#I love percy jackson
pinkcheessee · 5 months
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son of hades
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v3d1ka-5u6h3d4r · 9 months
oh god. i'm rambling. jesus.
does anyone else just like bawl their eyes out on 'momentous' occasions?
like new years, christmas, birthday, graduations, etc?
i don't really know why
but i do.
that's a lie- i know why
i feel like sometimes i just look at myself and it's like you haven't changed at all
it's like i'm still the loud, annoying girl that people just don't like no matter what i do
its like i had a part of my life when where people actually liked me (whether it be romantic or not) but now i'm just no where
and i think that every birthday it's like "oh well you're a year older now but it's not like you've done anything special or changed"
but i know that's not true.
because while yes, i may not have done anything super big, i still work hard and focus on things that i enjoy
or like on new years and it's "oh well one year and you're still stupid"
but i'm not.
2023 me was fun for sure, but this year i just focus so much that i lose myself, and a lot of friends too which makes me feel bad.
i guess
(and this is going to sound horrible i know it, i'm 100% going to sound like a pick me or wtv, i'm so genuinely sorry, i just needed to get this off my chest bcs i don't really think i can talk to anyone anymore even though my friends are great)
i guess i'm just tired
i mean a good majority of my friends are fantastic and wonderful human beings and they're all getting into romantic relationships blah blah
and i'm just the girl who like becomes so close to people that they tell me who they like, and obviously- i help because they're amazing and i want them to be happy
or it's like in a class that i take
i'm a fine and dandy student (i think) but it's always going to be one of my friends who outshines me in something and becomes the favorite
i'm just wondering, when's my chance?
like i'm a good person- i swear-
i focus in school, get good grades (pov: u have asian parents), i do extracurriculars that i'm relatively good at, and i like to think i have a somewhat decent personality
i know that you can't compare/measure yourself to someone else but like
i think i'm a solid person
so when's my chance gonna come?
anyways if you read this far you are a real one (genuinely doubt anyone will but)
but yeah, opinions??
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allisunshiine · 2 years
browsing #hoh looking for the “hard of hearing” posts and getting “house of hades” posts as if there aren’t a million other percy jackson tags to use 😫
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um as a fellow depressed gay you’re 100% right. my fav switches between nico and annabeth. wait have you read any other riorden books?? because i have fav characters for those too. ALSO ARE YIU EXCITED FOR THE NEW SHOW!!! CAUSE TO THIS DAY IM STILL FREAKING THE FUCK OUT
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mo-mode · 9 months
“But what does Grover bring to the table? He’s just the comedy relief character.” Grover is juggling the role of babysitter, mediator, and emotional manipulator and he cracks jokes too? Give him a BREAK
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sowlmates · 9 months
gotta give it to the percy jackson fans, you really do love your main character. for other franchises, fans usually place the #1 blorbo title on a specific side character. but in percy jackson you really love your percy jackson
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Daughter of the Sea
Chapter Eight: I Look into a Mirror (Read on AO3 here)
The dawn was just breaking outside, but I didn’t care. I was up and out of my cabin in ten minutes, running in the early morning haze towards the Big House. There was a scary moment when I thought the main doors would be locked, but as I jiggled them they turned with ease. I tried to remember my way through the maze of hallways, but no matter which way I turned, I could not find the living room, or wherever Chiron slept. Instead, I turned down a hallway I didn’t recognize, bathed in fluorescent light and smelling extremely clean. I made my way to the end of the hall and walked into a large room that I immediately knew was an infirmary. There were rows of empty cots with portable medical stations set up between them, along with corny posters with different mythological creatures on them and some medical pun accompanying them, such as a satyr with a thermometer sticking out of its mouth, the text below reding “Don't let sickness get your goat!” 
At first I thought the room was empty, but then I saw a girl slumped in a chair in the corner, her nose buried in a book. I breathed a sigh of relief. 
The girl looked up so fast, it made me dizzy. Her eyes were wild and puffy, as if she hadn’t slept well for the last week. She probably hasn’t, I thought. No one had been sleeping very well lately. 
“Angie? Are you okay? What are you doing here?” I walked into the room and towards her. 
“I had another dream about Percy.” My friend nodded and put down her book, which looked like one of those teen fantasy novels. I had been telling Cadence all about my other dreams, and she was the only one who seemed to believe me, at least a little bit. 
“Okay. What did you see?” 
