#I really needed more internet supervision in my youth
n2-crisis · 10 months
Every day I am haunted by the memories of my first ever fanfic, a USUK sick fic that I posted on Wattpad. It was like 10 chapters long and ended in a lemon chapter. Cursed.
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nox-artemis · 3 years
Kentaro Miura
It took me awhile to get my thoughts in order. Honestly, as well intentioned as they are, a constant stream of fan tributes on Twitter and Tumblr more-or-less telling me how to process “The End” of Berserk with Miura’s death didn’t do a lot to console me, so I had to take some huge steps away from social media and only conversed my feelings with my other close Berserk fan-friends.
It was very surreal waking up yesterday morning to a friend messaging me simply saying, “did you hear the news?” When shit like that happens, I go onto my Google stories app and scroll through. I didn’t find anything really worth getting too upset over (maybe a bit sad that Queen Elizabeth II’s doggo died?) so it hit me to check my Twitter feed instead.
And that’s when I saw it.
We all know death is inevitable, and life is pretty much spent prolonging the point to that inevitability as well as preparing ourselves for when it happens to us or someone close to us. Being part of the Berserk fandom was the only time we all collectively had this on our mind not only for someone else but for someone we never met or really knew that much about. We only knew Miura through his magnum opus – and that was good enough for us. And no matter how much we discussed the worst-case scenario – pondering how the story would continue and how WE would continue – it still wasn’t enough to prepare us for this amount of shock. Hearing Miura had died and that the Berserk we know and love under his direct supervision is over truly felt like losing a long-lost friend.
It wasn’t just that the Berserk we know of is “over”, but that Miura didn’t have to die. He was only 54: not a young age, but not an old age either, especially by today’s standards. He could have seen the end to his magnum opus the way he envisioned it, yet he died of something so avoidable but is only brought about by a great deal of stress (from what I’ve read). It was always a morbid open rumor that so many of Miura’s infamous hiatuses were actually mental and/or physical health breaks, so the older or more conscious of us fans, while always eager and anxious for a new chapter, learned to not take them so personally. Miura was a spellbinding artist and storyteller, but he was also a human with his own life and conflicts that he was entitled to address at his own pace. This isn’t meant to blame anyone (at the very least, maybe to address some societal/industry issues), but it’s troubling enough to remind everyone – as the story of Berserk has demonstrated – that you need to take care of yourself physically and mentally, and while everyone struggles in life, you don’t have to struggle alone.
I always despised this weird cult of youth that insinuates that life isn’t worth pursuing once you hit your mid-thirties, and how some people so engulfed in their youth insist that they wouldn’t mind dying by the age of 50 or 60. It’s a shame when people live by that because there’s so much to live for beyond your youth – as I’ve learned, I only started buckling down when I transitioned into my thirties. Miura could have had a longer life ahead of him, going beyond Berserk and into his other endeavors, professional and personal, but that will unfortunately never happen now.
Everyone knows I have a lot of thoughts and opinions on Berserk. Most of you found out about me through my blogging several years ago, and I’m pretty proud that I was never the sort of fan that groveled at Miura’s feet and treated Berserk as some untouchable holy book: there were things I disliked about Berserk and things that disappointed me about Miura’s writing, but there were SO MANY MORE THINGS that I loved about Berserk and was proud of Miura for, and I wished him to continue his advancement in narrative growth. He did so and we watched it happened.
And, by meeting so many friends and acquaintances through the fandom, we saw a lot in ourselves change too. It’s surreal how we always joked that it would be one of us fans who would die before Berserk ended or the worst-case scenario of Miura dying; maybe some of us secretly preferred for that happen. But when we weren’t waiting around for another chapter… look at how much we’ve done with our lives! We graduated high school, undergrad, grad school, started and advanced our careers, traveled the world, got together, popped out a kid or two!... And while we experienced a lot of downfalls and tragedies that coincide, can you believe how much we have accomplished together?
We were all personally inspired, motivated, persuaded by Berserk in different ways: a lot of us were inspired for the better and admittedly, some for the not-as-good (if spending countless hours on Tumblr has taught me, there were definitely some toxic fan takeaways that had to be confronted). I’m not going to go to the point of saying that I now live my life by Berserk’s philosophy to a T or live as a reflection of certain characters (because I’m pretty sure that Miura was trying to tell us to NOT live your life like some particular characters) but it certainly helped to brings some aspects of life and existence into perspective, through the lenses of so many characters. Berserk also inspired me to write more, an already favorite pastime of mine, and how I should go about writing and planning a story, taking cues from Berserk on how to and how NOT to write and approach things in my own way, which I think is for the best in the long run. I can only dream that I’ll be published someday – which doesn’t have to be a pipe dream because it’s still much more possible than impossible. And so many other have done the same, creating our own stories and works.
And OF COURSE Berserk inspired me to be a little bit badass from time to time in moments of frivolity and seriousness – but it reminds us all that being badass and being a kinder person who tries to become the best version of themselves are not mutually exclusive. We definitely need more of that in today’s world.
We all made our own little bonfires of dreams happen, and because of Berserk existing, there will be a lot more beginnings than endings, and I don’t see a lot of bonfires being extinguished anytime soon. Miura poured his heart and soul into Berserk and its characters, and while he has passed on, his characters and lessons will live on through us and everything we create and how we live our lives (hopefully for the better).
I was happy to share all of my thoughts with you all – and I’ll continue to do so, since the mythos of Berserk has been a major backdrop of my creative mind for over fifteen years now and there is still so much to dissect and speculate. Personally, I don’t see Berserk ending just yet, if only because I’d be surprised that Miura or his publisher didn’t have some Operation London Bridge type plan in place in the event that this happened (Berserk is, after all, a major title that most likely brings Young Animal a lot of revenue). Again, I never treated Miura or Berserk as divine untouchables, so if there are plans in place to continue Berserk without Miura (BUT with his permission) or just on how to wrap up the story to give it a fulfilling conclusion, I personally would be okay with it (as a friend of mine put it, it’d be more of a tribute than an imitation). Going beyond our lifetimes, works will continue to be interpreted and reinterpreted as they have since time immemorial; perhaps Berserk will reach that point someday.
Honestly, and many have thought so too, Berserk was also meant to be cosmic level in both scale and concept. The plot is so grand and Byzantine that, even under Miura’s direct supervision, I always had a hard time envisioning how a story of this scale would conclude. As much as we love to hate him, a final showdown between Guts and Griffith seems too simple, too “good vs. evil”-esque for Berserk. Maybe having a low-key, vague but optimistic and bittersweet wrap up is what is best for Guts, Casca, and their new-found family. But that’s just another one of my fan speculations.
Regardless or what is to become of Berserk now, I think it’s safe to give adulations. We all came across Berserk at different times in our lives and stuck with the story for different reasons. For some of us, it was just another series that our friend from the campus anime club recommended to us; for others, we were drawn in from a morbid curiosity of its dark notoriety in anime circles. A few of us read for the gratuitous violence and the clout (because we all know you’re so deep and hardcore [/sar]), but a lot more of us read for the journey and the characters that we became a part of. The heaviness of Berserk made us confront a lot of trauma and even relive our own. For some of us, understandably, it was not a good idea to dive deeper (and maybe somethings could have been handled better); for the rest of us, it helped us cope, if not entirely through the story itself, than through the support network we made for ourselves in this fandom and its many realms (some realms, I argue, are more caring and nurturing than others).
From time to time, I always wonder if I would ever “grow out” of Berserk. There were indeed several times I took a step away from fandom and have tried to reduce my exposure to the story - but I always came back in some way, because the essence of Berserk has never left me and never will. Humorously I envisioned myself actually forgetting about Berserk for several decades, decades in which I work at my career, raise my family, mourn my elders, but continue living my life, only to go on the future internet in my mid-50s to find out… Miura is STILL working on that ending, sitting at his desk in the same pose as that famous monochrome capture of him, only he’s grayed and wrinkled, like the great Miyazaki.
The possibility of that future is over, but there are so many others.
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Superstition (Part 1): Writings on the Wall
Summary: Peter Parker wants to make this year’s Halloween one to remember.  If he can convince Y/N to let him and Ned take a trip to Salem, then it will all be perfect.  However Peter hadn’t anticipated that Y/N (and her boyfriend Bucky) aren’t as easy to manipulate as he thinks.  And if he thought that he and Ned were the only ones going to have fun, then he was wrong!
Author: @supernaturallymarvellous
Characters: Bucky x Reader, Peter Parker, Ned Leeds
Word Count: 1032
Warnings: None
A/N: @sdavid09 is running a Halloween challenge (details here – there’s still time to enter).  I chose Hocus Pocus and Superstition as my prompts.  This is going to be a mini series so I hope you enjoy and follow along on this little spooky adventure.
“You’re not going to Salem on Halloween.  May would never forgive me if I let you take an eight hour round trip to Massachusetts without any adult supervision!”
Peter stood before Y/N, his face a picture of righteous indignation.  His plans for All Hallows Eve were crumbling before his very eyes thanks to Y/N’s stringent following of rules.  Running through his quickly diminishing options, Peter decided to appeal to Y/N’s good nature.  
“You and Mr Barnes could come with us.  Surely we’d be perfectly safe if the two of you were there.  And it’s not like Salem is actually haunted.  Those are just stories made up to scare little kids.”
Y/N simply stared at the two teenagers gathered around her desk.  Peter and Ned had barrelled into the room, their excitement levels at an all time high thanks to the combination of far too much candy and a potential road trip.  She looked up from the computer, rubbing her tired eyes before she addressed them.
“Look, I know you guys think I’m being a killjoy and that I’m ruining your fun but I can’t just leave New York because you two want to scare yourselves stupid. Bucky and I are still technically on duty while the rest of the team are away.  Now please….just go play a video game or something.  And stay out of trouble!”
Peter looked completely crestfallen.  All he’d wanted from this year’s spookiest evening was a trip with his friend to what was supposedly one of the most haunted places on earth.  As he started to follow Ned out of the room, an idea suddenly began to take shape.  Whispering to Ned to follow his lead, Peter spun on his heels and walked back towards Y/N.
“It’s ok.  You can just admit that you’re scared.  We won’t tell anyone that one of the world’s mightiest heroes is scared of a few ghosts. I’m sure we’ll have a wonderful time here watching scary movies and frightening small children with our costumes.”
Y/N rolled her eyes.  Did they honestly think she was stupid enough to fall for such a ridiculous attempt at goading?!  Well she thought, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.  That’s how the old saying went.  She quickly fired off an email alerting Steve to the fact that she and Bucky would be leaving the city shortly, and then pushed herself up from her seat.
“Ok. You want a trip to Salem?  Go get ready, we leave in half an hour.  Meet us in the garage.  Oh and I obviously don’t need to tell you this but when we get there, please don’t antagonise the spirits of the Sanderson sisters.  I don’t have the energy to deal with the ghosts of three pissed off ancient crones!”
She walked out of her office, careful to keep the smirk off his face until she was well out of sight.  She moved quickly to the room she shared with Bucky – she had a plan to pull together and not a lot of time in which to do it.
It was almost 45 minutes before they were ready to leave and as Peter grabbed a few last minute road trip essentials from the kitchen cupboards, Ned sat staring at his phone.  
“Dude, have you heard of those Sanderson sisters?  They were awful.  Listen to this.  “Winifred, Mary and Sarah were hung after they killed a little girl to try and regain their youth.”  He continued to scroll through the information he’d found on the internet.  “Woah….they actually died 300 years ago to the day!”
Peter scoffed.  “That’s ridiculous Ned.  Witches don’t really exists and even if they did, they died three centuries ago.  I don’t think a few dusty old skeletons are gonna cause us any trouble. Now, you ready to hit the road?”
Patience was exactly something that Y/N was known for, but in this case she was prepared to let Peter and Ned’s lateness slide.  After all, it had given her more time to brief Bucky and to add a few final flourishes to her plan.  Given her skill set, it had been easy to set up a fake website detailing the elaborate misdeeds of the witches she had just made up.  She’d even had enough time to make a few calls to a handful of friends she knew would be more than willing to help her scare the boys senseless.  
She and Bucky were sat in the car discussing the best route to take.  Their conversation was cut short as the car’s back doors were yanked open and the two young men threw themselves heavily onto the seats.  They both seemed panicked and out of breath.  Bucky and Y/N turned in their seats to take a better look at the scene unfolding itself behind them.
Ned offered up an explanation as he tried to get his breathing back to normal.  “We ran…..down the stairs….blood…..writing on the wall….in the elevator…..Winifred Sanderson.”
Y/N could help herself and started to laugh.  “You can’t be serious.  You think that the ghost of a long dead witch had left a message, written in blood, in the elevator?!  Come on then, what did it say?”
Peter, wide eyed and looking decidedly more pale than usual, leant as far forward as his seatbelt would allow.  “Winifred is watching.”
Through giggles, Y/N could barely manage to speak.  “Oh my god!  Did you hear that, Bucky?  Guess we better get moving before a ghoul comes out of the wall to get us!”
Bucky responded by simply starting the car and moving towards the exit.  As he did, he turned on the car stereo, playing the Stevie Wonder CD he’d put in a few moment earlier.  As the opening bars of Superstition began to play, he managed to sneak a glance in the direction of the passenger seat.  Neither Peter nor Ned saw the wink that Bucky shot to his girlfriend. They also didn’t spot the tiny splashes of red paint that were flicked through Bucky’s hair or the droplets under his fingernails.  As he manoeuvred the car through the busy Manhattan streets, he thought to himself that this was going to be a fun evening.
To be continued……….
Tagging: @sdavid09   @waywardimpalawriter   @helvonasche   @81mysteriouslyme   @caplanbuckybarnes   @chainez-8   @everything-but-the-not-natural   @redlipstickandplaid   @jayankles 
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codingpanel · 3 years
How To Online Buisiness
Corporations, for instance your own, at numerous times need guidance. It can be that you'll be having new development and also you need further instruction around adjusting. It can be that your particular supervision crew can be youthful and also new along with the needs of these positions. You will need guide preserving center on a person's desired goals for use on your and also specialist life. The idea currently being is that many reasons exist to select a small business coach. The eventual question is do you know how to find enterprise guru by any means?
As soon as ought to a small business choose a trainers for how to grow your business online? To fill out this inquiry you first have got to consider an important query of your personal, "Is definitely my business and/or I will be all set to generally be drilled?" Your query connected with just when was resolved on your part being aware of when you're to generally be coached.
Organization coaching can be an activity and also method that could obstacle your enterprise to much better of computer by now can be in order to reach for the unreachable. The guru can this by being a goal observer, requesting uncomfortable challenging queries, and also laying down basic ideas increase have everyone accountable. Therefore, if the business is not necessarily all set (or whether it is you) to be held in charge, challenged, and also experience the uncomfortable findings its not prepared for a small business coach. In the event your enterprise are determined a person's all set intended for guru then you've by now entered the most significant problem as part of your search. What exactly otherwise ought to take into account once you visit a enterprise guru?
There is no cookie-cutter strategy to hunting for guru for ones business. Nonetheless, nonetheless usually there are some common standards that you can use. Here i will discuss just some of all of them:
Don't you have combined with the guru?
Could the guru told to an individual what we could cant do for yourself?
How readily available is definitely the guru to your crew?
What exactly targets will the guru possess for yourself?
Obviously there are several other standards that go in choosing a small business coach. There are so many sites, internet websites, and also brochures in which can supply you with other queries you should utilize as part of your search. Why don't we move through in greater detail a few outlined above.
You will become paying a while together with your coach. Therefore you far better for instance them. Here's a instrument which can be used if you find yourself interviewing a person's coach. Envision your self on a long journey you've ever obtained intended for your life. Most people plenty of energy, foodstuff, and also no need for remainder stops. Really the only unfortunate challenges that you have on this journey can be that there's virtually no radio station, virtually no remainder quits, and also it is only your guru that you'll be interviewing. You will be on it's own in the vehicle with the coach. Each of you know that it trip requires a minumum of one month to complete. If you can't get along with the following part of the first a matter of minutes, which would become one particular al all long route trip. Absolutely no regardless of how lots of college diplomas, guides, and also clientele the following guru can be served if you like him an individual will never take note of him. Is the fact that plain and also simple.
But if your guru has passed your vehicle test out, another test out is simply very simple prevalent sense. Whilst just about every man on earth believes many people all know the answers to everything, the reality is in which everyone knows which isn't the case. On the subject of enterprise coaching can be vital that a person's guru can supply you with around great fine detail what we can perform intended for you. It really is a lot more vital that this helps you around greater fine detail what we cant do intended for you. In the event your online business being affected by terrible buying and also mergers compared to you want to know if the guru has got example of individuals certain areas. Them might be a disservice to your enterprise should you employ a guru in which is excellent at exec panel parrot cage and also in public places chatting intended for employment they've got virtually no practical experience in. To get going in which have the challenge more intense of computer by now is. Every guru that can't fine detail what we cant do for yourself isn't well worth getting and you really are best made up of a person's search.
While searching intended for enterprise guru you will primarily discover the infamous, the renowned, and also popular far better thing industry. In which currently being the truth it's important that you should know the way available and also readily available many people are going to your team. The guru in which is difficult to get isn't merit a person's investment. Can you hire a small business guru they must be specializing in a person's crew in order to making certain that an individual reach a person's goals. How can a new guru have an individual in charge for the ideas that you have both equally created that they're not necessarily about to enjoy an individual place them in motion? Rather just it's tricky to allow them to accomplish that.
Can you hire a enterprise guru they'll need targets for yourself you may have targets seeing that well. In your interviewing procedure intended for enterprise guru you have to be genuine using what a person's targets are. As an illustration, if you would like change a new flagging corporation coming from an inadequate the performer with a multimillion dollars enterprise into two weeks, after that it will not wise for ones guru to generally be in which expectation. A further case in point, a person's supervision crew has challenges talking together and also devote the time aiming fingers. Will you be getting a person's guru to be a referee? Or even do you think you're getting a person's guru to further improve group and also communication ability? Lacking the knowledge of what exactly a person's targets are your guru and you may invent an agenda it doesn't remedy your complaint or perhaps need. Coming over to a strong arranged expectation is essential for any profitable coaching relationship.
