#hes also running late thats why his hairs still down (i wanted his hair to be down HEHEHJSG)
mitchmotch · 2 years
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iruka: good morning, sleepyhead. i have to go to work, but i left some breakfast for you on the stove. behave yourself
kakashi: maa, sensei, what could possibly make you think i wouldn’t?
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nanaslutt · 8 months
Gojo cumming in his pants thats it thank u for listening
listening so hard rn, i probably think abt this exact scenario 50 times a day
thank yew so much for the ask ml<3
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀: fem reader, established relationship, dry humping, clit rubbing (through clothes), dirty talk, corruption kink, fluff, crack, size kink if you squint, praise at the end from gojo, gojo is head over heals for reader, gojo cums in his pants<3
waking up from your deep, much needed night of sleep you couldn’t help but notice you felt about 180 pounds heavier than you remember feeling when you fell asleep last night, also feeling much hotter than you recall
you had your softly snoring mountain of a boyfriend to thank for that, resting his heavy head on your chest, arms wrapped snug around your barely clothed figure
you must have accidentally fallen asleep waiting for him to come home last night
you were planning to surprise him with the new set you got the other day, hes been so stressed out with work lately and you just wanted to do something nice for your boy, luckily you passing out prematurely hadn’t ruined your plans as you had slipped one of his big tshirts over yourself to conceal your present to him
“satoru,” you groaned wiggling underneath him, trying to get his heater of a body off of you
“mmmmmm..” he let out a long groan, shifting a bit, making you think he was going to move before he collapsed back into you
“toruuuu uppp, im gonna overheat and die because of you,” you shake his shoulders to fully wake him up
“yer ‘s mean ‘t me,” he mumbles, squeezing his arms around you impossibly tight making you let out a groan before he rolls you over like a boa constrictor, you positions now switched, legs straddled around his slutty little waist
you push your hands on his chest, sitting back on his pelvis and brushing the hair out of his face, “dramatic oaf,” you smile watching him nuzzle your hand like a cat,
“fell asleep without me last night,” he says quietly, closing his eyes and humming in appreciation as you rubbed your thumb against his cheek
“what time did you get home anyways?” you questioned, his warm hands settling on your upper thighs, rubbing the skin there
“mmm…mayb’ four…” he says slowly, sleep still laced in his voice, starting to mindlessly slide his hands up and down the sides of your body, eyes still shut,
“we’ll that’s why i fell asleep without you.” eyes still closed as he slipped his fingers under the fabric of your panties sitting on your hip,
starting to feel a warm sensation creep inside your body, different from the overwhelming physical heat his body provided
it’s only when you become aware of your own growing need that you feel his, very prominent problem underneath you,
“toru, ‘s so early, what are you this hard for?” you tease, moving your hand away from his face resulting in a whine as you rubbed your hands over his clothed pecs
“if i told you i had a naughty dream about you would you believe me?” he cracked his eyes open slightly, wiggling his eyesbrows
“you being a pervert even in your dreams?course i believe you.” you retorted,
he gasped, eyes opening a bit more, faux offense plastered on his face,
“hah! pervert? i’m nothing if not a gentleman thank you,” he rolled his eyes, “for your information, YOU came onto ME.” he huffed, failing to notice his own hands that have trailed over your (his) shirt and started groping your chest,
“you sound so convincing with your hands on my tits toru,” you deadpanned,
“they asked me to play with them.” he gave you a toothy grin, pinching over your shirt where he thought your nipples might be
“ah! toru,” you softly whimpered, “wan’ this perv to stop?” he asked, smile still plastered on his face as he stares at you intently,
“shut up,” you breathily moaned, letting your head roll back, running your hands down his hard abs, starting to roll your hips over his stiff clothed cock,
“‘m not the only one worked up this morning huh?” his breath hitches, feeling your pussy slide over the tip of his dick just right, even through both of your clothes,
“if you- haaah, didn’t come home so late last night, we would’nt have this p-problem,” you stuttered out, putting more pressure on his abs with your palms as you humped back and forth over the large bulge in his sweats
his hands leaving your chest, one coming down to dig his fingers into the fat of your ass, helping you rock yourself on his cock, the other splaying itself out on your tummy, thumb coming down to rub your clit through your panties,
“yeah? wanted to fuck me last night baby?” he questioned, biting his lip, feeling dizzy from the lack of sleep combined with the perfect pressure and friction you were creating on his dick, leaking pre all over the inside of his boxers,
“t-take off my shirt toru,” you said grinding yourself faster on him, pussy leaking through your panties, leaving a dark patch on the crotch of his sweats
it’s only been a couple minutes and he was feeling drunk, gasping and groaning watching his pretty girlfriend wearing 𝒉𝒊𝒔 shirt and rub her hands all over his body while she uses him to get off, it was almost too much, and now the angel on top of him just asked him to take off her clothes?
he wastes no time, hands abandoning their respective positions on your body, grabbing the shirt from the sides of your figure, caressing your skin as he pulls the fabric up, up, up,
his jaw drops and his eyes go wide when he sees what you were hiding from him, your tits were cradled in a light blue fabric, the same colour as his crystalline eyes, the border of the blue panties decorated with pretty white lace, a small rose on the front formed into a heart,
the next sounds that came out of his mouth you have never heard him make before, hands shooting to your waist and gripping you bruisingly, jolting forward, abs clenching under your fingers as his hips buck up into you,
high pitched whimpers leaving his mouth one after another while he completely paints the inside of his boxers white, rope after rope of his thick cum spurting out of his needy cock and sticking to himself
“haaaaaaah, fuuuck,” he vocalizes, relaxing into the bed, aftershocks of his orgasm leaving him twitching, the back of his arm coming to cover his eyes as he heaves, other hand massaging your hip, his chest rapidly moving up and down,
“toru did you just-“ stilling your movements you looked down, sliding back slightly and seeing the previous wet patch you left on him grow steadily, definitely not from your doing this time
“sorry, haaa- didnt- ngh- didn’t think you were gonna look that beautiful,” his arm slides off his face and there’s a dopey grin adorning his features
his face is completely red and he looks like he just got the soul sucked out of him,
“ah…cant beleive you just made me cum in my pants so fast like some teenager,” he laughs, making eye contact with you again, and his eyebrows shoot up at your current state,
your own jaw is dropped, breathing rapidly, you don’t think you’ve ever felt so aroused in your life, cunt fucking throbbing with need, hearts practically in your eyes, at the realization of what you just made him do,
you think you might’ve just discovered something about yourself….
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itgetzweird08 · 27 days
“You shouldn’t be up this late”
Bakugo’s voice whispered, filling the silence in the dorm kitchen. He was right, and usually you weren’t. You valued your sleep, often being one of the first in the class to call it a night. But tonight was different. Your thoughts, your heart, was restless. Despite following your nighttime routine, which was curated specifically to help you wind down and rest, you still found yourself tossing and turning. Not even your ocean sounds could help you drift to sleep. Thats why when Bakugo spoke, you sighed heavily and let your shoulders droop.
“Yeah. I know.”
He took a few steps toward you, leaning against the countertop. “So what’s got you awake?” You shrugged at him, watching the water in the electric kettle begin to form small bubbles. “Dunno…just can’t sleep I guess.” You looked over to him, taking soft note of his tired eyes and disheveled hair. “And you? You aren’t usually awake at this time either.” He shrugged right back at you. “Dunno…can’t sleep I guess” he echoed your words, and it made you smile just a bit.
You both knew why the other was awake, or at least you both had some inkling. Between how the ambush attack played out and Midoriya running away, neither of you have had time to really process all of what has gone on. You haven’t had time to think about how your lives had been flipped one eighty. But since Midoriya was back safe and sound, and there was no real information on the League or their next move, everything was at a standstill. That meant your brain was finally coming up to speed on what had gone on recently…and it was overwhelming. It felt like your mind was in over drive, thinking so many thoughts at once that it was causing you to lose sleep.
“…There’s a lot of water in this kettle. Would you like some tea?” Bakugo didn’t answer, just walked over to the mug cabinet and grabbed both of your designated mugs. Yours had your hero insignia, and he had his. It was Nezu’s Christmas gift for all of the hero course students. Bakugo opened the tea drawer, grabbing you each a packet of sleepytime zen tea before walking back over to you. You worked in silence then, enjoying each other’s company as you made your own cups.
Your relationship with Bakugo was unique. You admired him, even when he was a bit of an asshole at the beginning of the school year. You’ve enjoyed watching him grow and working beside him as a teammate. You were inspired by his tenacity and drive. You liked how smart and witty he was, and how he could be funny even when he didn’t realize it. It also didn’t hurt that he was actually pretty cute. And all of the same things went for you in his eyes. He admired your kindness and your courage. He was inspired by the way you had such a big heart but you were no push over, standing up to him when he got too rough with his words or during training. In his eyes, it was like you were one of the only people to give him a chance, getting to know him past his rough exterior. You two had gotten closer during the year, training and studying together sometimes. You began to sit next to him for lunch, stealing small pieces of chicken from his plate while he stole beef from yours. You were the only one with that privilege. Eventually, you became this unlabeled, unspoken thing. You didn’t have to confess your feelings because he knew, and you knew how he felt about you even if he’s never admitted it.
You softly sipped your tea, allowing the warm liquid to run down your throat and causing you to sigh. He stirred his own cup, watching the spoon go around and around. Technically, there was nothing else for you two to do in the kitchen. Technically, you could’ve parted ways right here and drank your own cups in your rooms. But you couldn’t bear to leave him. Deep down, you both didn’t want to be alone tonight.
“Bakugo?” He looked up as you said his name. “Could I sleep over in your room tonight? I don’t think I want to be alone”
All he did was scoff, pick up his mug and began walking towards the staircase. When he realized you weren’t following, he scowled and turned to look at you.
“Let’s go brat. I’m missing out on my beauty sleep”
Part two
Ps: im starting to do requests! So if you have an idea for me, go ahead and put it in my asks <3
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kenlvry · 1 year
Hi there I same you writing for South Park and I wanted to put in a request, how would the main 4 (separate) when their gf gets hurt/in a fight?
Also love how you write them sm
-orchrid anon
how the main 4 would react when their gf gets hurt in a fight
note: HELLO ORCHRID ANON, you sound so sweet, thankyou for the complement i hope you enjoy this one! tw: slight sa in cartmans
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kenny mccormick
it was lunch and kenny and others was talking about the new game thats about to launch in a couple weeks, stan then asked kenny if you and bebe has been fighting lately.
he was quite confused and asked why he said that, "dude didn't you see? the entire class the both of them was staring at each other as if they wanted to rip each others hair out" kyle chimed into the convo, apparently the whole class noticed it, kenny was focused on something else during class so he didn't notice anything.
all of the sudden some other 4 graders was running outside, cartman asked what was going on and the 4th grader said bebes hair is getting ripped out by you
kenny was shocked af, you weren't the type to get into fights because of how you always forgave people. if bebe did something to you so much to the fact you would fight her makes him worried.
all of them rushed outside to see a big circle and in the middle with you and bebe ,you had your hair tied up with loose hair strands. your lips was bleeding and so was your eyebrow. you cheek was swollen, but if you look at bebe she was a thousand times worse.
you were sitting on top of bebe punching her and kenny knew if he didn't get involved bebe would be dead by the time the fight ended, kenny pulled you away from the fight with you trying to kill that bitch. he quickly took you home despite still being school hours
"what the fuck happened babe? if someones been bothering you, you could've tell me i can handle it" (because of his alter persona being mysterion) "that bitch was talking about my mom being a whore and effing her dad, how could i not get mad???" kenny settled you down on your bed for you to blow some steam off on your pillow.
coming back with the first aid kit he treated your wounds and bruises with you moaning abt it not hurting and wanting to continue fighting. "babe next time dont hurt your precious face like this, just tell me okay? i dont want you to be in trouble"
he was really sweet for comforting you and you calmed down. you kissed him for thanks "damn, do that again but longer" you laughed and so did he. he ended up staying over and listened to you ranting to him about how fucked up bebe is, you two cuddled and watched some movie knowing tmr you'd get sent to mr mackeys for fighting and ditching school . kenny also made a mental note to visit bebe tonight.. <3
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stan marsh
school ended and you stan and the others promised to go play at your house, some of the girls called you out, they waited long for you outside of school and cartman was not having it, about 5 minutes later you came out the door
but it seemed like you got into a fight, your hair was a mess and your face was fucked up, even your coat and scarf was missing, you looked like you could have frost bite any second.
the four of them rushed over to ask millions of questions, while being questioned stan realized you were freezing and gave you his coat, he'd rather him being cold than you, now back to questioning.
