#I might have better luck finding y'all on instagram
mysoullesscorpse · 2 years
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Wow. I really need to remember that this place exists. Anyways, I have no idea how many people this will reach because I don’t know how many followers of The Symmetry War are here on Tumblr. but I drew Glib from it.  Also if you don’t know what I am talking about, I highly recomend you check out The Symmetry War on youtube or Spotify. It is great and you will not be disapointed. 
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angelbabyszn · 4 years
can you do something about quarantine too but with oscar? 👀
Spooky Time (Oscar X Reader) 😷
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OMB Masterlist
C/C: Celebrity Crush
"What are you laughing at, babygirl?" asked Oscar with a smirk as he looked at you giggling underneath your breath as he was wiping his hands off with a rag from the oil of his car.
"Nothing mi amor." you said looking from a funny video C/C posted on Instagram to your boyfriend with a smile from your beach chair a few feet from him and his car.
Oscar nodded and smiled back at you and started to work on his car again. You went back to looking at your phone and refreshed C/C's Instagram page to see a new post.
You went to the new post and your eyes widened to see C/C laying out on a bed in a pose with their shirt off looking straight into the camera lip biting.
"D*mn..." you said underneath your breath as you start to look at details of the photo and your mind going into imagines.
"Saying that word about C/C and drooling all over his photo is nothing?" asked Oscar in your right ear in a deep and husky voice. 
You jumped and turned around to see Oscar behind you with his arms crossed against his chest while looking down at you with a serious face.
"Baby I-"
Oscar quickly grabs your body, carries you to the back of his car in bridal style, and puts you on top of the thunk.
Oscar got between your legs and pulled your waist closer to him along wrapping your legs around his waist.
You looked at him with your eyes wide surprised, not knowing what he's going to do now. He leans closer to your left ear.
"I'm about to show you what a real man does for their lady." said Oscar in a deep voice and you got a feeling through your body. Oscar pulls you even closer than before and starts to lean in to kiss you.
"Can y'all not get physical around me? It's disturbing to me."
You and Oscar turn your head and see Cesar standing at the doorway that leads into the house while holding a soda in his right hand. You quickly unwrap your legs from Oscar’s waist. 
"We're not getting physical. We're just having a talk." said Oscar and you look at him crazy.
"Oscar, we ALL know you don't just talk." you said, looking at him with a serious face. Oscar turned to his brother to see if he agreed with you and he nodded.
"Cesar, we won't let you see it again, okay?" you said, looking at him with certain eyes and Oscar quickly turns and looks at you crazy.
"Y/N. Come on now. Give me a kiss." said Oscar and started to lean in again but you softly pushed him away. 
"Sorry if we were doing too much, Cesar." you said looking at your boyfriend's brother. 
"Thanks Y/N. At least somebody apologizes." said Cesar while glaring at his brother before entering the house again.
"Y/N! What was that?!" shouted Oscar with an upsetting face.
"Remember, you have lived with Cesar your whole life and I recently moved in with you not even six months. We're stuck in quarantine altogether. We can't do a lot of things around." you said, looking into your boyfriend's eyes to see if he understands.
"Yeah, I know. Since I accept it, do I get something good out of it?" asked Oscar with a grin while leaning closer to you. 
"Maybe." you said with a grin back and you push Oscar away from your body and walk back into the house with your phone.
"Spooky, let go of me." you said trying to get out of Oscar's arms on the couch because you need to go to the bathroom.
It's been a few hours later and you were just cuddling with Spooky for the last two hours. You miss spending time with him.
While you were doing college, he was always involved with the gang and barely saw each other all the time. You hope by the end of this quarantine, your relationship with Oscar will become stronger.
"No. I don't want you to go." said Oscar as he holds you closer to him than before. You still tried to get out of his arms but you couldn't move. 
"Might stop moving, babygirl, cause you ain't going nowhere." said Oscar with his eyes still closed. You giggled as he leaned your forehead in front of his lips and kissed your forehead.
You smiled in happiness and started to get comfortable again with Oscar in his arms.
"What y'all doing? I'm bored." asked Cesar while entering the living room, and sitting down in the recliner, making you and Oscar separate from each other and sit up. .
