#I really wanna play this game it looks so coool
inkyantace7 · 4 months
Okay, I need some help because I dunno what to do.
I downloaded Indigo Park because it looks fun. The menu is somewhat laggy. I try to play the game twice, it doesn't work.
The second time I tried I could see the game, then it froze (there was still sound) and I couldn't close the game.
Do I need to set some settings lower, lower the framerate? What do I do?
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I got tagged by a coool muffaloglugga named @eugenoid so I’m gonna try and do one of these here tag game things:
The rule is to name your favorite movie, character, animal, drink, song, season, book, color and hobby.
But since superlatives are a nightmare I’m just gonna name some of the ones that consistently float about my noggin.
Prince of Egypt, How to train your dragon 2, cars 2 (for ironic reasons) Casablanca, Brazil, the big sleep, asterix and obelix in Egypt (animated and dubbed in Danish) the two good marvel movies.
Well right recently I’ve been rotating T’lynn from lower decks around in my head a lot, also Ransom from the same show. Hellboy is also a big personal fave, and Asterios Polyp, Cuno, Kaiji and Akagi from their respective fukumotos mangas, Yossarian and Major Major were also phenomenal characters. Rufus from deponia.
My dog, sloths, koalas, wildebeests look pretty wild, rhinos,
Good coffee, cola, water from Tisvildeleje, orange juice, rum and coke, bad coffee, tubing classic.
Crime of the century (full album)
Artificial heart (full album)
Efter endnu en dag (full album)
Alt hvad hun ville var at danse
Police bells and church sirens
Last train to London
Il fiume inondo
The platform + and the stone said: if I could speak
Big fan of autumn actually, the rains a bit inconvenient but it’s almost cold enough to not be too warm and warm enough to not be too cold.
Also like spring for similar reasons, buts it’s usually a lot more stressful.
Books: I wish I read more but I can say I throughly have enjoyed catch-22, the shame series, gurneys works on art theory, I recently started reading the clan of the cave bear and it’s proving pretty fun.
Now I’m just also gonna list some comics cuz those are something I actually have read a few of: Hellboy, especially Hellboy in hell. Asterios polyp, the Lanfeust series but especially “of the stars”, Mangecour or hjærtedræber as it was called in danish, Order of the stick (if you like DnD and homestuck (especially How worst homestuck is) you oughta check This), stand still stay silent (rereading the prologue during lockdown was a real headfuck) also Scott’s works on comic book theory (understanding comics, making comics, reinventing comics) especially the first one it’s basically a necessity to really get what makes comics great.
I’m quite keen of the various shades of green and blue, pinks and magentas are also cool.
I fucking love mini painting and miniatures in general, when I finally get around to doing it, aside from that there’s also being a kinky dingus and playing music with other people.
Now I’m supposed to tag some other folks so
@someone-you-do-not-know @iridikron @2allthedancersoftheworld
Do it if you’re on a train to work and don’t have nothing better to do, or if you wanna.
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cokowiii · 2 years
The update was so coool!! I love the ending drawing you did of Mikey! It scared me cause he's clearly on a cliff but also it was so well done!!
Im so worried though. They're standing around talking when a very sleep deprived Mikey is wandering New York City?? Thats sounds so dangerous. GO GET YOUR BROTHER JVJDHEHZDV
Also is Draxum gonna come back into the story again or is he still in trouble for helping Mikey vape to begin with? I thought maybe Mikey would try to go to him in a desperate attempt to get another vape or get help. Maybe even Draxum could help him some other way with all his knowledge of mystic stuff. But I guess I'm mostly curious if he's gonna come back into the comic? (I also really enjoy the way you draw him. I think its cause he looks so casual.)
Oh miss O’Niel ain’t there to play games. She’s there to get shit DONE! Also yea walking around New York majorly sleep deprived is wayyyy dangerous. Especially if your still traveling roof by roof.
Draxum will make a comeback. He’s still in trouble by the family but he’ll have his own way of helping this situation! I just don’t wanna spoil stuff yknow? Another thing is yeah! Everyone looks casual! They aren’t always off fighting villains and working so drawing them in casual clothing seems most fitting and fun to draw :D
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aroaceofthesea · 2 months
Anyways a bit of a recap of my life these last few weeks bc its crazy how much stuff ive done what do you mean its only the 14th of july it feels like summer should be ending soon and ive been very inactive on here:
Starting with sant joan lol (aka 24th of june) some friends came over and we hadnt really seen each other in a couple years (like yes but not really really like it was always super awkward but it was super cool this time😋😋)
Then the next day when they left one of my best friends came home too :) he was at the town next to mine and we spent the afternoon together :)
Then we did diving classes with my mom and also some family friends im now an open water diver that was pretty random ngl
Then after like. 2 days. chilling with just my mom (my sister was like 100% of the day every day with some friends that were around) some friends from a summer camp i did last year came over😋😋
They spent like 4 days i loved every day ngl we played cards a lot we went to the beach we did so many things how did we have time to play mao so much thats crazy lol (also so many crazy rules @ ppl that i know irl i have so many great rules to add when we play again weve gotta do iit)
When they left it was sad :( but i had no time to mope bc i had exactly 15 minutes at home so i kust took a shower and then went with another friend to canet rock (catalan music festival) it was super coool :) had the opportunity to see oques grasses live again♠️🪿 (though they didnt play bancals😭😭 one of my fave songs ever)(they have too many epic songs to play them all they need an extra hour at least ngl) anyways it was crazy loved almost all of it (not miki nuñez why did they put that guy in there) and yeah it was super cool
Then i went home arrived at like 9:15 am and proceeded to sleep almost 25h until 10 am the next day im told i missed a sushi lunch with family friends :(
The next day some friends were like who avalon :) so ofc i was like meee (usually during summer im not in the city but i was that say so ofc i was like i gotta go) (just so you gt an idea i couldnt talk like at all like half my sentences were whispered bc i had lost my voice at the festival and that game is like. you gotta talk or why are you playing lol) anyways luckily they guy i had gone with to the festival was also there and also couldnt talk so at least i wasnt alone😅😅
Then i was going back home and on the way home i met one of my only remaining childhood friends lol she went with me to elementary school (or idk what you call it until 6th grade whatever) and plays the trumpet with me and we spend a lot of the summer together and it was nice to see her she had also gone to that festival (its a very very popular festival and ppl my age could go basically for free so a lot of ppl went) and also had no voice lol but it was nice to see her
Then with my parents we went and had a pizza :)
Then i spent the week in barcelona (were talking about this week already) and tuesday a friend came over bc hes from outside but had a play in barcelona like every night that week (he plays the trombone hes reaaally good) so we spent the mornings together and then the afternoons he went there (i wish i could go they were playing with fucking dagoll dagom (catalan company that made famous musicals in catalan like mar i cel and they are closing the company this year😢😢) like hoow i wanna go😭😭)
Then friday i went to my summer home and there were my mom and also that friends brother and father lol so anyway weve spent the weekend together and it was rlly fun
And also like i was looking for cool concerts around here this summer bc festa major concerts are just 🔝🔝 you get to see your fave groups for free and like even if they are pretty popular when it isnt in a big town or a very well connected one maybe you have 100 or 200 ppl to very known bands like its crazy anyway i was checking (using the very efficient method of looking where each concert of each group was and putting it on google maps) and i was getting kinda depressed bc there werent any of the bands i like most and then i was like ok whatever lets check buhos AND THERE WAS ONE YESTERDAY (THE DAY I WAS LOOKING) AT LIKE 20 MINS so obviously we went and like even though i was basically alone (bc the guy i was with is like 14 and he knew some friends that were also close and went too so he spent most of the time with them and i didnt have any friends close) it was a buhos concert so obviously it was super cool also rlly cool bc they are like one of the only bands i like that didnt play at the festival from last week so rlly cool that ive gone to concerts of all my fave bands in just a week i love this (also i was like. 3 meters away from where the tahirt they threw fell😭😭 i wanted a buhos supporter tshirt thats sad)
OH ALSO yesterday too we went to the beach and we played volleyball with random ppl and it had been a whilr since we did that bc they usually see my sister who is very good and they are intimidated but my sister wasnt there so ppl kept coming and asking us to play (we have a net which is like telling ppl pls comee if youre less than like 7 or 8 ppl) and it was rlly fun (even though that one guy was very very annoying but the rest were rlly nice lol)
So yeah now you know basically everything about my life the last 3 weeks
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ramen-flavored · 2 years
Things I Want In A New Animal Crossing New Horizons Update That We Probably Won’t Get
1. New fish/bugs/fossils to find
There are so many different fish and bug and extinct species that exist. Imagine catching a Blob Fish or a Maple Moth! Could you imagine digging up an Irish Elk fossil or a Ground Sloth? Also there’s only so much to do in ACNH, the game gets boring after a while. We need new things to find
2. New clothes and a shopping cart at Able Sisters
I literally have no use for the Able Sisters anymore. Give me new clothes to wear. And give us a shopping cart so we can buy more than one shirt or pair of shoes or pants at a time.
