#I need to find a sugar daddy and persuade him to give me enough money to buy at least a half decent violin or I will combust
toubledrouble · 11 months
I miss playing violin so much but I'm so broke that I just have to suffer
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ignitedbynatsu · 4 years
Little Devils
A/N: @exhaustedpotat0 I hope I exceeded your expectations 🤗. Fun fact about me; I get story ideas at the most random times during the day, like for example when I’m making chocolate milk, poof there is an idea I’ve been trying to come up with for days (yes I am 20, yes I still prefer chocolate milk above coffee, fight me 🥊). ANyWaz thank you for the request and support!
Warnings: near death experience I guess? Bribing if that’s a warning
Genre: fluff? Crack? Idk tbh 
"It is time for the annual girls-day!" Cana announced as soon as she walked into the guild.
The Fairy Tail girls had picked a date and proclaimed it as the Fairy Queens off day. That day no girl of the guild would work a job or work at the guild itself. They'd all go out of town and enjoy a peaceful day at a resort.
It would be your first time since you had only recently joined the guild because Laxus had requested it. He proposed the idea since you were a bartender at a bar a couple of streets away. He didn't see the point when you could just work here in the guild alongside Mira-Jane. Everyone knew that the real reason was actually, so he could keep a close eye on you and making sure you were okay, but God forbid he'd ever say that out loud.
"I can't," you said as you separated your boys from fighting. Aidan and Keishi were the spitting images of their father. Both having the same blonde locks paired with two soft eyes matching yours.
"Why not?" Erza asked as she helped you.
"I can't leave the boys unattended" you explained as you picked up the crying child and placed him on your hip while Erza scolded the other.
"Let Laxus do it" Bisca shrugged her shoulder as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Alzack did so with Romeo when he was still a child"
You bit the inside of your cheek as you let the suggestion sink in. Laxus had never cared for the children alone. You were always around, and if for some reason you had to go do something, one of the girls was always there to assist him.
"I don't know" you mumbled as your eyes landed on Laxus that was unbothered chatting with Freed and Bickslow.
"Come on, (Y/N). He'll be fine. He's their dad after all" Levy tried to persuade you.
"Oi! You girls still here? Shouldn't you be leaving for your annual girls day?" Natsu asked, ditching the argument he had with Gray just moments ago.
"That's the plan, but (Y/N) doesn't want to go because she isn't sure if she should leave the kids alone" Lucy explained.
Upon hearing the explanation, Laxus decided to stand up and join the conversation as well "they wouldn't be alone, they'll have me"
"Are you sure you'll be able to handle them?" You asked as you looked up at your significant other.
"Is that a challenge?" He shot back while raising an eyebrow in amusement.
"No! No, of course not. It's just... They can be a lot sometimes" you hurriedly explained at which a soft chuckle left his lips, followed by a kiss pressed against your head "I'll be fine"
"Then it's settled! Let's go!" Lisanna yelled as she linked her arm with her sister, basically dragging the older girl with her as she left the guild.
Erza grabbed your arm, refraining you from turning back "Call me if something happens! I'll be back as soon as I can! I love you!"
And with that all the women of Fairy Tail had left the guild, leaving only the men and children behind.
The first few hours flew by as if nothing had changed, the biggest adjustment being Mira-Jane or you not filling their cups when they were empty.
"I really don't understand what (Y/N) was making a big deal out of. This day has passed by swimmingly" Bickslow chuckled as he placed his foot on the table while leaning back in the chair. Normally you or Mira would've scolded him, but with neither of you being there, he thought he'd take advantage of it.
Karma was lurking around the corner, cause as soon as the words rolled off Bickslow's tongue, everything went South.
Your children started a competition to see who could climb the highest point in the guild. They were both a couple of feet in the air when the youngest slipped, losing all flooring underneath his feet.
Had it not been for Jet's speed, the fall would have been catastrophic. "Not a word to (Y/N) about this"
Laxus was desperately comforting Keishi who was inconsolable as he just saw his short life flash before his very own eyes. Meanwhile, Gray and Natsu were trying their hardest to get the eldest down.
"Aiden! Get down here!" Natsu ordered as he started climbing up as well. The child didn't listen, only climbing higher as he took notice of the struggling adult.
His laughter filled the guild, but that soon turned into screams as the Fire Dragon Slayer got hold of his leg. "No! Let go of me!"
Natsu succeeded in getting down safely along with Aiden that was now also crying uncontrollably, leaving Laxus with two very upset children.
"Mommy!" "I want mommy!" The two cried out for their mother that was unbeknownst to the situation, relaxing in a hot spring a couple of cities away.
Laxus held Keishi close, rocking him softly as his hand softly rubbed circles on his back. He had seen you do this countless times, so why did it seem so hard when he did it? Elfman held the oldest, copying Laxus as good as he could.
"Shouldn't we call (Y/N)?" Gray sighed, annoyance evident on his face as every attempt at trying to calm the boys down seemed to fail.
"No!" Laxus exclaimed, earning him even louder sobs from the young child in his arms. He shushed him before returning to Gray in a lower voice "(Y/N) doesn't think I can handle our children"
"I can see why" Natsu snickered, resulting in a murderous look from the father.
"Freed, can't you put them in like a soundproof box or something with your magic" Gajeel groaned at the loud wails that kept coming from your children.
"You will not do such a thing" Laxus snapped at Gajeel in a hushed tone, already learning from his previous mistakes "I will prove to (Y/N) that I'm perfectly capable of taking care of my boys. Otherwise, she'll never trust me with them again"
"We still have a couple of hours left until the girls come back. We could try bribing them with sweet, perhaps?" Freed suggested.
Everyone turned to look at the green-haired mage as if he was an angel that was sent from up above. "Why didn't you say so earlier!"
"Aidan, Keishi, if you stop crying we'll go get ice cream" Laxus tried and at the sound of the cold deliciousness, their crocodile tears slowly came to a halt.
"Can we have two flavors, daddy?" Keishi asked as he looked at his father with puppy dog eyes.
"No- yes, fine, you can have two flavors" Laxus quickly changed his answer as he saw tears forming back in the corner of his eyes. He knew you'd have his head if you found out. The two boys really turned into little nightmares if they had too much sugar.
"Yay! Let's go" Aidan exclaimed happily, wriggling in Elfman's arms, signalling that he wanted to be put on the ground.
Laxus let both his sons grab a hand as they guided him out of the guild and to the ice cream shop.
"Please don't come back!" Gajeel called after them as they stepped outside the guild, sighing happily at the thought of some peace and quietness.
"Alright, now boys, I need you to listen to daddy for a second" the dragon slayer crouched down to look at them on eye-level while the two carelessly licked away at the sweet dessert in their hands. "Mommy can't find out about today. It was a normal relaxing day without any problems, alright?"
"What's in it for us?" Aidan asked as he looked at his father, still eating the ice cream that had slightly melted on his hand.
"What the- there's nothing in it for you. I am your father" Laxus started but stopped when the boys shared an unimpressed look. For being only 3 and 4, the two definitely had an attitude. "Fine I'll each give you 5 bucks that you can spend in the candy shop"
"10" Keishi chimed in.
Laxus stood perplexed. Was he really negotiating with his own children? More importantly, how was he the one losing the negotiation? "Fine"
The elder mage did as promised, handing both boys their money to which they high-fived. "Let's go back, the girls are about to return home"
Not even 5 minutes later as the three arrived back at Fairy Tail, the girls had returned.
"Mommy!" The two children ran up to you once they caught a glimpse of your face "boys!"
Laxus walked up as well, giving you a soft peck on your lips, earnings fake gagging from Aidan and Keishi "boys that's enough. How did it go, baby?"
"Normal, not much out of the ordinary, right boys?" As on cue, your children nodded their head in agreement.
"Really? So I could leave you more often with the boys?" You eyed him suspiciously, already picking up on his small habit of twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers when he was nervous or lying.
"No! I mean, I think I should help you take care of them more regularly. I'm sorry for ditching you so often to sit with the guys" he apologized at which a small chuckle escape your lips.
You wondered what happened today, but decided not to press it. It will be a secret between all the men at Fairy Tail and you respected it, knowing very well one would slip up when they had a couple of beers too much "it's alright, and I would love that"
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Sugar and Spice [Maxwell Lord x Reader] - Chapter 1
Summary: When you are evicted from your apartment by your toxic ex boyfriend and have no place to go, who do you turn to? Alone in the city as the countdown to Christmas begins, you find yourself applying for a job as the assistant of the world’s biggest entrepreneur; Maxwell Lord. Little do you know, he has other intentions for you. No doubt about it, this Christmas will truly be like no other.
Word count: 4k
Warnings: Eventual smut, mentions of a previous verbally abusive relationship, typical 80s misogyny (but very little of it), mentions of food and drink, alcohol consumption. This is a sugardaddy x sugarbaby fic soooo... a daddy k!nk too oops.
But in this chapter - mentions of a verbally abusive relationship
Author’s note: Happy November 1st! Here is chapter one of December Magic. I am so so grateful for how many people have asked to be part of a taglist/enjoyed the prologue. It makes me so happy. If you want to be tagged in future parts please let me know! Enjoy x
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Waking up on December 1st, you had no idea what was in store for you. You had no idea how the coming month would change your life forever.
It was that time of the year again. Your favourite time of year, and boy were you a sucker for tradition. Any excuse to light your cinnamon and pinecone scented candles and wear the cosiest wooliest sweaters you could find. The time of year where you would search around in storage for your favourite cashmere gloves, tartan scarf and faux fur hat. It was the time of year where you had to have your car defrosted every morning. The thought of your peppermint mocha warming your hands as you did your Christmas shopping was something to look forward to all year round.
The crisp cool air hung above your shoulders. Washington DC felt bigger than life when you were amongst the bustling December crowds, city life filled with people running around trying to get sorted in time for Christmas. The whole city was painted in thick layers of white snow and an abundance of glittering fairy lights. WHAM’s new Christmas song was a number one hit and the catchy melody filled up the department store on every main street corner. But this year was different to any other.
“You can’t pay, you can’t live here. You have three days to box up your stuff before you’re evicted.” Your landlord, Tristan, said sternly, his voice completely monotone and with no empathy whatsoever. You knew it was coming. You had determined that this was your karma.
“Please, it’s Christmas and I’ve just been laid off from my job. You know my family don’t live in the state and-”
“Not my problem,” Tristan snapped back, a small smirk playing on his lips. He had a habit of interrupting you, but doing so at this very moment irked you like no other time. “You’re a big girl. Figure it out.” And with that, he slammed his door in your face.
You stood there momentarily trying to process the confrontation that had just occurred between not only your landlord, but also ex-boyfriend, Tristan. You consider yourself lucky to have a place as nice as your apartment. It was located right in the centre of Washington DC, a two bedroom, one bathroom, with an outstanding view of the city. You always admired how it looked at night, with eccentric tall buildings lighting up the skyline. But now you were essentially made homeless, and you knew for a fact that Tristan was getting a rise out of making you suffer like this.
That’s exactly why you broke up with him. He liked to have power over you, and everyone else he met. He wanted to be the top man. He wanted to be feared; and by the rest of the people in the building? He was. But by you, not so much. His attempts to make you scared were foolish and you wouldn’t stand for it. You’d think for someone who made a living from robbing people of their hard earned money, they would be able to afford a better anniversary dinner than Pizza Hut— but no. The two of you sat in the restaurant and you were lazily dipping your nachos into the cheese sauce when he came out with something preposterous. 
