dark-nimbus · 1 year
The poor dude just needs a break. Preferably with his child and all the Party of Chaos members
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polishtem · 2 years
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they only get like 4 hours of free time while on the ship, so ofc they would multitask... reading while taking a bath is multi tasking, right?
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mysoullesscorpse · 2 years
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Wow. I really need to remember that this place exists. Anyways, I have no idea how many people this will reach because I don’t know how many followers of The Symmetry War are here on Tumblr. but I drew Glib from it.  Also if you don’t know what I am talking about, I highly recomend you check out The Symmetry War on youtube or Spotify. It is great and you will not be disapointed. 
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starwalker03 · 2 years
Ah yes, the god of death
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austink47 · 1 year
Just realized that I will have a week without dnd shows because one of them post every Monday except the first of the month and the other the Dm is out of town i so sad
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joeheller · 2 years
Taking a few days off from hiking to spend time with a dear friend on Lake Tahoe, David Tenney, a kind soul, and a wonderful human being. I have been blessed to know David since we were 15-years old 😁 It is always a great honor, and a heck of a lot of fun to share space with this amazing human being 🙏
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cranes-menagerie · 3 months
this angry little frog man is my favorite character in all of fiction
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nightmareeadin · 2 years
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BLOB! Glib’s familiar from D&Dorks' Symmetry War and Godforce campaigns. He is heavily designed off of a vampire squid.
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thephysicsofmiracles · 7 months
When we incarnate, there are two stages of life ahead of us. During the first, rarely are we aware that we are designed with the capacity to create our own reality. And we bring with us all the consciousness of our previous lives and ancestral intergenerational karma, which we have volunteered prior to incarnation to live through and alchemise emotionally (endure karma and let ourselves be changed by the suffering). The second stage isn't a given, though, and comes about usually as adults when we become more intimately aware of the lives of those around us and notice the discrepancies in the efforts of others as compared with ours to gain happiness and success. 'Luck' seems to follow certain people, and we wonder and observe how they tackle similar circumstances we mutually experience. Because deep down, we innately know that things are supposed to work out and our dreams are meant to be lived. But since generations before us have settled on mediocrity time and time again, we are afraid to trust that it is meant to happen for everyone, not just "some people". That's where a relationship with Self becomes the most paramount acquisition of a human life. Because when we endeavour to establish communication with our Higher Self in a regular grounded way, through meditation and other various practices that bring on altered states of consciousness that re-thread our heart's consciousness into our internal dialogue, it becomes very clear right away, how loving, kind-natured and benevolent our Godforce Self is toward us, continually and constantly. Never accusatory and always deeply desirous of our comfort and intrinsic peace. Like the way you want to soothe a newborn in your arms when they are swaddled and sleeping. You see, the suffering we endure prior to learning how to control our reality is not wanted or insisted on by some higher force. It is simply part of our consciousness when we arrive, and our higher selves protect our hearts so that we stay loving on the other side of the experience. Some of us do not retain connection to our Soul or soul-union post-trauma and this is deeply unfortunate. Because the health of all our relationships with others in our respective futures depends on the ability to connect to our Soul, post our voluntary generational cycle-break experiences. This is where sound, frequency and light play such a huge role in the process of human evolution. What might take an entire lifetime or several to heal through, possessing only an average capacity to process experiences within the confines of 3-dimensional perception, can happen within a week, a day or even a few hours when we are exposed to the formulas within nature, music and deep states of openess that come with meditation, fasting and silence. The frequencies emitted within each of these environments cause the brain to operate at another level of consciousness that gives more control over to the Higher Self, which knows exactly what needs re-tuning within the heart to return to an unconditional love perspective on any troubling or afflicting beliefs held within the biofield pertaining to a particular trauma. Like re-tuning a piano, it's never not worth it. The design of life may be simple, but the design of a human being is not. You would never overlook tuning a grand piano so that it would again play perfectly. And yet, the human design is far more sophisticated, complex and valuable. ~ Chantal Eva
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blitzendoggo · 1 year
5 Times Mercury Was a Flirt (+1 Time He Was Flirted With)
Captain Mercury is an overly friendly man. In most cases, this is a good thing, but when your entire friend group thinks you're flirting with them, there is a small issue.