3. New crops
Give me a reason to keep using Kapp’n. Give me cucumbers or green beans or watermelon! There are so many things you can grow! Herbs!! Also new fruit trees! Bananas! Pomegranates! Starfruits! Avocado!
4. New cooking recipes
Basically a follow up to #3, give us new things to cook with those new crops and fish! I love the cooking and I need more!!
5. Give Celeste her own area in the museum
Like in Animal Crossing City Folk I want her observatory back! Let us find/look at constellations!
6. New hairstyles
Let me change my hair up more! Hair is amazing, you can do anything with it! Let me split dye it, let me ombré it! Let me put it up in new gun ways!
7. Change things up for the holiday prizes
Once you do the Halloween or Thanksgiving activities, you never have to do them again. It’s the same prizes every year. Change it up! Make it fun to do the quests again!
8. Ordering specialized coffee for villagers
It was sooo fun to do this and it will also give me a reason to keep seeing Brewster.
9. Bring back Club LOL
Give me Dr. Shrunk 😡😡. Give me the funny guy again.
10. More terraforming options.
I know this is a stretch but let us make different cliff shapes, let us make things like tunnels, caves, hills, rocky cliffs, expanded beaches. More pathway types and for the love of god, remove the grass patches underneath buildings and between pathway types.
I don’t wanna keep making things one by one! It’s so time consuming and annoying! Let me make like 30 fish bates at the same time!!!!!!!
12. Familiars or pets to follow you
Listen, I literally just had this idea while playing that it would be so cool to have a little pet follow you around. Could you imagine like a little bat or whatever following you? It be so cute!
13. Being able to go from one mystery island to the next without having to go home first.
It would save so much time to just go from one to the other without having to go through all the dialogue with the dodo birds.
14. The ability to change your islands name
I don’t wanna have to restart my whole island just to change the name. I’m just not feeling it’s name anymore, let me change it.
15. More Nooks Cranny upgrades
I want a bigger selection of items! I want more than just 5 things a day.
16. Weather app
I saw someone on Reddit talk about this and I couldn’t agree more. It would be cool to know when it’s gonna rain seeing as some bugs/fish only show up in the rain. It’d just be really cool to have.
17. I want more attitude from villagers
That stuff was funny. I want it back.
18. Post Office
I know you can send mail at the airport but i miss Pete, Phyllis, and Pelly. Plus it could give us a new building to put on the island.
19. GracieGrace
Bring back Grace the giraffe and her unreasonably expensive furniture!! Speaking of new furniture there was so much stuff in the previous games that haven’t been added to NH.
20. Easier way to get missing DIY’s
A new NPC that will help you get diys you are missing would be amazing. When they visit you can trade 10 duplicate diys cards and they could give you a diy you haven’t found yet!
————————————————————— I know this is a long list but all of these things would be sooo coool 😫😫😫
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liberty-barnes · 3 years
even though this was originally supposed to be a one-shot with only tom and yn, i've been loving the banter between all the characters, and just creating that little family. it's not something i see too often in reader inserts (maybe i'm just looking in the wrong place haha) but it's just so cute, the domesticity-😍😍😍
I’m glad you added the other characters too ! Yess it’s unique and adorable and I adore it 💗
also yes, i am indeed a man u fan. fun fact: it started cause harry and louis liked the team, and cause one of the players from my favourite portuguese team (bruno fernandes) left for man u, but then i found out they were were called the red DEVILS and i was like yeah, uh huh, i choose YOU
Really ooh that’s v coool ! Also do you have any other fav teams ? (Could be from other leagues too) mine would be psg and Liverpool
thank you so much for your message, nonnie, come back any time, i loved talking to you
You’re most welcome , I loved talking to you too you’re the sweetest and thank you again for writing and sharing your super amazing work with us ! 💗💗💗 also last thing your taste in general for everything is top tier 😌
hiii i'm so glad you came back!!
i'm actually really glad i started this series, even tho it gets incredibly frustrating at times cause i wanna write but i ✨can't✨, but it's just such a fun thing to write
other footie teams! so, i have like 3 footie teams i love, which are my hometown's team (AA Coimbra) cause we used to go to their games all the time and it just stayed, Sporting CP, one of the three biggest teams in portugal, and the one me and my dad support (the rest of my family's like 40% porto, 60% benfica which ugh i hate them), and then obv man u. i do have a little soft spot for liverpool cause the way they all sing "you'll never walk alone" is heart-warming, and the donny rovers cause louis lmaooo. otherwise i've really been getting into hockey lately cause i have friends that play in the state team and i like watching them get put in time out so hahahahahaha
i loved talking to you, you're awesome!! and thank you, thank you, my taste is indeed amazing 😌✌🏼
-Love, Miah🤍
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zhongliologist · 4 years
(About hypostasis challenges) i believe you can get all the rewards without working so hard for the points and the difficulty level ^^ i believe mihoyo considers the players who likes playing solo or on lower AR
And to be honest i kinda like this event, its a new challenge like you gotta know what the cube will do next, how to dodge it, etc
Also if you have played the geo one on extreme lvl it kinda need 4 people (or a very tanky solo team, or a team of insane nuke to kill it right after the first pillar is destroyed) , and some teamwork. Asking friends who mains klee or razor to help, its fun for me, but i cant imagine those who plays on phone... Its laggy on phone, my phone at least..
