#I only recently made a thread about it on my Twitter LOL
yoinkschief · 4 months
I've been writing a lot for Strip/Mafia lately,,, I'm so excited to start writing for Tord hehehe
This is a mostly Tom-centric story and I really wanna show their differences through writing and I can't wait to - I'm sure my partner knows what I'm talking about and I'm so so so excited to share it with you guys I hope it's good and I hope it's sooo cool when it comes out LOL
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tocomplainfriend · 8 months
VIV is constantly criticized by her own fault.
TW: Mention of: SA, Rape, Transphobia, fat phobia, Antiblackness.
(Hey, i'mma probably do a post eventually about episode 4. Btw, awfully shit, worse than I thought it could be... BIG TW OF R-PE AND SA IF YOU'RE GOING TO SEE IT. AND TW of the minimization of those topics too.)
BUT I NEED TO CALL ATTENTION TO THIS! One of the reasons I criticize a lot of Viv specifically is because of how much she puts herself out there. She sees something she posts on Twitter about it a shit ton (even on "threads" lol). AND because of how lacking of improvement she has being. (I personally know people I have considered terrible when we were teens, but I have seen legit improvement from them in recent years. They seem like people who struggle, but got to grow up and made up for any problems (or pain caused to me or others). People have the ability to change and become better. Something that matters at pointing out issues or discussing-is the idea of creating change on others. It is better to get someone to change for the better than to cast them into the forever jail of nothingness (unless, IDK, they Sexually Assaulted someone, for example). Specially when they are young people. Doesn't mean YOU have to stick with other people that hurt you, no. Doesn't mean people get to do what ever and get away with it.
BUT All of this problem I have seen from Viv are from age 19-30. (you can change at anytime btw) And see constantly repeats herself and her actions. Seems to have never accepted criticism (said by herself too), and never able to see her own faults. The fact that is a continuous behavior is a problem, how she always responds is awful. My post of "Viv has being transphobic for 10 years", was to signal that. If she really had changed over those 10 years to a genuine thing- I could've taken that! But no, the shitty double standard against trans men... the weird treatment. THE MANY STORIES OF EMPLOYEES GETTING MISGENDERED HEAVILY, TOO.
(I know people who were transphobic [When they were teens mainly], that Genuinely improved and changed their beliefs. Now they treat trans people with respect and care! And still learning about gender-fluid people, too!)
It just seems to be further and further away from getting better! The fact that she only decides to take in account voices from SA victims that agree with her- it's painful as a victim, my self!
And yes, people who sent gore or dumbass shit to Viv (or the team) don't help. And go get help why you're looking and sending Gore to anyone. (Also, stuff like this does lead to people not listening to others people genuine callouts). The fact that I criticize something doesn't mean I agree with the people that go and do shit like the thing I just mention above.
This drawing was created by DollCreep. BUT ALSO FUCKING REMEMBER this was done in response to the shit that Viv drew of him.
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If you didn't know Viv drew a transphobic caricature of DollCreep using the name Jojo (his old nickname). This put together with a shitty anti-sjw meme video. DollCreep is a transman, Viv drew a character based on him. A furry wolf girl, If you can see in the image the main thing listed below the character name is the fucking "Sex=♀️". SO ON PURPOSE, CHRIST. Like... AND YES-is shitty from both to have drawn this (even if it was in respond) mainly immature in DC part. But that, or any toxicity coming from DC, doesn't delete the transphobia here. (imagine drawing a racist caricature of a poc person, because they are shitty to you). THE POST LINKED ABOVE SHOWS THE SITUATION, and in the end of the day. Viv says that DC is an abusive shitty person to her, but never realizing her own faults or anything she could'be possibly done wrong! (and again, any wrong done by DC in general can not be deleted by the fact of having being treated badly. If he did shitty stuff himself, that doesn't delete the wrong done in general to him or to others by viv)
Here about transphobia:
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(this is like 8yrs old too)
Again, she never acknowledges anything that she might have done wrong. "She is a thoughtful person, that wants tor write queer and disabled characters! She wants to tell empowering stories of..." It doesn't even feel close to that when people bring up actual problems in her writing that are stereotyping or bad, and she just yells and cries. It all feels like empty sticks she is only interested in in the surface level, she doesn't want to actually deal with.
When she says "This characters is black guys ♡♡♡" and then the fucking 7th, a grayish character with zero black features. She can not actually try and draw a black person with a different hair texture, she'll faith is hair isn't straight and spiky (has done this so much too). She is all for positivity and diversity (can not draw more than 1 character that isn't a fucking stick with the same stupid face).
She can not write relationships in general. She cannot do gay couples, then don't lean on the stupid old uke uwu defenceless x big rough seme protector stuff. Again, all the interactions with Husk and Angel are sexual harassment. They are already a revealed future couple (and episode 4 is terrible for them, specially with that song). Stolitz is toxic, and predatory. That is not acknowledged, and all Stolas's predatory behavior and power dynamics are put in the background, cause- "look how sad Stolas is :(! HIS DAD IS SOOO MEAN, HIS WIFE IS A BITCH". All her gay characters are in pure surface: over-sexual twinks that are assholes, which also fit into the top/bottom as personality boxes.
Any other point includes sexual harassment as a joke. BUT KNOW SHE WANTS TO BE LIKE "GUYS SA STORIES MATTER, LOOK AT WHAT I WROTE" as if she didn't lean back into the problem of the diminishing of SA and r- (in general and done to men) with her jokes in HB. With all the sexual harassment that Angel Dust puts on Husk and others. (AND YES THERE IS NO WARNING IN EPISODE 4, FOR ITS HEAVY TOPICS! I do believe all series/movies with this need it. SPECIALLY IF IT'S SO GRAPHIC! "Sexual content" is not the same as a warning for SA or R-pe. An adult can see a movie with sex or sexual nutidy- when they see that- but it's different to get straight assault on screen. Victims can watch movies/series with sex in them all good, you cannot just group consensual sex in the same assault or R-pe...)
The thing where Mammon (the only fat character that isn’t from the fucking background.) is like FIZZ YOU NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT. AS IF SHE COULD EVEN DRAW ANY DIFFERENT BODY SHAPE WITHOUT DYING. Like there is only Mimzy (hasn't appeared yet, not given any importance. In the female lead show). Mammon the piece of shit (does the same as Blitz, but he is actually fully bad.) His design is done with 80 fucking layers on top. Like all the test of the skinny character's clothes suck up to their body except for Mammon. His body is hidden in layers upon layers of clothing (that's all you got?). All you main guys need to fill "the skinny have nothing men" and "skinny woman with big hips and legs, but no fucking stomach"?
AND YES! VIV DOES DO THE FUCKING, "FAT = FOOD LMAOOO". You know the thing HH fans and hater where like the "Bee needs to fat thing is bad, cause of fat = food (only food) is reductive and shitty"
(Can I refer to how the show Bojack H, make Diane gain weight cause of anti depressants- and it wasn't a joke! And she was happier too?)
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(mine, from post right below)
... like is a bundle of issues. And Viv will never accept that she might be /or is wrong. That's why it hits the fan with stuff. -And again I liked many of the little concepts and stuff in HB and the original pilot of Hazbin. Shit- I still like Sir Pentious and Nifty. I do like Mammon as much as he is a pack of problems to call out, I fucking love the piece of shit Australian jester- The artist work hard on it, and I'm happy it's an openly queer! (as limited as it gets, too....). I liked Huni-cast, I loved the original voice cast! -and that happens! I could be writing this about other stuff too, not only Hazbin... if I created this blog earlier- IT WOULD ALL BE ABOUT RWBY, DANGANRONPA, even svtfoe...Ladybug... or Agretsuko's ending too. So yeah, sorry for the long post (as if all my post weren't)
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beemers-hell · 4 months
So yall arent gonna believe this shit!
