#I love running the numbers when it comes to doll stuff
desertdollranch · 1 year
Earlier this month, American Girl re-released a whole lot of long-retired stuff from Kit Kittredge’s collection. 
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Kit herself never actually went anywhere. There was just nothing to buy for her. Doll, book, and that was it. But it’s the 20′s now, and AG is slowly turning the focus back to the historical characters. They’ve finally acknowledged that Kit is an icon and deserves to have the nice things that we all so desperately want to give her.
I was looking at the new stuff on the Wiki because I was curious to see if there were any changes made to anything. It’s part of the “homework” I do for the purposes of doll blogging. While doing that, I noticed that the page for each product mentions how much each item originally cost, alongside what it costs now. 
For example: Kit’s school outfit.
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This was first sold for $22 when it was released in 2000, along with the first half of Kit’s debut collection. Now they’re charging $38 for it, an increase of $16 or 72%. I thought that sounded a little excessive, even if 2000 really and truly was more than twenty years ago and inflation has gone wild since the pandemic began three years ago.
So I ran the numbers through the inflation calculator operated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 
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Look at that. It’s basically spot on. $22 in 2000, adjusted for inflation, is equivalent to $38.23 in 2023. I’ve been proven wrong.
I did the same calculation for her birthday dress and her pajamas, and those were both pretty much the same, since they were and still are similar in cost to the school outfit. 
Now for her cute little scooter, made from a box of California oranges.
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This was a later addition to her collection, coming along in 2006 for the price of $24. In 2023 it is now being sold for $50, a $26 or 108% increase. Let’s see how that tracks when adjusted for inflation. 
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Ooof. $24 in 2006 should only be $35.70 in today’s money, or $14.30 less than what it’s actually being sold for. So if this one feels a little overpriced, then it probably is, assuming that the materials and quality are the same. Both versions are made of faux wood, which means that the recently skyrocketing price of wood won’t affect this. Maybe there’s another increased cost somewhere that I’m not aware of. Or maybe AG has added a small nostalgia tax, a sort of “buy it from us or pay big bucks to someone selling it secondhand” reminder.
Another accessory that was brought back was Kit’s school lunch.
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This set includes her metal lunchbox, an embroidered napkin, a cheese sandwich, an oatmeal raisin cookie, apple slices, and for some reason.... three whole entire raw carrots. (There’s nothing wrong with carrots, but like. When’s the last time you’ve even seen an adult eat three whole carrots for lunch. Carrots are huge.)
Anyway. It was sold for $16 when it was released in 2000, and now they’re selling it for $36, a $20 or 125% increase.
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$16 in 2000 would be equivalent to $27.80, so her lunch set is overpriced by $8.20, assuming the cost of materials/labor have risen proportionally. 
And finally, Grace the dog. Named for her distinct lack of grace and adorable clumsiness. Sold for $16 when she was released with the second half of Kit’s debut collection. Now selling for $28 which is an increase of $12 or 75%.
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A 75% increase is very similar to Kit’s school outfit selling at a $72% increase, so my guess was that this is going to be a more reasonable price hike.
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Adjusted for inflation, $16 in 2001 is now equivalent to $27.30, so Grace is in fact underpriced by 70 cents! Personally I think AG charges a bit too much for all of their doll pets, but that’s just me.
All of this was really surprising to me. Inflation happens so quietly in everyday life. It’s only been really noticeable in the last three years, when it seems like everything has shot up in price. 
The inflation calculator goes all the way back to 1913. Now if you really want to see what those small changes look like after 90 years, check out how much a $150 doll like Kit herself would have cost in 1932, when her stories began: 
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You’d only need $6.71 in your pocket to bring Kit home. Imagine that. 
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vinomino · 3 months
Breaking up with them (´∩`。)
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When things get too strained they always snap
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Featuring: Umemiya Hajime, Kaji Ren
Contents: angst, arguments
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Umemiya Hajime ᵎᵎ
You never felt so loved before in a relationship, Umemiya was the perfect man for you, attentive, caring, listening, and etc etc. He had your heart fluttering at the simplest things. So when did it all change?
Was it the first time he ditched you? No, you didn’t mind that he had to go take care of his juniors. You thought he was kind and responsible. Was it the most recent time he ditched you?
It was your anniversary, you were all dolled up and buzzing with excitement. Umemiya texts you that he’s on his way, but minutes turn into hours. You’re trying to call him, worried sick if he was alright. An hour passes, you get a reply.
Hajime[10:32] Please text back later.
An automatic reply message. Your date was scheduled for seven. It had been over three hours. Sitting on the couch, you’re recalling all the other times this had happened. When he spent hours talking to Sakura, leaving you alone at the restaurant until it closed. When he helped an elderly man shop, making you walk home in the rain. When he was busy with Bofurin duties, forgetting about your birthday. You felt evil if you complained about him helping, but you also needed him.
At first you didn’t mind, he would apologize and do everything in his power to make it up to you, but it just kept happening again and again. Each time more draining. For someone so capable of seeing when someone was in need, he couldn’t see you. That one time you cried and begged him to come with you even for an hour, but he left running out the door to Hiragi. You ended up going alone to your parents, they questioned where your boyfriend was, since he was supposed to meet them. “But I love him—“ You’re crying your eyes out at the table while your parents console you.
You’ve had it, you just weren’t a priority to him. Would you ever be? If you married him and had children, would he still do this? You packed everything you owned and left.
“Hey—sorry I was helping some lady at the station—“ He bursts into your shared apartment, noticing all your stuff missing. A piece of paper on the dinning table, “Don’t look for me. We’re done.”
Umemiya tries to call you, “This number is unavailable.” He goes to your parents house to try to know where you were. You end up agreeing to talk at a local cafe after his constant begging to at-least know why.
“Why didn’t you tell me? Talk to me please…don’t do this.” Umemiya pleads, trying to place his hand over yours which makes you scowl. “I’m tired, tired of being treated like this.”
“Please— you know I don’t mean to make you feel bad—let me make it up to you.” Umemiya is holding back tears, how did it get this far? How did he not see the pain you were going through? “No, I don’t ever want to see you again.” You spat. He tries to go after you, even running after car for a bit.
+ doesn’t try to contact you, but writes letters that will never be sent
+ Sugishita asks if he’s alright after finding him blankly staring at the plant you both planted.
+ wakes up in tears after dreaming about the family you two could’ve had
+ stopped going on dates after realizing he was looking for you in all the girls he met
+ Sakura ends up sending you an apology after he found out Umemiya left you sitting at a restaurant waiting to talk to him
+ still has your contact saved in his phone waiting for you to reach out, you never do
Kaji Ren ᵎᵎ
Kaji has a short fuse, you’ve always known. Lately, it seems like everything you do gets on his nerves. You often bicker with him, but he always makes up for it. Whether it’s taking you out for date or gifting you something, Kaji always tries to mend things.
Recently, he hasn’t. Arguments are left going on for days, things just keep going around in circles. Last week, you asked him to take off his headphones while eating out. He ignored you, saying his favorite band just dropped an album and he wanted to listen to it. Later that day, he asked you why you were ignoring him.
“Why’re you not paying attention to what I’m saying?” Kaji stops you while you’re walking down the hallway. He was trying to talk to you about his opinions on the album. That had irked you. Why is he complaining about something he just did to you?
“Because you ignored me all dinner. I looked so stupid trying to talk to someone who wouldn’t take off their headphones!” You’re snapping back, already annoyed from the date. “I was listening to what you were saying! I was still able to hear you!” The way he’s baring his fangs at you made that pit in your stomach even bigger. “Yeah right.” You roll your eyes, Kaji’s restraining himself from retorting back.
Not another word was shared for the rest of the night. You both slept facing away from each other.
But right now, you and Kaji are screaming at each other’s throats. “You’re always trying to make me feel bad by crying!” He shouts. Tears are streaming down your cheeks, sobbing because of all the hurtful things he has been saying for the past hour. You’re overwhelmed and struggling to calm your breathing, you can’t get any words out due to the lump in your airway. “Jeez, why am I even with you…” Kaji sighs out, brushing his fringe out of his eyes.
Did he really feel this way? Was your relationship just a bother to him? Is he unhappy being with you?
“Then let’s just— break up! I can’t do this anymore!” You’re practically hyperventilating now, crying into your hands.
Kaji’s heart shatters when he hears what you said, “L-Let’s calm down.” He tries to approach you. “Stop it! We’re over!”
You spend the night at your parents, your friend goes to gather all your stuff. Kaji’s trying to get your friend to tell you to talk to him. You refuse to do so and that’s the last time you’ve spoken.
+ he’s been calling and texting your number repeatedly
+ uses his friend’s phone to try to contact you when you block him
+ drunk voicemails saying how much he misses you and how sorry he is
+ stalks your media pages on a fake account
+ cries to Hiragi about how much he messed up
+ Hiragi wants to yell at him for treating you so poorly, but doesn’t seeing his junior shaking from his sobs
+ can’t bring himself to wash the sheets, only does so after your scent is long gone
+ his friends have to stage an intervention seeing the state he’s in
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was gonna write more characters but I’m bad a writing angst
umemiya might be ooc but it’s for plot
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xxknockoutxx · 20 days
(this is just something to put out for fun but I take heavy inspiration from Glitched they're freaking amazing! I hope they are doing well ❤️‍🩹🥦)
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It was another day of sitting at home without a care in the world. Waiting for your husband to come home, this was the one day where you weren't working or out doing chores. The giant house that you and your pro hero husband inhabited was so intimidatingly big, that seeing the house so quiet and empty kinda scared you but in a good way. Like a really secured way.
It wasn't all that lonely I suppose with your husband texting you every once and in a while with memes or compliments or how much he misses you. He's gotten the hang of One for All and is the number 1 hero. All this sounds pretty good for you guys but it's not...
The stronger your hunk of a husband gets, the longer he'll be working and that means less time for you too. This was probably the 3rd day he'd been vacant from the house this week so you were tired of it. I mean who wouldn't be?
I'm just gonna have to make him forget work when he comes back. you thought. Sure it was a lot easier said than done but you are Y/-fuckin-N! Ain't nobody or nothing gonna stop you from getting what you want✨
*Bzzz* Your phone buzzes and you find out it's your husband.
🥦My hero🥦: Hey baby I got some good news! 😁
I'll be home either tonight or next morning! I can't wait to see my precious little Bunny💚
Your heart swelled as you read the text you eagerly texted him back showing your excitement before going back to brainstorming. Shit.... Now you're on a time limit. With little time you began thinking about a dinner; one with a huge table full of different foods and of course dessert but will that be enough for your busy husband to stay home?
Annoyed and stressed, you just focus on that one thing, preparing food. You walked into the kitchen and searched the full fridge for things to cook. thankfully you had the ingredients to try some viral recipe you saw on Pinterest.
After cooking and laying everything out on the table you decided to change into something more anticipating you changed into some tiny pajamas and black lingerie under it. Surely it would do something to him to see those thin, black and green panties.
"Bun! I'm home!" Your heart froze up before running to the front door and hugging and kissing the breath out of Izuku.
"baby! Hiii" "Hey bun... You look so....- He takes in the way that the shirt you were wearing hugs your curves. The way that it just barely shows the outline of your hardening nipples. —Good..."
"I made you a little sumthin-" You help him put his stuff down and drag him towards the kitchen. This food is gonna be so fucking good that he's gonna eat this and then eat me- wait.
As Izuku takes a seat and looks in awe at all the food on the table. After working 22 hour shifts for 3 days straight you get kinda hungry. He waited for you to be seated as you walked to the table with his plate of healthy servings.
"thank you so much, Bunny. I love you."
You smile and join him at the table, in your rightful chair or throne rather; Izuku's lap.
He begins to chow down on all of his food rather quickly, while spouting his compliments about you and the food. "Wow this is so good, Bun" and "You look so pretty today" and "Did you get all dolled up for me?"
At the end of the meal you carefully bring him upstairs and take off his hero gear. Making sure to be slow and to add a sway to your movements. At this point Izuku's eyes were lidded and he still had that same smile of adoration but it seemed almost suspecting.
You pushed him back on the bed and slowly took off the pajamas. (Deku merch obviously) Under it you had your dark green and black lingerie.
"wow.. you were ready for me, weren't you bun?"
He cups your cheek and pulls you onto his lap. You feel his warm, calloused hand touch your face as a familiar sensation of Izuku's bulge rubbing against your sweet spot.
You lean in for a kiss and start playing with the zipper on his hero suit pants. As you do he slips a hand on your waist and deepens the kiss while helping you loosen his pants and takes off his suit.
"lemme help you with that bun..."
✩.・*:。≻─────────── ⋆♡⋆ ───────────.•*:。✩
"F-fuck! Wait! Izu...." Of course after working for so long and so hard your husband is gonna be a little pent up. Not being able to come home to see his pretty, loyal wife. The only way to solve that? A fucking mating press. Nothing can compare to the satisfaction of a good fucking. Especially passionate, rough and deep sex.
I mean if you aren't screaming his name at the end is it even considered a good fucking? Clearly he isn't putting in enough effort if you give him a reaction that's anything less than a moan of his name, unintelligible mumbles, or praises. So he'll go for a couple hours. Maybe he'll be satisfied after a few positions, some breeding, and marking. Just to make sure you know you're his.
And right after he would take a shower with you cuddle with you and make sure you were at 100 percent and then only then would he go to sleep with you in his arms. An unbreakable grasp.
Then he'll do the same thing next week.
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thatoneyanderewriter · 10 months
ghostface!coriolanus snow
tw: dark themes, possessive behavior, coryo is insane, so in character lolz, implied murder and stalking, blood, lmk if there is more.
I might explore this au a bit more but I’d like to hear from you guys.
“Lucy Gray, what are you doing? You ask your sister. “Going out, just for singing and stuff, you know how it is, She kindly replied.”You can come too.”