“I’m thinking about upping rent,” Tristan informed you with his signature smile. “By forty percent.”
You almost choked on your food. “Forty percent?!” you gasped, covering your mouth as you coughed slightly. “You can’t do that!” You knew that you could get out of paying it because, girlfriend privilege. But you were also aware of the financial status of your neighbours. The family of five who could barely afford to put food on the table, and the teenage boy who had to drop out of school to work and make an earning so he could provide medication for his sick mother. They were already struggling and with a rent rise, you just knew they wouldn't be able to take it.
“And why not?” Tristan raised an eyebrow quizzically, taking a bite of the floppy slice of pizza. You scrunch your nose up as you watched him eat with his mouth open, bits of cheese falling out and onto the table.
“Because it’s not fair,” You told him. “It’s greedy. If you need extra cash you could always look for another job. Even if it’s just part time! I heard Black Gold Cooperative are hiring and you just know the pay will be good-”
Tristan slammed his fists on the table, making you jump at his sudden movement. A few heads turned to face you both and you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “Black Gold Cooperative?” He snarled. “And work for that self righteous asshole Maxwell Lord? I don’t think so, sweetie.”
You sighed at his audacity to call anyone else self righteous before giving the chance to check his own behaviour.
“It was just a suggestion.” You mumbled, avoiding eye contact with him.
“Right, because you don’t think being a landlord is a real job.” Tristan said nastily. His tone of voice sent a shiver down your spine. He was doing it again. He was speaking down to you because it was the only way he could exert power over you. “Says the girl who pours coffee all day and only works twenty hours a week and barely makes enough to avoid a goddamn bowl of pasta from Pizza Hut.” He pointed at your bowl of nachos that you had selected from the Starters menu.
You were getting really sick of his attitude. “It’s dishonest work.” You growled back at him. “You overcharge families and people who can barely get by just so they can have a roof over their head! Don’t you see how immoral that is?”
“Someone has to do it.” He shrugged cooly, taking a sip of his red wine.
“But you’re going about it the wrong way!”
“Right.” Tristan stood up and grabbed your arm. He pulled you out of your chair and dragged you outside of the restaurant. 
“Let go of me!” You cried out, yanking your arm out of his hard grip. You rubbed where his fingers had dug into your skin and had no doubt it would leave a bruise.
“Oh, I’m sorry, is the broke ass barista telling me how to do my job? You’re the one to talk. You’re nothing. And you’d be nothing without me. Look at yourself,” Tristan scoffed, and suddenly he was making you feel very self conscious. “You were foolish enough to think you could move to DC and make something of yourself. You have ambition but you don’t know how to use it. And the way you tried to embarrass me during our anniversary dinner…” He was doing what he always did. Villainsing you.
“I never want to see you again.” You spat, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. Your voice was shaky but you didn't want to break down in front of him. You didn't want to give him that satisfaction.
“That’ll be hard since we live in the same building,” he rolled his eyes and tried grabbing your hand again but you flinched away, fear prevailing in your eyes. “Oh come on baby.”
“Don’t call me that.” You said through gritted teeth. “I’m calling a cab. And don’t bother calling me. See you around Tristan.” 
And that was the last time you had seen Tristan, until today— talk about bad break-ups. 
You shuffled upstairs back to your apartment and slumped against the door trying to figure out how you were going to find a new place to live in three days. Maybe if you found a job you could persuade Tristan to let you stay a little longer. You knew that's what he wanted. Everything he had done, everything he said, was to scare you. But Tristan was attached and despite threatening to evict you, he didn't want to see you leave.
You wanted out. Your apartment was filled with bad memories and maybe this was your opportunity to start fresh. This could be your calling. But judging from your current situation and the time of year, you figured you’d be lucky just finding a roadside motel to spend Christmas day in— and you really didn't want that. You grabbed the phone book from under your coffee table and walked over to the dial up phone hung by the kitchen door. Locating one of the most popular property marketplaces in central DC, you dialled up and found your fingers twirling in the telephone wire.
“Hey,” you greeted.
“Hello!” an older sounding lady chirped on the other end of the line. “How can I be of service?”
“I um, I gotta find a place to live— and fast. I’m getting evicted and my budget, well, I don’t have a lot-” your eyes scanned the living room as you weighed up possible things you could sell for just a little more cash.
“Oh, I’m sorry dear. We’re shut for the holidays and there's no place in DC that will help you find a place before new year,” She said sadly and you couldn't believe your bad luck. No place at all? “It really is a shame that you're being evicted, but if you drop into our store after the new year, I’d love to help you find a place that is suitable for you and your budget!”
You were left rendered speechless. “I- I’m going to be homeless.” you said to yourself, the fact finally dawning on you. You knew that you wouldn't ever be truly homeless and that Tristan would be more than happy to let you stay with him during the holiday season but the thought of having to go back to him knocked you sick. You’d rather freeze on a street corner than feel his embrace once more. You wondered if you could travel back home to see your family. “Hey, are there any train trips or flights to Oregon?” you asked.
“Nope,” the lady popped her p and she sounded far too cheery for your liking. “Tickets have been sold out for months. I could get you a flight for January 12th?”
“No.” you mumbled. “My car broke down… but what are the chances I could get a cabbie to Oregon?”
“You want to get a cab to Oregon?” The woman on the other end laughed in disbelief, and you supposed that could be justified. “You can't be serious. Besides, Astoria bridge has been closed down due to last week's snow storm and I can't see it reopening until after the snow has cleared. Heaven knows when that will be.”
Tristan had really caught you in a loop. “So there is no way I can find a place to stay, nor travel to Oregon, at all, this month?”
“I’m sorry dear.”
“Okay, well thank you for your help.” You said wistfully, feeling dread forming in the pit of your stomach.
“Merry Christmas and have a hap-” You hung up on her.
You weren't ready to give up hope just yet. If there was one thing you always clung on to, it was faith. Your belief that everything happens for a reason and everything is sure to work out for the best in the end. You figured you could go job hunting and then tell Tristan you would be able to pay him double once you got your first paycheck. No, it wasn't ideal but what other choice did you have?
You grabbed your jacket and purse before leaving your apartment. Did you have a plan? No. You didn't even have your resumé with you.
You plodged your feet through the snow, your socks dampening even through your boots but finally made it to the bustling main street. You looked in the windows of all the different department stores and in desperate search for hiring signs, even going inside and inquiring with members of staff— but there were no positions available.
Just then, you found yourself outside of Black Gold Cooperative and you remembered that they were hiring. Granted, you didn't know what the position was, and figured you almost certainly didn't have the qualifications to work for such a prestigious business.
You looked up at the tall building, always feeling like an overwhelmed tiny insect when you stood next to it. It sparkled a sleek black and in a large, gold, cursive font BGC was displayed so high it looked over the whole city. It was certainly the tallest skyscraper you had ever seen with your own pair of eyes. In that moment, you almost backed down. But this wasn't a choice anymore and you had to shoot your shot. Just roll with it. You told yourself.
You were able to take a peek at the lobby in the double door entrance. Everything was marble with gold embellishments. If you hadn't known any better, you would've thought it was a palace. Trodding over the red carpet, you were stopped by a man’s arm, not allowing you to enter. “Name and business?" He asked, his voice rough. You looked up at him. Tall and broad, no hair and dressed in all black. A doorman that looked like a nightclub bodyguard. If you weren't intimidated you would've laughed.
“Sorry?” you asked, trying your best to sound as innocent and polite as could be.
“Name and business.” He repeated, his tone of voice the same. He didn't budge— still standing there with his arms folded against his chest. You weren't even sure if he was looking at you, with his black sunglasses hiding his face.
“Uhm,” you stood on your tip toes and took a glance at the clipboard which was pressed between his forearm and chest. Names that had been typewritten were printed on the page and most of them had been crossed out— bar one. You read out the name. “Barbara Minerva.” you said confidently. He looked at you for sure this time and pulled his glasses off, narrowing his eyes. He took the clipboard and checked for your fake name and sure enough, there it was.
“You’re Barbara Minerva?” he beckoned, raising an eyebrow.
“The one and only.” you lied with a charming smile. “And my business is…. actually I'm here for a job interview.”
“Oh!” the man grinned, like something had clicked in his mind. He scribbled out Barbara's name on your clipboard and ushered you inside. “Mr Lord’s office is on the top floor. Best of luck Ms Minerva.”
When you entered the lobby, warmth washed over your body and you couldn't help but smile. It was all lit up with yellow fairy lights and an enormous twelve foot Christmas tree in the centre. The tree was decorated with red and golden baubles. It was simply magnificent and looked like it was straight out of a catalogue.
You walked over to the elevator and pressed the button. No way would you be walking up 22 flights of stairs to the top floor. You really couldn't believe you were even granted access to the building, nevermind the fact you now had an interview with the self acclaimed and prestigious mutli-billionaire Maxwell Lord. A feeling of dread filled your stomach. What if he caught on? What if he figured out you weren't this Barbara woman? Could you go to jail? You tried your best to shrug the feeling off and remain confident. To be honest, you'd rather spend Christmas locked away in a cell than with Tristan. You promised yourself that this would be worth it.
The top floor was sleek, a long and wide corridor with an office at the very end. Marble statues were dotted around, and the walls were filled with oil paintings bordered with solid gold frames. At the front, not too far from where the elevator had dropped you off, was a help desk. Three women with sleek hair and matching pencil skirts scoped you out, almost glaring at you. You were sure you noticed one of them stifle a laugh. But you were too mesmerised by your surroundings to care. Everywhere you looked was just so magnificent.
"Can I help you?" one of the ladies snapped you out of your thoughts. Your head bolted in their direction.
"Oh!" you exclaimed, pulling off your faux fur hat and sliding the gloves off your fingers. You shoved them hap-hazardly in your coat pocket. "I'm Barbara Minerva," you introduced yourself with the politest smile you could muster. "I have an interview with Maxwell Lord?"
The three girls gawked at you in silence. It was like you had grown a third head. "You have an interview with Mr Lord?" one of the women raised her eyebrows. She flicked her blonde long ponytail and settled a hand on her hip.
You hesitated, considering her rude attitude for a moment. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do."
The three girls started at you for just a beat too long before one of them, with the sleekest ebony hair you had ever seen, handed you a document. "You need to sign this NDA." she said simply, rolling a pen over to you.
Your eyes scanned the document which just so happened to be very vague. "Why the need for a non disclosure agreement?" you beckoned. "It's just a job interview."
The blonde girl snorted and the ebony haired girl slapped her arm. "Yeah, just a job interview." The blonde assistant rolled her eyes, a small smirk playing on her lips. "We don't make the rules, Mr Lord does. And we know better than to question him."
This was really odd. You wondered if it was really worth it but you had already come this far— you couldn't just walk out now. You sighed and signed your name over the NDA. The blonde girl let out a cackle.
"Is there a problem?" you questioned, stone faced and unamused.
Your heart was racing. These ladies were so pushy and you were certain that if it was going to go wrong at some point— it would be now.
"No, not at all," a girl with chestnut hair smiled. "That's just Stephanie being a bitch as per usual." The blonde girl, who you now could identify as Stephanie gasped.
"I am not a bitch!" Stephanie cried.
"You kinda are." The ebony haired girl shrugged her shoulders.
