#I really like feral Gillion
v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 5 months
Love thinking about Gillion going back to his reflexes, becoming fucking animalistic when he fights, barely even thinking about himself, thinking about the people he’s protecting and how he needs to fight to win. He needs to do it quickly
Continuing to fight until everything around him is DEAD. It doesn’t matter how injured or close to death he is. He’ll keep going at 100% because even if he isn’t the elders chosen now, he was still trained to be a killing machine. He will claw his way to victory if he cannot walk, if his arms break he’d use his teeth
Give me Gillion being terrifying
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xaeyrnofnbe · 9 months
hits jay and chip with the catification beam
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btw don't like without reblogging
(talking a lil about this idea under the cut)
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getting my silly little design ideas out there. i guess i kinda picture them as some strays (chip being raised by feral cats in a barn or something. maybe he's a ship cat? jay is a runaway house cat who was probably owned by a wealthy family, on account of her being a fancy breed.) going on adventures together in a little seaside suburb? unfortunately i'm not sure where gillion fits in this at all
the great thing about the names of the characters is that they don't need to be changed for aus. cause don't even try telling me that chip and jay aren't 100% the names of some cats in a tween animal xenofiction novel. they just have such good names for literally whatever setting
is it warrior cats? ehh not really. i've seen some people calling my catified jrwi designs warriors aus which isn't really accurate, but i'm not gonna act like warriors isn't where i got my start in art. idk, cats are just fun to draw. they're my artistic comfort zone. and i find it really fun translating human characters into cats ¦]
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plantwriting · 7 months
Hello. List of what animals I believe each just roll with it pc I know would be. I am objectively correct but if you disagree please tell me anyways I crave other people’s opinions to steal.
Jay: a bird, obviously. Saying she’s a jaybird is easy and low hanging fruit and extremely valid. Personally I think she’s maybe a corvid since very smart but also absolute fucking menace. Honestly? Could be a seagull. Loud and lives near water and also smart but also? Absolutely insane. Yeah sure I could say she’s something cool like an eagle or whatever but I think in our hearts we all know she’s a seagull.
Gillion: of course he is a sea creature! But what kind? Fish. More specifically? Swordfish. Of course. What else could he be (he could be a shark but shhhh im saving that one for later)
Chip: the bastard man himself! Which animals are the biggest bastards? Raccoons. Yes I am basic. He’s either a raccoon or a little dog. I am specifically thinking my mom’s 11 year old small dog who yells at men and tries to pick a fight with every single dog that is larger than her. That’s some Chip energy right there.
Goobleck: bro who knows like what the hell is that thing i do not. Hes whatever he ate most recently. Bros fursona is just straight up slime. He is an enigma.
Prime defenders (+Ashe I don’t care that technically he was just a guest he deserves to be here)
William: ravens, black cats, bats, butterflies, snakes, crows. All associated with death which makes sense for our little ghost guy! But of course we can’t forget wolves! He has two wolves inside of him after all. But also? He is not cool enough to be a wolf. That man is a black cat with a dream and sharp sharp claws.
Vyncent: I think it would be funny to call him a rat. Since he eats them. And also he just kinda is a rat. But no, I believe he is a deer. Don’t really know why, just….. vibes.
Dakota: my beloved son. He’s a yappy little dog. Bouncing all over the place and screaming at evil-doers. I believe in him.
Ashe: strong cat energy. Is william already a cat? Yes. But so is ashe. He’s like a fully gray cat with short hair :)
Rumi/Elena: fox! Because Sunny :) also because I can’t really think of an animal that would be a good representation for an identity crisis
Peter: “lizard” no. Peter Sqloint is a mouse. Just a lil guy. I’m right fuck you he. Is. A. Mouse.
Thanatos: spider! Kinda scary and lots of people dont like but in reality just an awesome dude. Shoutout to my friend’s pet spider Mörkö I love them
Blood in the bayou
Rolan: shark!!!! Im right and i need to say it. That man is a fucking shark. I love sharks. Sharks are generally misunderstood as violent and evil but they are just lil guys. Fits Rolan being an evil alien monster but just also a lawyer. (Also i just really like sharks)
Rand: y’all ever cry about pigeons? How we domesticated them and then abandoned them when we didnt need them anymore? How they dont even know how to make proper nests because they didnt need to for so long? Yeah. Im normal about this campaign.