"what happened dude? you look like shit" you explained that apparently when wendy and the other girls called you to the playground to "talk" it was about stan, wendy was not happy stan broke up with her for you, when you arrived they were wendy and her cronies surrounding you, "what did i tell you about touching stan y/n?! dont fuck with me!"
they all jumped you trying to fuck up your face so stan would loose feelings for you, what they didn't know though was you could take all of them while sleeping, you were a black belt and your dad always taught you self defense, you easily took them. you should've known that wendy had ill intentions towards you.
when stan heard all of this he was fuming he wanted to go in and beat all of them up, luckily he doesn't fight women (unless necessary) kyle and the others was also mad af, you told them to deal with it tmr because all you wanted to do was go home and play some games or wtv.
the next day stan marched right up to wendy, and wow did you handle her.her face was wayyy worse than you, stan almost laughed. anyways he yelled at her on how stupid of it for her to fight you just because they broke up. it got heated real fast, stan ended it with saying "well fuck you wendy, after this don't even think i'd even consider you as a friend!!" he wanted to say so may things but if he did even you would be mad at him.
he'd take care of you until your wounds and bruises gets better, when you do anything he'd act like a whole mother. after this wendy always glared and didn't dare touch you.
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kyle broflovski
when he heard you got into a fight he couldn't believe it like "y/n??? y/n l/n??? my girlfriend y/n??" "oh my fucking god yes" he was waiting for you outside the counselors office (with the other of course), it took really long and it sounded like you and whoever it was, was arguing inside.
it ended with a loud sigh from mr mackey and telling the both of you to get out. you came out with your hands in your pockets looking annoyed, you had a tissue up you nose, your eyebrows was bleeding and you had a small cut on your forehead. they were shocked at the state of your face. then the girl that you fought came out. it was a random 4th grader the others haven't meet before, apparently it was the new kid.
you told them that she had moved to the house infront of you and caused havoc, she'd throw eggs at your window and rocks at your bedroom windows, would also ask you to come over just to ask you to clean up her house! you told your parents but they would never catch her in the act. you punched her one day not wanting to deal with the shit she puts you through and she promised the next time she saw you it was on. you just didn't know it'd be at school.
you sigh knowing you have to deal with your parents later. kyle immediately took you the school nurse getting bandages for your wounds and a ice pack for whatever he thought its for. he didn't knew how to do anything but tried so hard, so precious. he told you to stay still and wouldn't have to lift a finger because he and the others can handle it.
the new kid was introduced and everyone knew what she did, you were a very famous lovable person, everyone loved you. wendy rolled her eyes at her knowing what she did to you. everyone ignored her. even when she was being introduced nobody was paying attention, they were just playing. she was mad to say the least, she thought everyone would love her esp kyle bc she took a liking to him!!
when you came back from the nurses office everyone greeted you. asking if your ok and if you need help. the new kid looked pissed at the sudden fame you got. you asked kyle what happened and he told you that not only he told everyone what happened between you two, he spread rumours about her, telling everyone she was someone who'd steal everyones mans and how she liked to steal things
you laughed at his efforts and also didn't know he could be such a gossip girl you kissed him to show thanks, the year continued with the new kid having 1-2 friends just because she was a bitch to you <3
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eric cartman
him and three others was at his house waiting for you so they can go and play basketball. while on your guys way to his house some 6th grader called you over, you did and told them to go ahead and wait for you. it was well past 20 minutes now and they re getting bored.
"dude where is your girlfriend? she's taking forever omgg" "i dont know geez" suddenly you burst open the door making them all jump. you were out of breath and looked horrible , your hair looks like you haven't showered in years, your cheek was swollen and your coat had a tear in it, "dude what the fuck happened" "yeah you okay?" you were in tears.
the 6th grades asked to borrow 100$ which you didnt have so you refused but they wanted it now, you told them you didnt have them, you were getting real scared and wanted to run away, you looked behind you to see if it was okay to run or if there was someone you can call for help when all of the sudden someone grabbed you shoulder and demanded the 100$, he grabbed strands of your hair and kissed it saying that you can pay with something else winking at you. the other two 6th graders just laughed and you punched him, you were grossed out. they were shocked, the other 6th grader punched you and it was a full on fight, you could handle two of them but the other was too strong, you just ran off to cartmans house scared.
after you told the story cartman wanted to go and burn the 6th graders house but he hold it in "dont worry, i got this" cartman said to your crying figure on the couch and left the house. you looked dumbfounded but wtv.
(the 6th graders pov)you went home after getting beaten up by some lousy girl, you made sure to make a mental note to meet her tmr. going up the stairs to greet your pet bird, he was your fav thing in the world, you lov- hes dead. what the fuck, your room was trashed, all of your clothing was torn apart and on the floor was a note written on it was (fuck your 100$ bitch) .............
when cartman got back he told everyone to go home and to just play tmr, except you of course you can stay, he acted all tough but he was actually so worried for you, he treated to your bruises immediately, he was surprisingly good, the next day the 6th graders didnt bother you, infact they were scared of you, whatever cartman did you were so thankful
you kissed him and hugged him, he cringed and made puking noises but he loved it, you both knew <3
hope you liked it, cartmans is a bit messy cz i got tired halfway writing all of this sorry!!
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dirtybitfic · 4 months
Therapy pt.1
matt sturniolo x y/n
Story contains- language, talking about sexual fantasies and issues, kinks, therapy session.
Pink-you purple- Leslie your best friend. blue -matt. orange the receptionist
story line- you start therapy to help with issues you had with partners in the past and not knowing how to fix them and feeling like your not finding people who match your wants and needs in the bedroom.
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Y/n pov-
I just got ready to head to my first sex therapy session. I'm honestly mortified I even have to do this in the first place but Leslie my best friend said it would be helpful.
One week ago..
y/n I love you but you really need to go to someone professional about this
no absolutely not . im not going to a random person to try and figure out my sex issues .
I'm serious it can be really beneficial ! do you want to suffer for the rest of your life with partners who won't give you what you want or do you want to talk to a trained therapist who can help you find the right way to find what you want and why you want it
ughh I don't know I just don't like talking to people I don't know about shit like this .
I know it makes you anxious but some of your fantasies are a bit... extravagant and this therapist might be able to help you understand why you want things like that you know find out the underlying details you might not see for yourself
okay you have a point there.. okay maybe ill go once and if I like it ill stick with it if not then I won't go back
Yeah what's the worst that could happen
I blame you if it goes to shit
yeah yeah whatever your so dramatic
Present time
Im not gonna lie i'm so nervous about this whole thing. I never liked therapy in general . I only like talking about my life with people I trust so talking to a stranger about my sex problems sounds like hell.
Maybe Leslies right though this could end well and I might enjoy it but ... probably fucking not.
I just pulled up to the building and parked in the parking deck I was already 9 minutes late since parking in down town L.A is horrible so obviously thats not helping my anxiety at all.
I made my way to the lobby of the 26 story building and took the elevator up to the 20th floor.
walking out I noticed the seating area was very spacious but also dull.
all the furniture was black and white . Everything looked so clean and pristine I was almost scared to touch anything. As I walked up to the reception desk the young woman noticed me and smiled.
Hey you must be y/n . Your here for the 7:00 appointment right?
yes hi im so sorry im late parking was a mess
no worries matts last appointment is running a little behind anyways.Take a seat and ill let you know when to head back
okay thank you
I took a seat on one of the black couches and scrolled on my phone trying to busy my mind
After about 10 more minutes a couple walked out of the long hallway looking very pissed off and on edge .
I averted my attention back to my phone to avoid awkward eye contact.
Y/n Matt is ready for you if you'd like to head back
okay thank you
I make my way down the long hallway slowly still unsure of going through with this or not.
I reach the doors and softly push one open and walk in .
A man who im guessing is matt is sitting in a chair at a desk facing out to the windows so I can only see the back of his head.
I softly clear my throat.
hi Mr.sturniolo im y/n
he jolts in his chair
Oh hi im sorry your so quiet I didn't hear you come in he says as he spins around to face you and your breathe catches in your throat .
He is the most attractive man you've ever seen . Dark hair with bright blue eyes, nice stubble and tattoos adorned his left arm. Maybe this won't be so bad
I hold eye contact not saying anything but smiling awkwardly.
oh sorry please have a seat and we can get started
I take a seat in the chair opposite to him and softy set my phone on my lap and purse on the ground.
so y/n what made you choose to come see me
umm well it was a suggestion my beat friend made she said that it might help me work out some things that I might not be seeing for my self
okay well lets start off with your relationship backgrounds . How many relationships have you had and how long were they
well i've only had two real relationships. The first one was when I was a sophomore in high school it was about 6 months and my second one was my during summer going into sophomore year of college it was about 3 months.
okay ... why would you say the first relationship didn't work out?
Umm I don't know . He was pretty verbally abusive and made me feel bad about myself . He closed me off From my friends and threw temper tantrums in front of my parents which was very embarrassing but after a while I got fed up with the way he treated me even after I asked him to fix some things that I didn't like and he didn't so I broke up with him.
okay and how was the sexual relationship with him
I mean pretty good id say its one of the only reasons I stuck around for so long
okay so what made it good .?What are some things he did that you enjoyed?
well I don't know . He let me keep my shirt on so I liked that
he chuckled a little bit at your answer .
okay thats ... nice but name things he did that made you feel good . Did he talk you through it . touch you in a way that made you feel good ... things like that
yeah I mean he was my first everything . He would choke me which is something that I like ... he would give me hickeys in only places we could see which I thought was hot I guess. He would I guess praise me a little which made me feel good .
okay and did he ever prioritize your pleasure over his
n-no not really I mean he never made me cum
You were with him for 6 months and he didn't make you cum at all?
no I mean he would make me ummm you started to get nervous for some reason not wanting to say squirt.
So he made you squirt but never gave you a full orgasm
okay and what about the second relationship
well it was more of a glorified situationship but he was great until he wasn't . He treated me well always made me feel pretty and wanted. The sex was fucking amazing I mean he was the only man who ever gave me head and I used to hate the idea of having a man go down on me I still kinda do but he was so good at it . And he made me you know uh squirt a lot but again never made me orgasm or he'd have me right at the brink of orgasming and then he'd cum and that was it. But after 2 and a half months he got distant said he was going through a lot and pretty much ghosted me for 2 weeks so I broke it off and never spoke to him again.
okay and what are things he did during sex that you enjoyed.
well he would choke me and he'd degrade me which is something I love and he would slap me which I did have to ask him to do but he did it willingly and he would talk to me a lot during it which I liked especially when id be over stimulated and id be crying and he'd hold me closer but made me take it which I found really attractive . He also bit my shoulder sometimes which for some reason I liked . He also liked to leave hands prints on my ass which I loved too and I loved leaving scratch marks on his back and he also enjoyed it .
okay so what ive gathered so far is you like being choked , its easier for you squirt than it is to orgasm , you have a pain kink, you like receiving and leaving marks, you like impact play and with an educated guess your a submissive.
Y-yeah I mean you got all that from such little information...
well I mean it is my job y/n he smiles at you causing you to smile back .
That is true you say with a quite laugh
so what are somethings that you feel were missing from your past sexual partners or maybe somethings you wanted them to do but were too afraid to bring up
well I mean obviously Id like to find a man who Puts in the effort to make me cum . I also guess I wish id like my partners to be more vocal even if its just sounds I like to know im doing a good job and that I make them feel good. I also wish they would make me call them specific names... sometimes I don't find it hot to moan their names so I just don't . I also would like someone who fully dominates me you know bosses me around tells me exactly what to do and how to do it. I also wish that I could fully voice what I want but when I try I pussy out.
okay so obviously they haven't fully satisfied your wants and needs in the past. How do you usually feel after sex?
