#I realise there's several anatomy mistakes
theflyindutchwoman · 10 months
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Hey, you okay? Yeah, you? Yeah, I am now.
Bookending this season with two undercover missions for Lucy and Tim was a really great move to showcase the progression of their relationship… The first one allowed them to finally be in touch with their feelings for each other whereas that second one gave them the opportunity to experience how this type of life could impact them, to begin acknowledging their fears and setting necessary boundaries. In both cases, they were working together. But the tone of the episode is very much different. And this time, they're on separate sides. Vegas gave Tim a direct glimpse of how good Lucy was at undercover work… But for all the danger they faced, he was right by her side. Here, he can only be a witness and this difference of perspective changes everything. It is stripping him bare. And it is particularly visible in this scene, when Lucy gets shot at.
That look of fear on his face is so visceral. Even though he's able to give all the information on the radio, his eyes are anxiously locked on that window, waiting for a sign from Lucy that she's fine. Holding his breath in the meantime. And Lucy… The way she immediately pops up from her hiding place, looking straight away in his direction, not caring one bit that she could give them away… In that moment, all that matters is to reassure him and make sure that he is okay as well. That eye contact despite the distance… And the relief on his face… How he even needs a few seconds to compose himself and start breathing again before starting the pursuit of the shooter… It is so raw.
And it is very apparent that he is reeling. He makes a mistake right away, by putting the sirens on despite being still parked right in front of the restaurant. Luckily for him, Teska is too busy being worried about the cops to notice that there was a police car watching him. As good as Tim is at compartmentalising, he can't do that when it comes to Lucy. That was already clear during her disappearance… But now that they're together, it's that much more difficult for him to stay objective. Like he told her once, it's her. And that leads him to the second mistake, one that could have cost him his life : 'If your head is not 100% in the game, it'll get you killed'. That's what he said to Lucy during their previous UC op… And that's what almost happened here. He is so rattled by the events of earlier that he is caught completely off-guard. Just like in the hotel room. You can see the realisation hit him… How his lack of focus could have been fatal. It's the fact that he admits being lucky to another officer, that he needs to say it out loud, that shows how shaken he is.
It's only once Lucy calls him, once he can hear her voice that he starts breathing again. Tim picking up right away, the phone barely ringing, proves how on edge he has been the whole time. And while she seems to fare much better outwardly, the way she barely waits for Teska to leave her before calling Tim tells a different story. She couldn't even wait for the car to be several blocks away for safety… That's how much she needs to hear from him as well. To reassure him and herself that they're both alright. And his immediate words being to ask if she's okay… Followed by 'I am now'… Again, this is so visceral. He can't even hide his fear, it's purely instinctual in that moment. And with the way she answers yes, it's clear that they both need to see the other as soon as possible… Need that physical reassurance… None of them are able to bounce back like they did in Vegas. Even once the mission is over.
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Hitsuhina Weeks 2017: Day 14 - Nobody but You
Here it is, folks. The fruits of five months of labour. The condensed version of the Hitsuhina bond and the important moments for them as individuals. I worked on these in the spare time I had during studies, and seeing as we organised the two weeks of Hitsuhina, I figured that would be a good time to post this. I’ll put explanations of what’s going on in the background panels below the ‘keep reading’ for anyone who’s interested.
Otherwise, it’s been a great two weeks, and I wish everyone a happy new year. Let’s keep Hitsuhina alive next year too :D
Please DO NOT repost this anywhere outside of Tumblr without my permission.
Childhood – I had the most fun drawing this one out of all the five. It’s the one I had the clearest vision for from start to finish. The pattern on Momo’s kimono was inspired by this material.
1st panel: This is one of the many scenarios I have imagined for how Toshiro and Momo first met. Basically, Toshiro would go out during the Winter season while it was snowing (as very few Junrinan residents dared to brave the cold weather), but one day, he see a girl he doesn’t recognise standing under a tree, looking at the silhouette of the Seireitei in the distance. She notices him and starts talking to him, and the whole time he is confused about why this girl would talk to him.
2nd panel: This is just a depiction of Junrinan, specifically Toshiro’s house. It’s meant to be a part of the coloured piece of them in the foreground (I guess you could take it as a typical day in the lives of Toshiro and Momo prior to the latter going to the Academy)
3rd panel: I never realised how much I needed to draw Toshiro as a baby until I started this XD I headcanon that Granny found Toshiro as a baby and decided to raise him as though he were her biological grandson. Ha to use a lot of anime references for Granny.
4th panel: This is one of the many times they’ve watched the sunset together.
Academy Days – I couldn’t think of many Academy moments they’d share together, considering Momo was in a different year to Toshiro and graduated before Toshiro finished (according to this track), and Toshiro was only in the Academy for a year. I based Momo’s pose in the foreground on her colour cover for the Academy chapter with Renji and Kira.
1st panel: This is based on track 8 and was partly inspired by Tama-chan’s rendition of the scene. I had planned to draw this moment much earlier in the year, but I never got around to it. Thankfully I got to do it for this!
2nd and 3rd panels: These from the same moment, where they just happen to pass each other in the hallway. I wanted to make use of the gaps between the panels, so I used it here to show that, despite being in the same place, they’re growing distant…at least, I hope that’s what it managed to convey ^^; Also decided to include a Kusaka cameo for anyone who likes the DiamondDust Rebellion.
4th panel: Momo getting her Shinigami uniform, a day Toshiro recalled while confronting Aizen and was a massive turning point for Momo herself.
Soul Society, Arrancar, & Fake Karakura Town arcs – This was the hardest one to do. This is the period of in the series is where they had the most moments together and it was so hard to choose from the many scenes these two had on and off screen/panel. Ultimately, I went with the moments that I was able to fit into the narrow spaces.
1st panel: Chapter 224/ episode 126 from Momo’s perspective when Toshiro forgives her and tries to brush off the weight of what happened between them. Didn’t quite turn out how I wanted, but I’m happy enough with the result.
2nd panel: Chapter 131/ episode 47 where Momo expresses her grief and confusion to Toshiro about Aizen’s final wish. It is also a redraw of a panel from one of the first fanart pieces I posted on here. I was very close to drawing the scene where Aizen reveals his true nature to her, but I found it difficult to crop that moment into the narrow panel.
3rd panel: Out of every panel I drew, this was hardest to draw because of how emotional it got me (the angst, the angst!) and it challenged me with trying to fit the moment into the panel ;_; Chapter 392/episode 293...gosh darnnit!
4th panel:Toshiro working away at becoming stronger for Momo’s sake in the cave from chapter 423. I forgot to add in the vapour for his breathng now that I look at it >o<
Lost Agent & The Thousand-Year Blood War arcs – Only one on-screen moment between these two during these arcs, so I had to get a little creative with this one. For the coloured part, I used the anime scene in episode 34 where their bond is first introduced for reference.
1st panel: It’s the moment I wish Kubo had drawn – the moment where Toshiro and Momo reunite months after the Winter War. I imagine it was an emotional moment, to say the least, with several tears shed from both parties and a long discussion about what happened and where they’ll go to from there.
2nd panel: This was a hard one to decide on, but in the end I went with Toshiro’s Vizard form, because leading up to this scene, Toshiro went through the trauma of losing one of his closest companions, trained to compensate for the loss, only to lose his battle and Rangiku, but then regains Hyourinmaru and defeats the person who took one of the most important beings in his life away. Other moents I considered for this were Zombie Hitsugaya, Momo’s reaction to Toshiro’s reiatsu disappearing, and Toshiro and Rangiku coming out the tanks.
3rd panel: The one moment where they’re in the same scene...and I just end up drawing Momo XD I tried to find a way to fit both Toshiro and Momo in, but nothing worked. In the end, I figured just Momo [carrying Shinji] was enough to represent the scene. Ever since BLEACH ended, I got the impression that Kubo had intended to have a big moment for them during the Thousand-Year Blood War arc (i.e. perhaps Toshiro making a more obvious effort to protect Momo, who sees how far he has come since Aizen’s defeat, or maybe a flashback on how Momo recovered and reconcilled with Toshiro); but because of his declining health, he wanted to wrap up BLEACH and gave us the small moment in 659 instead. I’m grateful for this scene and only wish it were animated T_T
4th panel: Momo healing Toshiro, a moment I headcanon happened after Yhwach was defeated; I was tempted to draw Toshiro in his matured form, but decided for his original form because it felt right for this scene. Also, I tried to make his hair a bit fluffier because of all the action he just went through XD
10 year timeskip and beyond – Got creative for the final one. I came up with way too many scenes, but some of them I knew I wouldn’t be able to draw with my current skill level at drawing. In the end, I decided to show them during the seasons (i.e. the first panel is in Summer and the last one is in Spring) in moments of peace and quiet.
1st panel: Toshiro’s reaction to Momo’s new haircut. I imagine he was a little surprised at how matured she suddenly looked, and basically said something along the lines of [while blushing] “Uh...yeah, it looks great! Why the heck do you want my opinion? Can we just get out fo the sun? It’s hot out here!” Momo’s hands didn’t turn out how I wanted them to, but oh well.
2nd panel: A typical autumn day when they can spend time together. The Soul Society is finally at peace, so they can now chill out and take long naps under the trees :P Momo’s reflective here, thinking about the long peace they’ve had and happy memories of her childhood.
3rd panel: This is meant to represent a lot of momets. This is the moment after they confess their feelings for each other. A typical moment on one of their first dates. The moment after they’ve  shared their first kiss. More specifically, the tender and sweet moments that come between them as their love each other grows and grows.
4th panel: The two of them a century later as adults. Their love for one another is fully realised and they now spend everyday together [outside of work] as a married couple. I was hoping to show a wedding ring somewhere, but I wouldn’t think of a natural pose for it. Also, I have a few interpretation about how Toshiro would look as an adult. As you can see, the one I ended up choosing involved him having long hair, mainly inspired by Hyourinmaru’s design.
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Little Red Dress
Pairings: Harry Lewis x fem!Reader, Callux x sister!Reader Word Count: 1.8k Warnings: Swearing, some violence, maybe a few spelling mistakes Request: Idk if this is a request but like a secret relationship with Harry that you hide and you like calluxs sister or something like that and when he finds out he gets really mad or something
How you had gotten here you didn't know. It was a question you had continually asked yourself for the last five or so months. You hadn't long moved to London, where your older brother Callum lived. You had wanted to be closer to him, not that you were far anyway but you were very closer to your brother.
There were quite a few years between you and the older boy, you being born when the latter was 7 years old. Now at the ages of 22 and 29, the two could not be more inseparable. Despite having different fathers - both of whom hadn't stuck around long enough for the pair to remember them - you and Cal were like peas in a pod. With no father figure for you to look up to, you naturally clung to the boy growing up, and Cal being the only male in the house, quickly took on the protector figure for both you and your mum.
As awful as you felt leaving your mum back at home, you had been missing your brother desperately since he had moved to London so long ago, having spent the latter majority of your school years without him. Now after graduating from university, you finally felt free enough to move to the city with your brother and make your own way in life.
That was nearing a year ago, which led you to now. The situation that you were currently in, sneaking around with one of your brother's best friends.
You had met Harry before you could even have been introduced by Cal in one of the most cliche ways ever. Being the clumsy git he is, he had bumped into you in the hallway of your new apartment building and had spilled the contents of the box you were carrying all over the hardwood floor. Awkwardly the man had tried to pick up the contents in a hurry, spitting out apologies to you and once again dropping things from his arms in an attempt to put them back into the box. It was something you had found very endearing and is a quality of his that you adore.
In an attempt to apologise for both spilling the box full of stuff and then dropping the contents whilst trying to pick them back up, Harry had offered to help you bring up the rest of your boxes. It was there that you both ran into your brother, who was visibly confused as to how his cumbersome best friend was talking to his baby sister like they had known each other for years.
Cal would never actually admit it to you but witnessing that interacting had a large pit forming at the bottom of his stomach. He knew how Harry could be and knew from the look in his eye that he had quickly found an attraction in you.
Any spark found in Harry's eyes quickly distinguished when he learned of your relation to Cal, knowing how protective the older boy could be of his baby sister, but nothing could stop the fluttering feeling the boy got when he was around you. Not even Cal's warnings against dating his sister. Warnings that his other friends got, to his relief, all of which assured Cal that his sister was out of bounds. Pleased with the responses, Cal never had a second thought, something you were glad for.
Something you weren't glad for however, was the feeling of uneasiness you got whenever you were with Harry. You almost felt guilty for being with him, even more so for keeping it from your brother.