“I know a liar when I see one, you’re going to a party tonight, aren’t you? You smirk. “Maybe, but I do plan on singing, music wise, Lucy Gray laughed.”Again, you can come.”
“Nah, it’s fine, Alcohol and I don’t work together well, and parties aren’t my thing, You politely decline. It was true. And your parents wouldn’t be home for another week or so. Business and all that. You had cousins, Maude Ivory and Barb Azure, but they lived a bit further from you.
Lucy Gray was always the life of the party. She had more friends than you, was a straight A Student. You were jealous happy for her.
“Well, you know the rules, don’t tell, bye! she said, and leaves. she wasn’t always honest with you, but at least she was right now, and able to trust you with that information.
you made some popcorn after dinner, with soda of course. this town was quite peaceful, and up until last year, there hadn’t been much crime. that was, until a murder happened.
ever since then, things had been paranoid. everyone and everywhere. but overall, the town hadn’t changed other than that. In the midst of the movie, you get a call. “I swear to fucking god… You begin, then pick up.”Hello? Who is this?”
“Is Lucy Gray home?”
You sigh, always for your sister. You knew people but were mostly invisible.
“No, I can take a message for her though.”
“So, what’s the message? You ask, suspiciously.
“Just a friend from school, asking about the project she agreed to be partners on. Gave me the number for the project. Uh, you know when she’ll be home?”
“No, sorry, I’ll tell her though, bye!”
You sigh, unpausing your movie when only a few seconds later, the phone rings again. You groan, but pick up anyway.
“I thought you were leaving a message for my sister, shouldn’t you call back later?”
“Yeah, but you’re much more interesting to talk to.”
“I’m flattered, you say sarcastically.”Listen, there’s not much to talk about. I’m-“
“watching a movie?”
“how did you know that?”
“lucky guess.”
freaked out, you hung up and locked every door. someone must be watching you. closing every curtain, you tried your very best, you really did. you’ve watched scream a million times, you know how to play smart. or so you thought.
the moment you heard footsteps you grab a knife from your kitchen, stepping forward but back with hesitancy. this better not be ghostface, you think. but just your luck.
suddenly, ghostface appears, knife in hand and blood on the mask, it was hard to tell on the actual costume. that’s when you bolt, and run as fast as you can while dialing 911, until your wrist is grabbed and your phone drops, surprisingly not breaking.
ghostface turns you around with the knife in hand. he’s found you, you’ve lost, and you’re about to be dead.
“I do love a good chase.”
despite the voice modulator, you could visibly recognize it a little, the voice. but you squeeze your eyes shut, hoping your demise comes faster if you do.
suddenly, you hear a laugh. and that’s when you know for certain who is ghostface. “coryo? you whisper, with a tone of relief and fear.
“that’s right, doll.”
you open your eyes, that nickname was once sweet, maybe even attractive when he said it, but now it made you feel sick. “why would you kill people? you said.
taking it off of him, he holds your face in his hands.”had to make sure they knew who you belonged to, that’s all.”
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seungiepop · 11 months
𝑵𝒐 𝑵𝒖𝒕 𝑵𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓
L number one pt 2
pairing: enha x best friend reader
characters: all enha members, Shin Yuna (itzy), Choi Beomgyu (TXT), and Mark lee (NCT)
caution: sexual context (only implied on the legal line), cursing, the reader is an 03’ line with sunoo and yuna
genre: social media au and one shots
wc: 1.2k
L number one p1
Masterlist | previous | next
Heeseung stepped into the warm apartment, the smell of fresh baked goods roamed in his scent. Walking through the crowded hallway towards the kitchen he saw Y/n cutting up some fruit “Hey pretty girl!”
“Hee! You scared me!”
“Sorry angel.”
“The Vacuum is in the closet down the hall.” she tells him, placing down the knife and wiping her hands with the kitchen cloth.
He nodded his head walking back to the hallway quickly grabbing the cleaning device, walking back to the kitchen. Taking a good look at her he was quick to notice how skimpy her outfit was, the small sleeping shorts with the loose tank top, obvious that she didn’t bother to put on a bra. “So I uh notice Mark and Gyu walking out?” Clearing his throat, pulling out the stool across from her. “Oh yeah! They were playing the game but Mark got a call from Sun that their espresso machine broke.” she huffed, placing a piece of strawberry in her mouth.
“Yikes! the new one?”
She nodded head “Yup, poor Sunoo sounded so done.” she chuckles, placing some of the fruit in a small bowl.”You want some?” gesturing to the fruit. He nodded signaling her to get closer, with a small smile she walked around the counter standing a little closer to him than she normally does.
Y/n had this all planned, knowing how much he loved when it came to her feeding him any type of food. Picking a piece of the fruit she gestured to him to open up to feed him. She watched the way his plump lips wrapped around the silverware and humming at the sweet taste bursting in his mouth.
Fuck how does she make a piece of watermelon taste sweeter than it is?
“S’good” he swallowed
She smiled, glad that he enjoyed it. “Have a strawberry, they’re very juicy and delicious”.
Taking a bit of the red fruit she was feeding his way, he felt a bit of the fruit juice drip on the side of his lips. “Shit-” he pulled back about to wipe his lips off but was stopped “here let me get that for you” she whispered wiping the juice with her thumb making sure he was looking right at her before sucking it off her thumb.
Heeseung cursed to himself, watching the way her glossy lips wrapped around her thumb to suck off the excess juice. Biting his lip he placed a hand on hip pulling her to stand in between his now spread legs “You know, I was really sad that you chose to study with your college friends instead of hanging out with us.” she pouted, wrapping his hoodie string around her finger pulling him even closer so their faces were now inches away from each other.
Heeseung cooed at her expression “I'm sorry doll, but school has really been kicking my ass with finals and stuff that I really haven't been able to go out with.”
Y/n nodded her head understanding, she truly admired him for dedicating so much of his time towards his studies. “You seem really stressed-'' she hummed carefully, running her fingers through his hair and slightly messaging his scalp. Heeseung felt himself lean into her touch, her hands were like magic or something he could bust a whole nut just from her head scratches. His mind was turning into mush “-is there anything I could do to help let out all that tension?”
Why can I feel this on my dick?
She chuckled at his droopiness “Does that feel good seungie?”
Her fingers are fucking magic
“Come on, let's go to the couch, you can relax better over there.”
Taking his hand she led him to the living room, telling him to take a seat before heading back to the kitchen to grab the bowl of her fruit.
“You should take your hoodie off seungie. I turned on the heater not too long before you arrived.” Gesturing to the hood he had on. Making a move Y/n leaned closer to help him remove the piece of clothing, her fingers lightly grazing over the tone muscle of his stomach.
He was wearing a plain white shirt, it was so simple yet he made it look good. “You look so tired..” she frowns,
the bags under his eyes are more prominent than ever. Y/n truly wondered if he even gets the right amount of sleep every night. “Don’t worry about me pretty-“ he smiled cupping her cheek with his palm “-i’m fine.” His eyes looked down at her lips, he kissed those lips so many times yet something about the fruit made them look so irresistible.
Y/n inspected his handsome face, his slender nose, brown bambi shaped eyes just looking at her with something she couldn’t read between lust and admiration maybe? Who knows but she loved it.
“Kiss me seungie.”
He didn’t need to be told twice pulling her by the waist his lips connecting with hers. She couldn’t contain the smile that broke out, her hands cradling her face to deepen the kiss. Heeseung couldn’t help himself she needed to be closer
His lips trailed down to her neck, smirking as the noises leaving her lips began to increase. His lips felt like heaven on her neck, the way he sucked harshly yet ran his tongue over the forming bruise sending shivers down her spine. Letting out a breathless giggle she trailed her hand down to his crotch, feeling his bulge harden under her touch.
Heeseung groaned as she continued to palm him through his sweats when was the last time i even nutted? he wondered feeling himself almost cum from her light touches. It truly has been so long since Heeseung has fucked someone properly, is it even worth it lasting a whole month when he hasn’t gotten a single orgasm in four? (not counting his hand).
fuck this bet
I need to get laid
it’s been way too long
Heeseung's grip on her hair tightened, pulling her up against his sweaty chest, his hips slapping against her ass. The new angle makes her eyes rolling back at the new sensation of pleasure, she’s never felt this type of pleasure when it came to anybody. Her tight pussy felt so good wrapped around him, the warm tight feeling of her gummy walls just sucking him in perfectly he was so gone of the pleasure that he had almost forgotten about the bet.
“Hee- faster please!” she whimpered out.
Eyes screwing as he sped up his thrust, the tight pit feeling of her orgasm building up in the pit of her stomach just threatening to snap.
No wonder Chenle spoke so highly of her
Heeseung stop that’s disgusting
Just the thought of their ex-friend alone pissed him off so much he let go of the grip he had on her hair and turned her over so she was now facing him. Sitting back on the couch Heeseung held her hips thrusting in and out of her. Her legs began to shake as the soreness took over her body, almost about to give up. But Heeseung grabbed her by the waist thrusting upwards, hitting her spot every time. Her vision began to blur as the pit tightened with each thrust of his cock.
“I'm cumming, I'm cumming!” she let out the loudest moan of the night as her body shook out of pleasure, her walls spasming around his cock.
He cursed as her orgasm triggered his, he thrust into her a few more times before pulling out, admiring their juices mixed together.
$1200 down the drain
∙ ₒ✰. ∙✧. ∘ ₒ® ✦. ✰∙ ★ ∘ₒ © ∙ ₒ ✰ ∙ ✧ ∘ₒ ® ✦ ✰
Authors note: Here is the long awaited “L number one” part 2. I apologize for making you guys wait so long, it was supposed to be posted two days ago but something came up but here you guys go! Hope you guys enjoy <3
taglist- @ilovecheese09 @namdeyuoi @moonshoon @xrr-s4sha @yannew @cup1dton @eternallyreid @heewonenthusiast @rikisly @parkhonnie @wvnkoi @slugism @yizhoutv @jakewife @bahngchatsfx @kangseulgithegreat @jinnisbaby @heeseungshim @wonswondrland @underneaththestarlight @theskzvibe @enhaz1 @kkaelie @firstclassjaylee @wonniie3 @lol6sposts
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munsster · 1 year
kurt kunkle and his bimbo girlfriend
A/N: this week has literally forced me to be obsessed with this greasy little slasher (soooooo my inbox is surely open!) (gif creds: @stevesnailbat)
Pairing: Kurt Kunkle x Fem!Bimbo!Reader
Warnings: Spree (2020) related content, kurt kunkle, smut/suggestive themes, MDNI, slasher themes (blood, gore, murder, ghostface), pet names (baby, slasher), cam/stream sex
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im sorry but gamer bf x bimbo gf trope is actually flooring me rn
he’s just this greasy little streamer you started watching and you’re this total babe who’s obsessed with him
and you are really obsessed with him
you are literally his Number one fan
if kurt kunkle has 100 fans, youre one of them. if kurt kunkle has 1 fan, its you. if kurt kunkle has no fans, you’re dead.
you plugging kurtsworld96 at any given chance, like he’s so confused the first time he hears you do it, but then he gets so happy and just pulls you in
you being the first one to be super excited about his amount of viewers/followers
a celebratory kiss for ur streamer bf 🥰
also getting really worried when he seems to be in a little bit of trouble (ie cops in the background yikes)
him always reassuring you that he’s fine and he’ll figure it out
you dont know it but he’ll do anything you say, even if it meant turning off his stream for the night
you literally suggested doing cam stuff together before chat suggested it, but now chat is like obsessed with that because theyre a bunch of pervs
you treating chat like a sassy lil mama (“ew! behave yourselves” “ask nicely” “‘put it in her ass’ oh cmon, you know better” “shhh, quit being bratty, thats not how good little viewers get what they want, now is it?”)