"Shut up Amanda!" Stephanie spat. Amanda rolled her eyes and blew a bubble of gum before analysing her nail beds.
"Brittany started it." Amanda accused and before you knew it, the three girls began to cat fight each other.
"I- I'm just going to take a seat over there." You said, trying to speak over the girls who were shouting at each other.
"Amanda you know Mr Lord hates it when you blow bubbles with your gum!" Stephanie accused, narrowing her eyes.
"She does it because he still won't let her blow him." Brittany cackled.
"That is not true." Amanda gasped again, shaking her head.
You felt yourself waver out of their little argument, truly taken by surprise at how unprofessional they were being. You expected higher standards from people who were employed by Maxwell Lord. You shuffled into the black leather sofa, trying to get cosy when the double doors to his office opened. You adjusted yourself, watching as a young looking girl walked out. She didn't make eye contact with anyone, her movements were almost robotic.
"How do you think she coped?" You heard Stephanie whisper.
"Look at her," Brittany replied. "She's a mess. I better go check on Mr Lord."
"No, I'll check on Mr Lord."
"NO, I'll check on Mr Lord."
Once again, you muffled out their argument and paid close attention to the girl. As she neared you, you saw her lipstick was smeared to one side and her cheeks were tear stained— black kohl eyeliner smudged just as much as her lipstick. Had she been crying? You felt your nerves increase and you picked up on the fact that she was walking with a limp. Noticing the three girls race to Maxwell's office, you took the chance to approach the young girl. You stood up and held your hand out.
"Hey, are you okay?" you asked her, taking a compact mirror out of your purse and handing it to her. She shook her head, rejecting your sentiment. "What- uhm, what's he like?" You asked her hesitantly.
"He's just the way you imagine him to be." She told you with a shaky exhale. You rolled your shoulders back as you contemplated her words. You hadn't really thought much of Maxwell Lord. Of course, everyone in the world knew who he was. For generations, the Lord family had shares in the oil drilling enterprise, but Maxwell Lord IV made a name for himself when he bought out 90% of the oil fields around the world; his father only owning a measly and yet still impressive 15% before him. The front page of Forbes magazine three years in a row— practically the face of 80s television with his cheesy infomercials being broadcast on every channel, every time of the day. Everyone knew his face, they knew his voice, they knew Maxwell Lord. Stories about him graced the tabloids, speculating who his latest lover was, whether or not there had been a new strain on his family and what his financial earnings looked like circa 1984. "He's just getting cleaned up now," the girl informed you with hazy eyes. "Maybe do yourself a favour and bring yourself tissue."
"That bad huh?" you bit your finger anxiously.
"No, he's amazing." the girl swooned. "I just hope I get a call back."
Okay, now you were really confused. "Well, good luck." You offered her a warm smile but she just bit her lip and continued limping to the elevator. A few moments later, the three girls who manned the main desk approached you. Stephanie took a step forward, offering you quite possibly the fakest smile you had ever seen.
"Mr Lord will see you know."
Taglists: [comment or drop me an ask if here if you would like to be added]
December Magic: @goth-topic (im so sorry it won’t let me tag you) @kiwi-the-first​ @100layersofdaddyissues​ @mrschiltoncat​ @honeymandos​ @thisisthe-way​
Permanent: @supernaturalgirl​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @ah-callie​ @luvzoria​
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flowesona · 4 years
The Hermit - Yandere! Seokjin x reader
The Tarot Series
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Warning: Mentions of Suicide, Explicit Content
Seokjin could not find real love for the life of him. Everyone around him was too vain, too obsessed with themselves to care about him. Everyone was hungry for money, or attention, and it made him sick. In his desperation for romance he turned to the previously taboo area for relationships - the internet.
He could find someone that shared his passions. He was even prepared to pretend to like something, just to find that special someone. But luckily he didn’t have to seek out anyone as desperate as he was. She just stumbled into his lap incidentally.
He’d found that Discord was the easiest way to find friendly, chatty people to satiate his hunger for love. That was how he’d found her, on some server about a video game he’d played casually a few times. He’d been pleasantly surprised when she sent him a message individually, asking if he was down to play a few rounds with her.
He’d instantly asked his friend to borrow his console, since this girl didn’t use PC. Jungkook had been persuaded to hand over his console with enough bribery and guilt tripping, and Jin was set to win the game and her heart.
“What do you do for a living then?” (Y/N) was relaxed enough, sat back in her chair with her knees to her chest and eyes on the screen.
“I’m a model. You?” Her teammate answered simply. Sure, he was only beginning his career, but what harm could a little white lie do?
“A model? That’s really cool. Guess I’m going to be the ugly friend, huh?” She laughed, before going silent to focus on the game.
“You didn’t answer me. What do you do?” Jin didn’t seem content to let silence take over.
“I’m stuck in a permanent limbo buddy. I don’t really know what I want to do once I’ve graduated. If I graduate that is.” 
(Y/N) sighed, shifting in her seat slightly.
“I can help you. I’m successful enough to-” She laughed, cutting off his wheedling statement.
“Not happening. You can kill me before I let you become my sugar daddy, buddy.”
“Seokjin.” He responded quietly. “My name’s Seokjin, but you can just call me Jin.”
“Well, Jin if you want to help me out maybe take care of these people behind me?”
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
He’d finally convinced her to skype him, to allow him to see her face after weeks of asking. Jin’s fingers trembled as he typed in the username and sent the request, an odd feeling in his stomach. Anticipation but also a slight fear - what if she didn’t look how he imagined his ideal woman to be? What if he’d wasted all his energy on a catfish?
But the face that appeared on his screen was nothing less than that of a goddess. It was as if his fantasy had been projected before him, as if his Galatea had been breathed into life.
“Hey Jin? You okay?” Her words shook him out of his trance and he nodded eagerly.
“It’s nice to put a face to the voice.” He said light-heartedly, flashing her a charming grin.
“You catch the lea- oh hold on a second.” (Y/N) left briefly, leaving Jin to stare at his own reflection in pity, to see the sad man he had become doting endlessly after a girl who couldn’t talk to him for a full minute without being interrupted.
Luckily, he only had to suffer for a few minutes as she re-entered the view of the webcam with a decently sized package in her hands.
“Sorry about that buddy. I forgot that my shoes were being delivered today.” It was that repeated use of the casual nickname that was starting to make his heart ache. As if she saw him as a friend and nothing more.
“Hey, (Y/N)?” He called her attention away from her parcel, revelling in her ethereal face. “Do you have a boyfriend you’ve never told me about?”
“Nope.” She responded. “And don’t you even think about trying to weasel your way into that role.”
“Why? Would I not be the perfect boyfriend?” His tone was teasing but his heart was thumping in his chest at the conversation.
“You are the perfect friend, Jin. I would happily hook you up with one of my close friends some time if you’re looking for love.”
“Yeah….” Throughout the rest of their conversation there was a notable absence of Jin’s normal self. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t convince himself to be happy when she could never be his.
Yet he couldn’t stop himself. No matter how much she talked about him being a friend he was constantly pulled further into his obsession with her.
He hadn’t even realised that he’d gone too far when he contacted the leader of their discord (a personal friend of hers) to ask her last name. He wasn’t even aware of how fucked up it was when he solicited a professional to dig up as much personal information as possible on her. There wasn’t a sliver of sanity left when he ‘casually’ took a stroll through her neighbourhood, waiting for her to bump into him and invite him back to her place.
Jin had gone crazy for her, and she didn’t even know.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
“(Y/N), you could do a lot better.” The older man said sternly, taking off his glasses. She stayed silent, hands on her knees to keep them from bouncing.
“I know, I might have rushed it since I was so busy with-” As the pair spoke, they were unaware of the third party spying on them. Jin had found a peephole in the storage room next to the professor’s office, and was watching the whole interaction with a second hand anxiety for her situation. 
“Well, there’s a few ways that you could make it better. I haven’t logged the grade in the system yet, so you could try again. Or, you can do me a little favour and I’ll log it as a B plus.” Jin watched in horror as (Y/N) cautiously nodded and got down on her knees, her hands unbuckling the older man’s belt.
He felt like he was going to be sick seeing (Y/N) being so intimate with another man, but he simply couldn’t bring himself to look away. He started to imagine himself in her professor’s position, thinking about how it would feel to have her mouth on him, her mischievous eyes looking up at him, and before he knew it he had one hand in his pants and another covering his mouth, hoping the walls weren’t too thin and they wouldn’t be able to hear their voyeuristic partner. But it was over too soon, (Y/N) standing up to wipe at her lips and muttering some kind of thank you as she left, trying to fix her appearance.
Jin started to make himself presentable as well, wiping his hand on his jeans. He checked back on the professor, seeing that he was packing away his laptop, ready to go home for the night.
Jin had to do something to stop this monster plaguing his (Y/N)’s life, and fast. 
He slunk out of the janitor’s closet, hoping to fit in as he walked to the parking lot. There, after checking that there weren’t any security cameras watching, he waited. Only half paying attention to his phone, some music blaring through his headphones so that he was camouflaged into the university setting, no one was even aware that he could possibly have the means to kill tucked away the back of his jeans.
Finally, the professor walked out, a tower of books in his hands. Jin approached him with a charming smile.
“Need any help there, professor? You seem to be struggling with that!” He offered, his hand outstretched to take some of the weight off his shoulders.
“Oh, thank you young man. My car is just over here.” The man smiled gratefully, bending to let Jin take the highest books on the stack before leading him to his vehicle.
“Just put them in the trunk for me. Thanks so much for your help.” Once all the books were loaded, the professor went to enter his car only to be stopped by the feeling of a gun being pressed to his back.
“Unless you want to die, get in the car. Act natural.” Jin muttered in his ear, easing the pressure off his hostage’s back for a second. “Don’t even fucking think about running or you’ll be dead before you know it.”
The professor gave a shaky nod, climbing into the driver’s seat as Jin sat in the passenger’s seat directly behind him.
“I want you to go to your home. Don’t think about acting up to get pulled over, got it?” He hissed. 
“Why are you doing this? I swear, if it’s money you want I’ll give you whatever you need, no questions ask-”
“I thought you were smarter than to question the man holding a gun to your back. Drive.” Jin snarled, his victim jumping into action once he felt a jab through his seat.
Jin didn’t even feel bad. In his mind, it was all just, punishing the man who was coercing his perfect (Y/N) into such gross, indecent acts.
Pulling up at his residence, the professor felt slightly more at ease, thinking he could just give this maniac money or his valuables and just be free. But Jin had other plans.
“Your laptop. Bring it with you into the house. You’ll need it.” He snapped, keeping the gun low enough that it wasn’t obvious to passersby but high enough that it was still a threat. His hostage nodded sullenly, pulling out his briefcase and laptop bag.
“Now, we’re going inside your house. I don’t want any funny business, got it?” Jin said quietly, following the professor as he unlocked his front door and entered, disabling the security alarm.
“What do you want no-”
“Where do you normally sit when you’re thinking?” Jin interrupted.
“My study, why? Please, whatever you want just tell me-”
“Go there. Sit in your chair or whatever.” Jin held the gun up higher. “I’m getting impatient.”
Once he was seated, Jin finally said what he wanted.
“Get out your laptop. You’re going to write a confession about everything you’ve done wrong, the young girls you’ve abused and apologise for it all.” His victim turned as pale as a ghost.
“I-I didn’t do anything, what are you on about-”
“I’ve seen it.” Jin snarled. “Getting those girls to do you 'favours’ for passing grades? You’re sick.”