Your boyfriend of five months, however, was quick to chase away that feeling with his affection. You got to see another side to the boy that many of the people in his life never got to witness. It gave you a feeling of euphoria knowing that you were the object of Harry's affections, and affectionate he was.
When the two of you got to spend time at your apartment, the boy could not remove himself from you. Whether he was lying in bed editing a video, cuddled into your side, or sprawled out on the settee with his head nestled in your lap, he always had to have some body part touching you. His hand always found yours when he was particularly anxious, something that happened quite regularly, which was one of the traits you found most endearing. It warmed your heart to know that you were able to calm him down.
Something you did a lot was steal Harry's clothing. There was just something about those jumpers, especially the sidemen merch, that was just so comfortable. Even after insisting on getting you some sidemen clothing of your own, so he could continue to make use of his own wardrobe, you still wore his. You had told him very shyly that you liked wearing his clothes because they smelled like him, and it brought you comfort when he was away visiting his own family.
Harry thought he might have broken down then and there. Not that he would say it out loud, he secretly loved it when you wore his clothes but knowing that you would wear them when you missed him? He felt like he was on cloud nine.
Which is how you found yourself right now, snuggled on your sofa, drowning in Harry's jumper and a fleece blanket, watching the TV. Harry had been away visiting his family over the new year, and wasn't due back until the following day but you missed him dearly. Your phone had been forgotten in your bedroom, your only distraction was reruns of Grey's Anatomy, a show you had already watched religiously.
You hadn't realised how much time had passed as you easily lost track of time when you got into a show. You also hadn't realised that your brother had been trying to get hold of your for over an hour. Which is why you were startled when you heard the click of the lock turning.
"Y/N?" The sound of your brother's voice filled the small apartment. "Are you in here?"
"On the sofa." You called back with a yawn. He could easily hear the drowsiness in your voice, he would put his money on you falling asleep within the next hour.
"You didn't answer my calls or texts, I was worried." He scolded gently.
"I left it in my room to charge, sorry for worrying you." You stretched causing the blanket that covered you to drop to your lap.
"Whose? Whose jumper is that?" Cal inquired, suspicion laced in his tone.
"Oh, is it not yours?" You asked, trying to cover up the fact that his best friend's jumper adorned your body and was currently the reason that you were about to be outed.
"No. You know that's not my jumper Y/N. It's too small to be mine." You winced at the hardness in his voice.
"I must've picked it up thinking it was yours. Oops." You tried to play it off coolly, and your brother seemed to be coming around to the idea that it was just a misunderstanding. Thank God, you screamed internally.
"Right." He sprawled himself out next to you and let out a groan when he noticed what you were watching. "Really? Grey's Anatomy? You know I've experienced enough hospitals in my life without having to watch this garbage."
"How dare you?" You gasped playfully, whacking the older man on the arm. "I'm not turning it off, so either accept it or leave."
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A week later, Cal was visiting Freezy and Harry's apartment to hang out with the boys. You were meant to be coming soon though as you and Cal were going out for lunch. Cal was sprawled on the sofa and Harry was on another, whilst Freezy was in the bathroom. Cal's suspicions once again peaked as he noticed Harry wearing the jumper you were wearing just a week ago.
"I'm sure that's the jumper Y/N was wearing last week." He muttered loud enough for the younger boy to hear.
"Is it? She must've picked it up by accident and thought it was yours." Harry spoke coolly although his stomach felt like it was doing backflips.
"Hmm. That's what she said." He grumbled. The two fell back into a comfortable silence scrolling through their phones, waiting for Freezy to arrive back from the bathroom.
"Harry, I'm sure you've got some secret girlfriend you're hiding from us or something." The loud voice of Freezy echoed through the apartment.
"What?" The boy in question stumbled over his words. "Why would you say that?"
"Well, if I had to guess, I wouldn't put you down as the type of person who used Sunkissed raspberry shampoo and conditioner." He cackled.
"So, what if I did?" Harry's heart was racing, trying to play the situation off. Even if the boys found out he was seeing someone, they still wouldn't know who. That's what he was trying to tell himself anyway.
"Right, so you're telling me this dress from the washing basket is yours too?"
Harry's face dropped as Freezy held up the little red dress that you had thrown in the washing basket after a night out. A night out with your brother and his friends.
"What the fuck Harry?!" Cal seethed, gripping him by the collar of his jumper and shoving him into the wall. "My fucking sister!"
"Oh." Was the only thing that come out of Freezy's mouth once he had realised the severity of the situation. Your brother on the other hand was seeing red. What they hadn't heard was you entering the flat, having heard the shouting from the hallway. Cal raised his fist, bringing it to meet the side of Harry's face, who hadn't said a word yet.
"What the hell Cal?!" You exclaimed, marching over and pushing him away from your boyfriend.
"When were you going to tell me?" He asked you through gritted teeth.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You honestly had no idea what was happening right now, but if you had to make a guess, you'd put your money on Cal having found out about your relationship. You could count on one hand how many times you had seen your brother as angry as this. Not ever had it been directed at you though.
"Stop lying Y/N!" He roared making you cower into Harry behind you and let out a small whimper. "Come on, we're leaving."
"No!" Your brother grabbed the top of your arm and began pulling you away. You tried to shrug his hand from your arm, but he held on tightly. "I'm not leaving."
"Fine." He spat, storming out of the apartment.
"Hey." Harry whispered softly, touching your arm gently.
"I'll just leave you two." Freezy muttered awkwardly, leaving to go to his room. Harry pulled you into his chest and wiped away the tears you hadn't realised had fallen.
"It's okay." He assured you. "It'll be okay."
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ssrasesvari · 3 years
SSraii's not that rudimentary thumb
©® SSraii
started and completed the living world totally
mistakes corrected ✔️
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SSraii should study
୨୧/୦୨ made to get this cutie pie today 💚
& yes you may know or may not know but I'm coming here everyday to edit to let you know that I was alive today with your prayers & Lord's blessings and I'm studying , preparing 🦩. for betterment.... ..... 🌸
୯ ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ ବୁଧବାର
GOC 1-9 lecture complete, reproductive health, plant anatomy, chemical control and coordination, (lect. pw yt), locomotion half
୧୦ ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ ଗୁରୁବାର -୧୧ ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ ଶୁକ୍ରବାର
ray optics, redox reac'n, digestion, tissue, locomotion (lec.,
I'm preparing studying whenever I'm getting any free time 😊
Divide into smaller divisions and try to complete, you'll feel easier this way, like don't we like to share small pieces of our food instead of taking the whole bowl alone. That's the trick
Now I've realised I've gotten a way to my dream. Preparing for neet with mobile now feels easier than my university degree and all, I hope I'll be successful oneday
bahut diya gyaan now seen what amount of gyaan I've listened or studied
It's Holi in my village so I'm getting bit free time ,
Holi holyday
୧୯-୨୦ ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ
rotation ୧/୧୦, human reproduction ୧/୨, s, d blocks, botany whole lec'r (TS)
୨୧ ମାର୍ଚ୍ଚ - ୫ ଏପ୍ରିଲ
A long half month of days and a lot of problems here , I'm unable to study anything regularly like completing a specific chapter or something no just messed up whole last year a lot of problems, they continued early this year also but I thought I'll get some peace now and study still no so fate less I'm that no change again big big problems but I've studied like parts portions of books randomly whenever I got time, I've studied the theories of some chapters of physics but have not practiced any problems likewise I've read some random chapters of biology and chemistry, I don't think I can remember anything, but I'll hope the Lord will bless me with some stability in this daily hell life so that I'll be able to study in peace. 5/4/22
Also one thing I want to write/ mention here that there may be many people in your life with whom you're just living without any choices who just blame you for everything, bad mouth at you shout at you for like little or no reason, ruin lives then blame everything on God or moreover on you or the little phone which you just use for study without any choices, just ignore all these their words like we've a pair of ears so just listen in one ear inattentively and remove via the other ear, there are hardly anything in life which contribute , inspire us positively still we know ourselves what we do stay honest with yourself, your career as none cares ' here everyone is selfish, all just trying to take out my life anyways happy studying,, I'll update tomorrow I wish I'll be able to study here instead of crying and dying , 🦩🚶‍♀️❤️
୬ ଏପ୍ରିଲ
Dearest Lord Jagannath, please bless me 🙇‍♀️
sometimes I feel no now from somedays always that I must have done some severe penance no I've done maha maha maha paaps in previous life so now the punishment this rat race is taking out life out of me just wake up to work walk run , one real warning this govt jobs never ever do a very very very low pay govt teacher job, you'll suffer only and so your family no ijjat, no money nothing we're no reserved just pain and sufferings like never going to over in this life this is the reality one feet got injured no rest no care just run to work and now what my other feet also got injured in pressure and still I can't sit other than mere six hours time left to sleep in the end of the day I've no time for anything for myself and money it's not even enough to get a tution often I wander why so much work for this little amount of money even day labourers in my locality which was probably the previous profession of family men they earn atleast two folds more than this amount of money and it's sucking out life of us still we can't leave, not possible probably what to do now it's upto me only wheather I'll sleep in the last six hours of the day sleep or do whatever I wish and I choose to not it's not possible to sleep now without bringing a change into this hell life and to do that now I've only that much time available and I'll use that time passionately not like a machine and I hope I'll succeed oneday, this much of my part of real story today, just can't afford to keep holding the load this burden anymore
'studied a lot of chapters of phy chem bio randomly, I hope I'll complete some packages of theory left randomly today'
It has been ten days and I didn't know about this feature before, today I'm here again to update
୧୬ ଏପ୍ରିଲ
⑅ study to save lives
so I'll say if you're reading this and you got to study free like no work just study and personal care things no other responsibilities then you're fortunate। Yes you're I feel atleast just utilise your time properly, you'll succeed, here I'm just struggling to make time out of the whole day, no time to sit and I'm so tired to concentrate and study, still I'll just refresh my mind out of burden and got to read , it's high time now, form fillup I've not filled yet, I'll, about study I've just studied randomly and i feel it's not a big help in such like the best exam in country, so from today I'm thinking, I'm trying to study like not randomly bit like regularly completing and revising chapters, God bless me।
_ chem (modl.s)୨, ୨୧,୨୦ pap sol.n pract., bio.(Theo.finsh), phy(lec.s,q.s), umd(yt) & if i got to stdy sth adtnl I'll updt._
灬study to save lives灬˖⑅
galaxy lec.s
phy ☄️ ୧୩ blks, ୫-୭ times full revision
sunday, ୧୭, ସତର ଏପ୍ରିଲ,
Three months to the exam date, please bless me
Today was a very very disturbing and super busy day😒 morning was good then work relative came what to do what to think, just wake up to work make food so is it that life of a boy is easier than a girl!? I've no idea no need to know either, everyone has responsibilities but this much burden I'm dying how to balance my Lord? okay I hope I'll get to study in peace then rest in peace 😭
୧୮ ଏପ୍ରିଲ
-- ୫ ମେ
I'm feeling hell again I'm broken none to give suggestions I'm just trying to sort out everything myself and I'm tired and this healthy
What a busy useless life
will I ever succeed no idea but it's not time to cry I'm here to work whenever I've time, pray , refresh, work
my Lord! All glories to you please bless me
What I've studied
I've no idea how much I've covered
but I'm so I'll sleep now then waking up then work then study and I hope I'll be able to sort out something good before our family ceremony and it's just less than ten days now
We both are sad and crying and avoiding she's so sad what a shame I'm
am the worst child 😭 but what to do
I'm working whay more can I do
Please help me Lord 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
୬ ମେ
busy day well not a busy study day though
୧୦୦+୧୦୦+୨୫୦=୪୫୦ by mid ମେ ' - target -
Qns+theories '
Mocks, qns, revision।
my love for the pink 🌸🦩💕
well I'm so fortunate 😒
Think different than the mass, than the most of us,
literally everything went downhill after coming back from ceremony, I've no idea what I'm doing what's happening anyway everything is out of my control but guarantee in these last months since one month from then I've the best of food I can say it's a lot of mangoes and jackfruits
and from tomorrow mic will start here rip study
I'll fail for sure but I'm still in love with this blogging
😋 khata pani (pickle water) , we made puchka and chat at our home today after so long| ltasty prasadam for lifel raii
from now on
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tsarisfanfiction · 5 years
Fandom: One Piece Rating: Teen Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Family Characters: Law, Shachi, Penguin, Bepo
The Ope Ope no Mi is only as powerful as its user's knowledge, and Law was a surgeon, not a geneticist. Or: White Lead Poisoning isn't as extinct as everyone thinks.
