#I must set it free
izerdo · 2 years
Butterflies with brown hair
So I've been hoarding the start of this g/t Karlnapity fic for awhile now, so I thought I'd go ahead and throw it in here because I'm unsupervised and I can't be stopped. Once I finally have this out of my drafts I’ll probably start writing more for it. let me know what you guys think!
There weren't many borrowers in the smp, not that Karl knew of at least. He had met one when L'manburg was still standing, but since then he's only seen those big things. Streamers they called themselves, Karl had gotten into the habit of watching them more than he really needed to. One that particularly interested him was an avian hybrid named Quackity. Karl was sitting on top of a chest watching Quackity pace around his office shuffling papers in his hands. The borrower couldn't really explain why he enjoyed watching this streamer. Maybe it was the little jokes he'd make that always got a laugh out of Karl, or how he rambled on about the most random of things, or maybe it was that fluttering Karl felt in his stomach when he could see Quackity's smile. Karl shook those thoughts from his head, he had already borrowed what he needed from the chests, he needed to get back home. As Karl stood to leave a loud screech rang out causing the borrower to jump and lose his balance, sending him falling off of the chest he was on. Karl braced himself for a harsh impact but was surprised when he landed in something softer, cloth, Karl looked up to find himself in the hood of Quackity's coat. "What the fuck was that?!" Quackity exclaimed, Karl ducked down thinking he was caught when he heard the door swing open. "Quackity you'll never believe what I found!" A second voice called out "Was it that weird ass screaming??? That scared the shit out of me! What the fuck did you find?" Karl felt the giant hybrid's footsteps swaying his coat hood "So I was out mining when I see this weird moss, I go to investigate, my vision goes dark, and I hear this!" Karl covered his ears as the screech sounded a second time, much louder than before. "Yeah that doesn't tell me what it is," Quackity said "and honestly we should talk about this new find later, Foolish, I need to get home before I lose my mind," the second streamer, Foolish, laughed at the comment "This Kinoko deal is really getting to you, isn't it. Well, you go rest, Quackity, I'll finish up as much paperwork I can, see you soon?"  Quackity let out a relieved sigh "Thanks Foolish, I'll see you soon," Karl felt the avian begin walking again and ducked further into the hood in an attempt to stay hidden as Quackity walked past the other streamer and out of the office. Karl was about to jump out and escape when he felt his world quickly shift as the casino owner pulled his hood up over his head, spilling the borrower over his shoulder. "The fuck was tha- ah!"Quackity exclaimed, staring at the borrower, both of them frozen in place. Karl broke the silence first "HEY HOT STUFF COME HERE OFTEN" he blurted out, cringing as he realized what he just said. But to his surprise, Quackity laughed, a soft but genuine laugh that didn't seem to come from nerves or awkwardness, Karl felt his cheeks heat up noticing that this streamer looked really cute when he laughed. He was about to follow up his panicked flirting when Quackity sighed "I'm leaving," he said, cupping his hand around Karl and swiftly yet carefully setting him on the ground "I've dealt with enough I'm not going any crazier until Monday." He said, walking towards the exit of the building. Karl stood there, dumbfounded as he watched Quackity leave, it took Karl much longer than it should've to go back to his home in the walls. And much longer than that to get any sleep that night.