CW: Racism, Transphobia, Animal Cruelty, SA/SH mentions, SA Threats, Murder Threats, Doxxing Threats, SA threats against Kids, yall should know the drill by now
Here's a link to the prev thread just to make shit easier
Anyway, so, since the last I spoke of Nene's bullshit, you won't believe it: they keep doing embarassing shit!
First of all, here's what happened the day I posted my previous thread: I dm'd Nene asking them about the gross as fuck parody account. This is where everything begins. I posted the thread on them afterwards, but they replied a long time after I had both messaged them + posted the thread:
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Now, after I cut this convo off, Nene continued to send me threatening DMs and Anon Asks in my ask box and I just didn't care enough to report on it, I'm fucking tired man. So, I was focusing on my own life n shit.
To show yall something lighthearted real quick before shit gets FAR more depressing, peep this: someone messaged s0uless about a petition Nene made to try and remove us from twitter, no I can't believe that's a real sentence I just typed lol
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anyway here's why I'm making this new thread:
[Important context for those who don't know, F0REBODING is a survivor of incestuous CSA and has spoken about it's experiences with said abuse. It recently escaped their household and managed to flee to their boyfriend's house a couple of states away from it's parents]
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So, I was just like "damn that's crazy!" and left it alone because, again, I don't fucking care and I just wanna focus on other shit. Nene continued to DM/send threatening shit in my ask box. However, like a day or two ago, they DM'd me asking to talk shit out and to find a compromise. Because of what they said to F0RE, I decided to talk to them again, because I was annoyed that Nene was now targeting F0RE too. As you can imagine, it went fucking nowhere and ended similarly to our last convo. Here you go:
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So then, today I check twitter, and I find that not only has F0RE come to the same realization on the identity of Nene's acc, but that Nene sent it more horrific ass threats:
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And that's why I'm making this thread now, even though I planned on just being quiet because I didn't care. Because, fucking crazy, Nene can't help but harass other victims of CSA in their conquest to try and intimidate and threaten me into submission. And also cause, again, I think everyone should know about all this bullshit they're pulling. Sorry yall had to read this shit again!
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s-b-party · 1 year
Imbibitor Lunae & Bailu of the Path of Permanence
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****Spoilers for Imbibitor Lunae companion quest****
The title might not make sense now but trust me I’ll explain lol
To sum up Imbibitor Lunae’s companion quest, it looks more into Dan Heng’s past life as Dan Feng
As we see the internal conflict amongst the Vidyadhara, we also take a close look at the relationship between Dan Heng & Bailu as two high elders (past & present)
There are 2 main sides who want different things when it comes to the high elder: those who want Bailu to stay as the high elder & those who want to change the high elder
The main reason for those in support of Bailu is that she herself was chosen by Dan Feng previously, so it is a case, as Jing Yuan states, of legitimacy
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Those in opposition of Bailu do not acknowledge her bc they believe she is weak
And of course a majority of the vidyadhara we see (aside from Bailu) does not want Dan Heng back anywhere amongst them bc of what Dan Feng did
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To clear up some possible confusion, there are 2 crimes at this point that Dan Feng may have committed, one is in regard to Blade’s backstory & the other involves the transmutation arcanum; the one that seems to be more relevant in this companion quest is the 2nd one
NOTE: In my original thread on Twitter, my phrasing was poor so it sounded like it was all facts but it's still essentially theories/implications at this point so I apologize for my bad phrasing over there if that's what you saw first, remember to take with a grain of salt
*For context of the 1st crime, it's implied that Dan Feng granted immortality to someone of the short-lived species which turned out to be Yingxing aka Blade; it is known that immortality is taboo on the Xianzhou so it would not be surprising if Dan Feng got punished for helping someone become immortal, leading to his molting rebirth & eventual exile as punishment*
*Arcanum comes from Latin meaning secret, could also be referring to a cure/medicine at times, transmutation refers to the process of changing one material into another (they need to have similar properties in order to be transmutated i.e. one metal to another metal, etc.)*
When we look at the dialogue of some of the characters, we can see some who mention a “draconic abomination”; we don’t know for certain who this is referring to, some would suggest Bailu because of the word “draconic” but what doesn’t click immediately is that they seem to talk about this abomination as if it was violent which doesn’t seem to fit Bailu’s temperament; now we aren’t completely sure of everything that happened back then so perhaps this could imply that Dan Feng tried to alter the transmutation arcanum multiple times & got different results aka there were experiments; Bailu’s last character story explains that something likely went wrong w/ the transmutation arcanum which stunted her growth so it would seem that Bailu’s (re)birth wasn’t typical (she also hasn’t seen any dreams of dragon ancestors); idk if I would go so far as to call her an abomination so it might be someone else
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The changes made to the transmutation arcanum were to help the Vidyadhara escape the constant cycles of rebirth & to give them a way to procreate normally; it seemed that Dan Feng somehow managed to find a solution to that & this was his 2nd crime (because he was playing god by creating life)
Now the reason why I mention all of this is because it can be tied into what the existence of Long the Permanence could mean and I think that IL & Bailu could be considered as those who embody (not follow) the Path of Permanence (I know they are the Paths of Destruction & Abundance respectfully but hear me out 😂)
HYV recently released the video regarding Long & it brought up an overall interesting question: what is the meaning behind the existence of permanence?
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For Preceptor Taoran, he states “Only by comprehending & aligning with the way of the world can one’s path lead to everlasting existence. Countless new creations emerge when one dragon meets its end among the morning stars. For the Vidyadhara, this is the true meaning of the Permanence.” (2:16 in video)
Now obviously not every Vidyadhara is going to agree w/ this but it does bring up what the 2 sides in the quest truly seek; there is an irony to the reasoning behind both sides’ views against Bailu & Dan Feng/Heng respectively
In Bailu’s case, she is seen as “weak & useless” & the high elder should be someone strong and yet she has healing capabilities that make her extraordinary even among the Vidyadhara; Dan Feng was known to be a warrior but then he committed sins which involved tampering of life & immortality for which he was punished
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Both are resented for something they lack or something bad they did but they are revered for the traits they do have
Bailu is revered for her healing abilities but resented for her lack of strength, Dan Feng was revered for being a strong warrior but resented for messing w/ life
I’d like to suggest that the quest presents Bailu & Imbibitor Lunae as 2 halves of a whole which make up the Path of Permanence, life (Bailu of abundance) & death (Imbibitor Lunae of destruction)
As Taoran stated, life is full of changes and those who understand the world & its laws can reach everlasting existence; life is full of cycles of life & death which Bailu & IL symbolize
Even more interesting is how well Bailu & IL get along with each other despite their differences & how others view them; they are a great duo to depict balance
At the end Bailu wonders why Dan Feng chose her as his successor & even though Dan Feng committed some crimes, part of me thinks that him choosing her makes sense if we look at it symbolically (after destruction comes life & it’ll repeat), it all comes back to life & death which is needed for balance & it’s this balance that makes up Permanence
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So what about the other Vidyadhara? What they want is one or the other, representing imbalance which would contradict a bit of what Taoran stated was the meaning of the Permanence
Now this isn’t to say that Dan Feng was right about doing what he did or that they should get rid of Bailu, what I want to emphasize is that the Vidyadhara’s internal conflict beautifully depicts the question of what Long’s revelation about Permanence signifies for them
There isn’t truly one single correct answer; if we refer back to “Exodus of the Five Dragons” Penman Oppenheimer gives 3 possible answers that could answer that big question
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The thing is not everybody is going to have the same answer
Some might agree w/ either of those that Oppenheimer suggested, others might have different answers, but that is just how life is
We often say that nothing lasts forever which is true but I think that some of the things that do last forever are life’s beauty & its complexities
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doll-elvis · 1 year
Hi! First of all, I love ur blog it’s one of my favourites and I really appreciate your nuanced takes and the research you put in to your answers. :)
I wanted to ask you — I read today that EPE didn’t allow Sofia Coppola to use any of Elvis’ music in her movie. I figured he wouldn’t be depicted very positively in it but I kinda hoped it would be a realistic and human depiction of both of them, not like sort of a condemning ‘he’s the villain of their story’ vibe lol. I guess we still won’t know until it comes out… Anyway it got me feeling like perhaps the depiction will be more negative, but maybe EPE just didn’t consent to his music being used because they weren’t included in the movie. Hard to know. Wanted to ask for your thoughts/take on it.