Tired as he was – of life, of grieving, of dying – it's perhaps no surprise that thirteen-year-old Trafalgar Law's attempts to cure himself did not quite go to plan. He'd barely worked out how to use the fruit, death was coming knocking far too quickly, and no-one had established what exactly made White Lead Poisoning tick in the first place. His breath was no longer laboured, his movements were no longer sluggish and his skin was no longer patched with white, so the exhausted child had considered the operation a success. He'd even double-checked later, after he learnt Scan, and found nothing. For all intents and purposes, it seemed the poisoning had gone.
There were a few signs he dismissed as long-lasting effects. His immune system wasn't as strong as most; if there was a sniffle in the area he would catch it without fail. His growth, too, was jerky. His height eventually found its way to the six foot mark, so the stunt wasn't immediately apparent, but he never did fill out the way other teenage boys did after their growth spurt. Aged 26 he still felt like a gangly beanpole and no amount of training or eating could convince his body to bulk out, even if he had the strength of a man twice his size (or maybe Kikoku didn't weigh as much as it seemed it should).
The first sign manifested shortly after he formed his own crew, currently a group of four.
The day had been like any other. They'd been sailing together for two weeks, having stolen a prototype submarine shortly after leaving Swallow Island, and Bepo had directed their attention towards an island, both for restocking and resting purposes. Cooped up in the ship, no-one had had any complaints; Shachi even launched himself off the deck onto land before they'd even docked. Law had not joined him, although he shared the sentiment.
It was a quiet island. No Marines in sight, and a welcome lack of ships flying a black flag promised for an uneventful trip. The island delivered. The crew had scattered to the winds as soon as they'd hit the town, and Law had checked the apothecary and book store for supplies relevant to his interests before locating the inn he'd declared to be their rendezvous before his crew had fled. Bepo was already there, and attracting the attention of many for obvious reasons. Once the whole crew was reassembled (Bepo having been sent to retrieve Penguin after Law deemed the wait too long) they descended on the restaurant for food.
Bread. Law thought nothing of the slice innocently served with the meal. Cora-san had hated the stuff, so it hadn't been a part of his diet since Flevance (Law assumed its lack of presence with the Donquixote Family was also due to Cora-san), and keeping bread on-board was more hassle than it was worth. Perishables were a nightmare to store. Still, Law had nothing against the food itself, and was content to nibble on it once the rest of the food was consumed.
That was when everything went wrong. The nausea wasn't instantaneous, which Law was thankful for because as a pirate captain he was averse to showing weakness anywhere outside his ship, and they managed to get back to the Polar Tang before he hurled. His crew couldn't seem to decide whether they were concerned for Law, or furious at the restaurant for giving him food poisoning: the natural assumption. Law had no intention of doing anything to the restaurant staff until the wave passed, and instead dragged himself down to the infirmary to deal with the nuisance.
At least, that was the plan, but his vision swam and blinked out of existence sporadically as he tried to move, and it was mere seconds before he found himself in the warm, furry arms of his navigator as he was carried the rest of the way.
"You really don't look too good, captain," Penguin commented as they arrived, Shachi already there and hunting through their supplies. "Your skin's gone all blotchy." Absently, Law lifted an arm to inspect it, and froze. While not as stark as when he was younger, there was no way he could mistake the white splotches on his skin for anything other than White Lead Poisoning. His crew picked up on the silent distress immediately and crowded around him with remedies in hand. It took several minutes of silent panic before Law regained the presence of mind to Scan himself. The results were not pretty.
While all his Scans before had shown no sign of the disease, it now picked up anomalies that had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. It was nowhere near the scale it had been before he'd used the Ope Ope no Mi, but it was still there and that was all that mattered to Law's suddenly panicked mind. Heedless of the crew watching him with unconcealed concern, he began to dismantle his own body, tearing it apart with a desperation he hadn't felt in months, trying to tear out these new signs of his childhood hell.
"Captain!" someone cried, or maybe multiple someones. He wasn't really paying attention to them, far more concerned with getting the poison out, out, out. "Captain!" Arms locked around him; more than two – four? Other hands grasped his splintered body and he felt them fighting his power, trying to piece him back together. No! It was too soon, he wasn't done!
"Captain! Captain, stop!" He didn't stop. If he had to fight his entire crew, he would. They didn't understand what was wrong, they didn't understand he had to do this.
The only warning he got was a clink of metal before everything shut off and he collapsed back on the bed, still in pieces.
"Sorry, Captain," Shachi's miserable voice rasped. Law turned his head to see it was the ginger's hands on the cuff around his wrist. His hat and shades hid his eyes, but not the tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Get it off," he ordered, his mind still too full of it's back no no no I need to get rid of it to register his crew mate's shaking hands and trembling voice. "I need to-"
He was interrupted by the sensation of his body slotting back together, his crew working in silence. A large paw knocked his hat off his head before resting where it had been.
"Captain," Bepo's forlorn voice broke through. "What's wrong, Captain?"
"What's so bad you're tearing yourself apart, with no regard for medical procedure or even basic anatomy?" he heard Penguin scold. "Ope Ope no Mi or not you can't just break the rules like that." Dimly, Law wondered when the bully had become enough of an expert in medicine to be able to lecture him.
"Here." A glass of water was pressed to his lips as his head was raised. Shachi looked back at him sternly, but the effect was somewhat ruined by his damp cheeks and pale skin. "Drink," he ordered. "Then calm. Then talk." Restrained by the kairoseki as he was – where the hell had his crew got their hands on that, and why – he had little choice but to comply.
The water was cold, and cut through his fogged mind cleaner than a scalpel. He blinked once, twice, noticing his drowsiness extended beyond the sea stone's effects, and sighed.
"Sorry," he managed after a minute, trying to sit up. The efforts of his crew and the kairoseki thwarted him and he was forced to be content slumped against Bepo. All three were watching him, Shachi's hand back on the cuff. They were all pale, and there were more wet cheeks than dry. He'd scared them. They were scared for him. The realisation knotted in his chest; he wasn't alone.
"How serious is it?" Penguin asked. His eyes were covered as per usual, but Law could see him chewing his lip and fidgeting his hands. Law forced himself to think through the Scan he'd performed logically, trying to ignore the terror that washed over him when he recalled how White Lead Poisoning had been there.
The bread. The bread had triggered it.
That meant…
"It seems like I've developed an allergy to bread," Law admitted, wearily closing his eyes and fighting back the panic that still wanted to envelop him if given half a chance. "Most likely gluten; I'll have to run tests."
"Without tearing yourself apart in a frenzy," Shachi muttered. Law forced himself to acknowledge the point, before taking a deep breath and opening his eyes.
What good was a captain that couldn't trust his crew?
"I… used to be sick," he admitted. "Very sick. If I hadn't got my fruit when I did, it would have killed me." Someone let out a horrified gasp, he wasn't sure who, but otherwise there was silence. "My skin…" He weakly lifted one arm as best he could to show the blemishes. Penguin caught it and supported it for him. "I thought it was gone." He closed his eyes then opened them again as images flashed in his mind. Everyone that had died because of it. He didn't want to face that while his crew were watching. "But it seems like it's back."
"Captain won't die," Bepo rumbled at his back, his voice gentle but firm. The Mink truly believed it, and Law smiled weakly.
"Yeah," he agreed. "Even if I didn't get rid of it completely, I can do what I did before again." His crew sighed and exchanged a look. He missed the meaning of their silent conversation, but they descended on him as one, tugging his clothes off to replace them with the infirmary gown, bundling him into bed properly and wrapping the covers firmly around him. It hadn't escaped his notice that the gown they'd used had long sleeves, completely covering his blemished skin.
"Not now, you're not," Shachi told him, his stern face holding more weight now that he didn't resemble a ghost.
"You are going to stay right there while we treat this allergy," Penguin declared, to a unanimous sea of nodding heads.
"Doesn't this count as mutiny?" Law wondered with a small smirk on his face. "Especially with this cuff." Shachi's hand had gone but the cuff was still there. Their faces fell for just a second, and Law thought that maybe he'd managed to guilt them into taking the kairoseki off.
"It's not mutiny if it's for Captain's own good," Bepo declared, and at the resulting rally of nods Law knew he had lost. There was a brief pause, as if the crew were making sure they really weren't going to be done in for mutiny later, before they leapt into action again.
Law missed most of it, however, as he finally crashed into unconsciousness.
The next time he was aware of his surroundings, it was to a prick in his arm. He shifted it in protest, and hands stilled him with a touch.
"Easy, Captain," he heard before drifting off again.
Following that, his next moment of semi-awareness was to hushed voices talking too quietly for him to make out. His surroundings were pleasantly warm and sleep coaxed him back almost before he'd begun to surface.
Other such instances peppered his rest several times before he finally gained enough consciousness to comprehend what was going on.
Low hums generated from the machinery surrounding him told him that he was still in the infirmary. The scent of antiseptics confirmed it, alongside the familiar texture of the sheets beneath him. Familiar, but not his bed. He was still in a light gown, although the sleeves were shorter now. The needle sitting in his arm told him why. A drip, he assumed, which meant it had been sufficiently long enough since he'd last been conscious that his crew had seen fit to give him nutrition by other means. The kairoseki was gone.
His eyes peeled open reluctantly, and he looked around. A bobble hat betrayed Penguin's presence at the desk. He was slumped over as if asleep, but when Law shifted he immediately bolted upright.
"Captain!" He was at Law's side in seconds. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better." And he was. He'd expected to feel the heaviness of the White Lead Poisoning, but there was nothing. "Why are we moving?" The low hum hadn't just been the machinery surrounding him, but the Polar Tang's engines themselves. The room was warmer than usual, so they were submerged.
"Another pirate crew showed up and caused enough fuss that the village called the Marines," Penguin explained. "Shachi decided we should leave before they arrived."
Law nodded in understanding.
"That was yesterday," Penguin continued. "We've been staying submerged as much as possible so we don't draw attention to ourselves while Bepo finds us another island." Law nodded again, relieved to know that his crew could make decisions without him if the need arose. It was another weight off his chest.
"Am I allowed to treat myself yet?" he asked. "Or will you cuff me if I try?" He made sure to keep a more friendly smirk on his face, and a lighter tone. In hindsight, his crew had made the right decision when they'd restrained him, even if he was going to need to find those cuffs and confiscate them later, alongside a lecture to his crew on proper uses of the things. He did not plan on being cuffed every time they thought it was for his own good. Penguin fidgeted at the mention, but was unrepentant.
"You can Scan," he told him. "But no treatment. The allergy's effects haven't been totally kicked yet, and after that we need to finish sorting out the mess you made of your own insides. In that order." Law hid a wince, remembering his frenzied actions. "But if you'd look at your arm," Penguin continued, unexpectedly, "you'd see that you probably don't have anything to worry about."
Puzzled, Law lifted his arm – the one without the drip – to see what Penguin was talking about.
It looked normal. If Law looked closely, he could see paler blemishes, but it was nothing compared to when he'd last looked. He frowned, confused.
"You're the expert," Penguin shrugged. "But to us it looks like your old illness only flares up for as long as you're sick. It's been fading since we put you on the antibiotics."
That was interesting. Law performed the Scan, just to check what was going on beneath the surface, and found that it was receding. Odd, and more than a little puzzling.
"Satisfied?" Penguin asked him after a moment, offering him a mug of water. Law was willing to bet there was a sleep aid dissolved in it, but accepted it anyway. He was certain 'drugging your captain without telling him' ranked alongside 'restraining your Devil Fruit user captain with kairoseki', but didn't comment as he drank it obediently, Penguin helping him sit up enough not to choke.
He was unsurprised when drowsiness began to set in, and willingly settled back down in the bed. Penguin looked sheepish for a moment, before he realised that Law had been well aware what he'd been given before he'd taken it and set the now-empty mug aside for the moment.
The infirmary door opened and Law flicked his gaze over to see who had entered. Noticing, Shachi practically threw himself across the room.
"You're awake!" he grinned, openly relieved.
Law recalled the realisation that his crew actually cared.
"Not for much longer," he yawned, his eyes sliding half-closed. He allowed himself a smile as he listened to Shachi scold Penguin for 'putting Captain back to sleep before anyone else could see him'.
"He needs the sleep." Penguin stubbornly held his ground. "He isn't fully recovered yet."
Shachi's retort blurred into nothing.
The next time Law stirred, the background hum was quieter and the infirmary cooler. They were docked, then. This time there was no-one in the room with him, so he performed his own Scan to check his condition before deeming himself arguably well enough to move. His insides were still in a shambles, but they were operational, and he couldn't deny that the silence was disconcerting. Where were his crew?
He eased himself out of bed, removing the needle in his arm as he did so, and looked around for something to wear. He was not wandering around in an infirmary gown.