When a guru meets a person's targets, aligns along with your required desired goals, gets on hand to supply genuine suggestions, and is also available if you want all of them, you will find that your enterprise crew is capable of the unachievable. An organization guru provide actionable ideas in which will keep an individual in charge and also aimed at getting a person's goals. An organization guru could be an important part of every team. Quite a few enterprise coaching associations possess end up part of a variety of small company and also business accounts of success across the globe. If you are very careful and also take some time in selecting a new guru an individual will experience success.
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esonetwork · 6 years
Tale as old as time: ESO Network chats with Disney animator Tom Bancroft
New Post has been published on https://esopodcast.com/tale-as-old-as-time-eso-network-chats-with-disney-animator-tom-bancroft/
Tale as old as time: ESO Network chats with Disney animator Tom Bancroft
Beauty and the Beast. The Lion King. Aladdin. Mulan.
These iconic animated films are part of the story of the famous “Disney Renaissance,” which propelled the studio back to commercial success and critical acclaim in the ’80s and ’90s.
Tom Bancroft played a role in that story too — the artist has 30 years of experience in the animation industry, much of which was spent with Walt Disney Feature Animation. He was an animator on four animated shorts and eight feature films (the films named above are part of that list). He has also worked with Big Idea Productions, creators of the popular Veggie Tales animated series.
During Dragon Con 2018, ESO Network reporters Mary Ogle and Ashley Pauls chatted with Bancroft about his love for art, his favorite Disney project, and the industry shift from hand-drawn to computer animation. Read an excerpt from our interview below and listen to the full interview on Earth Station One podcast episode 437: https://esopodcast.com/the-earth-station-one-podcast-437-the-big-lebowski-live-from-dragon-con/
ESO: Tell us a little bit about your career and how you got started. What was that initial spark? What motivated you to get involved in this and pursue your art as a career?
I think I grew up in a golden age of comic strips. So this is a little tangent-y, but it was not the golden age of animation, unfortunately. When I grew up, mostly in the ’70s, I had a twin brother and we would draw together and what we would draw was comic strips. “Peanuts” was really big with Charles Schulz, and then soon came “Bloom County” and then soon after that “Calvin and Hobbes.” And of course the peak of Mad magazine.
It was all that sort of illustration and comic strips that really fascinated us. But then we had sort of a sub love of live action film, but especially Ray Harryhausen movies, which is stop motion. And we didn’t put it all together to go, “well, we like to draw, we like stop motion — animation seems like a good fit.” It still took a while till just after high school that we really realized [that].
Simultaneous to all that, we were watching Saturday morning cartoons all the time. But the love for Saturday morning cartoons wasn’t really artistic, I would say; it wasn’t like we were drawing “Scooby-Doo” or the “Super Friends.” We also liked comic books too. But kind of both of us looked at that as the impossible dream, because anatomy and things like that — it looked too hard.
But like I said, on the animation side of things, it was kind of a dead time. Those Saturday morning cartoons were pretty popular, but really, it was all about getting it out cheap, right? You look at “Super Friends,” and limited animation and Hanna-Barbera stuff. It was kind of a bad time to want to be an animator, I would say say. Even though there’s a lot of nostalgia for “He-Man” and things like that, it’s just not really well animated. (laughter) I think we can admit that.
[Then] Disney films started to get a little bit better and better. They were on the cusp of having a resurgence. “The Great Mouse Detective” had come out; that’s a fun, cartoon-y, well-animated film. And it was films like that, that really kind of made us go, “Oh, wait a second, you know, this might be the path. It combines a lot of our loves.”
And so we just kind of fell into animation, really. Did a little stop motion animated film for our church youth group, got together a couple friends that also wanted to try animation. And we just sort of taught ourselves. This is before the internet, so we’d go to the library and try and find books on even exposure because we’re literally using a Super 8 camera and shooting these clay animated figures one frame at a time. And so we just needed to learn, but that was close to Ray Harryhausen, so it was within our wheelhouse. We were researching him quite a bit.
Then that love translated to “well, we already like to draw, why don’t we try drawn animation?” And then we found out about CalArts (California Institute of the Arts). We already were living in California, and CalArts is like the animation school in the U.S. It still is, but at the time it was one of the only ones and it was founded by Walt Disney. So we tried for it and got it in, miraculously. And after a year and a half, got an internship at Disney. And that’s what started our career.
Have you done mostly traditional animation? Or have you also delved into computer animation?
Later on in my career, pretty much toward the end of my Disney days, I ended up following my heart in 2000 and joining Big Idea Productions, and they do Veggie Tales. While I was there, I learned CG animation and learned how to do Bob and Larry in the computer. And fortunately, it was simpler; they didn’t have arms and legs.
But it was still tough. I mean, it was a huge learning curve. I’ve always heard, “Oh yeah, computers are just, you know, just a tool.” But it’s a radically different way to animate for someone like me, who had really finally figured out how to do 2D animation after about 10 years at Disney. It felt like I was starting all over again, and it was a tough year.
And I can’t say I loved it; I missed drawing. And so I immediately switched over, even while I was at Big Idea. After animating a little bit, I switched over to storyboarding and then ultimately directed and created the 2D “Larryboy Adventures” show. That was much more a better fit for me.
I left and came back to Disney and did “Brother Bear” traditional animation, and worked on Rutt and Tuke, the two moose characters. And then after that, I started my own company. And so I’ve been pretty much independent for what I call the second phase of my career. And a lot of that has been character design and children’s book illustration, some directing, some 2D animation still too, but a variety of different things. Comic books, even.
You’ve gotten to see both sides, with the hand-drawn animation and the computer. How is the creative process different and what are some of the advantages and disadvantages you feel are in each form?
It’s funny, because a lot of people think that the switch and kind of the death of 2D animation in feature films — here in the U.S., especially — is because CG animation is cheaper. It’s not; it’s the same or more, really, and you almost need as many people too. It’s not like we even save a lot of money in CG animation on how many people you hire, and you certainly have higher equipment costs than ever before. And it’s not even necessarily faster.
The biggest difference between 2D and CG is that there’s a lot more upfront work in CG, and then 2D has more time at the end. Because in CG once they model the characters and get all that figured out, the animation process goes a lot quicker than in 2D, because now they have the model, it’s not going to change. It’s not like it’s going to get revised. And some of that happens, obviously, but they kind of stick to it. And then also, at certain point, once they put the lights in, there’s a lot more automated, what I would call “the ink and paint phase” in 2D. There’s the rendering process that goes a lot quicker, because once they model it, they know the colors and they’re already set.
We can get going a lot quicker [with 2D]; we can get into the animation phase, we can design the characters and all that and jump into animation a little sooner. But then the back end is a lot of cleanup and color background painting. All that is on the back end, and it can take a lot more time.
What was your favorite Disney film to work on, if you can narrow it down?
Oh, it’s pretty easy. It was “Mulan.”
I got to design and develop Mushu the dragon. And so because I was the supervising animator for Mushu on that film, I really got onto the film very early and put a lot of heart and soul into that film, more so than what I was able to on other films.
I did young Simba; I’m very proud of animating young Simba on “The Lion King,” but I worked under Mark Henn who was the supervisor of that. And he had designed Simba and was issuing me scenes and stuff. So I didn’t get to have as much of a say, I guess you could say, in defining his character, just in the scenes that I had, not like the whole character.
How do you approach putting personality into your characters? What things do you use to show a visual representation of that personality?
Some of that is in the character design. There’s certain things like when I was designing Mushu, we knew right off the bat that he was going to be a thin, snake-like dragon because I found out really quickly in my research, in Asian dragons, they’re usually based on snakes and things like that. The dragon in [“Sleeping Beauty”] is a European dragon, and they’re more like a crocodile or something like that. They’re very thick and massive. But the Asian ones usually are skimming across the water or they’re fire dragons. They also are elemental, and Mushu is a fire dragon, which we never mentioned in the movie. But it was part of his design.
I have flame-like shapes on him, and they oftentimes have fish scales. And he’s got a little mustache, kind of a fuzzy upper lip, which is based on a camel. They’re made up of different pieces: his cow ears and horns like an elk or something, although I shrunk them. He’s got kind of a pig’s nose; they’re usually made up of a lot of different animals. And so all of that research went into the design, even a very simplified form. If you look at Mushu, you don’t really guess those things as much. But every single thing on him is there for a reason, even his claws that are like an eagle’s claws. They’re just very simplified and stylized.
Learn more about Bancroft, his artwork and his podcast at www.tombancroftstudio.com.
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marip92 · 6 years
“Hey, it’s Hannah… Hannah Baker.”
I know; your heart started pounding as you read those words and you actually heard it in her own voice. This show has been talked about so much lately, having actually made it into the national news. It is getting so much outpour, both good and bad. If you have not heard of it nor have you watched it, I can only assume that this is the first time that you’re logging into the internet within the past few months. Because, it’s been everywhere. Oh, you have been online recently, and you still don’t know what I’m talking about? You do; you just don’t know it yet. Go ahead, take time to simply google 13 Reasons Why and go to images. “Hannah’s” face will pop up immediately. It is being used for so many different things in social media lately, from memes to new coverage. All the talk about it has been slowly simmering within me. The show was intended to highlight and show the realities of teenage mental illnesses and how all of our actions [regardless of how small] can have some drastic events on others. However, the show has been getting a lot of backlash lately, saying that it is creating and increasing thoughts of suicide and/or glamorizing suicide. 
First and foremost, the show is not meant for children and even preadolescent youth. The plot takes place in a high school and addresses a lot of mature content and language that is not quite appropriate for the younger ones. Their minds are much more impressionable, and truly do not need to be exposed to all that; what they do clearly need is better parental supervision. 
But for the older audience who seems to agree with these ideas, I can only assume that you’ve clearly never experienced severe teenage depression and thoughts of suicide. There is nothing in the show that makes suicide appear to be fun, as a solution or alternative to anything. What it does show is a person in severe need of help, who feels isolated, hurt, hopeless and entirely lost; who is being negatively impacted by the actions of everyone around her, unknown to them. So I challenge you to watch the entire series if you agree with those earlier mentioned thoughts, and if you don’t connect in a deep, personal level with Hannah Baker then you can safely say that you’ve never experienced severe clinical depression and genuine thoughts of suicide. And yes, I am very well aware of how I sound and the dark depths of my mental health that I am essentially admitting to. For this reason, I will be taking in first person [plural], because I can admit that I have been a part of that population; of the ones who have been depressed and have genuinely considered suicide. 
The lack of knowledge is even further supported by the idea that if someone else mentions or commits suicide, it would convince another person to do the same. Suicide is not a contagious disease that can be caught by exposure to it. You do not first come across thoughts of suicide because hear about it from someone/somewhere else. They are not “Oh, I am feeling really sad lately. X person/thing says that suicide is when I end my own life because I am feeling so sad. So that’s a good idea or that’s what I’ll do.” Original suicidal thoughts are so much more than that and are fabricated by the sufferer’s own mind, and by the heightened feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and lack of reason to live. They creep up into your mind and the more that you fight them, the stronger these thoughts become. & when you don’t fight them, well they only win. It a constant losing battle, in where you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Where you feel yourself losing and caring less and less, and you realize how completely powerless you are; and the less amount of control that you feel you have, the more intense the feelings of loss and carelessness become.  
Thoughts of death and suicide is a sensitive and scary topic to most and the feelings that come attached with it are intense and unavoidable. The mental state and emotions are the drive behind the forces to go through with it. & even with that, it is often something so scary, that most people who do attempt it can’t actually go through with it. Some think that this is for attention-seekers and you know what? I agree with that, to a certain extent. Some of us are seeking attention; the attention of a person who cares enough, who does enough, to understands enough to find us the help that we have been desperately seeking and have not been able to find. Others don’t; they don’t want the attention and to be saved, mostly because they don’t feel there is any hope of saving them. They attention they seek is to help someone else, is to be that teaching lesson for someone close to them, in order to prevent this from happening to someone else. 
So to stop all confusions about this topic, there is absolutely nothing glamorous about suicide and depression. & it is not contagious, and your child is not any more likely to commit suicide because of this show as they are to contract Eboli from watching a documentary on the disease. If you’re concerned with child’s risks of depression and suicide, please speak to them and try to understand that it is something that is far beyond their control. Be there for them, and be loving. Seek them the help they need, and THAT is what is going to make a difference in his/her actions.
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chicagoindiecritics · 4 years
New from Every Movie Has a Lesson by Don Shanahan: MOVIE REVIEW: Cuties (Migonnes)
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(Image courtesy of Netflix)
For this critic, there are two telling scenes among many that stand out in Migonnes, now better known as Cuties, that typify its challenge and its caution. They are not among the headlining, fire-branded clips of its maligned Netflix marketing. Nevertheless, the jarring tension is ever-present.
In a scene in the first half of the award-winning French film, one of the central 11-year-old girls finds an open and very likely used condom in a public park. She doesn’t know what it is and inflates it to create a pretend boob to impress her friends for laughs. One of her peers immediately stops her and explains in quick fashion the disgustingness of what she’s touching. The puffed-up confidence in the initial girl is quickly erased with mortification. In a reply of shock and embarrassment, all she could muster to say was “How was I supposed to know that. It’s not my fault I didn’t know what it was.”
No, young lady, it sure wasn’t your fault. Scenes like that one and many others completely devoid of adult supervision, positive influences, and honest coming-of-age education typify in a dramatized fashion the challenges and dangers of gender definitions, self-image, sexual freedom, and dozens more that often engulf teenagers. Cuties is a movie that 
The second scene comes later. Moving like a moth to deadly fire all movie long, our main character Amy, a Senegalese Muslim immigrant to France played with bracing emotion by Fathia Youssouf, has fully embraced the devil-may-care lifestyle of a local clique of fellow girls that call themselves “The Cuties.” In trying to earn attention and prove her presumed worth for their shared dance competition goals, Amy has lashed out and committed acts that even the hardcore original Cuties define as wrong and too far. They kick Amy out of the group and it enrages her further.
That was a telling turning point. For the wildest girls that throw caution to the wind, even they had their limits and lines in the sand. It is very likely that their collective limits will exceed those of the domestic audiences watching this film at far earlier moments than this late collapse. If even reading those two scenes is too much, welcome again to challenge and caution. That is the honest reality examined by Maïmouna Doucouré’s film. 
To rewind, Amy comes from a transitioning household of poverty and tradition. Her mother Mariam (Maïmouna Gueye) is raising three children alone while hurt internally by the move of her children’s father to take another wife and exit the parental picture. Mariam’s anger creates a wavering seesaw between despondency and strictness where the differing religious and cultural implications loom large in Cuties. 
LESSON #1: HOW TO BECOME A WOMAN— Amy’s familial elders insist on teaching her how to be a woman, which on some level entails preparing food, remaining clothed and pius from external evils, and maintaining a demure personality of complete obedience. Who deems that to be the right or wrong way to that adulthood? Is that fair and free femininity? How often does that forced ideal create oppression and objectification instead of true freedom and, most of all, choice. Where is that correct benchmark? Welcome again to challenge and caution.
LESSON #2: THE WRONG FRIENDS ARE THE WRONG INFLUENCE— Compared to the rigidity at home, The Cuties, led by an accommodating apartment neighbor named Angelica (Médina El Aidi-Azouni), look attractive and fascinating to Amy. The truth is they are plastic bullies who are ruthless and rule-less with little to no social boundaries. Initial silliness quickly turns more deviant. Their peer pressure first against Amy and then to later include her is sexualized with taboo mischief and attention-seeking thirst for male crushes. Those aren’t good friend choices, but a lonely and jaded newcomer like Amy doesn’t see that or know better.
LESSON #3: THE ACT OF EMULATION— What these girls are superficially pretending to be with their fashion choices, body image, language, and behavior is a warped theory of what their unguided and uninformed selves think a superior woman needs to be. The ease of digital access to adult content shows these youths that the more a woman is sexualized, the more successful they are. The rest is emulation not all that far removed from girls in the 1980s channeling an attitude and practicing Madonna’s bold dance moves as a chance for self-expression. Content choices and ratings notwithstanding, dancing counts as engagement and skill-building practice with choreographic detail. Could dancers use that skill for better things? Of course, but in Cuties who or what is there to offer alternatives?
LESSON #4: THE INVASIVE DANGERS OF SOCIAL MEDIA— Back then, the audience for your little MTV concert was yourself in a mirror or, at most, a slumber party group of your besties. Today, it’s the wide-open and unfiltered outlets of social media like TikTok or Instagram on an internet crawling with privacy-invading eyes and predatory presences. The risks are exponentially worse. You are watching, but who else is? How secure is your privacy and, for that matter, your dignity or innocence? Welcome again to challenge and caution. 
The film does not discount such dangers in the slightest, quite the opposite in fact. For a film that rarely leaves the shell-shocked and world-absorbing face of Youssouf, the increasing and desperate failures from her difficult situations and culture clash confusion flesh out a valuable and compelling tale of staunch social warnings. There are lines between provocation and expression. Cuties is far more the latter than the former.
If your ruffled feathers ask what kind of monster could make what the rumors say this movie is, pause that fear-mongering to watch and listen to the filmmaker herself. Maïmouna Doucouré, winner of the directing award for World Cinema at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival, researched this for a year-and-a-half. She is your essential perspective and necessary context. This is not my lifestyle to judge nor yours. Projecting your ideal here of what is explicit or exploitative is out of place in allowing her to tell her story. It’s pure and rank bias when you do that.
LESSON #5: WHAT ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO DO ABOUT IT— When it comes to Cuties, if you don’t like what you see of these errant kids left to their own wiles and devices, your gut is accurate and working. If its imagery bothers you, it’s supposed to. Check your gaze and your privilege. Now, look past the fictional take and target the very valid and present potential problem in our own settings and lives off the Netflix couch. If you don’t want that, prevent it with education. If you don’t want those sexualized elements to be goals, don’t make them so appealing and desirable to the uninformed. Adjust those expectations or create better ones. Shake your head, change your stance to empathy and honesty, and act accordingly to our daughters and children. Get there and you have made it precisely to the point that is being hammered home.
