure it's the other way around, Kakashi thinks, but obviously doesn't say it. He just looks at the ninja in front of him and tells him to mind his own business.
That conversation was almost completely forgotten in Kakashi's mind until a month later, Tenzō asks him almost the same thing, more politely. Kakashi is spared the answer when the youngest and most promising member, Itachi, begins to praise Gai's abilities with clear admiration and possibly a small crush.
Kakashi just walks away from the scene, thinking there's no need to say anything else, but he can't stop thinking about it.
Is that what people see in his relationship with Gai? That Gai is Kakashi's big fan who follows him everywhere while Kakashi just puts up with him? He's not going to kid himself and say it wasn't that way in the beginning, but it certainly didn't last that long until the places were swapped.
Gai always liked to be effusive with everyone, and that was normal for him. Kakashi wasn't really a special case, just a down-on-his-luck bastard with genius, and a slight obsession with his optimistic rival, who has a dangerous attraction to anything that leads him to get hurt.
Kakashi doesn't know how people don't see that it's Kakashi who chases Gai, trying to meet him on the street "by chance", reaching under the table when they eat so he can touch him with his feet, taking care of him when Gai comes badly injured from a mission and Kakashi's only thought is to kill the bastard who touched him. When the first thing he does when he sees him is greet him and approach him, and if Gai wins and approaches Kakashi first, he always leans into him, brushing their shoulders and sometimes the backs of their hands. Sometimes he feels like he's a hair's breadth away from being accused of stalking when he's on surveillance and watching him on cameras or spying on him from the trees, but he really can't help it.
He follows Gai, he needs Gai. Gai is the unreachable sun and he is just a cold mountain, never worthy enough to receive more than its rays of light.
They all have it wrong.
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kippsaidhi · 4 months
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I finally get what the gays are raving about
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succikko-draws · 9 months
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These two probably don't ever get to experience a heatwave but I think they'd hate it ♥ wait til they discover they can't be horny with each other when the temperature won't go down at night 💔
(semi inspired by this text post from @yowyowyaoi )
[Image ID: Image 1: Page one of a digital comic. Nagato is standing with a crutch, looking grumpily in the distance while appearing to be sweating. He's wearing a pair of teal shorts and a dark button up with pink and teal strokes, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His hair is tied into a ponytail and his bangs is pushed to let both his eyes visible. He's wearing blue nailpolish and a teal bracelet on the left wrist. He's complaining: "I hate summer." On the next panel Konan arrives in sight, wearing a purple bikini which hides very little of her body, holding two smoothies. She looks disgruntled as well and says: "Yeah same, here's your smoothie." Nagato is startled by her outfit, blushing immediately.
Image 2: Page two of the comic. Konan is turning around sipping on her glass, letting Nagato see her from the back after giving him his smoothie. She says: "I'll go sunbathing, can you come put sunscreen on my back?" Nagato, who is now sweating even more, all red, shaking and staring at her ass, answers: "Uh, s- s- sure."
Image 3: Page three of the comic. Konan is laying down on her stomach, the lace of her top undone to let Nagato apply sunscreen on her. She's smiling, her eyes closed, kicking her feet, blushing a little while thinking: "Soft hands" Nagato is sitting on her ass, massaging her back while looking down at her lovingly. He thinks: "Ok, maybe it's not all bad... God she's so pretty. /.End ID]
(Horny) bonus:
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[Image ID: A digital uncolored sketch, sequel of the last scene of the comic. Konan is resting her face on her hands, looking back mischievously at Nagato, she asks: "Is that a Kunai in your shorts or are you really liking my swimsuit?" Nagato blushes and freeze, he answers: "Ah. Oops. I'm sorry... I got uh... carried away..." /.End ID]
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mitchmotch · 2 years
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iruka: good morning, sleepyhead. i have to go to work, but i left some breakfast for you on the stove. behave yourself
kakashi: maa, sensei, what could possibly make you think i wouldn’t?
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crazycoven · 1 year
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holds this scene to my heart forever and ever
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aceyanaheim · 2 years
it’s baked into my understanding of kakashi hatake that he has absolutely no clue how children work and thats just part of team 7s dysfunction listen.
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leviiackrman · 6 months
Me: I wanna be productive so bad! I wanna finish my drawings!!
Illness: how about barf up a lung?
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surelysilly · 2 months
Writers ask game: planet, snowflake, desert :D
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
huh. this made me actually have to take stock of all the good going on in my life rn...
im slowly but surely getting away from a job that is much too mentally taxing (i am actively seeing the progress it's cool :3)
touching a lot of grass once more and learning what it actually is (going outside is great)
eating so much good food
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
dear me, what a question... i love time travel and time loops a lot, so like, just anything involving that with a nice plotty plot honestly that fully fleshes out the world of the source material... @/blackkatmagic has written some of my most favorite naruto time travel fics, so they obviously would already be amazing at it, so they would write it best (again) uwu
i'd love to be able to do what they did in those fics one day lol
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
the ones where people pick up what i put down (foreshadowing/hints at a wider picture)!! especially when i hadn't even realized it yet xD
i feel like i write too.... subtly sometimes, not as clearly as i could, so i always worry "does this make sense!! to people!!! who don't have the whole plot living in their head??" so i feel great when people say "i saw what u did there" >:3c
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honeydogz · 2 years
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lee is the only one strong and fast enough to stop her when shes about to fly off the handle
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juusasu4evagrrl · 1 year
Genuine question, does anyone want to hear about naruto from the prospective of a Liberian person grappling with the generational trauma of a brutal civil war or is that too heavy??