"Always ruining our moments." mumbled Oscar but you heard it and hit his left arm.
"Oh nothing. You want to watch a movie?" you asked looking at Cesar with a smile. Cesar leans his head towards Oscar and he gives him a huge grin.
Oscar's eyes widened and he quickly shook his head no repeatedly because he knew what Cesar was about to say.
"How about a scary movie? I think that would be great for everybody. Don't you agree...mano?" asked Cesar with a huge smile on his face while looking at Oscar. 
"Um, sure. That would be fine. Y/N?" asked Oscar looking at you for your answer kinda nervous. He really hopes you said no.
"That would be good. If I get scared, my Spooky would protect me." you said with a smile and kiss his left cheek.
"I'll go make some popcorn. Y'all can choose the movie, okay? This is going to be fun." you said with a smile and you got up and walked into the kitchen.
Once you walked in, Oscar quickly moved closer to Cesar.
"What the h*ll you doing?!" whispered Oscar a bit louder than he was planning but gladly you didn't hear him because of the sound of the popcorn.
"Just making things interesting this quarantine." said Cesar with a smirk.
"Well stop making things interesting. I don't want Y/N to find out my fear." said Oscar with a serious face.
"Well that's your problem. Good luck." said Cesar and he winked at him.  You came back with a bowl of popcorn in one hand and chips, and drinks in a bag in the other.
"Hey boys. You found a movie?" you asked, coming back and sitting down on the couch. 
"Yep. We're watching a classic: "Scream"." said Cesar with a smile looking at you.
"Ooo, sounds good. Let's start." you said and you sit back on the couch and start to snuggle up next to Spooky while eating a piece of popcorn.
Cesar smirked at his brother and leaned back and put up the recliner with his drink and chips after pushing play on the movie.
Oscar starts to get scared and tense up, making you notice.
"Baby, are you okay?" you asked, looking up at him concerned.
"Yeah. I'm okay. I'm more worried about you with this movie. Are you sure?" asked Oscar so he didn't look like he was scared. 
"I got you by my side. Nobody I've rather be with." you said, making Oscar smile and looked back at the movie.
About 45 minutes later into a movie, the climax starts to escalate and Oscar starts to get tense again.
You didn't say anything but you felt Oscar's body shifted and not in a very comfortable way. You snuggle with him again to be comfortable while keeping a close eye on him.
The movie showed the girl running through the house trying to find a place to hide. A moment later, the killer came out in their ghost mask in front of the girl with a huge knife ready to kill her.
"Oh my god." said Oscar underneath their breath holding his heart with his right hand. He was trying to calm himself down from seeing the killer all over the screen so you won't see his reaction.
Oscar turns his face to his annoying brother and he was dead-on smirking and laughing underneath his breath at this like it's a comedy f*cking show of him and you.
"Just 30 more minutes left. Just thirty." thought Oscar so it would help him to get through the movie.
He looks down at you and sees you wrap around his chest with your arms while watching the movie. Just seeing your face made him want to push it out for you til the very end. 
About 30 minutes later, the credits started to roll and Oscar smiled proudly because he just went through a horror movie without actually breaking into his fear in front of you.
"That was a good movie." you said sitting up on the couch again while putting the empty bowl of popcorn up on the coffee table in front of you.
Oscar was looking at TV and out of nowhere, a ghost appeared out of nowhere on the screen that was way scarier than ever before with a huge bloody knife. It caused Oscar's turn white in fear.
Oscar quickly got up and ran to the bedroom, making you completely confused and concerned while Cesar was laughing hard.
"Cesar, why are you laughing? What's wrong with Oscar? I've never seen him like that. It seems like he was..."
"Scared?" said Cesar, coming down from laughing and you nodded. 
"Cesar, you better tell me what is going on with him or you'll get something you won't like." you said angrily, making Cesar quickly shut up.
"Go talk to him. He should tell you." said Cesar and you quickly got up and jogged up to the bedroom door of you and Oscar's.
"Spooky? Baby? Are you okay?" you asked through the door and knocked on the door with your knuckles of your right hand. No answer.
