#I need dat sweater
soupy-sez · 1 year
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Biz Markie performs at the Genesis Convention Center in Gary, Indiana, August 1988, © Raymond Boyd
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spamgyu · 9 months
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DESCRIPTION: She had grown tired of being on his back burner, the person that he had kept warm until he gotten the girl he has had his eyes set on for years... And with a little help from her friend, maybe... just maybe she'll finally be the first choice. PAIRING: Seungcheol x Reader | Mingyu x Reader GENRE: Angst & Fluff PART 3 | SERIES MASTERLIST | MASTERLIST
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When he had told Jeonghan that his roommate had convinced him to go over to his best friend's house to finally tell her how he felt, he wasn't lying.
It wasn't just for show – to tell a fake story to make their lies believable.
"Seungcheol fumbled, are you going to do the same thing?" Minghao asked him, keeping his eyes trained on the screen while they worked together to complete their game's mission.
For the past few months, they had almost always circled back to one topic.
It was almost as if a switch had turned on in his head the day he realized that she was the one he loved this whole time. Just as has his mother predicted since their high school days, Mingyu had fallen in love for the one constant that was in his life.
"It's complicated, Hao. Shoot shoot– fuck." Mingyu cried, chucking his controller to the side as the screen flashed "MISSION FAILED".
Minghao shrugged. "How complicated could it be?"
"Well for one, it's one sided." He listed. "And then what, I lose her? Rather not have that."
"Just give it a shot. I doubt she'll cut you out anyways. She's stuck around this long, hasn't she?"
He was right.
She had seen the good, the bad, and the ugly and yet, she was still here. She still stuck by his side through it all.
He brought his fingers up to his lips, biting his nails – a bad habit he had developed whenever he allowed his thoughts to consume him.
The worst that could happen was that she could reject him, which he was 99% sure she would.
He just needed to get this damn weight off his shoulder.
Now more than ever.
Sighing, Mingyu stood from his seat. "Alright, I'm going to do it."
He had all the intentions of doing so that Valentine's Day. Showing up to her doorstep with a small bouquet of tulips he had picked up at Trader Joe's along with her favorite sweet treat from their bakery section – the brownie cookie combo that he swore was far too sweet for anyone's taste buds.
But instead, he was greeted by a girl with red eyes – it was clear that she had been crying just minutes before his arrival.
"Are those for me?" She sniffled, pointing to the contents in his hand.
"Yeah, I figured you were going to be upset this Valentine's day." He chuckled, lying through his teeth.
It wasn't the right time.
Mingyu wanted to tell her how he felt.
He wanted to finally feel the weight come off his chest but he knew it wasn't right.
Not when he still plagued her mind.
"Thank you." Y/n smiled, using the sleeves of her sweater to wipe her eyes. "No plans today?"
Mingyu shook his head, plopping down on her couch. "Today is for couples."
"Fake dating?" Minghao repeated what his friend had just debriefed him after his arrival. "At your big age, you're going to pretend to fake dat– You know you've had many bad ideas before but this one takes the fucking cake."
Mingyu groaned, putting his head in his hands. "I know okay? I know, I just– She– I don't know. You know I'd do anything for her."
"Including helping her get Cheol back?" He cried.
"I just want her happy."
Minghao sarcastically clapped. "Let's give it up for the stupidest boy alive."
"Leave me alone." He pushed his friend's hands away from his face.
"This is going to be so fucking messy." He shook his head as he headed for his room, leaving his friend in the living room to wallow in his own thoughts.
After three days of non-stop activities, she was ready to tap out – groaning in her bed as she flipped laying on one side to the other. She had mistakenly agreed to go hiking with Seokmin, Seungkwan and Hansol the day before and as someone who rarely did any physical activities, she was regretting her decision – feeling her thighs ache under the covers.
"Let's do something." Mingyu suggested from his bed, growing bored of the show he had been watching on the television.
Everyone else had left the hotel early in the morning to go ziplining, and considering her current state and his fear of heights, the duo had opted to sit this one activity out.
Getting the rest they deserve.
"I'm tired." She whined.
"Come on, I wanna go back up north and look around the shops." He pouted dramatically, batting his lashes at her.
They had all been so busy trying to complete the itinerary Eunji had so kindly organized that day that they weren't able to fully enjoy all the small town had to offer – Mingyu making note to pay it another visit during his free time.
Which was now.
She never could resist him.
Letting out a sigh, she sat up in her bed – trudging over to her suitcase. "You better fucking buy me something."
"I'm your boyfriend not your sugar daddy."
Grabbing the nearest article of clothing, Y/n turned around and threw it at him – hitting his face.
"I'm the luckiest man alive." He chuckled, tossing it back at her – making it perfectly into her suitcase.
"You sure are, baby." She winked, heading straight to the bathroom – outfit in hand.
"I thought we won't use baby!" He called out as the door slammed shut – a wide grin on his face.
He didn't care if it was in pure sarcasm. Mingyu felt his heart skip a beat.
Just as it had been the past few days.
Oh he was down bad.
Within an hour, they were back on the same road, blasting the same playlist – the two taking turns singing obnoxiously along to her favorite songs.
"I like it here." She reached over to dial the volume down, turning to point her film camera at him. "Smile– oh my god don't pose– ew!"
After a year of nothing but pure heartache, riding the roller coaster of emotions that Seungcheol had managed to strap her into, this was the first time in a while that the girl had enjoyed her time.
She couldn't help but dread the thought of the trip wrapping up, having to face the music of her reality – going back in to work, coming home to an empty apartment... and be alone with her thoughts.
With no Mingyu to distract her.
In the past few days, she had gained a new appreciation for her friend – noticing the small details of his actions. Especially after voicing this to Seungcheol on the beach, in attempts to defend their lie.
And even more when Mingyu had confirmed this two days ago.
At the time, she was simply saying what was at the top of her head. She had always known that he was there for her, answering all her calls in an instant and showing up with no questions asked.
Even if it was to help her get a bird, that had accidentally flown in and wreaked havoc, out if her apartment.
She remembered how stressed and terrified he was of hurting the poor thing as he used a broom to usher the small creature out – recording the whole thing on her phone for future entertainment purposes.
"Thank you." She glanced over at him, a soft smile on her lips.
"For what?" Mingyu's brows furrowed, confused at the sudden change of tone and air between them.
"Just being a good person." Y/n shrugged.
"Are you going all soft on me, y/n?" He teased.
"Don't make me take it back."
"I'm kidding." He chuckled, reaching over to give her cheek a poke. "I should be thanking you. You bullied me into being a good person."
Aside from his parents and his sister, she had a big influence on who he was and the man he had become today.
Y/n had never once let any of his mistakes go by without a single lecture. He remembered all the times he would sit in silence while she talked his ear off, even if it was something minor as forgetting to clean the lint trap out of his dryer.
Something about starting a house fire.
Before, when he was in his teens and still unappreciative of her nagging, Mingyu would simply roll his eyes – letting her words go in one ear and out another. As time had gone by, he had learned to appreciate it.
Welcoming it even; beating her to the punch to text her of his mistakes and asking for advice on how he could make it right.
"Not enough though. How many girls have cried because of you?"
"Don't make me take it back." He jokingly threatened, using her line.
Laughing, she allowed for the views to distract her once again – snapping a few more pictures.
"We should come back here. Make it a tradition." She said, as the treaded through the small tide pools, pointing out the small school of fish that swam along their legs every now and then.
"Holding you to that."
The two had many traditions that they had set in place, one of them being spending a week during their summers camping with both of their families. A tradition that began when he had tagged along during one of her family trips – it wasn't long until his family joined in the following year, their fathers instantly becoming friends during the first day.
This would merely be another trip that they would continue on until they were old and grey.
"Do you think our kids will be friends? Like us?" Y/n asked aloud, stopping him in his tracks.
"I haven't really thought that far."
A lie.
He has.
Though, he would much prefer if their kids were siblings rather than friends.
They say a man knows in an instant whether they want to marry a girl or not.
Mingyu was no different.
He remembered that day so clearly. She had dragged him along to the mall to help her find the perfect dress for Jeonghan's wedding, and with nothing better to do he had agreed.
She had stepped out of the dressing room in a one shoulder satin maxi dress, fitting perfectly on her body. It was a simple dress, no ruffles, no sequins, no lace. Just a plain satin dress; but somehow she made it look like it was worth far more than the tag attached at the seams.
Mingyu remembered his heart skipping a beat that day, the breath in his lungs didn't seem enough as he took in her beauty.
He didn't know what triggered it, maybe it was the constant talks of the wedding, but his brain was instantly flooded with the thought of being the one at the end of the aisle – waiting for her as she made her way down in a white dress.
This soon then spiraled to thoughts of a married life with her; spending the rest of his life with his best friend.
It took him nearly a week to snap out of this day dream, his mind constantly wandering back to that day and the whirlwind of emotions that hit him like a ton of bricks.
