#I met so many genuinely amazing people last night?????
kxlitz · 1 year
✧˖°. Loving Tom Kaulitz as Tokio Hotel’s 5th member ˖°. ✧
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AN: Love this request!! You didn’t specify if you wanted something in particular so I decided to develop on how you guys got together after years of conflicted feelings, it starts with headcanons and ends in a little drabble :) I hope you enjoy!!
⟡ As for general dating headcanons, I’ve been considering writing a post for each member following my little TH 5th member series, so you can imagine how it’d be to date your favourite guy (or all of them) ⟡
Warnings: none really, reader implied as bi but it’s very subtle.
~ Happy Reading
Alright Alright. First of all we need to set the record straight. No matter for how long you guys had known each other and had mutual crushes it would take a WHILE before you got together.
As the fifth member of Tokio Hotel, you guys probably met when you were young kids but you didn’t click instantly, your personalities clashed but there were two things that united you two; music and raising hell in your little village.
You would take your bikes and ride out into the mountains of Loitsche to drink and smoke a pack, maybe light a small fire because you were young and didn’t care about consequences.
Hanging with your friends at your hideout and subconsciously ending up coddled up on the couch for warmth when the night got cold.
Tom pretended to hate it when you wore his hats and it did genuinely annoy him from time to time, but what can he say, they looked good on you.
You took it upon yourself to burst his bubble whenever he got any crazy and unreasonable idea.
You would always bicker and tease one another.
You were that pair of kids that people said would end up together but you guys gagged and denied.
Me with him?? Not in a hundred years, I’d rather walk on lava.
Tom would always say you were ugly and not his type, while deep down he knew you were the most beautiful in town. He simply refused to admit it, and would continue calling you his ugly piglet.
On your side, you probably insisted that his don juan act was cringe and that he would never get a girlfriend.
As time went on and your band flew into stardom, Tom and you had to learn how to properly work together.
You learned how to be gentler to one another during those endless nights of rehearsing your new songs.
You never really cared about physical closeness with him, but one time when he came behind you and helped you with your guitar tabs you suddenly felt nervous around him for the first time. The way his arms wrapped around you and his hands guided your fingers.
You were left wondering after that.
As members of the hottest band in Germany, you inevitably were surrounded by people ready to tear their clothes off and worship you.
We know real well that Tom fell into temptation, but did you?
If you did, it wasn’t rare for you two to discuss your recent hook-ups whenever you got a moment to yourselves in the tour bus or during rehearsals.
You’d chat about how good the head you got last night was or how you somehow ended up in a threesome.
Something switched in Tom’s brain during that time, no matter how many girls he “fell in love with for a night” no one could compare to how happy you made him.
Around you he could be himself. The Tom that’s scared of the future, the sweet boy that enjoys video games and laying around doing nothing, the Tom that craved physical touch but never knew how to ask, the boy that always had your back, who always kept a protective eye on you, even when you couldn’t see it.
As for you, your feelings were conflicting.
You knew Tom was not one for relationships and it was a bad idea to fall for him, but how could you not when he was the one that would always listen to your doubts and wishes, the one that never changed his attitude around you when you became famous, the boy that swore he was though but he needed your reassurance before going on stage.
Unlike he did for the girls that he took in his hotel rooms around the world, Tom never judged you only based off your looks. In fact, he never really cared before. He did find you beautiful (even though he called you his ugly piglet) but your person had always jumped right at him.
When he realized how much happier he was around you is that he started to note how beautifully your hair flew in the wind when you played on stage. How your hips moved to the rhythm of your songs. How your eyes lit up when you were served your favourite food or how you’d bite your lip when you concentrated.
It was all so new to him, he even despised the feeling of being so hooked on one person.
You guys probably took refuge in your occasional hook ups with groupies (that you would then flaunt to each other and the band) but it never felt as right. The physical pleasure didn’t fulfill that desire to know one another even better and break down your barriers.
Everyone around you could see it except you two.
Your staff probably put their bets on the table.
This constant pining went on for ages. Literally.
You were now far onto your third tour, 1000 Hotels around the world and Tom and you still seemed as oblivious to your fat crushes.
You began to show more physical affection. Such as Tom’s arm around your shoulders when you sat on the bus tour couch, occasionally tapping your thigh when he laughed, resting your arm on his shoulder when sitting next to each other or resting your head on him to drift off during long drives.
Nights when Tom would drop by your room with a bottle of vodka and chips to have your own little party because he couldn’t leave the hotel.
A certain morning you woke up tangled in Tom’s limbs and instantly freaked out checking if you still had clothes on.
Tom got way more possessive over you. His excuse was that the band grew and more people were all over you, but he just wanted you to himself.
This routine of pining but denying dragged on til one cold night you gathered the courage to try something new.
“Do I have your consent to try something I’ve been wanting to for a while now?” You asked looking down and fidgeting, picking at your cuticles to distract yourself from Tom’s gaze. “Should I be scared? Give me a reason to trust you” he said jokingly. You were sitting close for your thighs to rub yet far enough for you to have to shift in your place to reduce the gap between your faces. “Close your eyes” You didn’t know where you got the courage to say that but it did earn you a playful eyebrow raise from the boy you’d been hiding your feelings from for the past couple years. He knew where this was going, he was smart enough to read through your obvious lines yet he was still feeling that thrill. Your gentle hand grasped his cheek in a feather light touch, barely even there while you rested the other on his thigh. You had to take in another deep breath and cancel every thought that ran through your head at that very moment like it was a life or death situation. In a swift movement you locked your lips on his, not as smoothly as you would’ve wanted but good enough to satisfy your impulse. Panic set in when Tom remained still for the fraction of a second. Shit, what if you fucked it up. Few seconds more of stillness and you had to pull back reluctantly. You wanted to tell him he could open his eyes now, that it was okay and, that’d you’d leave but nerves got the best of you and you could only sit around looking at the carpeted floor nervously. Well fuck, you really messed it up this time. Idiot. An “I’m sorry” escaped your lips in a whisper, too focused on the matted carpet to see how Tom’s eyelids flustered open and his lips, that yours were previously on, formed into a small smile. “If you always kiss like that no wonder girls scurry away from you once they got what they want.” You didn’t know if a gasp or a scoff left your throat at that moment, was he being serious? “What, don’t act all shy after you just kissed me like that” You didn’t know what to say, it’s like your bones were suddenly paralyzed and you could only stare at his face. “I’m messing with you dumbass, cut the long face” On a move you weren’t awaiting Tom pulled you by your arm, getting you closer to his chest, and nearly losing balance, to lock your lips once more. This time differently. With hunger and eagerness. Sneaky hands rubbed up and down your back, coming to a rest on your hips as your lips moved firmly on each other. You did want more, but the surprise of his tongue grazing your lips had you pull back an instance. “Since when is the y/n so innocent, or are you playing good for me?” He tickled the soft skin of your hips, going up to your waist, who knew when his hands managed to sneak under your shirt. Your gaze lifted up and met his “This, us. What is it”. You didn’t know what was so funny to earn a chuckle from him. “Don’t know, but I don’t mind”
- AAaaAHHH this is not proof read yet I hope it’s not too terrible !!
Enjoy your night/day pookies!!!
- Meryl <3
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Hihi!! Idk if your taking requests BUT hear me out on SAGAU(self aware genshin AU is what it stands for i thinkk) with Wanderer/scara when reader is saving up for his rerun and is super excited to get him and farming his artifacts and stuff and he’s just super excited to come home and can’t wait till his rerun comes so reader can get him and he can Hug them and all that fluffy stuff <33 ps can I be 💤 anon?
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Wanderer vividly remembers a wide variety of moments with you. From the first time you’d seen him, expressing genuine pure interest in him, something no one had done in a very long time. The time you were practically screaming when he appeared in the Delusion Factory, nearly distracting him from his goal of taking the Gnosis because of how ecstatic you were at seeing someone like him. When you were tearing your hair out and crying at his past. When you were so happy to see him getting along with other people (for some bizarre reason.) Out of all the Gods, he had come to realize the Creator was the most benevolent one, despite being locked behind a screen.
Similarly, he remembers your intense stare at the exact time his banner dropped. You were online without a moment’s delay, at the Sanctuary of Surasthana, and he could hear a strange song playing in the background, which you called his “theme song.” Regardless of your odd rituals, as much as Wanderer tried to deny it, he was looking forward to being on your team. For a while, he had to listen to that damn ginger-haired brat go on and on about how amazing it was to be on your team, and how he always served you well. Despite Wanderer still being conflicted by his feelings, he was sure he wanted that to be him instead.
Wanderer remembers your bated breath, your rapid heartbeat as you spammed the wishing button, skipping through when you saw that it was purple instead of gold. He listened to your small comments about what you got - “Ah, I needed some constellations for them… ugh, not The Bell again… c’mon baby, just come home already!” His ears went a little red at the last one.
And at last, the long-awaited gold star descended from the sky, and Wanderer could feel his palms becoming tingly at the sensation. Finally, he could be on your team. Finally, he could be able to hear your sweet voice all day. Though he loathed running around doing tasks for others, he’d be able to witness your lovely concentrated face for hours.
Until he realized that nothing had happened and that the look on your face was now a mixture of shock and on the verge of breaking down. A red-haired man he didn’t recognize was standing in what have been his place.
Needless to say, Wanderer did not come home, and he had to deal with your tired eyes squinting at the screen in the middle of the night, trying to grind as much as possible. Opening the wishing menu where he resided for a few weeks as you pulled as soon as you got one hundred and sixty Primogems, only to be met with disappointment. If he could, he would have scolded you for your recklessness, for you were still someone that needed to take care of themselves.
Now, it had been almost eight months since Wanderer’s last banner, and despite how praise did not come easily from his mouth, he had to admire your endless dedication to him. Even Nahida would tease him about how much you loved him. Diligently entering the artifact domain every day, ignoring the temptation to pull for others and focusing solely on him. (You had placed the best artifacts and weapon you had on some random person as a placeholder, and oh, how he couldn’t wait to see the expression on their face as they were stripped bare of your hard work and transferred to him instead.) How endearing you looked doing the same routine every day for him, entering the summoning menu to drag the slider to see how many wishes you had for him.
Not to mention how affectionate you were. Even he didn’t understand how, but every time your fingers brushed against the screen, he could feel you stroking his cheek. What would be the wind blowing his hair was actually your fingers caressing it. But those moments would only be temporary, only a few hours after multiple, long months. 
Soon, once he was on your team, he’d be able to relish in your touch, your unlimited affection. And of course, he awaits the day you descend to Teyvat rather impatiently. 
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you were never are mine pt3
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summary: fake relationships with your enemy are never a good idea. but this one was.
word count: 1.3k last part!!
as soon as jack left, you broke down into tears once more. sure you hated him before, but somewhere along the way the line between real and fake began to blur. you found yourself falling for him. and now, it had been ripped away. 
jack found tears spilling out of his eyes on the way home. as soon as the words left his mouth he wished he could take them back. he didnt know why he blew up on you but he knew you didnt deserve it. he never truly hated you, just frustrated you could never be his. but now that frustration had become reality. 
the next few days were awfully silent. a few months ago you wouldve been overjoyed by this fact, but now you felt like a piece of you was missing. the very first premiere was in just two days so you knew you had to pull yourself together. 
the day leading up to the premiere you did anything and everything you could to keep jack out of your mind. on the other hand, you were the only thing going through jacks mind. 
sitting in the makeup chair, you felt all your nerves catching up to you. this will be the first time you see jack since that night. not only would it be the first interaction since then, but all eyes would be on you. this event was the day where you and jack officially announce your ‘relationship’ to the world. sure there had been many sightings of you two, but this would make everything official. his hurtful words replay in your head. you had thought that maybe he was falling for you too, but you had never been so wrong. 
stepping out of the car, you are met with screaming and flashing lights. immediately forgetting about any worry, you feel a sense of pride wash over you. all your hard work had payed off. you giggle walking over to fans, signing and chatting. you were so distracted you didnt see jack coming up beside you. 
he was distracted for a moment, taking in your appearance. he thought you looked absolutely stunning. seeing you smile and laugh with your fans, a true genuine smile. he continued on, beginning to chat with fans and sign posters. 
finally noticing his presence, you turn to look at jack. you hate to admit that he looks amazing. you couldnt help but stare, the moment was interrupted by your assistant letting you know it was almost time to walk the carpet. you collect your thoughts for a moment as your makeup artist touches you up. smoothing down your dress you smile walking onto the carpet. you pose for photos, feeling the most confident you have in weeks. that is until jack enters the carpet. you lock eyes for what feels like an eternity, feeling every emotion come over you. he walks over to you, sliding his arm around your waist. you look up at him while he begins smiling at the camera. shaking off your nerves you do the same. the photographers go absolutely insane. 
