#I monched the ever loving hell out of it
ase-trollplays · 6 months
Fucking OW!!!!
I just bit the SHIT out of my cheek!
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sbnkalny · 6 years
*sips my blueberry milkshake* Dude, ever saw a real-life ghost in broad daylight? Didn't think so. *shakes my milkshake* It's because the plasma only recharges in the moonlight. Trust me, I'm an expert. *shows you the inside of my pocket* Psst, don't tell anyone what's inside, my dear.
If i ever saw one. *shakes my cup* love that Dracula milk!. It was from a dialogue based clinical expert system, etc.. I still cant believe bin laden was a butterfly to become human? or are we still love u just as Much as I climbed up The wall put me out of my pocket* H̒̆͛͗́ͩ̓ͪ̏̾ͯͩ̾́ *prolongs appendages seductively to pick up
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hxneekyuu · 3 years
accidental kiss || tsukishima kei, ennoshita chikara, miya atsumu, lev haiba
request :  Hey Can I request a headcanon or one shot with Haikyuu characters (any of your choices) having an accidental kiss with their crush, you know, the cliché romance scene in drama's where the girl fell and male catches her and end ups kissing, or something when the girl turn around not noticing the close distance between the male, and their lips touches. Anything that is accidental
warnings : miya atsumu, Suna Gets a Haircut
a/n : so i did one of those random hq generator things bc i could only decide on one boi and that was tsukki,,, the results made me laugh so here you go -- btw these are all gonna be pre-dating bc thats just wonderful we love that
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tsukishima kei
this is definitely all tsukkis fault
you two are at your house just vibing and at some point you head into the kitchen to make food
and hes leaning against the counter right in front of the cabinet you need to get to
but he has the audacity not to move the fuck outta the way when you tell him you need to get past 
so youre like ok fuck it and just reach around him to open it 
but the bowl you need is pretty high up so youre like on your tippy toes tryna get the damn thing and hes just sitting there watching you struggle 
instead of helping you like he isnt damn near 6′3″
but riiiiight as youve got the bowl, you end up grabbing it a little too forcefully and you bring like a million dishes down with it 
so ofc even though he definitely deserves it, youre not trying to concuss the poor guy with literal ceramic dishes raining down on him 
so you kinda lunge forward to stop them all from falling 
and, hearing the crash of dishes over his head, he naturally ducks because he doesnt want to die
honestly,,,, its more of a crash of your noses and foreheads but theres such chaos of like,,, trying not to die?? 
that at some point you just feel his mouth on yours and it deadass just stays there while you both are figuring out what the hell is happening 
eventually he kinda pulls back but only a little bc he knows youre struggling to hold onto the dishes and he doesnt wanna screw that up
and he doesnt even say anything he just reaches up awkwardly and helps you set the dishes back on the shelf
and then he grabs the bowl youd been trying the get the entire time and hands it to you with a completely blank face 
its a very awkward dinner im not gonna lie
mostly bc at some point he just starts cracking jokes about it and refuses to acknowledge it seriously bc he sucks
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ennoshita chikara
ennoshita’s taking a break from studying with the second years on the team
mostly bc he never gets any studying done with them 
so youre studying together for a test at his house
and its just been many many hours of studying so ofc youre both exhausted
so its not surprising to him when you just pass out on your notes
but the thing is,,, your heads right on top of a sheet that he needs
and for a while he just kinda studies without it
he studies other stuff and tries to remember it on his own so he can fill in the gap in his notes
but eventually hes like fuck i really need these notes
so he just,,, tries to slide it out from under your head really carefully
and it involves a lot of him getting really close and trying to lift your head and a bunch of really soft cute things that would be super embarrassing for him to be caught doing
like,,, if you happened to wake up
which of course, you do
and youre really confused bc you can feel his breath fanning over your face and his eyes are really close but not focused on you, theyre focused on smth under your face
so you lift your head to see what hes doing
but he freaks out and moves his face when he notices youre awake
and its just a litto brush of your lips over his as your faces are passing each other
but the poor bub jumps back like you just shocked the crap out of him
and then he apologizes for like the next ten minutes and its impossible to get back to studying bc youre both just panicking internally
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miya atsumu
this literally happens like it does in the movies
it all starts with a chase scene
that really you should never have been a part of
youre just minding your business walking down the hall after school on your way to get your stuff
and its pretty empty bc you had a club thing so its late afternoon and no ones around
and you just hear it
men screaming
and then he appears, barreling around the corner like his life depends on it
and youre like
this cant be good
and when he sees you hes yelling out for you like HELP ME 
but you somehow always manage to get caught in the miya twin antics so youre like
fuck no im out
but apparently youre not out bc atsumus grabbing your arm and dragging you behind him yelling smth about scissors and a haircut
and when you look back you just see suna rounding the corner, half of his little triangle haircut chopped off so he looks like a sad half onigiri,,,
but you know it was atsumu and that this man is definitely dead when suna catches him
so youre like okay fuck it i guess im helping him AGAIN 
and you get outside to a section of the school where theres still sports teams practicing and lots of people around so you hide in a corner together
but the Suna Energy is approaching so atsumu fuckin freaks and does that cheesy movie thing where he ducks his head down so he wont be seen 
but theres like a group of guys passing by and one of them just bumps into atsumus back and that shit just sends him right into you
and all he can think is “oops”
he only has one brain cell give him a break
but he just stalls completely and forgets about the whole suna thing
but ofc his hair is fucking piss yellow and suna has not forgotten
he ends up totally getting his ass beat  but after that little smooch atsumus definitely a bit keen to see you more often 
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lev haiba
i fucking love this gif look at the litto shoyou go
this tall babie does not know the meaning of personal space he has no functional understanding of a Bubble
honestly he probably gets dangerously close to kissing you on a regular basis, considering you’re seatmates in class
he’s just ALWAYS in your space
at first he’s probably shy bc he doesn’t know you
but once you become friends he’s like THIS IS NOT YOUR DESK THIS IS JUST MY SECOND DESK
so every day there’s always one thing that’s super dangerous
last week it was him looking over your shoulder while you did work silently
yesterday it was him reaching across you to open the window on your left side
today he just really wants a bite of the bread you bought and are currently already eating
and when he wants smth, he gets Very Whiny
he’s so clingy and adorable that you can’t ever get mad
he’s like a little puppy how can you resist him
so when you’re finally like okay fine you can have a bite he’s like
he doesn’t even wait for you to tear off a piece he just leans in for a bite
but you had said yes while in the middle of biting it so he essentially does that thing where you’re both biting it at the same time
but, again, he doesn’t know what personal space means
so he also doesn’t have the ability to gauge distances well
so he straight up just meets you halfway and presses his mouth to yours while he’s biting down
the boi probably doesn’t even notice
he just pulls back quickly once he has his bite and goes about his life
you literally are going to have to tell him he just kissed you
and after that he’s a total fucking mess
he doesn’t know what to do he never knows what to do
he’s just going to keep causing Chaos while he panics
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bill-skarsgalactic · 4 years
Fifty questions
I was tagged by the lovely @kathryn-jane (Thank you, love. This was fun)
what color is your hairbrush? - mainly black with a hint of silver.
name a food you never eat? - Eggplant can suck it.
are you typically too warm or too cold? - I have terrible circulation, so I’m pretty much always cold.
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? - Working on a script for work.
what’s your favorite candy bar? - Do I have to pick? Crunchies are pretty bomb.
have you ever been to a professional sports game? - A few. Mainly rugby games.
what’s the last thing you said out loud? - Alright, I’m gonna get back to work.
what’s your favorite ice cream? - The pumpkin pie flavour from my local ice cream shop.
what was the last thing you had to drink? - Water.
do you like your wallet? - I’m not precious about it, but it’s kinda cute. It’s a vintage, mustard coloured wallet with Winnie The Pooh on it that I picked up at a vintage store years ago. It’s kind of falling apart now.
what’s the last thing you ate? - Chicken strips (FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS!).
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? - I did actually! I bought a t-shirt from Hell on Shirts with a Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining graphic on the front and back.
what’s the last sporting event you watched? - Probably the rugby world cup, whenever that was.
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? - Okay so there’s this brand of popcorn where I’m from that’s like ‘strawberries and cream’ flavoured and that stuff is so addictive!!!
who’s the last person you sent a text to? - An actual fuck boi.
ever go camping? - We used to go camping a lot when I was a kid but not so much now. I’ve got a camping trip planned with some friends though once the virus craziness is over.
do you take vitamins? - Occasionally? Only when I feel like I need them.
do you go to church every Sunday? - Haven’t been to church in years. I’m not particularly religious and neither is the rest of my family, so...
do you have a tan? - I am so fucking pale it’s not even a joke.
do you prefer Chinese or pizza? - Pizza ‘til the day I die.
do you drink soda through a straw? - I don’t drink a lot of soda to begin with but I suppose only when I go to the movies or order a takeaway drink.
what color socks do you usually wear? - My socks are pretty much all black secret socks.
do you ever drive above the speed limit? - Sometimes :/ 
what terrifies you? - Spiders and the thought that I might never be successful or might die alone.
look to your left, what do you see? - A lamp and a book of post-it notes  shaped like a thumbs-up.
what chore do you hate the most? - Dishes. Dishes. Dishes.
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? - Haven’t really given it much thought to be honest, lol.
what’s your favorite soda? - Mmm... not a huge soda drinker but Bundaberg Peach Soda is pretty good.
do you go in fast food or just hit the drive thru? - Uber eats but if I have to get in my car, I’m hitting up the drive thru.
what’s your favorite number? - Probably 13 or 27.
who’s the last person you talked to? - My mother.
favorite cut of beef? - All the beef. 
last song you listened to? - Supermassive Black Hole - Muse.
last book you read? - The Outsider by Stephen King. It was great and I definitely recommend it to others who enjoy King’s stuff.
can you say the alphabet backwards? - I tried. I can’t.
favorite day of the week? - Friday.
how do you like your coffee? - Due to the sheer amount of coffee I drink, I usually have it black with no sugar, but if I’m treating myself it’s one sugar and a splash of milk.
favorite pair of shoes? - Black converse forever and always <3
time you normally wake up? - Back when things were normal, 6AM. These days I try to be up by 8:30AM the latest.
sunrise or sunset? - Sunset. I’m the polar opposite of a morning person.
how many blankets on your bed? - Currently? A duvet and a thin throw-type thing.
describe your kitchen plates - I’m currently staying with my mom and she has these vintage, country-style plates that match the vintage of our kitchen, but back home I’ve just got standard white plates.
describe your kitchen at the moment - My kitchen is pretty much exclusively white. White counters, white tiles on the floor, cream walls. A built-in four-plate stove, a free standing, black mini-oven, a silver fridge (that came with the apartment), a white kettle, a white microwave, sink in the corner and a washing machine (also came with the apartment) under the counter next to the sink. It’s pretty basic.
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? - When I’m out it’s usually beer. Vodka and a mix when it’s on special and nearing the end of the night.
do you play cards? - Not really.
what color is your car? - Red and black, but I’m upgrading to a plain black soon.
can you change a tire? - Yes, but it would probably take me a while.
your favorite state, province, country, etc. - I really enjoy most parts of the UK that I’ve visited and would love to go back to Canada some day. 
favorite job you’ve had? - The one I currently have. I get to write every day and be creative and I’m surrounded by creative people who I love like family.
how did you get your biggest scar? - None of my scars are super prominent, but if I pull my bottom lip really tight, there’s a scar from where I chewed on my mom’s razor. Apparently, as a toddler, my goofy ass climbed into the bathtub, grabbed my mom’s razor that she used to shave her legs and decided that it looked good enough to monch on.
Tagging: @honeysugacube @ill-skillsgard @dreamtherapy @lihikainanea @draculafangirl42 and anyone else who wants to give it a whirl.
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mhisadj · 4 years
For better or for worse, I have a job that is exempt - to a great degree - from the widespread need for isolation (in the world of news radio, the show must go on). However, I do get days off and thank goodness for that because my brain can only take so much constant pandemic talk.
So! I offer up ‘the ultimate music list’, something I started doing on YouTube last year. Maybe earlier. It’s a living list, it will never be complete. Anyway, listen to the way my music mind rambles! All songs listed on the other side of the keep reading line (not linked, you gotta do some of the work):
Seinabo Sey - I Owe You Nothing Janelle Monáe – Django Jane Janelle Monáe - PYNK Janelle Monáe – Make Me Feel Sudan Archives - Come Meh Way Sudan Archives - Come Meh Way & Wake Up | A Take Away Show St. Beauty - Not Discuss It Japanese Breakfast - Boyish St. Beauty - Caught Kali Uchis - After The Storm ft. Tyler, The Creator, Bootsy Collins Kali Uchis - Tomorrow (ft. Tame Impala) Kali Uchis - Dead To Me Kali Uchis - Body Language (Intro) Kali Uchis - Just A Stranger Kali Uchis - In My Dreams Kali Uchis - Flight 22 Sigrid - Strangers King Princess - 1950 Sigrid - Don’t Kill My Vibe Sigrid - Plot Twist Moonchild - The List Amber Mark - Way Back The Internet - Girl DeJ Loaf - Changes Erykah Badu - Window Seat Erykah Badu - Afro Blue M.I.A. - Matangi M.I.A. - Double Bubble Trouble M.I.A. - Paper Planes A Tribe Called Red - The Light II Ft. Lido Pimienta A Tribe Called Red - Sisters ft Northern Voice PRINCESS NOKIA - BRUJAS PRINCESS NOKIA - TOMBOY Solange - Cranes in the Sky Solange - Don't Touch My Hair ft. Sampha SZA - Broken Clocks SZA - Drew Barrymore SZA - Go Gina SZA - Prom SZA - Pretty Little Birds Sade - Flower of the Universe Sade - The Sweetest Taboo Sade - Paradise Sade - Turn My Back On You Sade - Smooth Operator Sade - Cherish the Day Erykah Badu - On & On Jill Scott - A Long Walk Erykah Badu - Tyrone (Live) Janelle Monáe - I Like That Christine and the Queens - Girlfriend Humble the Poet - H.A.I.R. Lush - Desire Lines Lush - Never-Never Rachel Sermanni 'Take Me Out' - Franz Ferdinand Cover Memory House - When You Sleep (Yours Truly Session) Sumner McKane - The Turncoat Nothing Matters When We’re Dancing - The Magnetic Fields (Sense8 Remix) (feat. Zoe Wise) Julia Holter - I Shall Love 2 Dua Lipa - New Rules [Initial Talk 80s Rules Remix] Lady Gaga - Venus (80s Synthwave Version) Ruelle - Take It All Kraak & Smaak Ft. Parcels - Stumble Calvin Harris, Dua Lipa - One Kiss Timecop1983 - Girl (feat. SEAWAVES) Aretha Franklin - Mary, Don't You Weep (Live at New Temple Missionary Baptist Church, Los Angeles, January 14, 1972) Sarah Vaughan - Misty (Live from Sweden) Ellie Goulding - My Blood (Kastle Remix) Darksynth Paradise - A NewRetroWave Mix | 1 Hour | Retrowave/ Darkwave/ Electro | Sudan Archives - Nont For Sale Christine and the Queens - 5 dollars Christine and the Queens - Doesn’t matter Christine and the Queens - The walker Christine and the Queens - Damn (what must a woman do) Christine and the Queens - Goya soda Christine and the Queens - The stranger Lone - Poltergeist Screamin’ Jay Hawkins - I Hear Voices Lost Years - Pressure Windows 95 Start-up remix Windows 95 Startup Sound (Slowed 4000%) Seoul - Silencer Blackwater Holylight - Willow Her's - Low Beam Here We Go Magic - Alone But Moving John Maus - Bennington AC Temple - Yield Lana del Rey - Summertime Sadness (SxAde Synthwave Version) Ariana Grande - "Into You"  80′s Remix Demi Lovato - Cool for the Summer   80′s Remix Fifth Harmony - Sledgehammer   80′s Remix Lady Gaga - Perfect Illusion   80s Remix Ariana Grande - Greedy [Initial Talk "90s state of mind" Remix] Happy Hippie Presents: Miley Cyrus & Ariana Grande - Don't Dream It's Over Mariah Carey - Touch My Body [Initial Talk 90s