"Have you at least thought about what you want for dinner?" She laughed; bringing him back to reality.
"Poke probably." Mingyu muttered.
"Sh.. the fish can hear you." She feigned shock as another school of silver fish swam by her toes.
"Yummy yummy fish." He cooed.
Sitting atop of the roof of the car, the two picked at the various small bowls for cubed fresh cut of the day that they had picked up from the local market – humming in content each time they took a bite.
Instead of meeting the rest of the group for dinner, Mingyu and Y/n agreed it would be best to simply pick up the poke he had originally suggested as opposed to racing back to the city.
Watching the sunset while parked by the sand was far better than the chaos, anyways. The two needing a break from all the voices that seemed to always talk over one another.
"Hold still," He picked up his phone and pointed it at her. "This would look good on my story."
While they sat in silence, digesting the dinner they had just finished not too long ago, Mingyu couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked under the soft orange and yellow hues of the sun that had dipped halfway into the horizon – illuminating her face in a new light.
Both metaphorically and literally.
Without a second thought, the girl listened to him – holding her pose of looking straight into the shoreline, a soft smile on her face. "Lemme see." She held her hand out as he handed her his device. "Send this to me."
Mingyu swallowed as his heart battled with his brain to do the unthinkable.
Maybe it was the fact that they had spent the whole day alone, acting as though they were still around their friends – pretending.
Or the fact that this his trip had given him a glimpse of what his life would be if they were actually together, the flirting, the hand holding, the soft whispers, waking up to her in the morning; the sweet moments he yearned for.
Or maybe, just maybe, it was because he's been wanting this for so long – unable to hold off any longer.
"Bug?" Her head tilted to the side, seeing the gears turn behind his eyes.
There goes that nickname.
The one that they have sworn to use just as part of the act that soon became a part of their daily vocabulary. Even when it was just the two of them.
"Let me just–" His mumbled, leaning down – which wasn't hard as they were already only inches apart, capturing her lips in his.
She didn't pause.
She didn't push him away.
In fact, she kissed him back.
Bringing a hand to cup her face, Mingyu moved his lips against hers slowly. He had been dreaming of this for a while now, and he could have sworn he thought their first kiss would be much rougher – thinking he would be hungry for her lips.
But this moment was delicate. He knew that it could all come crashing down the minute he pulled away, so he proceeded it with caution – his thumb caressing her cheek as his tongue swiped her bottom lip for permission.
She allowed it.
Mingyu's head was spinning at this point, wanting nothing else but to stay in this moment forever.
But he knew he couldn't.
They needed air.
Pulling away, Mingyu swallowed; preparing himself to receive an earful from her.
Instead she sat in silence, blinking at him.
He had fucked up.
"I'm sorry." He croaked.
Mingyu knew that if he wasn't the first one to speak up, she would let the tension swallow them whole – leaving them to drive back to the hotel without uttering a single word to each other.
"I think we should head back." She cleared her throat, scooting towards the moon roof they had slipped through.
"Hey–" He placed a hand on her shoulder.
She turned her head, lips pale. It was clear that she had regretted what had happened, a lump forming in Mingyu's throat as the worst had finally come.
"What?" Y/n asked softly.
"Just wanted to see if you were foaming at the mouth." Mingyu joked. "Since I have rabies and all..."
A small smile formed on her face, a wave of relief washing over him. "You're so fucking stupid." Y/n ducked into the car.
"No rabies?" Mingyu called out.
"Get in the damn car, Mingyu." She called back.
They were going to be alright.
For the first time in a while, she was confused.
She should have listened to the voice in her head when it had warned her that pretending to date her best friend was a bad idea.
At her ripe age of twenty six, she should have known this would happen.
Maybe it was the close proximity, or the fact that they had spent the whole day absentmindedly pretending to be a couple despite none of their usual audience being around, or maybe it was that he kissed her.
They made out.
Either way, her mind was in a mess.
It wasn't like she's never had feelings for him before.
But the last time didn't count.
They were in high school — and everyone had a crush on him.
It was tiny crush that she had soon gotten over when she met her first boyfriend.
But this time was different.
There was more on the line.
Their friendship, their whole group's dynamic.... and Seungcheol.
The man who had been the main reason why she was in this predicament in the first place.
A part of her wanted to dismiss the moment atop of their car as a moment of weakness, the sunset and island hypnotizing the both of them.
Besides, it was Mingyu. He had plenty of girls in line, waiting to get a chance with him.
He must have simply been caught up in the moment.
If it was anything genuine, he would have acted differently instead of jumping back into the sense of normality as they drove back to the hotel.
But no, he made a joke out of it all.
It was a mistake to both of them.
But another part of her wanted it to be real – falling into the trap of their own acting.
While he had excused himself to the hotel gym, to work out with Joshua and Soonyoung, y/n was left with her thoughts – wanting nothing more but to silence it all.
She didn't want Mingyu, even if his actions was everything she wished for in a man.
It was– It had to be Seungcheol.
A knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts.
It was as if the universe read her mind, opening the door to see him standing with a plushie in hand – nervously shifting his weight from one foot to another.
"Hi." He greeted softly, holding the t-rex stuffed toy out. "I uh– it reminded me of you."
If her mind wasn't a mess before, it sure was in pure chaos now.
It reminded him of her.
She recalled back to the one good week they had. No fighting, no tears, no mixed signals.
She had come down with a nasty cold and he had doted on her while she was bed ridden – staying over at her apartment to nurse her back to health.
They had spent that whole week binge watching all the installments of Jurassic Park, cuddling on her bed despite her protests of not wanting to pass whatever virus she had come down to him.
He didn't care for it, showering her with kisses.
"Thank you." Y/n accepted the plush.
She picked up on his nervousness, stepping aside to let him in. "Is everything okay?"
He nodded, bringing his hand to scratch the back of his neck – trying to find the right words to say. "I– I want to say sorry. For all of it. The pain, the confusion..... I– I'm sorry for being a dick."
"It's fi–"
"It's not." Seungcheol shook his head. "I had some senses knocked in me and–"
Y/n watched as he licked his lips, pacing in front of her before he came to a stop.
"It's you." He breathed. "I– I choose you."
Her world came into a halt.
The metaphorical glass shattering.
"That night, when you asked me to choose, I– I shouldn't have hesitated. I should have stopped you. I'm sorry." He continued, pain evident in his eyes.
He was being genuine.
Y/n tried to search for any signs of lies on his face, unable to comprehend the words that left his lips.
This was the moment she had finally been waiting for, but why was she so afraid?
"I know an apology can't fix it. But if you'll allow it–" Seungcheol hesitantly took her hand in his, giving it a squeeze. "If you'll take me back, I'll spend however long trying to prove that it's you."
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amyispxnk · 3 months
My Kind of Woman
Chapter 3: Moron.
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Series Masterlist || Prev Chapter
Series summary - Your song captivates Joel the second he hears you that night in Jackson, but he struggles to work up the courage to confess his feelings. With some (very heavy) encouragement from Ellie and Tommy, you two get closer and closer until he finally thinks he’s ready.
Chapter summary - It’s time for you and Joel’s Friday night guitar session…
A/N: FIRSTLY. IM SO SORRY THAT THIS CHAPTER TOOK SO LONG. I’ve had the most hectic few months and been caught up with work and whatnot, so yeah, I’m really really sorry!! Secondly, I was absolutely not planning on taking this route but it just happened, okay???? Sorry, again. 😭
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: slight fluff, a little angst, language
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Just breathe.
You keep repeating that in your mind as you pace your room, looking over your clothes and checking your hair in the mirror. Overthinking, as always, when you see yourself and contemplate why you chose this sweater instead of that other one in your closet, or why you decided to try out a new hairstyle specifically for this dat-
It’s not a date.
It’s not a date.
You’re just meeting up with your incredibly attractive 53 year-old ‘guy friend’ for some casual dinner and casual guitar on a casual Friday evening. That’s it, nothing more, nothing less.
God, you really need to get a hold of yourself, you say to your reflection in the mirror.
10 long minutes pass before you hear the soft rapping on your front door.
You take a deep breath, smoothing down your clothes, before opening it to reveal-
Her hair tied in a knotty ponytail and her cheeks flushed, nose tipped red, from the cold that Jackson almost always houses.
“Ellie! Hi. What’re you-” you begin after working past your surprise, having expected a burly old man and definitely not this little girl at your door.
“Joel wanted me to tell you that he’s really sorry he can’t come see you today because he has to do something and he- yeah. That’s it, actually.” She blurts out, lips pressed together and her eyes wide and inquisitive whilst she waits for your response.
You try, you really try, to not completely deflate as you register what she’s just told you, but.. how can you not?
You’d made dinner, gotten dressed, brushed up on your 90s guitar songs (since you figured that’s what he’d want to play with you), all for him to stand you up? And then send his daughter - or whatever she is to him - to tell you?