You slowly open the door as you were peeking in to see Oscar wrap around in the cover while hitting at the edge of the bed with a face you never saw before. 
You open the door completely, enter the bedroom and close it behind you. Oscar didn't even acknowledge you coming in.
You slowly walked up to him and sat next to him.
"Baby?" you asked, trying to hold his hand but he wiped it away.
"Please tell me what's going on. I hate you being like this and you know that. I want to help you. I won't judge." you said leaning your head towards him but his face was turned away from you.
Oscar hesitated until he got some courage to look at you again into your eyes. He saw concern and sadness that he caused on your face.
"Y/N, I'm sorry." said Oscar looking straight into your eyes and you grab both of his hands with yours and hold it while looking at him.
"Whatever going on, you know you can tell me right? I'm your number one best friend too. Don't forget about that." you said as you start to caress Oscar's left cheek with your left hand.
At this moment, Oscar felt this would be the right time to tell you his fear because he doesn't want anything like this to happen again.
"Y/N, I'm going to be real honest...I'm afraid of ghosts." said Oscar, looking straight into your eyes. He looked at your face to see any slight any different expression shown on your face but there was none.
"Baby, it's okay." you said, looking into your eyes, making Oscar's eyes widened.
"Really?" asked Oscar and you nodded.
"Everybody has a fear. We're all humans. Nobody with no fears doesn't exist. I wish you told me this earlier. We could've watched a different movie." you said.
"So, does this change our relationship bad or-"
"No! It actually strengthens our relationship, Oscar," you said smiling. "You're having a fear makes me learn about you more and make you even more attractive to me." 
"So, what you're saying...I'm more sexy with my fear? Thanks Y/N." said Oscar with a smirk and you started to laugh hard
"Yeah, sure, Spooky." you said while laughing while Oscar chuckled.
"This dude needs to turn off his ego." you mumble underneath your breath while turning away from him but he heard you.
A moment later, Oscar was on top of you with a smirk on the bed.
"What do you say reina?" asked Oscar in his deep voice, making your eyes widen.
"Don't flip this on me." you said and Oscar starts to go down to get closer to your face.
Oscar slowly kisses you and you kiss him back. You love moments like these and surprisingly, Cesar didn't ruin this one and you were grateful for that.
"I win!" shouted Cesar and Oscar bangs on the table with his right fist angrily. All three of you just finish playing another board game.
"You f*king cheated mano." said Oscar with an upset face. 
"No I didn't. You just don't know how to play." said Cesar, making you laugh out loud and Oscar quickly turned his head to you with a straight face.
"I'm sorry, babe. You really don't know how to play." you said, looking at him seriously. 
 "Whatever. Let's play. I'm winning this one." said Oscar seriously and you rolled your eyes in Oscar's ridiculousness.
"I'll be right back. My group wants to talk." said Cesar looking at his phone at the messages. Cesar waved his hand bye and you waved back as he went into his room.
You start to shuffle the cards again for the new game until a few moments later, Oscar gives you a kiss on your lips which surprises you.
"Awe, what was that for?" you asked looking at your cute boyfriend.
"For being the best girlfriend ever. I made you dessert." said Oscar and he grabs a plate of chocolate cake with ice cream with a fork next to him you didn't notice until now.
"You are always cooking now. When did you have the time-"
"Y/N, all I got is time. Time with you." said Oscar and your heart melted in his words.
You grab both sides of his face with your hands and kiss him in happiness and love. He kisses you back the same way as he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you closer.
Who knew a spooky movie and his fear of ghosts would strengthen your relationship with the man you love.
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dotzines · 5 years
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Artist Spotlights!
🎤 Penco 🥁 PikaPlushing 🎷 Pine
🎺 Pip 🎸 Primarinite 🎻 Propaganda101
Interview below the cut!