In this AU, Godforce doesn’t happen, and Canyon is a “good” murder hobo.
Captain Mercury/S.G. Iguess, Captain Mercury/Mr. Goodbid, Captain Mercury/Glib Murphy, Captain Mercury/Mystery of the Canyon (5115 words)
1) S.G.
“S.G.!” Mercury calls the moment they step on the ship. “Where have you been?”
“What do you mean?” They ask as the rest of their party boards the ship dispersing across the deck.
Mercury waltzes up to them, crushing them into a tight hug before releasing them, standing a little closer than he normally does. “You weren’t with the others for the last two missions! I was worried about you!”
“Worried about me?” they ask, suddenly very thankful that changelings can’t blush easily.
“Yeah, I heard you were sick,” the captain says with large worried eyes. “I’m glad you’re feeling better!” His smile is blinding and warm.
S.G. is wordless for a moment before sheepishly saying, “Yes, well, I had caught Goblin Fever from a group of bandits we fought. Prophis wouldn’t let me come on any missions until I was over it.”
“So, it’s him I have to blame?” Mercury teases before taking a more serious tone. “I’ve caught that before. It’s right awful with the shakes and the dazedness. I’m glad you made it out alright.” There’s a moment’s pause before he says, “I’d even argue that you look better than ever after it if that’s even possible!”
“I Do?”
Mercury nods. “Yeah, your skin is practically glowing,” he says with a sweet smile, tilting his head to the side as admires the shorter.
“I love flattery, but there’s no need,” they titter.
“But I mean it!” Mercury laughs, gesturing widely with his hands. “You always look so pretty! I’m beginning to suspect magic is at play,” he teases.
S.G. shakes their head, a blush certainly painting their face. “No magic, just me.”
“Smooth, S.G., smooth,” Glib teases from across the deck.
“Shut up!” they snap, sending a glare his way before looking back at the merman.
Mercury laughs, not having heard the exchange between the friends. “Really? You’re not hiding some sort of charm under that hood?”
“No, why would I hide anything under the hood?” S.G. responds automatically, naturally bad at flirting. From somewhere else on the ship, they hear the boys snicker and the changeling makes a mental note to Psychic Lance the three of them when they get the chance.
“So no one would learn your secret,” Mercury counters easily. He reaches up and stops his hand just next to the edge of their hood. “May I?”
“Sure,” they squeak.
The captain gently pulls the hood back, smoothing the purple fabric. He studies their face, a twinkle in his eye. “Well, my apologies for the accusations.”
“Why? Do you think I’m not pretty?” the changeling challenges, a ball of anxiety forming in their stomach.
Mercury laughs a high, warm sound. “No, because clearly, your beauty is natural.”
“Oh,” they squeak, voice becoming steadily higher the longer they stand near the merman.
“So, I apologize for accusing you of using magic,” he continues with a smile, not paying any mind to the fact that S.G. has become a red mannequin.
Mercury does not move from their personal space as his hand lingers around their neck, idly playing with the fabric of their hood. He smiles so kindly and S.G. is certain that this is how they die.
“Apology accepted,” they say breathlessly.
“Ya know, with the way your face blushes,” he says lowly, dropping his head down to be next to the changeling’s ear, “I’d love to see how the rest of looks.” He ghosts his fingers across their collar while the other runs up their arm.
S.G. fully freezes, completely unable to respond as their brain comes to a screeching halt. Their brain is running impossibly fast while also being completely silent, but Mercury does not mind as he leans back and admires the suddenly dark blush that paints the changeling’s face.
Thankfully, before S.G. can say anything too embarrassing, Canyon slides up next to the Captain, drawing his attention away from the slowly dying changeling.
“Hiya, fish boy!” he says, clapping Mercury on the shoulder.
“Canyon!” the captain cheers. “I was just talking to S.G. here!”
Canyon gives S.G. a once over, a smirk on his face. “I can tell.”
Mercury tilts his head to the side. “What do you mean by that?”
The tabaxi snickers. “Nothing,” he says while shaking his head before loudly saying, “When are we leaving for Bowenburg?”