And, of course, Ellie notices when your shoulders slump and you bite your lip, glancing away. The thing is, she’s very good at seeing the emotions people try to conceal, but she’s also very good at confronting them about it in the same instant.
For you, she tries to be gentle about it.
“I’m sorry.. He did say he was really sorry. I, um, I know that you were probably really excited about it… You look really nice.” She offers weakly, to which you give an equally weak smile.
“Thanks, hon.” You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose as you glance behind you at the food on the stove and the guitar propped up against your couch.
“What’re you making?” She says after a moment, trying not to peek around your shoulder into your home since Joel told her that that was rude.
“Oh, just.. Just some chicken thing…”
She looks at you expectantly, and you decide that you shouldn’t let the food go to waste, knowing you can’t finish it all by yourself.
“You wanna come in?”
She nods eagerly, giving in and hurrying inside.
“Wowwww so this is the famous guitar, huh?” She smirks, palm brushing over your guitar, the one you use for your Tipsy Bison gigs.
“Yeah. That’s the one.” You smile softly, looking down at the instrument. It’s definitely.. a little weathered, but it does the job well.
It’s not long before you and Ellie are sat at the table, talking about whatever random topics her mind comes up with, finishing and cleaning up whilst she asks about your guitar and if you can play some songs for her.
You pause, not really feeling up to it after the disappointment you’d experienced this evening, still not feeling better even with Ellie’s amusing company.
But then you see the pleading look in her eyes, and you know you can’t fight it.
“Okay. Any particular songs you want me to play for you?”
The two of you get set up on your couch, and you look up at her expectantly.
She doesn’t reply, but she seems to be deep in thought, brows knitted.
“I don’t really know many..” she eventually says, frowning slightly.
You hum in thought, idly strumming as you think.
“Well.. there’s this one I always liked when I was a kid. It’s called Santeria.” You say after a moment, and she just nods, waiting for you to start.
You begin playing, losing yourself in the chords and gently nodding your head along to the beat as you start to sing.
I don’t practice Santeria
I ain’t got no crystal ball
Well, I had a million dollars
But I, I’d spend it all
Despite having heard you singing and playing many times before, she still listens to you playing the song with awe visible in her expression, applauding as you smile bashfully when the song ends.
“Dude, you’re so fucking good at guitar! That was so cool. Wow.” She beams, and you thank her before putting your guitar away, much to her protest.
“Go on, it’s getting late now.” You say, gently ushering her to leave. You love her, and you love kids in general, but you’re tired and you honestly want to go and cry, the nauseating feeling of heartbreak settling deep in your bones. Because that’s what it is. You found yourself falling for a man who stood you up the first chance he got. You realise you’ve been seeing it all through rose-tinted glasses - every time you talked, it was when you sat down with him, or you sped your pace to catch up with him in the street. Never him going out of his way for you.
Of course, what you didn’t realise was that Joel was just painfully petrified at the prospect of seeing you tonight. He’d used some bullshit excuse that he had to go help Tommy secure the wall right now, when he didn’t even need to do it, and they were not doing it right now.
But what was he meant to do? He didn’t deserve you, and he knew he’d just go and mess things up anyway, because that’s just how he is. Then he realises that he’s already gone and messed it up, just by not coming to see you this evening. Shit. He’s a total idiot. How long since he sent Ellie to go talk to you? Maybe he’d have enough time before she comes back?
He’s pacing around downstairs when she throws the door open, droning a very long “JOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEL!”, and he knows he’s in trouble now.
“You- fucking- idiot! Dude, why the fuck- Why would you stand her up? I thought you had to go check the fence but clearly fucking not! Oh my god.” She groans, shaking her head.
“She’s so cool, and she let me stay with her for dinner and she played some sick-ass guitar for me, and she let me talk about whatever I wanted and she actually listened and- and even though I had a great time, the only reason it happened is because you stood her up! What the fuck, man?” She says, exasperated.
He just stares at her, having nothing to say, because she is completely right in her judgement.
“I’m a moron.” He mumbles to himself, running a palm down his face with a deep sigh.
“Yeah, y’ fuckin’ are.” She mutters back, before looking up at him.
“You have to fix this. I swear. If she hates you then she won’t wanna talk to me either, and I am not having that. So- figure something out. Night, man.” She says, exiting through the back door to go over to the garage, leaving him to have his crisis in peace.
“School’s closed for the weekend so I won’t be able to talk right now-”
“It’s me.”
You look up from your desk where you had been scribbling away at some lesson plans for your art class, stunned into silence as your words disappear, Joel Miller at the door of your classroom.
You collect yourself to make sure you don’t sound too pissed off when you greet him, but he still winces when you grate out his name, voice too high-pitched and face too smiley for it to seem natural.
He steps forward, gently closing the door behind him and looking down at the floor, looking almost.. nervous? Joel Miller is nervous? To talk to you?
Your brows knit as you wait for him to speak, turning back to your work when he suddenly speaks up.
“Look, I- I wanted to- fuck, I had a whole thing planned out but- I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.” He says, stumbling through his words.
“That’s okay.” You say, not even looking at him, feeling quite indifferent to it now that it’s been an entire week. And from the fact that his apology wasn’t really much of an apology.
You look back up at him, eyebrows raised, and he sighs heavily.
“You know I ain’t good at this, sweetheart, I just- I really am sorry.. I got… I got scared.” He says, trailing off in uncertainty by the end, looking at you pleadingly.
There’s that pet name again, the heat still rushing to your cheeks despite the annoyance you feel with him now.
You shake your head slightly, sighing again in frustration.
“You got scared? Really? God, Joel, you’re really telling me you decided to stand me up like that because you were scared?”
Your jaw clenches as you try to hold your tongue, not wanting to yell at him.
He opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off once more.
“Thank you for coming to talk to me, Joel. Please could you leave my classroom now?”
And then he knows he has completely fucked up. He had already made you - the town’s sunshine - upset, and now you were probably even more angry with him.
Ultimately, your reaction was completely valid. How could you know why he did that to you? You didn’t know about all he had lost, how he feared that getting close to you in this way would just result in even more loss and heartbreak, how he felt unworthy of anything good to come into his life, like you.
He’s at a loss for words, staring into your hard gaze, nodding before he turns and leaves the room.
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Thank you sm for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated 💞
Next Chapter
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rusty-gloinks · 1 year
MURDER DRONES EPISODE 5 : Random details and favorite parts of this episode
Will be putting major spoilers under cuts if anyone has NOT seen the new episode, or has yet to see it. CW/TW: Blood, body horror, murdery stuff! SPOILERS!! AHHH!!! You get the point. I am not responsible for your actions :3
(This post is a mix of different things btw, Md related tho)
None of this will be in order, and I might need to make a PART TWO!!! Since the total is 45 images. :’)
FIRST UP. I would like to take the time to appreciate doll so have some LOVELY LITTLE images of her I took.
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She looks so fucking awesome???? Like holy shit. She slayed!!!!!
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not to be fruity .but. yea
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SHE. also Isn’t that the campsite? Or just a different location with the same appearance.
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BLEEEEEH (I’m going to make this my icon soonthat was the purpose of the screenshot. Also because I love them)
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World is mine by Hatsune mi- cyn. World is mine by cyn. The famous vocaloid /j (HSES 😭😭😭😭)
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Noticing how her balance is SOOO Much better while holding someone?. Also MOOD .just like me .real 💔
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i lov e you🥺EEEK /p. Shes melting
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J* , and they locked her in the basement. I am so SAD about this information
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Okay, listen, i know these 2 got shipped before the release but OUCH this makes things so much weirder!!! eugh:( (mainly saw em as friends.tttotallt not becsuse I project my friendship with my silly mutual onto them.no. /sarc)
anyways forget them being friends as my headcanon. THEYRE FUCKING SIBLINGS EVEN BETTER!!! (prjdedcts me and my elder sib onto th— *gets killed /j*
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GAY RIGHTS(After the 2nd watch i realized she was making them kiss each other and I started laughing so hard my sides hurt)
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Okay glitch QUIT SHOWING OFF. god damn !!!!! Literally appreciating this scenery so hard. 10000/10. :3
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LOOK HES SOBBING!!!! ALMOST. I GOT WHAT I WANTED OMFG!!!!! YAYYA!!!! (Love it when ppl cry /j
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Lovely little lad. Reading abt dogs:) so cute…
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subtle hints of favoritism..👀(she obvs likes J more I think,)
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I love how immediately i could tell this was drawn by Liam. Canonically J in the show but like his style is so adorable and bouncy!!!! AND LIKE yummyys:3 eated
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For those wondering what this is it’s basically a ripoff of YouTube. The caption is titled "Top 100 Doors ever!!11!" and then the views at the bottom 😭😭. KHAN AND HIS FUCKING DOORS GOD DAMNIT
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This part scared the shit out of me i was literally about to cry. I THIUGHTT SHE KILLED HIM
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I had to slow this down and repeat the same clip OVER AND OVER Just to get it right, apparently the solver can swap roles? (The order is supposed to be yellow then purple since Uzi takes over as an admin instead of CYN.) very cool.
