#I need to post more hellllloooo
varenta1n · 1 year
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elliereject · 5 months
ifhy .2
* in which ellie’s obsession relationship with you begins to sour as your romance with your new boyfriend seems to flourish. it seems she’ll stop at nothing to ensure your happiness, (which you’ll find with her, obviously) even if it means hurting you in the process.
* lowkey obsessive ellie, ellie beats someone up, angst + comfort (next chapter(s), infidelity, unrequited feelings yet also mutual pining (just read it like, idk idk I forgot how to do these),lmk if I missed anything!
* HELLLLLOOOO!? oh my god 100 likes on part 1 and over 100 followers??? ty? so much?? <3 the next parts almost done so I gotta tweak some things but I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! I meant to post this like 2 days ago but I fell asleep editing…
* mdni
* wc ~ smth like 1.8k
pt .1 here ★ pt .3 coming soon
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“Are you seriously wearing that?” You sighed, flopping back on Ellie’s twin bed.
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Ellie asked, eyeing her worn skinny jeans and a black oversized hoodie.
“First, there’s a hole in the side of your hood. Second, you wore that 3 times this week already.”
“No, I didn’t. These are different jeans!”
You groaned, “Ellie it’s a party, live a little.”
She let out a small laugh, “Says you, you were literally on the verge of throwing up like 5 minutes ago. Did whatshisname text you?”
She crossed her fingers in hope that he hadn’t.
You rolled your eyes, “You know his name, and he said he got there about 20 minutes ago and’ll meet me near the living room.”
“Cool, cool.” She said stiffly. “We should probably get going then.”
You jumped up from the bed, practically skipping over to the door. “Finally, you take a surprisingly long time to get ready.”
She didn’t. She was just trying to drag out the amount of time she had before she saw you clinging to your boyfriend and laughing at his stupid jokes.
She was still trying to find a way to show you that he was a dick and she was what you needed but all the ideas she had ended up with him dead and while she was considering it, you probably would have a hard time forgiving her.
The two of you trekked down to the elevator and while your back was turned she couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to slip her hand into yours. How would you react? Would you recoil? Or would you squeeze her palm? Ellie was never really a touchy person yet she made some exceptions when it came to you, however nothing as intimate as hand holding.
And something screamed at her, begging her to try. Her fingers itched by her leg and before she knew it she was stretching out her arm.
Close…so close she could feel the warmth radiating off you.
In a moment you whipped around and she didn’t have enough time to retract her hand.
“What are you doing?” You asked, tilting your head in a way that made her heart ache.
“You just had a uh– a piece of lint.” She lied easily as she picked nothing off your sleeve.
“Oh, thanks! Easier to get rid of then a hole, huh?” You let out a giggle and stuck your finger through said hole, she forced a laugh.
The rest of the ride down Ellie urged herself not to have any more daring thoughts.
Once down, you cracked jokes about your professor and weirdos in your classes, and Ellie tried her best to laugh along, all the way to the frat where the party was being held. Once you made it, you shoved past the sweaty bodies in the living room to look for your boyfriend whilst Ellie shrunk into the kitchen to confide chat with Jesse who was busy chugging a twisted lemonade.
“Jesse. I want you to thank God you aren’t a lesbian.” Ellie groaned, pulling the drink from his lips and taking a swig herself.
“Shit. What happened now?” He sighed, reaching past Ellie to grab another. Ellie’s been moping about you to Jesse for a while now, although he doesn’t really know it’s you because she doesn’t wanna fuck up the way her friends view your guys’ relationship.
“I was walking behind her earlier before we got into the elevat— classroom. And I was like 5 seconds away from grabbing her hand.”
“And why’s that a bad thing? I thought you liked her.” He asked in between sips.
“Because she has a fucking boyfriend! And that would’ve been so embarrassing I think I would’ve bit off my tongue and killed my self right there.”
Jesse let out a low whistle and Ellie crossed her arms. “Don’t you have any advice for me, or are you just gonna stand there?”
The man shrugged, “You’re not gonna like what I have to tell you. Have you tried talking to Joel about any of this?”
Ellie shook her head with a sigh, “He’s busy with work as is, I don’t wanna bother him with this shit when I barely even get to talk to him.”
“Well then, you should prob—hey! ★ what’s up?”
Their conversation was cut short as you walked into the crowded kitchen. With no luck in the living room, you decided to retreat there to talk with your friends while periodically checking your phone for any missed calls or texts.
Ellie noticed the worried look on your face. “Hey, hey. He’ll call. And if he doesn’t he’s a fucking idiot.”
She urged you to try and live in the moment and reassured you again that’d he’d call soon, even though she hoped and prayed he didn’t.
You gave her a small smile and muttered “I guess.” Before taking the red solo cup she offered you and downing it. Eventually, Dina joined your little trio and you temporarily forgot all about him since you were having so much fun chatting with your friends.
Ellie, still smiling, excused herself to the washroom after announcing she had to piss and thank god she did because the scene she stumbled upon literally made her laugh with joy. She had been looking for a reason to beat the fuck out of your boyfriend and did she find it.
After mistaking one of the bedrooms for the washroom—since every fucking door in that house looked the same—her eyes immediately landed on the familiar lanky figure who was shacking up with some tiny brunette bitch.
“No fucking way!” She guffawed, completely amused.
“Please, it’s not—“ Your boyfriend started, pulling his lips from the girl and straightening out his shirt.
“I’ve been looking for a reason to beat your sorry ass! This is just perfect.” She laughed manically as she stomped into the room, slamming the door behind her and cracking her knuckles.
The girl he was previously with was shaken to her core, and practically sprinted out of there. Before he could get out another word, Ellie’s fist was already crushing his face.
“You dick, God I knew you were an asshole but this is just—wow! Cheating on her when she is most definitely the best you could ever do?” Another punch and he was on the ground.
Blood was leaking from his nose and his lip was split. Suddenly she was on top of him, her fists flying. His glasses were broken and tears ran down his face pathetically.
She’d bottled up her emotions for so long; her love for you, her jealousy towards him, her anger at the entire situation, that it all muddled together and bursted the bottle, sending shards everywhere.