“Oh, well, right now, I suppose,” he says with a chuckle. He flashes S.G. that same blinding smile. “Can’t keep the lovely people waiting, can we?”
“No,” they choke out.
With a laugh, Mercury walks back to the helm, a skip in his step as he whistles a familiar sailing tune.
Canyon waits until the merman is out of earshot before saying, “You’re shit at flirting.”
They smack him on the back of the head, knocking the cat man forward as he laughs.
2) Goodbid
To say Goodbid was having a bad day, would be an understatement. He’s had two contracts go sour; his suit effectively ruined from a combination of holes, blood, and wine stains; a hit nearly escaped; and his beloved bottom hat has a hole the size of Glib in it. All within the last twelve hours. And if Goodbid had to rank how bad this day was compared to the other seven days of this week? It is probably in third place.
He stands on Sky Skimmer’s top deck, leaning heavily against the rails as he watches the world rush by. Mercury had been kind enough to pick him up from his solo mission in Abellio and fly him back to Riftreach.
“You look like hell, mate,” the aforementioned captain says from behind him.
“Bad week,” the hitman replies simply, not in the mood for their normal playful banter.
The merman leans against the railing next to Goodbid, a little closer than the hitman was expecting. “Anything I can do to help?” he asks, leaning closer to the half-elf, glancing at his lips as he does.
“Uh, I don’t believe so,” Goodbid says, the tension in the air increasing tenfold.
Wordlessly, Mercury reaches up, his fingers grazing up the businessman’s neck before using his thumb to smooth his mustache into place while he cups his jaw.
“Mercury?” Goodbid asks breathlessly and only slightly panicked.
Mercury slowly looks away from his mouth and makes heavy eye contact. “Sorry, mate, it was sticking up all weirdly,” he says lowly, not removing his hand from his face.
Goodbid swallows. “It’s alright.” He can feel the blush running up his neck and settling high on his cheeks.
Mercury traces the blush down his neck with his fingers, stopping at the hitman’s stained collar.
“You’re hurt?”
It takes Goodbid an embarrassing few seconds to register what is being said to him.
“Just a few cuts, nothing I can’t handle,” he says, with a shaky smile as he desperately holds onto what’s left of his dignity.
Mercury runs the tips of his fingers along the largest of the stains before bringing them to his face. His tongue darts out and licks the thin red liquid off his fingers before grinning at Goodbid. “You taste like wine.”
The hitman makes a choked noise. “I- uh- had a jug of- um- wine dumped on me. Yeah,” he sputters, running a hand through his hair as he looks away.
Mercury places a hand on Goodbid’s cheek and forces him to look him in the eye. “Are you telling me that you have wine spilled over open wounds and you didn’t clean them?” Mercury asks with mild annoyance.
“I- well, I-” He coughs looking down before saying, “I don’t got spare clothes on here and I was gonna wait until I got home.”
“I have clothes you can borrow,” Mercury says dismissively. He steps back and Goodbid takes a shuttering breath. “Are you coming?” Mercury teases as he walks to the captain’s quarters.
The hitman nearly trips over himself as he scrambles to keep up.
The captain's quarters are decorated in deep greens and blues with a messy dark wood desk along one wall and a beautiful bed in the center of the far wall.
“Just sit on the bed and take off your shirt,” Mercury instructs as he walks over to a drawer and pulls out a med kit. Goodbid unbuttons his shirt slowly, wincing as the motions pull at the cuts on his chest. When Mercury turns around he looks over Goodbid’s freshly exposed chest with interest.
“Enjoying the view?” Goodbid teases, rolling his shoulders back before wincing at the subsequent pain.
Mercury snickers at him as he hands over a minor healing potion. “Drink this while I patch you up.”
The potion doesn’t taste pleasant, but it is a welcomed distraction from Mercury's cool hands touching his bare chest as he cleans the wounds with a wet rag before moving to cleaning them with rubbing alcohol.
Goodbid hisses, grabbing onto Mercury’s shoulders as he cleans out a cut that was borderline infected.
“That’s it,” Mercury murmurs, clearly not paying attention to his own words. “You’re doing good, almost done.”
