#I miss her bangs and dark color pallete:(
anieluvs · 2 years
How it should’ve been 💔
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dark-and-kawaii · 5 years
Kiwiiii =_= ive been waiting to see if you ever write for any of the kuroko boys again and here we are. As Kiyoshi Senpai would say, let's all have some fun! How would our bad boys feel when their fem s/o asks to do their makeup 🐞
Awh, I’ve honestly missed writing for my basketball babes (^w^)
 EHEHE!!! Kiyoshi is right! Let’s all have some fun, yeah??? This request is making me feel so many things since I myself am a makeup artist!!! Thank you so much for sending this in love bug!!!
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Bless his heart, because this boy is the absolute best. 
Kicking open his bedroom door -makeup pallets in hand- your eyes are practically glowing with so much passion as you run towards him. “Yams!!! Look!! Look!!!” Pressing your pallets against his face he already knows the next thing you’re about to say… “I just got some new pallets!!” -twirling around your skirt lifts ever so slightly and our sweet bad boy is smiling with how cute you are with all your excitement.- “I already have makeup on…. ~sooooo could i please use your face as my canvas?!” 
Yamazaki will of course say yes. He’s mainly curious to see what you can pull off and he’s never had makeup on before so he’s also curious as to how it feels…. 
Will sit as still as he possibly can but his nerves kick in and his knee begins to bounce around which isn’t the best for you since you’re trying to do his mascara… 
You definitely end up poking him in the eye with mascara since he won’t stop bouncing his knee.. And when you try to reapply it he leans back every time while squinting at you… It’ll take years for him to ever trust such a product again, especially in your hands…
Will sit and make kissy faces at you when you apply the lipstick / cracks jokes about how the team would be gay for him.
When the process is all over and you’ve finished his makeup, Yamazaki can see how sad you look since you were having so much fun with him and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying this time with you as well… Picking up one of the pallets you seemed most interested in, Yamazaki will stand from where he was sitting and tell you to sit down. “I want to try doing your makeup, ___.”
Yamazaki will gently wipe off the makeup you had on previously and once its all wiped off he will then attempt to apply makeup to your face…. 
Just as you did to him… He did to you with the mascara… You and Yamz will never trust one another with mascara ever again.
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Hara just pops his gum as you sit in front of him silently wide eyed awaiting his reply… He pops another bubble… And you can’t take it anymore. “So!? What’s the answer Hara? Will you let me play with my new makeup with you or not?? It should be at my place by now and i really think it would be fun for us!”
Hara makes an annoyed sound as he pops yet another bubble, “Sure, but only if you give me a blow job after.” You can hardly believe it…. that’s a lie… you can believe he would say something like that…. With disgust written all over your face you get up from your desk and begin to storm out while harshly saying, “FINE! I’ll find someone else!! Someone who doesn’t need or want anything in return except fun memories!”
It takes only 2 minutes before Hara is sitting up from his very own desk going after you. Maybe that was a bit too harsh, you’re always doing for him and unlike his previous girls he wants to keep you around.
Eventually finds you on your front steps holding your new Jeffree Star lipsticks and pallet. Taking one of the lipsticks out of your hand he opens it and applies it best he can before pressing his lips together making a popping noise. Smiling at you he pulls back his bangs from his face and asks you if you can help make him a pretty girl.
Turns out to be a fun night with Hara. Applying makeup to him is easy thanks to his smooth skin and him being patient with you. 
Asks if he’s getting anything in returned like sex or a BJ, you just smack him upside the head though. 
Hara surprisingly likes the feeling of eyeshadow being applied to his eyes, your brush is extremely soft and the smooth swiping motions on his eyes is quite calming. Will ask you questions about what does what and what the purpose is… It’s not that he cares it’s just he really wants to make up for how he acts at times -lowkey hopes it scores him points with you-. 
Once his makeup is complete he will tell you to stay in the bathroom as he goes into your room and raids your panty drawer. No no no. It’s not what you think. Once he’s done doing what he wanted, he will come back to your bathroom and there standing before you is one tall ass basketball player wearing your V-string and sport bra… Popping his gum Hara smirks at you, “Mommy is ready for her punishment daddy ____.”
Hara is cringe. 
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Seto is so chill my god. 
At first Seto isn’t the biggest fan of the idea and he does tell you no the first two times you ask. However as you lay on his chest looking up at him with teary eyes begging him to let you apply makeup to him he can’t help but smirk. “Someone’s quite persistent, aren’t they?” Placing his hand atop your head he tousles your hair and says fine, but only if he can sleep through most of it. 
Sitting up on his chest you peck his nose and agree to this! Most of the makeup can be applied with his eyes shut and it’ll be easier to apply the eyeshadow! “Thank you Seto! I will even hide that mole of your forehead since you hate it so much!!!” You say with one of the sweetest tones he’s ever heard. 
It’s honestly a win win for the both of you. 1st you’re getting to put makeup on your very tough looking boyfriend who is deemed a bad boy in your school. 2nd He loves the feeling of you straddling his chest as you apply the makeup and he’s gotta admit… the powder brush feels pretty damn great.
Once you’re all finished you hand him your glittery mirror and say “BOOM THATS THE POWER OF MAKEUP BABY!!!” His mole is concealed and the pink eyeshadow you applied pops thanks to his darker skin…. His eyes are wide with a bit of concern, he’s heard horror stories of neon shadow staining eyelids…. which guess what… it did…. And the next day he’s going to school with pink eyes and the guys all laugh. However, Seto shrugs it off. It made you happy and that’s what’s important. 
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Staring out his bedroom window you watched as the rain continued to tap against his window. Between the roaring thunder, Furuhashi’s soft voice, and dark sky, you were slowly starting to doze off… Until your elbow was harshly nudged by another. Furuhashi was gazing at you with his iconic dead fish eyes… He had been trying to help you study but he just couldn’t keep you focused long enough, “____, if you don’t want to study why did you ask?” 
It’s not like you didn’t want to study, honestly. You were falling behind in your language class and he was the best person to ask… and also the only person he’d be okay with you asking since deep down Furuhashi was a bit possessive… Poking his cheek softly with your sanrio pen you asked in your most angelic voice, “~Ko, could i please apply my makeup to your handsome face? It would help wake me up and change the mood in the room.” Adding the puppy pout you looked so pathetic, it made him want to hurt you… 
With a great big sigh, Furuhashi finally caved. He hated makeup being on his face and this wasn’t his first rodeo which is exactly why he always gave you a blank stare and walked away when you asked in the past. His young sister has done this to him in the past and he absolutely hates the way it feels on his face, not only that but it gives him anxiety. 
Doesn’t look thrilled 90% of the time you’re applying your makeup on him. Will look curiously at certain products and arch his eyebrow at you as you dip your brush into the odd looking product in your hand. Asks questions and will grab your wrists when he sees a color he isn’t too fond about -reminds him of the time his younger sister did it and it stained-. 
Will smile ever so gently at you when you’re turned around reaching for a new product as you ramble on about how it works better than the other brands. Furuhashi actually finds you quite adorable at the moment, he’s amazed you’re so passionate about makeup. And as he turns around to look in the mirror -with you still turned around- he’s even more amazed at just how talented you are at it. It makes him want to continue to protect you so you can accomplish your beauty dreams without any interference, though he’ll never admit that openly to you. 
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Hanamiya has never been so damn annoyed or tired in his entire life, and he’s been through quite the irritating situations before. However as you continue day in and day out asking him… no, scratch that… begging him if you can put makeup on his pasty face his eyes grow more tired and exasperated. 
Eventually snaps on you and makes you cry by calling you an annoyance and that you’ve been nothing but a pest the past week. Give it about an hour though, deep down he knows he messed up and with a click of his tongue he’s off to find you. 
