#I should text them that but they'll see this eventually anyway
buckttommy · 5 months
I love L more than I love books and 911 put together
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active-mind-15 · 7 months
Just thought of some Akashi videogame headcanons
So first of all because of all the extra studies and activities he was made to do throughout his childhood, he originally did not play video games at all. He just never had the time and his father considered them to be unproductive, anyway. So, he never grew up with any video game console in his house.
The only exposure he had to video games came from other people, more specifically the Teiko gang. Kise, Aomine, and Murasakibara specifically played a lot of video games in their free time, and if Akashi was around, he'd lean over them to get a peek at their screens (I would imagine they'd be bringing their PSPs or DSs to school or something). Sometimes, Akashi would ask questions about the games that they were playing, because he would just be so curious as to how fun it is to play them, and if they sense that Akashi is really interested they'd give him a turn with their console.
And, of course, Akashi, being the out-of-touch person that he is (bless his precious little heart), ends up getting taught by the other miracles how to play the games. He listens very intently and is a quick learner, though, so once he understands the rules he's really good.
And since he met Midorima and was friends with someone who finally shared his interest in shogi, Akashi started playing online games with him when they weren't at school. I vaguely remember from like an interview or something with Fujimaki that Akashi's online handle is Red Emperor, which is just... very fitting. Either way, even though Akashi did not play console games, he would always do online shogi matches with Midorima which would then expand into other games like chess and Othello. And those kept up all the way until high school. But since he wasn't hanging out with the other former Teiko members like he used to, his video game exposure went right back down to zero.
Eventually, post-Winter Cup, when the former Teiko members start hanging out together again, he starts getting exposed to video games again through the others, and the miracles finally just tell him he should get some games of his own to try out. At first, he wasn't sure about getting a console, but they told him that he could just get PC games to start and if he's comfortable with the PC format then he can just stick with it.
Case in point, Aomine sends him the link for Steam via text with the message "Go crazy".
Lemme tell you, this boy clicks on that link and SCROLLS. Again, as someone who was never familiar with the video game realm, this feels like stepping into a new world. With all the options for games, it's almost overwhelming, but eventually, he starts picking game categories that stick out to him and combing through different game trailers and synopses with a mindset of "I'll pick three games to test out and see how I feel after that."
^^^ Famous last words
Fast-forward to some time after that, and Akashi has very much found an appreciation for video games and regularly tries new ones that interest him.
Since he's a very intelligent person, I would like to think that rather than playing video games to relax and not use his brain for a while, he's the type to play video games that are intellectually stimulating. He likes to be challenged and use his wits to complete the games he plays.
Because of that, I would say his video game preferences probably fall into strategy (specifically turn-based and tabletop strategy) and puzzle games (which include puzzle platformers). He's also a big fan of story-rich games and will play through the occasional visual novel as well.
When he tells the former Teiko members he started getting into video games, they make it a point at every subsequent meetup to ask about any current ones he's playing and what he thinks of them. Sometimes, they'll keep an eye out for upcoming games within his favorite genres and show him trailers of games they think he'd like.
Whenever he's invested in a trailer he'll get this sparkle in his eye that the others pretend they don't notice but secretly look out for to know whether or not they're on the right track.
Also, after successfully getting Akashi into video games, the rest of the former Teiko members (mainly Aomine and Kise) convince him to download a few co-op games that they all can play together.
So whenever all of them have free time, Aomine or Kise will send some bat signal message to their group chat to assemble and they all get on their computers to play.
As time goes on, the co-op gaming sessions eventually become a bi-weekly event, and Akashi tries his best to shift his schedule around so he doesn't miss them.
His current teammates at Rakuzan notice him disappearing or being unavailable on certain days and ask Akashi what's been occupying his time so much, thinking that it would be something school-related. When he tells them he's actually just playing co-op games with his former teammates, they think it's the cutest fucking thing ever (especially Mibuchi).