His crew, wherever they had gone, seemed to have anticipated this; in the corner he saw clothes that were very definitely his. He'd talk to them about going into his room without permission some other time. He had to find them first.
The clothes were ones he'd bought in anticipation of his next growth spurt, leaving them looser than his preference, but they fit well enough to wander around his ship. Now dressed, he left the infirmary to investigate the silence.
The crew weren't inside the submarine. He checked the mess hall first, alongside the kitchen, then the recreation room and even the library. No-one. Now thoroughly spooked, although he would never admit it, he headed to the deck. At least one of them had to be there on watch, right?
As it turned out, when he opened the heavy door, all three had decided to commune on the deck for some unknown reason. Bepo spotted him first.
"Captain!" he called, standing up and ambling over to him, wrapping him in a warm bear hug. "You're awake!"
"I'm awake," he agreed with a fond smile as the rest of the crew surrounded them. Hands touched him, ranging from checking his vitals to just a simple brush against his arm, and he couldn't help but close his eyes for a moment, accepting the comfort his crew offered.
"While it's good to see you out of bed," Penguin piped up, "have you put yourself back together yet?"
Law didn't deign to answer, and found himself being dragged back towards the infirmary by his crew. As tempting as it was to Shambles away, he knew that they wanted him to fix himself and he supposed he had enough energy to do that. Forcibly, although not unwillingly, settled back down on the bed by his crew, he gathered his focus together before summoning his Room.
This time he was more careful about how he cut himself up, aiming to put himself back together properly this time, not damage his body further. His crew's attempts at piecing him together hadn't been too bad; his body had still been able to function, if not at full capacity. But he felt the difference as he slowly reversed all the changes. It took a long time, the work was delicate and required maximum concentration, but eventually he was done, wearily leaning back against the pillow.
Hands shifted him until he was lying back on the bed, the covers once again pulled over him.
"Now you just need to regain your strength," Penguin told him. "Shachi's bringing food." Sure enough, minutes later a hot soup was pushed into his hands and his crew helped him drink it. "We'll work out the exact nature of the allergy once you're back at full strength," the teen continued. "I already took a blood sample while you were out." Law nodded with a small smile and let his crew fuss over him while he recovered from using his fruit so much.
While his childhood nightmare might never leave him for good, he wasn't alone. His crew loved him, a realisation that lifted the darkness the poisoning threatened.
He still had some kairoseki cuffs to confiscate.
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sylleboi · 5 years
𝖁𝖎𝖘𝖚𝖆𝖑 𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖘 | 02/12/19
Artists and terms; at this point we should have begun this and should be able to define the terms from this brief.
Structural box sketches (Looking at human anatomy at its simplest form looking at joints and pivot point refer back to ROTOSCOPING on this.); how do we further develop them? - By trying out different stylistic features and outfits. Make a turnaround. Redraw! Moving the character.
What do we mean with fantasy quest, refer to the “detailed description”. 
What is a narrative?:
It’s how a story is told. Who? It is told to an audience. The beginning, the scenario is set up. Why is a narrative different from a story? The story is a subjective opinion about what's happening, whereas the narrative is more of an objectified version of that. Jack walks up the hill; story, Jack has mental problems, narrative.
Within animation & illustration let us consider that; a narrative is how a story is constructed & organised. This means how the information is then relayed to an audience, and in what order.
Look at images, construct a narrative.
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After an intense bloodthirsty battle, the last warrior stands. His power immense, his life eternal.
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𝕲𝖚𝖞 𝕸𝖈𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖑𝖊𝖞
The skulls of the battlefield are collected by witches of the woods, used for spiritual rituals as the fallen souls are attached indefinitely to their severed heads.
So what is narrative theory?
Exposition -> Rising action -> Climax -> Falling action -> Denouement
Exposition: This is where the characters of the story gets introduces alongside the story and plot itself. This is often the most difficult part to set up successfully, simply because you need to capture the readers/viewers/target audiences’ attention and have then clued in on what’s going on in the story, but this has to be done without completely spoiling the rest of the story. It is important to not mistake exposition and an info dump.   
The characters: Who are the characters? How do you differentiate them from each other? What makes them interesting?                  
The setting/context: Where does the story take place? When does it take place at? What time period?                   
The mood: What tone is conveyed during the exposition of the story? 
Rising action: This is the moment where the plot and narrative starts picking up. Rising action is usually encouraged by a key trigger, which is what tells the reader that “now things will start to take form.” This key trigger is what rolls the dice, that then causes a series of events to escalate to then set the story into motion.
Climax: A climax builds upon everything that has been introduced during the exposition and rising action. This is the moment of truth for the protagonist and the peak moment of the story. You know the plot is successful at delivering a good climax when the outer journeys and the inner goals of which the protagonist wish to complete click.
Falling action: So, what now? You’ve technically finished the story. Finishing a story after a climax or during one is what is known as a cliff-hanger. Cliff hangers work well in film series, but they don’t feel as satisfying. A way to see falling action could be as the old saying; “What goes up must come down.” Putting together any hanging threads not yet solved in the plot is done during this stage.
Denouement: Denouement (resolution) is a fancy way of saying that the story is about to come to an end. At this point, all questions are resolved and answered; letting the reader.
BBC animation defining the narrative, look for new terms and note them down.
All media texts tell a story. The narrative is about how a narrative unfolds 
Story arc (transition from beginning to end)
stage 1
Stasis, setting up the story and meeting the protagonist, everything is normal at this point. This can be related to exposition.
Stage 2
“Trigger” that sends things in motion. creating the root for a fantasy quest to overcome and solve. This can relate to “rising action”.
Stage 3
Surprise! This moment can also be described as an obstacle of sorts.
Critical choice - high drama and stress. This reveals to the audience what kind of character they are. This is also considered part of the rising action.
Stage 4
The climax - The resolution of the conflict. The buildup of the whole story comes to this moment.
Stage 5
Reversal; character realises they're not useless. They change the character; develop them. Related to the denouement.
Visual studies
Looking -> Doing (draw)
Repetition is incredibly important to ensure accuracy is portrayed within a study.
In the beginning, we are looking at tonal values. We are doing this with the help of skulls;
But why specifically skulls? Well, they are symbolic/iconic in the history of art. It symbolises death or a new beginning after an end within storytelling, thought in storytelling it can also symbolise a worthy trophy or token. This ties in well with the theme of narrative, world building and character creating using the theme of fantasy.
𝕿𝖆𝖘𝖐 𝖔𝖓𝖊
For this, a selection of different skulls were places on tables around the classroom. We were to select any of these to begin drawing by using the “drawing - looking” technique, ensuring that we are observing rather than drawing from our imagination. It was important for use to find a good angle; not too close to the object. If we were to sit too close to the subject, it would be more difficult to see the subject as a whole. This exercise is not focused on capturing detail, but rather it focuses on being able to capture the essence of the object/main subject. On another note, the perspective of light and angle is important in visual studies. This is what changes how your outcome is going to come out. So with all of this in mind, we began by choosing to work with either chalk or graphite, staying be loose and light while sketching.
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In order, there were the three different visual studies that I did of the human skull:
In this one, I simply just focused on letting go, not focusing too much on capturing the little detail of the skull, but just making sure that I have gotten the basic shape accurate to what I was seeing before me.
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For the second attempt, I changed the angle to see how the light was changing.
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𝕿𝖆𝖘𝖐 𝖙𝖜𝖔
So during the first task, we took a more traditional/analogue route. During the second task, we were introduced with the ideas of expanding upon this exercise; further experimenting with mediums and techniques to see how far you can push the limit of what is possible.
I decided to try out using some felt tip markers; It’s probably the medium I am most insecure about using, so I thought it would be suitable to challenge myself.
I taped together two markers; a pink and a light green. On top of that, I tried drawing the skull in front of me (from different angles every time) but with a twist each time; sometimes I’d draw while only looking at the skull, but not down at the paper. Other times I tried drawing the skull without looking at all. It gave some interesting results;
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Here are the some pictures showing the two sheets of paper at the end of the lesson and exercise:
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But before the lesson ended, we went over some evaluation by looking at what everyone had created;
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Pour Quoi?
Shows how you are developing drawing skills from observation (looking & doing)
Shows that you are a diverse practitioner and can embrace all media, especially through traditional approaches
Generating ideas from primary sources enables you to show higher-level approaches to research
What now?
Using these observational sketches, I can develop ideas for a character or character accessory.
I can ask myself question based upon this exercise ie. “What role could the skull play in communicating a narrative idea or theme?”
After this exercise, I decided to further have a play around with the concept of looking and drawing. I found a video of a 3D horse skull made by “handpuppe” on YouTube. Here’s a gif of the video:
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Using this for reference similarly to what we did in lesson, I began drawing some of the frames at random, using the method of looking and drawing repeatedly. Below are the tree visual studies that I did, all three drawn from different angles.
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I didn’t want to just leave it here. Since this counts as being primary research to some extend, I wanted to build upon that. I decided to do this by using the anatomy of the skull to draw the horse on top of it on separate layer, allowing me to get the proportions anatomically correct.
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Here is the finished result of this little side experiment:
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I found that this really opened my mind to understanding how useful it can be to sit down and just do some visual studying and researching. It helps to further improve one on a skill level, but also just to understand how anatomy or the form of a subject is built up. It’s not exactly a thing you actively think about on the regular, so it is very refreshing to do this kind of drawing now and then. I will be sure to try and do this more frequently for these reasons, potentially using it as a way to warm up before starting some more “serious” work.
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Katy's Everything Wrong With Bob's "Everything Wrong With CinemaSin's 'Everything Wrong With Sherlock Holmes'"
vvv Read more line here. vvv
Alternate title: Why CinemaSins shouldn't be destroyed.
Another alternate title: That One Controversial Essay That's Finally Going to Lead to Me Getting Eaten Alive by People on Twitter. Maybe.
Okay, so to get you old corks up to speed: Recently, there's been a surge, and absolute pandemic, of YouTube videos cropping up titled something along the lines of, "Everything Wrong With CinemaSin's Everything Wrong With _______", wherein the video nitpicks (their words, not mine) CinemaSins' nitpicks of a film. There have also been a bunch of comments on Twitter and YouTube saying that CinemaSins should pack up their things and hop it. To stop making their videos.
This is where I come in. And you reading this comes in.
It's hard for me to explain why I'm making this essay. Maybe it's because I want to play the Devil's Advocate in a contained, spaced environment. Maybe I want to give everyone reading this a different perspective on the matter; something to mull over and consider and take away before we decide to write something off as "bad" or "useless" or of low quality. Maybe I consider CinemaSins an old friend and I'd like to speak up for them, even though it's hard because I'm not used to voicing an unpopular opinion out loud, and I'm super-nervous about this. Maybe it's because I want to give a meta statement about how you can nitpick a nitpicker who nitpicks another nitpicker, and that continually nitpicking the next nitpicker will either create a wondrous nitpickception that we can all learn from, or spiral out of control into a lesson that nickpicking nitpickers nitpicking is a futile effort...
But for some reason, I've been overcome with a fierce desire to write this.
So, there you go. I'm making this now.
To structure this academic essay, I'm going to use an "Everything Wrong With CinemaSin's Everything Wrong With _______" video to make several counter-arguments. I'll be using Everything Wrong With "Everything Wrong With Sherlock Holmes" by Bobvids. (Thank you, Bobvids, for letting me use your video as an example. You're quite a trooper and a good sport! And I love your editing style!).
To add upon Bobvid's video's goal, this essay's goal is to nitpick a video nitpicking another video.
*cricket chirps*
Ahem. This essay's goal is also, like all my essays here, for educational purposes. Albeit, in a roundabout way.
To keep track of things, I'll add timestamps and quotes from Bobvid's video as I comment on them. I will skip over some parts of the video to prevent this essay from being over a hundred years long.
0:49 Bob: Why call them "movie sins"? One of the CinemaSins guys said it was "[...] because it's a more flexible & nebulous definition." But I guess they never realized "sins" has an extremely negative connotation. Of all the words they could've used, "sins" is the least flexible or nebulous.
Me: They're called "sins" because "no movie is without sin," as their slogan goes (the implication being that any film, no matter how beautiful, wonderful, and perfect it is, has flaws and should be discussed and acknowledged on some level. Because that's how future films grow as an art form. By learning from the past's mistakes). The word "sins" is nebulous because we all contain it, no matter how good or bad we are. He sins. You sin a little. They sin a lot. And I'm sinning right now. So it really is a flexible and nebulous definition.
1:14 Bob: Why have a movie sin timer when YouTube tells you exactly how long a video is?