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scrambledgegs · 5 years
Dead Kids
     Filipino indie film, Dead Kids is more than your stereotypical coming-of-aged type of movie. The film centralizes around a group of middle to upper class, private high school students who conspire together and hatch an amateur plan to kidnap the resident school bully. By kidnapping him and holding him for ransom for Php 30 Million, they will be able to kill two birds with one stone – get even and teach their tormentor a lasting lesson, and secondly, get their hands on a hefty sum of money for personal reasons.
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  In this respect, only one of the kidnappers seemed to have “the most valid reason” because unlike the other students in the private school, he is the only scholar and in “real” need of money to pay for college and other basic necessities. In fact, he resorts to various “rackets” just to keep financially afloat. He is constantly marginalized and unaccepted by his peers at school. This aspect of the movie also highlights social divides that plagues the Philippines as well, and is exacerbated by growing issues of entitlement among the wealthy and privileged.
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As the movie unfolds, as expected, the group collectively bungle the kidnapping operations; they destroy families, dreams and lives. The movie is both comedic and tragic – which is why it really resonated with me. It is very real.
    What struck me the most was the formulation and execution of the whole plan – the scenes and dialogue hit close to home. I recalled my younger school-kid self, as well as my peers back in the day. We conversed very similarly, in a mix of Tagalog and English and used slang words. We also had the same, typical encompassing adolescent problems, the usual things like – school, grades, barkada, relationships, peer pressure, gimikan and yes, vices.
     The dark and stark difference however is that these kids are beyond your average group; they are quite scary. They are made of different stuff – they are very much alive, but at a young age, already seem dead inside, devoid of morals and values. To even think about kidnapping a classmate is one thing, but to actually have the resolve to execute the plan is really frightening. At one point, you will feel sorry for the kidnapped bully, despite what he has done to them individually in the past scenes. Adults are also hardly present in the movie. It is as though these kids live in a warped world with no authority and supervision. Mind you, this movie is based on actual events that transpired in 2018 among university students in Manila. The movie will really make you think about then and now, and the factors which are pushing our youth over the edge.
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The Age of the Internet of things: Anxiety, Depression, Violence and Envy
    Dead Kids touched on many prevailing themes faced by our generation today – specifically by Millennials and now the Generation Z (Gen Z). Over and over again in the movie, social media was shown to play a disastrous effect on the psyche of these kids, mirroring what is happening in real life today. At a click of a button and swipe of fingertips, everyone knows what everyone else is doing because of social media, and that makes people compare themselves to others. This continuous, 24/7 exposure breeds anxiety, depression and envy – especially for young people who are unable to compartmentalize or differentiate social media lives from reality. Affected young people feel like they are just not good enough, as compared with for example: a classmate who has topped the class with the highest grades, or their athletic friend who has won a championship title, or another colleague who possesses the latest designer clothes, or an affluent friend who recently took a trip to Europe over summer vacation. They want to achieve or get their hands on the same things as quickly as they could, so that they too can post and boast about it online. Social media encourages instant gratification, and many of our young people forget the value of hard work and replace it with what they will call “passion” – in the form of unsteady and capricious whims. As a business professor of mine said, this generation is concerned “with reaching only the summit, but forget about the climb.” This could not be any truer.
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Cyber-Bullying and Disconnection
    Let us also not forget the issue of cyber-bullying. As shown in Dead Kids, one of the kidnappers recalls how the resident bully is able to bully him in all mediums – physically in school, as well as online, in front of everyone, and get away with it. Those on the posting-end, who receive numerous likes, views and comments, feel as though their online taunts are encouraged and justified, and those as the object of cyber-bullying, feel as though they deserve this treatment. What makes it even worse is that nobody is really held accountable. You can easily see how this can make one spiral downwards in self-loathing and anger. It does not come as a surprise that the recent literature today speaks of significantly increasing rates of depression, aggression, anxiety – and even suicide among the youth. Another matter hand-in-hand with this are issues on personal connections, or the lack thereof. Why does it seem that young people today feel like they have no safe space or outlet to talk about what they are really going through? We have heard this before: that the more we are connected through the cyber world and technology, the more we have become disconnected in our actual and personal relationships.
Narcissism and Materialism
    There was also a memorable scene in Dead Kids during the drop-off of the ransom money at the agreed location. (The location happens to be real-life bar called 2020, in Pasong Tamo where I have been to a couple of time before, and coincidentally today is 02.20.2020). The ransom money is put together by the victim’s father, an alleged drug lord, and he places the money in a designer bag. The moment the bag is plopped in the center of the dance floor, amidst the blazing trap music and flashing neon lights, many girls race for it, not knowing its contents. The scene was done really well, and you just think to yourself, “Wow, have we really become this materialistic and shallow, that we would physically fight over a designer bag?” In turn, the raucous compromises the whole operation, and one of the girls is held at gunpoint.
The Death of a Nation
    I would go so far to say that I believe there is a breakdown of values in the Philippines and in the world today. We can blame social media, but ultimately, we also have to look inwards at ourselves.  Sometimes, we too propagate social injustices with our simple, unconscious actions.
    Our leaders as well have a responsibility. Unfortunately, the highest leader of the land, our incumbent President has not personified anything substantial to be emulated, but we are either gripped with fear, indifference or blind loyalty and let things be. Regarding his character alone, on TV for instance, our children watch our President curse and drop profanity in every statement likes there’s no tomorrow. They will grow up thinking that this is totally okay and cool, and then we wonder why we have dead kids. It is because we are becoming a Dead nation.
    Moreover, he has made rape jokes, sexist and sordid comments against women, demeaning statements against Pope Francis and the Church, but his supporters continue to make unfounded excuses for this behavior. Our journalists and media as well are being silenced with real threats – to livelihood and life. Those who attempt to speak out are punished without due process and are ridiculed in a dehumanizing manner – Senator Leila de Lima being the biggest example of this. Most importantly, he continues to justify his drug war and extra judicial killings through conjured up data and convoluted truths. Have we lost our sights on human rights, life and God? These scenarios seem all too familiar.
Parallelisms to Martial Law of the Marcos Regime
    We can draw many softer parallelisms of what is happening today to the atrocities of Martial Law under the 20-year Marcos dictatorship. Filipinos are truly quick to forget or love to choose to be ignorant. What I find truly unacceptable, that in this age where information is abundant and easily accessible, turns out many Filipinos, not just among the younger Millennials and Gen Z groups, but actually older people too, have a skewed version of Martial Law. They think it was a Golden Era of discipline and crime-free streets, not knowing about the countless and undocumented people who were imprisoned, murdered and tortured. To say the least, some do not even know Martial Law once existed in the Philippines. This ignorance and lack of information is not limited to just the uneducated, but persists even among private school educated Filipinos. Apparently, this part of Philippine history – Ninoy Aquino, Martial Law and the 1986 Edsa People Power Revolution is not really taught or emphasized in our education system. It is truly a tragedy because we Filipinos were the victors of this miraculous, peaceful revolt which ultimately toppled Marcos, and yet we have not been able write history as it should be.
    President Duterte was elected because he sold the idea that the Philippines can only be great again with an “iron-fisted” leader, the same dream that Marcos peddled to the Philippines. Today with President Duterte at the helm, the myth of the iron-fisted leader is again debunked, and now is an unfolding tragedy.
The Importance of Real, Personal Relationships
    The movie’s title, I’d like to believe, is a comment on the actual reality of extra judicial killings happening in the Philippines today, but the movie also tells us that being a Dead Kid means more than the literal sense. Perhaps we’ve all felt like a dead kid at some point in life. I personally know what it felt like to be one; I can say that I have felt it twice in my youth. I had lost my way, my purpose and felt dead inside. But what helped me conquer my demons? It was my support system composed of my family and various groups of friends. During my most vulnerable and weak moments, they had been there all along and instilled the strength I needed to bounce back. Very importantly as well, they were real friends who had the courage to intervene and tell me to my face when I was becoming the worst version of myself. You need these types of people – or you will really go through life thinking, either that you are completely alone or completely invincible.
    Many years later, now that I have a daughter, I know that I cannot shield her completely from the problems of the world, but I hope I can truly imbibe one of the most important qualities – and that is resilience. I know that like me, she will fail at things. She will get hurt. She will be rejected, at times, for no good reason. However, I want her to be tough, to be brave and rise to the occasion when needed. Giving up is not the answer. She must also remember to always be kind, fair and have integrity despite how unbelievable people can be. We are all dealt with a different deck of cards in life, but to be able to achieve that winning hand lies in you.
Generation Alpha
    Analysts have dubbed the Generation Alpha (Gen Alpha) as the generation that will succeed the Gen Zs. They are those born in 2010 up until the year 2025, supposedly the “children of the Millennials,” our children. I think about this movie Dead Kids, and then I think to myself that I do not want my daughter and our generation’s children to grow up with fractured values and distorted principles. Don’t you want to handover to your children, a world that you can be proud of?
    I am no expert, and I am no Mother Teresa, but I do know that as early as their formative years, we must be conscious and deliberate about the things we say and do – because they will mimic what they see. We must teach them what is morally wrong, even if it is deemed okay by society. The family unit is the very first thing that a child knows – so us as parents, or as older people wizened by life experiences, truly have that responsibility to set a good example. Education is also key for political consciousness and value formation.
    Like I said earlier, when I was going through tough times in my youth, what made all the difference were my family and friends. I was lucky enough to have grown up with the right group of friends – those that had a positive influence throughout my entire life. It was never about material things, but rather what was intangible and essential.
     We have to be very present and visible in our children’s lives – but to also give them sufficient space to grow and make mistakes. Of course, it is easier said than done – but the growing demographic of dead kids, both literally and figuratively, is today’s reality. I do not want to wake up one day and find that we have turned our children into Dead Kids.
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furederiko · 7 years
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September 1st!!! And it's the first (of hopefully more) Random-News-Digest of the month...
Quick update before I start! Nope, my situation hasn't really improved since last time. Things are still going haywire and uncertain on my part. Which means I'm still not too sure if I will be able to post more frequently this month as well. But this is a NEW month, and I always want to start anything with a fresh and optimistic mind. So at the very least, I'm going to TRY to post more. Here's hoping... Also, expect this R-N-D to be more... 'Digest' than usual. After all, I actually decided to do this on a whimsy when I woke up this morning. You can expect things to be more shorter and compact this time around. So without further ado, let's start!!!
DC Films
The news in this category has been quite a shocker lately. Martin Scorsese wants to make a stand-alone "Joker" origin story without Jared Leto? And then there's that Leto and Margot Robbie's "Joker and Harley Quinn" movie, that is being fast-tracked to come following "Suicide Squad 2"? It's a new title that was first rumored to replace David Ayer's "Gotham City Sirens", though recent report suggests that all-female movie is STILL in development as well. To complicate matters, "Suicide Squad 2" already lost a potential director, and with Will Smith's busy schedule, it won't start production until late next year. Ouch!
Oh yeah, eventhough the movie won't arrive until April 5th, 2019, director David F. Sandberg teased that the most lighthearted DC Film movie "Shazam" will start production very soon. Yet we don't even know who's going to play Billy Batson, nor his grown-up version. While Matt Reeves is going back and forth his version of "The Batman", saying it's not part of the DCEU, and then it IS. Please make up your mind! Jon Spaihts was rumored to be re-writing "Justice League Dark", though said rumor has been cleared out by The Wrap. The irony in that, is because he was among the writer of "Doctor Strange" for Marvel Studios!!! First Joss Whedon took over Zack Snyder for "Justice League", and has officially been given a writer credit (his involvement is 33% of the movie!!!). And don't forget how Patty Jenkins used to be attached to the first Thor sequel. So Spaihts's name being thrown into the rumor zone didn't feel as 'strange'. What I'm trying to say is, I won't be surprised if more people related to Marvel Studios will end up doing DC movies for Warner Bros in the future.
Clearly, this proves that WB STILL doesn't have a plan nor idea of what they are going to do with their DC Films. A concerning truth, but is definitely far from being a surprise nowadays. I guess since the current DCEU doesn't really have a clear future (despite the success of "Wonder Woman"), WB is already thinking about creating another Universe to complement it. Perhaps, if this one works better, then they can simply erase the one that Snyder started. That's the point of "Flashpoint", right? We'll see. Yes, we'll see...
X-Men Universe
Can't believe it took this long for some people to realize that... as long as Simon Kinberg is still in charge (in ANY capacity), fans probably won't be getting the 'true' X-Men movie they have always wanted. People seems to forget that he was the writer of the disappointing "X-Men: The Last Stand", and supervised the dreaded "Fant4stic Four". Now his upcoming directorial debut, "X-Men: Dark Phoenix", which he also wrote... is already put into a giant question mark, thanks to Kinberg's recent comment.
I admit, I've grown to DESPISE the term 'grounded' in recent years, because it is (ab)used as an excuse to make shitty underwhelming products. But seriously, what good will a "Dark Phoenix" storyline get by making it... grounded? That arc is meant to be a galactic interstellar adventure, involving alien entities and otherworldly stuffs. "X3" was already its grounded version, and it did NOT work. So why bother going the same route? Is this movie 'doomed to fail' then? It's unclear. But I certainly won't be surprised if that turns out to be the case. Just remember how that grounded take on "X-Men: Apocalypse" performed...
Marvel Studios
Marvel is celebrating the late Jack Kirby's 100th birthday this week. Studio's president Kevin Feige revealed on Twitter that the upcoming "Thor: Ragnarok" is produced as a love-letter to Kirby's work. Not unlike last year's "Doctor Strange", that served as a clear tribute to Steve Ditko. Actress Evangeline Lilly also celebrated the occassion, by sharing the first official image of her character Hope van Dyne, wearing the updated Wasp suit from "Ant-Man and the Wasp".
About that last one... I totally DIG her hair-style, because Lilly always looks much better with a long hairdo instead of the one she had in the first "Ant-Man". The suit on the other hand? I'm a bit mixed. I don't know why. Perhaps because I was expecting more... yellow/gold in the color scheme? Then again, Peyton Reed and Marvel Studios might be going with Wasp's red-black scheme once again, because it's the one designed by Kirby. Especially with Janet van Dyne being in the movie (played by Michelle Pfeiffer), and the report that Michael Douglas' Hank Pym will be suiting up himself in the classic white-red costume.
The writers of "Spider-Man: Homecoming" are set to be back for the sequel! Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers are also involved in "Ant-Man and the Wasp", so there's a possibility they might end up becoming the next Markus-McFeely of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Assuming all the stars are aligned, they will reunite with director Jon Watts (who was already in talks to return) to work on the first Marvel Studios after "Avengers 4" ends the current Phase 3. Here's hoping this team will keep deliver something better, without losing that irresistible youthful and innocent charm that the first movie exuded.
Marvel TV
When this post goes up, Marvel's "The Inhumans" should be arriving in IMAX theatres everywhere. Not sure if it will be available in my country, but it's surely a definite for the US region, because ABC will begin broadcasting the series on Friday, September 29th, 2017.
According to recent report, the response to its premiere was... much positive. In fact, it's a far cry to the supposed 'disaster' that occured at the Television Critics Association Panel. Is this surprising? Well... not quite. I mean, one man's trash can end up becoming another's treasure, right? So I predict that the overall review, when it officially hits, will be mixed at best. Remember, this is still Jeph Loeb's and Scott Buck's work. Each or both have ruined a show (or two, if we count that much-anticipated crossover that came out last month... or more if we put into account their past forays) before, so there's no assurance that they won't strike again. But I'm honestly glad to hear some people actually enjoying it. Hey, there's one for everyone, right?
As for me, as I said before, I personally won't be seeing this on the theatres. Based on the lackluster trailers and underwhelming clips released so far, I'll have to give it a hard pass. Beside, considering my current financial issue, wasting money for uncertain things can be considered 'suicide' anyway. I'll probably going to hold back on watching the series as well, until the reviews for all episodes are out. Thanks to my doozy experience with the recent Netflix 'crossover mini-series', I'm going to be extra cautious with Marvel TV now. Because really, spending 8 hours for a boring and/or disappointing show felt like a tremendous waste of time. Doing so isn't going to do me any good.
QUICK UPDATE: Embargo for the full reviews hasn't been lifted when I wrote and upped this essay into queue. Those reviews have been made available NOW on various sites, and well... turns out it's as BAD as many initially said. Since I'm too lazy to modify the entire category (although it's only 3 short paragraphs LOL), this note will do just fine as a follow up. My original writing sounded more 'positive' anyways. LOL.
Meanwhile, things are looking A LOT better for Marvel's "Runaways". It seems response for the first episodes was more than great. It is currently being praised as very faithful to the source material, despite its various 'tweaks' (for example, one character was a mutant in the comic, but the copyrights prevent that to exist in live action adaptation). Not that it should be a surprise anyway. When the writer of the comic is directly in charge as consultant, we know that at least things are going to be close to the comics. Might this be the Marvel show to wait for this year? Probably, but I digress. I'm still going to be approaching this one with extra caution. If recent Marvel TV shows are any indications, then we can't really expect it to be... evenly balanced. Some of them had okay to good run in the first half, only to falter into a massive dud in the later half. Yes, even "LEGION", and the 4th season of Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.". They started out strong, but ended rather... disappointingly. Considering the same people behind them are also supervising this, said similar treatment can also apply to "Runaways"...
It's already September, and I haven't finished Marvel's "The Defenders" yet. How come? The mini-series surprisingly BORED the hell out of me! A full review for it was meant to go up as my first post of September (yes, this R-N-D is its last minute replacement). That's the initial plan anyway, because I still haven't seen the last two episodes. Seriously though, when you've already lost any single urge to do it, there's nothing else you can do right?
Thanks to that, the internet had already spoiled me about what's going to happen to Simone Missick's Misty Knight. I don't even need to READ the whole article to figure out what will become of her... right hand. Yes, the headline already gave it away, and my minor knowledge of the character in the comics was more than enough to lead me to said conclusion. And then the image spreading on social media solidified it. Mind you, I still don't know how or what caused her to lose that body part. My quick and easy guess? Likely by Bakuto, considering up to episode 6, Misty had only spoken with one particular supporting character from the other series: Jessica Henwick's Colleen Wing. And it's also about her... KATANA, as if it's not obvious enough. Expect Misty to be armed with a prosthetic arm in the 3rd Season Marvel's "Luke Cage".