“Hanamiya! I challenge you to a basketball game!!” With unstable quivering legs, you stood as tall as you can as you throw the basketball at the back of Hanamiya’s head…. Ah yes, this is why he loved you and kept you around, not only were you always pulling dumb stunts around him but you also tried to act as if you weren’t afraid of the consequences. Turning around with a devilish smirk, hanamiya replied to you as he picks up the orange sport ball, “Oh? And what might my little ____ want if she wins?” He knew you didn’t have a chance but this was too much fun seeing you have so much hope just so he could take it away.
“I-If i w-win I get to ap-apply my makeup to you… I- I-” Looking down with sullen eyes your voice became low and Hanamiya could hear the deep dejection in it… “I’m just really nervous because this Salon got ahold of me and asked if i could come in a show them my skills… Th-that they are interested in having me there with them… but i wanted to practice on an actual person… i- This was dumb, gomen’nasai Makoto…” 
Before you could even walk away the basketball had made contact with the back of your head this time. Twirling around holding the back of your head you saw that Hanamiya’s eyes were concealed with his jet black hair but his signature grin was fully on display, “Oi oi, who said you could walk away from me? Let’s play.”
It took a solid two hours but you finally managed to beat Hanamiya… Not that you won by pure skills or anything, Hanamiya had let you win. 
Applying his makeup actually ends up being more fun than you thought it would be, though there were a lot of times where he was making it difficult for you -surprise-. Hanamiya will “accidentally” knock a brush out of your hands here and there along with blowing the eyeshadow right off your shadow brush. You don’t know what overcame you but in the heat of the moment you decided to just dump your loose glitter all over his head since he wouldn’t stop acting out, and with a booming laugh you hold your stomach as you die from pure joy after seeing his face.
The atmosphere in your bathroom has changed drastically and his presence is menacing… “Ha-Hanamiya… i- I-im so sorry i just.. I thought it wou-” 
Grabbing you by your throat Hanamiya pins you against the sink as his mouth gets dangerously close to your ear. You can feel his hot breath as he whispers in your ear, “I think it’s time you learned your place, pet.” You’re frightened and unaware of what to do until you feel loose face powder his your face, “BAAAAKA!” Sticking his tongue out at you Hanamiya proceeds to coat your face with loose powder.
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darknessisafriend · 5 years
Your savior
Tag list: @help-i-am-obssessed @the-ineffable-dreamer 
Request from @sirianfromsixties
Prompt: Hi Would you do a Joker x Reader like : it was late night in Gotham and the reader was walking alone when 3 men started to harass her and punch her till,while she's on the floor all hurt and In pain,someone came and shoot the 3 men,then take her senseless to his "home" to take care of her?(it's the joker obv) Then idk,like,when she wakes up she's scared but then only thankfull and turned on by him and things happens?And this is becoming smuth  
Here it is ! I’m really happy to share this with you people, hope you’ll like it <3
You were tired, your day at work got longer than expected and you had to work on extra material until 9pm. To make things worse you lived around 45 min away from work, the subway was fine, a lot of people were taking this line to go out, it made you feel safe. Cities and especially Gotham were dangerous places for women, even more if you’re alone outside after 8 in the evening. Now what worried you the most was this 15 minutes’ walk from the subway to your flat; the neighborhood wasn’t bad in itself but there was couple of bars nearby and drunk people could really become annoying and creepy; you stopped counting how many times you had to speed your pace because of some guys calling you and even following you.
You exited the subway stop, it was getting quite cold, after all it was October. You tighten your coat around your body and walked to your flat; the way was pretty simple, you kept walking on the main street then at the crossing turn left, until you reach the adjacent street where was your flat. Even if the city made you nervous, you enjoyed the night, the few stars you could see mixed with the lights of the skyscrapers was beautiful. 
“Hi…” lost in your thoughts you startled at hearing someone calling you. You quickly glanced in their direction, there was 3 guys sitting on the steps of a building, a couple of bottles around them. ‘And here we go’ you thought starting to be nervous.
You decided to continue walking, hopefully they will leave it at that.
“Hey Miss! C’mon don’t be afraid, we just wanna talk to you!” another insisted. You continued to walk pretending not to hear them, your heartbeat increasing. You heard footsteps behind you ‘shit! Please stop!’ you wished, you started to increase your pace. Until you felt your arm being yanked back.
“Don’t you fuckin’ ignore me!” badgered the man holding your arm.
“Yeah he’s being nice to you and you act like a brat…” chided the third one. You tried to snatch your arm out of his grip.
“I’m not interested, just let me go.” You replied trying to hide the fear in your voice.
“What you think I’m not good enough for you?!
“I didn’t say…” a heavy slap across your cheek cut you off, you can feel your cheek burning, the shock makes your eyes wet. You struggled trying to free yourself from his claws and run away. But the 2 other men joined him gripping you by your coat, shoulders, pushing towards a dark alley.
“HELP!!” you screamed at the top of your lungs ‘please somebody hear me!’, you received another hit, this time a fist met your jaw, sending you to the ground, you tried to crawl away from them, but despite the alcohol they were faster than you, gripping your hair tightly.
“We’re gonna teach you good manners hussy!” one of them growled, kicking you in your belly, you curved into a ball trying to protect yourself, and they continued to punch you over and over again until you couldn’t feel the pain anymore, but only the pounding in your head and warm drops of blood dripping from various areas of your face.
“Hey, hold her, might as well take some good time with her” tempted one as he started to take off his belt ‘please not this’
A loud bang like a gunshot resonated around you “What the…!” screamed one the man, before another gunshot happened, then a third one. You wanted to move, get away but your body was becoming weaker and weaker, in fact your survival instinct was trying to keep you conscious but the hits you took had hurt you badly. The last thing you remember was a laugh, a hearty laugh, your eyelids closed, you vision becoming blurry, a red spot coming closer to you…
 Several hours later
 Your head was pounding, painful, your eyelids heavy. You didn’t want to move, you just felt exhausted, like any ounce of energy you had, had left your body. Whatever was surrounding you was soft…and warm. Where were you? You wondered. Suddenly everything that had happened to you surged back to your mind, their beating, your cries for help, the gunshots. Your eyes shot open. Your eyes quickly wandering around the room where you were. There was barely enough light for you to distinguish anything, there was a large window giving a view of the city, it was still the night?
There wasn’t much in the room, apart from the bed you were in; there was desk with a mirror, an ashtray, the smell of cigarette was very present and there was also tubes and pallets of paint or makeup maybe. The door was closed but you could see light peak through the cracks of the door.
As if your body was only starting to wake up, you started to feel pain, in your belly, your arms and you realized that they were full of purple bruises. You winced, which in return made your head hurt, you slowly brought your fingers to touch your face, you could feel your left eyebrow being swollen, a cut crossing it. You felt dry blood around your nostrils, and another cut at your lower lip.  You felt tears prickling in your eyes, remembering the scene once again.
But you were okay now…who had saved you? In any case, you had to thank them, who knows if you’d still be alive if this mysterious savior hadn’t pulled the trigger. Cause yeah, you weren’t stupid, you remembered the gunshots and honestly you didn’t care, these assholes only got what they deserved. You wanted to thank to person who saved you.
Still, feeling cautious, you got out of bed as slowly as you could, realizing at the same time that you were only wearing your panties and undershirt, you guessed your clothes were probably full of blood and filth from the streets.  You tip toed to the door, looking through the key hole, trying to spot somebody but nothing. Your hand slowly reached for the doorknob, twisting it as slowly as you could. You arrived in a much bigger room, with sofas, tables and many chairs, looked like a meeting room.