I was one of those people who asked for more co op event and mihoyo gives a solution with this event, which you can go solo or co op depending on your chosen difficulty ^^ im happy enough
Sorry im ranting hehehe
(Continuing my previous rant)
Im on AR 53 and honestly it only takes like 20-50 mins to do everything i need in genshin daily, comissions can be done so fast, and with condensed resin farming domains is also fast it becomes kind of boring.
The only thing that still feels hard is abyss but theres not alot i can improve on abyss without farming domains :''
When dragonspine was released i was so happy lol like finally somehing to explore! Oh wow look at those cute ferrets! OMG IS THAT A WHITE FOX AAAA CUTE! Why the hell is this cryo cicin mage has infinity shield?!! But of course i kinda cleared it in 5 days so... (i know, i always take a long time to explore, my friends cleared the area (100%) in 1 day i was like wtf hahah)
Im waiting for new contents hehe have you seen primo geovishap? The one boss you will need to farm if you want to ascend xiao? It looks like Godzilla! (Also rumors say it has 800k hp, like, 2 times thicker than boreas).
You know i kind of wish i can delete my memory of exploration in genshin so i can do it all over again with the same excitement, i remembered i was like "WOWWW ITS COOOL, SO BEAUTIFUL"
Do you feel the same when exploring? Or do you dont like exploring? I have friend who doesnt like to do domains and just playing to explore the world hahah, but there are also some friends who dont really like exploring and just, well, kill bosses, domain grinding, etc focusing on making their character deals huge damage.
Sorry i kind of wanted to rant and talk to people xD thank you for reading all these! Hope you have a great day
It's ok skksks my asks are open for anything tbh;;;
Well, I guess that's the beauty of Genshin. You can play however you like. It caters to what people wanna do, whether it be exploring or going for the bosses and stuff. And I'm not one to judge what you wanna do in the game sksksks you do you
I have nothing against the hypostasis event,,, maybe if I'm in a much freer time and in the mood to beat some sht up, I'll be up for the challenge. But well, I don't have much time to play the game except early in the morning and late at night, and since you need some time to finish the hypostasis, I just can't speed run through it and get 3k points. And it frustrates me how I can't do it,, so I just kind of gave up and went easy.
I do go challenge some boss or domain sometimes but I do it to get ascension materials or artifacts. The thing with me is, the things that I do in the game, it should be for something. So maybe I did get bored of the hypostasis event. Maybe the rewards aren't up to par to it's difficulty. I just thought that since I can get the primogems anyway, I dont wanna bother with reaching high scores.
I mean, I'm in no means a good player. I play on the phone, I have clumsy hands, and I don't wanna do co op sksksk so like there is no sense trying to work really hard for just a few rewards. I'm not complaining here though, I'm just explaining why I don't really bother.
"It's for the fun of it!! Not the reward!!!" One will say. Of course there are people who love these kinds of events. They can test their skills, their characters' strengths and all. And that's perfectly ok! That's good! I'm just not one of them sksksks
I just play genshin casually. I like exploring, finding hidden caves, solving puzzles, that kind of stuff. The open world was the thing I love the most about Genshin bc I can literally go anywhere in the map. I love learning more about Teyvat and the characters. I love the main story quests and where it will go next. I'm not an intense gamer who will really go ham on the stats and have their characters do insane damage skksksk i just dont have the braincells left for that.
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willow-salix · 4 years
Isolation update and one of two planned offerings for @gumnut-logic 's "Touch" prompt. Enjoy!
Day 80 of Isolation on Tracy Island and it started with Alan breaking into the bedroom while we were still asleep. I woke to him rummaging around in the bedside drawer.
“Dude? Whatcha doin’?” I mumbled, it was far too early, I was far too snuggly warm and getting up was in no way on my radar for at least another few hours.
“Oh, I just wanted to borrow your contact lens solution.”
“Huh?” I groaned, having kinda half dozed off again while he had continued to search through the drawer. “What lens solution?”
“That stuff you got with those coloured lenses you wore at halloween.”
I prised one eye open again and poked the sleepy hamster in my brain that had fallen off the wheel and was far too lazy to get up again.
“Oh...that…” where was it? Where did I even put it? I tried to mentally rewind more than eight months… it wasn't easy. Hell, without this diary I wouldn’t even know what day of the week we were on or what I did two days ago…come to think of it, what did I do two days ago?
Fingers snapped in front of my face, making me jump.
“Did you drift?”
“Yeah, sorry...lens stuff...it’s in the…” where was it? I could picture it…”drinks cabinet in the lounge!” I finished triumphantly, that was it. We’d had a small party and I’d taken the lenses out half way through as they had made my eyes itch and I’d stashed them in the first place I had come across, which just so happened to be the place where I was returning to the most that night. I blame Scott, I always blame Scott, if there is ever a drinking game happening or karaoke is started, he’ll be there.
“Alan, I…where did he go?” The drawer was still open and the bedroom door was ajar, but at least it was quiet again. I yawned so wide I almost turned my face inside out and curled back up against the warm body next to me and closed my eyes…
Coffee...I smell...delicious black gold...I sat up a little without even opening my eyes and reached for the mug, taking a sip before I felt able to face the world.
Perfect. Milky, silky, smooth, sweet perfection in a mug. I opened my eyes to see that he'd put it in one of my favourite mugs, the black one shaped like a cauldron that said "witch's brew" on the side. The paleness of the milky latte was broken up by a swirl of coffee and caramel syrup that floated peacefully on the surface like a miniature galaxy. Top ten reason to marry a guy, he makes the most amazing coffee, even if he doesn't do it very often.
“Gods that's good, thank you, I so needed this.” I sipped again then put the mug down on the bedside table, I wanted to savour this...why was that drawer open and all my stuff messed up? Not that I was the tidiest person in the world but I know it wasn't that bad. My sluggish brain managed to kick up an image of the blond baby… “Did I dream Alan coming in at stupid o’clock this morning looking for something?”
“Hmm?” John stopped rummaging in the wardrobe to look at me. “I don’t know, I don’t remember anything after we started watching that film with the puppets in it.”
“They are Muppets, you heathen and I have no idea how you could fall asleep watching that, it’s amazing.”
“Because it was after two and I was tired?”
“Pathetic excuse. Anyway, back to the original question, did I dream Alan? What did he want?”
“Again, I don’t know, you’ll have to find him and ask.”
“Mm,” I agreed, picking up my coffee again. “I’ll go in a minute, it can’t be that urgent.”
An hour later I was actually up, showered, dressed and had even had breakfast, that’s how organized I was. OK, so it was technically after lunchtime but that's beside the point. I tracked the small one down to Virgil’s studio, which is never, ever a good thing. No one is allowed in there without permission on pain of death. I caught him just as he came out with a bottle of glue in his hands.
“What are you up to, Squirt?”
“Nothing!” Unfortunately he said that at the same time as he hastily tucked the glue behind his back.
“Nope, not falling for it. What’s going on?"
"Nothing!" he insisted again.
"I can see you hiding something behind your back."
“OK,” he sighed. “ But promise you won’t get mad?”
“What did you break? Because that’s only craft glue for paper, it won't fix broken things.”
“I know that! And I didn’t break anything, you always think the worst of me.”
“Sweetie, I don’t think that, I just know you.”
He opened his mouth to argue but then shut it again.