Splash! Remix] Dua Lipa - IDGAF (Initial Talk Remix) 憂鬱 - Sun Lady Gaga - Joanne (Where Do You Think You’re Goin’?) Robyn - Honey Dolly Parton - Here You Come Again Floating Points - Nuits Sonores Sade - The Big Unknown Amanda Shires - Leave It Alone Crockett - City of Ghosts [Full Album] Toni Harper - "The Velvet Hammer" (stereo), 1959 Cristina - "Things Fall Apart" Dexter Gordon - What’s New Warren Zevon - Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead - Rochester, 1994 Le1f - Wut Katie Herzig - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of These) Raymond Scott - "Boy Scout In Switzerland" - Quartet San Francisco (arranged by Robert Gilmore) Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - Aimee & Jaguar Main Theme Toni Harper - "The Other Woman"  Toni Harper - The meaning of the blues Vanessa - Upside Down Anna Ternheim - Summer Rain feat. Nina Kinert, Ane Brun, First Aid Kit and Ellekari Larsson of The Tiny Ella Fitzgerald & Bill Doggett ~ Rough Ridin' Eraldo Bernocchi, Harold Budd,Robin Guthrie - South Of Heaven (Winter Garden) Slum Village - Fall in Love (Instrumental) Shonen Knife - Twist Barbie Dave Berry - This Strange Effect Sarah Harmer - Basement Apartment The Original Stroll - February 1958 Gertrude Lawrence - My Sweet Gustav HOLST: St. Paul's Suite (III. Intermezzo, IV. Finale) Rumskib - Secrets Caterina Valente - Stranger In Paradise Borodin - Prince Igor - Polovtsian Dances Darshan Ambient - Mirage Girl Crisis - Smooth Operator Girl Crisis - Paranoid Mulatu Astatke's "Mulatu" Vivien Goldman - Launderette Jonatha Brooke - West Point Lesley Gore - You Don’t Own Me Matthew Schoening - Emotional Clockwork Molly Nilsson - Hey Moon Kate Bush - Cloudbusting (The Organon Mix re-edit) Stravinsky conducts Stravinsky FIREBIRD COMPLETE The Carter Family - Wildwood Flower Grimes - Vanessa Kenneth Bager Fr. one (...and I kept hearing) Land of Talk - It’s Okay Nite Jewel - Artificial Intelligence Geneva Jacuzzi - Clothes On the Bed Thom Yorke & Jonny Greenwood - Karma Police | Glastonbury Festival, Pilton UK (8/9) Maps of Norway - Traffic Simian Mobile Disco - Cruel Intentions Aerosmith - Crazy Bruce Kaphan - Undeserved Ending The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - "Everything With You" Thao with the Get Down Stay Down - Body Janelle Monae - "Tightrope" 5/18 Letterman Simian Mobile Disco - Hustler Ladyhawke - My Delirium Marion Cotillard & Franz Ferdinand - Eyes of Mars Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch (live) Kate Bush - Army Dreamers Tegan and Sara - Living Room Kate Bush - Cloudbusting Beatrice Eli - Girls NewRetroWave End of 2017 Mix - (The Future Beckons) - [80s/ Retrowave/ Outrun/ Retro Electro] Vaporwave / Chillwave - Ultimate Mix The Chordettes "Lollipop" & "Mr. Sandman" Sufjan Stevens - Tonya Harding Taylor Davis - Stranger Things Violin Medley STRANGER THINGS MEETS CLASSICAL GUITAR Grace Sings Sludge - Difficult To Love Satchmode - Happiness Part 1 River Whyless - Life Crisis Stefano Barone - Batman - Alexander Supertramp Bebel Gilberto - "Aganjú"(Ao Vivo) - Bebel Gilberto In Rio Katie Melua - Diamonds are Forever  Carly Rae Jepsen - Run Away With Me Beulahbelle - You Only Live Twice (Living Room Version) Grimes - We Appreciate Power Meshell Ndegeocello - Sensitivity Kodacrome - Buckets Röyksopp - Remind Me Lizzo - Juice Lizzo - Truth Hurts Lizzo - Good As Hell Electrelane - To the East Electrelane - I only always think Sean Paul - Get Busy 憂鬱 - Azure Day (Full EP) 憂鬱 - Slow Suzanne Vega - Luka | The story behind the song Seoul - Real June Broken Social Scene on House of Strombo Show Big Boi’s Favorite Verse: Kate Bush’s “Running Up That Hill” Cherry Glazerr - Nurse Ratched  Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - Aimée & Jaguar Mister Rogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind Grant Green - Idle Moments Hole Reunion after 15 yrs. Teeth - Care Bear ST. VINCENT covers BIG BLACK at BOWERY BALLROOM NYC May 22 2011 Broadcast - Man is not a bird (Teac A-4010 s Reel to Reel) Billy May - So Nice (Samba De Verão) Pogo - Mellow Brick Road Anna Calvi - Jezebel (Attic Sessions 5) Anna Calvi - Joan Of Arc (Attic Sessions 4) Anna Calvi - Surrender (Attic Sessions 3) Anna Calvi - Sound & Vision (Attic Sessions 1) Anna Calvi - Wolf Like Me (Attic Sessions 2) Clementine - ALL BLUES Skip James - Hard Time Killin’ Floor Blues Anna Calvi - Suzanne And I Total Slacker - Thyme Traveling High School Dropout Siouxsie & The Banshees- Metal (Elizabethan Suite 1977) Second Chorus (Charlie North Remix) The Castaways - Liar Liar Alex Gaudino Feat. Christal Waters - Destination Calabria Loose Ends - Hangin’ On a String Pizzicato Five - The Audrey Hepburn Complex Edie Brickell & New Bohemians - What I Am The Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian The Human League - Love Action (I Believe In Love) The Human League - Don’t You Want Me The Human League - (Keep Feeling) Fascination Wang Chung - Dance Hall Days PJ Harvey - Hanging in the Wire PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me PJ Harvey & Thom Yorke - This Mess We’re In PJ Harvey - We Float PJ Harvey - This Wicked Tongue PJ Harvey - A Place Called Home The Sundays - Here’s Where The Story Ends Flock of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song The Psychedelic Furs - Love My Way Hall & Oates - Out of Touch Hall & Oates - I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do) Toto - Rosanna Toto - Africa Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies Tears For Fears - Head Over Heels Philip Bailey, Phil Collins - Easy Lover Spandau Ballet - True Tears For Fears - Shout Sigrid - Don’t Feel Like Crying Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Souvenir The Jesus and Mary Chain - April Skies The Ocean Blue - Between Something and Nothing No Joy - Hollywood Teeth Tamaryn - Last Tamaryn - Softcore Tamaryn - Cranekiss Ashrae Fax - CHKN Echo & the Bunnymen - A Promise Ashrae Fax - Intexus The Motels - Only the Lonely Other Colors - Dark Things Bauhaus - All We Ever Wanted Was Everything George Clanton - It Makes the Babies Want to Cry Ben Howard - Nica Libres At Dusk Elton John - Bennie and the Jets Elton John - Don't Go Breaking My Heart (with Kiki Dee) David Bowie - Life On Mars? Elton John - Someone Saved My Life Tonight  St Vincent Breaks Down Her Most Iconic Songs Pharoahe Monch - Simon Says (instrumental) Death Valley Girls "Disaster (Is What We're After)" A Tribe Called Quest - Electric Relaxation Tame Impala - The Less I Know The Better Childish Gambino - Redbone De La Soul - A Roller Skating Jam Named Saturdays Choir! Choir! Choir! Sings David Bowie - Heroes Kishi Bashi - This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) Talking Heads - This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) The 6ths - You You You You You Squirrel Nut Zippers "Put A Lid On It" Joni Mitchell - Help Me Pat Metheny, Joni Mitchell, Jaco Pastorius, Michael Brecker - "Shadows And Light" Joni Mitchell - All I Want Joni Mitchell - Free Man In Paris Joni Mitchell - California Joni Mitchell - In France They Kiss On Main Street Joni Mitchell - Amelia Joni Mitchell - People’s Parties Joni Mitchell - For the Roses Joni Mitchell - The Hissing of Summer Lawns Joni Mitchell - Black Crow Joni Mitchell - Hejira Joni Mitchell - Coyote Joni Mitchell w/Peter Gabriel - My Secret Place Joni Mitchell - Down To You Joni Mitchell - Refuge of the Roads Joni Mitchell - Slouching Towards Bethlehem  Joni Mitchell - Shades of Scarlet Conquering Joni Mitchell - Cool Water (with Willie Nelson) Joni Mitchell - The Jungle Line Joni Mitchell - Song For Sharon Joni Mitchell - Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire Joni Mitchell - Night Ride Home Joni Mitchell - Taming the Tiger Joni Mitchell - Snakes & Ladders Joni Mitchell - Raised on Robbery Joni Mitchell - Jericho Joni Mitchell - Lakota Joni Mitchell - The Beat of Black Wings Joni Mitchell - You Turn Me On I’m A Radio (Live) The Delfonics - Ready or Not Here I Come Funkadelic - Maggot Brain Incredible Bongo Band - Apache The Stylistics - People Make The World Go Round Manual - Crockett’s Theme Jessica Pratt - This Time Around Jessica Pratt - Poly Blue Jessica Pratt - Baby, Back Jessica Pratt - Aeroplane Tony Allen - Stick Around Basia - Promises Basia - New Day For You Basia - Cruising For Bruising Basia - Drunk On Love Basia - Third Time Lucky America - Tin Man Weyes Blood - Andromeda Ladytron - Far From Home Ladytron - Deadzone Ladytron - The Island St. Vincent & Dua Lipa | Masseduction / One Kiss | 2019 GRAMMYs Janelle Monáe - Make Me Feel (LIVE at the 61st GRAMMYs) Still Corners - The Trip Still Corners - Strange Pleasures FM-84 - Bend & Break Robyn - Send To Robin Immediately The Ultimate Kate Bush Experience - Shambush Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill Kate Bush - Hounds of Love [Full Album] Kate Bush - Babooshka Kate Bush - The Sensual World Kate Bush - Hammer Horror Kate Bush - Love and Anger Katie Lee - Stay as Sick as You Are America - You Can Do Magic Blonde Redhead - Magic Mountain Harry Nilsson - Gotta Get Up In These Streets Lorelle Meets the Obsolete - Unificado Sneaks - Ecstasy Linear Movement - Way Out Of Living Alex Lilly - Pornographic Mind Caribou - Melody Day (Four Tet Remix feat. Luke Lalonde Adem and One Little Plane) Def Leppard - Hysteria Sigrid - Sight of You The Charlie Steinmann Orchestra And Singers - It's Such a Good Night (Scoobidoo Love) Alice Coltrane - Blue Nile Les McCann - Roberta Pharoah Sanders - Astral Travelling  Pure Bathing Culture - Scotty Jamila Woods - EARTHA Patricia Barber - Too Rich For My Blood Mary Jane Girls - All Night Long LL Cool J - Around the Way Girl Keep Shelly In Athens - Bendable Absolute Jest: I. Beginning · John Adams · San Francisco Symphony · St. Lawrence String Quartet · Michael Tilson Thomas Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule the World Futurecop! - Fade Away (feat. NINA) Steve Gunn - New Moon Moving Panoramas - ADD Heart Elizabeth Barraclough - Don’t TV Me Klymaxx - Meeting In the Ladies Room Salt Cathedral - Go and Get It feat. Big Freedia & Jarina DeMarco Brian Eno - Ambient 1: Music for Airports [Full Album] Calexico and Iron & Wine - Midnight Sun Cate Le Bon - The Light Cate Le Bon - Daylight Matters Jack White at Château de Fontainebleau I A Take Away Show Tammy Wynette - Your Good Girl’s Gonna Go Bad Stella Donnelly - Die Portishead - Sour Times Portishead at Roseland New York City Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Cheated Hearts Warpaint - Disco//Very - Keep It Healthy  Jessica Pratt - Fare Thee Well Jessica Pratt - Here My Love Alvvays - Saved By A Waif Alvvays - Dreams Tonite Alvvays - Forget About Life Alvvays - Plimsoll Punks Tame Impala - Patience Godzilla: Old Rivals - Bear McCreary( Godzilla: King of Monsters Soundtrack) Alloy Tracks - Somewhere Over the Rainbow | Godzilla: King of the Monsters (Beautiful Trailer Theme) Girl Crisis - The Sign Siouxsie and the Banshees - Captain Scarlet Boards of Canada - Macquarie Ridge Tōth - Practice Magic And Seek Professional Help When Necessary (Full Album) Wyatt - Attention Fontaines D.C. - Hurricane Laughter (Darklands Version) Matthew and the Atlas - Counting Paths Matthew and the Atlas - Old Ceremony Sufjan Stevens - Love Yourself Computer Magic - Hudson Grizzly Bear - Mourning Sound Lana Del Rey - Doin Time Chastity Belt - Trapped Kero Kero Bonito - Make Believe Eberhard Weber - T. On A White Horse Endre Hegedus - VI. Golliwogg's Cake-Walk, Debussy: Children's Corner / Suite Bergamasque LCD Soundsystem - oh baby Dominique Young Unique - Throw It Down Leikeli47 - Money Santigold - Look At These Hoes Handsome Boy Modeling School - Holy Calamity (Bear Witness II) Perfume Genius - Slip Away DJ Shadow - "Nobody Speak" feat. Run The Jewels St. Vincent - Fast Slow Disco Marion Cotillard and Metronomy - Is She Really Going Out With Him Patti Smith - Gloria King Princess - Cheap Queen Ingrid Michaelson - Best Friend Kindness - Hard To Believe Kim Petras - Clarity Kim Petras - Another One Cowboy Junkies - Dreaming My Dreams With You Rihanna - Same Ol’ Mistakes Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You Sailors of Neptune - Car Song Photay - Outré Lux (feat. Madison McFerrin) Ella Fitzgerald - I’ll Never Be The Same Timecop1983 - My First Crush (feat. Trevor Something) Toro Y Moi - Cola The Cinematic Orchestra - Wait For Now/Leave The World (feat. Tawiah) Charli XCX & Christine and the Queens - Gone Hayley Kiyoko - I Wish Jambalaya Brass Band - Tumbao Frosty and the Diamonds - Destination Mars Plumb - Blush (Only You) Evanescence - Anywhere Courtney Barnett - Avant Gardener Christine and the Queens - Need You Tonight (INXS Cover) Dua Lipa - Be The One (80's Power Ballad Remix) Bomba Estéreo - Corazón Zola Jesus - Wiseblood (Johnny Jewel Remix) The Bangles - Going Down To Liverpool Trills - Hush King Princess - Prophet Emily Wells - I’m No Heroine Ariel Pink - Bubblegum Dreams Missy Elliott - Throw It Back Missy Elliott Performs 'Get Ur Freak On', 'Lose Control' & More | 2019 Video Music Awards Miranda Lambert - Way Too Pretty for Prison Miranda Lambert - The House That Built Me Miranda Lambert - We Should Be Friends Miranda Lambert - Mama’s Broken Heart Maya Hawke - To Love a Boy Flowers (Eurydice's Song) - (Anaïs Mitchell - Hadestown) Young Ejecta • Welcome To Love Kelis - Bossy ft. Too $hort Lindsay Lohan - Bossy Natalie Cole - Lush Life Grimes & i_o - Violence The Highwomen - Redesigning Women Lana Del Rey - Season Of The Witch Anita Carter - Ring of Fire Jack Hylton - Wedding of the Painted Doll Earth, Wind, and Fire - Fantasy DJ Boring - Winona DJ Boring - Goodbye Michael Rob Reich - Shimmytown Shuffle Sarah Vaughan - Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most King Princess - Playboy School of Pop Broken Social Scene - Anthems For A Seventeen-Year Old Girl Jenny Hval - Lions (feat. Vivian Wang) Minny Riperton - Les Fleurs Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov ‒ Procession of the Nobles Firebird - 13. Infernal Dance Of All Of Kashchei's Subjects Kylie Minogue - Dancing Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - All Hail Dracula! Jana Hunter | You Belong Here Bat For Lashes - The Hunger Bat For Lashes - Laura Zero 7 - Swimmers Tame Impala - It Might Be Time Hannah Williams & The Affirmations - Woman Got Soul Galantis & Dolly Parton - Faith feat. Mr. Probz The KLF - 3am Eternal The KLF feat. Tammy Wynette - Justified & Ancient Pet Shop Boys - What Have I Done To Deserve This Pet Shop Boys - Always On My Mind Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls Til Tuesday - Voices Carry St. Vincent - Laughing With A Mouth of Blood Spice Girls - 2 Become 1 Tennis - Runner Giles Reaves - ‎"Sowelu (Wholeness)" Taeko Ohnuki - Sunshower (Full Album) 80s Japanese Fusion Summer Mix (Fusion Jazz, City Pop, Funk, Soul...) Tamaryn - Dreaming The Dark (Full Album) Swing Out Sister - Breakout Ayane Yamazaki - 眠りの理由 "Women Of Country Performance" | Live from CMA Awards 2019 Reba McEntire - "Fancy" | Live from CMA Awards 2019 Seal - Crazy Seal - Violet Tame Impala - Posthumous Forgiveness Richard Wagner - The Flight of the Valkyries The Black Angels - Yellow Elevator #2 Bonnie Raitt - Unnecessarily Mercenary Norah Jones - Flipside Genesis Owusu - WUTD Lana Del Rey - Mariners Apartment Complex 10,000 Hz Legend - Don’t Be Light Air Miami - See Through Plastic Kitchens Of Distinction - Margaret's Injection Sebastian Böhm - Blue Monday (Official "Wonder Woman 1984" Trailer Music) Primitons - All My Friends Heavens To Betsy – Waitress Hell Romania - Planes Dionne Farris - I Know CeCe Peniston - Finally Robin S - Show Me Love La Bouche - Be My Lover Stilz - Wavelength Tennis - Need Your Love The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another The Fixx - Saved By Zero The Fixx - Red Skies The Fixx - Stand Or Fall Kajagoogoo - Too Shy Nik Kershaw - Wouldn't It Be Good Howard Jones - Like To Get To Know You Well Jane Child - Don't Wanna Fall In Love Information Society - What’s On Your Mind (Pure Energy) Icehouse - No Promises The Spiral Starecase - More Today Than Yesterday Caroline Rose - Feel The Way I Want Frank & His Sisters - Mwanangu Lala KIRLIAN CAMERA - Blue Room Look Blue Go Purple | Cactus Cat Look Blue Go Purple | Circumspect Penelope Look Blue Go Purple - I Don't Want You Anyway The Bats | North By North Best Coast - Everything Has Changed Best Coast  - For The First Time War And Peace / Gab Is Stabbed · Joseph LoDuca Tashaki Miyaki - I Only Have Eyes for You (the Flamingos cover - Little Big Planet 3 OST) Angel Olsen - Who’s Sorry Now Anna Calvi - Love of my life | Empty Space #5 The Flamingos - I Only Have Eyes For You Supergrass - Moving Supergrass - Late In the Day Supergrass - Richard III Panda Bear - Sequential Circuits Computer Magic - Be Fair Computer Magic - Fuzz Computer Magic - Spaces The Amazing - Tell Them You Can’t Leave Anna Calvi - Hunter Anna Calvi - Swimming Pool Carly Simon - Nobody Does It Better Duran Duran - Rio Duran Duran - Save A Prayer Duran Duran - My Own Way Anna Calvi - Eden Anna Calvi - Indies or Paradise She & Him - I Can Hear Music Soloist Mari Silje Samuelsen - Antonio Vivaldi - "Summer" from four seasons Vivaldi Four Seasons: "Winter" (L'Inverno), complete; Cynthia Freivogel, Voices of Music  Para One · Arthur Simonini-La Jeune Fille en Feu (Bande originale du film) Agnes Obel - The Curse (Berlin Live Session) St. Vincent - Los Ageless Billie Ellish - No Time To Die King Princess - Hit The Back (Dance Video) Men I Trust - Show Me How Lady Gaga - Stupid Love Agnes Obel - Fuel To Fire Beach House - Space Song Sufjan Stevens - Visions of Gideon Agnes Obel - Broken Sleep snarls - Walk In the Woods Dixie Chicks - Not Ready to Make Nice (Live from MMXVI Tour) Dixie Chicks - Gaslighter Conspiracy of Owls - "Ancient Robots" Conspiracy of Owls - A Silver Song Sigrid - Home To You Tierra Whack – Unemployed Jenny Hval - Accident Caroline Polachek - So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings
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natdafat · 4 years
I've done it! I've made the worst story in the world. In terms of story, characters, grammar and word choice I've done it. And here it is.