Also, what do you think Lisa would think about this movie being made?
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this just made my day 😭, you are the sweetest <3!! I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to show your appreciation, it truly means the world to me that you get something positive out of my posts
also thank you very much for the ask, I really love to be able to have open discussions on here with fellow Elvis fans, especially regarding all the recent events that are taking place 🤧
as for your question, according to the latest interview with Sofia Coppola and Priscilla Presley, it was “Authentic Brands Group” (who owns 85% of EPE) that denied the request to have Elvis’ music featured in the film. As Sofia tells it, it was because ABG only endorse projects that they have originated as they are protective of their brand ⬇️
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(quote from the “Hollywood Reporter”)
so I don’t think Elvis’ music not being in the film is indicative of how he will be portrayed, the decision seems more business based than anything else (hopefully 😭). I’m also wondering if this was a funding issue as this film doesn’t seem to have had the biggest budget (they only had 30 days to shoot) and I would assume the rights to use Elvis’ music would be rather costly 👀
as for how Elvis will be depicted… I think I speak for many other fans when I say when this movie was first announced my heart sank 🤧 the 2022 film accomplished so many amazing things for Elvis and his legacy and I think we all felt like this Priscilla movie would jeopardize that. But this recent interview with Priscilla, along with the film’s official synopsis, has given me more hope that this movie will be more nuanced
Priscilla telling Cailee Spaeny, the actress portraying her, to be sensitive towards Elvis honestly made me breathe a sigh of relief 😩
(quote from the “Hollywood Reporter”)
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But I think the reason so many fans are still currently dreading this film and biting their nails over the release of it is because of the reception it has received online… particularly by non-Elvis fans
if you have Instagram or Twitter (especially) you know what I mean 😭
people are literally praising Sofia Coppola (even Priscilla) because they think this film is going to be a hit piece against Elvis and will expose how he “groomed” and “abused” her
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I can almost guarantee these people and anyone else who have made similar comments have never even read Priscilla’s book, or have ever read about Elvis besides what they see on social media through things like twitter threads on how he was a “predator” or how he “stole” music from black musicians
their dedication to believing whatever they see written about him just proves their ignorance to me. If they haven’t taken the time to research the claims made about him then I just disregard their opinion🤧 I’ve really struggled with disengaging from people who hate Elvis but I’ve begun to learn that nothing we say as fans will change their opinion of him, and no matter what they say, it cannot change who we know he really was
and whenever I do see these people reference Priscilla’s book I’m like… did we read the same book? did y’all not see how 90-95% percent of that book praised who Elvis was? and do y’all not see how Priscilla still defends his actions to this day and says things like “he was the love of my life”? I’m just confused as to why these people think Priscilla wants Elvis to be “exposed” 😭
and like the majority of people who have written about Elvis, Priscilla’s book has the good, the bad, and the ugly, and I expect the film to be that way as well. However, I hope the good completely outweighs “the bad” and “the ugly” just as much as it did in Priscilla’s book
People always hyper-inflate the “bad” stories (of which there are very few) that are mentioned in Priscilla’s book. For example the story where when they were pillow fighting he accidentally gave her a black eye, which is also referenced now as proof that he “abused” her. But they won’t mention how Elvis profusely apologized and felt incredibly guilty, nor do they mention how Priscilla blamed the pills they were taking for Elvis’ temper in that moment, as opposed to Elvis himself
(excerpt from “Elvis and Me” by Priscilla Presley)
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I feel like a lot of anger has been misdirected towards Priscilla lately regarding stories like this but in all honesty you cannot blame her for people taking what she wrote out of context. I’ve seen some fans say that she is only out to make Elvis look bad but she very clearly states he was remorseful for the incident
Like I mentioned above, I think 90-95% of her book puts Elvis in a good light, and shows how truly good his character was
One of my personal favorite stories is the lasagna incident, where Priscilla insisted on cooking for the whole group and in her nerves for proving that she could do such a thing, she forgot to boil the noodles before assembling the dish 💀
and this story is just one out of dozens that show how sensitive Elvis was to Priscilla
(excerpt from “Elvis and Me” by Priscilla Presley)
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not to mention the very last paragraph of her book where she has nothing but good things to say about him… yet people who hate Elvis think this film, that is based on her book, will be out to “expose” him 😩?
(excerpt from “Elvis and Me” by Priscilla Presley)
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obviously we can only really speculate on what the film will be like but I’m just hoping and praying this film will be a massive disappointment to anyone who is thinking it will affirm their opinions about how Elvis “mistreated” Priscilla… that would heal my soul 😩 like if this film is just a total love letter to Elvis I will be laughing my way out of the theater lmaoo
at this point the only reason I’m not excited about this film is just because I don’t think it was done in a way that would reach it’s full potential. That recent review of it that came out of Reddit was kind of what I expected the film to be (lackluster, lacking depth and Jacob not really capturing Elvis’ essence… Coppola’s reasoning for casting Jacob was that since all the females in the audition room were enamored by him he must have had a similar charisma to Elvis but I just do not get that vibe😭 (no offense to Jacob stans)
as for what Lisa Marie would have thought of this film being made, I’d imagine she would act in a similar way to how Riley is. Supportive but not involved perhaps? This film is really Priscilla’s story. Not Elvis’ story, not Lisa Marie’s story etc. etc. so I don’t expect as many people in the Elvis world to be involved with it as they were with the 2022 film. Like I don’t expect to see Jerry Schilling doing interviews for this movie or girlfriend’s/friends of Elvis to give their review of it
I really really wish Lisa Marie was here, I miss her terribly and I still haven’t fully processed her passing, but I believe that Riley is doing everything her mother would have wanted, and I wish the best for her and her sisters 💗
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cheesybadgers · 3 months
After reblogging this Twitter thread earlier, I feel like I'm starting to join the dots with a few things, especially in light of this tag someone left on that post, which kind of blew my mind:
#homophobia in media has trained queer audiences to only respond to subtext#most of us struggle and recoil from actual text thanks to systems of oppression#however that's not an excuse
There was a popular post going around very recently arguing for the importance, if not superiority, of subtext, and as can be seen from my own tag rambling on it lol, something about that post didn't sit right with me in relation to queer media.
Queer subtext was all there was for so god damn long, and fandom devoured and embellished every single second of it because that's all there was and we had to be grateful for what we were given so we would be deemed worthy enough to be allowed more. And whilst it obviously still can have its place in media, it feels like audiences are conditioned to prefer it over actual text. And then you get posts almost shaming people for wanting more than subtext and putting it on an intellectual pedestal. As if anyone wanting to see *gasp* kissing and sex scenes and messy, complex queer relationships in all their explicit glory is somehow devaluing the queer experience with such crass displays of sexuality and love and humanity.
Which leads me to yet another popular post about how fandom wants queerness as a cultural performance rather than a lived experience. It loves passing round memes about kinky gay sex and bisexual lighting and jokes about messy polycules and top/bottom discourse and how X or Y much-loved character is secretly a disaster bi. It loves to performatively and loudly tell everyone how totally chill and cool and fine it is with queerness. But then a piece of unapologetically queer media, either professionally or fan-made, involving these things and more comes along, and suddenly, it's tumbleweed and barely anyone wants to seriously engage with it or be publicly seen to support it.