youre such a lil price gouger, youre like “okay if someone sends in $50, i’ll let you guys watch us” and chat loves you so obviously they end up doing that
kurt really really loves you, plus you do wonders for his numbers. viewers basically double when he even mentions you
“‘kill your gf’ pfft yeah right, i know all his tricks, i’d like to see him try!” and you’re like in his lap and grinning and he just grins at you and when you turn to face him, he lands a big ol smooch on you
even after months of being together, he still gets nervous around you
and you always tell him to “relax, baby, it’s just me” all while he’s literally buzzing in your presence
he probably likes his hair pulled tbh
like even when you just run your fingers through his hair, he’s purring, he’s so slutty for it
asking him to do skincare/haircare with you as an excuse to take showers together 😝
like of course he’s gonna do it 1) because he loves you and 2) because afterwards, he smells like a candy store
you picking out his outfits because what he wears now is actually a cry for help
no because he would actually let you treat him like a dress up doll
you being really excited about it and telling him to do GRWM and OOTD segments on his streams (which are completely led + narrated by you, but he doesn’t need to know that)
him teaching you how to play video games (even though you already kinda know, you let him have his moment)
you designing the clickbait thumbnails for all of his youtube videos and they’re definitely all sparkly and pink and cute
you begging him to come with you to get your nails done, telling him he doesn’t have to get his nails done, you just want him to go with you
but of course, you convince him to get his nails done (just a basic polish *cough cough* in literally neon green, his choice) and he flaunts it to stream
he definitely makes fun of bobby like “my girlfriend is literally so hot. where’s yours? oh wait……”
and you HATE bobby
you think he’s a bad friend to kurt, but you’d never tell him that. you just scheme like “noooo baby, hang out with me, not bobby” and he’s like okay 🥰
also him being a little protective and possessive over you
like when other attractive people glance at you, he’ll grab your hand or put his arm around you or ask for a little kiss (all of which you do happily)
i love yous are thrown around like none other, and it makes him blush everytime. even when youre just tuning in, if he gets that “i love you, slasher” message, he’ll go red as a tomato
oh that reminds me: youre favorite movies being slasher films like scream and scary movie and american psycho, and he’s not stupid so he definitely senses the theme there
bonus: he definitely buys one of those ghostface masks just to surprise you (and get into your pants)
you offering to help clean his car after particularly gory kills (and he knows ur really good with aesthetics and detail work)
also you cleaning him up after particularly gory kills 🥺
like he’ll come home with blood streaked down his face, and you’re like “aw baby 😟 c’mere”
he LOVES it, he feels like a little puppy dog around you because you take care of him so well
you are all about sneak attack kisses, and he never knows what to do with them, he just sits there and smiles while you hold his face and pecks his lips
bro eventually, he’ll start laying the rizz down on you (and he’s not very good at it but) its so sweet that he’s genuinely trying and happy
like he’ll just spit pick-up line after pick-up line whenever you’re around, and you just giggle and kiss him on the cheek
you don’t even have to ask and he’ll buy you cute clothes. not that he’s insanely rich or like raking it in, but he makes enough, and he will spend money on something nice for you before he buys something for himself
him begging to drive you anywhere and anywhere even though your car works perfectly fine, he just wants to do things for you
also him begging to rig your car with cameras, too, just so when he does have to be in your car, he can still stream
ummm bonus: he definitely sets up a camera above his bed so like not only can he do sleeping streams, but…. you know…… angles 😌
you bringing him snacks and drinks during his stream and he gets the biggest googly eyes
you’ll just walk in in like the skimpiest little outfits, grinning and winking at the camera before giving kurtie a sloppy kiss
yall he’s so fucking dumb (in a loving way), but you’ll get into the car in like the most revealing and tight top and he’ll get all nervous and try to angle the cameras like ‘yall seeing this???’ all while smirking to himself
him accidentally referring to you as his wife on multiple occasions while streaming
letting you put your songs in the queue every so often
bonus: after hearing you play it literally once, his new favorite song is ‘stars are blind’ by paris hilton. that shit bangs and he knows it
him making you a playlist of all his songs (and he actually falls in love when you mention the fact that you listen to it almost constantly)
he actually can’t believe you love him and you’re of fan of his work and you’re actually the cutest thing he’s ever seen (nice tits, too)
it takes a lot of convincing and proof on his part that you truly love him, but you’re not shy about showing it and you’ll prove it to him anytime he needs
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wangxianficfinder · 9 months
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Fic Finder
1. I'm looking for a story that was set in more modern times and Wangxian are both female, LZ moved to America and was chronically injured, sometimes stuck in a wheelchair, believes WWX dead until she runs into her in America, LSZ is being brought up at the Lan compound by LXC @readingdj
FOUND? 🔒 everything's going to be discovered by everythingispoetry (M, 98k, wangxian, F/F, Modern Cultivation, Reunions, Soft Wangxian, Female LWJ, Female WWX, Family Feels, Soft LQR, they are all softies, Starts with angst ends with fluff, it's a progression, bamf everyone really, Hurt/Comfort, Disability)
2. I remember it was on ao3 and Wei ying was presumed dead from the waterborne abyss but then washes ashore some days later alive I think he was found by LQR or LXC @i-cant-think-of-one-meh
3. Hi I have two very vague fics that I'm trying to find A) a fic where yuan named the burial mounds bunny mountain or valley? Something to do with bunnies. I remember it was a yiling Wei sect fic but that's it. B) a fic where Wei Wuxian pretends to date lan Wangji. I remember lan Wangji had like a see through wall in his bedroom or at least a big house/apartment? Or something and Wei Wuxian stayed with him for a bit. It could have been a sugar baby AU but I know it was fake/pretend au and that they slept together. I think they had a misunderstanding or something and broke up then confessed to each other? Sorry all I really remember is them going to Lan Wangji's apartment at one point 😅
FOUND! 🧡 Never Again by Hauntcats (T, 67k, WangXian, WWX & WQ & WN, Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Golden Core Transfer Fix-It, Angst, Not JC Friendly, BAMF WWX)
4. So I came back to the fandom after about a year and a half and I can’t for the life of me find a story. I don’t remember much, but it was like a murder mystery or something. Or a threat to Jin Ling’s life. But at the end, a girl was killing people with voodoo dolls and was trying to kill Wei Ying with one.
I’m hoping this is in the same story, but they were in a lighthouse and a resentful ghost was murdered and sealed in the structure.
I’m sorry I’m not giving you much, but hopefully someone knows what I’m talking about. Thank you!
FOUND? And I Will Call You Home by Spodumene (E, 42k, WangXian, Case Fic, Post-Canon, Getting Together, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood, Ghosts, Suicide, Explicit Sexual Content, Attempted Sexual Assault, LWJ whump, Original Character Death(s))
5. Hii hope you all are well. Um this fic was modern wwx somehow getting transported into the wuxia version and kind of gives therapy to everyone I believe they were also viewing the past it's not rly a jiang family fix it but I think the ppl that died came back. I think wwx mentions that ljy in the modern world is older than lwj @thatperson0-0
Hi I'm number 5. Sadly the fic was not found :(. If it helps, modern wwx is engaged/married/dating modern lwj and when the two wwxs switch, past wwx and modern lwj have yk in the modern world and when he comes back he mentions wanting to try the stuff he learnt with past lwj.
NOT FOUND! Wrong Turn, Right Place by diamondbruise (E, 71k, WangXian, Time Travel, kind of, it’s more reality travel but there’s modern wwx and cultivator lwj, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jealousy, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Misunderstandings, Cultural Differences)
6. hello I would like to request help in finding a modern Wangxian fanfic on Ao3 in which they are I think starting university & WY has 2 cores one golden core and a dark core from resentful energy with I think a reincarnation theme too for WY seeing LZ triggers both his cores & memories then faints which leads to LZ building a barrier around them & helps WY merge both cores together to save him also both their families are alive with baoshan sanren being close with Wangxian like a grandmother also LZ burns baoshan sanren hand when activating the shield also LJY & LSZ are immortals with LSZ gone into a meditative state and that JWY is an idol as he is unable to cultivate as he returned the core back to WY this particular piece of info I think was mentioned in the ending notes, this is all that I remember of it hope it helps. thxs @1p1rose1
FOUND?🔒 Because you loved me by ThisIsWhereTheMagicHappens (T, 133k, WIP, WangXian, NieLan, SongXiao, Canon Compliant, Modern AU, College/University, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, supportive family, POV Alternating, a lot of cultivation, they reincarnated, but not everyone remembers, the lan and wei parents are alive and caring, Happy Ending, No war, Hurt/Comfort, Mpreg, magical mpreg) but it doesn't match exactly
7. I need fic finder help 😭 I cannot for the life of me find this one fic or remember the name, but I remember it very clearly.
So the premise was that the Lan soloed the SSC after the Wen attacked Cloud Recesses, and LWJ was sect leader (and chief cultivator??) after. He demanded a person be given to him (as compensation?? To show the sects alliance to him?? I forgot the exact reason) and WWX saw it coming a mile away that it would be him chosen to be handed over. Everyone was terrified of LWJ and was certain WWX would be miserable, but LWJ knew it would be WWX they sent and because Wen Qing vouched for him LWJ treated WWX like he deserved instead of how the sects thought he'd be, and got the shock of their life when they ended up married.
The last chapter I read (and the last update I saw, it was a (nearly finished?) wip last I read) Wen Qing sent a notice that LXC, who'd been in a coma for the entire fic up to that point, was awake.
If anyone can find this fic, I'd be eternally greatful 😭
FOUND! golden when the day met the night by glitteringmoonlight (Not rated, 95k, slow burn, sugar daddy LWJ, light, angst, fluff, developing relationship, eventual smut, WIP)
8. There is a fic I'm looking for. After wwx comes back in Mo village he decides to just stay there and run the town for several years as mo xuanyu and I can't seem to find it on AO3 @mortavita
FOUND? focal, filler, and line by bosbie (T, 26k, wangxian, canon divergence, flower shop au, fluff, hurt/comfort, pining, falling in love, WWX is not recognized in Dafan mountain, slice of life, WIP) WWX stays in Mo Village and is noticed by LWJ 3 years later the out-of-season flowers "Mo Xuanyu" sells have touches of resentful energy on them
FOUND? Gave my Heart and Soul by mel_darling (T, 47k, WIP, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, References to Depression, Survivors Guilt, Angst with a Happy Ending, Misunderstandings, wwx knows Lwj was the one who kissed him, Canon Divergence, Panic Attacks, AnxietyPining, Healing, Gardening for the soul, Accidental Child Acquisition, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Nightmares) It doesnt take place over years but the premise is similar.
9. Does anyone have that threadfic where omegaverse a!WWX donated sperm for money and o!LWJ bought it? LWJ had two(?) kids with the third on the way when the two of them met and toward the end one of the kids got injured and had to go to the hospital which is how they found out that WWX was the donor
10. I’m looking for a fic where Wei Wuxian is helping Lan Wangji move in, only to get pinned to a sex bench. Turns out Wei Wuxian is one of a very small subset of males who can get pregnant, Lan Wangji found his e-reader, and calmly decided to divest them both of their virginity. It is not nearly as dark as it sounds.
FOUND? Touch me, tease me, fill me up by Lanwangjisnights (E, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, BDSM Scene, Domestic BDSM, Restraints, Bondage, Rope Bondage, Double Penetration, Double Penetration in Two Holes, Boypussy, Vaginal Sex, LWJ Has a Big Dick, Daddy Kink, Pregnancy Kink, Consensual Non-Consent, Vibrators, Sex Toys, Rough Sex, Overstimulation, No Refractory Period, Aftercare, Marriage, Proposal, WWX POV, First Time)
11. Hi! I’m looking for this fic, I don’t know if it was time travel, but one of the main things was that Wei ying, lan zhan, jiang Chang, and Jin Zixuan became martial brothers. Thank you!
FOUND? Quartet series by WithBroomBefore (T, 69k wangxian, JZX & JC & WWX & LWJ, Canon Divergence, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, WWX's canonical comfort with the prospect of his own death, Hurt/Comfort, JZX makes friends, Eventual Happy Ending, some unhappiness along the way, Canon-Typical Violence, JC keeps his golden core, JYL Lives, WQ Lives, Minor Character Death, Kissing, WWX Lives, no golden core transfer, JZX Lives, Fix-It, WN Lives, Weeping, temporary major character death, Murder Road Trip, Implied Sexual Content, Sunshot Campaign, Nonbinary NHS, Telepathy, platonic group soulbonding, Family, Found Family, POV WWX, Podfic Available, Siblings Sworn Brothers, aroace JZX, Happy Ending, all the Wen remnants live, POV JZX, JGY is less murdery, Asexual Character, Aromantic Character, JZX's social awkwardness, Poison)
FOUND? The Same Moon Shines series by sami (E, 799k) since the asker specifically mentions time travel, I wonder if it's Sami's time travel series? at least the main continuity, where WWX is the time traveler. the sworn brotherhood isn't central like in Quartet but it's still a key plot point.
12. Hi, I’m looking for an abo fic (o!wwx and a!lwj) where wwx is sent to the cloud recesses in an arranged marriage bc madam yu thought he would be miserable there. Lwj is super cold to him at first and I think wwx is left kneeling in the cold during his preheat? Lwj also doesn’t want kids with him, which makes wwx upset. Xichen and wwx end up becoming good friends, wwx solves the water abyss with talismans, and lwj warns wwx about associating with xichen since the elders would cast them in a bad light, and wwx takes this as threatening him. @vellialavellious
FOUND! To Bring You Back Within My Reach by ablaiseofglory (M, 20k, WIP, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, No dubious consent, Adopted Children, Kid Fic, A/B/O Dynamics, omega wwx, Alpha LWJ, Orphanage, canon levels of physical abuse, aka cloud recesses punishments, Verbal/Mental Abuse, Misunderstandings, so many of them, a comical/horrifying amount, Depressive Thoughts)
13. Hii this I'd for fic finder
I'm looking for a fic where wwx and wq pretend to be married, a yuan as their child when wwx confronted the jins about qionqi path, in the end I remember he also married lz ( after a misunderstanding where he accused him of infidelity). Thank u ☆
Hii I'm number 13 on the recent fic finder, it's unfortunately not what was recommended :')
I remember more of the story , wwx and wq were married out of convenience to save her family, they had children together but never slept together, when wwx told lwj he loved him , lwj accused him of being bored of his wife or something (they got married in the end, there was implied mpreg I think & lwj was referred to as second madam wei)
Not FOUND that is a door by ShanaStoryteller (Not rated, 7k, WWX/WQ, Marriage of Convenience, POV WQ, Post-War, Canon Divergence) if the asker is certain about marrying LWJ then it's not ShanaStoryteller's this is a door, but otherwise it might be
Not FOUND🔒the tragic and entirely true story of the romance between the yiling patriarch and his wife, most renowned doctor of her generation by ravenditefairylights (T, 18k, WangXian, Non-Linear Narrative, Post-Canon, but also during canon, Character Study, Canon Temporary Character Death, excessive use of personal headcanons, Baby LSZ, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Oblivious WWX, Rumors, Getting Together, Idiots in Love, Heteronormativity, Fake Marriage, Chronic Pain, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining)
FOUND? 💖 The Epic Lie of the Yiling Laozu and His Wife by JaenysBloodcourt (T, 9k, wangxian, WWX/WQ, fake/pretend relationship, fake marriage, misunderstandings, lies, jealousy, BAMF WWX, yiling wei au)
14. Hello I am trying to find a fic that is a modern reincarnation au, wei wuxian and nie huaisang are reincarnated roommates, but lan wangji is immortal and from the canon time and he fights a big ghost head in their apartment which is wuxian and huaisang’s first experience with cultivation in this time
It had maybe two chapters then didn’t update for like a year and I gave up and closed the tab for it but that was a big mistake because even unfinished I still think about it for some reason
15. Hellooo im really trying to find a fic where weiying travelled back in time to gusu classes and tried to end his life with his sword and everyone get scared there's a similiar fic called (un)hidden but it's not the one im trying to find can u please help me find it
FOUND? 🔒 Without end by barisan (M, 69k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel, Suicide Attempt, Hurt/Comfort, Depressed WWX, WWX Needs a Hug, WWX Needs Therapy, Protective LWJ, Good Uncle LQR, Bad Parent YZY, Bad Parent JFM, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Canonical Character Death, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Time Travel Fix-It, YZY Bashing, JFM Bashing, WWX Protection Squad, WWX Has Self-Esteem Issues, YLLZ WWX, Forehead Kisses, hand holding, Scheming NHS, Wēn Remnants Live, Broadway References, Yúnmèng Jiāng Sect Bashing, Literal Sleeping Together, Feelings Realization, Like Speedrun, First Kiss, sentient resentful energy, Medical Inaccuracies, Sentient Burial Mounds, Protective Siblings, Soft WangXian, BAMF WWX)
FOUND? Better Off Without Me by lindgrsl77 (M, 2k, WIP, WangXian, Suicide Attempt, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, WWX is not okay, Time Travel, Happy Ending)
FOUND? For the Best by Weiyun (T, 5k, WangXian, Suicide Attempt, Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, Angst, Canon Divergence, Time Travel)
16. Hi ☺️ I'm here again for finding recs that I have forgotten the title but not the storyline part ... Well for starter it's like watching their show but they time travel(?) Also there was a scene that while they were watching the library punishment when they get to the book that's when LZ thoughts of the library incidence were broadcast to everyone and any other fantasies he has but they realized it was only his not really happened. And they didn't know this until they watch it... I dunno how to find it 😔 @myst1210
FOUND? Song of Joy and Regrets by HelloKitten (Not Rated, 134k, wangxian, hualian, WIP, TGCF, Angst, Self-Harm, Child Abuse, characters watching their series, Time Travel Fix-it) chapter 31
17. hello this is for ficfinder.