Yep, if you're like me, hoping for a "Heroes for Hire" show that includes the Daughters of Dragon... then we might as well swallow that wishful thinking. Why? It probably won't happen until the 2nd Season of Marvel's "Iron Fist" is out. Going by math alone, that means we have to wait another 26 episodes, and at least another two years. New season for "Luke Cage" will likely arrive in 2018, while the one for "Iron Fist" might probably land in 2019. Yeah, two years indeed. This is why you can't really expect much when it comes to Marvel TV... *sigh*
"Stranger Things" released a set of character posters for its 2nd Season. They cover the returning cast, as well as the new additions. What's interesting about these posters, is the strong nod to Steven Spielberg! And being a series set in the 80s, that folded-magazine style is also pretty neat. I hope this 2nd season will be as great as the 1st, and unlike most other Netflix shows.
One more thing! It's a rather old news, but worth bringing up. Netflix is currently collaborating with TOEI Animation, to remake the popular shounen-series "Saint Seiya". Titled "Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya", the new series will be created in full CG style. If you're curious on how that might look, think of it like several parts of TOEI's "Precure Dream Star!" movie that was done completely in CG, or their recent "Sekaisuru KADO" series. The latter in particular, already has a character design that's looking VERY Saint Seiya-ish (could it be intended as the warm-up to this one, then? probably). First season will be 12 episodes of 30 minutes, and will cover the "Galaxy War" to the "Silver Saint" Arcs. Yoshiharu Ashino is directing the new series, Eugene Son is the story editor and head writer, Terumi Nishii will be handling the character design, while Takashi Okazaki is doing the armors.
This news is intriguing, because it can end up heading towards into two different territory: actually good, or downright Bad. The latest "Sailor Moon" reboot that immediately divide old and new fans, is a great example of said situation. "Saint Seiya" is among the beloved titles to those growing up in the late 80s, so you can imagine their negative reactions if this remake doesn't suit their taste. The series doesn't have a fixed release date for now, but I believe we can expect it to arrive on Spring 2018. My only hope is that it retains Shingo Araki's anime style compared to Masami Kurumada's manga ones, because it has been pretty much the 'signature' of the series for the fans.
Disney XD Series
I saw the one-hour premiere of the "DuckTales" reboot not long after it aired, and great goodness... I'm LOVING it. I used to have a minor issue with the voices of the nephews before, but that concern quickly faded away when the story started rolling. It's just so engaging and fun to watch! My only complaint, is that it takes too long for the next episodes to start airing. But we're now in September, so September 23rd is just around 20 days away. Shall we start counting down for more Scrooge McDuck's adventure, then? I wonder if Disney XD will debut the first episode of "Big Hero 6 the Series" in advance too? Hmmm....
Pocket Monsters
"Pokemon GO" has been greeted by Legendary Birds Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, and Lugia last month. Starting yesterday, August 31st, 2017, Niantic has continued the streak with the Legendary Dogs Entei, Raikou, and Suicine. Unlike the Birds, these ones are going to show up as region-based for a particular duration. Entei will be in the Europe and Africa region, Raikou in the America, and Suicine in Asia-Pacific. They will then switch places on September 30th, 2017.
This is great news, right? NOT exactly. While I DID feel overjoyed when the Legendaries were first announced, what came next was nothing more than disappointments. The fact that Niantic is focusing too much on Raid Battles to debut these special Pokemon, had caused inconveniences to some (if not MANY) of its players. Sad to say, yours truly is included in this cluster.
Here's the deal. In order to capture ONE Legendary, it first needs to be defeated in a Raid Battle. Unlike normal Raids, it's a group effort that requires around 15-20 players to be on the spot at the same time, working together to take one down. So what happens when you're a player... living in an area, that does NOT have the privilege of having at least the minimum number of players? You can only bite your nails while grunting and sighing with disappointments, because there's really NOTHING you can do. I've lost count how many 'futile attempts' I've done, singlehandedly (seriously, because there's NOBODY around) trying to defeat one. I've now arrived to the point where I simply couldn't care less about any of them anymore. Which is sad, because I was sort of hoping "Pokemon GO" would be there to help me go through my current situation. I mean, when that role has been surprisingly taken over by a repetitive, kid-oriented game called "Magikarp, Jump!"... That's saying much, right?
Of course, this shouldn't be an issue if "Pokemon GO" is still enjoyable as a single-player experience. Players who can't capture a Legendary, could still focus on doing anything else. Problem is, there's NOTHING much to do beside that. Niantic is too focused on the multiplayer 'Team Gameplay' aspect of this game, that it neglects those who play individually (whether by choice, or who are simply forced by circumstances... like yours truly). The new 'Gym System' was nice, but lately I've noticed a concerning trend: the turnaround has gradually becoming very slow. Many Gyms in my area, have Pokemon with ZERO motivations. Worse, they are stranded there for days (I can personally attest to this, because mine are among them!). That means many players no longer visit the Gyms. To put it simply, this game is just not... FUN anymore for everyone. Only for the 'privileged'.
Niantic can actually fix this, by start releasing Generation III as soon as possible. Adding a horde of new Pokemon, even if not all of them (honestly, releasing 10 new species per month would be a fun options), will give these 'unfortunate players' a renewed 'purpose' to go out and play the game. Otherwise, it's really a dry boring-ish land. IMHO, Niantic could and should've tried another method with the Legendary Dogs by... I don't know... letting them in the wild, like what happened in the core "Pokemon Gold, Silver & Crystal" games. Then again, it's probably too much to ask for. I mean, Niantic doesn't even allow something as simple as having these Legendaries added as silhouettes to the Pokedex after encountering them. And that's the only thing I've been hoping for... *sigh*. For now, unless Niantic shakes things up big time, my days with the App is numbered. And I'm going to be just another entry to the long list of players who have already walked out due to disappointments...
One more thing for "Pokemon". A quick detour to the TV side! Kanto Gym Leaders and Satoshi's former travel companions Kasumi and Takeshi (or Misty and Brock in the US version)... are coming to Alola this month!!! Many fans are obviously pleased to hear this! After they have been unceremoniously snubbed in the 20th Anniversary movie "Eiga Pocket Monster, Kimi ni Kimeta!", they are set to show up in the series instead. Takeshi in particular, is the character I've been waiting for. After all, his VA Yuuji Ueda is still a crucial part in the series as the voice of Sonansu/Wobbuffet, so he could actually show up a lot more! This pair will be making their Alolan guest appearances on the September 14th and 21st episodes. Which got me thinking: How awesome will it be if Satoshi's other travel friends show up at the same time too, right?
Street Fighter
"Street Fighter V" has welcomed its 5th DLC character for Season 2. As speculated and rumored before, it's indeed Menat, the Eyes of the Future. She is also confirmed to be the apprentice of Rose, by the way. This makes her the first completely NEW character to the franchise, because Kolin, Ed, and Abigail have all showed up before in other games. Judging from her quick and... arguably pointless appearance in Ed's Story Mode, Menat has a fantastic Egyptian-themed design. The mummy queen alternate costume however? Yeeesh. You can check out her reveal trailer online, or you can just get her right away because she's already available since early this week.
Menat's arrival after Abigail, pretty much confirms the identity of the 6th and final DLC character: Guy's teacher, Zeku. His name was already leaked before by Event Hubs' Flowtron, and his report has been proven to be on point until now. So I guess all we need to wait is CAPCOM's official announcement, right? Seeing the release pattern (Ed on May 30th, Abigail on July 25th, Menat on August 29th), we can probably expect this last Season 2 character to arrive later this month, if not late October. So tell me, are you excited about Zeku?
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michellelewis7162 · 4 years
Opting For An Advertising Agency
Opting For An Advertising Agency
 No concern exactly how great your item or even the service you are providing is actually, it will certainly not accumulate the account it deserves unless it stands up out among its own competitors in the market place. Actually, a great marketing project may be such a boon to your organisation that possessing the right marketing company working with you can create all the difference between success as well as failure. Thus, it is actually beneficial investing a long time examining a number of agencies in order to pick one that matches your company needs best. So as to perform this it is a great suggestion to identify specifically what sort of marketing you need. Listed here are a couple of locations to look at: Top Promotional Agencies
 Whether you are actually finding a total re-branding of your picture or even concentrating on specific areas. Similarly, whether you wish to produce changes to actually effectively set up products as well as services or even produce a motto or even logo for brand-new companies. Issues like the dimension and also lineage of the firm play a component listed below, as a large organization may be better furnished to generate an entirely brand-new photo for you while a much younger, much smaller firm could have even more innovative ideas for a new item launch Top Promotional Agencies.
Make a decision whether you are actually hoping to branch out into a new market or even create more significant understanding in an existing market. You might, for example, would like to attract a more youthful or even much more stylish reader or feel your existing market allotment can be improved in places where you have actually typically prospered. In either scenario it costs reviewing the advertising and marketing companies expertise of operating in your specific field as well as whether the agency has the ample variety of get in touches with to become capable to reach your viewers. If you are actually hoping to raise individual awareness of a new variety of cleansing soaps, state, will the firms adventure of launching a wholescale advocate a restroom right business have any type of relevance? What benefit one audience may certainly not necessarily benefit an additional, therefore talk to concerns regarding what type of campaign satisfies your item and also attempt to determine whether you are actually offered universal solutions or even your particular needs are actually taken into account United States.
Determine whether it is the web content or the kind of your marketing that demands interest. To put it simply, are you attempting to establish certain affiliations for your services or products so they end up being promptly recognisable to individuals? Or even perform you really feel the networks by which your information is actually being actually relayed are actually insufficient as well as require strengthening? It is actually no really good employing an advertising and marketing firm fizzling along with excellent ideas yet without the structure to be actually capable to execute them.
The above factors need to assist you pinpoint which solutions you prefer the advertising and marketing agency to carry out. Unavoidably, various companies will definitely possess various advantages and also weak spots, so pay out very close attention to just how much experience they have of the type of marketing you prefer done and the volume of success they have had in similar initiatives over the last Top Promotional Agencies.
 It is actually regularly a good tip to keep your eyes open for projects that wow you and call the advertising division of the company to inquire that handled their project and also what it resembled teaming up with them. Equally, inquire ex-clients of marketing agencies you are particularly thinking about what their experience of dealing with the company was. Was actually the company proactive as well as performed it modify the project to satisfy details requirements, or was actually there an impact that the company supplied standard common answers to particular troubles?
 When you have narrowed your hunt up to two or even 3 advertising agencies, there are actually an amount of additional details concerns to take into consideration:
 1. Identify who will supervise of your account and also set up whether the profile supervisor are going to remain with you for the period of the campaign or even an extra junior profile supervisor are going to manage once the project is actually up and also operating. Preferably you would like to be dealing with the very same staff throughout.
 2. Establish how often the profile supervisor will definitely provide you updates concerning the progression of the initiative, featuring the prices acquired and also any type of consumer comments received. Prior to the project also begins ensure that there are no concealed costs and also there is a device in location to identify exactly how the campaign is going Top Promotional Agencies.
 3. It is an excellent suggestion to ask the possible marketing agency to make a trial campaign to establish just how properly you interact, what method the firm observes, exactly how carefully it pays attention to your demands and how positive it is actually. As an example, assess exactly how the organization will deal with the option of dealing with specific consumer advertisings and commitment schemes that would give your provider a lot more character, or request that they develop a purchases method for among your most up-to-date products United States.
 The moment you have actually taken the measures laid out in this write-up you ought to have a much better idea of the type of marketing organization that is actually suited for your sort of campaign. All that stays today is to become attentive when preparing an arrangement concerning what you are actually obtaining as well as what you are actually not and also whether the regards to settlement feature any kind of functionality promises. The finest of good fortune, as well as heres hoping you select an advertising and marketing company you may possess a lengthy and productive partnership with.
 How to Find the Best Digital Marketing Agency
 If you want to find the best electronic marketing firm, initially, our company need to know "what is electronic advertising and marketing", "will electronic advertising perk your company" and respond to the question "exactly how perform I obtain additional leads for my organisation?" - which must be actually the objective of any sort of marketing United States.
 What is actually a Digital Marketing Agency?
The dictionary meaning of Digital advertising and marketing is the marketing of services or products making use of digital technologies, mostly online, however also consisting of cellular phones, show advertising, and also some other electronic channel. Thus straightforward to sum up in one sentence, yet it could be a complicated procedure to receive right as well as to make certain that each one of your electronic advertising and marketing is actually interacting, certainly not as silo activities. This is where the competence as well as adventure of the most ideal electronic advertising and marketing companies can easily be widely advantageous.
 Standard advertising, newspapers as well as paper directories, including Yellow Pages, are actually increasingly much less reliable for companies. Whilst a couple of years ago folks would certainly visit a personal computer to hunt for a product or solution, nowadays individuals are actually connected to the net all the time, each day and also "live online". Seeming for information, a product and services is actually as simple and straightforward as searching on a laptop computer or computer system at work or even deciding on up their mobile phone telephone or even tablet. Digital marketing focuses on acquiring your information, services and products facing folks when they are actually appearing online. The finest digital agencies understand the purchasing process of your items as well as services and also ensure that your info projects to the potential customer at the appropriate time. In the digital advertising and marketing world, the a variety of stages of the purchasing method i.e. research, consideration as well as acquisition are actually gotten in touch with "micro-moments" and also the finest electronic advertising company will definitely show the relevant info, product or service at the targeted attend the purchasing method Top Promotional Agencies.
 Whilst some digital advertising and marketing companies will also produce as well as deal with standard advertising and marketing or company marketing, such as paper marketing, specialist digital advertising and marketing agencies will certainly focus on on-line advertising as opposed to "advertising and marketing companies" that typically focus on TV, radio and also print advertising and marketing Top Promotional Agencies.
 No matter if your service is actually business-to-business (B2B) or even business-to-consumer (B2C), digital advertising may be a fast, commonly instantaneous, as well as trustworthy technique of obtaining introduces your company and also driving up income. The best electronic advertising organizations will handle every one of the electronic advertising and marketing based on roi (ROI) ensuring the tops produced go to a price that creates company sense and enhances income amounts. Digital advertising and marketing will help your company and answers the question "exactly how perform I get more tops for my company"?
 Digital advertising, in some cases described as internet site marketing, can easily be actually broken right into a variety of necessary attributes and also services:
 SEO Services
Online search engine optimisation, most commonly abbreviated to "SEO", is the process of getting your site located on online search engine like Google when folks make a hunt applicable to your service, services or even items United States.
 Irrespective if your website is e-Commerce or even selling companies it are going to drive leads and also purchases into your company if it is located for the search terms people utilize (usually described as "keyword phrases") to seek them in Google.
 SEO demands expertise as well as understanding of just how Google reads your internet site. What messages and info you prefer Google to go through for a page or even internet site and also knowing where to place that relevant information so hunt motors can easily find it. A great SEO business are going to possess a tested record of ranking sites high in the search results page Top Promotional Agencies.
 SEO works greatest when the established strategies of obtaining ranks are actually administered together with most current patterns that are driving web traffic. An instance of this particular is the "near me" phenomenon, which has found a 150% growth in the last 12 months, where smart phone users are actually including "near me" to their hunt question i.e. "SEO Company near me". These clients are actually wanting to acquire and purchase from a regional product or service distributor.
 Although SEO could be a stand-alone company, it is most reliable when incorporated with PPC, social networking sites as well as track record advertising. Search Engine Optimisation is actually additionally the cornerstone of successful PPC, social networking sites and reputation control projects United States.
Ppc (PPC) usually described as "Google Advertising" or even "internet advertising" is where you position adverts on top of the search results page for details search terms. These hunt conditions could be the terms people utilize when in the "research" stage of buying or targeted at the "buying keyword phrases" when possible consumers are seeking to purchase Top Promotional Agencies.
 Although your advert, depending upon your budget plan, may be presented every opportunity a hunt is actually made, you merely pay for when a world wide web customer clicks your advert and is taken to your website or contacts you point coming from the search results web page definition you just pay when you receive a click from a prospective customer hence the name for this form of advertising and marketing of Pay Per Click (frequently shortened to PPC).
 Just how much you purchase each hit is actually calculated by a couple of variables. The "expense per click on" (abbreviated to CPC) is calculated by the top quality and relevancy of the advert to the search condition being actually made use of and the significance of the webpage on your internet site that the prospective client come down on. These elements result in your general "high quality rating". The greater your high quality rating, the a lot less you pay out every click on and also a lot less you pay for per lead right into your business Los Angeles.
 In the UK, Google possesses the huge bulk of hunt website traffic as well as the majority of your budget ought to be actually positioned their, nevertheless, you will definitely not wish to skip the smaller, however, still sizable ability for clients from hunt engines like Microsoft's Bing platform, as well as a little portion of the budget plan must be alloted to other search engines. Additionally, the greatest PPC control business will definitely also discuss spreading your PPC budget plan over an amount of campaigns focused on various component of the customer journey. A little component of the budget plan ought to be actually designated to the investigation phase of the getting procedure when individuals are actually making use of wide hunt terms to find details, a tiny aspect of the budget when individuals are hunting for your own, your competitors or market forerunners provider label. Most of the finances when possible clients are actually using search conditions straight related to creating an acquisition as well as last but not least, a little portion of the finances to re-market (reveal your advertising and marketing to people who have actually shown an interest in your product or services by exploring your internet site) to capture and also increase sales coming from the clients formerly advertised too Top Promotional Agencies.
 The very best PPC Agency will certainly be actually a Google Premier Partner. A Google Premier Partner standing indicates that the provider has an effective keep track of document in supplying high-quality projects, which generate excellent competitive/low CPC's and also provide higher as well as beneficial ROI's. The finest PPC agency will have a robust PPC administration procedure in area to promptly react as well as capitalise on modifications in the PPC projects of your rivals.
 Unlike SEO, that can take a while to become entirely efficient, Pay Per Click is quick in the truth that as quickly as your initiatives are real-time they could be producing leads for your service.
 PPC is very efficient when performed in unison along with SEO. A well-optimised internet site will strengthen the premium rating of your Google marketing campaign leading to a decreased "price every click on" indicating you receive even more tops for your finances Top Promotional Agencies.
 Social Network Marketing
Social Media platforms like Facebook and also Twitter are actually currently legitimate areas for an organisation to attract tops. Facebook has more than 38 MILLION active and also normal consumers in the UK and also the amount is actually anticipated to rise to over 42 MILLION by 2020. Irrespective if your organisation markets to individuals or various other businesses, your potential customers get on Facebook and using it usually Los Angeles.