I don't think I've ever felt more validated after reading those tweets from Brandon Taylor about IWTV. Because I've seen those exact attitudes replicated in fandom and on Tumblr these past few years. And they're always dressed up in just enough manipulative language and subtle microaggressions to make you feel like you're imagining things.
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stupendousfoxthing · 7 months
It's so annoying to me when I come across people who say that tkkers base their belief in taekook on edits and videos that overanalyze. Not saying that there aren't shippers like this but I know this is not the case for alot of tkkers I know and certainly not for me. I had no interest in shipping and theorising on band mates being in a secret relationship when I got into BTS. I just really loved their music and their story.
I noticed taekook while catching up on lives and binging BTS content trying to get to know the members more. I wasn't trying to ship any members, but I was picking up on things with taekook that made me side eye them ngl. The odd tension in lives, the hot and cold behaviour, being overly touchy and familiar with eachothers bodies and personal space while also sometimes acting like they don't know eachother. I tried to brush it off but the vibe they were giving off was like when you start noticing tension between two people in a friend group but nobody talks about it and it becomes the big elephant in the room, only to find out later they were secretly hooking up lol.
After awhile I felt like I had gotten a good grasp on all the friendships and dynamics within the group and yet taekook remained a big question mark to me and fandom discourse certainly didn't help at all. It's only then that I fell into the rabbit hole out of curiousity and most of what I learnt has solidified my suspicions about them. You really don't need analysis videos or shipping edits to notice them because the vibe they give off and the things they do, the way BigHit handled them, these things are enough to make you question. Remember when locals at 2020 Grammy's were asking if they were a couple? Yep, taekook give off boyfriend vibes and we all know it, even the naysayers know it deep down.😂
(Btw I love reading your thoughts, please post more 😭)
It doesn't annoy me when other people say that about Taekookers, because I know for a fact that's not what I base my belief on and I think a significant portion of people who say that are trying to convince themselves there's nothing between TK, we just really want there to be. A lot seem to believe that if they get rid of us Taekook's relationship will stop existing, whatever the nature of that relationship is. Personally I hate analysis videos. Like I said previously, when I first starting looking at Taekook those kinds of videos weren't very popular yet. The two big YouTube accounts I followed just posted compilation videos of moments with no analysis. That's all I need. There are so many moments that speak for themselves. I'll be screaming about the nape kiss until the end of time. I'm sorry but there's no way you're going to convince me there's anything platonic about that. Two recent moments I think about a lot are the Sweetheart shirts and Tae's live where we found out Jungkook always sings "To Find You" to him. Those are very loud and obvious imho. I don't need to analyze them. I've also in my own life accurately called these same "vibes" between plenty of people who ended up together. The tells aren't any different for same-sex couples, but some people will readily read romantic/sexual interest into every interaction between a man and a woman but dismiss way more sus moments between two men. I think there would be no question about Taekook for a lot of people if they were a het pair. I do remember the buzz around them at the Grammys. I was just recently thinking about reactions I saw on Twitter to the live where Tae played "Oh No Oh Yes" (where he intentionally "twin flamed" with Jungkook as an anon recently pointed out). That had some people questioning things. I remember seeing people talking back and forth in a thread about the lyrics and how they usually drag Taekookers but maybe we're onto something. 😂 I still think that some people who call us delusional just don't follow what happens between Taekook, because they were more suspicious than ever during solo era. Thank you for the message, sorry it took me a bit to get to answering ❤️
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elliot-olivia · 2 years
hi! do you know if there’s like a centralized location for e/o fics that’s not ao3 or fanfic.net? i know for a lot of older fandoms there are other sites/pages that were used but i’m not sure how to find those lol. or maybe a good fic rec blog for older stuff? i’m looking for specific themes i guess and i’m just not finding them on ao3… if you’re able to think of anything that would be awesome!! thank you!! (and also i love your blog hehe i come for like Weekly Updates gkdjdj)
hey!! first of all i'm glad you like the blog 😭 i'm happy to provide weekly updates <3
second of all, eo fic has kind of a funny history. there used to be a site like what you're talking about (svufiction.net) but it got shut down years ago and a huge chunk of fic was lost. there's some that were saved (people had downloaded them before the site shut down) and those are scattered across like, dropboxes and other file sharing sites. i've spent the last couple of years trying to collect what i can, and with those i made this:
which is just a bookmark collection housed on ao3 that gives little blurbs of older fics and links to where you can find them. it's still a work in progress (it takes forever so i do it in spurts lmao) but i saved the fic files to my own fileshare thing so they wont mysteriously be deleted or locked (which is what happened to the old popular collection of purged fic) & i try to only bookmark fic that hasn't been uploaded anywhere else. it's not perfect but !! you might find what you're after there.
this literally doesn't matter at all but i think it's interesting so: ao3 wasn't really used for eo fic until recently, which is why a lot of the older stuff isn't there. i literally remember the svu tag in 2015ish only had something like 1,000 fics and eo was maybe the 4th most popular pairing? they had like ~300 under their tag. ao had the top spot until barba/carisi kicked off iirc, then rollisi n barson etc etc. grew in size. and now ofc it's eo bc of the renascence lmao.
anyway. there was an attempt to revive svufiction but it didn't really take off (you can find it here though). there was also a blog on here (eofanfiction) that linked to a lot of old fic but i just checked and it's gone now too 😭. here is a twitter thread with links to all known eo fileshare boxes (but keep in mind a lot of them were made recently when everyone thought ff.net was being shut down, so a lot of the fic is from there.). other than that i'd say fucking around on livejournal might be worth your while! i know that's how i found most of my favourite fics... here is a link to an eo community's fic tag that imo is a good place to start <3
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Stormy, let’s gist for awhile
I have two questions in which I need clarification:
1. When jiminie posted those beach pictures last year… I read that he captioned it implying that he was alone. He was obviously with at least 3 members. What was the point in him feeling the need to put it out there that he was alone which was easily debunked when others posted the pictures? I was offline during this period so I didn’t know the story behind those pictures but I recently came across a thread on Twitter which brought this question back to me. I guess he doesn’t want us to know right?
2. I checked your master list and I couldn’t find this particular discussion… jimin’s vlive back in 2020 when he randomly called jin. Do you really think that was JK’s voice? I’m hoping you know the vlive I’m talking about. These two questions have been on my mind lately as I’ve been going through jikook past contents lately. Thanks in advance 💜💜
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1) Jimin posted to Weverse in November photos of him at the beach and a video of him with his feet in the water. Original posts/translations linked here for you
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Hobi made comments on each post/moment on Weverse, talking about how Jimin knows about vibes, and about how "he told me he almost died because of the cold" on the feet in the ocean video. Lol
And then a week later, on Twitter, someone (hypothesis of ARMY is that it's either Tae or JK, but possibly Jimin too - doubted though since Jimin always claims his twt posts with his hashtag, so 95% likely its either tae or jk who posted) posted the maknae line photos at the same beach. Caption "I want to go back there"
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Hobi also posted at the beach too on Weverse with a video, armys claimed to have seen him there since it was earlier in the day though and that he was alone with staff at the beach
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So ultimately what this comes down to is that people made lots of assumptions and we don't truly know. We have options. Either Jimin went alone the first time and it was just him and his staff/bodygaurds and he posted about how quiet and peaceful and alone the beach was. And so therefore he brought the members back with him on an additional beach trip because how nice to go somewhere and not get stared at, photographed, videoed, whispered about, etc etc and just get to fully relax at the beach. (Because yeah they aren't going to go without staff and/or bodygaurds at a minimum in a foreign country, lol cmon).
Or he was there with the other members and when he stated how alone and quiet the beach was, it wasn't him lying at being alone (because again, staff too) or that the members weren't there, but rather a commentary on the lack of the general public on the beach and how it was time to him/themselves. And he just didn't feel the need to mention the others because the point of his posts was HIM relaxing at the beach. Not him trying to trick anyone either way this went.
