#I should make a tag for this au at this point.
briar-oses · 1 day
ok back on track with this baby au that unfortunately got wayyyy too long for under @ge's post... so sorry😞 (sorry if it's the wrong link also) so im moving it into a different post. honestly ge talking about it first just gave me the chance to explore this au (thank you ge!!!) that's been in my friendand i's head for a while now LOL shoutout to blue my bff
(maybe i should make a tag for this au now?)
with adoption came the responsibilities of a parent. altho tang bo and chung myung were already the little girl's parents by that point, they realized that they never really got to name her with anything. tang bo went on and mumbled about how stupid he was being to forget naming his now-child of all things and went full-on spaced out mode to think about possible names.
chung myung, holding the little energetic bundle in his arms, looked down when the said girl tapped him on the chin. his daughter (oh my god) babbles at him. quite the talker, she is. he then turns to look at her other father, who's in his own world and looks back at his babbling daughter.
chung myung huffs. definitely her father's daughter.
the little girl, currently being held by tang bo, stares at her father blankly. “You don't like that either? Alright.. how about Ha-eun?”, tang bo says, to the baby. said baby just drifts her attention off to some butterfly that passed by, reaching for it.
tang bo whines helplessly. “Hyung-niiiim! she's not liking anything!”, he complains. chung myung, training nearby, walks back to where tang bo and their daughter (the thought makes him feel warm? hm.) are staying, shielding themselves from the heat.
“She's a year old, Bo” chung myung made it a habit of not swearing or calling tang bo names whenever he's around with the baby. so he resorted to calling the other by his name often.
(the first time it happened, tang bo slipped. luckily he wasn't holding the baby at the time or chung myung would've beaten him to a pulp)
“She's a very picky one-year old.. she probably got that from hyung-nim”
chung myung huffs an amused breath. he is by no means picky but it's amusing how tang bo recently picked up a habit of relating the little girl's quirks to both their mannerisms.
We're not even blood-related, punk..!
chung myung sat beside tang bo once he's near. “What names did you come up with?”
“I already said Min-ji and Ha-eun... There's also Yu-jin, Jiah, Soo-ah...”
“That's too many!”
tang bo turns away, hiding the little girl as he shirks away from chung myung. “Is it my fault that I'm good at names! Hyung-nim can't possibly know how that fee.. I'm joking! Just joking!”
chung myung retracts his hand back. “Any other names?”
“Hm.. There's Min-ho.. Seo-joon.. Soo-ah....”, tang bo goes silent for a short while. “.. Maybe I did think of too many”
You think? You could name your entire set of daggers with all that
“What about you, hyung-nim? Maybe you thought of something”
chung myung hums, lost in thought as he stares at tang bo, and then to the face of the now drowsy little bundle of joy in tang bo's arms. chung myung reaches for the round cheek of their now-sleeping daughter, all soft and precious.
tang bo watches, mesmerized, as his hyung-nim that's known to be all things brash and rough being so gentle towards a little girl that's not his own until just recently. his hyung-nim wears a smile so soft and rare, so unlike his usual mischievous ones that tang bo's mouth remains slightly open until chung myung notices his prolonged silence.
clearing his throat and backing away for some space, chung myung turns to look at the suddenly interesting floor of the training grounds.
tang bo, silent for a few more seconds until he lets out a soft chuckle. “Auspicious omen.. Tang Seo-ah...”, he says, turning to look at the sleeping girl— Seo-ah— in his arms.
“It's a great name, hyung-nim”
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otaku553 · 2 months
The way you described sarie in the tags of your Sabo au reminds me a lot about boa and my favorite interpretation of her love for luffy: that boa isn’t really in love w luffy, she’s just so traumatized that she thinks she’s in love the first time she meets a guy that sees her for the person she is and doesn’t judge her for her past. Sarie seems like she’s the same way, with Sabo treating her well and making her believe that she’s in love when she’s rlly just experiencing decency for the first time
Heheheh yeah! I agree strongly on that for Boa and Luffy, I think that Boa does not actually feel romantic attraction to luffy but is just so alienated from this feeling of platonic friendship as a result of being the object of other people’s attraction and having been exposed to that for so long, what she has with luffy is unique and she comes to perceive it as “love,” just not necessarily the kind of love she thinks it is.
