#I ruvs him
wyrddogs · 7 months
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deepslate · 5 months
can u draw timothy lawrence?
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saddest guy in the universe
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appallinnballin · 8 months
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chaoticgrimm · 1 year
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Heres my rendition of an Atlas Au Timothy
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 8 months
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I was drawing him with u in mind bc YEAH HE IS UR OLD SILLIE. And I was fully expecting u to comment abt him, but what I didn't expect was others commenting ABT IT TOO 😭😭 HEJAHSAJHDJS
Anyways would mint oreos make a comeback /rhe /j /lh
you just unleashed the floodgates of nostalgia damn I named the ship tag mint oreos?????????? damn.... damn!!!!!!!!! banger.... good times....... I'M VERY FLATTERED ANYWAYS because even if I haven't talked about him for what seems like 2 years already - zavodila has still been on my phone since the day I actually got to watch the mod <3 <3
only because you mentioned it i might do a funny and make a comeback just on this post. also I'd kill to see how ruv would look like in my current style mmmHHHNNKKJ🤩🤩🤩🤩
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midfight-artchive · 2 months
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princeinsomniavoid · 8 months
💛 💚 for timothy from those f/ovember questions?
Yipppeee yaay!!!
Uhhhh lets go in order:
💛 if s/i were a colour, an animal and a place, what would they be?:
He's very much a nice yellow, not Hyperion yellow mind, but like a dandelion yellow <3 Very kicked puppy coded he has shelter dog rizz acajhbahd, and as for place he puts me in mind of a botanical garden.
💚 what does the perfect date look like to you?:
We walk and or drive down to like, a 7/11 and go a little nuts buying snacks and drinks and things of that nature, and then once we have our haul we either head back home and put on a movie or something OR we head out to a beach or a park in the evening and talk shit while we eat our snacks until the sun sets <3
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weepingpansexual · 4 months
Hello! ^.^ I wanted to request Selever, Ruv and whitty with a fallen angel. — ☀︎
since you didn't specify the readers gender or pronouns I'll set them as Gender neutral.
He wouldn't know it at first he just thought you were a regular human or so it seemed, it was only brought to him when you were battling against Boyfriend and your true form came out, since you were too angry to keep it in check your wings came out and your halo floated above your head while it glowed softly as your halo was cracked and your wings were a black color as you death stared boyfriend, of course out of pure fear he ran.
"umm...Y/n? what...what are you?"
You'd decided you'd been hiding your true identity for way too long and decided to come out with the whole truth as you explain your story how you'd been a angel in heaven before and you broke one rue and was casted out for all of eternity.
He has wings of his own, but they aren't like yours at all his were smooth and leathery and yours were soft, and fluffy since yours had feathers, they're surprisingly light but strong, they easily can hold up your weight than some in the air.
Midnight flights are a must, and since your wings are so fluffy, they're enough to wrap around the both of you which makes for great cuddle sessions.
constantly asking to see and or touch your wings, he cant help himself they're just so soft and pretty to him, even if your wings aren't pearly white like they may have been.
He'd have his suspicions about you at first as your energy was...different to him and he knew you weren't telling them everything but he decided to not push it since you didn't seem like a threat to him or Sarv.
When you lost control of your emotions and your true form he'd be surprised but also not really he knew but he didn't know that you were a fallen angel. but it did make sense to him, your energy was too pure to be a demon, and too pure to be a human.
Regardless of the situation of why or how your wings came out he'd be memorized by them thinking about how pretty they were, even if they were black and tainted.
"Why didn't you tell us?"
You had your own reasons for not telling them the truth about you being a fallen angel and he understood that and didn't judge or resent you for that.
He doesn't have wings so he cant fly with you but you can sure carry him if your strong enough to, he wouldn't mind at all in fact he'd enjoy it (but he'd never say it out loud or to your face).
He had no clue, not a single bit but he had a strange gut feeling but didn't really acknowledge it or think much of it since he probably think he was just being overly paranoid.
when he did see your true form he kind of freaked out since you'd just appeared out of nowhere with large black wings since the police were trying to get him and you just picked him up and carried him off.