“jack are you guys a couple?!” 
“y/n over here! what made you fall for him?” 
“jack!!! y/n!!!” 
“you guys are stunning together” 
laughing off your nerves, you are quickly escorted off the carpet and to your very first interview. 
“y/n, listen i wanted to-” jack begins but is quickly cut off by the interviewer. 
“jack! y/n! how lovely it is to see you! so when did this happen?!” the interviewer asks, very excited to see you two together. 
“well we obviously met during the filming of this movie but we really connected towards the end. we started hanging out and it just felt natural to be together” you link your hands together, leaning into his side. 
“so jack, what attracted you to y/n?” the interviewer asks. 
“everything really i mean” he begins, looking down at you. 
“she just has these gorgeous eyes that you could stare at forever. she’s one of the most positive people ive ever met. theres never a moment with her where im not smiling or laughing. she just brings this energy that you cant help but feel comforted by. y/n is one of the most hard-working people i have ever met, she has such a burning passion. i could talk about her for forever.” he finishes, beginning to rub circles on your hand with his thumb. 
“wow, i mean to have a love like yours. i’ll let you guys go but i hope you have an amazing evening” the interviewer ends. 
you suddenly feel overwhelmed and anxious. from jacks words to his comforting hand, knowing he didnt mean any of it. tearing away from his side you rush into the building trying to collect yourself. tears threatening to spill, you take a few deep breaths. jack quickly finds you, rushing after you. you see him and sigh trying to make a quick escape. he reaches for your arm pulling you in. 
“y/n please just talk to me. i didnt mean any of what i said that night-” jack begins. 
“i don't need your apology jack. please don't make me feel more stupid than i already do.” you look up at him, tears blurring your vision.
“what do you-”
“im in love with you jack. i think i have been since the beginning, of everything. these last few weeks i just, ive never felt happier. you make me happy. since that moment in your car, i was head over heels and there was nothing i could do to stop it. somewhere along the way it wasnt an act for me anymore.” you explain, tears rolling down your cheeks. 
silence falls over you as jack only stares. feeling enough embarrassment you begin to walk away. 
quickly pulling your arm, jack smashes his lips against yours. you immediately melt into the kiss reaching your arms around his neck as he pulls you in incredibly closer. every emotion you have ever felt in the past few months is poured into the kiss. pulling apart with red cheeks and pink lips. 
“im in love with you y/n” jack confesses. 
“and im so sorry for that night. i wish i could take it all back, i didnt mean any of it. but i meant every word i said to that interviewer. i am so utterly and hopelessly in love with you.” 
“so much for being enemies huh” you smile up at him. 
pulling him in for a kiss, smiling against his lips. the whole enemy act was overrated anyway.
a/n: too good :) tag list!!
@iloveneilperry @lian2793 @t8lzw @foxymask001 @ourloveisgod23 @valenftcrush @multi-fandom205 @neteyamsz @xh-josii @juleszzz @athenalive
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clickoly · 2 months
O'Knutzy Week - Day 1
I saw the prompt Racing on the bingo card and I couldn't resist. 
Me? Watching twenty cars go vroom vroom in a circle for sixty laps every other weekend? Absolutely not. 
Here's the first of five parts of Starboys, a Cubs Formula One AU! 
(Leo will arrive in style, fashionably late, tomorrow)
Characters belong to the amazing @lumosinlove. A big thank you to @oknutzy-week-2024 for organizing the fest. 
A5: We lost
Link to Ao3 here
Monza, Italy
National Automobile Racetrack
The late August heat radiating from the pit lane was anything but a pleasant welcome. Sliding his sunglasses into messy hair, slightly sweaty from a short walk under the scorching sun, Logan took a quick look around. 
The Silver garage was uncharacteristically quiet, with only a few mechanics loading tires onto trailers, probably setting them up for tomorrow's free practice sessions.
The weekend hadn't even started yet, and Logan already wished it were over. He ached to wash away the feeling of too many sleepless nights off his body, to get rid of the latent headache that had been haunting him for days—ever since he'd boarded that flight from Amsterdam alone. 
What would happen if he refused to show up? Would they fire him? He actually considered hiding for a second, just as the back door to the offices opened. 
The unmistakable sound of Celeste's voice made him turn around. 
"Oui, maman?"
"Don't maman me, Tremblay," she stepped closer. "You're late." 
"I know," Logan risked an innocent grin. "Please tell me why I have to do this."
The threatening look he earned was more eloquent than any real answer. "Okay, okay," he held his hands up in a sign of truce. "Who's at the press conference?" 
Celeste had a habit of memorizing every single detail of his schedule. "Olli, Thomas, Jackson and Finn," she recited. "Do I have to remind you to behave?" 
"You know I hate those fucking-"
"Language," Celeste playfully pressed a finger to his chest, then tilted her head toward the door. "Go charm everyone with that sweet face of yours."
"Yeah," Logan huffed. "If anyone so much as breathes a word about last week, I swear to God–"
"You will kindly remind them it was a misunderstanding." 
"Mais non," he tried to reason. Had it been a misunderstanding?
"Logan, they want to throw gasoline on this already raging fire. We won't let them." 
"Fine," he gave up. There was no point in arguing with her. "But he better be on the same page." 
Celeste Dumais wasn't just any manager. She was a friend, a steady presence at Logan's side. And she also happened to be the scariest human being he'd ever met in his life. At least when she wanted to be.
"Go," she insisted. The bossy yet extremely loving tone came out, capable of commanding an army and taking care of a wild household at once. "Behave, and be ready for dinner at six. Pascal is taking us to his favorite restaurant in town, and Katie wants to show you she's learned to eat spaghetti."
"All by herself?"
"And with a fork. Can you believe that?" 
Logan's smile was genuine. "Merci, maman."
Down the hall in the Media Center, Logan could hear the loud chatter of people. He checked his watch and realized that they were probably waiting for him to start the conference. 
Media day, real fun. 
The same old faces welcomed him as he sat down at the end of a long red couch, right next to Thomas Walker, Racing Bull's first seat. 
"Care to join the party?" Thomas whispered, muffling his words from the cameras. 
"I'd rather not," Logan crossed his arms and leaned against the backrest. "But apparently I have no choice." 
Thomas tried to stifle a laugh as the journalist spoke into his microphone, drawing everyone's attention. 
"Welcome everybody to the drivers' press conference ahead of the FIA Formula One Italian Grand Prix," he said to the cameras. Years of interviews and conversations with this man, and still Logan found it tricky to understand his thick Scottish accent. "Here are our five drivers joining us today. Closest to me is the home hero for this weekend, Finn O'Hara."
Finn actually smiled for the audience and politely returned the greeting with a grateful nod. 
"Then we have Olli Halla, Jackson Nadeau, Thomas Walker and Logan Tremblay. Welcome to you all."  
Every other Thursday afternoon on race weekends, when his teammate James wasn't on call, Logan was forced to sit through the same boring go-to questions—usually asked by the same three people. What can you tell us about last week's results? What are your expectations for this weekend? And each time, he tried his best to hide his discomfort behind safely prepared answers, carefully tailored to avoid any kind of drama—the very thing reporters were always looking for.
"Why don't we start with you, Finn?" The man, Tom, asked. "How does it feel, as an American, to be able to race again in red in front of the Italian crowd?"
"Oh, man," Finn laughed, and the rapid clicking of camera shutters instantly filled the room.
"This is incredible," he went on. "Every year it feels like coming home. The fans are amazing, and their support means everything to me and, of course, to the team."
Not only was Finn an elite driver, but he also had an innate talent for winning people's hearts with the silliest of comments. Finn O'Hara was pure charm, and Logan hated to admit it, but he had always been a little jealous of his natural way with people—reporters, journalists, fans. Finn acted like he was born to be in the spotlight and, most importantly, on the top step of the podium. It came as no surprise to Logan when Finn received a multi-year contract offer from the most prestigious racing team in the world, the one people could name without thinking twice when asked about Formula One.
Ask a child to draw a car, and they will certainly draw it red—the same crimson as the Scuderia's vibrant and historic livery, the flagship of Made in Italy. 
"Let's move on to Logan," Tom said eventually, his voice as calm and punctuated as usual. "Shall we go back to last weekend? I believe it was a tough one for you, but you still managed to finish the race." 
Logan took his time answering. He grabbed the mic, untangled the long cable twisted at his feet, and slowly pulled it to his mouth, white knuckles clutching the metal casing. "It was," he said coldly. His free hand reached for his hair, feeling exposed by the absence of his snapback. "But there's not much to add, to be honest. As I said in the post-race interview, I got damaged by the contact and the car lost a little performance in terms of aerodynamics," he explained calmly. 
"The safety car he..." Logan trailed off. "The safety car helped. The mechanics did a mega job during the pit stop and fixed the problem enough to let me cross the finish line."
But I still don't know why it happened.
"It was absolutely a fantastic team effort," agreed Tom. "What about your predictions for this Sunday?" 
Logan's lips twitched on autopilot into a cocky smile. "Oh, I can totally see a win." 
"Best of luck to you," the man smiled back. "Now I think we have time to take questions from the print media."
Logan tensed. This was the tough part, when sports journalists went on a merciless gossip hunt, looking for the best headline for their next article. And once again, Logan found himself in their crosshairs. 
It didn't take long for Tom to give the floor to the most annoying of them all.
"Peter Jones, ESPN F1," the man said as he switched on the microphone. "Finn, the DNF at Zandvoort cost you important points in the battle for the championship," he paused. His greedy eyes flicked not so casually between Finn and Logan. "What are the consequences in the close fight between you and the current leader?" 
A subtle question, because Logan knew exactly where this was going. He couldn't help but turn to look at Finn, who sat up straighter on the couch and inadvertently moved a hand to rub the back of his neck—as he always did when he was nervous. 
"Like you said," he cleared his throat, "it's still a tight fight. I made a mistake and I apologized, because..." Logan heard the hesitation in his voice, a faint tremor. "We both lost something last week. The race, good points..." Finn's eyes went blurry for a fleeting moment. "But I have to focus more on the future if I want to close the gap between us. And that's still my goal, so I'd say nothing has really changed". 
"So everything's okay between the two of you?"
Logan had watched the footage in his hotel room. He remembered storming out of his box. He had wanted to talk, to understand. And they just ended up yelling at each other in the middle of the paddock. Fifteen minutes later, the pictures were all over the Internet. 
Sparks flying on and off the track. Tempers flare as Tremblay and O'Hara clash after today's collision, the official F1 account had captioned the post on Instagram. 
"Of course," Finn nodded, a half smile on his lips, uncertain. "Yeah, good rivals and all." 
Rivals. That's what they were these days. Faces of the rivalry between two legendary, antagonistic teams. Names in capital letters on magazine titles and website headlines. 
One against the other.
As soon as they were dismissed, Logan bolted out of the room. It was four in the afternoon, and he still had to find a way to get out of the circuit unnoticed.
Logan wasn't being hostile. He loved his job and the life that came with it—or almost all of it. Even if it meant exposing himself more than he actually liked. 
Just not today, not now, not when the constant pounding in his head kept his focus far away, trapped in a conversation he wished had turned out differently. 
He was close to the exit door when he heard footsteps running after him. 
"Logan, wait." 
"Not in the mood," he said without looking back.
"Lo." a warm hand cupped his shoulder. "Please." 
They hadn't talked in almost a week, a first for them. Finn had texted, but Logan had needed time to figure out why he was so upset. In the back of his mind, Logan replayed the scene for the thousandth time.