I guess used in a way . I haven't really had a guy yet who takes care of me after . They all have just gotten up threw me a towel to clean myself off and then I get dressed and leave.
so you crave the intimate parts as well as the sex. You want to feel taken care of after and not just like they got what they want and thats all
yeah exactly I mean thats why I haven't really had sex in a while I started to have a lot of mental challenges with myself and it created a lot of body image issues and I just got tired of feeling used
im sorry they made you feel that way. I think what a lot of guys fail to realize is girls minds are very different . They don't think the way they treat a girl after has that much effect but it does and ive seen through the years the toll that it can take on younger woman's minds that can even lead to eating disorders. Its very important to make woman feel loved and take care of even if the sex is rough and after they do something so small like running a bath to help you relax small things can really make a difference
exactly I want something like that but I feel like I always go for emotionally immature men who just see me as a piece off ass and get what they want then leave I just feel like its hard to find a man who will fit my every want and desire but I don't want to keep lowering my standards just so I can get fucked once and a while
You shouldn't have to lower your standards for that but it does sounds like being celibate isn't something you're happy about he says with a look on his face that you cant exactly read .
well no I mean I like having sex honestly sometimes I think I like it a bit too much . Im horny a lot and don't get me wrong toys are great but its never quite the same and having someone on top of me making me feel good
I understand what you mean . Don't take this the wrong way but do you think that you might be a sex addict
i... well maybe I don't know you say as your face gets red with embarrassment .
do you think that maybe looking into something like a bdsm club would be worth a try . Judging by the things you like that you've told me so far you need a dominant who not only wants to pleasure you but enjoys giving you everything you want
I don't know ive looked into it but they all seem weird and sketchy .
Well what is your dream man explain what he would look like what he would do to you that would meet your every deep desire
well I like a man who's taller than me who I can stand next to and feel small compared too but also feel protected by. I like a man who looks dark and mysterious kind of like if he walked into a room people would feel on edge and a bit scared. I like a man with dark hair and light eyes preferably with tattoos that has an energy to him that makes me feel slightly in danger even though im not. I want a man who asks me my kinks and fantasies and has no problem making them a reality .
And what is your darkest fantasy . one you've never told anybody he says leaning closer to you over the desk making your breathe hitch .
He narrows his eyes on you as he notices your breathing pattern changing and the way your thighs rub together as you squirm in your chair. With how attractive he is and the way he pins you down with his eye contact and all the sex talk it has you wet and horny.
I don't know if you really want to hear about that to be honest you'll probably think im crazy
I would never think that y/n you have to remember I hear about things like this on a day to day bases its nothing that I probably haven't heard before.
okay c-can I look in my notes app thats where I have them written in full detail
of course also lets move to the couch this seat gets uncomfortable after sitting in it all day
okay you say as you slowly get up making your way to the couch and taking a seat in the middle
he stands adjusting his pants and taking off his tie setting in on his chair as he unbuttons a couple of the top buttons of his dress shirt getting more comfortable since your his last client of the day.
he comes over and sits almost knee to knee with you causing your breathing to accelerate at the closeness between you both.
whenever your ready to share go ahead I promise this is a safe space I will not judge you
okay . Well my fantasy takes place in a grave yard...
okay scence set he says smiling over at you
well it starts off with me taking a walk in the grave yard kind of late and its dark and foggy as I make my way to the far back where there's tress and the larger graves I hear a branch snap like someone is watching me causing me to get nervous and a bit scared but I keep walking back further till I hit old decrepit stairs that lead into catacombs . As I make my way to the stairs I hear more branches snapping and look into the woods to see a man in a mask watching me as he slowly makes his way to me before I run down the stairs causing his to chase after me into the catacombs and before I can get father away he grabs me by my hair causing me to slam back into his big tall frame and fear to flood my body . Then he drags me into one of the open rooms with skulls adorning the walls and throws me on the ground ripping my clothes off and tying my hands behind my back so I cant move them or push him away as he slides into me roughly from the back and he fucks me so hard im crying and shaking under as he tells me how wet I am for him and how much of a good girl I am for letting him take me like this and makes beg him to let me cum so many times im crying and shaking . I also think it would be hot for him to create small cuts in my back with a knife every time I cum until they make up his initials in my back and he fills me to the brim with his cum.
you finally finish reading it and take a deep breathe even scared to look at him not wanting to see his face
y/n look at me
I cant
and why not he says in a deep raspy tone
because I just cant
he moves his hand to your back sliding up slowly until he reaches the back of your head tugging on your scalp causing you to gasp as he forces you too look at him.
I said I would not judge you and I meant that but when I tell you to look at me I expect you to treat me with respect and do as your told
y-yes mr sturniolo im sorry you wince when he lets go of the strong grip he had in your hair .
You were already wet from reading your dirtiest fantasy to him but then he did that and now you were a fucking water fall you could feel it seeping through your thong under your skirt.
you stare at him as he stares back as you with darkened eyes that have you melting into the couch feeling intimidated by the way he is looking at you so intensely.
there's a knock on the door causing you both to break out of the trance you were in and look over .
hey mr sturniolo I was just coming in to check if everything was okay its 20 minutes after my clock out time...
oh im so sorry Kayla you can head out we have some things to finish up on im sorry for holding you over
its okay see you Monday morning
she walks out leaving you and matt alone again.
if you need to go I understand I didn't realize we went over time
no its okay we still have some more stuff to talk about and to be honest I don't have anywhere to rush too
alright then what else do we have to talk about
what about this fantasy excites you the most
um I guess the fear of not knowing who's under the mask but also the fact they followed me I guess it makes me feel special and that he put in that much effort just to get me
Okay so fear turns you on?
I mean I guess but only in certain scenarios
okay so lets say you lived in a big house with a lot of land and you didn't have close neighbors and you had a stalker and he showed up every night watching you from far away . Is that something that would turn you on
yeah I mean the books I read have definitely tainted my mind but yes that would turn me on
what about having a stalker turns you on?
I guess the fact that they are so obsessed with me they feel the need to stalk and watch me
so you like the feeling of knowing someone is obsessed with you
yeah it would make me feel special I guess I don't know saying that out loud sounds concerning
no it doesn't I think you like attention you like knowing that someone is watching you and waiting to pounce on you when they want . You like thinking of someone taking you when they want and not having a say don't you
yeah I guess
so im guessing you also have a consensual non consensual kink ?
yeah you sigh . its kind of concerning how good he is at guessing your kinks and finding ways to get the information out of you without you having to just straight out say it. It honestly makes it less awkward .
so with the cnc kink what about it do you like?
I guess the fighting back I like to push buttons see how much of a fight I can put up until they finally brake and take their anger out on me
so your a brat?
excuse me you ask shocked at what he called you.
he laughs seeing you expression
y/n im not calling you a brat its a type of submissive trait you like getting a man annoyed at you so they punish you when they've had enough of your attitude
ohh yeah okay that makes more sense you say laughing softly to yourself
so you like being punished he says moving his leg closer to yours making them touch fully which has you pulsing around nothing. The way he speaks to you turns you on just the tones of his voice is deep yet soothing put there's also an underlying tones that makes it sounds like he's humiliating you with the words he speaks.
I mean I don't know ive never been punished a day in my life even as a kid I didn't get punished.
come here he says making you look at him confused
he softly grabs your arm then pulls you over his knees
w-what are you doing
don't worry this is strictly a lesson if you'd like me to stop I will but its easier to show you this way then explain with words
your breathing is loud at this point as your thighs squeeze together . the way he has you over his knees is doing something to you given the fact you know your ass is showing since your skirt is kind of short
are you okay with me showing you it will help you get an idea if being punished is something your into or not
you nod your head with cases him to jolt his knee up causing your body to bounce up and your skirt to ride up.
I need you to use your words y/n
y-yes this is okay I trust you
good now lets say I was your dominant okay. The thing I will be punishing you for is earlier can you tell me what that might be
ummm I don't know uh your voice coming out a little shaky. Your so turned on and you're sure if he looks down at any point he could see your soaked thong.
some on use your brain I know you'll figure it out he says as. you feel his hand on your back slowly rubbing small soothing circles
um when I didn't look at you after reading my fantasy
good girl thats exactly what I will punish you for and the punishment will be leaving my hand print on your ass would that be okay
good now ill do 5 on each side okay if you want me to stop just tell me and I will okay
okay you say softly. The last thing you expected was for your first session to end with you over your therapists knee having a full demonstration of something you could be into.
his hand slides down your back to your ass as he rubs softly over your left cheek then his hand smacks down hard causing you to gasp.
thats one and I want you to count for me okay
y-yes sir
he groans causing you to blush and wait for the next smack
his hand comes down again making you squeak out Two
your doing good
after the last smack your breathing hard and your left cheek is stinging and pulsing in the spot he continuously hit.
his hand smacks down on your right cheek causing you to jolt forward .
fuck you gasp he hit harder than you expected.
you need me to stop
no im okay keep going
he finishes the last 4 and you're panting as your thighs are clenching together so hard you can feel the muscles straining. He helps you off his lap and you sit back down on the couch wincing in pain as your raw ass hits the surface.
he looks at you with dark blown out eyes with a slight smirk on his face.
well you obviously like being punished he says causing you to furrow your brows at him as you face got hotter.
oh yeah and how do you know that. you said in a snippy tone
because you clenched your thighs the entire time and ... I could see how soaked your thong was
your breathe hitched as you looked down at the ground trying to hide your embarrassment .
no need to be embarrassed . We did it to see if it was something you liked at it proved you did .
matt was about four years older than you making him 26 and you 22 which made this situation even hotter given the age gap.
yeah I know im just embarrassed I like it that much I guess
well I think we covered a good amount for out first session . When do you want to schedule your next meeting ?
do you have any openings on Tuesday ?
let me check he says getting up and going over to his desk to look at his computer .
he looked so hot leaning over his desk , his sleeves rolled up showing his toned forearms and his big veiny hands gripping the tables edge. God you wish you could have those hands around your neck. which makes you realize you forgot to mention one of your biggest kinks .
oh I did forget one kink that plays a roll in a lot
oh yeah and what is that he say still focusing on his computer
Hands you say biting your lip still looking at his hands.
he looks at you then notices you're looking at his hands causing his dick to stiffen even more in his pants. You hadn't noticed he had a hard on and he's glad about that. He's never had a client so close to his age that also fits everything he finds attractive . You're exactly the type of girl he's ever wanted , the perfect bratty submissive but he keeps it to himself knowing he's your therapist and he cant jeopardize your business relationship.
You snap out of it meeting his eyes as he's smirking at you causing your face to get red knowing he caught you looking at his hands.
I have two openings one in the afternoon for 1 pm or 7pm
can we do the 7 pm again
yeah of course ill put you in for 7pm
he finishes setting your appointment and starts grabbing his stuff you stand up off the couch and go to grab your phone where you had set it on his desk and grab your purse taking out your keys.
wait for me and ill walk you out its pretty late out you shouldn't be walking out of here on your own
okay thank you I mean you don't have to do that
no I insist he says before walking around his desk to you and leading you to the door.
he turns the lights off then locks his office doors then you both make your way down the hall to the sitting room area . He turns off all the overhead lights then meets you at the front entrance doors.
He locks those then you make your way to the elevators down to the parking deck.
so what did you think of your first session I know a lot of people don't like therapy
honestly I was really not excited but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be
im glad I wasn't that bad
me too honestly I was expecting an old man not ...you
ill take that as a good thing
oh yeah no sorry I didn't mean it in a bad way im really glad your young it made me a little less nervous
im glad and I hope it helped to talk through some stuff
it did I mean I usually don't talk about most of this sex stuff with people so it felt good to get some of it out
well then I guess the therapy is doing its job
yeah I guess so you say smiling over at him
which floor did you park on
im pretty sure eight
cool me too ill walk you to your car
oh no you don't have to do that don't you have like a girlfriend to get home to or something
no actually I don't I do have brothers that are waiting for me to get them dinner though
oh well don't let me take more of your time im sure I can safely make it to my car
come on were in down town LA there could be crack heads roaming around ill walk you they can wait
fine if you insist
you make it down to the 8th floor of the parking deck and start walking in the direction of where you parked
so do you live with your brothers
yeah im actually a triplet so you know were very close we haven't really felt the need to move into our own places
oh wow thats cool I have an older brother but were not super close I always wished id had a twin sister though
how old is your brother
oh hes 26
ahh the older brother dynamic I get it its kind of hard to have a close relationship when your 4 years apart
yeah we've gotten closer through the years but you know he's a guy im a girl its different
yeah I get that
okay well this is me you say pointing to your car
thank you for walking me
of course its no problem see you Tuesday
yep see you Tuesday goodnight mr.sturniolo
goodnight y/n and just so you know you can call me matt
okay well good night matt you say as you start to get in your car .
he starts walking the opposite way to where he's parked as you start your car up and head home .
... part 2 coming soon.
