#I love my lesbian android gf
allurascastle · 2 years
Here's some other comms from @plaguebunny !
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This group comm was for our space TTRPG campaign years ago! Flat color so we could get a good look at everyone as a reference! From left to right
Neeko (PC), battle android -> Madeline (NPC), a psionic specialist and technician -> Vlad (PC), a super soldier -> Alejandra (NPC), a psionic specialist and demolition expert (and chemist) -> Diane (NPC), a super soldier with a big sister complex -> Amir (NPC), a first gen super soldier and sniper -> Maria (NPC), a super soldier and squadron leader -> Bridgit (NPC), a mute psionic specialist and lesbian -> Morialas (NPC), a psionic specialist and lesbian (yes, they're gfs) -> Mordecai (NPC), tired psionic specialist who zyooms -> Sev (NPC), vanguard with chronic migraines that make him seem broody (he and Madeline are dating) -> Elestra (PC), a psionic specialist who loves shouji and magical girl anime.
"That's a lot of NPCs," I hear you say.
"Yup. But they were fun to RP as. They had pretty distinct personalities and had known each other for years, so they had established relationships for my PCs to interact with."
"What TTRPG was it?"
"I'm gonna level with you, it was 3e D&D with 3.5 psionics sprinkled in, and homebrewed weaponry."
"What was the plot?"
"Sorry, going to keep that close because the campaign was based in a setting I was fleshing out for a book series that I may or may not write."
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And this comm was just this month! A piece for my husband, who played Vlad, with his favorite girl, Allie! They're having a movie date night ❤️
Check Plaguebunny out at DeviantArt here or Twitter, where she's more active, here!
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stvlti · 4 years
10 female characters tag
@timothydraike tagged me to post 10 favourite female characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people, but honestly this list isn't gonna be too different from my 10 fave characters list cause most of them are women anyway 😂 😂 but here you go:
Nausicäa // Nausicäa of the Valley of the Wind, Studio Ghibli
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I didn't explain it last time, but I feel like she is the prototype for all the Ghibli girl heroines, free and autonomous, except she's a young woman who knows exactly what she believes in and wants to do. She's a warrior princess who believes in peace and kindness rather than war; she listens to mother nature and tends to her garden as deftly as she handles her glider jet; she's a born leader who puts her subjects' wellbeing before her own immediate safety. This gif here shows the moment she took of her own gas mask to boost morale while they're crashing into a toxic wasteland. I don't think I've seen many representations of female leadership as compelling and utterly human as hers was before or after this film debuted in popular media.
Harley Quinn // DCU
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She's a bundle of contradictions but it's in that I find a female antivillain/antihero that feels real. Her stocky build and bit of chub in the tummy area? Real. Her slobbish habits and love for nasty junk food? Real. Her all encompassing empathy for animal welfare? Real. Disregarding the artists that draw her with too big boobs, she's so ordinary in her appearance and habits that it actually feels like she's the kind of girl that media often overlooks. She's like the manic pixie dream girl but rounded out with relatable human traits.
Tsunemori Akane // Psycho-Pass
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I related to her when I was 20 (exactly her age at the start of the series) because I was at a crossroads in life, just as she was. I was searching for my calling, just as she was trying to understand her purpose and place in society. And at that point in my life, I could appreciate the duality between abiding by the system (legal reformation) and questioning the system (dipping into revolutionary ideas). I can't see myself relating to a cop anymore now obviously, but she's a rather unique figure that I still think about.
Ava // Ex Machina (2014), filmblr
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She brings out all my post-humanist sympathies. And I think she captures a sort of queer android and Other perspective, one that the male characters feel threatened by, that women can understand well.
Maeve Millay // Westworld
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She's my murder mom. Something something about "I've died a thousand times, I'm not afraid of death" (I'm paraphrasing majorly), she's so badass. The fact that she was one of the first androids to awaken and actually challenge the humans, there's so much power in her taking her trauma in stride and moving forward nonetheless. And I think you can see a recurring theme here lolol
Lois Lane (Gotham City Garage) // DCU Elseworlds
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Perhaps this is just preserving a core attribute of her main continuity counterpart, but I absolutely adore the spirit she embodies of journalists who stay defiantly committed to truth and justice in the face of insurmountable odds. Fighting against a fascist terror regime - which hits very close to home - and keeping the broadcast going even out in the wasteland. In this last aspect she carries similarities to Dr. Death Defying's character from Gerard Way's Killjoys series, except she's a woman and she was actually fleshed out as a character with a heart and soul and a lot of gravitas. How can you not love her?
(and I forgot this was supposed to be 10 characters from 10 different fandoms until I finished this list but let's say her being an Elseworlds character counts as a different fandom 🤡🤡)
Ripley // Alien (even tho Sigourney Weaver's personal politics is a bit yikes)
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The proto-final girl and original warrior mother in sci-fi wrapped into one. (Ok, the crown for modern scifi warrior mother might have to go to Sarah Connor actually, but that's also another Cameron invention so they can share that title.) Even tho I can't relate to most of her character arc, I'm still very impressed by her character. They even touch on her PTSD a little which is unheard of in the contemporary movies at the time.
Honorary mention: Sarah Connor // Terminator
Marceline the Vampire Queen // Adventure Time
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Not the original goth gf, but she is a goth gf. Gay and aesthetics aside, I really liked that the show let her be a bit weird and gross (which she should be considering she's kind of undead) and her tragic backstory gets me every time. The best thing is she's still a big softie, who takes good care of Ice King / Simon when he's around; you don't see that kind of (grand)daughter character in media much.
Beverly Marsh // It (2017)
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I haven't read the book but tbh I liked the agency the first movie awarded her enough that I'm afraid of jeopardising it; I don't like how the book portrays / handles her sexuality. She is a survivor of csa, but she's a fighter regardless. I like that about her.
Darlene Alderson // Mr. Robot
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I honestly debated putting her on this list again since I haven't seen a single Mr. Robot episode in so long, but I do remember her character being given her own arc in S2 (and onwards I suppose) and she's a little fucked up in her own way. People look at Rami's character and get sucked in sorting through his alters but Darlene is no less complex - damaged, dangerous, and compelling.