Goodbid makes a noise in the back of his throat, this time not from the cleaning, as Mercury continues to whisper praises while he wraps the cuts tightly. The merman steps back to admire his handy work before going over to a trunk and pulling out a clean shirt. He starts to hand Goodbid the shirt before pulling it back, clearly contemplating something.
“What? Am I not allowed to have a shirt?” Goodbid teases.
“Let me put it on you,” Mercury answers as he steps closer.
The injured man sputters. “Pardon?”
“You’ll strain yourself trying to pull it over your head,” he explains easily as he stands in front of the other. “Lift your arms a little.”
Goodbid does as he’s told, pointedly ignoring the bright red blush painting his face. Mercury easily pulls it onto him before smoothing it down the hitman’s chest. Before either of them can say anything, the boards under their feet rumble.
“Sky Skimmer’s tellin’ me to go back up to steer her,” the captain explains apologetically. “She’s sayin’ we’re almost to port.”
“It’s alright,” Goodbid says with his signature grin, although on the inside he is more than a little annoyed at the interruption.
Mercury disappears out the door, calling, “Stay put, don’t strain yourself!” over his shoulder as he goes. Goodbid sits in a stunned silence as he tries to make sense of everything that just happened. By the time he’s made any progress, the merman pokes his head in with a smile that damn near kills the hitman where he sits. “We’re here.”
Goodbid nods as he stands. “When do you want this shirt back?”
Mercury approaches him slowly and runs his fingers along the hem of the shirt before he gives Goodbid a knowing smile. “Keep it,” he says as he steps back, “It looks good on you.”
Goodbid’s blush returns with a vengeance as the captain goes back out of the room, leaving the poor hitman reeling.
3) Glib
The frogman sits alone in the storeroom of Sky Skimmer. He’s starving and desperately trying to keep his thoughts away from anything to do with eating which he is failing at rather spectacularly. Glib groans, running a hand over his face.
The clicking of approaching steps draws him out of his thoughts.
“Everything okay, mate?” Mercury asks as he walks past, carrying a crate that easily weighs as much as the merman.
Glib gives him the signature unamused glare as he says, “No.”
Mercury places the crate in its place before sitting on it and looking over at Glib. “What’s wrong then?”
“I’m really fuckin’ hungry. I forgot to eat before getting on this stupid fucking’ ship,” he growls before wincing and saying, “No offense.”
Mercury chuckles, patting the crate. “Nontaken, but if you’re hungry I have rations.”
Glib shakes his head. “Can’t have normal food,” he dismisses quickly. “Vampire, remember?” He flashes his fangs to prove the point.
Mercury watches his fangs with apt interest. “Do you not have any rations?”
“Not unless you happen to carry blood,” Glib says irritatedly. He buries his face in his hands as he groans. He is the King of Hangry and desperately wants to be left alone.
Mercury is silent for a moment before saying, “You could drink from me.”
“What?” Glib’s head snaps up in shock, staring at the merman in disbelief. Surely, he didn’t just say that, surely he misheard.
“Unless you don’t like drinking from live sources,” the sailor backpedals quickly.
“No, I do,” Glib says slowly, confusion lacing every word, “But why are you offering.”
Mercury stands up, his wooden legs creaking as he does. “You are hungry, and you don’t have rations.” With every step, he is getting closer to Glib. “As your captain, it is my job to make sure you are provided for.” His voice is low as his hands trail up to the laces holding his shirt closed.
“You’ll lose a lot of blood,” Glib says quickly, eyes tied to the movement.
“I have healing potions.” He pulls the string out.
“It could kill you,” Glib says a little more desperately as his mouth waters.
The merman chuckles. “You won’t kill me.” His eyes are half-lidded as he looks down on Glib, completely confident in him.
“It’ll make you too dizzy to steer,” Glib says in a last-ditch effort to make Mercury come to his senses.
“Sky Skimmer’s a living ship, and besides-” he pulls his shirt to the side, revealing his suntanned, freckled shoulder. “I’ve always liked that feeling.”
Glib gulps, but his eyes do not leave the bare skin. “Are you sure?”
“Very.” Mercury leans closer until his shoulder is closer to Glib’s mouth. “Bite me, Glib.”