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chiiyuuvv · 5 months
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• PAIRING — childhoodbestie!hunter x fem!reader
• GENRE — huntys down bad, pinning, kissing
• WORD COUNT — 939
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — little smth smth i wrote for my friends but DAMN did i write the hell out of that like its so good. I wrote that?? Naur. Also also i suggest listening to 20cm by txt bc the feels and also the fic is heavily influenced by it so id read the translations if i were you yeah okay i go back to writing Also also pt 2 if yall want more suggestive hunter gimme a plot damn it
• TAGLIST — @hyunukitty , @cake1box , @mars101 , @soul-is-a-strange-kid , @the-lemon-boy , @yuniniverse , @hunchan444 , @s00buwu , @cherrycolaberry
The two of you running hand and hand through the school corridors of your elementary, running to the playground after wolfing down your lunch. You pat hunters head as you were taller than him, his eyebrows furrowing as he looks up at you.
Now hes looking down at you, a hand still intertwined with yours as the other holds your waist, swaying you back and forth with a gentle smile on his face. The warm lighting of the highschool prom colors his face well.
His newfound awkwardness almost as tall as his height, you were a little shocked that he asked you to dance. His voice deeper and the pink tint complimenting his cheeks, he avoids your eyes, a hand scratching the back of his neck.
Hes been avoiding you lately, his sentences always studdered and the air suddenly heavy. But maybe he was too busy thinking about you that he didnt notice his actions. As you grew older and older, he found this desire to hold you, tickle your chin, just be with you in general.
Maybe thats why his heart skipped a beat when he saw you in that beautiful red dress, his mind going back to your middle school days; how he would help you to a book that was placed on highest shelf, his doe eyes looking down at you. He felt this nervousness he never felt before, pressing the book against your chest before asking you to lunch. Why was he so shy?
You grew up so well, your hair flowing and your eyes slightly bigger. A pretty smile always on your face and your brain expanding daily. He admired you from afar, from up close, anywhere he could find you.
And now that hes older, he tries changing himself to be man you desire; someone whos easy going, but takes your feelings very seriously. It was kind of easy, since hes known you for so long. But doubts still run through his mind, questioning if he'll be with someone that'll ever be as good as you. He needed you.
But when you slip your hand into his, his thoughts wash away, his heart thumping and his adams apple bobbing. God, you were so pretty. It was a little silly about your affect of holding his hand; you've done it ever since you were little, your habit of giving him soft head pets and teasing him for his shortness.
But now you cant reach his head, a smirk quipped on his face whenever its his turn to tease you. He loves the way you would pout, dropping your pretty bottom lip while thinking of a comeback to his insult. He wanted to kiss the pout off of your lips.
And how pretty you looked when you smiled, your sweet laughter ringing in his ears. He wished he could record it, playing it whenever he missed you dearly, even if its been a couple hours. Thats probably the reason why he was staring at you so much tonight, his eyes never leaving yours as he sways you back and forth, content and love in his expression.
He pushes a strand of hair behind your ear, muttering the words "so pretty" as his mind took mental pictures of you, how your dress was hugging your body so well, and how you were looking up at him, filled with so much fondness that he could melt.
He never wanted to forget this moment, the smell of your shampoo covering his nose as he softly kisses your head, something he always did to comfort you. Watching as your eyes fluttered close, he couldnt take it anymore, his hands leaving yours and your sides and cupping your cheeks, his thumb rubbing on your skin.
"Can I.." he whispers although you could hear him perfectly, his heart catching up with his staggered breaths as he continues to stare in your eyes. "..take one more inch?" He always felt like he was so close but so far, like if you let go of his hand you would land in someone elses, a small, tiny jealously burning inside of him, and the selfishness to keep you for himself, that you were his, he was yours. 
After what feels forever, you let out a soft nod, hunter taking one step, then another until hes hunched over at your level, his hands gently lifting your head to place his plump lips onto yours. He does it with so much care and precision that it leaves shivers down your spine, hunter breaking the kiss to stare into your soft eyes.
Then he leans in again, his eyes fluttered closed as he feels the world stop, the soft music fading and the light murmurring of the other students and their partners disappearing. What mattered was you, he was only thinking you, he needed you, he needed you to be his, he needed to kiss you repeatedly.
His lips move in a soft pace, savoring the flavor of your vanilla bean lip bomb; a small sigh leaving his lips as you lightly tug his hair, your small hands playing with it. He finally breaks the kiss, his cheeks painted pink again as his hands that cupped your face was sinking down to your waist. Your arms around his neck as his eyes were still fluttered shut, swaying your body back and forth as little shivers leave his being.
His eyes open to finds yours staring at him fondly, studying his facials and a small smile on your face. His doe eyes, squishy cheeks, and plump, light pink lips making you melt. He wanted to cherish you forever.
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n0tyourname · 1 year
Crazy Speed
Kuroo x female reader
Warnings: cheating, speeding, some swearing also english isn’t my first language so I apologise for any mistakes
Inspiration picture: https://href.li/?https://twitter.com/suiens/status/791996532987834368?t=lmm-0zfrnBIY07K8ozWm7w&s=19
When the worst day gets worse but somehow you meet a sexy police officer
The night wind was cold against your tear stained cheeks. Your dress wasn’t providing any warmth either.
This fucking dress
This fucking party
This fucking day
If you would’ve just stayed at home, like you always do, none of this would have happened. No that’s not true. It probably would’ve happened, you just wouldn’t have witnessed any of it.
“Babe wait!”
Your fucking boyfriend
Correction ex-boyfriend.
Ignoring his calls you kept walking to your car, that you had parked less than twenty minutes ago.
“Baby come on, talk to me!”
“Don’t fucking Baby me, asshole!” You wanted to slap his face so bad but you were better then that, besides he didn’t deserve your hands anywhere on his body.
“Come on it was an accident-“
“An accident?! Your tongue slipped in her mouth by accident?”
“She forced herself onto me, please I-“
“Oh but you seemed to really enjoy her ass on your lap. Your dick was practically ripping through your pants!”
“I think your exaggerating”
“Yeah your right, your dick’s way too small for that” You turned around, not bothering to look at that cheating bastard again.
You kept your posture until you slammed your car door shut, thats when the tears really started falling.
That question kept circling through your head while you started the engine and while you pushed the gas driving out of the parking lot. 
You had been driving on a lonely highway for some time. The whole time only about 4 cars had passed you. You were alone with your thoughts.
Thats when the anger rose.
That fucker
That lying, cheating motherfucker
You had done everything for him these past two years. Two years of your life wasted on that jerk. You had forgiven him so many times. When he forgot your birthday, no problem he had a lot going on that day. When he showed up hours too late for your date, maybe he was stuck on traffic.
You were starting to speed up. Your foot was pushing the gas harder and harder.
You had been such a good girlfriend to him. Showing up to each of his trashy work parties. You kept your mouth shut with a smile when one of his coworkers made inappropriate comments about you. You didn’t want to cause a scene. Do it for him. For your beloved boyfriend.
Tonight was no different. Him and some of his coworkers had closed a big deal and went to celebrate it at some bar. Your boyfriend told you about it but unfortunately you had to work late.
So when you got off early you wanted to surprise him. You put on one of your more revealing dresses hoping for a longer night at home afterwards. You hopped in your car with a big smile wanting to see the surprised smile on his face the second he saw you.
The speed limit was hundred. You were at 130, still not slowing down.
He looked surprised, so did you when you saw him making out with some other woman. The second he saw you he pushed her off running towards you. You turned around and left, not looking at him once.
“Please Baby wait, it’s not what it looks like!”
“Come on we can sort this out”
How dare he. How dare he betray you like that. You trusted him. Two years you had trusted him, told him about your struggles and problems and your deepest secrets. How fucking dare he.
You heard sirens behind you. Looking back you saw blue light and a police car. Thats when you looked at your speedometer.
You pulled over immediately. You bumped your head against the steering wheel, keeping it there until you heard a knock on your window.
“Good night ma’m, do you know why we pulled you over today?”
That’s when you looked up. That’s also when you looked at the most handsome face you had ever seen. He had dark messy hair that leaked out under his police cap. His eyes where a piercing shade if brown. They looked golden to you. It’s only when you noticed the smirk forming on his lips, that you looked up. Jesus was his smile sexy.
“Ma’m are you okay?” His smirk still very evident.
“Yeah, I, sorry, yeah I’m listening” shit, you were behaving like a teenager.
“Good, so do you know why we pulled you over, or do I need to tell you?” He looked at you like he was challenging you. You didn’t know to what and you didn’t care. You could look at that face forever.
“Because I was driving too fast?” Unsure, that’s what you sounded like.
“Exactly, I’m sorry ma’m but I have to write you a ticket.”
“Do I have to pay a lot?” Yeah you did, you already knew that.
“Well considering that you are allowed to drive a hundred miles per hour and you were, let me check, at a hundred and forty five, I’d say yes.”
Great. Know you weren’t just single but probably broke too. The officer started to write. It was quiet again.
Until he broke the silence.
“Can I ask why a pretty girl like you is driving all alone at this time, wearing a pretty dress like that?” His eyes flicked from the paper he was writing on to you, giving you one if those sly smirks again. You felt your cheeks becoming hot.
“Well,” were you really going to tell this handsome stranger about your night? “I just caught my boyfriend cheating on me.” Yeah, you totally were.
“Your boyfriend, sorry ex-boyfriend, is a dumbass for cheating on someone like you.” He looked at you with a somewhat apologetic smile.
“I’m Kuroo, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, officer Kuroo. I’m Y/N” that smirk again. God was this man gorgeous and sexy and handsome and-
“Here you go miss Y/n.” The way he said your name made your stomach turn. In a good way. A very good way.
“Thanks, officer. Have a good night.”
“You too Y/n and drive safe, yeah? Wouldn’t want you to get hurt now, would we?” He left with one last smile. You closed your window, a wide smile adoring your face.
You looked down to your hands, at the sheet of paper he had given you. Next to the amount of money you had to pay, which was a fair sum, was a hand written note:
You deserve better, give me a call when you feel like it.
Next to his name was what you assumed to be his number.
This night didn’t turn out to be completely terrible after all.
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sharkboywrites · 1 month
Um. Hi. Im currently going......through something right now. so if requests are open, can i maybe request Hurt/Comfort Ruggie or Ace with a male reader who currently found out that reader lost/is losing someone or something important to them?
It would help me a lot thanks. Um. have a nice day and dont force yourself to fufil my request. And remember to take care of yourself or take breaks (This is my first time requesting anything from anyone, so thats also why i sound nervous and kind of word vomit a little bit.)
Ruggie and Ace With a Male S/O: Losing someone important to them
A/N: Hi, sorry I took so long to get to this, I’ve been very busy. Around the time that I got this request I also lost someone close to me, so it kinda hits hard. Hope you’re doing well
Male reader, mentions of death/loss
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- Ruggie was doing his usual shenanigans, probably running errands for Leona, when he found you curled up by a tree in the courtyard
- At first he was hesitant to approach you. Maybe you were upset, maybe you were just trying to rest, maybe you hurt yourself
- When he did approach you he noticed that you were upset right off the bat
- Instead of immediately asking questions, he decided to sit by you instead, wrapping an arm around you, but only if you gave him permission to
- He waited until you were ready to explain what happened, and when you did he was upset for you
- He knows what loss is like, his life growing up in the Savannah wasn’t easy, and it was always a fear that sat in the back of his mind
- He isn’t exactly the best person at comforting, but he does his best
- He lets you lay on him, use him as support to lay on while he tells you it’s gonna be okay
- He won’t downplay it or pretend like nothings happened, in fact he’ll probably directly address it
- He’ll use the reality of what’s happening to try and calm you down. Yes it is happening, but there’s nothing either of you can do about it and while it takes time to heal, the world doesn’t stop moving
- He’ll give you all the comfort you want, and when you feel a bit better, he’ll offer to spend more time with you and go do something, like stealing food from the cafeteria
- He’s there for you when you need him, anything you want and he’ll be running to get it, and while his approach at comforting is a bit straight forward, he’s still doing his best and wants you to be okay
- Ace isn’t really the best at comforting
- He’s more of the teasing type, so when it suddenly comes to such a serious situation, he’s not exactly sure what to do
- He’s noticed that something’s wrong, the way you’ve been so distant lately
- You seem so tired and upset, barley having the energy for school let alone his nagging
- He does eventually ask you what’s wrong, still teasing but you can tell through the act that he’s genuinely concerned for you
- When you tell him, he’s not exactly sure what to do
- Like we said before, he’s not the best at comforting, he gives a few awkward “I’m sorry”s and “that’s terrible”s
- While he isn’t good with his words, he shows that he wants to support you through his actions
- He’ll buy you a snack or two, invite you to his basketball practice, or suggest you two go do something fun as a way to distract you
- Distraction is his go to, he just wants to make you feel better
- It doesn’t have to be anything big either, it can be hanging out and putting on a show to get your mind off it
- If you do end up getting worse, starting to cry, he will comfort you
- He’ll hold you and run his fingers through your hair while telling you that everything will be okay
- It’s a bit awkward, but he really does put in his best effort
- He may not be perfect when it comes to comforting you, but he’ll always be there for you in different ways, even if one of those ways is getting in trouble with Riddle because you broke a few rules
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cupoftaae · 1 year
also could you write one where tae and y/n had a small fight before a party, but they still decide to go, then y/n drinks way too much bc of the fight, and then taehyung takes care of her and they make up the next morning or smth like thatt 😊 I love your writing!🫶🏻
OOO I love me some angst, *rubs hands together*
Thank for the suggestion, and thank you for reading my writing, it means a lot to me anon <3
word count- 2.1k
warnings- alcohol consumption, body image issues, a fight and some yelling/swearing. wicked hangover and mention of vomit.