"Bloody hell!" Did you know that bananas are a berry. It was wet outside, well I suppose it always was here. Always wet, always damp, always wet. Then again I guess it's useful John, Rubix, and Trevor are waterproof. But maybe we'll get lucky and Hammond will eat a carrot and we'll get lucky.
I may not know what the sun looks like and that's not my problem. It shines, wow. How spectacular. Or at least that's what I use to think. I've suddenly got an eurge to locate Hammond as see if I can sway that boi to monch on a carrot. Stupid idea really, but I got a felling that I may be the one to do so. That's my goal for today better get my anorak, a carrot and head off on my ways. Luckily my parents have been absent in my life so I don't have to worry about them.
4 years ago I was in a bit of a pickle there where these to people deeply in love with me, each competing against each other for my affection. I didn't really care much for either of the two personally but I never said no when they gave me free stuff. Luckily I moved away so I don't have to deal with them anymore.
So I am continuing on my quest. carrot in had, through the rain, the rain and the rain I treck on going where the universe guides me to get to Hammond. Truth is I don't know what Hammond is all I know is if he eats a carrot it will stop raining for a whole week. I know a whole week that's seven days.
On the way up we spotted something rather strange. It was a a weird figure made out of tiny cold crystals that looked sort of like ice but much more white and lighter. It had been rolled into three different sized balls and stacked on top of each other. With a face made on the top one. Eyes and a mouth made with small pebbles, and what looked like arms made by sticking 2 sticks in the sides of the middle ball. Honestly it was quite frightening neither of us had ever seen anything like this because. So we left it. Didn't want to disturb it.
We continued going up. Until we were stopped that thing was there again. It must of been a different one I said we have clearly gone up on the mountain, maybe Hammond just likes them. Lucas agreed and we continued on.
Before making are a way to the summit of the mountain we encountered the thing 6 more times or at least we hoped 6 more different things all looking the same. But we where at the top now And there we spotted a small old door. I knocked gently.
Out came a small, fluffy, adorable hamster around its neck had a tiny collar that read 'Hammond the light bringer' we both stared into his tiny eyes. I took the carrot out my pocket and placed it In front of him and said " please eat it, we have never seen the sun, had are face bathed in its glow. Can you place allow us to experience that sensation."
Hammond looked at us and took a sniff. He shook his tiny head and when back into his house. "Eh alright we tried" I said to Lucas and off we went back home for a cuppa.
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flamin-trans-can · 5 years
Got tagged by @proserpine-in-phases for the 11 questions thing, so here we go!
so what’s your extended zodiac sign? Sagicorn, Sign of the Wild. 
favorite suite in a card deck? Spades, don’t know why
have you ever played cards against humanity with your parents? if so, how awkward was it on a scale of 1-10, one being least awkward, 10 being most awkward? I’d give it about a 6, maybe a 7 if grandma is there.
please describe a situation in which you had a conflict with a coworker, and how you acted to resolve the situation. Never had a conflict in the few jobs I’ve had.
how do you feel about the cats vs dogs debate? do you prefer cats or dogs? I think its dumb to debate whether or not an animal is a good pet or not. People have heckin’ leeches for pets, but I do love dogs a bit more than cats. At least they don’t have needle point claws to scratch you when you’re being too rough with them.
what fantasy creature did you want to be as a kid? Dragon. No questions about it.
what is your opinion of abstract art? I like it, people can be creative as hell with abstract.
when you walk into the candle aisle at Target or wherever, what scent do you look for first? Vanilla and if they have it, Lemongrass.
do you actually lick the Tootsie roll pop, or do you just bite through to that chewie center? I wear it down before monching through. My fam and friends look at me weird when I just chew through things like Tic Tacs and mints.
what color predominates in your interior decorating scheme? Purple but it wasn’t my choice. If it was, I’d probs have a blue or yellow room.
 recommend some music: Joji, Hozier, Billie Elish, Bastille, Aurora, Ghost B.C.
Lit ok, now I have 11 questions for the unfortunate people I decide to tag in this mess.
How long did it take for you to get your driver’s license?
What is the best genre of books, shows, etc.?
If you could replace you entire wardrobe at not cost, what would it have?
Are you the Parent Friend or Sibling Friend?
Longest Driving trip, go!
Hobby that you wish you could have but don't have the time, money, etc. for?
Opinion on Fanfiction?(idk I’m running out of ideas)
If your friends send you a bunch of really dumb photos of their face while not sober, would you save them for blackmail when they’re sober?
Go to snack?
Color scheme of your wardrobe?
Recommend some shows.
 Ok, I play the reverse card and tag @proserpine-in-phases so ha! I also tag @sentient-sin-bin, @emblian, @clowning-doom, and @atompunkbabe
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weareasong · 5 years
Look, I was gonna go easy on you not to hurt your feelings
But I'm only going to get this one chance (Six minutes, six minutes)
Something's wrong, I can feel it (Six minutes)
Just a feeling I've got (Six minutes, Slim Shady, you're on)
Like something's about to happen, but I don't know what
If that means what I think it means, we're in trouble, big trouble
And if he is as bananas as you say, I'm not taking any chances
You are just what the doc ordered
I'm beginnin' to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
Now, who thinks their arms are long enough to slap box, slap box?
They said I rap like a robot, so call me rap-bot
But for me to rap like a computer must be in my genes
I got a laptop in my back pocket
My pen'll go off when I half-cock it
Got a fat knot from that rap profit
Made a livin' and a killin' off it
Ever since Bill Clinton was still in office
With Monica Lewinsky feeling on his, nutsack
I'm an MC still as honest
But as rude and as indecent as all hell
Syllables, skill-a-holic (Kill 'em all with)
This flippity dippity-hippity hip-hop
You don't really wanna get into a pissin' match
With this rappity brat, packin' a MAC in the back of the Ac'
Backpack rap crap, yap-yap, yackety-yack
And at the exact same time
I attempt these lyrical acrobat stunts while I'm practicing that
I'll still be able to break a motha-fuckin' table
Over the back of a couple of faggots and crack it in half
Only realized it was ironic
I was signed to Aftermath after the fact
How could I not blow?
All I do is drop F-bombs
Feel my wrath of attack
Rappers are having a rough time period, here's a maxi pad
It's actually disastrously bad for the wack
While I'm masterfully constructing this master piece as
Cause I'm beginnin' to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
Now, who thinks their arms are long enough to slap box, slap box?
Let me show you maintaining this shit ain't that hard, that hard
Everybody want the key and the secret to rap immortality like I have got
Well, to be truthful the blueprint's
Simply rage and youthful exuberance
Everybody loves to root for a nuisance
Hit the Earth like an asteroid
Did nothing but shoot for the moon since (Pew)
MC's get taken to school with this music
Cause I use it as a vehicle to "bus the rhyme"
Now I lead a new school full of students
Me? I'm a product of Rakim, Lakim Shabazz, 2Pac
N.W.A, Cube, hey, Doc, Ren, Yella, Eazy, thank you, they got Slim
Inspired enough to one day grow up
Blow up and be in a position
To meet Run-D.M.C
Induct them into the mothafuckin' Rock 'n
Roll Hall of Fame
Even though I'll walk in the church and burst in a ball of flames
Only Hall of Fame I'll be inducted in is the alcohol of fame
On the wall of (Shame)
You fags think it's all a game, 'til I walk a flock of flames
Off a plank and tell me what in the fuck are you thinking?
Little gay-lookin boy
So gay I can barely say it with a 'straight' face, lookin' boy
You're witnessing a mass-occur
Like you're watching a church gathering take place, looking boy
Oy vey, that boy's gay, that's all they say, looking boy
You get a thumbs up, pat on the back
And a "way to go" from your label every day, looking boy
Hey, looking boy, what you say, looking boy
I get a "hell yeah" from Dre, looking boy
I'ma work for everything I have, never ask nobody for shit
Get outta my face, looking boy
Basically, boy, you're never gonna be capable of keeping up
With the same pace, looking boy
Cause I'm beginnin' to feel like a Rap God, Rap God
All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod
The way I'm racing around the track, call me NASCAR, NASCAR
Dale Earnhardt of the trailer park, the White Trash God
Kneel before General Zod this planet's Krypton-no Asgard, Asgard
So you be Thor and I'll be Odin, you rodent, I'm omnipotent
Let off then I'm reloading immediately with these bombs I'm toting
And I should not be woken
I'm the walking dead
But I'm just a talking head, a zombie floating
But I got your mom deep throating
I'm out my Ramen Noodle
We have nothing in common, poodle
I'm a Doberman, pinch yourself in the arm and pay homage, pupil
It's me my honesty's brutal
But it's honestly futile if I don't utilize what I do though
For good at least once in a while
So I wanna make sure somewhere
In this chicken scratch I scribble and doodle
Enough rhymes to
Maybe try to help get some people through tough times
But I gotta keep a few punchlines
Just in case cause even you unsigned
Rappers are hungry looking at me like it's lunchtime
I know there was a time where once I, was king of the underground
But I still rap like I'm on my Pharoahe Monch grind
So I crunch rhymes, but sometimes when you combine
Appeal with the skin color of mine
You get too big and here they come trying to censor you like that one line
I said on "I'm Back" from the Mathers LP 1
When I tried to say: "I'll take seven kids from Columbine
Put 'em all in a line, add an AK-47, a revolver and a nine"
See if I get away with it now that I ain't as big as I was but I'm
Morphin' into an immortal
Coming through the portal
You're stuck in a time warp from 2004, though
And I don't know what the fuck that you rhyme for
You're pointless as Rapunzel with fuckin' cornrows
You write normal? Fuck being normal
And I just bought a new raygun from the future
Just to come and shoot ya, like when Fabolous made Ray J mad
'Cause Fab said he looked like a fag at Mayweather's pad
Singing to a man while they played piano
So Ray J went straight to the radio station
The very next day, "Hey Fab, I'ma kill you!"
Lyrics coming at you at supersonic speed (J.J. Fad)
Uh, summa-lumma, dooma-lumma, you assuming I'm a human
What I gotta do to get it through to you? I'm superhuman
Innovative and I'm made of rubber
So that anything you say is ricocheting off of me and it'll glue to you and
I'm devastating, more than ever demonstrating
How to give a mothafuckin' audience a feeling like it's levitating
Never fading, and I know the haters are forever waiting
For the day that they can say I fell off, they'll be celebrating
'Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated
I make elevating music, you make elevator music
"Oh, he's too mainstream"
Well, that's what they do when they get jealous, they confuse it
"It's not hip-hop, it's pop"
'Cause I found a hella way to fuse it
With rock, shock rap with Doc
Throw on "Lose Yourself" and make 'em lose it
"I don't know how to make songs like that
I don't know what words to use"
Let me know when it occurs to you
While I'm ripping any one of these verses that versus you
It's curtains, I'm inadvertently hurting you
How many verses I gotta murder to
Prove that if you were half as nice
Your songs you could sacrifice virgins too?
Ugh, school flunky, pill junkie
But look at the accolades, these skills brung me
Full of myself, but still hungry
I bully myself cause I make me do what I put my mind to
When I'm a million leagues above you
Ill when I speak in tongues
But it's still tongue-in-cheek, fuck you
I'm drunk so Satan take the fucking wheel
I'm asleep in the front seat
Bumping Heavy D and the Boyz
Still "Chunky but Funky"
But in my head there's something I can feel tugging and struggling
Angels fight with devils and here's what they want from me
They're asking me to eliminate some of the women hate
But if you take into consideration the bitter hatred I have
Then you may be a little patient and more sympathetic
To the situation and understand the discrimination
But fuck it
Life's handing you lemons, make lemonade then
But if I can't batter the women
How the fuck am I supposed to bake them a cake then?
Don't mistake him for Satan
It's a fatal mistake
If you think I need to be overseas and take a vacation
To trip abroad
And make her fall on her face and don't be a retard
Be a king? Think not
Why be a king when you can be a God?
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thelonelybrilliance · 6 years
Sassy Recap - The Vampire Diaries - 3x05 “The Reckoning”
Two words: senior pranks.
The necklace is a talisman of the original witch, and that's who Klaus needs to contact to figure out why his hybrid plan is a big ol' dud!
We begin in an empty high school...specifically, the empty Mystic Falls high school, whereat nothing good has EVER happened. The only person in the whole joint is Hapless Matt, working out at who knows what late hour. I mean, hey, teens have to keep up their muscle definition on this show!
He wonders around the dim, freakily echoing hallways...but it's all OK! It's just Senior Prank night set-up!
Oh my Goy. Are we really doing this? (Yes, Elena says we are.) These teens are almost getting MONCHED on a daily basis but we're going to set up MOUSE TRAPS in the HISTORY CLASSROOM?? OK! Let's DO THAT! Or not, since Matt just set approximately all of them off at the same time, thus foiling the careful preparations of Elena, Caroline, Tyler et al.
(Who's with me in betting that this prank-y set-up serves as a backdrop to some later, grisly events? Hmm?)
"I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this," Matt says, being the voice of reason. But it's Caroline's Thing, and she wants it to work out, and who are we to say no to Caroline AND Elena?
I'll tell you who will say no. Klaus, lurking in the gym and saying, "There's my girl," to Elena, who almost DIES OF SHOCK. That would be convenient for Klaus, after all. Remember how Elena not being dead is kind of the key to his whole hybrid problem?
MEANWHILE, Damon and Katherine are on a roadtrip of simmering sexual tension and witty barbs. "Stop being cute," Damon says. "Not possible," Katherine quips back. But here's the thing, which Damon thoughtfully reveals after a brief (and Not Best Practices for Driving) makeout sesh: Katherine doesn't do it for him anymore. MWAHAHA, HE LOVES SOMEONE ELSE NOW! Maybe you should have reconsidered being a colossal biatch if you didn't want him to stop caring about you!
Also, Damon, you really need to get back to Mystic Falls.
Speaking of Salvatores, Stefan wakes up in the back of a truck, where Rebekah tells him that Klaus has been breaking his neck all afternoon and is pissed af about Elena being alive. Stefan tries to fight his way out, so Rebekah...stakes him with a pipe.
Klaus tells Elena he plans on making her suffer, and that is probably going to be made easier by the fact that approximately 1000 idiot high-schoolers are currently milling about, unsupervised.
Sure enough! It's show-down in the gym time. Klaus sends most of the teenagers home, for reasons unknown, and compels two others to do Kilgrave-y things like hold their foot up or be beaten to death. Ok. WHY.
"Thought you might want to stretch your legs, take a break from the sexual tension," Damon says, then throws the keys about a mile away and tells Katherine to tell him what she's doing. Katherine has Elena's necklace as leverage, and THEN she opens her trunk to reveal JEREMY GILBERT. CAN WE NOT???
Caroline and Tyler are making out and bonding and squirting honey onto various surfaces, because PRANKS, but oh no! Rebekah's here in a drapey belted cardigan that is oh so 2011. She attacks them! Fun times.
Bonnie and Matt are toilet-papering the pool, which seems colossally dumb, and talking about Vicki! SKIPPP! Y'all know I hated Vicki more than most people on this earth.
Poor Matt. He misses the days when he was a lifeguard and he didn't know a menagerie of supernatural creatures. Matt is a good egg, and though not a scintillating wit, he's more sensible than most people on this show.
HOWEVER! Stop wasting all the school's toilet paper.
Just when I *least* want her, Vicki shows up over Matt's shoulder to tell him that she's...here to help? Ok.
Klaus has a plan! The plan is, he wants his hybrids to work so...he turns Tyler! Now it's up to Bonnie to save Tyler's life while Klaus holds Elena hostage and senior prank night is just RUINED.
Once again I say: where the hell is Damon?
Klaus whispering to Elena is both...hot and terrifying?
Bonnie needs to contact the dead, and Jeremy can do that, so I suppose we're supposed to believe that he ISN'T useless. Unfortunately, he's miles away with Katherine and Damon! Who, as it turns out, ALSO want info from him. Specifically, Pearl and Anna (remember them?) knew a way to kill Klaus...for good. And Jeremy can communicate with Anna (UGH) because they kind of dated! (DOUBLE UGH).
Back at the gym, Stefan shows up. He's pulled the metal pipe/crowbar (yeah, it was actually a crowbar) out of his torso and is now here to furrow his brow and assure Klaus, in over-enunciated, sepulchral tones, that Elena...means...*nothing* to him.
This lasts APPROXIMATELY ONE SECOND before Stefan tries to save Elena. This means that Klaus compels him, and now there are multiple consequences such as, STEFAN BEING COMPELLED, HIGHSCHOOLERS GETTING KILLED, AND BASICALLY EVERYTHING GOING TO DEEP SH*T
ANYWAY *calms down* (and pls don't believe that I *didn't* appreciate Stefan's angsty pain, such as it was, as Klaus compelled him)
Jeremy communicates with Anna. This scene would be a snooze, usually, but Damon and Katherine are here and that helps a LOT. Anna is all "I won't tell THEM my precious info" so Damon just SLAMS Jeremy's head into a table until she gives it up. Honestly, I stan! You will not find sympathy for Jeremy here. (Also, lay off me. He's totally fine, just a little bump on the noggin.) Anna reveals the truth: Klaus is afraid of Michael, a vampire who hunts vampires. TOLD you this Michael dude would be back! She also says that they'd be idiots to try and wake him, but that's never stopped anyone on this show before!
Caroline wakes up with a headache, to find Rebekah taking selfies. Wow, Rebekah has adapted to modern life well! She tells Caroline that Tyler is going to be a hybrid, and THEN she discovers that Elena used to have Rebekah's necklace, due to stalking old stock-photo-esque pics on Stefan's phone .
Klaus tells Elena that it's such fun to see Stefan in his natural element, i.e., murdering people, and when she protests that that is Not Who Stefan Is, he responds "I invited him to the party, love, but he's the one dancing on the table," which, LOLZ. 
Of course Rebekah ruins the moment by BURSTING in, demanding that Elena turn over the necklace, and CHOWING DOWN ON HER when Elena does not IMMEDIATELY comply. Klaus can get scary when other people try to hurt his fave doppelganger, but even he can barely get Rebekah to Cool It.
Elena, bleeding out on the floor, comes clean: Katherine stole the necklace. Klaus is all, "That makes things harder, let's give Bonnie...TWENTY MINUTES to solve this." Um??? That is not what you do when something is HARDER to solve.