And Glib does. He drinks, savoring the delicious liquid before forcing himself back after a minute. He doesn’t want Mercury to drop.
“Done already?” Mercury groans as he pants lightly. At some point, he had leaned further forward and had grabbed ahold of the crate Glib was sitting on. His knuckles were white with how tightly he was grasping it.
“Don’t want to kill you,” Glib says through his fogged brain.
Mercury smiles. “Aw, that’s too bad. It was just starting to get fun.” He leans closer to Glib’s face and uses his thumb to wipe a bit of blood off of the frog’s lip. “But I need to get back to the stern.”
He steps back and walks to the door, straightening his shirt as he goes.
“Oh, and Glib?” He says over his shoulder as he stops in the doorway.
“Yeah?” the frog asks, still reeling from the entire experience.
“If you need a snack, you know where to find me.” Mercury smiles and winks before disappearing through the door, leaving Glib extremely confused and just a little hungry.
4) Canyon
In hindsight, going drinking with a man Canyon had never once seen drunk might have been a mistake. He had assumed that Mercury would have a high tolerance seeing as he’s a sailor, but he could not have been more wrong.
Here Mercury was, half draped across the cat man, drunkenly singing “What Can We Do With a Drunken Sailor” while petting the Tabaxi as the aforementioned cat man tries to get them both to Sky Skimmer.
“Way-hay and up she rises, Ear-lye in the morning!” he slurs, throwing his hands up in the air. “Put ‘em in bed with-” he trails off, trying to remember the lyrics.
“Captain’s daughter,” Canyon supplies.
Mercury laughs before shouting, “Tabaxi man!” He looks up at Canyon with a grin. “Put ‘em in bed with a tabaxi man! Put ‘em with a tabaxi man! Ear-lye in the morning!”
“Are you trying to get me into bed with you?” Canyon teases, readjusting his hold on the merman which just happens to drop his hand lower on Mercury’s waist.
Mercury laughs but does not answer as he sings the chorus, Canyon joining in after a minute. They cackle and carry on as they stumble down the street, Sky Skimmer in sight.
“What’s the next lyric, Merc?” Canyon asks once his laughter has died down.
The Captain thinks for a moment before grinning madly as he says, “Make him kiss the roguish man!” At first, Canyon thinks he’s misheard the Captain, but then he repeats it. “Make him kiss the roguish man!”
“Make him kiss the roguish man?” the cat asks without the song cadence.
“Ear-lye in the morning!” Mercury finishes while laughing. He sobers slightly as he asks, “What time you say it is?” He looks up at the dark sky.
Sky Skimmer spots them and she happily waves her sails before lowering a plank for them to walk up. Mercury mumbles a thanks as they step onto the deck.
Canyon glances up at the sky, trying to spot the moon as he navigates the drunk man to his quarters. “I don’t know, probably three or four in the morning?”
Mercury grins widely before pressing his face into Canyon’s cheek. “So it's ‘ear-lye in the morning’?”
“It is,” the tabaxi says slowly.
“And I’m a drunken sailor?” Mercury continues, leaning harder into Canyon,
“You are,” Canyon agrees with a smirk.
“Are you a roguish tabaxi man?”
Canyon snickers. “I am.”
“Then I demand a kiss ear-lye this morning,” Mercury declares, kissing Canyon’s cheek before stumbling backward, hand locked around the tabaxi’s wrist. “And for you to come to bed with me!”
“Mercury you’re drunk,” Canyon laughs, following behind him.
The merman nods. “I’m a drunken sailor!”
“And that’s why I can’t go to bed with you,” Canyon says digging his heels into the ground.
“Aww,” Mercury pouts at him.
Canyon chuckles. “If you remember any of this in the morning, I’ll be more than happy to take you up on your offer,” he says, running his claws through Mercury’s disheveled hair.
Mercury makes a pitiful noise before sighing dramatically. “Fine.”
Canyon steps back, flashing Mercury a smile. “Night, Merc, and good luck with your hangover!” he says as he walks off the ship. He faintly hears a slurred response followed by stumbling steps into the captain’s quarters. Canyon snickers to himself as he wanders back through the streets before he begins to hum “Drunken Sailor.”