Ellie has always been an innately intense person, but this, pummelling something that deserved it, someone that she’d been fantasizing about beating the shit out of ever since she’d met them. It felt good.
“Pl-please stop.” He begged, and she halted her fists, but only for a moment.
She scoffed. “Stop? Stop. Man, I should rip your tongue out. Maybe that’ll finally shut you up.”
His eyes widened as he scanned her eyes for any sign of sympathy, of mercy, but all he found was icy green.
“You’re fucking crazy!” He shouted, trying and failing to shimmy her off him.
She shrugged, “Maybe.”
She was about to throw another fist but she heard frantic footsteps speeding toward the room.
“Shit..” She tapped the side of the guy’s face harshly as he was beginning to black out. “Listen, you’re going to get up. Hop out the window and take your ass home, if someone asks what happened say you got jumped. You’re not going to look at ★ again, text her, call, or even breathe near her. Transfer out of her classes and if I even get the idea that you’re thinking of contacting her again, I will find you. And I will rip your tongue out, got it?”
He nodded wildly and she finally got off of him. She watched as he scurried toward the window and hopped out, it was only a few feet, he’d live.
Ellie wiped her stained hands on the inside of her sweater and opened the door just as the brunette from before was about to, she was standing next to one of the frat guys.
“What’s going on?” Ellie said easily, putting a charming smile on her face and hiding her hands in her pocket.
“Where is he?” The brunette asked worriedly.
“Who? It’s just me in here.” Ellie said looking around confused.
The frat boy looked behind Ellie and them at the girl before sighing and turning back around, “Don’t bother me again. Just enjoy the party.”
“B-but—“ She immediately shut up when Ellie shot her a malicious glare.
She strolled out of the room and back toward the main floor to see you sulking on the couch, checking your phone.
“What happened?” She asked, sliding next to you and resting her arm behind you on the cushions.
“He still hasn’t answered.” You pouted.
And for the first time in months she shot you a genuine smile, despite the fact you were talking about him. “I wouldn’t worry about it, don’t think you’ll hear from him anytime soon.”
You smiled at her and she shot you a weird look, “What?” she asked.
“Nothing..you just seem a little happier than usual.” You said, leaning into her arm.
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
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tagz ଳ (send me a message to be added!)
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dinoplushie96 · 3 years
First post!!!!
Summary: You are dating Georgenotfound and on one of your streams with him and the others in the dream team Dream is begging George to say he loves him but George decides to do something else. Also the fans know about you and George.
Pronouns: She/her I can change it to they them if you guys want me to just ask and I am happy to
Requests: Open :)
Warnings: None its just fluff
Also anything in bold is chat.
“Hello my lovelies. Welcome to another stream I hope you are all having an amazing day. Today is a chill stream the boys are going to be joining me in a bit so it might become loud and chaotic knowing them haha but ya. So just get a snack and enjoy” you say as you turn down the music and change to the game screen (your faceless btw).
User1364: OMG she is bacccckkk we missed you!
User1735:1 feel like dream and sap are going to be third wheeling the whole time haha
User9649:Stop why is she so nice she has barely said anything my heart cant
You get a text from the group chat:
Green boi: Can we join now your slow
Sapppity:  You know you love our chaoticnes dont lie
Green boi: She loves us she just to afraid to show it smh
Bubba <3 (george): Guys she is taking her time talking to chat let her be
Green boi: SIMP
Sappity: Simp
Bubba <3: I AM NOT A SIMP
You: yes you are but its okay
You: Also look who is the slow one now hurry  up
Bubba <3: I cant be a simp im colorblind 
Geen boi: Thats not how it works
Sappity: George how many brain cells do you have
Bubba <3: More than you
Bubba <3: Insert tea kettle 
Green boi: That was funny tho
GeorgeNotFound joined
Dreamwastaken joined
Sapnap joined
“Thank you” you say quietly
“HIIII” All of the boys say in unison
“Hi” you say excitedly
“That was cute” George slipped out
“WHAT” Dream yelled in-between laughs
“Did I say that out loud?” George asked you could tell he was embarrassed so you try and help
“Not as cute as you ;)”
“T-thank you” George said he was definitely blushing and you wanted to see his cute little face when he blushed so you messaged him on discord.
Him:Hi :)
You: Turn your camera on:)
You: I want to see your cute face
You heard him giggle slightly through the call.
Him: Only if you do to
Him: Deal or no deal
Him: :)
You see his camera turn on swiftly you turn on yours too. You see his smile grow when your camera turns on. You give him a small wave and watch his cheeks turn a light red. 
You had been tuning out the conversation between Dream and Sap but when you tuned in you just got confused something about forks?
“Are you guys done talking about random stuff” You asked
“Me getting murdered by a nasty fork is not stupid” Dream yells
“what I think I missed something”
“Indeed you did I will tell you later”
“okay haha” 
---Time skip because I am really lazy -----
“Come on george just tell me you love me george its not hard” Dream says
“Omg dream no”
“Whyyyyyy its easy just say dream I love you. Its that easy”
“Dream.... I... am not going to”
“Ohhh he got you at the beginning”Sap commented
“He did :(”
“Wow I feel bad for y/n she is just going to be like ‘I love you’ and George will just say thanks” Sapnap says
“Wow wow wow don't bring me into this I have been very clear he can take his time”
“Healthy girlfriends 2021″ Dream buds in laughing at his own joke
“Omg” George rolls his eyes
George looks at you and smiles than makes a heart with his hands. You blush a dark shade of red hoping he doesn't notice. Spoiler he does and chuckles at you. 
“George just say I love you Dream please. I love you”
“Oh my gosh I will say I love you okay” George says
“Are you ready okay everybody clip this GeorgeNotFound saying I love you oooo”
“We are all ready just say it george” Sapnap says, eager to hear it.
“I-” George pauses and looks at you through the screen “love you y/n”
“WHAT” Dream screams
“Y-you do?”