“You should be staying in bed…” you jumped at the masculine voice behind you. You took a deep breath ‘come on this person saved you, there’s nothing to fear!’ you told yourself as you pivoted to face your savior. You weren’t expecting to come face to face with the Joker. You were kind of frozen, at his sight, his eyes were intensely looking at you, he brought his cigarette to his lips, taking a long drag. You took a few steps back, your back meeting the sofa. So that explain the laugh you heard and the red you saw. You were confused, he’s supposed to be a crazy criminal regardless that he was right to speak out about the state of Gotham…why save you? He didn’t say a word, probably curious of what you’d do next. He didn’t look like he had bad intentions towards you. You caught yourslef wondering what he looked like without his makeup on but now that you had him right in front of you, he wasn’t as frightening as the media presented him, he looked quite elegant actually with his 3-piece suit, his green hair perfectly slicked back, his makeup neatly applied. You realized that he had beautiful eyes, their color going from green to an icy blue, quite captivating actually…then you became aware that you might have been starring at him for too long.
“Thank you…” you started embarrassed, lowering your eyes. He chuckled, you couldn’t help but be on your guard, to wake up at a criminal’s home after being assaulted by other criminals wasn’t a common thing…did he plan on keeping you here? This idea suddenly appeared, you started to be anxious again, quickly brushing a strand of hair behind you ear, this was the Joker there’s no way to escape him!
The clown must have sensed your sudden panic, so he walk to what you assumed to be the entrance door, and he opened it.
“You free to go but you should stay, you took a pretty bad beating, you’re still weak.” He advised, taking another drag of his cigarette. Shit, you were being stupid, if he wanted to hurt you, considering your outfit at the moment, he would have already done it.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…be rude…” you stuttered. You heard him closing the door, but as the adrenaline came down, you started to feel dizzy, loosing your balance. Thankfully he was quickly by your side, holding you steady, his hands felt warm against your skin.
“You’re freezing cold, let’s go back to bed” he directed, holding you against his side, one arm wrapped around your shoulders, the other gently stroking your forearm.  You sat on the mattress, he did the same, putting a cover over your body. It was nice to have someone taking care of you after what you’ve been through, to be comforted. Another feeling rose in your chest, your eyes becoming wet, your lower lip trembling, you didn’t want to cry but it became stronger until you couldn’t hold it anymore, tears running down on your face, your breathing erratic.
“Shhshhshh come here kitten…” he took you into his embrace, your arms wrapped around his waist beneath his vest. You buried your head in the crook of his neck and cried for several minutes. He continued to hold you, one hand stroking your back and the other caressing your hair, it soothed you, and even when you had finished crying you stayed buried in his embrace enjoying the warmth, listening to his calm heartbeat, you could smell that he was wearing Cologne. You nuzzled your nose against the skin of his neck, you wanted to be closer to him, you didn’t want to feel the hands of those assholes on you anymore, you felt soiled. And you found the Joker quite handsome, charismatic, magnetic, and he has been so gentle with you…
You brushed your lips against his skin, he chuckled.
“Now, aren’t you being a tease?” he asked, you could tell he was smiling. You looked up meeting his eyes, he was intrigued, but you could also tell that he was attracted to you, his pupils were slightly dilated starring at your lips, his hand never leaving your body since he first touched you. So you leaned in, kissing his lips; his hand instantly went to your neck, his thumb caressing your cheek, his tongue came teasing your lips, so you opened your mouth, your tongue meeting his, it tasted good, addictive, a soft mix of alcohol and tobacco. The kiss became more intense, needy, you slipped on of your hands in the back of his pants trying to find more skin to feel. A moan escaped his lips, as he separated from you, panting.
“You don’t want to do this kitten…” he breathed, a mischievous glow in his eyes, a grin on his lips. You slightly frowned at this “Why?” you exclaimed, your other hand cupping his cheek, he leaned into his warmth, your thumb brushed against his lips, making him close his eyes like he was restraining himself.
“Because I won’t stop, not until I take you and make you fully mine…” he growled, reopening his eyes that were now dark with desire. Your heart skipped a beat at this confession.
“Then take me.” You purred; he didn’t need to hear more and crashed his lips against yours, slightly making your open lip bleed and making you tumble on your back on the bed, he placed himself between your legs, tracing kisses along your jaw, then your neck, his tongue tickling your skin, sucking and nibbling the most sensitive spots. You buried your fingers in his green locks, closing your eyes to enjoy even more the pleasure he was giving you, you’ve always had a very sensitive neck. You could already feel him hard against your leg. Your other traveled to his collarbone under his shirt, his skin was burning hot.  He straightened, throwing his vest on the floor and unbuttoning his shirt, you watched him reveal his torso, he was thin still you could see he was muscular, he had nice biceps… You also took off your undershirt, then your bra, revealing your breast, your nipples hard. He seemed frozen.
“Damn kitten…you’re so gorgeous.” He said hungrily, pushing you back on the mattress, eagerly sucking your nipples sometimes biting them, making you gasp.  Then his kisses went lower until they reach your panties. He kisses you above the fabric, teasing, you can’t help but arch your body for more. Then, with his teeth he grabs top of your panties, slowly making it slide down, you lift your hips to make it easier, he uses his right hand to yank it away. He groans as he grabs your thighs and starts to eat you out, circling around your clit, licking your labia. You’re panting, you want to feel him inside of you, you let out a needy moan.
He chuckles against your soft spot “you like that kitten?” he asks you as he came back to your mouth with a feline grin. You hungrily kiss him while your hand slides down his lower belly, then beneath his pants and underwear, you stroke his cock, gently slowly at first making him longingly moan.
“Fuck…that’s good” he swooned against your lips. He was being so sensitive to your care that it made it difficult for him to do anything, even kiss, your smirked at this.
Finally he couldn’t take it anymore and unzipped his pants to let his erection out. You felt his cock at your wet entrance. Slowly he entered you, you released a shaky breath when you felt him inside of you. His thrusts quickly became more forceful, his forehead against yours, his tongue devouring your mouth. You gripped his shoulders bringing him closer to you, feeling his torso brushing against your breast. He was being so caring and passionate in this moment, making sure you liked it, that he was bringing you pleasure. His thrusts became deeper and quicker making your eyes roll back. You felt yourself coming closer and closer and Joker was too, his groan becoming louder and louder. You cried at out as you came, an electrifying pleasure spreading across your body, he quickly followed you in a long moan. He was out of breath, his whole body shaking, you kissed him one more time as he slowly lied down on your body his head buried in your neck.
“You’ll never have to be alone again…I’ll protect you…” he whispers in your ear as you fell asleep, feeling safe as ever in the arms of the greatest criminal of Gotham.    
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maedarakat · 5 years
29th Oct: Fulfilled // “Everything will fall into place.”
Hiccup leaves, for real this time - unable to live without dragons or with his new responsibilities. Astrid is left to pick up the pieces, but some things were never broken.
It had been a bad fight.
Or at least, a bad one by Astrid’s standards.
Astrid looked away from the still swinging open door, leading out into the dark wet gloom where Hiccup had stormed away - this time presumably for good.
She could hear Nuffink crying upstairs and Zephyr trying to shush him, all of five years old and trying to mother him.
Zephyr was good at it; Nuffink was hiccoughing, but starting to calm down.
Astrid bent to sweep up a broken plate and now handle-less mug from beneath a chair - a casualty of the fight. Hiccup hadn’t thrown anything, but he’d swept everything off the table in a fit of anger.
She threw the crockery into the trash and went to close the door after it became painfully apparent that he wasn’t going to walk back in and hold her and kiss her and apologize.
The fight had been about dragons.
He had wanted to take another trip to see Toothless, after the first time had gone so well, but it was cold and Nuffink had only just gotten over his fever last week.
Astrid was not by nature a worrier. Call her crazy, but even if Nuffink hadn’t been sick, she wasn’t a fan of sailing a boat up to a giant hole in the ocean frequented by dragons.