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Better glimpse of her backpack. Cute little skullbat zipper!! Also batteries. 👍
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Apparently DEAD BATTERIES, aka the logo on Uzi’s sweater could be a possible band? Or reference to a band I don’t know? Like how they have my chemical robots (or something like that) as a ref to the band MCR (romance).
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Sigh., N was that you.
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Conlang? Fictional language? Glyphs? I’m assuming it’s VERY important (since liam lovessss foreshadowing, i will further elaborate). Hoping there will be ways to "simplify" it to english!
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Yknow how in episode 2 Uzi takes braidens sentience or sumn like dat. Yea 💀
Alright I’ve hit the limit, gonna rb again with part 2!!!!! Soon. Maybe
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ganjamonster11 · 10 days
Hello Grambles. Ihope this ask finds you covered in cheese and really Happy and well. MY QUESTION: what is your favorite shirt you own. and pants i thinkj i van guess which oants but say anyways. Favorite shoes ifyou have multiple pairs. Favorite jacket... Hopefully the Concrete Jungle is forgiving to you on thus day and you find some yummy food Out side. And rice pudding. i would share my favorite Cloth from each catty gorey but id have to break it down insto Groups like favorite t shirt fav sweater favorite button down Itse too complicated. Dont think about it to heard. God bless 🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️🏜️
HELLO SNEAKLE. Am Dripping wit cheese right nyow actually How convenient of an ask is this. What a coinkydink. MY FAVORITE SHIRT… Don’t Think i got one… I Got a couple misfits shirt I Like to blunt rotate but i usually just throw on whatever i can find And walk out da door. I wear like three pairs of pants period. I Do Not care. Horrendously unhygenic.IF IT COUNTS Am saving up to buy this new AWESOME Shirt I’ll let you see it now
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This will be a real hit wit da Germs and Fleas all over me… INEED SOME FUCKING RICE PUDDING!!!!!! Please Please please Give me a rice pudding cup Cold Unforgiving fridge. I Fucking love your Shirts dude i need to come over and wriggle my feet all over them And sleep on your carpet. Also I thought you’d like to know I’ve been listening to Sex For Homework and the Tight album (mostly Pussy All Night) All freakin day man. Each time LJU says some insensitive shit I Imagine the Sneakle ‘Wat he say’ image..or one of Marc’s posts I Can’t remember which…. Da one were he say ‘jimmy you can’t say dat’. I Talk about you guys like everyone is supposed 2 know you. Like Wat u mean you didn’t see Marcs Latest reblog. Dat one had a chantal. 🍃
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octuscle · 1 year
Hey man headed to Amsterdam to start my summer of backpacking around Europe. My bag was lost in transit but i dont really want to waste the first few dats of my trip with it would be ok to just take this unclamed bag?
Sure, dude! A suitcase is still available for you. But it's more like a backpack… Pretty bright color. Does not really fit to your black hipster outfit. But you wanted to make a backpack tour. From therefore perhaps nevertheless quite suitably… You open the zipper and inside it is almost more flashy than outside. Everything in neon yellow. And on top a motorcycle helmet. Of course, you can do little with it on your Interrail tour. And also nothing else, you have no driver's license. After all, engines are killing this planet. Of course, this does not apply to intercontinental flights to Amsterdam. Anyway, what am I getting upset about?
More out of curiosity, you put the helmet on. Fits like a glove. And while we are on the subject of gloves: You try them on, too. Now all you have to do is find the key to your motorcycle and you're ready to go home. Fuck, what was that? You rip the helmet off your head. Shit, that hurt. You got caught on one of your earrings. Something is going strangely here. Very strange. You grab your backpack and helmet and run out of the terminal. Outside you rummage in your backpack. There must be some butts somewhere. Ah there! Thank God! With shaky fingers you light a cigarette. Shit, it's hot under your black sweater and your vintage coat. You need air. Let the bourgeois look. You are proud of your body, you can show it with pleasure. And the piercings and tattoos have cost you some of your monthly wages as a driver at the garbage collection. Great job, isn't it? So you can wear hi viz privately and professionally.
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Your bike is parked not so legally in the corner behind the parking garage. The advantage is that you can change there undisturbed. And take a piss before you head home to Zuidoost. What the hell were you doing at Schiphol? You have no idea. Maybe you just wanted to blow the engine again. That's it, you think, and let the engine roar.
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CME 17x01 Spoilers/Thoughts
(Yes I know I’m late on posting it but I did watch it on the premiere time 😭 and did a rewatch)
Also for those who haven’t seen the premiere, trigger warnings for suicide (at around 33:00-35:00), enucleation (surgical procedure on eyes). and mention/aftermath of tongue-cutting.
Guy (identified as Don Bertoli) comes into police station with his dead wife in his arms. This was from the trailer and he got on his knees, in trauma and shock.
Oh my god, it's enucleation ughhhhh!! I can't do that. I can't do anything with eyes
Emily going to meeting with the officers alone. Oh god I can already tell this is her pushing herself into work bc of Bailey’s death in 16x10 :(
Penelope’s birthday!! 🥳🧁📖 (there’s a reason I used these 3 emojis specifically 🤭) the whole team minus Emily is there.
Omg what just happened??
“Queef lessons” is something I never thought I would hear from this show omg
OHH Luke just… that was his turn, the queef lessons
Ok I actually have no idea what they’re playing, but it’s “To whom it may concern…”
Rossi: “the department of old man woodies and will no longer participate with dat ass”
JJ looks so comfy in her sweater 🥰 I love her so much
Rossi having hallucinations of Voit
The 3 emojis I just used earlier were in Tyler’s text to Garcia, and ugh the awkward exchange with Luke. He did not need to know about the book thing Penelope!
Not Garcia overthinking the text 😭
Omg omg Jara moment!!
JJ sitting on the counter and drying the dishes, my girl :)
Jennifer Jareau has finally surpassed the TV-14 swearing 🥳🥳 “You know, I always thought that the time we got to be this age, all the bullshit would go away.”
And she says it so naturally too! (Just waiting on her saying fuck later haha) I feel more content now that we have JJ cussing multiple times this season 🥰 my girl deserves it
JJ calling Tara “hot” 👀 Jennifer Jareau I know what you are
JJ being supportive 🏳️‍🌈 ally (or is she one of them? 👀)
Will just got called into work and JJ honestly does not seem…. happy? Almost resigned and the way the camera lingers on her after saying that and pouring wine into her glass. (I love willifer but this is concerning me)
JJ immediately changing the subject omg girl. “You heard from Emily? Thought she'd be here tonight.” We just jumped from talking about your husband to talking about your work wife lol
Tara saying that Emily is going through it since Bailey died, then JJ being all sad and sighs before going “wish we could convince her of that.” JJ was so worried for Emily. (Jemily moment in s17 better involve this)
“Definitely not a book” oh Luke
Emily working solo for the night and she texted Tara to meet her
Tara and Emily smoking on the rooftop!! I’m not a huge smoking cigarettes fan but this…. I love it. Emily stress smokes [canon]
Lauren Reynolds callback!!
“In another life, I worked a joint task force on international terrorism” oh Emily 😭. She still considers that part of her as the old (dead) Emily Prentiss.
Gold star bullets reminds Emily of the playing cards troops left on dead terrorists as part of their signature
Tara worrying that Emily might be seeing something she wants to see and protecting the team bc of it
Emily feeling bad she missed Garcia’s party and offering to get her something, oh I love them
The file… DOJ chain of custody - it’s Rebecca that requested!!
Well , well, well, Voit. We meet again.
Oh no Rebecca
JJ, Luke and Rossi being the first to be angry about Voit being in the FBI building. That’s pretty valid tbh bc Voit did almost blow up Luke and JJ, and trapped Rossi in a shipping container.
Director of the FBI is…. Agent Phil Coulson of the Agents of SHIELD!
Fuck you Voit. And fuck you, too, Director.
Gold Star is possibly a codenamed person, and they’re leaving secret messages or calling cards. And possibly government trained?
JJ being upset and she isn't hiding it.
Luke and JJ flinching and covering themselves when Rossi threw a mug at the wall :(
Gold Star as possible national security threat??
Tara and Rebecca, oh no.
Oh shit, oh no, Rebecca. I love you girl but you shouldn't have said that.
Rossi hallucinating again
Emily coming in to check on him (like 16x01)
Oh shit. "When was the last time you slept?" "When was the last time you went to mandated trauma therapy?" Damn they're really calling each other out.
JJ and Luke team up! Besties!!!
"If someone pulls a gun on my family, I'd comply" JJ-
Rossi and Emily interviewing Don Bertoli who's still in shock and not speaking.