“Of course I do love I love you to the moon and back the only thing that has changed is now you know” He says
“I love you too”
“That shit was cute not going to lie” Sapnap buds in
“dream you can’t lie that was cute” 
“So you can say you love her but not me”
“Dream I love you but I love her more”
 A/N: Hey I hope you liked it give me feedback and send requests please anyways I love you all make sure to eat and drink water your body needs it. Also take your medication if you need to. You are loved and have a good day :).
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darkisrising · 3 years
New short story prompt! I'm all over it!
Boba/Din/Luke - 31. (Or the meeting in prison one.) Yes, I want all three of them, plz.
*sits back in eager anticipation*
Hellllloooo! Thanks so much for the ask! So like I said before, I got three variations on the 31 ask so I decided to make this story a three-part-er. First is here if you missed it. Stay tuned for part three (might be tomorrow tho, it's getting late over here) I hope you like it!! 31. prostitute/client au, part two, BobaDinLuke
Traffic is a bitch and a half to get through, and even though Boba manages to leave work an hour early, he’s still late. He curses to himself when he sees the line at the hotel’s valet service but it’s this or circle the parking lot again and he doesn’t have that kind of time. Not when Din is alone in a hotel room with the sex worker Boba hired and is probably going out of his mind with how uncomfortable he’s finding it all. Boba had tried to take as much awkwardness out of the whole thing as he could: he’d found someone that charged the kinds of rates that said something about the quality he was offering and the hotel he’d sprung for is as nice as he can afford on a construction worker’s salary.
Still, he wouldn’t be surprised if Din had bolted already. The only way he’d even agreed to all this was Boba had sworn upside down and sideways that he wouldn’t be late.
And yet, despite his best efforts here he is. Late.
Boba doesn’t run down the hallway to room 232, but he does walk with enough of a stride that he gets there in short order. It takes a while but eventually his knock is answered by a pretty-boy in a white complimentary hotel robe, his blond hair is wet and beads of water are falling unimpeded down his face and throat.
“Oh, well, now it’s a party,” he says cheerfully as he steps aside to let Boba in. “You must be the husband.”
“Boba,” he grinds out in introduction, casing the room with narrowed eyes, but he doesn’t see Din anywhere. “Did he leave?”
“Nope,” comes the sunny answer and when the man points to a closed door Boba realizes he can hear water running. “We started without you, I hope you don’t mind. Why don’t you take a second to catch your breath? I saw some water bottles in the mini fridge. When you’re ready you can come join us. I’m Luke by the way.” And with that he disappears into the bathroom, where a small puff of steam escapes before the door shuts with a resolute snick.
Well, damn. Maybe this isn’t going to be the disaster Boba’s been imagining.
The water bottle is small and probably going to cost far more than it’s worth, but it does make him feel a bit more settled when he finally makes his way into the bathroom.
“Fuck,” he breaths when he finally catches sight of Din. He’s not sure what he’s been expecting but it certainly isn’t this: his husband with his forearms braced against the shower’s tiled wall while the sex worker—Luke—is on his knees, eating out his ass with a hungry tongue that flickers across his opening before disappearing inside Din entirely. “Fuck,” Boba says again and he’s hardening as he hurriedly tears off his clothes so that he can step nearer, the shower’s spray catching him when he does.
“So you like that?” Boba asks and, when Din can only moan something out that’s not quite English, he grins. “I told you that you would.”
It’s Luke, strangely enough, who pulls far enough away to say: “Yeah, we were talking about it and my theory is,” and here he slides a finger inside of Din who jolts with the sudden intrusion, but Boba doesn’t miss the way he leans back into it. “When it comes to ass play he loves you too much to let go with you entirely. He’s too self-conscious.” He pulls his finger out and spits into his hand and this time he pushes two fingers into Din. “So I suggested we try a shower first.” His fingers twist and Din cries out. “Get him nice and clean and then, well,” Luke throws a grin over his shoulder at Boba before leaning in and licking Din’s hole once again.
“It seems to be working,” Boba murmurs after a time, and when Luke hums his agreement Din shoots ribbons of come onto the shower wall, his mouth open though he makes not a sound.
Catching Din by the back of his neck, Boba pulls him in for a kiss that’s biting and hungry. When they part, Din drops his forehead to Boba’s shoulder. Sated and languid with post-coital affection. Luke is still on his knees watching them—staring really—and Boba asks a wordless question with a raised eyebrow.
“You two are so gorgeous together,” he says, the compliment given so earnestly that Boba, who typically hates gratuitous flattery, doesn’t mind at all. From somewhere in the room an alarm chirps six times in quick succession before going quiet. “Dammit, we don’t have a lot of time.”
“I can pay you for longer,” Boba starts to say but Luke shakes his head.
“Sorry, I already have another appointment across town. But, here, we have enough time for this if we hurry.” Taking Boba’s half-hard cock in hand, Luke squeezes, twisting his wrist until he’s thick and straining. “Kiss him,” he instructs. “But come on me.”
Boba doesn’t need to be told twice. The taste of Din in his mouth is familiar, warm, and everything he could ever want for the rest of his life. Still, the young man on his knees is new, different, and it’s the novelty of new and different that brings Boba to the edge far sooner than it he ought to.
“That’s it. That’s it, you know you want to mark me.” Luke mouths at Boba’s lower belly while his hands flick in quick, practiced motions. “And I want you to. Where do you want to do it?”
“Your face,” Boba growls out, words half-trapped in Din’s mouth and Din moans his approval.
“Yeah, I like that, come on my face. I want to feel you on my skin,” and Boba doesn’t need to be told twice. Tearing his lips from Din’s he pushes away just in time to see blue eyes close and the splatter of his release paints Luke’s cheeks and the divot of his chin.
Boba doesn’t get to admire the sight for long. The shower washes away his come and then an alarm sounds again.
“Okay, now I really need to go,” Luke says, standing up and grabbing for a towel. “I take Venmo if that works for you?”
Boba waves vaguely at where he’d abandoned his pants on the floor. “There’s cash in my wallet.”
“Even better,” Luke says with a grin and then after carefully counting out the money while Din and Boba watch from beneath the shower’s spray—holding each other up as they embrace—he gives a jaunty salute and he’s gone.