There was no guarantee Toothless would always be there waiting whenever Hiccup wanted to visit. Next time it could be a Slitherwing, or Deathsong, or even a Whispering Death sunning itself on those rocks.
Taking risks was fine when it had just been Hiccup and Astrid in their youth, but not when the safety of their kids was on the line.
Astrid looked around the house. It was cold, dark - candles and hearth extinguished by the door letting the wind inside.
Outside, Tuff’s storm-song was jangling and chiming away, softening the fearsome edge of the howling wind.
She made up her mind and picked up Nuffink and Zephyr’s coats, going upstairs to find them. 
Astrid found her arms immediately full as soon as she appeared above the second floor to their room.
“Mom! Are the trolls coming now that Dad’s gone?” Nuffink asked, eyes wide and dancing with tears.
“No, there aren’t any trolls coming,” Astrid assured him, smoothing back his hair. Zephyr said nothing, not even refuting her brother’s fears, just wearily pressing her forehead against Astrid’s other shoulder. She’d grown up hearing these fights and to her it was just one more bad night. Astrid’s gut wrenched. Zephyr was only five and already worn down from it.
“Just to be sure there’s no trolls, we’re going to go to stay at Aunt Ruff and Uncle Fishleg’s tonight.” Astrid started the process of bundling them into their fur coats.
“Can Uncle Fishlegs read to us?” Zephyr immediately wanted to know.
“I’m sure if you use those big green eyes on him he can find the time,” Astrid chuckled.
“Can we stop by Tuff’s house first? I wanna check on the babies,” Nuffink pleaded.
Astrid chuckled. By babies, Nuffink meant Chicken’s new brood of chicks. Tuff was an honorary uncle as well, but he’d told the kids to just call him Tuff. The honorific of ‘uncle’ made him feel old.
Choice of honorifics aside, he was still every bit a family member to both of them - and if Nuffink hadn’t already won his heart the day he was born, he certainly had Tuff wrapped around his little finger the day he’d been found in the coop, holding Chicken in his lap and singing a made-up song for her.
Tuffnut had taken his new role as ‘Inventenator’ seriously - making odd things that wavered between barely functional and eccentrically attractive. The storm-songwas one of those things.
It had been a housewarming gift, and after five years, Astrid had yet to take it down.
“The babies are probably nice and warm under Chicken’s fluff. It would be a shame to wake them - Tuff says chickens don’t like the dark. We can see them in the morning, okay?”
Nuffink nodded and both kids took her hands once they got outside.
It wasn’t long to the Thorston-Ingerman house, and there was a light on, meaning they were probably up still.
Ruffnut answered the door, took one look at Astrid’s face, and yelled over her shoulder for Fishlegs to get some pallets made up. “Come in. There’s cream potato soup and bread knots left over.” She ushered them inside, becoming a whirlwind of sharp efficiency, taking the coats off the kids and throwing the wet furs on a chair by the fire and almost aggressively tucking them under a down blanket on the couch.
It wasn’t until they had soup, bread and a captive Fishlegs armed with several storybooks that she grabbed Astrid by the hand and yanked her into the kitchen.
“Okay,” she said, sitting Astrid down at the table and pouring some mead for them both. “Spill. What did Hiccup do this time?”
“He’s gone,” Astrid said simply, and took a gulp of mead, more to warm her guts than to steady her nerves. She was numb to it by now - to the thought of him not coming back.
“Gone as in coming back in a week with a sheepish look or should we start calling you Chief Hofferson?” Ruff asked bluntly.
“I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “It was bad enough not to want stay in the house in case he did come back.”
“Huh. Well, it’s nice to see you making moves to do what’s best for you and the niblings. Not that I don’t enjoy our frequent ‘how Ruffnut dodged an arrow’ talks.”
Astrid snorted, actually laughing. Ruff had never tried to hide her desire to marry Hiccup in their younger days, but the infatuation had turned into mock-bitterness and finally seemed to have worn off altogether.
Ruff complained about Fishlegs from time to time, but she was altogether happy with her husband. Presumably, Fishlegs was in charge of managing the money and sales from their livestock business - primarily boar breeding and dyed wool from the sheep they’d inherited, but in truth it was Ruff who balanced the books and interviewed the employees and cut deals with merchants and buyers at the Northern Markets.  
By rumor alone, she had painted a fearsome reputation for Mr. Ingerman being an absolute stickler for high numbers with an irate temperament, so people tended to prefer to deal with his wife, who was ‘much more lenient with numbers, and quite a bit friendlier’. Astrid had seen her work, and apparently none of these people had ever met the cream-puff that was Fishlegs or they would have realized that Ruffnut was the true shark in the shallows.
“You can stay here as long as you need to. Tuffnut will be over for breakfast and he’ll bring eggs. I keep telling him that’s what he should be focusing on - eggs and selling chicks, but he just wants to do his art thing.” She shrugged and took a fraught from her own mug. “He’s going to make troll dolls next, for the Snoggletogg season, he tells me. They have dyed wool for hair that sticks straight up - not even normal colors, mind you - like purple and green and blue. I gave him a bunch of wool that had off-color splotching because I thought he’d stuff pillows with it or something, but he’s making these ugly things instead. I’ve seen a couple prototypes, they are so ugly and yet ... disturbingly cute. If he’s not careful I think real trolls might come down from the mountains and kick his ass for ruining their reputation.”
Astrid was half zoning out - Ruffnut’s voice was oddly pleasant to listen to when she just monologued, and the topic was an interesting one. She wondered if Tuff was in bed right now, one leg dangling bravely over the side from beneath the covers, the oversized tunics he kept ‘borrowing’ from Fishleg’s sliding off one shoulder - exposing skin up to his collarbone.
She licked her suddenly dry lips and took a swig of mead.
“Yeah, we’re going over to his place in the morning. Nuffink wants to see the chicks, and I think the kids could use the distraction.”
Ruff gave her a knowing look. “I’m thinking youcan use a distraction.”
Astrid gaped. “A little too soon to be making that suggestion, don’t you think?!” Her face was turning red - betraying how close to the mark Ruff had just hit. She hated blushing, as a concept. It was unfair and Loki was absolutely responsible for creating it.
“I was just talking about visiting,” she shrugged nonchalantly, “Gee, Astrid, what did you think I meant?”
She looked for something to throw in Ruff’s face, and settled for an embroidered potholder on the counter. Ruff cackled as it bounced harmlessly off her head.
“I’m just kidding, relax! He’d probably be happy to have you and the kids over. It’ll be good for him to have something other than ugly art sculptures and Chicken to talk to. His place needs a woman’s touch.”
“Would you stop-“
“What? I didn’t say the woman was you, did I?” Ruff’s eyes were twinkling with mischief and there were no more potholders within arm’s reach.
Astrid snorted and finished her mead, having no rebuttal.
She slept fitfully in the spare bedroom that night.
By comparison, Zephyr and Nuffink slept like logs, one on each side of her. She hadn’t wanted them to wake up alone and scared, not even in a house they’d been in before.
The next morning, Ruffnut woke them up by usual Thorston methods - namely sticking her head into the room and shrieking.
“FLAPJACKS! Come get ‘me while they’re hot!”
It was like a message for homing pigeons - Astrid sincerely doubted the kids were fully awake before bolting upright and racing each other down to the kitchen. Astrid grumbled and tried to unkink her bangs as she rolled out of bed and headed downstairs.
Tuff was at the table, dressed in his work rags - a smear of blue and green across the bridge of his nose. It was adorable, she thought, and she abruptly missed the last step and all but tumbled into the kitchen.
Ruff gave her a sly look but she ignored it. Zephyr was telling Tuff about the latest trap she’d set for trolls and how many things besides trolls it had caught - including a sow, a sheep, a yak, and a very disgruntled farmer who had come to look for his missing livestock.