 Facebook is actually excellent at raising understanding during the customers "research" stage, reminding all of them of your solutions or items in the course of the "factor" phase and also putting your specific products facing prospective clients at the "buying" stage. With such a huge viewers and also the flexibility to target consumers throughout the purchasing process, Facebook may be a really good opportunity to produce tops and also purchases and also to deliver a wonderful roi.
 A great digital advertising and marketing organization will definitely possess an established performance history in supplying highly efficient Facebook marketing campaign. The best electronic advertising and marketing organizations will certainly have the ability to show the sale rate and also expense every top of your social networks advertising and marketing.
 Once more, social networks marketing and especially Facebook advertising could be accomplished as a stand-alone activity having said that it operates a great deal far better when integrated along with SEO and/or PPC. When a potential consumer visits your web site their computer system is marked as having actually gone to. This after that permits you to target the individual of that computer system, who has revealed a rate of interest in your services or products.
 Credibility and reputation Management
When taking into consideration creating a purchase, a potential consumer will definitely scour the world wide web to discover reviews and evaluates from previous clients. Your on-line marketing as well as purchases can stay or even perish due to the customer reviews for your organisation, product or services. Making sure that positive customer reviews are simple to locate as well as that any bad responses is actually handled well, can easily be a large benefit to your transformation rate Los Angeles.
 Digital advertising and marketing providers contact this "track record management" or "on the web image control" having said that, essentially, it is actually creating systems to create consumer reviews and client responses ensuing favorable customer total satisfaction is caught as well as simple to locate for potential customers.
 Several companies are worried about enabling the public the potential to freely offer feedback. You can not please all of individuals each of the time, and also companies fret that a bad assessment will definitely have a bad effect on their business. First of all, if a person is figured out to leave behind a negative customer review for your organisation they will certainly discover a system to carry out therefore and also there are actually 1000's of platforms to decide on coming from. It is actually far better to have control of where clients are actually promoted to leave behind a testimonial. Second of all, an inadequate or even poor review, if handled properly, can be a beneficial for your service. Involving along with a negative assessment highlights that you look after concerning feedback as well as consequently, you respect your customers. One properly dealt with negative evaluation may be as suitable for your organisation 10 excellent customer reviews Los Angeles.
 Looking for a Marketing Agency?
 Choosing a Marketing Agency is actually an excellent procedure to deliver your company to the upcoming amount, however locating the right advertising company that will do all the essential job and also deliver you more consumers may be challenging. And before you surrender your challenging made money to the 1st agency that arrives your technique, you must consider a few traits.
 The Internet has now raised a whole lot additionally than it was actually before as well as altered the way of living of numerous people in several methods. Having said that today's reputable experts state that this is simply the begin of its own growth. They assert that nowadays the on-line world is so much more vital for our team than numerous other channels, in addition that are going to influence our lifestyles in a few additional directions in the nearby future. For instance, located on brand new investigation data, the bulk have actually already transformed towards the internet web to analyze and also study rather than going to the public library. In the same method, the future of the newspapers additionally shows up to be closed given that increasingly more folks are presently using the Internet to receive the most recent information.
 The TELEVISION is actually upcoming toward to the Internet equally. Much more TELEVISION shows together with sporting activities happenings are actually right now transmitted on the net as well as additional people are investing less opportunity seeing tv. As a result of that, even the FIFA World Cup 2010, was relayed on the Internet.
 For that reason if you manage a small company or even a large business, as well as if you wish to acquire more leads as well as consumers, it is actually essential to possess a convincing web existence. Extra businesses are catching up and also understand this, to make sure that is actually why, a more and more volume of business owners are using the solutions of a marketing organization.
 Therefore how can A Marketing Agency be actually helpful for your details business design?
 What an advertising and marketing agency performs, is exploring and evaluating the marketplace in-depth details for the client's field, for this reason the company can generate great marketing initiative. The purpose of that is the customer's products and also solutions to get to the prospective customers. Nevertheless locating the right marketing firm may be difficult. While a typical company utilizes the regular marketing techniques like newspaper adds, TV commercials, magazines and billboards, an internet marketing organization will definitely ensure the customer's business online. And to accomplish that it is very significant that the firm possesses effectively experienced team that has mastered the hunt motors, partner marketing, SEO, PPC, short article marketing, email advertising and marketing and lots of various other methods.
 The advertising and marketing agency, as a part of advertising as well as industrying the customer's web site, might design and adjust the internet site too. In this manner it will definitely see to it that the web site is certainly not simply captivating yet that will definitely carry even more leads as well as clients.
 Likewise identical to a traditional agency, the purpose of an internet marketing company can label your business and also the items, not merely promote and also market your business. As well as naturally, this is actually done completely on the internet.
 Therefore Would You Hire A Marketing Agency?
 This is actually the best usual concern that lots of businessmen ask personal pretty usually due to the fact that they are baffled. Remembering the massive potential of advertising and marketing on the net, bunches of services agree to examine the typical means of marketing and have developed a major visibility online along with the support of a marketing organization.
 Additionally several small business owner have actually chosen to take factors in their own hands as well as advertise their services and products online, however unfortunately a lot of fail coming from the shortage of expertise.
 Regardless the reality stays that, a growing number of individuals are actually using the Internet as their major resource for details, headlines, songs, enjoying sports events however more crucial seeking product or services they need to have.
 Choosing the most effective Digital Marketing Agency
 It is necessary that you opt for the most ideal electronic marketing firm due to the fact that they are actually required to assist you acquire direct exposure and existence on the net for your business. When selecting one you should pursue one that is actually local and is located near where your company lies. By performing this you will certainly spare effort and opportunity traveling to the advertising and marketing agency. It will definitely also be quick and easy to interact quicker and also simpler rather of incorporating confusion to your instructions by utilizing email or even the phone. Along with the grow older of the web, it is very important that the electronic marketing agency you pick is experienced.
 Just before consulting with prospective web marketing provider, you need to specify your objectives as well as crucial outcome regions that you will as if for the marketing agency to work with. Create a short checklist of 4 or even more excellent companies and require a face to face examination to discuss your listing with thus you can observe how they will address your concerns and if they can easily offer you the key outcomes you wish. After the appointments, carry out an evaluation of the offerings and also functionalities each of these agencies along with your company's spending plan as well as marketing targets. Once this is actually done you ought to be able to select the agency that greatest suits your needs. The majority of organizations when trying to find a digital advertising agency are actually trying to find an organization that is going to offer you social media marketing, mobile advertising, SEM, making a weblog, SEO and so much more.
 Here are actually some various other tips to aid you choose the appropriate electronic advertising and marketing company.
 - Experience-when you choose a digital advertising agency, they should possess a substantial volume of experience in this field.
- Look to see if this advertising and marketing organization has actually implemented productive advertising methods for a company in a market identical to your own.
- You ought to also consider the premium of each agencies work just before you wrap up the deal
- You need to check out the workers of the business to find their qualifications and experience since you desire your firm in good hands.
- Look carefully at the deal of companies this company is actually supplying. Often times, they are going to offer the appropriate site style, mobile and email internet answers, on the internet advertising, SEO and also SEM, copy and information creating and also additional.
- Checkout their site, social networking sites webpages, and the blog as well as view how they have executed their marketing culture. Find that whatever is improved.
- Check out the track record of the digital marking organization you are considering permit deal with the majority of the case.
 These are just some of many points to look at prior to employing a digital advertising agency. Take your opportunity to find out about the companies you are actually thinking about choosing just before creating the decision.
0 notes
Podcast: How to Make the Transition to Adulthood Easier

The transition from youth to adult is a difficult one for most people, filled with unexpected events and changes that we are ill-prepared for. Many find themselves seriously lacking not only the life skills needed, but also the psychological and emotional tools that would make this huge change easier. Our guest this week explains how we can use mindfulness to develop these tools and make adulting much less intimidating.
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About Our Guest
Lara Fielding is a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles, and an adjunct professor at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology. She works to empower young adults to promote their mental health resilience. She guides her clients and students to identify what they truly care about, and teaches them the skills they need to manage the discomfort that comes along the way. She is the author of Mastering Adulthood: Go Beyond Adulting to Become an Emotional Grown-up, a first of its kind, multi-media, self-help book, with QR code-linked experiential skills practices.
IG: mindful_mastery
Narrator 1: Welcome to the Psych Central show, where each episode presents an in-depth look at issues from the field of psychology and mental health –  with host Gabe Howard and co-host Vincent M. Wales.
Gabe Howard: Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s episode of the Psych Central Show podcast. My name is Gabe Howard and with me as always is Vincent M. Wales. And today, Vince and I will be talking to Dr. Lara Fielding, a clinical psychologist who writes a very popular Psych Central blog aimed at helping millennials use mindfulness and self-care skills to promote their mental health and manage the stress of transitioning into adulthood. Lara, welcome to the show.
Lara Fielding: Oh thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited. I just love your show and can’t support the message of getting psychology and evidence based practices and the knowledge that we carry out to as many people as possible. So thank you for building the show and having me on it.
Vincent M. Wales: Happy to have you. And I want to say right off the bat that I wish your blog existed when I was young because I could have used that kind of guidance.
Lara Fielding: Thank you.
Gabe Howard: Vin, computers didn’t exist when you were young. They didn’t exist when I was young.
Vincent M. Wales: I know where you live. I will never visit. But I could mail something very bad to you.
Gabe Howard: That is, that is very fair. But you are right. There was not a lot of talk about transitioning into adulthood when we were younger. It was just sort of something that we were supposed to gather on our own.
Vincent M. Wales: Yes. Schools didn’t teach what we would call life skills.
Lara Fielding: Right?
Gabe Howard: I mean they had Home Ec…
Vincent M. Wales: Yeah but that was so limited to…
Lara Fielding: Sewing.
Vincent M. Wales: Yeah.
Gabe Howard: And depending on the school it could have been designed just for women. I mean it taught cooking and sewing. It didn’t teach me how to balance a checkbook. So Lara, our first question for you is what gave you the idea for this aside from the fact that it’s a very very good one?
Lara Fielding: Thank you. I’m glad you agree. It came twofold, from my own personal experience as well as from current life conditions that young people are growing up in. I actually started my adult teen adventures at 15 and when I took off on my own on the road I saw a lot of the people around me that I loved and cared for, in particular my sister, making choices or reacting to the stressors of the environment in ways that were not helpful. So judge them however you might be if they didn’t lead to good outcomes in their mental health and their overall life coping and success as an adult. And then I saw what was happening in our current road conditions as I call them in the road of adulting where, you know as you know, young people are coming of age in a time where everything they do is being observed. We know from a from a long history of psychological experiments that when we do something in the presence of others that we’re just learning how to do, we’re more likely to kind of mess it up. Whereas when we’re very good at something we do it in the presence of others then we’ll excel at it and get better at it. So they have heightened social comparison from the internet and digital access. They have higher hurdles to overcome than we did in our time. And just what was showing up in my office was not as I thought would show up. I thought I would see all these stories of trauma and difficulties growing up. What I saw with kids that supposedly should be doing OK really struggling and having a hard time. That’s when I started to delve in a little bit to what’s going on. And yes when I started the blog I said it was aimed at millennials but I think millennials are a little bit aging out now. It’s really just to anyone who is in that transition, either it’s going off to college or finishing up college and starting a new job or entering a marriage and family. It is all of those adulting, major adulting transitions that can create stress and challenge in our lives. And that’s why I wrote the book. I wrote the book because I couldn’t help the people I loved and I couldn’t help my sister and because I thought that these same challenges were sort of showing up for young people today.
Vincent M. Wales: We should probably clarify, since you mentioned all these young people that you’re associating with, Dr. Fielding is a an adjunct professor at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education &  Psychology, hence all of the young people in her life.
Lara Fielding: And in my also in my private practice. My private practice was located right next to UCLA. I was also supervising at the time at UCLA. So yes, I had a lot of referrals for college age or graduate school age. I was teaching the graduate school and I was seeing more college age in my private practice. Exactly.
Vincent M. Wales: Now you mentioned being surprised by some of the things that these young people were struggling with. Can you share like one or two of the biggies that you see all the time now?
Lara Fielding: Definitely. When I would start to explore with my clients well what what was going on and something familiar there with your family with your friends? What I would hear over and over again was that my parents like my best friends. I check in with them every single day. I can text them, I take them multiple times per day or are they’re on the phone with me and they walk me through everything. So that was one thing that I was curious about at first and what that signaled, what that parent interaction element signaled, was lowered distress tolerance. So we know a lot from the research that reassurance thinking is actually a symptom of a lot of diagnoses like obsessive compulsive disorder. But a lot of other ones, depression and anxiety, as well. And when parents are always there and again by proxy the cell phone and digital media is always there as a source of reassurance seeking, there becomes less opportunity for learned distress tolerance to see that you can sit with the discomfort and the wave will come and go. So that was one of the primary themes that started to show up. You know I also specialize in dialectical behavioral therapy which was developed for borderline personality disorder. Even with really difficult problems with emotion dysregulation, you can see that the environment that they grew up in or their programming as I call it isn’t necessarily from bad things happening. It’s just from the parents constantly trying to help them fix their difficult emotions or growing up. Even the schools actually were quite guilty of this when we had our self-esteem program that everyone got a trophy and no one was allowed to feel bad. And this isn’t just me, there’s a lot of data to back this up. So that’s sort of the theme that I’ve seen showing up. That doesn’t mean that a lot of people don’t experience a lot of difficulties with emotion regulation and transitioning into adulthood for more traditional reasons of difficulty in their upbringing. Does that answer the question?
Vincent M. Wales: Yeah it does. And it’s interesting because when you were talking about that, it just reminded me of another situation that we have in our society these days, which is parents who refused to expose their children to germs without realizing that they need to because that’s what develops your immune system.
Lara Fielding: Yes it’s exactly the same thing.
Gabe Howard: Lara thank you. I want to jump in on something that you said about you know nobody’s allowed to feel bad and everybody gets a trophy and everybody gets to feel like a winner. And on one hand it’s like how could that go wrong? How could everybody feeling like a winner go wrong? And the answer is because while everybody was learning how to win, nobody learned how to lose.
Lara Fielding: Exactly.
Gabe Howard: And there is important and valuable lessons in losing. I’ll be the first to admit I hate to be wrong. I hate to lose. And I don’t like it when I don’t get my way. But thankfully I don’t always get my way. I can admit when I’m wrong and I know how to manage loss. And one of the most important skills for me, and I want you to talk on this because I know that you have great information about this, a loss isn’t just a loss – it’s also a learning experience, it’s an opportunity to gather data and get closer to “winning.” Can you speak on that for a moment?
Lara Fielding: Ok. There’s actually two things that come to mind regarding experiencing a loss. A loss is a message that needs tending to. Right. So if we pretend that it wasn’t a loss, then we lose the message there. I actually remember an interview after a political campaign where someone asked the Republican candidate what he learned from his loss. And I remember him saying, well nothing. From that day on, I was like really? Really? So yes we have to learn: a) you have a cognitive or a thinking change that happens we have a lot to learn. Oh that doesn’t work. Don’t try that again. But you also have the emotional part right? What most people don’t realize and the effort of my book is to teach that our emotions have a purpose and that purpose is important information about what – I mean, to be obvious -what you care deeply about. And what you care deeply about is the direction you want to build your life around. So if you get sort of very good or you’re raised in a way that avoids, suppresses, denies or otherwise minimizes your emotional experience related to those losses, then you’re really going to lose connection to that self, part of you that really does know why you’re on the planet and knows why you care about things beyond just the reasons other people tell us. So I would hope that directly answers your question. But those losses are not only important learned or cognitive lessons but their emotional practice and connection to what we care deeply about.
Gabe Howard: And of course if we don’t acknowledge that we lost, we can’t move forward. We go back to your politician analogy, it’s like what did you learn from your loss? And I would venture to guess that there is probably some larger story that that person would tell their friends and families about. Well I didn’t really lose, the third party candidates stole all my votes, voter turnout was very low. And I understand the desire to do this. I have to push those desires down as well. But when you don’t admit that you lost fair and square, you don’t know how to fix it.
Lara Fielding: Exactly.
Gabe Howard: I think that there are many young people coming of age right now who, anytime they mess up, somebody else fixes it for them. And of course the danger in that is all of the people who are fixing it for them? See, they learned how to fix it. And now they’re not passing that onto the next generation. Now I don’t want to turn this into like a bashing session on how all parents are hobbling their children, because that’s not fair either. So let’s change the focus to when you see your child -because most of our listeners are going to really relate to the parent aspect of this – when you see your child failing and they’re sad and they’re upset and every fiber of your being is saying run in there and fix it, what’s the benefit in sitting back and saying you know what I’m going to sit this one out?
Lara Fielding: I might not even say that might be an all or nothing right. Say I’m going to go in there and fix it versus I’m out. And I love that you ask that question because it’s so important because really the message of being effective with our emotional experience, being nuanced, being flexible is one of interest that so between us so a parent and a child or a couple and interact. And how do we relate to our emotions. So it’s all about how do we relate to our emotions and take those lessons as signals and guideposts, just like we made the biological example earlier, just like we might listen to symptoms of a cold or symptoms from our body. So the answer there is the most effective thing for a parent to do is to very simply validate the child’s experience. Now the how of validating is what is so wonderful about the mindfulness based evidence for treatments like CBT and ACT and my implicit cognitive behavioral therapy is the role of the parent or the partner or yourself to yourself is to first start by labeling that emotion. There is all kinds of wonderful research that shows the wonderful impact of simply finding the just right word for your emotional experience which activates the orbital prefrontal cortex the down right appeal like the amygdala. I know that a lot of psychobabble, but it pushes home the biological point that just finds the word of emotional experience and then tell them that it’s OK to have it. When we’re when we’re around 18 months to two years old, we’re learning to regulate our emotions when a parent looks at little Johnny who just spoke as ice cream and has this loss as – she looks him in the eye and says, Johnny… did you lose your ice cream? Are you sad? Yeah. And she makes like a cartoon-like response mirroring his experience and what Johnny learns is this is what sadness feels like. Mommy still loves me. I’m OK when I feel sadness. I’m still lovable and it will pass and it’s a normal part of my human experience. And that process, that mirroring process, literally helps children. Wire that neurological relationship I just described as the orbital prefrontal cortex to the amygdala. So we want to continue that and in those moment to moment interactions. If you have a partner who is prone to strong emotions, you know reassuring them or problem solving for them isn’t helping them, but helping them to learn to validate and know that they’re OK even in the face of those emotions – that’s a gift.