Introduce yourself
🎤 Hello hello! Penco here! I've been drawing ever since I was little but it's only been recently that I've started to take art a bit more seriously. I like digital art but traditional art has been my favourite form for years, particularly watercolour art. You can find me on Instagram and Tumblr as pencokun! 🥁 I'm a digital and traditional artist. I'm interested in video games, Japanese culture, Anime, Vocaloid, Cosplay, Sewing, etc. (its a longggg list www). I'm really quiet and awkward in person, but once I get to know you, I'm pretty much cursed trash. You can find my art accounts here: https://www.instagram.com/vladslab/ , https://twitter.com/vladslab98 , https://vladslab.tumblr.com/ 🎷 I recently turned 18 and reside in the chaotic state of Florida. A common theme in my drawings include clowns, angels and demons. I have a hard time finding interests but I like Demon Slayer and had a long addiction to Overwatch along with Osomatsu-san (which I don’t understand but glad I had fun hehe). I post art only on dA:@pinekun and iG:@pinefii :,D 🎺 I'm a being of chaos and insomnia, im both a traditional and digital artist as well as an aspiring animator you can find my art at my Instagram @jl_artsandcreations and Tumblr @jl-artsandcreations 🎸 I'm a 19 year old digital artist! My usual art has a very cartoon style, with my main drawing interests being furry oc's and Pokemon. My art blog is primarinite.tumblr.com and my art Twitter is twitter.com/primarinart. 🎻 Hey, the name's Wreath! I don't know how to write these types of things but i'll try! I like drawing, musical theater and fashion. I'm mainly a digital artist but I do traditional art on occasion. You can find me on Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/propaganda-101
Do you do commissions post? Where can we find the info?
🥁 https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17930193547305258/
🎷 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4wCeeWBUr_/
🎸 https://primarinite.tumblr.com/post/189367724219/ive-redone-my-commission-sheet-to-include-updated
Do you listen to music (or tv shows/films/anything else) when drawing?
🎤 Mostly music but I also like to work in silence whenever I'm working on details. 🥁 Usually I'll have my headphones on and listen to different types of music depending on the feel of the piece I'm trying to make. 🎷 I like to listen to music or watch an anime while I draw! 🎺 Yes, I listen to music while drawing 🎸 I have a playlist full of my favourite songs and go to that when I want some music. 🎻 Yup! I find that I work better if i'm listening to music especially if the music fits with the theme/aesthetic. But if i'm bored I might watch youtube while drawing.
What’s your favorite music artist/band? If you could ask your favorite band/music artist one question, what would it be?
🎤 My number one is definitely ABBA! I grew up with their music, after all. 🥁 I love anything Vocaloid, but if I had to choose, my favorite producer would probably be Neru or Deco*27. As for bands, Autoheart, Three Days Grace, Mother Mother and Breaking Benjamin. One question I'd love to ask any of them would be what inspired them to start music and what keeps them going. 🎷 My current favorite artist is Conan Gray but I also really appreciate Hobo Johnson. Hm, what’re their favorite songs? :^0 🎺 I don't really have a favorite music type if I like it I like it but if i had to choose it would be the singer Nico Collins sice i love all his songs 🎸 My favourite band is either Deaf Havana or Wolf Alice. 🎻 Though they are technically a fictional band, my favourite band is Hello Happy World. Their music warms my cold dead heart. I don't actually know what i'd ask them, i'd probably ask them for a hug and to have a good day.
Do you play an instrument? If not would you like to play one? Which one?
🎤 I can play the melodica but I'd love to be able to play the piano and any of the string quartet. 🥁 I've played the piano for nearly my whole life. 🎷 I used to play violin in orchestra for one year, which my tiny hands do not cooperate with. I also had one year of guitar class. 🎺 I don't play an instrument now but I use to play the clarinet but now i would like to play the piano 🎸 I would really like to learn the guitar one day! 🎻 I mean, if your voice counts as an instrument then yes I do, but if not then i'd like to play drums.
Which song(s) are you going to draw?
🎤 I've drawn Lenka's "Trouble Is A Friend" for this zine and I'll also be drawing Cecile Corbel's "Bal de Chats". 🥁 My main piece is Flower Tail feat. KAITO by yuukiss. 🎷 I think Conan Gray-Comfort Crowd, unless I have some big brain blast moment for another song. 🎺 Killing Butterflies by Lewis Blissett and if i finish this pices early i may do another using the song Lullaby by Ellise 
🎸 Free to Breathe by Cold War Kids 🎻 Revolting Children from Matilda the Musical, because it's been stuck in my head for a full month.
