#I miss the strawbs is all
cottoncandyruby · 2 years
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i miss when they fed each other strawberries
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maybe the reason I was so quick to go “oh yup failed marriage lila moves on” is cause I never got over diego & patch….
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glitterslag · 9 months
i follow this amazing ceramicist on IG who makes absolutely adorable ceramic smoking pipes and i've just realised... we're seriously missing an opportunity by not having chrissy and eddie hitting bowls out of a little painted strawberry girlypop pipe
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Time Traveller AU pt 6
Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 3 is here. Part 4 is here. Part 5 is here. Time Traveller AU masterlist is here. Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
PART 7 is here!
Its been a week since Baldwin finally came clean about the kiss with Charlotte, a week since you cleared of him "cheating on you", not that you cared if he did, and a week since you realised Guy tried and failed miserably to sabotage Baldwin through Charlotte.
Its also been a week over the due date you were supposed to return to Egypt to get your tools from Abbas, but its been hard to leave when Baldwin insists on spending time with you 24/7 because wants to make up to you for "suspecting his devotion to you".
He draped himself over your shoulders, caging you in his arms as he pecks your temple. "I'm sorry for making you doubt my love for you, princess. No, no- clearly, I'm the one at fault! Let me make it upto you~" Ugh, sometimes him being such a green flag is making it seem like a red flag. But you cant argue because... well, if you dont let Baldwin shower you in affection, then he might stop chanting "its my fault, princess" and change the narrative into "its your fault, princess and you need to be punished for doubting me- the KING, for slapping me- the KING, for thinking yourself so highly that you think i cant have all the women i want, me- the KING! To the dungeons you go, darling!"
Anyways, you both were now sitting down in the royal gardens, Baldwin's head laid in your lap as you worked your fingers through his luscious locks, absentmindedly braiding his hair while he made you tell some stories.
"And so, she found out her husband was cheating on her because she found out a jar of strawb- a jar of lard in her house." You looked down at his face, finding him already staring up at you, eyes full of awe. "And she doesnt eat lard. She hates it, so she never allowed it in the house."
Baldwin let out a small gasp. "And then what did this- Sharkerilla lady do?"
"Shakarina left Pickle. Divorced him." You told him, adding in small daisies in his hair. His face displayed pity. "Wow. And how do you know these people?"
You paused for a second. You cant explain to him how Shakira and Pique were celebrities and the concept of drama channels on youtube.
"We were neighbours." You hummed, patting his head. "There, I did your hair. Now I'm going-"
"No. Come on, we havent spent enough time." He whined, blue eyes looking at you pleadingly.
You scoff. "Baldwin, we've spent the entire day together. We ate breakfast and lunch together, we read books in the library, we looked at tiaras and crowns for the wedding, we even played chess." He lifted his head up from your lap and rested it on his palm as he leaned on his shoulder.
"And you lost all 5 games." Baldwin grinned, making you smack his forehead gently.
"I need to go-"
"Because I need to make arrangements for my trip to Egypt." You explained as Baldwin groaned, plopping his head face-first into your lap. "No." He mumbled against your dress.
"No." He raised his head, pouting at you. "You're not going to Egypt. I miss you too much."
You gave him a lazy smile. "I'll be back soon."
"Not soon enough." He argued. "I have to go find my family, Baldwin." You continued on with your lie, raising a hand to caress his cheek. He sighed and leaned into your touch. "I can send the knights to find them." "They wont be able to. Only I will. Besides, I need to know what theyre like, if its even best to let them back into my life again, hm?"
He pondered over for a moment. "Then I will come along?" "What? Why?" He gave you a charming smile. "Because I dont want to part from you. Not for weeks, not for days, not even for-" He leaned up close to your face, eyes darting from your eyes to your lips back to your eyes. "-a minute."
Your face flushed and you looked to your side, using your hand to push his face away, making him chuckle as he grabbed the same hand and pressed a kiss to it. "You're so adorable, my little prude."
You shot him a glare. "I- I'm not a prude. But at least one of us should have a little shame."
He gave a chuckle, poking your still flushed cheek. "Shame? Whatever for? I love you." His eyes lit up in amusement as your head whipped towards him. Baldwin raised a brow at you. Its not the first time he's confessed, but... it still catches you offguard everytime.
"Did you hear me? I love you." He repeated, eyes still twinkling at how you continued to become flustered.
You opened your mouth and then closed it like an idiot, not knowing how to reply.
"Thank you." You finally said, looking anywhere but at him. He burst into a fit of laughter. "Oh god- I tell you- I love you and you say "thank you"? You really are something out of this world!" Baldwin teased you, making you huff.
"Lets not get off topic, Baldwin. You cant come with me to Egypt because you cant abandon Jerusalem. If your throne is empty, Guy- though he doesnt have the brain for it, or Salauddin or someone else will attempt to take your throne from you! You have a responsibility to your people! Keep them safe." You reminded him.
Baldwin stared at you before sighing, leaning back and resting his head on his arms. "You're always so smart, aren't you?" He smiled with his eyes closed. "I suppose it is a good thing that you care so much for your future subjects."
Next day, you were all set to leave for Egypt again. Baldwin and you stood at the gates of the castle as the kingdom all gathered around to bid you safe travels. You were ignoring Baldwin's stupid lovey dovey eyes boring holes into you, because there are people here and you dont want this blue orbed man to embarrass you.
But alas, he took your hand in his, making you look at him. He flashed you his dimples, bringing up your hand to press a kiss to it, the crowd cooing while you blushed (though it could be mistaken for anger with how hard you were frowning).
Tearing his eyes away from you, he addressed his people. "O people of Jerusalem! Your princess is going on an important journey. I ask you all to pray for her safety and well being!" The crowd looked on you two with awe, or more at Baldwin for being such a doting husband-to-be.
"While I know that your hearts must ache to see your princess depart from us for some time, I bring you good news to keep your hearts at peace as well." You looked at Baldwin in confusion. Good news? What is he talking about?
Baldwin smiled at you, the sunlight hitting his face at angle that made him look majestic.
"In 3 weeks time, the princess and I will marry!" Your eyes widened as the crowd erupted in cheer.
Baldwin hugged you close, and you whispered. "Three weeks? But I'll be gone for at least two! I wont have enough time to make-"
"Dont worry about a thing, princess. Sibylla and I will make all the arrangements necessary and trust me, it'll be a wedding for generations to remember." He pulled back, grinning at you as he pecked your forehead. "You just focus on returning safely, okay?"
Sibylla, Guy and their son were also there to bid you farewell. Sibylla pulled you in for a tight hug, promising to give you a grand wedding and that she'll keep your prefrences in mind. Their son ran off and Sibylla went to chase after him, leaving you alone with Guy.
"Bye." Guy gruffly said while you smiled tightly at him. "I know what you did, you buffoon." He looked at you slighted. "What the hell are you-"
"Charlotte? The letters? Yeah, we'll talk when I return. And you better not cause anymore trouble for me or else-" You turned to look at Baldwin, waving sweetly at him. Guy gulped, taking in your threat.
As usual, your first stop was at Salauddin's camp. You would go without stopping here, the knights Baldwin sent with you claimed to know the way but... you dont trust them to know how to survive the desert. And you knew you were right when some people from your caravan started feeling faint.
"Return to Jerusalem and take care of yourself." "But we cant just leave you, princess-" "You are not going to be able to serve me if you dont survive the desert. Salauddin's camp is near and with his guards combined with mine, I'll be more than safe. Go now. And tell the king that I insisted you returned." You assured them, commanding a few knights to guard them on their way back.
Looking ahead, you saw the sand hill beyond which Salauddin's camp was. Isabella, your lady-in-waiting, gave you your niqaab and chaddar.
"And then, he told me about who Charlotte was and what really happened. It was all a big misunderstanding." You told Salauddin as he moved his pawn.
"You believed him?" He raises a brow as you made your move.
"Of course! I already knew Guy was behind it. I figured it from the letters, and his face practically gave it all away when I confronted him about it." You reached under your veil to fan yourself. "Is it burning in here or am I just imagining it?"
Salauddin turned and brought you some cold water. "Guy could be a threat to you. Dont trust him."
You turned your head to the side, barely lifting your veil before bringing the glass underneath it to your lips, gulping it down as you let out a relieved sigh. "I know. Guy is a tool, and tools are meant to be used."
His lips quirked slightly at your words. Sitting back down, he played his move. "When do you plan on leaving Baldwin?"
"Soon. The plan is in motion." You took some time before moving your knight. Salauddin wasnt making this game easy for you this time and neither was the hot temperature.
He leaned forward, taking your knight with his bishop. "And how do you plan on doing that when your fiance has just announced your wedding date?"
You narrowed your eyes at him. "How did you- spies?" Salauddin's silence confirmed how news travelled so fast. "You dont need to worry. I'll be long gone before the wedding day."
"Care to indulge me on your plan?" He popped a date in his mouth.
"No." You replied making him glare at you. "If your plan involves relying on Guy, then you're even stupider than you look."
You scoff, pushing his king down. "I'm sorry, how many rounds have you won against me?" He smirks, though you suspect that he's just trying to cover up for being a sore loser.
"Maybe I just let you win so that you get to live." Of course, how can you forget his "win or you die" version of chess.
"Whatever you say, grandpa." His jaw clenched, making you chuckle. "Your existence gives me a headache. Leave."
As you walked out, you're suddenly hit with a wave of dizziness. Under your veil, your face is sweaty, you cant even use your hands to wipe it away because of how clammy they are, you even feel beads of sweat rolling down from your neck to your leg.
"Are you alright?" Salauddin came up behind you, eyes studying you stumbling a bit.
"Yeah- I'm just- hot..." You muttered, sweat gathering around your upper lip while your mouth felt like cotton. He watched you blink slowly as the sun hit you in the face, making you raise your hand to shield yourself, even though your muscle cramped.
"Y/n?" You heard him call you, but black dots clouded your vision and then in a second, you fainted.