Gabe Howard: Give us one moment for our sponsor and then we will be right back.
Narrator 2: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp.com, secure, convenient and affordable online counselling. All counselors are licensed, accredited professionals. Anything you share is confidential. Schedule secure video or phone sessions, plus chat and text with your therapist whenever you feel it’s needed. A month of online therapy often costs less than a single traditional face-to-face session. Go to BetterHelp.com/PsychCentral and experience seven days of free therapy to see if online counselling is right for you. BetterHelp.com/PsychCentral.
Vincent M. Wales: Welcome back everyone. We’re discussing mindfulness and self-care skills with Dr. Lara Fielding. Now I’m sure that in all of the teaching that you’ve done and all that, you’ve probably got a handful of items in your toolbox that anybody – our listeners, me and Gabe – can use to you know help us.
Lara Fielding: I hope!
Vincent M. Wales: What do you got for us?
Lara Fielding: So the theme of my teaching, broadly, and my book and my efforts to lower barriers to getting these effective tools is all built out around three simple steps. Let me say that there’s two parts, there’s first the self-awareness piece, the part of recognizing how your unique history and programming is showing up in your life, in your life patterns, based on the universal you, which is how we’re all wired. We’re all wired in a similar way. And in my writings and in my work I talk about the mind body vehicle – that machine that you feel yourself living in – that body where you feel your bottom in the chair right now… maybe you have headphones on, you could feel physical sensations. Right now you’re hearing the sound of my voice from inside your vehicle. And like all vehicles, there’s a lot of variability, but all vehicles have a steering wheel, tires, and an engine. Similarly, human beings all have action tendency emotions and thoughts, so emotions thoughts actions – I call that the ETA of your emotional higher hardwiring or the ETA of your a mind body vehicle. And here’s what people can take away from that. There’s a special way that you need to work with each piece of your experience. Well there’s only one of those that is directly in our control to change. Can you guess which one it is of our emotions thoughts and actions which one in our control?
Gabe Howard: I’m gonna go with actions, we can control our actions.
Lara Fielding: Exactly.
Vincent M. Wales: Reactions.
Lara Fielding: Exactly exactly exactly. And that’s the critical piece because so often you hear, Calm down, don’t feel that way, don’t worry. And then I can list you all the research that shows what happens when you actually try not to think. We could try it together. Ready? Let’s all not think about a banana. And what happened?
Gabe Howard: Banana.
Lara Fielding: You got bananas.
Vincent M. Wales: Banana banana.
Gabe Howard: Yeah, now I want banana bread, banana splits…
Lara Fielding: Yeah right. Because of this paired associations our minds make, the more you try not to think about it, the more you’ll be stuck with it. So what I teach people how to do is how to work with the paradox of our emotion regulation system rather than trying to control our emotions and thoughts, which causes discomfort. We control the behavior to enter into the system and turn the spinning system the other way when we’re having one of our spirals of frustration or sadness or anxiety or loss or whatever. So it it’s almost like I describe it like you’re standing on a surfboard on a bowling ball. You have to sometime there are places we have to lean in with acceptance and willingness and I’m going to feel this. And there it is. And then you have to change your behavior to pull up and so you kind of have to do the seesaw thing. And here’s the basic prescription and I give you the answer to the whole enchilada right here. I call it the Mindfulness Macarena. This is this tip of the iceberg with a lot of that could be dug down deep into, but it goes like this. And if you have your hands free right now, you can do it on your own. You’re putting both hands on your chest sort of in a compassion self compassion pose. You validate the emotion, then fingers up onto your temples, check your thoughts for accuracy and keep them in check. Is your thought 100 percent true? And redirecting your attention and focus to the present moment and last, using double barrel finger gun, change your behavior.  So it’s validate, check, change. Validate, check, change. That’s the prescription when you feel like you’re losing your mental footing and when you feel like stress is getting to… that’s how you check in with yourself in an effective way.
Gabe Howard: So obviously we’re listening to this podcast and we’re considering it. And you know you’re not around when this is happening, but you have taught this to a number of people who are in the room with you and I imagine that after you teach us, they have a question. What is the number one question that you’re asked. Because I have to imagine that our listeners they’re doing this and they’re thinking X, and I’m not sure what that is, but I bet you know.
Lara Fielding: I do. Usually when I’m working with people we’re working for a significant amount of time. The very first few weeks is doing that assessment of what is my unique programming that’s showing up in my mind body vehicle? And the way I do that is with a form I call the dashboard form, or on the back end of my website it’s an online form, that helps them start to recognize the pattern. It’s amazing how fast this goes to show up. This dashboard form is basically in this moment right now, if you were doing a dashboard form, you’d say the facts are we’re on this call. You guys are sitting somewhere. I’m sitting somewhere. That we all agree upon. The rest, the other four components, are unique to each of us. What are my thoughts? What are my emotions? What are my bodily sensations? And what is my impulse right now? So I have them complete those for a while and that is actually a very simple way of doing what we call a functional analysis. We basically are identifying their pattern. Then from that I work with clients to help them find what don’t you want to feel? What is it when you reach for the extra cookies, when you scream at your husband or girlfriend, when you don’t do the project you need to work on? When you’re doing that thing you do – which is the title of the blog that I’m working on right now on Psych Central, called That Thing You Do – which tells a lot of stories of fictional cases where there’s a thing they do and then we unpack it. So that’s what I help people do, I help them unpack that thing. And so the question I get asked all the time is how do I validate my emotions? How can I check my thoughts? How can I control my behavior? And that’s what I help people do by getting into the weeds of where is that thing you don’t want to feel, because that’s when you see a behavior that you want changed, that there’s something that that behavior serves to avoid or control. Does that make sense? Is that clear enough?
Vincent M. Wales: Yeah.
Gabe Howard: It does yeah. Yeah. I mean it’s complicated but it’s not. And I think that’s the best kind of thing to learn. It really is just teaching you to stop and think and then giving you direction on what to think about rather than just being reactionary.
Lara Fielding: 100 percent. Non reactivity is the basic prescription. It’s non reactivity. So if you’re very dysregulated right, there are little tricks that we’ve learned from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy like go to the icebox, grab some ice or frozen peas, put them up on your forehead, hold your breath for 30 seconds because that will initiate the dive reflex. That means that your mind does not have time to ruminate and do all the things that are contributing to your dysregulation. So we have some extremes that hack into the biology that way, but really what the nuance and superpower skill here that we’re after is professionals call it psychological flexibility. What I teach people how to do is add a skill called Bring It On. Once you’ve labeled and identified and validated that emotion, I have a couple of recorded exercises with videos in the book where it actually walks you through like, OK what is it that’s really bothering me right now. And just literally willing yourself to invite in the tension, the worry, and not ruminate on it. It’s a very different mechanism. And so when you practice this new way, it’s a bit opposite to what your programmed to do. That’s why it’s so hard. You’re programmed to react, to get righteously indignant, to start thinking and separating. That’s how humans are programmed. Unfortunately our biological programming from an evolutionary standpoint doesn’t really work today because we’re perceiving all kinds of things as dire threats and we need to override that autopilot. So teaching people how to dive into this open willingness toward feeling the feelings that they don’t want to feel. So, recipe: identify what it is you don’t want to feel that is leading to you doing the thing you do and then practice opening with your arms open and your chest and shoulders open and literally saying Bring It On. I got this. And over and over again I get reports from clients, when I asked him at the end, OK. How do you feel now? They look at me, shocked, like, huh, I feel better. So it’s a paradox of the willingness to feel uncomfortable will make you more comfortable. Or like Steven Hayes in acceptance and commitment therapy say, it’s balancing feeling better with getting better at feeling.
Vincent M. Wales: It reminds me a lot of pushing your own boundaries. You’re in your comfort zone, expanding your comfort zone in order to just have a bigger one, so that you’re not all anxious all the time like some of us are.
Lara Fielding: Yeah yeah.
Vincent M. Wales: In your work with the millennials that you’re doing, are they going to grow out of this issue, are they are they going to be crippled by the social media dependence that they have or what’s going to happen?
Lara Fielding: You know it’s interesting. I was talking to someone the other day and they’re like, it’s going to be all right, right? And my reaction my response was, yes because you’re going to make it all right. It’s really… my deepest desire is to empower people. The biggest hurdle to this empowerment is the willingness of people to take ownership and responsibility. And I think the most challenging, controversial, and the biggest hurdle we have is, can we take ownership without and let go of blame. Right it’s not your parent. We don’t need to blame your parents. It’s the problem being stuck in needing someone to blame. Right. So are they going to be OK. I think that once we take on a) an idea that we’re all in the human soup together and things may be unskillful or ineffective. But they’re just human. We could drop all that judgment to ourselves and others and then choosing like OK I totally want to lose my stuff on someone right now and I’m going to choose to be effective over being right. No I don’t think that millennials or Gen Z’s are ruined at all. I think they have extra challenges in the environment today because there’s so many delicious ways to distract yourself by ordering food or drugs or distracting away on social media. If so many tools that tie in to our evolutionarily hardwired predisposition that it takes more mental hygiene. Just as, you know, 60 or 70 years ago, we started exercising because we were at our desks more. It requires more mental hygiene and more practices and more mindfulness than it ever has before.
Gabe Howard: I really appreciate that answer. Thank you so much. So my final question is where could listeners find you on social media. I know we just we just we just talked about maybe they should spend less time on social media…
Vincent M. Wales: You’re empowering them now.
Gabe Howard: Right now I’m empowering them… Seriously, where can listeners find you on social media online and where can they find more information about the skills that you teach.
Lara Fielding: Thanks for asking. It is it is a paradox isn’t it. And I thought about that when I was writing my book, Mastering Adulthood: go beyond adulting to become an emotional grownup. And it’s about quality right and versus quantity online. They can find me certainly at my Web site which is mindful-mastery.com. And on the Web site I’m going to be loading all the videos from the book that show and walk you through the steps you need to more skillfully regulate emotions, not to mention identify what you do care deeply about. We have some exercises to do that. And then they can write me comments and questions so I can engage with them there. And of course on Psych Central they can reach me and they can find me at mindful_mastery on Instagram.
Gabe Howard: We really appreciate that. And of course to anybody listening who has a millennial or a young person in their life, a high schooler, a college student, I recognize that we are not popular with the 16 to 22 year old crowd.
Vincent M. Wales: Speak for yourself!
Lara Fielding: We’re working on it, being as hip as we can!
Vincent M. Wales:  Right.
Gabe Howard: We’re doing everything that we can but drop them a link to this episode. I think there is a lot of great information and of course the blog is really wonderful. We like all our Psych Central bloggers. We’re a great big family and we’re all experts in the fields that we choose to write in. So clearly this is a good product or you wouldn’t be here right.
Lara Fielding: Exactly.
Gabe Howard: Thank you so much for being on the show.
Lara Fielding: It’s been my absolute pleasure. And I really can’t say enough that getting these messages out to people of all ages to understand the inner workings of our mental health and really that it’s just about being human. I really love the work that you guys do. Thank you so much for having me on. Really appreciate it.
Vincent M. Wales: Well thank you.
Gabe Howard: And we really appreciate you. And thank you everyone that is tuned into this episode. And remember that you can get one week of free, convenient, affordable, private, online counseling anytime, anywhere by visiting betterhelp.com/psychcentral. We will see everybody next week.
Narrator 1: Thank you for listening to the Psych Central Show. Please rate, review, and subscribe on iTunes or wherever you found this podcast. We encourage you to share our show on social media and with friends and family. Previous episodes can be found at PsychCentral.com/show. PsychCentral.com is the internet’s oldest and largest independent mental health website. Psych Central is overseen by Dr. John Grohol, a mental health expert and one of the pioneering leaders in online mental health. Our host, Gabe Howard, is an award-winning writer and speaker who travels nationally. You can find more information on Gabe at GabeHoward.com. Our co-host, Vincent M. Wales, is a trained suicide prevention crisis counselor and author of several award-winning speculative fiction novels. You can learn more about Vincent at VincentMWales.com. If you have feedback about the show, please email [email protected].
About The Psych Central Show Podcast Hosts
Gabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar and anxiety disorders. He is also one of the co-hosts of the popular show, A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast. As a speaker, he travels nationally and is available to make your event stand out. To work with Gabe, please visit his website, gabehoward.com.
    Vincent M. Wales is a former suicide prevention counselor who lives with persistent depressive disorder. He is also the author of several award-winning novels and creator of the costumed hero, Dynamistress. Visit his websites at www.vincentmwales.com and www.dynamistress.com.
      from World of Psychology https://psychcentral.com/blog/podcast-how-to-make-the-transition-to-adulthood-easier/
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erraticfairy · 6 years
Podcast: How to Make the Transition to Adulthood Easier

The transition from youth to adult is a difficult one for most people, filled with unexpected events and changes that we are ill-prepared for. Many find themselves seriously lacking not only the life skills needed, but also the psychological and emotional tools that would make this huge change easier. Our guest this week explains how we can use mindfulness to develop these tools and make adulting much less intimidating.
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About Our Guest
Lara Fielding is a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles, and an adjunct professor at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology. She works to empower young adults to promote their mental health resilience. She guides her clients and students to identify what they truly care about, and teaches them the skills they need to manage the discomfort that comes along the way. She is the author of Mastering Adulthood: Go Beyond Adulting to Become an Emotional Grown-up, a first of its kind, multi-media, self-help book, with QR code-linked experiential skills practices.
IG: mindful_mastery
Narrator 1: Welcome to the Psych Central show, where each episode presents an in-depth look at issues from the field of psychology and mental health –  with host Gabe Howard and co-host Vincent M. Wales.
Gabe Howard: Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s episode of the Psych Central Show podcast. My name is Gabe Howard and with me as always is Vincent M. Wales. And today, Vince and I will be talking to Dr. Lara Fielding, a clinical psychologist who writes a very popular Psych Central blog aimed at helping millennials use mindfulness and self-care skills to promote their mental health and manage the stress of transitioning into adulthood. Lara, welcome to the show.
Lara Fielding: Oh thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited. I just love your show and can’t support the message of getting psychology and evidence based practices and the knowledge that we carry out to as many people as possible. So thank you for building the show and having me on it.
Vincent M. Wales: Happy to have you. And I want to say right off the bat that I wish your blog existed when I was young because I could have used that kind of guidance.
Lara Fielding: Thank you.
Gabe Howard: Vin, computers didn’t exist when you were young. They didn’t exist when I was young.
Vincent M. Wales: I know where you live. I will never visit. But I could mail something very bad to you.
Gabe Howard: That is, that is very fair. But you are right. There was not a lot of talk about transitioning into adulthood when we were younger. It was just sort of something that we were supposed to gather on our own.
Vincent M. Wales: Yes. Schools didn’t teach what we would call life skills.
Lara Fielding: Right?
Gabe Howard: I mean they had Home Ec…
Vincent M. Wales: Yeah but that was so limited to…
Lara Fielding: Sewing.
Vincent M. Wales: Yeah.
Gabe Howard: And depending on the school it could have been designed just for women. I mean it taught cooking and sewing. It didn’t teach me how to balance a checkbook. So Lara, our first question for you is what gave you the idea for this aside from the fact that it’s a very very good one?
Lara Fielding: Thank you. I’m glad you agree. It came twofold, from my own personal experience as well as from current life conditions that young people are growing up in. I actually started my adult teen adventures at 15 and when I took off on my own on the road I saw a lot of the people around me that I loved and cared for, in particular my sister, making choices or reacting to the stressors of the environment in ways that were not helpful. So judge them however you might be if they didn’t lead to good outcomes in their mental health and their overall life coping and success as an adult. And then I saw what was happening in our current road conditions as I call them in the road of adulting where, you know as you know, young people are coming of age in a time where everything they do is being observed. We know from a from a long history of psychological experiments that when we do something in the presence of others that we’re just learning how to do, we’re more likely to kind of mess it up. Whereas when we’re very good at something we do it in the presence of others then we’ll excel at it and get better at it. So they have heightened social comparison from the internet and digital access. They have higher hurdles to overcome than we did in our time. And just what was showing up in my office was not as I thought would show up. I thought I would see all these stories of trauma and difficulties growing up. What I saw with kids that supposedly should be doing OK really struggling and having a hard time. That’s when I started to delve in a little bit to what’s going on. And yes when I started the blog I said it was aimed at millennials but I think millennials are a little bit aging out now. It’s really just to anyone who is in that transition, either it’s going off to college or finishing up college and starting a new job or entering a marriage and family. It is all of those adulting, major adulting transitions that can create stress and challenge in our lives. And that’s why I wrote the book. I wrote the book because I couldn’t help the people I loved and I couldn’t help my sister and because I thought that these same challenges were sort of showing up for young people today.
Vincent M. Wales: We should probably clarify, since you mentioned all these young people that you’re associating with, Dr. Fielding is a an adjunct professor at Pepperdine Graduate School of Education &  Psychology, hence all of the young people in her life.
Lara Fielding: And in my also in my private practice. My private practice was located right next to UCLA. I was also supervising at the time at UCLA. So yes, I had a lot of referrals for college age or graduate school age. I was teaching the graduate school and I was seeing more college age in my private practice. Exactly.
Vincent M. Wales: Now you mentioned being surprised by some of the things that these young people were struggling with. Can you share like one or two of the biggies that you see all the time now?
