#sanvers week
throughalleternity · 10 days
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@segfaultfault Thanks! Snippet of cutting room floor below, though it's more just a fun indulgent thing I wrote that I decided was taking up too much room + a bonus unpublished genderfluid!Lucy prompt I ended up editing while pasting it in this post. (@anon who has asked about Leon navigating sex within the triad, I hope you see this!)
The ease of your pose (Directorship, transmasc!Alex):
Lucy kisses him and then thinks for a moment. “Is Winn making Kara a new suit?”
“Good guess, but try again.”
Another kiss, then “Kara’s quitting her reporter job to pursue her singing career on Broadway.”
“What?” Alex laughs, hands momentarily still over Lucy’s back as he processes the words.
“You said I’d never be able to guess, so I went with something I wouldn't guess. Her love for karaoke is something else, though.” Lucy leans in for another kiss, only to pull back when Alex’s phone vibrates once on the side table.
Alex’s kiss aimed for her cheek ends up on the side of her head as she shifts to the side to grab it.
Scrapped Lucy/Maggie thing, sentence fluff:
There are two things you most enjoy about coming home from work: watching Maggie perk up when you walk through the door, and hearing her sigh of contentment when you nestle yourself against her.
Unpublished genderfluid!Lucy + Director Sanvers sex thing (rated M, prob not E):
Leon walks in, only to pause at the threshold.
The lights are low, but he can make out Maggie leaning over a shirtless Alex, her mouth latched onto the sensitive skin of Alex’s neck that she offers up. Maggie's legs shift and Alex's hips follow—
Leon looks away.
They've talked about new and changing yes/no/maybes, and this amount of involvement, this watching, is exactly what they all said they were comfortable with. But it's never been more than a hypothetical.
Before he can even worry whether he's wanted or not, Alex is beckoning him over. "You don't have to stay so far away, if you want to be closer?"
He reaches for her hand.
They shuffle around to make room on the bed, Maggie and Alex facing each other and Leon curling around Alex's back.
Maggie reaches across, resting her hand on his thigh. "This okay? We all cuddle, and Alex and I keep going?"
"I like that." He walks his fingers up Alex's spine, touch tentative. "Alex?"
"Yeah." Alex nods. And then she rakes a hand up Maggie's side and gets her to hiss and start touching back.
This is what he likes—being close, but not the center of attention. From there, he can feel Alex shiver, muscles twitching where Maggie ghosts her fingers over. He can hear the noises Maggie makes when Alex finds someplace sensitive, and kiss the nape of her neck in appreciation.
Whether they keep doing this or it ends up as more overt fucking, it's satisfying all the same. Maybe even more comfortable this way right now, with fewer places for discomfort to creep in.
Maggie's thigh finds its way between Alex's again. Leon feels her get more and more desperate. "I want—" Alex starts.
Maggie stills her motions. "Can you ask?"
"Not me."
It takes a second for Alex to process, but then she reaches back for Leon's thigh. "Please."
There are times when Alex wants to beg much more than that, but that's for later, for when they aren't already doing new things. So Leon just makes her wait the time it takes to kiss the back of her shoulder while he guides her hand to her stomach, and then lower. "Yes."
He and Maggie hold her through her shaking, and then after as she comes down.
Sometimes Alex cuddles harder after she comes, but depending on what they do, sometimes she prefers to stretch out and do something else. So once he feels like she's fine, Leon shifts his body back a little. "Should I stay, or do you want a little space?"
Alex curls up more, making a humming noise as she tenses and relaxes again, flopping over to face him, smiling. "I'm going to get up, but stay? I'll be right back."
"Sure." He pauses. "We can actually talk abut it more later, but that was good? You enjoyed it?" He looks over to Maggie, too.
Their yeses overlap each other and reassurance blooms warm in his chest.
"Alright, go do your thing," he says to Alex, grinning as she clambers off the bed. He rolls over to Maggie, letting himself be pulled in.
"And you?" she asks.
"Really good," he says, throwing his arm around her and sinking into the connection. "Really, really good."