Like there's, I like sasuke cause he's a cool dude, very wholesome do tell, and then there's, I like sasuke cause the government also tried to eradicate my people group that one time and holding empathy for that dumbass kid teaches me to examine a my own experiences with compassion, honestly what a downer like who cares.
I don't know thoughts???
#do i even wanna speak on it#maybe i should just rewatch pray the devil back to hell give my dad a hug and tell him how proud i am of him#on second thought#maybe we should go the naruto route#like i promise their are a lot of wacky connections between the warfare in naruto and the liberian civil war#general butt naked eating hearts kakuzu also eating hearts#Samuel doe ( may he rest in pieces in someones digestive track while his soul burns in hell) and danzo#the thing i like about connecting fandom to my life is that it teaches me thing that provide empathy in spaces where it did not naturally#exist but the thing is i dont want to have empathy for a lot of those hos and i think thats valid actually#i think its important to bring our personal live into fandom though cause its all we really have#idek i think it would be best to keep the real world seperate from fandom in this case but#my dad just completed a trip to Liberia for the first time in 30 years (round of applause pls) for the first time since the war has ended#a confilct that started when he was my age (younger actually) and ended a month after my birth and has left so much instability who knows#if its ever really over#were all struggling to come to terms with the Liberia left behind by those events the family and friends we leave behind#and i feel like it would be easier to talk project it all onto stupid lil alien ninja wars instead of talking about it irl#i love sasuke cause i deeply relate to his struggle even though im a generation removed#but i feel like this fandom would not be receptive to the way i would disscuss his character if i made that connection in an analysis#so maybe ill just stew in my emotions a little longer and when i go back to Liberia this summer wth the fam ill decide weather to make#that post or not onece and for all#no that'll be perfect actually cause then i'll be able to make it a post for liberian independence day#ughhh like i don't be wanna talk about it irl but i don't feel this would be a good outlet either#naruto commentary in relation to the liberian civil war sounds like a dope essa but should i write it???#probably not but we'll just have to see#thoughts feelings opinions?? any other Liberian naruto fans on here??? pleas siblings put some sense in me#naruto#not naruto#god i don't even wanna make this post lets see how long she stays up#im writing too many naruto analysies rn anyways lemme worry about that first
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wingodex · 1 year
time always gets really weird in long running mangas, and it gets hard to notice how little time has actually passed in the story. you get so caught up in the time it takes you irl to read it, or you follow if for years when it was serialized, that you kind of just start projecting longer time frames than is actually happening. and the mangakas do that too which doesnt help! once you get ahold of the passage of time again, character relationships can start to feel weird, like not unbelievably weird, but weird enough to make you doubt them a bit. a lot of naruto fans view the original team 7 as being very close in part 1 but when you step back and look at it, between team 7 forming and sasuke leaving the village is like 6 months, and 3 of those months barely count because they weren't even working together. sasuke spends more than a year with taka in the manga and youre telling me the bonds he has with naruto and sakura are more meaningful to him than them? at least in bleach, ichigo knew chad and orihime before the events of the manga, but ichigo and rukia only knew each other for a couple months before she was taken back to the soul society, and even though they barely know her, orihime, chad and uryu all want to go with him to save her? uryu literally starts hanging out with them after ichigo meets rukia. the entirety of part 1 from ichigo becoming a shinigami to defeating aizen takes place over 6 months. oda has this problem where he hates having time pass without drawing it, so the first part of one piece takes place over 3-6 months, if i'm being generous. and it's been 2 months max since the straw hats entered the new world which is bonkers! i love their friendships and the way they've all bonded, but at the same time i'm like how do you have so much faith and trust in people you've spent more time away from in the past 3 years than with? luffy barely knew sabo for a year when he thought he died? i know a lot of these stories are action/adventure and the characters are often in danger together so i get why that might force them to bond more quickly, but i'm left wondering how much more natural some of these relationships would feel if they'd been allowed to have implied development outside of the story. and i do get why they often don't because that wastes panel space, but i still want it. it's super interesting when you compare these stories to shows that have mostly self-contained episodes with season arcs because the passage of time and the relationships feel so much more natural. my favourite example is leverage because all of the characters do things together outside of the what we actually see in the episodes, like they'll reference jobs that we don't see them do, or conversations that happen offscreen. and obviously i know why there is such a stark difference between them for stylistic, genre and contextual reasons, overall structure of the narrative, industry standards and restrictions, editorial oversight, like i get it, i understand. but it would be nice, you know? i always love thinking about the empty spaces an author leaves in their own story
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cosmicrhetoric · 2 years
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so sasuke had three years to come up with a better explanation as to why he couldnt bring himself to kill naruto¹. and THAT was what he came up with? ok gayboy
¹aka the direct path to obtain the special power he's been working towards for most of his life. aka the thing that debilitated him and caused him to relive his parents death over and over like christ sasuke come on
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evilkitten3 · 9 months
everything i've ever said about naruto is correct. if kishimoto said something that contradicts it then it's doubly correct. what does he know
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xumoonhao · 9 months
i was tagged by both @kwonhochi & @wonufied to use this picrew to make myself in!!! thank u so much for the tag, i really love this picrew sm o((>ω< ))o
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ill tag @aprilshowermp3, @irlvernon, @chanonara, @lovenee, & @jeonghanurl to do this if you wanna :3
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rose-lalondde · 2 years
when people don't understand how i like both sakura and sasuke but don't ship them: the girls who get it, get it and the girls who don't, dont! and obviously you're just not that girl
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