What do you expect from this zine?
🎤 I expect to see real cool stuff! 🥁 I can't wait to see the wide spread of different types of music as well as all the talent of all the different artists! 🎷 To learn about what a zine community is like and to face the deadlines, as well as learn the process of one. 🎺 To broaden my horizons and get more attention on my blogs and art work 🎸 I'm excited to see all of the wonderful art being put forward for this. It's great to see so many artists from different walks of life coming together. 🎻 I expect to get introduced to a bunch of new music and artists.
Anything else you want to add?
🎤 Good luck y'all! 🥁 I'm so happy and excited to be a part of this project and I hope the best to absolutely everyone involved! Much love and take care! Please stay hydrated and sleep! 🎷 Thank you for your hard work! :^D
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exildesanges · 6 years
Picture Me Perfect
Prompt: one year with Jooheon and Changkyun through Jooheon's Instagram.
i had this idea when i saw an jookyun edit on instagram and i HAD to.. it took me a whole day and night to make all these edits so i hope y'all gonna enjoy this shitty idea,,,
(i literally made an instagram account for this, yes @joohtography exist)
✧・゚: * january ✧・゚: *
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“Hyung, you bought new lenses?” Changkyun asked, watching his boyfriend struggle finding a nice angle for his selfie from the bed he was currently lying on.
Jooheon turned his head. A smirk clearly visible on his lips.
“Yeah do you like them?” Jooheon replied, his arm still in the air, selfie ready.
“You look really good” the younger whispered, his face in the blanket he’s hugging.
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“Your fingers are tiny,” Jooheon commented, his hand covering Changkyun’s one.
“Shut up,” a blush creeped on the younger’s face, his gaze not leaving their hands.
Jooheon insisted for him and Changkyun to have matching rings, it wasn’t engagement rings, not yet, it was more like promise rings. Changkyun wasn’t against it, frankly he found it cute.
He would never admit it but he actually loved wearing matching outfits or accessories with Jooheon. It’s cheesy yes, but he couldn’t help the tiny butterflies in his stomach when they’re wearing matching stuff.
✧・゚: * february ✧・゚: *
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“For the love of god Kyunnie stop moving,” Jooheon sighed, camera in his hands desperately trying to take a good picture of his robe wearing boyfriend.
“Yah, i’ve been posing for thirty minutes, it’s not my fault you can’t take good pictures,” the younger teased, sticking his tongue out like the child that he is.
“If you stop moving so much, i’ll promise we’ll cuddle afterwards, but first, smile for me,” Jooheon laughed while pinching Changkyun’s cheeks.
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“Let me drink my beer in peace Honey,” Changkyun complained, his almost empty drink in his hand. He didn’t actually mind Jooheon tendency to take pictures of him almost everytime he did something, no, he found it adorable how Jooheon’s brows would furrow in concentration when he needed to find the perfect angle and lightening for his random picture he was taking at the moment.
“Maybe you should stop looking this cute then, i think my camera is attracted to you, it can’t stop taking pictures of you,” Jooheon teased while taking his fiftieth picture, god knows how many pictures he took but the younger guess, a lot.
Changkyun groaned, beer still in his hands, he pulled his hoodie up to cover his face but that didn’t stop Jooheon, nothing stops him really.
✧・゚: * march ✧・゚: *
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“Wait wait, the lighting is so good let me pull out my camera don’t move Kyunnie!” Jooheon exclaimed, rushing to get up from the floor to get his camera. He came back shortly after retrieving it from their bedroom.
“How should I pose? You know I’m not good at that,” the younger mumbled timidly, still not used to being Jooheon’s model, he didn’t find himself that appealing, sure he was cute but he wasn’t at a Hyungwon level of breathtaking beauty. Even if people told him he was hot, he still felt like they were joking so i didn’t take them seriously, eventually, he began to take these compliments seriously especially coming from Jooheon. The older made him feel good about being himself, that’s part of the things that made Changkyun fall head over heels for him.