That said, with Sarie, I do feel that it is a bit different! It’s not so much “decency” that she is experiencing for the first time from Sabo, but rather honesty. The problem with being a princess is that everyone tells her that they love her, and at some point, she must realize that these are shallow words that people use to endear themselves to her for ulterior motives. I’ve been turning around this phrase in my head: ‘the realm of nobility is not one in which truths are said.’ Sarie herself is such a strong example of this in canon with her verbal tic of triple negations which make it very difficult to understand her, so playing on that, I think she would also have an intimate understanding of the ways nobles twist words and never say things straight out.
Now take Sabo, who has been one of her suitors for the better part of their teenage years, who she knows his parents have been trying to get with her to get an in to the royal family for ages, and he talks to her the night before she makes the decision on who to marry as the princess, who to choose as the third heir to the throne, and he says: “look. We both know that this is something my parents have always wanted more than me. You don’t have to choose me.” And she asks what he would do if he were king, and he answers about all the people he would help and all the ideas he has to better Goa for the masses, and. She’s charmed. I think Sabo is, if nothing else, capable of being extremely extremely genuine about the good he wants to do in the world, and he makes clear to her, in no uncertain terms, that he would be a good king, but doesn’t want to be king because he both respects her choice and knows that he is doing this for ulterior motives.
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That honesty, in his moment of vulnerability, is what wins her over. But not quite just that— it is the way that he is so determined to save others, when she has been thinking for the past years about how miserable he looks and how she wants to save him somehow.
Now also, imagine that Sarie has been told for all her life the words “I love you.” And not a single time has those words been said in truth, in full genuine affection and care for her as a person rather than her as a princess, her as a vehicle to the throne, her as a political token for the royal family, her as a mascot and mouthpiece. I think this honesty that Sabo shows is a lifeline she clings onto, because she knows after his confession that he is capable, in moments of vulnerability, of being honest. And I think she truly wants to hear Sabo say to her, honestly, the words “I love you.” I think she wants to know that there is at least someone in the world that truly loves her, and she just thinks it will be easiest with Sabo because she can give Sabo everything he wants: means to help the people through political authority. She just gives it in what she hopes will be an exchange for his honest love.
I have very many thoughts about Sarie haha :) I don’t think she’s a good person, but I do think she has the potential to be a very complex character. This au is largely my way of examining the ways growing up with nobility might have affected the characters that are most closely associated with nobility. I think they must be very fucked up but in different ways from the main one piece cast and its usual supporting characters.
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saphushia · 1 year
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|| part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 coming soon... ||
so, did you know ace was offered a position on the warlords that he turned down? well i mean... if he had accepted, it would follow that the revs would take more interest in him, yeah? i mean, it is their job to keep tabs on the government, you'd presume that extends to warlords as well.
and as far as warlords go, fire fist is interesting.
if only sabo could work out why... then maybe the man would finally get out of his head.
EDIT: textless versions of the pages can be found here!
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cyborb · 9 months
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recent warmups featuring gay people
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comradekatara · 6 months
Here's a completely random ask for you: what holiday (halloween, valentine's day, national ice cream day, etc.) would each member of the Gaang feel unreasonably strongly about? Can be positive or negative feelings.
oh this is a good question! (i hate so many american commercial holidays so this is a great avenue for me to project my frustrations with us capitalism onto these little guys. and to be clear im just doing us holidays bc otherwise there would simply be too many options and i’d be stuck here forever)
aang: he’s not enough of a hater to dislike any holidays. he’s a big fan of april fool’s day, valentine’s day, and halloween, because he appreciates fun and joy and love and merriment duh
katara: every thanksgiving she goes on an impassioned rant about the historical revisionism of the us empire deployed as a propaganda tool as it continues its genocidal imperialist project and the absolutely sick and twisted audacity of americans to celebrate a known lie in a mockery of the atrocities committed from the past into the present (this one may or may not just have been me, yesterday). every november-december she goes on an impassioned rant about the commercialism of christmas, and how it’s largely a fake holiday devised by capitalists to glorify the sanctity of the nuclear family, and how the supposed “secularization” of christmas is in fact a product of christian hegemony, it’s propaganda and you’re all falling for it because you crave hollow comforts in your cold and dismal life, and instead of attempting to look beyond the scraps you are given under capitalism you all just force yourselves to enjoy a facade of happiness and nostalgia because you refuse to admit that you’re fundamentally uncomfortable in your society!!!!!!!! (this is what i think but wisely refrain from saying because it’s not worth it. katara, however...) also she likes valentine’s day sometimes (depending on whether or not she has a boyfriend). she also has a lot to say on columbus day and the fourth of july of course, but this bullet point is already far too long.