Karl couldn't stop thinking about that stupid streamer, even while he was out borrowing he kept hoping he would see Quackity again. It took two whole days before Karl saw him back in his office. The avian was once again messing with papers and mumbling to himself. Karl knew he shouldn't stay, he shouldn't even be in that room, he got everything he'd need for at least the next two weeks. But how could he leave Quackity when he looked so stressed out and upset? Karl climbed down from the stack of chests at the back of the room and made his way to Quackity's desk, he hid underneath so he could hear the streamer's mumbling. "Stupid fiery bastard, why does he have to make me do all this paperwork just for a trade deal it's not like it's anything big it's literally just iron but noo~ 'We can't just trade Quackity what about taxes?' What do you MEAN taxes Sapnap we ARE the government!" Quackity questioned to himself, his small outburst rewarding a laugh from Karl. The avian sighed and Karl took Quackity's pause to make his presence known. "So does work always stress you out this much?" He called out, hearing Quackity's jolt of surprise jostle his desk "What the fuck who said that?" The streamer asked. Karl laughed a bit at Quackity's surprise "I thought you'd remember, since you seemed so shocked when I sort of, fell on you."  There was a prolonged silence that made Karl want to jump out of his skin. Quackity finally responded after what felt like forever. "That was real?" He said, Karl had to admit he was a little disappointed that Quackity thought their encounter was some kind of hallucination, but he continued nonetheless. "Yeah it was real, you could never make up a face as handsome as mine," Karl said smugly, hearing a chuckle come from above him "So where are you now? I can hear you plain as day but I can't-" Quackity paused a second "are you in my hood again?" Karl couldn't help but laugh as the streamer moved to check his hood "No I'm not in your hood, that was an accident." Karl paused as he remembered, this was an accident, he wasn't supposed to be there at all. Borrowers were never supposed to be known by bigger species, but here he was talking to one. Karl was snapped from his thoughts when he heard Quackity speak again "I, um, I never got your name, mine's Quackity," the awkwardness in his voice made Karl's continued silence all the more uncomfortable. "K- um, my name's Karl," the borrower said "I- I shouldn't be here," he continued sheepishly, Quackity paused "why?" He asked. Karl couldn't think of what to say, he couldn't think of why other than 'big people bad' but he obviously couldn't just say that. His mind wandered, nearing places he hadn't thought about in ages, until he heard Quackity say his name "Karl, if you really need to go that's fine, but if you can stay, I definitely wouldn't mind the company," he said amongst Karl's prolonged silence. The borrower wrestled with his thoughts for what felt like hours, he had already gotten this far there was no turning back. Quackity knew about him, he knew his NAME for prime's sake! Karl almost wished he hadn't literally fallen into this mess, now he genuinely wanted to reveal himself to a streamer and why? Because he liked the way Quackity laughs? Karl clenched his fist and pulled out his hook, "I'm coming up," he said, tossing his hook up to the desktop. As Karl climbed he though to himself about just how crazy it all was. He wasn't alone, he was talking to someone, he wasn't just listening to them talk to someone else. As Karl pulled himself up onto the desktop he caught a glimpse of Quackity quickly turning his head to face the papers in front of him. "So are you gonna answer my question or just stare at your papers?" Quackity's cheeks grew pink as he returned his gaze to where Karl stood "Huh?  Oh- y-yeah! I mean-" Karl couldn't help but chuckle at the avian's stammering. Quackity let out a sigh "Yeah, this paperwork is fucking awful," he said, laughing a bit at his own misery. "Then why are you doing it?" Karl asked with genuine curiosity, "I can't just not do it, these are important documents, and if my country is gonna have any power in this stupid smp I have to do all this tedious bullshit," Karl frowned as Quackity sighed, setting his head in his free hand, "Unless something forces my hand I don't really have a choice," there was a short pause before Karl smiled, an idea coming to him. The borrower ran over and threw himself over Quackity's hand "break time!" He yelled. Quackity jumped a bit in surprise "W- Karl what are you doing?" He asked, giggling as Karl wrestled the pen out of Quackity's hand. "I'm forcing your hand," Karl said triumphantly, "so now you have to take a break, treat yourself." Quackity pulled the pen away from Karl and placed it on the desk "Okay," he finally said, "I can take a break for like, five minutes," Karl pumped his fists in celebration "Hell yeah!" He hollered. Karl shifted his gaze upwards to see Quackity wearing the same smile that gave him those butterflies, only this time Quackity was smiling at him. Karl hadn't noticed he went silent until Quackity spoke up "So, I don't suppose you'd mind if I ask you a few things, would you?" He asked, not seeming to mind the borrower sprawled over his hand. Karl's lips quirked into a smile "I don't think I'd mind," he said confidently "I don't think I'd mind at all,".
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keferon · 1 month
*clasps your shoulders gently and looks you straight in the eye*
Keferon. Please read Ninth by Kyn on AO3. I think you would love it very much. It has a large chapter count, but don't be intimidated, it's very easy to get into. It is currently unfinished, but is being updated regularly.
You are the seventh person that recommended this fic to me so ahahahaha yeah
I’m doing great Help I hate some parts of it but I love the other parts I’m spinning in the blender
…..I made the moodboard….