A) it was a modern au in which wwx is lan yuan's art teacher and i think lwj has adopted him, the fic starts w lwj being late to pick him from school. wen ning is the receptionist at the school. at some point wwx and lwj and a yuan also meet at a market and end up eating together.
B) there is a series in which basically everyone ia simping over wwx and he also finds a way to get his own body back and everyone is like oh you really wee HOT and i think the series named smth similar to simping over wwx but i cant seem to find it.
thank you
FOUND! 🧡 paint smears on sunny days by SnowshadowAO3 (E, 53k, WangXian, Comfort, Fluff and Smut, Everyone Is Alive, Modern AU, Dadji, Mutual Pining, Happy Ending, Brief Alcohol Mention, Masturbation, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Accidentally co-parenting with your son's art teacher, Fatherhood)
FOUND? Simping over WWX is my fave hobby Series by brrrrrRawr (T, 10k, WangXian, WWX's original body, Fluff, Pet Name,s Blushing, No Smut, Genius WWX, yunmeng bros reconciliation, endgame lotus pier, big bro wwx rights, also dad wwx rights, BAMF WWX, Bad Writing, Body Dysphoria So OOC, world building, cliff diving, corpse wrestling, OOC, Canon Divergence, god WWX, god WN, god WQ, child JL, teenager MXY, xuanli get resurrected, rip nmj tho, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, BAMF WWX, BAMF WN, BAMF WQ)
18. hi! I just remembered a fic I read a while ago but I can't find it now and I really wanted to read it again. So what I remember about it is that it's set in cql verse and wei wuxian was taken to the nightless city. He was planning on learning about wrh's demonic cultivation and so he kind of tries to make wen rouhan favor him while secretly learning demonic cultivation. Wrh fell for it and he kinda made wwx his consort and lwj thought wwx really betrayed them. please help me find it T~T
I can remember but I can't find... But I remember that I think WWX still had a golden core. He made Chenqing to let WRH think he was only playing music to help him concentrate on creating the Yin Tiger Seal but actually WWX was using it to use demonic cultivation to create weaknesses in the Seal that he could exploit later (and also to try to protect his golden core grin the resentment). Chenqing becomes semi-sentient and wants to help and protect him. In the end he shatters the Seal while shielding everyone else from the backlash and almost dies in the process, because he drops Chenqing and so she can't protect him.
FOUND? 🔒 Pendulum by ShippersList (M, 69k, wangxian, graphic depicitions of violence, rape/non-con, underage, A/B/O, Canon Divergence, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Misunderstandings, Canon-Typical Violence, Spies & Secret Agents, Fake Character Death, Slow Burn, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, BAMF WWX, Attempted Sexual Assault, Canonical Character Death, Mutual Pining, Good JGY, Introspection, Self-Sacrificing WWX, Love Confessions, Protective LWJ, past child sexual abuse)
19. Hi! 🥳 Happy new year! And also thank you so much for your hardwork for the past year. I hope you will also help me with this as well.
I’m looking for the fic wherein Wwx went to the bunnies. Wwx was shocked because they went to him and some bunnies actually nuzzles his tummy. Wwx find it odd since usually bunnies don’t like him. Eventually, they learned that the reason why bunnies wwx now because he’s pregnant 🫄.
Hi! I’m the fic finder #19. Thank you for helping but unfortunately I think this is not the one. Though they are similar, it still different because in the fic I read, there is a scene where wwx scolded the bunnies like saying ‘You only like me now because I’m pregnant’ like that.
NOT FOUND! How strange... the bunnies like me! by Selene210 (M, 3k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Using bunnies as a way of discovering pregnancy, Mpreg, Mild Smut)
20. Can you please help me find a fic? Lan Zhan decides to leave the Lan clan and to do so he has to cut his hair. Wei Ying finds him by a river and helps him with the hair cut. I don’t think they had met prior to this, it is possible Wei Wuxian had already also left his own clan? Anyhoo, they go on to live together and it is very domestic and sweet.
FOUND? my life’s journey is far from over by thelastdboy (E, 148k, wangxian, modern au, canon divergence, PTSD, post-sunshot, everyone lives au, depression, suicidal thoughts, unhealthy coping mechanisms, slow burn, case fic, recorvery, healing is a slow process, kink negotiation)
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2knightt · 1 year
DOLL I NEED ANYTHING W SODA (anything tht ur heart desires loveee) 😍💞
↳can i get a kiss?₊˚✧
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➬ sodapop x reader
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real hot day in oklahoma, you were almost melting.
you were gonna just, chill in your yard all day. no real plans, honestly.
you walked into the DX, hoping for at least a cold coke..or some chips. you couldn’t be that picky.
but when you walked in?? sodapop had fucking heart eyes. he almost started floating with harps playing in the background.
honestly, soda was hoping you’d be quick so you’d come to the register faster.
and luckily, you were.
grabbed your favourite drink and chips and you were done!
you walked to the register where you seen a really, really, cute dude working there.
“heyy!! is this all?”
he asked—way to cheery for a job as a cash register in a place with no air conditioning.
when he finished ringing you up, you pulled out your wallet.
“hey, it’s on the house. okay?”
on the house?
huh, nice. you really can’t complain about free stuff.
“thank you, uh..”
you wanted to thank him personally, but you couldn’t.
he wasn’t wearing his name tag—nor did he introduce himself.
odd name, you thought.
your reaction only made him smile even wider, for some reason…
“that’s my real name! pretty cool, huh? what’s yours?”
“y/n. lovely to meet you, sodapop.”
you said, smiling and waving as a goodbye.
as soon as you left, sodapop went running to steve.
sodapop sighed and rolled his eyes at his best friends confusion.
“the girl that just came in.”
“oh—yeah i saw her, why?”
steve asked, raising an eyebrow.
“well—wasn’t she jus’ stunning?! her voice almost made me weak in the knees!”
sodapop cooed about the girl. steve just thought he was being weird and went back to work.
for the next few days, sodapop worked the register. he didn’t like it that much, he just hoped to see you again.
and his hoping actually got him somewhere.
you went back to the DX for a coke, that’s it.
when sodapop seen you walk in, he sprung up out of his bored, laidback attitude and put on a cheerful one.
“y/n, right? nice to see you again!”
he said, basically shouting.
his smile was so bright, it was almost blinding.
but seeing him so happy, made you happy too. and you didn’t know why..maybe it was because he was nice?
you couldn’t find an answer to your own questions.
“it’s free, again! well—maybe not.”
“what do you mean?”
you asked, gently.
what does he mean? maybe not? is it free or is it not?
“it’d be real nice if you..gave me your number in exchange..?”
he said, or almost asked. he said it in such an awkward tone, but with such a goofy grin on his face.
you thought sodapop was a real looker and to be honest, you were quite bored yourself.
“depends, you got a pen?”
the boy perked up—searching every inch of the table for a pen, and he luckily found one.
he handed the pen to you, showing you his palm.
you grasped the pen and wrote your number in red ink on his palm.
you said, walking out.
but just as you left—you could’ve sworn you heard a bunch of screaming. like a celebration of some sorts.
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may 30th, 2023. 5:00PM.
292 notes · View notes
dailycass-cain · 7 months
so this is my first time reading Batgirl (TYSM for the guide!) and I'm pretty new to comics in general. I've made it to #41 so far, and I can't help but notice the huge decline in writing from #38 onwards with the change of writers. Maybe it's just exacerbated by how good the previous issues were; but it really feels like Cass drastically went from a rare female character that is actually written with the same respect and depth as the male characters to being turned into a "girl superhero" with boy troubles who gets forced into bikinis and love triangles. Since you seem to know a lot about what was going on behind the scenes at the time, did something happen? I know there's misogynistic/racist men in the industry who hated Cass so I was wondering if that was already brewing back then during her 2000s run
I think when it came post-Puckett era, Dylan Horrocks was faced with a choice: ape off Puckett or try something different with the character.
I'll be honest, the early Horrocks' stuff you're in hasn't aged well. The ideas are interesting, of exploring sexuality and Cass realizing she can "see" what men think of her, and I think the utter realization of Babs making a mistake is good. It's just the overall execution is more of a miss.
The thing is, #41 gives us an excellent in-character reason for her choices. It's just this is all balanced with Bruce being pretty awful to Cass during this period (because this is all in a lead-up to Horrocks "big" story for #50).
Horrocks run can best be summed as: starts "meh" has interesting ideas, but fails to fully execute them well. There are some standoff amazing moments in the comics (I think the Doll Man issue is quite underrated).
Though, you're right. This is the era when Dan DiDio began to rise to power within the DC Comics Company, and it shows during this particular run.
So during this "run" we had A LOT of things happen outside the comic.
#1 Batman: Hush going on, and that story is particularly infamous for neglecting Cass due to story writer Jeph Loeb's distaste cause she wasn't Barbara Gordon (artist Jim Lee, who now currently runs DC too had this idea but since 2020 has softened this stance and realizes the mistake made).
Add this with DiDio's bias toward the Bronze Age "iconic" characters (Barry, Hal, and Babs) you have this growing problem.
#2 Cass DID get to be involved in another comic. The Justice League: Elite maxi-series. Though she didn't show up in THE Batman story, Cass was showing up in two other series at this time. One, well is in my "infamous" Cass reading guide (Batman: City of Light), and JL: Elite.
The later series did a nice job with the "twist" that Cass was on the team and as an agent of Batman spying on them. It is an actually interesting and good story.
#3 This is the era the "editorial edicts" started to come in. So a rather infamous thing during DiDio's reign was editorial edicts that would force changes in comics (leading to some outrageous OOC moments). This happened TWICE in Horrocks' Batgirl run.
At a certain point, Horrocks is told via top brass that he's losing Babs as a supporting cast member and has to write her off the comic. So he has to write a Babs/Cass go their separate ways due to well you'll see.
The other is in regards to Stephanie Brown who'll be back in the comic past #50 (she left the series in #38). What Horrocks didn't know until a Bat summit around this time (where all the Batman book creatives discussed where to take the books in the coming months) is that Stephanie's days were numbered.
She was coming back (and as Robin), but they were killing off the character. Horrocks and Nightwing writer Devin Grayson HATED the idea and objected to it.
Sadly, they were outvoted and well whatever else occurred in those meetings (or after) resulted in Horrocks quitting the Batgirl series and DC Comics itself by #57 (this is why Horrocks' run on the book just ends abruptly with no real end). Horrocks is still currently just enjoying the life of writing and doing Indie comics.
Interestingly, whatever Horrocks said or did it's interesting to note his is the only run never collected fully by DC Comics. Sadly, the only Batgirl issues that were EVER put in a trade were the stuff that made him walk (Batman: War Games, the event that killed Stephanie Brown). That was until the mid-2010s when DC released a HC Batgirl Anniversary trade that also included stories of Bette Kane, Steph, and Cass as Batgirl. #45 (aka Cass wearing Babs' Batgirl costume) is in the trade collection.
Ironically, this bad management editorial would also eventually affect Kelley Puckett (who returns to DC with Supergirl Vol. 5 #23-29, 31-32) around 2008 to 2009 but then ALSO decided to leave DC and comics altogether.
Not those two, but also the writer who'd replaced Horrocks, Andersen Gabrych (who was one of the minds behind War Games). However, I honestly do love Gabrych's run on Batgirl more than Horrocks. It's just the edicts and the rushing toward the end of his run kind of sours it.
I hope all this information is helpful.
33 notes · View notes
nobodysdaydreams · 8 months
(Or my reaction to Episode 61 of Wolf359: Brave New World).
Well gang, we did it. We've reach the end. Sorry for how my reactions went from super spaced out to speed running the finale in a number of days, but I did warn you that I'm just sporadic like that. Though I have been semi-putting Brave New World off, because as much as I want to know how Wolf359 ends, I don't want it to end. I love these characters. I want good things for them. As much as I hate what they did, I wish that Hilbert and Maxwell had gotten the chance to get the redemption arc that Jacobi got. Hilbert had plenty of opportunities, but Maxwell was young and its not fair. I don't know how much more sadness they are gonna throw at me, but I'm guessing its a lot and I can't listen to it all in one sitting, so I'm just mentally preparing myself.