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"I dont understand why you are freaking out, y/n. You look fine"
Taehyung sat on the end of your bed while you stood in the bathroom, rambling about yourself. "because, we are already late and im not really in the mood to go to this party. I hate the way I look in this dress, nothing is working out" you exhale, a tear falling down your cheek as you attempt to curl your hair.
Both of you were getting ready to go to Yoongi and his girlfriend's engagement party, something that has been in the works for months and is finally happening.
You knew you were already a half an hour late, which looks bad not only for tae, but you too, considering you and Yoongi's girlfriend, Jihyo, were friends.
"then just stay home" he shrugged, standing to go lean against the doorframe to the bathroom.
"oh yeah just that easy, let me miss my friends party" you sarcastically spoke. "bet you would like that, to go alone because you are so ashamed of me" you went on, spraying hairspray.
Taehyung ran his hands over his face. He loves you, he really does, but its impossible to convince you to see the bright side of things when you got in your head like this.
you slammed down the can of hairspray and stormed out of the bathroom, bumping into taehyung on the way out. "you are being way too dramatic right now, its not a big deal." he sternly spoke, turning his entire body to watch you rummage through your shared closet.
you stood and looked back, "oh okay" you laughed sarcastically. "you are a man, you dont have to think about yourself the way I do" you huff and walk towards the mirror.
"im tired of looking like this, I want to just be able to put something on and feel beautiful for once" you whisper while running your hands over the front of your dress.
"I think you look sexy" taehyung mindlessly shrugged, making you scoff. "God, thats all you think about, huh?" you shot back.
"What? no-"
"lately you've been incredibly invalidating of how I feel and i'm sick of it"
"How the fuck am I invalidating? Im trying to help, Y/N!!"
"no, you arent. you think you are, but you dismiss what I say, every time I fucking open my mouth Taehyung." you yell, grabbing your purse and walking to the door as your boyfriend followed.
"fine then I will just not talk" he mumbled, making you roll your eyes at his childish behavior. "Yeah, you do that. In fact, dont talk to me all night." you mutter and turn to head for the car, leaving taehyung to follow.
He didnt mean to upset you, he really didnt. He just doesnt understand what you couldnt like about yourself. Perhaps there were better ways to approach you regarding this topic, but right now, the priority was at least showing up to the party before yoongi or Jihyo gets upset.
The car ride remained silent the entire time Taehyung drove. You looked out the window and had slapped his hand away the moment he tried to reach out and squeeze your leg lovingly.
He just doesnt get it, he doesnt understand how you feel, and its not like you can talk it out with him because he always shoots back some fucking stupid line thats is supposedly trying to make you "feel better". Its getting old, and the only thing you wanted to do right now was be away from your boyfriend.
Once you both had arrived at the party, Taehyung parked the car along the curb with the other guests vehicles. You hopped out the moment the car came to a stop, practically skipping inside and leaving him in the dust. He scoffed and locked the car, getting out and walking in at his own pace.
"Y/N!" Jihyo smiled and ran over once she saw you inside her home.
You pushed through some of the guests and made your way over to your friend, hugging her affectionately. "Hi, congratulations! im sorry Im late" you pout and pull away to see her. "No worries love, is taehyung coming too?" she asks, pulling you into the kitchen.
"mhm...unfortunately" you laugh and grab a cracker off the snack plate. "unfortunately?" Jihyo smiles and nudges you. "yeah. We had a fight before we got here" you whisper to her, eyes darting to see Taehyung walk into the living room with a wide boxy smile as he greeted everyone.
"Ohhh.." she nods, understanding. "Im sorry, hun" she rubs your arm. "its ok, I just need alcohol." you joke, making her laugh as she dragged you into Yoongi's wine room, something he was immensely proud (and pretentious) of.
"I think he wont mind If we use this one" Jihyo spoke, reaching for the top bottle and bringing it back into the kitchen for the both of you.
"Taehyung!!" Yoongi cheered, walking back downstairs to see his friend standing in the living room. He hands him a bottle of beer and hugs him.
"Hyung! Congrats again, you and Jihyo have a very lovely home. Its changed so much since last July when I visited." He smiled, thanking him for the beer as they engaged in conversation. "Thank you, we renovated the kitchen and expanded it, wanna see?" he asked with excitement, tae nodded, following him.
"yeah so then I came home and he just kind of blurted it out, it was really sweet and intimate, I actually preferred it over a public proposal." you watched as your friend refilled your glass, telling you the story of how Yoongi proposed.
"ah, Jihyo thats so sweet" you put your hand over your chest, taking another sip as you lean against the counter. "I hope I get to experience that"
"taehyung is a sweet guy, i have no doubts he will pull out all the stops for you" she smiled
"hm?" taehyung mummers, walking in and hearing his name.
your eyes dart open, mad he had found you. "yoongi!" you walk over and hug him, congratulating him.
"Y/n! its nice to see you again, been way too long" he laughed and patted your back. "do you like the kitchen? he cuts, Taehyung watching as you sip on your wine.
"its lovely!!"
"indeed" taehyung adds on, stepping in front of yoongi to stand behind you.
"hes always talking about his kitchen" Jihyo giggled and walked up to her fiance, hugging him. "well yeah it was a lot of work" he shrugged and laughed
you smile as you watch them both be cute little shits, reluctantly turning when you feel your boyfriends hand tickling your lower back. "what??" you bit, making his hands raise in defense.
"youre still mad?....baby..cmon" he whined, trying to pull you into his embrace but you step back and leave the kitchen, going to have fun with the other guests in the living room.
yoongi pulls away from his soon to be wife and raises his eyebrows, full of questions. "they had a fight" jihyo giggled and patted his chest, walking out of the room as well.
"ah jihyo, wait" Taehyung runs up, whispering
"hm?" she turns
"make sure she doesnt drink too much, please?" he asked with serious eyes, making her nod. "shes a big girl, I think she will be okay but yes, ill keep an eye on her" she smiled
"thank you, shes not usually a drinker but tends to overdo it sometimes when shes angry..."he spoke, laughing a bit at the end.
Jihyo giggled, "gotcha"
he looked over at you hugging your friend and dancing slightly. you looked so beautiful and all he wanted to do was wrap you up in his arms and kiss you, but he couldn't. He needed to apologize for hurting your feelings, but there was no way you would even let him go near you to do so.
He sighed and sat down, accepting another beer as he silently ate chips.
"IM A GROWN WOMAN, I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!!!!" you slurr-sing as you and your friend Chae sing along to karaoke after having a few drinks.
most of the guests had left, and it was nearing midnight, so the remaining party-goers were you, Taehyung, Chae, namjoon and Jungkook.
Taehyung was ready to tap out. He was exhausted, and didnt think he was going to be here this long. The only reason he still is, is well, you. He sat on the couch between yoongi and jungkook, fighting sleep as he watched you let loose with your friends.
You still hadnt talked to him for the majority of the party, but somewhere deep down he was actually glad to see you happy for the first time today.
Jihyo giggled and ran back downstairs as she watched them sing, sitting next to yoongi. He sternly looked at her, "what did she drink?" he asked, taehyung leaning over to look at jihyo as well.
She smiled and mumbled, "some wine..."
yoongi sat up "what wine?"
"your....wine..."she tried not to giggle as taehyung glared. "I told you to not let her drin-" taehyung was cut off as you ran over and sat on him.
He blushed and lightly placed his hands around you, "you ok?" he asked, "im tired" you yell, meaning to whisper but failing to do so.
"okay baby...you wanna go home? good job singing by the way"
you sat up immediately and crossed your arms. "im supposed to be mad at you" you slurred, turning to walk away but stumbling and almost falling, "be careful!" tae spoke, jumping up.
"Ill be whatever I want!" you bite back.
"i think we are gonna go, im sorry guys" tae spoke, holding you up by your arm.
"nono dont apologize please, its late and you guys stayed long enough" yoongi laughed, "yes go take care of y/n, shes gonna feel that tomorrow im sure"
Tae smiled and picked you up gently, managing to get you into the car outside without a fight.
"we are going home now ok?" he whispers as he drives safely down the street. you dont talk, rather mumble in response to everything. Once you are outside your apartment, he holds you up the stairs as he puts his key into the door.
"uehhhh" you whine and pull away, leaning off the railing and suddenly throwing up. "oh!" tae drops his key and runs over, rubbing your back and pushing your hair out of the way until you were done.
"im never drinking again" you slur and fall against him. "i know baby" he consoles, picking his key up and getting you inside to help clean you up and get into bed.
Once he managed to get you into the bathroom, he carefully put you on top of the counter as he changed you into you pajamas. you remained staring with a mean glare, making him laugh.
"what?" he smiled and put one of his old tshirts over your head and onto your body.
"Im mad at you"
"ok...we can talk about it tomorrow ok?" he sighed and washed your face with a cloth before ushering you into bed. he placed Tylenol and water on the bedside table and got close to you, beginning to talk but realizing you were already asleep.
he smiled and cuddled into you, falling asleep eventually.
The next morning, Taehyung was awoken by the sounds of you throwing up in the bathroom. He rushed out of bed to be by your side, knowing how much you hated getting sick.
"you ok, baby?" he whispers, watching you lean back against him on the bathroom floor, groaning.
"I shouldnt have drank so much"
he hums and runs his hand through your hair, kissing your head.
its silent for a moment.
"Im sorry for being such a dick yesterday, it was wrong and I should have been more understanding"
you grab his hand with yours, shaking your head. "its ok, I was also being irrational and mean. you are a good boyfriend, tae" you closed your eyes and breathed deeply, feeling lingering nausea.
"I love you" he spoke
"I love you too" you managed to smile.
"no more fighting?"
"no more fighting" you nodded.
he kissed your hand. "if we ever get into another fight just know I have you singing beyonce at the party on video, blackmail for days"
you whipped around, "no...."
"I will cut your dick off if you do that, watch it, kim" you glare, making him laugh. "now get out, before I puke on you"
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suddenlybambi · 1 year
as long as you stay here [13] ♥ kyle broflovski
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pairing : kyle broflovski x reader
college AU - 18+
tags : strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst, alcohol, afab reader, she/her pronouns, eventual smut
words : 2.2k
chapter 13
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a/n - sorry for no update yesterday my sweets 😭 been preoccupied as of late! need to catch up on writing 💕
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y/n 💕 : girlies
y/n 💕 : I need help
y/n 💕 : kyle wants to take me to this place called starks pond?
y/n 💕 : I need outfit vibes 😬
bebe 💋 : omg he’s finally going to man up and ask you out 🤭
y/n 💕 : I don’t want to get my hopes up
wendy 💜 : literally everyone has their first kiss at starks pond
wendy 💜 : he’s definitely going to kiss you tonight!!! 🥰
y/n 💕 : god I really hope you’re right
y/n 💕 : seriously, what do I wear to something like this?
y/n 💕 : I didn’t bring date clothes but also its a pond so its not like we’re going out for dinner
bebe 💋 : you can borrow one of my dresses?
y/n 💕 : the last two times I borrowed your dresses I flashed him 😶
bebe 💋 : exactly!
bebe 💋 : you wanna get lucky or not? 😏
wendy 💜 : bebe! 😒
wendy 💜 : y/n ignore her
wendy 💜 : do you have that cute skirt that makes your waist look good?
y/n 💕 : the black one?
y/n 💕 : I do have that with me
bebe 💋 : that and a red top with red lipstick so he will look at your lips you will look so hot
wendy 💜 : no, wear green thats kyle’s favourite color
bebe 💋 : hello?
bebe 💋 : i’m the one doing a degree in fashion 🙄
y/n 💕 : bebe i love you but red makes me look bitchy
y/n 💕 : green it is
y/n 💕 : love you guys so much 💕
wendy 💜 : tell us all about it after!!! 💜
bebe 💋 : we want ALL of the details 😘
Y/N put her phone down and dug through the small suitcase of clothes she had packed to find the skirt and top she knew she had packed. Relief flooded through her when she found them at the bottom of the bag.