He looked over her rudimentary drawing of the trap, giving her praise and pointing out that he liked her drawings of dead trolls impaled on spikes.
“Hey, your mom used to draw stuff like this all the time. She set up some of the best deadly traps on the Edge,” Tuff was saying.
Astrid joined the table, sitting beside Nuffink who was blissfully shoveling pancakes in his face. “To be fair, Tuff, you had some pretty amazing traps yourself.”
“Eh, well ...” Tuff shrugged and Zephyr looked at him and then her mother.
“You guys set traps? What were they for? Did they work?”
“You never told her about that time we were stuck together fighting off dragon hunters?” Tuff asked her, surprised.
Astrid grinned at the memories. “No, I guess not. That was so long ago -“
“Tell me!” Zephyr demanded and Nuffink, who had cleared his plate, joined in.
“Yeah, we wanna hear about mum and you versus the bad guys! Did you get to ride Stormfly? Did you use grandma’s axe?”
“Whoa there, little Nuffy, we’ll tell you everything,” Tuff promised him. They stared at him expectantly. “Oh. You mean right now.”
Astrid chuckled. The kids could be a demanding audience but she knew Tuff loved it. “Well, it started when Hiccup, Fishlegs and Snotlout had to go off on a rescue, leaving the Twins and me alone on our island base. These Hunters were after an artifact we were guarding, called the Dragon Eye. They snuck onto our island and kidnapped Ruffnut.”
Zephyr and Nuffink gasped and stared at Ruffnut. “You were kidnapped?!”
Ruff snorted, though inwardly preening at their concern. “More than once, kiddos. And trust me, they regretted it.”
Astrid never knew why she hadn’t told them this story before. Well, she did know - it was because Hiccup had been the storyteller. His adventures had repeatedly held them captivated, and she’d never noticed that the others’ stories, or even their role in his, had slowly faded in importance.
He hadn’t even told them stories of Stoick’s deeds, for Thor’s sake.
It all made her angry but she shelved it, because this wasn’t a fight they would have.
Besides, it was more fun to focus on this story and judging by their shining eyes, they were loving Astrid’s descriptions of the traps Tuff had set for the Hunters.
Rolling logs held back by Nadder spikes. Monstrous Nightmare gel-covered ropes set aflame. Dummies filled with  Zippleback gas, ignited by the enemies flaming arrows. Scarecrows of the riders to make them believe they were facing more than just the two of them.
Astrid had taken over the story but Tuff didn’t seem to mind. He ate his breakfast and interjecting only to make sure she wasn’t leaving out her own endeavors - like setting a flock of Night Terrors after the hunters, or fighting one on one with a Berserker. (“He became our friend later on, but he certainly wasn’t at the time,” Astrid was sure to mention, and part of her achingly wondered how Dagur and Heather were.)
The story was well-received, to say the least - the only drawback was that now Zephyr wanted a ballista on the roof of their house.
“But you had one!” she wailed and Astrid wanted to hug her. She remembered taking the same tone at Zephyr’s age, regarding her mother’s axe.
“We haven’t faced any threats yet, but we’ll talk about it when you’re older.  Your traps are deadly enough.”
“If it’s any consolation,” Tuff said, conspiratorially, “I still have an arrow launcher in my basement.”
“Please,” Ruff snorted. “It’s not like there’s anything to attack around here. You’d probably just tie paint bombs to the arrows, shoot random colors at people’s houses, and call it art.”
There were delighted gasps from Tuff, Zephyr, and Nuffink, and she immediately realized her mistake. “Whoops,” Ruff shrugged, shooting Astrid an apologetic glance.
Astrid burst out laughing, surprising herself. Some part of her felt guilty, like her heart was supposed to be torn out, but all she could manage to feel about the subject besides numbness was an odd and terrible relief.
Living in the moment right now was decidedly more fun.
Three faces were staring at her, begging permission, and she gave in.
“Well, no harm in going over to look,” Astrid shrugged.
“No yellow!” Ruff called after them all, sounding a little panicked. “I can’t stand yellow - and absolutely no purple either! You hear me, bro?!”
Astrid didn’t know what was funnier - Ruff’s total resignation to the idea that her house would definitely be getting splattered first, or her yelling at him to not to pelt the house with her favorite colors.
Right now her kids were happy - thrilled and giggling - and not crippled by fear or anxiety or having to comfort one another while she and Hiccup fought. That was worth possibly having to do a little cleanup later.
She shot Tuffnut a fond look and found to her surprise that he was already smiling back at her.
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Dream 1, The Zombies
I was running, I looked around and saw crumbling grey stone walls, the sky was a deep bluish-blackish-reddish color, with many dark clouds hiding the sun, but that was the least of my worries at the moment.
I tripped and a dark green, rotting zombie attacked me, now that they were closer and I could see them better I could see that their left eye was missing along with their left cheek.
The zombie had a dark blue shirt on, and they wore red pants… or that might be blood stains. Both pieces of clothes were torn and ripped, they also had red eyes and brown hair falling out.
The zombie grabbed my leg and tried to bite me, I kicked them in the face to get them away from me, and they fell away from me with an inhuman grunt. I quickly got up and climbed the crumbling grey stone wall. I got on top of the wall and used all my energy and momentum to leap to a girl standing on a cyan, glowing, floating, circle platform.
The girl had black hair that faded to cyan, she was wearing a black crop top, a black leather doll, navy blue jeans, and black leather boots, her hair was long and put in a neat ponytail. Her bangs were covering her left eye, her visible eye was glowing a bright cyan, she was one of the people to start the zombie apocalypse…
“Get off!” She yelled, trying to push me off.
“Please, stop this! Is this really the world you want to live in?” I asked.
I pointed at the destruction going on around us, zombies chasing after the few survivors left.
“They won't hurt me, I helped create them, and my brother said he would never let them hurt me!” she exclaimed.
Her brother looked almost exactly like her, the difference was he had shorter hair, and a black t-shirt, he also had a red color pallet, unlike his sister's cyan pallet.
“Are you sure he won't let them hurt you?” I asked.
“Of course, he won't let them hurt me, I am his sister!” she said, she looked angry and… conflicted.
“I am sorry but he is crazy, and he will hurt anybody in his way, even you, please. Help me stop the disaster you started.” I said and moved aside so she could see how the world has changed.
There were buildings on fire and crumbling to the ground, you could hear the screams of humans being eaten alive by the undead zombies, and the smell of smoke and rotten flesh filled the air, it wasn't always like this, and it didn't happen all at once.
“Please, help me stop this,” I asked, pleading for her to help me.
“Ugh, fine…” She said reluctantly.
We floated over to her brother on the platform, she shouted out to her brother to get his attention.
“Brother, stop this!” She yelled…
Then I woke up.
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0 notes
wednesdaywrites · 4 years
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ryan and leon search rpd for clues to aid in their escape.
leon s. kennedy x oc
warning: canon typical violence
lowercase is an aesthetic choice
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before they went on their not-so-merry way, leon handed her a bulletproof vest and a fancy police officer belt thing.
        “i grabbed these for you,” he said. “no sign of a gun, though.”
        ryan took the pile he presented carefully. “it’s a police department, we'll find a gun. thanks.”
        she gave him back the belt to hold while she pulled the vest over her head, then took it back and clumsily clipped it on.
        “okay,” she said, “let’s go, pretty boy.”
        “let’s check the west wing first,” he suggested. “those things are probably still crowding the door to the east wing.”
        “after you.”
        she followed him to the door that had almost caused her death, glaring at the now-opened thing. the pile of bodies was at least two layers thick.
leon hesitated underneath it.
        “what’s up?” she asked, trying to mask her concern with a casual tone.