If they DON'T solve the problem, Stefan will kill Elena! This is so...Much.
You know what's TOO much? Expecting me to care about a side-plot involving Matt and Vicki. Vicki lures him to the pool, so she can DROWN HIM AND REUNITE THEM FOREVER OR SOMETHING. Are you KIDDING ME? I think I will not partake in this...
Ok, actually it ties in a little! Vicky says she can help so Matt WEIGHTS HIMSELF DOWN IN THE POOL TO HALF-DROWN SO THAT HE CAN CONNECT WITH THE DEAD! Bruh. You could have just stayed under water for a while?? G*damn.
ANYWAY, I still hate this sideplot!
Damon tells Jeremy not to fall asleep because he might have a concussion. ahahaha
Damon ALSO snags his phone back from Katherine and discovers that everything has gone to hell back in MF. He IMMEDIATELY heads back to Elena, and when Katherine says "The Damon I know wouldn't have been this stupid," he says, "I wouldn't have done it for you," and reader, I DIED. THE ROMANCE. #delenaforever
Lest I enjoy any moment too much, I have to deal with Bonnie doing CPR on Matt and saying "I can't do this" v dramatically.
Vicky appears in WHITE LIGHT to see Matt and give him a message for Bonnie and I just...I don't care. I mean, I guess I care about Bonnie and Matt's friendship more than I thought I would?? #growth
Meanwhile, Elena and Stefan are watching the clock. Elena tells him to try and resist compulsion, which seems like a pretty good idea, and Stefan is like "no let me throw this back in your face and reassure you how impossible it is, rather than throw every fiber of my being into resisting the urge to kill you," or something, because Stefan is Kind of the Worst and is also wearing boot-cut jeans.
"I'M A RIPPER, AND A RIPPER DOESN"T STOP," STefan says, which, little did he know, would one day inspire Jughead Jones' cataclysmically awkward line-reading of "I'm a weirdo. I don't fit in."
Ok but the best and most telling part of this scene is that Elena is like, YOU WILL FIGHT THIS and he's like WHY, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU? And WHEW BOY. I would darn well hope so! Elena would too, she SNAPS back at him that that is exactly why, but...I hope we can all see why this wasn't endgame. *sips tea*
Tyler has come back to life! That must suck for him.
The message from Vicki is what we already KNEW, which is, Elena has to die! Of course Matt discusses this IN THE HEARING OF KLAUS, who is like, "cool, then she will die."
Stefan is freaking out, which is better than him being...weirdly condescending at Moments of Peril, and begs Elena to run.
Elena runs, and Stefan chases her, but he DOES fight and I'm briefly proud of him. He breaks a broom in half (thank you, janitor, for leaving the cart around) and stakes himself to slow his cravings. Klaus is...enragedly charmed by this, and says "the only thing stronger than your hunger for blood is your love for this one girl." Which is, of course, a beautiful sentiment, and I am proud to report for the St*lena fans who are HOPEFULLY not reading this recap, that we have had our one (1) feel of the ep.
Klaus literally BREAKS Stefan's mind to get him to comply and Stefan of course goes full ripper and ELENA I WOULD RUN NOW, BUT SHE DOESN'T.
Klaus doesn't believe Vicky's witch message. Instead, he thinks that Elena's blood is probably the solution. Specifically, the hybrids needs to feed on it. Tyler does just that, and after a good deal of writhing about and Caroline screaming, it WORKS! Tyler lives to fight another day and Klaus can now build a hybrid army!
Elena wakes up in a hospital, where her blood is being DRAINED FROM HER BODY by a Klaus-compelled nurse.
Klaus and Rebekah have a heart-to-heart about how he wants a hybrid army so he doesn't have to be alone. Of course he won't own up to it, but somewhere deep within, very deep, Klaus has a twisted heart.
Not that anyone's going to be able to appeal to it! Specifically not Damon, who shows up like the FEARLESS BADASS HE IS and demands to be taken to Elena. Klaus is FULLY going to kill him, but Damon, ever quick on his feet, mentions the name Michael. And ooh! That puts a hitch in Klaus's step!
Short version: Klaus lets him go.
Long, terribly beautiful version: Damon rescues Elena from her Sleeping Beauty state and BRIDAL CARRIES HER OUT OF HOSPITAL AND MY WHOLE LIFE IS MADE
Just like...listen. She wakes up and calls his name and puts her arms around his neck so...IMMEDIATELY. And he just takes her. He carries her away to safety and I just HAVE. A LOT. OF FEELINGS.
But of course we have to switch back to Caroline and Tyler, who are happy for a moment in the afterglow of successful hybrid transformation, though I can't imagine THAT will last.
Tyler: "this is going to be an amazing year" Me: "with [Klaus] Frizzle? Unf*ckinglikely"
Bonnie and Matt bonding. Mkay. Actually it's not so much bonding as Bonnie telling him he gets to be normal and he should chase that. But of course it's not OK and he can still see Vicky and I want to roll my eyes out of my head. Thx.
Damon gives Elena bourbon and gives me feelings!!! I'm sorry just...Damon talking about his bourbon is very important to me. He offers to help her forget and his face is so terribly, beautiful soft as he suffers for her that it DESTROYS ME and aLSO he stole back the necklace for her!
"He's really gone this time," Elena says, because she's...a better person than I would be, I guess, and isn't willing to just forget Stefan and his man-pain forever?
Ohhhh the angst! Her eyes well up with tears and she says, "Where were you, Damon?" And he is SO SORRY and he says "I promise you, I will never leave you again" and puts a hand on her knee and it's SO GOOD and then STEFAN SHOWS UP, ALL SOULLESS DOUCHEBAG!
Klaus has asked him to watch Elena and he's like "From now on, you are under my protection" and he deserves to be sLAPPED (I know, I know, it's not his fault, BUT I JUST???) (I guess Klaus technically deserves to be slapped MORE)
Katherine and Jeremy, an unlikely team (HOW does she put up with him), uncover a desicated Michael.
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armaangstlus · 7 years
Tag: 11 Questions
Always post the rules
Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
Write 11 questions of your own
Tag 11 people (or however many you want)
I got tagged by @das-verlorene-kind this cutie
1. What are you currently working on?
stupid exhibition in school for a comic im working on
2. Name three pieces of fanwork that you would gladly recommend to everyone else in the fandom. 
which fandom lol. well i m really not into those things but alright ill try my best.. 
1. go check out that cursed fob&gorillaz crossover canon
2. every. each. bottom. pete. fanwork. 
3. um ruberiot on tumblr is probably the best artist in the fob fandom. so.. iguess everyone knows who she is well if you still dont know her just check her art blog out 3. What keeps you motivated? jesus christ im not even being motivated
4. If you could dress up your fave in any particular clothes, what would they be? god i like chokers really!! and makeups.. cuz im ugly as hell.. yah i ve never claimed that to anyone irl just guess they wouldnt understand me.. i like those kind of indie t-shirts got nsfw images on them.. and shorts.. soccer socks... hahaha im such a weirdo i dress like a hobo now 
5. What thing do you dislike the most about your fandom(s)?
um i dont really do that kind of.. bandom thing.. well particular ship fandoms r cool. yah probably just not enough bottom pete i guess haha 6. If you could make one fic or even just AU canon, what would it be?
thats a pretty hard one
that pw dog vs alien monsters AU? i.. at least everyone s furry now love&peace lmao 7. How did you get into your fandom(s)?
who the fuck dont love pete being a cute pup and needs to be patted on head hugh? shhhhh dont even make a sound just admire him 8.Do you have any embarrassing story from your early days as a fan?
i.. so i used to fan patrick stump and.. um... unpleasant recalls fuck.. i was a huge fan.. total fangirl... that was long time ago n now i just wanna go back in time and strangle myself like phy shut the fuck up shut the fu- 9. If you could make your favorite artist/writer do an elaborate art piece/story exactly to your wishes, what would it be?
10. What languages do you speak?
Mandarin  11. How did you end up on this cursed website known as tumblr?
......................i was younger then. so i found some nudes on tumblr and um i used it as a web to search that kind of thing so um and i quit to use it two years?three years ago?have no idea ugh horrifying recalls
yah but i just started to use tumblr to post things recently so im still a new guy here yah yah yah
My 11 questions:
1. Ever pissed your pants after 10?
2. Can you handle a fidget spinner or a yoyo?
3. What’s gonna be like if you mix two of the music genres you listen to and create a new genre? Try to create a band name and a song title under this genre.
4. Howdy pardner outside of your door. What you re gonna do? Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now they re breaking the door you need to do something!!!!!!! Only 60 seconds left!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. pete wentz from 2003’s lapdance or a cute as hell kitten dies
6. Where’s your homeland? What things foreign people always misunderstand your country?
7. All time favorite song? Which lyric do you like the most in it?
8. Top three favorite records?
9. Dumbest thing you’ve ever done in your life?
10. Do you have tattoos? If you do what is/are it/they like and whats the meaning behind it/them? If you don’t, have you ever considered to get one?
11. Favorite band and your favorite member of it?
avhkevlciewblciebcli love you rosi
i know my asks re terrible but i just wanna get to know of you guys so feel free to ignore me if you dont wanna do this
@pangst @pk-nexas @pechika0215 @sarufish @stump-o-matik @l3earfat
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cpgtb · 7 years
Che io adori Eminem, per chi mi ha seguito nelle live, non è un mistero, e questo ragazzo mi stupisce sempre di più... vi lascio le parole (supercelebrative... e, per me, ha tutte le ragioni del mondo!) e una traduzione semiautomatizzata, ma credo comprensibile di uno dei suoi brani...
PS. Il lavoro nobilita l’uomo ...dicono... ma quello che non ti dicono è che ti fotte la vita... 
Eminem, Rap God (testo)
I’m beginning to feel like a rap God All my people from the front to the back nod Now who thinks he’s arms are long enough to slapbox? They said I rap like a robot so call me rapbot But for me to rap like a computer must be in my genes I got a laptop in my back pocket My pen’ll go off when I half cock it Got a fat knot from that rap profit Made a living and a killing off it Ever since Bill Clinton was still in office With Monica Lewinsky feeling on his (nutsack) I’m an emcee still as honest But as rude and indecent as all hell Syllable, killaholic [?] This slickety, gibbedy, hibbedy hip hop You don’t really wanna get into a piece of match With this rappidy rappack and a mack in the back of the yac, pack backpack rap yep yackidy yac The exact same time I attempt these lyrical acrobat stunts when I’m practicing that I’ll still be able to break a motherfuckers table over the back of a couple [?] and crack it in half Only realized it was ironic I was on the Aftermath after the fact How could I not blow? All I do is drop F-bombs, feel my wrath of attack Rappers are having a rough time, period; he’s a maxipad It’s actually disastrously bad For the wack to masterfully constructing this masterpiece ass
I’m beginning to feel like a rap God All my people from the front to the back nod Now who thinks he’s arms are long enough to slapbox? Let me show you maintaining this shit ain’t that hard Everybody want the key and the secret to rap immortality like I have got Well, to be truthful the blueprint is simply raging youthful [?] Everybody loves to root for a nuisance Hither up like an asteroid, did nothing but chew other moons in Emcees get taken to school with this music cause I use it as a vehichle to bust a rhyme Now I lead a new school of students Me, I’m a product of Rakim, Lakim, Shahbaz, 2Pac and W.N, Cube, Doc, Ren, Yella, Eazy, thank you they got Slim Inspired enough to one day grow up, blow up and be in a position To meet Run DMC and induct them to the motherfucking Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Even though I walk in the church and burst in a ball of flames Only Hall of Fame I be inducted in is the alcohol of fame On the wall of shame You [?] it’s all a game till I woke a flock of flames Off of planking, tell me what in the fuck were you thinking? Little B looking boy, so [?] I can barely say it with a straight face looking boy You witnessing a massacre like you watching a church gathering take place looking boy Oh [?] that’s all they say looking boy You take a thumbs up, pat on the back the way you go from your label everyday looking boy Hey, looking boy, what you say looking boy? I got a hell yeah from Tre looking boy I’mma work for everything I have, never ask nobody for shit Get outta my face looking boy Basically boy you’re never gonna be capable to keep up with the same pace looking boy
I’m beginning to feel like a rap God All my people from the front to the back nod The way I’m racing around the track, call me Nascar [?] heart of the trailer park, the white trash God Kneel before generals off this planett’s Krypton, no Asgard So you be Thor and I’ll be Odin, you [?], I’m omnipotent Let off then I’m reloading immediately with these bombs I’m totin’ And I should not be woken I’m a walking dead, but I’m just a talking head, a zombie floating But I got your mom deep in [?] I’m out my ramen noodle We have nothing in common, poodle ? pinch yourself in the arm and pay homage, pupil It’s me, my honesty’s brutal But it’s honestly futile if I don’t utilize what I do though For good at least once in a while So I wanna make sure somewhere ? I scratch, scribble and doodle Enough rhymes to maybe to try and help get some people through tough times But I gotta keep a few punchlines Just in case cause even you unsigned Rappers are hungry looking at me like it’s lunchtime I know there was a time where once I Was king of the underground, but I still rap like I’m on my Pharoahe Monch grind So I crunch rhymes, but sometimes when you combine A pill with the skin color of mine You get too big and [?] Like that one line
When I tried to say I take seven kids from Columbine Put ‘em all in a line
See if I get away with it now then I ain’t as big as I was but I’m Morph into an immortal, coming through the portal But you’re stuck in a timewarp from 2004 though And I don’t know what the fuck that you rhyme for You’re pointless as Rapunzel with fucking cornrolls Fuck being normal And I just bought a new raygun from the future to just come and shoot ya Like when Fabolous made Ray J mad
Oh, man, oh, that was a 24 special on the cable channel So Ray J went straight to the radio station the very next day ”Hey, Fab, I’mma kill you” Lyrics coming at you at supersonic speed Uh, sama lamaa duma lamaa you assuming I’m a human What I gotta do to get it through to you I’m superhuman Innovator, made [?] so anything you saying ricocheting off of me
Never fading, and I know that the haters are forever waiting For the day that they can say I fell off, they’d be celebrating Cause I know the way to get ‘em motivated, I make elevating music You make elevator music Oh, he’s too mainstream – well, that’s what they doing jealous, they confuse it It’s not hip hop, it’s pop, cause I found a hella way to fuse it With rock, shock rap with Doc [?] to make them loose it I don’t know how to make songs like that, I don’t know what words to use Let me know when it occurs to you While I’m ripping any of these verses
How many verses I gotta murder to prove That if you’re half as nice at songs you can sacrifice virgins too School flunkie, pill junky But look at the accolades the skills brung me Full of myself, but still hungry I bully myself cause I make me do what I put my mind to And I’m a million leagues above you Ill when I speak in tongues, but it’s still tongue in cheek, fuck you I’m drunk so Satan take the fucking wheel, I’m asleep in the front seat Bumping Heavy D and the Boys, still chunky, but funky But in my head there’s something I can feel tugging and struggling Angels fighting with devils, here’s what they want from me They asking me to eliminate some of the women hate But if you take into consideration the bitter hatred that I had Then you may be a little patient and more symphatetic to the situation And understand the discrimation But fuck it, life’s handing you lemons, make lemonade then But if I can’t battle the women how the fuck am I supposed to bake them a cake then? Don’t mistake it for Satan It’s a fatal mistake if you think I need to be overseas and take a vacation to tip a broad And make a [?] on the face and don’t be a retard Be a king? Think not – why be a king when you can be a God?
Look, I was gonna go easy on you, not to hurt your feelings But I’m only to get this one chance. (Six minutes, Slim Shady, you’re on) Something’s wrong, I can feel it Like a feeling, like something is about to happen, but I don’t know what If this means, what I think it means, we’re in trouble – big trouble And if he is as bananas like you say, I’m not taking any chances (You were just what the doc ordered.)