I also don't want this to end because I've loved giving you guys these reactions. Thank you all for reading my rambles and enjoying them. It means a lot to me, and I hope you were entertained. Thanks for coming on this journey with me, and please know that the second this is over, I am gonna figure out how to unblock the wolf359 tags (I did it so long ago I forgot how I did it, oopsie-daisy), and I am am gonna be reblogging and going crazy over all your posts and fanart and stuff so I hope you're ready for that.
Plus finishing the podcast also means it's time for me to deliver on those fics I promised y'all, which have been very carefully written (in my head). I will write them out eventually, but if there is anything my tmbs mutuals will tell you, my wolf359 mutuals, it's that my ideas tend to lead to other ideas, which means my fics do tend to be a little long, but (based on the reviews I've gotten) worth the read. So it might take a while to get them on AO3, but when I do, I hope you enjoy them!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom @lovelyladylavie
Episode 61: Brave New World
The fact that Brave New World was written in 1932 and Cutter and Pryce are old and the fact that the message of Brave New World is about humans losing their humanity...already we're setting the stage.
And based on Kepler's earlier declaration, why do I suspect that this is the part where Doug's daughter's life and Minkowski's husband's life are finally on the line. I know Cutter and Pryce won't hesitate to aim their guns at them (and probably the rest of the planet too).
That moment when you can't tell if Wolf359 starts with sad piano music, or if this is just an ad for another podcast.
Oh it's the intro. Hi Hera! Or Miranda...oh wait I genuinely can't tell if this is Miranda talking about herself or Hera talking about her.
Clouded eyes, weak heart, child genius, orphan, no friends...I see. Obsessed with making things stronger and better. Yeah, except for herself I bet. Oh. She made her friends. Because she could control them. "Never left her behind, never talked back, never were afraid of her...except when she wanted them to be." "The one thing she couldn't fix was herself" see I called it!
Until? Oh no. Marcus.
And Old Man? Almost as clever as her? "Hello little girl. I want you to make a doll for me. You're very best doll. It must look like a real person, and sound like a real person, and be a real person." "And if I can?" "Then you and I will fix the world. I will be young and you will be whole and the world will finally be everything it could be. Everything it should be."
Okay. Thoughts.
When I made my jokes about Pryce being Cutter's evil science girlfriend, I was not assuming a romantic relationship, I was trying to use that language to insult Pryce and Cutter by making them sound like the kids they hate so much in a frivolous, juvenile and toxic relationship. Then, I was told by a few of you that given this assumption, it’s important that I know that I shouldn't assume that Pryce met Cutter when she was young based on this story and it was meant to be "fairytale language", which does make sense given that Cutter being willing to call Miranda his "work wife" when he's known her since she was young enough to be his granddaughter is incredibly creepy.
I appreciate the clarification, but also, I really don't think it matters whether this is hyperbole or not. If it is, then okay. Pryce and Cutter's relationship is still weird. If it's not, then Cutter's a creep, what a surprise. Tell me something I don't know.
"And so they did. And everyone lived happily ever after. The end."
The fact that it's Cutter that interrupts Miranda's story to give that closing line and declare this the end adds to the creepiness. Miranda says what Marcus's promise to her was, but never says whether she agreed before Marcus jumps in with "and so they did". Also, if Miranda was dying, Cutter was her only chance at survival. It also sounds like she was a kid with a pretty messed up view of the world. Doesn't excuse anything she did, but see Cutter? THAT is how you give a good sad backstory, and she did it in five minutes. You spent a whole hour with Nash just so you could cry that the government took your precious telescope.
"THAT'S the evil plan?" Care to fill us in Doug?
"That's THE plan, yes." Shut it Rachel. It's evil and you know it.
It's...so evil. And so...planned. Doug's words might be simple, Rachel, but sometimes simple is better. It gets to the point and cuts through the BS.
"It's real and it's happening" And ARE you happy about this Kepler? And why tell them?
Good question Kepler, why are you here? Please tell me you're going to take Rachel away.
"You're going to help" "of course I am" Are you Kepler? Oh please tell me he gets a redemption arc and betrays Cutter.
Does anyone want to fill ME in on the plan? No one? Okay. :(
"Where's the trust?" That's not for you, Rachel.
"I really don't like her" I don't either, Doug.
We can't stop them, so let's see our families again. No, Minkowski, you can do this! I believe in you! You can't just go home, we have two hours left! That's plenty of time to stop them.
It's been a long...years.
I forget how long they've been up there. And that everyone on Earth believes they're dead.
And not do anything about WHAT? WHAT IS THE PLAN PLEASE FILL ME IN.
What was that sound?
Oh Doug is in the comms room. Oh yikes. It's okay, Doug. We've all broken very expensive lab equipment before.
"Living in a cuckoo clock" you have no idea, Doug.
"I wouldn't do that." Is that Pryce or Hera? And yeah why is there gas?
"Good boy" oh good it's Hera. Hera calls him good boy, Pryce just calls him boy.
"Who are you?" OH THIS IS DOUG MEETING HERA FOR THE FIRST TIME. At first I thought that Doug...forgot her? Or something? I was confused.
Ultraviolet halo? Contraband cigarettes. 😂
"Just ask. I'm here to help." Aw that was sweet.
Ew Rachel. I'm gonna start using "----" breaks to cut off sections.
"Actually he's in quite a lot of pain. Back to work." Always charming, Rachel.
"Thanks for saving our lives-" Kepler, that's a great question. What IS this? Where was the concern for brainwashed Jacobi or better still, WHERE WAS YOU CONCERN FOR MAXWELL? Or Jacobi dealing with her death?
"And do what? Get myself shot? Get you shot? No. I played the game." Was it worth it, Kepler?
"That's the lie you tell yourself. The truth? The truth is that you were afraid. And the only thing YOU did was try to save YOUR hide?"
Dang this dialogue is amazing.
"You're not wrong." "Which one?" "Both of you." This isn't YOUR conversation Rachel.
Momentary weakness?
Oh my gosh, the good food too? Why does Cutter hit so many show Curtain parallels? He might torture, enslave, and kill people, but he's gonna get them a good meal first.
Good for you Doug, turning down the wine. I'm proud of him.
This is a sweet moment between Doug and Lovelace. I gotta say, since I'll be reacting to this section by section, it's nice that they have it broken up a little like this so I can reach a section and then get to a stopping point if I need to.
I'm just worried about who is going to die. These conversations feel like goodbyes.
Minkowski. I know you miss your husband. But...yeah, ARE you ready to go back?
YEAH WE'RE DOING THIS! To borrow from Eris's words: "Let's beat the bad guys 🥳"
Quiet Rachel.
Wait. Destroy a whole species?
Are they talking about humans?
...are they ecofascists? Eugenicists? Pryce is literally disabled, how the heck...
"Only stay if you have to." Well, it sounds like you all have to.
"Hera what did you say to her" "Something a friend once said to me" 🥰🥰🥰
"I'm starting to think these guys are my kind of stupid" GO JACOBI!
"Adorable corpses 🥰" Rachel you suck!
"Come with us. You're still people, you're still on our side, even if you don't think you are." Very true. What do you think Pryce and Cutter will do to YOU when they have what they want? They'll dispose of you too.
"You're allowed to make mistakes as long as at some point you admit that they're mistakes!" "I was wrong and people died. All I can do is not be wrong again" "You knew what you were getting into" "No I didn't. I didn't know I was getting into mind control and reducing people to nothing. There's a line. And you're almost out of chances to get on the right side of it." PREACH!
"There is no line. Forwards. Always forwards." FORWARDS TO WHAT RACHEL? WHY HAS NO ONE SHOT HER YET?
"Thank you, Daniel, and goodbye." Oh so that's how it is. Goodbye Kepler. I look forward to your last minute sacrifice.
Character arcs woven like a quilt.
"We're going to crush them" Yeah, let's do it!
A full reboot? Worth the risk? That kind of stuff always worries me.
Is this Maxwell's notes? It's hard to recognize the voice on the recording. "She really was something special" Oh it is Maxwell.
Ah. Another flashback! Jacobi meeting Maxwell.
Looks like Kepler got an important text.
"Cool stuff with robots" good work Maxwell. The best scientists can always dumb it down.
"The Whiskey speech" 😂
"You're one of the best. You're gonna do great things. It's the last nice thing you'll ever hear from me. Except: you need anything I got you're back. No matter what happens, I've got your back. I'll take you up on that." 😭💔
Oh it's okay. Take my heart. I didn't need it.
"Are they going to do the smart thing?" "Well who are we to deny them an agonizing death?" Shut it Cutter.
They put a tracker on Jacobi? See I knew Rachel was a snake. So is Kepler, but at least he's gonna take a bullet for someone or something. My money's on Jacobi, but I could be wrong.
Yep. Eiffel logs everything.
"I never got the chance to say I'm sorry. YOUR DAD LOVES YOU, YOUR DAD LOVES YOU SO MUCH." 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
"Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. You can go so far. I wish I could be there to see it. I love you Ann. Always and forever."
Time to go? Oh. The comms room? Oh, right. Poor Doug.
"One more day, and then we're done." This is so sad.
"Go home Eiffel, hug your daughter" OH HE CALLED HER RENEE!
This leaves me with so much feeling.
Eiffel can't leave he's the main character. Who will make pop culture references? Who will save the day through the power of random associations, luck, and good intentions?😭😭😭
I hate that they the bad guys know exactly what happened too.
"I'm so sick of this happening!" Use too Doug.
Oh "For god's sake just let me change the flight plan!" So that's what the F stands for. The lore I've been waiting for.
"People need to know what's coming?" Minkowski...I get why you did what you did, but HERA DIDN'T GET TO SAY GOODBYE.
Is this Minkowski's flashback?
Oh when Minkowski met Hera.
"I heard units prefer to go by their serial numbers..." "I don't" Good for you Hera!
I love this. I love these flashbacks, but they just make everything so much more sad!
Ah. More piano music. Does this mean we're back to the bad guys, or...?
Is this Cutter playing the piano?
"The Tempest. Do read a book sometime. Is this the best use of our time?" Pryce and Cutter are really the most toxic people.
"A storm is coming. And on the other side..." "Oh Brave New World." "That has such people in it."
Yes, Pryce and Cutter. People. As in humans. As in: NOT YOU.
"How have they decided to throw their lives away?" "By destroying the device"
WHAT DEVICE? What are you talking about?
Heck yeah a harpoon! I hope Cutter gets it.
"This is Minkowski. I love schedules and musicals and that man who I married." 😂 1-2-3-4-5? It was a good guess Doug. Would have worked in my fanfic.
Okay here comes Victor...
...um what is happening? What is this?
...a surprise party? Sounds fun! 🪩🥳
Oh right, the bio tracker. I'm happy to see Jacobi pulled one over on him. Now shoot him! Please tell me that was Victor that got shot.
They...they trapped him in the room. "Tell me this before I kick your ass" Why on Earth would he ever tell you anything Victor?
Okay, so they are blowing up Pryce and Cutter's evil device, but...what is the device? What ARE they doing? Did I miss it? I'm sure they're doing something to enslave or kill all of humanity, but I'd like the specifics.
"The Hephaestus has almost fallen out of the sky so many times, it's hard to believe it's happening." Well...the show isn't over until it's over.
Is this a Lovelace flashback? A date? A date with who? Oh, Hilbert. Not that kind of date then. Oh, this is her introducing Hilbert to the crew he's going to betray.
"Prudent to keep things formal" to avoid the guilt.
Selburg. Once again with the constant fake names. Dmitri. Matthew.
Though I think Miranda has always had hers.
Yeah Doug. You've listened to her say it so many times. This is like me trying to drive in my hometown. No, I wasn't paying attention in the car as a kid, I was not the one doing the driving. I just zoned out and we got from point A to point B by magic.
Oh, Minkowski. "Get up and do it already. You can do it."
Yes you can Doug. You are the main character. You are the guy that's gonna swoop in at the last second when Cutter pulls one over one them. So you CAN do it. I believe in you, Eiffel.
"Victor Uniform Lemma Charlie Alpha November VULCAN" I knew it must stand for something! Good work Doug!
Oh dear. More of Pryce and Cutter's marriage falling apart.
"Time to change the world." Or you could not. Maybe you could just not.
Please explain this? Oh of course he has a speech.
Oh he's talking to the dear listeners, not the Hephaestus crew.
Ah. The Decima virus. Thanks a lot Hilbert. DEPLOY THROUGHOUT THE EARTH? He wants to cause a pandemic????
Automatic, can't be stopped, destruction of human race? But why would the aliens care? Oh because Cutter wants them to talk to HIM? But the aliens prefer Doug.
As do most others it would seem. Hurts, doesn't it, Cutter? All those years of experience and work, and yet, you still just can't have what he has, can you?
Ah. It's Bob. Did he just shock Bob? No temporal jumps, no disintegration?
"Remarkable and cold" No Bob, you saw Doug! It's just them. They don't need to be cold.
Willing to disrupt species survival??? What piece of tech do they want? Surrogates?
They want to fill the world with people they can control?
"You can't make duplicates of our species." Bob, they are worst than you can ever imagine.
"We're going to make better humans." "That is not the way that-" "Random part out of the equation" That's a bad idea. Do you know how evolution works? Do you know the negative side effects that have come out of selective breeding of animals? The unintended consequences? To quote Miranda from earlier in the episode: READ. A. BOOK.
"Our Humanity" Gross.
Oh here is comes. Betraying Rachel and Warren.
"Your brains can't handle it without modification. I cannot with my limitations. Do you have Doug Eiffel?"
Oh boy...oh Cutter is gonna snap. If only Doug had just kept going...
Oh wow okay Cutter has lost it. What happened to emotionally playing the piano and giving speeches about how the time had come?
oh geez no, Doug is back. Doug, no, they need you for the evil plans. This is a good idea, but very bad timing.