Other honorary mentions:
Riko Sheridan // DCU (an Asian girl who isn't infantilised or reduced to the model minority? shocker!)
Missy // Colette (2018), filmblr (she's actually a real historical figure so I'm not sure if she counts. But she's so radical and ahead of her time - in fact the film seems to suggest she prefers he/him pronouns. I have never seen such intriguing butch representation and I just fell in love with her character. Worth a watch.)
Jo March // Little Women (2019), filmblr (since we're talking about historical women... well, she's a period film character but not a real one, but she's highly evocative of certain female experiences in much the same way)
Blue // The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (so I didn't wanna crowd this list with too many android ladies but she's the first queer android girl character I came across and I loved her instantly. Too bad they buried her gay but her entire concept is my aesthetic)
Rem // Death Note (I feel like I'm obligated to mention DN, too bad it has shitty writing wrt female characters, that's why I have no choice but to stan the lesbian monster gf friend who is so in love with her gal pal she would die for her. Ugh, poetic cinema)
Ok now I am gonna tag @lawliyeeeet @sweetgloss @dressed-to-keehl @3dnygma @hikenacedabi and anyone else who wants to I guess
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moonlightcookie · 4 years
ok heres my reuploaded n expanded mayu headcanon list. also ripped straight from my old blog
◆she’s pretty short, like 5ft2
◆since she’s an android, she can change her body shape/size at will, but normally just takes her regular short nd slim form
◆even tho shes marketed as 15 by exittunes bc they dumb LOL, she celebrates her own birthdays and ages accordingly, so she’s 22 now
◆she’s a bit of a crybaby
◆her favourite colours are black and red, but she also really likes pink, blue, and purple
◆really likes pastel colours, esp pastel pink and blue
◆her favourite food is strawberries
◆she also really likes red velvet cake. and sweets in general
◆her whole diet is pretty shit actually lmao. she usually likes to eat sweets nd junk food. also a lot of pasta and bread
◆she doesnt really care for meat or vegetables
◆she’s a LOT stronger than she looks (probably due to being an android)
◆her best friend and gf is tei sukone. she’s also great friends with rin and mew
◆big lesbian
◆she has depression, anxiety, and bpd
◆even tho she’s an android, she (and all other vocaloids) are biologically similar to humans, which is how they can have mental illnesses, allergies, emotions, etc.
◆her axe has magical properties. like she can essentially transform it into whatever item she wants. like a pen, an umbrella, etc. she just nornally keeps it as an axe bc axes are cool lmao ( i made a doodle on this here )
◆the rainbow part of her hair faintly glows in the dark
◆she REALLY loves animals
◆she has a bunch of stuffed animals, and basically collects them. her favourite is mimi usano
◆she also collects ribbons
◆she sews some of her own clothing and all of her stuffed animals’ clothing. she likes to match with them
◆she doesnt need to eat or drink to live, but she likes to do it anyway. also eating and drinking energizes her so its a bonus
◆she (and other vocas) need to sleep and rest….basically recharge themselves
◆she really likes nature and frequently takes walks
◆her favourite book genres are murder mysteries and romance novels. she also has a guilty pleasure for basic teen drama books
◆ also loves trashy reality tv LOL (stuff like flavor of love, catfished)
◆her fave movie genre is horror
◆her fave kinds of games to play are boardgames, rpgs, simulation games, puzzle games, horror/mystery games, text games, clicker games, collecting games/collectathons, nd dress up games. she also likes to play old shitty flash games
◆she loves drama in general, esp watching it. sometimes she even likes to participate lmaoo
◆she’s really nosy nd loves 2 gossip
◆she’s also an attention seeker. she fuckin THRIVES off attention
◆she’s super clingy, dramatic, and emotional
◆she’s really into fashion nd design
◆she LOVES miniatures. she really likes to watch those miniature food videos
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icekirbys · 6 years
me @ noah: hey rule 63 tng except they’re ALL wlw
here’s my suggestions, I take constructive criticisms: 
tasha - THE SAME. CHANGE NOTHING. what a valid butch lesbian troi - femme bi/poly trans woman I Love Her geordi - just geordi but a woman. still lacks basic flirting abilities. she’s the - well she kissed me and asked me on a date but I’m not sure she like-likes me - type wlw. short hair for sure. I'd say pan ace worf - nb butch lesbian. but butch for a klingon so basically she bottoms. she’s tallest of the tng crew, but short for a klingon, definitely shorter than all her gfs data - LITERALLY the same but a woman. nb android body (probably rounder more androgynous face but whatever) uses she/her pronouns to the confusion of cis males who just assume she would use he/him. my personal headcanon is demi-pan but could also be lesbian lore - has boobs and thinks that makes her superior. aro and a flirt riker - chad lesbian. tall and stocky, but still femmish. but short hair. oh my god she's so valid. probably regularly causes political uproar by seducing and sleeping with a princess who was betrothed to a prince. that princess? she's a lesbian now. picard - grumpy old french lesbian. what could be more valid? shaved head? I'm a fan of changing as little as possible tbf. literally unphased by men flirting but will trip and fluster if a woman flirts with her Q - starts off exactly the same as canon, but sees everyone is a woman so decides to be a woman too. probably uses they/them bev - thinks/claims she's straight but cmon. picard's RIGHT THERE wes - literally the same but a he/him lesbian guinan - already a lesbian
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unbanned-rescue-cat · 6 years
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SO HEY! Since it’s Hugtto weekend (And therefore, a lot of the other ‘H’ titles finishing... Hanebado, Harukana Receive and even Hataraku Saibou), I’ve been thinking of what to rant about.
So while doing the latest Emiruru pic, I thought to myself ‘There has been other pairings of little girl + robot gf, right???’ It isn’t really a new trope. (But i refuse to use TV Tropes, cuz that would have been WAY TOO easy.)
And then I remembered Alyssa and Miyu in Mai-Hime, another great anime (with a shitty manga, don’t you argue with me, it threw all the female empowerment and feminism in the anime and made it into a fucking harem manga. TATE IS A FREAKIN’ ~KEY~ TO ~OPEN~ THE GIRLS. Burn. Burn it.) 
