#Also the foot looks wonky
mysoullesscorpse · 2 years
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Wow. I really need to remember that this place exists. Anyways, I have no idea how many people this will reach because I don’t know how many followers of The Symmetry War are here on Tumblr. but I drew Glib from it.  Also if you don’t know what I am talking about, I highly recomend you check out The Symmetry War on youtube or Spotify. It is great and you will not be disapointed. 
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king-col · 10 months
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Hands you my silly little durge and her goth girlfriend who have strange and peculiar t4t shit goin
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Do you use reference poses or models when you draw your clexa art? I'm interested in how you came up with that position for your last nsft sketch
Yup! I tend to look around at different poses and art and mix and match them as reference because I sssuuuuuccckkkk at coming up with poses even when it comes to just standing around 😅
For that one in particular it was a lot of looking at some nsfw subreddits 🤣
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halinski · 2 years
first prototype wip hahahhahaha
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vivanightcity · 19 days
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genuinely so delighted by this wretched beast im making
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wihellib · 1 month
Mammon was voted #1 in the Favourite H Scene poll here. Not really surprising. His H scene was quite good. Satan was 2nd and Foras was 3rd. I am surprised by Foras. I think there might be a bit of recency bias in this case.
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Under the cut is my completely biased, quickly-written, kinda summarized opinions on each of the H scenes.
Satan staring at you without blinking while kissing and sleeping still throws me off.
I like that Satan reassures you that he’s doesn’t just like you because you’re the descendant of Solomon.
I don’t like hair pulling or strangulation, so not very fond of this scene, even though I like Satan a lot.
The CG is nice. I like how he’s grinning and the glow of his eyes.
Only features a little bit of spanking even though that’s his kink.
It’s mentioned that we’re feeling the pleasure that Satan’s feeling. This is done in several scenes. I’ve never liked it. It feels like a cop out.
The scene ends abruptly with you blacking out. I much prefer when there a bit of follow up/pillow talk afterwards.
Sitri gives you tea to calm your nerves that makes your heart beat a lot faster and louder because of the caffeine… but I don’t think caffeine works to this extent, so creative liberty I guess.
His kink, hearing heartbeats, features prominently in this scene. Keeping his head near your chest, mouth on your chest, feeling your heartbeat through your intimate connection, and moving in time with your heartbeat.
You’re feeling turned on because he’s turned on, similar to Satan’s scene, still not a fan.
You feel more aroused as your heart beats faster and you think it might explode… I don’t see what’s arousing about that.
CG was good again. I liked that he’s showing a lot more emotion than his normal sprite usually does.
He calls you Solomon throughout, which is annoying, but does call you by your real name at the very end (the only time he’s done so).
Some pillow talk at the end which is nice.
Zagan blushes and turns away when he sees your naked body, which is cute.
He’s quiet like usual, but does speak when you ask him why he wanted to help you, and says he wanted to do it with you and give you devils energy, while blushing. Very cute.
You get to take a bit more of a lead, be a bit more assertive, in this one, you’re not just manhandled around, which is refreshing.
I like that he seems to have a praise kink.
He tries to increase his muscle use, get a better workout, increase movement, which is his kink, which arouses him more, which arouses you. Fine whatever.
The CG is fine. Your foot looks wonky with its finger-like toes but Zagan looks good.
Some pillow talk again. Zagan has been mostly silent, but does say it was a good workout and he wants to do it again at the end.
Leraye is completely overwhelmed by pleasure from hearing thunder, which is his kink. He basically tackles you onto the bed and glues himself on top of you.
I’m pretty sure this is the first time one of them play with your genitals during foreplay.
You are getting aroused from the thunder too, so we’re keeping the trend of whatever the guy likes you also like inexplicably.
MC comments he’s more like a growling wolf and not his golden retriever self.
I really like this CG. He’s completely on top of you, pressing you down on your stomach, while covering your eyes and biting your neck. His presence is overwhelming.
The thunder goes away and Leraye comes back to his senses. He’s so happy that it wasn’t a dream, smiling, lays down next to you, wishes you good dreams and kisses your forehead. I very much like this wind-down to the scene.
We go to Paimon’s room instead of ours for this scene, which is a nice change of pace. His room is full of mirrors, which feature heavily in this scene. His kink, which is blood, isn’t included at all.
We’re also not naked right at the very start, which I much prefer. I like the undressing phase.
Paimon rubs your genitals and forces you to look at what he’s doing to you in the mirror, which he continues throughout the scene. I was surprised how dominant Paimon was in this scene, but I wasn’t against it.
Paimon says he loves pretty things and looking at pretty things from multiple angles. He says that you’re pretty and a devilish human.
He makes you brace your hands against a wall mirror and stuffs your shirt in your mouth.
The CG is good. For the first time we are shown a different angle than us on a bed. Paimon’s face seems a little off to me, but overall it’s good.
Paimon throws the mirror on the ground, so you’re forced to look at a different, more revealing angle.
Just a little bit of pillow talk. Paimon kisses us and tell us to come him when we want to play more.
Back in Minhyeok’s room unfortunately. Mammon comes out swinging by immediately commenting on how skilled we look in accepting devil’s energy.
Mammon says that it was obvious since he first met you that he had to have you, but he also realized that he would just be one of many that would try that tactic. So, he decided to do something he’s never done before and let you have him. You will be his first master. He also reveals that he wasn’t as close to Solomon as the other Kings. You ask if he only likes you because you’re the descendant of Solomon and he replies that he just fell in love with you at first sight. This affection is clear throughout this scene, which increases its rank a lot for me.
Mammon’s kink is all about bottoms, and this scene reflects that. You’re both grabbing each other’s butts and getting more aroused.
Mammon picks you up and holds yours buttcheeks open while you wrap your arms around his neck. I like that Mammon is showing off his strength here.
I do wish that they had spent some time on Mammon using his fingers or tongue to prep you to take him. He is very large, evident by the fact that your first thought when he entered you was, ‘I am going to die’, so it would have been nice to see him care about making sure he doesn’t hurt you. He does hold himself still at first to let you adjust, but I still would have liked some prep beforehand.
The CG is good. No complaints.
Mammon flips you around, so you’re in a standing 69 position, showing off his strength again, and you give each other oral.
Longer pillow talk. He lays you on top of him, it was very nice.
Bimet changes his tune about you real quick when Mammon declares you to be his master. He kneels before you and informs you that you became the being that arouses him the most with that declaration. He cannot covet Mammon, but now he can covet you, the only one who owns Mammon, and he is ecstatic about that. He wants to serve you. Bimet’s kink is wealthy people and you’re the wealthiest of all.
I do not like Bimet and I do not like his reasons for favouring you. It is shallow and fragile. He would be back to contempt for you the moment Mammon lost interest. I’m not a big fan of this H scene simply because I don’t like Bimet.
He licks your toes, which no thank you. He does oral on you and puts his conniving tongue to good use.
CG is good. I like how wet his mouth is because of you.
Some pillow talk. He gives you the first thing he truly owned himself, a coin from Solomon, and tells you to give it back to him if you choose him. I would have preferred if the first thing he owned wasn’t from Solomon.
You go to wrap your naked body in a blanket like you usually do, but Belial stops you and says you’ll end up taking it off anyways. The immediate assertiveness was surprising but interesting.
Because of his throat injury, Belial talks very little and Jjyu is not there to help him, so he communicates with you by writing on your naked body, which is his kink. It is a very good, intimate solution. He writes lots all over your body while fingering you.
You are against the wall, facing Belial, while he penetrates and writes adorations on you.
The CG shows that everything he’s written is glowing red on you. It’s a nice picture, but I could have done without him licking your armpit. I think I would have preferred a kiss in the lips instead.
Some pillow talk, you fall asleep with him inside of you.
We have moved on from Minhyeok’s room, which is great. I felt it was much too restrictive, and caused repetitiveness.
Valefor reassures you and you tell him he is kind and reminds you of Mammon, which he approves of. When you see that he likes it, you lean more into the comparisons. Valefor is turned on by being compared to Mammon because he respects him greatly. You talk about Mammon a lot, but I wish it was a bit less, because this is supposed to be Valefor’s moment, not Mammon’s. His kink is supposed to be hearing explicit narratives, so I don’t think this really relates to it.
Valefor praises you for how well you know how to please a devil. And tells you to run away if you want to only know him as the kind relaxed Valefor.
Then we start going into exhibitionism territory, with him leading you to the closed door, where Bimet is just outside keeping watch. This is also not his kink.
Bimet leaves to check something, so Valefor increases the risk factor and opens the door while you’re both naked and penetrates you.
The CG is fine. The way you and he are positioned are a bit odd. It’s hard to tell whose body part is whose.
Valefor basically taunts you asking where Bimet is, then puts you in an even more embarrassing position.
Some pillow talk. He lifts you up, kisses your forehead, and you admire his chest.
Levi decides to give you devil energy even though he doesn’t like you. He hangs you and insults Minhyeok in an effort to make you mad so you hurt him, which will arouse him. So that’s what happens.
The CG is my least favourite of all of them. You start stomping on his lap and dick. Your toes are oddly long again and you have an oddly muscled thigh. Levi is not even naked. This is the only CG that doesn’t take place during some sort of penetration.
You straddle him and start strangling him and enough clothes have been taken off at this point that he penetrates you.
Then you kissed him for so long that you were both feeling oxygen deprived. He is in awe that you showed him there’s another way to suffocate. He thinks you’re talented. Only very little pillow talk.
I don’t like Levi. The way he acts and talks to you. I don’t like it at all. I also don’t like breath control, his kink, or anything to do with strangulation/choking, or beating people up. So this H scene was not for me at all.
Glasy’s kink is necrophilia, and they include his kink in the H scene by making you as limp as a corpse after kissing him. Oh boy. I’m not fond of Glasy and I don’t like the idea of not being in control of yourself and unable to move at all. So this scene ranks very low for me.
He licks your toes, not a fan. He plays with your chest and nipples. He spreads you open and just stares, then performs oral on you, while keeping you spread open.
He makes your limp hand jerk him off, then uses your slack mouth. This is the second time you performed oral on a demon. This is what the CG shows, though I would have preferred if they picked something else.
Then he manhandles you into position to penetrate you. He cums inside you. Then he moves to your throat again and comes there too. This is the first time the guy has come twice in an H scene.
There is pillow talk. He wraps you in his cape, holds you and kisses you as the limpness wears off. He tells you he’ll fetch you when you die, but it’s good you’re alive now.
You realize you need devils energy, but none are around you right now, so you start masturbating. You hear the door open, but don’t see anyone. Foras is invisible, which plays into his kink.