"He wouldn't" Oh he WOULD. He really really would.
Show 'em how it's done Dougie Boy!
"I'll get it" No you will NOT Miranda.
Kepler, now is a great time to betray Cutter and Rachel. A really good time.
Also is Victor dead? I'm trying to keep track of how many bad guys are gone.
"You're the only person who can receive the data Pryce and Cutter want" Oh dear.
"With my life darling, with my life" 🥹💕
So what is Hera going to do?
"Lets make sure at least someone makes it through this" YOU ALL NEED TO MAKE IT.
"Let's go get our idiot back" That's the spirit baby!
Oh dear. Jacobi. "Terrific for an SI-5." Wow.
"I'm gonna win!" I hope so Jacobi. But it sounds very not good.
Oh and here's Doug. And um...other Doug. Aka Bob.
Bob. Do not do this.
That was it? "You shall not call me again" "No Bob. I shall not."
"I hate loose ends"
I mean, I saw that coming, but dumb idea. I'm SURE Bob's family will be cool with that! Oh right, he just...recreates himself. But this has got to be trippy for Doug because Bob takes his form. Imagine watching a clone of yourself die.
"Let's make a deal 🥰" Wow Pryce is the worst. Again, very trippy how much she sounds like Doug.
Wait. GOING IN? What does. What does "going in" mean? Don't go in, I don't like going in?
Ah yes. Going into someone's mind. I've done that in my fics before too. Fun stuff. And um...it's because you're disorganized Doug, I hate to tell you.
"That was...that was...that was..." OH SHE DESTROYED THE MEMORY. OH SHE TOOK THE MEMORY?
This is...horrifying. She could take his daughter away. She could take Hera, Minkowski, and everyone and everything away.
Oh my gosh is she actually here? Like as a person?
This is everything.
Ah yes, confrontation with Cutter.
Cutter has modified his body or he has a magic shield.
He can catch bullets? Of course he can.
I wouldn't try hand to hand combat either. I bet he gave himself super strength.
There has to be a weak spot. He has to have a weakness. But what could it be...
...what is the opposite of a chai latte?
Ah. Back to Jacobi.
Kepler this would be a GREAT TIME to come in and get your arc. "I'm not a good guy" oh Jacobi. What's happening now? Oh has he been pretending to lose this fight to buy them time? What is happening? It's hard to tell.
She's always been interesting, Pryce! You’re just noticing now.
"You don't look like me." Disappointed, Pryce? Sad that she’s better than you?
And the fact that all these AI want human forms...this is so sad. They structured them based on human consciousness so of course they want human bodies and experiences, that's just cruel.
Wait Doug got beat up in the 2nd grade? The Star Wars Prequels? "I might be okay without that one" No one tell him about the sequels 😂😂😂
"Of course you can. You can do anything." 💕
"You and what army, 214?" The sounds in this really makes the fight sound super epic. One of my favorite parts of the whole thing.
Oh gross not Rachel again. Why is she still here?
And Kepler. Dude, you wanna hurry it up? Grab your arc or go, the clock is a-ticking.
"We're changing what humanity can be." you suck Rachel.
Pulse beacon, half power? What does that mean? The signal wouldn't have made it back to Earth?
"We have tell Mr. Cutter." "Do we?" KEPLER THIS IS IT!
He gave you a chance, Rachel. He gave you a chance. "After all, I am still a person. I'm on Jacobi and Minkowski's side. Even if they don't think I am"
And even if they never know you were.
Is she gonna blast him out the airlock? Rachel, you're dying, it's over! You were wrong! The best thing to do is let him live!
He's literally drinking as he goes out the airlock. My...my wish came true. But this isn't how I wanted it to... why now? Why like this? 💔
It's a true sacrifice though. Because even though no one will ever know, he still did the right thing.
You became more than just a Whiskey Boy in the end Kepler. You became so much more.
Rachel, no so much. You were never anything. It doesn't matter if Warren was not as good as you. Because now you're both dead. And your life, well...you were never anyone. Or at least, you haven't been anything or anyone for a long, long, time. So be quiet now.
Silence at last.
Well this isn't good.
Ah yes. Back to Jacobi. Looks like Kepler's not coming to save him. But at least he took care of Rachel.
Explosives? Fireworks? Oh this is a party! 🎆🎇🧨
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Well that was a grand surprise party! But um...does this mean Victor and Jacobi are dead now?
Ah back to Lovelace and Minkowski!
"It's...side wave radiation!" Okay, thank you Cutter, now we know what we need to shut down.
"Humans who do exactly what we tell them to do" "You're crazy"
Yeah. He is literally crazy.
OH SHE SHOT HER??? Oh no....Oh no please tell me SOMEONE makes it out of this.
What really did happen the night of Doug's junior prom? Sounds interesting.
Fishing with Dad? Okay these memories are getting personal.
Wait, what did Doug do?
What are they going to do? Oh they could delete the memories Bob put in there. But they need to find them before Pryce.
Shut up about the stomach wound Cutter. No one cares. This isn't rewriting a person. And THAT'S NOT WHY PEOPLE CARED ABOUT HER YOU IDIOT. And without your intelligence and tech, who. are. YOU, CUTTER?
Renee Minkowski! YES! Tell him!
Lovelace you can fight this. I know you can.
Shut it Cutter. No one cares.
"Sooner or later, you're gonna do as your told" And sooner or later, you are gonna lose everything, Cutter.
"You really think I'm afraid of you?" "THE BEAUTIFUL THING IS I DON'T NEED YOU TO BE"
Please tell me they have the harpoon gun.
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"That's...not...how...this is suppose to..."
Yes, it is Cutter. Like you said. You know how these stories end. The good guys win. They might lose a lot in the process, but, they win.
Is he dead now, like, for real dead? I don't want to celebrate too early but MAN what a way to go.
He and Rachel even died in similar ways to. It's like they short circuited when they realized they didn't win.
Ah Pryce. "I don't need to beat you. No matter how much I want to, no matter how much you deserve it, it wouldn't change anything. What I need to do is make sure you're not going to hurt anyone else again ever." That's right!
"Clip your wings a little. Goodbye Dr. Pryce."
So...Hera's gone now. So what is about to happen?
Oh no. Is she...is she gonna delete both their memories?
"Bye bye to my memories?" Oh Doug, oh poor Doug. His daughter, everything...oh Doug this sacrifice will not be forgotten. 🫡 This is so Milligan coded of him (@/tmbs mutuals).
"You can't. Don't do this." "Oooo...sorry buddy, we gotta" YEAH THROW IT BACK AT HER EIFFEL!
And goodbye. I hope you have a second chance with your daughter. I hope you never remember the trauma. All a bad dream. All a bad dream.
"Do you have any idea what you've...I'm sorry...what was I saying...where...where am I?" Oh my gosh the way her voice changed...and she apologized. Oh my gosh. She's literally a new person.
So...memories gone? Where does this leave her? Oh this will be fun in fanfics. Imagine having no memories, and people are weird about it, and then finding out that before you were basically the worst person to ever exist. How would you even mentally cope with that?
"Yeah commander, it's going." No, Doug! Doug!
"It was an honor, sir" Oh this is so sad.
"Hera...Hera I...I..." You know Hera. You were in his mind. Please tell me you know.
Oh. He's gone. 💔
Oh it's her and Eiffel meeting, okay.
"Are you just asking if I'm the commander? Yes." I love Minkowski and Doug's friendship.
"Never use one word when ten will do" oh Doug...never change. Even if your memories are gone, I hope you find yourself again.
He didn't know you couldn't smoke in space? Oh Doug...at least now you can quit.
"Do I know you?" Yes Doug. Yes you do.
She's briefing him. He...he doesn't remember Star Wars???
Well. At least he gets to watch it all again!
Wait. What's happening to the station? Are they...are they going into the star?
Oh no. So it's up to the dear listeners to save them, or...they just die here. Heroes. Heroes that everyone on Earth thought were dead already.
Oh she's rebooting now.
"Should we be doing something?" Oh did Renee pass out?
So...is Doug on the ship alone without his memories? What's happening?
Where is Renee now? Lovelace? Where? What? The Urania? How?
Did they leave Pryce on board? Did Jacobi get out?
Oh good Hera, Minkowksi, and Lovelace made it. Jacobi did it! Nice work, Jacobi. Oh gosh he's so dramatic 😂
So I assume Doug made it too?
"What about Kepler" "No." Oh so, they must have found Rachel and discovered what he did. "You can't save everyone I suppose"
But you did save him, Jacobi. You did save Whiskey Boy.
And then where is Doug?
Oh he's listening to himself.
"I was a jerk" There's a lot worse things you can be, Doug.
It does make you wonder. If you looked at your life with a blank slate, what would you think? How would you be kinder to yourself? How would you be more critical?
"Am I still that same person?" If you want to be, Doug. If you want to be.
And what happened to Pryce? Please tell me you did not give her to the dear listeners.
Oh Hera and Pryce. "Your voice is like mine, isn't it?" "Nice to meet you, Hera." Oh. Oh my gosh. Pryce calling her Hera.
"And I'm...I'm going to tell you a very, very long story about the two of us, okay?"
I hope this ends well...
...please be a good guy, Pryce.
Hey guys. Guys. Quick question.
Why are there 10 minutes left?
I um...I like this ending. They're going back to Earth, all is well. Please tell me nothing bad happens.
What happened with Pryce? Hera hasn't glitched at all? She did it. She conquered her fear. GO HERA! But um...what about Pryce? Is she...is she good?
Minkowski needs to find her husband. And yeah...you guys have a lot to figure out.
Lovelace...yep. Take Goddard down. Good idea. Explain to your friends you're an alien with extended lifespan...might want to break that gently.
Take who out?
Oh the ship. Is this it? They're going home? Please tell me they're actually going home. Don't tease me like this.
Oh right, what will Hera do now? I'm sure you'll find something.
And yeah. Doug might not know who he is, but he knows there are people he should see. And then...he'll figure it out. They'll all figure it out. "Am I still Doug Eiffel? I'm not sure. Want to find out together?"
Yes. I love this. 🥰
I also love how it connects to "will I miss you, when you go away forever Doug?" Yes, but he's not gone Hera. He's not gone.
Five minutes left. So...what is that for? Do we finally get to meet Doug's daughter and Minkowski's husband...or…
That was wolf359! Oh it’s just the credits!
Great ending. But...wait. No wait. I'm confused hang on.
How did Jacobi escape from Victor to get the Urania? How is Hera going to survive on Earth? How did they fix those wounds? If the Hephaestus went into the star...
Wait. These aren't more alien copies are they? Oh wait, no Hera's here, sorry y'all I panicked for a moment. They duplicate human lives, but as far as I know, not AI. Also, if this was a happy dream sequence, why would Pryce be there? Okay, phew, we're good. We're...finally good.
And even if they are alien copies...the process will take 14,000 years. So. For the rest of their lives, at least. Especially since...they're still using Lovelace to spy on Earth. For the next 14,000 years. But I guess that’s a problem for future generations.
Okay. Great ending. Thoughts:
Cutter got what he deserved. So did Rachel, but I feel a bit sadder that she never realized the pointlessness of her life until it was too late (and really not even then). Also love that Cutter's original last name was "Newman" since he keeps making himself into "new men".
Kepler's sacrifice was great no notes. I hope he enjoyed the Whiskey.
Blessie should have come back, and in fanfic, I will find a way to make this happen.
Eris should have come back, and in fanfic, I will find a way to make this happen.
Are the Dear Listeners just going to leave Earth alone now? If the Hephaestus went into the star...does that mean they can make Rachel and Cutter copies? Because I don't like that...
I love that the aliens weren't the biggest threat in the end and Cutter was always the real monster.
Is Pryce cool now? She doesn't want revenge, does she? Like what do you even do with her at that point? (I have plans for this, don't worry).
How do they dismantle or repurpose Goddard? Cutter probably has guys still loyal to him on Earth or people who are gonna try to be the next Cutter now that he's out of the picture. How do you deal with them?
Okay...so the decima virus can be used for great good and great evil. Cutter apparently had stations with it set up all over the Earth. I hope no one stumble across one of those anytime soon. What exactly are they going to do about decima? It's still swimming about in Eiffel's blood.
Is Minkowski's journalist husband going to blow this case wide open? I hope that after her brief phone call with his secretary, Cutter didn't kill him to keep the rumors from spreading.
Will the families of all the other astronauts that died ever get closure? I know we don't want this getting out and causing panic, but they deserve answers too.
When. Is. The. Empty. Man. Going. To. Show. Up???? /j /It was Cutter the whole time because he has no humanity
Well that was fun. Again, the fanfic will probably take a good long while (I put off a lot in order to listen to this ending), but I look forward to mapping it out.
Once again, thank you all for listening along with me. This has been fun.
Now, to figure out how to unblock those pesky tags...
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awalkingballofanxiety · 6 months
Spoilers Below
This episode had a lot of stuff in it and was absolutely amazing. There’s also a lot of stuff that needs to be talked about. Before I continue, these are just my first impressions and I haven’t been able to go back and fully analyze the episode, so it’s very possible I say something dumb because I missed some important back ground detail.
Ok, first things first, guess we finally learned what the solver meant by not discarding Tessa. Kudos to those that were able to see through that tinted mask and see her for what she was. This episodes end reveal was awesome, and all the foreshadowing for it was just as good. I’m not gonna talk about any in episode 6 since most of it went over my head, instead I’ll focus on the stuff in this episode before the reveal, at least the stuff I picked up on. The second I realized it was Tessa was when Nori asked which host was attacking, because we already saw that Doll and Uzi were currently doing their own thing. Then, her being noninteractable with Uzi’s solver was adding the final red flag for Tessa being Cyn. All of it was super cool and I can’t wait to see what happens with her in the finale.