You woke up to the sound of drums playing outside. Looking around, you recognised this to be the women's tent you had been in the first time Baldwin brought you here.
Isabella walked in, halting for a moment when she realised you were awake before rushing towards you. "Princess? Are you okay?" She poured you a glass of water, helping you drink it. "What happened?"
"You fainted from the heat. We were going to take you back to the kingdom but Sultan Salauddin advised us all to stay put here because the air was only going to get hotter for the rest of the day. And by night, it would be too cold for us to make it back." She smiled gently. "He was kind enough to offer us stay here."
You nodded and sighed. For sure none of you wouldve survived if you were to return to Jerusalem today.
You walked out of the tent to see it was night now. The drums you heard earlier were being played by some men of Salauddin's, accompanied by few women clapping and having an overall merry time around the bonfire.
You didnt spot Salauddin with them, but you suppose he's probably either working or resting.
The temperature had indeed dropped as night fell, and you wrapped a shawl around before joining the camp fire. You sat down on the ground with some women, smiling as they immeadiately welcomed you warmly. The one on your right was quick to show you her baby, and you recognised him to be the one you saved.
"Jibrael." She told you his name. The baby was almost a month old, and his chubby cheeks made you coo. Jibrael- or Gabriel, is an angel who acted as an  intermediary between God and humans and as bearer of revelation to the prophets, most notably to Muhammad (PBUH). In Christianity, Gabriel was the archangel announcing the coming birth of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist. In Judaism, Gabriel is a helper to Daniel and a warrior angel for God's cause.
You played with the baby for a while before handing him back to his mother to be put down for sleep. It was getting cold now and most had already left to go to bed now. You wrapped the shawl around you closer, snuggling into it as your eyes gazed at the dancing flames. You felt someone sit next to you.
"How are you feeling now?" Salauddin asked, keeping his eyes ahead.
"I'm fine. Thank you for catching me."
"I didnt. You fell. It was funny." You turned to glare at him (the respectable gap between you two did not go unnoticed... or unappreciated by you.) and perhaps for the first time you saw him smiling. Genuinely.
Though his thick beard covered most of his lower third of the face, you could see his sharp jawline that sculpted his face. Strong. Hard. His lips, bottom one appearing to be plumper than the upper one, were resting in a relaxed smile.
The moonlight seemed to soften his sharp features, but his kohl lined eyes adorned with luscious lashes shone with amusement and... something in the orange hue of the bonfire.
He turned his head to you. "What?" You were thankful for your veil covering your expression for being caught staring at him like an idiot. You shake your head, dismissing him, turning your head back towards the dying fire.
"What are you going to do once you leave Baldwin?" Salauddin asked, stoking the fire.
"To where?" You shrug. "Anywhere. Maybe try finding my family. Or venture somewhere else."
"He wont give up so easily." You rolled your eyes. "Yeah yeah, because he loves me and all-"
"He wont forgive your betrayal." Salauddin cut you off. "He wont forgive you for the embarrasment. He wont forgive you for the insult of rejecting a king. He wont just- let you go." He looked at you, his tone haunting as he uttered the next words.
"Baldwin will hunt you down. And he will make you wish you were dead."
You stared at him, processing his words. Baldwin would... hurt me?
"Are we talking about the same man?" You ask him with a light chuckle, though your throat has ran dry.
He nods. "I know he seems like he couldnt hurt a fly, and physically, he couldnt until you cured him. But I've seen him on the battlefield. I've had him as my enemy and I've observed him obliterate people who just tick him off." He offered you some dates, and you took a few. You were hungry, and these looked pretty good right now.
"Baldwin is smart, calculating. He's the king, he has the power to end his enemy very easily. At the drop of a hat. But he doesn't. He waits for the perfect moment, or rather creates the perfect chance to torture any man who had the misfortune to be on the receiving end of his anger. And he does it with a completely cool, clear mind." And even though Salauddin has fought Baldwin many times, they both know they're only fighting for their people, for their religion. Its nothing personal, so they're technically not enemies.
"So what do you suggest I do to not piss him off so badly? I've already tried rejecting him respectfully."
He stayed quiet for a few moments, stoking the fire. He smiled when he felt your curious eyes on him.
"There is a way." He said.
"Which is...?"
His smile widened even more. "You're not ready for it yet." You frowned. "Drop the act, Salauddin. You came here by yourself because you wanted to tell me the plan. Stop teasing and just tell me." He chuckled hearing you become frustrated.
"In due time, Y/n. In due time." You roll your eyes, standing up. "I'm not going to beg you to tell me. But your "plan", which I dont think exists, it better not mess with my escape." You stomped back inside your tent, and Salauddin snickered as you tripped a bit on your chadar on the way in.
He stood up, giving a nod to the rest as they all settled in for the night.
"Salauddin!" You cried out, your eyes full of tears that he could see from a mile away, even if your were wearing a niqaab. He could feel your agony, your distress. You were standing in the middle of the desert alone, the boiling sun along with your black chadar covering you from head-to-toe, would only be increasing your body temperature. Why were you all alone? He left you with his caravan. Or did Baldwin leave you in this harsh enviorment to die? Did he find out you were going to leave him?
"Salauddin!" You called out to him again, your voice wet from all the crying. This time, he rode his horse towards you. Fast. He needed to get to you, even though the galloping hurt his shoulder. Yes, he got wounded while he was fighting. He sustained many injuries, many gashes, so much so that by the time he reached you, his white armour had turned bloody. But he was not bothered by it, no. He needed to reach you. You. How long have you been out here? Arent you dying of thirst?
Your arms were still wide open, though drooping from the lack of energy. He could hear you sobbing as you called him again, and he all but ran towards you, bodies colliding as he pulled you into a strong embrace. Muscled arms wrapped around you, comforting you that he's here now. You're safe now.
Salauddin looked around as you bawled into his chest, trying to see if everyone had really abandoned you here and... left you die.
You pulled away from him, but Salauddin didnt remove his hands from you. And thats when he felt the cloth you were wearing. It was too thin. The sun must've burned your skin now. Is that why you're crying? You're in pain?
In a blink, he removed his own thick black chadar that rested on his shoulders and wrapped it around you, pulling it over your head to stop more heat damage.
"Y/n?" He spoke softly as you continued to cry so brokenly as he adjusted the cloth over your body. "What happened?"
"Y-you left me!" You blubbered. He shook his head. "No. I- I left to go in battle. I couldnt take you along. It was dangerous-"
"You left me, Salauddin! You left me here! Baldwin- he hurt me! He hurt me so badly! And you weren't here to protect me!" You sobbed out, your eyes red and swollen from the tears. "I am a part of the ummah! I am a Muslim! You- you were supposed to keep me safe! On your honour, I was in your care! Why didnt you save me, Salauddin?"
Salauddin felt his heart being crushed at your words. He failed to keep you safe? But... he was at war. What was he supposed to do?
He grabbed your shoulders, pulling you to his chest as he rubbed circles into your back. "I'm sorry." He whispered, shushing you as your body shook from tears. "I'm here now. I promise to keep you safe, Y/n. I will never leave you again. I will never let anyone hurt you again. I swear, Allah as my witness, I will do everything to keep you safe." You pulled your head back from his chest, your red eyes looking at him weakly.
"You're too late, Salauddin." You whispered and a sharp sound whooshed through the air, making your body jolt in his arms. You both looked down and thats when he saw it-
An arrow. Poking through your chest.
"Y/n?" His voice trembled, watching the life drain out of your eyes.
You fell, and so did Salauddin, catching your body. He couldnt- he couldnt believe it. He cradled you in his arms, readjusting the chadar over you again, softly calling your name.
Wake up. Wake up, Y/n. Return to me.
Footsteps approached him, though he couldnt bare to tear his eyes from you. He already knew who it was.
"Why?" Salauddin asked him.
Baldwin kneeled down to his level, staring at you for a moment before yanking his arrow out of you, making a stream of blood gush out. Salauddin panicked, tried to cover the gaping wound with his hand. He looked at Baldwin in disbelief. This... this was not the Baldwin he knew. Baldwin was never so cruel- so heartless.
"She deserved it." Baldwin stated before stabbing him in the chest.
Salauddin continued to hold you in his arms, watching Baldwin leave on his horse as you two bled out to your deaths in the middle of the desert.
Salauddin woke up with a jolt, his forehead sweaty as he breathed fast. He could feel his heart beating against his chest loudly.
Nightmare. Thats all it was. He was still in his bed, in his tent.
He got up to fetch himself some water, taking sips to slow down his heart. Judging from the darkness, he knew it was still nighttime. It was quiet, everyone was asleep except for a few men he left to guard them.
It was quiet. Too quiet.
Salauddin whipped around just in time to knock the shadowy figure standing behind him with a sword. In a second, Salauddin had overpowered and snapped his neck, only then realising more shadows moving outside his tent.
"We're under attack! WAKE UP!" He yelled before grabbing his two swords and running out to defend his caravan.
You woke up to screaming and Isabella pulling you out of bed.
"We're under attack!" She says, yanking you out of the women's camp that was set on fire. Your eyes were wide and for a moment, you were frozen as you took the scene in front of you.
Fire. There was fire everywhere. All the camps were ablaze, along with some people being burned alive. Haunting screams echoed the entire area. Time slowed down as you saw Salauddin's men fighting... some people. You couldnt figure out who they were, but you knew they werent the knights Baldwin had assigned for you. No, you saw them fighting these mysterious figures as well. They were covered in dark clothes to blend in with the night, had hoods and masks covering their faces but they fought skilfully and very fast.
"Princess, we must leave!" Isabella caught your attention again, dragging you away from the chaos. You saw her following a knight- your knight, who led you towards a horse for you to escape with.
Salauddin... where's Salauddin?
You looked back frantically and you spotted him in the sea of flames, cutting through multiple armed one with his two swords slicing them brutally.
For a moment, your eyes met and then in the next, he screamed your name.