Ok, there's flashes of enucleation done on his wife and Bertoli ends up killing himself over the guilt.
Emily trying not to cry after witnessing it. She thinks she got another person dead 😭
Not Luke suggesting they bring in Tyler omg. JJ and Tara are also like "nope."
Hahaha Rossi saying Tyler somewhat saved him by going rogue
Garcia's daily affirmations is so cute tho! "My cats are my boyfriends" and "baby girl forever" are my personal faves.
Luke really calling Tyler out, I love him for it
Rebecca givina Tara information on what Voit said to her. I know you two miss each other.
Tyler barging into the room and Penelope saying the same thought we all had "you just interrupted JJ!"
Luke agreed with Penelope and the funniest part is JJ not giving an absolute fuck about it 😂
Tara doing the same and Tyler looking at Penelope like "you didn't call her out"
Rewatching this scene later: "bang-and-burn operations" is part of CIA, which JJ would know something about probably, and her face looked she showed some recognition at Tyler saying that. Rossi says it's possibly sabotage or assassination.
Ok, there is some tongue-cutting involved on the next victim. Nothing super graphic is shown during it, but the aftermath of it is shown with the tongue.
Emily mentally beating herself up again for another dead victim :(
Oh fuck you, Director Coulson. "But he tried to kill me [Rossi]" "but he didn't"
I can't believe this is the person that bumped Emily off the list of candidates for FBI Director.
The team's going to interrogate Voit one by one.
Ohhhh I recognize those shoes..... my girl, my girl, my girl 😩😩
Jennifer fucking Jareau!
JJ saying "let's get started" is giving her 6x18 return with the same walk and the "let's get to work" line. Love the parallels!!
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littledraga · 1 year
Becile Birthday!
It’s @ask-the-becile-boys 11th birthday for the AU! Had to do something special for it! Not sure if this is it, but it’s what I did! It’s late, it’s only half edited, have fun with that. :p Thanks for keeping these funky dudes alive!
Maybe it was a little weird for Scratch to give Tatters a little scratch post a month after Christmas. It wasn't like her claws needed it, but no one said anything. And Tatters did like beating it up and napping on top of it.
When he got Locksmith mustache wax at the end of March everyone was confused. No one more than Locksmith himself. It was left with a card with a cake covered in candles. Odd? But who was he to turn down such a thoughtful gift?
Dee screamed when someone other than Hare knocked on her door. She threw open the door, intent on clawing at whoever was there. Instead of a person, there was a box with a bright bow. Inside were old records and a little bear with a loud sweater. Holding the teddy close, she looked around before slamming the door hard enough that some walls shook. Jazz filled the halls while she slowly danced around with her new little friend. It made the stifling heat as summer crept closer a little more pleasant.
Later, when summer was fully on them, Hare caught Scratch wrapping something in the lounge, struggling with tape that had gotten stuck on his shirt. Turning around this way and that, more and more tape unrolled and he huffed behind the respirator.
Hare huffed a small laugh as he walked over to take the tape before Scratch became a mummy.
"Whatcha got there?" He asked, trying to look over Scratch over his shoulder.
At first, Scratch tried to cover it with his body before his shoulders slumped. Sitting up, he offered a small wrapped box to Hare.
"I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I guess a day early won't hurt," he signed.
Taking the box, Hare tilted his head, looking at it carefully. "What is it?"
Scratch laughed enough his shoulders shook.
"It's a present. For your birthday." He paused and tilted his head a little.
"Power day? Turn on day?" He signed, not really sure what to call it.
Smoke billowed out of his cheeks.
"Wha? You remember sometin' like dat?" Looking at the wrapping paper, he scrunched his good eye.
"Uh, thanks?" He said before tentatively opening the small box. Inside were three small locks. More confused, he looked at Scratch.
He looked confused and tugged at his sleeves a moment before he explained.
'It's a lock picking kit. I know you've been practicing. So I thought you'd like some new locks." It may have made him a little uncomfortable, but he didn't think of Hare as a bad person. And he did seem to actually enjoy picking locks, just because.
Hare grinned, at least as much as his faceplate would allow.
"Thanks! 'Priciated." Hare shuffled a little from foot to foot, not sure what to do. Another quick thanks and he hurried off to put his new locks in his room.
It wasn't long after that that Scratch came up to Jack, looking nervous and holding a bag behind his back.
Jack was in the garden, watching the birds and twirling a blade of grass between his fingers, enjoying the freedom now that Riker had fixed his wires.
He noticed Scratch's shadow first. Turning around, he smiled warmly up at him and hopped to his feet.
"Good morning, Scratch! It's good to see you." He paused when he saw how nervous he was. "Are you alright?"
Scratch stalled a moment before quickly holding the bag out in front of him. Waiting for Jack to take it with a confused look, he finally explained.
"I wasn't sure what you would like. I hope it's okay?"
Blond curls bounced while Jack tilted his head.
"Oh? I'm sure whatever it is, it's lovely." Digging into the bag, Jack pulled out a short top hat and a new bow. They were older, and it showed, but still in good condition. His face split into a wide grin.
"Oh! These are lovely! Thank you, Scratch!" Holding them to his chest, he did look a bit confused.
"But I'm afraid I don't know the occasion? Surely it's not so late in the year it's Christmas again, is it? I haven't gotten you anything."
Scratch laughed, though mostly his shoulders just shook.
"It's to celebrate another year, Jack. From when you powered on first. A birthday," he signed, smiling as much as his limited face would allow.
"Oh my! I had completely forgotten about that! Thank you, Scratch! This is very sweet." Something for his first birthday since he was repaired.
"You're welcome! I need to wrap Skull's now. Take care!" Waving him off, Scratch hurried off back inside.
By now, the manor had caught on to what he was doing. So a few days later when Skull saw him from the corner of his eye while he was taking a rare moment to relax and knit, he put his needles down.
"Hey, Skull." Scratch lifted up another bag.
"Happy birthday. Or um wake up day? Or?" He still didn't know what to call it.
Skull watched him for a moment, pretending not to notice the bag in Scratch's hand.
"Birthday is fine." It was a human thing anyway.
"Thanks," he huffed. But before he could pick up the needles again, there was a bag in his lap. Looking up, he saw Scratch looking at him expectantly. Smoke curled from his neck as he sighed.
Looking inside the bag, he carefully pulled out skeins in various colours and a new set of needles.
"I know you have some yarn already, but I thought you might like having some new colours," he explained.
Skull's face softened. Or at least as much as his faceplate would allow.
"Thank you. They're good colours. And I did need some new knitting needles. I appreciate it." When Scratch beamed, he laughed. Just a single chuckle.
"You've been busy."
Which made the man beam more. Or as much as he could.
"Everyone deserves something good on their birthday. It's important!" He enthusiastically signed.
"We always had big parties when I was growing up."
Skull hummed at that. He wasn't sure he remembered any kind of birthday celebration. Even when Thaddeus was alive there were no celebrations at the manor. Frivolous things he would call them. But Thaddeus wasn't here anymore.
Things were quiet, for a little while. Then Scratch took to the kitchen at the end of July. He was cooking up a large batch of chicken and dumplings and sides. Something that had the robots peeking around the corner.
Hare spoke up first, walking over to look over Scratch’s shoulder as the man seasoned some chicken in a pan with what looked like dough in a bowl.
“This doesn’t look like a smoothie,” said Hare while he tried to figure out what was going on.
Scratch stopped long enough to quickly sign.
“Chicken and dumplings. It’s Riker’s birthday. So I thought I’d make him something while he was down in the workshop.”
Hare looked at Skull, who was still at the doorway. He just shrugged.
“Looks like a lot of work for someone that just eats ramen. When he eats,” huffed Hare, moving when Skull gave him a hard look. It wasn’t like it was his fault!
“It’s his birthday,” explained Scratch simply.
“Everyone needs to have something nice on their birthday.” And he was back to cooking away, leaving the two to look confused. It wasn’t like they had a lot of experience with birthdays.
After too long in the workshop, trying to keep the tools from getting too rusted to use, Riker nearly cried when he saw a banquet set out just for him. Scratch had to push him into a seat to get him to eat.
“Man, this is better than Ma's from when I was a kid.” Riker suddenly stopped, spoon halfway to his face to glance at Scratch who was looking rather proud of himself.
“Don’t ever tell her I said that.” As if anyone here would likely meet her, but a man couldn’t be too sure.
Scratched crossed his fingers over his chest before putting away the leftovers. At least Riker would be eating real food for a couple days.
A week later, Riker found himself cornered in the workshop by three robots. Even if they, probably, wouldn’t hurt him, it was still unnerving. Crossing his arms over his chest and a cigarette hanging off his lip, he watched them, waiting for some explanation as to why they were ganging up on him. Jack broke first.
“What do you do for birthdays?” He asked and stepped into the room, careful to give the workbench as wide a birth as he could.