“OK, that’s fair," he admitted
“So why would I get mad if you didn’t break anything? Not that I’d get mad if you had broken anything as I’m sure it would have been an accident.”
“Thank you for your faith in me.”
“So, what are you doing?”
“Well, I was bored-”
“And I started looking around the internet and I kinda fell into a search hole-”
“Also understandable, I’ve been there myself far too many times to count.”
“Anyways, I found this post about things that kids did in the early two thousands and one of them was to make slime. Apparently everyone was obsessed with it.”
“Really? Slime?” I found that quite hard to believe.
“Yeah, there were even whole video channels dedicated to making it and playing with it.”
“People actually wanted to watch videos of people playing with slime? That’s disgusting.”
“No, it’s not like, super sticky slime, but more of a cool slime.”
“That makes zero sense, little dude.”
“I don’t understand it either, but it seemed too cool to not at least try, you know?”
I nodded. “Yeah, I get that, I’ve done many things that seemed too cool not to.”
“Really? Like what?”
“I’ll tell you when you’re older.”
“It’s not anything gross with my brother, is it?”
I gave him that look that says all and nothing, it’s always fun to keep them wondering just what the heck I even meant, the puzzlement on their faces is priceless.
“Wanna make slime with me?”
“Sure,” I shrugged. “How bad can it be?”
“So you pour the glue in the bowl,” Alan instructed.
“Done that, what's next?”
“Then you add a… what does that symbol mean?”
I glanced at his phone. “Tablespoon.”
“One tablespoon of baking soda.” We both dumped that in the glue.
“A couple of drops of food colouring.” We both added green, him because he wanted to make fake snot, me because I wanted it to look like Slimer had been visiting.
“Now we add one or two tablespoons of the contact lens solution and mix.”
“Better add just one first,” I suggested, “if it’s anything like baking it's always better to start with less and add more.”
“Yeah, it says the more you add the sloppier it gets.”
We dumped in a spoonful each and mixed...and mixed...and mixed. I added a little more but wanted more of a thick consistency, he added a whole tablespoon more as he wanted ‘the whole slime experience’.
“No we have to knead it,” he instructed me.
“O...K” I didn't like the sound of that. I thought I'd just be mixing, not getting my hands in it. I poked the goo with a finger. “It’s cold!”
Alan, being Alan, just dived right in, sticking both hands in the bowl.
“Coool,” he grinned, squishing the gooey mixture so that it oozed out from between his fingers. “This is so weird.”
I was a little more delicate. I pushed my finger in knuckle deep and felt around. I don’t know what for or what I hoped to achieve. It was like poking barely set jelly, it left a bit of a dent and closed over my finger like it was sucking it in. “Ewwww.”
“This is great!”
“I don’t like it.” I wiggled my finger around in the slop then withdrew it, feeling the stringy strands stick to my skin. “Ewwww.”
“I love it!”
“You would, you gross little munchkin.”
“You gotta get your whole hand in there, don’t be shy.” He slapped his sticky hand down on top of mine, smaming it into the ick. I screamed. It was disgusting.
“You horrible little worm!”
“Wiggle your fingers!”
“Do it!”
“Dare you.”
“Dammit.” I wiggled and shuddered in revulsion. “It’s horrible.”
Alan was kneading his like he was making bread, putting in far more effort than he had that time we made pizza dough. I glanced into his bowl and yes, it was looking far better than mine was.
“Urghh I’m gonna have to do it, aren't I?” I took a deep breath and stuck both hands into the bowl. “Yuck, yuck yuck, yuck, yuck,” I chanted as I smacked and punched at the mess. Slowly but surely, it came together, becoming far less sticky and turning into a silky smooth substance that, I hated to admit, was actually quite satisfying to play with.
“You’re having fun, aren't you?” Alan grinned.
“I admit nothing,” I sniffed, though he was right and he knew it. I picked up the mess and pushed the bowl aside.
If he was treating it like dough, so would I. I dumped it on the counter and began to knuckle it, pulling and stretching with my hands, just as I would to add air to bread. Suddenly seized by the unholy urge to whip I, I grabbed hold of one end and flung my hand back, whipping it forwards to stretch out the slime and splat against the counter. OK, that was actually pretty cool.
“I wonder if this bounces?” I balled it up again and dropped it onto the counter top where it landed with a wet splat, flattening into a puddle.
“Coooool,” Alan whistled, doing the same to his, although his was a lot sloppier and spread across the counter. Mine looked more like a fried egg, his was like spilt juice.
“Oops,” he tried to pick it up but it was far too slippery, sliding between his fingers and plopping out of his hand.
I helped by grabbing a spatula from the utensils pot and trying to pick it up like it was a pancake. It didn't work. Strings of goo slid between the slats of the spatula and dripped downwards.
“Grab the bowl!” I yelped and he held it underneath to catch the run off. I scraped the spatula against the side of the bowl and peeled the last, stubborn bits off and flicked them into the bowl along with the rest.
“What are we actually going to do with this stuff?” I asked him.
“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve got plans,” he grinned.
“I don’t like the sound of that,” I groaned. “Just please, keep me and John out of it, he doesn’t need the extra stress, he already has to put up with me.”
I was sensible with my weird goo, I added a few drops of essential oil having found, much to my amazement, that it actually was quite relaxing to squish it and play with it. I found myself taking it out of it’s tub frequently that evening while we watched a movie, smoothing out the cool jelly, kneading it in my palm and squeezing it until it smushed in between my fingers. The soothing scent of lavender wafting up to fill my nose.
“OK,” John said after watching me for quarter of an hour. “I’ll bite, what do you have there?”
“Slime, I made it with Alan,” I held out my hand and dropped the ball of eww into his palm.
The look of disgust on his face was everything.
“Squish it,” I instructed.
“Squish it?”
“Yeah, like this,” I plonked my hand down on top of his and mashed the goo between our fingers.
“That is the most revolting thing I’ve ever felt in my life.”
I pulled my hand away from his, the slime clinging desperately for a few seconds, stretching between our hands before it gave way and boinged back into one mass in his palm.
"I don't like it," he poked it with one finger.
“It’s not that bad, it’s actually quite ni-”
A pained yelp and then a bellow that sounded like an enraged bull echoed around the villa.
“That sounded like Scott,” I gasped, sitting up.
Scott skidded into the lounge, face like thunder, naked apart from a towel wrapped around his waist.
“What the hell happened?” I asked in shock. “What happened to your head?” I got up to look closer, seeing that a red bump was rapidly forming between his eyebrows.
“I was going to take a shower, but no water came out. I turned the water up higher and something green oozed out of the holes and then the whole shower head popped off and clonked me on the head.”
I bit my lip, trying hard not to laugh.
“What do you have there?” Scotts eyes narrowed, zeroing in on John’s hand where he still held the slime.
“Run!” I yelped and John, pulling on his old track and field days, leapt off the couch and ran for the door, grabbing my hand as he went and towing me after him. It was safer to hide in the bedroom.
Apparently Scott wasn’t the only victim of the slime pranks. Alan had gotten rather creative. He had sneezed goo on Gordon and had mixed up a new batch that included peas and chopped up carrots and was a lovely yellow colour which he had dropped on the floor of Two’s cockpit at Virgil’s feet after making a series of increasingly violent retching noises. Jeff has yet to discover that there is blue slime in the soap dispenser in his bathroom. I dread to think where else it’s going to turn up. But what I do know is that Alan had better avoid Scott for the next few days, because that’s going to leave a bruise.