Isabella had pushed you away just in time as two men came at you with swords. You knight yelled at you to run. Again, Isabella pulled you to make an escape but it wasnt long before you two got separated by a woman who was on fire, running in between you two.
"H-help her." You told Isabella who took of her shawl to put out the fire. In the middle of all this commotion, you heard a distinct cry.
A baby's cry.
It was coming from one of the tents. You ran in, looking around for the baby before spotting the bassinet. You grabbed the crying baby and held it close to your chest, trying to shush it as you walked towards the exit only to halt when you saw who was blocking it.
The shadowy figure. He was wearing dark hood and mask, while the rest of his armour was made of leather. He was armed with swords, daggers and a satchel.
It clicked. Assassin.
The assassin stared at you with dark eyes taking a step forward. You backed away, holding the crying baby protectively to your chest. He tilted his head at you, and for a second, you thought you saw amusement in his eyes.
Slowly, he walked out of the tent without saying a word but he stood right behind the curtain of the tent. You saw his shadow pull out his sword before standing there still.
What is he doing?
You turned around, hoping to find another exit but thats when you saw it. Two more shadows stood outside the tent and then they dropped something on the tent walls.
Fire. They lit the entire tent on fire and stood outside with their swords, giving you the choice to either die by their swords or burn yourself alive.
The fire spread fast, burning the flammable tent easily. Dark smoke started to surround you making you cough. The baby continued to cry harshly and you pulled him under your chadar to protect him from the fire and smoke.
But you didnt realise it until it was too late. Your chadar, your clothes had caught on fire as well. You screamed for help, screamed in agony as your skin burned. It felt like you were being branded, felt like someone was ripping your skin off.
Is this it? Is this how it all ends for you? Suffocated, skin charred, body naked? In a period where no one knows who you really are?
You fell to your knees before hunching over the baby, cradling it in your arms as its harsh cries burst your ears, protecting him from being burned for as long as you can.
Allah... Allah... Allah...
Through the thick smoke, a figure ran and covered your body with a thick cloth, patting down to put out the flames.
He picked your trembling body up, your arms still wrapped around the baby protectively. He walked through the ablaze tent, his face still covered by the smoke, or perhaps your vision was too blurry.
He exited the tent, the smoke cleared out and a gush of air filled your lungs. But you were burned, suffocated and exhausted.
The last thing you saw before your world faded to black was Salauddin's face.
You woke up to the sound of Quran recitation. A gentle, steady voice read the words beautifully.
Fluttering your eyes open, you looked around the room for the source. To your side, you found Salauddin reciting the Quran with his eyes closed in concentration. Was he a hafidh? (Hafidh is someone who has memorised the Quran completely).
He opened his eyes when finished reciting, looking stunned for a second to find you awake before a small smile graced his lips.
"We're in Egypt now." He informed you before concern washed over his face. "How are you feeling now? I changed your bandages in the morning, but I think its time to replace them." He grabbed the bowl of water and bandages on your side.
"B-bandages?" He stopped before understanding your confusion.
"You were in the tent when the assassins set it on fire. Your... clothes caught on fire, which stuck to your skin and burned it as well. I had to remove the remains of your clothes to treat your burns-"
"What?!" Your eyes looked down to confirm his words, he had indeed changed your clothes. "Why did you-" Your hands touched your face, heart sinking as you realised your veil was not there.
"You removed my niqaab?! My clothes?!" Your fury was only a disguise for your fear of what he'd seen, what he'd done to you in your vulnerable state.
He shook his head. "I had to do it as soon as we were safe. You were hurt-"
"Why? Why did you have to do it? Why not Isabella or any of the other women?!"
His face turned solemn. "Isabella... was gravely injured. She was in no position to look after you. Most people- most women from my tribe did not survive. The few who did were also wounded. The men... I just thought you wouldnt prefer someone you didnt know to look at you in such state." Salauddin looked at you, his eyes clear. "I did not do anything unbecoming of a man. Allah as my witness, I did not touch you with ill intent."
Perhaps it was the way he said it, or perhaps you just wanted to keep your mind at peace but... you believed him.
"How's Isabella now?" You let him change the dressings on your arms, watching him like a hawk as he moved quickly and carefully, no unnecessary touches or lingering that would make you uncomfortable. Even when he treated the the burns on the back of your legs, he worked fast, applying some balm on the red areas. The balm was like a cool gel against your irritated skin.
"She's better now. Just needed some rest." He replied as he finished wrapping the bandage on your legs. "Your back." Salauddin softly asked. You hesitated.
He sighed. "Y/n... I need to apply the balm or your skin will scar." You slowly turned around, holding your breath as you removed the robe from your back partially.
If he wanted to, he could've done anything when you were unconcious. You calmed yourself.
Again, Salauddin's hand worked fast, applying the balm quickly and placing some gauze over the marks. He pulled your robe over your back again, letting you turn around with a flushed face.
"My... my face?" You asked cautiously. You did not know if damage had been done there as well.
Salauddin understood you. "Fortunately, your face was save from the flames." He stood up and went over to the wardrobe to grab you a white chadar, handing it to you so that you cover your head with it. "Maybe when you were ducking over Jibrael, your arms covered both you and him from the fire."
"Jibrael...?" You asked. He smiled assuringly. "He's fine. You saved him... again." You sigh in relief. At least this wasnt all for naught.
Salauddin sits back down in the chair and though you've covered your hair with the shawl, he keeps his eyes trailed down on his hands in his lap. "I must ask you of one thing." You peeked at him before keeping your eyes focused on your lap as well.
"Will you... tell Baldwin about this incident?" Why would you when it would only cause Baldwin to panic and prevent you from leaving the castle, or his sight at all? You still need to come here to get parts for your time machine and even if the machine was working, you need to be able to use it without Baldwin or his army of knights breathing down your neck.
"No. It will only cause misunderstandings between you and him and I need to punish the real culprit for it."
He frowned but didn't raise his gaze. "And who might that be?"
"Those men... they were assassins, right?" He hummed. "Judging by how vicious they were, I think they were Ismailis."
Ismailis were a sect of Shia Muslims. Basically, like the great schism of Christianity into Orthodox and Catholic Church, Islam also had a schism that divided it into Sunni and Shia Islam. Shia Islam further had divided into different sects, of which one was Ismailis.
Sunni and Shia Muslims have been at war with each other since the beginning over religious differences. And considering Salauddin was not only Sunni Muslim but also targeted many Ismaili assassins so that they would not oppose his rule, it would be an understatement that they wanted Salauddin dead.
But... you know Salauddin had already gotten rid of most of the assassins and established his dominance over them. You're sure he's already had a peace treaty with them.
"Salauddin, you have an agreement with the Ismailis, don't you?" You watched his eyes widen slightly. "You're on peaceful terms with them at the moment?"
"How did you know?" Of course, the great Sultan Salauddin, an orthodox Sunni, wouldn't want the world to know that he spared the Ismailis. No, that would stir rumours that Salauddin has empathy for Ismailis, for the Shias, and which would lead to the rumours of hum being a Shiite Muslim.
You waved him off. "I know your character. I know of your mercy. Besides, I know both you and the Ismailis have a bigger common enemy- the Christians. Its more than likely that the Ismailis are supporting you so that you defeat Baldwin and claim Jerusalem, then they can focus on you. Plus, if the Ismailis wanted to kill you, why wait until now? They know you've been camping outside Jerusalem for months now." Salauddin was... impressed by your deduction skills to say the least. How are you connecting the dots so fast? Just who are you, Y/n?
You rubbed your chin. "So that means that someone not only hired the assassins but also wants us to think that the Ismailis were behind it all." Who could it be? Someone who wants to harm Salauddin but... they also wanted to harm you. It couldnt be the Roman Catholics or other Christians. No, they'd know better than to interfere with Baldwin, their Holy Emperor's war. Especially not with his wife-to-be in harms way. Who... who would know that you're with Salauddin and still attempt an assassination-
"Guy." You muttered, pinching the nose of your bridge. Of course, its fucking Guy, shit for brains Guy who cant sit still and wait his turn to play king.
"Guy? Why would he attack me when you're still here?" Salauddin's mind immeadiately gives an answer as soon as he asks out loud.
"Because I am here." You groan. "He's trying to eliminate us both, or at the very least- me, while I'm with you so that he can provoke Baldwin to go to war with you because you "killed" his future wife. He would tell Baldwin that it doesnt matter if they were Ismailis or not, we were all Muslims and this is just how Muslims are! He'd send Baldwin off to not only go to war with you but rather go to war with Muslims everywhere! And knowing Guy, he probably hopes that Baldwin dies in the process of his rampage. If you, me or Baldwin are all dead, or even one of us is, then Guy will only have to worry about dealing with one less person. His best bet was probably to get rid of me and you both, then have Baldwin go to war with all the Muslims who killed his fiancee. He's using all of us as pawns so that he gets to sneak on to the throne and be king!"
You heard Salauddin sigh. Perhaps he agreed with your theory. Perhaps he didnt. Whatever he may think, you know he will still conduct a thorough investigation of his own to find out who the real culprit is,
"Dont worry, I will deal with Guy. In fact, I'll let you have him to slaughter as you please." Of course, Salauddin will kill Guy. He has to pay for the blood of all his people.
Salauddin watched you get up from the bed and walk towards the vanity. "How long will these take to heal?" You asked, referring to your burns. "Usually take about a month, but the balm I used will significantly fade the marks." Good. You dont need Baldwin freaking out over them.
He stood up to take his leave. "I'll check on what information they've been able to gather from the assassin we caught. You-" He pointed towards the bed. "Rest. I mean it. These burns will only get worse in the heat outside, thats why I gave you the coolest room in the palace." He continued to glare at you until you finally sighed and sat on the bed. "I have to go see Isabelle-" You tried but he raised his hand. "No. You are to stay here, in your room. No one gets in, and no one gets out. I dont trust anyone to not try to kill you, not even in your own entourage- whatever is left of them. My men are stationed right outside. If you need anything, you tell them. But you are not to leave your chambers."