Kian: he’s so hard to figure out because like…….. honestly? In canon? Weve got no fucking clue what his personality is actually like. We dont get a single moment with all the masks off and just the person underneath. The closest we get is him admitting that hes not really a rockstar and even that is so short and just. Auehgeh. This is why im obsessed with him btw i love a mystery i know will never be solved. Also so much room for headcanons. Is he a cat? A butterfly? A dog? A snake? A songbird? A dove? Something else? I dont know!! Lets go with a moth
The suckening
They are all cats. I mean c’mon. Emizel is a feral street cat that hisses at everyone who gets too close. Shilo is an indoor cat with an anxiety disorder. Arthur is their mother. Im correct.
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mads-is-tired · 1 year
14 and chip jrwi for the ask game? :DD
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
oooo good one hold on I've gotta do some research for this
Now I don’t really know if its supposed to be which one is closest to or which one I want to assign him??
For which one is ‘canon’ I think I'm gonna go with Autumn??? I'm not super good with fashion but his aesthetic does have that vibe for me, this thing I read said a lot of reds, browns and oranges, and lots of belts and I vaguely remember seeing fanart with lots of belts lol.
HOWEVER. I would like to assign a Tropical Fashion Aesthetic to Chip Jrwi because I feel like he’d absolutely wear (and rock) Hawaiian Shirts. He’d have a whole cupboard full of different ones from palm trees to surfboards to a goddamn fish pattern. (he’d buy Gillion and Jay matching ones and no one can tell me otherwise)(if anybody draws this please tag me I'll love you forever)
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I also want to make it known that during my research I discovered Bastardcore and if thats not Chip in modern day times I don’t know what is. It's supposed to be like shock humour and a lot of graphic tees. “Bastardcore is an extension of "cursed images'" memes. This aesthetic is commonly used by people who would refer to themselves as "feral".”
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ghoulishtapir · 2 years
i think out of all the riptide captains, chip is the least likely to become a villain or "evil" by his own volition. which is interesting because at face value it might seem the opposite; jay and gillion have relatively clear goals, both personal and overall (like jay wanting to find out who killed her sister AND trying to make the world a better place, kinda theu influencing or reforming the navy). chip has a direct goal (arlin, although that may be shifting a bit), but not really an overall goal like his co-captains.
jay and gillion, while not directly saying it, also for now seem to have moral codes that they stick to, those codes still influenced by their training. chip has expressed being against killing (which also might be chamging), but is fine with stealing and lies easily. and u may be thinking, that sounds kinda evil or could turn him corrupt with greed, but hear me out!!!
chip not having as strict of an ethical code or direct goal is exactly why i think he's least likely to become a villain; he doesn't have enough of a reason. his moral compass is vague enough that it would be difficult to misconstrue it enough that he would be evil, whereas gillions morals could lead him to more drastic, extreme actions for a "greater good." charlies even talked about gillion possibly being a villain to unite the land and the sea against a specific threat!!!!
jay works in a similar way, albeit probably less of a "im bad so others can be good" and more of a "im doing the right thing, even if it hurts people." she still seems unsure as to which side of this future war is the 'right' side, and with enough push (like finding out which side killed ava) i could definitely see her going on a feral warpath.
atleast where it stands now, i dont see chip becoming a villain unless it had to do with price or niklaus. thats not to say that his co-captains are on their way currently, just that if they did do a little evil in the future i wouldn't be surprised :0
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wasyago · 1 year
I love your jrwi art!!! The way you draw them, so shape!!! (??? if that makes sense??) As well as those big scenes that you draw the coloring is insane!! As a side note, I really struggle drawing Gillion for whatever reason and the way you draw him is so feral I love him. Would you be willing to give a tip for drawing him? (If you don't wanna thats a-ok!)
thank you so much waaa!!
and for the tip. i just basically wrote the whole description of my design process for gillion in a previous post, so you can check it out if you want! in terms of actual tips, um, i wouldn't say my gillion design is unique but its definitely full of things that i personally enjoy and its pretty far from the canon design, so im not sure if i can give tips about it? like? i dont know what you're having trouble with and what you're trying to achieve to really recommend anything?
uhmm im sorry i really don't know any general tips that i could give... if you want you can send me another ask telling more specifically what you struggle with or what look you want him to have, and I'll try to come up with something?