I told her about the conversation between the man and Percy, and then being in the raft on the open ocean with my brother sleeping beside me. 
“What do you think that means?” I asked. 
“Well, the first part is harder to understand, but the second part is clear. If the things you’re seeing are actually visions, and not just dreams, then I would say Percy is coming home.” She said it as if she didn’t want to get her own hopes up, but it was all I needed to hear. 
“I knew it.” 
“Angie, these things can be…tricky.” 
“I know, but—”
“I just don’t want you to get your hopes up for nothing. I’ve seen it before. Campers are convinced their dreams are telling them something, but it turns out they weren’t true at all. Prophetic dreams aren’t always what they seem to be. Trust me, I would know.” I knew she had a point, her dad was the god of prophecy, after all. 
I was silent for a while, thinking about everything that had happened in the past few weeks. 
“I know it's crazy,” I started, my eyes trained on the floor, “but I feel such a connection to him. I know we’ve never met, but still….” I was expecting for Cadence to call me insane, but instead she just nodded. 
“The connection between twins is a powerful thing, especially for demigods. If anyone understands that, it's children of Apollo. The sun and moon need each other, and if one faded, the other would lose half of itself.” She turned to look at me. “I know Percy well. I was here when he first came to Camp, I’ve watched him grow into the hero he became. There aren’t many in our age group, as you know, so we’re all pretty close. And I can tell you, Angie, that you are like mirrors of each other. In everything you do, I see Percy. So I believe you when you say you feel a connection. I can see it.” 
I don’t know when I started crying, but it took me a long time to stop. 
Cadence sat with me, rubbing my back and helping to calm me down, well into the morning. We missed breakfast, which was fine because I didn't have an appetite anyway. Soon enough, another Apollo kid came in and Cadence stood up. 
“My shift is over, I have to go teach archery lessons. Will you be alright?” 
I nodded and stood up. 
“About later today…” she shifted nervously and the other camper pretended to be very interested in an ace bandage. “Are you gonna go?” 
I shook my head. “I don’t think I can. He’s not gone, I know it.” 
“Alright,” she said with a sigh. “I don’t think I can bear it either, so why don’t you come back here? Somebodys gotta be manning the infirmary, anyways.” 
I nodded, feeling grateful for such a good friend. “Okay.” 
I followed Cadence out of the Big House, and we parted ways soon after, her heading to the archery fields and me towards the sword fighting arena. There was no one there, surprisingly, so I practiced drills and forms on my own. I found it helped me clear my mind, in a strange way, just focusing on the task at hand and nothing else.
Lunch passed, then afternoon activities, and I was still in the same spot. No one came to make me eat, which I was grateful for. I didn’t want to see anybody. Soon enough, a conch sounded. It was too early for dinner, so it could only mean one thing: it was time for my brother’s funeral. 
Reluctantly I made my way back to the Big House, keeping my head low as I walked by the campers going in the opposite direction. Nobody spoke, and most people looked like they were barely holding back tears. I envied all of them for getting the chance to meet Percy. I was angry and sad. 
I was glad that the only person in the infirmary was Cadence, sitting in her same spot but not reading a book. She sat with her eyes closed, muttering something I guessed was a prayer, and she looked significantly worse than she had that morning. Her hair was coming out of her braid, her clothes were dirty, and when she opened her eyes, they were bloodshot and puffy, like she had been crying. Hard. 
“Hey, Angie.” She managed, and I came and sat next to her. 
We sat in silence for a long time, until Cadence began to tell me stories about my brother. She told me about when he got claimed after his first game of Capture the Flag. She told me about how he and Annabeth had gone on a quest to save the Camp by finding the Golden Fleece, and how they had accidentally brought Thalia Grace back to life. She told me about last summer when they had saved the goddess Artemis from the titan Atlas, both he and Annabeth taking turns holding up the sky, which is why she now had streaks of gray in her blonde hair. 
In every story, Annabeth was there. In every story, Percy’s fierce love and protection for his friends was evident. It was like Cadence was holding her own personal funeral for her friend, remembering everything good he did and everything good he was. Angie let her talk and soaked up every description she got, wondering if she had been wrong the whole time. Wondering if the only way she would ever get to know her brother was through the stories of others. 
Suddenly, the sound of the front door being slammed open echoed through the empty halls. Chiron’s hooves reverberated off the walls, and it sounded like he had just been galloping and was now slowing his pace. Cadence hardly looked up, until we heard voices. 