        “this is not how i imagined my first day.”
        she put her hand on his shoulder—awkwardly. comfort was not her strong suit.
        “sometimes bad things happen to good people,” she said, removing her hand from his shoulder. “c’mon.”
they carefully stepped over the bodies, both afraid one would suddenly spring up and grab one of them.
“we gotta get rid of these,” leon said.
“yeah,” she agreed.
        as they passed through the reception, she spotted some boards propped against a couch against the back wall. the window was walker-free.
        anxiety? spiked.
        she went and grabbed the boards, giving a sheepish grin when she found leon staring at her. “may come in handy. wish i had my backpack.”
        she stuck close behind him, boards clutched in one arm and the other up with the knife in its hand, as he opened the door to the hallway.
        did walkers learn how to close doors?
        at the end of the hall, she diverted his attention from the disfigured corpse, only to be met with a body hanging from the ceiling.
        “fuck!” she choked, feeling the familiar sense of dread in her chest.
        cops never stand a chance, do they?
        “i don't wanna know how he got up there. . .”
        “me neither,” she said. “let’s keep going.”
        they continued down the hall into another one, where she noticed an opened window.
        “my time to shine!” she paused for a second. “also my time to find out if knives can be used as hammers.”
        “or. . .” leon said, “we could find an actual hammer. . .”
        “no time,” she responded dramatically, setting the boards down and picking up one of the planks. “how convenient: they already have nails in them.”
        she went to it, clumsily using her knife to hammer the nails into the window frame. once she was satisfied they were sturdy, she turned back to leon. “ta-da!”
        he shook his head, a small smile gracing his beautiful lips—stop it, ryan! “color me impressed.”
        “just give me a marker.” good one.
        they kept going, eventually coming to an uncomfortably intact window.
        “don’t do it. . .” she mumbled as they got closer to the window. there came the body. “oh, fuck you!”
        leon pulled her along, flashlight trained on the hallway before them. the window shattered behind them.
        good going, leon.
        “just keep moving,” he said. “they’re slow.”
        thank you, captain obvious.
        “let’s check in here.” he pushed open a pair of double doors, revealing a room that looked like a bomb went off inside it.
        she closed the door behind them, just for good measure.
        like she had seen it do any good.
        “is ‘fall cleaning' a thing?” she quipped. “jee-sus.”
        leon let himself chuckle. “please. you’re killing me.”
        “good. final girl, bitch.”
        “hey, look,” leon said, approaching the board on the back wall. “a map.”
        she came up next to him. “that should come in handy.”
        “that door is chained shut,” he pointed out, taking down the map. “looks like the only way is through that window.”
        “ugh. climbing.”
        the walker they had abandoned in the hall threw itself against the door.
        “let’s get a move on.”
        she nodded. “don't have to tell me twice!”
        she climbed up on the pile of pallets pushed against the wall, hoisting herself through the window.
        “watch your head.” she dropped as quietly as she could on the balls of her feet, wishing she had asked leon for the flashlight before climbing through.
        the door busted open.
        he landed in front of her, eliciting a sharp gasp from her.
        “give a girl some warning!” she hissed.
        he gave an apologetic smile. “incoming.”
        “a little late for that.” she froze at the sound of banging. “what’s that?”
        leon shined the flashlight in the direction of the noise, revealing an overweight walker battling a vending machine.
        “oh, that’s sad. . .” ryan commented.
        leon looked at her. “you want this one?”
        “sure. best to save your bullets.” she crept up behind in, grabbing its shoulder and jabbing the knife into the back of its head as hard as she could. the body crumpled against the vending machine and she yanked the knife free, wiping as much of the blood off on her vest as she could.
        “what a pro,” leon said.
        “hush,” she said, resisting the urge to stick her tongue out at him.
        “let’s look in here.” he went to a door with ‘west office’ painted on the window.
        she hurried after him, closing the door behind them.
        the room was a total shitstorm like the rest. at the desk closest to them, there was a body laying against the desktop.
        “i don’t trust that. . .” ryan whispered.
        “just avoid it,” leon told her.
        “i wanna kick it.”
        “i’m gonna.”
        she kicked the chair out from under the body and it slumped to the floor, stirring like a human man being woken from sleep.
        “i fucked up.”
        the walker reached for her, and she pinned its arm down with her foot, crouching and stabbing it in the head.
        “problem terminated,” she said.
        “congratulations,” leon replied, making his way around the desks.
        even in the dark, she could see streamers and a banner hanging from the ceiling. she went to the other side of the row of desks to get a better look.
        welcome leon. how bittersweet.
        she looked down at the closed desk in front of her. there was a folded note laying on the cover. she picked it up.
        rookie's first assignment, the outside read.
        she flipped it open.
leon s. kennedy, we're putting you on a very special case for your first assignment.
your mission is...to unlock your desk! the key to your success is in the initials of our first names. input the letters in order of our desks.
there are 2 locks- 1 on each side of your desk. make sure you get them both.
basically, your first task is to remember your fellow officers' names, but you figured that much out, right?
good luck, leon.
by the way, it might take a little work to get scott to give you a straight answer.
lieutenant branagh
        in the corner, barely visible through the blood, were the words, be glad you’re not here, rookie.
        “what’s that?” leon asked, coming up beside her.
        she handed the note to him. “it's for you.”
        the slight look of sadness that crossed his face as he read broke her heart.
        longing for the reality of the note? maybe.
        “leon. . .” she said gently, putting her hand on his arm.
        he crumpled the note in his hand. “the names. . .”
        “don’t waste your time,” she said. “n. e. d. click. m. r. g. click. ta-da!”
        “how did you—”
     “don't worry about it.” because i don't even know. she opened the desk. “oh. an extended mag. that’s almost disappointing.”
        “i’ll take that.”
        “maybe i wanted it for my gun,” she mock protested.
        he rolled his eyes halfheartedly. “have at it, then.”
        she snickered, flicking the mag in his direction. “let’s get out of here.”
        he turned to the door behind them, going to it and trying the knob. it was locked.
        “we need a key,” she said. “maybe one with a spade on it?”
        “let’s keep an eye out.” leon started back the way they came.
        they went across the hall to what she assumed was the safety deposit room, from vague memories in the back of her mind and seeing the map. she stepped up to the panel at the end of the rows of lockers.
        “oh, no. missing buttons—my weakness.”
        leon looked over her shoulder. “we should check out the lockers before we mess with this.”
        “right. . .” she went to the left, peeking into each locker. some were empty, but one had some kind of pouch in it, and another had shotgun shells.
        she looked up and there it was: a beautiful shotgun. she ran to the locker, whining when she found it locked and missing a keycard.
        “nooo!” she wailed quietly. “i want you!”
        “i worry about you,” leon said behind her.
        she turned to face him. “i would throw you through the glass to get this shotgun.”
        “after all we’ve been through?” he asked. “i’m hurt.”
        “leon. . . we’ve known each other for like half an hour. . .”
        “still,” he said, looking at her with those bright eyes of his. “in that half an hour, we’ve seen enough shit to bond for a lifetime.”
        she smiled wistfully, putting her hand on his shoulder. “honey, i have a feeling the worst is yet to come.”
        boy, is it. . . 
        “so, where to now?”
        “um. . .” she paused to think. “we have to find some kind of medallion to open the secret passageway, right? i think i saw the lion statue in the main hall.”
        he nodded. “let’s go then.”
        “i think we need to find the key for that door first, though,” she said. “unless you wanna boost me back through the window we came through.”
        “i’d rather we stick together,” he said. “let’s check down the hall.”
        she nodded and they exited the safety deposit room slowly, turning down the hall to their left. she could see an uncovered window at the end of the hall and her heart instantly leapt up to her throat.
        at the end of the hall, they stopped and looked around. stairs, a door. . .