And for Hobi, he clearly also went alone at some point (with staff/bodygaurds) and perhaps joined the maknaes too for their beach trip (either Jimins second one with the other members or his first and they were all there the whole time)
Regardless, it's all clearly the same beach lol. And they all clearly loved it and loved having time out and about in public ALONE, together and/or separately. And not having to worry about everyone and everything else watching their every move. And we never would've known about these late night beach trips (minus Hobis) if they hadn't told us. Jimin even made one of his photos from that night his wallpaper! They clearly had an amazing time. And I love that they got to have that private time together out and about.
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Ultimately, does it matter if Jimin went alone once and then again with the members... or went with some of the members each time he went? Or if they went 8 times during the week and we only know of a few times? I don't think so. But I hope that helped a little even if all it really comes down to is "who knows and who cares, it's really nice they did it!" Lol
2) idk where you checked on my masterlist for that post, but it was under "vlives" topic lol, I'll link it here for you
Hope the post is helpful too! Hope everyone has a good day!
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your-astro-mami · 2 years
Is there any astrological information / thread / topic that you are tired of seeing on twitter / tumblr?
The overdramatic posts about the eclipses lol I will make one soon as they are happening in the following weeks, but it's something that gets blown out of proportion.
The Mercury retrogrades as well. No, your life and relationships aren't going to be ruined because of it.
TikTok Astrology content is worse, even though I do enjoy the platform from time to time. I don't care that people are interested in Astrology, but the information is so repetitive and it's just a copy+paste. This sign is this and that sign is that. If you want to make videos and spread information about a topic either be original or more informative.
People who have seen a few tiktoks and read a few twitter posts call themselves astrologers and I feel bad that they receive more attention than people who are older and more experienced and you can truly learn valuable information from. I am young so I don't put myself in that category (maybe in 10-15 years lol), but I waited a few years to learn before offering people my services, working with clients and writing for other blogs.
I recently came upon a post that said that only if you have gone through a Saturn return should you call yourself an astrologer, which I partially agree with. I haven't had mine yet, but until I do I don't plan on charging people as much as the older and more experienced astrologers are charging.
I am never criticizing anything I see on Tumblr, because even the least informative posts here are still better than anything you see on other platforms <3 . People put a lot more effort. Many of the blogs I used to follow from my personal account aren't active anymore or have already deactivated. I hope Tumblr rises in popularity again as the 2014 aesthetic is getting attention.
However, If you really want to learn valuable information, read forums because that's where the older, more experienced with Astrology people are at.
Note: This isn't made to be judgmental even if it seems that way. Astrology is fun, but for people with more experience some things are just overexposed, repeated and it starts to be annoying.
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xoxomyseriesxoxo · 2 years
Sorry to bother you, but you seem to be one of the more informed Bleach fans.
So the thing is, since Bleach started airing its new anime, my Twitter feed has over-filled with it (apparently liking any manga/anime equals liking Bleach...) and the waves of IH fans, who seem to enjoy it exclusively through bashing IR. I know my first mistake is having Twitter, but the author of the absolutely fantastic manga I'm into is posting extra material there, so I'm ready to bear the consequences XD
Tbh, I've never finished reading Bleach. I think I made it to Fullbringer arc, but at that point, I've finally realized that I can just stop reading something that doesn't bring me enjoyment and for a while at that.
I did ship IR back then (for obvious reasons), but I have long since moved past Bleach to better pastures, though I still love the aesthetic. (And Rukia, I probably would've finished Bleach if it was at least 30% more Rukia, no Ichigo necessary XD)
But recently, I've encountered the post that discussed how Kubo himself didn't like the old anime. I remember fandom drama being large enough that it affected him, though I know no specifics as I've always inhabited the peripheral areas of the fandom.
So my question is, is there like a big meta post, following the evolution of Kubo's relationship with his work or just some large meta posts analyzing the events of those times? I definitely don't want to dive deep back into the fandom, but I've always enjoyed reading those large meta analyses.
Again, only if that won't be too bothersome for you, you just have a lot of interesting posts yourself, so I thought you may know something like this or point me in the right direction.
Have a good day!
Hi! To be honest, I kind of feel like a dinosaur in the fandom now... I've started reading it as a kid and joined the fandom when I was in middle school and now I'm in college with a part job but to sum it up, I've seen most of the drama of the fandom back then.
The thing is that the dudebros on Twitter who act like they know everything about B/each and what was going on in the fandom back then fail to realize the fandom was made of an overwhelming majority of IR shippers (and for good reasons) or just neutrals (who didn't really ship anything in particular) but understood IR's appeal.
But lmao, not the dudebros and these stans making up things to feed their own lies AGAIN when no, K/ubo didn’t have issues with the old anime, it was rather the “fan” who asked the question who was bitter about it from the way they asked their question. He supervied it and he even gave positive feedback, including this tweet about ep.342 (which features filler stuff made by the studio) where he said the episode was really pretty (he had also reacted to IR trending worldwide on Twitter back then while the anime episode aired).
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K/ubo also said he was very involved in the anime in an interview in 2006, including the filler arcs for example with the character designs of the zanpakutos later on in the anime etc.
K/ubo also did say concerning that the H/ellverse and D/iamond D/ust R/ebellion movies aren’t canon (which makes sense, especially for H/ellverse after that recent Hell oneshot) but rather parallels to the canon story while Fade To Black IS canon (and the movie was promoted as “a movie you should go watch with your S/O" lol) so it tells you how invested he was in the old animated series. There is a whole thread on Twitter showing you K/ubo appreciated the anime, musical and live action adaptations and how IR were portrayed there if you want to check it.
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Also, the “omg IR shippers are bullies and bad people!!!!” narrative which includes these accusations about IR shippers making K/ubo run off Twitter is FALSE (it happened 6-7 years ago), he deleted his account because a p*rnstar was impersonating as him there. SJ and him took legal action and that led to him deleting his account (he made a new account a while after), so it was not due to IR shippers and fandom drama as those people claim.
Apart from that, the manga’s cancellation official announcement from SJ was sudden which explains how rushed the ending was (well, at least the part where it doesn’t answer to many questions aka if U/rahara, G/rimmjow, N/el, Y/oruichi, I/sshin, R/yuuken were alive and some of the plot holes) but the fact it was that bad was K/ubo being petty and doing that out of spite because SJ cancelled the manga. I don’t know if you can say it’s a meta about his “relationship with his work” exactly but rather how his writing went downhill because he lost the plot of his own story: you can read this pretty interesting post (this blog has pretty interesting B/each analysis posts, including this one about the ending itself). B/each’s sales started to dip at one point but it got really bad at L/ost A/gent arc and and it got worse and worse after that because he spent way too long on unimportant plots and fights (the way we all way too many chapters with that fight of his favorite character against a giant hand...) while dropping important subplots/character arcs that had pontential such as K/arin becoming a s/hinigami (which was heavily hinted in the L/ost A/gent arc and which probably explains the fillers focused on her and H/itsugaya) or R/angiku having a piece of the S/OUL K/ING in her soul before A/izen stole it from her. He also got physically sick and tired of writing this story but SJ had initially given him enough time to end the story and what did he do? Waste time until SJ had had enough and made the cancellation announcement. You have a summary of that whole mess in this post.
The post-ending claims (from K/ubo himself and from those stans) about K/ubo planning the manga’s ending since the start (chapter 1) are also false.
K/ubo is great at characters design btw (though he had the same face syndrom at one point in TYBW when drawing his characters... especially when he was drawing T/oshiro in his bankai form) but as for the storytelling, he was only good if you stop at SS, after that... Well, we know how it went. It doesn't mean we didn't get good things from the following after that tho, it just means that things gradually started to go wrong until it became too much.