Lap fifty, one hour and forty minutes into the race. Logan was leading the Dutch Grand Prix, going through Sector 2 with a 0.286-second lead over Finn, who had his DRS open. At the entrance to Turn 11, they were neck-to-neck, fighting for the apex.
The contact between the two cars happened out of the blue. It felt like a punch in the gut. 
Logan had watched the tape over and over, looking for a valid justification, an explanation. There had been plenty of room for both cars, and yet Finn had pushed him off the track, damaging Logan's front wing and knocking himself out of the race.
"You lied," Logan said firmly, still with his back to Finn. 
"You said you apologized. But you didn't."
Finn let out a heavy breath, a hint of disbelief in it. He stepped in front of him, tall and broad as he was, brown eyes unbearably sad. 
"You think I did it on purpose?" he asked, his voice shaking with emotion. 
Logan held Finn's gaze. He felt all the tension in his body release at the sight of the hurt on his face. "Finn, I could never. Merde, I just... I don't understand why you snapped at me like that." 
You know what, Logan? Fuck you too. I don't have to explain anything to anyone. Just leave me alone.  
"I didn't mean to," Finn ducked his head, shying away from him. "I was tired of people asking me what happened and..." he shrugged helplessly. "You were so angry and I was furious because I'm an asshole and that was a fucking rookie mistake." Finn finally looked back at him, "I'm so sorry, Lo. I should have told you right away. I'm sorry." 
We both lost something last week. Something.
Logan closed his eyes.
Competitiveness was rooted in his DNA. He'd been racing for as long as he could remember, and he knew he would become a professional driver from the moment he sat in a kart for the first time at the tender age of five. The son of Marius Tremblay, a legend of the sport, following in his father's footsteps. 
He'd come a long way, with ups and downs, blissful achievements, countless defeats and steady improvement. And yet he'd found his way to this, to be a two-time world champion at the pinnacle of motorsport. To compete for a third title against Finn, the best friend he could've ever asked for. The only thing he hadn't expected to find on this competitive journey, and yet the most precious.
Logan had lost a race. That was it, a mistake. He certainly wasn't going to make the one to let Finn go. He could barely stand the idea of fighting with him. 
Still, he kept his face straight. He would never have given in that easily. "Listen," he said seriously, fighting the urge to hold Finn as he grew even paler, the freckles on his nose and cheekbones a stark contrast to his milky skin. "If you're not taking me out for a drink tonight, we're done."
A sparkle lit up those helplessly kind, soothing eyes. "We're not supposed to drink alcohol, Tremblay," Finn smiled shyly. 
"D'accord," Logan rolled his eyes and bit back a smile of his own. "Alcohol free it is."
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deltaharrington · 1 year
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PAIRING: JJ Maybank x Reader (Prev: Canon!Rafe Cameron x Reader)
SUMMARY: After breaking up with Rafe, what will the reader do? Who will she confide in?
WARNINGS: NOT EDITED, fighting, a little angst!
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“THIS isn’t over!”
Those were the last words you heard as you rushed out of Tannyhill. Tears pooled in your eyes and they began to fall as you made your way to the only spot you knew you’d have some comfort.
The dock.
It wasn’t a long walk, but by the time you got there, you were a mess, tears and red cheeks to prove you had been through something.
You sat in an empty spot on the dock as you watched people begin to go home and sun begin to set.
“Hey- uh we’re closing down.” You heard from behind you “You should probably head…Y/n?”
You turned at your name and we’re met with none other than JJ Maybank.
“JJ?” You said and wiped your eyes “M’sorry- I’ll leave now” You said and began to stand.
“No, no, are you okay?” He asked and moved to sit down next to you, your puffy face and teary eyes not passing by JJ.
“Yeah- I’m okay…” You said and JJ scoffed.
“I don’t believe that— shouldn’t you be with Rafe?” He asked and you shook your head. JJ usually hated on Kooks, and you were no exception, but something told him not to press any nerves, especially when you were in this state.
“I just broke up with him, so no.” You said simply and he nodded his head.
“Do you want to talk about it? I promise not to make fun.” He said genuinely.
This struck something inside of you. You hadn’t had any real friends since getting with Rafe, he had cut you off. You had no one to confide in.
“He- he needs help. His mood swings just— he was a shitty boyfriend.” You said simply and JJ sighed.
“I’m sorry, no one deserves that. Especially not you.” He said and you looked at him like he was crazy.
“I thought you hated Kooks? I’m technically one, you know.” You said and he shook his head a bit.
“I hate Kooks that flaunt their wealth and think they’re better than everyone else” JJ said “You don’t do that, y’know— I’ve always thought you seemed out of place with them, with him.” He admitted and you blushed a tad.
“Thank you, JJ” You said and reached up to put a hand on his shoulder to acknowledge him “That means a lot to me.” You added and he smiled.
“Need a hug?” He said and you laughed.
“That would be nice.” You said and he leaned over, pulling you into his arms.
While they both were eerily similar with blonde hair and blue eyes, Rafe and JJ were different, like night and day. It didn’t take a genius to see that.
You felt your whole body flutter when you hugged JJ, and there, on the dock, blossomed an amazing friendship.
JJ felt it too.
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Nearly every day since you had broken things off with Rafe, you went to the dock to see JJ. He enjoyed having you visit, he had even offered you to come to a bonfire with the Pogues.
You accepted of course and they welcomed you with open arms.
Sarah, Kie, John B, and Pope all became your friends, and after a while, you felt like you were fitting in.
Tonight, they had invited you to a Kegger.
You had been to many of those, but on the Kook side. You were nervous, but JJ assured that you would be fine, as long as you stayed near him.
So that’s what you planned on doing.
You met the Pogues at the Chateau, wearing a sun dress you had recently bought with Sarah and Kie.
It was blue, and JJ liked it a little too much.
“You look amazing.” Kie said as you chatted outside.
“Thank you guys— wheres J?” You asked and Kie shrugged.
“Right here, m’lady” You heard from behind you and you couldn’t help the smile that crossed your features. The butterflies in your stomach roared at the sight of him.
“Woah-“ He said as you turned around, and Kie retreated to give you two some space.
“Gimme a twirl, sweetheart” JJ said and you did so with a laugh. “You look amazing.” He said and you blushed a bit.
“Thank you, I try” You said and curtsied, to which the blonde laughed.
You had never felt so happy. You felt secure, the Pogues had your back, and they were welcoming to you.
With Rafe you felt suffocated, and now you were free.
“Let’s get a move on!” You heard John B say and you along with the rest of the Pogues, shuffled into the Twinkie.
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Upon arriving to the Boneyard, it was packed. As you stepped out of the Twinkie, JJ offered you a hand, to which you took shakily.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay. He probably won’t show, and even if he does, I’ll be right by your side, I promise.” JJ said reassuringly. Kie and Pope agreed behind you.
You nodded and the Pogues began their entrance to the Kegger.
The night went smoothly, for the most part. Besides drunk John B stumbling around, you guys had remained calm and collected.
That was until you spotted Rafe. And he was making his way over. Fast.
JJ was directly behind you and your hand immediately found his. “JJ…” You said and he turned, confused, but then realized why you had grown frantic.
“How are you liking my leftovers, Maybank?” Rafe said and you cringed at how he objectified you.
“Leftovers? Please, you barely gave her the time of day, there are no leftovers.” JJ defended and you smiled a bit.
Rafe took notice of this.
“How’s he fucking you? Is he as good as I was?” Rafe said “You know, she really likes it when…” He began but was cut off by JJ’s fist colliding with Rafe’s jaw. A deafening crack was heard as Rafe stumbled back.
“What? I was trying to give you some tips!” Rafe came back swinging, hitting JJ in his eye.
The two boys began to completely fight, landing punches after punches into each other.
At one point, Rafe had JJ pinned and was beating the utter shit out of him. That’s when you stepped in.
“Rafe stop! You’re going to kill him!” You exclaimed and he did stop, for a few seconds.
“What if that’s what I want?” He said with a sadistic look on his face.
You rushed forwards and tugged Rafe backwards with a random burst of strength. This resulted in Rafe elbowing you in your ribs, causing you to cry out as you both fell to the ground.
JJ was up in seconds, grabbing Rafe by the collar to continue to beat his ass.
Pope and Kie rushed in soon after that, Pope pulling JJ from Rafe and Kie getting you up.
“Say something else about my girl, Cameron” JJ said “I dare you” He added, with that same look in his eyes.
Rafe was at a loss for words, but couldn’t speak as JJ was dragged away and towards the Twinkie, along with you.
“JJ, why—“ You started but he ignored you, hopping into the Twinkie per Pope’s request.
He was mad. And it was your fault.
That was all you could think about on the ride back to the Chateau.
That’s not at all what JJ had thought, his mind was running a mile a minute.
“JJ…I’m sorry” You whispered and he turned to face you, confusion in his eyes.
“Sweetheart” He said and grabbed your hands “Don’t be sorry—ever.” He said and you nodded your head, arriving at the Chateau shortly after.
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You sat in silence as you cleaned JJ’s wounds, ignoring the pain in your abdomen. He was your first priority.
He was perched on the toilet lid as you bent over with Neosporin and alcohol to flush his cuts and scrapes.
“I don’t know why you’d fight like that for me.” You commented and JJ looked at you like you had just said something crazy.
“Why would I fight for you?” He asked “God- Y/n are you oblivious?” He said and stopped you from cleaning his cheek. “I would do anything for you, sweetheart” He said “You don’t deserve to be treated like shit”
You nodded as a thank you, but held your abdomen as a shooting pain came over you.
JJ suddenly remembered what Rafe had done to you and he felt like shit for not thinking about it sooner.
“Take off your dress” He said and you blushed.
“What?” You asked.
“Take your dress off, now.” He demanded and you did as told, afraid of what would happen if you didn’t.
You slipped your dress off, leaving you practically naked.
“No, shh” He said and gasped at the bruise on your ribs.
“Fucking asshole, m’gonna kill him.” He said and helped you put your dress back on, respecting your privacy.
“JJ…” You spoke as you approached him, gently running your hands through his hair.
He sighed at the feeling, leaning into your touch.
You began to pull your hands away as he calmed but he grabbed them back.
“No, I liked that” He said and you watched as he stood up, towering over you.
He let his right hand snake around your waist to pull you closer to him. His left came up to cup your face. He just stared at you, with complete adoration in his eyes.
“Please let me kiss you” He begged as you watched his eyes trail to your lips. Right as you nodded, he carefully lifted you to sit on the bathroom counter, minding your bruise.
He moved in between your legs, hiking your dress up so you were flush against him. He then leaned in the connected your lips.
Your stomach erupted into butterflies as your lips moved hastily against his, your fingers running through his hair and tugging at the strands at the nape of his neck.
“Y/n…” He whispered as he pulled back for air, ghosting his lips over yours.
“Hm?” You said and his face broke out into a smile.
“Be mine” He said “Let me treat you right, please” He said and you smiled, pressing your lips to his again.
“So is that a yes?” He asked and you shrugged playfully.
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A/N: Yay! I hope that was the ending you guys wanted!!
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scarletttries · 1 year
Kendall Roy x Reader Engagement/Wedding Headcanons:
Pairing: Kendall Roy (Succession) x Gender-neutral!Reader
Rating: Fluff with one slightly NSFW thought at the end clearly labelled.
Author’s Note: After my own lovely bachelorette party last weekend I got a request for wedding/engagement headcanons for Kendall Roy and couldn't resist! Thank you to everyone who wished me a lovely weekend for my Hen Do and for sending in so many amazing succession requests!! 😊
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- From the minute he knew you were the one for him, Kendall would be mentally planning your wedding. It wouldn't matter that it would take him another year to actually propose, he'll live for meticulously planning every detail to make it the most memorable proposal and wedding in history, constantly be thinking of things he wanted for the two of you, scribbling down ideas in his notes app that he can't wait to share with you one day.