5) All of them
“Mornin’ guys!” Mercury shouts from the helm as he steers Sky Skimmer to the edge of Symmetris Tower. The Party yells back varying responses before boarding. “Where to?”
“Wanuia, if ya believe!” Goodbid says far too chipperly for this early in the morning, as he boards the ship, the rest tiredly lumbering behind him.
Mercury turns the ship and sets her on a straight shot for his old city before walking down to talk with the party. “Wanuia, ‘ey? What business you got up there?” he asks.
“Rumors of some sort of powerful necromancers wandering the outskirts and tormenting people,” Glib explains, tugging his hood down over his eyes as Sky Skimmer emerges from clouds, the morning sun casting long shadows over the deck.
“Why send you guys and not Symmetris Agents?” the Captain asks.
“Prophis made us one of the highest-ranking Symmetris squadrons,” Canyon explains as he stretches, still trying to shake the sleep from his system, and smoothes down his hair which is sticking up oddly.
S.G. nods. “It was meant to be an honor but all it's done is mean that we can’t commit crimes and have to work for the government,” they gripe.
“But it pays handsomely,” Goodbid says with a grin.
“It does pay nice, yes,” S.G. agrees. “But I would like to steal again.”
“Why don’t you quit?” Mercury asks, tilting his head to the side like a dog.
The changeling makes a sour face while the boys snicker. “Callisto said if I quit to commit crimes he will arrest me on sight.”
There is a beat of silence before the merman belly laughs. “Of course he did, why wouldn’t he?”
“Yes, it was quite rude of him,” S.G. grumbles.
“Alright, well,” Mercury begins as he tries to regain composure. “How long do I need to wait on you guys? Do I have time to run a delivery from Abellio to Riftreach and back to Wanuia or will you be done by that point?”
“We’ll be done by then,” Glib answers.
“Yeah, they seem like normal necromancers,” Canyon adds once he doesn’t look like a toddler’s stuffed animal. “Won’t take us more than like two, three hours.”
“So we’ll the rest of the day to kick it at the beautiful Wanuaian beaches!” Goodbid says, pantomiming lounging on a beach.
“You’ll be at the beaches, I’ll be hiding somewhere dark,” Glib gripes.
Mercury shakes his head. “There are beaches that are hidden in alcoves. They are warmed by the mornin’ sun, but by noon the sun is off of them! The water is clear, the sand is warm, but the sun is gone,” the Merman says, gesturing wildly with his hands.
“Really?” Glib questions, clearly trying to keep the hopeful tone from his voice.
“Absolutely! They were my favorite growin’ up because no one else likes them. Most people go to Wanuia to sun tan, but those hidden beaches are nice,” Mercury says with a charismatic grin.
“We’ll have to find somewhere that sells swimsuits first,” Canyon points out. “The only one here who might have one is Goodbid.”
“Would ya believe I actually don’t?” Goodbid asks.
“No, I don’t,” the tabaxi counters sarcastically.
Mercury makes a confused expression. “Why would you need a swimsuit?”
“Because we’ll be swimming?” Canyon answers.
“Yeah, not all of us are merfolk,” Goodbid teases.
“I could be,” S.G. says cockily.
Glib gives them a tired expression. “We know, S.G.”
“I can be anything I want.”
“We know S.G.”
“I know you aren’t merfolk,” Mercury says, drawing attention back to the original point. “But why would you need swimsuits?”
The group glances at each other.
“Because that’s what you wear when you are swimming?” Glib says, confusion lacing his words.
“Yeah, but it’ll just be the five of us,” Mercury still not understanding.
“The five of us swimmin’,” Goodbid emphasizes.
“Yeah, but if it's just us, why not just skinny dip?” Mercury finally spits out, eyebrow raised.
“Skinny dip?!” Goodbid yelps as Glib says, “Excuse me?!” and S.G. squeaks, “What?!” There’s a beat of silence before Canyon starts laughing.
“Yeah, guys, let’s just skinny dip!” he says, nudging Mercury with his elbow.
Mercury smiles at him. “See, he gets it.”