"Y/n, thank you but explain"
After your explanation he'd be more understanding of your reasons for hiding it, as he knew how the people of this word could be and he didn't hate you for it either.
the fact that your wings looked so fragile and weak but yet they were easily strong enough to carry both her and his weight perfectly fine.
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ero-heart · 1 year
Alright alright while I am making your request
Imma request another Reader x Ruv
A funny one i guess
Ruv getting attacked by Reader's pet crows (probably like 20-30 crows)
This fic can be perceived as either platonic or romantic
It ended up being another hurt/comfort- Ruv has a lot of inner struggle
Cw: self harm, light description of violence
(Ruv x Reader + crow army)
Ruv didn’t knew you very well, he was curious though, something about you just seemed to spark curiosity in him. Sarvente budged him to speak to you, eager to make him socialize, he begrudgingly complied. Now he was on the church’s stairs, trembling, waiting for you to arrive to your weekly visits. Quietly preparing a conversation starter on his mind.
“Hey, I want to be your friend!” This sounds stupid; “I find you cool let’s hangout!” Also stupid. Everything he came up with was stupid, everything would work with anyone else but him.
Ruv takes off his hat and throws it on the ground in a fit of anger, grabbing fists of his hair. Taking deep breaths to calm himself down. Ruv curls in a ball as he dig his fingers into his head. Still taking deep breaths, he didn’t notice the dark creature slowly approaching to peck on his hat, another flies down to also inspect the object. When Ruv opened his eyes, there was five crows picking on his hat. Ruv got up to retrieve his hat from the creatures before they flew farther from him, with his hat in one of their beaks, loudly cawing. Ruv sighed before charging at them, granting more cawing as they flew away farther. He felt something grabbing at his hood, discovering another crow with its claws secured on the fluff, pushing Ruv while it flies. He tried to shoo the crow away but another one rapidly flew in front of him, getting caught off guard and falling on the ground. More cawing.
Ruv was ready to break those bird’s necks when he realized, in mild horror, the quantity of crows surrounding him. On the church’s stairs, the trees, the sidewalk, everywhere.
What. The fuck.
Soon his moment of shock was cut off by a familiar voice, quickly turning around to see none other than y/n, face filled with confusion. A crow flew past them, dropping his ushanka right on their hands. Realizing what was happening, y/n came running towards Ruv.
“Shoo don’t bother him! Shoo! Shoo!”
Some crows went away while others remained to watch y/n apologize profusely for what just happened.
“I am so so so so soooo sorry! I really am! They are such menaces! I am really sorry-“
Y/n kept on as they put Ruv’s hat back on him and brushed some dirt off his clothes. Ruv just looks at them, why are they apologizing.. for the crows?? His adrenaline still ran high with doubt and shame, but he managed to speak up.
“S’ ok..”
Y/n grabs his hands and pushes up, it took a while to Ruv to realize that they were trying to help him get up, so he lifts himself from the floor, immediately towering over y/n as they smile up at him.
“Are you sure? Are you not hurt?”
“I’m.. no I’m not”
“Then I am glad!”
They sighed as they continued:
“They do that all the time! Every person in my life has gone through that!”
Were you murder’s caretaker of some kind? Those birds were yours? That was interesting, that was actually a great way to start a conversation.
Both of you sat on the church’s stairs as you told your story with your crows, Ruv was a great listener, intrigued with your experiences. Sarv eventually went outside, worried with y/n who until now hasn’t showed up yet, to find both them and Ruv circled by crows, telling stories and jokes as the crow laughed with you.
Ruv could get used to that.
Haa that was it!~ it was a small one but I really hope you liked it! I’m sorry if it’s too ooc haha stay safe everyone ❤️ happy pride
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kijimha · 3 months
drops ocs.
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Aleks Ryushkavik is a dancer! His skill/ability/Stand/whatever is Face The Facts. He can form a lie and if 7 people believe him, the lie will come true. There's a cooldown between each lie.
If he causes trouble, he usually cries and attempts to appear innocence to gain pity. He could use this to be manipulative but he usually uses it because of stupid shit
(I've had him be called a twink before i cant get over that)
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Ballorona and Miem!
These two are together because they're dating and perform together.
Ballorona makes illusions, Miem is a mime.