Lara Fielding: Definitely. When I would start to explore with my clients well what what was going on and something familiar there with your family with your friends? What I would hear over and over again was that my parents like my best friends. I check in with them every single day. I can text them, I take them multiple times per day or are they’re on the phone with me and they walk me through everything. So that was one thing that I was curious about at first and what that signaled, what that parent interaction element signaled, was lowered distress tolerance. So we know a lot from the research that reassurance thinking is actually a symptom of a lot of diagnoses like obsessive compulsive disorder. But a lot of other ones, depression and anxiety, as well. And when parents are always there and again by proxy the cell phone and digital media is always there as a source of reassurance seeking, there becomes less opportunity for learned distress tolerance to see that you can sit with the discomfort and the wave will come and go. So that was one of the primary themes that started to show up. You know I also specialize in dialectical behavioral therapy which was developed for borderline personality disorder. Even with really difficult problems with emotion dysregulation, you can see that the environment that they grew up in or their programming as I call it isn’t necessarily from bad things happening. It’s just from the parents constantly trying to help them fix their difficult emotions or growing up. Even the schools actually were quite guilty of this when we had our self-esteem program that everyone got a trophy and no one was allowed to feel bad. And this isn’t just me, there’s a lot of data to back this up. So that’s sort of the theme that I’ve seen showing up. That doesn’t mean that a lot of people don’t experience a lot of difficulties with emotion regulation and transitioning into adulthood for more traditional reasons of difficulty in their upbringing. Does that answer the question?
Vincent M. Wales: Yeah it does. And it’s interesting because when you were talking about that, it just reminded me of another situation that we have in our society these days, which is parents who refused to expose their children to germs without realizing that they need to because that’s what develops your immune system.
Lara Fielding: Yes it’s exactly the same thing.
Gabe Howard: Lara thank you. I want to jump in on something that you said about you know nobody’s allowed to feel bad and everybody gets a trophy and everybody gets to feel like a winner. And on one hand it’s like how could that go wrong? How could everybody feeling like a winner go wrong? And the answer is because while everybody was learning how to win, nobody learned how to lose.
Lara Fielding: Exactly.
Gabe Howard: And there is important and valuable lessons in losing. I’ll be the first to admit I hate to be wrong. I hate to lose. And I don’t like it when I don’t get my way. But thankfully I don’t always get my way. I can admit when I’m wrong and I know how to manage loss. And one of the most important skills for me, and I want you to talk on this because I know that you have great information about this, a loss isn’t just a loss – it’s also a learning experience, it’s an opportunity to gather data and get closer to “winning.” Can you speak on that for a moment?
Lara Fielding: Ok. There’s actually two things that come to mind regarding experiencing a loss. A loss is a message that needs tending to. Right. So if we pretend that it wasn’t a loss, then we lose the message there. I actually remember an interview after a political campaign where someone asked the Republican candidate what he learned from his loss. And I remember him saying, well nothing. From that day on, I was like really? Really? So yes we have to learn: a) you have a cognitive or a thinking change that happens we have a lot to learn. Oh that doesn’t work. Don’t try that again. But you also have the emotional part right? What most people don’t realize and the effort of my book is to teach that our emotions have a purpose and that purpose is important information about what – I mean, to be obvious -what you care deeply about. And what you care deeply about is the direction you want to build your life around. So if you get sort of very good or you’re raised in a way that avoids, suppresses, denies or otherwise minimizes your emotional experience related to those losses, then you’re really going to lose connection to that self, part of you that really does know why you’re on the planet and knows why you care about things beyond just the reasons other people tell us. So I would hope that directly answers your question. But those losses are not only important learned or cognitive lessons but their emotional practice and connection to what we care deeply about.
Gabe Howard: And of course if we don’t acknowledge that we lost, we can’t move forward. We go back to your politician analogy, it’s like what did you learn from your loss? And I would venture to guess that there is probably some larger story that that person would tell their friends and families about. Well I didn’t really lose, the third party candidates stole all my votes, voter turnout was very low. And I understand the desire to do this. I have to push those desires down as well. But when you don’t admit that you lost fair and square, you don’t know how to fix it.
Lara Fielding: Exactly.
Gabe Howard: I think that there are many young people coming of age right now who, anytime they mess up, somebody else fixes it for them. And of course the danger in that is all of the people who are fixing it for them? See, they learned how to fix it. And now they’re not passing that onto the next generation. Now I don’t want to turn this into like a bashing session on how all parents are hobbling their children, because that’s not fair either. So let’s change the focus to when you see your child -because most of our listeners are going to really relate to the parent aspect of this – when you see your child failing and they’re sad and they’re upset and every fiber of your being is saying run in there and fix it, what’s the benefit in sitting back and saying you know what I’m going to sit this one out?
Lara Fielding: I might not even say that might be an all or nothing right. Say I’m going to go in there and fix it versus I’m out. And I love that you ask that question because it’s so important because really the message of being effective with our emotional experience, being nuanced, being flexible is one of interest that so between us so a parent and a child or a couple and interact. And how do we relate to our emotions. So it’s all about how do we relate to our emotions and take those lessons as signals and guideposts, just like we made the biological example earlier, just like we might listen to symptoms of a cold or symptoms from our body. So the answer there is the most effective thing for a parent to do is to very simply validate the child’s experience. Now the how of validating is what is so wonderful about the mindfulness based evidence for treatments like CBT and ACT and my implicit cognitive behavioral therapy is the role of the parent or the partner or yourself to yourself is to first start by labeling that emotion. There is all kinds of wonderful research that shows the wonderful impact of simply finding the just right word for your emotional experience which activates the orbital prefrontal cortex the down right appeal like the amygdala. I know that a lot of psychobabble, but it pushes home the biological point that just finds the word of emotional experience and then tell them that it’s OK to have it. When we’re when we’re around 18 months to two years old, we’re learning to regulate our emotions when a parent looks at little Johnny who just spoke as ice cream and has this loss as – she looks him in the eye and says, Johnny… did you lose your ice cream? Are you sad? Yeah. And she makes like a cartoon-like response mirroring his experience and what Johnny learns is this is what sadness feels like. Mommy still loves me. I’m OK when I feel sadness. I’m still lovable and it will pass and it’s a normal part of my human experience. And that process, that mirroring process, literally helps children. Wire that neurological relationship I just described as the orbital prefrontal cortex to the amygdala. So we want to continue that and in those moment to moment interactions. If you have a partner who is prone to strong emotions, you know reassuring them or problem solving for them isn’t helping them, but helping them to learn to validate and know that they’re OK even in the face of those emotions – that’s a gift.
Gabe Howard: Give us one moment for our sponsor and then we will be right back.
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Vincent M. Wales: Welcome back everyone. We’re discussing mindfulness and self-care skills with Dr. Lara Fielding. Now I’m sure that in all of the teaching that you’ve done and all that, you’ve probably got a handful of items in your toolbox that anybody – our listeners, me and Gabe – can use to you know help us.
Lara Fielding: I hope!
Vincent M. Wales: What do you got for us?
Lara Fielding: So the theme of my teaching, broadly, and my book and my efforts to lower barriers to getting these effective tools is all built out around three simple steps. Let me say that there’s two parts, there’s first the self-awareness piece, the part of recognizing how your unique history and programming is showing up in your life, in your life patterns, based on the universal you, which is how we’re all wired. We’re all wired in a similar way. And in my writings and in my work I talk about the mind body vehicle – that machine that you feel yourself living in – that body where you feel your bottom in the chair right now… maybe you have headphones on, you could feel physical sensations. Right now you’re hearing the sound of my voice from inside your vehicle. And like all vehicles, there’s a lot of variability, but all vehicles have a steering wheel, tires, and an engine. Similarly, human beings all have action tendency emotions and thoughts, so emotions thoughts actions – I call that the ETA of your emotional higher hardwiring or the ETA of your a mind body vehicle. And here’s what people can take away from that. There’s a special way that you need to work with each piece of your experience. Well there’s only one of those that is directly in our control to change. Can you guess which one it is of our emotions thoughts and actions which one in our control?
Gabe Howard: I’m gonna go with actions, we can control our actions.
Lara Fielding: Exactly.
Vincent M. Wales: Reactions.
Lara Fielding: Exactly exactly exactly. And that’s the critical piece because so often you hear, Calm down, don’t feel that way, don’t worry. And then I can list you all the research that shows what happens when you actually try not to think. We could try it together. Ready? Let’s all not think about a banana. And what happened?
Gabe Howard: Banana.
Lara Fielding: You got bananas.
Vincent M. Wales: Banana banana.
Gabe Howard: Yeah, now I want banana bread, banana splits…
Lara Fielding: Yeah right. Because of this paired associations our minds make, the more you try not to think about it, the more you’ll be stuck with it. So what I teach people how to do is how to work with the paradox of our emotion regulation system rather than trying to control our emotions and thoughts, which causes discomfort. We control the behavior to enter into the system and turn the spinning system the other way when we’re having one of our spirals of frustration or sadness or anxiety or loss or whatever. So it it’s almost like I describe it like you’re standing on a surfboard on a bowling ball. You have to sometime there are places we have to lean in with acceptance and willingness and I’m going to feel this. And there it is. And then you have to change your behavior to pull up and so you kind of have to do the seesaw thing. And here’s the basic prescription and I give you the answer to the whole enchilada right here. I call it the Mindfulness Macarena. This is this tip of the iceberg with a lot of that could be dug down deep into, but it goes like this. And if you have your hands free right now, you can do it on your own. You’re putting both hands on your chest sort of in a compassion self compassion pose. You validate the emotion, then fingers up onto your temples, check your thoughts for accuracy and keep them in check. Is your thought 100 percent true? And redirecting your attention and focus to the present moment and last, using double barrel finger gun, change your behavior.  So it’s validate, check, change. Validate, check, change. That’s the prescription when you feel like you’re losing your mental footing and when you feel like stress is getting to… that’s how you check in with yourself in an effective way.
Gabe Howard: So obviously we’re listening to this podcast and we’re considering it. And you know you’re not around when this is happening, but you have taught this to a number of people who are in the room with you and I imagine that after you teach us, they have a question. What is the number one question that you’re asked. Because I have to imagine that our listeners they’re doing this and they’re thinking X, and I’m not sure what that is, but I bet you know.
Lara Fielding: I do. Usually when I’m working with people we’re working for a significant amount of time. The very first few weeks is doing that assessment of what is my unique programming that’s showing up in my mind body vehicle? And the way I do that is with a form I call the dashboard form, or on the back end of my website it’s an online form, that helps them start to recognize the pattern. It’s amazing how fast this goes to show up. This dashboard form is basically in this moment right now, if you were doing a dashboard form, you’d say the facts are we’re on this call. You guys are sitting somewhere. I’m sitting somewhere. That we all agree upon. The rest, the other four components, are unique to each of us. What are my thoughts? What are my emotions? What are my bodily sensations? And what is my impulse right now? So I have them complete those for a while and that is actually a very simple way of doing what we call a functional analysis. We basically are identifying their pattern. Then from that I work with clients to help them find what don’t you want to feel? What is it when you reach for the extra cookies, when you scream at your husband or girlfriend, when you don’t do the project you need to work on? When you’re doing that thing you do – which is the title of the blog that I’m working on right now on Psych Central, called That Thing You Do – which tells a lot of stories of fictional cases where there’s a thing they do and then we unpack it. So that’s what I help people do, I help them unpack that thing. And so the question I get asked all the time is how do I validate my emotions? How can I check my thoughts? How can I control my behavior? And that’s what I help people do by getting into the weeds of where is that thing you don’t want to feel, because that’s when you see a behavior that you want changed, that there’s something that that behavior serves to avoid or control. Does that make sense? Is that clear enough?
Vincent M. Wales: Yeah.
Gabe Howard: It does yeah. Yeah. I mean it’s complicated but it’s not. And I think that’s the best kind of thing to learn. It really is just teaching you to stop and think and then giving you direction on what to think about rather than just being reactionary.
Lara Fielding: 100 percent. Non reactivity is the basic prescription. It’s non reactivity. So if you’re very dysregulated right, there are little tricks that we’ve learned from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy like go to the icebox, grab some ice or frozen peas, put them up on your forehead, hold your breath for 30 seconds because that will initiate the dive reflex. That means that your mind does not have time to ruminate and do all the things that are contributing to your dysregulation. So we have some extremes that hack into the biology that way, but really what the nuance and superpower skill here that we’re after is professionals call it psychological flexibility. What I teach people how to do is add a skill called Bring It On. Once you’ve labeled and identified and validated that emotion, I have a couple of recorded exercises with videos in the book where it actually walks you through like, OK what is it that’s really bothering me right now. And just literally willing yourself to invite in the tension, the worry, and not ruminate on it. It’s a very different mechanism. And so when you practice this new way, it’s a bit opposite to what your programmed to do. That’s why it’s so hard. You’re programmed to react, to get righteously indignant, to start thinking and separating. That’s how humans are programmed. Unfortunately our biological programming from an evolutionary standpoint doesn’t really work today because we’re perceiving all kinds of things as dire threats and we need to override that autopilot. So teaching people how to dive into this open willingness toward feeling the feelings that they don’t want to feel. So, recipe: identify what it is you don’t want to feel that is leading to you doing the thing you do and then practice opening with your arms open and your chest and shoulders open and literally saying Bring It On. I got this. And over and over again I get reports from clients, when I asked him at the end, OK. How do you feel now? They look at me, shocked, like, huh, I feel better. So it’s a paradox of the willingness to feel uncomfortable will make you more comfortable. Or like Steven Hayes in acceptance and commitment therapy say, it’s balancing feeling better with getting better at feeling.
Vincent M. Wales: It reminds me a lot of pushing your own boundaries. You’re in your comfort zone, expanding your comfort zone in order to just have a bigger one, so that you’re not all anxious all the time like some of us are.
Lara Fielding: Yeah yeah.
Vincent M. Wales: In your work with the millennials that you’re doing, are they going to grow out of this issue, are they are they going to be crippled by the social media dependence that they have or what’s going to happen?
Lara Fielding: You know it’s interesting. I was talking to someone the other day and they’re like, it’s going to be all right, right? And my reaction my response was, yes because you’re going to make it all right. It’s really… my deepest desire is to empower people. The biggest hurdle to this empowerment is the willingness of people to take ownership and responsibility. And I think the most challenging, controversial, and the biggest hurdle we have is, can we take ownership without and let go of blame. Right it’s not your parent. We don’t need to blame your parents. It’s the problem being stuck in needing someone to blame. Right. So are they going to be OK. I think that once we take on a) an idea that we’re all in the human soup together and things may be unskillful or ineffective. But they’re just human. We could drop all that judgment to ourselves and others and then choosing like OK I totally want to lose my stuff on someone right now and I’m going to choose to be effective over being right. No I don’t think that millennials or Gen Z’s are ruined at all. I think they have extra challenges in the environment today because there’s so many delicious ways to distract yourself by ordering food or drugs or distracting away on social media. If so many tools that tie in to our evolutionarily hardwired predisposition that it takes more mental hygiene. Just as, you know, 60 or 70 years ago, we started exercising because we were at our desks more. It requires more mental hygiene and more practices and more mindfulness than it ever has before.
Gabe Howard: I really appreciate that answer. Thank you so much. So my final question is where could listeners find you on social media. I know we just we just we just talked about maybe they should spend less time on social media…
Vincent M. Wales: You’re empowering them now.
Gabe Howard: Right now I’m empowering them… Seriously, where can listeners find you on social media online and where can they find more information about the skills that you teach.
Lara Fielding: Thanks for asking. It is it is a paradox isn’t it. And I thought about that when I was writing my book, Mastering Adulthood: go beyond adulting to become an emotional grownup. And it’s about quality right and versus quantity online. They can find me certainly at my Web site which is mindful-mastery.com. And on the Web site I’m going to be loading all the videos from the book that show and walk you through the steps you need to more skillfully regulate emotions, not to mention identify what you do care deeply about. We have some exercises to do that. And then they can write me comments and questions so I can engage with them there. And of course on Psych Central they can reach me and they can find me at mindful_mastery on Instagram.
Gabe Howard: We really appreciate that. And of course to anybody listening who has a millennial or a young person in their life, a high schooler, a college student, I recognize that we are not popular with the 16 to 22 year old crowd.
Vincent M. Wales: Speak for yourself!
Lara Fielding: We’re working on it, being as hip as we can!
Vincent M. Wales:  Right.
Gabe Howard: We’re doing everything that we can but drop them a link to this episode. I think there is a lot of great information and of course the blog is really wonderful. We like all our Psych Central bloggers. We’re a great big family and we’re all experts in the fields that we choose to write in. So clearly this is a good product or you wouldn’t be here right.
Lara Fielding: Exactly.
Gabe Howard: Thank you so much for being on the show.
Lara Fielding: It’s been my absolute pleasure. And I really can’t say enough that getting these messages out to people of all ages to understand the inner workings of our mental health and really that it’s just about being human. I really love the work that you guys do. Thank you so much for having me on. Really appreciate it.
Vincent M. Wales: Well thank you.
Gabe Howard: And we really appreciate you. And thank you everyone that is tuned into this episode. And remember that you can get one week of free, convenient, affordable, private, online counseling anytime, anywhere by visiting betterhelp.com/psychcentral. We will see everybody next week.
Narrator 1: Thank you for listening to the Psych Central Show. Please rate, review, and subscribe on iTunes or wherever you found this podcast. We encourage you to share our show on social media and with friends and family. Previous episodes can be found at PsychCentral.com/show. PsychCentral.com is the internet’s oldest and largest independent mental health website. Psych Central is overseen by Dr. John Grohol, a mental health expert and one of the pioneering leaders in online mental health. Our host, Gabe Howard, is an award-winning writer and speaker who travels nationally. You can find more information on Gabe at GabeHoward.com. Our co-host, Vincent M. Wales, is a trained suicide prevention crisis counselor and author of several award-winning speculative fiction novels. You can learn more about Vincent at VincentMWales.com. If you have feedback about the show, please email [email protected].
About The Psych Central Show Podcast Hosts
Gabe Howard is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar and anxiety disorders. He is also one of the co-hosts of the popular show, A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast. As a speaker, he travels nationally and is available to make your event stand out. To work with Gabe, please visit his website, gabehoward.com.