He pointed the gun right at the professor’s forehead, pressing the cool metal into his skull.
“Get writing already. If you miss anything out then I’ll know.”
It was silent for a while, the professor’s pages slowly creeping on and on, detailing every incident from the start of his career onwards until that very day, all of which had been pushed aside for so long by loyal colleagues. But his crimes were not to be ignored for much longer.
He finished typing, having left his name at the bottom of the account.
“Send it to the university board, your colleagues, your family and the Gazette. Everyone. They deserve to know who you truly are.” Jin commanded lowly. 
“Why are you involved in this? Who told you?” The scholar questioned as he started to type out the names of his colleagues, giving occasional glances up.
“You fucked my girl, (Y/N), this afternoon. I saw the whole thing, and I’m not happy about it.” Jin answered, his hands shaking slightly. “What gave you the right to ask that of her, to make her some common whore for you when she’s so much more? You’ll get what’s coming to you.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Okay, I sent it. Now what?” 
“Thank you. Now, you die.” The bullet was lodged in his victim’s brain before the man even had the chance to react, slumping forward onto his desk. Jin smirked, wiping the gun down before easing it into the corpse’s hand.
“I told you would get what was coming to you.” He taunted the corpse before leaving, praying that he hadn’t left a trace.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
“(Y/N), you seem different.” Jin commented, only half concentrating on his gameplay. Most of his attention had been drawn by how stunning (Y/N) looked through her webcam. She was practically glowing, and Jin was honoured to have a front row seat to her euphoria.
“Oh. It’s kind of fucked up that I’m happy about this, but my professor shot himself yesterday apparently. He was a real creep and it’s weirdly liberating to be able to talk about what he did.” She sighed.
“Really?” Jin answered, heart thumping.
“He made me… well, at least he’s gone. He confessed to everything, so at least his victims are at peace knowing his crimes have been exposed.” (Y/N) said uneasily.
“Well, at least he can’t hurt you anymore.” She gave him a warm smile, only for it to fade in a few seconds.
“Jin! Concentrate! If we lose this round I’ll gut you like a fish.”
He laughed, finally satisfied to see how (Y/N) was happy once again with her troubles gone no sooner than they’d arrived.
He’d found his true happiness was making (Y/N)’s life better from the shadows, being her ‘buddy’ to her face but her knight in shining armour behind her back. He didn’t care who it was, he’d cut anyone who was being toxic out of her life. All for his idea of love.
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maggyme13 · 4 years
Sugar (12/?)
AN: Sorry for the long wait. But here finally is the next chapter of Sugar. As you might now, I am working as an wood-working apprentice and we have extremele much work to do at the moment. SO I had no energy or time to write. I hope it will get better in the near future.
Wordcount: around 1200
Warnings: heartbreak, angst
Sugar- Masterlist
Part 11
Knowing this could easily turn into a two or even three week long stay, you packed enough of everything and even called a pharmacy in Charming to see if they had your mothers medicine in stock and how long it would take to order.
Luckily they had more than enough in stock and within two hours the little group of the three of you were on the road. With Bucky driving your rental, your mother on the passenger-seat and you in the back with your dog, explaining to your aunt what had happened  and asking her to look after your house.
She promised and was very understanding, she knew how your brother ticked, and promised to look after the house until you or your Ma returned.
Bucky had informed Loki about your change of housing (and everything around that), while you were packing the bags. He had promised that it was no problem; your Ma still promised to bake him a huge pie as thanks.
And so, you crossed the Charming County limits for the third time within a week and you hated it and knew a lot of places you would rather be; one of those was the camp you had stayed at with Monty and Bob.
Within seconds of crossing the boarder, the SUV was surrounded by the Motorcycle-crew of your brother. The group of you was escorted to your destination.
“As much as I want to tell you to just drive, follow them and hope we are not aiming for the clubhouse.”, you sighted.
“Got it.”, Bucky answered and your mother piped in as well.
“As much as I love my son. I will not stay in that house. I don´t need to see his bed-bunnies.”
“If he does, I pay for a motel-room Ma, and no arguments. I will not stay 24 / 7 in the vicinity of someone who hates me.”, you declared.
Unfortunately though did you have not other choice than to stay with your brother, he (or his club) had managed to persuade everyone in the city to not rent to you or Bucky. You had no idea why, because none of them seemed to be happy about the strange male staying at the clubhouse; but they kept your mouths shut and the two of you stayed away as much as possible, taking your mother with you.
It was a week before Christmas, when you got the call that would change a lot.
“(y/n)”, Bucky spoke, sitting down at the picnic table you and your Ma were sitting at, “Boss called. He, Thor and Sam are coming over for Christmas. Heimdal was able to organize a house.”
A smile crossed your face, finally you would be able to leave this damn place. “When will they land?”
“Five minutes ago. They are currently on their way here from the airport. Stopping on the way to get some groceries. Boss wants to have a meeting with you tomorrow.”
You understood what the man meant; a date and a (short) escape from your current hell.
“Thanks for the Info. What are you going to do tomorrow then?”
“Spending a day of with Sam. Thor is going to escort you and Boss. We will meet up again when they get you back here.”
“He is your Boss, huh?”, you heard your brother great you with a growl in his voice.
“Yes, why are you asking.”, you sighted. The small date had taken your mind of the situation at hand.
“Funny, looks for me like the two of you had a date and that was not a business one. More like he took you out of more personal reasons.”
“He is my boss. You want my employment contract?”
“Why? Does it tell me how often you have to fuck him a day?”, he spat and you could not believe what you heard.
“Don´t be so stupid. NO one lent 75k without a good reason or payback. So, did you have to bent over and take it in the ass for him to give you the money? God knows it can´t be the mouth of yours, that´s not even good for talkin´.”  A dry laugh followed his statement and the toothpick in his mouth twitched from one side to the other of his mouth.
You could not believe what just happened. Blinking in surprise you tried to find words.
“Don´t be so stupid. Ya think I don´t know what a Sugarbaby is? You are a fucking glorified whore. That you can even dare to visit Ma … Disgrace won´t even fit it.”
Shock was the only thing you felt.
“Excuse me? You may hate me, but I am still your Sister.”, you breathed.
“No Lowman sells their Body for money and I sure as hell don´t have a sister who is a whore. And Ma does not need or want a hoe as a daughter.”
“What?”, tears threatened to fall.
“You, heard me Bitch.”, he growled, “Don´t let the gate hit you on the Ass on your way out; don´t want to spoil your Daddy´s fun. Do we?”
His words were so final and his eyes so cold and black, that there was nothing you would be able to say or do.
Your brother had just disowned you and now were alone.
“Hey, (y/n), what has you looking like that? Something wrong with your Ma? Or did yer boss fire you? Let me-”, the voice of one of the few Bikers you kind of liked called, pulling you out of your shocked state.
“Mr Trager. I...I am fine, thank you. Plea-please tell Mrs Low- I will leave now. Have a nice evening.”, you answered with tears in your voice.
“Mr Trager? Mrs Low- … did you just refer to your Mother as Mrs Lowman? What happened?”, the man sounded genuinely worried.
“I need to go.”, you sobbed, almost running out of the parking lot with your smartphone in hand.
“I am  sorry to call you sobb I don´t know where to go.”, you called Bucky.
“On my way.”, he answered at once, “ You alright? What is wrong? Sam, hurry up.”
“I should be at the park in a few minutes.”, you mumbled, finally able to realize where your feet were bringing you.
“Got it. I think we already see you.”
Not a minute later, a big black car stopped next to you and your friends and protectors jumped out.
“What did he do?”, the dark haired man growled, “What did your brother do?”
He pulled you into an warm embrace, one you happily accepted.
“I don´t have one. Neither a Ma, or Aunt. At least not anymore. I am alone now. ´No Lowman sells their body and no one wants or needs a whore as a daughter´”, with the last part you paraphrased your brothers words.
“That Bastard.”, this time it was Sam who cursed, “Come on girl. Let´s get you home, and then  we will go and buy you Ice-Cream and any Chick-flick you want to see.”
You really wanted to smile at him for that offer, but at that moment there were no emotions left inside you. With a nod, you let them know you understood.
“Boss has a few meetings around town and the bordering area. Is the house okay, or do you want us to get you a Hotel room?”
“House is fine.”, you mumbled.
“Alright. Then let´s get you settled.”
Part 13
AN 2.0. Will she be locked up? and what will happen once she enters charming?
REBLOGS and comments are appreciated:)
Thank you very much.
@jadepc​@pacifyhxlsey​ @thankyoukarenclifford​
@thankyouforanonymity​  @punkrockhufflefluff​
@scarletraine @buckycaptspideypool  @markusstraya @graveyard-groupie @markusstrayya @randomgirlkensy @the-soulofdevil
@yknott81​    @banner-and-bucky-are-life​ @forext20 @dyanlzbb​  @so-finster-die-nacht @emmii4​ @bitchwhytho​ @ladyofmyst​   @jilldsumner​ @momc95​ @appreciating-fanfics
@bits-and-bobs-and-kawaii-stuffs @mimmie666​   @fullranchwolfoperator
@cluelessnitwhit​ @youknowitsclouds @his-paradox @purplerainharry​
@spootgaai2000 @iamsuperjenna @nikkipea   @alexakeyloveloki @timelordy-fangirl2 @girrafeeeeeee @emilyjane44x @randomgirlwholoveskpop
I couldnt tag a few of you… sorry.
Want to get tagged as well? Comment, Reblog or send an ask to let me know.
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starryphilfics · 4 years
Amelia’s first party
"Daddy! Hurry up!" Amelia yelled at Dan, waiting for him to wake up and do her hair. Today it was her best friend's birthday party and as you could guess, Amelia was very excited at the fact her best friend, Natalie, was finally turning six years old. Naturally, Phil took her clothes shopping (without Dan's knowledge) and bought her far too many new items of clothing to choose from. Phil thought this occasion was very important, it was his sugar plums first party and all he could hope for is that she enjoys it.
As you might expect, Dan wasn't too happy about the amount of money his husband spent on dresses for their daughter but he finally agreed to not return the clothes after hours of begging from both Phil and Amelia.
"Shush. It's nine in the morning. We don't have to leave until two and you're already trying to get me to do your hair. How about we have some pancakes and hot chocolate and do your hair in a bit? Papa and I are still sleepy, and I don't want to do your hair messily. I'm sure you won't want me to either." He persuaded her, knowing pancakes and hot cocoa will give him an hour or so to wake up properly. He felt Phil slowly nod his head into Dan's chest in agreement, wanting more time with his husband as well.
"You have ten minutes until you have to be in the kitchen and make my breakfast!" Amelia demanded, rushing out to play in her room. Leaving, Dan and Phil affectionately laugh at their dear daughter they loved to the moon and back. Phil cuddled into Dan's chest even further as cold air crept into their room, causing the couple to cuddle in closer.
"I blame you for this. Buying her new clothes and telling her I'm going to do her hair." Dan mumbled into Phil's hair, giggling. Phil chuckled in response, his warm breath blowing onto Dan's neck, making him shiver. They closed their eyes, enjoying the comfortable silence and peaceful company of one another. These simple moments would always be treasured.
Phil leaned up to Dan and started kissing his husband, he loved these mornings where they just snuggled and kissed. Most couples would hate each others morning breath but Dan and Phil looked past it, it was one of the only times of the day they had this time to themselves. "I love you" Dan whispered against Phil's lips feeling their lips brush together.