Ballorona shows her emotion through her voice only, while Miem does it through facial expressions.
Ballorona uses she/her, Miem uses they/them and only sometimes she/her.
Ballorona's skill, Sohodolls, allows her to create illusions based off the person's biggest fear. The catch is if the enemy is close to her, the illusions can be touched. The farther away they are the weaker the illusions get.
Miem's skill is unnamed as they don't speak. They can create invisible boxes in multiple places, and upon entering, they can teleport from one box to another.
Ballorona is blunt and usually absent-minded, while Miem is creepy and usually spies on conversations (seemingly for no reason)
They are 16!!! MINORS!!
These three and Veton & Ruv are currently the only ocs you can talk to :3 Have fun yall!!
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*a giant phucking hammer (banhammer's hammer) crashes into the ground.*
🎤: he jumps a solid few feet into the air, that scared the shit outta him- "WHAT in the everloving FUCK was that?!" he walks over cautiously, curious about the massive hammer that just dropped outta nowhere "yo, sick as fuck hammer. wonder if I could get Ruv to lift it for me.."
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boschfanaccount · 1 year
You Are A Star
Bosch x Reader
Neutral reader implied! Tried my best to write Bosch in character but more wholesome to fit the theme.
"Here you go." Turning your head to the right, you see your boyfriend. A gentle smile blooms on your face as you let out a small "thanks". A warm feeling fills your chest as he hands you your strawberry, banana and chocolate creme crepe. Looking down at the delicious contents of the crepe, Bosch takes a seat next to you on the park bench. Taking in the surroundings of the park and the gentle atmosphere, Bosch breaks the silence. "Well, are you gonna dig in?" He looks at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Yeah, sorry. I just got a bit distracted with how nice this is. It's nice to get away and take a break from all of the hustle and bustle of Metro City. Thank you... again." Looking back at Bosch, you lift the crepe up to his lips and ask him to take the first bite. "I love you so much, I want you to take the first bite." You giggle, tucking a strand of his spiky black hair behind his ear with your free hand.
He slightly leans into your hand and kindly rejects your offer. "No it's ok, you have it. I bought it for you after all."
"Yeah but... I want to enjoy it with you!" You huff. Propping his arm up behind you to rest on the top of the bench. "Alright, alright!" he lets out as goes in for the first bite. Pulling away from the crepe, you bring the crepe down and look at him while he continues chewing. "It's as sweet as you, my love." A blush forms on your face as you tightly shut your eyes and bury your face in the crook of his neck. As your head is right next to his, he swiftly swoops in and plants a gently kiss on the side of your head.
"You're so cute" he laughs out. "Now eat this before it starts going mushy."
"Ah!" You gasp as you go in to take a bite of the sugary treat. A sound of delight comes from you as you take in all of the sweet and soft flavours of the crepe. "Bsh", mouth still full of food "I ruv yu sho much!". Your eyes twinkling and wide with content. Smirking, Bosch ruffles the top of your head. "Where are your manners? Don't talk with your mouth full."
"You're not my mother"
"Sorry! I got too excited. I just think you needed to know right at that moment. It slipped out!"
Bosch then sighs, carding his hand through your hair. "It's fine. I wouldn't have it any other way." Smiling at you, you lean into his side and rest your head on his shoulder as you eat your crepe. "You're my star." He whispers as he gently rests his head on top of yours.