“Just stay natural, don’t move your head,” he quickly snapped some pictures, complimenting Changkyun at the same time because damn, he looked so good.
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It’s been awhile since Jooheon touched his polaroid camera, he usually used his digital camera because it was quicker and easier but he won’t lie, he love the feeling of taking a picture and seeing it being “printed” immediately, he also enjoy the aesthetic of it, he never knew how the pictures are going to end up looking like but if was an exciting feeling.
He recently bought new film for his camera and coincidentally, his friends showed up at his and Changkyun’s house the same day. An idea sparked in his head almost immediately so he took his camera in hand and began taking pictures of his friends, they all posed for him without asking questions, they were used to it.
Some of the pictures ended up blurry and others too dark but he was content in the end, they all had a wonderful night were they laughed, took hundred pictures and watched some movies. He felt warm inside, a genuine smile plastered on his face. He loved them so much.
✧・゚: * april ✧・゚: *
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One thing Jooheon loved more than anything was when Changkyun had his messy hair, no makeup apart from some concealer on his face, when his skin glowed and had that nice caramel like colour, lips pink without lip tint. 
Changkyun looked so small and innocent it always made the older’s heart beat rapidly in his chest, sure Changkyun looked always pretty, but he was breathtaking like this. The younger’s jacket was literally eating him, it was too big for him, his hands were hidden by the long sleeves of the black jacket.
Jooheon was literally melting in front of his adorable boyfriend. He was so whipped that if Changkyun looked at him and told him to go rob a bank, his stupid self would run to the nearest bank.
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Changkyun was clingy, that’s a fact, he liked long and warm hugs, forehead and kisses on the cheeks, he love being a little spoon and feeling Jooheon’s arms wrapped around him while they were having small discussion on their bed. 
The younger really loved skinship and his friends knows it so they let him sit on their laps or let him jump on their back so he could hug them tightly. One thing he loved the most was when he could sit on his boyfriend’s lap and feel his arms sneaking around his waist. He let himself relax and wrapped his arms around Jooheon’s shoulders to take his face in his hands.
“Ew, people being in love,” Minhyuk fake gagged, smiling at them, he pulled out his phone to take a picture. They looked cute, he’s not going to lie.
  ✧・゚: * may ✧・゚: *
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Okay, Jooheon didn’t really hate Hyungwon but right now he sent him deadly glares from the chair he was seated on in the crappy coffee shop they were currently in because apparently Hyungwon would die if he didn’t have his iced americano right now. Sipping his hot chocolate, he took his phone to snap some pictures of his friend, he wasn’t really mad at him of course, he isn’t the type to be mad for little things like this, his friend knows it, no hard feelings.
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“Now! Throw the glitters!,” Jooheon exclaimed, finger on the shutter button ready to snap the perfect picture. They’ve been trying for one hour straight to take this damn picture but luck wasn’t with them, the wind was messing with Changkyun’s hair and the glitter.
Finally after some struggle they managed to take a good picture that Jooheon immediately posted on Instagram. Changkyun looked too good not to share with people.
✧・゚: * june ✧・゚: *
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Minhyuk was certainly his favourite model, his features were sharp and defined. He looked ethereal and it was always a blessing to take pictures of him giving that Minhyuk knew what he did and didn’t need help posing, he was a natural and that showed when they looked back at the pictures he took that day. 
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He needed to clean up their appartement and to sort out the knick-knacks he kept in three big boxes inside their closet, they needed space and Jooheon had to much things he didn’t used anymore. So cleaning was a good idea.
He was rummaging in the second box when he spotted a little photo album of old polaroids he kept through the times. He carefully picked up and opened it, turning the pages when he found a picture of him and Changkyun when they were still freshly together.
He obviously kept it to show it to his boyfriend and took a quick picture to post it.
✧・゚: * july ✧・゚: *
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Jooheon was whipped, literally.
“Hyung! Hyung! Look at this cat he’s so cute! Or she? I don’t know. I want to pet it, he’s looking at me oh my god look at him! Do you think he belongs to someone? Can we take it home? Hyung?” Changkyun chirped rapidly, he lowered himself to pet the stray cat, cooing when the tiny cat head-butted his hand signaling him to continue scratching his head.