Time seemed to escape Dan and Phil when they were together. A soft pitter-patter filled the hall as Amelia ran back into the room, tugging on their duvet in an attempt to rouse her dads from their rest.
"Papa! Dada! Get up! Time for pancakes!" Amelia insisted with a beaming smile etched onto her face. Her brown curls began to bounce up and down on her shoulders as she excitedly jumped up and down.
"Hang on, love. Let daddy and I get out of bed. We'll see you in the kitchen," Phil responded as he began to pull the duvet away from them, the cold air biting their skin as they watched their daughter joyfully run out of the room and rush down the stairs.
"Gosh, she sure takes after you, darling." Dan admired as he slipped a pair of navy blue jogging bottoms on and a baggy white shirt, looking in the mirror at his hair and trying (unsuccessfully) to smooth his curls down.
Phil sighed in agreement at Dan's statement and walked up behind him, gently wrapping his arms around Dan's waist. He hated it when Dan was self-conscious about his hair. Phil could never get enough of it. He lightly kissed Dan on the cheek and whispered "Stop it. It looks beautiful. Trust me, bear."
Dan lightly smiled in response and fell into Phil's arms, relaxing. "Come on love, let's go" the older man whispered. They left their room and went downstairs to see their daughter sat on the sofa, giggling along to Teletubbies.
"Hey, sugar plum. You ready for some pancakes?" Dan asked as he softly tapped her shoulder. "Yes dada!" She smiled, slipping off the sofa and running into the kitchen.
"Dada, you said you would do my hair!" Amelia demanded whilst licking off the remaining honey from her plate and around her lips.
"Go up to your room, then, and I'll meet you up there in a few minutes," Dan replied, watching their daughter run upstairs to her room. "Don't run up the stairs! That's dangerous." He added, watching Phil laugh at him.
"What you are laughing at?" Dan questioned Phil, who had a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
"I'm so grateful I don't have to do her hair. Good luck, you'll need it. Oh, and don't forget to use her detangling spray first!" Phil called after him, watching his husband turning back pulling a silly face to him. He was really starting to regret agreeing to this.
Phil leaned against the door frame, watching the situation unfold. There sat his husband on Amelia's bed, Amelia sat on the floor screaming for her dad to be more careful with her hair.
"Daddy! That hurts!" Amelia complained, a pout on her face and eyebrows creased.
"I've finished brushing now, what do you want to be done with your hair?" Dan replied, hoping it was something easy to do, like a ponytail or pigtails.
"Hmm, can I have a plait please?" She begged. Dan didn't understand how plaits worked that well, he never got them right when he did them before ending in asking Phil to finish it, but he wanted to try this time.
"Hold on, love. I'll try to find a tutorial online for me to follow. You know how bad I am at this." Dan laughed, eyeing his husband in the doorway.
Apparently she wanted a fishtail plait. He had never heard of that before, all he knew is these hairstyles had some weird names.
He followed each step on the video ever so carefully. It ended up taking him half an hour to finish, but once he had, he was so proud as to how well he did. It was barely even messy!
"Thank you, Dada! I love it so so so much!" Amelia squealed, hugging into her dad's chest and quickly getting up.
"Papa! Papa! Look at my hair!" Amelia exclaimed as she ran off down the stairs to greet Phil, who had long since disappeared into the living room, and show him her finished look. Dan followed closely behind, admiring how well he had done her hair. He couldn't wait to brag to Phil about not asking him for help this time.
"My beautiful little girl! You look amazing!" Phil complimented. "Have you got Natalie's gift bag?" Amelia realised what she had left upstairs and leapt of her Papa's lap and ran out of the room. She was so full of energy this morning.
"Well done, darling. I'm proud of you." Phil said, pecking Dan's soft lips and feeling him smile into the kiss.
"None of this would be possible without you."
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langdvnshepherd · 6 years
Good For You ~ Part 2 (Duncan Shepherd x fem!reader)
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PART ONE (Part 3 linked at the end)
Summary: You’re a broke ass college student whose one night stand with the infamous Duncan Shepherd leads to the development of a rather interesting relationship between the two of you. — You thought your relationship with Duncan was nothing more than an arrangement. But when he catches wind that you’re seeing other people in the mean time, is that really all it is?
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: sugar daddy!Duncan, fem!reader, smut, oral sex (male receiving), jealous!Duncan lmao, dirty talk, rough sex, spanking, plot heavy obvi
A/N: Sorry this took forever, I wanted to work out all of the details before I continued this story! Let me know what you think, and what you want to see in the next part, because I have one more part planned to wrap this up if that’s something you guys are interested in! I have the main plot outlined, but I’m totally open to suggestions for other little scenarios! Also shoutout to @avesatanormalpeoplescareme for the inspo for this! It helped so much thank u I owe you my life.
     The following months after agreeing to Duncan’s little, arrangement, per se had been going pretty great. Well, better than great actually. You were less stressed than you’d ever been. Working less hours at the coffee shop due to the continuous stream of cash flowing into your account had done wonders for that wrinkle in your forehead caused by the constant worry of trying to make rent. Not living paycheck to paycheck whilst simultaneously having some of the best sex of your life was a situation you’d never thought you’d find yourself in, yet here you were. You had acquired a new pep in your step, and you never wanted it to end.
     Keeping Duncan happy was pretty simple. He’d fallen into a routine. The two of you met on Thursday nights, the same hotel and the same room. He always texted you beforehand, but it’s not like you weren’t already expecting it. A blacked out SUV arrived promptly at your apartment, and dropped you off at the front steps of the hotel. He’d greet you at the door, and have your clothes ripped off before you made it to the bed. You started to wonder if maybe he was married, that he had a wife and kids somewhere and that’s why he always insisted on meeting at the hotel. He assured you that he wasn’t, he just didn’t want his security team alerting anyone of the new role you now played in his life.
     He wasn’t lying when he’d said he’d take care of you. Usually, your gifts were delivered to your apartment. A new laptop, a Birkin bag, Prada sunglasses, random all-inclusive weekend trips with your roommate, and anything Yves Saint Laurent made you probably owned now thanks to Duncan. The packages, regardless of their contents, always came with a delicately wrapped parcel of lingerie. Sometimes it was just a new pair of lacy panties, other times a full set complete with fishnet stockings and garter belt. He’d never told you outright that he wanted you to wear it when you were together, but you figured those were his intentions. It always got him going to see how beautiful you looked thanks to him and his money.
     Other times, he would just slide you his black card and let you keep it for the week to do whatever you pleased. You were hesitant at first, not knowing what his limit was. But given that he had been supplying you with enough funds to pay your bills, you didn’t think he really had one. Still, you tried not to go too overboard. You’d get your nails done, change up the tone of your hair, maybe have a spa day or pick out a few new pairs of shoes for yourself, all at Duncan’s expense. You quickly found out that he couldn’t care less how much you’d end up spending, it was more of a kink for him than anything. The more, the better in his opinion. He was far more preoccupied by the way your ass looked in the jeans he’d bought you the week before than to worry about the charges on his account.
     In the beginning, you’d felt dirty about the entire situation. It kinda felt like you were doing something illegal by allowing Duncan to buy you such extravagant things when all you were doing was fucking his brains out. Not that there was anything inherently wrong with the way your relationship worked, it was just something you’d only ever seen in movies and never once thought you’d be living out yourself. Turns out, Duncan was decent company. You always hung around for a few hours after fucking just to talk to each other for a while. Duncan would ask you about your classes and make sure you were taking care of yourself. He’d vent to you about the assholes that worked for him and you’d rant about your stupid professor that gave you a C on an essay you knew for a fact you’d deserved as least a B+ on. “I can get them fired if you want, you know. Got a few secrets of theirs up my sleeve that I’ve been dying to share,” he would joke.
     “Oh yeah?” you’d laugh along, “You’re sponsors. Don’t think that would serve your family all too well now would it?”
     “Yeah, I guess not.”
     Having more free time away from work also meant that you also had more time to socialize with people your age for once. A few weeks ago, you’d met a guy at a party thrown by a fraternity your university. He was tall, hot, charming; at least that’s what you initially thought. You’d hooked up with him that night, and somehow he ended up with your phone number. He asked you out on a proper date, and you said yes seeing as there was no harm in giving it a shot. The entire night, all he did was talk about himself. Anything that came out of his mouth served no other purpose than to boost his ego, not that he even had anything to be proud of; his frat was notorious for being sexist pigs and it was beginning to be blatantly obvious. It was clear that he was far more interested in you than you were into him, but you kept him around. You only hooked up with Duncan once a week, so you needed someone to fill the gaps during his absence. He was tolerable.
     With this new man in your life came a problem: every time he would fuck you, all you could think about was Duncan. The way his hands would roam your body like he knew every inch and every pressure point that made you squirm. The way his tongue felt gliding over your hips before dipping down to taste you. This guy had nothing on Duncan, and you knew it. He was rough, but not in the way that you liked. He didn’t care about your pleasure in any capacity; sometimes he pulled out without even bothering to make sure you finished too. As much as you hated to admit it, the only time you were even able cum was when your eyes were screwed shut, completely ignoring the boy on top of you and imagining it was Duncan pounding you into next week. There was just something about the way he carried himself and the fact that he had given you everything you could ever ask for that made every other man seem dull and bleak.
     One particularly hot day, a Tuesday, you were seated at a picnic table in the courtyard on campus. Enjoying the sun, you figured you’d spend your break in between classes outside studying. Your exposed legs were perched atop one of the bench seat, on full display for anyone that walked by; your chest adorned with a see-through blouse that was unbuttoned a few more holes than what was considered appropriate. The beams that shone on you made your slightly sweaty skin glisten in an almost otherworldly way. Not getting to enjoy the rays for long, your tranquil state was brought to a halt when none other than your favorite frat boy made his presence known by tugging one headphone from your ear.
     “What the fuck, dude?!”
     “Hey dollface, whatcha up to?” he asked, clearly unaware that you were a bit preoccupied.
     “Well, I was trying to study for my Global Politics exam. But it seems like that’s not going to happen with you sitting here,” you answered, clearly annoyed. He smirked and laughed as if you’d meant it as a compliment. Yuck.
     “I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to Chad’s party on Thursday night. It’s gonna be insane! He’s got basically all of Sigma Chi coming, so you know that some crazy shit’s gonna go down.” God, you really couldn’t stand to listen to this man talk. He’s lucky his cock was so big or else you’d have blocked his number by now. Thursdays were reserved for Duncan, so even if had any inking of an interest in going it was an automatic no.
     “Sorry, I’ve got plans. I can’t,” you didn’t want him to press the matter any further.
     “Oh yeah, like what?” he questioned, his hand moving to rest on the top of your bare thigh.
     “Listen, I just can’t. Okay?” He didn’t move his hand from your leg. Instead he began to massage the soft skin on the inside of your thigh in a manner that was far too crude for the public eye. It was his poor attempt at trying to persuade you, as if his actions actually had any effect on you as of lately.
     He continued to go on and on about this stupid fucking party, his fingers still kneading your skin. Not wanting to look at his face any longer, you rolled your eyes and tilted your head in the other direction. That was when you heard the deep, rich voice you’d recognize anywhere quickly coming in your direction. The voice that occupied your thoughts at all times, the voice that muttered those words that made you come undone in a matter of minutes.