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performativezippers · 3 months
I hope the people sitting next to me on my four flights this week enjoy watching me draft The Kacy Ultimatum and/or the final chapter of my and @roadien60’s Sanvers big bang 😂🌈💋🥵
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bigbangsanvers · 12 days
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You're Never Too Old...
written by MorganaStorm24
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Warnings: None
Childhood is a time of wonder, mystery, exploration, and growth. But when your exploration and growth involve understanding your non-heterosexuality, and your family destroys your wonder and mystery by kicking you out, childhood can suck.
With that in mind, Alex sets out to give Maggie a second shot at enjoying the things from childhood that had been missed. With Alex leading the way, it will be a fun-filled week, a chance to grow together as a couple and take a leaf out of Kara's book.
Because as quickly as Maggie grew up, Kara has clung to her childhood. Everything on Earth is a wonder of spun sugar and soft puppies run through the endless energy and enthusiasm of one solar-powered superhero. It’s adorable when she isn’t gatecrashing Maggie and Alex’s bonding time. What will the couple have to do to avoid the world’s biggest child who just so happens to be “in the area” all of the time?
Additional tags: Sanvers Big Bang 2021, Sanvers - Freeform, Childhood, Fun, Disney, Star Wars - Freeform, Horses, detective dimples, Fluff, lots of fluff, Maggie's PJs, castle - Freeform, Horseshoe, Clues
With art by @ironicpotential
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These works were part of Sanvers Big Bang 2021 and were revealed on November 14.
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kentucky-daisey · 1 year
I remember watching Sanvers happen in real time, like having to wait for a new episode each week and wondering when they'd get together. It felt like it took forever.
It takes eight episodes.
It feels a lot less dramatic when you watch them back to back.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
pls pls can we have a sanvers story!! possible pre-relationship with feelings admitted, with Alex being worried for a sick and working Maggie?🖤😻❤️️
Whispers of Truth
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〚 Notes - Hello anon! Of course you can have some Sanvers, hopefully this satisfies :) These two are so cute its unreal, I love them. 〛
〚 Pairing - Alex Danvers x Maggie Sawyer 〛
〚 Summary - When Alex finds Maggie sick and insistent on working she can't help but be worried. But worry is just the first of feelings to come. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 1310 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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The crisp night air hung heavy with an otherworldly stillness as numerous agents DEO arrived on scene. Flashing lights from police vehicles painted the area in shades of red and blue, illuminating the numerous smoking holes littering the ground. 
Alex smiled, spotting a familiar face several feet away, “So what do we have here Sawyer?” 
She asked, crouching down to the detective who was currently inspecting a suspicious-looking burn mark. 
“Incineration marks it’s looking like.” Maggie shook her head as she stood, “This is the third time we’ve see burn pattern in 2 weeks now.” 
Alex nodded, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the area. “Any witnesses?” 
Maggie sighed, rubbing her temples. “No luck so far. It’s like they vanished into thin air. But we’re not giving up just yet. We’ve got a team canvassing the area for any potential leads.” 
Just then, a high-pitched sneeze erupted from Maggie, catching her by surprise. She quickly covered her mouth and tried to stifle a muffled cough into her elbow, hoping the agent hadn’t heard. But of course, she had. Alex raised an eyebrow, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Everything alright there, Sawyer?” 
“Just peachy, thanks.” Maggie forced a smile, attempting to mask the congestion in her voice. She glanced away, pretending to be engrossed in examining another scorch mark on the ground. The last thing she wanted was for Alex to worry about her or worse, insist on sending her home. 
"Alright then," Alex replied, her tone laced with a mix of scepticism and amusement but still she gave her the benefit of the doubt, “Just let me know if you need a tissue or something." 
Maggie chuckled softly, her voice rasping slightly, “Will do, Danvers. But don't worry, I've got this." 
Alex tilted her head, her eyes searching Maggie's face for any signs of discomfort. It was rare to see the detective so adamant about hiding something, especially from her. Maggie was usually straightforward and open, never one to shy away from sharing her feelings or concerns.  