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gay-s0ck-puppet · 2 years
relistened to episode 90 of jrwi riptide and am having so many thoughts and feelings rn. specifically about gillion. kuba kenta showed up and gil just….. lost it. he went feral. he didn’t care about anything but making kenta pay for what happened to chip. charlie was fully ready to roll a new character for gil to have this moment. no armor, shit ac, and absolutely no sense of self preservation. he put himself in the most dangerous position he could to protect his crew. he killed kuba with a ferocity we haven’t seen from gil since early riptide. i think the only fight he’s had that compares for me was (also in allport) the communications room at raft hq. but this time it wasn’t about him or the undersea or his destiny (notice he didn’t even say anything about destiny in the fight with kenta. protecting his friends, his family isn’t about destiny anymore. it’s not for the world or the undersea or the elders or even for the sake of goodness and doing the right thing. it’s for himself and the people he loves).
like…. this man…. this stupid little idiot boy…. brave beautiful self sacrificing gillion….. dropped 80,000 pounds from 300 feet in the air on kuba with no regard for how it would hurt him as well. he went down! which isn’t new (a concerning topic that could be an entirely different post) but it was enough to instantly kill kuba kenta. he took 110 points of damage and a nightmare scratch to the chest (which we still don’t know how that’s going to affect him) to take this bitch down because nobody gets to hurt chip. and then he gets back up, because it’s gillion and he always does. and he wants to leave kenta stuck at the bottom of the ocean to ensure there’s no way for him to come back. he has absolutely no sympathy for this navy lion bitch and he wants to make sure kuba can never hurt his family again. the only reason he brought him back up was for chip.
and then that night on the ship…. he’s clearly very worried about the scratch kenta left. he knows that chip went through hell with those nightmares and that it’s his turn now but he just smiles and pretends it’s fine, doesn’t bring it up. instead he tries to comfort jay (who arguably had the least involvement in the whole encounter; not saying it wasn’t a lot for her as well what with the navy and kira and all her internal conflict, but between gil’s whole thing and chip breaking his no killing policy and now riddled with guilt over price, she kinda came away the cleanest). then as he walks away to go to bed he says he’s sore. gillion is never sore. he never comes out of a fight as battered as he did with this one. he never admits that kind of weakness. and while it’s great to see him opening up and leaning on his co captains more… i’m just so worried about him and where his arc is going to go in future episodes. i don’t really have a conclusion to this i’m just kinda rambling but he’s just been through so much in the past few episodes and especially since the feywild and akahdjakskdhja i have so many feelings
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wings-of-flying · 1 year
some more random sunshine au (edyn swaps with gill) things before i go sleep cause my mind is going feral rn:
chip stays a bit of a bastard throughout and his real true bastard arc lasts a little longer cause edyn isn't as focused on morality as gill
edyn fully believes niklaus is just a good guy trying to help out until like the desire island and edison stuff is revealed
cause edyn's quite a bit older than the guys, especially chip, they worry she's gonna take the role as leader (and by they worry i mean chip worries) but she's actually fine not being the captain. she doesn't even really want to be a pirate at first, but then she's sort of won over to the idea. they still all become co-captains in the edison arc
whilst edyn is quite protective of ollie, she doesn't particularly mind about chip keeping him along for so long cause she's more focused on find out what's happening with gill, with the navy and with her being the sun champion
felipe ends up hating chip after chip pulled from the deck of many things. same sort stuff happens, except he leaves earlier cause chip isn't taking no shit
edyn sketches all the time and ends up drawing all the crew members. to begin with she draws chip slightly wrong and exaggerates his annoyingness cause she lowkey doesn't like him, but after a while she stops with that. she draws gillion sometimes, but only rarely cause it's painful thinking about all the ways she's failed him. she draws jay the most
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pulchrasilva · 11 months
Greetings fellow felipe fan. I'm not fully up to date with Riptide, but do you think Felipe is going to actually come back into relevance at some point?