“I like him,” Din says when they hear the hotel room’s outer door finally close. He runs an affectionate hand over the bald swell of Boba’s head.
“Yeah.” Boba presses a kiss to Din’s lips. “I do, too.”
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snickiebear · 3 years
/)///(\ sakulee, modern roommates
i had such a good time writing this. this was so fucking CUTE like i had to stop and just smile so big because omfg i love these stupid dorks ugh. and LISTEN. lee would 100% have a nice ass, you’re tellin me someone as fit as him wouldnt?? hellllloooo not on my watch
She stood in front of the door and steeled her spine. Double and tripling checking she had the address right, Sakura tightened her grip on her duffle bag and knocked. 
Her phone buzzed with texts from Deidara, Kisame, and Itachi asking if she had arrived safely, if her new roommate was a total creep, if she was sure she needed to move. They had been fretting like mother hens for the past two months when she told them she’d have to move further into the city for school and work. 
Hell, even Kazuko and Hidan were a little more grumpy when she told them the news, which was both hilarious and endearing. And well, she loved those stupid men but she really did need to move. She was just really lucky that Tenten knew someone who needed a roommate. 
The door swung open and Sakura quickly looked up from her long winded text that would hopefully reassure the boys that she was fine and promptly dropped her phone on her foot. Because. Holy fucking shit. 
When Tenten had told Sakura about her friend she had that look in her eye that Sakura should have known meant trouble. Plus, Tenten was always surrounded by annoyingly beautiful people and Rock Lee was not an exception. Hell, he was the defining line.
Sakura cursed filthily before slapping a hand over her mouth and stared at her new roommate while he smiled back at her, face flushed, “Ah, um, Haruno Sakura?”
She nodded mutely, stooping down to grab her phone before straightening, her face burning. She held out her hand, “Yeah, sorry. I’m Sakura. And you’re Rock Lee?”
Lee smiled again and Sakura’s heart pounded even harder. She should be used to unnaturally attractive men, hell she lived with some of them for the past five years, but damn. “I’ll show you around if you want. Tenten said you were starting your residency at the hospital?”
“Yeah,” Sakura tucked her hair behind an ear and followed him into the apartment’s kitchen, trying her best to not stare at his ass. “It’s why I had to move actually, also thank you again for letting me stay here. The rest of my stuff should be coming tomorrow.”
Lee looked at her, brows knit before waving her gratitude off, “No need for thanks! Any friend of Tenten’s is a friend of mine.” He beamed at her and Sakura could have sworn she forgot to breathe for a moment. 
She was so, so screwed.
“You work out?” She asked three weeks later, her hair was a mess, she was wearing Kisame’s shirt (that went well past her fucking knees. Stupid giant men.) and coffee mug in hand (Sasori made it for her, it was pretty fucking ugly). It was three in the afternoon and usually Sakura was at the hospital or sleeping the day away so she had never been treated to the sight of Lee sweaty and shirtless, post-work out.
He nodded excitedly, “Yes! There is a gym two blocks from here. Do you enjoy working out also?”
She nodded, lips twitching up in a smile, “Yeah actually, my old roommates and I used to do marathons together and go to the gym.” She pursed her lips, “How much does a membership cost?”
“Worry not,” Lee waved her off, smiling once more as he ran a hand through his hair (Sakura did not, did not stare). “I can add you to mine.”
“Oh.” Sakura blinked dumbly, eyes widening. “Oh. Uh. No, it's okay! I can-”
He clapped a hand to her shoulder and his hands were large and warm and calloused, “Allow me to, Sakura. After all, you do wash all the dishes and clean the bathroom.” Mirth danced in his dark eyes and Sakura felt herself flush, words tangling in her throat and twisting her tongue. She opted to just nod and scream into a pillow later. 
That night when Itachi called for their usual nighttime facetime (because they were still mothering her) he took one look at her and sighed heavily, “Are you using protection?”
She heard the sound of feet pounding over the phone and Hidan screaming what?! while Kisame snatched the phone from Itachi to lecture her about safe sex as if she wasn’t 25 and a fucking doctor. 
Sakura had never hung the phone up that quickly before.
“I think I’m in love with Lee.” She muttered, running her hands through her hair.
The boys finally found the time to come visit her in the city, so Itachi and Kisame sat at the counter while Sasori and Deidara explored the apartment. 
Itachi snorted into his tea cup while Kisame leveled her an unimpressed look. From her bedroom, Hidan yelled, “We fuckin’ knew that, bitch! ‘Bout fuckin’ time you figured it out, god damn!”
Sakura winced slightly, scratching at the back of her neck and putting her coffee mug on the counter. “Yeah yeah shut the fuck up Hidan!” She tugged at her hair again and twisted up her lips. “But what the fuck am I supposed to do? Or say? Do I tell him? Do I ignore it? This isn’t some normal situation, you know!”
(She didn’t notice the way Kisame and Itachi glanced over her shoulder or the soft jangle of keys.)
Sakura paced back and forth in the kitchen, arms flying up and flailing. “Like do I tell him, ‘Lee, we’ve been living together for over a year now and I am 100% in love with you. You make me breakfast and have me on your gym membership and the way you smell is so nice and your aftershave is kind of gross but I adore it because it's yours’?”
“Or!” She half yells, throwing her hands up again, “Should I tell him the way he smiles and his laugh makes me feel so alive and that I moved my shifts around so I could always be home when he got home and make dinner together? Or should I tell him how nice his ass is? How his positivity is so contagious and that he makes me want to be a better person? That literally just sitting in the same room gives me butterflies and calms me down all at the same time?”
The apartment was quiet and Sakura froze when someone behind her drops their keys. Kisame’s eyes were glued over her shoulder, Itachi looked at her half in amusement half in pity. 
Slowly, ever so slowly, Sakura turned around, eyes wide and face red to see Lee standing under the door frame, keys laying on the ground. He had a bouquet of flowers tucked under his arm and he audibly swallowed.  
Tucked in the flowers was a large card with her name sprawled in beautiful cursive.
Lee stared right back at her, his face just as red as hers before he thrusts the flowers into her shaking hands. 