Eventually, video games become more than just a way to pass the time, they become another outlet for Akashi to just... be a regular teen and not have to worry about being perfect at what he's doing? They help relieve his stress and give him something to take his mind off school. And the Uncrowned Kings notice he's happier because of it. Most importantly of all, he gets to connect more with his Teiko friends like he always wanted.
Sometime in the distant future, after graduating high school, he convinces his father to let him have a one-bedroom apartment close to his campus with the excuse that it'll make commuting easier. After moving in and unpacking his stuff, the former Teiko members get a text in their group chat from Akashi with a picture of a Nintendo Switch and seven controllers with the message "Anyone up for a game?"
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danieyells · 12 days
I keep thinking of Ed(?) that vampire guy and thinking of mc trying to keep the relationship with him a secret, or at least on the down low, but after like, 2 check ups from Yuri and Jiro, they v quickly realize what's going on when they see their blood level is lower than usual after their first mission with obscuary..
and after the look of just being done with everything yuri is going on a rant about why they need to be more careful or wtv and 'why would you even do that??'
or even a walk of shame to the chancellors office when they get too silly and oops mc is a vampire now(assuming it can be easy to turn into one idk much about them LOL)
I wanna think of him in a hotter way but I just get too many silly thoughts of him lmao
(The vampire in Obscuary is Edward Hart, yes! Mostly just called Ed so far.)
tbf we don't know how vampire lore is gonna work in tdb yet(Ed does have bitemarks on his neck, so biting is required to spread it presumably), so it's fair to not know how exactly it's spread or anything! I assume it won't be spread without intention to do so or without the target being near death or something(just so we can get that sweet feeding goodness), but it's also fun to imagine that the pc just like. . .offers to feed Ed and ends up a vampire because they just did not consider they'd catch vampirism. Why didn't anyone tell them! What do you mean they thought they knew!!! (on the other hand. . .would vampirism override their curse? Vampirism overrides Rui's curse when Edward touches him, it'd be a reasonable thing to try. . . .)
But lmaoooo going to Mortkranken and they're like. Why are you so anemic???? And the pc hadn't even considered it because hey blood comes back! And then it's even lower the second time. And they just. Figure it out right away like goddamn it your missions have been with Obscuary. And Yuri is so annoyed that they're doing something to jeopardize their wellbeing. Yes, he does need to feed daily if he's going on missions but he does not need to drink that much especially from the same person. Your blood comes back but it's still finite!
Yuri just scolds and fusses over them while Jiro prepares some iron supplements and like a list of food you should eat to help recover faster lolol
Another day they just got fed on by Ed and then get a text from Romeo saying to come to the VIP room and they're like "uh can i wait like. 20 minutes" "No. Come now." "I don't think that's a good idea." "Now."
and the second they step into Sinostra Taiga's sniffing them out because they've still got a partially bleeding wound and oh no he's hungry (and Romeo blames them anyway despite that they very specifically said they didn't think it's a good idea)
They pass out in class from the anemia and now Nicolas is worrying over them too(he's a lot nicer than Yuri at least) and now they're trying to figure out how they'll schedule with Ed to have a talk with him when Moby doesn't even wanna go to Obscuary(or Hotarubi!) despite being the dorm advisor
The pc gets turned and just. . .is Cornelius' office even open late? What do they even do about this!? They could go to Mortkraken, they're always up. . .they could find Hyde, he seems to be awake regardless of the time of day. And Ed is just so freespirited he doesn't even worry about it just pats them like oh don't worry about it you can spend as much time in Obscuary as you'd like!! Maybe this is what you needed! I'll teach you all about being a vampire, it'll be fun!!!
Of course when they eventually have to tell Cornelius or somebody it's a whole damn hassle. And they don't know how it'll effect the curse either. So now it's a mystery and things are up in the air and do they keep searching for a cure for something that may not even affect them anymore???? They aren't a ghoul but you're an anomaly now Obscuary is a ghoul-only dorm but do they place you there???? Do they keep you in containment??? It's just one problem after another!!! And what about keeping them fed!?
