#I really hate babies/children
theotherace · 3 years
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quick doodle because i couldn’t not after seeing this post by @honeyaangcombss.
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kurokoros · 2 years
2am spiral feels bad man
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
I have been watching Feel Good and it's making me come precipitously close to acknowledging that things that happen to you when you're 14 still kinda count as formative childhood trauma.
sometimes. you gotta watch a character haltingly and painfully face their own trauma to hear anything about your own.
#my brain is like#it's silly you can't be traumatised about bad things that happened when you were a teenager that's Dramatic Teen Bullshit#it's Normal to have bad relationships as a teenager#and like. maybe we shouldn't fucking tell teenagers it's 100% just regular adolescent drama bc sometimes it's sex abuse#and also. 14 is a child. it's a teenager but it's a child. it's very different to 17 or 18 which is still not an adult but not like a Child#like I'm 28 and i look at 14 year olds and they are children. also no offence friends but i also look at 17 year olds and they are children#and it's fucked up that 28 year olds looked at 15 year old me and went is that an adult? eh close enough#hm. i think i found my hate at some point. i fucking hate them.#not teenagers. to be clear. adults who creep on teenagers.#anyway s2 of Feel Good is. touching some very raw nerves about like 'well ok like i am a privileged middle class white girl'#'i technically consented I was a teenager not a baby other people have Real Problems why can't i get my shit together'#even down to like. being asked to defend your rapist to their other victims like been there#different situation to mae martin's in both accounts but. these things are Landing and i can't tell if that's good or bad#like i can't tell if I'm watching this as catharsis or self harm#i have been really into watching it since i entered Anxiety Mode but idk if it's helping out making things worse#i sometimes feel like. you know. like when things feel this much too much it's because it needs to come to a head#like a sustained breakdown for no apparent reason means the brain's trying to get something out into the air#and sometimes you gotta pop the spot#red said
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i love that these kids just like.. know him. it’s never explained why, we just know that there is a pack of children that sometimes hangs out with him and i love that
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k-ru-h · 3 years
"khun ran is technically only like 2-3 years younger than aa he can pass for a short adult" ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THE SAME CHILD HERE???
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ladyofthestarlight · 3 years
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my personal view on the heroes of beleriand, earendil and elwing
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angelsymbol · 3 years
it’s so weird to hate babies they’re just little guys
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Sometimes when I feel so consumed by anger, or sadness, or numbness and I just need to start ranting for hours about politics or the obliviousness of my nation to their extreme racism/ableism/general bigotry or about my trauma or about somebody else's trauma and I’m just too tired and can't find my words I listen to no children and it makes everything bearable
#it's so cathartic#it's unapologetically hateful and that's really validating y'know#like sometimes I just can't gather my fancy words and talk about how misogyny has affected me since I was a lil baby#or about all the animal cruelty I’ve witnessed and all the animals I saw with my own two eyes get killed#or about how every time I open my mouth to criticize something racist in some Egyptian comedy I get the weird disgusted looks and the ‘’stop#-being a twitter snowflake’’ talk#and about how the teachers in my elementary school mistreated us#and how worse they've mistreated the disabled students#I remember once when I was in first or second grade one of our fucked up teachers said:#do you want to get beaten up like donkeys? donkeys who never care and beg for more beatings? do you want us to treat you like the cripples-#-​down there? and he pointed to the ‘’special school for differently abled children’’#the children were all cannibalizing each other and getting cannibalized and nobody cared#they encouraged it. even#and about how normalized child abuse is here#and about how I can never walk down the street without clutching my keys and glancing around#and I just need to cry ‘’I hate you. I fucking hate’’ at so many many people#it takes all of my hate and anger and turns them to something so beautiful#it's beautiful#the melody is not angry as the words are. it's cold and full of light like a winter morning#like running away in a meadow until your feet are blistered and never looking back#it's like they're saying ‘‘your anger can be this beautiful’’#music loveposting#vent#very reliable posts#child abuse tw#ableism tw#animal cruelty
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emile-hides · 4 years
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Decided to edit my Danganronpa tier list a bit because for some reason the original post didn’t save to any tags.
Are my opinions very solid? Absolutely not. I sway easy, so feel free to judge me harshly and send me your gripes.
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ssaalexblake · 4 years
I always find thirteen’s first meeting with the ux lady in stupidly named s11 finale that will henceforth be known as Ransk, the most gripping part of the episode? 
13 is Angry that this woman was just killed in front of her, is irritated because blue tooth fairy is still alive and causing trouble when she thought she was through with him, and now she’s here, and this lady is pointing a huge gun at her, and... 13 i the one slowly stalking this other person down. 
The power balance is so beautifully physically acted here, as is the way the dialogue is delivered, from line to line 13 goes from her usual chipper tone to deadpan sardonic, honestly she kind of reminds me how certain kind of assholes treat children whom they view as small and stupid and just there to deliver thinly veiled jibes at to feel superior. 
She is Angry. She is Angry like she was in witchfinders at Becka, except she’s not being held back by either Literally being tied up or having to fake that Graham’s in charge, and she’s Stalking up to this lady, who is by the way, still holding that huge ass killer gun, like a predator gets close to its prey before it strikes. 