- The proposal would be so incredibly Kendall: there would be fireworks, and a stage, and he'd have prepared a musical number, and everything for the whole week would have been set up to lead you unawares to the moment he finally gets down on one knee and asks you to marry him. To be the other half he's always been missing. The loving family he never thought he could deserve. And when you, thank god, say yes; a hundred doves fly out behind you as glitter rains dow,n and it truly feels like something out of a movie or a fairytale, the staged photos front page of every paper in town that night.
- For the entire time you're engaged it's like Kendall's already in the honeymoon phase, his obsession with you is completely renewed. He's so enamoured he finds himself calling you into his office just so he can close the blinds and wrap his arms tightly around you, barely able to contain his grin as he leans down to kiss 'his fiance', a phrase he cannot stop uttering. He'll introduce you to people you've already met a dozen times just so he can say 'my fiance' about you again and again, cheeks aching from the smile that hasn't left his cheeks since you said yes.
- Now that you're engaged he'll also get even more ridiculous with gift giving; when Kendall first starts dating anyone he can be a little insecure that they're just with him for the money, so he holds back on being too generous until he knows their true feelings. But now, expect a bouquet of your favourite flowers every hour, on the hour, each with funny little notes Kendall writes imagining what your life will look like together. Not to mention he insists you both go shopping as 'you both need an entirely new wardrobe now that you're engaged.'
- There won't have been a lot of times you've been able to meet Sophie and Iverson while dating Kendall, so he'll be nervous about re-introducing you to them now that it's as his fiance. But he doesn't need to worry, Sophie is so smart and friendly she'll immediately start running through wedding planning ideas and suggesting you pick them up from school once a week so you can get to know the two of them better - she's seen how much better her father is doing since he found you and genuinely wants to keep you around as much as possible. Naturally Iverson is a lot more reserved, but you'll give him the space he needs and keep the pressure off and over time he'll smile when you walk in a room and Ken will know you've been accepted as part of their dysfunctional family unit.
- The other Roys might not be as welcoming to you when the announcement comes out, assuming you're just some beautiful airhead, or worse, coming after the family's power and fortune, despite how happy Kendall seems to be around you. The exception to this is of course Connor, who will pull you aside after Logan spends dinner shouting about how important prenups are, and tell you he's so excited to have another sibling and he's so happy Ken found you. *For more Kendall prenup drama I have a whole smut fic on it here.*
- Kendall would be torn between wanting a long engagement, loving the affectionate excitement the two of you share every time he catches the glint of your ring out the corner of his eye, and being so excited to plan the wedding that he gets it all set up for just a few months later. No expense would be spared for your day, whether you want to have an island to yourself, an exquisite country house or just to hire out the gallery of your dreams. As long as you're okay with it being BIG, then Kendall will make any dream you have come true.
- Kendall's first wedding was a much more classy, muted affair where he felt like he had to stifle himself to fit the idea of what a wedding should look like. He's learnt a lot about himself since then, and you've always been there to encourage him to be honest with you and hold on tight to the parts of his life that bring him joy, so be prepared for the whole day to be elaborate and spectacular.
- That doesn't mean it's not also magical, and romantic, and intimate. You and Kendall find ways to make every second meaningful to the two of you, stealing away for moments at a time to just look into each other's eyes, overwhelmed with the joy that you are now joined forever, secure together for all the ups and downs your lives will bring (unaware that one of three photographers Kendall hired is taking candid shots that Kendall will have printed as six foot high portraits to hang on the walls of his penthouse, and another dozen images to line his work desk.)
- While you and Kendall aren't too worried about a lot of the classic wedding traditions, you will spend the night before the wedding apart, opting for a cosy night in a luxury hotel with your friends to get prepped. You'll have to have your friends taking shifts by the door at all times though, as Kendall sends an influx of deliveries to show he's thinking of you. And then at 2am he'll turn up at your hotel suite begging your friends to let him see you one more time, "for one last night of sin" and they'll have to remind him it's bad luck and force the door shut in his moping face.
- But it's completely worth it as he sees you for the first time on your wedding day, somehow more beautiful than he could have pictured, dressed to perfection, wearing the same smile as you walk towards him that you did that first day he kissed you and knew then and there that this day would be coming soon. He has to choke back tears as he stutters through his vows, overwhelmed by finally having a true family member in his corner who can love him and have his back through anything.
- Without getting too NSFW, we can all agree Kendall on his wedding night would come at you like a man starved. Greedy hands squeezing and clawing at your thighs hard enough to leave marks as his teeth clash against yours with the sheer fervour that he comes in to kiss you with. A strangled mix of growls and moans, broken up by ecstatic laughs fill the room as he embraces you for the first time as his spouse, exploring and tasting every inch of you like you are an entirely new world only he gets to claim. A world where now he feels safe and accepted and loved. A world he's never going to leave.
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Between Us (Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader)
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Song Inspo: They Don't Know About Us - One Direction
WC: 1.2K
Warnings: curse words, a little angst but mostly fluff
A/N: I miss Christian (I mean, don't we all?) so I decided to write a fluff for him 🥹💕 Hope you all enjoy, and I'd love to hear your thoughts through reply/reblog/ask! 🫶 Special thanks to @ariddletobesolved for proofreading 💖 Feedbacks would be highly appreciated!
“They don’t know how special you are
They don’t know what you’ve done to my heart
They can say anything they want
‘Cause they don’t know us”
Since the moment your relationship with Christian went public, you’ve been receiving a lot of mixed reactions. Some are positives, and some are negatives. Dating a famous professional athlete was never in your book, but somehow you met and fell in love with him despite his job and status. Besides, you can’t really control who you love can you? You didn’t care that he’s famous nor will you ever, because it didn’t matter. What truly matters is the genuine love shared between the two of you.
No, you’re not a celebrity. You weren’t famous at all. You work nowhere near the media or even football. You’re just someone ‘ordinary’. You randomly met him at a bar in London during a night-out with your girlfriends – one went to a college in London, and you happened to be in the city to visit her. You knew who Christian was but you didn’t want to freak him out so you tried to act cool, and before you knew it he asked for your number. From there on, the rest is history.
Days before you two went ‘Instagram official’, you were already so anxious about how people were going to react. You know he has a lot of fans, and they could be pretty ruthless with their comments. They basically could get away with anything, since they could create any persona they wanted and stayed anonymous on the internet, which was and still is terrifying to even think about. You didn’t want to hear people talking shit about your relationship, but at the same time you knew it was sort of inevitable. You two wanted to keep it lowkey, but didn’t want to hide it from the world. After long talks and careful considerations, you both decided to go public.
You couldn’t be grateful for the support people have given you, but negative comments about you and your relationship sometimes would mess with your head. 
“What the fuck does he find attractive about her??? cause I don’t see it!! 🤮”
“they’re not gonna last. mark my words”
“yikes... everyone knows Pulisic deserves better”
“😒 how they got together in the first place I’ll never know”
“she’s so basic... lmao puli open ur fucking eyes ����”
“another episode of clout-chasing girlie dating a footballer”
“if he does terrible on the pitch now u know why”
You’ve been trying to ignore those awful comments, but since you’re not used to the attention, it was hard not to think about those things they’d said. You knew they’re nothing but strangers on the internet, but you couldn’t stop thinking to yourself: what if everything they said was true? Am I not good enough for Christian? Does this relationship not make sense? Are we not going to last?
Christian has been very protective of you, and he’s told you so many times to just ignore everything. He’s been reassuring you that those internet trolls have no idea what they’re talking about.
“Y/N, love... Stop. Just stop looking at those comments.” He took your phone, locked the screen, and put it away. 
“You are perfect for me, Y/N, they just don’t know that. God, you’re fucking amazing! Believe me, if they got to know you, they would take their words back.”
You shrugged and shook your head while looking down, “You’re my boyfriend, of course you’d say that.”
His brows knitted as he let out a sigh, “No, that’s not true! Even if I wasn’t, I’d definitely say what I said. Why can’t you see it?”
“Christian...” You paused, “do you think our relationship is going to last? I mean, I love you...” You were fidgeting your fingers, hesitated a little to continue because you were afraid of how he was going to react. 
“But I- I just... I don’t think I’m good enough for you,” you whimpered.
“Excuse me?”
You took a deep breath, still avoiding eye contact, “maybe they were right, Chris. You deserve bet-”
“No,” he cut you off before you even finished what you were saying, “don’t even think about it. I wouldn’t have asked you to be my girlfriend if I didn’t think we’re going to last. There is- hey, look at me,” as he lifted up your chin, your eyes met his beautiful chocolate eyes, “there is no one else that fits me better but you, Y/N. You are my one and only. If anything, you are way out of my league.” 
You blushed, trying not to giggle but you couldn’t help it. “Dammit Pulisic, you really have a way with words don’t you?”
He grinned, he was pleased to hear your cute little giggle. “I’m the luckiest fucking guy,” he said before he leaned closer to you, his lips was gently pressed against yours for a moment, then he whispered, “I still couldn’t believe you are mine.”
That man really swept you off your feet. You have never experienced this kind of love before. Every single day with him feels like heaven. When it’s just the two of you, it feels like the world revolves around you – nothing else matters but you and him. He is the only man you’ve ever had late night talks with – well, it’s mostly late night for him because you live in the States and you’re like 5 hours behind him. Hell, you both dropped the L bomb to one another a month into your relationship – your friends thought it was way too fast, but the truth is it wasn’t. You had never been so sure about any man ever, and you just knew Christian is different – special, one-of-a-kind. 
Before no one acknowledged you, you felt a lot freer. You didn’t have to worry about how others would perceive you or judge you. Now, people are watching your every move, ready to bring up even the tiniest mistake you made just because you’re dating their favorite footballer. You became very self-conscious, and Christian noticed that. He felt guilty because he thought because of him you had to go through this and he knew you didn’t deserve any of the horrible judgements, but he’s never stopped giving you the reassurance you needed. At one point, he wanted to post something on Instagram to defend you, however you told him not to so he didn’t do it.
“Baby...” as he held your hands, “honestly, I just want the world to know you’re mine. I’m sorry that I’ve caused you any trouble, but I don’t want you to worry ‘cause I’m always here for you. They don’t know shit about us, they really don’t...”
“I know Chris, I know. I just, um... I need time to get used to this, you know? This is the risk I have to take to be with you, and I will eventually find my way around it.”
He smiled and nodded, he understood how you were feeling. “Let’s just keep things between us, yeah? It’s more than enough that they now know we’re together. Who cares, right?”
You laughed a bit, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I just want you to know... You’re it for me.” He kissed the top of your head, then rested his forehead against yours. “I love you, Y/N. Now and forever.”
Your cheeks turned bright red and the biggest smile appeared on your face. “I love you, Christian.”
“They don’t know about the things we do
They don’t know about the I love you’s
But I bet you if they only knew,
They would just be jealous of us”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @masonspulisic @swimmingismywholelife @chelseagirl98 @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @mortirolo @masonsrem
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hyperfixationstation1 · 7 months
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Saw Les Mis on West End Yesterday!!!
(Ignore how few people are in the photo. It was a full house I was just really early)
Starting with this I loved!!
- Stewart Clarke as Javert was perfect. He was perfectly austere and desperate, and he had such a powerful baritone voice that left so many in the audience dumbfounded during “Stars.” His suicide was staged in kinda a goofy way (but I’ll be honest it’s… always a little goofy)
- Though I don’t love how the musical treats the Thenardiers, both Emily Olive Boyd and Luke Kempner did a great job and were very funny.
- The ensemble killed it. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
- The costumes were a lot more period accurate than I expected. Adored the wedding costumes and the period accurate hair.
- I actually really liked Djavan van de Fliert as Enjolras. He plays him very young and very enthusiastic, leaning a lot into the boyish aspect. I was surprised to find I liked it quite a bit.
- Enjoltaire could not keep their hands off each other like damn get a room
— also those two were PARENTING Gavorche
Things I didn’t mind at all!
- Harry Lake stepped in for Marius last night. I’m usually harsher to Marius than any other character. But he was boyish and I was like “yeah okay goofy man 🙄” and he did genuinely play him like a clueless boy trying his best, which was very endearing. And he and Amena El-Kindy were amazing in A Little Fall of Rain.