Oh my god a fellow felipe fan!! I didnt know they existed lmao hii!!!
God I hope he comes back into relevance, there were a good few episodes where gillion seemed almost feral with the need to save him and just. Not any more. And that's really sad to me.
(Spoilers for ep 92 and the arc that follows) it's kinda the same thing they did with alphonze, where they said they'd get him a new body, that was priority number 1, but then they just sorta forgot. And now he's just their ship, and he hardly talks anymore </3
(Spoilers end here) Felipe was very much a lesson in that their actions have consequences. I mean they got people killed with those cards, not to mention Gill's whole arc in the trauma orb. But felipe was the first time they had to look a friend in the face and see what they'd done. He was so fucking distraught and terrified, and he was so desperate to fix it and it got him stolen by?? A fucking demon??? They held the power of a god in their hands except there was no way to direct or control it, and thats not the kind of thing you do improv with lmfao
Have they learned their lesson? Not really. Bizly was real close to using the cards again recently but tbh I would expect nothing less from these silly guys <3
I think felipe coming up again - whether in a rescue arc or them just finding some hint of what's happened to him since he disappeared - could be another reminder that they have a responsibility to protect their crew and also to not. Use the stupid cards
Also as much as I love felipe I kinda hope something horrible has happened to him. I mean you don't make enemies with a demon without suffering. And that scene where they first find out hes been stabbing gill and he starts drawing all the cards? Yeah that fucked me up frr and I wanna see something that tragic with him again. Also he said his species only live a few weeks i think, so if he's lived out his whole life in hell because he wanted to adventure with the chosen one, uhh yeah </3 he could have fully died by now and we'd not know </33
Ooh and the demon is magically compelled to hate felipe just as felipe was magically compelled to hate gill and those are some potentially very interesting narrative parallels
Also I just miss him. What a silly guy!! An icon!! He was like 3 days old!! He had poisonous elbows!!!! He flirted with like all of the pcs in his own weird ways!!! Grizzly bring him back 😭
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so for the mockingjay tangled au, what do u already have in mind?
So I have like 13 chapters planned out including both the prologue and the epilogue . This story is going to follow the same story beats as the movie + “what happens after the movie very similar in concept to the show. It’s not going to be a perfect 1:1 of the movie/show because I want to incorporate as much of riptide cannon I can to make it feel like it’s a riptide Au and not just a tangled retelling but with riptide characters. The main differences are the kingdoms origins, the tower is now a secluded island surround by monsters, and a few plot points added to scoundrel for Ava as she plays an important part in the story and as part of jays story arc. I started planning this months ago and it’s really funny to see that my little idea that involves both Lizzie and Ava ended up being cannon in the show lol. Oh and Gillion is the horse (don’t worry he’s still a fish man)
Chip stayed largely the same, but Jay is going to be naive and shy in the beginning but she will still be incredibly smart and just as feral as she is in cannon (I hope). Gillion, sadly won’t be introduced until like half way through bc max isn’t introduced until half way through BUT he will be getting more screen time then max and I’m playing on I going him asap.
The Ferins are the royals, instead of a crown it’s two hairpins (jays bird pin from the show), Niklaus plays the part of Gothel and he takes both Jay and Ava for plot reasons that is kinda a lot to explain in an over view post. Pirates won’t play as much of a role in this story (for the most part- I’m still playing around with some ideas for the BlackRose’s to be involved later on)
For the “after story” bit is probably when the pirates will get more involved bc I have a little time skip planned >:) as a way push for some lose ends to be tied up that wouldn’t fit with the story beats of the main movie/plot
Ok I think that it for my general overview of you wanna know any specifics please let me know!