He starts playing with your genitals while invisible. You realize who he is and call out to him, but he ignores you.
Finally he tells you to take off your clothes, pose embarrassingly, and just sit there in silence while he watches while still invisible. The dominance he’s displaying is unexpected, but fine.
Foras puts his dick near your mouth and you suck him off.
He penetrates you, again while all the while being invisible, so it looks like you’re being fucked by a ghost.
The CG could be better. His expression looks a little wonky and you’re clothed in it even though you’re supposed to be naked.
Foras informs you that he was there for every H scene. He really liked that you never noticed him.
He doesn’t let you see him afterwards, which I think he should have. He gets your permission to keep watching you having sex. Then he inexplicably cums on your face after you fall asleep. No thank you sir. And for some reason you don’t even comment on it after you wake up.
I liked Leraye, Mammon, Belial, Zagan, Paimon, and Valefor H Scenes the most.
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Finished my first ever quilt yesterday
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Pre-washing and ironing so it's still wonky and wrinkly as hell. I also didn't have a walking foot because I couldn't find a way to order one from Big Quilt so I used a subpar regular foot instead which is probably why everything doesn't look quite flat lol
Everything was machine sewn apart from the binding, which was hand stitched; I suck at sewing by hand so thoughts and prayers this doesn't fall apart completely in the wash.
I'm gonna be doing a lot more of this kind of stuff in the near future, mostly because I bought 3x the amount of wadding I needed because I didn't know how big a meter was.
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in-som-niyah · 8 months
soft/domestic!Jason with an overstimulated!reader where he just squashes her in a hug until she calms down???????/
i keep my promises <3
"These arms are always yours, love"
soft!Jason Todd x overstimulated!fem!Reader
WARNINGS: graphic description of skin picking?? (not self-harm)
Today was going to be a shitty day.
The moment your eyes cracked open to an absence of sun peeking through the window, you knew outside was going to be gloomy.
You turned your head to face your nightstand, but in doing so, increase your awareness on how the sheets feel on your body. Were they always this rough? Surely the fabric softener did its job, right?
Groaning, you made your way out of bed, your feet planting themselves on the small rug on your side of the bed. It was a soft contrast from your now-cold, rough sheets.
As you took a step toward your dresser, you felt a crunch beneath your left foot. Though it was dark, you could make out the leftover potato chip crumbs from the bag Jason was eating before he went on patrol for the night.
You asked him not to eat it there to prevent this exact scenario, but here you fucking are.
Now, you were annoyed at not only the fact that the sun in Gotham is apparently having the same shitty day as you, but now you also have to clean up something that shouldn't be there in the first place.
Thankfully, it was a Sunday, meaning you had Jason all day to make more fucking messes. Yay.
Your spitefulness wasn't warranted, but in the moment, you didn't care.
As you carried on picking the remains of the food off of your foot, Jason stirs on the bed, scanning the other half of the bed with his arms. Seeing that he can't find what he's looking for, he relents and opens his eyes.
Jason knows something is up.
But, he won't push. Not yet.
"why're you s'far away?" he slurs, half awake and starting to shiver since he flung the covers off looking for you.
You wanted to answer him, you wanted to jump back in his arms and hold onto the scent of his skin forever, but you were too annoyed and anxious to say anything.
"No reason." you quip. Far too snappy for such a groggy early morning. Jason knows you've been up for a while now.
Before any more words could potentially be exchanged, you tugged on a pair of clean sweatpants and one of your own shirts. Usually, you would wear one of Jason's to the point where you genuinely forgot you had your own drawer full of clothes.
You storm your way out of the room quickly and go straight to the bathroom to take off your bonnet and fix your hair.
Lo and behold, the twist out didn't work out as intended, and now your hair didn't look as you wanted. The curls were wonky, there was almost no volume, and the back was still wet.
Your frustrated eyes land on Jason's clippers. Through and impulsive rage, you wanted to take it to your head and juts be done with it. This was not the first time your hair didn't work out, nor the first time you wanted to cut all of it off.
Suddenly back in reality, you begin to feel guilty for snapping at Jason earlier, and thinking so badly of him.
God, is this who I am?
All you wanted to do was burst back in there and hug him and tell him that you didn't mean it and that you were sorry and-
Hot tears began streaming down your face, burning rivers into your sullen face. Above all, you craved Jason, but he deserved the sleep and peace on the rare occasions he has to relax. Why couldn't you be peaceful?
You covered your sobs, which only made your feelings worse. The bathroom tile was too cold, but you were too warm at the same time.
It was so dark but too bright. Your skin felt hot but frigid at the same time.
Every quick expansion of your lungs pushing against your ribcage hurt badly. It didn't help that you were beginning to hyperventilate.
Speaking of hyperventilation, you soon realized that even though you weren't sobbing anymore , you couldn't breathe.
Your lungs were taking in all the air around you but also none at all, and you felt lightheaded.
At the same time, your skin began to itch from the beads of sweat surfacing, and your sharp nails began to dig into your skin to scratch it.
Drag after drag of nails on your skin caused it to feel raw and exposed.
While you were caught in your own whirlwind, you didn't hear Jason call out to you. Or his frantic footsteps when you didn't respond. Or his pleas for you to open your eyes and pay attention to him.
Jason was beyond worried when he saw you, panicked and frightened, digging into your skin and rushed to stop you.
He gently pried your fingers from your skin and made a mental note to talk to you about it later.
"Hey shhh baby, no more of that...it hurt's doesn't it?" he cooed as he began to hold your sharp fingers in his hands.
You nod tentatively, still trying to will air to stay in your lungs for longer than half a second.
"Alright princess, you're gonna breathe with me, okay?" Jason says as he tries to hide how concerned he was in effort to keep you as calm as possible.
"Okay breathe in" he begins, eyes trained on your eyes and hands massaging your palms.
You follow his prompts to the best of your abilities, trying to control your breaths the way he does.
After a few cycles of calm breathing, the guilt has nested itself fully in the pits of your stomach.
How could he be so kind after you thought so ill of him juts a few moments ago?
Surely you didn't deserve this.
Surely, he was playing a sick joke on you.
There's no way that he could actually lo-
"Princess? You here with me?" Jason's calm voice cutting through your thoughts.
You look up at him, shame set deep in your eyes.
"I'm so-"
"Nope." he quips with practices ease.
"But I-" you try again, this time determined.
"No. You will not apologize to me for being human." He insists as he rests his forehead against yours.
You close your eyes at the contact, a stark contrast to the sickly feeling your skin had moments ago.
Your eyes begin to sting once more as thoughts of being undeserving of such kindness resurface. You turn your head away from him and haul yourself up from the floor in effort to avoid him seeing you cry again.
As you turn away to step out the door, barely holding back a sob, Jason's warm, soft hand catches your wrist. Gently, he pulls you back into him and wraps his strong arms around you.
Careful not to crush you, he squeezes, physically pressing all his love for you into the hug as you continued to cry softly.
"'m not upset baby, I promise i'm not" Jason reassures as he rocks you in his arms.
He is all too familiar with the guilt you're feeling and so desperately wishes he could make it go away. He knows what it's like to say and think hurtful things you don't necessarily mean about the people you love.
His arms begin to rub at your back, soothing your inner hurt. You felt safe, calm and protected in his embrace.
Slowly, you calmed and your sobs were reduced to sniffles.
Jason tried to let go and move you, but you clung to his tighter in silent refusal.
He chuckles at you gripping his shirt and barely shaking your head that was buried in his chest.
"Alright, alright. These arms are always yours, love."
i'm so sorry its taking me so long to finish these requests my chronic pain is making it hard to be a human rn
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thesparklingwriter · 11 months
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just one drink
"...the night I met you, the stars were like, totally wonky."
tags: pet names, gn!reader, established relationship, reader is drunk, zhongli is doing his best not to laugh (another repost sorry guys)
content warning: alcohol
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It was just one drink. Or maybe it was two. In all honesty, you can’t really remember. You don’t drink very often, maybe once a year, once every two years if the situation so calls for it. But that also lends itself to a ridiculously low alcohol tolerance. So low, that in fact, one drink already has you stumbling around like a crazy person.
At first, Zhongli finds it amusing, the way you giggle so sweetly at everything he says, the way you run your hands through his hair with giddy laughter. You kiss his cheek, not caring about the fact that the rest of the dinner table-which consists of archons and adepti who have all had years to cultivate their alcohol tolerance-are watching you.
And then, the hyper giggling dissipates and you slump against him, resting your head against his shoulder as you think about the state of your life as it stands. Zhongli asks if you want to go home, but you shake your head fervently, not wanting to ruin his night. So he lets you rest your head in his lap and plant kisses on his hands if ever they linger too close to your face.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go home, my love?” He asks, looking down at you with an amused sparkle in his eyes.
“Li,” you sigh. “Why is the sky blue?”
Zhongli looks at you, chuckling softly. “Why is the jade yellow and the grass green?” He replies, the tenderness in his tone causing the rest of the table to watch with disinterested curiosity. It’s not every day that Morax, the god of war and contracts, can be find talking so sweetly to anyone on Teyvat or the realm above.
You sit up and scowl at him. “That doesn’t answer anything. I’m going home.” As you rise to your feet, you wobble, and Zhongli shoots up, ready to catch you if you should fall. He gives a sharp look at Venti, who told you the drink that has you plastered was basically water, and graciously says goodbye to everyone else as he helps you home.
By the time you’ve made it out of the door of the restaurant, you’ve gotten your footing again, and can happily skip around the streets of Liyue. The harbour is rarely ever empty, but today, it seems that most other people are at home, and you’re free to prance around as you wish.
“Do you think dragons can speak?” You ask Zhongli, returning back to him after spinning around for a few minutes. “I don’t think their vocal chords would be in the right place.”
“You’d be correct,” Zhongli says, smiling at you. He opens his mouth to explain how dragons communicate, but you’re off again, ooh-ing and ahh-ing at some silk flowers in someone’s courtyard. You crouch down to look at the flowers in more detail, lose your balance, and find yourself on the floor with no intention to get back up.
“They’re so pretty,” You say wistfully, tears bunching up in your eyes. “I wish I were a silk flower.”
“You wish to be a silk flower? I wouldn’t associate you with those–”
“Can you help me get up, please?” You look at Zhongli with round eyes, silently pleading for him to take pity on you. “It’s your fault I’m this drunk. You could, at the very least, help me.”
Zhongli sighs tenderly, lifting you up into his arms as if you were just wed, smiling as you wrap your arms around his neck. He’s more than happy to carry you home if that’s what’s going to get you there the fastest.
“Li,” you whisper against his chest.
“Yes, love?”