“Mercury, I love ya, man, but I ain’t skinny dippin’,” Goodbid says quickly before Canyon can dig their graves anymore.
“Why not? I’m sure it’d be fine,” the merman says. “Besides, you’ll be seeing all of me, only fair if I see all of you.” He pauses before grinning as he adds lowly, “It's more fun that way.”
S.G. chokes on air, Goodbid flushes to the tips of his ears, and Glib’s jaw drops, but Canyon just nods slowly.
“Maybe next time, dude,” Canyon says. “Gotta give them time to prepare.”
“So you’ll be skinny dipping with me then?” the merman asks hopefully.
The others yell varying rejections over the sound of Canyon’s laughter. None of them notice Mercury’s confused face.
Mercury really didn’t see anything wrong when the group suddenly has a fifth member. He finds it a little odd that it is a shadar-kai who looks older than dirt with no eyes, but his friends are an odd group so he just waves it off and welcomes the old man aboard the ship.
“Alright, crew!” He calls to the deck as he pulls Sky Skimmer away from Bowenburg. “Where to?”
“Riftreach!” Glib yells as Goodbid calls up, “Home!”
Mercury laughs. “Homeward bound!” He steers the ship for a moment, making sure they were on a straight enough shot before looking back over the deck and noticing how ill the old man looks. He slows the ship to a more reasonable speed and the shadar-kai relaxes slightly.
Canyon bounds up behind him, putting his hand on the merman’s waist and sliding up close to him. “Why the speed drop?” he asks as he examines the air around them.
“You’re friend down there-”
“Friend is a strong word,” Canyon gripes.
“You’re friend down there,” Mercury continues with a smile, leaning into the tabaxi. “Doesn’t look too good, I’m slowing it down so he doesn’t get sick on my deck.”
Canyon flexes his claws, not biting into the scales of his hips, but grazing his nails across them. “I think you are too nice to him.”
“No, I’m just looking out for my ship,” he remarks, gingerly placing his hands near the collar of the cat’s shirt. He fixes the fabric, smoothing out the wrinkles before stepping back.
The rest of the party stands in the middle of the open deck. The captain gives them all a quick once over but his gaze lingers on Goodbid, or rather his shirt.
“I told you, you like nice in my clothes,” Mercury teases as he and Canyon reenter the group.
“Huh?” Glib questions, looking between them, trying to decipher whatever coded language they are using.
“That-” Mercury points to Goodbid’s chest. “Is my shirt. I’m just glad he still likes it.”
S.G. huffs. “Goodbid gets your shirt and I don’t?” they ask in a mock hurt tone.
Mercury chortles. “You can go into my trunk and get any of my shirts you like,” he says gesturing to the captain’s quarters.
“Really?” S.G. asks, trying, and failing, to hide their excitement.
“Of course,” he nods. “I think all of you would look nice in my clothes. They’d be baggy and practically fall off of you.”
The old man laughs, drawing Mercury’s attention for the first time.
Mercury turns to look at him before extending his hand with a good-natured smile. “I don’t believe we’ve met! I’m Captain Mercury.”
The shadar-kai shakes his hand a little too vigorously. “King Skeezvol Skracks XIX, it’s a pleasure to meet a new subject of mine.”
“It’s nice to meet you, your majesty?” Mercury says slowly looking to the others for guidance.
“Don’t mind the old man, he’s going senile,” Canyon butts in.
“I’m not senile! If I was senile I would’ve missed your flirting!” Skeezvol snaps.
The group snickers or ducks their heads, but Mercury cocks an eyebrow. “Flirting?”
“I may be a blind old man, but I’m not deaf! I know flirting when I hear it!” he continues.
The merman looks at the others, his face pinched in confusion. “What is he going on about?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, Cassanova fish man!” the old man exclaims.
“Cassanova fish man?” Mercury echoes, confusion lacing his words.
“Yeah, really, Tails, it’s fine,” Glib agrees to which the old man looks mildly irritated about for reasons that the Captain can’t even begin to fathom.
The merman snickers. “Me? A casanova?” He shakes his head. “I’m an awful flirt.”
Energy of the others around him noticeably changes.
He looks at them and they all look to be in varying states of denial or confusion. “What?” he questions.
