#I need to MOVE OUT
shweetshmoney · 2 months
As a 12th houser I always have the urge to move away from where I came from/live
Combined with Lilith and Pluto conjunct IC and IC ruler being in 8th house emphasizing it even more lmao
It's giving "✨️I belong to a better community because I don't match with people's stup!d standards here✨️"
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god i want to live alone so bad. i would love for there Not to be other people in my fucking house
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imsilay · 6 months
we were too close to the stars (i saw König in my dream but my mom woke me up before the best part)
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pupkou · 24 days
my mom asked me what i wanted for dinner and i told her what i wanted and she said no so i said okay ill just eat something from home then and she started crying and said i was giving her anxiety .
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ratinthevoid · 5 months
being even semi openly queer is so scary. i'm vibing and then i feel like i'm 12 and bullied again
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radiobob214 · 2 months
Hate it when I'm hungry but there's people in the kitchen. I want to eat lunch without being perceived.
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boyfrawd · 26 days
I need $5,000 for Netflix nd som clothes nd stuff
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korixae · 7 months
yes mum this is my second slice of cheesecake and waht
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fatandnerdy30 · 4 months
So it's official. I have to move out of my house. Let me explain.
Last weekend I had to go to a friend's house to watch her pets since she was going out for the weekend and had no one to watch them. She had 5 cats and 1 puppy and one of the cats has ibd so he needs medication 4x a day.
I had to leave a day early because she wanted to get out of the house early in the morning the next day. So I told my mother, and yes, I live with my mother still, fight me, lol.
My mother throws a fit and gets angry when I tell her because it was short notice, and I was a little angry at that as well. So I understood. So I was there from Thursday night until Monday night. I called my mother on Saturday night, and I told her I missed her. She said that she missed having help in the house. me. So when I got home is where it got bad.
When I texted my mother that I'll be home that Monday, she gives me nothing but attitude through the texts. So when I walked in the door, the first thing she did was attack me about my room, which I didn't ask her to clean but she went in and cleaned up the literally 10 bottles and 2 pairs of socks and blasted me for it.
First off, I have sjogrens syndrome, so that means I'm thirsty like all the time, so I drink a LOT of water. And I leave them in my room until Monday when the garbage goes out. She knows this and hasn't said anything about it. So I tell her thank you for doing that and that I didn't ask her to clean my room but I appreciate it.
So it was dinner time, so we all sat down, and I declared I missed everyone that weekend. There was silence, and then they started talking amongst themselves as if I hadn't said anything. My brother and my mother just talked about all the food they ordered out while I was gone like me not being there was such a heavy burden lifted that they could get take out.
Tonight was the straw that broke the camels back, though. I had baked a cake for my brother's birthday, and it cracked im half, and I was upset, and rightfully so. I commented with tears in my voice that everything I do for others gets messed up and my mother just tells me to 'shut the fuck up'.
Now I know where I stand in the household and I'm done. I pay for the internet, I pay my phone and I cook/clean. I'm done. I need out. So hopefully I'll be moving to Maryland next year after I've had time to save up some money.
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irepookie · 2 months
Hey, fellow queers, anyone else getting side eyes and shit rained on them for supporting other queer people?
I'm asexual and cis but I'll get passionate and furious if I see, say, a nb/trans person getting humiliated or oppressed and I'll speak up about it and my parents go like "why do you care so much you don't know them, don't work for them, etc" and I'm like.... Those are my people? My fellow human queer folks who are being discriminated against? That's my cause, that's what being a community is about?
So anyone else going through this? I need some support I'm going to cry.
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compassmili · 2 months
Anyone else with BPD know when you just have that rage that just fucking sits in your chest and makes it impossible to breathe or function but because you aren't actually experiencing it at a true level and instead it's resting beneath and piling up you can't cope with it so you just have to exist with the feeling of being angry emotionally but not cognitively and the intense chest pain and shortness of breath or is this just me.
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fizzyghosts · 3 months
My mom has a 4 day weekend
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ilkkawhat · 3 months
never ceases to scare me when someone has a tantrum with violent swearing and then two seconds later acts like everything is okay and as if he didn't just wake you up from all of that he asks you, in a very loud and forcibly pleasant voice, how you're doing today
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branmer · 4 months
every now and then i am abruptly reminded that my mum has very socially conservative views on stuff, like really really socially conservative, and i just want to crawl into a hole in shame and never come out
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necrosaltis · 4 months
ugh the trans man joy of walking around shirtless. i usually get rly uncomfortable with my chest but when i treat it as just a boys thing its not so bad. i wanna walk around shirtless more
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afterthedreamer · 4 months
lol new level of controlling abusive step father just dropped. He’s banned the family from using the kitchen trash can (which is a trash compactor) because we weren’t compacting the trash as many times as he wanted (every single time a singular piece of trash was put into it). I’m actually losing my mind :)
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