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Platonic yandere jjba villains (p.1 re-write)
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This is an au ware the Villains live together and are yandere for your sister and platonic yandere for you.
(Y/n): Your name
(S/n): sisters name
I was left depressed when my parents died in a car crash, I was alone for a for a few days and didn't answer anyone's phone calls. Which worried my older sister a lot, so she texted me that she was going to pick me up to live with her, so I started to pack my clothes and some belongings. My sister warned me that she had some roommates and that they could be a bit intimateing."Are you sure it's a good idea? I don't want to bother your roommates..." I said to my sister as we were on another phone call."I'm sure you'll be fine, I'll talk to my friends so they'll leave you alone."
I believed my sister and didn't really worry about them until I actually met them. My sister told me their names Dio, Kars, Wamuu, Esidisi, santana, kira, diavolo, and Doppio Their names sounded very odd, but I didn't say anything as I left to go hide in my new bedroom. The men mostly ignored me. However, Doppio didn't. He was nice enough, but I don't understand why he insistent that we talk. He followed me to my room, and sadly, my door didn't have a lock. My sister trusts these men too much.
I noticed that Doppio was following close behind me as i walked into my room. "Do you need any help unpacking?" Doppio asked in a sweet tone as I opened one of my suitcases, I just wanted to be left alone."No thanks, but thanks for the offer." I said, starting to put my clothes in the dresser, but he didn't listen and helped anyway.
"Do you know how long you're going to stay?" Doppio asked, sounding curious."I only plan on staying for a few months." My answer caused Doppio to look concerned."But where would you go? If I remember correctly, you don't have any other family around." He's right. I don't have any other family, but I had a really bad feeling about the men in this house, and the fact that I'm smaller than everyone does not help at all.
I just have to wait for school to start so I can be able to stay away from everyone and hopefully not annoy anyone."Um....do you know anything about the other men here? Like should I stay away?" Doppio started to think."Well, I think you should definitely avoid kars, santana, diavolo, and dio. I'm sure they dislike everyone who isn't (s/n)." That does make sense. They didn't look happy when I arrived, but I quickly went into my room before they could say anything.
Before I could ask Doppio anything else I heard my sister calling for me, I think she's trying to get me to interact with her 'friends'."hey (y/n)! Can you come down for a few minutes!?" I was apprehensive about being around the others and Doppio could tell."hey, I can tell (s/n) that you're tired and don't want to talk." Doppio offered, sounding sympathetic, understanding that I didn't want to be around the others."no it's alright, I'll have to see them eventually anyway. It's best that I just get it over with." Doppio nodded and followed me out of my room, I tried to hide my fear as I walked downstairs hearing my sister talking to the other men, it sounded like she was trying to convince them about something.
"just give her a chance she won't cause any troub- oh? (y/n) you finally came down! Do you like your room?" I nodded before responding in a small voice."yes I like it." I examined everyone in the room. Kars, dio, diavolo and didn't really look happy but they seemed to agree to what my sister asked and Wamuu and kira looked indifferent to my presence. Doppio and (s/n) are the only ones that looked happy that I was there, I was about to ask if I could leave but then (s/n) started to talk again."(y/n) I'd like you to try to stay out of your room."
Damn I didn't like the idea of staying around everyone longer than I need to."Alright..... is there anything else you need to talk about?" The others started to leave the room, leaving only me, Doppio, and diavolo. I was about to leave, but Doppio stopped me as he started to talk to diavolo.
"Boss (y/n) isn't what we thought she'd be. Rather tame compared to other kids." Diavolo just looked at me then back to Doppio."And I'm supposed to care?" He sounded less annoyed but not by much."I'm not going to stay for that long, I'm going to leave as soon as I can so I won't bother you much." Doppio immediately looked at me, worried.
"Why do you want to leave already? You haven't even been here a day." Before I could say anything, diavolo started to talk again."Just don't annoy anyone, and you'll be fine. Almost everyone will just ignore you." I just sighed."I'm going to school in a week so I'm not going to be around much." Doppio didn't seem to like that either. "Don't you think it's too soon? Your parents died not long ago. You need time to grieve." He wasn't wrong, but I didn't want to stay here, I don't feel safe here. I got out of Doppio's grasp before going back to my room.