     Your breath hitched in the back of your throat as soon as you saw him. There, walking with the dean of your university, was Duncan fucking Shepherd looking as entrancing as ever. Even in this stupid fucking heat, he still looked like he just walked out of a fucking magazine. He was making his way through the courtyard chatting with the Dean of the university. Most likely, he was talking up some another sponsorship deal that would inevitably promote the Shepherd Freedom Foundation as he always was, but you didn’t have time to listen to what he was saying. Before you knew it, his eyes were on yours. They flickered with recognition before realizing the position in which he had just caught you in: sprawled out on a bench seat, short shorts, chest out, with some boy’s hand between your legs. He took in your form, his eyes lingering for a noticeable amount of time on your thighs and the way the boy beside you seemed to be getting a little too handsy. He looked angry, his eyes boring a hole into your skin and his lips pursing just slightly. 
     In an instant, he was back to acting like he hadn’t even noticed you in the first place. He carried on his conversation with the Dean and kept walking until he was out of your sight. What the fuck just happened? Was he actually mad? It sure as hell seemed like it. He’d never told you that you couldn’t see other people. Your relationship was an arrangement, not exclusive. You quickly removed the boy’s hand from your leg and threw your books into your bag. You had to get the fuck out of there before Duncan came back to confront you.
     “Damn, leaving so soon? We’re still on for this afternoon though, right?” You weren’t really sure how you’d even caught his question with all of the anxiety flowing through your body from being caught red-handed with another boy in front of Duncan.
     “Uh, yeah sure. Whatever. I’ve got to go. See ya.” Your brief interaction with Duncan, if you could even call it that, had left you with your panties soaked. If he wasn’t there to give you release, you had to make do. This impotent frat boy was going to have to work.
     You never heard anything from Duncan after the incident at school. Maybe he wasn’t as bothered by it as you’d thought. Maybe it had just caught him off guard as much as it did you to see each other unannounced like that. After cooling down, you’d decided it wasn’t a big deal regardless. You were allowed to see other people just as much as he was. The sex and money were just that. You were friends at most. It still didn’t stop you from fantasizing about him the entire time during your hookup that afternoon.
     Just as you’d arrived back to your apartment, you received a text from Duncan asking you to meet with him. It was only Tuesday, so that was odd. Shit, maybe he was mad. You quickly responded, and within half an hour the SUV was parked outside waiting for you. Climbing in, you were preparing yourself for the worst. Was he going to break it off? Was he going to yell at you? You honestly had no clue. When the driver passed the usual exit you took to get to the hotel, you grew confused. 
     “Excuse me, where are we going? You passed the exit for the hotel.” you stated.
     “Mr. Shepherd has requested your presence at his residence this evening, Miss,” he retorted. This was new. Duncan’s never invited you over to his place before. You’d only ever seen him within the confines of the lavish hotel. Something was definitely going to go down, and you weren’t sure if you were more nervous or excited.
     It didn’t Duncan but a second to greet you at the entrance of his apartment after a few hesitant rattles of your fist against the door. His face broke out in a slight smirk, satisfied that you’d agreed to come over on such short notice.
     “Y/N, I’m glad you could make it. Sorry I couldn’t make a reservation at the hotel this late, and it was...urgent that I saw you tonight,” he stated. His manner was very composed, but somewhat cold. Yep. He was definitely mad. You didn’t say anything, you simply followed him further into the apartment. The exposed brick walls were painted a stark white, and sleek, black furniture littered the open space. A giant Keith Haring painting hung perfectly on the wall, and the kitchen was probably larger than your room for Christ’s sake. The entire apartment was dripping with wealth. He walked you to what was presumably his bedroom, also adorned with minimalist decor you knew cost more than all four years of your tuition.
     “Care for a drink?” he asked without even turning to look at you whilst making his way over to the bar cart that rested in the corner of the room.
     “Uh, sure,” your voice went up an octave as you tried to suppress the way his stoic composure made you so incredibly nervous and turned on at the same time. You took the glass from him and quickly threw it back. Alcohol was necessary for whatever he was about to say or do to you. Handing the glass back to him, his hands lingered on yours for a moment, relishing the feeling of your skin on his. 
     Sensing your timidness, Duncan moved his hands to grip you by the shoulder and brush your hair out of your face to try and calm you. As he tucked the loose strand behind your ear, his eyes caught a glimpse of a blue-ish purple shadow that adorned the column of your neck. You weren’t aware of this, however. It wasn’t until he took your cheek in his hand, ran his finger along the edge of your jaw, trailing it down slowly to firmly apply pressure to the bruise on your neck that you realized what he had seen. Wincing at the feeling of his thumb digging into the bruise, it dawned on you. Fuck. You had told your little frat boy you’d met with earlier that afternoon no marks, guess he really wasn’t good for shit. His eyes blackened, and his nostrils flared slightly at the thought of knowing someone else had done this to you, that someone else had been inside of you.
     “Get on your knees.”
     Out of instinct, you let out a chuckle. “What is this? A punishment? Because I fucked another guy? Are you jealous or something?” He only continued to stare deep into your eyes as you lashed out. He hummed in response before speaking.
     “You can be a real fucking brat sometimes. You know that, Y/N?” he replied while moving his hands to his belt, beginning to undo the buckle. You hadn’t had time to notice the tent in his pants begging to be set free. “But no, sweetheart, this isn’t a punishment. Far from it, actually. Think of it as a reward.” Oh, he was definitely jealous. He just wasn’t going to admit it. And it was hot.
     His words sent sparks ablaze inside of you. Reaching for the buckle yourself, you quickly made work of unzipping his dress slacks, grabbing both his pants and his boxers and letting them pool around his ankles in one go. You were now eye-level with his throbbing erection, small beads of pre-cum leaking from the tip of his cock. Taking his member into your hand, you guided it to your lips and ran your tongue around the tip before partially taking him into your mouth a couple times. He hissed in response and shut his eyes tightly, pleasure already taking over him.
     You withdrew him from your mouth completely and ducked your head down to lick a flat line from in between his balls along the underside of his cock to the tip, feeling the large vein that ran along his shaft brush against your tongue. He let out a shaky breath mixed with a strangled, “Fuck,” at the feeling. You smirked against him as you went back to alternating between small kisses and kitten licks along his head. Done with your teasing, he abruptly grabbed you by the back of your hair and eagerly forced himself down your throat. You gagged slightly as his cock brushed the back of your throat, Duncan finally letting out the moan he’d been suppressing. He couldn’t help but buck his hips into your mouth, only pushing himself further into you. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes and slowly rolled down your cheeks at the sudden sensation of his movement.
     Once Duncan was fully seated in your throat, you began to bob your head up and down along his cock. Setting your pace, you took him in your mouth as far as you could, pumping what you couldn’t with your hands. Your steady rhythm elicited a strong of grunts to fall from Duncan’s lips. He continued unravel and found it incredibly difficult to keep from pushing your head further down onto him each time.
     “That’s it, take daddy’s cock. God, your pretty little mouth feels so fucking good when I’m fucking your face like this.” His praise caused you to moan against his cock, the vibrations making his knees shake slightly. He was beginning to lose his composure, and you knew he was reaching his breaking point. 
     Without warning, he ripped you off of him by the roots of your hair. Letting out a yelp, you looked up at him in anticipation of what he was going to do next. He peered at you with blissful eyes as he helped you off your spot on the floor. The hem of your shirt was over your head before you were back on your feet, your shorts and bra hitting the ground with an aggressive whack as he threw them to the side. Backing you up to the bed, he bent down and swept your legs out from under you, causing you to fall back onto the plush mattress. You backed yourself slowly up the bed, maintaining eye contact with Duncan and he quickly removed what was left of his clothing. He was still rock hard, his cock bobbing in the air as he made his way back up to you at the front of the bed. 
     You could feel his breath fanning across your body as he kept his head almost flush with your chest and made his way up to meet your face, supporting himself with a firm grip on your legs. He took in the mess he had made of you: cheeks sparkling with tears, lips plump from the events that took place only moments ago, hair in knots from his tight grip. Approving of his handiwork, he trailed back down your chest, leaving sloppy, open mouth kisses from the bottom of your ribcage down to the waistband of your panties.
     “Were you wearing the panties I bought you?” he questioned, breaking the silence.
     “W-was I what?”
     “Were you wearing the panties I bought you when you fucked that boy I saw you with today?” You froze. His words paralyzed you. You couldn’t do anything but stare at him as your labored breaths caused your chest to dramatically rise and fall.
     He smirked at the look on your face. Hooking his thumbs around the thin lace, he slowly slid your panties down your legs and dropped them at his side. You knew you were soaking wet by now, Duncan’s blatant rage and jealously at the thought of you fucking someone else only fueled the fire in the pit of your stomach. 
     “Were you this wet for him? Were you dripping for him like you are for me right now?” He ran his pointer and middle fingers through your slick, finally touching you for the first time that night. The simple touch made you jolt forwards and exhale loudly. 
     After a few more slow, antagonizing circles around your clit, Duncan removed his fingers from your core. He quickly gripped you by your ankles and flipped you over so you were lying face down against his bed, your cheek now pressed into his fluffy pillow. You felt one of his hands grab at your waist, raising your ass into the air and then using the other hand to press your chest back down onto the mattress so your body was arching forwards.
     “I wonder if he knows what you really like? That you like to be thrown around,” he paused to rear his hand back and lay a firm smack against your ass that was sure to leave a bright red handprint, “spanked. That you cum harder with a hand wrapped around your throat.”
     You finally felt the tip of his cock run along you ass down to your clit, preparing you to be split in two. Duncan chuckled before adding, “Fuck, did he even make you cum, Y/N? Or was he too caught up in himself to care about you?” His questions were rhetorical. It was all for his benefit, to prove that he was better for you than the little boy he had caught you with in the courtyard. An ego boost. A way to displace his jealousy. He was right though, and you knew it. Nothing compared to the times you had shared with Duncan. The frat boy you’d been seeing was just that, a boy.
     With a swift thrust, Duncan buried himself inside of you. The pillow muffled your scream, but it was still loud enough to echo throughout the room. He pulled himself all the way out before slamming back into your aching cunt with a jealous force. He was determined to have you so full of him that you wouldn’t be able to remember the name of guy who you’d been screwing before him. His speed combined with the angle of your ass in the air made every inch of his cock fill you with ecstacy. Your moans were replaced with chants of his name. Combined with the sounds of his hips smacking into your ass and the sloshing coming from each thrust into your core, you were becoming unable to even hold yourself up in the air.
     It felt like he had been pounding into you for an eternity, and you never wanted it to end. You felt your release winding up inside of you, causing your eyes to screw shut and your body to hold as still as possible in order to bring it on faster. Your moans became whimpers, and you gripped at his sheets so hard your knuckles turned white. Duncan sensed how close you were, and promptly pulled out before flipping you over once again to rest on your back. 
     He gripped the base of your neck and applied slight pressure as he entered you again and set his pace, only this time he was able to see your face. “Tell me, Y/N. Does he take care of you? Does he take care of this pussy like you know I can? Does he even have the means to make you feel the way I can?” Your mouth fell open in a silent scream as the words left his lips. It was almost enough to send you straight over the edge, but now quite.
     “I need to know, love. Before I let you cum, does he take care of you like I can?” He took your leg and wrapped it around his wait so he could give your ass another hard smack and simultaneously hit your inner walls deeper and deeper.