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vibalent · 5 years
Tagged by @a-problematic-shade-of-blue ! The challenge is... 10 songs I never get tired of in no particular order!
oh boi if you think YOUR taste in music is weird... do I have a surprise for you... Most things I listen to are in a similar vein, but I’ll try to vary it as much as I can! Please use earphones or headphones though. They sound awful without LOL Most of these do not have vocals... Quite a bit of them are (reminiscent of) game music.
1. Lemye by Sakuzyo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxA0eHk6tXQ
I’ve been obsessed with this particular track of Sakuzyo’s for MONTHS (even though I like almost all his stuff). At this point it’s probably been year.
2. Rainy Memory by Rabpit from the game Deemo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgwxH8zVKJQ It’s a gorgeous and beautiful instrumental piece! It feels a little bit emotional. I tried to play this on piano, but the music sheets that I found were... disappointing, to say the least. I wrote a little bit myself but it’s out of my skillset to play by ear, so I never actually finished it. Now I’m satisfied with just listening to it. 
3. Grim by Raujika https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t8jXC_Hktk
Surprisingly, for that song title, It doesn’t sound very grim. It sounds rather cheery. It’s pretty catchy. I kind of feel like I’m going through memories of traveling to a million places at once.  4. Ø Slit O by Ebico & Jioyi from the game Cytus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9513WeHV-w
Ok first, look at that gorgeous artwork that came with this song in the game. It’s also a free hidden track you can “unlock” by swiping a certain way on your screen. It’s preeettyyyy coool. I really dig the piano at the beginning. This piece has three versions total, and this one is the first variation. I actually like them all, but this one is my favorite of the three. 
5. Moonlight Arpeggio by Tomoya Naka  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1-8_OW39bs A calming piece. It kind of feels like you’re just floating through some kind of ethereal realm.
6. Adria Blue by bohemianvoodoo
A jazz piece! It’s incredibly catchy and would probably fit in a classy bar. The guitar solo is just 👌 Though I also think every member is absolutely amazing there. 
7. 6491 by Marmalade Butcher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO-EOVFbra0&t=669s
Actually, I can’t find the actual track of the one I like online, so here’s another one of their songs that I rather enjoy. This is the probably going to be the weirdest one on my list. Apparently this genre is called “math rock”. It sounds pretty dissonant often times, which truthfully is sometimes a hit or miss for me. This is one of their more mellow ones. 
8. astrum by ak+q  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rceAOOu79Rg Another piece with piano. It’s gorgeous and maybe gives a bit of a melacholic feeling? I can’t believe it was only a bonus track. I listen to this... a lot. 
9. Beatophone by Caravan Palace
Electro swing! I return to this track once in a while and I just wanna sway with the music! It’s really catchy. 
10. Stella by Kashiwa Daisuke (partial track) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaTw6IisvgU Okay I lied, this might be the most eclectic one on my list. This piece comes from an album with only two tracks. This is only part of the second track. The full track is a whopping 36 minutes long (personally, I enjoy the whole thing). This 7 minute excerpt has the most general appeal, so I’m linking this instead of the full thing. It’s beautiful and emotional... and sad.  So... what’s interesting about this piece is that it’s actually a musical interpretation of a Japanese short story called ‘Night on the Galactic Railroad’. The rest of the track actually sounds incredibly cryptic otherwise (or not), which is what I like about it. I’d definitely recommend at least reading the small plot summary on the wiki while listening! I challenge @anamyoun @inkfinite98 @addicted-to-the-fic @ladyarkytiorofdunans @noplotnostory @popatochisssp None of you have to do this, but I thought it’d be fun. 
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almaasi · 6 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 14x10 “Nihilism”
i can’t think of a summary but i watched the thing and here are my thoughts
hokaAAAAAY i’m severely magnesium deficient so i haven’t slept, feel very sick, and i can barely see but LET’S DO THISSSSSSSS
i just wanna see cas, i miss him
too bad he’s probably gonna be sad all episode
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is that pamela? or does she just look exactly like pamela
and what does the table say? “darn love free”???? i can’t read it D:
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istg i want to eat all the symbolism here and i don’t even know what 98% of it means
but there’s “cosmic cowboy”, “ghost”, and “the fox rye” lager on tap
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the texan star sign always looks like the bi pride flag to me
plus if you look from red/pink lights at the top, purple on the right, blue on the bottom, ................. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
a girl in glasses comes in and dean’s like “welp” ;)
is this dean’s heaven
are the girls gonna make out
i feel like that might happen
edit: noooope and i’m glad about that tbh
pamela confirmed
okay good it’s not just super weird casting where everyone looks literally exactly the same as other people
pamela: “besides, you don’t want me, you just like to flirt”
yeaaaah and he knows it
i love seeing dean this content tbh <3
and yeah that’s pretty much how i think dean sees most girls nowadays
edit: this was one of my favourite parts from this episode
guest starring someone called thunderbird dwindle??? and lisa berry
okay i’m game
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jessica got replaced by violet and violet has the most wonderful smile and i love her already
“we have shifts now because you mess up so, so many things”
this lady’s style and script delivery makes me feel like she’d be right at home in ‘the good place’ (which is an amazing show i recommend to everyone)
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how the hell does he heal like that
did jack heal him
if he heals himself, why doesn’t he heal during battle? there must be reasons and explanations but i don’t know them
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i’m really enjoying michael’s smug sarcasm
HAppy dean is my fave, no other dean is allowed
i love that in order to get the repeat shot of “ghoul thing in wichita with cas, they should be back tonight” to follow into “huh, just had some serious deja vu” they had to shoot the long version and just cut it for the first 3 times, then play the long one the 4th time
it’s so simple but it makes me very excited
i mean it’s a little tmi but taking more supplements actually makes it worse since if you take too much you lose it in diarrhoea, which makes you more deficient. and taking not enough also makes it worse. and getting exactly the right amount means i’m constantly on the borderline of deficiency. ;~;
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cas remains to be the single more beautiful and compassionate creature in existence
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literally cannot handle this shot i’m squealing ;~;
it got worse
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also beautiful but NOWHERE NEAR AS BEAUTIFUL AS CAS AT THIS MOMENT and i can’t even figure out how or why
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probably the lighting and the acting
cas is all nice n stuff and michael is like EVERYONE MUST DIE sooooo
“my world, this world? nothing but failed drafts. and when [god] realises they’re flawed he moves on a tries again”
now look here
i literally wrote this concept
in my destiel fic “hart of the storm”
four years ago
(skip to chapter 21 if you don’t wanna read the whole thing. but also do read the whole thing pls thank)
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i cannot handle
i love this and hate this 
i am inexplicably thrilled by his expression
and the way he says “coool science project. i give it a b minus”
also this seems super gay to me and i really couldn’t say why
maybe it’s the flirty “ah! ooh” when cas touches michael’s face, which i only heard after i said it was gay
i guess michael also thought it was gay
cas: “so much..........so much trauma in dean’s mind..........so many scars”
not a surprise but still
sam: “if i wanted to distract dean, i’d give him something he’s never had before”
cas: “contentment”
this hurts. SO . MUCH
but also i love seeing them figure that out and talking about that shit so openly
sam: “let’s look through his good memories”
vaguely violating but I WANT THIS SO BADLY YESSSS
one of dean’s fave memories is saying “i think i’m adorable”
he enjoys moments of self-love
i’m so emotional about this
i just want to hear about panties and cas somewhere in this
edit: to be fair there was no mention of sam in there either?? intrigued by this episode saying dean doesn’t actually care about his family, which i find incredibly hard to believe, but there’s something about the way michael says it that makes you kind of wonder if it’s true
cas says pamela is designed to distract dean
pamela: “you really know how to talk to a lady, don’tcha”
cas just stares and squints
i have decided this is gay and i like it
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the impala’s licence plate in the background (top left) ^
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and the cowboy cutout things from the tombstone episode
BOTH THE GUY AND THE GIRL WHOO (note that the guy cowboy is BEHIND CAS)
pamela: “get me a shot. with your braaaain.”