        “hey. . .” leon nudged her. “boards. . .”
        “ah! my time to shine!”
        she grabbed the boards and went to work hammering them into place with the knife. just as she finished, a walker slammed against the glass.
        “ha!” she taunted. “fuck you!”
        as if in punishment for her mocking, the walker jabbed its hands right through the glass; she screamed and stumbled backwards.
        upstairs, the snarling of the dead echoed.
        leon tapped her shoulder. “let’s check this room out.”
        “’kay. . .”
        she followed him through the door. the room was dark, but she could tell it was small, with another room in the back.
        “hey, a light. . . button. . .” she went and pushed the button, and actual, real lights came on. “okay, those are my eyes.”
        leon clicked off his flashlight. “i think i’ve gone blind.”
        “ooh, a typewriter!” she was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. “ryan wuz heer.”
        “leon wuz heer. . . ?”
        “how old are you again?” leon asked with an “are you crazy" look.
        “um.” shit. “what day is it?”
        he thought for a second. “the twenty-ninth, i think. . .”
        “of. . . ?”
        “september. . . ?” he said wearily.
        “twenty-one,” she said. “i’ve been twenty-one for four days now. . . but if we're being technical, i'm six.”
        he rolled his eyes at her shenanigans, but she saw the smile. “let’s head upstairs.”
        he cracked open the door, peeking to make sure her screaming hadn’t attracted any visitors in the time they were in there.
        “coast is clear. . .”
        they exited the room, gun and knife ready, and crept up the stairs. at the top, a body was slouched against the wall.
        “please don’t disturb this one,” leon whispered.
        “fine,” she mouthed, creeping slowly past the body.
        we didn’t look in that back room.
        oh well. 
        ryan went up the next set of stairs, following a feeling in her gut.
        “where are you—” leon cut himself off, deciding to just follow her.
        in some weird way, she seemed to know where she was going.
        on the third floor, she followed the banister to the left, where there was a hole blown in the wall right in front of them. an eerie shadow of a mannequin on the wall almost frightened her, but what did it was the gargled snarling of a walker.
        it swung out in front of her like a scene in a movie. she had just managed to get her knife up when it got its hands on her.
  ��     she landed a good stab in the center of its forehead, killing it instantly. it crumpled to the floor, almost bringing her down with it. she stepped over the corpse, creeping through the hole in the wall. just a few feet in front of her was a desk with something glinting on it. she moved to get a closer look.
        the spade key!
        she picked it up and turned to leon. “bingo!”
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domytriesthis · 7 years
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A little while back, I contacted Profusion Cosmetics to let them know I really liked a brow pencil I received in one of my subs and to ask for a couple samples of other things to try. I did include my YouTube channel and was up front about being a REALLY small channel (at the time, I had less than 50 subscribers; I'm still a small channel, but now have more than twice that). I honestly expected them to completely ignore me the way another company had, or if anything, to just send one or two smaller items. Most companies want a much larger reach than I have. Even Octoly requires 1000 YouTube subscribers before you qualify for their program. So, yea, wasn't expecting much.
Instead, Profusion blew me away and put me on their PR list! Their response to my email was so encouraging too: "First of all, we love you. You have a very honest, relatable and unpretentious way about your channel and content and that is exactly what Profusion is all about. We’d love to send you some samples!"
Props to Profusion for recognizing smaller channels! I've had other fairly well known companies (I haven't even tried the high end like Urban Decay etc, so these are generally affordable companies who are lesser known than, say, Cover Girl or Maybelline) completely ignore me. And I get it. My little channel isn't going to give any of them much in the way of exposure, and companies want the biggest bang for their buck, so I really appreciate Profusion's trust.
Even better? Most of the products I received (including the one mini palette, the Flawless Luxe palette, and the Pro Contour Case that I purchased) are amazing quality, especially for the price point. Most of these items run $8-$12. The Flawless is $20 (it comes with a mirror, 48 eyeshadows, 5 eyeliner pencils, 1 dual-ended brow pencil, 3 brushes, a mascara, and a sharpener). The mini (which is not available on their site, so must be discontinued) cost me a couple dollars at most. I've been using them for awhile now, so the following reviews aren't first impressions.
Flawless Luxe Eyeshadows :: My biggest complaint about this eyeshadow book is that it's not purse travel friendly (I have a spot that needs reapplication no matter how good the shadows—it's a quirk of my eyes, not a technical issue) and the mirror is awkwardly placed. That said, there's a beautiful range of colors that make this an all in one eyeshadow palette. There are a few that don't work with my coloring, but the shadows are pigmented and blendable.
Flawless Luxe Eyeliners :: Sadly, these are a bit too hard to use on my eyes—I'd have to press too hard to get the pigmentation I'd like and they'd tug. I much prefer a softer liner like Urban Decay's 24/7. That said, the black works really well as a brow pencil and the others can be used as lip liners, though a couple of them are in colors that I don't use. A couple of these will probably end up in my Project Beauty Share box, but the colors I'm more likely to use elsewhere on my face will be kept.
Flawless Luxe Mascara :: The formula is on the thicker side, and the mascara tends to thicken more than it lengthens. It's a little clumpy, but not horribly so, and it's easily fixed without losing coverage using a second wand. It is a beautiful dark black on par with Urban Decay's Perversion. I had to use two coats to get the kind of lash coverage I like. Sadly, though, it did transfer to my under eye. It's not a bad mascara, but not my favorite either.
Flawless Brow Pencil :: This was on par with the previous brow pencil I've tried from them. Nice application. The only problem here was the colors included, and that's just a risk you take with these all in one palettes. Fortunately, one of the lip liners works well in this pencil's place.
Flawless Luxe Brushes :: These are travel sized brushes that are pretty sturdy and soft, though the bristles are a bit long. I think the length of the bristles that makes them a bit awkward to use. They pick up and apply color well.
Mixed Metals Peach Palette :: While beautiful, this was a bit of a mixed bag for me. Most of the colors perform well and pigmented, there are a few that don't work as well for me. Some just die on my skin (a color match issue), others apply on the sheer side and don't build up for me. However, the metallics are gorgeous and the misses are the minority in the palette. While it could be used to create a full look on its own (even with the misses), I tend to use it as a support pallete rather than a solo palette.
Peach Liquid Lip :: This is a really pretty rose gold color that's a bit too light for me on its own. It does work as a topper to adjust color or add shine with a touch of glitter. It does dry down a bit sticky, so it's not bad, but also not a favorite. (That said, one of my girls keeps borrowing it, so once I film the update for my channel, it'll probably go to her. lol)
Peach Matte Lip Pencil :: As with the liquid lip, this is too light for my skin. That said, it's creamy and pigmented and applies well.
Peach Eyeshadow Brush :: The Peach items came in a really nice package that included the palette, liquid lip, lip pencil, and this brush. This is a full sized brush that I like to use in my crease. It's sturdy with a rose gold ferrule, the bristles are soft and the right length. Very pleased with it.
Pearl Eyeshadow Mini :: As you can see in the photo, this mini is REALLY mini. Despite my experience with the Peach and Flawless shadows, this surprised me. I expected tis palette (being sold for a dollar store price and probably an older palette since it's not available at the Profusion site). The shades are soft and shimmery with great pigmentation, and are very blendable. I would have liked one of the pinks and one of the lighter colors to be replaced with a green and maybe a yellow, but other than the color selection, I'm really happy with it.
Contour Pro Makeup Case :: This palette is a nice mix of warm and cool tones, with one really deep shade and two highlighter (one with shimmer, one without). I tend to mix the cool, deeper contour with one of the warmer middle range colors. They are soft and pigmented, and I recommend starting light and building up to what you like as they can apply quite heavily if you don't.