Jooheon was watching the scene in front of him fondly, a warm smile present on his face, damn he was really in love.
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“You still didn’t found a boyfriend? You want help? I know some frie-,” 
“Stop, I don’t need a boyfriend Jooheon,” Kihyun sighed at Jooheon antics, passing his hand in his fade purple hair.
“Suuuure, that’s not what you’re gonna say when you’ll see Hyunwoo tho,”
“Who? Is he.. is he cute?” he timidly asked, okay, maybe he needed a boyfriend but don’t tell Jooheon that he’s right.
“Oh boy, cute is meaningless when you talk about him, that man is breathtaking, and his the sweetest person you’ll ever encounter, he might look all big and cold but he’s just a big teddy bear ready to give love to anyone. Maybe I should post a picture of you on my account so he can see it? I know you won’t talk to him first so why not?” Jooheon suggested happily, maybe it wasn’t a bad idea and honestly he could see Kihyun and Hyunwoo together. 
“Yeah whatever,” the older mumbled, posing quickly with peace signs.
✧・゚: * august ✧・゚: *
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“Seriously, you didn’t find better for the caption?” 
“No, it’s cute, like you Kyunnie,” he blew a kiss at Changkyun who mumbled something he didn’t really catch but his boyfriend’s rosy cheeks were enough for him to understand that he actually liked the caption.
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His head outside of the window, he watched quietly the birds flying and the sky, he liked when it was calm even if he had an out-going personality. He took a picture that he immediately sent to Changkyun with a little “wish u were here, do u finish soon? i miss u” message.
✧・゚: * september ✧・゚: *
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They were outside doing some shopping, it wasn’t really cold, the weather was actually nice. Changkyun had a white mask covering his mouth and he still looked beautiful.
Without him knowing he quickly took a picture like a paparazzi, sure the picture wasn’t the best and well centered but it still showed Changkyun’s beauty, that would do.
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Late night rides and dates were a common thing between them, they loved it, it was their thing. So obviously when Jooheon proposed to go out buy some food and ice creams in the nearest convenience store, Changkyun didn’t say no. Who would say no to food and a night outside with your boyfriend?
✧・゚: * october ✧・゚: *
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“Can I do your makeup today?”
“Sure, go ahead but I want to paint your nails after, I bought a new black nail polish, yours was too old,” he said calmly, putting a headband on his head to block his bangs.
Changkyun let out a happy noise and rushed to find his makeup bag, Jooheon closed his eyes and let him work his magic while telling him about the previous photoshoot he had.
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“This is so stupid hyung look at them they can’t walk properly!”
“Leave my kids alone they look adorable you’re just jealous that they’re more stylish than you are,” he teased while playing with his cats.
“Not true..,” Changkyun pouted, crossing his arms on his chest like a kid.
✧・゚: * november ✧・゚: *
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“You kinda look alike, it’s funny you are twins, wait let me take a picture,” Hyunwoo said before taking a pretty good picture of his friend in front of him.
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Jooheon was happy, he finally got the chance to take awesome photos of his friends, he wanted to do this shoot for awhile now. He was content with the result and his friends were too so it’s kinda like he won a big prize. 
“Can’t wait to show this to Kyun,”
✧・゚: * december ✧・゚: *
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They finally finished to decorate the Christmas tree, Changkyun was ecstatic with the final result, they took an entire day because they couldn’t stop bickering playfully. Some fake snow fight after, they finished and took a look at their creation. They were pretty pleased with what they ended up with, they quickly cleaned up the mess on the floor and lighted up some candles, Jooheon took a pretty picture, obviously.
They ended up drinking hot chocolate and cuddling under a soft blanket on their couch.
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Jooheon was happy, he felt a warm sensation in his chest looking at all of his friends currently sprawled on his tiny couch, he couldn’t help the smile on his face. He’s lucky, he know that, to be surrounded by all of these people. 
“Honey? Come sit too!,” his boyfriend exclaimed, patting the seat next to him with a toothy smile on his face, god Jooheon loved his smile. He felt his heart skip a beat and nodded, walking towards Changkyun to sit next to him, taking his hand in his and giving him a little kiss on his cheeks.