“Do you think people are destined to be with each other? Like, do you think that stars align and an eclipse happens and then boom! Soulmates.”
Zhongli chuckles. “I believe everything happens for a reason, yes. So, the stars must have aligned when I met you.”
“That’s a trick question. The night I met you, the stars were like, totally wonky.”
“Were they?” Zhongli enquires, laughing softly to himself. "How curious." But you’re fast asleep in his arms already, his laughter not registering to you. He carries you home, enjoying the fact that you’re allowing him to take care of you without complaint or physical antagonism. You smile in your sleep as he sets you down in bed, kissing your forehead lightly, gently grabbing his arm as he moves to step away.
“Where are you going?” You whine, attempting to sit up, but evidently being too sleepy to do so successfully. “Don’t go anywhere. Stay…here.” You point a finger at him accusingly, but the action is weak and makes him laugh. He shouldn’t laugh at you or your current turmoil, but how can he not when you just look so adorable? Every once in a while, it's nice to be reminded that you need him as much as he needs you, that he is just as valuable to you as you are to him.
“I’m not going anywhere, my love,” He says quietly. “Just changing.”
“Whose grand idea were clothes anyway?” You huff, rolling over in bed. “They’re uncomfortable and expensive and some are soooo ugly. They should be…illegal.”
“Yes, love, I agree.” Zhongli chuckles, stroking your hair as he sits in bed beside you. You move closer to him, nuzzling into his side.
“You’re such a yes-man sometimes, Li. Do you always say yes to everything everyone tells you to do?”
“No, only to you.”
You smile sleepily, throwing your arms around him unceremoniously. “You’re such a lap dog sometimes too.”
“And you can be incredibly bossy,” He smiles. “Seeing as I don’t wish to become seven inches shorter in my sleep, my only viable option is to be your lapdog until the day death calls my name.”
“That sounds nice.” You grin. "Do that."
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© 2023, thesparklingwriter. please do not copy, edit, repost, or translate.
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notes: okay so i had this idea cause my friends were talking about going out and getting wasted and i don't drink, but i have been told that when i drink monster (one time) i act like im drunk so this was inspired by that
taglist: removed as this is a repost
(coloured accounts couldn't be tagged)
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muddyorbsblr · 9 months
slipping between future and past [SAS secret santa 2023]
View the full SAS Secret Santa 2023 Masterlist here! See my full list of works here!
Summary: You give your friend a few pointers on what to know about Yule, and come across a familiar looking stranger in your bookstore.
Pairing: Loki x Reader/OC Talia Williams
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: 18+ | smut (minors & pearl clutchers, please leave I'm asking nicely); unprotected p in v sex; cunnilingus; magical restraints; language; possibly wonky interpretation of time travel & timeslipping; possibly wonky understanding of Yule [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: established relationship; still written in 2nd Person POV like my other 'x Reader' stories, but this time Reader has a name and it's "Talia Williams"; this is a secret santa request for @acidcasualties
Dick-tionary: smut starts at "the feel of your hands being brought" and ends at "as he marked your skin"
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It was uncharacteristically slow today in the bookstore, barely a handful of people walking in, browsing for a few minutes, and then promptly exiting when they see that you didn't carry the middle school dystopia book series all the kids were raving over. It was a colossal waste of their time and yours, considering there would have been less effort had they just taken even a cursory look at the sign by the door.
You didn't carry children's books. Classics, Myths, and Romance only.
Of the number of people that walked through the doors that you could count on your two hands, you could only count those that actually made a purchase with one. Half of one.
The sound of the door chimes brought your attention to the entrance again, seeing your friend Ariadne bounding into the front area of the store with a frantic look in her eye. "Talia," she panted, headed straight for you. "Babes, I need your help. Are you busy? You got a customer back there?"
"Nope. Just me," you called out, stepping out from behind the counter. "What's wrong? What do you need?"
"Okay so…you know that guy I'm seeing?"
"Uhh…I think so? Lee, right?"
"Leif. Think trees, Babes. Anyways, he wants me to meet his family and apparently they're super into the ancient Norse traditions, so I need a crash course on how they celebrate Christmas." She paced back and forth by the table that held the New York Times bestsellers that you did hold stock for, picking up a copy of the stalker dark romance duology. "His sister likes to read, you think she'll appreciate this?"
You immediately rushed over to her, grabbing the book and nearly slamming it back down on the stack. "You gotta let them crawl before they walk. Let alone sprint," you explained, giving her Beautiful Bastard instead. "This should be a good enough in between, just in case she's not into guns being shoved up anyone's vagina--"
Up where?! she shrieked, grabbing the first book again, along with the sequel and the book you were handing her. "Okay I'll take that for his sister, and these two for me."
"This is exactly why we're friends," you quipped, ringing up her order. "Now about that other thing…you do know that just because I own a bookshop, it doesn't mean that I know everything about everything, right?"
She rolled her eyes at you. "Yeah, but I also know that you live for all these myths and folk tales, so I bet you know a thing or two about Viking Christmas."
"Alright fine. Find a chair and settle in," you said with an overly dramatic wave of your hand. "First things first, it's not called 'Viking Christmas', it's called 'Yule'. Immediately if you wanna get on his family's good side, you say Good Yule because it shows that you did at least a customary Google search before you stepped foot on their property." You handed her a small notepad and a pencil. "You're gonna wanna write this down."
When her scribbling down stopped, she perked up with a question. "Do they have a Santa Claus?"
"Yes and no," you answered her, prepping two cups of coffee and handing one over to her before plopping down on your own seat in the reading nook, your favorite one in the entire shop. "Santa Claus is what we call who the Brits refer to as 'Father Christmas'. The Brits got that from 'Yule Figure' from the Viking mythology and Mr Yule Figure himself is...Odin."
"Wait wait hold up." She shot up her hand like a kid asking questions in class. "So Odin is Santa? He goes around little Viking kiddies' neighborhoods and slides down the chimney to give them wooden axes and swords?"
"Hmmm not quite. The whole making a list and checking it twice to give the good little boys and girls presents on Christmas is...not quite how the Vikings do it. Instead they engage in something called the Wild Hunt, where Odin aka Big Yule Father Kahuna calls on his posse of gods and plays a game of non-consensual hide and seek with the living souls. So us being the 'living mortals', we have to find a safe enough hiding place that Odin and Thor and the rest of the Norse gods don't find us, because if they do…they drag us to the Underworld."
"Okay first of all, yikes." Ariadne made a big show of shuddering in her seat over what you just told her. "Can't it be something a little bit less morbid? Like if Thor finds you he drags you to his den of iniquity and has his wicked way with you?"
"I mean it's all myths and folklore anyway," you shot back with a small shrug as you finished off your coffee. "So maybe when the big girls are off in their own corner, we can smut it up and pretend that if someone other than Odin finds us, we can get some happy fun times." You both broke out into giggles at your wording. "And when we're telling the story to the smaller kiddos, we say that the gods only go after the naughty kids. Keep with the spirit of Christmas and all that." You wagged a finger in her direction, giving her another suggestion. "Or in the case of meeting Leif's family, just think which one's gonna have him more devastated, your soul getting dragged into the Underworld or your body getting dragged to Thor's man cave."
She wrote down some more notes on her little notepad before standing up, brimming with excitement. "Okay I think that's all I need. Hopefully…"
"Babes, you're there to meet the family, not get gatekeeper gamer boy levels of interrogated on what you know about Yule. As soon as you don't say 'Merry Viking Christmas', you're in the clear."
She squealed, rushing over to wrap her arms around you and give you a tight squeeze. "Thank you thank you! You just saved me from looking a total ditz meeting his family. I have a really good feeling about this one, you know?"
You gave her a squeeze back, happy that she was finally in a relationship that felt stable enough to start on that family she'd always wanted.
Maybe one day you could be so lucky with your own love life.
"I'm really happy for you, Aria. Let me know how it goes when you get back, okay?"
You worked on wrapping up the book she intended to gift Leif's sister as she asked you another question. "What about mistletoe? Do they have that in Yule?"
You scrunched her nose and shook your head at her question. "Yes and no again. Yes, they've assigned meaning to the plant but no, you don't kiss under it for fear of spending the next year all alone. They believe it to be a symbol for fertility, so it's been known for couples to hang it above their headboards so that their holiday fun times might lead to a child. It's also seen as a symbol for new life or resurrection because there's another folktale that says that Loki fashioned a weapon from the mistletoe plant to kill Baldur, and Frigga's tears turned the white berries red and resurrected her fallen son. Which if you ask me is a steaming pile of horse shit that's almost more ridiculous than how Siegfried was felled in the Nibelungenlied, but that's a story for another day."
"Hold up, but isn't Loki also a son of Frigga?"
You shrugged. "Who knows what's real and what's not at this point? These tales are thousands of years old. All we know right now is that Thor's real and he's friends with a billionaire that made a fancy iron suit and a soldier from the 40s that doesn't even look like he's hit his mid-20s. And that he dated an astrophysicist. Tell you what, if I ever meet him, I'll ask him myself. Maybe I'll even ask him what exactly goes down in the Wild Hunt if they still do it in this century."
"Ooh, if he walks into the store please text me?" You gave her a questioning look. "What? He's my hall pass. Leif knows all about it. Natasha Romanoff's his."
You handed her the gift-wrapped book. "Pinky promise, I'll tell you as soon as a 6'4 muscular Barbie looking dude from Asgard swinging a hammer and summoning thunder and lightning walks into my shop. Maybe I'll even text you if the Black Widow herself walks in so that Leif would owe a favor or two."
"Hey, it could happen," she quipped, sticking her tongue out at you like you were back in the sandbox. "We're in New York, after all. And Avengers Tower's just a ten minute walk away. You never know, you know?"
"Right," you breathed, waving her off as she neared the door. "Merry Yule."
"Merry Crisis," she shot back, blowing you a kiss as she stepped into the cold New York night.
You started cleaning the store so you could close up for the night when a new voice pierced through the quiet.
"I appreciate your refusal to believe that hokum about the mistletoe, darling. It warms my cold Jotun heart knowing that it's safe in your brilliant hands."
Large hands found themselves at your waist before your new visitor's arms wrapped around you from behind, your body going frigid at the action. "Who--?"
"Oh no..." He immediately released you from his hold, allowing you to come face to face with a towering man with onyx curls and a devastatingly handsome face that seemed vaguely familiar. "I must have gone back too far this time." He took a step toward you, his hands twitching in your direction as if he wanted to go back to where he was just a few seconds ago. If you were being honest with yourself, you wouldn't object. "Sweetheart, who am I to you?"
"What? This time?" You raised an eyebrow at him, confusion coating your words. "You trying to tell me we met before? Because trust me I'd remember meeting someone that looked like you."