Uzi’s Battle
This was really cool, that’s it. Especially since the focus for the acrylic stand is probably going to be the focus on the internal battle within Uzi, and also probably means that the last stand is probably going to be N against Tessa/Cyn.
Khan, Lizzy, and Thad
They’re back and are definitely going to play an important role in the finale, probably doing something with J. Also, I love Khan’s character arc. He went from leaving Uzi for dead in the pilot, to realizing he was a bad parent in episode 2, then he tried to get more involved in episode 3 but still stands by and watches the fight with Doll (I know the doors were locked, but he didn’t even come to check on Uzi after the fight). In episode 4, he’s more accepting of Uzi and all her quirks than he is in episode 3, and then in episode 5 he is actively getting involved and showing concern. It only feels fitting that all this growth culminates in him trusting Uzi, in a scene that will probably mirror that of the pilot, where he uses the railgun he made to save Uzi instead of running away again. The thought of this confrontation made me toy with idea of the last stand just being Khan blasting Cyn away, but it’s probably going to N and some external threat. I don’t know what’s gonna happen with Lizzy and Thad, but it’s cool that they’re there too, maybe Thad will fight a murder drone and get to actually win and have a moment of triumph to contrast losing to V in the pilot.
Nori and Yeva
I don’t actually know what to say about these two after the episode. My first thought after seeing Nori come back was that Yeva could potentially return, but then I remembered that her rusting corpse is in Doll’s house. But still, her relationship with Nori before the core collapse was still interesting, it looked she was kind of used to keep her in line and combat the solver whenever it got too far out of line. Also, Nori will probably return, if Uzi was shown in the void at the end then Nori is probably just floating around in there too and will probably bump into Uzi at the end.
The weird religious/science stuff happening
Chances are, if we learn more about this, it’s going to be from flashbacks on account of Tessa burning everything. We saw that Nori was kind of the main thing being monitored, which makes me wonder what the numbers were for and why she was number 2. My first guess is that maybe it’s the order that the solver prioritizes controlling a host, with Nori being first in line and that’s why she’s the one on full lockdown, and probably why the Yeva was the one called to fight her, she’s got a higher number so she’s probably the least likely to just suddenly have lost control. I still think that half the drones didn’t have the solver, probably the odd numbered drones.
That’s all I have to say for now, these are just first impressions and aren’t fully developed thoughts or theories yet. I will probably have a lot more to say on a couple of those topics, but I don’t want to just start spewing half baked theories without doing actual analysis for the sake of sounding smart. This was a really good episode and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
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karamell-sweetz · 6 months
welcome to my blog!
time to remake my info post :D | last updated 16 september 2024
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my name is karamell! its a pleasure to meet ya :D
i go by she/her and am cis female :3 not too fussed abt pronouns tho!
at present i am 17, my birthday is the 16th of june. i’m australian + filipino, so sorry if i post something at an ungodly hour for your timezone lmao
this blog will be for my fandom reblogs, art and countless ramblings! i have a separate account dedicated to undertale multiverse content -> @karamellz-multiverse-l0g (i don’t post there a lot because undertale is on the backburner for now!) i’m currently aiming to get into an animation course for university, so all my art is working towards that :3
i am also self-appointed chairwoman of the rui kamishiro fanclub! not that that’s too important… but i like saying it lol
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i don’t tag my reblogs/queue usually so uhh good luck poring through that >< all of my original posts are tagged for convenience though, you can find my tags in the search bar :3
in relation to that i’m VERY multifandom so srry if you get bombarded with stuff that doesn’t relate to you haha! but hopefully you’ll like the stuff i rb too, i’m a firm believer in the power of brainrot spreading and most of my fandoms are from the same niche anyway!
i dont have a dni because realistically i cant rlly control who sees my stuff, but if you or the stuff you post make me uncomfortable i’ll just block you. no hard feelings <3
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project sekai - rui kamishiro, tsukasa tenma, wxs, n25, okay actually its everyone i love proseka soo much
vocaloid - miku, una + deco*27, n-buna, kikuo, pinocchio-p, inabakumori, picco, harumakigohan, maiki-p
d4dj - unichørd, hapiara, lyrilily
bandori - pasupa, morfonica, hhw, ras
enstars - trickstar, alkakurei
love live - rina tennoji, shioriko mifune, hanamaru kunikida, ruby kurosawa, you watanabe, ayumu uehara
fragaria memories - romarriche
milgram - amane, yuno, mahiru
undertale (utmv) - xtale, ink, murder time trio
danganronpa - shuichi saihara, kaede akamatsu, k1-b0
twisted wonderland - heartslabyul (deleted the game because UGH the grind)
denonbu - harajuku district
revue starlight - lalafin, karen, aruru (i love all of them tho)
cookie run kingdom - had a very minor fling with this one so you won’t see it a lot
genshin impact - also minor fling, have not played past liyue. solely here for the banger character designs
mcyt (idk if i’ll reblog anything from here but i know a little bit of the dsmp lore and am attempting to understand life series??)
other things you may see: lalaloopsy + other doll lines from that era, mlp, warrior cats, cute art i think is nice, lunime gacha games (i was very much a ‘gacha kid’ back in its prime), puyo puyo, writing stuff, THE COLOUR PINK, webcore, memes, cool crafts, yorushika, other teenage girl things idk
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karamell yells - ramblings and random stuff, may include headcanons and analysis
karamell doodles - my art! mostly fanart at the moment
karamell’s wips - works in progress (stuff i’ll never finish probably)
karamell’s pocket - posts i want to come back to
karamell gaming - random game screenshots
karamell rolls the gacha - my gacha pulls of varying luck
karamell’s mailbox - asks, submissions, tag games, all that fun stuff
karamell’s rq pile - drawing requests (which are always open btw, feel free to send some in if you’d like!)
karamell stop missing the blonde clown - thirsty? brainrot posts about tsukasa tenma because boy do i love him
karamell’s confections - various big projects (videos, edits, etc). all the cool stuff i make that isn’t normal art basically
karamell’s burning pile of ocs - see image below:
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(utmv submissions for this will be posted on my sideblog)
UPDATE: the number is now 350 instead of 244!
when in doubt. rui scribble - various random scribbles of rui kamishiro because i like drawing him
karamell asks a question - mostly polls and stuff i need help with
say hi to my sideblog guys - self rbs from my utmv sideblog @/karamellz-multiverse-l0g. just for a little bump! :)
karamell’s project precure au - project sekai x precure (updates never)
wxs revue au - project sekai x revue starlight (updates randomly)
karamell’s birthday treat cafe - food-themed fandom birthday drawings (on break for a bit)
kamikou seniors trio - tsukasa ena rui posts because i want them to hang out
the mizuruiena agenda continues - mizuki rui ena hanging out
rui dress agenda - rui in dresses what did you expect
rui fanclub sekai - read my blog description. just silly things about a hypothetical rui fanclub
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youtube - karamell-sweetz!
tiktok - karamell.sweetz
pinterest - mirai_spxrk
art fight - karamellxsweetz
bandori - 4636316 (karamellxshowtime!) (i might be out of friend space tho)
d4dj - ffzoJpPf (mirai.chørd)
project sekai - 168505012555628545 (karamellxshowtime)
enstars - 7709727947 (karamelloid)
starira - 1324761851 (revue.sweetz)
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that should be all. enjoy your stay on my silly little corner of the internet!! 🫶
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly roundup: prompts
Fate/Stay Night
Merlin definitely knew that, in the end, Artoria would die before she reached her twilight years, that Lancelot would etch his love through the blood of the other knights, that Mordred would finally reach the end of his fuse and bring Camelot down with him. So, days before the unstoppable pebble started rolling into an avalanche, he invites the Round Table to knights to one final banquet and says his goodbyes
Kirei forces Lancer to read homestuck with one of his command seals
In order to leave a mark against her rivals, Sakura gropes Shirou in the kitchen all while Saber and Rin wait for their food. Noncon or not up to the author
"All legends come from Gilgamesh" taken to the logical extreme: every single servant is actually just Gilgamesh in a different costume. All of them. Even that one. He's running around at top speed frantically changing outfits so nobody notices.
Luvia and Rin get married in Prillya, have a daughter and leave her in the care of Illya, Miyu and Kuro, What happens when they leave those three with a baby and the kaleidosticks?
Inspired by a (Literal) Fever Dream I had last night, Gawain prooves he's the strongest knight of the round by quite literally, somehow, cutting the number 2 in half. How does he do this? I dunno, what are the ramifications of slicing the concept of a number in half? Ill leave that for the writer to decide!
Smut, In the lead up to the last fight with Flauros, Jing Ke and Boudicca say words to the effect of “let’s get drinks after this.” Drunken, glad-to-be-“alive” sex surely ensued.
Smut, Selfcest. Medea Lily angrily tops her older self, who is infuriatingly calm about it.
i feel like mephistopheles and leonardo da vinci would make a sexy mechanical waifu doll out of bombs to prank blackbeard at least once. just some absolutely looney tunes shit.
Erice and Tamamo have some sister talk that ends with Erice trying to kill tama for talking shit about her mom
Smut, Castoria and Cnoc Na Riabh should kiss and make chocolate together. Actually they should kiss naked while covered in chocolate. Sweet doomed yuri
Barghest + Melusine + Baoban Sith + Mash = "WE ARE TAM★LIN AND WE ARE HERE TO ROCK YOUR LOSTWORLD!"
doman getting stuck high up (his final ascension) and naked. trying to come down is a huge risk and now he gotta find a way to get down without getting caught
so everyone who from the LB6 charade (plus Chaldea) have this reunion and stuff. it’s the perfect time for revenge, so morgan and baobhan sith team up to get the ULTIMATE revenge on aurora for her bullshittery. extra points if other characters join in on the revenge, and extra extra points if the revenge is performed by everyone aurora has screwed over
Oberon recognized Percival by his comically large breastplate. Now I need a fic of Oberon... accumulating this familiarity. By being mashed face-first into Percival's tits. Repeatedly.
Prior to Cosmos in the Lostbelt, Guda summons both Oberon and Douman. Being accomplished liars, they both pick up on each other pretty quickly but neither of them can actually say that the other one is lying and plotting something without incriminating themselves so they just have to be incredibly passive-aggressive about it. And then they hatefuck about it
Ritsuka can't look at Medea, Achilles, Jason, Maid Alter, or Emiya because Medea keeps dreaming about Maid Alter Kozkui (I spell that right) and Achilles triple teaming her, while Emiya and Jason watch.
Muramasa being a grumpy dad and forbidding Artoria from seeing Oberon. They aren't dating and never were but now Oberon pretends they were just to mess with him.
Oberon being a grumpy dad and forbidding Artoria from seeing Muramasa. The problem is that they aren't dating, Muramasa is just giving free sword lessons to anyone who wants in Chaldea. But hey, seeing Oberon dying of anger is way funnier :)
Caster Artoria being a grumpy dad and forbidding Oberon from seeing Muramasa. They are dating and they have a romeo and juliet type situation
Angra is running and hiding for his life because caren still wants to have his child and Rasputin is helping because he is totally down to having cursed demonic grandchildren. He must be caught in the end. (Can be anywhere from general to explicit, and a comedy to a horror)
Incest, Gudao and Gudako are siblings who work in Chaldea. However, they don't look much alike, so a surprisingly amount of people aren't aware of that (most of the servants, and whoever at the staff doesn't regularly read their files.) So I mean... if they were to have some sort of relationship here... romantic, sexual, or both... it'd be fine, right? Ideally I'm looking for either "they've been pining for years before going to Chaldea, and they know that's their one shot at being together away from society," or "the very idea was disgusting before, but now their sense of normalty is so fucked up AND they're the only two who can truly understand each other, so you gotta fuck your sibling to cope" scenario, but honestly feel free to tweak the concept as you wish. The only thing I ask is that you keep an emphasis on the taboo of incest. They know what they're doing is wrong and they're only doing it because the end of the world is the one place where they can get away with it.
Smut, multiple Nobu having fun together
Smut, edmond dantes/any, dream sex
GudaCas pet play, but due to trauma and/or magical shenanigans, Guda can’t stop the act and fully believes themselves to be an animal that belongs to Cas.
Smut, Ibuki douji tailfucking the shit out of shuten and guda
O dino Shiki I want to see you get railed Tepeu my love
Danzo sits Fuuma down to discuss something very important: she is dating Sei Shonagon and needs his approval before she asks her to move in. Fuuma reacts like accordingly
Smut, ritsuka fujimaru fucks chaldea itself. theyve been through so much together they deserve to get a bit of catharsis from each other. whether chaldea is humanized in anyway or they finagle to fuck the building directly is up to writer but the sex must be loving.
Smut, incest In a reversal of her PHH self, Morgan gives Herself a dick and rails Artoria until she's sure Artoria is pregnant. Whether it's noncon or not is up to the filler
Smut, Can we get Castoria's dick SUCKED for all the trauma she underwent in lb6? Preferably by the lb6 crew but also like, in general.
Draco locks Paris in a room and starts calling him Sporus, how this continues depends on the prompt filler
Smut, Someone tries to hit in Shuten and reveals he thinks of her as a "legal loli". Shuten decides the only way he can make up for that sleight is by serving as her and Ibaraki's personal fuckpuppet, too drunk on oni wine to fight back.
Smut, The masters have gone missing! Where can they be, all the staff and servants as they scour their base. Oh there they are! In that dingy supy closet no one else knows about. Fucking each others brains out.
I recently learned that Aesc is pronounced "Ash." With that in mind, for your consideration, "Aesc Ketchum."
I somehow just got around to doing Mata Hari’s interlude. In it, she says kings “ need comfort more than anyone in their nations.” And also “Now, tell mommy everything you know.” While holding a man’s head in her lap. There are so many kings in Chaldea it would be either hilarious, wholesome or heartbreaking or all three for her to mother into a weeping mess, sexually or not.