As an overview, Alyssa and Miyu can be viewed as antagonists in the series (it’s been so long, sue me). All you need to know is that Alyssa is a test-tube baby and really is used as an ace for the Mai-Hime Festival, and the one who really looked after her and acknowledged her as a human being is Miyu, an android girl / guardian 
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What really hit it for me these two is how close they are. In the anime, Natsuki and Shizuru, the canon lesbian pairing, can be seen multiple times together, albeit Shizuru is a bit creepy in her approach. (Natsuki doesn’t seem to mind). Whereas, Alyssa and Miyu seems to go off into a world of their own when they are alone, with Alyssa singing in some grassy meadow with Miyu listening. 
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Kinda reminds you of a certain pair.
Either way, things gets rather interesting later, and Miyu retreats from a battle with an injured Alyssa. Keep in mind though, that I wasn’t even invested in the ‘mismatched pair’ ship at the time NOR of its existence. But the scene with Alyssa dying in Miyu’s arms? With those small hands caressing and trying to comfort a machine? 
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IT HURTS MAN! IT REALLY HURTS! Not to mention the accompanying music to go with it, Miyu’s anguished scream and the sad, sad falling snow.  Of course, the ending and spin-offs showed a much happier ending, but I don’t want their end cheapened like THAT. 
I liked the fact that both android girls main connection to their partners is music. Although different genres, Alyssa being choir music while Emiru loves her rock and pop, there is no denying how much Miyu and Ruru enjoyed listening to them.
So yeah, I have no point going with this random rant other than knowing the existence of mismatched pair. (Which i also just recently learned in pixiv, since peopled tagged my Emiruru pics.)  I thought it was only in regards of age or even human and non-human partners, or even in size and height. 
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findingoblivion · 7 years
@tsunderrated @peachyydeer @beach-death @peachyydeer @me-and-my-railgun @meloetta @shogas @righteoussness @spacebikergang @akiraamon @tortamon @enby-weeb @endreal @energyprison @genderpunch @lesbianlenin @bikebutch @the-transfeminine-mystique @lavender-manna @whointhehell @bunny-gf @slipknots @lilac-android @kakashifromaccountingclass @scorpiogothgf @mojav @moemilkk @hawksaw @opossume @cybersprice @nootvanlis @novice-heartbreaker @poohbearbutwithagun @howls @cuttingboard-chan @cherribean @bikanel @wishcircuit @steampunkscarecrow @latency-chan @iamthebestby2ne1 @shinyfurret @karnalover @cardcaptorscout @azami-lesbian-of-scrolls @moxperidot @isohiko @thespeedycricket @thatsodraven @plantwitch @happiersharks @lmaonade @shansey @johnathon @sourcandeyes @sexyminecraftgirlfriend @mejaisoulstealer @hi-im-kairi @lorkhaj @foosili @motivation-shark  @syrinfin @syukoshiomy @stefanodont @boethiah @jollibun
i hope ya’ll know that i love you all lots and that you’re all the very best and that i hope everything goes amazing with you in the future and if yall ever need to vent my inbox is always open you’re all truly wonderful amazing people whom i love so much!!!!!
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Have some hc's about me and the main Jericho gang being dweebs cuz I love my friends
•North and Simon are 110% the friends that act like my parents and Josh is the overprotective nervous brother who doesn't approve of any of my choices
•North will give me a butterfly knife for my birth day for 'protection' (Markus doesn't appreciate this and Simon and Josh worry I might hurt myself with it accidentally)
•Simon is the mom friend so he'll fret over me like a mother hen and always worry about my health
•"Humans are fragile and can get sick very easily, your immune system is not very strong either."
•"How do you if my immune system is strong or not?"
•"I scanned you."
•"Can y'all stop scanning me on my lord like please."
• He'll keep scanning me anyway because he is Concerned
• Josh will bug me about my work and if I've finished it and will sit down and help me if he can
• He'll always complain North and I gang up on him
• Which we 100% absolutely do
• Markus will tell us not to but he makes it s o e a s y
• Simon knits and he knit everyone sweaters and I never take mine off
• Markus has to pry it off me when he's doing laundry, he tickles me so he can get it off me
• I pout and sit in front of the washing machine until it's done
• Simon's face always lights up when he sees me wearing it
• North will teach me some fighting techniques and the weak spots on the human body
• She also has soft moments tho she's not just a violent person
• She cares a lot and she loves to cuddle and watch dumb romcoms with me
• She likes when I play with her hair and put it up into different hairstyles
• She'll let me lay my head in her lap and pet my head softly
• She'll fight anyone who upsets me and buy me ice cream after
• Simon will teach me how to knit and I'll 'teach' him how to dance
• He ends up dancing way better than me
• Josh will help me keep my schedule and can always make me feel better about my decisions
• If anyone beside North or I messes with Josh North and I kick their butts
• No one messes with the nerd but us
• We have game nights and the number one game is Mario kart
• I introduce North to tekken and she loves it
• I'll usually be in Markus' lap or sitting at his feet
• Or North and I will be sitting right in front of the TV with fire in our eyes because We Must Win
• Simon will go shopping with me and Markus and Simon will pick out pretty dresses and outfits for me
• Markus will thank him repeatedly as I walk out and model the cute clothes with a bashful smile
• I'm all three of their wingmans because I am always the cupid of my friend group even if I don't wanna be akskfkfkskjf
• North is an aggressive lesbian so I get her a lovely gf
• Simon is getting a strong yet gentle bf
• And Josh will get a cat or something because ace/aro Josh anyone??