His head in the crook of the younger’s neck, he realised that he wouldn’t change his life for anything.
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thestickchick · 7 years
My friend +Andrea Harkins recently announced she's making a big move, from Florida to Arizona.  As a result, she has to succession plan for her martial arts program (and it looks like she's got that well under control).
But she's going to have a big problem in her new city. Where is she going to train, and with whom?
I know this problem very, very well.  You see, I moved twice cross-country in about 18 months during the Great Recession, due to layoffs.  Each move required a lot of trial and error and searching to find people to train with.  It's a huge problem, y'all.
Another huge problem - no standard boxes for your martial arts equipment.
For some of us, it may be easier to find a place to train in a new city. You may train in a very popular style (taekwondo, BJJ, Shotokan Karate, etc.) so it's easy to find a school.  Or you might be like me and train in a relatively obscure style where it's hard to find a teacher or a person to train with.
In fact, when I moved to Texas, I found my teacher through pure luck. After a few months of studying a style that was fine but just wasn't what we wanted to do, we'd decided to commute to Memphis (about an 8 hour drive) and train our original teacher once a quarter since we couldn't find anyone teaching what we wanted to learn nearby (and the cost was about the same).
On literally our last weekend in that school, my teacher walked in the door and I was introduced to him.  I started training with him the following week, in November 2010.  I train with him still, years and years later.  As far as I know, he is the only person within 30 minutes teaching any variant of Modern Arnis.
I met him by CHANCE.  If I'd been there an hour later, or earlier, or if I hadn't had to come bring Older Daughter in for her class on that day... I would never have met my teacher, probably.
The weird twist my story is that I'd reached out to my current teacher on the internet via Martial Talk (I didn't know his real name as he used a pseudonym on MT) a few months earlier but got no reply. He just didn't know how to get his private messages there, so we didn't connect then.  After we met him, I told my original teacher about the encounter, and he said, "Oh yeah!  I know him! I forgot he was there! I used to live two doors down from him!"
TWO.  DOORS.  DOWN. About a mile from where I was living, even!
That is a true story, y'all.
I wish Andrea the best of luck in her training in her new city. I hope she's as lucky with it as I was.
So what does this have to do with you, my friend?
What do I mean by this?
Most of us are always looking for training partners, even if we aren't teaching.  If we are teaching, we want to find all the students we can find, right?  It is the rare martial artist that ISN'T looking for these things.
So be easy to find online.  It's going to be the first method people in the modern world use to find places to train.
Make sure if you have a physical location that you have claimed it on Google Maps and you've filled in all the contact information, including web site and/or email.
HAVE a web site and/or email.  You don't have to have a private domain, you can set up a free site on a site like Wix or Weebly or Blogger or Wordpress, even if you're just looking for training partners or you're offering private lessons. Put some good pictures on there, and use all the important keywords, including:
Martial Arts
Your style, and the larger "term" for it (for example, if you're doing a kind of karate, make sure you use the term KARATE as well as the "real" name of what you teach)
Your city, including nearby cities or towns that it's easy to commute from to train, usually within about 20 minutes travel.
Set up a social media channel - whichever one is easiest for you (Facebook and Instagram seem to be the most popular) - and keep it updated and active. It sucks to find a social media account for a martial arts school and not seeing updates for months or years, and you're not sure if they're around or not!
List yourself on dojo directory web sties.  A big one in North America is Dojos.info but there are others, including mobile apps.
If your style has some web sites or directories aimed at your specific community or organization - BE THERE, with correct contact information.
If there are places for people to send inquiries - check them often and respond to them quickly.
Every method I mentioned above is free. FREE! It only requires a little effort on your part.  It isn't terribly hard.  So get on it.
It is very possible, Mr. Obscure-Style-Guy-That-Can't-Find-Students-or-Training*Partners, that there are lots of people looking for you around you, but can't FIND you. 
I was one of those students. Andrea might be one of those students.  And believe me, you don't want to miss out on dedicated, hard-core martial arts students like us.
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