"Who am I to you? What do you know of me?" he asked again, his brows upturned at the center of his forehead, his expression reminding you of a baby kitten pleading for affection.
"Not much," you admitted. "You look like the guy that tore up a hole in the sky and rode some space chariot while leading an alien army that laid waste on the city that I call home...and the guy that went up against Iron Man and his friends, including that big green scary monster looking dude."
He hung his head, looking down at the ground as he let out a long sigh. "I don't just look like that guy, darling, I--" He exhaled sharply before composing himself again. "I am that guy. Well, I was. And Banner's honestly not that terrifying once you get to know him." He looked at you again, seeing your hand and beginning to look emotionally deflated. "I went too far back."
"You know who else you look like?" you asked him, a smirk playing at your mouth as you reached for the chain around your neck, showing him the ring that hung in its center, closing the distance he put between you. "You look like my future husband."
The relief was written all over Loki's face as he eyed the ring he'd given you, a brilliant smile gracing his features when he pulled you into his arms and laid his lips on yours.  You melted into the kiss, pressing yourself against him as the god's arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer.
"My darling little mortal," he mumbled against your lips. "Somehow managing to fool a trickster god, for any amount of time, is a feat in and of itself." He kissed you again, lifting you off the ground and spinning you in a circle when you put your arms over his shoulders.
"Well you said it yourself, I'm brilliant," you answered him back when you pulled away, your fiancée keeping your feet off the ground. He adjusted his hold on you to hold you up by a single arm, making you giggle when he started walking toward the front door and made your keys materialize in his now free hand. "What're you doing, Mischief?"
"You're finished here for the night," he stated simply, all the lights turning off, along with the doors locking closed, and the sign in front flipping to "Closed" to indicate you'd retired for the night, with a simple wave of his hand. "I'm taking you home, little mortal. Close your eyes."
A breeze flew by your face and the next thing you knew your back was pressed against the familiar wooden column of your kitchen area. Loki crushed his lips to yours in a desperate kiss, both of you moaning into each other's mouths as he pressed your chests together, hands traveling down the sides of your body to wrap your legs around him.
The feel of your hands being brought above your head despite the god's hands still roaming and grasping at your thighs had your eyes snapping open, breaking the kiss with a little squeak from the back of your throat as you looked up. A thrill shot up your spine seeing a thick glowing ring of Loki's seiðr fastened around your wrists and keeping you tethered to the column behind you.
"I could not decide whether to reward you or punish you for getting the better of me earlier, my love," he rasped, latching his lips to your neck and sucking a bruise into your skin. He smirked against you when you started whimpering and arching into his touch within seconds. "So I shall do both."
You let out a whiny sound that had him lightly grasping your chin, running his thumb along your bottom lip to coax it into a pout. He kissed you again, nipping at your bottom lip before pulling away. Then another ring of his seiðr appeared at your hips, keeping them flush against the column as both rings began to lift you up, your feet soon leaving the ground until he was eye level with your pelvis.
He made a motion with his hand and suddenly you felt a breeze all over your body as he bared you to him, your clothes disappearing in a flash of green.
"Loki…" you whined, squirming under his predatory gaze as another ring of seiðr went around each of your legs, just above your knee, and opened you to him.
"I've not been home in ages, my darling mortal," he rasped, not taking his eyes off of your arousal as he licked his lips. "And I am famished." He took a step closer to you, lightly running his fingers up your inner thigh.
"Let--Let me down, then," you said shakily, feeling your walls quivering and clenching around nothing as he traced up your inner thigh again, only this time with the tip of his nose before pressing a tender kiss to your skin. "I can fix us something to--"
"Oh no, sweet Talia." He kissed you right below your belly button, groaning into your skin. "I do not crave food, my love." He continued to press kisses to your stomach, faintly chuckling when you tried to close your legs and his restraints kept you from moving even an inch. "Your reward is that I will not deny you any ounce of pleasure tonight. I have longed for you too much to deny you much of anything."
He moved his head lower, and you let out an obscene moan of his name as he ran his tongue along the length of your slit before slowly circling your clit.
"Your punishment…" he breathed, pressing slow lingering kisses and laving his tongue over your sensitive bundle of nerves. "No touching."
"Loki, wait--Oh f-fuck!" The room filled with your moans as he proceeded to alternate between long licks at your entrance and close his lips over your clit for what felt like a blissfully torturous eternity. He kept his word on not denying you anything as he brought you over the edge over and over again.
Your throat was raw from your constant moans and screams of his name and various expletives, already having lost count of how many times you came for him when he slid two devastatingly long fingers inside you and curled up, brushing against the spot that had you seeing stars. "One more, sweet girl," he mumbled around your clit, the vibrations from his voice already bringing you to the brink of orgasm yet again.
He moved your legs to rest your thighs on his shoulders, moaning against you when your entire body tensed as you came for him again, your pussy quivering against his mouth as he lapped at your release with languid strokes of his tongue. The restraints around your wrists and hips moved you down the column until your face was level with his, a weak whimper slipping from you when you saw how his lips glistened with your juices.
You barely registered the sound of the zipper as he kissed along your chest, biting and sucking more bruises into your skin. He lined himself up at your entrance, sliding into you in a single effortless thrust and eliciting a staggered sigh of relief from the god. "I've m-missed this," he whimpered between thrusts. "Missed you." Thrust. "My precious mortal." Thrust. "My wife." Thrust.
He threw his head back, letting out a decadent moan when you clenched around him after what he'd just called you. It had you desperately longing for your wedding day. Desperately aching to touch him. Just desperate for him.
"Please…" you whimpered, feebly fighting against the restraints again. When the rings holding you to the column finally disappeared, you could only let out a sharp exhale, your hand immediately clawing into your fiancée's back, the other weaving into his onyx curls.
Loki pressed you harder against the column, driving himself deeper inside you, his hands roaming and grasping wherever he could, as if he couldn't get enough of you. Couldn't touch you enough. He slanted his mouth over yours, moaning into the kiss when your tongues tangled together and you could taste your release on him. He adjusted his hold on you, letting out another muffled obscene sound into each other's mouths when the motion caused you to bounce on his cock.
Once he held you securely in his arms he started walking you further into your home, each step making you bounce on him and further weakening you in his embrace. He eased you down onto your bed, breaking the kiss and rendering you completely speechless watching his clothes melt away and baring his godly physique to you.
All you could do was breathe his name as he moved to hover over you again, pressing his lips to your cheek as he picked up the pace. He wrapped his hand around your knee, raising your leg to wrap it around his waist so he could drive into you harder. When you felt his fingers rubbing over your clit, the only sound that came out of you was a sharp moan, your body weakly arching against his hand before squeaking out, "I can't--"
"Just one more, dear heart. For me," he grunted, latching his lips onto that spot between your neck and shoulder as he kept on rubbing tight circles on the over-sensitized nub. Your legs shook and your walls convulsed around him, bring him to his own release as he marked your skin.
Once you both came down from your high, you felt his seiðr wash over you as he pulled you into his arms, putting the covers over you both with another wave of his hand. "I gotta be honest with you, sweetie, that felt a little pent up," you exhaled, a tiny part of you finding it unfair that he'd already resumed his regular breathing as if he didn't just fuck you senseless.
Damn Asgardian endurance.
"Because it was, precious mortal," he told you simply, tracing his finger along your cheek. "How long has it been since last you saw me?"
"Three months…give or take a week?" You braced yourself, already dreading what he'd say next.
"I have not seen you for over a year, my love," he confessed, pressing another kiss to your lips. "At least not like this. Every time I had seen you, you were yet to know me. There were worlds where you even outright feared me, scurrying away once you'd realized where you recognized me from. When I got to your shop earlier, I nearly believed I landed in another iteration of that world."
Suddenly your 'prank' from earlier left a sinking feeling in your stomach. "Loki, I'm sorry, I didn't know." You wrapped your arm around him, pressing yourself even closer to him if that were even possible, resting your head on his shoulder. "I just thought it'd be a bit of fun--"
"You have nothing to apologize for," he reassured you, brushing the tip of his nose along your own before softly kissing the spot. "But I have missed you terribly. Getting to hold you, to love you. To simply be here with you and enjoy a moment with my wife."
"Future wife," you pouted. "We're still in the planning phase, sadly. I take it the last time you saw me was sometime in our…future? I'm sorry this still gets confusing for me." He nodded his answer, pressing his lips to  your forehead. "Well then the timelines better fucking behave because I refuse to let you go anywhere. I get that you're a big powerful hero now, and knowing that you're out there making sure that everyone's safe and gets to come home to their families? I couldn't be prouder. But you should get to come home, too." You pressed a kiss to his chest, just over his heart. "Preferably for longer than a quickie with your fiancé."
His brows furrowed, shaking his head at your sentiment before pulling you to lay on top of him, chests pressed together with his arms wrapped around you in a tight embrace. "I've come from a time where we were married and I called you my wife. Regardless of our pending ceremony, that is what you are to me now and what I will call you moving forward. No more of those semantics."
You nudged his chin with your nose, a giggle escaping you when he pulled you up to capture your lips in a soft kiss. "Tell me about it. The future…"
"When I found you, you were a force to be reckoned with. Planning your friend Aria's wedding--"
"Ah, so she and Leif really are headed for the fairytale happy ever after?"
"No no, you were planning the wedding in Asgard." You eyes widened at the new information. "She was set to marry Thor."
"Wait she what?!"
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A/N: I'm so excited to participate in this year's Secret Santa again! This has been so much fun to write for both times around, and hopefully the story did justice to the request 🥹💖
The request from @acidcasualties:
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secret santa 2023 taglist: @joyful-enchantress @mochie85 @holdmytesseract @sailorholly @lady-rose-moon @superficialdomina @cultofcarter @coldnique @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @smolvenger @loz-3 @catsladen @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @divine-knight-hand @quirkiest-turtle @glitchquake @nyxlaufeyson @fandxmslxt69 @holymultiplefandomsbatman
194 notes · View notes
dogwithrabies · 1 year
【★】 cws: none! sub!scara, gn reader but described as afab. slight dacryphilia igl
【☆】 the spacing looks kinda wonky augh, anyway! it's my first time actually writing something serious, so enjoy!
word count: 4.5k
Why does it have to be me?
You mentally curse Aether while taking another step forward. After all the adventures you two shared, he bailed out when Nahida asked him to accompany The Wanderer on his little solo mission. Not only that, but he also suggested your name, something along the lines of “(name) seems to be more fitting for this job than me”. They didn't even give you a notice. The news of your impromptu trip came at the last second, leaving you with only a few hours to prepare, both mentally and physically.