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i love her
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when cas’ eyes go big it makes me have emotions
dean: “my mind, my rules. i’ve got him. i’m the cage”
cas: “you cannot AFFORD that kind of accident”
aw man be nice to jack
oh and then he is <3
cas is the best dad
<3 <3 <3
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all of dean’s death journals say he dies because of michael......
“all except one.”... “that’s up to you”
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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy he looks like a scared lil kiddo
one of the best episodes in a long time but that might just be because of the hiatus :P
i feel too damn sick to think about things but THAT WAS SOME GOOD SHIT
love seeing women of colour with names and speaking roles and purposes and actual characters
and seeing dean was very, very nice
michael is fun to watch even though he’s the Worst
and maggie’s continued existence just makes me happy
kudos to steve yockey and amanda tapping. this was a good way to spend an afternoon when i cannot do anything else.... and nor would i have wanted to, really ~
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randomfandoms2004 · 5 years
rYU SOOO COOOL screaming abt ep 13
yeye lezgetit as always, spoilers under the cut! TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR SUICIDE MENTIONS
i thought that towa and bambs was kreon (aka bastard mushroom boi) for a hot sec
she seems to be very mom...I like this
also she managed to live for like a longgggggggggggggg time....
so apparentlY! OH!!! 
I-I mean, I kinda get why she wanted to pass on so quickly, she’s lived for so long she just... wants to age ig....
bUT STILL... (toei really going down the darker edges...must be that Kamen Rider touch)
“(bamba says something I can’t translate but I got a chunk) We have always chosen our own path.”
also I like this minasaur, neat powers, pretty cool design
I kinda get why Towa wants to know about his master (WE DO TOO, BRO!)
hiya Gaisorg.... how are ya?
I guess pm lady really just wants to be with her family member(maybe lover???) in death... she seen so many people she loved pass away because she’s lived forever
brb going thru it (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)
Asuna, I don’t why u mad, but...you should not be fighting...
Damn... Bamba snapped, go off bro
But yeah... he’s right, they really don’t have options to pass away, because they’re the ryusoul tribe, they have a duty
“Don’t run by choosing death.” This is a REALLY ROUGH TRANS BUT eHM
Aweeeee, Dime and Tyramigo made up! That was cute, yay for closing a minor plot hole
ok, they’re really milking the whole pm suicide thing....
like literally all the monster is say is “I wanna ***”
Asuna and Melt made up!! that’s so cute I wanna cry (lowkey do I ship??? that’s a hard mmmmmmaybe........)
uwu beans
thankfully, pm seems to be going away to find herself, maybe go home to the tribe
*the following is a rough translation of the ending of this ep*
*towa pulls out the look-see soul* “Give it up! In the end, she was just trying to use us.”  “Whatever it was about our masters, I would’ve liked to hear it...” “(We followed) Our masters’ disappearance. But, there must be a reason.” *this one is really rough, I only understood the last bit of that sentence* “They’re alive? Somewhere...” “I’m, looking into it now.” “Someday...will we meet them again?” “Until then... we have something we need to do.” *resolute nodding*
Preview Time!!!
Wow, Gold sounds a lot more mature-ish??? than I imagined...then again idk how old he is BUT YES!!!
Now we play the waiting game...
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carleencl · 5 years
🎤 iKON 2018 Continue Tour in Manila Experience
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Get ready? Showtime!
iKON - another boy group from YG Entertainment that I truly love and support too since their trainee days. I was also one of the supporters who would watch “Who Is Next?” and “Mix and Match”, and would feel nervous about the results per episode. I was the fan who would cry while watching maybe because someone didn’t make it or a harsh comment/review was said towards them. I would always be torn apart between Team A and Team B (now WINNER and iKON) because I just want both of them to debut and be successful.
November 11, 2018 came and iKON had their first concert in Manila held in Mall of Asian Arena. The concert started at around 7 in the evening.
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While waiting for the concert to start, iKONics were ready for iKON! We were actually having fanchants while the songs were being played. The fanchants were loud and in chorus as if the concert has already started.
At around 7pm, lights were off and a VCR of iKON is being played as an introduction to the concert.
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First songs performed were “Bling Bling,” and “Sinosijak.” The screaming and fanchants were already amazing at this point. iKON were wearing red suits/outfit.
Bobby then asked the crowd, “Are you guys ready for iKON? Let’s get ready to Rhythm Ta!” and “Rhythm Ta” was performed followed by the introduction of themselves to us.
B.I: “Ready?”
iKONICs: “Showtime!”
B.I: “What’s up Manila, we are..”
iKON: ”iKON!”
B.I: ”Welcome to 2018 Continue tour, Manila! Ladies and gentlemen, my name is B.I!”
Donghyuk: “What’s good, Manila? What’s good?! What’s good? This is DK from iKON! And let’s have a great show, alright? I love you!”
Junhoe: “Manila, make some noise! MAKE SOME NOISE!! Annyeonghaseyo! Yeah, I’m Ju-ne! Let’s have fun tonight!”
Chanwoo: “Hi, Manila! I’m Chanwoo, the youngest member in iKON. Thank you!”
Yunhyeong: “Manila! Make some noise! MAKE SOME NOISE!!” ”Hi! I’m Song Yunhyeong! Let’s have fun tonight!”
Jinhwan: “Yeah, yeah, yo! We are finally here in Manila! I’m Jay. You guys are so passionate and I’m surprised! Let’s have a good show, thank you!”
Bobby: “Annyeonghaseyo Manila! My name is Bobby! Before we go to the next song, I see it’s really crowded over here so, I need all of you to step back a little bit, from behind! Please, just a little bit! No, no pushing!” ”Guys, calm down! Calm down, we’re going nowhere. From the back, step back a little bit.”
Jinhnwan: “If you are safe, we are all going to enjoy the show. So you guys, should be safe, okay?
Bobby: “You gotta be safe. That’s our main goal. Okay? Cool!”
Jinhwan: “You know what? I have a special tie with Philippines.”
Bobby: “What is that?”
Jinhwan: “I used to stay here, well actually not here, but in Davao city. During the highschool days and I got such good memories here. So Manila, it is my city! Yo! I love you!
Bobby: “You can say it in Tagalog, one more time!”
Jinhwan: “Actually, I was in Davao and I can speak a little bit Bisaya.”