sokka: his favorite holiday is pi day. he does not care for any other us holiday (but he has been known to enjoy a halloween here and there), but he specifically hates april fools because aang insists on pranking him every time, for some godforsaken reason. (he’s just so prankable!)
toph: her least favorite holiday is valentine’s day because it promotes m*rriage, one of her most hated institutions (it’s a long list). her favorite day is taco tuesday
zuko: he insists on celebrating shakespeare’s birth/deathday as if it is a real holiday that anyone actually cares about. and he gets offended when no one else cares. his least favorite holiday is the fourth of july, but not for any political reasons, it just has really bad vibes.
suki: she loves halloween because it has everything you could ever ask for in a single day: dressing in elaborate costume, eating so much candy, and getting really drunk. she’s also one of those people who gets really obnoxious on 4/20, at which point mai is like “you know it’s hitler’s birthday, right?” and immediately kills the vibe. just because she can :)
mai: she has a love/hate relationship with halloween, because theoretically it’s a celebration of the gothic, the liminal, the macabre, the ghostly. but in practice it’s just an excuse for everyone around her to get wasted. she hates christmas more though. santa freaks her out and cloying, forced cheer and merriment is unnerving and infuriating, actually.
ty lee: she dreads valentine’s day every year because she simply has too many suitors and it is very stressful. she likes april fool’s day because it gives her the opportunity to exercise her more devious inclinations. she can prank people so well they don’t even know they’re being pranked; on april first the world is her playground.
azula: she has no real opinion on any specific holidays. they’re petty distractions for mindless drones who require a modicum of frivolity here and there to spice up their otherwise dull, worthless lives. however, she quite likes tax day.
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greeenchrysanthemums · 4 months
Joel has a past with Etho, and It is the one secret that he keeps from Lizzie.
The war was still going strong, and Coral Crest just had a victory on the outskirts of their border. They took many prisoners in the aftermath of this long and bloody battle. Among these prisoners was Etho.
By this point in time Etho was pretty infamous and it was a big deal that he had managed to be captured at all, so his arrival at the castle, of course, caused quite the uproar. Joel was too curious for his own good, so he couldn't help but sneak into the dungeon while Lizzie and his father were asleep to see if the rumors were true. He was shocked to find that they were.
Etho struck up a conversation with Joel the second he got close enough to the cell. Joel, who hadn't even realized he had been spotted, was scared at first. However, he couldn't deny his curiosity, so he stayed and talked with him.
Etho admitted to Joel that he got captured on purpose, and that he was just bidding his time until Coral Crest put him on trial and had him killed. He talked about wanting to be free; free from the war, free from Wintertide, just free from it all, and that the only way he thought he would ever find that was through death. Joel asked why Etho was telling him this and he just shrugged and said he was going to die soon anyway so he might as well get it off his chest.
Joel went back every night after that to talk to Etho, fascinated by the strange enemy solider. As time passed, he got to know him, and in turn opened up to him as well. They became friends of sorts, or at least as close to friends as two people on opposite sides of the war could be.
He then realized that he really didn't want Etho to die, something that was inevitable the longer he was in Coral Crest. Months had passed since the initial capture, and they had indeed put him through a trial at this point. His sentence was death, just as Etho had predicted, and the date was fast approaching.
So, Joel did as he does best; he acted brashly and with little to no second thought.
In the dead of night, Joel set fire to one of trees in the courtyard. He had carefully planned it out and made sure that it would not spread to anything else, but it was still enough to cause a panic. While everyone was occupied by the flames, he stole the keys to Etho's cell and set him free.
Etho was confused and at first refused to leave the cell, determined to meet his fate on the gallows, but Joel told him to go have his second chance, make amends, and be free. Etho still wasn't sure, but he eventually caved, unwillingly to let Joel's kindness go to waste.
Somehow, Joel got away with it. He hasn't told a single soul about the deed, because if he did, he would surely be charged with treason. On Etho's part, he never told the tale of how he escaped, because he knew that in doing so, he would put Joel in danger.