"I'll see you at dinner." He left and you saw the guards stationed outside your door.
The great thing about Egyptian palaces was that they had big windows to allow for ventilation. So you were already out of the window and climbing along the edge. You were about to jump when you heard someone call you.
"P-princess?!" Isabelle looked at you in horror. Apparently, you had climbed down near the balcony of her room. "Oh hey, Isabelle! How are you now?"
"I- I'm fine- princess, please get down from there!" She practically begged, fearing for your life. You climbed over her balcony and hugged her. "I'm so glad you're okay! Because I need you to do me a favour." You gave her a sweet smile while she looked at you in confusion. "See, I need to go out for a bit but Salauddin has told me to stay in and rest. So... I need you to cover for me again, just like last time."
"I- what- princess-"
"I wouldnt ask you if it wasnt of grave importance." You pleaded, finally making her give in. "Okay, I'll go to your room-" You stop her when she begins walking away.
"You cant just walk in there. There's guards stationed there and they wont let you in."
"Then how am I supposed to get in?"
You smiled at her. She didnt like that smile. It wasnt... well meaning.
"Well..." You looked at the balcony and she followed your gaze, almost immediately coming to tears.
"Princess please-"
"I am right here. I will help you, I promise Isabelle! I wont let you fall."
After helping a trembling Isabelle climb into your room, you had finally made your way to the madrassa. You had covered your face with your chadar and sneaking inside was no feat.
Abbas jumped out of his seat the moment you entered.
"Y/n! I thought you forgot all about me- wait what happened to your hands?" He referred to the bandages.
"I had an accident while conducting an experiment." "What experiment? Can I be a part of it? Please please please-"
"Abbas." You silenced him. "Business first. Did you make the tools I asked you to?" He quickly ran to his desk and pulled them out from the drawer. You examined them. They werent the best but you could make do with them. You nodded before asking for a paper so that you could draw the last few bits you needed.
"I need these by the end of this week." Abbas chuckled. "Oh I thought you were joking. How do you expect me to build- whatever this is! in a week? No way. I would need to get all the material and-"
"Abbas. I need it this week. I dont care how, but you have to do it."
He looked at you suspiciously. "Maybe if you could just tell me what it is that you're making-"
"No. I cant. And you will make me this by the end of the week, if not earlier because I have a very good reward waiting for you."
Abbas rolled his eyes. "I dont need your money-"
"I will let you ask me anything you want. Any question on any topic you'd like." You knew Abbas's thirst for knowledge.
You saw the twinkle in his eyes. "I will still take the money." "Of course, but I'll pay you after you make me this." He sighed and agreed.
"Wait- check this please?" He handed you his journal that had some math equations. You huffed, grabbing his pen and working on the mistakes. "I'm doing this just so that you do my work." You gave him some other math problems you did in grade 8 and handed it back to him.
You turned to leave before pausing.
"Abbas?" He hummed. "I think... we should set some security measures." You whispered.
"Whatever for?"
"Just in case someone came looking for me or my work. You know you're not supposed to tell anyone about this."
"I couldnt even if I wanted to." He tilted his head. "Why would someone come looking for you? Are you in trouble?"
You shake your head. "No. But you're aware of how other... scholars are eager to steal ideas." He nodded, being a victim of such crime.
"What do you have in mind?"
Salauddin was informed when you had returned to the palace. Of course he knew the moment you left. This was his Egypt. Not a bird flies without his knowledge here.
He sent out a spy after you, both to keep you safe and to follow you around. He couldnt help but let out a huff when he was told of your daring climb out of the window. Didnt he tell you to stay in bed?
"This girl..." He grumbles.
The spy told him that you went inside the madrassa. Why? What business could you possibly have there?
Perhaps you're creating a poison? To kill Baldwin? No, there would be easier ways to get poison. You did tell him and Baldwin that you were going to Egypt to find your family, but he has a hard time believing that.
Just what were you upto?
He'll find out soon enough. This is his kingdom, he finds out things. And he'll find out your secret too.
He knocked on your door before entering. You were sitting on your bed, your face now covered with a niqaab and your hair with his white chadar. His clothes. He felt something warm in his heart at the thought.
"How are you now?" He asked, his hands clasped behind his back.
"I'm fine. Just bored waiting here all day." You sighed exasperatedly.
Such a liar.
"I apologise for not being able to entertain you. I was busy with the assassin." You looked at him in anticipation. "He didn't reveal much but he did say that they were hired. I suppose that would bring us closer to your theory."
He watched your eyes narrow in thought. "It has to be Guy. He knew I was going to the desert to you first. He needed to get rid of me without anything to come back on him. Coward."
The door was knocked.
"I hope you dont mind- I had them bring dinner up here." Salauddin explained, letting the servants in. They set down a dastarkhawan in the balcony. A red table cloth was set on the ground, onto which many dishes were placed. You both sat down on cushions, the area was lit up with candles placed. You were busy admiring the view of the pyramids from your seat while Salauddin poured you some ginger kehwa.
"Here." You lifted your niqaab a bit to sip the hot tea, a sigh escaping your lips. Salauddin's lips quirked a bit but he, like you, kept his eyes focused on the pyramids.
You picked up the plate of dates from your side, knowing how fond he is of them. "Here." You mimicked his voice, making him smile as he grabbed a piece.
You both silently ate, admiring the view and enjoying each others presence.
Some time later, you were both done with dinner and just sat in silence. That is until Salauddin spoke.
"I'm sorry." You looked at him. "For letting you get hurt."
You exhaled, trailing your eyes back towards the night sky that was littered with gleaming stars.
"I know. But you shouldnt be, Salauddin. I'm not made of porcelain."
I know. I saw you jumping off the palace walls with the confidence of an assassin and the grace of a headless chicken.
"Still, you're under my care. I am responsible for you-"
"I free you of this burden." You're not a burden. "I am not that hurt and I am not scarred for life. If anything, all that incident made me question is just how far would man go?" Your eyes glazed over as you recalled the incident in the tent, where the assassin left you and the baby to burn to death. You could understand killing you, but a baby? He was willing to let a baby burn?
"It makes me believe just how barbaric people were to the Ahl al-Bayt (family of Prophet Muhammad PBUH). How easy it was for them to slaughter his lineage, how easy it was for them to keep water from them, how their hearts did not halt for a moment when they heard the cries of Ali Asghar- who they killed with an arrow in the neck." Your eyes glistened. "A baby. He was just a baby. How would've his father felt in that moment, holding his dead son in his arms, knowing he had to bring him home to his wife?" The battle of Karbala was one of the most heart wrenching tragedies of Islam and whats worse is that Prophet Muhammad knew of it years before it happened. He knew his own grandsons will face martyrdom years before it actually happened, when they were just little children in his arms.
"Man is cruel." Salauddin stated.
"But Allah made man. Why... would he allow man to be so cruel? Even animals are not this merciless." You wondered.
"Because man cannot see God." He says. "There are signs of His existence, signs for those who wish to be guided. Animals can see God. Angels can see God. Humans... Allah has made us with the ability to think, to choose. Man chooses to be cruel when he forgets that Allah is watching, that these things- the stones, the trees, everything around him? They're all living beings who will testify against man." He smiles. "But that is why the true believers also have a greater reward in the hereafter. What do you think of the reward, of what you'll get when you enter heaven? You dream of wealth, of food, of all luxuries. But there's a greater reward waiting for us. Do you know what that is?"
You gave a slight shake of your head.
"The true believers will see Allah. They will get to meet their Lord, their Creator, the One who saw them through it all, the One who knows their secrets and kept them hidden, the One continued to shower His blessings upon them even when they were not grateful." Those words... they comforted you. How peaceful it is to the heart to hear that your Creator waits for you. The One who has seen you shed tears and took care of you in this world will also take care of you in the next. And at the same time, this is such devastating news for the sinners too. Those who act selfishly, who forget who their Lord is, they will end up in hell and will never get the opportunity to see their Creator again, to ask of mercy from the most Merciful.
"Still..." You mumbled, wanting to find an excuse for such wickedness.
"It is not our place to ask why, Y/n. Allah does not owe us answers, explanations. He already has given us His book for guidance, his prophets for example. But know this- everything happens for a reason. Maybe the battle of Karbala was just to show us how quick man can turn on his own. Perhaps in the future, a time will come when people will kill many women and children, slaughter men so brutally while the entire world watches and yet... no one does anything. And then people will wonder- surely, man is not so evil. Surely, man wouldn't kill innocent children. Perhaps then they will remember history."
Salauddin woke up with a sigh. He had gone to sleep after he left your room last night, but he woke up from yet another dream he had of you. You. You. You. Since that night in the desert, he's been having constant dreams about you. Its either you dying at the hands of Baldwin or Guy, or its you asking him to help you. Tonight, he dreamt of you two celebrating Ramadan together, with you picking up the plate and offering him dates, however unlike dinner, you were sitting much closer to him in his dream, by his side. So close, he could see himself in your eyes.
Salauddin wasnt vain enough to admit it to himself- he had feelings for you. But what were they?
Lust? Not really, he's seen far prettier women than you. Beauty... is subjective and Salauddin is a firm believer in "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
Admiration? No. He admires your intelligence and your wit but Salauddin also has those qualities.
Infatuation? Sure he does think about you often during the day but not enough to call it obsession.
No, its love. It has to be. His heart doesnt know what exactly it is about you that draws him in. His mind doesnt comprehend why he feels like you belong with him but his soul, every fibre of his being screams that you do.
Allah has created someone for someone. He created Eve for Adam, He creates a woman from the rib of the man.
Salauddin touches the side of his chest, just above his abdomen.
Perhaps you're his missing rib.
You were smart, you were daring, you were also stupid enough to put yourself in harms way but it was... endearing. More importantly, you were the only person who could bicker with him, stand your ground against him and get away with it too.