Bobby: “What is it? How do you say Hi?”
Jinhwan: “Hi is just Hi! Well, mabuhay!” 😂
Bobby: “Mahal namin kayo.”
Jinhwan: “Sakit akong tyan!”
Bobby: “You have a stomachache. It got stuck to you huh? What is the most memorable thing?”
Jinhwan: “At that time, I was a little popular in Davao. So many girls like me.”
Bobby: “Okay, cool.”
Jinhwan: “What about you guys?! Do you like me?”
Bobby: “Do you like Jinhwan?”
Jinhwan: “It was good. Every moment was so precious and special to me.”
Yunhyeong: “Jay, what is the best food?”  
Jinhwan: “We ate Jollibee! You guys, the self-support. You gave us a gift, the present. We ate them. We like BBQ and Ju-ne, you should drink San Miguel!”
Junhoe: “I like Alcohol!”
Jinhnwan: “And if we have enough time, we should go to the beach!”
Bobby: “Yeah, yeah, yeah! In our hotel, you can even see! It was right in front of us! So sad we don’t have the time to visit but uhmm, maybe next time! Right, Donghyuk?”
Donghyuk: “And you know, it’s our first time! Thank you all for coming! And Bobby Hyung has a present for you guys, right?”
Bobby: “That’s right! I brought a little present for you guys! So, it’s actually a beach from Korea! And we brought a little cocktail. Can you guys hear the waves?”
Jinhwan: "It’s getting hot in here!”
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“Cocktail” and “Only You” were the next songs sung by iKON. The “Cocktail” stage gave a summery beach vibe inside the arena.
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A Double B battle was next! A little game between 2 teams. They divided the arena into 2 teams, Team A and Team B, like Team B.I and Team Bobby. The fans must sing the chorus of “Love Scenario” the loudest!
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Bobby: “How do you feel to perform in front of an audience?“
B.I: “Uhhh, uhh..“
Bobby: “You can do better? You want to do better?" 😂 😂 😂 ”This is the first time coming to Manila and how’s food here?”
B.I "Uhhh…."
Bobby: "Cool? What did you do last night?" 😂 😂 😂
B.I: "I watched movie"
Bobby: "Let’s play a little game. We’re going to play a little game. We’re going to divide from here to here. This side (B.I’s side) will be Team A, this side’s going to be Team B (Bobby’s side). We’re going to sing a little. We’re going to sing “Love Scenario”. Let’s sing a little, 1, 2, 3"
iKONICs sings so loudly.
Bobby: "Okay okay cool! Coool, shhh! Okay if somebody lose what do you wanna do?” "We got a mic and let’s express how you love Manila! Who goes first? You? Me? Me? You?" ”Okay okay we’ll go first!" "Are you ready?? On the count on 3. 1,2,3!"
Team B: sings “Love Scenario”
Bobby: "Wooooh! Nice! Awesome, thank you very much!"
B.I: "Team A, are you ready? 1,2,3"
Team A: sings “Love Scenario”
B.I: "Who?"
Bobby: "It was loud but wasn’t cool enough!"
B.I: "It was awesome!"
Bobby/B.I: "Who won?"
Bobby: "Since we can’t decide. We’re going the kai bai bo"
Bobby/B.I: "kai bai bo!"
*B.I wins
Bobby: "Why do I always lose this game, man?! Okay this what I gonna do, I’m going to say how I love you without a mic. So be silent so that everyone can hear me. Shhh... give me 5 seconds. Shh.."
Bobby: "See you guys later Thank you!"
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A video was played and it was so amazing; the vocals are just so addicting to listen to. Then the vocals of iKON was out on the stage and performed “Perfect.” It was a surreal moment to see and experience.
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Next was Bobby’s solo stage. He performed “Love & Fall” which was so amazing! Rapping skills are truly on point!
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B.I solo was up next with “One & Only.” Again, rapping skills also on point! The crowd just really went more on konfire-er!
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“Anthem” and “B-Day” were up next! Crowd on B-Day was wild! Everyone was holding the yellow cloth/flag for B-Day performance and it was one of the best stage that I love! The yellow cloth with the konbat turned on resulted to an amazing sea of iKONics.
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Next songs were “My Type” and “Rubber Band.” “My Type” stage was chill but fun. Donghyuk and Yunhyeong even hug each other and Yunhyeong even jokingly kiss Donghyuk. Chanwoo hugged Jinwhan which in returned, resulted screams from us. On the pause of the song, Jinhwan said “Sakin ka na lang! Maganda ka!”
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Afterwards, Jinhwan was singing and teasing B.I. They were dancing together and Jinhwan was hugging and attempting to kiss B.I. But B.I was like pushing Jinwan away. 😂
Jinhwan to B.I: "Why you hating me? I love you!"
Bobby: "Everybody loves you but we don’t love you when yo do that!"
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Jinhwan : “I want to hug all of you guys.” “Manila, loves hugging”
Bobby: "Group hugging? What are we doing man?"
The boys had a group hugged while going in circles 😆
B.I : "Just for fun!"
Bobby: "Just for fun! That was fun!"
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Yunhyeong: "Ang gwapo ko! My face!"
Bobby: "What about your face?"
Yunhyeong: "Better than Jinhwan!"
Jinhwan: "No! I was popular in Davao!"
Bobby: "Let’s find out who’s better looking! What do you think guys? Do you think Yunhyeong is better looking than Jinhwan? Please make some noise!
iKONics scream
Bobby: "How about Jinhwan? Do you think Jinhwan is better looking than Yunhyeong?"
iKONics screamed louder
Bobby: "You lost man!"
Jinhwan: "Yunhyeong, try harder!"
Bobby: "No, it’s because Philippines is his country man! Second home!"
Jinhwan: "Yeah! It’s my second home!"
We love you both Yunghyeong and Jinhwan, nonetheless! Both of you completes iKON. ❤️
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Bobby: "Ju-ne!"
Junhoe: "Yeah!"
Jinhwan: "Did you prepare something special for Manila iKONics? Is that right?"
Junhoe: “Yeah!"
Jinhwan: "Show us what you got!"
Junhoe: "I got six pack, yeah!!"
Jinhwan: "You should show your six pack to them!"
Junhoe: "Yeah!!!” *points camera to focus on his abs*
Bobby: "At the count of three."
*shows abs*
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Bobby "So let’s move on you!"
iKONics screams Bobby’s name to show his abs
Bobby: "Are you guys saying Hanbin? Or Bobby? I think it’s you (points to B.I)"
B.I: "No I think it’s you bro!"
Bobby: "No, I think it’s you!"
BI: "Bobby!"
Bobby: "I think it’s Hanbin! HAN! BIN! "
BI: "BOB! BY! "
Bobby: "No, Hanbin!"
BI: "Bobbby!"
BI: "I’m not ready bro"
Bobby: "Who’s ready then?! Nobody’s ready! Maybe next time!" ”I think we should move on, you know? Maybe next time.”
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Bobby: “Who are you chanting? Chanwoo?”
iKONics chanting Chanwoo’s name
Bobby: “Alright, you’re up!”
Chanwoo shows his biceps
Bobby: “Alright, before we go to the next song.. We got to find out our best friend in iKON. We are all good friends but let’s find out best friend!”