I hope this answer helps you to understand the situation better. Have a good day as well!
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ladymorghul · 1 year
Idk if you are on Reddit, but I used to be often and I actually liked the green sub (well, mostly) because it was great to have an opportunity to freely express pro green opinions without being downvoted into oblivion or insulted. When the show was more actual, the main sub was mostly a hellish experience for pro green fans, so it was nice to have our own safe space. However, my experience has started to change recently. There are too many divisions among the green fandom which isn't great, but that wouldn't be such a big problem if some fans were more tolerant toward other greens who don't completely agree with them in every single detail.
I've noticed (and this is not only on Reddit, but also on Tumblr, Twitter etc. ) that there is a certain narrative that apparently every green has to accept and follow or else will be accused of being a secret black, false green, show pleb (lol)...God forbid if you are not a book purist (because F&B is such a masterpiece lmao), or if you are pro Helaemond or anti Al*smond. Our hot milf witch rules (god, I hate the big titty girlfriend and milf hunter jokes), Helaemonds are primarily self inserts because Helaena is a blank canvas and Helaemonds don't actually like her as she is (according to one of the most recent threads) ... Also, you mustn't criticize Aegon at all. There are literally people who are trying to convince others that he was so great in the book and he would never force himself on a servant. Now, I agree that groping maids is not the same as being a clueless rapist like in the show and the showrunners did unfairly take things too far with him. I understand the frustration, but still, they had some basis for the rape decision (even if I dislike the way they executed it) in the same book these purists worship. They also claim he was as good warrior as the Conqueror himself and if you try to say that he was quite brave but that he was actually severely injured at the beginning of the war and had only one more fight at the end you will certainly be booed. Oh, and Daeron is one of the best Targaryens ever and Alicent's favourite (again, we obviously didn't read the same book) and the evil Sapochnik wanted to erase him only to prop up Aemond to whom he gave Daeron's best traits (again, complete bullshit). Furthermore, book!Alicent is an amazing and apparently more likeable?? character while in the show they totally ruined her. I agree only partially, I preferred her show version because in the book I didn't like her at all while in the show she is one of my favourites, however, her characterization in episodes 8 and 9 seriously annoyed me because of inconsistencies and Rhae fangirling. Still, they heavily exaggerate while criticising her show version. These are only some of the sacred rules apparently every green has to follow or else will be accused of not being the true green. Like, who gets to decide this? Idk, it really disappoints me because I thought that the sub doesn't need to be an eco chamber nor the green fans have to be monolithic hiveminds like black stans they like to criticize, even if they are on the same team. It's been a while since I commented or participated at all there because of these things and will probably do the same on other SM. I think I really need a break of this fandom.
Anyway, sorry for the rant, yours is one of the rare blogs I still like and follow and it seemed like a good place to vent😅. I know you've had some interesting experiences on SM so I believe you know at least partially what I'm talking about.
i get it.
and when i say i get it, i mean the part about there being made up rules of what a 'green' is and how if you're not following them, you will be accused of some bs stuff.
i guess it's partly why i call my self a greens enjoyer and not a green. i've seen plenty of opinions from 'greens' that i didn't like, from straight up unnecessary misogynistic comments (some of them by men who think that this fandom just gives them the pass to say anything) to really weird hypocritical opinions over ships. it's been... exhausting.
for anyone who's reading this going "but what about team black?": everyone knows my takes on tb stans. we're talking about greens right now because this is where we mostly hang out and it sucks that there's many people who fully believe they dictate who gets to enjoy the greens and how.
with me it started with anti targaryen sentiment. when i first started the show, i thought the story was gonna be rhaenyra fighting against her uncle for the throne. i didnt know anything about the dance of the dragons. of course, i started reading on the story very soon and watching the show and seeing the dynamic between rhaenyra and alicent, i easily attached myself to alicent because it seemed like genuinely no one was in her corner, even the people who were supposed to be.
but i still watched the show because of the idea that i'm watching targaryens fight each other and be unhinged and have dragons.
so you can imagine my surprise when i realized that maybe half the people who call themselves greens are staunchly anti targaryen. they don't like targaryens and they don't like dragons. it was a bit of a head scratcher for me. i knew why that was the case, because many of them were coming from game of thrones with an anti dany mindset and saw rhaenyra's side as the more targaryen side (even though in the beginning they were arguing with tb stans over it) and alicent's side is cooler because she and otto are hightowers and not targaryens.
that wasn't the case for me? i mean sure was i critical of dany many times? yes. but i still loved watching daenerys as a character. and i loved the idea of watching a new show that focuses on house targaryen and their dragons.
and then the whole targtower kids debate.... when the argument needed it, greenies were like "yes they're also targaryens" but then they'd hate on their targaryen side and then suddenly they legit started saying yes they're only hightowers because they're better than the other targaryens. to me it's such clownery.... i wanted to knock their heads together w the tb stans who were saying the targtowers kids are not targaryens.
then there's the greens, or more specifically, the aemond stans who babify aemond to such a degree that they speak about how alicent parentified him. those are usually super welcome in green spaces, even though their interest lies almost solely in aemond and whether or not he gets to meet al*s and how aemond is more special than the rest and he'll have his misunderstood storyline together w the only person who gets him al*s. weird that these people are far more welcome in green spaces than helaemonds. but i won't comment further.
and then the helaemond stuff happened. people dk this but i clocked helaemond immediately. i did not come after the show ended and were like omg wow this ship that i didn't notice. no. i immediately picked up on it. i didn't want to tweet about it because i knew it would start a fuss but others were shyly posting and i saw green moots call them all the possible names because of it. and then something weird happened... the same green moots who had been horrible to other people over helaemond started talking about helaeg*n. helaeg*n was interesting to me so i thought hey maybe they losened up a bit? no. no way, they were rabidly against any form of helaemond. i ended up losing 80% of my green moots. i was basically just in my own sphere doing my own thing because these people couldn't get over a difference of ship preference. they were shipping helaeg*n and aeg*nd and alysm*nd, all of them problematic in their own ways, but helaemond was somehow the devil. and i know people who have had the same experience. they were mostly leaning green, but when they started to ship helaemond, other greens jumped them.
about character opinions... i don't get it. i mean, i get it and i don't. i get team green's utter frustration with the writers because i feel that frustration myself and certain sections of the fandom do a lot to mock and poke at that frustration which causes even more frustration. that being said i believe it's impossible for there to be identical opinions on one side or the other, and this includes both tb and tg. imo if you're tg you should be mainly interested in the green characters and mainly invested in their story. i'm not saying you can't like other characters outside of them, but just that they're your main focus.
there's plenty of opinions, popular an unpopular, in green spaces that i disagree with. section of fandoms aren't, or at least they usually aren't, hiveminds. i mean i could be disagreeing even with you but that doesn't mean you're not also a fellow green enjoyer.
i don't really spend my time on that subreddit, but i've heard some stuff about it. i think sections of fandoms should be more tolerant of each other, especially on reddit that has a forum format.
and one last thing: i hate the secretly team black allegations. i've seen plenty of those, some addressed to me as well. it's funny because i've said it before but my blog changed some people's minds on alicent and did a lot to foster symopathetic alicent discussion when the fandom was going completely nuts. so it feels a bit moronic to watch someone raging bc of a ships accuse me of being secretly team black.
my only advice is.... take it all with a grain of salt. fandoms with sides like this one tend to be very cannibalistic and i have a feeling that the greens subreddit isn't the best place to post your opinions unless you're ready for aggressive replies. if you feel like you have opinions that you want to share in a safer space where everything isn't a battle, you could try making a house of the dragon sideblog. that wat, you can post your thoughts and even if you get nasty anons, you have the power to publish them or not, or to even turn off anons completely.
i would avoid twitter as well. it's chaotic and aggressive and when the fandom gets going, it can fry your brain.