Lizzie knows, but she doesn't say anything. She watched Joel sneak out every night, she watched him set the fire, and she watched Etho make his escape into the dark. She kept her silence over the years only because she trusts Joel with her heart and soul; she trusted his judgement enough to keep his secret.
Neither of them could have anticipated that Joel would come face to face with that familiar scarred man when Lizzie sent him to Wintertide to get in contact with the resistance.
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randaccidents · 2 months
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Heart Pre-ROE / Heart Post Apathy (you're here!) / Heart Post Recovery
Well, something's sure gone wrong. Mind and Soul have some observations (and concerns).
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Transcript is in read more (because I gave Soul the Lords most atrocious handwriting)
BUT ANYWAYS. LORE. This is on the first day after Soul pulled Heart out of Apathy. Neither of them know what is going on, but the guilt is slowly starting to set in. They don't know if Apathy did this, or if its something else that made Heart unconscious, but they are going to figure out a way to wake him up.
(ehe combining a reference sheet with the lore)
Indication of who's who: S is Soul and M is Mind
M: Observations on Heart's condition
S: Initial! WTF is happening
M: Concerningly, he is missing both wings
S: I'm pretty sure they fell off? There's no blood on his back. I might be sick
M: Not on the notes. Hypothesis, they fell off somehow, despite being connected to his back
S: move on pls
M: His limbs have blackened. The pattern suggests it may be moving via his veins . We have changed him into shorter clothes, for ease of examination and monitoring.
S: His limbs are FREEZING are you sure this is a good idea
M: We can cover him with a blanket. His chest, in comparison, is warm. He breathes at an even rate. That is all obser-
M: Apologies. Heart was found in and has remained in an unconscious state. I have reason to believe he is in a coma. I do not know how we are to awaken him, nor what afflicts him.
S: We shouldn't have left him in Apathy. That was my mistake. I'm sorry I'm sorry
M: That concludes our current observations
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itsredpaint · 8 months
jingfeng(ren) au
au where dan feng doesnt do his crime but instead leaves (escapes) the luofu with jing yuan after daiheng and yingxing's deaths (they just kinda left df didnt pass down the high elder powers even in a normal way bc that means reincarnating and he doesnt want that)
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the 2 travel around the galaxies for a bit avoiding the xianzhou alliance and then eventually get married
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they find out yingxing did not stay dead
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they meet him by chance but yingxing (ren/blade) doesnt remember anything
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Fernando and Fisi pictures that I like and enjoy a normal amount (pt. 1: 2005)
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#please please please lmk in the tags which are your favs and why#ill go first: the one where theyre holding up the engine in a very babygirl way and the one where theyre being picked up#but also all the post aus gp ones(the ones where they're holding hands above their heads)#ALSO THE ONES OF THEM IN STRIPED SUITS IT IS SERVING CORRUPT MAFIA MEN#actually i need to stop before i list every pic...like the point of the post is that i love all these pics....#anyways i think theyre v endearing to me as a duo bcs theyre relatively the same height and those cute renault suits make them look shorter#so theyre like twins or smth to me LOL#(btw i was so surprised to learn that fisi is almost a decade older than nando! they rly dont look that much different in age)#also this is not an insult btw but fisi is endearing to me bcs his smile always looks like hes looking directly into the sun LOLOL#i think at some point i should rly make a fisi comp post bcs i ended up saving a lot of pics of him bcs he is my unexpected blorbo#these are all def 2005 but if not feel free to come admonish me for mixing up djkskd#ill make a 2006 pt 2(bcs ive yet to delve into those archives just yet)#i could probably make a 2005 pt2 honestly bcs i have like uhhhhh...2-3x the amnt of pics here of them!#so yeah lmk if you would like those too :) the grind never stops in terms of deep diving pics#this post kinda makes me wish i made photo highlight posts along w my post-race gifs#also if you want to enquire as to what race/event a specific pic is feel free to drop an ask or dm#fernando alonso#giancarlo fisichella#renault#2005 formula 1#formula 1#f1#formula one#renault nando#fa14#fisico#fisi#we do a little bit of f1
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nobodys-saviour · 1 month
[ more idol au ]
the groups!!!