     “NO! He doesn’t make make me feel the way you do. No one does.” the words ripping through your lungs as you finally gained the energy to form something coherent. He was clearly pleased with your answer. Smirking to himself, he used the hand that was wrapped around your neck to pull you in for a kiss. It was sloppy and your noses smashed together, but it felt right. He dropped his head to your ear and moved his hand down to begin rolling your clit between his fingers.
     “That wasn’t so hard, was it? Go ahead, cum for me. Daddy’s got you. You can let go.” He whispered as he placed hot, wet kisses over top of the hickey left by the guy he wanted to beat into oblivion.
     With that, you were cumming. Hard. Duncan continued to fuck you through your orgasm, allowing you to ride every wave of pleasure that pulsed through your body. The way your cunt contracted around his cock brought on the start of his release in turn. His hips started to sputter and his eyes were screwed shut. He quickly removed himself from you before pumping his length in his hands a few last times. You felt hot ropes of his cum shoot up your belly and onto your breasts as his moans filled the room. The expression on his face was nothing less than a dream: mouth hung open, jaw tense, eyes rolled back like they were going to fall out of his head. Duncan immediately flopped back onto the bed, trying to recover from everything that had just happened. 
     After catching his breath, he propped himself up on one elbow and ran his fingers through the cum on your stomach before pressing two of them into your mouth to taste him. You eagerly accepted, wrapping your tongue around his digits to such them clean similar to the way you’d taken his cock earlier in the night. You couldn’t help but feel like the events that transpired from earlier today at school up until right now had changed things between you two. That the boy he’d seen you with triggered something inside of him that he’d perhaps been trying to avoid. 
     “What was that for?” you asked, hoping he’d clarify the reason behind his actions.
     “Nothing. Just wanted to make sure you knew who you belonged to.”
@avesatanormalpeoplescareme @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @venusxxlangdon @langdons-rep @ccodyfern @michaellangdong @michael-langdon-owns-my-soul @wroteclassicaly @omg-hellgirl @aveiangdon @belusima 
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homesoutofhuman · 6 years
Daddy Issues: Christmas Special Edition Part two…
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Warnings: Smut, curse words, angst
"Do you want to go to the park? Or we could do some Christmas shopping?” you ask Naomi, trying to be helpful once you’re out of the house.
“Actually I had a destination in mind.” She grabs your wrist and pulls you along.
Connor’s small legs can barely keep pace as all three of you dash through the streets. He looks up at you with wide eyes as if to ask why you are moving him so quickly so you wrench your hand from Naomi’s grasp, feeling her nails slide on your skin harshly.
“Can we slow down a bit?”
She scoffs, catches sight of Connor’s face and rolls her eyes. “He’s just like his father, always so serious about everything.”
Connor sniffs, looking worried he’s done something wrong and you hurl curses under your breath aimed at the back of Naomi’s head. You’re so busy trying to cheer up the little boy you don’t realise the destination Naomi has chosen until you’re already standing in the foyer.
“Naomi wait...this is…”
She holds up a hand. “I took the chance to let an old friend know I was in town. Ciao ‘tino…”
Santino approaches, striding through his gallery and you pick up Connor, backing away a bit as he greets Naomi.
“Bella….you look as good as ever…”
Naomi simpers in return and you give Connor a sceptical look. Santino catches sight of you and suddenly he is beside you, waving to Connor but leaning around the child to kiss your cheek, landing the second kiss right on your jaw bone. You blush but give him a friendly look. Since your birthday you and John have been starting a tentative friendship with the man, and you don’t want to jeopardise it.
“Princepessa…” he murmurs, using your old nickname and you have to hide a smirk at the look of outrage on Naomi’s face.
“I didn’t know we were coming here Santino...I’m...sorry.”
He shakes his head, speaking to you gently and calmly. “She gave me warning, do not distress yourself.”
When he turns back to Naomi his voice changes into something more theatrical, and you wince at the thought of any pain he may be hiding.
“So...let me give you a tour of the place…”
Santino shows off the most expensive piece in his gallery, not one of your favourites, but Naomi raves about it. You leave them to it, wandering back to your favourite spot, the Drip paintings. You managed to persuade John to let you keep Santino’s present so it hangs the wall of his office at home. Connor still doesn’t really to have an appreciation for art, so you find an apple in your bag and give it to him to munch on, thinking how proud John would be of you for having kicked your ice cream habit.
When you look up Naomi is standing in front of you looking sour. “You act like you’re his mother.”
“No I….” you stutter, feeling hurt and confused all at once.
She leans in close, and you can see the illusion of beauty she maintains crumbles a little on closer inspection. Her eyes are small and only made bright by heavy makeup, her mouth is twisted with rage.
“You’re not his fucking mother and you never will be.”
Santino appears right behind her, hearing every word. “That’s not polite Naomi. The child is here…”
She glances between him and you in outrage. “Are you fucking kidding me? Is everyone in love with the nanny? But then again, triangles were always your favourite shape ‘tino…”
Santino gives her a pained look. “This is not the place to discuss it.”
“I’m happy to take Connor home…” you offer in a small voice, seeing the tension between them.
“No. I made lunch reservations.” she seems to snap out of her bad mood, smiling at you and you blink at the sudden change.
Santino watches you all go, but as you pass he leans in with a quiet warning “Be careful principessa…that woman is never happier than when she’s causing someone pain.”
Naomi has surpassed herself, choosing a place that has Philippe Starck chairs but no allowance for children. The waiter looks down his nose at you when you ask for a menu for Connor. You dig around in your bag and find a juice box and some raisins, handing them to him with an apologetic look. Connor accepts them gratefully and your heart aches with fondness for him, hoping Naomi won’t hold it against you, you pet his curls and praise him, making him smile.
Naomi doesn’t seem to notice, she’s too busy ordering and not for the first time you begin to wonder what the hell John ever saw in her. If he’s telling you the truth, he never loved her, it was a drunken mistake. You know Santino did though, and you’re curious.
“Do you still keep in touch with Santino?”
Naomi orders wine before you can decline and finally turns her attention on you. “Hmm? Oh not really...I send him postcards occasionally.”
You flush, remembering, like the ones she sends to John for Connor. “You travel a lot.”
“Of course. Life is not living staying in one place.” she tilts her head, looking you up and down again and you shift in your seat as she leans over the table, pushing your hair back off your face.
“You should wear it like this...it makes you look older, you can see more of your bone structure.”
You self-consciously touch your hair, your skin burning where her fingers touched you. “Oh...I’m not sure…”
“Trust me. Just a few tweaks and I could have you looking so sophisticated Jonathan would die. Actually, let’s go shopping after lunch.”
She fills your wine glass and you sip nervously. “I need to take Connor home for his nap…”
“It’s fine, we’ll call Iosef to pick him up.” she picks at her salad, still staring at you. “Santino likes you too, huh?”
You shake your head. “No….he used to flirt with me to agitate John, but now we’ve all moved on.”
“So I see...you’ve moved on without me.”
She looks sad for the first time and you feel a tiny pang of sympathy. “It’s not like that. Connor misses you I’m sure, and as for me and John...it wasn’t planned, it just happened.”
You fix her with a gentle, earnest look “I’m not trying to be Connor’s mother Naomi, no one can ever take that away from you…”
She sniffs “Don’t be sweet to me, I don’t deserve it.”
Your throat is dry with nerves so you take another gulp of your wine. She refills your glass instantly and you have a strange impression she’s deliberately trying to make you drink more.
“I just need to ask...have you come to try and get John back?”
“You silly girl, no. I have Iosef”
“Oh, you love him?” you lean forward eagerly.
She gives a raucous laugh. “His father is a Russian oligarch, you know those people..have money we can’t even dream of…”
“Money is important to you?”
“Don’t be naive. Money is important to everyone. John has plenty though so you don’t need to worry. Why he still lives in that tiny house I have no idea.”
You bristle at her talking shit about a place that has such happy memories for you. “I don’t care if he has money or not.”
“Don’t you? He’s your sugar daddy is he not?”
You choke on your drink but she persists. “He bought you a car.”
“That was a birthday present” you gasp out.
“Sorry if I offended you, but you should be frank about it. We are all with people for different reasons. I’m sure Iosef is with me for sex.”
You’ve had enough wine to be curious, seeing Connor is distracted you dare to pursue the conversation. “So what is your theory on the reason John is with me?”
“Sweetie. You’re like a baby animal. Cute, full of life, and you evidently worship the ground he walks on. I bet you suck his cock whenever he wants, what more could a man wish for?”
You resist the urge to put your hands over Connor’s ears at her explicit words. “It’s not just about sex...we love each other.”
“I’m sure you do, but what do you have in common? The age-gap between you means you can’t possibly want the same things. I’m sorry to be cruel but there it is.”
You feel like she’s kicked you in the gut, suddenly feeling sick. “I’m taking Connor home...I think I drank too much…”
“Jesus I forgot you were a child.”  Naomi complains, but relents and calls a cab for you all. Only when you see the sky is dark outside do you realise how late it is.
John is waiting at the door looking concerned. “Where were you?” You stumble inside and he smells your breath. “Have you been drinking?”
Naomi follows on your heels, ushering Connor inside. “Relax Jonathan, leave her alone…”
John gives her a murderous look. “I’m putting my son to bed. Get her a glass of water.”
Surprisingly she does so. “Thank you…” you say in a small voice “I think I’m about to get told off.”
She laughs, but not vindictively “I think you’re right. I better go.” she leaves in a cloud of sweet smelling luxury and you let your head drop back against the couch. The room spins around you. John appears beside you, he looks stern.
“You’re drunk.”
You wave a dismissive hand. “No! Tipsy maybe…” you reach to caress his cheek but he moves away and you feel hurt.
“You were drinking while looking after my child.”
You frown, raising yourself up on the couch to defend yourself. “I didn’t mean to drink so much...Naomi she...must have filled my glass…”
“You’re an adult. You should take responsibility for your own actions.” John admonishes and you pout, feeling anything but an adult in that moment.
“I’m sorry John...I’m so sorry. You know I’d never do anything to put Connor in danger…”
He looks torn between making his point and wanting to forgive you so you grab his hand and stroke the back of his thumb. “Don’t you know that?”
He lets out a deeply held breath. “Yes. I do. But still...you look a state…”
“Oh…?” you rub your face which feels too hot. “I’ll go take a shower…”
“No...I mean...you look...beautiful…” he cups your flushed cheeks and places a kiss on your mouth which is still glistening with wine. John gazes at you, you hair pushed off your face, your cheeks warm from drink, your eyes shining both alcohol and the fear you’ve upset him. He deepens the kiss as you simply respond, all your inhibitions destroyed by alcohol, you lift yourself up off the couch to press against him.
“John?” You say questioningly, as his actions and his words are not lining up.
“You have no idea do you?”
You hold him as he whimpers. “I’m here John...everything is okay…”
He gives a low grunt in his throat and lifts you off the couch. You grab your water and he carries you upstairs, placing you on the bed you now share. You’ve been living together for a while now but you still keep forgetting that John’s home is yours. He moves beside you and strokes your hair. You lay on your back and take deep cleansing breathes, waiting for the room to stop spinning.
“Feel better?” he asks, placing a warm large hand on your stomach soothingly.
You turn on your side to look at him and find him watching you with soft eyes. “Sorry I shouted at you (Y/N). I was just so worried...you’re precious…”
“I forgive you. If you forgive me?”