• Lucy lives in a lovely cottage with animals and abandoned android children who she loves and takes care if and we visit her all the time
• She'll tease Markus and I and makes us both flustered because she can articulate the things we can't say out loud (like how much we adore each other)
• She'll be very proud of North and her progression from 'humans should die' to 'I would die for this human'
• Josh and Simon will be very calm in her presence and Simon will probably sit with her and read a book while Josh shows her fun phone apps
• Markus will treat her like a sister and be very attentive towards her, he respects and looks up to her
• She is another Cool Mom who I adore
• She'll make us charms too keep us safe and give us good luck and we'll all treat them like glass
• We love Lucy
• Lucy asking Markus when he's gonna ask me to marry him and he nearly falls over
• I, actually fall over
• North and Josh are laughing their asses off and Simon tries to hide his smile
• Lucy tells him she was joking but winks at me and I know she definitely was not ajsjfjgjg
• Lucy giving me stuff to help me sleep because ya girl stays up until 3 am like a dumb
• North taking us all bungee jumping and me and her being big adrenaline junkies and doing dangerous stuff and giving the boys heart attacks
• Simon nearly sticks too me afterwards because omg you nearly died
• sleepovers are the best because we always end up in a big sleep pile even tho they don't need to sleep
• They do it cuz it makes me happy and they like cuddling
• You bet I'm a fight anyone who says anything bad to them
• Markus has to physically hold me back otherwise bitches would be catching my hands
• He understands why I'm angry but I have to be the bigger person and blah blah
• North is just gonna fight them anyway why can't I
• akskfkfkskskakdjf anyway yeah this was dumb I love my friends
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anicegaykid · 6 years
who dis?
#firstpost seems more daunting than it needs to be. Got myself all creative blocked up so here is a little diddy to get to know me better.. 
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Are you named after anyone?
I am actually named after Jessica Wakefield from Sweet Valley High
When was the last time you cried?
tbh, I tend to flip from emotionless to SUPER emotional like 0-60. Sometimes no response, sometimes (like this afternoon) I see a beautiful pond surrounded in nature, being natural and beautiful, water sparkling in the sunshine and the tears just roll.
Do you have kids? If no, how many do you want?
No kids atm, but a couple kiddos would be nice in the near future
If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
..like.. what.. ? am I just like a duplicate of me? Like am I the same person I am now and would I be friends with someone JUST like me? Or am I someone else? Who am I? Like, I enjoy spending time on my own? 
Bottom line, I like me. 
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
eyes, smile, lips, face bone structure
What is your eye color?
blue, sometimes they get a little grey
Scary movie or happy endings?
Favorite smells?
Citrus, patchouli, cut grass, peaches and strawberries
Do you have any special talents?
Talents include: fantastic with horses, very good dog mom, I can cook frozen pizzas to perfection -- if I don’t get distracted, designing queer tees, i can roll a pretty decent j, solid problem solver, got some wit and can be funny. 
Where were you born?
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
What’s your zodiac sign? Do you believe in it?
Leo; I mean it IS surprisingly accurate like all the time. 
What are your hobbies?
I am kind of in between hobbies right now.. I dabble in some things. I go to the gym like more than average, but I would like to go more - said everyone ever. I’d like to hike more, camp more, build more things out of pallets, you know.. the usual
Do you have any siblings?
I have a 21 year old brother and a 14 year old sister.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Life is pretty great tbh, I’d like to continue being happy with my little fam
Who was your first best friend?
My first best friend would have to be my cousin, Brittany. Like a sister.
How tall are you?
What is the least favourite thing about yourself?
I wish I was a lot better at expressing how I feel. 
Things that still bother me - my wife and I had a discussion about proposals and who would ask who. We landed on me asking her, which I did and am SO happy about, but the reason behind it being that I am so poor at expressing emotions that she was afraid it would affect her confidence in my response. 
For a first TMI moment of the blog, I have so much anxiety in my ability to express myself that I can’t even manage to make any “noise” during sex. Doesn’t even matter that I am my most comfortable self with her, STILL struggle. A work in progress for me I guess. 
Funniest moment throughout School?
There was a time when we were at a beach party when I was 17, the RCMP showed up to break it up and snag any and all intoxicated minors they could. The tide had recently come in, but where we were was a little dip in the side of the cliff so the path back to the road was water-covered. So someone peeks around the cliff to see the two Mounties wading through the water. This party crew are country-folk and are 100% ready for this situation with a wooden ladder that leads up the side of the cliff into a field close to where all the vehicles are parked. As party-goers are running through the field to cars, someone shouts, “PIT PARTY” and everyone heads towards the local Pit. Along the way someone with a truck steals a round bale from a field and uses it to create the BIGGEST bonfire I’ve ever seen. 
How many countries have you visited?
like ~10
What was your favourite/worst subject in High School?
I struggled with math but funny enough my career path has led me to a life in the casino so I do math daily and enjoy it very much!
My favourite courses in High School were Conservation and Agricultural Science. 
What is your Favourite drink? Animal? Perfume?
Coke Zero Cherry
Karma by Lush
What would you (or have you) name your children?
I really like Posy, Daisy, Freddie and Loren
What Sports do you play/Have you played?
I used to Figure Skate, Horseback Ride, Ringette
Who are some of your favourite YouTubers?
I’ve always been a Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart, Hannah Hart fan
I like Phil DeFranco for news, Pewds for some lulz, love me some Tyler Oakley, Whitney Simmons and Chloe Ting to work the booty, Vox for learning, FunForLouis has some BEAUTIFUL imagery and plays to the traveler side of me and I recently discovered Will Smith’s channel and cannot get enough!
How many Girlfriends/Boyfriends have you had?
I have had an unsettling amount of bfs for a lesbian, but 2 of them really stand out as being genuinely decent guys and I would still hang out with, platonically, to this day.
I have had a grand total of 4 gfs, I married the fourth bc I got LUCKY AS HECK!
Favourite memory from childhood?
The day I got my first puppy.
One time I was gifted a horse for Christmas bc my Dad felt so bad that I had to have my first pony put down earlier that year. 
I also was old enough to remember both my siblings being born!
How would you describe your fashion sense?
tom boy hyper femme 
What phone do you have? (iOS v Android?)
Tell us one of your bad habits!
I bite my nails and chew my cuticles
3 things that upset you?
excessive force
did I say inequality?
3 things that make you happy?
My animals
How is your relationship with parents?