He grinned a little, just a smidge. “It’s about Scratch’s turn, ain’t it?”
Hare huffed and followed Jack in.
“Yeah, and we wanna know what yer ‘sposed to do for a birthday.”
Riker just shrugged.
“Been a while. Mostly a lot of drinking, but I don’t think Scratch would be real interested in that,” he told them as he put out his cigarette.
“I’ve heard that people like surprise parties. Do you know about those?” inquired Jack innocently enough.
A brief memory and Riker shuddered. A surprise of people, never something he wanted. When the other three looked at him with concern, he quickly brushed them off.
“A surprise birthday party would mean keeping him out of the manor or at least part of it. Guess this place is plenty big enough. Normally they decorate the room, have cake and presents, and do stuff the birthday person likes,” he explained.
Tapping his chin, Skull thought that over for a moment. Smoke curled from his neck vents as he started to plan.
“Cake wouldn’t be a good idea. Scratch can’t eat it,” he reminded them.
When Hare shoved his hands into his pockets, pretending not to pout, Riker tried not to laugh.
“Probably a bad idea,” he agreed.
“But they have ice cream too. Could probably make him a shake?” he offered, leaning against one of the tables.
Skull looked up at that.
“There’s probably some kind of birthday milkshake. I’m sure I can find something.” With his mission decided, Skull made his way back upstairs.
“Well, that’s one thing settled,” huffed Hare, still looking sour.
“We could decorate the lounge?” offered Jack with a smile.
“We’ve seen movies. I bet we could do something spectacular!” When Hare perked up a little, Jack’s smile grew. Taking Hare’s arm, he gently tugged Hare away They had planning to do.
But at the door, Hare turned to look at Riker, pointing a gloved hand at him.
“We’ll get it planned, but you gotta keep him busy for a while, got it?”
Riker rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll tell him I need to check his leg or somethin’. Now get goin’. I need a drink.” he muttered as they all left. There was plenty to do.
It was hot when Scratch’s birthday came around, it was easy to get him down to the workshop for a look over. At least it was cooler in the basement levels.
“I haven’t been having any more trouble than normal,” he explained while Riker was looking the knee over. It may have been a cover, but it didn’t hurt to look while he had the chance.
“That’s good. Everythin’ looks fine. I just want to make sure I ain’t missin’ somethin’,” he explained. Eventually, Scratch got a clean bill of health. Or at least the machine part of him did. There was no way anything ‘living’ was going to be healthy here. But still, Riker kept looking. At least until he heard three bangs on the floor above him.
“Looks like you’re right as rain!” He sarcastically cheered as he backed up to let Scratch get to his feet as he put his tools away.
“Why don’t we head up and get something to drink? Should be something cold in the fridge.”
Scratch nodded and would wait for Riker.
“Wish I could eat popsicles,” he signed while they walked.
“Used to be the best part of summer.”
“Ya know, that does sound pretty good,” he agreed as they walked.
“But I can think of something better.” As Scratch looked to him for an answer, Riker stepped into the lounge and waited for him.
Inside was a messy banner that had ripped in three places when they tried to hang it up. A few messily wrapped boxes sat on the coffee table as well as two oversized shakes covered in tiny sprinkles.
Everyone, save Dee, who refused to come downstairs, was waiting for him. Jack was smiling brightly.
“Happy Birthday!” They all said at once, some with more enthusiasm than others.
Scratch stood still, looking at everything. His remaining eye teared up.
“Thank you,” he signed once, twice, and again, and again. There was static from the vent. It was hard to tell if it was laughter or a sob.
Skull stepped over with his gift, handing it to Scratch.
“You told us birthdays were important,” he reminded him as he pressed the wrapping paper into his hand. Inside was a box set to an anime Scratch had been talking about.
Scratch took his time with each gift, gushing with everyone. Even Locksmith was at least, mostly, agreeable for the party. He’d be up late with his new anime and shipping on yet another birthday cake shake. Best birthday.
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mistrdctr · 9 months
@brooklynislandgirl asked: The compacted snow hits like a brick, bypassing it's target and hitting the man dead in the chest. After a moment the little gremlin that threw it comes running up to him, hands over their mouth, likely stifling laughter. Up close though? It's a particularly small young woman, and the hands hide the horrified 'o' of her mouth. She puts a hand on his arm and blinks up at him, wide green eyes almost too bright, resembling wet grass. "I am so so sorry! I didn't mean t' t'row dat snowball so hard!" [Winter Themed Starters || Accepting]
It's a nice day today - the snow is falling, the air is cold and crisp, absolutely no one is running in circles screaming because the holidays are just around the corner and mankind freaks out about needing to buy gifts, just as there's absolutely no traffic-jam right in front of his Sanctum and the mentioned snow is totally not causing him to slide here and there as Stephen makes his way down along the road.
He's just wanting to get himself a cup of coffee, thank you. Not any coffee, though - he wants a freshly made White Chocolate Mocca Latte with a splash of extra Vanilla syrup. Could he conjure himself said drink and just enjoy it peacefully at home? Yes. Does it taste better from that local coffee-shop around the corner? Absolutely.
Taking a somewhat deep breath, filling his lungs with the stabbing sensation of cold air, the sorcerer pushes his hands into the pockets of his thick, warm jacket; He's out in civil, it will keep him a lot warmer than his wizard-attire would. Besides, he's not working currently, and he enjoys just being---
The snowball hits him death-center, right where his jacket isn't fully closed; Strange yelps at the sudden sensation of 'oh my god this is fucking cold, holy shit' that whips through him like he's struck by lightning, scarred fingers immediately coming up to try and get rid of the snow... it just falls deeper, in between his shirt and jacket, and he curses as he opens it quickly to try and brush the damn coldness away...
He's interrupted by someone approaching him; The person looks like a kid and Stephen sighs, rolls his eyes, fully prepared to have an age-appropriate conversation with it before said person comes closer, upon which he realizes that it's, in fact, not a kid... but a young woman instead.
She apologizes profusely, her green eyes almost piercing him as her hand touches his arm; Strange clears his throat, pulls the zipper back up before offering her a smile, seeing how genuinely shocked she seems to be about what has just happened.
"No, no, it's okay.", he says, shivering a moment later as the damn cold is now soaking into his sweater, "---Have to say, though, that snowball had some speed to it. I'm impressed." Did she throw said snowball? She must be stronger than she looks like, defnitely. ... "Just, uh, be a bit more careful next time, alright?"
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babbiekou · 2 years
Watching heartstopper for the third time and I see a lot of ppl go w the cg nick hc which is an absolutely valid and great hc but regressor nick... Mm now youve got my attention
Cuz when he freaks out when hes trying to help charlie and doesn't know how?
When he says to imogen his real personality's been buried and his mom says hes more himself around charlie? Meaning he does things like giggle and play in the snow and joke around?
Dat boy is smollll, he likes stickers and coloring and badoom tsj-ing charlies drums and fluffing nellies fur and running and yellin and leafs
and he gets small when he feels a bit hopeless and anxious cuz he cares so much but hes also just a guy and tends to run himself into circles mentally
Charlie makes him feel so good. Have you seen him hug charlie??? The scrunched fabric of his sweater, the slight bloating of his cheeks, nick hanging on as if the hug burst out of his chest?? that's a cuddly little guy
Also he's the youngest of his family and his dad's a knob and he hates yelling so standing up to harry is hard and uncovering that bit of his personality is hard
and i think itd go quite the same when he figured out he was bi, by googling it and then panicking about it, but I think it'd be something he could and would talk to charlie about when the time was right and char would take such good care of him, itd be good for charlie to have someone trust him that much too because it makes him feel valuable and making little nick giggle makes the world feel alright, quite frankly
I think nick needs mental breaks from things he can't control, he seems like the type who bottles up his feelings because he's afraid of hurting those of others and that little bit of consideration can be very exhausting
So that was my little nick headcanons so far
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First batch of Grumpified OCs!!
Anyways, besides dat and being inactive so much, I’ve actually been working on my OCs I had before getting into Bugsnax, and making ‘em into Grumpuses! Maybe I’ll use em more?
This is my first half due to Tumblr’s image limit, so here we go!
Lissy (Lucy) “Lil Grump” Puffergoat
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A soft, excitable and a never-serious small Grumpus. Seems to be hard to agitate. Likes hopping on grass, hugs and oversized knitted sweaters.
Kromsie (Rosie) Promisebloom
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A once rebellious young Grump with a history of hospital visits. Worships Bugsnax and wants to perform experiments with their DNA. Likes the dark, fruit snax and a few of the Grumpinati Members (and secretly Wiggle’s music, she snuck into a concert one time on break).
Teaoa (Tia) Diamondswish
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A shy, aspiring gymnast. Born with a strange eye that she TRIES to keep hidden. Likes doing cartwheels, simple talk and hot days (despite the fact she almost always wears a thick sweater).