Hours passed as the investigation slowly droned on. There was a lot of cataloguing and examining to do but honestly nothing that really required either woman to be there. But still, they both stayed, neither one wanting to leave the other. 
“Are you sure you’re up to being on duty?” 
Alex sighed as she came to sit on the bench where Maggie had stopped to rest. 
“Mmh’fine Alex, we have a job to do.” She yawned, rubbing the back of her wrist against her nose as she sniffled. The act may have had the opposite intended effect because she suddenly turned to the side to stifle a set of much needed sneezes. 
Alex hummed, tapping her shoulder to let the tired detective rest against it, “We may have a job to do but that doesn’t excuse the fact you’re coming down with something,” She stopped to pull out a small packet of tissues from the inside of her jacket, “Here.” 
“Thanks Danvers.”  Maggie accepted the tissues gratefully, her face scrunching up as another sneeze threatened to escape. She blew her nose gently, trying to clear the congestion that seemed to be settling in her sinuses. 
Alex watched her with concern, her hand resting lightly on Maggie's back. "You don't have to tough it out, you know. We can handle things here. You should go home and rest." 
Maggie shook her head stubbornly, though her voice came out slightly hoarse. "I can't leave this unsolved, Alex. People are getting hurt, and I need to find out who's behind it. Plus-” She mumbled that last past so quietly Alex couldn’t even make out what she was saying, it must’ve been something important though because the darkening red on the detective’s cheeks was hard to miss. 
The agent smiled sweetly, the embarrassed mumblings of her friend amusing her a little, “What was that Sawyer?” 
���You heard me.” 
“No, no, I really didn’t. Speak up for me love.” Alex froze as the pet name slipped from her tongue. Shit. She knew was Maggie was gay, she was very open about that but her? It was true she’d never really had a thing for boys but maybe that wasn’t the reason why. Maybe she was just wired differently, but oh, the way her heart fluttered every time she looked at the detective had her thinking differently. The way her eyes seemed to swallow her whole, filling her was love and desire. There was something there for her. 
“I don’t want to be away from you….”
Alex's heart skipped a beat at Maggie's words, her own feelings suddenly bubbling to the surface. Without thinking, she gently cupped Maggie's cheek, turning her face back to meet her gaze. "You don't have to be away from me," she murmured softly, her voice filled with tenderness. "But you also don't have to suffer through this alone. Let me take care of you." 
Maggie's cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red at Alex's touch and her heartfelt words. The weight of her stubbornness began to waver under the warmth of Alex's caring gaze. It was true that she hated leaving things unfinished, especially a case with potentially dangerous repercussions. But she also knew that she couldn't deny her feelings for Alex any longer. 
"You're right," Maggie finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't have to be away from you. And I don't have to do this alone." Her eyes softened, and she leaned into Alex's touch, feeling a wave of comfort wash over her. 
With a gentle smile, Alex stood up and offered her hand to help Maggie up as well. "Come on then, let's get you home," she said, her concern mixed with a touch of playfulness. "You can't solve the case if you're sneezing all over the evidence." 
Maggie chuckled weakly, accepting Alex's hand and rising to her feet. "You really know how to take the excitement out of detective work, don't you?" 
"Just trying to keep you healthy," Alex replied, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "And if it means taking you off the field and into my care, then I'm more than happy to do it." 
They walked together back to the DEO vehicles, where Alex informed her fellow agents that they were heading back to Maggie's apartment so she could rest. A few teasing remarks were thrown her way, but Maggie didn't mind. She knew they meant well. 
During the short drive to Maggie's apartment, Alex kept stealing glances at her, concern etched into her features. She reached over and turned on the car's heater, wanting to keep Maggie as comfortable as possible. 
"You know, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself," Maggie said with a small smirk, knowing she was starting to sound like a broken record. 
"I know you are," Alex replied softly, "but sometimes it's okay to let others take care of you too. Especially when they care about you." 