It’s just. By all accounts 13 is absolutely on the back foot here, she does not know what is going on, she is being held at gun point, the complex they are in is full of killer robots, an old enemy is there  (who ok, she disdains, but he can still kill people), hell, even the Planet they are on is trying to attack their brain tissue just because they’re standing there, and yet she Still like, physically showing her neck in this performance. 
It’s so Arrogant to bare your throat in a dangerous situation and her head has that indignant jut upwards that slightly shows her throat. The power balance in this scene, Everything about it says that 13 should be on the back foot, but everything about Jodie’s performance Shows Thirteen is the farthest thing from being the one without the power here. 
She approaches and Demands. She judges and scowls. And to top it off, she finds out this lady is an ux and Totally Forgets everything else like it’s inconsequential and goes back to her excited bouncing mode!! I mean, if you’re holding somebody at gunpoint trying to get them to back off and suddenly they decide to entirely ignore the danger and be stupidly excited about something and jump towards you, what would You think? 
She’s being such a Jerk in this scene. Not even purposefully probably, aside from the verbal digs, but Such An Arrogant Jerk completely unintentionally. 
I actually think this interaction with the ux lady is the closest her interactions with another character gets to that of hers with the master’s??? Everything is so Loaded. She Hates what the ux are doing, thinks them naively stupid, is frustrated they won’t listen and will not stop their destruction, but she... Wants to like them because they’re cool and unique and an amazing species!!! It’s the tension mixed with an actual genuine desire to like this person. 
Except like, the Biggest difference is 13 is super burnt out with master bullshit and has, evidently, currently given up on the whole ‘stop being an evil bag and be nicer’ thing after the massive effort put into and then burnout over Missy, hell hath no fury like potentially immortal skin changing eldritch horror being doctor... With the Ux she’s still trying to get them to see the light, which is an interesting contrast in behaviour we see over and over with 13, she Does try to give people chances and give them space to be better, but when they Don’t... She is super extra ruthless, like a switch flips. 
Again, I think she took the perceived missy betrayal very personally and i think that might be Why she reacts to strongly to this type of thing to start with, i think it started there. Just ask the queen of the scorpion aliens, she found That doctor characteristic out herself. And evil tooth fairy. 
I just think her reaction to the master isn’t an isolated emotional response in her in terms of personality, except with Him the failure to act up to moral standards and take their last chance happened their last regenerations, we meet these two After 13 has already given the master their last chance at being better and come in Right at the ruthless combative stage, it’s not that she’s not willing to give This Master a chance, it’s that she sees the master as a whole, not as their separate regenerations and sees that they’ve already Had that chance, it’s kind of like how Missy said it didn’t matter to her which Doctor it was, they’re the same to Her.  They see each other as a whole, not as separate versions of each other. 
But, anyway, i Love how Jodie and this lady ux actress play off each other, the acting is So Good. And 13 really is Very pleased when the ux do see the light, take the chance, and she doesn’t appear to hold anything against them despite that they spent thousands of years doing horrible things in the service of a corrupt leader who was willing to portray themselves as something they were not to add to their power even though it turns out they had none of their own, they’d just stolen somebody else’s... 
wait.... that sounds familiar 
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swan2swan · 4 years
“But if there were dinosaurs on Nublar, why would Ludlow go to Isla Sorna?” is an Actual Question I have seen people asking on the Internet and that I have seen only ONE person answer properly, and that was:
“Because there are more dinosaurs on Sorna.”
And my gosh is it nice to know that someone else out there actually thinks through complaints about plots, my gosh.
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someuglysims · 4 years
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Hey did you know? that the creepy doll?? its eyes??? follow?? the camera??? 
literally awful and i wish i had never noticed because its terrible
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hearties-circus · 4 years
Bubby evil and fucked up moments
Well actually I'm pretty justified
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Me: Eh, I'm not a big fan of pets :/. Will definitely not have any when I live on my own -
Same douches: yeah babies and children are spawn of satan and they really shouldn't be allowed anywhere because they ruin everything wherever they go.
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elizabro · 4 years
obviously there’s nothin wrong with not wanting kids (I don’t want kids) and there’s a lot of stigma against women who choose not to have them but I think some of you need to understand that hating kids is not a personality trait
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writingkitten · 4 years
I have two complaints.
1. One of my outdoor cats decided to come in and sleep in my room tonight. It would be fine if I didn’t already have two cats and a dog in my room that all love to sleep right next to me, and cry when they aren’t in the room. The three cats also cannot coexist for some fucking reason, they all hate each other, and two of them are literally mother and daughter.
2. The dog that’s in my room hates going outside, and won’t ask to go until she’s about to burst. Even then, you have to watch for the signs because they’re very subtle and easy to miss. So, when I’m asleep, I won’t know if she’s asking to go to the bathroom or not, and then she’ll just go on the floor.
I love my babies more than I love myself. I would die for my babies. I would kill for my babies.
I also wish my babies would fucking leave each other alone instead starting up a goddamn battle royale at three in the morning
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