Glarbby (Gabby) Lemontears
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An energetic bundle of sunshine with a (probably) mysterious necklace and natural fur blotches. Pretty adventurous, but can get into danger a lot from bigger Bugsnax. Likes digging, fiddling with small objects and honesty.
Henel/Semar (Helen/Sarah) (latter name most preferred) Simmerheart
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A one-eyed softie who seems like she doesn’t belong at their job (all due respect). Sees Lizbert’s crew as a major threat and bad Grumpuses and quite cowardly. Likes nature, soft voices and comforts of tea.
Chamlory (Charlie) Moonpond
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A serious worker who has a sharp tongue when angered. Aspiring to become the next leader of the Snakolytes as she thinks Jamfoot isn’t suitable. Likes good listeners, loyalty, and long walks (also enjoys helping her brother who she has never mentioned to anyone (except Semar and someone else).
Jewelnyan (Julian) Moonpond
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A quiet-ish grump, Chamlory’s younger brother. Rather good on terms with self defence. Likes quiet areas, clear skies and light stretches.
Mellasdra (Cassandra) Peacebook
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A passionate flower turned bitter by her peers. Escaped the Grumpinati after reaching out for (definite needed) help and is being hunted for as if missing. Likes reading, “haunting” others and pranking in the dark.
Pinaten (Peyton) Shiverangel
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A small grump with a pretty big heart. Seems to have a strange dream and wonder if Grumps can fly…Likes gentle tapping sounds, snak hunting and having proper arm warmers that fit (can’t wear proper sleeves due to skin flaps).
Dandisrid (Astrid) Alpineglove
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A massive sweetheart with weird yet vital visors. Her snak-like deformities have her known as “The foxgrump”. Likes telling stories, helping others and not being weirded out for her “natural fruit horns”.
Dandisrid's snak deformities consist of a Stewdler (Left hand), Puffy Snakpod (nose) and Ruby Peelbug (Horns)
I hope y’all like em! I know they ain’t too accurate, but ye-
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
While Beth nurses tea, the Senator’s son’s in his briefs, plucking the heads off prawns.
Clothes-off eating appears to be another idiosyncrasy on a long list of oddities, fixations, and goof-arounds, and not at all because he fears getting curry on the good shirt and dress pants like he fears getting smacked on the hand with a clipboard. Ben’s usually infernally, deafeningly alone when he eats in his underwear, but over time, it’s become something he does around Beth, too.
He could have sworn he left back up at her place: one of the worst lounge sweaters of all time, and several tees, a clearance rack’s worth of cotton polyester. Beth, though, the little dryad cross-legged at her kitchen island, has spirited them away. Not returned them as claimed.
“This is a hostage situation now,” he says. “I’m negotiating with a criminal.”
Ben pulls at the legs of a stubborn prawn with a bit more force than needed, and broth hits the counter like blood spatter; the rest splatters his chest. Little orange flecks join the composition of moles on his lower breast. A bead of coconut soup rolls down his stomach, pooling in his belly button.
He looks down at himself, then up at Beth. The heat hits his face a little late in the game.
“Nothing sexier, right?”
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Maybe it started with the insistence that he leave his shoes at the door, so that he doesn’t track the Devil in. He never had the cruelty in him to tell her such an entity does not exist outside of morality plays and even if it did, it would have better things to worry about than trying to sneak into the mansion-sized mausoleum of an apartment, where her past is enshrined. She would only take away from such a comment that she’s not worth the time or effort and Beth already believes that enough. Maybe it has nothing to do at all with her benign requests and like her own fractions and lack of self-confidence stems from a childhood better left sensationalised in tell-alls that they’ve never contributed a single word to, not even with each other. Wherever the truth lies, it is a foreign shore that as strong a swimmer as she is-- Beth doesn’t really think she’ll ever make it to. She contents herself with his warm-water shallows and tide-pools. Someday he’ll carry her out into his rip-current and she’ll drown in its cold salt kiss. “Wit’ a background in politics,” she replies with a brow raised in challenge, “I would t’ink you were use to dat.” Maybe she likes the idea that he thinks she’s dangerous even in fabricated iniquity. Or maybe she likes Ben more than he can ever know because she certainly isn’t about to tell him. Not enough that she joins him; her modesty remains with her crucifix, her earrings, and the faintest wisp of a purple paisley sarong. Let it never be said though that she isn’t prepared for natural disaster. Particularly when it’s the six-foot-plus-can-you-stop-already kind. The atrophied leg is the first to stretch toes enough to reach the floor. Followed by its shapelier match. But she isn’t reaching for fine linen or dry-as-sand paper napkins. No, his is a worse fate if he knows how to read her eyes, which map his skin as she braves his personal space.  Soft lips part and the tip of her tongue darts out to drag a wet line from his stomach all the way up in reverse of the drip. Her breath fans across his chest. Her hands settle on either side of his hips for balance. Least that’s what she’d tell him. And when she finally looks up? Eyes are half-lidded and dark. Woods at night far away from any artificial light. “Wha’? Dey come take my Kanaka card if dey heard I was wastin’ coconut li’dat.”
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fingerlessfoxgloves · 2 years
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Hi!! I'm Foxglove >:3c
I go by Fox, Foxy, Gloves, Roxy, or Foxy-Roxy! She/its pronouns!
I'm a creepypasta ヘ(꒪ཀ´꒪ヘ) My best fiends are Jeff, BEN, and Sally!! But I'm trying to make friends with everyone (wether they like it or NOT!!) My weapon of choice are my rawrsome claws ᕦ(ᓀ‸ᓂ)ᕥ
Welcom 2 my blog!! There will be blood and gore and drugs an monstars and SWEARING and dead animals sometimes and stuff!! We LITERALY KILL people so you knw. What did you EXPECT. Aso flashing lgihts, BRITE colros, glitching, unrealitty, etc. Also sorry for my typos!! Iz hard to type with CLAWS n PAWS n stuff. (⓪ヘ⓪)
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BEN - BEN my friend BEM from BIDEO GAMES.
Clockwork - WOMAN MOMENT <3 <3 <3
EJ - guy who runs around in the wood lmao. I think he has a PhD??? NERD.
Fox - MY TAG XD this is where I put stuff that are mecore and super epic awesome smexxy (⊙ܫ⊙)
The Gardener
HABIT - TOp ten FREAKS I'm gonna HIT with my CAR!!!
Heart - that one rogue with the dogy!!
Jack - clowntime :3c
Jeff - hehe stinky. (⊙▽⊙)
Naomi - Da queen of Insanity!!
Nightshade - BESTIEEE
Nina - BESTIEEE x2combo
Sally - BESTIEEE x3combo
Silver - gamer boy!!! heehehe epic pwns <3
Sleepless - the Russian Sleep Experiment 0__0
Slender - my weird dad slendy. peepawcore!!
Smile - Dogy.jpg :3
Virus - Toby's weird cousinfriend X-Virus :0 He's nice actually
Widemouth - my fwend :3c
Zalgo - >__<" LOSER!!
The Academy - I hate school (ง◎‸◎)ง
Camp Creepy - Me n my FRENDS have set up an unofficial summercamp by the lake to feel a little normalcore!! we call it Camp Creepy <3
The Chapel - It kinda teleports around the Slender woodz :0 it looks like an old churh or watever, but there's no actual religious stuff in it besides like. pews.
The Compound - Where Zalgo and his apostles live >__<
The Forest - THE SLENDER WOODS :D that's hwere I like to scurry. They surround the Slendermansion!
Gamescapes - Liek the virrutal worlds BEM and SIlver and Stuff hang out in :0 also a lot of us are EPIC GAMERZ and this kinda reminds me of dat 2 =w=
Home - The Slendermansion!! Most of us have our own room der, or live on cabins on the property :3 I get my onw room =w= YOU KNOW it's as big as Slendy needs it to be. Sometimes the layout shifts around a lot... I think iz like a part of him or something??
The Grounds - The places around Slendermansion and in the Slender Woods!! I LUV hanging out on the grounds x3
The Lab - sinister sperimentz happen here X3c
The Lake - Reminds me of Slender Lake (⓪ヘ⓪)
Missions - Pix that remind me of stakeouts and stalkings!! That pre-killing HI (✦‿‿✦)
Overworld - Pix that remind me of me n my frenz outings to the humanworld!!
tedz cave
Travels - It actually takes bit of travles to get where we need to go in the overworld sometims :0 Slendy's portalz don't always drop us off just where we need to go =w= DAS OK THO Because I LUV <3 <3 roadtrips. Comemorating those feelz with this tags!!! Masky usually drives hehe
Underworld - Daz the Pastaverse/Pasta Dimension babeyyy. Pix that remind me of home (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
Apostles - THE #LAAAAME followers of ZALGO (loser!!)