You’re momentarily dragged out of your thoughts as you feel your foot slip, quickly putting your hands forward and catching yourself. It takes you a second to compose yourself and keep on hiking, while your companion just looks at you with an expression of irritation and floats by you.
He insisted on taking a shortcut, cutting right through deep vegetation and saving up time. That is if you can fly. Now, he stands on top of the hill, looking down on you as you stagger to keep up.
Slowly sinking back into your thoughts, you wonder… maybe Aether saw right through your annoyed façade, scowling every time you were faced with Kunikuzushi. Sure, he was rude and sometimes unbearable- but he had such a pretty face. And pretty eyes. And soft lips.
His hair also looked so soft, you wonder how it would feel to run your hand through it, slowly combing it. Maybe even pulling and tugging on it- alas, thinking of him, your thoughts always sway in a different direction.
The wanderer folds his arms over his chest. “This place seems adequate for resting. If it wasn’t for you, I would’ve already arrived at the destination. Fragile humans, always needing to rest after even a small effort.” Another not-so-subtle quip aimed at you. You stopped listening as soon as he started listing the other ways you “slowed him down”, focusing on setting up camp instead. You wished he could just shut up. Forever. But his voice sounds so heavenly, if only he wasn’t such a pain in the ass.
Unbeknownst to you, his eyes fall on your back, following your movements.
He can’t help it, really.
He’s always found himself strangely attracted to you. His gaze follows your hands as they pull and tug while setting up the tent, silently wishing they could do the same to him. He still doesn’t want to admit it to himself, but he was relieved when he found out Nahida choose you to accompany him. Even during previous interactions he has always secretly hoped to have your attention on him, throwing insults at you, enjoying every single glare you throw at him.
The thought of liking someone, especially if that someone is you , irks him. He has never needed anyone. Getting close to people (to humans, no less), is just asking to get betrayed again. He has seen it over and over again, relationships falling apart over the stupidest reasons, cheating and lies and whatnot. The aftermath is even more pathetic, fake sympathy when both parties are on “good terms” or the sadness of a heartbreak.
Despite finding himself starting over, leaving his life as The Balladeer behind, old habits die hard.
So he finds himself in an internal conflict between wanting you and hating you. The latter more often.
The sound of the tent opening grabs his attention- “are you coming inside or not?” you say, your head poking outside while holding the zipper down. Sighing, he takes off his hat and sits down next to you, crossed legs and staring off in the distance. He hates how soft your voice sounds when you’re not busy arguing with him. Soft breaths and defeated sighs as you pull the blanket over you both, covering his legs.
Once again, he finds his gaze falling on you, your back is facing him and your chest is heaving up and down as you breathe. He has half a mind to reach out and touch your hair, but he holds back, you’re still awake. Maybe he could wait until you fall asleep to silently satiate his wish, but the fear of getting caught is stronger. So he sinks under the blankets and settles for simply watching you sleep.
The Wanderer stirs awake, breathing softly as his eyes try to focus.
No light filters through the tent, assuming it’s still nighttime, he lays his head back on the pillow, but when trying to roll on his back, he feels his arm catch on something. That’s when he takes notice of the warm sensation of your body against his. And his arm on your waist, holding you tightly. A bit too tightly, you slightly stir in your sleep and can feel you press against him while your back arches.
He feels himself stiffening, a warm sensation down there, taking notice of how his shorts feel too tight and the tent too small. He removes his arm from your hips and tries to pull the other one from under your back, but to his utter dismay you turn, now facing him, luckily still sleeping.
Not so luckily, your arm is draped on his chest and your leg rests in between his, dangerously close to his semi-hard cock.
Sighing in defeat, his free arm on his forehead covering his eyes, he tries to fall asleep once again.
He doesn’t really need to sleep, physically speaking he does not get tired. During his fatui days, he was used to spending weeks awake on missions. It’s more for his sanity, the calm of the night allows him to organize his thoughts while resting his body. And Nahida would nag him to no end if she found out he was, once again, not sleeping in order to finish his work for her faster.
Trying not to focus on how tightly you’re holding him (or how close your leg is to where he wants you the most) holding him hostage against you, he tries distracting himself, hoping his erection dies down with his will to fight your grip.
Being the first one to wake up, quickly taking conscience of your current position, you panic slightly. You’ve never been this close to him, not that he would let you, he had such an aversion for touch, always keeping his distance.
But right now, his visage is relaxed, his usual scowl nowhere in sight, he looks beautiful.
Slowly moving your arm you reach out for his hair, slowly tucking some loose strands behind his ear, just to get a better look at his face. His eyes are closed, with that red eyeliner of his perfectly contouring his eye shape. Your eyes fall lower, his lips, rosy pink and so inviting. Sitting up and removing yourself completely from him, pulling the blanket off yourself, you turn once again.
But you’re not granted the chance to admire him more, his eyes slowly flutter awake, locking on you.
“Morning,” you murmur, voice still a bit raspy.
He doesn’t spare you a single glance, as he sits up, putting his outer layers and hat on and exiting the tent.
Oh wow, his bad attitude starts in the morning? Deciding to pay him no mind, you quickly collect your belongings and put the tent away.
“Do I not deserve a “good morning?” he hears you say sarcastically.
But he’s not listening. His mind is busy replaying the events from last night, and now, your gentle hand as you moved his hair out of his face. He’s thankful he can stand impossibly still, but he wishes he could have seen your face in that moment. What was your expression? Were you looking at him with adoration or simple curiosity toward his mechanical body? So many questions in his mind, he doesn’t even hear your steps as you stand next to him.
“Are you ignoring me?” - he huffs, interrupting you “Do you ever stop talking? It’s early morning and I don’t feel like entertaining your useless chatter.”
Just what’s the deal with him now? He starts walking away from you quickly. It takes a minute to catch up, knowing he’s going to be extra bothersome today.
This time, you are walking on a clear path, one that is actually shown on the map (unlike his shortcut), but that does not mean it’s any safer. On the contrary, the road is full of fungi, which you had to take care of- courtesy of Kunikuzushi, who apparently prefers watching you struggle instead of helping.
Today was going to be a long day.
Hearing the cool drizzling of a nearby river, you both decide to stop for a quick break.
Dropping your bag under a tree you make your way to the riverside, cooling your hands in the water, then splashing some on your face, a relieving break from the heat.
As the splashing stops, you can see the reflection of Kunikuzushi staring back at you.
Quietly whispering “hi” to try and break the tension gets you no answer from him. So you sit in silence for a few minutes before you rise on your feet, facing him, your faces a bit too close for comfort. He was standing awfully close to you, almost banging your head on the edge of his hat, he still doesn’t say a word.
“what’s deal with you today?” your tone sounding a bit irritated. You could put up with the banter, that was the norm between you two, silence just sounds wrong.
He turns on his feet, trying to put distance between you, but you quickly grab his hand stopping him from leaving. Now he’s angry, “let me go.” he spat, trying to remove himself from your grip.
“Why are you ignoring me?”
“I said let me go!” He uses his other hand to try and free himself, sometimes you forget he’s not human, but his strong grip instantly reminds you. You’re sure that’s gonna leave a mark.
He yanks your arm with an unexpected amount of strength and you lose your balance, toppling forward into his chest, taking the both of you for a fall on the ground.
Flinching as you land on top of him, you look up at him and now he looks pissed. His hands hitch towards you, but you’re faster, pinning them at his sides.
“Get. Off. Me.” he growls.
“Just answer me first,” huffing and still holding his arms down. You’re sitting in between his legs, looking at him from above, his hair disheveled and his cheeks such a cute shade of red. He could free himself from your grip at any moment, but for some reason, he’s choosing to put up a false scenario of struggling to move your arms. He stills when he notices how intensely your eyes are boring through him, he feels himself shrinking under you.
“where did all the bark in you go? giving up already?” you taunt. you just had to ruin the moment. Slowly closing the gap between your bodies, you stare at him more intently, and he swears he saw your eyes flickering between his and his lips. You remove one hand from his arm and repeat the same motion as this morning, moving his hair out of his eyes and sliding them behind his ears.
He’s so beautiful even when he’s angry, you conclude.
But by his reaction, you guess you said that out loud too. He uses his, now free, arm to grab you by the collar of your shirt and drag you closer to his face, your chests now pressed together. He slams your faces together in an attempt to kiss you, it’s messy and it’s inexperienced, teeth clanking together and all. It’s cute.
Pulling away almost instantly you glare at him, “Is this why you’ve been so pissy all morning? You just wanted a kiss?” shifting from the current position to straddling his hips.
“No, that’s not it.” you say as you feel something poking your thigh, his face a darker shade of red, “you want more.”
He moves his hips, trying to get away from the pressure but accidentally ends up brushing his hard-on further on your thigh. “That’s not true.” he winces at his own tone, it sounded winded and not as angry as he wanted.
“Liar.” your hand slides down the side of his face, now gripping his chin forcing him to keep eye contact. “At least your body is honest.” you taunt with newfound confidence. “But if that’s what you reaaally want-” “No!” he interrupts you, stopping your movements before you could even begin lifting yourself off him. “No? so you do want me.”
He looks away again, too ashamed to keep eye contact with you. “Who would’ve known, this bratty personality of yours was just you being a whore all this time.” “N-no, I’m not…!” whatever fight he had left in him disappeared as you slowly grind your hips on his erection.
You lean forward “Just say it. Say it and I’ll give you what you want.”
“Need I remind you… y-you’re the one grinding on me like a whore?” he tries to regain some decency.
“How cute. ” you cut in before he can get another word in and reconnect your lips together, gentler this time. He instantly melts into it, his hand sneaking in your hair to push your faces together even further. He whimpers in the kiss when he feels you pressing harder on his dick. Oh, he was so cute to play with, you couldn’t wait to ruin him.
Moving your hand from his face, you drag your nails on his chest, making him gasp, taking advantage of that to shove your tongue in his mouth. He licks the inside of your mouth with a tinge of desperation, his fingers pushing your head harder. Biting his lips, you break away from the kiss, panting, and a trail of saliva connecting your mouths.
“Swallow.” you say, holding his mouth open as a glob of saliva rolls off your tongue and into his.
He winces slightly but does as you say. “Good boy,” and he prays you don’t feel him twitching in his pants at the nickname. But you do, and meet his gaze with a knowing smirk.
He feels your weight pulling off from him, a look of panic in his eyes thinking you were going to leave him there, but suddenly he feels himself getting dragged up and onto your lap.
Now above you, he feels a bit of control, but that’s short-lived, the moment he feels your lips on his neck he turns into putty in your hands. Biting and licking, leaving marks that he can’t cover. Your hands slide slower, on his sides and pulling on his bow until it comes undone. You give one harsh bite and he moans, his face now nuzzled between your neck and shoulder, trying to mask his noises. Cute.