And well, Lee was a loud person, he was a great communicator, and his feelings were never not known. But Sakura was in love with him, she knew him, and she could see him in those quiet moments. She knew what they meant. 
Sakura clasped the flowers to her chest and looked up at him, eyes watering and smiled widely. Without breaking eye contact, she addressed her best friends, “Get out.”
She will never live down the endless teasing of that day. Though, she was very glad she kicked them out sooner rather than later.
The piano played softly in the back as they danced, his hands settled on her hips, her arms around his neck. She smiled up at him, all joy and love. He balled openly, all overflowing emotion and unending happiness.
Sakura cupped his face, thumbs bruising away his tears before she leaned up to kiss him. Hidan wolf whistled and Tenten whooped in the back as they broke apart. Lee smiled, tucked her under his chin and Sakura closed her eyes, reveling in the bliss of it all. 
“Your ass looks so good in those pants,” She muttered.
Lee threw his head back and laughed.
click this!
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
🍬Sour Skittles 🍬
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WELCOME TO GLASSCLAW! The only city where you can get a homecooked meal and a hitman all on the same street! You moved to GlassClaw for a fresh start after a group of raiders invaded your previous compound. Unbeknownst to you, the city has its own collection of riff raff and, at the head of it all is your neighbor Min Yoongi. The mischevious merchant with one hell of a sailor mouth is known for swindling the rich and, serving the poor. The world has become convoluted and chaotic since the apocalypse but, two things were certain: You were so much more than pretty face and, Yoongi was so much more than just a thief.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Dystopian Au, RobinHood! Yoongi, smut, fluff, minor angst, post apocalyptic au.
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: Hellllloooo! This series will be posted in parts with some being longer than others. I’m not entirely sure what direction this story is going to take, I just know it’s going to be a good time. Let me know what you think! Love you!
Your neighbor Yoongi is the worst.
Plain and simple.
He’s the fucking worst.
You moved to Glassclaw, expecting a new start but, in all honesty, the happenings in this grimy metropolitan city were no better than your previous raider-ridden compound.
The apocalypse occurred 10 years ago on this very day and, the world as you knew it was just beginning to pull itself out of the clutches of destruction.
However, with no international government and, no real sense of order, the world operated largely on chaos and crime. Clans of raiders destroyed entire cities, much like the one you had just come from, and gangs ruled the inner cities whilst religious cults seemed to dominate the more rural areas.
Everything was a mess.
Glassclaw wasn’t exactly the most dangerous of the inner cities but, it certainly wasn’t squeaky clean. The city was run by a business called ‘AstroLex’, which essentially was a group of wealthy men hell-bent on colonizing Mars. A noble effort aside from the fact that AstroLex gets their funding by taking nearly 70% of GlassClaw’s working wages.  Because of this, most of Glassclaw’s inhabitants live far below the poverty line and, often rely on ‘other’ means to supplement their income.
The Underground is a market that developed in some of the city’s seedier areas where desperate citizens could go to receive work or, receive stolen goods. The Underground also provided access to things that were forbidden by AstroLex such as drugs, alcohol, pornography and, gambling.
Rumor has it, that your neighbor, Yoongi, works for the Underground as a procurer of stolen goods but, he has yet to be caught by the authorities.
Yoongi, as you’ve mentioned, is the worst. He’s constantly bumping into you without apologizing and, leaving his dirty boots strewn all over the shared patio between your apartments and, blasting his music so loud that it literally shakes the unstable walls of your bedroom.
The latter of which, he is doing right this very second.
It’s 3am.
He’s been blasting Eminem for the past 4 hours and, you’re currently thinking of all the expletives you want to scream in his face.
You have yet to fall asleep for more than 20 minutes because, the bass keeps shaking your bed.
Enough is enough.
Adjusting the purple sleep shorts you had on, you drag yourself out of bed, irritation simmering beneath your skin as you march out of your apartment and, over to Yoongi’s door.
The air outside is still sticky with the remaining humidity from the hot summer day and, you groan to yourself as you feel your neck already growing sweaty.
“Yoongi!” Your voice is sharp and, barely carries above the music, your hand pounding against the graffiti-covered door.
Seconds pass before the music completely cuts off.  You hear the faint sound of shuffling before the door creaks open.
Yoongi peeks his head out, minty hair disheveled on his head, eyes half open in an attempt to look sleepy, his hand coming up to cover his mouth as he lets out a loud yawn.
“Do you know what time it is? Why are you yelling” He grumbles, leaning against the doorframe.
You try to ignore the fact that he’s not wearing a shirt and, choose instead to reinforce the irritation in your voice, “Do YOU know what time it is?”
He lifts up one of his tattooed arms, pretending to look at a watch that clearly wasn’t there, mischief in his eyes, “Hm, I think my watch is broken but, I don’t really pay attention to the time when I’m sleeping which is what I’d like to get back to doing if you don’t mind…”
Your blood boils, “Do you honestly expect me to believe you were sleeping through the music you were just blasting?”
Yoongi cocks his head, a pierced ear tilted in the direction of his apartment, his eyes narrowing in confusion, “Music? What music? I don’t hear anything…”
“Oh my god, I’m not doing this with you. Just please leave it off for the night ok? I’m trying to sleep…”
Yoongi’s confusion doesn’t wane and, neither does the glint in his eyes, “I was trying to sleep too until you came and started banging on my door so, to be honest, this kind of feels like your fault…”
Your eyes widen in disbelief and, it takes everything in Yoongi not to laugh. Instead he speaks again, his hand extending to pat your shoulder, smooth, pink lips pouted slightly, “Don’t worry though, I forgive you. We all make mistakes, it’s important to learn from them and, move on…”
Shoving his hand off of your shoulder, you allow your anger to bubble over, “It’s also important for you to know that if you turn your music on again, I’m setting your boots on fire and, throwing them through your window…”
Yoongi snickers, “That’s arson and attempted murder, you’d put be put away a long time for that you know…”
“At least when I’m in prison, I’ll get a good night’s sleep…” You retort, crossing your arms, brows rising in defiance.