Me: Because it's a reference/homage to the "gate" used in filmmaking. The "gate" is a black border placed around a piece of film or storyboard that lists the time, scene number, and name of the person who submitted the shot. When I'm animating professionally, I'm given a gate that lists these things, and every time I hand in a shot, I have to "check the gate" as the old filmmaker's term puts it, to make sure everything's in order. The gate even times the frame number (like the CinemaSins' timer and unlike YouTube's video timer), which is super important to include, because it makes it easier for a supervisor to give feedback ("Katy, could you please fix the foot-clipping issue that appears on frame 298? Thanks!"). So YouTube actually doesn't tell you exactly how long a video is (which is very, very frustrating if, like me, you like using YouTube videos as animation reference and want to scrub between individual frames without using an app like Reeview.it Player or Anilyzer)
Me: Here's an example of a film gate:
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1:24 Bob: Why is the text of what's being said showing up at the bottom of the screen? Not only is it redundant, but YouTube lets you upload subtitles which is easier to do than premiere titles, lets viewers disable it if they don't need it, and also lets you edit text after the video's uploaded.
Me: Because, 1) the average YouTuber genuinely doesn't know all of YouTube's features, including toggling closed captions (seriously, I've seen several YouTube commenters complain that a person in a video was talking too fast, not realising that you can turn on subtitles and/or adjust the speed of the video. Youtube kinda makes it a wee bit tricky to find all its hidden features. Did you know that you can change the sub's font typeface, colour, and size? Did you know you can scrub through video frames using "," and "." but only sometimes? Well, now you know. You're welcome.)
Me: And, 2) Because YouTube's subtitles do not properly time (nor fit) all of its text onto the screen in full sentences if the speaker is talking fast or saying a lot, making the subtitles cut off midsentence. It is this for exact reason why it was so challenging and annoying for me to transcribe what you were saying throughout this video! And why is was MUCH EASIER for me to transcribe CinemaSins' subtitles in comparison (my typing fingers hurt soooo much right now). CinemaSins' method lets the viewer read subtitles in full and complete sentences, taking things in in a easier-to-digest way. They've also used it for gags where they change the font typeface or size midsentence to add emphasis.
Me: First image: Bobvids subtitles for CinemaSins (note how it's cut off midsentence). Second image: CinemaSins' subtitles (see how they're easier to read?).
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Me: Also, why the Dickens did you subtitle CinemaSins if their subtitles are already in their part of the video? Isn't that hypocritically-and-ironically-redundant?!
1:37 CinemaSins: This film production logo is so ballsy I straight up have no idea what company it's for. But good job on being ballsy enough to NOT include your name, mystery production company.
Bob: That's Silver Pictures. You may know them from producing Weird Science, Lethal Weapon, Predator, Die Hard, Road House, Demolition Man, and The Matrix. They're allowed to have some balls.
Me: In all fairness, I literally haven't seen any of those movies you've mentioned (Weird Science looks interesting, I'll check that one out. I've now added it to my library list.) except for The Matrix, which I didn't really like due to its lack of humour and its tonal issues. So using a nameless logo really doesn't help you get more people to know about your company if they're unfamiliar with it or have forgotten what your logo looks like. So why do it? Pointless! Mad as a hatter!
2:25 CinemaSins: Robert Downey, Jr. is a handsome, fun, charismatic lead actor... who cannot do an English accent to save his life. Is it too much to ask that SHERLOCK HOLMES actually be British?
Me: I think CinemaSins is making note on "cultural appropriation," a prevalent thing in Hollywood (an American actor playing an English character), rather than literally how well an actor can do an accent. I mean, when oh when are we going to see a film where Simon Pegg plays Sherlock Holmes?! We're waiting!
2:58 CinemaSins: I don't know how good at deductive reasoning he is, but he wouldn't have been able to guess that that guy had a floating rib.
Bob: It's easy to guess considering floating ribs are the last two sets of ribs on your rib cage and are a natural part of human anatomy, which Sherlock is proficient in.
Me: It's NOT easy to deduce, considering the GUY IS WEARING CLOTHES, THEREBY COVERING HIS RIBS SO YOU CAN'T TELL IF HE HAS FLOATING RIB SYNDROME. Also, SHERLOCK IS CURRENTLY ENGAGING IN A FIGHT WITH SAID GUY. Have you ever tried to assess the state of a guy's ribs while having a fisticuff with him?
Me: Also, you used like the third Google image result that appears when you search "floating ribs," and I don't know how to feel about that, because I think you should have used the fourth Google image result instead, as that diagram illustrates things more clearly in my opinion (it shows the ribcage from the front, which was how Sherlock was viewing the man, rather than from the back).
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3:21 CinemaSins: This guy seems to be late to the ceremony. He also didn't get the memo that they all didn't have to wear the hooded robes.
Bob: It's explained later that this is Lord Coward, who is using a robe to hide his identity.
Me: Yes, but WE, the audience, don't know that at this point in the film. So as we watch this for the first time, we're all thinking to ourselves, "Why aren't all the people wearing dark robes?!" Confusion that's resolved through later context is still confusion.
Me: Also, that joke made me laugh and reminded me of that absolutely ridiculous "robes scene" from the movie Dungeons and Dragons.
Me: And let's address the elephant in the room. No one like to be the one to yell "The Emperor has no clothes!" so please let me be the one to do it for you (and get eaten alive for it). The reason why so many people are jumping on CinemaSins right now in particular is because they did a Wonder Woman video. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to see that the timelines add up.
Me: For those people who are like me who don't really watch American superhero films* (because we're too tangled up waiting with baited breath for The Adventures of Tintin sequel, because that's the comic book hero we grew up reading), Wonder Woman was a film that was well-received after what one reviewer described as "a long line of waiting apologies."
*Me: Footnote: I've watched The Incredibles and Batman 66, and I really liked those.
Me: Because Wonder Woman was a film that's popular, CinemaSins got in a lot of trouble because... apparently, people can't handle other people poking fun at something they like.
Me: Really, people. I'm disappointed in you. You're better than this.
Me: I hope I'm wrong about this, and people are just upset over CinemaSins' fact-checking. But one has to wonder why all the nitpick comments/videos started appearing now at the same time.
Me: Maybe I'm just weird, but I love it when people poke fun at stuff I like. Even my own work. I like watch LPs of my game played by others who are making cracks at it. I've been waiting for CinemaSins to do a video on one of my favourite films, The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn, but to no avail. Even CinemaSins pokes fun at itself before other people did. But many people don't seem to be able to handle neither criticism of a work that is near perfect, nor laugh at a joke at the expense of a film they like.
Me: And, not to put too fine a point on it, Bertie, but that's part of a bigger problem.
Me: CinemaSins has a right to exist. Critiquing a video game creator's work is fine, I love getting criticism, in fact. It helps artists grow. But please, stop making posts and videos saying that CinemaSins should die. It isn't decent. And stop making comments like, "CinemaSins doesn't watch the films they cover." They would have to watch the films at some stage to edit the video together.
Me: Now, Bobvid also points out some flaws that are genuinely flaws in CinemaSins' videos (to the best of my knowledge), and that's something that CinemaSins can work on to improve and grow their repertoire. It is not, however, a good reason to have CinemaSins wiped off the face of the Earth.
Me: Just because I don't like something doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. I don't like something doesn't mean it should exist. I don't like strategy games, but I'm happy others enjoy them. I'm happy strategy games are becoming successful again.
Me: And yet, some people think that visual novel games shouldn't exist. Why? Because they don't like them.
4:46 Watson: How did you see that? Sherlock: Because I was looking for it.
CinemaSins: Sherlock doesn't say, "because even though it's clear, it reflects light and is still visible to the naked eye."
Bob: Yes, you and I can see it, but that doesn't mean Watson was able to see it from his perspective. Watson was rushing Blackwood and wasn't paying attention.
Me: Due to the Kuleshov Effect, and because Watson and Sherlock are standing next to each other by the end of the sequence, we can assume that Watson can see what Sherlock sees in this shot. Crumbs, due to the magic of Prevalent Film Language, we conclude to this thought without even registering it on a conscious because of the way the sequence is shot (shot of object, followed by shot of Watson and Sherlock looking offscreen in the same direction = they are looking at said object).
Me: Also, I noticed you labelled Sherlock and Watson as "Sherlock" and "Watson," respectively, in the subtitles. For proper design unity, shouldn't you have labelled them both by their first names (Sherlock and John) or their last names (Holmes and Watson)? I'm nitpicking, but that's the point.
5:44 CinemaSins: Yeah sure. You're totally under arrest, but you can walk around without anyone holding on to you to make sure you don't try to escape.
Bob: This is showing that even police fear Lord Blackwood. Though I guess it could be a setup for one of your sh**ty jokeyjokes too.
Me: *Still sniggering from CinemaSins' gag.* *Pauses.* *Put hands on hips.* What's wrong with jokey jokes?! Even if they're afraid, they're the police. It's their job to apprehend this guy, so it looks ridiculous when they don't. It's reaching Thompson and Thomson-levels of police bumbling in an otherwise darkish action film.
Me: Details add up. If a film has a ton of tiny details that don't work, they can add up and wreck the enjoyment of the film (see videos that analyse shot-for-shot remakes, like Psycho and Beauty and the Beast to see what I mean). I know artists who have worked on Rick and Morty and have talked about meetings discussing the design of a paper cup that a character has to hold. A paper cup.
Me: I've seen Twitter people make the argument that films are not meant to be totally logical, and instead are meant to hit you on a metaphorical level (that's why Disney's Snow White works). And that CinemaSins uses logic and literalisms too much. But (at the risk of explaining a joke, which I don't like doing) remember that we as creators often pose a statement that we don't agree with to make our viewers both laugh and self-reflect on whether we are telling a truth or not. I hope this makes sense.
Me: Also of note: Bob doesn't censor swear words in the audio nor the subtitles of this video. I had to do that myself. Even though CinemaSins censors swear words. And both CinemaSins and myself have stated publicly that we're fine with swearing used in videos. We just censor them in videos/essays respectively out of consideration for others who may not like hearing them.
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Me: It's also sometimes important to censor video essays in case someone wants to use the video in an academic environment, such as being shown in a film school class that has strict profanity regulations (for example, Games As Literature's YouTube videos have been known to be showcased in academic courses on Video Game Theory, which is why he tries to exclude any swearing or gore in his videos).
Me: While we're on the subject of nitpick-jokes, I'd like to take a moment here to point out that that bit where CinemaSins points out that in one of the background areas of a two-second scene in Kingsman has a paper towel roll is hung the wrong way is one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. Seriously, I was howling when that popped up!
Me: Several people on Twitter were asking why CinemaSins was funny. While I'm highly, highly against explaining jokes ("comedy dies quickly under the microscope"), I can try to maybe go point-to-point and explain why their jokes touch the funnybone. I'll bring Powerpoint slides.
8:12 CinemaSins: While I appreciate the way this movie uses boxing to show off Holmes' superior mind, the idea that a reclusive, agoraphobic investigator would regularly participate in chaotic grimy street fights. Is beyond what my suspension of disbelief can bear.
Bob: Holmes' penchant for boxing comes straight out of Arthur Conan Doyle's original stories, so suspend that disbelief because people have been doing it since 1890.
Me: While Sherlock being a skilled boxer is indeed canon in the novels, many Doyle fans (including myself, screenwriter Max Landis, and co-creator of BBC Sherlock, Mark Gatiss) consider this to be a flaw in the Sherlock novels, as it often totally imbalances the foil relationship between Holmes and Watson. Watson is meant to be more of the brawn than Sherlock because Sherlock is more of the brains than Watson. Making Sherlock a skilled fighter makes Watson less useful. Because of this, it's perfectly accepted (and often considered an improvement) among many Sherlock fans to re-write Sherlock as being flawed at fighting (in BBC Sherlock, Sherlock is terrible at using a gun on numerous occasions, and fails miserably at trying to box the Golem in season 1, episode 3.) and even works that are heavily-inspired by Sherlock Holmes use this dynamic (Max Landis is the creator of BBCA's Dirk Gently, where Dirk can be taken down in a fight very quickly and is surrounded by friends who are physically stronger than him; and I am working on The Butler Detective, which has the detective character Mel Ambrose being physically weak in a fight, and Tuski Brown being surprisingly strong from buttle-ing).
Me: The following images are from Max Landis' Twitter account:
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9:59 Preacher: You are sentenced to death for the practice of black magic.
CinemaSins: Victorian London was pretty backwards, but not that backwards. Were they? Were they?