The sincerity in Alex's voice made Maggie's heart flutter. She had seen Alex's caring nature countless times, but now she realized that it wasn't just a friendly gesture. There was something deeper, something she had been oblivious to for far too long. 
As they reached her apartment, Maggie invited Alex in, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. They settled on the couch, with Alex making some tea for Maggie to soothe her throat. 
Sitting close to each other, their knees almost touching, they began to talk more openly about their feelings, both admitting their attraction to each other. It was a vulnerable and tender moment, but it also felt incredibly right. 
With their hearts laid bare, they decided to take things slow, to explore their budding relationship without rushing into anything. But they both knew that what they had was special, and it was worth embracing. 
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chaotic-super · 11 months
Date Night
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Here's a little Sanvers fic as part of the Mods' collection of example fics for the Supergirl May-hem event!
AO3 link
Alex ducks down behind a dumpster, nearly falling on her ass as Maggie slides in next to her, bumping into her with enough force to make the redhead have to grab onto the side of the dumpster to hold them both up. She’s utterly disgusted as her hands are immediately covered in a fluid she really hopes hasn’t come from the abandoned mattress, half sticking out the top of the trash.
“Gross.” Alex hisses.
“Sorry,” Maggie says, not really paying attention as she pulls out her gun.
Alex looks over at her in shock. “You brought a gun to date night.”
Maggie nods earnestly. “As current events show, sometimes date night can get derailed and we need a gun. Unless you want to fight whatever the hell kind of alien is trying to murder us with just your bare hands.”
Alex shakes her head, reaching behind her to pull out her own gun. “Nah, not when I have this baby.”
“You were giving me shit when you have your own?”
“I wasn’t giving you shit; I was just finding you very sexy.” Alex leans in to press her lips to her cheek quickly before she dives out from their hiding spot, her gun pointing up at the alien. It’s yellow, large and decidedly ugly.
Maggie joins Alex, her gun immediately finding its target. The alien looks kind of like a giant blob of Jell-O, and she’s not sure if that makes it more or less terrifying. Either way, they have to stop it before it takes over all of downtown. After that, maybe they can carry on with their date night. This is their first one in three weeks because of their jobs and all they want is a quiet night where they can eat at a greasy diner.
“How are we gonna stop it?” Maggie pants, unable to look away from it.
“Shoot now and ask questions later,” Alex says, looking equally as shocked at the appearance of the alien. She pauses after shooting her first round off into the alien, watching as the bullet gets lodged in the alien’s back as it merely scratches over the area where it was shot, tickled by the sensation. “Is it bad that I want to take a bite?”
“Yes.” Maggie nods, looking at Alex like she’s on something. “Now, call your sister to come and deal with this so we can go home and salvage what’s left of our night.”
Maggie has always been a little better at plans. Alex’s insistence on fighting before thoroughly assessing the situation has been her downfall before, and it certainly will be again.
Rushing to do what she says, Alex presses the button on her signal watch once, calling for the help of her sister.
It barely takes ten seconds before Supergirl lowers herself onto the sidewalk in front of them. “How can I…oh, I see.”
“Can you handle it, Supergirl?” Maggie questions. “It’s date night and—”
“Say no more.” Kara holds her hands up. “You two kids get out of here. I’ve got this all under control.”
Alex doesn’t control the cackle that comes out of her mouth as a bench is thrown at Kara, the metal wrapping around her head. That’s what she gets for talking like a chaperone at a middle school dance.
“Well, that wasn’t very polite,” Kara mutters, turning around to deal with the alien and letting the two lovebirds get on with their night.
Alex and Maggie both put their guns away as they back away from the fight, wincing as they see Kara get bellyflopped by the alien, but they’re not worried. They know that she can handle it. Kara is steadily using her heat vision to slice off part of the alien, hoping to injure it enough that it’ll stop rather than having to kill it.
“So, shall we go back to the diner?” Alex asks.
“We have vegan ice cream at home. Want to watch a movie and then head to bed for an early night?” Maggie links their fingers together, pulling Alex into her side more firmly, trying to warm herself up in the cool air. Her leather jacket might look cool but she should really invest in a warmer one now that it’s getting colder.