- Amena El-Kindy as Eponine was very good technically. And I liked it, but I prefer more depressed and resigned Eponines and it was very desperate and frantic, which isn’t wrong, just not what I prefer.
- Tom Hext as Grantaire. He did great! but again he played his part in Drink With Me as more angry than depressed, which I didn’t prefer.
Things I didn’t like (but knew I wasn’t gonna like):
- Lovely Ladies.
- No Azelma and they don’t acknowledge Eponine and Gavorche as siblings.
- Patron Minette as Thenardier’s Gang. Also why was Babet better dressed than Montparnasse? (Did like that Montparnasse was played to acknowledge or care about Eponine in a throwaway line. That was nice.)
- Love Brujon. I don’t know why he has there though.
- Could not keep track of Les Amis.
- How the musical treats Cosette as helpless when she’s perfectly capable. Lulu Mae Pears did a great job but like… I can’t stand that.
Things I didn’t like (and expected to like)
- I didn’t like Peter Jöback as Jean Valjean. I’m sorry I don’t really know how to explain it, I just didn’t.
- I was expecting a moving set. THANK YOU TO THE TECH, but there was no spinning barricade 😔.
Anyway, I overall had a lot of fun seeing it!!! And met some of the crew after and it was cool!
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thegrimreaperisanerd · 11 months
hi :) binge read your de fic that you have posted on ao3 last night and really enjoyed all of it! excited to see any updates. was wondering if you have any rec for other fic youve read and enjoyed-- i am not god's bravest soldier and do not enjoy trudging through tags and was wondering if you had read anything yourself that you really enjoyed lolol
Hey, thanks so much!!! Sorry it's taken a couple days to answer this, I'm poor as shit and have two jobs now wah... capitilism...
I'm working on the next 46' chapter, It's about 70% complete and I generally let it sit for an evening once it's done then re-read it the next day to catch the vast majority of mistakes (I edit everything myself) so I'd say expect that in the coming days.
I have some thoughts! I... Have never been asked for fic recs before so I'm gonna list a bunch in no particular order that I enjoyed, and reasons why. I will note that I tend to enjoy meaty plot-based works over fluff, so that's what I'll be recommending. Anyway!
Paddling Out (THE REPEATER CORPSE CONUNDRUM) - @transhitman - So this is the first DE fic I read and it set the bar pretty fucking high. YOU'VE GOT: a very cool and insular setting (don't get me wrong I like fics where they travel around Revachol too, but there's something to be said for building a set and living in it for a while) YOU'VE GOT: extremely harrowing tension and pale-fuckery YOU'VE GOT: some genuinely beautiful, heartfelt moments (I don't want to spoil anything but "people don't need your permission to care about you" kinda undid me) YOU'VE ALSO GOT: Amazing art?! Always a bonus, I wish I could draw people lol
Have You Heard The News That You're Dead? - Wizardlover - Time Loop shenanigans hell yeah! Basic premise: Kim is *unable* to save Harry's life after he's shot at the tribunal, each time he dies he Reawakens in Martinaise on the first day and desperately has to try and find a way to either prevent the Tribunal entirely, or survive it. I think the major draw to this one is how well it's characterised and how well that lends to the major source of tension: trying to convince THE WORLD'S BIGGEST SKEPTIC that you *a man he 'has only just met'* is actually stuck in a time loop. Juicy shit.
The Case Of The Man Who Two-Thirds Wasn't There - @glisteningceruleaneyes - We got another case fic here, gang. This is one of those "they travel around Revachol" numbers I previously mentioned. A lot to love about this fic; the minor OCs are all loveable (or at least well-written, looking at you Mr. Bigot-All-Rounder), the elements of writing in the game's style (particularly use of Harry's 'to do' list that you find in the ledger, you don't see that as often!) are all fantastic. Also without spoiling too much I'm a sucker for hurt/ comfort :) I like when bad things happen to our specialist guy :) ALSO! alternating chapters, Kim vs Harry's perspectives contrast REALLY well! Just a super enjoyable read. - On that note I also wanna include a special mention: there's a podfic for this one and since I mentioned my two jobs, I've been listening to audiobooks at work (I'm a cleaner. It's very boring) and that was a fun change of pace!
The Emergent Causeway - hal_incandenza - Now you KNOW this one is good because it's the only *unfinished* fic I'm recommending. Again, We've got art! We've got a brand new (non-Revachol!) setting that still feels excellently Elysium! We got that excellent balance of humour and misery from the get go! EXCELLENT murder mystery so far, I am intrigued AND also there's a fucking puppy. Hell yeah. This one's from Kim's perspective and does a really good job of it, nothing like a man being begrudgingly sent on holiday and being somewhat relieved to have a corpse to deal with.
A Spilled Kaleidoscope - @spilledkaleidoscope - I'm actually recommending a series here. Real definition of "came for the art, stayed for the writing" I mostly have a soft spot because I got to watch a few "haha, what if-?" musing text posts become a series of written chapters and INCREDIBLE DRAWINGS HOLY SHIT. Like, you really just draw hands for fun, huh? This person made a pact with some sort of devil beasts to draw hands very good, at the bare minimum we can read their fiction.
Nothing To Lose But Our Chains - Lepak - I almost forgot this one and I honestly can't believe it because this is one of these ones that you need a cigarette afterwards. Good fucking god. This is probably the best fic I've ever read in terms of not shying away from the heavy themes that make Disco Elysium such a beautiful, moving game. It tackles a racism in many forms, particularly how people like Kim (in working for the RCM) and immigration laws do their part in upholding racist systems, despite the way it hurts him too. Of course, it's also excellently written with tense scenes and some real funny moments. A real good'un here.
The Catacomb Killer - SupposedToBeWriting - Give Harry more memory loss. Make him convinced he killed a kid. Make *Kim* convinced he killed a kid... Then the plot thickens. I won't lie I can't remember fuck all about this one because I was mostly drunk when I read it, but if it was good enough that I kept reading instead of smoking a spliff or something then it must have been excellent... I will re-read it when I have the time, lmao.
MURDER ON THE AIRWAVES - @randomisedmongoose - I'm just a really big fan of murder mysteries and gore. You show me somebody with brain matter pouring from their earholes and I'm like "yum yum, more of that please." I am a sucker for curious methods of murder and this one's good for that. Lots of trekking back and forth like in the game again. More ACAB - always good.
I did not mean to include this many...........................
Oh well. Here's my list, there are plenty of others I've enjoyed but these are just the ones that came to mind! Thanks again for reading my fic! Always makes me happy when people let me know they enjoy my writing :3
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
I request star gazing! Have them wish sappy shit onto shooting stars? Late at night? Just the two of them? Just so in love???? ✨
i gotchu babe Wordcount: 2K 
Saturn’s Eyes 
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“I’ll show you something cool, come on,” Joe reached across the table and covered your hand with his. It could’ve been a quick tap or a squeeze, but almost in a reflex you turned your hand over, so you were holding his.
You both paused to look at it, and you could hear your pulse in your ears. When you flicked your eyes up, Joe’s gaze was soft and he smiled before strengthening his grip on you, getting up and leading you out of the bar. 
Checking the time, you realised that you had thought you would’ve been back home by now. But instead, your date with Joe seemed to have moved on to its second leg.
You’d originally agreed to drinks, at a bar, like normal sensible people do when they arrange for a first date. Just sit, chat, drink and get to know each other a bit; feel each other out. 
Before you knew it, two and half hours had passed, and you had Joe searching his memory for the last time he’d had such a fun time on a first date with someone so pretty. You’d been all flirty eyes, coy giggles, and playful touches combined with good conversation and genuine interest.
And then you’d made him belly laugh, and Joe was sold. 
“I know it’s not… conventional,” Joe said as you started down the pavement together.
Holding hands seemed a bit premature, but it was breezy out and you hadn’t brought any gloves, you’d reasoned, and so you hadn’t let go.
Joe was very aware of how this might have seemed to you. You’d both had a few, and now suddenly, Joe needed to show you something at his flat? Okay. 
“But trust me,” Joe started, then turned his head to look at you. “Do you trust me?” he asked, eyebrows raised high and pouting with feigned innocence. 
“Hmm,” you pretended to ponder.
“Do I trust someone who I’ve only just met to take me over to their flat, after getting one too many drinks in me?” you tapped a finger to your lips and stared ahead through narrow eyes.
“Kind of?” you then shrugged and smiled at Joe. 
Joe chuckled but was quick to defend himself. “I’m serious; this is going to be the most amazing thing you’ll see today,” Joe assured you with big eyes. “I promise.”
“If this turns to be out a huge lead up to show me your knob, I swear to God!” 
You liked how Joe’s throat could burst with laughs at something you said, the hearty sound music to your ears.
Whenever you’d get a smile, a soft chuckle or, like now, a big laugh out of him, his hands would reach to squeeze you. Back at the bar, it’d been a lot of reaching for your forearms, wrists, and hands, just to briefly grab onto. Now, already holding onto your hand, he clasped his other hand around it too, clutching for just a second before letting it go again.
Joe’s flat was further out than what you’d originally thought. Getting onto the tube was fine, but the amount of stops you had to remain on the train for seemed excessive. When, once again, Joe didn’t move to get up when pulling into a station, he had seen your face in the slightly warped reflection over the seats in the window opposite.
“Trust me.” he softly said, and it’d given you goosebumps.
You let your mind wonder about what it could be that Joe was so persistent to have to take you back to his flat for. You know, besides the obvious, which he was very adamant about wasn’t actually the reason he was hauling you across London. 
Your conversation back at the bar had touched upon so many different subjects, but when you’d asked for his star sign and talked about astrology for a minute – you both thought it was meaningless but, did you both read your own horoscope any time you’d come across it? yes absolutely – Joe had told you to finish your drink and come with him. 
About twenty minutes later, you found yourself standing on the flat roof top of his building.
It looked like you weren’t really supposed to be up there, but the wooden picnic table and old, sun-faded, plastic garden furniture suggested people would sometimes hang out up there. Not necessarily at this time of year, though – the middle of November being cold, windy, and very wet.
“Tah dah!” Joe revealed a slim, shiny telescope which looked far too expensive to just be left up there unsupervised.
You were slightly taken aback, unsure of what to say but Joe seemed excited.
“The stars, Joe?” you pouted at him, still stood by the hatch to the ladder you’d just climbed up on. “You needed to show me the stars?”
You might’ve been a little drunk, but this was no doubt the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for you, you thought. If Joe did end up wanting to show you his knob tonight, he’d be allowed, you decided.
“It’s my neighbour’s telescope,” Joe explained and looked at it a second before bending down to look through the lens. “He’s shown me how to use it.”
Joe beckoned you over towards him, and when you got close enough, Joe stepped aside to make room for your turn to have a look at the vastness of space. He hovered closely behind you and awaited your reaction.
A short silence fell, before you hesitantly hummed. 
“I can’t see anything?” you said hesitantly, not really sure what you were meant to be looking at. It was all just... black.
“You’re supposed to close the eye that isn’t looking into the lens,” Joe joked. You added to it, feigning a penny dropping. “Oh, is that how these work?” you said earnestly, before both breaking and grinning at each other.
You stepped aside and let Joe fiddle with the telescope a bit. Stood up on the rooftop and looking out, you were sure there was too much light pollution from the city for a good look at space. But there hadn’t been a cloud in the sky, and Joe’s neighbour had shown him how to find certain planets the other day, so Joe was sure he would be able to find one to show it to you. 
Having a real-life look at different planets in outer space had really impressed him, and he was fully set on impressing you tonight. It took Joe a second to sharpen the image on the telescope once he’d found one.
“Here, have another go,” Joe said, opening an arm for you to step closer once again, this time barely moving himself, his body even closer to yours as you bent slightly for another peek. You felt him place a hand on your lower back over your coat.
“What the…” 
You turned your head to look at Joe. “Am I seeing that right?” you couldn’t quite believe your eyes. 
“Did I not say that this was going to be cool?” he smirked at you warmly, loving eyes playfully scanning your bewildered face. Joe was glad that trekking across the city with you had paid off. 
You turned back to look at it again.
That was Saturn.
Rings and all.
Small, but definitely there.