She darted to the bathroom to get changed, fixing her hair so it looked presentable. She considered lipstick but knew it would make for a nicer first kiss if she stuck to just lip balm. She wanted it to be as perfect as possible.
“Ready to go?” Kyle asked once she emerged. He always looked handsome, but something about the way he looked at that moment was special. He had let his hair run a little more on the wild side than usual. She wondered if it was because she had told him she liked it like that. His top two buttons were undone, whereas he would usually only unbutton the first. She had to snap herself out of admiring him for too long, or she would seem creepy.
“Ready!” She confirmed, realising he was waiting for an answer. She held out her arm, and he linked it with his own. They ignored the kissing noises Ike was making as they walked out the door.
“Are you okay with walking?” Kyle asked. “It’s only down the road.”
Y/N looked nervously down at her shoes, realising it was probably a bad idea to have worn heels, but decided to push past it. “I’m happy to walk!”
Those words haunted her after just five minutes of walking. They were apparently halfway there, but she was already struggling. She did her best to hide her discomfort from Kyle, but he picked up on it as he had slowed down significantly to accommodate her.
By the time they made it to Stark’s Pond, she had to flop down on the nearest bench as soon as possible.
“This is why I don’t wear heels,” She groaned, kicking the demon shoes off. “They’re a torture device and not the fun kind.”
“Fun torture?” Kyle was confused for a second, but the realisation hit him right after. “Oh! Right… Yeah…”
“Sorry,” Y/N laughed a little awkwardly. “I guess you’re not into all that?”
“I guess I’ve just….” He tried not to let his thoughts linger on the idea for too long, not out of discomfort but because the idea turned him on a little more than he anticipated. Even though it was 7pm and the sun had mostly set, there was still a hint of light, and he couldn’t risk her seeing a tent in his pants and being weirded out by it. “Never thought of it.”
“Ducks!” Y/N suddenly gasped, pointing at the birds. “Oh! I wish we had something to feed them!”
“Who says we don’t?” Kyle grinned as she looked at him in pure excitement. “And before you say it, no, it’s not bread because I know that’s not good for them.” Looking through the satchel he brought with him, he found the bag of frozen peas he had snuck out from under his mom’s nose in preparation. There were always ducks at Stark’s Pond, and Y/N had talked about how she always loved feeding the ducks back at home and educated him on what was safe to feed them. He wanted her to know that he had listened and cared about what she said.
Kyle felt his heart almost leapt out of his chest when she flung her arms around him in a hug that left him breathless, both because of how tight it was and because it was paired with a kiss to the cheek. He reminded himself again that kisses on the cheek were normal for Y/N. She did them all of the time with her friends. They were friends.
When she switched and kissed him on the other cheek as well, his hands instantly tensed around her as he hugged her back. Two kisses. Very good friends.
“Come on!” Y/N stood up, her shoes abandoned by the bench, not caring about how muddy it was around the pond as she tried to pull Kyle up with her. She almost fell over when he did get up, not expecting the sudden change in force required, but he managed to catch her just in time. She didn’t seem phased, just laughed at the situation.
Her laugh echoed through his mind and heart. He could listen to it on repeat for the rest of his life and never get tired of the sound.
The ducks loved the frozen peas, and watching Y/N’s joy when they went crazy for them was unlike anything he had ever seen. In his head, he had already planned a future for them where they bought a house in the countryside and raised ducks together. He couldn’t comprehend how he had so quickly become absolutely smitten with her, but he wasn’t upset by it.
As they threw the last handful of peas into the pond, Kyle looked down at Y/N beside him just as she looked up at him, a breathtaking smile on her face. He knew exactly what he needed to do, what he had planned their whole evening around.
All he had to do was lean down and kiss her.
He knew she could sense it. Her smile softened, eyes fluttered half closed as he leaned in and… pulled her in for a hug.
Something in his brain short-circuited. He froze at the last second, head moving to the side to avoid the collision. 
“I really value our friendship,” The words left his lips before he could stop them. They were the wrong ones. He was supposed to say that he felt more than friendship for her, but the words were gone, and the moment had slipped from his grip.
“Me too,” The disappointment in her voice was evident. He could feel it over the disappointment he felt in himself for being a coward and not saying the right thing, not doing the right thing.
“We should get back before it gets too late,” He sighed, looking up as the moon started to peek through the trees.
“Right,” She nodded, looking over at the bench where her shoes lay. “Give me a second…” She walked over and started to put them back on. Kyle could still salvage the evening. He had to. He owed her that much.
With ease, he lifted her up bridal style, just like he had two weeks before on Halloween. She squealed in surprise, her hands wrapping around the back of his neck for support. Her laughter echoed in his ear, returning a fraction of the joy they had shared before he ruined the moment.
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The atmosphere between them had changed, but it wasn’t exactly a pleasant change for either one of them. It wasn’t the change Kyle hoped to have returned home with that evening. Few words were exchanged as they settled in for the night, Y/N on the bed, Kyle on the air mattress. Each faced one another, but they were on their phones.
kyle 📗 : I choked
kenny 😘 : kinky 💦
kyle 📗 : Not like that 😑
stan 🎸 : shit dude what happened?
kyle 📗 :  I just froze up and forgot everything I had planned to say
cartman 😡 : HA
cartman 😡 : KENNY U OWE ME $20
kenny 😘 : FUCK U DUDE
kyle 📗 : You assholes placed a bet?
cartman 😡 : easy money brah
cartman 😡 : knew ur too much of a pussy to do it
kyle 📗 : I hate you so much
kyle 📗 : I think I totally blew my chances
stan 🎸 : dude I puked on wendy like 7 times
stan 🎸 : you can’t have done worse than that
kyle 📗 : went in for a kiss, chickened out and went for a hug, told her that I value our friendship
stan 🎸 : I spoke too soon lol
kyle 📗 : Don’t lol at that!
cartman 😡 : LMFAO
kyle 📗 : I’m going to crawl in a hole and die now
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bebe 💋 : spill babe spill 
bebe 💋 : did you kiss?
bebe 💋 : did you fuck? 😏
bebe 💋 : is he as big as the rumours from the locker room suggested? 🍆
wendy 💜 : BEBE
wendy 💜 : but also
wendy 💜 : tell us everything
wendy 💜 : especially if the rumours are true 😘
y/n 💕 : well I wouldn’t know 😒
y/n 💕 : I think he was going to kiss me but decided against it at the last second
bebe 💋 : omg
wendy 💜 : why???
y/n 💕 : I wish I had the answer
y/n 💕 : so I could know what I did wrong lol
bebe 💋 : babe you absolutely did nothing wrong
wendy 💜 : maybe he was just worried his breath stank 😶
y/n 💕 : we had mints on the way there 🥲
y/n 💕 : he bought them with him
y/n 💕 : he was prepared for that 
y/n 💕 : like he was definitely going to kiss me but he just didn’t
wendy 💜 : there has to be a reason
wendy 💜 : the way he looks at you is like straight out of the movies
wendy 💜 : he is head over heels for you babe
y/n 💕 : well maybe we’ve misread the situation
y/n 💕 : or he changed his mind about me or something
y/n 💕 : he hugged me and said he values our friendship
bebe 💋 : oh god
bebe 💋 : that is bad
bebe 💋 : i love you but that is awful
bebe 💋 : like the worst thing a guy you’re interested in could say
wendy 💜 : bebe you’re not helping babe
wendy 💜 : but yeah thats really bad
wendy 💜 : sorry y/n 💔
y/n 💕 : but he carried me home because I wore heels 🥲
y/n 💕 : I don’t know how to deal with these mixed messages
wendy 💜 : I’ll talk to stan and see if he knows anything
y/n 💕 : please don’t!
y/n 💕 : I don’t need to drag other people in my embarrassment 🥲
y/n 💕 : I’m gonna try and sleep this off and hope things are normal again tomorrow
y/n 💕 : love you girls 💕
wendy 💜 : love you 💜
bebe 💋 : love you bby 😘
Y/N sighed and turned off her phone. They would be driving to her mother’s house the next day. She was worried the situation would just make things worse. Her mother’s presence tended to do that. She wanted to fix things between them before they were ruined for good.
“It’s cold,” Y/N whispered, snuggling under the covers as she watched Kyle turn his phone off as well and meet her gaze. Concern flooded his face.
“Do you want some more blankets?” He asked, sitting up in preparation to grab some blankets from the closet.
“No,” She shook her head, feeling bold. “You’re warmer.”
“I’m what?” He looked up at her from his lower position on the air mattress on the floor. “Do you want me to…?” She didn’t say anything, just lifted up the covers so he could join her. It was his bed, after all. It made more sense for him to sleep in it than on the air mattress. 
Slightly hesitantly, he got up and slipped into bed next to her, his body stiffening when her arms wrapped around him. It only took him a few seconds to relax into the position, his arm reaching over her in return. It was the same way they had slept the night before.
“Goodnight, Ky,” She whispered. His heart skipped a beat at the new nickname. Maybe he hadn’t fucked up his confession as much as he thought?
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
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a/n - send me an ask if you would like to be on the taglist for this fic 💕
current taglist - @n0tangeliccc @solana-central @charqing-qing @eiizabeth-torres @hand-writxen💕 @audiliah @cosmicbroenies @himoutolikesjojo @katnipkoffee @desertofdessert @inkedintothepaper @ky-uwu @quackyfae @marwvy @baubub @kiahapologist @novalforfeb @da-extroverted-introvert @welp030 @just-a-blue-nerd @neenieweenie @lacunaanonymoused
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marxthedumdum · 6 months
silly lil steven headcanons i have in mind that i wanted to show for no particular reason
▧ bro is beefy (can be either buff or dadbod) and is hairy asf. never shaves. stinky. worn out clothes. his hair at this point would be very long and, although fluffy, is very tangly and messy, it prob has knots everywhere ▧ cis man, biromantic, heterosexual n dark skinned ▧ old ass man, hes 40. but keeps his appearance when he was in his late 20s or 30s thanks to missingno fucking with his ass ▧ he regrets absolutely nothing abt strangling mike, thinking he deserved it. (with his bare hands instead of commanding miki to do so like in the og pasta) though whenever he sees a vision of his brother he'd try to make the 'ghost' go away by screaming/flailing at it, which is why his house is so broken since he sometimes punched the wall or anything in his abode super hard ▧ he still worries abt how the pallet town residents are doing, especially daisy oak, red and blue. so he sometimes stalks the town to see if theyre still having a good life without him even after what he has done ▧ sometimes he would come across red and blue having their own little rivalry with each other, just like he and Mike. he thought it wouldve been so awesome to battle blue if the whole incident didnt happen (then watch red beat blue's ass 2 seconds later after blue takes the champion title from him LMFAOOO) ▧ his team before the incident would be miki, nidoking, gyarados, raichu, gengar and snorlax ❥ ALR THATS ALL MY GENERAL HCS FOR HIM NOW UHHHHHH, CRIMSONOAK/STEVEN X READER HCS. ❥ he hugs like a bewear and would (accidentally) break your spine in the hug like one too, i hope youre able to take his hugs because he'll hug you A LOT ❥ give him a ton of kisses, especially on the cheek, and he'll blush SO hard ❥ he would let you style his hair (if you ask him ofc), daisy def has done smth sily with it like giving him pigtails or giving him her hairstyle (but long cuz steven's hair is, well, way longer than daisy's) :333 ❥ if you can give this man a shower or a bath i beg of you PLEASE do. as i said, this dude stinky af- ❥ he still has miki but will never let her be out of her pokeball in front of his partner in fear that you/daisy would go 'holy shit what is that thing???? get it away from me!!!" before running off ❥ the type of guy that will try his best to cook food for you sometimes, whether its breakfast, dinner or just to give you a snack. (he usually burns the food LMAO (be proud of him >:()) ❥ if you can teach him how to make macarons he'll be so fucking excited (theyre one of his fav foods next to deep-fried food :3c (hes a foodie guy)) ❥ he would get insane zoomies when he sees daisy, bros down bad and head-over-heels for her ❥ before his downfall, steven def has and often tried to flirt with daisy with (cringy) pick up lines, even before dating and after their relationship became official LOL- he doesnt do it anymore though pensive emoji ❥ would pick you/daisy up and give piggyback rides for the shits and giggles ❥ he sometimes gives daisy uhhh, daisies as a small gift as it reminds him of her. he would do the same to you if you also have a kind of flower as your name (like rose, blossom etc.) ❥ if youre poc/lgbtq+ etc. and someone was being racist/homophobic/transphobic etc. to you, steven would go hunt them down and give them the worst beating theyve ever experienced and could even die from that (do you know that one reddit post abt a guy who beat up someone for kicking his cat? thats him and daisy/you teehee)
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ifthestarsarewilling · 3 months
Oc Lore- COG
this has a lot of religious stuff (christian mostly) so if that makes you uncomfortable i wouldn't read it.