“Mercury,” Goodbid says slowly.
“What?” he questions again.
Canyon gives him a hard look. “Are you dumb or screwing with us?”
“Screwing with you?” he parrots. “No, I’m not ‘screwing with you,’ I have no idea what’s going on.”
They look at each other, seeming to have a mental conversation before Goodbid sighs and goes, “Mercury, you’ve been flirtin’ with us since you met us.”
The captain gives them a blank expression. “No, I haven’t?”
“Yes, you have,” S.G. says.
“And for once, they aren’t gaslighting you,” Glib tacks on.
He shakes his head. “Wouldn’t I know if I was flirting with someone?” he questions.
Canyon snickers. “We thought you were doing it on purpose.”
“How?” Mercury asks, exasperated.
“When I came back after being sick, you said I must be using magic to make myself so pretty,” S.G. reminds.
“But you are very pretty!” Mercury defends. “I wasn’t flirting, I was telling the truth.”
“And you saying that you want to see us in your clothes?” Goodbid questions.
Mercury makes a semi-embarrassed noise. “Right, now, I see how that’s weird, but I just like baggy clothing.”
“What about letting me drink from you?” Glib says unamused, clearly still thinking that he is messing with them.
Mercury shrugs. “You looked miserable and I didn’t have any rations for you. It was the next best thing.”
Canyon cuts the middle man entirely, side-stepping closer to the fish man and putting a hand on his waist, pulling him into his personal space. Mercury instantly leans into the hold to which Canyon grins. “Do you even remember what you said while you were drunk?”
The tabaxi snickers. “You basically invited me to stay the night.”
Mercury blushes to the tips of his ears. “I don’t remember doing that.”
Canyon maneuvers them slightly until their chests are pressed together. “Mmhmm,” he hums, flexing his claws slightly. Mercury reaches up and fixes the collar of his shirt before letting his hands linger again to which the cat snickers. “And what do you call this?”
Mercury looks at him oddly before seeming to understand the position that he found himself in. He turns bright red and steps back muttering, “Your collar was laying weirdly.”
“And you’re telling me that you didn’t do that on purpose?” Canyon teases, letting him go.
The group looks at each other, having another mental conversation before they begin to grin.
“What? Mercury asks, sensing a trap.
They don’t respond as they just move around him.
“What are you doing?” He questions, trying to step back, but ends up backing into Canyon. “Guys?”
Suddenly there are hands on him, around his waist, his arms, and his shoulders, and then there are kisses. Canyon is covering his neck in kisses, Goodbid has his right cheek, S.G. has his left, and Glib is littering his wrists with soft kisses.
When they pull back, Mercury’s jaw is dropped and he sputters. There’s a moment's pause before a little bit of blood dribbles from his nose.
“You alright, Lover boy?” Skeezvol asks between his wheezing laughs.
“Yeah- I’m- uh huh,” he spits out before stumbling backward, wiping the blood on the back of his hand. “I’m gonna- yeah, I’m- I’m going to steer the- Sky Skimmer. Steer Sky Skimmer.” He pauses, still wide-eyed and bright red. “Yep.” He scurries up the stairs and holds onto her spokes for dear life as a chorus of laughs follows him up.
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Oh Halfa Izuku is one of the somewhat inspirations so it's fine. I thought what if Izuku had death powers not from dying but from a death god and then the Godforce Finale came out where there's a moment where Glib's pinning a charecter I don't parrticularly care about against a barrier protecting them from something about to kill him and I thought what if breaking that sent them to another universe. And I combined the ideas.
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dark-nimbus · 1 year
Same, Momo, same
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polishtem · 2 years
denying the goodbids
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ggiamthatiam · 2 years
Reactions:Reactions are an excellent tool to Aide you in your awakening and evolution. The more you react to something, Someone,event.or experience, the more energy blockage fear and limitation you have to that something,someone ,event or experience, thus squeezing your natural energy godforce flow of sources non attached balance observance. When you react highly to something,someone., event or…
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brymolawale · 2 years
Solitude is Godforce!
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deszthevisionary · 5 years
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I just want my emotions to stay consistent 🛸😒
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