He sat down on a chair, looking out at the pyramids. Like the man he's named after (Prophet Yusuf/Joseph), Salauddin believes in dreams having meaning. Perhaps its a way for God to talk to you, to warn you or guide you.
And from all his dreams about you, he's come to interpret it that he must save you from Baldwin... and everyone else. And he can save you- he can save you without you having to go through the trouble to be plotting against Baldwin and endangering yourself by working with Guy.
He could marry you.
If you were to marry Salauddin, you would become the queen of Egypt and the wife of the strongest Muslim leader of the time. Not only that but the entire ummah, Muslims around the world will come together as one to fight against Baldwin, against anyone who dares to harm you. You would be safe, you would be secure by his side as his wife.
But the plan is easier said than done.
Baldwin wouldnt backdown so easily. He would wreak havoc and if he's as obsessed with you as Salauddin has seen him, then he wouldnt stop at nothing to get you back. Baldwin will have to be dead for you to be safe from him.
Besides Baldwin, you yourself also are a hurdle. You havent shown any interest in him (which is understandable because you're engaged) but he doubts you're interested in marrying anyone at all. You're not one to be affected his wealth or status, you dont go for materialistic things. He's sure if he were to ask your hand, you would laugh hysterically and then maybe try mocking him. And Salauddin does not want to force you to marry him. He wants you to want him.
There is a way he could convince you. All he has to do is make himself look better than any man, especially Baldwin because you do seem to have a soft spot for him despite trying to sabotage him.
A sinister idea comes to mind.
What if Baldwin breaks up with you?
If Baldwin, for any reason, decides not to marry you then not only will you be free from him but a war will be avoided.
All Salauddin has to do is give Baldwin a reason to break up with you. He could send some concubines to him, but he doubts Baldwin would use them. And even if he did, it isnt reason enough for him to call off things with you. No, the only way Baldwin would break up with you is... if you're unfaithful to him. You dont need to cheat, dont need to sleep with any man. No, you dont have to do anything at all. All he has to do is make sure you're in the right place at the right time and Baldwin's there too, just enough to create doubt in his mind. And the ball will roll from there. Baldwin will continue to second guess your loyalty to him until he's driven himself insane. Then he'd leave you without ever punishing you for a crime he thinks you committed but has no proof of. Thats when Salauddin will swoop in as your knight in shining armour and you'll see that all men but him are shit and you'll say yes to his proposal-
He sighed, rubbing his temples. Despite it being a perfect plan, the safest plan- Salauddin cant bare to stain your character. He cannot spread a rumor about you being unfaithful. He cannot have anyone talk badly of you, even if it will end up with you in his arms. You're important to him. And if you ever figure out that Salauddin was the one behind it all, you'd never forgive him. You would never trust him.
The thought of you not trusting him, just like you dont trust him enough to tell him why you sneaked out of the palace, it hurts him. He doesnt know why but he wants you to trust him- trust him enough that you come to him with your problems and have faith that he will solve them for you. He will keep you safe. He will protect you.
He will have to find another way.
Salauddin offered the morning prayer before reciting the Quran, asking Allah for guidance for his problems and good health for you.
He walked out of his room and turned to the corridor where your room was, only to find you sneaking out of the room with Isabelle. You were still wearing his white chaddar, and it engulfed your small body like a blanket as you hurriedly walked down-
You tripped on the bottom of the long chaddar and fell face first.
"Princess!" Isabelle cried out as she helped you up, but you quickly dusted yourself off and continued talking her ear off as if nothing had happened, the tail of the chaddar trailing behind you as Isabelle walked beside you to keep up with what you were saying.
"Idiot..." He whispered to himself, though he was smiling. He called a servant and ordered him to bring the finest chaddars and niqaabs for you. He cant have you tripping all over the place because you wear his chaddar that was too big for you, despite how adorable you looked in it.
You knocked on his door.
"Salauddin, I was going to the market-"
"And you came to ask for permission? Okay, granted." He waved you off with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes. "Where do you get the audacity- nevermind. I came to ask if you'd lend me a few gold coins? I need to buy some things, souvenirs if you will." You had lost your coin purse in the desert and you need to pay Abbas.
He raised a brow. "What do you need? I can have it brought to you here."
You pursed your lips. Why is he being difficult? "I dont know what I need until I look. Just give me some money, I promise to pay you back as soon as I can."
He stood up, walking upto you but you neither backed away nor moved your eyes from him. "Its not about the money." He pulled out a pouch and dropped it in your hands. "I worry for your safety. Who knows how many others Guy has hired to kill you? I'm coming along."
"Aww, you're worried about me? That's so sweet-"
"I wouldnt want my image to tarnish because a guest died in my care." Your smile dropped as you grumbled something under your breath.
"Whatever. I still dont need you to tag along-"
"Good thing about being the sultan is that I dont need anyone's permission." He cut you off before walking past you. You stomped after him. "Salauddin, dont you have work-"
"You can either come with me or stay in your room for the rest of your stay here." He stated.
"What?" He heard you snicker beside him. Your eyes twinkled with amusement. "Oh, its just these rags suit you a lot." Salauddin and his guards had worn disguises to blend in with the commoners. He didnt want to draw attention to you two.
He rolled his eyes. "I have to blend in for your safety-" "I have never looked more in danger than I do right now. Look around and see people staring at a lady dressed so modestly is surrounded by brooding men wearing rags." You giggled as Salauddin looked around to see some people were indeed looking your way.
You stopped at a small stall that was selling some jewellery. You were looking at some rings, trying to choose something for Sibylla. The shopkeeper, an old man must've seen Salauddin standing over your shoulder looking around for any suspicious men.
"Son, why dont you help your wife pick something? Focus on her!" The shopkeeper said, catching you both off guard. You looked at Salauddin and laughed at his surprised face. Continuing to pull his leg, you stared up at him and batted your lashes. "Well, husband? What do you think would suit me?" You asked raising two different earrings to your face. One had a ruby in it, the other had sapphire.
He looked at you for a moment.
Your smile underneath your veil vanished, and you placed the earrings back on the table.
"The blue opal ones." He nodded his head as the shopkeeper handed him the tear drop gold earrings that had the precious stones fixed in it. He brought the earrings near your face, never touching it as his eyes assessed his pick.
"They bring out your eyes." He said before paying the old man and giving them to you, all while you were looking at him in awe.
"Wait! Why did you pay? I had the money." You two had begun walking again. "You mean the money I gave you?" You frowned. "I'm gonna pay you back." He smiled. "You dont need to. I have enough. As for the earrings... consider them a gift."
He hummed, his chest puffed up. "Part of the hospitality of the sultan."
You glared at him before smiling. "Thanks." You two continued to walk around the market, Salauddin gave alms to the poor he encountered. You were standing at another stall, watching in fascination as the man ground up the black powder and mixed it with oils to make kohl. He filled it up in a beautiful vessel before asking if you'd like to try it.
"Oh, I dont know how to." Especially not without a mirror, which the man didnt have. But he was persistent to sell his product and when he looked at Salauddin's kohl lined eyes, he offered it to him.
"Would you apply it on your wife?" This time, Salauddin didnt react like he did the earlier when he was associated with you. He took the wooden stick dipped in the kohl and looked at you for permission.
You gave a nod. He walked upto you, gently cupping your veil covered face. You thanked God for the niqaab, or else he would've seen how violently you were blushing.
"Chin up." He whispered before tilting your chin up. Your eyes shifted as they stared into his brown ones. "Open wide." He ordered, even though your eyes were already saucer shaped from the close proximity.
He began tracing the soft edge of the stick along the waterline of your right eye. He seemed to have noticed that you were holding your breath. "Relax." He softly commanded, patting your cheek with his thumb. That broke you out of your trance as you narrowed your eyes at him.
"Dont tell me what to do." You grumbled. "Open wide." He ordered again bringing the stick up to your left eye for a second coat. You hated the way he commanded you, hated that he seemed to be having his fun with this.
"Dont order-"
"If you dont listen to me, I will marry you today." Your eyes blew wide open in shock.
"Hush." He smiled placing kohl on your now wide eyes. "Whats wrong? You seemed to enjoy playing my wife but when I joke to marry you, you dont like it."
He's... joking?
Without realising, you blinked causing the still wet kohl to spread in your eyes. Salauddin had pulled the stick back just in time to not poke your eye out.
You hissed in pain, raising your hand to rub your eyes but Salauddin caught your wrist pushing it down.
"Open your eyes, Y/n. Look at me. I said- look at me." You opened your eyes to stare at him, your vision blurry from the mixture of tears and kohl.
Salauddin grabbed his handkerchief and began to dab the excess away as he tutted at you to stay still. Once he was done wiping the excess away, he blew cold air on your irritated eyes gently.
"I swear... if you dont sit still, I really will marry you today." He threatened you as he watched your red eyes glare at him. He didnt like that you were in pain, even if your own stupidity was the cause of it. This time when he applied kohl, you didnt dare to move an inch.
Fortunately, he worked faster this time around.
He gave a nod of approval when he was done. You dont know whether it was because he liked how your eyes looked now or if he was admiring his own work.
Salauddin handed the man money before taking a few bottles of kohl.
For the next hour, you two walked around in silence mostly. The image of your kohl lined eyes occupied his mind, not only because of how beautiful they were but also all the emotions that switched in a matter of seconds. You could try and hide your feelings all you want but your eyes tell. The eyes... they're the window to one's soul.
He saw attraction, anger, mesmerisation, disgust and pain in your eyes. Or maybe he's overthinking this. Maybe it was all just momentary and you really do hate the idea of being married to him.
You were both standing at yet another shop, this one was selling dates. Salauddin walked inside the shop a little more to inspect the quality of the dates, expecting you to be following behind him but when he turned around, you were gone. He walked outside the shop, hoping to find you there but it seemed like you had vanished. Even his guards hadnt seen you.