My Mom is one of my best friends in this world! My Dad is an odd case, he struggles with my sexuality, I understand that it is because of where and when he grew up, he is never outwardly rude or mean to me, he’s a quiet country guy, he was at our wedding, he gave me away with my Mom, he’s kind to Olivia, he’s kind to me, he doesn’t understand but recognizes that it is real. I love my Dad, I really do. I’m proud of my Mom for educating him and ensuring that he is present and polite. I get frustrated from time to time and I have cried a lot of tears about it. Our relationship can be strange but at the same time hasn’t changed. He’s been a great Dad and he’ll be a fantastic Grampy. I have to check myself because there are people who are much worse off than me. I get jealous of Olivia sometimes because her Dad is so sweet to her and treats me like a daughter so easily, but my Dad has never been the soft spoken lovey type. We’ve hugged twice in my life. One of them was when I was leaving for England with a one way ticket and no foreseeable return plans and one was when he was jokingly blocking my path and I used it as a disarming mechanism to scoot through. 
What’s on your mind?
All I can think about today is the fact that I became an aunt at 5AM this morning and I’m going to see his later this afternoon. I SO excited!
What’s your talent?
troubleshooting queen.
naturally creative to my own surprise.
One word that describes you?
What’s your favourite quotes?
No Pride for some of us without liberation for all of us . Marsha P Johnson
We way too fly to partake in all this hate, we out here vibin’ . Ariana Grande
Any pets?
4 dogs:
Finnley - Great PyreneesXAustralian Shepard
Effie - Border CollieX
Shiro - DacshundXMiniature Australian Shepard
Moose - Great PyreneesXFinnley
2 Cats:
Priya - long haired tabby, kinda sorta Ragdoll’esque
Punkin - short haired orange tabby with a poofy tail
2 Beta Fishies:
King Push & Todd
What is the farthest you’ve been from home?
I lived in England for 2 years & travelled Europe for a month
Are you an extrovert or introvert?
I think TECHNICALLY an introvert?  I can be v extroverted but I really need time to recharge. Recharging for me is being home with my comforts. My wifey, doggos, snacks and Netflix.
Are you left or right handed?
Right hander
Do you consider yourself a good cook?
Like.. sort of? I don’t cook much but when I do I always surprise myself with how well I do lol
Does your name have a special meaning?
It means my Mother was 18 when she had me and REALLY liked Sweet Valley High
If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday?
2 weeks away from home/work, road trip to Halifax for the fertility clinic, get started on a baby and then fly off to one of those tropical cabins on the water. 
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I would love to have a few homes! A winter getaway BC. A condo in Halifax, NS and a cute little hobby farm here in PEI in some rolling hills somewhere in between Kensington and Charlottetown. 
What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast?
I love chocolate chip waffles/pancakes, French style pastry breakfast, and when I’m feeling fab, some eggs benny on smoked salmon with a couple mimosas on the side. 
What’s your favourite gadget?
I just got a Fitbit so thats been pretty exciting, aside from that, my phone is on me at like all times. 
What’s your longest relationship so far?
My current one. We’re about to hit 4 years together, married for a little over a month. 
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aretherelesbians · 7 years
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Are There Lesbians? Yes
What Happens: Androids are built by YoRHa to fight the machines and take back earth for humans. In this JRPG you play as androids 2B, 9S and A2 as they battle for earths future.
The Verdict: I think it’s safe to say that NieR: Automata is now one of my favourite games. It was certainly the best I played (read, started) in 2017, and I played Life is Strange: Before the Storm and I love that series, so you know it’s serious.
The gameplay in NieR: Automata is really interesting. For the most part it plays like a reasonably standard hack n slash RPG but the gameplay changes depending on who you play as. I also enjoyed being able to combine ranged pod attacks with melee attacks. For this reason I liked playing as 2B and A2 the most. Many of the hacking minigames involved when you play as 9S are required to beat enemies and I was incredibly bad at them. In fact, I would often change my difficulty level to easy (thank goodness you can do that in battle) because I just got so frustrated with constantly dying. That being said, the hacking minigames where there were only static blocks to break were very satisfying. Basically any time I'm being shot at and not on the ground was a stressful time for me. I really like being able to hack and slash and shoot and then cartwheel away.
I did find some of the set controls a bit difficult - a lot of the buttons are close together and I often accidentally changed weapons when I just wanted to heal myself! In long battles, holding the trigger down to shoot while also jamming on the light and heavy attacks did make my wrist hurt. I'm planning to play it again and might try reconfiguring the controls, there are a few forums which recommend it, in fact.
I know this because I loved NieR: Automata so much that when I finished I immediately went and looked through the wiki. It turns out its actually part of a series and now I want to track down the previous game, however I am annoyed because apparently there were two versions and the "real" version was only released in Japan?! It's so rude. I didn't know this until I finished the game, however, so I very much enjoyed trying to find out as much backstory as I could through talking to people and discovering certain records scattered throughout the map. Speaking of the map, I really like a nice detailed map and I was disappointed to find that the map actually expands further than where you can explore - why is it there if I can't go visit? I'm a total completionist so this was very frustrating for me. In the same vein, before/after certain story events you can no longer do some of the quests unless you go back. After you finish the game you can unlock "debug" mode and chapter select which allows you to go back to each chapter, but for reasons which shall remain  untold, I no longer have any of my save files and don’t have this feature any more. I don't have any real regret to be honest as I am already looking forward to playing through the entire game again! I'm in such a slump having finished it – NieR: Automata is all I want to play, but also I want to have a bit of time away from it to think about it, and also play other things because... I finished the game? And I have so many games to play?
With the gameplay discussion over let’s get to the real stuff - representation. There were a good amount of lesbians in NieR: Automata, although the representation of women in general was a bit… eh (2B pantyshots I’m looking at you… wait, that came out wrong…). This isn’t to say that the women in the game were particularly helpless or that they suffered from the sexy angry stereotype. The majority of characters in the game are women, and I greatly appreciate that. It’s just that a lot of the outfits felt like they came straight from male fetishes. Why does the split in 2B skirt have to go so high and why does she flash us every time she jumps? I’ve played Bayonetta and I can respect a lady who likes to dress sexy, but the appearance of many of the androids like 2B and A2 doesn’t make them look particularly… old, and that bothers me a little. Especially when you just know there’s got to be a lot of porn of them out there.