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Request! I love Ruv honestly
[ If you are the artist, please comment your user so I can credit you or if you would like it taken down let me know ]
Ruv x Reader headcanons
Hes very...er...interesting to say the least
Hes very deadpan, the living phrase of "DILLIGAF" ( Does it look like I give a fuck ), and hes very lost on relationships
He does try his best to be at least decent in the relationship
Because he's so fucking tall, you kinda have to be picked up if you want a kiss or a hug
Not that he minds, if anything he finds it cute
Very protective. Will actually kill for you if someone even bothers to think horrible things about you ( BTW no I will not make a yandere fic, not too comfortable with that lol )
Hes like a cat when it comes to affection
One moment hes in love and practically begging on his knees to get the slightest bit or love
Then in the next moment he rather not be touched with a 10 foot pole
He definitely got issues with being touched, but he tries to get over it if it means you can hug or cuddle him
He loves you so much, just not his own disgust at being real touchy
If your particularly strong and hardworking, he can't help but just admire you
Like woah how can someone so small pick up a platform that big and heavy....wow
Hes a bit of a dork but we love this dork
Also random but I feel like if he had a real femine partner that it would make him even more dorky and stuff
Something about seeing his love in all brighter and lighter clothes and in makeup and just overall looking feminine makes him blush
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fish-fish27 · 1 year
for the ruv x reader prompts, what about ruv comforting reader during a blizzard 🥺👉👈
Alright then! ^^ Reminder this is my first time posting about this so forgive me if there's some mistakes (also English is not really my first language so also forgive my grammar)
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Warm up my Heart
Ruv x Reader
Mild Cussing
You sniffed as you wrapped yourself in a blanket. Ugh… you’re not used to this kind of weather, it’s so cold… what makes it worse is that there are no electricity for today since the power got cut off for a week due to the fact that none of you paid the bills this month and the fireplace is useless since you ran out of fire wood, not to mention how the heater you got is broken but judging by the lack of electricity it is also useless.
You got up and try to find more blankets but to no avail so you just sat down on one of the benches in the pews and hope that this blizzard ends sooner. You wonder what the other two is doing right now, are they fine? Well specifically, Is SARVENTE fine? Ruv can handle this cold weather, right? Actually, where the hell is he?
You shook it off and just closed your eyes to drift off to sleep, thinking that the moment you wake up, the storm will be over.
The sound of heavy boots on snow can be heard near the church as a figure approached the doors closer and closer, there stood Ruv covered in snow, he was just out to get groceries since Sarv asked him so kindly, the moment he left the store, the blizzard soon started. He also went and paid the electric bills with the extra money he got from pickpocketing while in the store.
He did remember watching the weather forecast, warning them about the upcoming snowstorm but it did not bother the man that much. It felt cold, yes but he can manage it.
He placed down the groceries on the ground and took out his copy of the keys and inserted it into the keyhole to unlock it. He then shook off the snow covering him, placing the groceries on one of the benches. At the side of his vision, he saw a pile of cloth on the other bench, his brow furrowing at the sight, thinking who left that mess.
He went to the bench to pick up the cloth, only to hear sniffles from under it, he was confused and took off that blanket to only see you, shivering and looking pale. Alongside of being concerned at your condition, he also thought of how stupid you are to stay in the pews, which is much colder, instead of being in your room.
He quickly closed the doors, locking it, carrying the groceries on one hand while carrying you on his other arm, holding you close to at least keep you warm.
After he placed the groceries on the proper shelves, he immediately went back to your room where he put you in, he also got extra firewood with him from his secret stash, it was for emergency and I guess to him this is an emergency. He also checked Sarvente’s room to drop off more firewood and to tell her that he also paid the bills.
“Where did you get the money?” She asked him with suspicion, crossing her arms against her chest.
“God’s blessing” He replied bluntly and left.
Once he arrives, he immediately put some firewood in your fireplace and tried to put it on fire, he also somehow got the heater working again by casually slamming his hand on it.
You started moving around, sweating from how hot it got, how you felt so suffocated and you felt like there’s a tons of weight on you. You immediately shot up awake, sitting up and wiping your forehead’s sweat and looked around, seeing the lights turned on and also the layers upon layers of blanket on you.
You heard soft cussing in russian from the corner of your room, there you see a certain mad Russian trying to light up the match but it kept breaking in half.
*CRACK* “Ублюдок…” *CRACK* “почему ты не загораешься…” *CRACK* “сука…” *CRACK* “хватит ломать- “ *CRACK-*
(Translation: Motherfucker... Why won't you light up... Bitch... Stop breaking-)
You heard him huff in anger and threw the empty box of match away, you smiled and tried not to laugh at his misery and reached for your lighter in your bedside cabinet as he pulled out another box of match.
“Это третья коробка…” *CRACK* “надеюсь, ты умрешь”
(Translation: This is the third box... I hope you die)
You got up and approached him with your lighter in hand, he looked at you with a blank expression but you can tell that inside he is raging because of the match sticks, you hand him the lighter and his shoulder seems to relax a bit. He took the other two empty match boxes and lit both on fire then threw it on the fireplace. He handed the lighter back to you and sit still as he watched the flames emerge in the fireplace.