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#chapter 37#of 120 or something#I must be like 90k words in haha#large word count is not an intimidation. It’s an invitation haha#I love the fics that I can’t read in just one hour:)#I gotta say I don’t enjoy the concept of making robots into organic life#it’s just my preference#seeing them as humans or animals or whatever feels so fucking wrong#the concept itself drives me off#like. Strongly#But at the same time. This fic isn’t about them being ‘haha cute organics’#it’s ‘oh god. I was turned into something I’m not’#instead of teeheee they’re fluffy#it’s please free me from this fucking nightmare. please let me be myself again.#idk how to explain. I resonate I guess#it often feels very disturbing but the characters are also disturbed#So now I’m kind of stuck reading this fic because I just can’t stop lol#just politely skipping the parts that make me too uncomfortable#also#the body horror is….damn. Impressive. I didn’t expect to read about grotesque fleshy creature turning itself inside out#it’s not even aesthetic or symbolic#it literally looks like a fucking nightmare. Which is impressive also.#the flesh is g r o s s#the beginning got me struggling and skipping#but the intermission is currently ruining my sleep schedule#oh fuck….I usually send my posts to the authors of the fics I read…..but I feel like I might offend the author of Ninth if do this……..#there’s a tiny chance they’re following me….if it’s true then I wanna tell I’m sorry pls don’t take this seriously#your fic got me waay out of my comfort zone#huge points for writing Ratchet. Drift in this fic is…the grossest fucking thing I could probably imagine but Ratchet doesn’t even hesitate#he helps him and he cares for him. Which is…..imma be real my first instinct would be to set Drift on fire to end his misery
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suntails · 25 days
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[sharing/rb appreciated 💛]
my silver artbook is FINISHED and will open for preorders on 8/31 at 12pm EST!! it's been almost 3 months of work and i'm so excited to finally be able to share all the art i've worked on, PLUS a small bonus charm!
if u know silver fans,,, tell them
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kallousness · 25 days
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won’t you come to my arms tonight 🎶
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pinbitch · 8 months
i think about the stanford fight every day. i think about sam planning exactly how he’s going to tell john and dean. separately or together? sooner or later? deciding if he can ask dean to keep it secret. i think about things going wrong, john finding the letter or dean making a joke that sam just can’t dismiss. i think about dean finding out and going straight to john. i think about things going exactly the way sam planned them, until suddenly they don’t and he’s walking out the door and never coming back. i think about every single way it could have happened and whether the start even matters when the ending is always the same
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solardrake · 1 year
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two whisp sketches
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savemebeel · 23 days
Ughh I’m just kind of tired seeing the same pattern of carelessness from the devs. But I also dislike seeing fans disregard how some og players are feeling due to this new change. Like I’m happy that new fans will have a chance to get these og cards but it feels so bad to see the cards we once worked so hard for being rehashed for a quick money grab.
We complain & criticize the game because we care for it but also are tired of seeing the devs make decisions that only benefit them and not the players. I’m just tired of seeing people blindly defend a company that is proactively draining what once was a good game into a shell of itself. Idk I’m just kind of over it, I’ll continue to edit stuff for the game but I’d be lying if I said I don’t love the game as much as I used to…
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3lji · 17 days
perhaps he tian was the malewife all along…
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friendlylocalwhumper · 5 months
“Yes.” | “Kneel.” | Best of Three | Correspondence | Appraisal | Collapse | Cupcake | Foggy | Cracking | Just Breathe | Urge | Trim | Stupid | Upkeep | Old Defeat
This, uh… owner? Isn’t all that bad. Could be a whole lot worse.
The hand sliding down his back isn’t welcome, but Major doesn’t fight it. He knows better. He knows better.
Shoulders angled down toward the floor an inch below them, dejected gray eyes locked onto a piece of dust just out of focus on the carpet, Major keeps from shaking off the touch. It’s not as creepy as it could be. Just seems to be, like… feeling along his spine as if checking for bruising on the piece of fruit he’s considering at the supermarket. Or checking out the ridges and valleys of his scars, but there’s no lingering fondles across the thick burn-ruined skin.
The smell of the guy’s breath hits him before the sound of his voice. Major holds his ground, only shifting to press his forehead to the floor as he listens. “I paid for one that leans into it. I won’t be all that hands-on, but still. I did pay for it.”
If he was in his right mind, Major would buck against that. Try to break the guy’s nose, maybe beat him for a while before killing him. But the warning, as polite as it might’ve been, hits like ice to his teeth. The training, with the gun and the consequences a split-second after each test… Major barely survived. He isn’t gonna fuck it up now. Especially not when he’s alone, bent down over his own knees, in some guy’s house.