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fiveminuterice · 1 year
mhm! im kinda listening to jrwi almost the whole day since all I need to do at this point is work on my assignments (architecture student wooo ✨✌️) and yeah it keeps me entertained!! also like I binged one piece the same way and finished it in like 4-5 ish months so ehe
BUT YES CHIP IS SUCH A GREAT CHARACTER AND !!!!!!! THEYRE ALL SO SO FUN TO SEE!!! i agree with the whole how bizly plays chip scratches an itch because hHHh its so so nice.
AND ALSO GILLION i thought he'd be just know fun silly guy, it ain't that deep but knowing that it was charlie slimesicle playing him I should have know there was gonna be OH SO MUCH MORE, I'm at the part where they met edyn and hHHHhh AUGH just AUGH
and OFC JAY MY GIRL I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HER SM the whole arc they went through of bringing marshall john back and the clown costume and literally everything that happened with jay in that arc was so hHHIJKhKJk I'm literally going so feral over these guys
also also also caspian and elizabeth are so <33333 I love them a lot!!
also on another note, i saw the things about your job and wow your boss sounds like a fucking prick, I hope you can leave that place soon and get to your new job easily, sending hugs for emotional support
i think you’ll really enjoy where bizly takes chip’s character in the upcoming arcs
as for the job, i only have one more week there!! some tea actually is that they were apparently planning on making me a manager there. my sister’s boss is close with my boss and apparently there are plans to open new locations, and me quitting right as he was touring them threw them for a loop.
i’m not surprised because my boss has spoken to me about becoming a manager eventually a while ago, but oh well. i think i would’ve rather died than become a manager for him anyways. the pet food industry is crazy lol.
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Ok i just saw the las nevadas stream and then "ok so lets go cry about another slimecicle character!!!" and then i went to watch the new riptide episode
BRO BRO I GOT CRAZY Man actually i saw some part of the episode in the twitch stream but then I went to eat and I couldn't see the rest so I waited for them to post it on youtube
And well, i got crazy, THE PUPPETER FLASHBACKS THAT GOOBLECK HAD AND... goobleck fckn just, got his goop into jay and chips eyes????? Bro thats some horror shit and i love it But im so sad like everyone is fucked up man jay and chip lost gillion, goobleck feeling like he should not exist(well in the end he kinda dont think like that anymore i guess) and FELIPE MY MAN SOMEONE FREE HIM FROM THE CARD'S CURSE PLEASE
I found funny that jay was goobleck 1° friend lmao
but its now the forg <3 Felipe is love 👍
And bro the waning that grizzly gave made me think "but everyone on tumblr is talking about that huh" and then i just realized that condi and bizly are not on tumblr lmao
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xaeyrnofnbe · 8 months
hi guys ummm, i may or may not have been thinking more about that riptide cat au
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first off, gillion has been added to the lineup! i think he came from a warrior cat-style society. a feral colony, that lives on a little island just off-shore. y'know? but got banished for reasons similar to in canon riptide.
and for those who haven't seen the post with just chip and jay, chip was a ship cat, but became more of a stray under cat price. jay comes from a very fancy family of show cats who have taken it upon themselves to dictate the lives of all the strays and feral cats in the area, but she ran away from it all to hang out with chip.
gillion would have washed ashore at some point, and promptly joined their little band of misfits.
their story loosely follows that of riptide but the severity of events has been toned down a ton. after all, this is a trio of cats going on adventures in and around a little seaside fishing town, not a crew of pirates travelling the world. big events like not ferin well can still occur, they'd just have to be altered significantly.
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above you'll find a rough little map i did in inkarnate, (i'm picturing the pacific northwest coast, vaguely,) and a general size ref for the three. more on them later
i think that some riptide characters are included and some are omitted. much of their crew exists as characters around the area, but a lot of people they run into are either barely involved or not there at all, as it conflicts with the setting.
so i'm thinking ollie might be another cat, whereas a character like gryffon might be a dog. queen could be a magpie. see where i'm going with this? idk. i sure don't
others could be various wild animals. for example aslana and her sisters could be a band of otters or seals.
below are the size ref images separated. just so you know the shape of em. gill is very fluffy and it's important everyone knows that. oh and for those interested, in terms of breeds jay is based on a somali, gillion a norwegian forest cat and maine coon, and chip isn't really based on anything in particular.
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