He smirks, eyes glancing down at your sleep shorts,  “You’d get eaten alive in prison, princess…”
Rolling your eyes, you step away from his door frame, throwing a pointed look his way, “I’d manage just fine. Leave your music off, I’m going back to bed, don’t make me knock on your door again…”
Yoongi chuckles, eyes scanning over you fondly, “Sweet dreams…”
His laughter increases as you throw a middle finger his way, not even bothering to look back at him.
Yoongi runs a hand through his minty green hair, trying to contain the smile that’s still lingering on his mouth.
Despite your obvious hatred towards him, Yoongi kind of has a thing for you. He thinks you’re pretty cute, especially when you were all riled up.
At the slam of your door, he chuckles again, shaking his head as he slips back into his apartment.
“That girl is gonna kill you one of these days…”
Namjoon, Yoongi’s roommate is sat on the couch, eyes glued to the pages of his book, observing him sagely.
Yoongi shrugs, eyes flitting to the window, a smirk still lingering on his lips, “Nah, I think I could take her, she’s got one hell of a mouth on her though…”
“You know Hyung, there are other ways of getting a woman’s attention…” Namjoon offers, regarding Yoongi through his glasses.
Yoongi’s smirk returns in full force, grabbing an apple from the bowl on the counter, “I have her attention Namjoon, that’s really all I want at this point. She’s a lot of fun…”
“Don’t you like her though?”
At Namjoon’s question, Yoongi’s heart sinks a little but, he ignores it and, sends a pointed look towards his brother, “The only person I like is you,” He takes a bite out of his apple, mouth full as he continues taking, “Go to bed, its late. I’ll be in my room if you need me…Goodnight.”
Namjoon closes his book, biting his lip in curiosity as he watches Yoongi slip into his bedroom, closing the door quietly behind him.
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andyl394 · 7 years
Request: hellllloooo, i love your writing and i have a request. can you make something with reader X steve with this chat: "x1: wait, how do you know that steve is great in bed?" "x2: we share a wall, so either he's amazing in bed or y/n just likes to agree with him a lot." "x2: loudly, and a lot." - Anon
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader
Word Count: 1,160
Warning: Fluff(?), SMUT! (First one, be nice), Cursing, Unprotected sex (If you really love her, wear a cover)
(A/N): Okay, this is my first ever posted Smut on Tumblr, so, BE NICE, PLEASE. 
Tumblr media
You had been out for two weeks on a mission and Steve missed your hands tugging his hair, he missed your scent, he missed cuddling you, he missed your soft moans and kisses.
He missed you.
“Why are you so grumpy, old man?” Sam teased, looking at you behind Steve. He didn’t noticed you following him to the kitchen; your boyfriend shrugged his shoulders, bowing on the kitchen’s counter and resting his chin on his hand.
“I miss my girl; it’s hard to sleep without her.” Smiling sweetly, you shooed Sam away with your hand, glaring at him when he rolled his eyes and backed away.
“Good evening, Captain.” You purred into his neck, hugging his back and sliding your hands to his abdomen. Steve jumped in surprise and turned to you, eyes shining in joy as he lifted you from the ground – making you wrap his hips with your legs.
Steve was ease to kiss you, a hard and desperate kiss while he blindly walked into his room, ignoring the hissing sounds that Wanda and Tony did by the living room with the scene.
“I missed you so much.” He said, placing sloppy kissed on your neck and sucking on your soft stop next to your ear. Scratching his back, you felt him moan against your sensitive skin, his hands roughly making their way inside your uniform, cupping your breasts with his big hands.
Steve cursed under his breath when you grinded yourself on him, moaning next to his ear with the feeling of his hard cock pressed against your clothed core.
Your boyfriend looked up into your eyes while he kissed his way to the end of your shirt, lifting it and helping you to take it off, sucking on the skin of your collarbone, his hands finding its ways to your back to unlock your bra, making you sigh when he licked from your neck to your navel.
It seemed to burn and send chills through all your body at the same time; A smirk on his face when he saw your reaction at his touches, he tugged at your jeans asking permission with his eyes while you were already bucking your hips up.
You let a whimper get out of your lips when he kissed your inner thighs, your head falling into the pillow as Steve hooked his fingers into the elastic of your underwear, pulling it slowly down as if he was unwrapping a gift that he didn’t want to mess the package of it.
“Steve…” He moaned when you whispered his name, your hands tangling on his blond locks, pushing his face where you needed the most. He was happy to help with your problem, licking your pussy all the way to your clit just as you liked it.
It made you tug harder into his hair and let out an audible and long ‘yes’, Steve felt himself get harder at the way you reacted to him. You started to grind and roll your hips on at his thong, whimpering repeatedly at his digit inside you, he looked up at you, making eye contact while you breathed sharply at the vision of his face in the middle of your thighs.
Steve’s free hand roughly went to your breast, squeezing it gently before stroking your jaw and you used the moment to grab his hand and bring his thumb to your mouth, he moaned into your core, sending pleasant vibrations through your bundle of nerves and making you suck harder on his thumb before squeezing your eyes shut and moan again as you reached your high; slowly rolling your hips while he sucked at the last drop of your juice.
You sat when he finally let go of your trembling figure, a smug on your lips when he looked at you as if he was hungry and indeed, he was.
“Why do you have so many clothes on, Captain?” Steve hissed with your purr while you bit your lip, slowly pulling and flipping him to his back, kissing his plumped lips, your hands sliding to his bare shoulders – since you had taken off his shirt –, sucking on the crook of his throat and slowly dragging your hands down to his sweater pants.
You kissed your way down to his abdomen, licking under his navel, never breaking eye contact with him, Steve bit his lips and brought you back to line to his face, turning you again and smirking down to you
“As much as I would love to see that pretty lips of yours down there, I need to feel you around me, now.” Your moans were like gasoline to his fire, and that sequence of ‘yes’ left your lips when he rocked hard on you, hitting the same spot that made you curl your toes in pleasure.
Biting down on his shoulder, you felt yourself getting closer to relief when he moaned dirty things next to your ear in gritted teeth, feeling you clench around him.