Eminem, Rap God (traduzione)
Comincio a sentirmi come un dio del rap tutte le persone da qui davanti fino al dietro annuiscano ora chi pensa che le sue braccia siano lunghe a sufficienza per uno schiaffo? dicono che rappo come un robot, chiamatemi rapbot ma per me rappare come un computer deve essere nei geni ho un portatile nella tasca di dietro il mio pene si spegnerà quando lo fotterò a mezzo ho un nodo di grasso dai profitti del rap mi sono fatto una vita e l’ho fatta fuori tutta da quando Bill Clinton era in ufficio con Monica Lewinsky che gli succhiava le palle sono un MC ancora onesto ma maledettamente rude e indecente sillabato, voglioso di farvi fuori questo lubrificante, gibbedy hippedy hip hop non vuoi davvero farti avanti nel match con questo rapidissimo rap e microfono sul retro del gioco, pack backpack rap yep yackidy yac Allo stesso tempo provo questi stunt acrobatici quando mi esercito sarò ancora in grado di sfasciare il tavolo dei figlio di putt*na sulla schiena di qualcuno e romperlo in due ho realizzato che ero ironico ero nella Aftermath dopo quel fatto come potrei non farlo? rilascio Bombe-F, senti la rabbia del mio attacco i rapper passano un brutto periodo, è un maxipad è veramente disastroso per gli sfigati costruire un capolavoro come questo cul*
comincio a sentirmi come un dio del rap tutte le persone da qui davanti fino al dietro annuiscano ora chi pensa che le sue braccia siano lunghe a sufficienza per uno schiaffo? Fammi mostrare che mantenere questa roba non è difficile tutti vogliono la chiave e il segreto per l’immortalità del rap come me beh, per essere sinceri il giovane blueprint è solo un giovane incaz*ato tutti amano le radici per noia lanciato in cima come un asteroide, non ho fatto altro che masticare le altre lune GLi Mc sono portati a scuola da questa musica perché la uso come un veicolo per lanciare una rima ora porto avanti una nuova scuola di studenti io, sono un prodotto di Rakim Lakim Shahbaz, 2Pac e W.N, Cube, Doc, Ren, Yella, Eazy, grazie per Slim ispirato a sufficienza per crescere un giorno, scoppiare ed essere in una posizione incontrare i Run DMC e portarli dentro la caz*o di Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame anche se cammino in chiesa e brucio in una palla di fuoco l’unica Hall of Fame cui mi hanno iniziato era la Alcohol of fame sul muro della vergogna tu, è tutto in un gioco finché non ti svegli in una lingua di fuoco quando fai il planking, dimmi a che caz*o pensavi Little B stile ragazzino, posso a malapena dirlo con una faccia da ragazzino tu sei testimone di un massacro come se guardassi una chiesa piena di gente che si siede ah è quello che dicono, bel ragazzino ti prendi i pollici su, una pacca sulla spalla sulla strada dalla tua etichetta discografica ogni giorno, bel ragazzino oh, bel ragazzino, che dici bel rgaazzino? ho ricevuto un “caz*o sì” da Tre, bel ragazzino lavoro per ottenere quello che mi serve, non ho chiesto mai un caz*o a nessuno via dalla mia vista, ragazzino non riuscirai mai a mantenere la stessa velocità, ragazzino
comincio a sentirmi come un dio del rap tutte le persone da qui davanti fino al dietro annuiscano il modo in cui guido la canzone, chiamatemi Nascar il cuore del parcheggio per roulotte, il dio della spazzatura bianca inginocchiatevi ai generali di questo pianeta Krypton, non Asgard così tu fai Thor e io Odino, tu sfigato, io sono onnipotente lascia stare che ricarico immediatamente con queste bombe che lancio non mi devi svegliare sono un morto che cammina, ma sono anche una testa parlante, uno zombie ho preso tua mamma sono il mio noodle cinese non abbiamo niente in comune, ciccio pizzicati il braccio e rendi omaggio, studente sono io, la mia onestà è brutale ma onestamente sarebbe futile se non usassi cosa faccio in fondo per bene, almeno una volta ogni tanto voglio essere sicuro da qualche parte? faccio scratch, scarabocchio e scarabocchio abbastanza rime per cercare di aiutare le persone nei tempi duri devo tenerne alcune più cattive giusto in caso perché pure tu hai rescisso il contratto i rapper sono affamati, guardami, è ora di pranzo so che c’era un momento dove io, una volta ero il re dell’underground, ma rappo ancora come se lavoraasi ancora al Pharoahe Monch mastico rime, ma qualche volta quando ti unisci una pillola col colore della mia pelle ti fai troppo grande come quella linea quando cerco di dire che ho salvato sette bambini da Columbine mettendoli tutti in fila nella mia rima
Guarda, se ottengo quel che mi serve allora non sono così importante come pensavo ma mi trasformo per morphing in un immortale, passo attraverso un portale ma sei fermo in una curvatura spaziotempo dal 2004 non so perché caz*o tiri fuori rime, allora sei inutile come Raperonzolo con quei caz*o di capelli in su fanc*lo essere normali ho comprato una nuova pistola laser dal futuro per venire a spararti come quando Fabolous ha fatto impazzire Ray J
oh man, erano uno speciale di 24 ore in tv via cavo allora Ray Jj è andato in radio il giorno dopo ehi Fab, ora ti uccido le parole arrivano a velocità supersonica uh sama lamaa duma lamaaa tu pensi che io sia un umano che devo fare per farti capire che sono un superuomo innovatore, così ogni cosa che dici mi rimbalza addosso
Non sono mai svanito, e so che chi mi odia aspetta da sempre quel giorno che potranno dire che sono caduto, lo festeggerebbero perché so come motivarli, faccio musica che innalza tu fai musica da ascensore è troppo mainstream - beh, è quello che pensano i gelosi, si confondono non è hip hop, è pop, ho trovato un modo per metterli insieme con il rock, rap shock con Doc li faccio sballare non so come far canzoni in quel modo, non so che parole usare fammi sapere quando ti capita mentre sistemo un po’ di questi versi
quanti altri versi devo uccidere per provare che se fossi almeno metà bravo con le canzoni potresti anche sacrificare vergini sei lo sfigato della scuola, un drogato di pillole ma guarda gli accoliti che mi portano abilità pieno di me, ma ancora affamato mi faccio bullismo da solo perché così faccio quello che mi dice la testa e sono un milione di linguaggi oltre te malato quando parlo in versi, ma ho ancora la lingua in bocca, fanc*lo sono sbronzo così Satana può cominciare con la sua ruota, dormo sul sedile davanti ascolto Heavy D e i The Boys, un po’ fighi ma funky ma nella mia testa c’è qualcosa che posso sentire sbattere e godere gli angeli che litigano con i diavoli, ecco cosa voglio da me mi chiedono di eliminare alcune donne odiate ma se prendi in considerazione l’odio amaro che lo avrei fatto devi portare un po’ pazienza ed essere più comprensivo della situazione capire la discriminazione ma fanc*lo, la vita ti tira dei limoni, fai la limonata allora ma se non puoi dar battagli alle donne come caz*o posso preparargli una torta, poi? non sbagliarti con Satana è uno sbaglio fatale se pensi di dover andare dall’altra parte del mondo in vacanza per goderti l’estero non fare quella faccia e non essere ritardato vuoi fare il re? non ci pensare, perché fare il re quando puoi essere dio?
guarda, volevo andarci piano per non farti male ma ho solo questa chance (sei minuti, Slim Shady, sei arrivato) qualcosa è sbagliato, lo sento come un sentimento, come qualcosa che sta succedendo, non lo so cosa se questo significa quel che penso, siamo in un casino - un gran casino e se lui è un idiota come dici, non ho alcuna chance (sei stato solo ciò che ha ordinato il dottore) comincio a sentirmi come un dio del rap (dio del rap) tutte le persone da qui davanti fino al dietro annuiscano (annuiscano) ora chi pensa che le sue braccia siano lunghe a sufficienza per uno schiaffo?
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olivereliott · 4 years
Walking The Knife Edge Of Switzerland’s Hardergrat
   [NOTE: 2020 is the tenth year of my blog at Semi-Rad.com, and since I started it, I’ve been fortunate to get to do some pretty wonderful adventures. Throughout this year, I’ll be writing about 12 favorite adventures I’ve had since I started writing about the outdoors, one per month. This is the seventh in the series. The other stories in the series are here.]
Around 8:30 p.m. on Sept. 2, 2014, I stood in my friend Dan’s kitchen in Interlaken, Switzerland, slicing some crusty bread and smothering it with peanut butter and Nutella, when Dan came into the room.
“You’re eating again?” he asked, incredulous. I replied something in the affirmative.
“You eat more than anyone I’ve ever met!” he said, sort of laughing, but not really joking. We had, in fact, just finished dinner a couple hours ago. But in my defense: We were getting up at 2 a.m. to start a hike at 3 a.m., covering 16 miles and 10,000 feet of elevation gain. I was not going to start out calorie deficient. Also, if you’ve eaten Nutella before, you might be aware that it’s fucking excellent.
I had known Dan and his wife, Janine, for a couple years, and we’d spent several weeks in each other’s company, in their house, on trails, glaciers, rock climbs, and next to each other in Swiss mountain huts. They shot photos, I wrote articles, and we had a great time hanging out while also getting work done. We knew a lot about each other. But I think this was the moment I realized that Dan and I had opposite attitudes about food and exercise. To him, food was merely fuel that enabled exercise. To me, exercise enabled eating food. I don’t hate exercise and Dan wouldn’t say he hates food, but one of us gets a hell of a lot more excited talking about chile relleno burritos than the other one. Dan is an athlete who climbs 5.11c off the couch, runs uphill fast, runs downhill fast, skis uphill fast, and loves to crush mountain climbs on a road bike. I once ate five New York slices of pizza while running a marathon.
Just over five hours later, I pedaled one of Dan and Janine’s antique cruiser bikes through the quiet streets of Interlaken, my then-girlfriend, Hilary, sitting side-saddle across the rack on the back, following Dan, pedaling with Janine seated in the same spot on his bike. We headed straight to the trail up to the Harder Kulm, to access the west end of the Hardergrat, a sharp ridge of vegetated peaks rising above the deep blue lake, Brienzersee, several thousand feet below.
Dan had sent me a photo of the ridge months before, saying something along the lines of “look at this amazing thing that’s in our backyard.” At that time there was no information about the Hardergrat on the internet, but I figured it would be yet another amazing adventure in which Dan basically dragged me behind him while I quietly took in some of the most beautiful scenery I’d seen in my life, while sweating four times as much as Dan did and struggling to talk and breathe at the same time. I would not be disappointed.
The beta I had on the hike was basically this:
16 miles
10,000 feet of elevation gain
No access to water once you’re up on the ridge
Must finish by 6:30 p.m. to catch the Rothorn train down from the ridge on the far east side, or walk a punishingly steep 5,400+ foot descent back to civilization, a hike which you will probably have to do by yourself because Dan and Janine are nice, but not necessarily psyched on sacrificing their knees on a downhill hike of several hours because you’re slow
Sure, you could take a train up to the top of the ridge to start the hike but the train doesn’t start until later in the morning, and then all the good morning light is gone so the photos will suck, and also you might not be able to make it across the ridge in time to catch the train at the other end, so we’re going to hike up to the ridge in the dark.
So, at 3 a.m., after a sizable breakfast and coffee in what is objectively still “the middle of the night” for most of humanity, we started hammering up the trail in the cool morning air. I took my shirt off because I can manage to work up a good lather in almost any temperature, and what was the point of arriving on the top of the ridge in a soaked shirt? My headlamp bounced along the trail behind everyone as we cranked through switchbacks, climbing 2,400 feet in 2.1 miles, an effort that plenty of people (myself included) would refer to as “a good day.” The viewing platform at the top of the climb provides a panoramic view of the snowy peaks of the Eiger, the Monch, and the Jungfrau, but it was still dark and clouds covered most of the sky, so we didn’t have a view. Nor did we have a coffee or pastries at the cafe at the top because it didn’t open for several more hours.
We walked on, following the narrow trail through trees, hoping to get to the point where the views opened up in time for sunrise. It had been the rainiest summer in 40 years in Switzerland, and we picked a day when the weather was supposed to be good. But low clouds swept around us on both sides of the ridge, obscuring the stars. The exercise was nice, but if we couldn’t see anything from the ridge, the hike was kind of pointless. Plus, if it rained, Dan and Janine had said the route was a bit dangerous.
We made it to the top of the first of the real summits on the route, the Augstmatthorn, an hour after sunrise, and were above the clouds, staring south at the skyline of jagged, glaciated 4000-meter peaks 10 miles away: The the Finsteraarhorn, Schreckhorn, Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau.
We’d climbed up 5,000 feet already in 8 miles, and the ridge undulated between 6,100 and 7,400 feet, somehow packing another 5,000 feet of vertical gain in the remaining 8 miles. As we descended from the peak, we ended up back in the clouds, and had to make a decision: keep going and hope the visibility got better, or head down the trail on the north side of the Augstmatthorn and catch a bus. We found a flat spot to sit for a while and wait it out.
We had seen no one up until that point, and would only see a couple people our entire long day on the ridge. This, of course, would change in the next few years, as Dan and Janine’s photos of the Hardergrat in magazines, and Instagram-scouting travelers discovered it. The route up from the bus stop below the Augstmatthorn, a much friendlier hike with only 1800 feet of elevation gain, makes for a much less committing photo op, and drew more hikers over the years—by 2019, Dan and Janine’s friend and business partner Kim had taken to calling the Hardergrat “the Hipstergrat” as it became more popular. Eventually, YouTubers who did the whole hike started to refer to it using superlatives like “Europe’s most beautiful & hardcore trail in the Swiss Alps” and “Maybe the Most Dangerous Hike in the World.”
I certainly don’t have enough experience to know if it’s the most dangerous hike in the world, but during the second half of the hike, I started to think I would have been a little more comfortable if I had brought an ice axe. The trail narrowed to a little more than 12 inches wide in spots, and there was no margin on either side—just a steep grassy slope that shot downward to Brienzersee, with nothing to stop a fall. It was a bit wet from recent rains, and I looked at my trekking poles thinking about how to self-arrest so I didn’t roll 5,000 feet down into the lake below. A few days earlier, Dan, Hilary and I had cramponed up the snowy Southeast Ridge of the Mönch, and the previous evening, Dan had told us about seeing a climber fall off that ridge to his death in a crevasse a thousand feet below—a visual that made you think about catching a crampon point on your pants every single time you stepped.
As I looked down the grassy sides of the knife-edge ridge on the Hardergrat, I thought about that climber on the Monch, and thought, Yeah, you know, an ice axe might not be overkill on the Hardergrat after a recent rain. Like today. I found out later that the Hardergrat was, in fact, usually graded T5 on the Swiss Alpine Club’s rating system, a grade they usually used for mountaineering terrain where an ice axe is mandatory. Of course, we didn’t have ice axes, so we just had to be careful.
The clouds finally parted, and Dan and Janine got a bit ahead of Hilary and I after the sun went overhead and blew out the good lighting, so we took our time, following the trail up and down the ridge, looking left and right towards the mountains, occasionally down at the valley and the lake below. The view changed incrementally every few dozen steps, and after about 50 iphone photos, you kind of feel like you’ve captured it, but of course you haven’t. When you’re walking somewhere like that, you know it’s special, but you don’t know that years later you’ll feel like maybe you rushed it Maybe you will make it back there again, maybe you won’t, and it for sure would be different, and even if it’s not different, you’ll be a little different, so the whole thing won’t be the same anyway. But damn, what a view.
We finally caught up to Dan and Janine near the end of the ridge as we approached the Brienzer Rothorn train station, and ran into a herd of sheep grazing along both sides of the trail. We arrived at the end of the route with enough time to mill around the cafe and patio while we waited for the train, with plenty of time for Dan to wash his hands in the restroom and for me to take down multiple ice cream things on sticks, which I definitely deserved.
It’s bad form to lean over a photographer’s shoulder while they’re taking photos, because it’s not cool to poach their shot. Earlier in the day, as Dan and Janine were setting up with Hilary for a photo that would end up on the cover of Backpacker magazine a few months later, I had snapped a couple iPhone photos, even though I knew they were garbage compared to whatever Dan was capturing.
But at the end of the day, walking back from the restroom before the train arrived, I snapped one last photo of Dan looking south at the mountains, the 61st photo I’d taken that day. He doesn’t have a camera out, it’s at the end of a long, great day in the mountains, and he’s not moving, so I’m not desperately trying to keep up with him. He’s just standing there, looking around at the mountains that he loves so much, scanning the rugged horizon, dreaming up more adventures. It was a great view, which I realized enough to take a photo, but I was probably thinking about what I was going to eat when we got back down to town.
More information on hiking or running the Hardergrat route can be found here.
Thanks for reading. If you’d like to help keep Semi-Rad going, forward this piece to someone who’d like it, consider making a Patreon contribution, check out the Semi-Rad Shop for posters and other fun stuff, or buy one of my books.
The post Walking The Knife Edge Of Switzerland’s Hardergrat appeared first on semi-rad.com.
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thejustinmarshall · 4 years
Walking The Knife Edge Of Switzerland’s Hardergrat
   [NOTE: 2020 is the tenth year of my blog at Semi-Rad.com, and since I started it, I’ve been fortunate to get to do some pretty wonderful adventures. Throughout this year, I’ll be writing about 12 favorite adventures I’ve had since I started writing about the outdoors, one per month. This is the seventh in the series. The other stories in the series are here.]
Around 8:30 p.m. on Sept. 2, 2014, I stood in my friend Dan’s kitchen in Interlaken, Switzerland, slicing some crusty bread and smothering it with peanut butter and Nutella, when Dan came into the room.
“You’re eating again?” he asked, incredulous. I replied something in the affirmative.
“You eat more than anyone I’ve ever met!” he said, sort of laughing, but not really joking. We had, in fact, just finished dinner a couple hours ago. But in my defense: We were getting up at 2 a.m. to start a hike at 3 a.m., covering 16 miles and 10,000 feet of elevation gain. I was not going to start out calorie deficient. Also, if you’ve eaten Nutella before, you might be aware that it’s fucking excellent.
I had known Dan and his wife, Janine, for a couple years, and we’d spent several weeks in each other’s company, in their house, on trails, glaciers, rock climbs, and next to each other in Swiss mountain huts. They shot photos, I wrote articles, and we had a great time hanging out while also getting work done. We knew a lot about each other. But I think this was the moment I realized that Dan and I had opposite attitudes about food and exercise. To him, food was merely fuel that enabled exercise. To me, exercise enabled eating food. I don’t hate exercise and Dan wouldn’t say he hates food, but one of us gets a hell of a lot more excited talking about chile relleno burritos than the other one. Dan is an athlete who climbs 5.11c off the couch, runs uphill fast, runs downhill fast, skis uphill fast, and loves to crush mountain climbs on a road bike. I once ate five New York slices of pizza while running a marathon.
Just over five hours later, I pedaled one of Dan and Janine’s antique cruiser bikes through the quiet streets of Interlaken, my then-girlfriend, Hilary, sitting side-saddle across the rack on the back, following Dan, pedaling with Janine seated in the same spot on his bike. We headed straight to the trail up to the Harder Kulm, to access the west end of the Hardergrat, a sharp ridge of vegetated peaks rising above the deep blue lake, Brienzersee, several thousand feet below.
Dan had sent me a photo of the ridge months before, saying something along the lines of “look at this amazing thing that’s in our backyard.” At that time there was no information about the Hardergrat on the internet, but I figured it would be yet another amazing adventure in which Dan basically dragged me behind him while I quietly took in some of the most beautiful scenery I’d seen in my life, while sweating four times as much as Dan did and struggling to talk and breathe at the same time. I would not be disappointed.
The beta I had on the hike was basically this:
16 miles
10,000 feet of elevation gain
No access to water once you’re up on the ridge
Must finish by 6:30 p.m. to catch the Rothorn train down from the ridge on the far east side, or walk a punishingly steep 5,400+ foot descent back to civilization, a hike which you will probably have to do by yourself because Dan and Janine are nice, but not necessarily psyched on sacrificing their knees on a downhill hike of several hours because you’re slow
Sure, you could take a train up to the top of the ridge to start the hike but the train doesn’t start until later in the morning, and then all the good morning light is gone so the photos will suck, and also you might not be able to make it across the ridge in time to catch the train at the other end, so we’re going to hike up to the ridge in the dark.
So, at 3 a.m., after a sizable breakfast and coffee in what is objectively still “the middle of the night” for most of humanity, we started hammering up the trail in the cool morning air. I took my shirt off because I can manage to work up a good lather in almost any temperature, and what was the point of arriving on the top of the ridge in a soaked shirt? My headlamp bounced along the trail behind everyone as we cranked through switchbacks, climbing 2,400 feet in 2.1 miles, an effort that plenty of people (myself included) would refer to as “a good day.” The viewing platform at the top of the climb provides a panoramic view of the snowy peaks of the Eiger, the Monch, and the Jungfrau, but it was still dark and clouds covered most of the sky, so we didn’t have a view. Nor did we have a coffee or pastries at the cafe at the top because it didn’t open for several more hours.