    Vincent M. Wales is a former suicide prevention counselor who lives with persistent depressive disorder. He is also the author of several award-winning novels and creator of the costumed hero, Dynamistress. Visit his websites at www.vincentmwales.com and www.dynamistress.com.
      from World of Psychology http://bit.ly/2ADhM5g via theshiningmind.com
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michellelewis7162 · 5 years
Opting For An Advertising Agency
Opting For An Advertising Agency
 No concern exactly how great your item or even the service you are providing is actually, it will certainly not accumulate the account it deserves unless it stands up out among its own competitors in the market place. Actually, a great marketing project may be such a boon to your organisation that possessing the right marketing company working with you can create all the difference between success as well as failure. Thus, it is actually beneficial investing a long time examining a number of agencies in order to pick one that matches your company needs best. So as to perform this it is a great suggestion to identify specifically what sort of marketing you need. Listed here are a couple of locations to look at:
 Whether you are actually finding a total re-branding of your picture or even concentrating on specific areas. Similarly, whether you wish to produce changes to actually effectively set up products as well as services or even produce a motto or even logo for brand-new companies. Issues like the dimension and also lineage of the firm play a component listed below, as a large organization may be better furnished to generate an entirely brand-new photo for you while a much younger, much smaller firm could have even more innovative ideas for a new item launch Top Promotional Agencies. Crowdfunding Promotion
Make a decision whether you are actually hoping to branch out into a new market or even create more significant understanding in an existing market. You might, for example, would like to attract a more youthful or even much more stylish reader or feel your existing market allotment can be improved in places where you have actually typically prospered. In either scenario it costs reviewing the advertising and marketing companies expertise of operating in your specific field as well as whether the agency has the ample variety of get in touches with to become capable to reach your viewers. If you are actually hoping to raise individual awareness of a new variety of cleansing soaps, state, will the firms adventure of launching a wholescale advocate a restroom right business have any type of relevance? What benefit one audience may certainly not necessarily benefit an additional, therefore talk to concerns regarding what type of campaign satisfies your item and also attempt to determine whether you are actually offered universal solutions or even your particular needs are actually taken into account United States.
Determine whether it is the web content or the kind of your marketing that demands interest. To put it simply, are you attempting to establish certain affiliations for your services or products so they end up being promptly recognisable to individuals? Or even perform you really feel the networks by which your information is actually being actually relayed are actually insufficient as well as require strengthening? It is actually no really good employing an advertising and marketing firm fizzling along with excellent ideas yet without the structure to be actually capable to execute them.
The above factors need to assist you pinpoint which solutions you prefer the advertising and marketing agency to carry out. Unavoidably, various companies will definitely possess various advantages and also weak spots, so pay out very close attention to just how much experience they have of the type of marketing you prefer done and the volume of success they have had in similar initiatives over the last Top Promotional Agencies.
 It is actually regularly a good tip to keep your eyes open for projects that wow you and call the advertising division of the company to inquire that handled their project and also what it resembled teaming up with them. Equally, inquire ex-clients of marketing agencies you are particularly thinking about what their experience of dealing with the company was. Was actually the company proactive as well as performed it modify the project to satisfy details requirements, or was actually there an impact that the company supplied standard common answers to particular troubles?
 When you have narrowed your hunt up to two or even 3 advertising agencies, there are actually an amount of additional details concerns to take into consideration:
 1. Identify who will supervise of your account and also set up whether the profile supervisor are going to remain with you for the period of the campaign or even an extra junior profile supervisor are going to manage once the project is actually up and also operating. Preferably you would like to be dealing with the very same staff throughout.
 2. Establish how often the profile supervisor will definitely provide you updates concerning the progression of the initiative, featuring the prices acquired and also any type of consumer comments received. Prior to the project also begins ensure that there are no concealed costs and also there is a device in location to identify exactly how the campaign is going Top Promotional Agencies.
 3. It is an excellent suggestion to ask the possible marketing agency to make a trial campaign to establish just how properly you interact, what method the firm observes, exactly how carefully it pays attention to your demands and how positive it is actually. As an example, assess exactly how the organization will deal with the option of dealing with specific consumer advertisings and commitment schemes that would give your provider a lot more character, or request that they develop a purchases method for among your most up-to-date products United States.
 The moment you have actually taken the measures laid out in this write-up you ought to have a much better idea of the type of marketing organization that is actually suited for your sort of campaign. All that stays today is to become attentive when preparing an arrangement concerning what you are actually obtaining as well as what you are actually not and also whether the regards to settlement feature any kind of functionality promises. The finest of good fortune, as well as heres hoping you select an advertising and marketing company you may possess a lengthy and productive partnership with.
 How to Find the Best Digital Marketing Agency
 If you want to find the best electronic marketing firm, initially, our company need to know "what is electronic advertising and marketing", "will electronic advertising perk your company" and respond to the question "exactly how perform I obtain additional leads for my organisation?" - which must be actually the objective of any sort of marketing United States.
 What is actually a Digital Marketing Agency?
The dictionary meaning of Digital advertising and marketing is the marketing of services or products making use of digital technologies, mostly online, however also consisting of cellular phones, show advertising, and also some other electronic channel. Thus straightforward to sum up in one sentence, yet it could be a complicated procedure to receive right as well as to make certain that each one of your electronic advertising and marketing is actually interacting, certainly not as silo activities. This is where the competence as well as adventure of the most ideal electronic advertising and marketing companies can easily be widely advantageous.
 Standard advertising, newspapers as well as paper directories, including Yellow Pages, are actually increasingly much less reliable for companies. Whilst a couple of years ago folks would certainly visit a personal computer to hunt for a product or solution, nowadays individuals are actually connected to the net all the time, each day and also "live online". Seeming for information, a product and services is actually as simple and straightforward as searching on a laptop computer or computer system at work or even deciding on up their mobile phone telephone or even tablet. Digital marketing focuses on acquiring your information, services and products facing folks when they are actually appearing online. The finest digital agencies understand the purchasing process of your items as well as services and also ensure that your info projects to the potential customer at the appropriate time. In the digital advertising and marketing world, the a variety of stages of the purchasing method i.e. research, consideration as well as acquisition are actually gotten in touch with "micro-moments" and also the finest electronic advertising company will definitely show the relevant info, product or service at the targeted attend the purchasing method Top Promotional Agencies.
 Whilst some digital advertising and marketing companies will also produce as well as deal with standard advertising and marketing or company marketing, such as paper marketing, specialist digital advertising and marketing agencies will certainly focus on on-line advertising as opposed to "advertising and marketing companies" that typically focus on TV, radio and also print advertising and marketing Top Promotional Agencies.
 No matter if your service is actually business-to-business (B2B) or even business-to-consumer (B2C), digital advertising may be a fast, commonly instantaneous, as well as trustworthy technique of obtaining introduces your company and also driving up income. The best electronic advertising organizations will handle every one of the electronic advertising and marketing based on roi (ROI) ensuring the tops produced go to a price that creates company sense and enhances income amounts. Digital advertising and marketing will help your company and answers the question "exactly how perform I get more tops for my company"?
 Digital advertising, in some cases described as internet site marketing, can easily be actually broken right into a variety of necessary attributes and also services:
 SEO Services
Online search engine optimisation, most commonly abbreviated to "SEO", is the process of getting your site located on online search engine like Google when folks make a hunt applicable to your service, services or even items United States.
 Irrespective if your website is e-Commerce or even selling companies it are going to drive leads and also purchases into your company if it is located for the search terms people utilize (usually described as "keyword phrases") to seek them in Google.
 SEO demands expertise as well as understanding of just how Google reads your internet site. What messages and info you prefer Google to go through for a page or even internet site and also knowing where to place that relevant information so hunt motors can easily find it. A great SEO business are going to possess a tested record of ranking sites high in the search results page Top Promotional Agencies.
 SEO works greatest when the established strategies of obtaining ranks are actually administered together with most current patterns that are driving web traffic. An instance of this particular is the "near me" phenomenon, which has found a 150% growth in the last 12 months, where smart phone users are actually including "near me" to their hunt question i.e. "SEO Company near me". These clients are actually wanting to acquire and purchase from a regional product or service distributor.
 Although SEO could be a stand-alone company, it is most reliable when incorporated with PPC, social networking sites as well as track record advertising. Search Engine Optimisation is actually additionally the cornerstone of successful PPC, social networking sites and reputation control projects United States.
Ppc (PPC) usually described as "Google Advertising" or even "internet advertising" is where you position adverts on top of the search results page for details search terms. These hunt conditions could be the terms people utilize when in the "research" stage of buying or targeted at the "buying keyword phrases" when possible consumers are seeking to purchase Top Promotional Agencies.
 Although your advert, depending upon your budget plan, may be presented every opportunity a hunt is actually made, you merely pay for when a world wide web customer clicks your advert and is taken to your website or contacts you point coming from the search results web page definition you just pay when you receive a click from a prospective customer hence the name for this form of advertising and marketing of Pay Per Click (frequently shortened to PPC).
 Just how much you purchase each hit is actually calculated by a couple of variables. The "expense per click on" (abbreviated to CPC) is calculated by the top quality and relevancy of the advert to the search condition being actually made use of and the significance of the webpage on your internet site that the prospective client come down on. These elements result in your general "high quality rating". The greater your high quality rating, the a lot less you pay out every click on and also a lot less you pay for per lead right into your business Los Angeles.
 In the UK, Google possesses the huge bulk of hunt website traffic as well as the majority of your budget ought to be actually positioned their, nevertheless, you will definitely not wish to skip the smaller, however, still sizable ability for clients from hunt engines like Microsoft's Bing platform, as well as a little portion of the budget plan must be alloted to other search engines. Additionally, the greatest PPC control business will definitely also discuss spreading your PPC budget plan over an amount of campaigns focused on various component of the customer journey. A little component of the budget plan ought to be actually designated to the investigation phase of the getting procedure when individuals are actually making use of wide hunt terms to find details, a tiny aspect of the budget when individuals are hunting for your own, your competitors or market forerunners provider label. Most of the finances when possible clients are actually using search conditions straight related to creating an acquisition as well as last but not least, a little portion of the finances to re-market (reveal your advertising and marketing to people who have actually shown an interest in your product or services by exploring your internet site) to capture and also increase sales coming from the clients formerly advertised too Top Promotional Agencies.
 The very best PPC Agency will certainly be actually a Google Premier Partner. A Google Premier Partner standing indicates that the provider has an effective keep track of document in supplying high-quality projects, which generate excellent competitive/low CPC's and also provide higher as well as beneficial ROI's. The finest PPC agency will have a robust PPC administration procedure in area to promptly react as well as capitalise on modifications in the PPC projects of your rivals.
 Unlike SEO, that can take a while to become entirely efficient, Pay Per Click is quick in the truth that as quickly as your initiatives are real-time they could be producing leads for your service.
 PPC is very efficient when performed in unison along with SEO. A well-optimised internet site will strengthen the premium rating of your Google marketing campaign leading to a decreased "price every click on" indicating you receive even more tops for your finances Top Promotional Agencies.
 Social Network Marketing
Social Media platforms like Facebook and also Twitter are actually currently legitimate areas for an organisation to attract tops. Facebook has more than 38 MILLION active and also normal consumers in the UK and also the amount is actually anticipated to rise to over 42 MILLION by 2020. Irrespective if your organisation markets to individuals or various other businesses, your potential customers get on Facebook and using it usually Los Angeles.
 Facebook is actually excellent at raising understanding during the customers "research" stage, reminding all of them of your solutions or items in the course of the "factor" phase and also putting your specific products facing prospective clients at the "buying" stage. With such a huge viewers and also the flexibility to target consumers throughout the purchasing process, Facebook may be a really good opportunity to produce tops and also purchases and also to deliver a wonderful roi.
 A great digital advertising and marketing organization will definitely possess an established performance history in supplying highly efficient Facebook marketing campaign. The best electronic advertising and marketing organizations will certainly have the ability to show the sale rate and also expense every top of your social networks advertising and marketing.
 Once more, social networks marketing and especially Facebook advertising could be accomplished as a stand-alone activity having said that it operates a great deal far better when integrated along with SEO and/or PPC. When a potential consumer visits your web site their computer system is marked as having actually gone to. This after that permits you to target the individual of that computer system, who has revealed a rate of interest in your services or products.
 Credibility and reputation Management
When taking into consideration creating a purchase, a potential consumer will definitely scour the world wide web to discover reviews and evaluates from previous clients. Your on-line marketing as well as purchases can stay or even perish due to the customer reviews for your organisation, product or services. Making sure that positive customer reviews are simple to locate as well as that any bad responses is actually handled well, can easily be a large benefit to your transformation rate Los Angeles.
 Digital advertising and marketing providers contact this "track record management" or "on the web image control" having said that, essentially, it is actually creating systems to create consumer reviews and client responses ensuing favorable customer total satisfaction is caught as well as simple to locate for potential customers.
 Several companies are worried about enabling the public the potential to freely offer feedback. You can not please all of individuals each of the time, and also companies fret that a bad assessment will definitely have a bad effect on their business. First of all, if a person is figured out to leave behind a negative customer review for your organisation they will certainly discover a system to carry out therefore and also there are actually 1000's of platforms to decide on coming from. It is actually far better to have control of where clients are actually promoted to leave behind a testimonial. Second of all, an inadequate or even poor review, if handled properly, can be a beneficial for your service. Involving along with a negative assessment highlights that you look after concerning feedback as well as consequently, you respect your customers. One properly dealt with negative evaluation may be as suitable for your organisation 10 excellent customer reviews Los Angeles.
 Looking for a Marketing Agency?
 Choosing a Marketing Agency is actually an excellent procedure to deliver your company to the upcoming amount, however locating the right advertising company that will do all the essential job and also deliver you more consumers may be challenging. And before you surrender your challenging made money to the 1st agency that arrives your technique, you must consider a few traits.
 The Internet has now raised a whole lot additionally than it was actually before as well as altered the way of living of numerous people in several methods. Having said that today's reputable experts state that this is simply the begin of its own growth. They assert that nowadays the on-line world is so much more vital for our team than numerous other channels, in addition that are going to influence our lifestyles in a few additional directions in the nearby future. For instance, located on brand new investigation data, the bulk have actually already transformed towards the internet web to analyze and also study rather than going to the public library. In the same method, the future of the newspapers additionally shows up to be closed given that increasingly more folks are presently using the Internet to receive the most recent information.
 The TELEVISION is actually upcoming toward to the Internet equally. Much more TELEVISION shows together with sporting activities happenings are actually right now transmitted on the net as well as additional people are investing less opportunity seeing tv. As a result of that, even the FIFA World Cup 2010, was relayed on the Internet.
 For that reason if you manage a small company or even a large business, as well as if you wish to acquire more leads as well as consumers, it is actually essential to possess a convincing web existence. Extra businesses are catching up and also understand this, to make sure that is actually why, a more and more volume of business owners are using the solutions of a marketing organization.
 Therefore how can A Marketing Agency be actually helpful for your details business design?
 What an advertising and marketing agency performs, is exploring and evaluating the marketplace in-depth details for the client's field, for this reason the company can generate great marketing initiative. The purpose of that is the customer's products and also solutions to get to the prospective customers. Nevertheless locating the right marketing firm may be difficult. While a typical company utilizes the regular marketing techniques like newspaper adds, TV commercials, magazines and billboards, an internet marketing organization will definitely ensure the customer's business online. And to accomplish that it is very significant that the firm possesses effectively experienced team that has mastered the hunt motors, partner marketing, SEO, PPC, short article marketing, email advertising and marketing and lots of various other methods.
 The advertising and marketing agency, as a part of advertising as well as industrying the customer's web site, might design and adjust the internet site too. In this manner it will definitely see to it that the web site is certainly not simply captivating yet that will definitely carry even more leads as well as clients.
 Likewise identical to a traditional agency, the purpose of an internet marketing company can label your business and also the items, not merely promote and also market your business. As well as naturally, this is actually done completely on the internet.
 Therefore Would You Hire A Marketing Agency?
 This is actually the best usual concern that lots of businessmen ask personal pretty usually due to the fact that they are baffled. Remembering the massive potential of advertising and marketing on the net, bunches of services agree to examine the typical means of marketing and have developed a major visibility online along with the support of a marketing organization.
 Additionally several small business owner have actually chosen to take factors in their own hands as well as advertise their services and products online, however unfortunately a lot of fail coming from the shortage of expertise.
 Regardless the reality stays that, a growing number of individuals are actually using the Internet as their major resource for details, headlines, songs, enjoying sports events however more crucial seeking product or services they need to have.
 Choosing the most effective Digital Marketing Agency
 It is necessary that you opt for the most ideal electronic marketing firm due to the fact that they are actually required to assist you acquire direct exposure and existence on the net for your business. When selecting one you should pursue one that is actually local and is located near where your company lies. By performing this you will certainly spare effort and opportunity traveling to the advertising and marketing agency. It will definitely also be quick and easy to interact quicker and also simpler rather of incorporating confusion to your instructions by utilizing email or even the phone. Along with the grow older of the web, it is very important that the electronic marketing agency you pick is experienced.
 Just before consulting with prospective web marketing provider, you need to specify your objectives as well as crucial outcome regions that you will as if for the marketing agency to work with. Create a short checklist of 4 or even more excellent companies and require a face to face examination to discuss your listing with thus you can observe how they will address your concerns and if they can easily offer you the key outcomes you wish. After the appointments, carry out an evaluation of the offerings and also functionalities each of these agencies along with your company's spending plan as well as marketing targets. Once this is actually done you ought to be able to select the agency that greatest suits your needs. The majority of organizations when trying to find a digital advertising agency are actually trying to find an organization that is going to offer you social media marketing, mobile advertising, SEM, making a weblog, SEO and so much more.
 Here are actually some various other tips to aid you choose the appropriate electronic advertising and marketing company.
 - Experience-when you choose a digital advertising agency, they should possess a substantial volume of experience in this field.
- Look to see if this advertising and marketing organization has actually implemented productive advertising methods for a company in a market identical to your own.
- You ought to also consider the premium of each agencies work just before you wrap up the deal
- You need to check out the workers of the business to find their qualifications and experience since you desire your firm in good hands.
- Look carefully at the deal of companies this company is actually supplying. Often times, they are going to offer the appropriate site style, mobile and email internet answers, on the internet advertising, SEO and also SEM, copy and information creating and also additional.
- Checkout their site, social networking sites webpages, and the blog as well as view how they have executed their marketing culture. Find that whatever is improved.
- Check out the track record of the digital marking organization you are considering permit deal with the majority of the case.
 These are just some of many points to look at prior to employing a digital advertising agency. Take your opportunity to find out about the companies you are actually thinking about choosing just before creating the decision.
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