Candle Cove
Cherry Koolaid - Um... iz not Koolaid (⊙_⊙ ) iz blood. Mmmm yummy!! hehe (^་།^)
Creatures - The creaturepastas!! And images that remind me of them. I lov those guys!! they just like me fr fr!!
Creepy Love
Gamerboyz - and girlz!! But like. Silver, BEN, Sonic.exe, that kinda peeps!!
Hanging In There - Reminds me of us hanging out X3
The Net - OKAY so a lot of us kinda use the internet (like how I have dis blog) and these posts n stuff remind me of us and our screentime (⓪ヘ⓪)
The News - Newspaper clippings, etc!
Other Pastas - Pastas I don't know!
Proxywork - Reminds me of the stuff I see the proxies do!! Super spooooky hehe
Rogues - Jane, Liu, and the like who aren't apostles or proxies =w=
Tapes - Reminds me of those cool videos people make :0 Like Marble Hornets n stuff. SO COOOLLL!!!
.txt - Reminds me of our texts and groupchats XD
Yipping - me talking :0 personal posts an musings n moar!!
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taeminno · 5 months
I Need to Be Myself Sweater
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I Need to Be Myself Sweater In een wereld waar vergelijking vaak de show steelt, onthoud dat “je moet jezelf zijn”. Deze comfy trui is jouw dagelijkse herinnering dat je niet mooier, beter of dunner hoeft te zijn dan iemand anders om geweldig te zijn. Omarm je uniekheid en draag het met trots. Laat deze trui je schild zijn tegen maatschappelijke druk, en moedig je aan om je authentieke zelf te zijn. Het is tijd om de echte jij te vieren! Wij hebben deze unisex sweater speciaal ontworpen en zal ook speciaal voor jouw bedrukt worden. Elke sweater is daarmee uniek. Verkrijgbaar in verschillende kleuren en prints. Mooie sweater van 80% gekamd katoen / 20% polyester en heeft een perfecte pasvorm en voelt zeer zacht aan. Comfortabele lengte voor een vlotte retaillook Perfect Sweat Technology. Binnenkant geborsteld. Door de stretch aan de mouwen en onderboord krijgt deze sweater een modieus uiterlijk. Mouweinden in Elasthan Onderboord in Elasthan Wasvoorschrift 30 °C, normaal programma
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hmpolar · 2 years
Lil dicky professional rapper lyric gunus
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Hand-me-down My dirty drawers gettin' worn, can you blame me now? You think I got $4.50 up in quarters on me, well I fuckin' don't! Ayy, where the gold at, baby? (Yeah baby) Ayy, where the clothes at, baby? (Yeah baby) Ayy, where the dough at, baby? In the bank, you know I ain't tryna blow that, baby Ayy, we gon' save that money (Yeah, I'm judicious) Ayy, we gon' save that money (Yeah, I'm cost-efficient) Ayy, we gon' save that money (Yeah, I do it different) What we do? We gon' save that money I ain't never hit a bar with a cover (Never) Low thread count, hard with the covers (Woo) Free trial memberships, though I never join the shiz though (Ayy) Fuck you think this is though? Frequent flying like a motherfuckin' finch though (Brr) General Tso, half a dozen on the stick Just so I can whet the appetite a bit Whatchu talkin' 'bout? My AC never doing nothing, blow fans though (Ayy) Walgreens card shoppin' all the off brands, though (Ayy) Boy go hard when collecting, got Venmo (Ayy) Save every motherfuckin' roach, tryna smoke (Ayy) Check the clothes in my drawers, I ain't playin' around It's LD, lil boy, Mr.
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Quan what's this have to do with saving money though? You know what a full verse would have been too expensive anyways I think Trap, trap, trap I ain't parkin' that unless the meter green, homie (Please) Hair cut several months in-between, homie (Always) Hit the mafuckin' lights when I leave, homie (YOLO) Single ply TP, ass bleed Airbnb the motherfuckin' lease, I'm never there I'm out in Cali, why the fuck my company in Delaware? At happy hour takin' out the chicken, I don't even care And that applies to both dating and wings Peep matinees, phone bill got the motherfuckin' fam on it (All the fam) 401K, rollin' over bands on it (Ayy) Coppin' sweaters in the summer when the sale on 'em (I'm hot) The fuck you rappers bragging 'bout? You overpaying for it Ayy, where the gold at, baby? (Yeah baby) Ayy, where the clothes at, baby? (Yeah baby) Ayy, where the dough at, baby? In the bank, you know I ain't tryna blow that, baby Ayy, we gon' save that money (Yeah, I'm so Jewish) Ayy, we gon' save that money (Yeah, I'm so frugal) Ayy, we gon' save that money (I'm so imprudent) What we do? We gon' save that money All of my luggage is Louis V, I swear to God, nigga All of my bitches be scared of me, I put that rod in 'em All of them bitches actin' thoughtless, I disregardin' them All of them bitches actin' holy, ain't got no God in 'em I can teach a lil' nigga somethin' like a preacher I can take his ass to church fresh as hell, no Easter I can make his ass burp like a baby without no hiccup I could.
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LD, AKA The Independent Variable Trap God, I was servin' out the hallway ( I want my money all ways) Ayy, where the gold at, baby? (Fuck I need gold for man?) Ayy, where the clothes at, baby? (Fuck I need clothes for man?) Ayy, where the dough at, baby? In the bank, you know I ain't tryna blow dat, baby Ayy, we gon' save that money (I'm so thrifty) Ayy, we gon' save that money (I'm so stingy) Ayy, we gon' save that money What we doin'? We gon' save dat money The rap game got it all wrong We ain't 'bout to go and spend money just to flex on 'em We ain't really got it like y'all (Yeah, baby!) I'm a type of motherfucker that'll check the check Do the math, I ain't never gettin' robbed (No) Those margaritas not goin' on my card (No) I ain't 'bout to split a damn thing for convenience sake I'm at the restaurant workin' that waitress Hold up You ain't heard of Lil Dave, Yung L the Jew biz major? (Ayy) Fuck you know about the world he raised in? (Fuck) I've been savin' money since a motherfucker 13 I wear the same pair of jeans every day (It's true) Free sandwiches, homie, two stamps away (It's true) Book flight December but I leave in May (I do) Drugs are generic but still work the same I get logins for Netflix from my cousin Greg Thanks, Greg!
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falcqns · 3 years
Heyoo, can I request fic little!reader x little! Bucky x daddy!steve where steve is angry and snapped to reader and reader become sad and scared and always hide behind bucky :( thankyou
𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞
✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: daddy!Steve Rogers x little!Reader x little!Bucky Barnes
✰ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you get blamed for something Bucky did.
✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: DDLB, DDLG, fluff, angst, tears.
✰ 𝐚/𝐧: thank you for the request and i hope you enjoy!
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you weren’t even doing anything wrong. it was Bucky. Bucky was the one who went into Daddy’s art supplies, not you, but you were still getting blamed for it.
Bucky had tried to stand up for you, but Daddy told him to be quiet, and he was sent to his room, while you were stuck there, getting yelled at for something that wasn't even your fault.
"how many times have i told you, y/n? you have your own art supplies in your playroom!" he began to shout, and you shot up from the seat and ran to find Bucky, tears and sobs escaping your mouth, as you heard Steve chasing after you, shouting that you needed to stop.
"Buck!" you shouted, coming barreling into the play room.
"wa's wrong, y/n/n?" he asked, abandoning his legos. his question was answered, however, when Steve came into the room, his face red and angry.
"little girl, get your butt back here, this instant." he said, and you shook your head. you moved to hide behind Bucky, and buried your face in his sweater.
"Dada, why you so mad?" Bucky asked.
"your sister got into my art supplies, and is now lying to me about it." he said, his hands resting on his hips.
"b-but-" Bucky said, desperate to defend you, but Steve cut him off.
"no, don't go making excuses for her."
"i not!"
"she's the one in trouble, not you-"
"Dada, i da one who did it!" Bucky shouted, and Steve shut his mouth immediately, the anger disappearing in an instant. "she wan'ed a colourin' page, and i thought dat you put dem in your office, so i went to wook! dey were under your art supp'ies so i just moved dem!" he explained and Steve sighed, running a hand over his face. "i sorry i forgot to put dem back, but don' blame y/n/n for it!" Bucky began to shout, his voice rising in volume.
Bucky turned around and wrapped you in his arms, letting you cry.
"baby girl, i'm so sorry." Steve said, trying to approach you, but you shrieked as he came closer, and Bucky jumped into protective mode.
"no, Dada!" Bucky said. "don' go near her! you upset her! i mad at you!"
"buddy, i just want to comfort her," Steve tried to explain, but Bucky shook his head.
"no! you make her cwy! i comfort her, you go 'way!" he insisted, and lifted you up into his arms. "c'mon, y/n/n, wet's go outside." he said, carrying you to the back door, leaving Steve standing in the playroom, unsure how to fix the mess he made with his two babies.
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