You sat beside him and leaned on his shoulder to him.
“Where have you been?” You asked him.
“Somewhere” He answered.
You played with his jacket’s sleeve and then gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, you see his mouth slightly twitch into what you can say into a smile.
Soon the blizzard is over, both Sarvente and Ruvyzvat started cleaning the snow caused by the blizzard, in the garden, the roof, the balconies and the front yard while you stayed in your room because you got sick from the blizzard, you want to help but oh well…
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thinkingabout-girls · 8 months
Hiiiiiii saagggeeee
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You know who I think would fit your artstyle soo well
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That you should totally draw pretty please?
(I’m talking about Ruv if you can’t tell)(I’ll doodle something for you in return?)(I don’t know if I can colour anything at the moment but I can try)(pretty please with sugar on top?)
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you’re so right…….. look at him go he’s about to shatter glass by Singing Really Loud <3 I think I’ve drawn him once ever and that was like 3 years ago it was about time I changed that
you don’t have to draw me anything but if you do I’d love it 👉👈 your art is vv cool ummmm maybe my sona if you want I’m collecting art of them like Pokémon cards /nf
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weenwrites · 2 years
Hello! I'm so glad you know about Steven Universe!
You know that scene when Steven and Connie first fused back in season 1?
well I wanted to request a scenario like that with Garcello, Ruv, Whitty and Pico, them and their s/o just dancing by the beach (or any beautiful place you would like to think of) and really feeling it only to realize they're in one body-
( I'm sorry I couldn't write scenarios for this. )
Garcello never saw this coming, he just asked for a friendly little dance by the beach shore for fun, then suddenly the two of you fuse into one entity. He’s of course a bit freaked out at first, I mean who wouldn’t? He’s very new to this fusing thing, and it was certainly a bit disorienting fusing for the first time, but it doesn’t take long for him to relax. I feel like he’d find fusing really nice, and think of it as something intimate. You get to peer into his mind in a way, and he gets to peer into your’s, the two of you feel like you’re one and the entity the two of you become has insight into each other’s memories, it feels like there aren’t any secrets between the two of you, like you truly know everything about one another.
You were instead the one who initiated a dance with Ruv. You wanted to take him for a spin in the church halls at night. Moonlight flooded the room through the stained-glass windows overhead, and since no one was around, the church halls served for a perfect make-shift ballroom. And the thing is he doesn’t know how to dance, and so you were carefully showing him the steps. It takes a couple of tries for him to get it right, but once he does the two of you suddenly fuse. He’s of course startled by this sudden occurrence like everyone else is, but he keeps his cool rather well. Ruv’s also another person who would find fusion very intimate, because it allows you insight into his mind, and allows him insight into your’s. If he didn’t completely trust you, he would’ve unfused the instant the two of you were one, but instead he left it be because he trusts you.
You and Whitty were dancing in some lonely part of the city, but with him around you didn’t really feel that way. He had strung up fairy lights to illuminate the area, began playing some music, and then asked you to a little dance. He isn’t the best dancer, but this is for fun, this isn’t anything serious. The moment the two of you had fused, he was really confused. What just happened? Where did you go? You’re there? But you’re... Not? After a bit of an explanation he’s pretty cool with it. You’re with him, in a way. He’d like how his happiness would be yours, and vice versa. He feels like whenever the two of you are fused you’re both capable of understanding each other’s emotions better.
The two of you were just walking home after one of his successful murders. Pico held his hand out to you and offered to dance with you in the street lights with the twilight sky shining above you and the moon as your spotlight. And suddenly mid-dance, the two of you suddenly fuse. Pico is the one who takes it the worst, unfortunately. Upon finding that you're not there, but in a way you are, he starts panicking which might just lead to the two of you unfusing. He found it rather frightening at first, but eventually with a bit of gentle persuasion he might do it again. When he does fuse with you, he’d enjoy the feeling of your company. But since he deals with schizophrenia he doesn’t know how that’ll carry into your fusion or affect it, and he wouldn’t want you to deal with that too.
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