“Oh?” Alex smiles down at her, her eyebrows wiggling in the least sexy way possible. “Early night, huh?”
Maggie shrugs. “Yeah, it’s been quite a night. Maybe we should…sleep.”
“In your dreams, Sawyer,” Alex says, bumping her hip into Maggie’s as they walk.
Maggie leans into her side a little more as they fall into step, their shoes tapping against the ground in a steady, soothing rhythm, a nice sound to compliment the comfortable silence they’ve fallen into. A silence that is broken by the sad hum that Alex lets out as they walk past the diner they were in earlier. The one that they didn’t actually get to eat in.
Maggie sighs but smiles at her nonetheless, her dimples coming out in full force. “You still want a burger, don’t you?”
Alex looks a little guilty as she winces. “Yeah, kind of a lot, actually.”
“Fine, but I get to pick the movie when we get home.”
“Babe, if you think I care about that particular activity when we get home, you’re sadly mistaken.”
Check out the Supergirl May-hem event, open for writers, artists and betas who want to collaborate and create art for any WLW ship in the Supergirl fandom! Sign-ups open Dec 1st!
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sandstonesunspear · 1 year
Hi I have a Director Sanvers ask, what are your headcanons about their sex life both as individuals and as a throuple? Like kinks, preferences no gos etc? And do Leons preferences/no gos/kinks differ from Lucys?
So I'll be running genderfluid!Maggie in addition to genderfluid!Lucy for this.
As individuals:
Maggie likes to strap. She has a complicated relationship with strapping tho because for the longest time she wasn't sure if her preference for it was solely because of her Mateo days. Being with Kate helps her unpack (pun absolutely intended) that. She doesn't like penetration, especially not during Mateo days (he and Kate tried it once and he panicked so bad that he and Kate had to sleep apart for a week). Maggie's absolute hard no, regardless of if it's a Maggie day or a Mateo one, is being called "daddy" or "papi." Nothing ruins the mood faster than that for her.
Lucy is switchy, with a tendency to get super subby if she's had a rough week. On Leon days, he's super touchy about his chest (as in, don't touch it). Unlike Maggie, Lucy's fine with penetration even on Leon days. She also straps, but not as often as Maggie does. Lucy's hard no is degradation and verbal humiliation. She's had to deal with enough of it whilst being a queer woman in the army and refuses to have it in the bedroom.
Alex is a bratty super sub. At first, she's not great at asking for what she needs (she doesn't have a lot of practice in general with that), so it gets her into trouble with Maggie and Lucy. She's also probably the most adventurous/curious of the three (her defence whenever it gets pointed out is that she's making up for all of her years in the closet and unsatisfactory sex with cismen). Alex's hard no is physical bondage (e.g. handcuffs). It's originally a soft no, but after Rick becomes a hard no. She's open to predicament bondage though.
As a trio:
Initially their sex life is really tame because they're still trying to figure each other out. As they grow more comfortable with each other, they start to explore and come clean about kinks they have.
They have great communication. There are PowerPoints and notebooks. If they want to try something new, there's usually a week-long discussion that happens beforehand to make sure they're all on the same page.
Aftercare is super important for the three of them. Even if there's nothing kinky going on when they're having sex, as soon as it's over someone is going to the kitchen to grab snacks and water and another person is grabbing blankets.
Mateo and Leon do have sex. It's super awkward at first because Mateo's like, I've never fucked a guy before and Leon isn't even sure that he'd enjoy penetration. Mateo remembers his own experience, so he's even more on edge the first time he and Leon sleep together because he doesn't want Leon to ever feel like he did. Alex turns out to be the key that gets the two of them to relax enough to make it an enjoyable experience; she guides Mateo and keeps an eye on Leon the whole time. (She later says it's the weirdest fucking experience for her, although extremely enjoyable.)
Even though Mateo and Leon do have sex, on Maggie days, she won't have sex with him. I think they make one honest attempt, but Maggie can't get out of her head long enough to enjoy it so they don't do it again. She will watch him and Alex together and more often than not, she's the one helping him drive Alex up a wall.