With the bow now off, you have more access to his sides, dragging your hands on his skin-tight body suit. Your touch sends shivers down his sides, the body suit doing little to nothing to numb your touch, it’s like he’s not wearing anything.
Interrupting the assault on his neck, you look in between your bodies, at his shorts. There’s a little wet spot forming at the tip, and you can see it twitching. “Can I?” you ask, pulling him from his hair to make him look at you in the eyes. He nods quickly and fails to cover the moan that escapes him as you cup his bulge. He is uncharacteristically warm all over, but especially down there.
Tugging at the sides of his shorts, he gets the memo and lifts himself up, just enough for you to slide them mid-tight. As you pull his body suit to the side, freeing his erection, he is suddenly very aware of the fact that you are, in fact, still outside, just a few meters away from the main path.
But that thought quickly gets pushed to the back of his mind as he feels your hands on him. He shivers, your gentle fingers go over his slit, gathering pre cum and sliding it all over his shaft.
His arms drape around your neck as he hides his face on you again, slowly and not so subtly taking in your smell. He is so sensitive , feeling every movement of your soft hand as you slowly jerk him off.
“F-fuck, move faster,” he speaks, muffled and hushed near your ear.
“What’s the magic word?” you continue, agonizingly slow.
Really? You’re pulling this on him now?
“...Please?” he says, even more hushed now.
Satisfied for now, you speed up your movements, alternating between sliding your tight fist over his shaft to rubbing his tip. You hear him moaning and whimpering, all muffled by your shoulder. That simply won’t do.
Your hand comes off him, pushing his back to the ground. He looks at you confused, already missing your touch on him. But then you pull his shorts completely off, spreading his legs enough for you to shimmer in between them. Pushing himself up, he looks down at you. You grab his hands and slowly move them to your head.
Grabbing his legs and dragging him closer to you, you leave a trail of kisses along his tight, stopping to leave a few bites and sucking to leave a mark before moving on to the other one. Everywhere your mouth goes it's followed by a series of dark bruises and bite marks.
He shudders as you place one kiss on his tip, before licking the precum that’s leaking out. The grip on your head tightens as your tongue darts out giving small kitten licks.
Fed up by the teasing, he pushes you forward, managing to sink in half his length before you gag. You try to push back, but his grip holds you in place. You stare at him, angry eyes meeting his. Looking down at you, he smirks before pushing your head further, your nose touching his pelvis, effectively burying himself to the hilt.
His chest heaving heavily, your warm mouth engulfs him fully, and before he’s prepared he feels your mouth bobbing up and down his length, tongue swirling and licking a prominent vein on his cock.
“F-fuck, that’s good…” he moans, unable to muffle it as both his hands are busy on your head.
His stomach churls, watching as you work hard to get him off. He jolts when he feels you pinch the inside of his thigh, twitching in your mouth as he feels his climax approaching.
“ ‘m close…” he musters out in between moans, his grip tightening on your hair. His hips move forward, slowly at first, but he speeds up, now actively fucking your throat.
He doesn’t even notice you stopped moving your head, letting him use your mouth however he pleases.
“I’m gonna-... hah! F-fuck I’m gonna cum”, his moans are now just a series of hushed “ah’s” making your heart flutter. He’s so cute when he’s desperate.
You have half a mind to edge him and make him fight for his release, but you want to see him cum. You want to see how his face crunches in pleasure. You want to be the reason he finds himself breathless.
He thrusts in you one last time before releasing, thighs clenching around your head. Warm spurts of cum shoot down your throat as you struggle to swallow it all. He holds your head in place, no intent of letting go until he feels his body go limp.
He falls with his back laying on the ground with a soft thud. Taking your mouth off his softening cock you climb on top of his body, Kissing him, he grimaces at the bitter taste of his own release. Your hands still roaming his body, one pinching his nipples through the body suit while the other reaches down in between his legs.
“ hah… mh! wait, I just finished-” he whimpers while closing his legs on your hand.
“Who said I was done with you? I haven’t gotten my fill yet.” you free your hand, getting up and rucking your pants down, and you take off your underwear too.
Kunikuzushi’s eyes immediately fall down, staring at your leaking cunt. He wants it in his mouth. He wants to be inside you, he feels his cock twitch as it starts to harden once again.
You straddle his hips, this time, sitting on his dick, slowly grinding your core on it. His hands grab your waist, dragging you closer to himself, his face looks so soft, his lips so biteable. You kiss him once again, caressing one side of his face. His fingers dig into your hips with need, you can feel him now fully hard against your thigh.
He lets out a small gasp as you grab him in your palm, aligning him with your hole.
“w-wait…” he gets cut off as you slowly sink on him. His head falls back as he lets out a guttural moan, you feel heavenly. Your insides are warm and your walls flutter around him, sending shivers down his spine.
His face is crunched up, not in pain… he just looks like he’s concentrating really hard, with fingers still gripping your sides, he looks at you with lidded eyes.
Locking eyes with him, your hips move forward. It’s the smallest movement, but it sends his head spinning in pleasure, biting his lips and trying to hold back his moans. It’s when you start bouncing on him with a rhythm that he totally loses control. Moaning with no shame, his hands now have a messy grip on whatever they can hold of you.
He looks like a mess, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, his eyes are unfocused and there’s a bit of drool on the side of his mouth. Your hand slowly moves to his neck, you’re aware he doesn’t need to breathe, but squeezing his throat gets a reaction out of him anyway.
“That’s right… only I can make you feel like this,” he moans, interrupting you. “Only I can make you feel this good. Got that?”, he nods, his eyes closed shut.
Leaning down to leave more marks on his neck, you hear him whimpering right in your ears. It only spurs you on, riding him faster while he squirms and writes under you.
He doesn’t speak this time, but you can tell he’s already close. You are too, his cute little noises only fueling the fire in the pit of your stomach.
Biting on his neck, he gasps, back arching off the ground while he holds you tighter than ever. You look at how his expression changes, eyes closed with tears prickling at the sides, and then you feel him twitch and a warm sensation flood your insides. It takes him a moment, his arms slide down your sides while he catches his breath. But the moment is short-lived, you start riding him again, his eyes shoot open as he grabs you trying to stop you.
He opens his mouth to speak, but you stop him, shoving two fingers in it. “Suck.” It’s an order, he swirls his tongue around them while sucking. He’s still so sensitive, having just finished. “mhhfm! I- ah- I can’t-” he tries speaking, but you shush him shoving your fingers in deeper making him gag.
Now tears are actively streaming down his face. God, he looks so ruined. Marks all over his neck and thighs, his body suit can partially cover some of them but the rest will be visible. He will be walking around Sumeru and everyone will know that he is yours. Only you can see him like this, only you can fuck him till he cries.
You slam harder on his cock, feeling his come from his previous orgasm leak down his shaft and onto his thighs. The noises coming from the both of you are obscene. Anyone passing by could hear you, the thought makes you clench on him. Feeling your orgasm approaching, you take your fingers out of his mouth and trap him in a kiss.
Your walls tighten around him, and moaning in his mouth you reach your climax.
Still breathing heavily, you grab his face turning it towards you, tears are still sliding down his face. You place a kiss on the corner of his eye, licking one tear away.
“You… made me swallow your spit,” he says between pants, after a minute of silence. His mind is no longer foggy, he cringes at how high his voice got when he was moaning just a few minutes ago.
“And you enjoyed it,” you say while pushing yourself up, you let his limp cock slip out of you. Leaving his lap to reach for your clothes, you can feel him boring holes in your back.
Does he want to say something…? You offer him a hand to pull him up, which he silently grabs. Pulling his shorts up and helping him redress, he looks at you with rosy cheeks and a slight pout. There are so many thoughts swirling in his head. What was it you said about him being yours…? Did you mean it? It irritated him how you seemed to move on so quickly after fucking his literal brains out.
“You know,” you begin talking, “you are much more submissive than I thought-”
“Fuck off! It’s all your fault. You make me feel all weird all the time.” he snaps back.
“Oh? Don’t tell me I'm giving you butterflies-” he slaps his hand on your mouth, “shut it.”
“and quit licking my hand it’s not gonna make me let go.”
He hears you mumble something and removes his hand. “Okay, okay. I’m not gonna make fun of you. But just so you know, I don’t do one night stands, you’re stuck with me now” You grab his face and drag it closer to you, and when he doesn’t fight back you bring your lips together once again. This one is soft, no longer spurred on by lust and need. When you break the kiss he looks at you with something akin to adoration in his eyes.
“you’re so cute. cute. cute. cute.” you repeat while peppering his whole face with kisses. He groans but lets you do as you please, a defeated look in his eyes as he hears you giggle while kissing him one final time on the lips.
While you keep nuzzling his neck, he looks up at the sky taking notice of how the sun has begun setting, sighing. He guesses Nahida will just have to wait more for her mission to get completed. But at least he has you now to keep him company.
Nahida would be happy to know he’s finally making connections with humans.
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wolken-himmel · 2 years
In which Riddle decides to properly introduce (Y/n) to Che'nya during a tea party.
Little do the attendants know that these two have been dating for a while now.
Request by anon.
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The Heartslabyul garden was as perfect as ever — with these accurately trimmed hedges, and the soft sound of the flamingos playing in the distance. And you were able to enjoy this peaceful atmosphere from afar, in a gazebo with a cup of steaming and delicious tea in your hands.
This was the life.
Well, until Riddle turned to you and shot you an expectant look. "Prefect, thank you for joining us for tea today. We are glad you could make it," he said with a polite smile decorating his face.
You nodded, although your smile seemed a little bit wonky around the edges. Something about the entire tea party now seemed off to you; normally, Riddle would never smile at you like that. Thus, you shrank a little bit into yourself and tipped the last remaining droplets of tea down your suddenly dry throat.
Trey noticed and picked up the kettle. "Would you like more tea, (Y/n)?"
"Sure, Trey. Thank you." And again, after your cup had been refilled, you resumed chugging down the tea to quench your thirst and your nerves.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed how Riddle looked at you with a curious gaze. After a while of leaving you alone, he finally placed his cup onto the saucer with a loud clank — your doom was near. "However, aside from enjoying your company, there is also another reason why we have invited you to have tea with us today..." the dormleader trailed off hesitantly. "At the annoying insistence of one of our old childhood friends, who very much wanted to meet you properly, (Y/n) — we have decided to properly introduce you to each other. You already know him from the few times he appeared during our gatherings without an invitation."