(active) deepspace — Caleb, Xavier, Zayne, Rafayel + Sylus in the future. concept wise i think they're doing the 90s/y2k bit thats like, newjeans yk
(active) Xander — Carter, etc. i have no idea what they're doing w their concepts.
(active) UNICORNS — Jenna, Tara, MC. debuted recently. i like to think concept wise they're close to red velvet. nero is their manager. he's always tired.
(disbanded) GAIA — coed group, includes Josephine. disbandment was messy, the company went bankrupt or something
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llitchilitchi · 6 months
im so sorry but i really hate the fanfic trope where it's not just the characters on the dsmp and instead theyre like actually countries with other citizens
i think it can be written really interestingly and also be done well (ive seen it before) but most ppl just use it to call cdream a tyrant and lmanburg "fighting against injustice" ;-;
i feel like there was one fic everyone mustve copied from where lmanburg was a small faction on the edge of the "esempi" that dream didnt care about and kept on getting not enough supplies and it sucked to live there until wilbur soot decided to fight for independence since dream didnt care about them anyway and then dream sends in his army to fight them
this is such a specific trope but ive seen it so many times heh??
(sorry for the long post)
okay but this is such a good take. this trope could be utilized Really Well and I believe Wilbur said that he liked the idea of DSMP having more "citizens" and a lot of dsmpsonas were created on that basis (which: can we bring back the dsmpsona trend? it was so fun) and it could be utilized in really interesting ways in soooo many fics
alas, it's only used in the anti c!Dream propaganda
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alecz-obssesionz · 9 days
Can we get the link for the grollow playlist please if it's still up, I can't find it
Sure, here's the direct link! The only thing I ask in return, is letting me know more suggestions to add if anyone has one in mind✨
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apotelesmaa · 2 months
My personal hot take that will get me chased with pitch forks and torches if I talk about it is that kanade is a tenma fanon is stupid and ignores so much abt both kanade & tsukasa’s characters. Kanade has her grandma and honami taking care of her and would not benefit from or even desire A Brand New Family. Tsukasa does not go around adopting people as new siblings he considers toya to be his brother because they have known each other since they were children and have been very close since they were children. Too tired to articulate my view on their relationship but something something being there for each other when toya was dealing with his dad being shitty and Tsukasa was dealing with saki being sick & his parents (justifiably. They were doing their best & he does not blame them.) focusing on her so they relied on each other. Tsukasa loving his sister and being unable to help her/separated from her -> friend he loves dearly is also struggling -> older sibling instincts have to go somewhere -> “I have known this guy and been looking out for him since I was like seven he’s basically my sibling” “tsukasa has been supporting me since I was a kid and having my own wants ignored by my dad (& presumably also older aoyagi siblings) he is basically my older brother.” Do I think he would make a great and supportive friend for kanade yes but I also think we should acknowledge that kanade is already getting the support she needs from her own friend group and family.
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geddy-leesbian · 7 months
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lil moodboard for part of my Serrennedy childhood friends AU
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itsubear · 7 months
Ok since yesterday I started talking about Dusttale here's another thought I had for a while:
Murder can make the human lose determination till their save files don't work anymore in a certain area.
However it's also stated that this doesn't completely limit the human's powers (it makes sense to me, the human having a full DT soul probably can't lose that much DT to stop being able to use those abilities completely)
Now let's take the often used idea of ​​"the player is the real killer, while Frisk is just their puppet/vessel, but Frisk still has their own thoughts and personality".
Imagine a timeline where Frisk is actually able to think, but is only a spectator as the player uses their body to kill everyone.
Imagine if THEY lose almost all their determination after so much despair, making it impossible for the player to save ALL their files.
What would happen? How would they feel? Would they react the same way Chara reacts to a genocide? Would they be able to do something?
This isn't a Dusttale theory 'cause this scenario would change the meaning of Dusttale itself. However I wanted to talk about this, so-- here it is :D
I did my best but plz tell me if I got anything wrong, I don't wanna spread misinformation!
Also sorry if someone already thought of this-
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veryinnovative · 27 days
How did james and mermaid reg fall in love i cant find the beginning of this cute series
i'm afraid this is another ino special babe. meaning there's absolutely no beginning of this cute series i just went 'mermaid au' at some point and against better judgment kept entertaining the idea of it instead of investing that energy and time into fleshing out alrdy existing aus.......
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