Bob: Considering a [demonic ritual abuse] panic of our own happened in the 1980s, it's not that strange at all.
Me: Yes, but Reality is Unrealistic. There have been written accounts of farmers seeing cows spontaneously exploding, but if I had put a scene in my slice of life farming video game (The Journey of Ignorance) where a cow explodes, no one playing the game would say, "That's improbable, but realistic." They'd say it was unbelievable. As the saying goes, "Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense." If you want the audience to believe something that's improbable, you either have to create a fictionalised world where it seems less improbable, or you have to do what Fargo does and write a disclaimer at the beginning saying that the events are based on a true story... Even when that's not true.
Me: Also, ritual panic isn’t strange? What?
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10:58 Bob: It's pronounced "sh*t," not "[BEEP]."
Me: -_- And you say CinemaSins does jokeyjokes?
Me: I feel like I need to add a swear counter or something to this video at this point. 0_o
13:27 CinemaSins: Pretty sure there would be a separate woman's jail. Right? Right?
Bob: Up until 1902, men and women were held in the same prisons in London. Quit asking rhetorical questions. And. Do. Research.
Me: What, am I supposed to crack open a bally history book every time I finish watching a bally episode of Jeeves & Wooster?
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Me: Look, critiques come in all shapes and sizes. Some write in an academic style (Roger Egbert), some candidly (Jeremy Jahns), some scathingly (Ebert again), some focus on the editing side of things (Folding Ideas), the animation side (AniMat Reviews), and others write like they're a modernised version of a PG Wodehouse character from the 1930s (me).
Me: My point is, some critics, like CinemaSins, critique films as they are, as the film is playing, in the moment.
Me: You know. Like the way an average audience member watches a movie?
Me: Let them. And let CinemaSins. It's a valid method to judge a film. "It takes all sorts to build a world." There's room for critics who review films by how they captured people emotionally, but there's also room for critics who observe films on a more literal level.
Me: I feel bad about critics like who critically assess both good and bad films. They make me laugh the most with their snarky with, yet they get a lot of flak for it. One independent gave development team (we dare not speak its name, unless in hushed whispers by candlelight on a full moon) even went as far as to try and sue several critics for negatively reviewing their games. This attempt to silence the critics all led to... well... Let's just say that the Streisand Effect amuses me to no end.
Me: I know there's this dislike towards negativity and "caustic critics," but it's actually healthy to have a good whinge.
Me: If you honestly can't stand CinemaSins' negative tone, then check out their sibling channel, CinemaWins. It takes good and bad films and points out the good or awesome elements in those films.
13:50 CinemaSins: You might be thinking "Amazing sense of smell doesn't make a good superhero," and I would respond by saying, "Remember Hawkeye? He gets to be a top tier avenger and all he can do is shoot a [BEEP]ing bow and arrow."
Bob: Hawkeye has a hoverbike, f**k you!
Me: Having a hoverboard is not a skill. Shooting with a bow and arrow IS a skill. I actually have to state this? I mean, he could give that hoverbike to anyone with a compatible drivers license and they could fly it in Hawkeye's place.
Me: Or was that another one of your jokeyjokes? *Wiggles eyebrows.*
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14:23 CinemaSins: Movie repurposes "old-timey" footage from Les Mis and Shanghai Knights.
Bob: Les Mis, Shanghai Knights and Sherloch Holmes all filmed in Greenwich. I guess it's a sin to shoot in the same location. Is this just a sh**ty jokeyjoke or a legit piece of criticism? I honestly can't tell.
Me: It's a reference/homage to Hollywood constantly filming in certain locations to do film shoots (especially Canada, due to its tax differences). You see camera crews filming stuff all the time and even handing out notices that give info on what film/show they're working on and how long they'll be there. I'm probably in the background of 257 different films and television shows simply because I'm Canadian.
Me: Canadians have very, very mixed, passionate feelings about being used to film American movies that are virtually never set in actual Canada, so I'd count this as a movie sin, yes.
14:48 Bob: Why are jokes about ejaculating allowed in these videos but cursing isn't?
Me: For the same reason double entendre jokes were allowed in 1971's "The Two Ronnies," but cursing wasn't: Because double entendre has a layer of subtext that hides its taboo nature from younger audiences (making it often "go above their heads"), but swearing doesn't. Unless you censor it in some way.
Me: The Two Ronnies' comedy sketch "Crossed Lines" literally has every other line a sex-related joke and it's considered to be a masterpiece of English double entendre. Check it out.
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17:46: CinemaSins: The three main characters take down all-20-plus henchmen without the slightest injury.
Bob: By "20-plus henchmen" do you really mean six dudes?
Me: Hey, we're all allowed to hyperbole. I've been doing it like 50 times in this essay alone. :D
17:53 Adler: Moriarty. Please don't underestimate him.
CinemaSins: Irene is just saying "and we need a plot for the next movie."
Bob: Would you prefer the sequel to have a villain that comes out of nowhere, or is teased a little bit? Do all those Marvel post-credits scenes with Thanos make you really mad?
Me: I would prefer a film to be restrained enough to not sequel bait and allow itself to be its own, self-contained story.
Me: Also, sequel-baiting is slowly growing to be a hugely frowned-upon trend in films. It can smack of the creators being over-confident that they'll get enough money to warrant a sequel (The Last Airbender film anyone?) and well as manipulating the audience in an underhanded way. People are getting upset over sequel hooks, especially this year (2017) with films like King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (which was revealed to be a setup to six more films. I kid you not.), The Snowman (which was planned on being possibly a franchise. Which is ironic, since the film is literally incomplete but was released anyway), The Dark Tower (which was meant to lead to a television series), and Murder on the Orient Express (which ends with a sequel hook that, if you've read Agatha's Christie's Death on the Nile, creates a staggering plotting issue that I honestly have no idea how the writers will get around if the sequel does get made).
Me: I don't watch Marvel movies, so I don't know if Thanos makes me mad. Would he make me mad? Probably.
18:55 Bob: (Final Tally) Closing remarks: I have never seen someone simultaneously watch and not watch a film before. So thanks for that I guess.
Me: I've never had to type so much nitpicking-related stuff about a nitpicker before. Not since last Tuesday. So thanks for that I guess.
Me: No, really, thanks for that, Bob. This was cathartic. Genuinely.
Me: If people want to nitpick my nitpick of nitpicking and nitpicker who is nitpicking another nitpicker who's nitpicking a movie, please fell free to. Whatever you title it is bound to be hilarious, and I could do with a jolly good laugh.
Also, here's Bobvid's YouTube Channel. *cough*Shameless plug he didn't ask for but I'm adding it anyway.*cough*
Bob, you've been a sweetheart. Keep making your videos.
"I hated this movie. Hated hated hated hated hated this movie. Hated it. Hated every simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting moment of it. Hated the sensibility that thought anyone would like it. Hated the implied insult to the audience by its belief that anyone would be entertained by it."- From Roger Ebert's review of North (1994)
Gee, I hope I don’t come off as too narky in this essay. This is such a big experiment. I’m so nervous about this ahhhhhhh--
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larasati98-blog · 5 years
KNB217 Digital Creatures Assignment 1
By Yosephine Vania Devi Larasati | n10129251
For this assignment, I decided to choose Jack from the folktale of a magic beanstalk. Since this is a well-known story for decades, I find it easier to identify the character and setting played in the story.
Jack and the Magic Beanstalk
Jack and the Magic Beanstalk is an English fairy tale. According to Joseph Jacob’s version (1890), this story revolves around the adventure of Jack, a boy living on a farm with his poor widowed mother. One day, his mother asked Jack to go to the market and sell their only cow there, since they run out of money to buy some food. In the market, thoughtless Jack met an old butcher that offered him a magic seed in exchange for his cow. Instead of selling it for some coins, Jack tempted to trade his cow for the seed. Knowing that Jack brought home a seed instead of money, his mother was angry and threw the seed outside. However, the bean grew overnight into a giant beanstalk where there is a castle upon it. Excited, Jack climbed the stalk to find the castle on the top and it was filled with magical animals and instrument which belong to a giant living in it. Realising that he needs goods to sell, he stole a magical hen that lays golden eggs and magical harp that can talk. Unfortunately, the harp began to scream for help and surprised the giant. The giant chased down Jack until he almost reached the ground, but Jack started chopping down the stalk that also crushed and killed the giant. The overall story takes place during the renaissance. The setting happened in the farm, market and a gigantic castle built for giants.
Jack is often described as a young man that is always taking advantage of any opportunities provided to him. The folktale also shows that he lives in desperation since he and his mother lived in constant poverty. From my personal view, I would describe Jack as a naive and reckless young man, yet caring about his family’s needs. Jack is very spontaneous, innocent, and easily tricked by an old man into trading his cow with what the man called it a magical seed. Not forgetting the fact that he is a farmer, he has a diligent personality.
Jack is physically skinny, due to living in poverty for a long time. He is a tall boy and his body barely shows any muscle, like a twig, I would describe. He weights very light that allows him to sneak into a castle without waking up the giant. His clothes are very simple and comfortable to wear for farming but seem quite dirty from going to the field often. Also, the clothes seem old since those are old clothes from his late father.
In summary, the characteristic of Jack is divided into two:
Personality traits:
Innocent and naive
Somewhat stubborn
Taking for granted
Soft-hearted and devoted to his family
Physical characteristic:
Tall and skinny
Pale skin with noticeable sunburns
Extremely light
Round face (as he is still young)
Wearing old farming clothes that are lightly covered by dirt
Mood board
First thing, I gathered references based on style and body type that is relevant to the story. I love the idea of loose clothes with a belt that exaggerates his thin figure. However, since it is a low poly character, the clothes might be harder to animate the flow.
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Experiment Drawing
After that, I began to draw the character concept based on the mood board. The first picture shows the characters line up consist of Jack, his mother, and the Giant. I love making a character comparison at first, so I know what will differentiate Jack among all of the characters.
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Here is I draw rough sketches of Jack. From first glance, he looks like a scarecrow, which I found very interesting. I continued to explore his look by combining shapes.
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I tried to combine shapes of circle, square, and triangle. I decided to use many circles for his head to show youth. Later on, I prefer a round shape for the eyes and the nose that emphasise his innocence, friendliness, and soft, while I was still playing around with the shape of the body.
Rough Silhouette
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I narrowed down to 5 silhouettes that I find appealing and easier to create in low-poly.
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Final decision, I found this very simple yet appealing. Just from the silhouette, this character seems clumsy and soft. I will develop this rough silhouette into a more unique character.
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During the renaissance era, men were mostly wearing linen tunic that is belted at the waist and tight legging (Central Coast Renaissance Festival, 2019). The tunic was worn as an undergarment beneath outer clothes, such as cloak by upper class (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1998).
I tried to modify the clothing a little, such as cutting short the bottom part of the tunic. This makes Jack looks slender and gives clarity to his body shape. Creating a character turnaround sheet is not something new to me, yet still challenging no matter how many times I have done it. Especially, in a three-quarter view. Also, I am giving Jack a slightly crooked back.
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Medieval and renaissance tunic (Larp Inn, 2019).
As for the colour palette reference, I am using a colour wheel and chose to use complementary colours with earth tones. Here, I combined blue and orange as well as adjusted the saturation to bring the two colours together.
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Colour wheel sample (Lynton, 2018).
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Coloured character turnaround
The image below here is used for reference in the modelling process. The character is drawn from the front, right, and topside view.
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Modelling Process
The video below here shows the quick video of modelling the character from a cube.
Due to insufficient storage, I screen captured some stages after the recording. These are where I learned my mistakes.
1. Arm Twisting
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I did not pay attention to the anatomy of the muscle. So I had to remake the arm and make a twist.
2. Face Topology
Modelling mouth and nose with the right loop pattern is complicated for me. I followed several other tutorial videos on the internet and other people’s work as a reference. Other challenges include modelling the face to look appealing while maintaining the polygons count to keep it under 1000, for example, changing the hairstyle to be much simpler than the original design.
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Overall, I did not find any problems with the UV map process, everything went smoothly. Until I painted the model using Substance Painter. Painting hair surprisingly became the most difficult thing. I mostly do realistic style rather than stylised, so it took a while for me to get accustomed to the painting process. I mostly used polygon fill feature in Substance Painter at first, then added more details(dirt, and collar) using brush.
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Rigging Process
First time using Advanced Skeleton 5, many things happened in the process. There are a few steps that I have to repeat until the model can move properly. One of them is the eyeballs that are stuck with the head model and won’t rotate by themselves. Resolved it by fixing the connection between the joint and the geometry. Another problem I had was the knees bend backwards. Turned out that my model’s legs were slightly bending backwards and Advanced Skeleton automatically generated inverted knees.