but if your okay with it, lets go!
aight, ill start with a basic run down of the story before i get into my ocs because some things wont make much sense otherwise
COG is a visual novel type thing exploring the relationship between a creator and their creations. in this case, the creator would be me (hi yes. me) and the creations are the ocs ill be talking about in a bit. you/the player play through a week, choosing who to talk to and eventually, the four of you go on a road trip. the person whos philosophies/relationship with me you relate to the most drives (you sit in the front seat) and when you get to your destination (the sky, where in universe me lives) you... well ill get to that after doing ocs. then there are four endings:
i kill the four of you and your all reborn into new, animalistic bodies, but i also die
i destroy the universe and you all with it, and i let myself live and create another, better universe
you're all sent back down with boons of some sort and ways to contact me at any time
you all stay with me and become more god-like beings
and thats about it. anyways oc time now!!
Oc 1: Patrick (Pat)
pat, he/him, late twenties/early thirties, straight agender
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hes a farmer who keeps bees! kinda like a cowboy. he has a pickup truck-like thing (this is MY fantasy world and i can make him have a magic cart that's basically a truck if i want) and lets you sit in the back. also gives you free honey.
hes a proper country lad, quite smart but cant be bothered to do anything with it. also absolutely JACKED like i mean MUSCLES all over this bad boy
he had a femme phase when he was younger, right after his parents died. still has some of the dresses
he likes me. his whole deal is 'hey, you were kinda an awful mom, but i mean you weren't really to blame. gave us all free will and stuff. please talk to me mom'
hes cool. i love my farmer son
Oc 2: The Mermaid
the mermaid, she/her, around one fifty, cishet
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shes like, really unhealthily christian. now theres nothing wrong with being christian, but shes just using it as an unhealthy coping mechanism.
so basically she had to leave the ocean and become a human after a lot of pollution ruined her home. now, being... yknow. ex-mermaid, she was treated kinda badly by the humans she first met. and so she converted to christianity to try and fit in! didnt really work though...
so she went mad from her hopelessness. prayed for days upon end without sleeping until her (not humanlike) form became twisted and eldritch from starvation. shes obsessed with being human.
so yeah.
she prays a lot. tries to convert people. considers me a false god and would kill me if given the opportunity.
Oc 3: Rose
rose, it/its, 17, aromantic pansexual genderqueer
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it wants to kill me :3
okay so basically its just... sad? lots of angst here.
its parents were killed in a hate crime (it had two dads) and it was left to raise itself. obviously it found out about my existence, and sort of went "hey, you. why did you let my parents die?" and after receiving no response it is now trying to kill me.
its good at metalworking! the knife in the picture is made by it, as is the necklace and earrings its wearing.
@n3bu-la you wanted to see this?? here you goo sorry it took me so long lol
it is also lactose intolerant and dies its hair. naturally its got straight black hair it basically fried it lol
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jade-04 · 2 years
Dove (Part 2)
first part | part 3
Eddie Munson x fem!Henderson!reader and Steve Harrington x fem!Henderson!reader
Summary: Dustin Henderson’s older sister finds herself in a predicament having to choose between Steve “the Hair” Harrington and Eddie “the Freak” Munson
a/n: Hi! This is the first fic I’ve ever written so let me know what I can improve on. I'm somewhat proud of the second part, I like it but I feel like there could've been more. I feel like this fic is gonna be very dialogue-heavy for a while so on that note here's the second part. Also, message me if you want to be on the tag list for the next part.
warnings: possibly swearing (?) I can't remember
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You’d recognize that voice anywhere. Eddie was always subtly flirting with you whenever you would come to pick up Dustin from the Hellfire club meetings, especially if they were running late. He would also come into the record shop to browse or buy a new record. Your interactions with eachother never really went past that, until now. 
“No Eddie, your eyes dont deceive you.” You rolled your eyes, turning around to look at him. 
Now, you didnt hate him, but you also didnt like him. You thought he was a bit of a bad influence as he was held back in senior year twice and was a drug dealer, you just didnt like the idea of him being around your brother, but you knew you had no control of Dustin and that he was capable of making his own decisions. 
“So, sweetheart, you here to audition?” He said with a smug smirk on his face meeting your eyes.
“Why else would I be here?”You responded crossing your arms.
“Oh, well I just thought that maybe you finally gave in to my advances and wanted to see me, but I guess that isnt the case. Breaks my heart.” He jokingly clutched his chest pretending like he was actually in pain.
You rolled your eyes, giggling a little. You had to admit, the man was both attractive and funny, but you didnt want to fall for him. Really, you didnt want to fall for anyone right now. 
“Sorry to break your heart, Eds, but maybe, you’d be a doll and not break mine by letting me be lead singer in your band.” You stared up at him with puppy dog eyes stepping a bit closer. You knew it was wrong to fake flirt to try and get your way, but you really wanted this and were hoping Eddie couldnt resist you.
“Now, as much as I would love to just give you that title, you’re gonna have to go against these guys first, but maybe-” He was interrupted when Gareth yelled at him sounding a little irritated.
“Eddie! Stop flirting and get your ass over here so we can start auditions!” Gareth shot him a look and was probably ready to just start auditions without Eddie.
You and the other two guys sat down on some crates in front of the band as Eddie began his speech about his band and how important it was to be committed to this. He got interrupted by Gareth again though because he was taking a long time to finish his speech. 
“Okay Okay,” He shot Gareth a look “ Last, but not least, you all need to understand that I am also a lead singer in this band with you, you wont get only solos, and sometimes you wont sing at all. Now,” He put that signature smirk on his face “who wants to go first?” 
You noticed both of the guys auditioning with you get up.
“Yea… I’m not gonna sing duets with a guy.” One of the guys said grabbing his bag and starting to head to his car.
“I’m with him on this one” The second guy says crossing his arms “Thats not really..uh..me.” He started walking away as well.
“Well that’s both of your losses!” Eddie yelled after them.
You raised your hand sheepishly, but also quite confidently “So.. does this mean I still have to audition?” You questioned with a smirk.
Eddies eyes landed on you and he chuckled a little. “Before we can let you in, Henderson, we need to hear you sing.” He turned around and grabbed the microphone from behind him, handing it to you with a raised eyebrow.
You got up out of your seat, taking the microphone. “Do you guys know Stevie Nicks?” You looked around awaiting an answer and were pleased to see nodding heads. 
“Henderson,” Eddie said putting a hand on your shoulder “Are you seriously gonna sing Fleetwood Mac at this audition?” You could feel the judgement in his words, but you didnt care, you wanted to make him realize you were good enough for his band.
“Nope. Edge of Seventeen, boys.” You looked up at Eddie with a smirk. 
Edge of Seventeen was by far one of your favorite songs, your voice also sounded amazing while singing it and you knew it would give you a chance of not being rejected from being the lead singer. You shrugged off your jacket and through it onto the crate you were sitting at earlier. It was a bit chilly, but you wanted to give a full performance hoping it would guarantee a spot. You waited for the guys to start playing the entrance to the song before taking a deep breath.
“Just like the white-winged dove
 sings a song
Sounds like shes singin’
Ooh, ooh, ooh” 
Your voice sounded great. Silky smooth with just a hint of raspiness, almost sultry. You repeated those lyrics to the chorus again, starting to feel more comfortable. You were ready to really start performing. You started tapping your foot and kind of swaying your body to the beat. 
“And the days go by
Like a strand in the wind
In the web that is my own
I begin again
Said to my friend, baby 
Nothin' else mattered”
From here you really started to get into it. You were walking around. singing the song towards the band members and dancing, then eventually you came back to the mic stand replacing the mic as you got to the bridge near the end of the song.
“Well, I hear you 
In the morning 
And I hear you 
At nightfall 
Sometimes to be near you
Is to be unable to hear you
My love
I'm a few years older than you, my love”
Before you knew it the song was over. You were breathing fairly heavily as you were moving a lot while singing, but you knew it paid off when you heard the claps from the band members. You placed the mic back down and turned around with a huge smile on your face.
“So?” You asked scrunching your nose a bit.
“Oh she’s awesome.” Jeff said looking over to Eddie.
“Yeah, we gotta let her in, man.” Gareth said also looking to Eddie for approval.
You also looked at Eddie with hopeful eyes.
“My god, Henderson. That was great.” Eddie said smirking “Welcome to the band.” He unfolded his arms looking like he was presenting the band to you. “First rehearsal is Tuesday.”
“SERIOUSLY!” You jumped up and down “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Before you knew it you were hugging Eddie out of pure excitement, it wasnt until he said your name that you realized and backed up. “Sorry,” You coughed a little nervously “but…uh.. Thank you.” You shot the band a smile before grabbing your jacket and heading to your car. 
As you walked away you couldnt hear the conversation the band members were having. 
“Hallelujah” Eddie said with a genuine smile. “I’m so glad my plan worked out.” He chuckled.
“Eddie,” Gareth set his instrument down “You know you could’ve just asked her to join rather than holding fake auditions just to get her to join the band.” 
“Nah” He shook his head “I liked seeing her nervous, made her look pretty cute.” His signature smirk appearing.
You had no idea that Eddie had a crush on you. You always thought the times he would flirt with you was just his personality, so you just brushed it off. You thought he was attractive, but you never really felt anything towards him. Eddie always joked with his bandmates how oblivious you were to his flirting, but you brushing him off only made him want you more. Though, he knew it was a risk as you were Dustin’s older sister making you “off-limits.” Yet, he knew his plan to get you into the band to spend more time with you would work and he was ecstatic.
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theunrealinsomniac · 2 years
no way thats so cool!! what are your own narusaku kids? i would love to know about them if you have any old post introducing them!!
and yes i totally can understand why it makes you uncomfortable, i personally love them and only got to know them very very recently which gave me new reasons to love narusaku lol
You're not alone, quite a few people are very fond of the trio lol.
But to gush about my NS kids lol ... I have four of them.
And I strongly advise you take a perusal through my collection of tumblr fics on Ao3. They appear a bit in those and I've mentioned them in previous tumblr asks recently.
I'll drop a link to the collection lol, and give you which chapters specifically deal with them at the end.
But to give you the basic run down:
Sachi Uzumaki Sachi is the eldest, typically she is pink haired with blue eyes, Naruto's mouth, Sakura's forehead, Naruto's personality with sprinkles of Sakura's and a huge dollop of Sakura's intelligence.
Sachi Uzumaki is *scary*. Sachi Uzumaki is so innately talented at ninjaing that the idea she wouldn't grow up to be a kunoichi, is laughable.
When Naruto starts getting a bit too grey and starts slowing down ... it is Sachi the village elders, who are actually decent people this time, approach about being the one to replace Naruto as Hokage.
And make no mistake, she'd be a spectacular Hokage. Shame none of Naruto's kids want anything to do with the hat.
She's also an absolute sweetheart. Like an absolute angel of a child, Naruto and Sakura couldn't have asked for an easier first baby. Which was very fortunate, given how young they were when Sachi came along.
She is very, very proficient in Taijutsu and Kenjutsu. She can do Ninjutsu and Genjutsu perfectly well enough, but the way Sachi saw it ... if all else fails, she still wants to be able to throwdown, chakra or no chakra.
Also, being the big sister to three younger siblings gave her all the drive she needed to get strong, real, real quick.