Fucking Saturn. 
“This… this can’t be real. Tell me I’m not staring at Saturn in real time?” You changed eyes to see if Saturn would look the same through the other and you heard Joe chuckle beside you. 
“You’re not. Not really… light doesn’t travel that fast. You’re looking at the past. That’s Saturn approximately an hour and twenty minutes ago.” Joe explained, recounting his neighbour’s words to you.
Turning back to look at him, you saw him check his watch for the time before grinning at you admiringly, drinking in the vision of you there up on his roof top. You were suddenly very aware that his one of his palms was still on you, and you gave him another pout as you scrunched up your forehead. 
“You showed me Saturn,” you placed a hand flat against his chest, a loving gesture that could comfortably stand on its own, but you didn’t want it to. This was officially the cutest first date you’d ever experienced, and you decided you were about to seal it in with a kiss, on a roof top, in the dark, under the stars – you mentally crossed your fingers it’d be a good one. 
“I showed you Saturn,” Joe repeated you, entirely aware of how he had you swooning.
You leant into him slightly, chin tilted upwards, and Joe’s other hand found your elbow to pull you even closer to him. 
You paused, lips a breath away from each other and for a moment you both just waited. Joe’s eyes were trained on your mouth, and you could feel your heart flutter in your chest. Another second or two passed, and although the electricity between you felt nothing short of addicting, you couldn’t stand it any longer and closed the distance, leaning into him and pressing your closed lips against his softly.
When it felt right to draw back slightly, Joe wavered for half a second before swooping back in, both hands now firmly on your back, cradling your waist and holding you tightly to him.
Joe kissed you slow and gentle, but firm enough to have you hum into his mouth. It was sickeningly romantic. After what felt like minutes, but what could only have been seconds, you pulled away, lips plump and buzzing. You looked at each other with half-lidded eyes and satisfied smiles plastered onto your faces. For a moment you were unable to look away from each other.
“Would you like another drink?” Joe was the first to break the silence. 
“Actually, I’d love one,” 
“Have another look at Saturn, I’ll go grab us some downstairs,” Joe said, but before letting you go, he couldn’t help but kiss you again. 
Joe returned a couple of minutes later with drinks and throw blankets and you both sat down at the picnic table, hip to hip, drinks in front of you on the table and blankets over your legs for some extra heat to the body parts your coats didn’t reach. You carried on conversation, spotted shooting stars together, made dumb wishes, laughed loudly and shared more sweet kisses in between sips of your drinks. 
You thought about what details you would spare your friends, but honestly, you kind of wanted to bare all – this was the type of stuff novels were written about. Even the protagonist who’d hoisted you up onto his building was dreamily handsome, picture perfect, in your opinion. The only thing they wouldn't write about was how cold your fingers felt, no matter how much Joe tried to rub the heat back into them.
“Hey,” Joe said, eyes flicking up at you from looking at his watch. “Go check the telescope again.” 
You gave him a funny look, but were quick up onto your feet with Joe following closely behind. Curious, you closed an eye and looked into the lens of the sleek telescope once more. You were expecting to see something different than before, but you were met with the same view.
Still stunning.
But still just Saturn.
“Any particular reason you’re making me look at this again?” you asked him carefully, afraid you were missing something. 
“It’s been an hour and twenty minutes,” Joe said, and you leant back a little to read his face before turning back to look out into space again.
“That’s the Saturn you would’ve seen had there not been lightyears between us. Your glances from before have only just made it up there.” Joe spoke so poetically, it almost pained your chest. 
“And if Saturn’s eyes had looked down, back at us, it would’ve just witnessed our first kiss.”  
If you could stretch the night, use your will to slow down time, you would’ve done just that. Even if it was just because it meant Saturn would get to witness more of the two of you, up on Joe's roof, with painfully frozen fingers but with hot, blushing smiles.  
The Taglisted: @ghostinthebackofyourhead @kiwisa @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @xomunson @sadbitchfangirl @jssmth5 @nobody-000 @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @eddiemunsonfuxks @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @thefemininemystiquee @dirtyeddietini - add yourself   
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artheresy · 10 months
Yingxing Appreciation 🎉🎉
hi, hello, it's Yingxing appreciation time and I'm dragging you into it bc he is my baby and I need more ppl to talk about him
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Y'know I see a lot of people like in awe and hyping up DF and just giving him tons of appreciation while analyzing him specifically as an individual which is all so so valid, DF is amazing and very intriguing as a character and I love him sm, but I sadly don't see the same for Yingxing despite him I think also being so interesting. I also see him more so dismissed in the "literally God and some guy" kind of fashion sometimes
So I'm here to rant just a little bit about Yingxing, why I love him, why he's epic and why he ruins my day every single time I think about him! This is for any of my fellow Yingxing lovers who are also starved of any content of him
Firstly, this man is a genuine genius, like lest we forget this is from Baiheng's travelogue in which she met a young Yingxing who was still a child by this point.
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He was a young boy but had already become a craftsman, a sign of his ability to learn exceedingly quick under Huaiyans tutelage. And his ability to work and progress incredible fast continues into his time as a young man on the Luofu.
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We know he arrived probably somewhere around 18-21 (in my personal estimate) and by the time he saw Jingliu again (which itself was likely early into his stay on the Luofu given HCQ ages and timing), he had already impressed the Master Craftsmen of the Luofu's Artisanship Commission and earned himself a title.
There are also multiple things in game that emphasize his achievements and creations he crafted, some offhandedly mentioned in a readable or item while others are emphasized with importance.
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Casually mentioned in the Discarded Ingenium Parts is his feat in the Great Trial of the Furnace (perhaps that trial is for gaining the furnace master title? Once again signifying an earlier achievement in his legacy) where it took him only a day and night to create a whole mechanical lion that moved and looked just like a real live lion from a bunch of defective parts and waste.
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More recently in 1.5, they released a readable, the Ten-Lords Criminal Directory, which mentions an imprisonment method designed by Yingxing that keeps “Mirage” in a perpetual state trapped within a hallucination of their own making. Utilizing it’s own powers in order to keep it imprisoned. Something that with proper maintenance seems to have lasted for around 700 years so far.
And of course, how can we forget his most famous creations
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The beautifully crafted weapons of the High Cloud Quintet, from Jingliu’s incredibly heavy sword remarked as being as heavy as three thousand catties, to Dan Feng’s Cloud Piercer with the ability to even cut through dragon scales, and the Devastator Glaive as well as Baiheng’s recurve bow. Each impressive in their own ways and seemingly crafted pretty early as well into his time on the Luofu with the HCQ given the distinction of Jing Yuan who (even if he likely was more a teen than a boy) still wasn’t an exact adult yet. So once again, let me emphasize this man’s skill here. With how many things he managed to do so so early into his time on the Luofu. A genius craftsman who deserved all of the praise he had garnered with his works.
Additionally, I know they keep harping about “ugh arrogant craftsman, ugh he’s so full of himself” but every single time we’ve seen his personality, he just seems like a genuine joy to be around. Bright, charismatic, sure he’s cocky but he also gives the impression of being incredibly fun and a bit silly if you ask me.
His behavior as mirrored by the mirage echo in Scalegorge Waterscape is distinctly playful even in what might be a more tense situation, lightly bantering with Dan Feng and even chuckling in certain languages.
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In Jingliu’s character stories, it even furthers this bright, playful attitude he gives off with his distinct cheekiness shining through especially with that “toothy grin” of his. And if you listen to Jingliu’s (at least her English) voice lines during Clouds Leave No Trace when she speaks about Yingxing before getting into his transformation, there is a distinct fondness or amusement in her voice as she speaks of him especially that cocky nature of his despite her distaste for it at first.
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While Baiheng is hailed as this kind figure in the High Cloud Quintet, perhaps their sun even casting light upon them, it doesn’t seem too far off to say Yingxing was a shining star among them in his own right. His easy going nature with them bringing about a bubbly playfulness similar to Baiheng given their closeness from when he was young. I could go into way more especially in regards to the casualness at which Yingxing seems to speak and treat others allowing for a more equal formation of relationships especially with Dan Feng but I’m saving that for another rant.
And all of this about him especially how expressive he seems at certain points he’s been mentioned, really just makes me so incredibly sad when thinking about Blade now. How severely separated he is from this identity. A division that exists from not only his death but from the way his mental state has been severely warped from his time with Jingliu and being affected afterwards by the mara.
The sheer dehumanization and lack of a personal identity in place of seeing himself as a solely a weapon when put next to Yingxing, with such a clear bold individual identity, really makes the transformation of one into the other all the more jarring and tragic. Especially with the emphasis on how Yingxing hated the abominations of Abundance only to become one himself, something that is still implied to have not been by his own hand. Blade is an immensely tragic character, but that tragedy only holds weight because of the life and identity Yingxing had. It is only with Yingxing’s light which shined despite the circumstances of his life that his descent into darkness hits harder, and it makes me so sad that I haven’t found many others talking or expanding upon this despite my searches because he really is such a well written character with so many details in his story that are both interesting and utterly heartbreaking.
And additionally, I want to say that I think there is a lost potential in examining the Xianzhou through Yingxing. Specifically in the way he is treated as a short life species. We know how the relationship between the Vidyadhara and the Natives, especially as it’s changed after Dan Feng, but there is a very interesting relationship to be explored between the Xianzhou and the Short Life Species the end up there, especially through Yingxing’s relationship to the different Artisans guilds whether on the Luofu or the Zhuming.
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In the end, it becomes another sad element to Yingxing’s story. Yingxing managed to change his attitude regarding how the Zhuming masters treated him and even grew more of a confidence, but even in the Luofu's Artisanship Commission, he can never truly get as far as he deserves. Just as Jingliu says
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Even with his work impressing the master craftsmen of the Luofu, even after more than showing his skill and earning the title of Furnace Master for that skill, he still would be denied higher positions and could only prove his true worth by the High Cloud Quintet.
And just let me say it again, him being a short life species allows for such an interesting examination of the world and people around him based upon that. While we don't know exactly how they met, we do know that Yingxing was Huaiyan's personal disciple and the only one he mentions of the celestial masters to treat him with respect and believe in his capabilities despite knowing he's a short life species. Through his treatment of Yingxing, we learn quite a bit about him. Through Baiheng's treatment of him as well, we learn a lot about her, more than anywhere else.
He's just UGH I need more exploration from Yingxing's perspective, the lack of it feels as if I'm being starved. He's so interesting, he's so fun, he's incredibly tragic, and he makes me cry every single time he crosses my mind. Please do yourselves a favor and think more about his character so you'll end up as sad about him as me. Or don't maybe. I dunno. All I know for sure is that you absolutely need to read Views of the Universe From a Starskiff: The Zhuming if you haven't. Anyways bye, thanks for listening to this rant, I gotta go cry over him.
Peep the tags also for a rant about my own characterization of YX if you wish to witness my insanity
#Let me rant about my own personal characterization of Yingxing based on this and its OVER#It's OVER#Firsy off We need to acknowledge before we get into anything that YX is severely traumatized#Before becoming a teen (we don't know exactly how long he was at the Zhuming before he met BH so he could have been p young)#He had already lost his entirely family in an incredibly brutal fashion to the Borisin#His home planet was conquered destroyed and turned into a weapons nursery for the Borisin#And he ended up somehow on the Zhuming (it's my hc that Huaiyan himself found him but we don't know the canon details)#And on top of that seemingly only Huaiyan his master was kind to him as the rest of the celestial masters on Zhuming degraded him for being#A shortlife species to the point he A CHILD tells BH he doesn't know if he'll live to see his parents avenged#So yeah he's gone through some shit#And we know his arrogance begins after Baiheng says kind words to him but ngl I don't think he switched up so fast from a few kind gestures#I think that arrogance of his begins as a coping method inspired by her especially given the exaggerated nature of it as jingliu describes#When he was a child#Kind of a fake it til you make it#And by the time he ends up on the Luofu I think it's half genuine confident half fake it til you make it#Specifically in that he does really see the people around him as equals no matter their status or species including someone like HE IL#And in that he's probably pretty judgemental all things considered#But I think the more exaggerated parts especially his outward declarations are played up a bit by him to give off a certain facade or image#In order to garner respect when paired with his actual genuine skill and talent#That's just a reduced summary of my characterization of him tho with his relationship to his confidence I have more to say but#ALSO YINGXING WITH SURVIVORS GUILT#WHERE IS MY YX WITH SURVIVORS GUILT CONTENT *bangs my fist against the floor*#That 100% plays into my personal characterization of his relationship with his confidence#Also I view YX as being AuDHD for so many reasons but esp with what we know in canon of his obsession with crafting and his#Overworking himself tendencies regarding it#Yingxing#Hsr blade#Hsr#Honkai star rail#Don't let me mention how this affects his relationships I'll be even more annoying than I already am
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hopelessdelusional · 1 year
“So yeah, that’s what I would like to do for this shoot! Any questions?”