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Animation Test
Final Render
Jack by yosephine98 on Sketchfab
In summary, I am satisfied with the design of the character. Even though the execution of building the 3D model does not meet my expectation. There are many things I have to fix in my model. In the future, I am excited to build another model with better design and 3D model.
Central Coast Renaissance Festival. (2019, May 24). How did people dress in renaissance England. Central Coast Renaissance Festival. https://ccrenfaire.com/how-did-people-dress-in-renaissance-england/
Jacobs, J. (2003). Jack and the beanstalk. English Fairy Tales. http://www.authorama.com/english-fairy-tales-15.html
Larp Inn (2019). Guy Tunic. Larp Inn. https://www.larpinn.co.uk/guy-tunic-brown-p-6496.html
Lynton, J. (2018, 29 May). Close to my heart color wheel [Image]. Make it from your heart. https://blog.closetomyheart.com/2018/05/29/color-theory-double-complementary-color-schemes/
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (1998). Tunic. Encyclopaedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/tunic-clothing
0 notes
Vicar Character Modelling Process
Maya T-Pose design for Modelling
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I created my Priest character by using a cube polygon, and increasing the sub divisions. I decided to learn from my last character model and only create half of the mesh on the Z-axis so it would be better to mirror when I would eventually get to this point in the process. After I created my half cube polygon I began extruding the faces into a basic skull shape, constantly referring to the smoothed version as I progressed through making the head shape. 
After creating the basic head shape, I added some facial features such as a nose, a protruding forehead, indentations for eyes and a nose.
To create the eyes, I made incisions in the centre of the head with the multi-cut tool and created multiple edges. After I had created these cuts, I deleted the interior faces, making a hole in the head mesh. This was the basis for the eye socket. I then added a sphere polygon behind the empty head mesh, I then moulded the eyelid around the eyeball sphere. As I wanted there to be multiple wrinkles around the eyes to express the Priests age and show detail, I decided to follow the same process of creating my creatures rib-cage. I selected the edge tool and moved the edges into positions where the mesh would look folded, as if there were bag under their eyes. I extruded the faces on the wrinkles and moved them outwards to define them and differentiate between the sizes.  
Wrinkles and Facial Details
I added several folds and wrinkles to the character, as I wanted him to look old and weathered like my concept art. I incorporated the protruding forehead by using multiple edges made by the the edge loop tool to create a thick forehead and eyebrow line. I also developed the bone structure of the face by selecting the faces and edge’s by manipulating them into positions where I felt certain indentations, such as the temple and raised, puffier skin, such as his jowls and cheekbones. 
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I created the ears by creating a basic ear shape on the side of the head using the multi-cut tool and extruding the shape outwards, I then added additional edges on the interior of the ear, again using the multi-cut tool to create a basic shape of the ear anatomy and using the face tool to push certain elements of the ears outwards or inverting the interior, lower parts of the ear deeper into the geometry. After I had created the basic shape of the ear, I observed how it looked in the smoothed view and defined extra elements such as the earlobe by selecting the mesh face and deforming it so it looked drooping. After doing this I realised that the ears looked too high up the face and weren’t defined enough to be seen on the front Z axis view of the character, to resolve this I selected the entire mesh faces of the ear and lowered it down the face, I then used the rotate tool to define them enough to look like they were sticking out his head, rather than pressed against his skull. 
Nose, Lips and Mouth
Using a similar process for the ears, I extruded the faces I had created by cutting edges into the mesh by using the multi-cut tool. I then rotated them to make a more nose like-structure. I then move the vertices to make a more consistent shape, whilst doing this I added more edge loops around the head in order to create a deeper and accordant nose topology. I decided to make the nose more hooked and curved, as this was a characteristic of my designs when I was creating the concept art for my character. 
When I had developed the nose, I moved onto the creation of the lips. I made the lips by adding edge loops around the lower part of the nose to the point where I thought the mouth would be. Additionally, I added some cuts using the multi-cut tool to create the basic layout of the lips and eventual mouth. I deleted the mesh face that was to be the mouth and moulded the lips around the mouth gap by manipulating the edges and curving them downwards and in towards the inside of the mouth. 
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Neck Problem
I had an issue with a deformation on the neck of my character during the creation of the chin and the anatomy of the lower part of the head. This may have occurred during the process of the extruding of the edges of the bottom of the head typology, as I think the issue may have been I created multiple faces and when connecting the vertexes together with the weld tool, I connected one vertex to an unintentional vertex, this created a slight raised line on the top of the mesh above the collar (Above). I resolved this by discovering the problem during looking through the wire frame view and realising there were several extra vertexes, I changed the view port to the polygon mesh and deleted the back of the head and corrected the mistake. 
Creating the Body Posture
I created the body posture and costume by referring to my previous designs. I used a cube polygon and increased the amount of subdivisions in the body’s mesh. I then selected the faces on these subdivisions and created the general body shape by using the extrude tool and increased the size of the more defined body parts such as the belly and shoulders. i wanted the Priest to have a small torso and defined body, as it was the opposite body structure to my creatures. 
I deleted the faces in the mesh where the collar would be connected to the neck and extruded the edge of the hole to create the collar by creating a curved geometry which curved inwards using the rotate tool. I then selected faces on the side of the Priest to create the arm. I extruded these and added multi edge loops around the arms, creating the basic arm shape by manipulating the edge loops by using the vertices to create the flowing fabric of the arm. I did this by lowering a single vertex and then the correlating vertexes above to create a sleeve. I then selected the edge of the sleeve and extruded it, pushing it into the mesh. I extruded this again, pushing the edge closer together, then extruded it out of the mesh. This was to become the basic geometry of the hand, I added edge loops to make it curved and less square. 
I debated on making the legs long and thin, however, I liked the idea of a cloak, much like I had previously done in my earlier designs. I thought this would work as the Priest is very covered up and this is the binary opposite of the creature that is exposed and, essentially nude. I made the base of the cloak by extruding the base of the stomach and extruding the base of the body outwards. I added multiple edge loops and increased the amount of edges in places where there would be slight over lapping and change in direction. For the back of the cloak, I used the vertexes by manipulating them further back, deforming the mesh to make it look like it was dragging behind himself.  
Four View Point of Priest
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Front View of Priest
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Side View of Priest
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Creating Hands
To create the hands, I used the basic hand stump from the creation of my arm geometry, and added some edges using the multi-cut tool and extruded some fingers out of the mesh, I did this by making small squares and leaving a small space between the mesh that would be extruded, selecting only the mesh that would become the fingers, I added some edge loops to make the fingers curved and shrank the spaces between the vertexes on the tips of the fingers to make them pointed. I used a similar process to make the thumb on the side of the hand. I used the multi-cut tool and extruded the selected face to create the basic shape of a thumb. I then added an edge loop around the centre of the thumb, and selected the edge and rotated it, I then extruded the face on the tip of the thumb to extend it. 
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Adding the Hat to the Mesh
I decided to add the accessory of a hat to my character as I felt he needed more personality through his clothes. I created the Pope hat by using an image plane and making it into the general shape of the hat,by manipulating the vertices and deleting half of it, as it was over the Z axis, placing it above the characters head and manipulating the vertices around his head to give the impression of it fitting on his head. 
I then duplicated the front of the hat by selecting the mesh by using duplicate special and flipping the dimensions of the hat, placing it on the back of his head and then manipulating the vertices around his head. I then combined both these meshes into one mesh. I selected the edged of the top of the hat and extruded them into a basic hat shape, sloping down the back of the other side. I then combined both these meshes together by using the extrude tool and connecting both elements together. Using references from Google and my designs, the curved bump in the middle was prominent. As I was using the poly view, I used the edge cut tool to add multiple edges and vertices into the centre of the head and selected the vertexes upwards to create a curved effect. 
Side View of Pope Hat 
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Front View of Pope Hat
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Side View of Pope Hat
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Mirroring the Mesh
To mirror the mesh, I used the mirror tool in the mesh drop bar and duplicated the other half of my mesh on the Z-Axis to create the full bodied version of my Priest to keep the geometry consistent. The geometry automatically connected together and I thought the end product was up to scratch, as I had not designed a fully detailed human character before. 
Fully Mirrored Priest
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Fully Mirrored Priest Close Up
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Texturing the Mesh
When it came to the process of developing my characters mesh, I decided to use the colour textures and different MAYA mesh textures to define my character. I selected the specific faces I wanted of the mesh and selected Assign New Material, for the skin, pope hat and clerical collar I used the Lambert MAYA texture, as they would be less reflective and added the correct colour using the colour picker tool, as I am colour-blind and selecting the colours off Google. For the textures that I wanted to reflect light I used Blinn, for example for the cloak, which I wanted to look like silk and the cross that I wanted to look like real viable gold.
Front View of Priest Mid Development 
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Side View of Priest Mid Development
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Finalised Priest
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I also added a cross as a final touch as I thought this would add to the relatively bare priest hat. I did the cross by using a cube polygon and increasing the amount of subdivisions. I then extruded the selected faces on either side and shrank it down to size to fit on the hat. I changed the texture to Blinn, to make it shine when light would hit it and chose a gold colour on the cross to show the, supposed, divinity of God. I then rotated it and combined it to the mesh.
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When I sent the pries into render View the texture of his cloak was incredibly shiny and did not look realistic, it looked more like a gimp suit. I resolved this by changing the cloak to an JPEG image of a black material, however it is not visible on the mesh for a reason that I couldn’t resolve due to time constraints
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I decided to Render him in the T-Pose because of time restrains and i had already modelled him in this way an did not want to deform the mesh. 
I then added a different colour as it didn’t match the Pope hat of my character using the colour tools.
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
Sanvers Week Day 2 – Nerd Girlfriends
A/N: I almost didn't post anything today, but an idea popped last minute, so here it is. I didn't have time to edit much, English isn't my first language and I don't have a beta so all mistakes are mine. Maggie Sawyer is a sapiosexual. She's sexually attracted and aroused by intelligence. A fact she's well aware of, especially when it put her in embarassing situations. And it does, every day, since as she's working at NCPD Science Division, she hears quite a lot of science talk all day long. And listening to that cute lab worker, with the equally cute glasses and lab coat rambling about the details of the latest case's evidences does things to Maggie's body that are difficult to hide. She losted count of how many times she made her lips bleed by biting it too hard to keep from moaning out loud, how many ruined panties she had to throw away. But all things considered, she was handling it well enough. Until she met Alex Danvers. Because this woman? She was something else. She was from a whole other league completely and Maggie had to resort to her acting A game around this Science Goddess. At all time. Because the glint of intelligence in Alex's eyes was enough for Maggie's inside to coil in warm arousal. She definitively was a goner the moment Alex open her mouth to tell her about analysing thermal residue and electromagnetic component to alien weapons and creating countermesures. She somehow managed to laugh it off and call her a nerd without stuttering and she thanked her complexion for not revealing the blush warming her cheeks. The change of subject to her singlehood probably was the reason she didn't out herself as a kinky nerd. Though considering the turn of the conversation when she accidentally out Alex to herself, maybe that wouldn't have so bad after all. Somehow, though, in the weeks full of drama that followed, Alex picked on it. Maggie has no idea how or when she did, but that night when she finally kissed the girl she wanna kiss in the agent's appartment, after a long make out session, and after retiring on the couch where they cuddled and talked, Alex started dropping nerdy comments now and then, gently teasing her now-girlfriend's intelligence kink. Maggie didn't catch up immediately; it took he several hours of agony, trying and probably failing at hiding her arousal, to finally realise that this slow torture was intentional. She left the appartment not long after that, but not before kissing and nipping at Alex's throat, jaw and ear, letting her writhing, panting, moaning and thoroughly aroused as a revenge. Once in her own place, though, she had to take of her needs in the shower, but it was worth it. A few weeks later, they realised that they shared a favourite board game as kids, Leonardo & Co., a trivia game with questions about Exact Sciences, Biomedical Sciences and Social Sciences, which prompted Alex to bring it at Kara's Game Night, to Maggie's dismay. Winn and Lena were fine with it but Kara grumbled and ranted and pouted about it until she stuffed pizza into her mouth, and James just quietly sighed. Half-way through the game, she couldn't take it anymore. She got up suddenly and with a "A word Danvers?", she dragged her girlfriend to the bathroom. Once there, she quickly locked the door and throw Alex against it. "I'd say 'talk nerdy to me' but I think you did that enough already." She rasped in her ear. "Shoulda bet with you you wouldn't last the night. You too easy." Alex replied cockily. "Smart ass." "You love that about me." "Yeah I do." She tilted her head, starring intensely into those gorgeous chocolate eyes. "You know, I like it too. Being talked nerdy." Alex hinted. Maggie bristled at that. "I'm not a nerd, you're the nerd in this relationship." She refuted. "Oh please, I saw those forensics journal on you desk and you hide entomology books behind your lesbian erotica." "It's for work." She sweared. "The erotica? Or the entomology books?" Alex teased. "Pffft, you think your smart-" "I am." "Okay, okay you're right. I love bugs. Happy now?" "I am very pleased indeed." She smiled softly at her girfriend. "But we should get out of here before my sister lose patience." "Ugh, but can we at least change game. This one is a torture." "What about we go home and I show you my extanded knowledge of human anatomy?" Alex flirted and fluttered her lashes. "Are you sure? We hadn't yet-" "I'm sure if you are. It's been long enough, isn't it?" "Yeah, it's been too long." Maggie nodded enthuastically. "So your place or mine?" "Yours. I want you to read me those entomology books." "Lead the way."