Physical bondage is a grey area for them. Maggie can't handle it (they try it once and she has a flashback to when she got kidnapped by Beth), Alex initially tolerates it provided there's substantial conversation beforehand and that she's never left alone but then Rick happens and stops tolerating it, and Lucy is really particular about what's used to bind her. If someone does need to be restrained/wants to be restrained, then they're more likely to make the restraint situational (e.g. you're not allowed to move from this position).
Thanks for the ask!
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directorsanvers · 2 years
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Once more with feeling!
Coming to you a little late because life, but, here we are. January first happens to be a Sunday this year, so that's where we're starting. The prompts through the week are
Jan 1st - Decorating
2nd - Wish lists
3rd - Holiday music
4th - Free space
5th - Visiting family
6th - Sweaters
7th - Holiday through the years
Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate, whether you write fic or draw fanart or create videos or anything else you can think of. Simply tag your posts ‘director sanvers warmth’ on both tumblr and ao3 if it goes there, so we know what is what.
I'm going to make an executive decision, and also say that if you don't want to stick strictly to holidays, feel free to branch out.
For those who don’t torture themselves to create, or simply (and understandably) do not have the energy or motivation, we hope you enjoy the upcoming warmth :D
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nerdsbianhokie · 2 years
👀 (end of year WIP ask!)
this is part of the WIP I'm currently working on for the Director Sanvers Winter Warmers event, which i had hoped to finish before the year ended, but wouldn't have posted it until this week anyway, so maybe a little cheating but *shrugs*
“You two keep it clean,” Lois calls after them.
Lucy just flips her off before climbing into the truck.
Lois has been insufferable since she arrived a day early and caught Lucy and Maggie making out while Lucy was straddling Alex’s lap on the couch
Lois will be insufferable when they get back.
Lois has, every day of her life, been insufferable.
Lucy wasn’t even alive during the first seven years and she knows this.
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elliesgaymachete · 1 year
1, 26, 77
Sorry you had a bad day! Hope the rest of your week is better!
Thanks friend! 💛
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics? - I think I like multichapter but it’s hard for mw to finish so I’ll do shorter multi chapter fics lol, like 3-8 chapters. Usually only like 20-30k. It’s like the fun of writing a multi chapter fic without the commitment
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride? - probably the sanvers college au Miss Murder that I wrote a while back. Honestly the closest thing to a crack fic i’ve ever written but it was a lot of fun 😂
77. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter? - you didn’t name a specific story so i’ll just pick a favorite scene from any, and I have to say from my greenelan WASP au Days Carry On it was a particular scene that ended a chapter on a cliffhanger after a love confession and my friends got very mad at me and it was very fun to write 😂
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amaclucky13 · 2 years
Friday has arrived! So has the Fanfic Feature! Check it out!
Yep, you guessed it, it’s that time of the week! Where are my Sanvers fans at? Are you still out there? If you are or if you ship Dansen but just want to revisit the time before Kelly arrived, I’ve got a fic I love to reread. It’s fluff! Pure and simple. And fluff is good! Blue Springs Bound by TB8o is awash with fluff and happiness for our doomed couple. It takes place in an AU, written…
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performativezippers · 5 months
Director’s cut! I’m obviously obsessed with Grown Ass Women and I’ve always wondered: the first pov story glosses over a lot of little details quickly but of course it makes sense, esp when it’s explained in the second part, Alex’s pov. Was it always intended to be written from both povs, with some details only explained more fully from the other pov?
For a specific scene, how about when all the super friends go to the spin class for the first time?
Omg a deep cut! This is about my fic Spin Doctor, which is a Sanvers AU set in a spin studio that I wrote in the year of our lord 2017, if you can believe it! I wrote this because at the time I was working the front desk at a spin studio one day a week in exchange for free classes, and it was such a ripe space for an AU.