“Did you miss your man’s cock, uh? You like when I fuck you this way, don’t you?” All you could do was agree, your own voice betraying you as you whimpered:
“F-fuck! Steve I’m-” You felt the knot on your lower abdomen snap when he guided his hand down to your clit, vigorously rubbing it to help you to reach your release as he found his own, slowing down his movements at the same time your hips rolled slower.
Steve fell next to you, puffing like you while you giggled when he whispered a ‘wow’, bringing you to rest your head on his massive chest and hearing his heart pounding strongly.
“I missed this.” He mumbled; kissing your sweated forehead and making you snuggle more into him. “I love you, Y/N.” You smiled at him, feeling yourself draft into sleep after answering it with an ‘I love you too, Steve’.
You kissed your boyfriend good morning before plopping to sit on his side of the table, ignoring Sam’s devilish smirk. Steve placed on hand on your thigh, a reaction as natural as you slipping your hand on top of his, tangling your fingers and starting to eat the fruits with the other hand.
“Good morning, Steve I-fuck-right Rogers. – Bucky smirked, sitting in front of you and ignoring your choking. Sam tried to look innocent while he glanced at Bucky with a confused look on his eyes.
“Wait, how do you know that Steve is great in bed, Bucky?” You were still gasping for air when Steve slapped your back gently.
“Oh, we share a wall, so either he's amazing in bed or Y/N just likes to agree with him a lot.” Steve was the one choking now while Sam laughed loudly and you blushed hard.
“Loudly, and a lot.”
Wanda, that was on your other side simply looked up at all of you and whimpered:
“I’m just a sweet innocent child, how did I end here?”
Condemn to a forever tagging: @fangirlandnerd @tommys-girl1980
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[UR] ‘Vaguepost’
It was one of THOSE posts on social media. The ones where it’s obvious the person is upset but you have no idea why. The clues are scarce and the details are vague or nonexistent. Traditionally, the term ‘vaguepost’ has been applied. The poster wants to vent about something that has made them very sad but for whatever reason, they do not feel comfortable spelling out the circumstances. Maybe they are going through a breakup and are trying to be deliberately obtuse, to avoid outing the person who caused their pain. Either that, or revealing the facts would cause more issues.
Either way, the vast majority of the people reading those vague posts have no idea what’s the matter. In most cases, the posters do not even want advice or real solutions. They just want to vent and gain some general sympathy. I guess I was too clueless for that. It just seems like pointless drama for its own sake; most of the time. I assumed those who knew the vague-poster better than I, would also know the secret details. I usually let those go, or just offer a polite ‘thumbs up’ but this particular one seemed to have more to it than an appeal for pity. There really seemed to be legitimate pain in her words. It moved me.
Like many online ‘friends’, I didn’t know the woman who posted it very well. I had chatted with her years earlier in a discussion group and liked the substance of her thoughts. It was enough to reach out and send her a ‘friend request’ back then but honestly, I only knew the scant details she offered about herself in passing. I’m not even sure if I would recognize her if I passed her on the street and yet, I was moved by her short online statement.
I must have read and re-read the post a dozen times. Then I went to her page to read the preceding posts (to see if I could glean the meaning of the most recent one). Nothing. Honestly, I had no clue about why she was so sad. There were no obvious precursors to heartbreak or personal tragedy in the earlier messages. It was a mystery that I kept coming back to. I like to fix things. I enjoy finding solutions to problems. It gives me an ego boost to set things right again but in this case, I had no tools to work with.
I debated keeping my mouth shut. That would have been the prudent thing to do. Then I waited for others to make comments which might shed more light on the true source of her problems. There were only a handful of well meaning, general sympathy comments offered by her friends. They were just as clueless as I was. They were also fishing for details in order to offer up real help but none was forthcoming. It seems that my friend was going to be tight-lipped about the source of her deep woes.
At that point, I could have left well enough alone and waited for my friend to recover from her mystery source of depression. That’s what I had done a hundred other times when similar situations presented themselves. Instead I sent her an instant message. It wasn’t read. Probably others had also sent PM’s to no avail. Part of me wanted to cease contacting her with that. I’d made an effort to reach out to her. I didn’t even know her if the truth was told but I’d still made an effort to show that I cared. I started putting my efforts into other things.
I assumed her real life friends were taking care of things. They actually knew her. They were surely aware of any deep relationship problems or personal issues she had. I reassured myself that there were far better people in her life, to be there for her than me. Minutes passed. I’d almost forgotten about it. The rest of the world had already moved on but I couldn’t shake the nagging worry I had. It was something I didn’t even want to articulate. There was no specific reference to harming herself or anything like that in the message. It was just an underlying tone of true despair that gnawed at me. It was what was not said. My sense of unease intensified.
I checked my earlier IM where I’d reached out to her. It still hadn’t been read. I don’t mind telling you, it wasn’t easy for me to let it go AND it wasn’t easy to keep contacting her. I’ve always been about ‘minding my own business’. This was way outside of that. I went on her profile info and looked for a phone number. Most people leave that field blank. They don’t want it to fall into the hands of spammers or crooks. Amazingly, there was a number in the field. I jotted it down quickly but dialing it was a different story. I wrestled with the potential risks. I struggled especially with the awkwardness of speaking to anyone for the first time. I’d already made a couple sincere efforts to help. Most people would accept that as ‘enough’ and not cross any more social boundaries. I was one of those people too; until I pressed ‘call’.
It rang and rang, and rang. Nothing. I let it keep going. Voicemail never picked up. I was tempted to hang up but figured if she wasn’t there, then it wasn’t annoying anyone. I switched over to the IM app. My message had finally been seen. I assumed the call had drawn her attention to it. It was still ringing. I typed ‘That’s me calling you.’ Finally she answered. Her voice was distant and hazy.
“Hellllloooo?” Although I had never heard her voice, I could tell she was very drowsy, or deeply disoriented. She sounded drunk or drugged.
“Hey Emily. It’s umm Jake. I just wanted to check on you. Are you alright?”
“Uhhh hi ‘Jake’. Jaaake whoooo?”