Highlighter Pro Makeup Case :: I love the range of colors in this palette. They impart a beautiful, buildable glow (though I haven't tried to go outer space blinding with it; and I suspect the palette wouldn't suit a person who prefers that level of shine). A couple that I use more frequently are getting a pebbled surface, but they aren't getting hard pan and are still usable. It's become one of my most reached for highlighters.
Blush Studio Icon Collection :: This palette comes with six shades, from a light pink and peach to a bright pink to a deep purple-pink. Two of the colors are matte, the other four are shimmers. They are surprisingly pigmented, so care needs to be taken when applying to avoid clown face. This palette is as good or better than my Nyx Sweet Cheeks palette (which has 2 more colors and goes for $20) and is only $5. Highly recommend.
So domy tried these and is overall impressed. There were a few misses, but the price of these is astoundingly low for the quality. Very pleased with my purchases, despite a few misses. I wish the peach items were more suited to my skin tone, but they generally perform really well. I had this brand on my “to try” list and am happy with my experience.
For a chance to win some Profusion items (among other things), head on over to my channel and watch the 100 Subscriber Giveaway video. :) You can also pick up Profusion at Target,
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narutooccritiques · 7 years
Akame Tsubaki
Alrighty, back for another week and giving you another review. I hope everyone's had a good week since the last review. Everyone who had a stressful week, I hope this one starts off better.
(REMINDER: I AM ONLY CRITIQUING THE OC AND HAVE NOTHING PERSONAL AGAINST THE CREATOR OF THE OC. THIS IS NOT A ATTACK TO THE ARTIST OR ANYTHING OF THE SORT. THIS CRITIQUE IS MY PERSONAL OPINIONS AND I WOULD RESPECT YOUR OPINION IF YOU RESPECT MINE. THANK YOU!) -------------------- Today we will be critiquing the oh-so-popular Tsubaki Akame by the talented Tsurugami.deviantart.com Many people on Deviantart and Tumblr knows them vary well for having well drawn and well executed art with smooth shading and a wise color pallet that is distinct with every character they make. But enough about that, let's get to the critiquing.
Let's start off with Tsubaki's appearance. So far I'm liking the hair style. I'm a sucker for long bangs on the side of the face. I like the way her hair is pulled up in the back, it's not a bun though but I like it. I'm also loving the color of the hair, a nice burgundy color that fits so well with the style. Her eyes are a really pretty color of red as well, the only thing I personally don't like is the fact that she has red eyes and not a Uchiha. Her outfit is a simple yet elegant style and with the beautiful color choices. The Jacket is such a nice shade of dark Teal. It's not too loud or too quiet either. Her Obi on the waist is a nice mustard yellow, again, not to loud and not to quiet either. The long black skirt is really what is lovely about this OC. it flows really nicely with the body and makes her look a lot taller than what she might be. The skirt color is black, in my opinion was the right choice because she could have picked a different color and ruined the outfit color pallet completely. The color pallet could have gone terribly wrong if they were just a tad lighter or a tad darker. They chose their colors wisely from the hair to the top, sash, and skirt. They pulled this off vary well.
Lets get to Tsubaki's Story/Background. Reading this I'm actually vary disappointed. I honestly thought that it was going to be a good original background. It's not. So she was born to the Akame Shizuka and the successor of the Akame family. She's heir to the Kekke Genkai and growing up as a child she shows no sign of her Kekke Genkai to open Steel Release. One day she gets kidnapped by a organization that uses her as bait to lure he mother in. First off I don't like this at all, I'm getting a Kushina vibe from this, being kidnapped is in the top 3 OC Clichès. But you need to ask yourself the question, Why was she alone in the home in the first place at such a young age? Let's continue. The mother finally got baited and tried to save her daughter (Understandable as a parent and mother) The people abuse her mother in front of Tsubaki. Alright, this so far is a walking cliché. It's just bad. They beat her mother in front of her in order to provoke her into awakening her Kekke Genkai. They was their for days (I'm pretty sure if my wife and daughter were missing for more than a day I'm sending every Anbu Black Op on the spot) So after a couple of days of being tortured they finally drug the mother by giving her a drug that stops chakra flow and energy. Awhile after that during another torture session, one of the kidnappers kills Tsubaki's mother (Come on Leaf Village... really? Your the biggest village with the best Anbu system and it's taking you days to find a child and her mother??? I understand if you were a smaller village like Getsugakure or Hoshigakure than it wouldn't surprise me because of the fact that you are micro nations and don't have such a big economy and big  resources but this is the Leaf Village) So after being strong for so long, Watching her mother die finally breaks Tsubaki. Watching her mother die finally brings out the Kekke Genkai within her and as a result she kills all the men in the room.(She's sooooo strong, her Kekke Genkai is soooo powerful. She totally just didn't have a normal way to unlock it. It had to have a tragic reason behind it. Original Recipe. 10/10 backstory. sloooow clap) (Note: Tsubaki is only 10 years old) After the rampage that's when the Anbu find her along with her Father (Wow, once the worst is over that's when the "hero's" come to save the day. a little too late if you ask me). After this her Father starts to spend a lot of time with Tsubaki (Which he would of been in the first place. If he did her mother wouldn't be dead) Helping her controller her steel release and helping her get through situations that occur when kidnapped. 6 months of treatment and she recovers from her trauma (I'm sorry but their is no way that 6 months can cure a child of the age of 10. People who go through trauma don't recover that fast. It takes years for a event like that to leave the mind. At the age of 10 when trauma happens and it involves the death of a loved one all you can think about is the past and how you enjoyed your time with them and now you need to cope with the fact that you will never see them again. It will always ring in your head the memories you shared with that person. All you can think about is the last time you see that person and it replays over and over in your head constantly. It normally takes a 10 year old who has gone through mental trauma to cope and move on from it by the age of 45 - 50 years and when getting professional help it takes 30 - 40 years. 6 months is impossible for anyone at any age to get over a traumatic experience)
Now let's get to the relationship. Tsubaki has a vary close relationship with her father after her mother's death. Later in life she gets married to Ao Tanuma and has two children, A young daughter and a older son (I currently cannot find her children's names) I've said this once before, I love OCxOC. It's great because you don't need to worry a about "Will this person draw my OC with -insert artists favorite Naruto Character- because their OC is shipped with them already?" it's really great honesty and it keeps things fresh and clean and open for so many ideas. Plus when adding your character to the story you don't have any conflict of "How my OC and this Cannon character had a chance to spend time together, when plot"
Let's continue and go to her personality. Her personality is really good. I love how she's strives for perfection and in doing so keeps a level head. She's tough on the outside and soft of the inside. She doesn't like to keep or be kept waiting. She's Calm and collected and has discipline. She's cautious as well, which is another good personality trait that works well with her backstory.
Let's get to her Jutsu and Abilities. She has a lot of abilities that look and sound original, clean, and well thought through. I'll only name 3 because she has a lot. Steel Release: Dokubari (Poison Needle), Lightning Style: Kaminari Shibari (Thunder Binding), and Hidden: Akai Mikazuki (Red Crescent Moon). I love the sound of all of those techniques. Her weapon of choice is a Kase-gatana (Umbrella Sword). In the description it's said to not be made from paper, as it appears to be but it's made from metal. This is supporting her Kekke Genkai. Vary good and vary well said and though through
ALRIGHTY! We have reached the end of this critique. I must say I enjoyed this OC a lot. And I hope to may do many more of Tsurugami's OC in the future. But let's get to finished rating.
Appearance: 9.6/10 History/Background: 2.4/10 Relationships: 9.9/10 Personality: 8/10 Chakra/Abilities/Jutsu: 9.9/10
Well done OC. Can use a lot of major work on the backstory but besides the backstory it's a amazing, elegant, and tasteful OC with a lot to look forward to
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