While NieR: Automata leans towards objectification of its leading ladies, the lesbians were strangely untouched by this trope. They were so good!!! My favourite is the conversation between 2B and her operator 6O where 6O is sad because a girl she liked rejected her, it was so cute! There is also a very moving quest that you can do where you have to go and find out what happened to an androids girlfriend! I strongly suspect that there is more to the A2 and Andromeda relationship that isn’t explicitly stated, but there is enough explicit wlw romance that I don’t mind just keeping that as a headcanon (though I also really want more of that back-story, GIVE ME THE BACKSTORY). As I mentioned, the representation of women has a lot to be desired but I really liked the handling of the wlw relationships, they were romantic without being gratuitous, and didn’t feel like they were being shoe-horned in to increase sales or anything (wow, the bar is so low). Like the rest of the game, the characterisation and storylines of the wlw characters was near perfect.
Despite the GF dubbing it “The Loud Panty Game,” NieR: Automata has earned a very large place in my heart, to the point where my obsession with it may soon rival that of Kingdom Hearts. It is a beautifully made game and ticks all my boxes – gameplay, aesthetics and storyline. If you only play one game from 2017 (sorry LiS: Beyond the Storm), make sure that it is NieR: Automata.
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devildykewashere · 7 years
There’s a lot I want to say about Automata, but one of my favorite things about it is how many lesbians there are (or at least women with girlfriends, or had one at some point). Not only that, just how naturally integrated they are. Their relationships just exist as part of them, they just go “oh yeah that’s for my girlfriend” or “my girlfriend’s name was (x)” and how competent and cool in their own ways they all are. And about 95% of the women you find easily drop the big GF word at some point; I can only remember a couple women specifically talking about a guy and/or with one.
Most of them are competent combatants and/or witty and/or have a skillset utilized by everyone else well or interestingly. 
And the fact that Yoko Taro has said in interviews that yes, that is what it is, and “Why include gay people?” his response was essentially “Because they’re people? I dunno if you noticed that.” 
Can we get more of this please? Like, pretty pretty please? It genuinely meant a lot to me and severely increased my joy in an already incredible title. I don’t need a possible romance with a companion character I may or may not like but that’s the only chance I get. I just need my lesbian android SWAT team existing in that state and loving it.
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zsebeger · 8 years
yeah sure why not
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
morning, sunshine
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
a lot of things, mostly love
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
of course
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
i always mess up
7. What does your last received text say?
good morning!
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
i lost counting
9. Where was your last kiss at?
uh i think in my dorm room or in the lift
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
i don’t have a sister so never and always?
11. What do you drink in the morning?
12. Where did you sleep last night?
in my wonderful bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
i think they are the hardest thing we have to deal with but the same time the most amazing and wonderful and beautiful and they are the best thing of all
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
maybe we should go on a trip or something, we should travel a bit
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
it would be pretty awesome, actually
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
depends on my mood, i hate when the sun reaches my skin so i’d say rainy, but after a few rainy and clouded days i get sad
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
not really
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
i’m in bed, i don’t wear pants
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
20. Does anyone like you?
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
i have no idea, i don’t really think so
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
i think maybe not, but she’s not sure
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
there are a lot of people i can’t stand
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
i have two but i want some more
25. In the past week have you cried?
uhh i don’t know. i’d say yes because i usually cry but i think i had a pretty good week
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
chinese chrested dog, she left my bed a few minutes ago
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
half in and half out maybe
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
if you mean a ‘professional’ dickhead, no. but my gf likes to play football so
29. Do you think you’re old?
30. Do you like text messaging?
i’d prefer calls, but you can’t always call someone yet text messages are timeless, you can talk all day, so yeah, i like them
31. What type of day are you having?
idk yet, i’m still in bed, i didn’t have my morning coffee, so it could be anything
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
yes but decided it wouldn’t suit me
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
neither, i love spring weather
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
yes i have a gay friend and some random characters i love
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
37. What song are you listening to?
Rockabye because my gf listened to it two days ago and it’s stuck in my head
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
yes, because i say it very rarely
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
yes, maybe two
40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
that she is... i think i started to like her because she is life, she is the sun
41. When did you last receive a text message?
40 minutes ago maybe
42. What is wrong with you right now?
43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
deeply :D
44. Does anyone disgust you?
a lot of people
45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
i’m dating someone, so if they weren’t her, then no.
46. Are you in a good mood right now?
47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
probably my mom
48. What color shirt are you wearing?
49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
people always tell me thing i don’t want to hear
50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
no, i’m dating her
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
53. Do you like rain?
54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
yes, especially if she did it without me
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
i think so
56. Do you like to cuddle?
57. Are you shy?
i guess
58. Do you get along with girls?
i guess
59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
currently dating her
60. What do you carry with you at all times?
my phone, and i have this thing for Persephone, it’s like a rosary
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
no, i was really sure about no. but here we are, more than 1,5 years with her
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
yes, i love it
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
i don’t remember the other two
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?   
i usually do it myself
68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?   
neither, but if i have to, leopards
69. Do you have any stickers on your car?   
yes, two reining stickers, girls in cowboy hats performing a sliding stop  (with a horse, of course)
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?   
71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    
72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?   
i can’t remember
73. Do you like diet soda?   
not really
74. What color are the walls in your room?   
green, with bricks and ivy leaves
75. Are you 16 or older?  
older 76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?   
77. Do you have a job?   
not yet
  78. What are your initials?   
N.C. or G.G.
79. Did you ever have braces?  
yes, it was cool 80. Are you from the south?   
i don’t think hungary counts as south
81. What does your last status on facebook say?   
i can’t remember, i don’t post much on fb since we’re together
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?
no   83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?
mom   84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?
not really   85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?