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irregularwebcomic · 6 years
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[Irregular Webcomic! #1740 Rerun](https://ift.tt/2JLL7Ba)
I originally wrote this strip with the following punchline:
3 Haken: Why should we trust you? You keep switching sides! 4 Ginny: Would you rather trust a turncoat who doesn't switch sides?
I liked the idea of the puzzle posed by the question: How do you trust a turncoat or double agent?
If you're working with such a person, you know, by the very definition of what they're doing, that they are prone to disloyalty, treachery, and deception as to where their true loyalty (if any) lies. Naturally, this makes it difficult to fully trust such a person.
But the other side of the dilemma is that neither can you trust a turncoat who doesn't really switch sides, since that would imply that they are still loyal to the other side, while only pretending to turn traitor and assist you.
On top of all this is the simple head-exploding semantic parsing of the very concept of a turncoat who doesn't switch sides.
In all, I was quite pleased with this line, as it was thought-provoking on multiple levels. The only problem was that when I re-read it as I was constructing the strip, I didn't think it was quite funny enough.
I mentioned this to someone, and they suggested the alternative you see in the comic, which made me laugh as soon as I saw it. So I sacrificed clever for funny, and put the clever down here in the annotation.
As for the traditional "woman's prerogative"...
Boy, this one is a potential minefield. For anyone who may not be aware of this piece of cultural baggage from what I presume must be the Victorian or Regency era or thereabouts, the tradition states that it is "a woman's prerogative to change her mind". The issue comes up in the somewhat arcane civil tort of breach of promise, but was also applied across other contexts. The basic idea is that a gentleman should abide by his word, and keep all promises he makes, whereas a woman retains the privilege of changing her mind and breaking a promise without loss of honour or status.
I was going to comment here simply that I always thought this custom to be patently ridiculous. The standard of personal honour and integrity that a person should be expected to live up to should be uniform, not differentiated by one's sex*. If a person has a good cause to break a promise, then that cause should suffice for anyone, man or woman, in the same situation.
However, a quick Google brought up several hits on modern science journals, containing research papers on neurophysiological distinctions between male and female humans caused by their anatomical differences. Some of these papers conclude that it is indeed more likely for female humans to change their minds on things than males, because of differences in hormonal activity between the sexes.
Many of you can no doubt see the minefield rapidly approaching. It's not my intention to start any arguments or offend anyone's sensibilities, so I simply hope you will take the information imparted here on board and integrate it into your own knowledge. Whether or not any of those research papers have reached a valid conclusion, and what any ramifications beyond the realm of physiology and into the sphere of social custom might be, is not for me to say.
At any rate, the usage of this line in the strip is intended solely for comic value, and not to present or encourage any particular value judgement on the concept's validity or invalidity. I hereby disclaim any responsibility whatsoever for any inference or conclusion you may draw from it.
I really don't want any hate mail over this. Okay?
* Yes, sex. "Gender" is a bowdleristic euphemism for what already has a perfectly good noun to describe it. Gender refers to linguistic properties of words, not anatomical properties of people**. The modern co-optive usage of "gender" to refer to "social sex-role identification" as opposed to anatomical sex is a recent development that does not enter into this discussion, as I am referring solely to anatomy.
** And yes, I realise the irony*** in this statement, given my past comments about the evolution of language, and the primacy of description over prescription.
*** Oh god****, let's just not go into that one again.
**** I'm using "god" here as a genericised pseudo-expletive, not a reference to a supreme being or deity*****, hence the lack of capitalisation.
***** Don't I have enough disclaimers here already??
2018-06-18 Rerun commentary: ****** Although I stand by my intended meanings in what I wrote here, I probably would have phrased things slightly differently today. In particular, even putting aside gender identity, the apparent dichotomy of strictly anatomical sex isn't really as clear cut as two completely separate classes either. I trust that people understand my writings in the context of someone willing to make mistakes and learn. Of course Haken doesn't understand Latin, because he speaks a Germanic language, rather than a Romance language descended from Latin. Having said that, the Internet seems to generally agree that even a modern day Italian speaker would seriously struggle to understand any Latin. Unlike Spanish and Italian, where knowing one language means you can understand a fair bit of the other, an Italian speaker confronted with Latin would be a bit like a modern English speaker confronted with this:
Hwæt! We Gar-Dena in gear-dagum þeod-cyninga, þrym gefrunon, hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon! Oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena þreatum monegum mægþum meodo-setla ofteah; egsode eorl[as] syððan ærest wearð feasceaft funden; he þæs frofre gebad, weox under wolcnum, weorð-myndum þah, oðæt him æghwylc þara ymb-sittendra ofer hron-rade hyran scolde, gomban gyldan. Þæt wæs god cyning!
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karafuru-kyanbasu · 7 years
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Impromptu request from the lab tech’s kid. Wanted to work on another request but who could say no to a child? Took around 1h, with the kid asking me several times on the way if I was done. I didn’t care much about anatomy and pose unfortunately, I just wanted to get it done as quickly as possible before she left. First time I drew while being watched for at least 20 minutes? It was mildly uncomfortable but still bearable. So this is how it feels like... Every mistake is some time lost. Luckily I finished in time and printed it out for her. Realised that I forgot to colour the feet for the girl but it’s still not too bad a mistake... ahaha
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serenebutterfly · 7 years
For the past few weeks, I have unfortunately been experiencing a severe flare in symptoms.  Although the symptoms I live with are constant, however, I experience blocks of time in which these symptoms worsen causing much pain and suffering.
Pain, trembling, dizziness and especially fatigue have all been particularly acute of late.  Often I have been unable to do much at all, with the pain and trembling in the legs shackling me to my bed due to difficulties with getting around, even in the house.  Crippling fatigue has also confined me to rest in bed on numerous occasions especially after being out of the house or doing chores around the house.
And it’s in these moments, being incapacitated by the illness that I am unable to do much more than just lie on my bed and entertain myself with a light or comforting book.  But more often than not, however, I have been distracting my mind from the pain and other symptoms with a box-set binge of one of my favourite television programmes.
In this post, I thought I would share some of my favourite box sets that have recently helped me into a chronically (ill) induced boxset binge.
Anyone who knows me will know that I am a huge fan of procedural crime dramas, and Bones has to be one of my all-time favourite shows in this genre.
‘Bones’ centres around the relationship between forensic anthropologist Dr Temperence Brennan and Special Agent Seeley Booth of the FBI whom together combine their skill and expertise to solve murders using evidence recovered from dead bodies.  “Bones” is the nickname given to Dr Brennan who heads up the team of forensic scientists of the Jeffersonian Institue (based upon the real-life Smithsonian Institue).  As the show is based on the character created by real-life forensic anthropologist Kathy Reichs (and who is also an executive producer on the TV series) the science and techniques used adds to the show’s realism and authenticity.  Alongside murder inquiries, the show also explores the relationships and private lives of the characters.
Not only is the science of the show interesting and compelling but the writers of the show beautifully write engaging and relatable characters whom you can’t help but fall in love with, especially the show’s protagonist ‘Bones’ whose directness and clumsy demeanour makes her both hilarious and endearing to watch.  Also, what I love about the show is its ability to inject humour seamlessly alongside the horror and gore of its depictions of its murders and dead bodies.
“Jane Doe” wakes up stuffed inside a duffel bag in the middle of Times Square, naked, unaware of her own identity and covered in strange tattoos covering most of her body.  And it’s this enigmatic twist that makes it so different from any other police drama before or since.
The FBI, headed by Special Agent Kurt Weller, whose name also appears on the back of this mysterious tattooed woman, realises the tattoos are much like a treasure map and when decoded reveals clues to crimes and instances of government corruption.  Also while trying to discover Jane Doe’s real identity, and who sent her to the FBI and why.
If you love dramas that make you think, then this is one to put on your list.  Once you start to watch you cannot help be instantly intrigued with these beautiful and ornate and tattoos as well as the methods used to uncover the messages behind them.  As the series develops, the momentum builds closer towards a shocking and dramatic conclusion, raising more questions than it actually answered, and brilliantly introducing new avenues for future series to explore.  Everything about this series really impressed me, but the standout performance came from Jaimie Alexander as ‘Jane Doe’ who although excelled at the action stunts it was the vulnerability she showed portraying a woman whose entire identity had been erased that made it such a compelling watch.  A series I could happily watch again and again!
Strike Back
I wouldn’t say that I am a huge fan of action dramas, but Strike Back has to be the one exception and one I can happily watch over and over again.  I’ve even been known to have come to the end of the entire series of the show and then immediately go back and watch it all over again.  The original series of Strike Back was adapted from a novel written by former soldier Chris Ryan and starred Richard Armitage.  John Porter is a disgraced soldier recruited by a secret branch of the British military to travel around the globe in the attempt to stop major global threats while his boss does his best to cover up a mistake from his past.  It was a solid series, however, Strike Back really came into its own during its second outing with the introduction of soldiers, Sgt Scott and Sgt Stonebridge, two leads who share amazing chemistry, and rival any of the best television or film comedy duos. They are engaging, and a delight to watch, and the banter they share is really what makes the show so fun and entertaining.  The one-liners between the two are hilarious, and as it’s a show I watch so of, I am even able to quote them!  But be warned, throughout all of the series there are many instances of explicit language as well as gratuitous sex and nudity.  Certainly not something I will watch in front of my Dad!
But what also makes the show so brilliant is the high octane drama and action.  The stunts are both impressive, and looks incredibly realistic and what the show will be most remembered for.  Although the action is what mainly drives the show, I also enjoyed the emotionally driven storylines, examining the tortured psyches of the soldiers and the moral quandaries that they are forced to confront in their line of work.  It was great to love a show that seemed fresh and new at the beginning of each new series, with ever evolving characters and brilliantly complex storylines, hunting new enemies that threaten not only the UK but it’s political and military allies.
Gavin and Stacey
Written by friends Ruth Jones and now very famous James Corden, Gavin and Stacey tells the story of the eponymous characters; one a boy living with his parent in Essex and Stacey, a young woman from Barry, a town not very far from where I live!  They navigate their love affair alongside their best friends Nessa and Smithy, who although they seemingly hate each they keep sharing romantic trysts themselves!
The show is absolutely hilarious, and it never fails to make me belly-laugh no matter how many times I have watched the episodes!  A great boxset to watch when feeling down, feeling the effects of living with a neurological condition.
Other Notable Mentions:
Grey’s Anatomy – it’s fun, addictive and beautifully written with strong and relatable characters that despite their flaws you can’t help but love
Criminal Minds – as someone with a psychology degree, I find their abilities to get inside the minds of serial killers fascinating
Ghost Whisperer – Jennifer Love Hewitt is absolutely compelling to watch as reluctant medium Melinda Gordon.  Each episode is so emotional to watch and never feels to leave you with tears in your eyes
Designated Survivor (on Netflix UK) – with elements of 24 and The West Wing, this show is undeniably intriguing and also complicated at times.  Tom Kirkland (played by Keifer Sutherland) on the eve of the State of the  Union becomes the President of the United States after a catastrophic explosion claims the lives of the President and everyone in his line of succession.  It’s absolutely addictive, and all 21 episodes are now immediately at your fingertips making it perfect binge-worthy material.
I always love to discover new box sets to watch on those days which leave me incapacitated by my symptoms so I would love to hear your favourite box sets and any recommendations on what to watch next!
Leave your suggestions in the comments below!
      A Chronically (Ill) Induced Boxset Binge For the past few weeks, I have unfortunately been experiencing a severe flare in symptoms.  Although the symptoms I live with are constant, however, I experience blocks of time in which these symptoms worsen causing much pain and suffering.
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