You sat in the conference room that was just down the hall from the shoot with the all the workers for Bakugou’s shoot. Three nights ago, You and Hitoshi stayed up until 3AM discussing literally every single detail of the shoot. You had made not only a pamphlet that went along with the presentation but a whole slide show that explained why you decided on everything. Toshi said it was overkill, and you said it wasn’t enough.
You stood there as they talked amongst themselves and tried to avoid Bakugou’s piercing gaze as you stood nervously picking at you button up. You didn’t have to dress as professionally for the first time you came here because it was only a test run, so you were able to get away with jeans and tennis shoes. However for this meeting you had to wear dress pants that felt a little more tight than the last time you wore them along with a classic white button up and your favorite black heals.
“If that’s something you don’t like however I do have a whole binder full of ideas that we could start with but of course it would take a day or two to come up with more elaborate ideas-“
“It’s more than enough Miss l/n, in fact we can’t think of a single reason as to why we wouldn’t want to do this. Right Bakugou?”
Everyone in the room turned to him, forcing you to do the same. It was like torture! Every glance of him brought back more memories of that hour and a half worth of the messiest make out session you’ve ever experienced. How can so many things happen in only an hour and a half?! Maybe it’s just his charm, maybe that’s his secret. He’s a hell of an awful kisser but so much can happen in such a short amount of time. Maybe that’s just his whole gist in general! There was so much to learn about this man, and you hated that fact that you wanted to know everything.
“Yeah, I like it.”
Everyone in the room cheered as you and Bakugou maintained eye contact. You smiled at him, trying to be polite but that only ended in him bashfully turning his head away. You stood there still smiling, was it possible you were making the great Bakugou Katsuki flustered?
As everyone started to walk out, Bakugou’s agent, Allison Marks went up to you and hugged you. You were a little taken back but you remembered that Ochacko was the same way when you first met her, so you allowed it and squeezed her back.
“That was incredible! I’ve never seen such focus and passion into this kind of stuff! I mean you had every pose, every lighting change, every angle, every outfit, and even every makeup look! How did you do it?”
You blushed smiling, not having gotten this kind of recognition in a long time.
“I had an amazing friend who got me off my ass and made me work, he brings out the best in me.”
Allison melted at your words, “that is the most beautiful sentiment I’ve ever heard, y/n. You are just such a remarkable woman!”
She gave you one last quick hug, then raced out of the room to catch up with the rest of the team, little did you know Bakugou stayed behind.
“She’s way too energetic for her own good,” Bakugou leaned on the table as you cleaned up the room. You looked up at him before smiling at the thought of her bright aura.
“Yeah but it’s so refreshing to have in this line of work, not a lot of people think of photography as art anymore.”
Bakugou cocked an eyebrow at you, watching you closely.
“Art? You think all of this is art?”
You stopped what you were doing for a moment, before standing up fully again and looking at him. His answer seemed genuine but you still didn’t really know they guy. His voice was gruff and his face was pretty much always the same, except when he gets mad, now that’s something you’d like to watch with popcorn in your hands.
“Of course it’s art. There’s so much creativity and thought that goes into this process, I mean did you not just see my whole presentation?”
You shut the computer down quickly before walking over to the blond, who was now looking very amused at your new frustration.
“Look, you may not understand because all you have to do is stand there and look pretty but the people who work on this really do put a lot of human emotion and expression into making this successful. That’s the key with art, it’s more than just showing sweat drip down your glorious abs.”
You rolled your eyes as you walked away from him, not wanting to be any closer in fear you would somehow black out and end up kissing him again. In your defense his cologne is really strong.
“You think my abs are glorious?”
His tone was teasing, almost like he was testing the waters with you.
What was wrong with this guy? He’s so full of it that he didn’t even pay attention to anything that you said except for the one compliment!
“I’ll see you in ten Bakugou, enjoy your break.”
You tried not to sneer at the selfish man next to you as he passed you, and thankfully he got the hint and let you leave.
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You had finally gotten home after a long day of Bakugoy torturing you. It was so weird because it seemed like he was trying to mess with you but any time you tried to match his energy, he looked the other way and pretended you didn’t exist. What was this guy’s problem! You just wanted to shove him into a wall and make out with him talk things out so it wasn’t awkward anymore. He just wasn’t professional. That was it. He was too immature and you didn’t have to think about him ever again after this.
You were able to calm down by having your third cup of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table with your laptop. Your team was able to get a lot of good shots today, and they wanted you to edit the pictures they got. The only problem was that the company that you work for now has a contract with this new editing software. They explained it in further detail but your shift was over and you have a nasty habit of turning off your brain whenever your shift ends.
“What is it?” Hitoshi came over to where you were sitting, chewing obnoxiously in your ear causing you to shove his face away. He just laughed and continued chewing, grossing you out further.
“I swear to go Toshi if you get cookie crumbs on my brand new laptop-“
“I’ve never seen this website, what is it?”
You rolled your eyes at his lame way to change the topic but you let him do it anyways.
“I…honestly don’t know. I genuinely have no idea where to even start with this.”
Toshi finally swallowed his food and leaned towards the computer. It did make you giggle a bit, he needed glasses but is refusing to even think about it making him look like an old person whenever he looks at a screen.
“Oh shit yeah, this actually looks like something from the future.”
You chuckled before swatting him away, trying to figure it out on your own. You created a whole career by yourself, all self taught for fucks sake! You can figure this one software program, everything is “new” at one point, you’ll totally make this your bitch!
“y/n you’ve been cursing up a storm for the past ten minutes, just email asking to use a different editing program.”
You grunted, letting your head fall on the table. You stared at the rings that still scattered across your fingers, not yet taking them off from work. Then, you thought of Bakugou again. You literally couldn’t get him out of your head, you’ve only been working at that stupid place for a week and you’ve already found yourself infatuated by him! That’s ridiculous, and not you. After the shit that your first ex made you go through you promised that you wouldn’t get as attached again, not unless it was a long term relationship. You hated situationships and how awful relationships had been for you. You just wanted to find someone you felt at home with.
“Hey, take a break, we can figure this out later.”
You sat up, taking a deep breath and realizing there was a small tear running down your face. You’ll be alright. You’ll find the right person when it’s time.
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a second”
You got up and headed to your room, where you were finally able to take off all the little pieces of jewelry and makeup off, and put on some comfortable clothes. As of right now you are home, and that’s good enough for you.
“No way! Toshi you never told me you were into Kaminari! This completely changes things!”
You fell back onto the cough laughing as Hitoshi covered his face with a pillow. You couldn’t say you didn’t see this coming, it was quite obvious the day of the party when you introduced him to each other. They already knew of each other from college but you weren’t aware of how many classes they had together and how much Hitoshi watched Kaminari’s channel.
“Shut up. I never told you because I knew you would would be a dick about it.”
You immediately stopped laughing and sat back up. “Toshi! I’m sorry if I ever made you feel uncomfortable, I want to be that person you go to for everything.”
You tried to give him your most impressive puppy dog eyes but all you got in return was a pillow to the face.
“You are the person I go to for everything dipshit, it’s just this is embarrassing and I know I’ll never have the chance to go out with him-“
“Toshi!” you moved the pillow and grabbed your best friend’s shoulders. His eyes widened but quickly went back to his resting “i’m judging you” face. You leaned in close to his face, so close your foreheads were touching. You knew he hated this proximity but you needed him to understand the words that were about to come out of your mouth.
“You are one of the most wonderful person, if not the most wonderful person I have ever met. There is no way in hell he wouldn’t be interested in you.”
Toshi stayed like that for a bit, arms crossed firmly on his chest before allowing his body to fall backwards into the couch. You stared at him, examining his body language. If you hadn’t known him for so long it would have been hard for you to read him, but right now you could tell that he was definitely thinking really hard, trying to comprehend what you had just said to him.
“Kaminari is really good at editing things, I bet you could get him to do it for you.”
Your eyes widened before you hoped up on your feet, scaring Hitoshi.
“Toshi! You’re a genius!” You rushed over and grabbed his face before planting a firm kiss on his forehead. “I knew you were my best friend for a reason.”
You raced to the kitchen where your phone was charging and opened twitter as fast as you could. You only had his twitter, hoping his DMs weren’t flooded with fans trying to talk to him.
“You know I hate it when you do that!”
You smiled as you typed away on your phone, putting it down after you sent a quick explanation to him.
“You know you love it. Want some more popcorn?”
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this is why we can’t have nice things…literally
i think i got way too carried away with this one…i just didn’t want to have to do a shit ton for sunday’s post
speaking of sunday! im planning on doing some more written content for that post, and im gonna do a post with a poll if y’all are cool with that. i don’t wanna like explode ur brain with so much plot yk? if y’all are sick of my writing then i’ll just do a silly filler episode or smth idk i’ll think of smth
fun facts! ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
- katsuki was definitely staring at y/n’s ass during her presentation
- katsuki didn’t mean to be rude when he asked y/n the question, it was genuine! he just sucks at showing emotion and y/n isn’t used to his weird behavior/personality yet
- katsuki is also not used to flirting like he thinks he’s soooo good at flirting (he’s not) but when someone he’s actually into reciprocates it freaks him the fuck out
- after they graduated high school bkg basically did the whole speech he did to izuku in the manga and apologized, they both cried and are now on good terms and their families hang out together on holidays again :)
- shoto is low key jealous of bkg, not in a toxic way, just like a pouting puppy, to which izuku always makes sure to smother his face in kisses to make him feel better 🥺
- idc if you agree or not bkg DEFINITELY says “lol” to piss of kami bc he knows it brothers him
- y/n and toshi are siblings your honor. and if you don’t obnoxiously chew in your sibling’s ear are you really siblings?
- toshi follows kami on EVERYTHING, it’s kinda pathetic :/
- kami is nocturnal. that’s it. that’s all i have to say about that.
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tencrimes · 4 months
BossNoeul FM in LA - Thoughts
I'm going to copy my twt thread here because it says most of what I wanna share about my experience anyway 😊 But I'll add some other thoughts!
They are so gracious and genuine, even after 5 hours of performing and interacting directly with fans while jetlagged. I did the m&g, selfie, hi touch and 2:1 photo and every time, they made all of us feel special
The m&g was the first time meeting them and they were /right there/. Apologies for the quality of this pic but I was shaking lmao. I also didn't take many or record for that reason. My gf mentioned that I was her girlfriend and they seemed excited, so that was sweet 🥹
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When we were leaving, they made direct eye contact with each one of us and thanked us. They did this e v e r y time we met without flagging in sincerity, it was a little overwhelming lol
I'm similar in height to both of them so the selfie was a lil awkward lol. It was moving quickly so I just crouched awkwardly and that's why no one is ever seeing that pic uncensored 😂🫠
The hi touch was also pretty quick and I didn't record cause I didn't want to miss anything. Their hands are very soft, and Boss cupped his around mine while thanking me and I'm not sure how my legs remained solid enough to leave the stage tbh
The 2:1 pic was my last chance to say something other than 'thank you' to them because I'd been too nervous before, and this was the end. I was brave enough to ask for the pose I wanted, which was them blowing kisses at me. Boss especially got very into it haha, it was adorable
Once the pic was done I made myself stop before immediately running lmao, and told them both as clearly as I could that they've both brought so much joy to my life, and thanked them again. It was the least I could think of to encompass how much meeting them meant to me
It seemed like they had an incredible time in spite of how tired I'm sure they were, and I hope they had an amazing night after and got tons of much needed rest
Oh, and I really wanna be able to tell you all they smelled amazing and I'm sure they did, but I don't know how anyone ever has the presence of mind to notice because I sure as hell did not 🥴
I've seen people comment on how low-energy Noeul seemed to be, but it makes sense; they were definitely tired/jet-lagged, and I think Noeul especially was pretty understandably nervous. They're so used to seeing a lot of the same faces at all of their events and I'm sure there were VERY few here, if any at all. I only heard of one girl who traveled from Hong Kong; everyone else seemed to be either local or at least from within the US. Regardless, he was still as funny as always and it was amazing to see it live!