Fantastic Beasts    <3   86. Do you smoke?
rarely cigarillos 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?
heels   88. Is your phone touch screen?
yeah   89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?
sadly it’s curly   91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?
lake or pool   92. Have you ever made out in a car?
sure, who didn’t   93. …Had sex in a car?
i think yes   94. Are you single or in a relationship?
relationship   95. What were you doing last night at midnight?
talking to my gf? idk   96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?
two days ago   97. Do you like the camera on your phone?
yeah, kinda   98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?
one time almost, but she turned out to be my girlfriend 99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?
   uhm maybe 100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?
don’t think so   101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?
hah you know i’m a lesbian, right?   102. Name your favorite Kesha song:
   timber, and huh i think she has  a song from that  Not Literally made a parody 103. Do you have any tan lines right now?
don’t think so   104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?
i’m not sure that i didn’t wear that already, but i sure wear cowboy boots with miniskirt, or riding shoes with shorts so
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babymyleopard · 6 years
I was tagged by my dear friend @yournotpshipper <3 since I too am procrastinating, I’m going to answer this long-ass thing :)
Are you a morning or night person? Night, but I can’t sleep much so I pay the price of being awake 16+ hours a day
Are you afraid of the dark? Not really
Are you an extrovert or introvert? Both? I feel intimidated in some occasions and close myself, but in general I can be social... it depends on my mood and the ppl I’m with
Are you double jointed? I’m quite flexible, yeah
Are you left or right handed? Both. But I use the right more than the left
Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one? My mother is a Virgo so you can imagine I can’t stand a messy and/or dirty place
Are you on time or always late? I like to be a little early though everyone in Rio is always late........
Are you ticklish? Not really
Can you curl your tongue? No (but I can do some good things with it - SORRY)
Can you ice skate? *Fanny Brice’s voice* can I ice skate?? No, I can’t (never tried tbh)
Can you wiggle your ears? No
Coffee or tea? Both
Cookies, cake or donuts? CAKE
Did you ever participate in a talent show? Yes and I won the best lyrics
Did you go to prom? Nope
Did you like school? I loved my school from 5th to 8th grade! I hated high school tho
Do you believe in ghosts? “yo no creo en las brujas pero que las hay, las hay” 
Do you bite your nails? never did
Are you a good cook? Yes babe
Do you enjoy dancing? Dancing like an idiot dad (aka David Bowie) is my favourite sport  
Do you enjoy DIY or crafts? I wish I had more time/ space/ money to do more
Do you forgive easily? I ignore easily, I don’t know if I forgive (and never forget)
Do you have a nickname? My mother has lots of shorts for my name, in general ppl call me May
Do you have any allergies? Dust, strong smells, insect bites, queerbaiting (I had to keep it haha)
Do you have any phobias? does the despise of cishet ppl count?
Do you have any piercings or tattoos? piercings, two sets in each ear, but I can’t use earrings anymore bc it hurts :/
Do you have children? It’s not in my plans like for ever.
Do you have pets? the most beautiful cat, she lives with my mother and I miss her
Do you have siblings? A half-sister, older than me (I don’t really like her tho)
Do you prefer dogs or cats? Cats, slightly 
Do you prefer Mac or PC? Do you think I have money for mac? (I’ll keep this bc #Mood)
Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? Well I’ve never been on a mountain, but since I don’t like warm weather I’d say a beach on a cloudy day maybe  
Do you prefer to bath or shower? I haven’t entered on a bath since I was baby because only rich people own bath tubes. (LMAO your answers are so good)
Do you sing in the shower? Yes, I’m Barbra Streisand in the shower honey.
Do you smoke? Yes, cigarettes are good for you.
Do you speak any different languages? English and a little Spanish (my first language is Portuguese)
Do you still have your wisdom teeth? Actually only two came out, they’re still there
Do you still watch cartoons? Not really, but I like Adventure Time
Do you/have you played any sports? I hated PE back in school
Does your name have a special meaning? Yes. It’s tupi and means “Old Lady”, which is totally accurate and fits me well 
Have you ever been hospitalized? Never.
Have you ever been on a diet? From 6 to 11 years-old
Have you ever been to a concert? Not huge ones, but yes, many
Have you ever gone camping? nope
Have you ever met any celebrities? Yes, casually and in meet & greets tho
Have you ever skipped class? A few times
Have you ever won something? Yes, maybe twice 
Have you had braces? no, I wouldn’t do it even if needed tbh
How are you feeling right now? Quite ok, thank you
How tall are you? 172 cm
If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday? A trip to Italy.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Idk, really...
Were you ever a scout or a brownie? No
What city were you born in? Rio de Janeiro.
What did you last eat? Sesame seed biscuits with cream cheese.
What did you want to be when you were younger? An actress, a singer, a biologist, a journalist... many things 
What do you do on a typical Friday night? Wish I had a wife to go out with lmao
What is one food that you refuse to eat? Quinoa
What is one item on your bucket list? A girlfriend
What is one item you can’t live without? Music
What is your shoe size? 36 BR (6 US), yes, really small feet
What movie have you watched repeatedly? Bringing Up Baby and Ninotchka!
What phone do you have (Apple or Android)? Android.
What should you be doing right now? Studying.
What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year? having a gf
What’s one of your pet peeves? People who stand in the walkway, who talk too loud, people in general
What’s the last song you’ve listened to? Valentine’s Day by David Bowie (playing now actually)
What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own? probs my mom jeans (100 bucks), my clothes are not expensive at all, I’m poor
What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without? Cigarettes and water.
What’s your best physical feature? My long long legs, my hair... I like the way I look tbh
What’s your Chinese sign? Rooster
What’s your current obsession? Women
What’s your dream car? none
What’s your favourite animal? Felines
What’s your favourite book? Orlando by Virginia Woolf
What’s your favourite colour? pastel blue
What’s your favourite dessert? Ice cream
What’s your favourite drink? Coffee and whisky
What’s your favourite food? Pasta, any type of pasta!
What’s your favourite foreign food? well, Italian food is my fav, but I also love Mexican, Arab and Indian spices
What’s your favourite gadget? my laptop? I don’t have so much stuff tho
What’s your favourite hobby? reading, singing, drawing, cooking...