And then, as Salauddin whipped his head around, he saw the silloutte of your chadar disappearing around the corner. He ran after you, hoping to not lose you in the crowd but as soon as he turned around the corner, he couldnt spot you anywhere. He ran down the street, looking left and right but you werent there.
Where are you, Y/n?
He began walking back towards the main street when in the corner of his eye, he caught the sight of a familiar chadar. He turned his head to the right and there you were, standing with your back to him under the shadow of the large canopy of the shop talking to some man.
He walked up behind you, the man you were talking to seeing him first.
"Y/n." He snapped. You turned startled before your shoulders relaxed at the sight of him. "Oh, its just you. Did you buy the dates?"
Dates? You're asking him about dates after you just made his heart stop for a few minutes?
"Why did you leave me?" Ya Allah, that came out way more desperate than he wanted it to.
"I was getting something from this man." He raised a brow, almost as if he didnt believe you. You sighed. "This is Abbas. I hired him to make some things for me?"
"Such as?" You narrowed your eyes at his accusatory tone before nodding at Abbas, who then pulled out a heaxagonal shaped board that looked somewhat similar to a-
"Its 3 people chess!" You exclaimed, bouncing on your feet as you handed it to Salauddin. "I designed it and had Abbas make it for you!"
"For me?" He asked, turning the board around as he tried to understand how it would work.
"Yeah. I wanted to thank you for saving my life. And for your hospitality. And for lending me money."
His eyes softened slightly. "You dont need to thank me, Y/n. Its... my duty. I'm responsible for you." You waved him off. "Yeah yeah. Look, just take this and I'll teach you how to play so that one day you could play it with your wife and... kid? Or maybe with your wife and Baldwin? Or two wives-?"
"Y/n, I appreciate the gift but I would appreciate your silence more now." You pouted at his words but never the less, you both left to return to the palace, unaware of the eyes watching you two.
The mysterious figure wrote down what he'd seen before using messenger eagle to deliver the note to Jerusalem.
It had almost been a week in Egypt. You and Salauddin were having lunch together when a guard came to him and whispered something in his ear, the sultan frowning.
"Whats wrong?" You asked him.
He looked at you. "Baldwin... he's coming to Egypt."
"What? When?"
"He's crossed the desert. He should be getting here today, in a few hours." Salauddin was still frowning. Why is Baldwin coming to Egypt?
You shook your head. "Baldwin wouldnt ever leave Jerusalem, not unless..." Your eyes widened at the realisation.
"He's coming for a war." Salauddin confirmed.
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Part 7 is here!
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princessbrunette · 9 months
absolutely feral for soft!dom jayj!! can just picture his faux sympathy n encouragement when he's trying to promise you that it'll fit cause your made for him🤭 pullin you back to the edge of the bed despite those pretty whines. fsdjxis i NEED him your honor - 🍓
i missed u strawb nonnie ♡
ugh but yes .. “liiiiisten, hey hey hey — keep it down for a second ‘kay baby i want you to hear what i’m saying. i’m gonna work you open so good you’re not gonna be worried ‘bout all that, okay? you’ll be able to take me. easy peasy. yeah, pretty girl?” massaging ur hips bein so reassuring ughh !!
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
LRLG CPN : 1/23/2023 Contribution 🎉
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The first piece for this year, just in time for the lunar new year celebration. as with all the other lrlg, this may be hard to understand because it’s only random incidents. most of these are speculations from our part, and it’s really just nice to read as a turtle. true or not. it’s all cpn anyway.
It starts with a conversation between the boys and staff, with GG saying the others got there earlier. the more important bits tho are the following pieces:
"Those few are doing publicity in the company and summarizing at the end of the year"
"It's only been a week since the entire outline, and the content hasn't been filled in yet. Don't you worry?"
"Then I guess your summary this year is another set of templates."
GG: "Well, just pay attention to the wording"
GG: "Movies and TV dramas still need to be separated. Last year, all of them were waiting to be broadcast. Wait for me to talk to him in private” (announcement of working overtime in the company)
WYB: (still out of the situation) What did you say?
GG: It’s useless to tell you
This could be pertaining to yibo-official’s year end post which had a round up of all Bobo’s works. I love this cause it shows how they talk about career related things — even the simple stuff can come up in conversation. and it’s not like we need any more example of how their studios work together. it’s one of the strongest cpns out there, the similarities in their studios’ content.
Plus I like how one of GG’s love language to Yibo is consulting on things like that for him. It’s not because Bobo doesn’t care, but he does not have that sense of being hands-on like GG. ( Bobo is a perfectionist in his acting/dancing/singing but not so much with his social media presence — he doesn’t even post much. that’s what his team is for, to do the social media side for him ) It’s the artist in him ( GG ) and his knowledge in visual media / branding etc that probably makes him more attuned in what is out there representing him and Yibo. He cares so much about every detail when it comes to Bobo, everything will be perfect and up to standard as long as he has a say on it.
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Then there is a whole conversation again between them and their staff. It’s pretty chill and feels like the usual atmosphere when both of the employees come together. Turtles really went back to 2018 with this exchange tho :
WYB: "Nonsense, how many noodles can you eat?"
GG: 👊
WYB: "If you can't say it, just hit it"
GG: 👊👊👊
WYB: “Maybe you can eat two extra sticks after eating noodles”
Staff : "Is this the level we talk about?"
GG: "He's idle"
WYB: "Drink the soup when it is salty"
GG: 😒
Bobo is still coaxing GG to eat more!!!! 😂
The next 2 paragraphs of text are all in GREEN, which means it is all Yibo. Lol. Does he really talk that loudly on the phone? Or maybe this contributor sits close to Bobo. Anyway, read along and see how sweet he is. He really checks up on ZZ and look at that bit about his mom wanting ZZ to come back. and he cooks noodles now? he is bored when he’s not with ZZ? I cannot with them.
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( thinking of this cute bobo while reading 🥺🥺🥺 )
"Didn't you go to bed early last night?"
"Then what's going on here?"
"I asked Miss X to buy it and send it to you"
"The humidifiers will arrive tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and there are two”
"When are you coming back"
"xx asked when you will come back for dinner"
"If you don't come back, I have to go by myself. It's boring."
"I have a companion, I won't go by myself"
"Not sure when you will come back
"I'll cook noodles for you"
“Get out of the car and eat noodles”
"Mom said you come back and let me cook noodles for you"
Then you have an exchange where Mister Wang is buying strawberries. 🍓🍓🍓 Look at him making everyone feel like they have to have a higher standard when it comes to romance. Wherever he goes, he thinks of what he can get the love of his life. He really spoils him.
WYB (eating strawberries): very sweet
Staff C: You get what you pay for
WYB: Then buy six boxes (give it to him) and send it away
Staff A: You are more sour than strawberries
WYB: If you want something sweet, ask your partner to buy it for you
Staff A: Do you think all men in the world are the same (like him)? Can you still think about giving your daughter-in-law a taste of strawberry sweetness before buying it? Totally impossible.
Worker C: (my wife) She doesn’t eat it, she said it’s just right to eat in summer, but it’s too cold in winter
Staff C (awakened by Mr. Wang, the master of love): Then I will also buy two boxes for (my wife) and send them back.
WYB : Whatever you want to eat, you can follow Brother X (staff C) and come back together
Staff member C: I’m afraid I’ll move the store to you,
WYB : See if there’s any little tomatoes .
Staff member B: I’ve gone to take photos and send them to the group Here, see what else you want.
The last bit is the two of them bickering like an old married couple even if the subject is work. which is their default. you are both so lucky to have each other. ♥️💚
WYB: "Here I want red"
GG: "Green attracts money, wyb"
WYB: "You and I won't be because I am making money"
GG: "What do you mean me and you, what do you mean me and you"
WYB: "Then you asked me to follow you because I am making money?"
GG: "Look at how shameless he is"
GG: "You think you're a lucky cat"
WYB: "Lucky Bull"
GG: "Lucky Dog and Lucky Cow"
GG: "Should I say it or not, you are really lucky"
WYB: "Here you go"
GG: "It's awesome"
WYB: "Ah"
GG: "You better be
WYB: "☺️"
Note: If I “missed” something that jumped out for you in this LRLG post then feel free to reply or reblog and add your thoughts. I don’t purposely leave out certain things, I just add ones that were interesting for me. I say this many many times but it’s impossible to catalogue every single thing that comes out of the fandom. I make posts so I can archive it myself, it’s for my personal use.
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
strawb if u could please please please write more abt jealous tyler durden 99% its always narrator being the jealous one that 1% is a gold mine
OMG Ikr?? There is not enough jealous Tyler content out there 😭😭😭 what little I have seen of it is so good too.. and it doesn’t feel ooc at all for him in my opinion. Like just because we all know he thinks he is hot shit, doesn’t mean that he can’t get jealous as well. I don’t think he’s particularly worried that someone will just come along and sweep the narrator off his feet and take him away from him one day since he can at least tell that the narrator is pretty obsessed with him (which is such a understatement) but he does get worried when he feels like something is just ‘different’ compared to how the narrator is with most of his other ‘little friends’. He is always wrong bc the narrator is ride or die for him ofc.. ANYWAYS HERE ARE SOME THOUGHTS
•What probably starts making him feel suspicious is if they give the narrator things, if the narrator talks about them more than Tyler thinks is appropriate, if he talks about them too fondly, if they make a plan to hang out one night and Tyler doesn’t get invited, and stuff like that. He doesn’t particularly mind if the narrator has a few pals like Bob and whatever especially if he has met them and knows their ‘deal’. It’s just if the narrator seems a little too happy while talking about them is when Tyler can get a little irked.
•He will say shit like “Well have fun with your boyfriend” if the narrator says he’s going out for a bit to hang out with someone. If he’s dating the narrator, he will say ‘new boyfriend’ instead of just boyfriend and he will say it in a tone where he sounds ‘done’. If it’s before they date then he might say it a bit more in a way where the narrator thinks he’s just teasing him. He means both with annoyance though. He genuinely doesn’t know why the narrator would rather be anywhere else in the world when he is there to keep him company.