We walked on, following the narrow trail through trees, hoping to get to the point where the views opened up in time for sunrise. It had been the rainiest summer in 40 years in Switzerland, and we picked a day when the weather was supposed to be good. But low clouds swept around us on both sides of the ridge, obscuring the stars. The exercise was nice, but if we couldn’t see anything from the ridge, the hike was kind of pointless. Plus, if it rained, Dan and Janine had said the route was a bit dangerous.
We made it to the top of the first of the real summits on the route, the Augstmatthorn, an hour after sunrise, and were above the clouds, staring south at the skyline of jagged, glaciated 4000-meter peaks 10 miles away: The the Finsteraarhorn, Schreckhorn, Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau.
We’d climbed up 5,000 feet already in 8 miles, and the ridge undulated between 6,100 and 7,400 feet, somehow packing another 5,000 feet of vertical gain in the remaining 8 miles. As we descended from the peak, we ended up back in the clouds, and had to make a decision: keep going and hope the visibility got better, or head down the trail on the north side of the Augstmatthorn and catch a bus. We found a flat spot to sit for a while and wait it out.
We had seen no one up until that point, and would only see a couple people our entire long day on the ridge. This, of course, would change in the next few years, as Dan and Janine’s photos of the Hardergrat in magazines, and Instagram-scouting travelers discovered it. The route up from the bus stop below the Augstmatthorn, a much friendlier hike with only 1800 feet of elevation gain, makes for a much less committing photo op, and drew more hikers over the years—by 2019, Dan and Janine’s friend and business partner Kim had taken to calling the Hardergrat “the Hipstergrat” as it became more popular. Eventually, YouTubers who did the whole hike started to refer to it using superlatives like “Europe’s most beautiful & hardcore trail in the Swiss Alps” and “Maybe the Most Dangerous Hike in the World.”
I certainly don’t have enough experience to know if it’s the most dangerous hike in the world, but during the second half of the hike, I started to think I would have been a little more comfortable if I had brought an ice axe. The trail narrowed to a little more than 12 inches wide in spots, and there was no margin on either side—just a steep grassy slope that shot downward to Brienzersee, with nothing to stop a fall. It was a bit wet from recent rains, and I looked at my trekking poles thinking about how to self-arrest so I didn’t roll 5,000 feet down into the lake below. A few days earlier, Dan, Hilary and I had cramponed up the snowy Southeast Ridge of the Mönch, and the previous evening, Dan had told us about seeing a climber fall off that ridge to his death in a crevasse a thousand feet below—a visual that made you think about catching a crampon point on your pants every single time you stepped.
As I looked down the grassy sides of the knife-edge ridge on the Hardergrat, I thought about that climber on the Monch, and thought, Yeah, you know, an ice axe might not be overkill on the Hardergrat after a recent rain. Like today. I found out later that the Hardergrat was, in fact, usually graded T5 on the Swiss Alpine Club’s rating system, a grade they usually used for mountaineering terrain where an ice axe is mandatory. Of course, we didn’t have ice axes, so we just had to be careful.
The clouds finally parted, and Dan and Janine got a bit ahead of Hilary and I after the sun went overhead and blew out the good lighting, so we took our time, following the trail up and down the ridge, looking left and right towards the mountains, occasionally down at the valley and the lake below. The view changed incrementally every few dozen steps, and after about 50 iphone photos, you kind of feel like you’ve captured it, but of course you haven’t. When you’re walking somewhere like that, you know it’s special, but you don’t know that years later you’ll feel like maybe you rushed it Maybe you will make it back there again, maybe you won’t, and it for sure would be different, and even if it’s not different, you’ll be a little different, so the whole thing won’t be the same anyway. But damn, what a view.
We finally caught up to Dan and Janine near the end of the ridge as we approached the Brienzer Rothorn train station, and ran into a herd of sheep grazing along both sides of the trail. We arrived at the end of the route with enough time to mill around the cafe and patio while we waited for the train, with plenty of time for Dan to wash his hands in the restroom and for me to take down multiple ice cream things on sticks, which I definitely deserved.
It’s bad form to lean over a photographer’s shoulder while they’re taking photos, because it’s not cool to poach their shot. Earlier in the day, as Dan and Janine were setting up with Hilary for a photo that would end up on the cover of Backpacker magazine a few months later, I had snapped a couple iPhone photos, even though I knew they were garbage compared to whatever Dan was capturing.
But at the end of the day, walking back from the restroom before the train arrived, I snapped one last photo of Dan looking south at the mountains, the 61st photo I’d taken that day. He doesn’t have a camera out, it’s at the end of a long, great day in the mountains, and he’s not moving, so I’m not desperately trying to keep up with him. He’s just standing there, looking around at the mountains that he loves so much, scanning the rugged horizon, dreaming up more adventures. It was a great view, which I realized enough to take a photo, but I was probably thinking about what I was going to eat when we got back down to town.
More information on hiking or running the Hardergrat route can be found here.
Thanks for reading. If you’d like to help keep Semi-Rad going, forward this piece to someone who’d like it, consider making a Patreon contribution, check out the Semi-Rad Shop for posters and other fun stuff, or buy one of my books.
The post Walking The Knife Edge Of Switzerland’s Hardergrat appeared first on semi-rad.com.
from Explore https://semi-rad.com/2020/07/walking-the-knife-edge-of-switzerlands-hardergrat/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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ah17hh · 4 years
rap 🎙 god ✝️ but 🍑 with ➕emojis 😎 for 4️⃣ lyrics 📝 via /r/emojipasta
rap 🎙 god ✝️ but 🍑 with ➕emojis 😎 for 4️⃣ lyrics 📝
Look 👀 , I 🙋🏼‍♂️ was gonna 🚶🏼‍♂️go easy 1️⃣➕1️⃣ on you 🧑🏻 not 🙅🏼 to hurt 😢 your 👉🏻🧑🏻 feelings 🧠, But 🛑 I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ only going to get ✊🏻 this 📍 one ☝🏻shot ⛹🏼. Something's wrong 🤨, I can feel it 🧐. Just a feeling 🤔 I've got 🙋🏼‍♂️, like something's 😦 about to happen 😨, but I 🙋🏼‍♂️ don't know what 🤷🏼‍♂️. If that 📍 means 📝✅ what I think 🙋🏼‍♂️🧠 it means 📝✅, we're 🌎 in trouble ⚠️, big trouble ‼️⚠️. And if he 🦹🏼‍♂️ is as bananas 🤪🍌 as you say 🧑🏻🗣✅, I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️not taking 🙅🏼✊🏻 any chances 🚫🎲, You 👉🏻 were just what 👌🏻 the doctor 👩🏼‍⚕️ ordered 📝! I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ beginning 🏁 to feel 🧠 like a Rap God 🗣🎙🤴🏼, Rap God 🗣🎙🤴🏼, All my people 👨‍👩‍👦👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 from the front 🔝to the back 🔙 nod ↪️↩️, back 🔙 nod ↪️↩️. Now 📅 who 👤❓ thinks 🤔💭 their arms 💪🏼 are long 📏 enough to slap 👋🏻 box 🥊, slap 👋🏻 box 🥊? They 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 said I 🙋🏼‍♂️ rap 🗣🎙 like a robot 🤖 , so call me 🤙🏼 Rapbot 🤖🗯🎙. But for me 🧑🏼 to rap 🗣🎙 like a computer 💻 must be in my 🙋🏼‍♂️ genes 🧬, I 🙋🏼‍♂️ got ✊🏻 a laptop 💻 in my back 🔙 pocket 👖, My 🙋🏼‍♂️ pen 🖊 will go off 🔥💥📝when I 🧑🏼 half 1️⃣➗2️⃣ cock 🔫 it🖊, Got a fat knot 💰from that rap 🗣🎙 profit 📈💵. Made a living 🏠💵 and a killing 💰😈💰off it 🗣🎙, Ever since 🔙📆 Bill Clinton 👨🏻‍🦳 was still in office 📍🏛 With Monica Lewinsky 👩🏻 feeling 🖐🏻 on his 👨🏻‍🦳 nut-sack 🥜🌰. I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ an MC 😎🗣🎙 still as honest ♾💯🤷🏼‍♂️, But as rude 🥱🖕🏻and as indecent 🤬🗯as all hell ‼️, syllables 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣. skillaholic 📝➡️😃, Kill 'em 🔪☠️ all 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦🌍 with; This📍flippity 🤸🏼‍♂️ dippity 🤮 hippity 🐇 hip hop 🗣🎙🎶; You 👉🏻🧑🏻don't 🙅🏼 really wanna 🚫📝 get into 📍 a pissing match 💦🤼‍♂️ with this 🙋🏼‍♂️ rappity 🗣🎙brat 😈👶🏼 Packing 🧳 a Mac 💻 in the back 🔙 of the Ac 🚗, backpack 🎒 rap 🗣🎙 crap 💩 , yap yap 🗯💬 yackety-yack 🗣🥱 And ➕ at 📍the exact 💯 same time 🕑➿🕑 I 🙋🏼‍♂️ attempt 🏃🏼these 👉🏻lyrical 📝 acrobat stunts 🤸🏼‍♂️ while I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ practicing 🧐That I'll 🧑🏼still be able 👍🏻 to break 💔 a motherfucking 🧓🏻👉🏻👌🏻 table 🪑 Over the back 🔙 of a couple of faggots 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻 and crack it 🪑 in half 1️⃣➗2️⃣ Only realized 😳 it was ironic 🤭 I 🧍🏼was signed 📋 to Aftermath 🏢🗣🎙 after 🔜 the fact 1️⃣➕1️⃣🔜2️⃣. How could 🤔 I 🙋🏼‍♂️ not blow 💥? All I do 🙋🏼‍♂️💯 is drop F-bombs 🤬🗯💣, feel my wrath 😠 of attack 🔪🙍🏻 Rappers 👱🏻‍♂️🗣🎙 are having a rough time 📉⏱ period 🩸, here's 🤲🏻 a Maxipad 🩹. It's actually 🤓☝🏻 disastrously 🌋🌪 bad 😧😰 For the wack 🥱😴 while I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ masterfully 💯🤷🏼‍♂️👑 constructing 👷🏼‍♂️🛠 this masterpiece 📝🖼 as- I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ beginning 🏁 to feel 🧠 like a Rap God 🗣🎙🤴🏼, Rap God 🗣🎙🤴🏼, All my people 👨‍👩‍👦👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 from the front 🔝to the back 🔙 nod ↪️↩️, back 🔙 nod ↪️↩️. Now 📅 who 👤❓ thinks 🤔💭 their arms 💪🏼 are long 📏 enough to slap 👋🏻 box 🥊, slap 👋🏻 box 🥊? Let me 🙋🏼‍♂️ show 🤲🏻 you 👉🏻🙍🏻maintaining 🧑🏼‍🔧🛠 this shit 💩 ain't 🚫 that 🙅🏼‍♂️ hard 🧱 , that 🙅🏼‍♂️ hard 🧱 Everybody 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👧‍👧🌍 wants 🤲🏻 the key 🔑 and ➕ the secret 📂🤫 to rap 🗣🎙immortality 🚫☠️ like I have got 🙋🏼‍♂️👍🏻 Well, to be truthful 👱🏻‍♂️🖐🏻📖 the blueprint's 📝📃 simply rage 😡 and youthful 👶🏼🧒🏼 exuberance 😄‼️ Everybody 🌎 loves ❤️ to root 🥳🎉 for a nuisance 🤪 Hit 🤜🏻 the earth 🌎 like an asteroid ☄️ did nothing 🙅🏼 but shoot 🏀 for the moon 🌙 since 📆 MC's 🙎🏻‍♂️🗯🎙 get taken 🚕 to school 🏫with this music 🎶 ‘Cause I use it 🙋🏼‍♂️🗯🎙as a vehicle 🚗 to bus 🚌 the rhyme 🎶 Now I 🙋🏼‍♂️ lead a new 🆕 school 🏫 full of students 👨🏻‍🎓👩🏼‍🎓; Me 🧑🏼? I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️a product of Rakim,➕Lakim Shabazz, ➕ 2Pac 🧑🏾‍🦲,➕N.W.A, ➕Cube 🧊, ➕ hey Doc, ➕Ren, ➕Yella, ➕Eazy, thank you 🙏🏻, they got 🔜 Slim 👱🏻‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️ Inspired 🤩 enough to one day ☝🏻☀️ grow up🧑🏼🔜👱🏻‍♂️, blow up 💣💥 and be in a position 🏢 To meet Run DMC 🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏿‍♂️🏃🏿‍♂️ and induct them 🧑🏾‍🦲👨🏾‍🦲🧑🏾‍🦲into 🔜 the motherfuckin' 🧓🏻👉🏻👌🏻Rock n' Roll 🎸 Hall of Fame 🏤🤩 Even though I 🙋🏼‍♂️ walk in 🚶🏼‍♂️the church ⛪️ and burst 🧍🏼‍♂️💥 in a ball of flames 🔥🏃🏼‍♂️🔥
Only ☝🏻 Hall of Fame 🏤 I be inducted in 🔜 is the alcohol 🍺 of fame 🤩 On the wall 🧱 of shame 😔 You fags 👉🏻👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻 think 🧠💭 it's all 💯 a game 🕹🧩 'til I walk 🚶🏼‍♂️a flock 🐦🐦🐦 of flames 🔥🔥 Off a plank 🏗 and, tell me 🗣🙋🏼‍♂️ what in the fuck 🤨⁉️ are you 👉🏻🧑🏻 thinking 🤔💭 ? Little 🤏🏻 gay 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻 looking 👀 boy 🧑🏻, So gay 📈👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻 I 🙋🏼‍♂️ can barely 🙅🏼‍♂️ say it 🗣 with a straight face 😐 looking 👀 boy 🧑🏻 You 👉🏻🧑🏻 witnessing 👀 a mass-occur 😵🔫 Like you 🧍🏻watching 👀 a church gathering ⛪️take place 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 looking 👀 boy 🧑🏻 Oy vey 🔯😦, that boy 🧑🏻is gay 🏳️‍🌈, that's all they 👉🏻👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 say 🗣 looking 👀 boy 🧑🏻. You 👉🏻🧍🏻get a thumbs up 👍🏻 , pat 👋🏻 on the back 🔙, And ➕ a "way to go" 👏🏻👍🏻 from your 🧑🏻 label 🏢 everyday 📆➡️📆 looking 👀 boy 🧑🏻 Hey 👋🏻 looking 👀 boy🧑🏻, what ❓you🧍🏻say 🗣 looking 👀 boy 🧑🏻? I 🙋🏼‍♂️ got a "hell yeah" 🔥👌🏻 from Dre 👨🏾‍🦲 looking 👀 boy 🧑🏻. I'mma 🙋🏼‍♂️ work for 👷🏼‍♂️🗣🎙 everything 💯 I have 🏠🚗💰, Never 🙅🏼‍♂️ask nobody 🚫🗣 for shit 😤, get out of👋🏻👉🏻 my face 👱🏻‍♂️ looking 👀 boy 🧑🏻Basically 💁🏼‍♂️ boy 🧑🏻 you're 👉🏻🧍🏻 never 🙅🏼‍♂️ gonna be capable ✅ of keeping up 🏃🏼‍♂️💨🏃🏻with the same 🚫👱🏻‍♂️ pace 🗣💨🎙 looking 👀 boy 🧑🏻
I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ beginning 🏁 to feel 🧠 like a Rap God 🗣🎙🤴🏼, Rap God 🗣🎙🤴🏼 All my people 👨‍👩‍👦👨‍👨‍👦‍👦 from the front 🔝to the back 🔙 nod ↪️↩️, back 🔙 nod ↪️↩️. The way I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ racing 🏃🏼‍♂️ around the track 🔁 , call me 🤙🏼 Nascar 🏎, Nascar 🏎 Dale Earnhardt 3️⃣👨🏻⚰️ of the trailer park 🚍🏚, the White Trash God 👱🏻‍♂️🗑🤴🏼 Kneel🧎🏻before General Zod ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🦹🏼‍♂️ this planet’s 🌎 Krypton 🌑, no 🙅🏼 Asgard 🌕, Asgard 🌕 So you 👉🏻🧑🏻 be Thor 🦸🏻🔨 and I'll 🙋🏼‍♂️ be Odin🤴🏼, you 👉🏻 rodent 🙍🏻↔️🐀, I'm 👱🏻‍♂️ omnipotent 🤯 Let off ✋🏻then I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️reloading 🔫immediately‼️with these bombs 💣 I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ totin' 🧳 And I 👱🏻‍♂️ should not 🙅🏼 be woken 😴🚫⏰