Deuce had a nervous frown on his face. "Do I really have to do this drum-roll, Cater?" he asked and pointed to the set of drums in his lap. He clutched the sticks nervously as he looked at his upperclassman for guidance.
"Yes!" Cater assured and patted the blue-haired student on the shoulder. "There is no fun without a little bit of dramatisation, no?"
"Okay..." A hefty sigh escaped Deuce's lips before he brought down the sticks. His drumming was clumsy, but he managed to drum a rhythm worthy of a memorable entrance. "Drum-roll for— Che'nya!" he announced and let the stick collide with the drum for one last time.
First, a floating head appeared in the middle of nowhere. Then, a body beneath it slowly started to manifest and become visible. It was none other than Che'nya who wore a wide grin on his face. "Thank you. Thank you! Thank you all for the generous invitation." He strode over to the gazebo with proud steps, his nose held high and his tail swishing around enchantingly.
Your eyes grew to the size of saucers when he took a seat right across from you. The grin he wore on his face was solely directed at you, and he even wiggled his eyebrows mockingly when you continued to gape at him. And well, who could blame you for such a reaction? The cat-beastman sitting across from you was none other than your boyfriend. Now you were stuck in the strange situation of your friends introducing you to your boyfriend? Yes, this was absolutely absurd. Perhaps keeping your relationship a secret had been a mistake.
"A-Ah, it's nice to see you again, Che'nya," you stammered out and forced a smile onto your face.
The RSA student seemed to enjoy basking in your awkward stiffness, quietly snickering to himself all the while. "Likewise, it is wonderful to see you again, dear!" he exclaimed and clasped his hands together innocently. "How have you been?"
"...I've been adequate," you seethed through clenched teeth when you could feel his foot gently kicking your leg beneath the table.
This entire meeting must have been his doing! He was trying to tease you... see how far he could take it before you would explode with awkwardness.
Riddle, however, seemed to take no notice of your strange disposition towards one another. Instead, he raised his hands and began introducing you to one another, "Che'nya, (Y/n). (Y/n), Che'nya. I'm sure you'll get along splendidly. Che'nya is just like your other troublemaker friends, prefect..." A disapproving sigh escaped the dormleader's lips.
"Hey, (Y/n). Are you alright?" Trey asked in concern when your finger curled around the handle of your cup so much that he was worried about you breaking the porcelain. He furrowed his eyebrows. "You look tense."
"No need to be so nervous, dear!" Che'nya cooed and bared his teeth playfully. "I don't bite~"
Your hands clenched into fists beneath the table, you put on the politest of smiles you could muster. "I'm just... really excited to meet you for the very, very first time properly. I mean, you disappeared the last times before we could even begin a proper conversation. I... I absolutely know nothing about you! How about we fix that now?"
"Sounds like a marvellous idea," Che'nya drawled.
A little bit out of the loop, Riddle merely regarded the two of you with a strange glance before he slowly began, "As you may already know, Che'nya, (Y/n) is the magicless prefect of the Ramshackle dorm—"
Che'nya feigned to listen intently, yet he never broke eye-contact with you. "Aha. Aha." A little grin decorated his face when he noticed you squirm in your seat. "Hm... I see," he continued to occasionally comment whenever the dormleader thought he wasn't listening anymore.
"And as you may already know, (Y/n), Che'nya is a second-year attending Royal Sword Academy—"
You stayed entirely silent through Riddle's introduction of Che'nya. All the while, however, you were too stubborn to avert your gaze — no matter how uncomfortable you felt. Instead, you replied to his grin with narrowed eyes. By then, every other attendant of the gathering was staring at the two of you and your absurd telepathic exchange.
"Are you two alright?" Deuce asked in utter confusion. "Is there something we're missing?"
"No, continue," you both replied unanimously.
"(Y/n), you should stop glaring at Che'nya like that..." Ace whispered into your ear, laughing, "...or else he will fall off his chair as a dead man in a second."
You waved him off, still staring at the cat-beastman. "Pff, serves him right."
"What's gotten into you, dear. You look like someone stepped on your tail," Che'nya said and wiggled his eyebrows.
"As you can see," you said with pursed lips, "I have no tail to be stepped on."
Che'nya merely began laughing at your attempt at sass. "It was a figurative way of speaking," he said and clapped his hands in delight.
"Perhaps someone stepped on your tail?" you retorted while taking a sip of your by now cold tea.
"Perhaps! Yesterday, I had a visitor over... and then they simply didn't look where they were going and stepped on my tail," Che'nya explained and tapped his chin. "But, it was no biggie. I was rewarded with head-pats afterwards. Did you guys know that (Y/n) gives the best head-pats?"
At once, Riddle furrowed his eyebrows and suspiciously muttered, "It seems like you're implying something, Che'nya."
"Oh, me? It's nothing!" He let out a gasp and jumped to his feet in a dazed panic. "Oh my, it looks like it's time to leave now... Before anyone back at home notices that anything is amiss."
Although Trey looked taken aback, he merely nodded and gave their leaving visitor a friendly wave. "Oh... It was nice having you with us, Che'nya."
The second-year in question nodded and shot the entire round of attendants a mischievous smile. "I enjoyed the party immensely!" Then, without a warning, he turned to you and bowed teasingly. "I hope you did, too, (Y/n) dear."
Still on edge about your boyfriend spilling your secret to your Heartslabyul friends, you clutched the fabric of your blazer and let out a stiff chuckle. "...It was certainly nice to meet you properly for the first time," you said, your voice suspiciously going up and down in pitch.
"Ta-ta! Farewell, my friends~" Che'nya disappeared into thin air with a grin on his face and a swish of his tail. First, his body became invisible, then his grinning face as well.
"That was strange," Riddle muttered after a while of confused silence. "Even for Che'nya."
"You're so cute," someone suddenly whispered into your right ear, "when you're annoyed, (Y/n)~"
A startled scream escaped your lips, and you whipped your head around to find the source of the speaker — but no one stood behind you whatsoever. "Who said that?!" you cried out and rubbed your right ear in embarrassment.
The other Heartslabyul students at the table eyed you in concern, and eventually, Deuce gained enough courage to ask, "(Y/n), are you alright? Nobody said anything." A little gasp escaped his lips when he realised that, in your panic, you had jumped to your feet and bumped against the table. "Oh no— you spilled the tea all over yourself... At least it's not boiling hot anymore."
You pursed your lips in shame, but perhaps this was the perfect opportunity to excuse yourself from this awkward tea party. You had already made a fool of yourself, anyway. After having taken a deep breath, you announced, "Oh... sorry, guys. I'll have to take my leave, as well— tea stains are hard to get out of these white shirts." You forced one last time onto your lips. "Thank you so much for the fun time, though. See you around!" Then, you turned around and dashed away without another word.
Ace crossed his arms in suspicion. "Oi, there's something we don't know about these two."
"Oh, they're in a relationship, didn't you know?" Cater asked casually while editing the pictures he had taken of the tea party.
"What?!" the entire table cried out at once.
Surprised at their extreme reaction, Cater almost dropped his phone. However, he didn't, and with great care, he put it back into his pocket before facing the round of flabbergasted Heartslabyul students. "Yeah, so you guys really didn't know, huh? Che'nya's tail can be seen on a lot of (Y/n)'s Magicam posts if you look a little bit more closely. It's not an all that well-guarded secret, even if they want it to be." A sheepish smile appeared on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck. "That's why I was so confused when you said that this was their first proper introduction to one another, Riddle."
The dormleader looked like he was about to explode with how red his face had turned. "He played us, again... Like a fiddle!" he cried out and threw his hands into the air.
Likewise, Trey shook his head in disbelief. "What else did we expect from Che'nya..."
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redslug · 10 months
Denoiser wisdom
Since a lot of people showed interest in my workflow of using SD like a renderer for existing sketches, I'll be sharing the little tricks I find while exploring the capabilities of SD with Neuroslug. Read the inpainting post to understand this one. When inpainting, the model takes into consideration what is already in the area it regenerates and in the areas around it. How exactly it'll follow these guidelines is determined by denoising strength. At low values it'll stick closely to the areas of color it sees and won't create anything radically different from the base. At high denoising strength it'll gladly insert colors, shapes and silhouettes that weren't there originally. Basically the more you trust your sketch the smaller your denoising strength should be. It doesn't mean you won't need the high denoising at some point. Let me explain it using yesterday's artwork. It all starts with a rough sketch.
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Since I have a particular composition in mind and want it to be maintained, I'll be using a low denoising strength to fully regenerate this image.
It means that the algorithm won't have enough freedom to fix my large-scale mistakes, it's simply not allowed to change the areas of color too dramatically. So if you want to do this yourself make sure to set the image to black and white first and check that your values are working and contrast is good.
To make sure the result isn't too cartoony and flat I used brushes with strong color jitter and threw a rather aggressive noise texture over the whole thing. This'll give the denoiser a little wiggle room to sprout details out of thin air.
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It kept the composition, the suggested lighting and the majority of flowers kept their intended colors too. This was denoising strength 0f 0.4. To contrast that, same base image with denoising at 0.7:
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It's pretty, but it's neither the style nor composition I wanted. Let's refine the newly redrawn base to include the details that were lost in transition. These were intended to be roses.
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It's here where I learned a little trick. You can mix and match different models to achieve the look you desire. Neuroslug is good at detailed moths and painterly environments. It's not good at spitting out really detailed flowers, they end up looking very impressionist which is not what I want in foreground. So, I switched to an anime focused model and let it run wild on this bush with high (0.7) denoising strength.
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Nice definition, but it looks too smooth and isn't in line with what I want. Switching back to Neuroslug with denoising at 0.5 and letting it work over these roses.
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This way, I get both the silhouette and contrast of the anime model (counterfeitV30) and the matching style of Neuroslug. It's also useful in cases where the model doesn't know a particular flower. You can generate an abstract flower cluster with the anime model and use the base model to remind the AI that what you want is in fact a phlox specifically. So I did this to basically every flower cluster on the image to arrive at this:
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It's still a bit of a mess but it has taken me about 80% of the way there, the rest I'll be fixing up myself.
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My "Lazy Foliage" brush set was really helpful for this. I'll release that one once it accumulates enough brushes to be really versatile. Now we block in the character.
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Yes, I left the hands wonky since I intend to be drawing them manually later, same about the foot. There's so much opportunity for the AI to mess them up that I'd rather have all the control on these details.
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When it renders the face it can really mess up everything, so I do it with low (0.45) denoising strength to discourage new eyes popping up in inappropriate places. Take note that I kept the antennae out of the mask. AI is easily confused when one subject overlaps the other.