Li Shuwen, Chiron, and Scathatch are talking about their methods of teaching, and Li Shuwen slowly becomes more and more uncomfortable by how comfortable Chiron and Scathatch are with their students dying.
Despite Everything, Artoria never hated her sister, so when Morgan is summoned, so obviously tired, face masked like stone, Artoria does the first thing she can think of, and embraces her sister in understanding. And Morgan breaks. (because I need some catharsis.)
While at the throne at the temple of time guda does just a little thing while nobody is looking. When they go back to chaldea, the entire USA is physically gone
Servants form a union. No quests, no food at the cafeteria, no sex, nothing until work conditions improve(Limit on farming) Da Vinci is also on their side and disabled the command seals
Smut, Blowbang, Ruler Artoria in the middle, with every rough and tumble penis-having Servant (and also Astolfo) facefucking her in turns. She not only keeps her composure throughout, her mascara doesn’t even run; the only sign anything is happening to her at all is smeared lipstick.
A new Assassin just got summoned, and Medea is over the moon to see Kuzuki again. He…has no idea who this woman is, but is so accustomed to just going with the social flow that it takes a solid week before he’s fallen for her all over again…and has no idea if he should tell her he didn’t know her at first. Does he? I dunno.
Where did that little crown come from in Artoria’s third ascension? For the purpose of this prompt, it’s a sincere peace offering from Medea…for actions this version of Saber didn’t remember until Medea tried to apologize for it. She winds up wearing it, but why? And how awkward is that conversation?
All of the Artorias suddenly get a wave of very pleasant memories from UBW Good End Saber; quantum Throne Bullshit, probably. Ishtar, Erehskigal, Emiya and Muramasa ought to fear for their pelvises.
Gudacas stuck in a closet together, preferably with a ton of sexual tension and at least one awkward boner rubbing on unfortunate places. Whether they actually fuck or not is up to you.
Guda cant help but constantly touch Morgans Dress, its not even a sexual thing, the material is just really nice and sensorily pleasing. So Morgan does the reasonable thing and gets them one of their own.
Castoria, absolutely sick and tired of the bullshit around here, tries to keep up the nice girl act. When gudako forced her to overwork again, Castoria absolutely loses it, and now people wonder if she’s a berserker pretending to be a caster for fun.
Smut, Bedivere gives sad Tristan passionate head in an attempt to cheer him up because they have other things they need to do for the roundtable already and he’s tired of listening to Tristan sigh and mutter obscurely under his breath
Gudao has the hots for Cu Chulainn. Scathach notices, and decides that he needs to be good enough for her student. Gudao is forced into Scathach bootcamp and tries to survive.
Smut, lb6 prompt where grimr wants to place a strengthening rune on muramasa. on his prostate.
Koyanskaya gets summoned to Chaldea, ready to tear things down from the inside. But they're... weirdly nice? Strengthening her skills, leveling her up, boosting her abilities, hey why are they pushing her towards the simulator hey why do Skadi and Castoria look so tired hey why did they say "welcome to hell" just before she was shoved through the simulator
I want Castoria and Morgan to talk and come to an understanding. Perhaps neither sides will ever forgive each other and perhaps neither side will ever love the other but. At the very least a catharsis has been reached and both can have their hearts be at ease.
Smut, Asterios is trying to be gentle when he and Euryale have sex. She’d tell him not to be…but he’s failing. Horribly, wonderfully failing at being gentle. If it ain’t broke, it ain’t her mind in about an hour.
I want to read a story about Saber defending Sakura from danger while Rider reacts like the victim in an NTR porno
Character of your choice trying to bring up the idea that, maybe, they would like to do cnc as the dom in bed. They can fuck too if you want but mostly I want the focus to be "how the fuck do you tell your sexual partner you want to roleplay forcing sex upon them." You get extra bonus point if the character in question is one that isn't someone you would normally as a suave confident dom (Mash, Mandricardo, Castoria, you know the kind)
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purplesurveys · 4 days
survey by robotyque
RULES: For the following questions, you must answer a number in a scale from 1-10. You may add a comment/description following it. Here we go.
How exciting was your day? 10. It was actually a productive Sunday! After church we had lunch at Yabu, bought a microwave to replace our broken one, went window shopping for a new laptop and a PS5, I bought a bunchhhhhh of Me Stuff in one go (BB cream, blush, reed diffusers...you get the gist), went for a quick grocery run to get milk and also managed to take Max to the vet clinic before they closed. It was so much stuff done that I can't believe it only totaled a little over than 4,000 steps LOL
How happy do you feel right now? I want to say a 7.5. Today was well-spent and I like that my family and I got along today (we always clash after a few consecutive hours together...), but that high's coming down now because it's already 5:40 PM and the weekend will soon be over.
How clean do you feel? A healthy 9. I took a shower today and my room now smells like ocean because I have two reed diffusers going at the same time, but I just feel 'dirty' because I've still got acne on my face and I don't like that.
How full in the stomach? 7. I had a big lunch that's long settled in my stomach now, but while it doesn't feel heavy I'm also not hungry. And I doubt I'd be feeling hungry anymore for the rest of the day.
How thirsty? 1. I have a chocolate Oatside with me now that I'm sipping from every few minutes.
How bored? 1. I did so much stuff today that I have no problem just filling this out and being friends with the silence and overstimulating myself like what I'd usually look for on weekends.
How tired/sleepy? 3. I feel like I could fall into a nap if I made myself lie down, but I'm alert and awake for the most part.
How satisfied with life atm are you? 4. My job makes me MISERABLE and question my abilities and worth every single day. It's a thankless 9-5 where you can do your best and put in 150% effort but still only ever get seen and called out when you make a mistake/don't meet expectations. I know I will be happier if I set out to look for greener pastures; but I just can't help but stay for now knowing the team is suffocatingly incomplete as it is and me leaving would just make everyone else suffer so much more.
How satisfied are you with your relationship status? 10. Nothing to complain about, ever.
How satisfied are you with your friends? 8. I love all of them, but I wish some of them (i.e. my college friends) would put in more effort in keeping up our friendships. I don't take it personally, though; I've also accepted the fact that our friend group may just not rank high on their priorities at this point anymore, and that's fine.
Now what about family? 6. We are very dysfunctional but we make it work.
How entertained are you atm? 7. I have a Good Mythical More running in the background and I've gotten sidetracked from this survey a few times, so I'd say that's entertainment in effect haha.
How bright is the room you’re in? 2. All the lights are off so it's actually super dark here, but my laptop is set to the highest brightness level and that more than balances out the darkness.
How loud is your music/sound you hear? 2.5. Out of the 16 volume bars on my laptop, it's just until the fourth bar so that's literally a 2.5 if my math is correct.
How confident are you about your looks right now? 4. There's a nasty acne scar near my nose that just won't go away. It's affected my confidence a little bit so that's why I headed to the store today to grab a bunch of face care and makeup stuff.
How clean is your room? 9.5. There are just a few things lying around but otherwise the place is spotless.
How much do you love dolls/stuffed animals? 5. Stuffed animals are very cute :)
How satisfied are you with your room? 9. I really really love the loft bed we've built in here since it gave my room so much more space. The one lacking point is just on me, because I haven't been buying any furniture or even just any sort of accent, really, to give my room more of a personality.
How much do you love dogs/cats (pick one)? 11. No-brainer. I like animals more than people.
How well do you do in school? 7. I did well if I really liked the class, but barely put in effort for classes I just felt 'forced' to have, like chemistry and philosophy. In other words I lacked focus and discipline; I feel like I would have had much higher scores across the board if I just powered it through and did a better job pretending to give a fuck about the classes I hated.
How well can you read out loud? 10. Never had a problem with it.
How good are your eyes? 3. I need my glasses, otherwise everything would be hazardous for me.
If your significant other cheated on you, how mad would you be? 10. I'd be so mad I'd turn quiet and simply cut off ties.
What if it was with your best friend? 20. 10 for the SO cheating, 10 for my best friend betraying me and cheating on her fiancé.
You found a toonie on a ground, how happy would you be? 0. I'd be confused and would be asking what a toonie is.
You lied to a friend about something semi-big, how guilty would you feel? 5. Depends on the lie.
You accidentally took something from a store, how guilty would you feel? 10. I did this once when I walked out of a bookstore with a box of crayons I forgot to pay for. I felt really bad and turned to make my way back immediately.
You were given some illegal substance, what would you feel/how much of it? This question doesn't make sense but I would say 0 which stands for, "I'd stay away from it even if it were the last thing on earth."
You spent $300 for yourself, how satisfied would you feel? 5. Satisfied, yes; but also equally guilty/feeling bad because that is so much money to spend on myself.
What about for others? 7. It's a lot of money, but I'd feel better if I made someone else happy with that money.
How angry would you feel if your parents forgot your birthday? 10. How do you forget your kid's birthday?
Lastly. On a scale of 1-10, how entertaining was this survey? 10! I've taken this before but it was still fun to take the second time around!
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smooth-boob · 9 months
2023 Fic Year in Review
Thanks @penny-loaf and @hydriotaphia for tagging me!
List of Fics Completed this Year
Excluding the WIPs and stuff started in 2022:
To Tell the Truth - https://archiveofourown.org/works/46747165
The Bustle in a House - https://archiveofourown.org/works/47126467
From the blood of the wound, a flower sprang - https://archiveofourown.org/works/48305152
Overcome - https://archiveofourown.org/works/46083325
Doing The Voices - https://archiveofourown.org/works/47976274
The Morning After Death - https://archiveofourown.org/works/50856436
Running Toward Running Away - https://archiveofourown.org/works/47131885
Number of Words Written
47,530 (only those that are posted; my WIP word count is a very different number lol)
Your Most Popular Fic
To Tell The Truth. That one was a real rising star.
Your Personal Fave
The Bustle in a House, but tbh whatever I've most recently finished is most likely to be my favorite because I'm riding that high of having said what I wanted to say.
You Fav Scene
Don't make me choose!!! Right now I've been thinking about the garden scene and its aftermath from Chapter 3 of The Bustle in a House. I find it difficult to read, and I think that says something about its emotional impact!
A Fic or Scene that Challenged You
Chapter 3 of To Tell the Truth sent me into a creative spiral because I was working to figure out how to make the scene feel as honest and raw as the first two chapters and go really deep and emotionally soft and also get my Barbie dolls to just kiss already! 1000% worth it. That's my other favorite scene.
A Line of Writing You’re Proud Of
From The Morning After Death:
He spends the morning with his youngest siblings (his brother’s children), sharing stories and allowing the memories to crest and break over them in waves. In this family there are so many of them, siblings and stories, that they sometimes tell the same ones, some remembered differently, at different ages, or they confuse each other’s memories for their own and retell those stories, as if all the ways they remember him are true. In a sense, they are true. After all, memory is the only thing they have left.
A Comment that Touched You
Anybody who said my work felt honest, real, and/or special to them, and special shout-out to @andthebubbles for commenting along their journey reading Bustle because it let me know somebody else was out there wanting to read exactly what I wanted to read and to write!
Something that Inspired Your Writing
A fear of grief, Emily Dickinson, watching The Crown, these lines from Richard II that live rent-free in my mind...
For you have but mistook me all this while. / I live with bread like you, feel want, / Taste grief, need friends—subjected thus, / How can you say to me, I am a king?
Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
It felt really amazing to get properly back into writing in general, and to push the boundaries of emotion I can convey. 2023 was something of a breakthrough year.
Do You Have Any Writing Goals for Next Year?
To actually work on my novel...haha.
As far as fanfiction goes, I really want to finish my Kathony fic that's basically season three for them, which I'd love to put out there before season three comes out. We'll see about that. I'd also like to finish my Bridgerton Phantom of the Opera AU.
In terms of skill development, while I love the precision and brevity of my work, I am trying to slow down more and know when to give scenes space to breathe.
Tagging @andthebubbles, @hyperesthesias, and anyone else who would like to do this!
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lurkingteapot · 11 months
Won't get through to you. 君には届かない。Ep 7
I was very, very curious to see where we'd go from the ending of ep 6, and this episode did not disappoint, either.
My running commentary for the first part of the episode was like this:
Yamato: oh kiddo, you fucked upppp but at least you're aware, I guess?
Mikoto! I love Mikoto, she's the best
oh Kakeru, bb, you're being so brave
oh!!! is all of our preview the first five minutes?? I love this showwww EVERYONE
Hosaka dear, I know you mean well but fffff this is. not it.
aaaaah dang it, I want to go to a festival, too
「暴走した」って … I mean I guess that's one way to put it.
Hosaka and Amamiya really do go and show up everywhere together, huh.
oh they'Re so CUTE goddAMN
Good job on apologising, Yamato, now don't do it again.
(watch me needing to rewind because I missed stuff squeeing)
oh my goodness these TWO
adsfasfasdf HOSAKA あんなあ your timing …
Fujino's shock :'D
love how Kakeru and Yamato are both determined to be better for themselves and each other, I love it
deus ex kokuhaku no hi, huh
Akane-chan, ILU
ahahaa well-timed cold, huh. if it weren't Yamato I feel like he's probably playing hookie
oh hi Kurosawa
character growth!
ahaha he WAS-- oh!!
god they're so CUTE
Kakeru's being so brave!! Yamato's so dramatic!!
ahaha did he really realise the day after?! I mean RELATABLE (I once wrote an email for someone's birthday, wanted to open with something else, and ended up forgetting to include the congrats altogether), but ….
oooh yakiimo. damnit now I want some.
Kakeru my BOY!!!!
and also OF COURSE he caught a cold
Yamato is absolutely doing that whole "commenting on how lucky the doll is and how cute Kakeru is out loud" thing on purpose
boy you do notttt kiss people when they're asleep, come on, you were doing so well all episode!
this preview is telling me next week will be another rollercoaster.
Sorry if anyone's still waiting for ep 6 subs; I had a number of brickspace things come up :( hope to get them and ep 7 out by the end of the week though.
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