I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ the walking 🚶🏼‍♂️dead 😵 but I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️just a talking 🗣 head 👱🏻‍♂️, a zombie 🧟‍♂️ floating 🛫; But I 🙋🏼‍♂️ got your 👉🏻🧑🏻 mom 🧓🏻 deep throating 🍆😮 I'm out my Ramen noodle 🍜 , we 👱🏻‍♂️🧑🏻 have nothing 🙅🏼 in common 🧑🏻🚫👱🏻‍♂️, poodle 🐩, I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ a doberman 🐕, pinch yourself 🧑🏻🤏🏻 in the arm 💪🏼 and pay homage 🙌🏻🙏🏻, pupil 👨🏻‍🎓 It's me 💁🏼‍♂️, my honesty's 🗯💯 brutal 😖 But it's honestly 🗣💯 futile 🚫✏️ if I 🙋🏼‍♂️ don't utilize 🙅🏼 what I do though 🗣🎙For good 👍🏻 at least once☝🏻in a while 📆 So I 🙋🏼‍♂️wanna make sure 🔎✅ somewhere in this 📍 chicken scratch 📝 I scribble 🖊 and doodle 🖍 Enough 📊 rhymes 🗣🎙to maybe 🤷🏼‍♂️ to try and help 🤝🆘 get some people 👨‍👩‍👦 through tough times 🙇🏼‍♂️📉📆 But I 🙋🏼‍♂️ gotta keep ✊🏻 a few punchlines 🤣📃 just in case🤞🏻 ‘Cause even you 👉🏻 🧑🏻unsigned 🚫✒️📋 Rappers 🗣🎙are hungry 😠🍽 looking 👀 at me 🙋🏼‍♂️ like it's lunchtime ⌚️📍🕛 I know 🙄 there was 🔚 a time 📆⏰ where once ☝🏻, I 🙋🏼‍♂️ Was king 🤴🏼 of the underground 🏚🚧, but I 👱🏻‍♂️ still 💯 rap 🗣🎙 like I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ on my 🙋🏼‍♂️ Pharoahe Monch 🧔🏿 grind 💯 So I 👱🏻‍♂️ crunch rhymes 🎶, but sometimes ⏰ when you combine ➕ Appeal 👨🏻‍🎤🗣🎙with ➕ this skin color 👱🏻‍♂️ of mine 🙋🏼‍♂️You get too big 📈‼️ and here they come 🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♂️ trying to Censor you 🤭 like that one ☝🏻 line 📝 I 🙋🏼‍♂️ said 🗣 on "I'm Back" 🔥 from the Mathers LP One 💽 when I 🙋🏼‍♂️ tried to say 🗣 "I'll 👱🏻‍♂️ take seven ✋🏻➕✌🏻 kids 👦🏼👧🏼 from Columbine 🏫 Put 'em all 👦🏼👧🏼 in a line 📈, add ➕ an AK-47 🔫4️⃣7️⃣, a revolver 🔫, and ➕ a nine 9️⃣🔫" Let’s🧍🏻🧍🏼‍♂️see 👀 if I 🙋🏼‍♂️ get away 🏃🏼‍♂️ with it 📝 now 📍📅 that I 🙋🏼‍♂️ ain't as big 🙅🏼‍♂️📈 as I was 📈🔜📉, but I'm 👱🏻‍♂️ Morphin' 〽️into an immortal 👱🏻‍♂️🔜🦸🏼coming through 🏃🏼‍♂️the portal 🌀 You're 👉🏻🧑🏻 stuck 😖 in a time warp 🌀⏰ from 2004 🔙📅 though And I don't know 🤷🏼‍♂️ what the fuck 🤨 that you 🧑🏻 rhyme for 🗣🎙❓You're 🙍🏻 pointless 🚫✏️ as Rapunzel 🧝🏻‍♀️ with fucking 👉🏻👌🏻cornrows 🤔 You 🧑🏻write 📝 normal 😐, fuck 🖕🏻being normal 🤪 And I 🙋🏼‍♂️ just brought a new 🆕 Raygun 🔫 from the future 🔜📅 Just to come 💁🏼‍♂️ and shoot ya 🙍🏻💥🔫 like when Fabolous 🧑🏾‍🦲 made Ray J 👨🏾‍🦲 mad 😡, ‘Cause Fab 🧑🏾‍🦲 said 🗣 he 👨🏾‍🦲 looked 👀 like a fag 👬🏾 at Maywhether's 👨🏾‍🦲🥊 pad 🏦 Singin' 🗣🎤🎵 to a man 🧔🏻 while they 🧍🏾‍♂️🧍🏿‍♂️played piano 🎹 Man oh man 😰, that 🔙 was a 24/7 special ☀️🔁🌙 ♾ on the cable channel 📺 So Ray J 👨🏾‍🦲 went straight 🔜💯 to the radio station 📻 the very next day 🔜📅 👨🏾‍🦲🗣🎙 "Hey 👋🏻 Fab 🧑🏾‍🦲, I'mma 🙋🏾‍♂️ kill you 🔪🧑🏾‍🦲" Lyrics 📝 coming at you 🗣🎙at supersonic 🌀 speed 🎶🏃🏼‍♂️💨 Uh 🤔 sama lamaa duma lamaa 🤔🤨 you 🧑🏻 assuming I'm a human 🧍🏼‍♂️ What I 🙋🏼‍♂️ gotta do 🤷🏼‍♂️❓ to get it through 🔜 to you 🧑🏻 I'm superhuman 🦸🏻‍♂️ Innovative 👷🏼‍♂️and I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ made of rubber 💪🏼 So that anything 🗯 you say 🗣 is ricocheting 💢 off of me 💁🏼‍♂️ and it'll glue to you 🙍🏻 I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ devastating 🌪🌋, more 📈than ever 📅 demonstrating 🧑🏼‍🏫 How to give 🤲🏻 a motherfuckin' audience 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 a feeling 🧠 like it's levitating 🛫 Never 🚫 fading 🙅🏼‍♂️📉, and I know 💁🏼‍♂️ that the haters 😡🖕🏻 are forever ♾ waiting 😐⌚️For the day 📅 that they 🙎🏻‍♂️🙎🏻can say 🗣 I 🙋🏼‍♂️ fell off 📉, they'd 🧑🏻🙋🏻‍♂️ be celebrating 🥳🎉 ‘Cause I 🙋🏼‍♂️ know the way 🔜✅ to get 'em 🙎🏻🙎🏻‍♂️ motivated 🏃🏻💯‼️ I 🙋🏼‍♂️ make elevating 😇 music 🎶 , you 👉🏻🧑🏻 make elevator music 😴🎶 “Oh, he's 👱🏻‍♂️ too mainstream 📈” Well, that's what they do 🙎🏻🙎🏻‍♂️when they 🙎🏻‍♂️🙎🏻 get jealous 😤👿 they confuse 🤨⁉️ it 🗣🎙 It's not 🚫 hip hop 🗣🎙, it's pop 🎤👱🏻‍♀️, 'cause I 🙋🏼‍♂️ found 🔎 a hella way 🔥 to fuse it 🎙➕🎤 ➕ With rock 👨🏻‍🎤🎸, shock rap 😧🗣🎙 with Doc 👨🏿‍🦲 Throw on Lose Yourself 💽🔥 and make 'em 🌎 lose it 🤯 “I 🙋🏻‍♂️ don't know 🤷🏻‍♂️ how to make songs 🎶💿 like that 👉🏻👱🏻‍♂️, I don't know 🤷🏻‍♂️ what words 📝 to use 🗣🎙” Let me 🙋🏼‍♂️ know when it occurs 💡 to you 🙎🏻‍♂️ While I'm 💁🏼‍♂️ ripping any one ☝🏻of these verses 📝 that versus 🆚 you 🙋🏻‍♂️, It's curtains 😴, I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️ inadvertently hurtin' 😫 you 🙎🏻‍♂️ How many ❓verses 📝 I 🙋🏼‍♂️ gotta murder 🔪 to Prove ✅that if you 🙎🏻‍♂️were half 1️⃣➗2️⃣ as nice 🙂, your songs 🎶 you 🙎🏻‍♂️can sacrifice 🔥👹 virgins too, uh 😠! School 🏫 flunkie ❎, pill 💊 junky 🧟‍♂️, But look 👀 at the accolades 🥇🏆🏅 the skills 👷🏼‍♂️ brung me 🙋🏼‍♂️🔝Full of myself 🤷🏼‍♂️, but still hungry 😋🍽 I bully myself 🙎🏼‍♂️🖕🏻🙍🏼‍♂️ cause I 🙋🏼‍♂️ make me 👱🏻‍♂️ do what I 🙋🏼‍♂️ put my mind 🧠 to And I'm 🙋🏼‍♂️a million leagues 💯 above you 📈, ill 🤒 when I 🙋🏼‍♂️ speak in tongues 🗣🎙 But it's still tongue 👅 in cheek 😉, fuck you🖕🏻 I'm drunk 🥴 so Satan 👹 take the fucking wheel 🚗 , I'm asleep 😴 in the front seat 💺 Bumping 🔊 Heavy D and the Boys 🔥 Still chunky 🤨 but funky 🎶 But in my 🙋🏼‍♂️ head 🧠 there's something 🤔 I can feel tugging and struggling 😖 Angels 👼😇 fight with devils 👹👺 and, here's what ‼️ they want from me 🙍🏼‍♂️ They’re 👹👼 asking me 👱🏻‍♂️ to eliminate ❌ some 📊 of the women 🙎🏼‍♀️ hate 😠🖕🏻But if you 👉🏻 take into consideration 🤔 the bitter 😡 hatred 🤬 I have 🙋🏼‍♂️Then you may 🤷🏼‍♂️ be a little 🤏🏻 patient 🙇🏻 and more sympathetic 😕 to the situation 🙍🏼‍♂️ And understand 💡 the discrimination🖕🏻👩🏼‍🦰 But fuck it 🤷🏼‍♂️🖕🏻, life's handing you lemons 🍋? make lemonade 🥤 then ‼️ But if I 🙋🏼‍♂️ can't 🙅🏼‍♂️ batter 🤜🏻 the women 👱🏻‍♀️, how the fuck 🤔 am I 🙋🏼‍♂️ supposed to bake 👨🏼‍🍳🔥 them 👩🏼 a cake 🎂 then? Don't 🙅🏼‍♂️ mistake 🔀 it 🙋🏼‍♂️ for Satan 👹. It's a fatal ☠️ mistake if you 👉🏻 think 🤔💭 I 🙋🏼‍♂️need to be overseas 🌊🚢 And take a vacation 🏝🏖 to trip 🦵🏻🏃🏼‍♀️a broad 👱🏻‍♀️, And make her 🙎🏼‍♀️ fall on her face 🙍🏼‍♀️ And don't 🙅🏼‍♂️ be a retard 🤪🥴, Be a king 🤴🏼? Think 🤔 not 🙅🏼‍♂️, why be a king 👑❓when you 🙋🏼‍♂️ can be a God 🙋🏼‍♂️?
Submitted May 11, 2020 at 10:26AM by blueberry_five via reddit https://ift.tt/3cjnLNs
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theadasave · 6 years
kavi’s house
NULL - 10/03/2017
"Aww. Still in a mood? Baby, baby, I'm sorry. Please take me back." He hovers after Kavi. "If it makes you feel any better, picture me in panties. It's making me laugh on the inside."
Barbor - 10/03/2017
Bor flies up to land on the counter top but they dip away from their path and only managed to land on the side of it, they were having a giggle fit all the way there. "Oh sweet satan I don't think I can unsee that now, pff-aahahah!"
Lunch - 10/03/2017
"I'm not taking you back until I'm finished changing! Get your pantied ass OUT of my ROOM!" Kavi tried to not imagine it.  They were TRYING to retain their foul mood and be all scowly.  Unfortunately, it's failing fast, so they're doing their best to get Bill out before they break into giggling.
NULL - 10/03/2017
Bill backs out of the room, but giggles manically as he does so. Manical giggling in panties. You're seeing it. He knows you are.
Lunch - 10/03/2017
Kavi slams the door shut, then breaks into helpless laughter immediately, slumping against the wood as they wheeze.
Lunch - 10/03/2017
Kavi emerges a small while later with some new clothes on, as well as a backpack over their shoulder.  "Right, good to go.  Except for the mental image that just scarred my psyche, of course.  Hop on up when you're ready, Bor!"
NULL - 10/03/2017
"Right, here are the locations!" A display opens on his "chest" area with the appropriate coordinates. From the cabins to the woods, apparently.
Lunch - 10/03/2017
Kavi leans in to stare at the ChesTV, memorizing it as best they can.
NULL - 10/03/2017
He displays some images of the areas as well, just be to sure.
Barbor - 10/03/2017
Bor isn't even paying attention,  this isn't their job to do they're just tagging along to sight see and grab some grub.  that's a half lie, they can't see the images, their vision both in bug and out is incredibly shitty
Lunch - 10/03/2017
"Right, think I got it."  Kavi waits for Bor to board on up, then lifts their right forearm.  They begin to trace a pattern of runes, mumbling soft nonsense words and frowning hard as they focus in and-- POOF.
Lunch - 10/05/2017
Kavi takes a moment from putting away groceries to step outside and SCREAM.
Barbor - 10/05/2017
Hears the scream and throws their voice to sound like it's coming from the forest, it almost sounded like it came from another human.
Lunch - 10/05/2017
Kavi RUNS OUT OF THEIR ROOM.  They still have some weed pajama pants on and an overly large t-shirt with a ghost that says "I'M HERE FOR THE BOO-S". "LET'S DO IT."
Barbor - 10/05/2017
Barbor jumped off from the second floor balcony and roughly headbutts the door open, their tail thrashing from side to side excitingly. "FUCK YEAH! THOSE SQUIRRELS ARE GONNA GET IT!~"(edited)
Lunch - 10/05/2017
"GRAB ON." Kavi shoves their arm towards Bor, ready and raring to go.
Barbor - 10/05/2017
The baph  dashes towards them and jumps in to the human's arms, sure they're heavy but Kavi has mechanical stuff attached to them, it shouldn't be too bad.
Lunch - 10/05/2017
Kavi's STRONK like Russian bull.  They heft Bor over their head and activate the runic inscriptions on their arm, poofing the both of them away.
Lunch - 10/06/2017
Kavi is outside with a huge grill and a huge smoker.  There's a fresh rack of unicorn ribs on the grill at the moment, drizzled in sauce and roasting away.  UNICORN COOKOUT.
Barbor - 10/06/2017
The baphomet was sitting outside gnawing on a unicorn femur as they waited for those ribs to be done, and they heard of rumors of unicorn flesh tasting like your favorite thing in the world and boy they weren't kidding. "Oh man that stuff smells so goood~"
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Right? Man, we should've done this sooner.  Remind me to go on regular killing sprees, those steaks last night were the best thing I've ever had."
Barbor - 10/06/2017
snrk "Remind you?~ I'm gonna drag you along when ever I go hunting!~ But I gotta hunt more mythical beings though,  it's way more rewarding then killing the normal stuff."(edited)
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Hell yeah! What do you think we should try hunting next?  I've got a cool new weapon design I wanna try out."
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"How cool are we talkin? like that sploody type of cool or something different entirely?" They tapped the bone on their chin in thought.
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"I dunno.  Maybe a giant cyclops?  It's based on a bow 'n arrow, dependant on energy rather than a projectile.  Hoping it'll do less exploding so I can actually gather meat.  Maybe it'll even cook it in the process!"
Barbor - 10/06/2017
The baph perked up their ears to hear that this new weapon could take on cyclops, even probably cook it "Damn that is pretty cool~... I'm actually torn between a manticore and that cyclops."
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Ooooh, manticore sounds cool too..." Kavi rubs their chin thoughtfully with one hand, the other grabbing the ribs with some tongs and flipping them over.  Sizzle sizzle. "Maybe we could take a look at some books and see what we wanna fight? Then we can make a list or somethin'. Maybe roll a dice to pick?"
Barbor - 10/06/2017
The demon's nose twitched and wibbled as the smell of the unicorn meat filled the air again, "I'm not gonna lie, but it sounds like we're making a hit-list of some sorts and that's fricken cool.~" "Make a list of twenty and roll to choose? Sounds good. Though what if some mythical police starts noticing this? What do?"(edited)
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"I mean, I've never heard of any kind of mythical police.  Well, not any inter-dimensional ones, at least.  I should be fine here."  Kavi shrugs, pulling the ribs off the grill and plating them. Some corn cobs go on next.  Gotta have veggies! Plus, roasted corn is the shit, man.
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"Haha, nice!~ This place is like our nice little hide out, grazie vuoto(thank you void)!~" they cheered while motioning their bone in the air gleefully the demon's stomach grumbled and seeing the human guard the meat like this they huffed and crossed their arms.  Wait are they putting vegitables on the grill? EWW?
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Hell yeah! Plus I can use some of that unicorn hair, maybe? Iunno."  They shrug, turning the corn and banking the flames a tiny bit.
The grumbling stomach prompts a siiiiigh-- and they finally relent.  Kavi tears off half of the rack and tosses them to Barbor.  "Catch 'em!"
Barbor - 10/06/2017
The demon's floppy ears lifted up  to hear the sigh and once those rib pieces start coming at them,  Barbor leapt up and caught the ribs in their mouth. "* Grazie Kavi.~*"  the ribs is gone bones and all, even the bones they were gnawing on is gone.
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"So, what's that you're speaking, by the way?  Sounds a little familiar, but I'm not really recognizing the words.  Close to spanish though, maybe?"
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"It's just italian, you were kinda close though, spanish and italian share a lot of similarities actually.~"  nod nod.
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Niiice! Is that your original language?" Kavi pulls the corn cobs off the grill and moves to a nearby lawn chair.  They plop down with a hard cider, some ribs, and some corn.  MONCH.
Barbor - 10/06/2017
This is a good picnic, what's better then eating something you killed the day before with friends? Not much?
"Yeah! It is, my old mom and pop wanted to teach us both languages would help more then just knowing one." Bor chuckled and grabbed themselves a bottle cider of their own. "How about you dude?"(edited)
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Oooh, nice! Nah, I only know a bit of Latin.  Useful when dealing with demons and ghosts, y'know?  But I'm pretty useless when it comes to language." They give a bit of a sheepish smile, then start to tear into the ribs.
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"That's still cool though!  I guess it means you can understand me when I say something demonic, hehe~" Bor took a swig of the hard cider, "I could teach you some more latin, well that's if you want it."
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Sure, dude! I'd love that.  Some Italian too, maybe? Then I can sound like one of those mobsters you wanna be." A cheeky grin is tossed towards Bor.
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"Hah, that'll be great! We'll be a couple of mobster goons working under a dapper ranch dorito~*" Snrk! it sounds so silly right now but these two just rallied some friends to kill some fancy horses for fun.
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Hell yeah! I bet I could make us some tommy guns or something..." Kavi taps their chin and mumbles to themself, something about mechanics of rapid-fire energy projectiles.
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"Oh man, I remember using that on a person who thought it was a good idea to send a "message" to my dad by killing me and my sibs," the baph placed their hands on their cheeks and purred delightfully.  "That man was riddled with holes when we were finished with him, dude.~"
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Then we could do some real drive by's!  Pewpewpew!" Kavi mimes shooting a tommy-gun, using a rib bone as a prop. "You ever give someone cement shoes, dude? That's like, the one I always hear about when someone talks about mobsters."
Barbor - 10/06/2017
"YES!~" they pound on the table but not enough to disturb the human eating, "Fuck yeah for real drive by's!!" "Oh the cement shoes? Kinda, I didn't do it per-say? I was there to see it happen though, but it was only only a hand full of times since my dad isn't fond of putting dead guys in water, he felt it might be too easy for cops to find the dead body if they're looking hard enough."(edited)
Lunch - 10/06/2017
"Niiice.  I can see why it might be too messy, though.  Eventually the muscles around the leg will rot and the rest of the body will pop free and float away.  That, or a fisherman catches 'em." Kavi snickers at the thought.