•A lot of questions will go through his mind about the person he finds himself jealous of. He’s so confused about what the narrator is seeing or getting that he doesn’t get from him. He will analyze the person silently if they are in the same room. He will take note of what the narrator smiles about when talking with them, if they give each other little touches, if the narrator is telling the person things even Tyler didn’t know about beforehand, and etc. Tyler is questioning how is this person any better & what could he be ‘missing’.
•I said this earlier too but he just acts like it’s all fine in the moment if he’s with them. He just smiles but the narrator can see something is off in it or in his eyes. If he doesn’t know that Tyler can be jealous, he might just ignore it tbh and keep carrying on as usual and just will think to ask if something was wrong later. (Which earns him silence, a punch, or vague/snarky and or mean comments.) The narrator would assume that jealously isn’t something Tyler can feel. The way he views him, Tyler is too godlike to worry about ‘childish things’ or to compare himself to others but he’s wrronnngg :3
•If they are dating Tyler is much more mean and stand-offish about what happened. He’ll ignore him or brush him off. He expects the narrator to know what to apologize for. He thinks there is no way in hell the narrator doesn’t know what he’s angry about :/
If they aren’t together he’s still stand-offish but not as much but the narrator can just feel the tension even during normal conversations.
•If someone (that wasn’t a family member) got the narrator something as a gift, he sooo thinks about tossing it out or breaking it. He can pass it off as a ‘don’t bring new things into my house without telling me’ type of thing but he just doesn’t want a reminder someone might be trying to ‘woo’ the narrator. Until he feels comfortable enough to break whatever it is, he will glare at it or make mean comments about it. Like in my mind im picturing a plushie or some small item that doesn’t actually serve anything useful.
He might be a litttleeee nice though and not actually break or throw away whatever it is and just actually hide it somewhere and just say he did. He wants to see his reaction and if they manage to talk it out, he will set it out for the narrator to find later on.
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rose-henry · 1 year
days four and five
might try and do updates every other day :D
the day before yesterday I went to mcgill and found all of my classrooms so I wouldn’t get lost on the first day or god forbid late for a lecture. one building has 2/5 of my lectures which is convenient.
yesterday was my first day of uni! most classes seem chill and we have midterms and finals (#feelingamerican🇺🇸) some multi choice online and over THREE days. is this what it feels like to be a bio/psych kid, @anastasiaaskitis ?
so come 9:30 I had my first lecture, mathematical logic, in that building, got there at 9:25 and there were ~300 kids trying to squeeze into this lecture hall. I’d been there the day before so I joined the stream and got in safely. sat in the middle of the hall and at 9:35, the lecturer writes ‘algebra’ on the board… and I’m smack bang in the middle of the lecture hall. go figure. I couldn’t stand the embarrassment of standing up and leaving so I sat through it, surrounded by teensy weensy just-graduated-highschool probably homesick teenagers, missing my actual first lecture. go figure!
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it was pouring all day so this hill that mcgill is built on turned into a waterfall
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in my second, and first that was actually my class, computing lecture, I needed my laptop and pulled it out only to be mortified by the forgotten huge canadian flag sticker from my party two months ago. how embarrassing. imagine if someone showed up at a lecture with a huge aus flag laptop sticker at melbourne uni. I swallowed my shame and ignored it, to have an actually enjoyable and interesting lecture! it seems like it’ll be a difficult class but I’m kinda glad to have somewhere to direct my energy this semester.
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thien made this spinach rice for dinner which was yummy and afterwards we watched gossip girl with hot chocolate and some fresh strawbs ☺️ I was a bit sad about not making any friends at all but we move on
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today I made this veggie chilli which was kinda a sloppy flop, with quesadillas that weren’t that bad. oh and here’s my $25 supermarket haul which I’m very happy with! #highlightofmyday
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our street (very much like sydney road or a slightly less busy brunswick or smith st) is having a festival over the weekend which gives me something to look forward to while thien is playing music with new friends, joining a new running group, and disappearing off to other places. feeling a bit sad about thien seemingly slotting right into this city and uni while I still haven’t made any friends or even learnt anyone’s name.
tomorrow I’ve got two (2) lectures so two (2) chances to meet someone / find a friend. still haven’t met any maddys and terribly missing my melbourne maddy 🥹💔 there is hope though. and if I don’t meet anyone tomorrow I’ll simply ride a bike home and bake a cake or something to cheer me up. in the slums rn but not gonna let this keep getting me down
last week I missed the whole ‘frosh’ (prosh ish) week so I don’t really know anything about anyone or even know how to find clubs or anything. we haven’t had tutes yet and out of my 5 subjects only two of them even have a tute which will start next week. it’s hard making friends in lectures but I’m trying! missing everyone in melb more than anything 😭 one more uni day for this week and then a happy weekend and rest.
love from canada <3
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dollarbin · 8 months
Sandy Saturdays #2:
On My Way by Sandy Denny and The Strawbs
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The summer of 67 was dominated by two songs you know well.
One of them, Aretha Franklin's Respect, is titanic, a song that is as important and on fire today as it was then.
The other, The Beatles's All You Need Is Love, kinda sucks.
Come on, admit it, the song is a bore. By the time Paul interrupts the interminable fade out to sing "she loves you yeah, yeah, yeah" we all wish they'd sang that song instead. Would I rather listen to The Monsanto Years all over again instead of All You Need is Love? Hell no. But after the high water mark of Strawberry Fields Forever/Penny Lane at the dawn of 67 Ringo and his moptop mustachioed mates hit a dull patch singles-wise which, in addition to AYNiL, includes the asinine but hummable supermarket anthem Hello, Goodbye (seriously, it's always on while I contemplate lunch meat; I hate buying lunch meat) and the frantic Lady Madonna.
Look beyond those two dominant summer tracks and you'll see that 67 otherwise featured a lot of bubblegum pop: the Monkees' I'm a Believer and The Turtles' Happy Together are obvious examples. What was missing altogether in 67's jovial pop department were female voices. The Mamas and Papas and Sonny and Cher had already had their moments largely come and go. Yes, Grace Slick commanded everyone to experience her white rabbit that summer, but that great song scares the hell out of me; pop confection it is not, nor did it top the charts.
Linda Ronstadt would soon fill the feminine gap. In the fall of 67 she married the bubblegum gesture of the day to the independent feminine power Franklin had unleashed at the opening of the summer. Take a listen to her broad strength on Different Drum.
"Get all men and their ponies behind me; place them behind bushes," Linda commands. "I'm as loud as an entire orchestra and I'm not letting any person, place or thing pull the reins in on me."
In my own version of the multiverse, in August 67, when Respect was still echoing in everyone's ears and Different Drum not was not yet beating, The Beatles scrap their nice but unoriginal idea about people needing love and they stand bloody well aside, making way for Sandy Denny. Here's what Sandy recorded that July with an earnest group of pop wannabes: this song that was not released (in our version of reality anyway) until 6 long years later:
Lean into this piece. All the ingredients are in place for pop chart domination: there's a catchy chorus, bold, warm chord changes, vague romantic optimism and let's-pass-the-hat-among-friends vocal sharing.
And then there's Sandy. Just as bold in her way as Linda and Aretha, she tuns this simple pop nugget into a bold declaration of feminine power. By comparison, the poor guy who shares vocals with her sounds like he's James Madison sized: Five foot nothing, 95 pounds. Then again, any man would be instantly insignificant beside Denny. Stephen Stills would be lilliputian.
So get in your time machine already and head back to 67: give Sandy and the Strawbs a slightly bigger budget and a marketing plan. Then we'll all have this song in our bones instead of Happy Together. Wouldn't that be great?
Athena sprang forth from Zeus's head fully armed. In the summer of 67 Ronstadt and Franklin confronted patriarchy and popular tastes with that kind of unabashed feminine strength and power. It's only because some dumb record producer initially shelved On My Way in 67 that we don't think of Sandy Denny in those very same terms.
So go out and get Sandy this Saturday.
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that-stickfig-phoenix · 10 months
whats your opinion on your friends in the circus?
That's an easy one.
Pomni and Ragatha are my adoptive mothers, and Jax is my uncle as a result, and I love all three of them as much as you'd love your own parents. Strawbs, Lav, Sleepy, Clown, and Cool are my five favourite cousins and I would die for them.
Gangle's pretty chill, but I haven't really interacted with her, but Zooble? I don't like her. She crashed my moms' wedding and started a war over it.
I love Uncle Kaufmo as much as I love my parents, and Kinger and Queenie I see as my grandparents. Clover, Sic, and Nurbo are three very good friends of mine, as is Codebreaker, but I'm starting to see him more as a brother than anything else.
Starburst is the newest of the bunch, but she seems pretty good so far. Weird Anon is probably my favourite, though. I don't know why, there's just something about her that's particularly appealing to me.
Anyway, I think that's everyone so far. I might have missed one or two, but there's so many people here now that it's hard to remember them all.
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mr-j-eng · 1 year
You asked for anons! Here's some!
What colour would you dye your hair right now if you could?
Is there ever a thing that you wish you could have done differently?
Is there a person that you let go/didn't take your shot with that you regret?
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
Men or Women?
Water or Fizzy?
Do you have/want any piercings?
Do you miss anyone that you used to date?
Is there anyone you have your eyes on now?
Favourite Tumblr to follow?
Sweet or Sour?
Smoking or non smoking?
Skip any you don't want to answer!
Sorry if they're not NSFW enough for page vibes!