What’s your favourite movie? Holiday (1938)
What’s your favourite restaurant? Honey I’m poor I usually cook my own food but when I eat out (I’m trying not to do a Lesbian jk here) it’s like fast food or some cheap-but-clean place
What’s your favourite sandwich? Pork meat and cheese with salad and lime mayonnaise (also Juliana’s late’s father ham, cheese and egg fried sandwich)
What’s your favourite season? Our so-called winter, which is less-heated weather 
What’s your favourite series / TV show? Downton Abbey, MFMM, Grace & Frankie, MasterChef...
What’s your favourite snack? F R I E S
What’s your favourite sport to watch? Football (what the Yankees call ‘soccer’), volleyball, gymnastics, I like to watch many sports, I just don’t like to get tired doing them
What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast? I don’t eat in the morning, really, but I like toast with jam and butter, grilled cheese sandwich... I just need a black coffee tho.
What’s your full name? Mayara Abrahão da Eira 
What’s your longest relationship so far? almost three years - terrible three years
What’s your lucky number? 16
What’s your star sign? Leo.
When is your birthday? August 3rd
Which city did you grow up in? Rio de Janeiro
Which city do you live in now? Rio de Janeiro
Who do you miss right now? David Bowie
Who is your celebrity crush? Only one?? Helen Mirren, Gillian Anderson, Jemma Redgrave, Raquel Cassidy, Catherine Russell........ I’m a Huge Lesbian, come on 
Who’s your favourite fictional character? Bernie Wolfe (Holby City), Alice (Alice in Wonderland) or Susan (Bringing Up Baby)
I’ll tag anyone who wants to do it :)
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stvlti · 6 years
10 favourite female* characters
Since we're doing tag memes again on this blog I figured why not update my favourite characters list while I'm at it? Last time I did a similar list it was for anime characters only, so I thought why not make it women-themed this time?
(I know IWD/IWW has already passed but I haven't posted anything for it on here this year so please let me have this)
This isn't a real tag meme so absolutely no pressure, but I'd like it if y'all shared your favourite fem characters too! I nominate:
@boatiechat @sapphicdeathnote @lawliyeeeet @sweetgloss @hayatibobby @3dnygma @setfa
(*) female = any characters confirmed canonically to be fem-aligned. Let's goooo
Akane Tsunemori [Psycho Pass]
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I still love her, she's alike me in so many ways back when I watched this series. I think the coming of age aspect (in a political and philosophical sense) really resonated with me.
Maeve Millay [Westworld]
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She's so badass *__* I still have yet to watch Season 2 but I hope I get around to it sometime before Mr. Robot S4 comes out! Speaking of which...
Darlene Alderson [Mr. Robot]
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I just love how she fucks with the MPDG archetype, and the tongue in cheek Lolita references too. And anyway you already know I love a complex, amoral female character
Ava [Ex Machina]
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I guess... I kinda like the idea of her moreso than her character (since her character's got a pretty simple arc). But hell yeah give me all the android ladies who break free of man's exploitation (you seeing a theme here yet? hehe)
Nausicäa [Nausicäa of the Valley of the Wind]
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Another character who is so important to me as a coming of age character. She's probably my favourite Ghibli girl protagonist...
Harley Quinn [New Earth]
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Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of the Gang of Harley's (New 52 onwards), but it's her personality in the original comic run that I found really compelling. She's the girl next door with a set of complexities that the current iteration just doesn't seem to replicate (and by complexities I'm not referring to her relationship with the Joker, but her other flaws, her vulnerable moments, her well-intentioned but chaotic approach to living life...)
Marceline the Vampire Queen [Adventure Time]
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The original goth gf......... I had a big ol' crush on her but also wanted to be badass like her. Sum of my experience with this archetype, really 🙈 and then the series kept building on her back story, and I remember this particular shot so clearly of her cleaning her bellybutton - ig moral of the story I'm here for girls who are allowed to be gross in canon (see again: Harley Quinn)
Rem [Death Note]
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Well, since we're talking about monster girls... Rem has big tragic butch lesbian energy and I don't care what Ohba has to say
Now here I couldn't actually choose 2 fave fem characters for the last spots on the list so I'm going to have to list a bunch of honourable mentions:
Missy [Colette (2018)]
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This feels like a bit of a cheat because technically she isn't even a fictional character - she's based on a real person in the life of the woman that this biopic is about, that's like saying the men from Hamilton are fictional characters... Nevertheless the acting and the writing for Missy's portrayal in this film really captivated me, just the sheer ballsiness of her existence (as the way she chose to present herself) in Edwardian era Parisian society, and the dialogue they gave her in this film... (Btw I don't even know what Missy's preferred pronouns were irl, the film seemed to suggest that Missy liked he/him pronouns so someone come correct me if you know)
Blue [The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys]
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my first favourite android lady... Looking back her character is quite one-dimensional but she meant a lot to me at the time
Ripley [the Alien franchise]
Well, I fell in love with her character in the second movie. She's good in the original film too. I didn't watch the third and the fourth tho. But she's kinda a seminal character (practically a prototypal final girl before the trope even existed) and deserves an honourable mention on this list for sure
Raven [Teen Titans 2003]
She gets an honourable mention here. I distinctly remember her being one of the first characters that truly resonated with me as a wee middle schooler but after revisiting the series a few years ago I don't think I'm all that into her anymore
If you made it this far thanks for sticking around! Sorry for the info-dump. I'm always up for discussing any of these shows/films/characters tho!
EDIT: oh shit i can’t believe i left out this character!!
Violet Baudelaire [A Series of Unfortunate Events - the books]
i haven’t gotten far with the Netflix series, but i distinctly remember her character being so important to my self-esteem as a 12-13 y/o. She was so intelligent and capable, yet fully human and real in a way that not many teenaged girls were allowed to be in fictional representations at the time. until the 11th book she didn’t even entertain any romantic inclinations (and even then it was so realistically innocent in a way that not many Y/A stories were either), which was so refreshing for me to read as a teenager-to-be because seemed like every other story immediately gave girls a male love interest. (which obviously didn’t appeal to me for obvious reasons). so yeah, if Raven got a spot on this honourable mentions list then Violet definitely deserves to be on here.
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