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Good, good. Wait. Why are your eyes hairy? Now, mask out the eyes, remove all mention of fur from the prompt and
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That's about right. Since the eyes are all one color block I can afford to raise the denoising strength for more wild results. Same for areas of just fluff on the entire body, it's all one texture and having the denoiser at 0.6-0.75 is beneficial because it's going to add locks, stray hairs and other fluffy goodness. Just make sure to not make the mask too tight to the silhouette, it needs some space to add hairs sticking out.
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With the skirt it was back to really low denoising. The folds I blocked in make sense with the position oh her legs under it, so I didn't want it to be lost.
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Lastly, I drew in a flower that she's planting and ran over it with moderately high denoising to make it match the surrounding style. Ignore the biblically accurate roots there, I'll fix them by hand.
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One last pass over the whole thing in Procreate. I draw the hands and add details such as the round pseudopupils, face ridges and wing markings to keep the character consistent with the previous image of her. And a bit of focal blur for a feeling of depth. Phew, even with generous use of AI this whole thing took an entire day of work. In the end what determines quality isn't the tool you use but the attention you choose to pay to finding inconsistencies and fixing them.
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singeart · 6 months
Okayy we got a Voyager science officer cosplay to make, here(wa)s the plan:
Using an existing pattern I found on etsy, I made adjustments based on vibes reference pictures of Janeway from Night and seeing what other people have made before (shout out to thresholdbb I was Looking at their past cosplays).
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Treksona presentation to illustrate the changes I made~
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Half the battle was decoding what the vintage pattern instructions were trying to tell me 🤡 but eventually with the help of the internet and my mom on call I figured out each step!
Oh and I had to learn how to iron and how the whole dang sewing machine worked, oiling it, threading the bobbin and needle, I even took apart the foot pedal at one point because I thought it wasn't working lol.
The mockups below, I made one out of Swedish tracing paper and the next one out of cotton (curtains I thrifted) after confirming that it would probably fit:
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Turned out pretty good but I decided to move the front seams over just a bit...
Laying out the final pattern:
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Cutting out the final pieces was really exciting it was starting to look like something!!
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Detail shots below... I didn't feel like I could get the crispness I wanted for the shoulder points with the machine so I did it by hand :')
The shoulder pads were very exciting to put in as well!! I asked the person at JoAnn what the difference was between the two different shoulder pads I had picked up and they said one was more 80s power suit-- that was definitely the one I wanted for this jacket hehe
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The final jacket below with a top I found on ebay (also found boots from there)!!! I ended up putting the sleeves in with a machine and ummm there's some puckering I'm trying not to be annoyed about h a h a. I may go back and fix that eventually I don't know... The invisible zipper I got didn't work either so I need to replace that somehow too hrm.
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Anyway, I thrifted pants because I didn't want to tackle a whole other piece; I just added fabric to the bottom because they were a smidge short and then cut the iconic vent.
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Here's the jacket on me, taken with a weird camera angle so the shoulders are a bit wonky at the edges haha but look!! I lined everything up so well!!
(comm badge and pips from etsy)
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I felt ready to go hop on a ship sign me up for first contact I'm ready 🫡
Awright Lessons I Learned:
sewing projects take much much longer than anticipated (I went to stsf and was sewing licherally the night before and morning of. I know it's the convention experience but I was a tad stressed lol)
hand sewing in particular takes forever but I enjoyed it!
people are right to complain about setting in sleeves what da hell was that
flannel (what I used for the black part because it matched the pants the best) was great to work with
linen (the best teal they had in the store) was not!! doesn't iron well, doesn't sew well I don't want to use it ever again <3
this was my first sewing project Ever and I still was pretty hard on myself e h e..........much to think about...
Final words of wisdom from my mom:
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Back to the Scully blouse soon!! After a little break :) Thanks for reading!
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tessasilverswan · 2 months
In tsc2 I want a pottery scene à la Ghost in Jeremy's pov:
• Jean begrudgingly goes to the pottery class and it turns out he's good at it
• Jeremy's... well... He made one (1) wonky bowl for Cat and Laila and decided it wasn't his thing, but he's still going to have fun spinning the clay
• one day at the pottery studio, or wherever they hold the class, it's just them. Maybe they stayed for Jean to finish a piece.
• Jeremy, idle and not having learned from the "yes, Jerémy" incident, shoots himself in the foot again because they're doing the they're-attracted-to-each-other-but-don't-acknowledge-it thing
• cue grabbing a stool and sitting beside Jean and tickling him until Jean takes Jeremy's hands and puts them on the clay with a soft annoyed sigh
• Jeremy almost breaks because he has seen Ghost and hasn't until this point realized what the situation looks like and also Jean's breath close to his ear and his hands on Jeremy's
• Jeremy ends up making a second wonky bowl because Jean is also very much flustered by Jeremy's hands in his and can't save the almost-was-a-vase in time
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adoristsposts · 1 year
growing up is | quinn hughes
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author's note; i love a hughes boy and i love a ruel song. also my keyboard has a wonky r key right now. pls bare with me and any spelling mistakes because of it. summary; in which quinn has a hard time coming to terms with the road your relationship has taken. inspired by growing up is ___ by ruel. word count;warnings; angst, mentions of drinking & smoking, mentions of sex. characters; quinn hughes x reader
Heard you moved out of town on the weekend. Understand, but I'm sad that you're leaving. Are you up making friends with the ceiling? Yeah, I know the feeling
Quinn wondered if his brother could hear his frown down the phone. He held it to his ear, refraining from a grimace as Jack described how he had just helped you move out of you first apartment. The one Quinn had helped you pick out.
I wasn't trying to let you down, I was just working my shit out. I'm sorry I didn't know how much I led you on
He could remember where your friendship had stuttered, becoming complicated and messy and unbearable. You had wanted so much more than he could give you. He blamed himself. Hockey was his life, and he had chosen his passion for it over any hope of a life with you.
Growin' up is weird, sleep with friends, break a heart
The two of you had first slept together on a Saturday night. Jack had friends 'round to hang about the firepit and Quinn was facing a self-imposed confinement to his room because of it. You, however, were his biggest opponent in that. He could hear you laughing, howling with delight. After an hour of sitting thee, waiting for you to start sulking that he wasn't there, he finally left his room. Only to loiter in the kitchen for a few minutes, but it was enough. Before long you were holding a quiet conversation with him. It only took an hour or two for the older boy to escort you back to his bedroom.
Question everything you thought
The one night stand had left his head spinning. He was far too infatuated with you. You lingered on his sheets and clothes, and he couldn't step foot in his bedroom or even glance at the clothes you had helped him discard without thinking of you. It wasn't long before it happened again. He never realised that his interest in you could spiral this far.
Split a pill, smoke a dart. Growin' up is weird, fall in love for a year
He lit up with Luke months later, the off season giving them a rare opportunity to partake in the regular activities of older brother corruption. And as Luke's faced twisted as he tried to hold the smoke in, he said "So, when are you two going to admit you're in love?" "Shut up." Quinn laughed. He reached over and plucked the blunt from Luke's fingers. "We're basically just fuck buddies." He clarified, taking a long draw of it and then rudely blowing the smoke back into his brother's face. "For like, a year." Luke pointed out. Quinn just shook his head, and so the younger boy laughed "Fine! Call it what you want. We all see how you two look at each other."
And then I disappear, wish that you were here
The conversation had really thrown him off. Quinn was now hyperaware of how he treated you. He was blowing you off, ignoring your texts. He wasn't in love with you. Definitely not. Probably not. The distance was affecting him. He spent practices wondering if you were thinking of him and games wondering if he would catch you in the crowd. He was distracted and it was throwing him off. He didn't miss the looks from his teammates. He knew he either had to call it off officially or go crawling back to you.
Growin' up is strange, get too close, push away, thinking you would do the same. New regrets, new mistakes
For a while, Quinn chose the second option. It was just sex. Right? That's what he told himself at the club with you, his brothers, and some of their friends. You had brought some of your own, chatting away happily. Quinn only noticed your distraction because he was playing his game on how long it lasted. He needed to show himself you weren't all he wanted anymore. One day you would find someone and decide your fuck buddy status was discardable. He needed to know he could still play when that happened, still live. So he picked a girl and before long his tongue was down her throat. He felt giddy with alcohol and guilt, especially so when he turned to see your back as your friends escorted a crying you out of the club.
Growin' up is strange when the one who's to blame is lookin' at the mirror, wish that you were here.
He needed a haircut. It was shaggy and dishevelled and he didn't have you to carefully trim the edges when it annoyed him anymore. Of course the thought only enraged him more as he looked at himself in the mirror. His jaw locked as he saw the physical proof of how far he had fallen since fucking it all up. He covered the mirror with a towel and booked an appointment at a barber's shop.
Get emotional at two in the morning, it's a habit, know I shouldn't be callin'. Then you let me in, is that what you wanted? Is this what we wanted?
A tough game finally breaks him. He should have been asleep, exhausted from the physical and mental work he had put in for his team. Instead he's dialling your number. To be safe he had deleted your contact, but those 10 digits were engrained in his head. When you picked up your voice was raspy with sleep. "Quinn?" "Hey." He breathed out happily. "Trev's sleeping, what's up?" He paused. "Trev? As in Trevor?" He questioned. Jack's friend, his friend, player on the team he had played days ago. "Yeah uh- I thought Jack had told you. Sorry." "Oh no, he did. Don't worry. I just uh..." He bit back the tears. The lie rolled off his tongue easier than it should've. He racked his brain for an excuse. "Tough game?" You filled in for him. "I watched. I'm sorry, Q." He held back a curse. "Yeah uh. Thanks. We should catch up." "Sure." And then the two of you fell silent. There were quiet snores on your side of the phone and Quinn was hit with the harsh reality 'Trev's sleeping' meant he was sleeping next to you. "Think we can plan it in the morning?" You said. He was reminded of all the times you would say that smilingly to him about breakfast, or how he was going to sneak you out of his room without his family noticing. "Yeah. Yeah, sure."
Now you're back in town, no, I can't come around. Are we better without the what if's and doubts. Is this it? Are we both too far gone to forget, and try again?
"Quinn? Are you listening?" Jack asked. Quinn snapped out of his thoughts about the phone call you two had shared less than a week ago. "Yeah, sorry, go on." "Anyways," Jack began again, "the two of them are having a house warming next week. Since you're in town you should come." "I don't know, Jack." Quinn sighed. "She asked if I would ask you." Oh. You wanted him there.
Oh-oh, bet I'll just disappear. Oh, will I just disappear? Wish that you were here. Growing up is
But he was too old now, a year and a half between when your relationship had started with fiery passion and clashing teeth. "I have practice, I think." He lied. "But you can tell them I'm happy for them."
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