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kiss-my-freckle · 10 months
I'm gonna put a nail in the Joe Goldberg debate. It'll take a little bit, so just follow along to my recent Twitter thread.
One of the things I love about the night Damon and Elena first met, is the difference between him and Stefan as it relates to their scene in 1x22. This is where Stefan tells Damon that Elena's relationship with Jeremy is none of his business.
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Stefan: Elena's relationship with her brother is none of your business. So stay out of it! Damon: Oh, there's only one "do-gooder" role available. My bad.
Mind you, it's not Stefan's place to say as much. One of multiple scenes where Stefan speaks for others even though they're quite capable of speaking for themselves.
This is Damon respecting Elena's relationship with Matt on the night they first met. Respect he gave even though he didn't have to because Elena invited him into her business.
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Elena: Got into a fight with my boyfriend. Damon: About what? May I ask.
Mind you, she's getting the same advice from Damon that she's getting from Bonnie and her mother. She knows what she wants, period.
At the same time, Stefan digs into Elena's family history. Literally dives into her business without invitation or consent.
Stefan: It didn't make any sense to me. You were a Gilbert. She was a Pierce. But the resemblance was too similar. And then I learned the truth. You were adopted, Elena. Elena: How do you know all this? Stefan: Your birth certificate from the city records. It says Elena Gilbert, Mystic Falls General. But there's no record of your mother ever being admitted. There's no record of her ever being pregnant.
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Season 5 only shows how ridiculous it is for Stefan to have no idea that Elena wasn't Katherine.
Stefan: When I pulled you out, I looked at your face. You looked like Katherine. I couldn't believe the resemblance. After that, I spent months making sure that you weren't her. I watched you. I learned everything that I could about you. And I saw that you were nothing like Katherine. 
Ridiculous it is that it took four months for him to figure this out. He knew the moment he saved her on the bridge.
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You mean to tell me that Stefan believed a man would actually beg him to save Katherine first.
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That a vampire Katherine who'd simply die, wake up, smash out the rear window and save herself would actually need someone like Stefan to save her? lol
As if a vampire like Katherine couldn't do this to a car door.
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Or this lol
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They didn't just drown Stefan in season 5. They drowned Katherine when they put her in that safe with him, which then completely obliterated what he claimed in 1x11.
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Had that safe been made of glass, Stefan would've only drowned once, just as Katherine would've saved herself in that car. They literally put Katherine into the context of drowning in that car with Elena's parents when Stefan saved her life. "In this moment, are you going to feed on me or are you gonna save my life?"
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Then what? You're gonna tell me that Stefan actually believed Katherine somehow cured herself of vampirism?
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That he actually believed Katherine was just as human in their car as she is in that safe with him in season 5? lol
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The same guy who, when Rebekah tells him there's a cure for vampirism, straight up says there's no cure for vampirism.
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Stefan: There is no cure for vampirism. Rebekah: He's telling the truth, Stefan.
For Stefan to believe Elena was Katherine, even for ten minutes... he'd either have to believe a vampire Katherine would need him to save her, or believe a cure existed to make Katherine human... neither of which would be true.
So, not only did they destroy the night they first met...
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Elena: How could you?! My parents died going over this bridge. I almost died. You knew that. You're the one who saved me.
They straight-up turned Stefan into Joe Goldberg, and they did this by obliterating his claim in 1x11. He already knew Elena wasn't Katherine, and he stalked her for four months anyway.
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Stefan: I have to know her.
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years
Hilarious when the dudebros say stuff like where's Namor??? "That's not him" "they didn't use the source material". Recently I saw a dude claim that the design is fine but he thought they would use someone "greco-roman" and I was like. Now you're just being racist with different words. I'm not that familiar with Namor but I learnt a lot of things about the character and boy did he quickly became one of my favorites. But even *I* can tell he's not a white dude. Tenoch looks amazing as Namor, comic accurate with a new design/twist. He has the little wings! And people saying they look silly but aren't they comic accurate? Like, are you going to complain about his design because it's comic accurate now?? pick up a struggle.
Comic Dudebros Opinions aren't worth our time, lol.
I am SO HAPPY about the ankle wings, it's exactly like I always pictured it would be and it even has that Hummingbird motion I always headcanoned and wrote into my fanfics.
So many people said Namor's wings were stupid and they shouldn't put them in a movie so it's more "realistic" (he can lie for hundreds of years and breath underwater but wings were too unrealistic? :/ ) but they don't understand the history behind them or why it's so important to his character.
I have an old post here and more recent twitter thread here talking about the Biracial Coding of Namor's comics but I will have an updated version out before the movie is released so I can talk about the Tenoch casting since so many people have taken me pointing out that in the comics Namor isn't white and has had East Asian coding in his past as me saying "Only an East Asian actor can play Namor" and are trying to use my meta out of context when I even say that any actor of color could play Namor.
I never thought that Marvel would ever cast/see Namor as a non white character and the idea that not only did Coogler do this but also make all the Atlanteans non white is so wild to me because I was just trying to get people to see that we should at the bare minimum make sure we have a biracial/non white actor for Namor in order for it to be true to his character. This was like asking for a small slice of cake and someone handing me the whole thing, and I'm so pleased it's happening.
I know a lot of people like the Greco-Roman Aesthetic and it is a part of Namor's background but his original creator, Bill Everett, never made Namor Greco-Roman, the only inspiration he had for that was Namor is Roman backwards as his name because he like how regal it sounded and the ankle wings being a nod to Hermes. The original Sub-Mariner and his people were literally Original Characters from the Antarctic waters and the Atlantis stuff wasn't mentioned until later and then finally cemented in the Silver age. I will have everything laid out with examples in a better post later even though it will sound like I'm repeating myself but then again I feel like I've been on the same loop of this topic for years. lol.
I know it's hard to believe but I actually mentioned the idea of the Atlanteans reminding me of the Mayans back in 2019 on the Namor CBR board. It was just such a good idea that I never pushed it or tried to convince others because I never ever thought it would happen. I'm not trying to brag that I came up with these ideas; it's so there within the underlying context of the comics that anyone who reads into Namor comics could come up with the same conclusions, Coogler certainly did and went with the Mesoamerican inspiration.
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All these Comic Dudebros want is the "White Male Self Insert Power Fantasy" they pushed on Namor's character and something that Fanon!Namor is full of because no one actually takes the time to read his comics and know his actual character so just go off what they think it should be. Namor has never been what they thought he was.
I think if this was a few years ago I would be angrier and getting into more arguments with those fans again, but I try to not let Fandom be a negative place for me or other fans if I can help it. After all where were all these fans all these years when I would promote Namor's comics? Or when I created fan events like Namor Week and other fans joined in and put their time and effort into making fanworks for? I won't let them ruin this for us like they have ruined so many other characters and fandoms. Nothing makes a dudebro angrier than not getting the attention they want. lol.
Right now I'm just smugly scrolling through posts as they whine and cry because in the end I was right and they were wrong and Tenoch is going to be so amazing as Namor!!!
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coralinehecc · 2 years
Corals Monthly Update #3
HOHOHO!! FIRST BLOG POST OF 2023 AND I’M NEARLY 2 WEEKS LATE!!! Super sorry about the long wait! I’ve had tests recently and only got off of school like a few days ago haha! So! Welcome back to my monthly update on what I get up to in my life! Now, before we get into January, I, for the final time, have to tap back into the previous month. Curse past me for thinking the 21st was a good day to start doing these!!! ANYHOW! The rest of December and early January were a BLAST! But lemmie talk about what happened after I made the last update. CHRISTMAS!! I had a great time with my family and I got a bunch of fluffy things cuz that’s apparently the easiest thing to get me now. We also had dinner on Christmas day with my Grandparents like every year. Over-all that day was very fun! I even got drunk playing Minecraft which was funny for everyone in VC. The next few days weren’t anything exciting, however my brother Finn had a bunch of his friends over for his birthday which was chaotic. But the excitement picks back up on the 28th! BECAUSE SKYE AND VI CAME OVER FOR NEW YEARS!! We’ve been planning this since like, June, so it was awesome seeing them again! We did all kinds of stuff from shopping to playing some awesome games! (I am now chronically addicted to Ultra Kill thanks guys)
We even did some baking! Here is our glorious creation I dubbed, “The Jimothy”. 