“You’ve been gone two weeks!” Someone shouted, their voice exasperated and with a hint of disbelief. I thought it sounded like Annabeth, but I wasn’t sure. “When I heard the explosion, I thought—” 
“I know.” the second voice said. “I’m sorry. But I figured out how to get through the Labyrinth. I talked to Hephestaus.” Cadence’s eyes went wide, as if she had just seen a ghost. Well, as if she had just heard a ghost. 
“It can't be…” she said numbly, before bolting out of the room. 
It took me a few seconds to get up and follow her, my head spinning. I was positive I had never heard that voice before, but something deep inside me knew it, like it was a part of me. I breathlessly, slowly, made my way into the hallway and towards the sound. 
I rounded the corner to see Cadence with her arms around the boy I had seen in my dreams. The same dark hair, wavy and messy. The same tan skin and strong arms. The same sea-green eyes. He was smiling, although he looked like he was still in some pain. 
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, Cady. It wasn’t my choice to be away this long.” Annabeth stood next to him, oscillating between relief and fury. I stood at the end of the hallway and stared, not daring to make a sound, and not knowing what I would say. Finally, his squinted eyes found me, intense and almost impossible to read. He tilted his head as if trying to put the pieces together. 
“I’ve seen you before.” He said, his voice deep and resonant like the sea. “In my dreams on the island. I would catch you sitting in the surf, watching.” 
My mouth fell open. 
“I thought you were a Naiad or something, but you aren’t, are you?” 
“I—” I looked to Cadence, my eyes panicked, but she just looked at Chiron with the same questioning expression. 
“Percy, I know there is a lot we still need to discuss, and the quest is not yet over, but we’ve had a new arrival since you were away.” The centaur turned to me. “My dear, why don’t you introduce yourself.” 
I walked forward, my mouth dry and my palms sweaty. I felt waves of nervousness wash over me, and it was like I had never spoken to another person before. I suddenly realized how terrified I was to meet him, despite wanting desperately to for the past two weeks. 
What if he resented me? What if he liked being the only child of Poseidon, and saw me as competition? What if he didn’t see me as his real sister, and wanted nothing to do with me? 
I swallowed my fear and the lump that had formed in my throat and spoke. 
“I’m Andromeda Jackson. But, uhh, you can call me Angie.” His eyes went wide. 
“Did you say Jackson?” 
I nodded. 
“Does that mean you’re…” 
“Your sister.” I said, my voice small. His eyes were studying me now, peering into mine, as if he was trying to see through me. I thought I had never seen more terrifying eyes in my life, his face was intense and calculating, his expression hard and impossible to read. I could do nothing but stand there and stare back at him. 
Suddenly, he broke out in a smile. 
“It’s like looking into a mirror.” 
I nearly collapsed with relief, and a small smile made its way to my face too. 
“That’s because we’re twins.” His mouth fell open. 
“I have a twin sister?!” It was a mix of a question and an exclamation, like he couldn’t believe it but he was excited anyway. “How did you get here? Where have you been? How is this possible? Does mom—“ 
“I’m sure there will be plenty of time for you two to get acquainted.” Chiron interrupted. “But for now, we have much to discuss. Percy, Annabeth, follow me please. Cadence, take Angie to the kitchen and get her food. Miss Jackson missed both meals today, and I insist she has something now.” 
Now that I wasn’t dreading the fate of my brother, I realized how hungry I was. Percy gave me a quizzical look, but did as the centaur said.
“We’ll talk at dinner!” He shouted as he rounded a corner, his eyes twinkling. 
I turned to Cadence, who hadn’t stopped smiling. 
“You were right.” She breathed out, as if she couldn’t quite believe what had just happened. 
“He’s so…” I couldn’t find the right word. 
“Give him time, I have a feeling he’ll be the best brother.”
I followed Cadence to the kitchen, both of us feeling lighter than we had in weeks. We ate and talked more about Percy and the quest he was on, and before long the conch signaling dinner blew. Despite just eating, I was still hungry, so we made our way to the dining pavilion. I was excited to not be the only one at the Poseidon table anymore, and sure enough, Percy, Annabeth, and Chiron came up the hill a couple minutes later. 
The dark-haired boy came straight for me, his green eyes so intense they would’ve scared me if I hadn’t been staring at identical ones my whole life. 
“You have some explaining to do.” He said as he grabbed his magically full plate and moved to the offering line. 