Scary remember. Real fucking scary.
Ichika Uzumaki
Ichika is usually second, sometimes third, and is Naruto and Sakura's second daughter.
She's got blonde hair, Sakura's green eyes, Naruto's grin, cos all of the kids have it, and use it against Sakura to devastating effect lol, but she's got more of her mum's facial structure and build.
She's a little goofier than her sister but she's just as smart.
Ichika is also ... a little more naïve at first. Not for long, ninjaing knocks that out of you, just like life, but it's part of her personality to be just a smidge too trusting sometimes.
She's also GAY AS HELL. And has absolutely no compulsion to hide it when she's older and a pretty girl so much as smiles at her ... think Sakura's face disappearing into her hands.
Her speciality is seals and summons. She's the next one to get the toad contract and she is delighted by all things toad and frog.
As a little girl Naruto and Sakura would fondly tell you:
If you can't find Ichi with her head in a scroll studying seals, you *will* find her near a pond or a lake, talking to a frog.
Mt Myoboku becomes a second home, and in time, she too becomes a perfect Toad sage.
Yuuto Uzumaki
Yuuto is their first son, normally their third child, sometimes second, resembles Naruto the most of all his children appearance wise, his eyes being green and his hair more flowing than spiky being the only differences.
He's also a little shit lol.
He's a mouthy, back-talking little brat who takes a little bit too much after Grandpa Jiraiya in the perv department. You'd think, growing up with two older sisters and Sakura as his mum, he'd be a little bit less of a stereotypical boy but well ...
Though I suppose, he's only like that as a teenager. He does grow out of it and before he hits puberty, he is also a very nice kid. He hits very late teens, has a couple girlfriends, couple boyfriends ... crucially get's laid a lot lol, and calms the fuck down by the time he's in his early twenties.
But he's always the first one to make a joke, to wind up his siblings and is definitely, much to Naruto's secret amusement, the most like Naruto as a kid. It's not just the looks that are similar either lol.
Which also means he is the best friend you could ever ask for and would quite literally put himself through hell if you needed him.
And while being a pervy teen boy is not a good thing ... he's not gross. Yes, he needs to be reminded to put his tongue back in his mouth sometimes ... but he's never creepy about it.
This is not the teenage boy staring up girls' skirts or actively staring down cleavages. And like I said, he calms down by his early twenties. Where he just gets smooth lol.
Boy is very, very charming. In every way you can imagine. He makes a great diplomat lol.
He's also equally very talented, his speciality is ninjutsu quite ironically. His control is something mind-blowing and while he doesn't possess the levels of chakra that Naruto does ... he's still biologically an Uzumaki like the rest of his siblings.
Boy's a tank.
Akihiko Uzumaki
And last but not least, for now, is Akihiko.
Akihiko has dark pink hair, which almost darkens to a very, very light red when he hits early adulthood. He's the child who most resembles Sakura facially, including the forehead. But his eyes are a glorious merge of blue and green. Honestly they're quite astounding to look at.
He's also a sweet boy, very timid and quiet.
He gets on well enough with his peers, and truthfully a lot of Naruto and Sakura's friends kids grow up kinda as one big family, so it's not like Akihiko isn't surrounded by friends but ... he likes his space.
So much so that when he learned there were Genjutsu you could use to disappear from sight? He was on that shit. It also helped that his Jonin-sensei was Mirai Sarutobi.
Mirai, Asuma and Kurenai's daughter for anyone who isn't obsessed with families like I am lol, is a very close friend of the family.
Sakura actually took a decided interest in training Mirai, along with Shikamaru and while Sakura never had a dedicated Genin team ... she was definitely a mentor to the young Sarutobi.
But his other speciality? Medical jutsu.
Akihiko very, very quickly becomes a staple of Konoha Hospital. He doesn't so much ask to follow Sakura around, he just kinda shows up and Sakura hasn't the heart to tell him to go home.
He becomes very, very good at it, very early on. And he saves his teammates' lives on more than one occasion before he even gets promoted to Chunin.
And that's the lot of them! Hope you like the next generation of Naruto and Sakura's family, I'm looking forward to writing more stories about them truth be told!
See ya later!
Chapter 18 of A Tumble In Konoha, a Sachi story - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26878372/chapters/95242972#workskin
Chapter 19 of A Tumble In Konoha, another Sachi story with mentions of Ichika and Yuuto - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26878372/chapters/95803411#workskin
Chapter 21 of A Tumble In Konoha, an Akihiko story, with all of his elder siblings mentioned - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26878372/chapters/96715851#workskin
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feitan-cl · 6 months
I really want to talk about this
The other day i rebelled against my mom and I went to a salon/barber shop💈 in a mall (I didn't go there alone, my friends accompanied me) and got an undercut without my mom's nor my dad's permission
It was... An experience
(TW: mentioned phycological abuse and the development of a new trauma?)
It was a Wednesday, I met up with my friends at the mall and after eating ice cream and stuff I told my friends to acompany me to the entrance and they went to a supermarket nearby, I just went in the barber shop and asked how much was it gonna be (i had enough money, like 100 american dollars and the price was like 14 and my self budget was like 25 dollars) then they sat me down to wash my hair and while they were doing that I texted my mom that I was at the hairdresser but she didn't respond. A few minutes later i texted her that they wee washing my hair and she also didn't see that message.
Later they sat me down on another chair and the woman that was gonna cut my hair asked what I wanted and I showed her the picture I had saved on my phone. She was nice.
I sent another message to my mom saying that it was already too late to go back (again; she didn't see it). I chatted with the hairdresser and I told her that my mom didn't approve of me getting an undercut (bc it was mainly her) and I got to brag a bit about my academical achievements (i swear there was an r in achievements, idk what happened to it) and I told her I wouldn't tell my mom who it was that cut my hair if she asked who did it (she didn't).
When she finished the haircut she handed me a mirror so that i could see how it looked (it looked good) and then she proceded to start drying my hair. When there were like 5 min left for my hair to get fully dry thats when my mom saw the messages I sent her and she said I didn't have permission and I told her that they were already drying my hair and she said that i should talk about it with my dad and so i sent him a text (which he didn't see) and i sent a text to my mom saying that i was happy with the haircut and she asked where i was and my inner clown responded "Mmm i dunno".
When my hair was fully dry i went to the front desk and payed (in cash bc i [still] have a LOT). Then i exited the place to meet my friends outside and they said that it looked very cool on me (#winning) and then i see into the distance 3 people... My mom (which i was ready to face), my youngest sister (who was running towards me with a smile plastered on her faceand her arms open, ready to hug me) and my young sister.
When I saw her I was terrified. ("oh but Fynn, she's your young sister why would you be afraid" i haven't told anyone about this [excepting her and my mom, both took it as a joke] but she abuses me phycologically so fuck off. [cuyo si lees esto no, no lo leiste.]). I froze on the spot I turned around trying to run away but i couldn't move any further than a step so I turned around, accepting my faith.
Then my youngest sister hugged me as a way of saying hi and a few seconds later my mom and young sister catched up and I said "Mom" today my mom (obviously) and then she angrily said "Do not call me 'mom'". I almost broke down on tears, that was one of the sentences I wanted to hear the least (yk, being closeted and shit), but i sucked it up and tried to keep my eyes from watering (keyword: tried) in a successful attempt to not cry in front of my youngest sister.
Then my young sister aproached me along with my mom to take a closer look to what they'd done to my hair and both said that they messed it up and that it was obviously uneven (a blatant lie). My mom then said that my dad would get mad at her for allowing me to go on my own to the hairdresser. After trying to not get affected for all their uncalled comments they left and my mom told me to tell my dad to pick me up from the mall.
I talked to my friends for a bit and then I called my dad so he would pick me up and then my friends left in a bus leaving me to wait for my dad.
When I entered the car my dad wasn't mad or anything, he took a look at my hair and said i looked good and I told him about what my mom said (the sentence "Do not call me 'mom'" still fresh in my head, but i skipped that part to avoid crying) he apologized for my mom saying that they're not very modern so it was hard for her to get used to that kinda stuff (yk, bc an undercut requires shaving hair) and and he said he would talk with my mom, and so I told him about the sentence but not how it affected me, i just noiselessly cried a few tears and whispered an apology (whispered bc my dad always scolds me when he hears me apologize to him).
We arrived home and no one was there so I went to my room waiting for my mom and sisters to come and hoping to not hear screams when they did (and my prayers were answered thank goodness). When they arrived and my mom and dad talked for a while my mom entered my room and said that i wasn't allower to pull a stunt like this ever again while i live under this roof (a stunt like this meaning things like another bold haircut, tatoos, piercings, etc [she specified the last two]) i laughed bc i didn't plan to do so and then she made me promise it and
The fucking end
Side note 1: so yeah this experience has made me realize that my young sister is like the Illumi to my Killua and my youngest sister is like the Alluka to my Killua (but my young sister isn't the Illumi to my youngest sister's Alluka)
Side note 2: and also that if I ever come out it will be first to my youngest sister, second to my dad and thirdly my mom (my young sister isn't listed here bc she kinda outed me to herself, i almost had an anxiety attack when she theatened me to tell on me if i didn't explain to her what were the flags in my [hidden] pins)
Side note 3: heres a pic of how it looked on Thursday
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It has grown a bit more since then and now it looks better (plus my camera isn't great and it looks more shaved than it actually was)
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Nick Flynn x Reader
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You have a suspicion that Nick is using again and you are worried. so what do you do. Yell but try not to cry.
"Nick! I know you're in there!!" You were currently banging on the door of nicks place which also had his roommates in there. But You really didn't care. You knew it was late at night, but you had to speak to him quick. You heard a mutter from the other side of the door. Then suddenly the door swung open showing Nick's face. "Jesus y/n, quite down will ya" He said as he stepped outside in the hallway slightly pushing you back.
"Why aren't you answering your phone! I've been texting you" You scoffed as he shrugged. "Little birdie told me you used last Friday." You crossed your arms. You were busy at your job as a waitress wiping down tables until one of your friends told you that they seen Nick passed out on some stairs and asked you if he was ok. You didn't even know he went that night. Which you had to smile and pretend everything was ok. But inside you were fucking livid.
"What are you fucking talking about" He started to roll his eyes and lean back into the door. "Don't play dumb. Are you out of your mind?" You hit his chest. "You didn't even tell me you were going out" He just smiled and started laugh sarcastically. "I was just drunk. Calm down" You just stared at him and the feeling of dread started to hit you.
Did he not care? Why was he lying? What was this all about? Growing frustrated you started to sigh heavily. This wasn't going anywhere and you let your defensives down. You looked down at the floor. "Just talk to me. You've been avoiding me lately. And im just worried-" "Can we please talk about this another night" You snapped your head up and you finally looked at Nick. He looked like shit, his eyes looked like they were hollow. His skin was paler than usual. You tried not to burst in tears right there.
"Nick Flynn, for the love of whatever god! You are killing yourself and do you really expect not to care. What-" You found yourself trying not to cry and trying to breathe properly. "W-What do you expect me to do! I- I cant" Before you knew it tears started to roll down your cheeks as you felt your chest tighten.
You let out little cry as you felt Nick pull you in a hug. "Okay okay" he mumbled as he reached around your head and pushed you against his shoulder. He knew about your past knowing your mom overdosed as a kid and you felt guilty about it. Nick told you that were still a kid but that's something you can't get rid of. The thought of finding Nick in the same position as your mother you couldn't handle that.
That thought alone make you whimper and held onto Nick tighter. "Baby. Please,don't cry." You snapped out of it when Nick slightly pulled away. His hand reached up to your face and wiped your tears. "I'm not leaving you" he nodded slowly and pushing you hair out of your face. "Kiss me please " you whined desperately. He nodded as he grabbed your chin upward and kissed you. You felt him pour comfort and love to you. You clawed at him slightly. Nick pulled away with a laugh then kissed your forehead as you felt a little lightheaded and drained out.
"Don't worry, it'll get better soon." You must have shown doubt cause he suddenly said. "I'm serious, It was just that one time. I was just stressed then." He pushed a hand through his hair and sighed. You nodded as you felt his hand rubbing little circles in your waist. "I love you" he mumbled.
"I love you too you dumbass"
a/n: I have only watched this movie once, tbh i don't remember much other than nick flynn was hot and he had some issues.also this is my first writing so thats fun!! also give me writing advice i want to do this more!! (i literally wrote this on my notes app so if you run into any problems my bad)
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