The hand comes in for another swipe down his back, and this time Major arches up against it. Just slightly. It might not have been enough, he might be fucking up, there could be a gun held above his head where he can’t see it but he’ll hear the click of it, and… oh. He’s rewarded as if he was an eager purring cat, by an approving hum from above.
Disgust rises as goosebumps across his skin. But Major sinks down and feels his heartbeat thrumming in his temple after the terror of nearly disappointing the guy who… custom ordered a pissy, stubborn prisoner freshly trained to obey.
His mind goes blank, suddenly, when the guy ruffles his hair. Major doesn’t even fully register the condescending gesture, just lets his head be rocked back and forth with the rough petting to fried hair.
The voice, airy in a weird way, comes from higher above than Major was expecting. Thought the buyer would be leaning down close, but he’s up on one knee to rise, maybe. “Come on. Since you’re doing good enough. Got something to show you.”
The guy’s walking, and Major isn’t sure what to do. He’s scrambling up to follow, but a fog of stress locks his knees so he can’t stand. Is he… fuck, allowed to stand? To walk? Frozen by worry but spurred on by the fear of falling behind and breaking some unspoken rule, Major lurches forward on his hands and knees. No more goosebumps, no self-loathing curled tight in his stomach. The room feels cold when he goes numb and compliant.
The guy slows to a stop. When he turns to stare down at Major in bewilderment, it’s the first time Major sees him in full. He’s not… big. Slick black hair buzzed down on the sides and in the back. Tattoos across his face in swirling font that Major can’t read, a piercing in his nose. Which all would look tough, except there’s no real muscle on him, and even if there was it would be hard to see because the guy’s in a big sweater with a dress shirt poking out from under the sleeves and neckline.
Major swallows, trying to decide if the guy looks tough, or weak, or cool or lame. He’s distracted by a judgy scoff that sets his jaw clenching.
“What are you doing?” It’s not as mean as it could be, not cutting. Just too amused. “Crap, I didn’t think they were giving me one that thinks it’s a dog. Just walk.”
The words sting, through the numb distance he’d built up, and it’s more frustrating than it is humiliating. Major shoves himself upward and sways onto his feet, blinking against the odd waves of adrenaline and exhaustion.
“Just walk, we’re not… oh fu-... frick.” The buyer doubles back, hands raised and hurried. Major flinches back, eyes widening against the black fuzz swallowing his vision. He falls rapidly sideways, or upward, maybe… the world is spinning and he can’t figure out which way is down. He’ll be killed. He’s getting grabbed, fingers digging into his arms, he’s gonna die!
The room goes black, as pain erupts in his skull, and all sensations fade away.
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syn0vial · 6 months
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why did no one tell me that the last unicorn is metal af.
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crazyufokid · 2 months
"Eh? What is this? 'yow-ee'?!? humans are captivated by the most ABSURD things!!!! This is DISGUSTING!!!! Gir, get this out of my sight AT ONCE!!!! EUGH!!!!!!!! .... ahem, computer. do some research on this "yow-ee" for me. download as much you can and hurry up."
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ohmaerieme · 1 year
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tosses these doodles to the ground like i would a small handful of duck feed at a pond
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theodoravery · 5 months
i've seen people losing all their progress a lot lately and i genuinely don't get how this happens atp, and it's unfortunate because support rarely answers emails in my experience so. just to be safe, everyone who hasn't already should go on the app's settings and login with credentials, even if you don't plan on ever playing on pc or another device, having credentials makes it a thousand times easier to save your progress, and you don't risk losing it, ever + it's safer than just connecting to your google or facebook account
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mokeonn · 2 months
I think something that is REALLY fun about having a small animal that needs to live in a habitat is making it a hobby to try to make the best possible habitat for them. Like there's nothing more fun than planning and executing different ways create paradise for an animal with a brain no larger than a peanut.
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good-vs-evo · 6 months
soooo im tryna write smth (again) also cuz i think the xianle trio as a polycule is neat and their early relationship lives rent free in my mind HAHA
feel free to defend ur choice :D i’d love to know ppls thoughts!!
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speakofcompersion · 5 months
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Ballad King Taemin 😌💕 [x]
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