This was only a year or so after I'd written Revelations, and a similar thing happened for both. I started writing a single-POV fic (in the case of Spin Doctor, it was from Maggie's POV, whereas Revelations was Alex's) and then people kept asking for the other POV as a companion fic. To both of those, I said yes! (now I say no, FYI, don't get excited).
But I was newer to writing then, and it really made me a better writer, because I had to consider some choices I'd made and find ways to work around them because the first POV was already published. It feels kind of like when you're working with a canon: what would make her do xx? how can i get her to a place where she xx? because she HAS TO.
I remember in particular with this fic (my memory is hazy, sorry if the details are scrambled), there was something where Maggie missed like two weeks of spin class because she was injured at work. From her POV, it was just like oh yay I finally get to see Alex again! but then when I was writing Alex's POV, I had to reckon with (a) why did Alex think Maggie wasn't there, and (b) How did that absence impact Alex? Short answer: she cried so much, the poor thing!! She was not at all normal about it!
So I think that's probably why the second POV feels more detailed--because I was working through all of these gaps. Also, in Maggie's POV I had sown all of these little seeds of plot and emotion, and then in Alex's I had the opportunity to cultivate and harvest them, while also reverse-engineering some seeds that only make sense in retrospect for Maggie's POV. An example of that is Maggie notices that Alex wears the same outfit every spin class, so then in Alex's POV she's like meticulously documenting every tank top Maggie wears. Parallel processes, different outcomes.
When the Superfriends come to spin: brb let me reread it. God it's been so long!
Alex sets up Maggie's bike for her. Awww, what a gay baby in love! I like that this is the first time Maggie's like "........waaaaaaait. does she?????? like me???????" Romance is stored in a well-adjusted spin bike, as the classical saying goes.
Alex tells Kara, "Don't break my bike," which Maggie thinks is cute but weird, but I LOVE because, you know. I know Alex means it.
And then in Alex's POV, Kara activates her heat vision enough to make her eyes glow at Alex in fake-anger, and I just like playing with that.
Here's a fun one. In Maggie's POV, the line is: "Danvers walks away, over to her own bike."
In Alex's it's: "But Lucy’s already looking Sawyer up and down with a nearly maniacal glint in her eye, and Alex has stared down White Martians and alien invaders and assault rifles but she turns on her heel and she positively flees back up to the platform."
Maggie is like, Alex walked away, end of thought. And Alex is like, if I don't run away like a coward right now, I'm going to lick this woman up and down her body for the rest of my life and that might be odd due to the fact that I'm a stranger to her and until three days ago I thought I was straight.
It's the same vibe as when Maggie is like I put my hair in a ponytail because that's how you exercise and Alex nearly orgasms every time. Swap for how Alex gets on and off her bike; she's like, I got on my bike, and Maggie is like, she leaps onto the bike with the lithe grace of a predator. She is beauty, she is grace, i want her to punch me in the face. nothing has ever been as erotic as watching this woman straddle a stationary bicycle. i am proposing immediately.
In general, I loved writing this fic. I think I learned a ton as writer from it, and it was such a delight. My first sexy scene (push-ups!!!). My second Sanvers dual POV! Lots of cast management! Such an AU! It was a blast, and I'm so glad there are folks who still like it!
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bigbangsanvers · 3 months
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michaun · 10 months
(Sanvers gifset anon) I was thinking either this part
Oh no, oh no, it's not fair 'Cause you kiss me and it stops time And I'm yours, but you're not mine Oh no, oh no, you're not there
or the bridge!!
Why'd you have to Make me want you? Why'd you have to Give me nothin' back?
whatever works better for you <3
ok will do but you'll have to give me like a week 💕
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pandora-spockz · 4 years
Hey! Guys! My sister @keyflave wrote a fantastic Sanvers fic and you should all go check it out! Even if it’s not your pairing, it’s such warm, gooey fluff that I’m sure you’ll love it, so please go and give her some love!
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filthy-sanvers-paws · 5 years
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Sanvers Week Day 5 - Favourite Romantic Moment
There are a number to choose from but for me, the first "I love you" is right up there.
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