Jinhwan: “I know why, cause our next song is about them.”
Bobby: “True.” “How about you Hanbin, do you have a friend or you wanna be alone? I believe you don’t have a friend. Wait for someone to pick you.” 😂 B.I: “Alright.”
Bobby: “How about you Jinhwan, who is your best friend?”
Jinhwan: “Me? Uhmm, it’s Bobby.”
Bobby: “Don’t look at me like that, man. I have a best friend here.”
Jinhwan: “Who is it?”
Bobby: “It’s Junhoe”
Donghyuk: "You’re alone Jinhwan! HA-HA! HA-HA! Because my bestfriend is Yunhyeong Hyung!"
Bobby: "Uhmm, whats’ you name, yo? CHANWOO!!"
Chanwoo: "WHAAAT?! WHAAT?"
Bobby: "I can forget sometimes you know?!" "Chanwoo! Who’s your best friend? Who would you pick?”
Chanwoo: ”I think, Philippines is JInhwan’s second home. So today, Jinhwan is alone!"
Bobby: "Jinhwan! Before you go, yo have to sing the song."
Jinhwan” "The next song, you are my best friend!"
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“Best Friend”  was the next song. The stage was such a cute one since all 3 pairs were doing a couple dance - Bobby & Junhoe, B.I & Chanwoo, Yunhyeong & Donghyuk. 💖
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After a few moments, Jinwhan went out the stage wearing a unicorn onesie! It was so adorable! He even acted like an unicorn and danced and did a handstand. It was so kyeopta!
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Next song was “Everything.” Such amazing dance moves from the 7 boys! You boys are iKONics’ everything!
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The 2018 song of the year, “Love Scenario” was next! As usual, everyone was singing with iKON (and not chanting!). I think with Love Scenario, fanchanting is not an option since you would just sing the whole song!
Bobby said “Time to say goodbye.” And the song, “Goodbye Road” was performed. As the music were gone, B.I still continued singing with the “Na na na na” in the tune of Goodbye Road then other members followed through it while iKONics were also singing along with him!
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Bobby: “Fantastic! (referring to iKONics singings a long) How are you guys doing? Good? How you guys doing in 3rd floor? Still good?  *screams* How about 2nd floor? You good? *screams*  1st floor? *screams* All together? *screams* Wonderful!
It’s so sad that we only have 2 songs left.
Guys, how’s do you like the Tendae (Love & Fall)? Good? Not bad?”
iKONics scream
Jinhwan: "You guys like the song?"
Bobby: "Thank you!"
Jinhwan: “It was first time in Manila! For me it’s good to be here. I really want to come to he Philippines.”
Bobby: “Sorry it was long but thank you”
Jinhwan: “Thank you because we wouldn’t be here.”
Bobby: “Thank you very much!” ”So we discussed how many encore we will do. Either 1 or 2 or 3 or 4, or 5 or more. Depends on your response.”
Yunhyeong: “Manila, sigaw!”
*iKONcs screams*
iKON: "WHAT?!”
Bobby: "What did you say?”
Yunhyeong: “Scream.”
Bobby: “One more time."
Yunhyeong: "Manila,one more time sigaw!"
Bobby: "So nice, so cool!" ”Manila, you guys are killing me! Let’s go!”
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“Killing Me,” and “Freedom” were the last 2 songs performed by iKON before the encore. Everyone was just so energetic. And can I just say again how amazing their dance moves are? Before performing “Freedom”, BI asked iKONics to sing with him.
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Lights were turned off and iKON left the stage. This was the time for the fan project, Iridescence. 🌈 Stickers were provided for each iKONic to be able to have a rainbow sea for iKON. It was such a coincidence that Jinhwan was wearing a unicorn onesie earlier and having a rainbow sea. While waiving our phones, we were also singing “Don’t Forget.”
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And once again, iKON were out on the stage performing “Just For You.” Bobby even said “There’s a rainbow!” He noticed the sea! 🌈
Bobby: “It was so beautiful!”
B.I: "Thank you all, Manila iKONics for coming! I didn’t know but there are 8,000 people in here!" (That should be 18,000 😅)
Donghyuk: "This our first concert in Manila but you guys gave us a big surprise. Thank you very much!"
Jinhwan: "How do you guys know deep words? Who taught you?"
Donghyuk: "You guys wanna take a picture?"
Bobby: "This is beautiful! First of all, everybody hands up, show the banners up! Say hi! So let’s have picture, 1,2,3"
iKON: "Thank you!"
 iKONics: “iKON! iKON!”
 Bobby: "Thank you so much for waiting! Sorry for the wait, but we finally came here to see you guys. We are so so so freaking happy! Thank you all!"
Donghyuk: "We only have party time right now! Party time left!"
Bobby: “We’re gonna sing, ‘Love Scenario’ but  we want all of you, every single of you to sing along, please? Is that possible?"
iKONics: "Yes!"
Bobby: "Thank you! Should we go then? Let’s go! Love Scenario!”
“Love Scenario” was performed and it was more awesome that earlier. Everyone was literally singing!
B.I. went to Bobby and like whispered something.
Bobby: “B.I just wanna say that everyone’s gonna shoot. There’s full of camera there, there and there. So put your cameras down. Please put it down.” ”Everyone stand up!”
 ”Don’t Let Me Know” was followed after Love Scenario.
Jinwhan was trying to say something then he called Bobby out:
Bobby: He said It’s different in Manila!
Jinhwan: "I love you!”
Bobby: "Show them how much you love them with the mic!”
Jinhwan: “Without mic?”
Bobby: “Without mic, c’mon! Altogether! Sarangahe! Shh, pls give us 3 seonds.”
Bobby: “Who’s gonna get dumb?”
Then “Dumb & Dumber" was up next! Crowd is x100000 wilder than earlier. Everyone was literally just screaming and jumping up and down in place.
 Bobby: "One more song?”
B.I: "One more song!”
Lastly, they sang “B-Day” again which made everyone hyper to the fullest where adrenaline was its on maximum!
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After the final song, iKON said their goodbyes with us, iKONics.
Bobby: “Thank you so much ladies & gentlemen.”
iKON: “Thank you very much!"
Bobby: “Thank you so much!"
Jinhwan: “Manila, you guys are the best!!"
Bobby: “You guys are the best! Thank you for coming out!” ”MANILA, we  were..”
iKON: "iKON!”
Bobby: "Thank you! Thank you so much” ”Get home safe, goodnight!”
Yunhyeong: "Manila sigaw!”
iKON: “Goodnight!”
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The whole iKON experience was amazing! Another concert to cherish forever. It was one of the best concerts I have been to (as I always say, because every concert is just the best!). I really loved the energy iKON gave making sure everyone had fun. It was like a party with all my fellow iKONics. Waiting for iKON was worth the wait and hopefully, Manila will also be included on your next future tours! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Sharing my vlog about iKON in Manila below! Feel free to watch it and feel the amazing fangirl feels again with me.
Bling Bling Sinosijak Rhythm Ta Cocktail Only You Bobby vs BI Perfect Bobby Solo (Love & Fall) B.I solo (One & Only) Anthem B-Day My Type Rubber Band Best Friend Everything Love Scenario Goodbye Road Killing Me Freedom
Iridescence Fan Project
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