I'm so glad they performed Strongest Love. I thought we wouldn't be hearing it anymore, but apparently these FMs were their way of closing out the lita era officially so I feel incredibly lucky to have been a part of it.
They also mentioned the possibility (or at least desire) of coming back, so fingers crossed! I just hope that everything was exactly what they were hoping for and expecting, that they felt it was worth the trip, and that they DO come back again and maybe maybe bring FortPeat with them next time 😊
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themuse-if · 5 months
Another 20 (or so) Questions with Jo Nielsen
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Interviewer: Welcome to another installment of our character interviews, where we dive deep into the lives and minds of our favorite cast members of The Muse. Today, we have Jo Nielsen with us, the drummer of The Rebel Rejects. Jo, thank you for joining us. Could you start by telling us what made you want to pursue music?
Jo: Hey, thanks for having me. Music has always been my refuge, especially after the tumultuous experiences of my upbringing. The drums, in particular, spoke to me – they're like my voice, expressing all the emotions I couldn't put into words.
Interviewer: How would you describe your music?
Jo: My drumming style is raw and energetic, I really feed off of Ro and De's energy. I tend to really let loose and leave it all on the kit. We have a blend of punk and post-punk, with slight influences from other genres thanks to De's eclectic taste.
Interviewer: How do you want to be seen by others?
Jo: I want to be seen as someone who's genuine and empathetic, who's been through struggles but still finds joy in life's simple pleasures.
Interviewer: How do you want your art to be seen by others?
Jo: I want my drumming to resonate with people, to be a source of comfort and empowerment. I want it to inspire others to find their own voice, just like music did for me.
Interviewer: What is your latest obsession?
Jo: I've been obsessed with hiking! I really love being outdoors, so I've been trying to hit all my favorite trails at home this summer before the move to university.
Interviewer: Describe your best friend(s).
Jo: De and Ro are literally the most amazing people I’ve ever met. When I first transitioned into normal life I wasn’t really sure what types of relationships I would form, but they showed up in my life and made me feel so seen and secure. They show me so many types of beauty in everything and truly keep me grounded when I’m feeling…lost. I know it’s cheesy but I would definitely say we’re soulmates.
Interviewer: Wow it sounds like you found true kindred spirits in De and Ro, that’s lovely. Could you describe your ideal partner?
Jo: Someone who's understanding and patient, who accepts me for who I am and supports my passions. Someone who's willing to go on adventures and explore the world with me. Also they have to get along with my friends, it’s an automatic deal breaker if they don’t.
Interviewer: What was your first kiss like?
Jo: I don’t really like to talk about it…it was a bit traumatic… I will tell you about what I like to think of as my first kiss. It was actually with Ro. *chuckles* I know, I know what you’re thinking, but it was actually really sweet. I had just finished opening up to them about my past and they asked me if I wanted a redo. It was nice…soft and gentle. Ro can actually be really sweet.   
Interviewer: Aw that's so cute! Ad I'm sorry but I have to ask, have you kissed since?
Jo: *starts to blush furiously* I uh…maybe once or twice…I mean did Ro say anything?
Interviewer: *stifles a laugh* Mmm I think I’ll let you ask them yourself. Moving on, have you ever been in love?
Jo: Not yet, but I believe in love and all its complexities. I think when it happens, it'll be a beautiful and transformative experience.
Interviewer: When was your last relationship, and why did it end?
Jo: I haven't been in a serious relationship yet. Honestly I had never even had real friends before Jo and De. I've been so focused on my music and my friends that I hadn’t really thought about dating. 
Interviewer: What’s your ideal Friday night?
Jo: I love just hanging out with the band, whether it’s practice, a gig, or just staying in. It’s alway super fun when we’re together.
Interviewer: What’s the last song you listened to?
Jo: "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division. It's a classic that always hits me right in the feels.
Interviewer: How do you behave in a relationship?
Jo: I think I'd be a supportive partner, someone who's always there for their significant other no matter what. I believe in mutual respect and understanding in a relationship. I like to do little things for the people I love to show them I care.
Interviewer: Do you approach those you’re interested in or let them come to you?
Jo: I think it depends on the situation. I'm not afraid to make the first move if I feel a connection, but I also believe in letting things happen naturally.
Interviewer: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Jo: People who are closed-minded or judgmental. I believe in acceptance and understanding, so it frustrates me when others can't see things from different perspectives.
Interviewer: What do you notice first about a person?
Jo: Their energy. I believe in vibes, and I can usually tell right away if someone is genuine and authentic.
Interviewer: What did you dream about last night?
Jo: I think it was more of a nightmare…*gets comically serious* I dreamt I was on stage completely naked, with just me and my drum kit. And I was using bananas instead of drumsticks. AND even worse the audience was throwing bananas at me! *hides face in hands* That’ll teach me to eat a banana before bed.
Interviewer: *doubles over laughing* Alright Jo...not to suddenly get serious but... This is the final question, and I know this is a sensitive subject for you, but I have to ask. What's "the incident" that caused you and you mother to transition back into normal life?
Jo: *sighs so deeply* I... honestly... I still don't think that I'm ready to share that just yet. It's very personal and I only feel comfortable sharing that information with someone who has thoroughly earned my trust.
Interviewer: I understand, I'm sure it takes a lot for you to even open up this much. Thank you for today. It's been wonderful getting to learn more about you.
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pixiewritesstuff · 5 months
This is probably going to be a long ask I'm sorry 😭
I got into Undertale and the AUs when I was like nine I think and I'm like thirteen now and sans aus have been such a huge comfort to me!
I discovered your tiktok account around a year ago and you inspired me so much immediately! Your characters were so cool - Smudge was the first one I saw.
Sadly I stopped watching your account for a long time because I deleted my tiktok account but I remembered you a couple of weeks ago and was like GAHH I HAVE TO FOLLOW PIXIE!
I have been at a low - girl I'm like Ink, I have such a fear of being forgotten- I want to make an impact in this fandom and I thought I couldn't but then I was like 'wait...' and you've given me inspiration to make a blog called askbittersweet!
Maybe I won't get asks, but you gave me the inspiration and confidence to and you're just so important to me!
this was supposed to sound so much cooler but my words failed.....
also your art style is so pleasing lol! I had a lucid dream where I had your artstyle it was kinda weird but it was cool n stuff (jeez lousus i'm bad at talking)
Awww thank you!! I got into the Undertale AUs when I was about 11/12 and now I'm turning 19 in a few hours, so I definitely relate to that sense of comfort!
And thank you for your support. :3 I've been working every day to give everyone content they can like. I love this community and honestly it's my honour to be giving everyone content that they enjoyed. Secret be told, I didn't think anyone would like my work considering my writing isn't all fluff and sunshine, but I was completely blown out of the water with support and love from such amazing individuals. I've met and made friends with so many amazing individuals, each fan interaction I have makes my absolute week because there is nothing I love more than cooking up content.
I wish you luck on your own content journey! As long as you have a passion for what you do? There is only one way for you to go and that's up. Since I'm feeling nice today, I'll give you a few tips ٩( ᐛ )و
★ Use what's trending to your advantage -
Tik tok, Tumblr, Twitter/X all follow an algorithm of sorts, if you see bunch of videos following the same pattern... Take the leap! Make sure to add your own spin on it, not only will that help you stand out but copying others makes a story so bland, bleh!
★ Be brave, be confident -
I know putting yourself out there can be scary, it's literally throwing yourself on a stage and slowly building an audience hoping you'll attract your kind of people. But you'll never get anywhere if you stand around timidly and be too scared of that attention. Sell yourself, be brave, what makes you different from everyone else? What makes you special? What makes your amazing work so amazing? What can you do to bring something different to this multi verse?
(For me? I can bring adorable characters with a horror aspect, but what makes me different? There's no one quite like our lovely princess Smudge, is there?)
★ Don't be afraid of interacting with people but withstand your boundaries.
Unless those people are total dickwads and have no life, making interactions with people is a great place to start. You'll build a solid support system, people who aren't just interested in your stories but genuinely want to see you thrive! Little side note- don't let people stand on you either. I've had many a time where people thought they could push my boundaries and got kicked to the curb. Don't be a door mat, how will anyone respect your characters if they don't respect their creator?
★ Last but certainly not least - believe in yourself!
Okay, this one is a little corny and I know what you're probably thinking. 'But Pixie, I have low self confidence and esteem. Being confident doesn't come naturally.' And I'm super sorry to hear that. You're a wonderful person with flaws, but those flaws don't undermind your best traits one bit. If you don't believe in it, believe in us to believe in you. Would there be hundreds of people lying to your face? Really? No. There would be some merit behind their words, right? I faked it till I made it. Now? I have the ability to trust my own talent. I find love in my work and in my characters. I can only hope you do too, you can do amazing things if you set your mind to it. That's something I live by.
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bengiyo · 2 years
A Boss and a Babe Ep 2 Stray Thoughts
Last time, this got off to a really solid start! I'm glad to have Force and Book back in roles I think work really well for them. It's also nice to see New Siwaj getting to work on a production with a solid pre- and post-production budget. We met Cher, a new intern at a gaming company. He catches the eye of the boss right away, and the two of them have bonded over the boss's love of ASMR and Cher's manic pixie dream boy persona. The rest of the coworkers are fun, and Fluke Pusit is romantically paired with another newbie named Ohm.
"Do you promise to video chat with me every night until I fall asleep?" Sir!!
These girls continuing to beef with Cher don't want this smoke!!
Love the call-out for BL fans who don't support queer issues.
I am a fan of 30+ year old queer perspectives entering the conversation lately. I am with Gun that we can't spend all day fighting every person talking shit about us, or we'd never get any rest. We also are subject to so many rude and invasive questions.
Love Cher. "I do dislike you, but not for gay reasons."
They always make Drake play antagonistic characters, but he's such a sweetheart.
Cher is like those white women on TikTok grabbing dangerous creatures and trying to help them while holding a phone with the other hand. Just insane levels of compassion with disregard for their own safety.
Gay people in love can indeed be insufferable, but it's still cute.
Okay, inviting the boss to dinner was a risk, but that was endearing. Gun seemed to genuinely enjoy seeing a gay couple be comfortably affectionate in front of their friends, and was not expecting Cher to feed him at all.
I'm with the friends. That whole thing with the boss was hella gay. Cher should understand what he's doing with his boss and proceed with his eyes open.
"You must talk to me before bed every night until I'm tired of you." Again, SIR!!
Interesting inclusion with Jack having mental health struggles, and Aoi choosing to respect his privacy.
Okay, Yard is genuinely funny as Aoi. Incredible screen presence. Reminds me of Justina Machado.
I like the way fond looks on Force.
What is up with people in Bangkok blocking each other in parking lots?
Book is really fantastic in this role. I'm having a lot of fun with Cher and Gun.
So, as a lonely queer, how do I get a manic pixie dream boy to show up and change my life??
Seriously, Force is doing so much work with his eyes in this show.
I also like the backing track for this balcony scene.
Force and Book have a really special chemistry. The neck grab, the "You can't control me," and Force's surprised arousal into a really solid first kiss delivers an incredibly satisfying scene. I really like this two a lot.
This is definitely the right comedown show after My School President. I was unsure about this, but I'm feeling like I'm regaining my center after the last 12 weeks of shows. This is such a satisfying experience on a Friday. Amazing how it feels like we got this because of these two clowns screaming, "FORCEBOOK FOREVER!!"
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