Barbor - 10/07/2017
"Dude, that's usually the case and whenever one comes floating up in the river some of us would wonder 'Shit,  is that one of ours?'"  The demon cackles  before taking another swig of the cider. "But thankfully no fishermen found any, it still could be the case though!  Most were smart enough to keep their mouth shut."
Lunch - 10/07/2017
Kavi shakes their head, immensely amused.  "Can you imagine? Going out for a nice bit of fishing and BLAM.  You hook into some poor dead fuck's rotting nose holes and think you've caught the big one, then have the shit scared out of you when you finally land it."
Barbor - 10/07/2017
The demon was so close to drinking off the rest of their hard cider but they burst out laughing  as they imagine such a scene happening.  Sure they'd be scared shirtless of it playing out that way when they were human, although now it sounds like a great prank to use on a mortal when they're bored. "Kavi, holy fuck! That's hilarious!~"
Lunch - 10/15/2017
--- Kavi is in a kitchen that seems to have straight up exploded.  There's butter and sugar everywhere, at least 5 ruined pans in the sink coated in black ooze, and one perfect pan of delicious looking caramel on the stove. They're currently grabbing some pretzels and chocolate and marshmallows to dip in the caramel.
Barbor - 10/15/2017
Barbor trotted over to where the smell was coming from and when they got to the kitchen, the demon's nose was assaulted by the smell of caramel, failed attempts at caramel, and ingredients to make the stuff. They were so confused, what kind of cooking battle went down in here? "Kavi? Why do I smell butter on roof? How did you even manage that??"(edited)
Lunch - 10/15/2017
"Uhhhhh.  I might have taken some drastic measures with attempt number three to try and stop the damn sugar from seizing up.  And by drastic I mean really drastic.  Explosions.  I used explosions."  Kavi's wearing the tattered remains of a 'KISS THE COOK('S ASS)' apron that's still somewhat on fire, but they're positively beaming over at the baphomet regardless. "But I got it right this time! Dude, lookit that.  It's like, fuckin' perfect."
Barbor - 10/15/2017
The baphomet's constant smile grew a little bit, showing their teeth just a bit is a good indication that they were beaming over this too. Explosions. They used fricken explotions to make this stuff. "You're insane you know that?" bor said that in the most lighthearted way possible, they came over and took a pretzel to dunk it in the sause. They gave it a taste... their ears perk up in suprise. "YOOOO!~ YOU DID IT!~ This is spot on!~"
Lunch - 10/16/2017
"Pretty sure that's true in every sense of the word." Kavi gave him a very big, very cheeky grin, which quickly just turned into proud beaming at the praise.  "TOLD YOU, DUDE! This shit is legit!  I'm glad I didn't give up on that last try, this shit tastes amazing! Dude, try doing this--" Kavi grabs a pretzel stick and stabs a marshmallow with it, then dunks both of them into the sauce.  Once they're good and covered, they pull them back out and shove that straight into their face, dripping caramel everywhere in the process.
Barbor - 10/16/2017
The demon tilted their head curiously to see what they were picking up, it looks like it was a pretzel stick and...  A marshmellow!~ If this goat could do those sparkly eyes right now they would, it's really getting hard not to just shove their face into the pot itself.   "That's genius!~ I wanna try that~"
They picked up a stick and a marshmellow to dunk it inside the caramel, but instead of dunking the marshmellow part in the pot Barbor dunked their hand into it too along with  the snack. "...Shit." they totally ment to do that.(edited)
Lunch - 10/16/2017
Kavi cackles with amusement, reaching over and ruffling the top of Bor's head.  "Just stick your whole hand in your mouth, dude.  I'm not gonna judge you, I'd prolly do that too." In fact, they do that right now.  Grab a chocolate bar, stuff their entire hand into the caramel, then pull it out and shove that hand into their mouth.
Barbor - 10/16/2017
Not getting reprimanded by a friend? Good shit right there!  If this place wasn't messy already the demon removed their hand from the pot and made a mess like how Kavi did before.  The goat demon was purring from having their head raffled but it got louder when they put their entire hand in their mouth along with their dipping pretzelmellow snack. It's hard not to nic themselves on teeth like barbor's but it's worth it the trouble for this yummy gooey goodness~
Lunch - 10/16/2017
Kavi's probably going to regret all this mess later but OH WELL.  They're having fun right now and that's what matters.  They show Bor how to melt a tiny circle in the chocolate by warming up the pretzel with some flames from the stove, then add it to the marshmallow kabob. "It's like a smore, almost!"
Barbor - 10/16/2017
Holy fuck, this human just blew this demons's mind! The demon took their hand out their mouth and exclaimed  "YOOO! What the heck! No 'almost' all smores are good, this one included!" "...Wait, what if we coat the entire thing in melted chocolate?"
Lunch - 10/16/2017
"Duuuuude! Hell yes! Let's try that!"  Kavi scrambles around for another saucepan, tossing a bunch of the chocolate bars inside.
Barbor - 10/16/2017
While Kavi is melting the chocolate, bor is getting the kabobs ready with the occasional crunch of a pretzel or two. "The smore kabobs are ready for dipping!~"
Lunch - 10/16/2017
"Chocolate is ready! I think! Good enough or whatever."  Kavi shrugs, then eagerly snatches up a handful of the kabobs and shoves the handful into the chocolate, though making sure their entire hand doesn't go in.  Shit's hot, yo. Then into the caramel it goes! There's some mixing going on now, but oh well. SHOVES THAT SHIT RIGHT INTO THEM MOUTH.  NOM."MMMM."
Barbor - 10/16/2017
Bor however used their telekinesis to lift up a glob of caramel and melted chocolate out of both pots,  the two orbs came together just as they spear it with the kabobs.  Regardless if the chocolate was hot or not the baph is gonna eat it in one bite. If this demon could melt they would right now, it's THAT DELICIOUS!~ They didn't say anything but let out a delighted whimpers and bleats.
Lunch - 10/16/2017
They're gonna get sugar highs at this rate, but Kavi don't care.  Kavi don't care about nothing right now, except this delicious shit right here.  SO MUCH FACE STUFFING.
Barbor - 10/16/2017
Even with a bunch of molten chocolate and caramel sauces coated kabobs stuffed in their mouth, Bor wanted to try other snacks with it too. So this demon raided Kavi's cabinets for chips, and once they got the lays chips this beast just pours the entire bag in there! IN BOTH PANS!!
Lunch - 10/16/2017
GLORIOUS FOOD CHAOS.  Kavi cheers him on and shovels some of those chips into their mouth.  HECK YEAH, SALTY AND SWEET UP IN THIS MOUTH.
Barbor - 10/16/2017
This whole feeding frenzy was clearly getting out of hand AND ITS FRICKEN WORTH IT!~ They don't even smell the failed attempts of caramel around the kitchen, hell why would they waste the chip bag too? The baph dunk it in the chocolate and ate that too! Man the stomach aches is gonna be a killer after this
Lunch - 10/16/2017
This kitchen has turned to MADNESS.  Tasty, tasty madness.  They're probably going to both be covered in caramel and chocolate and various other unidentifiable food bits by the end of this.  Kavi already has somehow managed to get chocolate into their hair.
Barbor - 10/16/2017
Jelly beans some how made it into this abomination of a snack fest, where did this goat get jelly beans and why is it sticking onto their cheeks?? They didn't even move from their spot and why is there so much chocolate and caramel sauce? Is this boi duplicating the stuff? THEY ARE! OH DEAR SATAN THEY ARE!
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi bursts out of their room and runs to the fridge, ripping it open.  Thankfully, nothing ever bothers to rot while it's inside their little domain, so all the food they'd made earlier can just be pulled out.  The only reason they asked everyone to wait a couple of seconds was because they have to shove all the dirty pots and pans off the counter and into the sink.  Eh....they'll get to them eventually.  Plus there's a few things that need to warm up. They lay out a literal crapload of food, using one of the weird gadgets in their belt to zap stuff like the pizza back into the 'fresh out of the oven' range.  You name it, it's here.  This is one serious spread.  But once again, nothing ages here, so none of it will go bad if it's not eaten.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
Bor scampers in rather quickly, they knocked into a junk pile or a chair occationally while they'd head for the kitchen. And It seems that they were already ahead of the game, there was a big king sized chocolate chip cookie in their maw. The baphoment didn't really bother to eat it fully until he head made it towards the counter to pick up some soda and a good slab of peppered jerky cuz he needed a good chew once in awhile.
Snark MUNCH CRUNCH, there goes the cookie and full can of soda, and yes even the can itself.
NULL - 10/25/2017
Bill pops it and tosses his hands into the air. "Boy am I hungry! Ahahaha! That's a lie! Can you imagine? I'm just saying human things for fun." He floats over to the flood, eyeing it curiously. It doesn't appeal that much yet. Maybe once he's in a vessle that benefits from it that'll change.
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
There's a crackle and POP as Ribbons follows Bill in, tracing Devro's ribbon to get her. She looks like a mostly normal human right now, thanks to her extensive glamour. "heya!"
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi rolls both eyes, offering a hand out to Bill. "Get in here, you obtuse.  The whole point of this was to let you try food, s'what we discussed, remember?"  The other hand waves to Ribbons, then reaches out to give the top of Bor's head an affectionate ruffle. "Heya folks, feel free to stuff your gobs.  I got booze too if you want it."
Barbor - 10/25/2017
Bor bleats a muffled greeting to Ribbons and Bill while they chew and gnaw on the jerky,   they're so glad that most of this stuff wont make him feel full any time soon.
NULL - 10/25/2017
"Oh right. Okay! This might take a minute since you've got anti-possession measures in place, but since you've shaken my hand before I should be able to bypass them." He takes Kavi's hand with a bright flash of blue flame, then melds into them, leaving a small stone statue of himself behind in his place....yeah this is going to take a while. (3 possession)
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
"thanks luv. booze's always welcome." Ribbons goes to grab some noms, zeroing in on any chocolate around.
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi shakes Bill's hand, then zones out.  They try to help him get around the security they've laced into their body, but it's tough going.  ( 6 help ) Meanwhile, there's definitely chocolate on the counter! There's a giant pot of melted down chocolate right next to a vat of homemade caramel sauce.  Lots of little toothpicks surround it, with various things on the end to dunk in;  brownie bites, pretzels, marshmallows, angel food cake, frozen squares of cheesecake, popcorn.  You name it!
Barbor - 10/25/2017
The demon had an idea to get a medium sized bowl to put at least two or one of everything including a scoop or two of ice cream,  cuz they know they're gonna just keep coming back to the table for some more. After getting it filled they went in face first and chow down.~
NULL - 10/25/2017
It takes a while, but eventually, Bill's in! He blinks Kavi's eyes a couple of times and they turn a bright yellow with his very own slitted black pupils. A stiff, unnatural smile spreads across their shared face as he takes a few deep breaths and tries not to fall over. Their legs seem to help him keep steady, unlike the wobbly, fleshy legs most humans have.
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Yep! The actuators and pistons in the legs work overtime to keep Bill standing. This doesn't keep Kavi from being extremely amused in the back of their own mind, though.
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
Ribbons takes care not to inhale food like most Doves would, savoring it instead. Hey she had two years of not starving. She has manners. Not to mention cheesecake-brownie-caramel is to be savored.(edited)
NULL - 10/25/2017
Bill takes care not to snuff Kavi out completely. They're able to act if they please. This is co-op time, unless they'd rather stay in the background to avoid conflicting actions. He's practiced at this though, able to predict his host's actions through their thoughts and compensate that way. "Oh boy! This is still as fun as I remember." He gets them steady in front of the table and takes in the sight and smell of all the food. He's not sure where to start!
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
chocolate-covered cheesecake bite is offered by the chocolate fiend.
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi had to take a little bit to get used to the sensations, mostly.  Once they've re-acquainted themselves with their own body plus one, they reach out and grab up a slice of fresh watermelon and take a big ole' hunking bite.   Chewed, swallowed, then they hand the reins over to let him try the cheesecake.
NULL - 10/25/2017
Cheesecake, bitten. He doesn't quite understand how to swallow with this kind of throat. Assuming that Kavi helps him with that, he manages with only a little trouble. For the most part, Kavi's preferences are passed to him. Same body, same taste buds, same chemical responses, with only a few exceptions. Bill is usually drawn more towards the sting spicy and sour foods more than his hosts.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
The bowl of snacks they've made was gone in a matter of minutes and now they're refilling it with their favorite snack, fruit cocktail with the charries~ they got back into their roach body for this and plopped into the mini pool of the syrupy goodness.
Lunch - 10/25/2017
"Booze is in the cabinet, I've got all kinds.  Feel free to make something for yourself, Ribbons.  Bor, what the fuck dude." Amused snorting. "Guess you're feeling cherry good in that." Kavi's not too fond of the sour, but spicy definitely seems to appeal to them.  Once they notice that Bill seems to like it as well, they grab a couple habaneros and chow down, then pass the reins fully over to Bill to check the reactions, grinning the whole while. (They also make sure to help with swallowing.  Gotta stay alive and all that. )
NULL - 10/25/2017
Straight peppers? Their eyes water up, and just when it looks like they're about to cry, Bill's laughter emerges from deep in their chest instead. It's a good laugh. An annoying laugh with some evil undertones, but when he's having a good time, everybody knows it. "Wow! Wooh... oh boy. Oops! Uh oh! Oh no!" He's laughing and wheezing, holding their gut all red-faced and a little... something else.
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
Ribbon's eyebrows shoot up and there's maybe an ERROR or two flashing over her before she averts her eyes and goes back to stuffing her face. Cake? CAKE.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
The little roachie chuckled at the pun and decided to throw one in for themselves, but they were cut off to see Bivi laughing up a storm, and to them it's  a type of contagious laugh to get them into a giggle fit too.
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi's laughing too much inside their mind to do much of any directing at the moment.
NULL - 10/25/2017
Alright, so he crunches down on one more raw pepper, letting the seeds sit on their tongue and burn away at it before swallowing all by himself. As inexperienced as he is, he's a quick learner. "Oh man. Now that was something new. Is there anything else that hits that hard?"
Barbor - 10/25/2017
"OH OH OH! TRY THE GHOST PEPPER!~"  Bor screed while flailing their little legs!(edited)
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
"yeah, yeah that'll probably do ya if ya like that."
Lunch - 10/25/2017
"Oooh, I was gonna grab something else, but that's a good idea."  Kavi's back and grinning at Bor.  They go to the pantry and grab a tightly sealed jar.  It's popped open carefully, and one single ghost pepper is pulled out and popped into their mouth.  Whole. REINS GO BACK TO BILL.
NULL - 10/25/2017
Metal or not, those legs get shaky. Their sinuses start clearing out and Bill doesn't know what to do about that. FACE LIQUID? WEIRD. KIND OF GROSS. He sits down, plunks their forehead into the table, and makes some noises of intense mixed feelings.
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi returns for one quick moment to request a napkin for the face liquids, pointing out the pile to Bor and Ribbons, then disappearing instantly.  Flop goes the arm.(edited)
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
Ribbons reached over to gently patpat Bivi's back. There there, you poor masochistic fucker.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
Barbor is having a fine ol time,  who knew watching a dream demon's reaction to new hot stuff was so entertaining?  "Are you guys okay??"
NULL - 10/25/2017
"I'm great! Never been better!" As difficult as that was to say, it sounds sincere. He's doing pretty great. "I didn't think the point of eating was to experience extreme levels of pain, but hey! Who am I to complain?"
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
"usually it's to experience extreme levels of pleasure but y'know, whatever floats your boat."
Barbor - 10/25/2017
"both is good! I ate some boiling caramel and that fuckin fun!"
Lunch - 10/25/2017
"It's not, I just thought your reactions would be hilarious.  And I was right!"  Sniggers, then stands and walks back over to the counter.  "Pain, pleasure, same thing.  My nervous signals are fucked to hell anyways.  One last thing to try..."
They grab a bottle of really really spicy cinnamon whiskey and chug.  Not the whole thing, but a few good swallows.  It probably feels GREAT in the mouth that just got tenderized by capcaisin.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
"Hey can you pour some of that into the bowl here? it'd be nice to have this stuff spiked a bit!~"
NULL - 10/25/2017
Bill presses a free hand to the side of their head and tugs at their hair a little. As soon as that whiskey's swallowed he's panting, lolling their tongue with watery, half-lidded eyes and a far off look on their face. This was weird from the start, but he's making it weirder, as he's prone to doing simply by existing at any given point in space and time. "More tingly stuff? That feels warm all the way down. I'm-"(edited)
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi sniggers after he's finished speaking, turning and pouring a little of the whiskey into Bor's tiny swimming pool. "Sure thing, my dude."  They set the bottle down, then that weird look returns as the reins are given back over to Bill.
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
Ribbons looks for something a bit smoother to mix in with soda. Rum and orange soda if she can find it.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
"Thanks!~" Bor stood on a peach boat and slurped up the sweet and spicy mixture. "OOooh man that's yummy~."
Lunch - 10/25/2017
There's some nice Bacardi in the cupboard and Fanta in the fridge for Ribbons!
NULL - 10/25/2017
Bill takes another chug of the whiskey all on his own. He's never been drunk in a human body before, and probably doesn't even recognize that that's where this is leading. Oops. His pupils fizzle for a moment then refocus with a smaller laugh that borders on a giggle.
Barbor - 10/25/2017
the bug lets out a small click while they're considering something, but after a minute of debating it the demon poofed up a bottle of Absinthe on the table. "hey try this too~"
Deve/Jenn - 10/25/2017
"oh boy. this oughta be good." She takes a good swig of hers. "oh, Bor, try this. tastes like an orange cream icecream bar."
NULL - 10/25/2017
Bill lets out a sharp gasp! "It's my second favorite color!" He takes Bor's advice, the brilliant dumbass, and has a big swallow of the Absinthe. He likes it so much that he tucks the bottle against their chest. It belongs to him now. All of it.(edited)
Barbor - 10/25/2017
The moment she said orange cream, he was already flying over to ribbons and dipping their head into the cup. They gasped softly in amazement "T-This is great!!"  They dunk their head in again to take another sip
Lunch - 10/25/2017
Kavi groans.  Ew, licorice.  "You're only allowed to drink that one while you're in charge.  Licorice tastes so bad."
0 notes