Yayyyy human interaction! Haha
I'm thinking I'd possibly add a bit of red to the hair... but I don't think colours would suit me... but who knows 🤷‍♂️
Plenty I wish I could have done differently. Most recent would probably be uni... I shouldn't have saved money the first 2 years I should have socialised and partied but instead I went the other way round 🥲 lost out on making friends haha
Oh yeah plenty of people I let go/didn't take a shot with. I just try to be happy for them best I can 😁
Dogs but love both... sadly I'm allergic to them (although I found a dog I'm not allergic to as long as he doesn't lick me)
Both although I prefer my men femme
Depends, I could go for juicy or for fizzy drinks or for water. I just finished chugging my 2nd 2L bottle of water haha
No and no I don't think I'd have piercings
I miss all my exes. Not necessarily in a romantic way, but mainly in a way to the fact that I care about them so when they're not exactly in your life just another online window into theirs and I see they're having a tough time or a great time I just wish I could be friends with them. (Explained this horribly because reading it back it doesn't read how I'm trying to explain it)
A couple perhaps have caught my eye...
Idk if I have a fav just at the moment. Most people have become less active and favourites tend to be ones who interact with me and I with them but tumblr isn't as social as it used to be.
Hmmmm both, I do enjoy the sweet haribo giant strawbs and I love things like the sour apple jelly sweets too etc.
I don't smoke, and I prefer a partner who doesn't but not opposed to it.
Thanks for brightening up my day with some human interaction 🥰🥰
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steelminds · 2 years
hey hey :) for the ask game. 10 steelmind.
10. relationship to their parents!
steelmind's very... conflicted, in terms of its parents. on one hand, she's literally programmed to love them, to hold this sense of fondness towards them, even when xe's never met miss chidouin. she has pseudo-memories, and lingers on them whenever possible, but... it knows more than anyone that they aren't real. she's never had what sara had, and likely, never will.
on the other hand, she knows mister chidouin. it's his doing that leaf even exists, but it holds an ill feeling towards the whole thing. the only reason strawb exists is because the real sara, his real daughter, died. it exists as nothing more than a replacement, and even if it feels real, she knows that's all she'll ever be. additionally, she hates this constant treatment that they're sara, because they aren't, but it also fills xem with pride because like. that's her! she's better at fulfilling the role as the youngest chidouin much better than sara chidouin herself was. so. yeah!
sum up: xe cares abt them sooo much but also hates them soooo bad. i promise she has no issues whatsoever (lie)
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delcakoo · 1 year
so you asked me some study songs.. HERE'S SOME MY LOVE!! 💗 i also created a full spotify playlist with them just for you just in case! warning: i don't listen to soft or like classical song while studying because i always end up dancing to them (yes i can dance on some mozart idk why..and how) so just know they're kinda pop/energetic? but don't worry, some are calmer and relaxing!! anyways i hope you'll like them, pls update me on them or smth 😭
study well! 🌥 (energetic songs)
- crush on my tutor by JHIN
- kiss kiss by Machine Gun Kelly (this one is super good, it's like super energetic and all 😭)
- Paraluman by Adie
- Healing by Oh Honey
- Off My Mind by Joe P
- 24/7 by Celina Sharma (and i think about enha while listening to this)
- Welcome To My Life by Zak Dossi
calmer songs 🌥
- missing piece by Vance Joy
- Sweet Night by V
- Almost Idyllic by Sleeping At Last
- Home for the Summer by Sara Kays
- The Wisp Sings by Winter Aid (this is a sad song)
- Wait by M83 (idk why but whenever the chorus come, i feel like i'm in a complete different world)
- In Luv With U by Finn (this one's so good)
- I AM WOMAN by Emmy Meli
- Pasta by New Rules
- Golden Hour by JVKE
i hope you'll like my recommandations!! <3 sorry for my LONG ask.. also, i added some more in the playlist! Please don't feel stressed, i know it's easy to say, but i know you can do this and like jake said " if i can do this, you can do it!" 🤍 he graduated from high school not so long ago, so please whenever you feel stressed, think about him <3 i believe in you my love and i really hope you'll be able to ace your exams like you deserve!
you (or everyone, don't hesitate to ♡ the playlist if you want, idm) can listen to the playlist here (don't worry the link is safe!):
(and you know my real nickname with that 🤭)
OMGGG WHAT i am SMILING SO HARD MAKI UR SO ☹️☹️☹️😭😭😭 I DIDNT THINK YOUD ACC MAKE A PLAYLIST N EVEYRHTING UR SOOSSO SWEET WTF!!! SAVED SO FAST HEGSHA THANK U SO MUCH?? okok so i know movie, golden hour, cant we leave the monster alone, 24/7, strawbs and cigs, and anxiety already NOW IMMA LISTEN TO THR OTHErs LATER 🫡
sobbing crying UR ACTUALLY THE SWEETEST THANK U AGAIN :((( GIVES U THE BIGGEST HUG I APPRECIATE IT SM in return here are a few studying recs heheh:
heartbreaker club - city girl
starstarstar - domii
swim - adoy
something super sweet - rory webley
exploration - coraline soundtrack
complex - stayc
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egcdeath · 1 year
angsty request loosely based on something pedges posted the other day but twisted to be more angsty: ok so reader and joel were in high school together, he played football but wasn’t necessarily the popular quarterback or anything, reader mainly kept to herself, not necessarily a loner, but definitely not prom queen or miss popular or anything,, they both had a crush on eachother but their social circles never really overlapped and they didn’t have much of a reason to hang out or get to know eachother, so they never really did. a few years later, you and joel bump into eachother (girl idk the context but they do) and they’re friendly and joel has a young sarah with him and reader is mentally like “okay things didn’t work out for us, whatever, clearly he’s happily married with a whole child so i won’t bother” but they’re friendly with eachother and are all like “well it was nice seeing you.” blah blah blah. ok. ten year high school reunion or something like that and joel’s wife/sarah’s mom has been out of the picture for years and joel has kinda reflected and is like “maybe i should put myself out there,, sarah could benefit from an adult female presence in her life” and so he’s obviously thinking of striking up a conversation with reader at the upcoming reunion,, they see eachother again but this time reader is engaged or married or in a committed serious relationship or something idk,, and joel is like ughhgghgh i’ve missed my chance againnnn and it’s just very much right person wrong time and idk how to end it and i’ve definitely probably written too much and to be very honest it isn’t that angsty but it also could be pretty angsty in theory but also it like needs a happy ending?????? so that kinda defeats the whole purpose of me requesting this since you asked for angst?????? i love reading angst but i am so so bad at thinking up angsty situations but this is what i have come up with and feel free to not even do anything with this i’m kinda just spitballing here
ps as i write this, succession is playing and (spoiler alert for anyone who hasn’t seen the first season of succession) but it looks like shiv is having a potential affair (?) with some guy and they have history and idk his name but he is so unbelievably attractive,, in other words, i’m a slut anywaysss sorry this was so long i actually could not stop myself and also sorry that it isn’t like super duper angsty but i’m afraid this is the best i can do😭😭
i love ur mind sm strawb!! this idea has definitely inspired some thoughts in me. it’s definitely similar to what you wrote but there are also some differences and hopefully when i write it it will be sufficiently angsty but idk! 🤭
lmao about succession… all i can say is just wait and yes the guy is quite hot tbh!! i support shiv… she’s truly my fav support women’s wrongs character 🫡
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princessbrunette · 5 months
giggling and kicking my feet as i catch up on this blog rn i missed u all and daddy john b content i luv being done with my semester finally - 🍓
I MISSED UUUU <33 was literally thinking abt u today. like when will strawb return from war …… i feel there’s a severe lack of jb without ya <3
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eydetik · 2 years
the one where christopher hargrave dies...at least we think 
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tw for death, sadness, losing a partner, all of that kind of stuff. 
emily, can you hear me? emily, you don’t have to do this right now. you can take a second, we can do this tomorrow. 
the day had finally come. within 48 hours, her entire life had turned completely upside down. from missed text messages, unanswered phone calls, GPS’ that were turned off and unexplainable secrets that no one could seem to answer - he was gone. agent ressler rushed her to the hospital, but all she got to see was a blue line go flat. they talked about it, sometimes. what they would do if chris was in trouble, who she was supposed to call and who she wouldn’t. they talked about secret code words that they could use on phone calls, different ways of encrypting his story so that only she could understand. she was prepared for that, but she wasn’t prepared for this. she wasn’t prepared to lose him. not today, not ever. 
walking through the doors of the morgue, emily could almost hear him prepping her for what was about to happen: listen to me, strawbs. you’re going to be fine. you can do this, you’re the strongest woman i know. it’ll be over in seconds, okay? just give them their answer and they’ll let you and moa go home...and please. please go home. 
one hand was being held between the fingers of her best friend, the other fidgeting between each finger. the man in the room began to explain what was about to happen, but she wasn’t listening. there was a body underneath that blanket and for all she understood, it was chris. it was christopher. it was her husband. it couldn’t be, right? he was supposed to be untouchable. even at 18, chris had promised her that he was untouchable.
he owned a piece of her. hell, he was a piece of her. a piece of her soul, a piece of her world, a piece of every little thing that she looked at on a daily basis. he was the feeling of their new sheets that he had surprised her with a month before, the small daisy’s she had planted outside of their home as a surprise for next spring. he was in a small scar that she had on the inside of her palm and the feeling of the pads of his fingers running against it. he was everywhere, so if he was under that blanket...where would she go? who would she be, if not with christopher to be there with her? 
emily couldn’t remember giving him the go ahead. hell, she couldn’t really remember even walking into the room. but within a moment, the blanket was removed and the dead body was revealed. the numbness, it had started with her hands. it moved to her arms, down to her stomach. from her stomach, it went to her legs. her body fell to the floor, yet her free hand didn’t stop her fall. there was a nod from her best friend and the body was covered again. her husband’s body was covered. her husband’s cold, dead and blue body was being covered by a blanket. why would he - why would he go rogue? what was so important for him to finish, that she couldn’t help with? she could’ve kept him safe. if chris let her help, maybe he could’ve still been alive. 
“do you think he knows?” hand laid onto her lower stomach, “i hope he knows. we’ll be okay.” her hand gave her stomach a tiny rub, “we’ll be okay.” she had to be because as of right now, what other choice did she have? 
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