I told him everything—how his mom, our mom, had carried twins, how Hestia protected me from Zeus’ wrath and hid me in Arizona, and the events that brought me to camp. He asked me how growing up somewhere so dry was, and I asked him how growing up in New York City was. We traded stories and joked and laughed, and as I looked at him, I felt something settle into place. That hole that had always been there was filled, and that feeling that I was missing something finally went away. Sitting at the Poseidon table next to my twin at a camp for children of the gods, I finally felt like I had found my home. 
“Wait, why is your drink blue?” I asked as dinner was coming to a close. He laughed—a pure, ringing sound. 
“It’s kind of a joke I have with my mom, umm, our mom, I guess. When I was little, my stepdad at the time once said that there were no blue foods. After that, mom went out of her way to find any and all blue foods she could. Eventually, almost everything she made was blue—blue cookies, blue pancakes, blue pasta.” 
I raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Okay that one wasn’t very good, but it was blue.” We laughed again. “Since being away so much, blue has been my way to feel close to her. So, blue Dr. Pepper.” He took a sip from his magic goblet, and I looked down at my very normal Dr. Pepper. He touched my cup and all of a sudden, the liquid turned from brown to blue. When I looked up at him, he was smiling. 
“You’re a Jackson, aren’t you? Jacksons eat blue food.” 
Fighting back tears, I took a sip, and I swear it tasted ten times better. 
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lilislegacy · 7 months
imagine being someone at new rome university and not knowing percy is the same guy as “percy jackson, son of poseidon, two-time hero of olympus, former praetor” because the thought doesn’t even cross your mind. like… he’s percy. he’s a total frat boy. on a normal night, he walks into a party, refers to everyone as bro or dude, socializes with every living (and not-living) person in the room, makes at least 50 sarcastic comments, plays 12 rounds of beer pong, drinks way too much, and then skates around campus on his skateboard yelling “I LOVE NEW YORK” (which makes no sense, because they’re in california) until someone calls his girlfriend to come get him.
and then one day there’s an attack, and frat boy percy is all of a sudden a fighting machine. he’s yelling battle cries alongside the praetors frank zhang and hazel levesque as they lead everyone into battle. (why is he with the praetors? and why…. why in the world do the praetors seem to be following his lead?) his sword slashes through armies of monsters faster than you’ve ever seen. he’s controlling the entire river surrounding the camp, creating huge waves as tall as skyscrapers that crash down all around him, wiping out monsters and causing mass destruction to his enemies’ ranks. the sky is suddenly dark above you, ice-cold water droplets are slashing through the air, and the wind is blowing so aggressively that it’s making it hard to stand up steadily. because he’s somehow created a hurricane.
and he looks terrifying. you can feel the power radiating off of him. he’s like a god. or maybe a monster. it’s hard to tell. you’re a little scared of him, to be honest. but also in total awe, because it’s extraordinary. he’s extraordinary.
frat boy percy is not who you thought he was.
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andy-dandy · 9 months
love seeing the beginnings of perseus "pay your fucking child support" jackson's crusade against the gods' parental negligence problem in ep 1 & 2 of the pjo show. the absolute KING of "my daddy gave me issues so HE'S about to HAVE issues"
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minjimunji · 1 month
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I drew Asian percabeth lol
Every time some racist loser complains about how my Percy and Annabeth “aren’t book accurate,” I will design a different version out of spite (and bc it’s fun 🥰)
So fuck it, Annabeth’s Indian and Percy is Korean
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emmeriex · 3 months
girls when they remember that sally named percy after the only greek hero with a happy ending and beryl named jason after a hero who died alone and unhappy to appease a wrathful goddess.
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stevenrogered · 9 months
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PERCY JACKSON & THE OLYMPIANS (2023) 1x01, ""I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher"
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whoevenknowsdude · 8 months
Percy: This seems dangerous.
Grover: Oh, the animals will be totally fine, I have them a Satyr’s blessing, so they’ll reach the wilderness safely—
Percy: I meant for the people
Grover: Oh.
Grover not giving a thought or a fuck about the safety of the humans who destroyed nature is actually peak characterization and I absolutely love it
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mo-mode · 9 months
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I know it’s controversial but I think Annabeth geeking out over the Hephaestus contraptions was adorable
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readerconfused · 7 months
look at my son pride is not the word i'm looking for
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greenconverses · 9 months
the way percy got a crumb of positive attention from poseidon and was like “oh hey I love my dad now he’s pretty great :) :) :)”
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