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Overall the rest of December was awesome! I’m glad I got to celebrate New Years with my besties! Overall, I’ll give it a 10/10! Best way to end 2022 >:D Here’s a few more misc photos hehehhehe
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NOW! FOR JANUARY!! January started off still vibing with the guys. However they would then go home on the 4th which sucks. But before that, both Skye and I spent a lot of money on consoles that are almost as old as ourselves. They bought a fucking PS Vita and I got a motherfucking Wii. We both had fun with em and I even helped Skye homebrew their Vita since I wanted to put PebbleCD on it (I failed but shut uuup) But yea, sadly the guys had to go and it sucked! But I still had a great time. There’s a bit of a gap here right up until the 12th, where finally, the big event happened. CAREY IN THE HOUSE WENT LIVE!! I had finished it a few days prior but figured I’d build up hype by posting it on that Friday. AND IT SURE WORKED! The video blew up faster than any of my videos before it! I am so happy the response has been overwhelmingly positive. I also love how the only main complaint that was common amongst people was that Careys exaggerated accent was annoying which, yea can’t argue against. For anyone wishing for more CITH content, I did a behind the scenes mega thread over on my twitter if you wanna have a deeper look into the production! I’ll even link it here:  https://twitter.com/Carey_Black_/status/1619731723352444928 Now, to move onto why it took me forever to make an update. My mock exams.. BUT BEFORE THAT!! THERE’S ALSO THE FACT THAT MR WULF AND I WERE ABLE TO ARCHIVE THE ORIGINAL EDDSWORLD BANG BOOM SPLAT PROJECT FILE!!
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This all started because Wulf wanted to edit the credits for his arcade BBS build since I was helping him out and since I said SWF modding is hard he just casually asked Psycosis and after seeing his WIP cabinet, gave Wulf the FLA! So a current “BBS arcade version” is in the works by yours truly thanks to both the generosity of Psycosis and the fact that Mr Wulf is a fucking mad man who could stop global warming in a month if he wanted to LOL! Here’s Wulfs finished Cabinet btw!:  https://twitter.com/MrWulfOfficial/status/1622295302685315073 But yea, for real. My mock exams were a pain! For those outside of Ireland or have a different name for em, Mock exams are, well, exams that act like a practice run for your finals. They’re always harder than the actual finals and are usually graded stricter too! Why? Who knows! The Irish education system is a joke. I feel like I did somewhat ok in them anyway? Some were definitely worse than others but overall it was more of an inconvenience. I did get this really cool art piece out of it however.
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Exams would later spill over into February and like I said at the start, I finished and got off school a few days ago. Overall, this month was about a 7/10. It was pretty good, especially in the Eddsworld department, but mocks and other personal tid bits I didn’t mention here dragged it down for me. Since February seems to be mostly me being off school, I hope this month will be better haha! Only time will tell! Thank you for reading! And I hope to see you next month!! (Hopefully on time too haha!) 
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writingmochi · 1 year
it is no problem at all ~
that is quite a young age to be exposed to such platforms. i am glad that your journey on starting anew is going well. it is hard to completely erase ones identity, as it is tied to you, but i believe you are doing a pretty great job.
yes, some fandoms can be quite toxic. while it is nice to bond with people over certain activities, there are people who always manage to ruin the fun for others. personally, i allow it to roll off of me at this point. i do not engage in fan wars or anything silly like that because not only is it a waste of my time and energy, but it is also completely pointless as most of these groups are friends in real life. after all, i am in it for the group, not the people who stan the group, so i do my best to support them as much as i can ~ however, i am glad that you have found joy in other interests. k-pop can be forever for some, but not for all.
the storyline is an interesting thing really. others make theories and others do not care. for me, i take note of the storyline, but i am not one to avidly keep up with it. i simply acknowledge that it is there and apart of the concept.
i can see your point with ateez and enha. enhypen’s storyline does have that webtoon. i believe that the company made it more complicated by marking lines between enhypen as a group and enhypen as characters in their storyline. so i am not entirely sure of the story myself… as for how hybe and kq treat their groups, they are rather different. they capitalize off of them in very different ways, but the most important thing in my opinion is the music and i do not have too many complaints in that department.
your ideas are very interesting and i can say that i would be invested in your career path as a creative director. i believe i saw a post where you created a group just for fun, street spirits? very cool and eye-catching.
unfortunately, this will be my last ask. i believe my time as your anon has been amazing, but all good things must come to an end. rather than simply revealing myself or ending with a grandiose gesture, i will pose a simple question to you. if you have the correct answer, then my reveal is complete ~
who in our group chat recently changed their icon to soobin? ~
signed, 🩻
lissie: hey xray! good job for lasting this much especially longer than my attempt lol my guess will be at the very bottom of the ask
yeah, i try my best with that especially knowing how big tech companies are technically "data mining" you for their business. i feel very uncomfortable with that and i much rather stay off the grid from social media platforms as best as i can. i don't know about your relationships towards social media but if you are the person i guess than you must have a good relationship with it unlike me (especially based on the others' testimonies of you when they're guessing about my anon attempt)
toxicity is everywhere in my opinion. but i guess you just have to pick between the lesser of evils you see. life is full of choices of course! also, having different interests is a very human thing to do because nothing lasts forever. we don't know how kpop as an industry will go in for the next five years because everything changes fast, especially with the existence of the information super highway currently (eg: slave contract abolishments, bts raising kpop up to the mainstream, etc)
i'm actually one of the theorists! i used to theorize for bts but after mots:7, i stopped because it doesn't seem to connect anymore. i want to try to theorize for ateez, but i have to keep up with so many things that i'll let other people take the spotlight while giving some comments from the side.
it is definitely interesting to see their strategy, especially as a business major who focuses on marketing. but that's what comes with competition: innovations that are good and bad. just like we see with twitter and threads, consumers are very fickle and they can change. i'm one of the fickle kpop consumers because i'm a multifan at best and a casual listener most of the time. yet we have to know that kpop idols are essential products for us to consume by hearing, seeing, and interacting which way you could do.
i hope so! i don't know if the music industry is my exact calling but I'll definitely work towards enhancing my creativity in my career in a way (there's a reason why i chose marketing as my focus). i was thinking of making a studio for game publishing, idk if i wanna it to be for video games or physical games but i know that i want it to be small-to-medium size and indie rather than it being extravagant like the big aaa game companies with examples of electronic arts or activision blizzard.
there's also a reason why i picked kq ent as the home of street spirit and it is definitely lore and concept! there is a missing market of girl groups with kq ent with the members between 00-03 liners (youngest in ateez and oldest in xikers). lore-wise, i'm trying to connect them to ateez's as best as i could without making to similar. while concept-wise, the group definitely has influences from le sserafim, newjeans, billlie, and a bit of kiss of life that putting them in hybe just makes it redundant...
not the call out to me with my grandiose gesture :") i felt like jigsaw when i'm doing my anon reveal (tbh the whole guess the anon between us felt like the saw movies but more pg-13) good job on keeping up because this is hard! hope you gain more insight on me and the others! i know i'm not as fun as the others lol but that's is just how i interact with people honestly...
soobin in weverse concert! hi lee @robin-obsessed !! hope you have a great time and i guess, take a rest to because it has probably been so exhausting for you~
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