#I miss smash
phierecycled · 1 year
Marvin, answering the phone: Shalom from Hell.
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totorosleafhat · 8 months
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i’m sorry but what is this… i’m sure it will be great stand alone but like it’s a musical version of smash so what even is this…. not to mention they named toms replacement character (also julia husband…) jerry.. like is jerry just not a character in this?? or Eileen?? or anyone but ivy and karen?? also a comedy?? i’m sorry i’m sure it will be great but not in comparison to smash
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theposhperyton · 3 months
So I've been watching Water 7
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trekkerac · 4 months
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YREAAHH going through old super smash doodles
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dreamdripdistance · 8 months
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its very nearly His time.... 🎃🖤🖤
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obae-me · 8 months
He looks at you like artistry. A contemporary piece he's never seen before. Taking in every detail with calculating eyes. Wondering what intentions the skillful hands of the cosmos had in mind when making you.
He wishes to know your story, the happiness that makes the music of your voice, the experiences settled in the sculpt of your frame, the tragedies brushed into the strokes of your irises.
The complexities of your being astound him, mesmerize him. Every new fact he learns about you adds another stanza to your sonnet.
To him, you are art in its purest form. Not one part can exist without the other. The greatest of symphonies would not be complete without their rests. He adores all of you.
How foolish he was at first, to think you were just a simple creature. Oh, the things he has taken for granted. When did he become so blind? Was it his Pride? Or had he simply been breathing for so long, that the sweet orchestra of life became dull to his ears? How long had it been since he stopped to watch people commune in the streets? Or sat a while to watch the trees sway from his window? Or pondered on the meaning of a wonderful word?
Excitement. How many centuries since he's felt like that? Filled with a rather humiliating child-like giddiness. But it's...invigorating. Everything stands out to him fresh, avant-garde. You remind him that there's still so much for him to discover.
A change in the wind, the turning of a page to a whole new chapter, a swelling crescendo, you are enticing. Every second spent with you leaves him craving more.
All he desires is to be in your presence. To see your colors. To hear your melody. To bask in the opus of your existence. It was only a matter of time before you would manage to become his everything, his obsession, his passion. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
For Lucifer is a connoisseur, and to him, you are nothing less than the crown of luxury.
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arealtrashact · 1 year
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What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas...
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neongreensyrup · 3 months
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smash-chu · 11 months
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Your best friend, always and forever 🐬
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pov u have been ruling over helpless villagers with a iron fist and have lived for decades with inhuman powers that could easily murder a man with little to no effort and this thing comes up to u with full intent to kill
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phierecycled · 1 year
“Are you Team Karen or Team Ivy?”
I’m literally Team Elijah Krantz tf
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merverelli · 6 months
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dec 2023 - jan 2019 - sept 2017
its a redraw of a redraw!
(psst: here's a speedpaint if you're interested! https://youtu.be/9nn73oxU7eg)
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ironinkpen · 1 year
My favorite thing in the world about Rise Leo is that he acts Like That but then at any given moment he's almost always doing something that's like. so fucking clever.
Like in the episode "The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek," the guys are sneaking around Big Mama's hotel to steal something from her guard dog Gus's collar. Raph's idea of stealth is uhhh holding a frond over his head, and Mikey and Donnie spend most of their time scooting a food cart up the stairs. Gus sniffs them all out and they all have to be rescued by Splinter.
And then Leo does this
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And it seems so stupid, but like? it's actually not?? there's a strategy here???
The other guys get caught bc Gus is an incredible tracker w a great sense of hearing and smell—which Leo knows from their last run-in with him. So what does Leo do? He eliminates the problem by purposefully sneaking up on Gus in a crowded, noisy, distracting room so Gus won't be able to hear or smell him. And it WORKS—Gus doesn't notice him even when he's right under his nose! He just gets unlucky that the Evil Sports match ends right when he gets his hands on the collar.
It's just. so endlessly funny to me that Leo's the one who gets the closest to actually completing the mission without needing Splinter to bail him out, and no one notices bc he does so with the air of a court jester. A little clown boy. He truly radiates the vibe of someone constantly flying by the seat of his booty shorts, meaning no one realizes until Shredder that he's secretly the only one on the team who regularly uses ANY problem-solving or planning skills lmao
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doodledstars · 1 month
Can we see more of Dark pit and Pichu, please? Pichu was my favorite Pokemon
It was a good warm up doodle before drawing for work! :)
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maskyartist · 4 months
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okay so "tomorrow" got late BUT heres my goofy ass Clay/Creek idea :)
the entire summery is under the cut but in case ur curious dont worry
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Branch eventually finds out :D
more info under the cut!
Once the Putt Putts end up getting moved to Trollstopia (i imagine they have their own sectioned off area, they're not exactly "pop trolls" anymore yknow? they got a lil makeshift spot they're turning into a new mini golf course as we speak), Clay was properly hired as Viva's royal advisor. Aka her assistant :)
He loves doing all his usual serious boy work, but its gotten hard doing it by himself now that it's less "trying to keep a small community from burning down" and more "trying to convince all the other genre's theyre not feral as hell". its a lotta work, along with keeping up with Putt Putts and their wants and needs for their new kingdom
So Clay puts out a flier for an assistant position and after weeks of no luck, he gets a hit and hires the guy as soon as he can!
Creek has been living on the outskirts of Pop Village ever since the "Bergen" incident, too afraid of the consequences of his actions to try and rejoin the Pop Trolls. Instead he ends up watching them build a newer area with Trolls he's never even met before.
Creek begins exploring the Putt Putt Range and is happy to be greeted as a full stranger. This spot might be safe. Social, not too far from his "home" (a tucked away cave in the forest), and no one knows what he did. He can start over!
Even better, there's a job offer for Putt Putt Range specifically. Hes not one for hard work, but after living on his own for long enough, hes sick of having to fight for his own food. He'd rather have a paycheck and something MUCH better then whatever crap he finds lying around. Or has to cook. Even worse.
Clay may be desperate but Creek does do good work. Being his assistant is thankfully rather simple. Creek is in charge of smaller, less important file information, along with manning the front and taking requests for the Putt Putts on what should be done to the Range. All in all? It's peaceful. It really does feel like a fresh start, and even better? Clay is...really nice. Patient, understanding, he listens and Creek has been alone so long it's just nice to be heard.
Things could really take a turn for the better.
...and then he learns who Clay's brothers are and all hell breaks loose :)
(its a lot of back and forth, Clay learning new info and having to just sorta grapple with it, being caught in the middle of a family feud situation. He cant STAY with Creek/keep him on staff if he wants to keep Branch happy, but he also doesnt wanna FIRE Creek because he hasnt hurt the Putt Putts. He has no reason to fire him, family business is just that. Family business. Its not for a professional setting.
Clay's caught between a rock and a hard place, and he's gonna have to squeeze himself out before he breaks.)
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