“Of course…” he kisses your forehead and you shift a bit so your head is on his chest. He runs his hand soothingly down your side and you feel yourself growing wet, all it takes is for him to touch you and your body readies itself for sex, it’s a problem.
John is staring at you, as if afraid you’ll disappear if he blinks. “I was going out of my mind...and it wasn’t just for Connor. God, it scares me how much I love you.”
He helps you undress and you lay back down on the bed. He’s wearing his old t-shirt with the hole in the collar and plaid pyjama pants. He looks tired, gorgeous, yours.
“Show me how much you love me John…” you plead and he moves over you without hesitation, moving his fingers inside your underwear. His eyes widen when he finds you soaking and if you hadn’t had so much wine you’d be embarrassed.
“You’re so wet for me…” he says in wonder and you arch your back like a cat, moving your arms above your head and moaning as his lovely fingers speed up.  He bends down, sucking your nipples, making you give a needy whine. His licks his tongue over your navel, pulling down your panties and dipping his head to eagerly taste you.
You think he is going to stay there a while, so you give a cry of surprise as he flips you over on the bed. You look over your shoulder and see him staring at you again, and press yourself into the mattress feeling vulnerable. John grips your shoulders then scratches his nails lightly down your back, ending at your backside and pushing it down so you’re flat against the bed. His cock slaps against your ass and he trails it down over the cheeks to your entrance, leaving a damp trail in its wake.
“Going to teach you not to scare me like that…” he murmurs and you hear from his voice he is wrecked, pushing into you steadily. You fist your hands into the sheets as he moves roughly inside you, jolting you against the mattress but gripping your hips, not letting you move. You lay there and take it, choked sobs of pleasure falling from your lips, begging him to go faster and harder even as he fucks wild and unhinged like an animal.
His desperate passion makes you shiver and you flood around him as he bends to growl in your ear. “Come on little one...I want to feel you soak my cock baby...” You obey easily, you’ve never felt pleasure so intense. Your head is already so dizzy from the wine you almost black out from your climax. 
When he comes with a roar John sinks his teeth into your neck hard enough to leave marks. He turns you over as you can barely move yourself and kisses you, open mouthed and possessive, before letting you fall back against the pillows.
“‘m sorry John…” you murmur again.
“You better not leave me...” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead and it’s the last thing that echoes in your mind before you sleep.
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mocurlyshepard · 6 years
The Outsiders as 80's Songs
Johnny- Take Me Home Tonight
Take me home tonight, I dont wanna let you go until you see the light
Johnny wants to be anywhere but home. He feels comfortable away from them. He holds you until the morning because you're the escape. Then he has to face reality
Ponyboy-Time After Time
If you're lost, you can look and you will find me. Time after time
Ponyboy has a heart of gold. No matter what he will always be there for you to help get you through and vice versa.
Dallas-867-5309 Jenny
Jenny jenny who can I turn to. You give me something I can hold on to. I know you'll think I'm like the others before. Who saw your name and number on the wall
Why else? Just kidding. When Dallas gets lost in his thoughts he'll call a random number. It stops his from self harm or something worse. He just so happened to get your number, thinking it was guys you were annoyed, but you ended up talking the whole night.
Two Bit-Come On Eileen
Come on Eileen. Oh, I swear what he means (what he means)At this moment you mean everything. You in that dress. My thoughts I confess. Verge on dirty.
Two Bit had a crush on you but you were Catholic. He was always trying to persuade you to do reckless things without crossing the line. It was an innocent friendship but he couldnt help the thoughts he had.
Steve-Summer of 69
Standin' on your mama's porch. You told me that you'd wait forever. Oh, and when you held my hand. I knew that it was now or never. Those were the best days of my life
Steve often has flashbacks when you told him you were pregnant. He feels guilty for leaving you to persue his dreams. He wishes he could live in those moments before he left you.
Sodapop-heaven is a place on earth
They say in heaven, love comes first. We'll make heaven a place on earth. Ooh, heaven is a place on earth
Soda feels likes he in heaven when he with you. He feels so blessed and theres no other place he would rather be. He never thinks of the bad things, you're the only thing on his mind.
Darry-Livin on Prayer
Woah, we're half way there. Woah, livin on a prayer. Take my hand we'll make it I swear
You and Darry were so tired of saving money. It seemed like once you guys got enough to move out Pony or Soda needed something. You always reassured each other you guys would make it, as long as you guys had each other.
Curly-Pour Some Sugar On Me Jk Dont you forget about me.
Dont you, forget about me. Tell me your troubles and doubts. Giving me everything inside and out and. Love's strange so real in the dark
Curly has a fear of being of being forgotten. When you go away to college, he doesnt want to you to leave him. Especially everything you guys shared with each other. Your deepest secrets and dreams.
Tim-Love Is A Battlefield
We are young. Heartache to heartache, we stand. No promises. No demands. Love is a battlefield. We are strong. No one can tell us we're wrong. Searching our hearts for so long. Both of our hearts knowing.Love is a battlefield
You and Tim are both stubborn. Neither of you admit the feelings you have for each other. Arguments lasted forever and they were ugly. Your friends and his friend told you guys you were no good for each other. But you never listened because in your hearts, you were meant to be.
Cherry- Girls just Wanna have fun
The phone rings in the middle of the night. My father yells what you gonna do with your life. Oh daddy dear you know you're still number one. But girls they wanna have fun. Oh girls just want to have
Cherry spent all her life being serious. When she met you, everything changed. All you guys did was want to have fun. Her parents hated but she was happy to finally let go and live life.
These are some of my favorite 80s songs and I matched them to our greasers. And Cherry ❤ enjoy guys, requests are open! Headcannons, preferences, imagines, one shots, everything!! ☺
I might add Angela later.
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phandom1638 · 4 years
Amelia’s first party
"Daddy! Hurry up!" Amelia yelled at Dan, waiting for him to wake up and do her hair. Today it was her best friend's birthday party and as you could guess, Amelia was very excited at the fact her best friend, Natalie, was finally turning six years old. Naturally, Phil took her clothes shopping (without Dan's knowledge) and bought her far too many new items of clothing to choose from. Phil thought this occasion was very important, it was his sugar plums first party and all he could hope for is that she enjoys it.
As you might expect, Dan wasn't too happy about the amount of money his husband spent on dresses for their daughter but he finally agreed to not return the clothes after hours of begging from both Phil and Amelia.
"Shush. It's nine in the morning. We don't have to leave until two and you're already trying to get me to do your hair. How about we have some pancakes and hot chocolate and do your hair in a bit? Papa and I are still sleepy, and I don't want to do your hair messily. I'm sure you won't want me to either." He persuaded her, knowing pancakes and hot cocoa will give him an hour or so to wake up properly. He felt Phil slowly nod his head into Dan's chest in agreement, wanting more time with his husband as well.
"You have ten minutes until you have to be in the kitchen and make my breakfast!" Amelia demanded, rushing out to play in her room. Leaving, Dan and Phil affectionately laugh at their dear daughter they loved to the moon and back. Phil cuddled into Dan's chest even further as cold air crept into their room, causing the couple to cuddle in closer.
"I blame you for this. Buying her new clothes and telling her I'm going to do her hair." Dan mumbled into Phil's hair, giggling. Phil chuckled in response, his warm breath blowing onto Dan's neck, making him shiver. They closed their eyes, enjoying the comfortable silence and peaceful company of one another. These simple moments would always be treasured.
Phil leaned up to Dan and started kissing his husband, he loved these mornings where they just snuggled and kissed. Most couples would hate each others morning breath but Dan and Phil looked past it, it was one of the only times of the day they had this time to themselves. "I love you" Dan whispered against Phil's lips feeling their lips brush together.
Time seemed to escape Dan and Phil when they were together. A soft pitter-patter filled the hall as Amelia ran back into the room, tugging on their duvet in an attempt to rouse her dads from their rest.
"Papa! Dada! Get up! Time for pancakes!" Amelia insisted with a beaming smile etched onto her face. Her brown curls began to bounce up and down on her shoulders as she excitedly jumped up and down.
"Hang on, love. Let daddy and I get out of bed. We'll see you in the kitchen," Phil responded as he began to pull the duvet away from them, the cold air biting their skin as they watched their daughter joyfully run out of the room and rush down the stairs.
"Gosh, she sure takes after you, darling." Dan admired as he slipped a pair of navy blue jogging bottoms on and a baggy white shirt, looking in the mirror at his hair and trying (unsuccessfully) to smooth his curls down.
Phil sighed in agreement at Dan's statement and walked up behind him, gently wrapping his arms around Dan's waist. He hated it when Dan was self-conscious about his hair. Phil could never get enough of it. He lightly kissed Dan on the cheek and whispered "Stop it. It looks beautiful. Trust me, bear."
Dan lightly smiled in response and fell into Phil's arms, relaxing. "Come on love, let's go" the older man whispered. They left their room and went downstairs to see their daughter sat on the sofa, giggling along to Teletubbies.
"Hey, sugar plum. You ready for some pancakes?" Dan asked as he softly tapped her shoulder. "Yes dada!" She smiled, slipping off the sofa and running into the kitchen.
"Dada, you said you would do my hair!" Amelia demanded whilst licking off the remaining honey from her plate and around her lips.
"Go up to your room, then, and I'll meet you up there in a few minutes," Dan replied, watching their daughter run upstairs to her room. "Don't run up the stairs! That's dangerous." He added, watching Phil laugh at him.
"What you are laughing at?" Dan questioned Phil, who had a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
"I'm so grateful I don't have to do her hair. Good luck, you'll need it. Oh, and don't forget to use her detangling spray first!" Phil called after him, watching his husband turning back pulling a silly face to him. He was really starting to regret agreeing to this.
Phil leaned against the door frame, watching the situation unfold. There sat his husband on Amelia's bed, Amelia sat on the floor screaming for her dad to be more careful with her hair.
"Daddy! That hurts!" Amelia complained, a pout on her face and eyebrows creased.
"I've finished brushing now, what do you want to be done with your hair?" Dan replied, hoping it was something easy to do, like a ponytail or pigtails.
"Hmm, can I have a plait please?" She begged. Dan didn't understand how plaits worked that well, he never got them right when he did them before ending in asking Phil to finish it, but he wanted to try this time.
"Hold on, love. I'll try to find a tutorial online for me to follow. You know how bad I am at this." Dan laughed, eyeing his husband in the doorway.
Apparently she wanted a fishtail plait. He had never heard of that before, all he knew is these hairstyles had some weird names.
He followed each step on the video ever so carefully. It ended up taking him half an hour to finish, but once he had, he was so proud as to how well he did. It was barely even messy!
"Thank you, Dada! I love it so so so much!" Amelia squealed, hugging into her dad's chest and quickly getting up.
"Papa! Papa! Look at my hair!" Amelia exclaimed as she ran off down the stairs to greet Phil, who had long since disappeared into the living room, and show him her finished look. Dan followed closely behind, admiring how well he had done her hair. He couldn't wait to brag to Phil about not asking him for help this time.
"My beautiful little girl! You look amazing!" Phil complimented. "Have you got Natalie's gift bag?" Amelia realised what she had left upstairs and leapt of her Papa's lap and ran out of the room. She was so full of energy this morning.
"Well done, darling. I'm proud of you." Phil said, pecking Dan's soft lips and feeling him smile into the kiss.
"None of this would be possible without you."
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