She was obviously confused by my unceremonious introduction. I explained that we were ‘friends’ from an old, defunct discussion group. From her responses, I could tell she was really out of it and incapable of rationalizing anything. There were huge pauses and gaps in her responses. I asked her what was wrong and she began to cry and sob. From what I could gather, it was relationship problems. ‘Marco’ has cheated on her with someone and then left her when she called him out on it. At least that’s what I gathered from her slurred speech and incoherent narrative. I asked if she had been drinking but I already knew the answer to that. What I really wanted to know was if she had taken anything else besides that. I was worried she had taken some sleeping pills or painkillers. Eventually she explained that she had downed a whole bottle of pills. I couldn’t make out what she said they were, but with alcohol, it was probably a deadly cocktail.
She kept saying she just wanted to ‘go back to sleep and sunbathe in the beautiful light.’ Unfortunately I knew what that meant but I did my best to keep her engaged with me and talking. Then she would get quiet and nod off again. I would have to yell or make odd noises to get her attention back. This went on for several minutes while I tried to figure out what to do. I had to keep her talking while I tried to find the 911 call center for her town. I’m not much of a multitasker but I managed to explain what was going on in an email to them. I listed her full name and phone number. Only time would tell if they would get my message in time and take it seriously.
I figured if she threw up, it might minimize the effect of the pills dissolving into her system. I started describing anything I could to gross her out and make her stomach feel queasy. If I went for too disgusting though, she’d just hang up. I had to find the right balance. I guess she was already nauseous. My little ‘pep talk’ did the trick. I heard her vomit and then there was a knock at her door. My hastily typed email had been received by the emergency medical center in her hometown.
They immediately went to action and started performing life-saving measures on her, right there in her bedroom. One of the EMT’s picked up her phone and asked if I was the one who’d reported it. I explained that I was alarmed by the tone of her social media post and decided she needed some help.
“She definitely did.”; He agreed. “There’s an empty bottle of sleeping pills in the bathroom but we have her now. It could have easily killed her with all the alcohol she also consumed. You’re a good friend, Jake. We’ll get her to the hospital and stabilize her. Bye.”
I didn’t hear anything for a couple days. I admit that I did an internet search in her hometown to see if there were any updates. In the end I decided ‘no news was good news’. I kept reminding myself that she and I were not really close; and despite my sincere effort to help in her time of need, I might never hear from her again. A good deed was its own reward. On the third day, I received a call from a number I didn’t immediately recognize. I just assumed it was a sales call but I answered anyway. Turns out, it was Emily.
“Hello Jake. It’s... Emily Brown. This is so embarrassing. I want to thank you for calling and checking on me Tuesday. Words can’t describe how much I appreciate what you did. I don’t remember much of what we talked about but if you hadn’t stepped forward and made that extraordinary effort, I wouldn’t be here now. I was deeply depressed. My boyfriend had dumped me after cheating with another woman and I couldn’t ‘see any light at the end of the tunnel’. While my own friends.., you know what I mean... while ‘they’ either rolled their eyes at my post or just offered some empty sympathy, you actually found my number and called me. I’m deeply touched. You even emailed paramedics while we talked! I don’t know how you did that but I’m eternally grateful. My doctor has me on medicine and it’s already helping me feel better. Thank you so much for reaching out and keeping me talking until they arrived. You literally saved my life.”
I attempted to downplay my role in her dramatic recovery but it did feel good inside to know my emotional instincts had been correct. She really needed a friend and I had been there for her. The ‘vague-post’ was a passive cry for help that too many others dismissed as exaggerated or insincere. I guess I’ll always examine the meaning behind the words, as well as their unspoken implications. Sometimes it’s not what is said, but what isn’t spoken that is most important.
submitted by /u/OpinionatedIMO [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2J9RNai
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tonystankstan · 7 years
hellllloooo i just made this side blog so if you post/reblog mostly iron man/mcu pls like and/or reblog so i can follow you! i need much more content
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flawedinthefantasy · 7 years
hellllloooo. so things have improved since my last few posts. everything smoothed over with my family. i was blessed with 2 interviews to med school on consecutive days. it happened so quickly and i was so happy..now it’s just the waiting game. i’ve been really positive about life lately. it’s been a week and 2 days without carbs and i’m down like 10 pounds. the weight loss seems a lot slower this time around but that’s quite alright. 
last night i made my weight goals list and there’s nothing i’d love more than to hit 207 or below by the end of august. that period of time marks 10 years since my freshman year of college where everything in my life went downhill. i weighed 207 when i left home for the first time and i felt like i was in the prime of my life. losing the 80 pounds i gained during my time in DC will symbolize the death of all of the bad times i’ve experienced in the last decade. i’m really hoping and praying for it to work out. luckily, i haven’t really had many urges for carbs and i do my best not to think about the foods i used to eat. i’d been binging so much during the last few weeks, it’s a relief to wake up and not feel bloated and hungover from carbs.
L and i have had a few light conversations lately. i just can’t let that dude go for some reason. but i don’t have any big plans or anything. at this point, i just see it all as what’s meant to be will be. once i give everything up to God, i know it’s handled. yeah the boredom and loneliness suck but i know it’s temporary. i would love to have sex right now but after the CG fiasco, i’m just..not ready. plus i’d like to lose more weight. 
i have a harmless little crush on one of the nurses at my job, hereby known as MWB. he’s married with 2 kids and 1 on the way...skinny, but really cute. he looks like a celebrity i really like. we’ve been friendly but over the last few weeks he’s definitely been paying me more attention. we make eye contact a lot and he frequently checks in on me with a little joke or convo starter. as soon as i walk in, he asks where i am and he seems to always want me around. i’ll never forget how i was walking by and he was helping one of my nurses and i asked her if she needed any more help and she said “no” and he said “yes” at the same time LOL. one day last week, we were in the stockroom together and had a fun little exchange. i used to think it meant something when a guy told you personal things about himself that he doesn’t tell anyone else. but now i know that’s all BS. we both just like the attention given by the other, it’s harmless and fun. i just need to remember to keep my emotions in check and not get too bratty when he’s around. in a few months, i’ll be gone to my new life in school and this will all be another memory. can’t wait tbh.
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