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onewholivesinloops · 2 years
thoughts on Jayden possibly ALSO liking Miyao, independently of Meow? A lot of their interactions, even from before Jayden knew about Meow, read a little bit homoerotic to me. He's bi, he's fallen for both siblings, he's a mess
Anon, who gave you permission to drop facts?
I've said this before but it's not even homoerotic subtext. It's literally text, but that's all of Ciconia with the queer themes (love the trend of when they cry getting progressively more queer with each new entry).
I could pull up so many screenshots where they're obviously being anything but straight but I'd have so much trouble choosing between them because there are way too many.
But yeah, Jayden definitely gives the vibes of an oblivious bisexual who thinks he's straight. I get the impression that he genuinely thinks his feelings for Miyao are purely platonic when the things he says all the time clearly say otherwise? I could be wrong and he's actually more self-aware than he lets on. I'm still not sure what to make of that after credits scene of him but it's definitely hinting at something and a deeper involvement with everything.
I'll admit I was a little bit apprehensive about the prospect of them having something romantic going on at first because of the way Jayden immediately started treating Miyao like a girl right after he found out about Meow's existence.
This was tricky and could've easily ended up being messy especially with Miyao being heavily trans coded, but I was pleasantly surprised with how it was handled?
Jayden in general turned out to be way more endearing than I expected. He's a well-meaning neurotypical cisgender guy trying to understand the neurodivergence and gender issues the other characters struggle with. He deeply cares for his friends and he has a genuine desire to educate himself on things that matter for them and improve as a person, and even when he ends up sticking his foot in his mouth, he's not trying to be a douche or offend anyone on purpose, but he's trying his best to learn from the mistakes he's making so it can lead him into a better understanding of the people and the world around him.
It's really funny when he acts like an absolute dumbass then apologizes and asks how he should do better then immediately messes up again though. Makes me feel an exasperation mixed with fondness but definitely more of the latter. The fact that he's American also makes it so much funnier.
I think his presence genuinely makes me really happy too. This is bordering on more personal territory, but as a queer person who had terrible experiences growing up with people in real life not even bothering to try to understand her, I feel like this is an important message to have. It's possible for anyone, even the most privileged, to educate themselves on this type of stuff and accommodate neurodivergent and queer people. They might mess up occasionally but what matters is that they're trying and they'll get it right eventually if they listen to those around them who are trying to help push them in the right direction. Just seeing that play out means a lot.
I know I'm not ready for whatever Ryukishi has in store for the whole Miyao/Meow and Jayden thing in future phases but I know it's probably going to break my heart and I can't wait!
Anyway, it made me happy when he did his best to listen to Miyao and actually respected his boundaries! He may be an idiot, but he's an idiot who supports trans rights!
Top 10 Ciconia moments is Jayden saying trans rights btw:
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gurugirl · 5 months
guru! and the rest of the people on here i need advice. or just opinions.
i’ve been sick recently and i’m only now getting better my partner has been taking care of me every second. i appreciate her lots but her needs were pretty clear when we woke up. she was yk very touchy and everything this morning and i honestly would have been up for it if i wasn’t feeling both yucky about my sick going away and being so exhausted in general. anyways she kept asking me if i would have sex with her and i was like no i don’t want to right now and she eventually kept asking and getting more touchy till i said yes ( i know this sounds wrong but a part of me still wanted to because i miss her in that way MIND YOU ive been sick since like christmas so it’s coming up a month and we have always been very active in our sex lives) but i guess my body just didn’t have it in me because i totally faked it at the end and she noticed. she left so angry and upset and i just cried. i keep getting angry texts and i don’t know what to do. i feel super bad and she’s super upset.
Oh no honey! I'm sorry this happened! Relationships are so tricky to navigate, I'll just start there. I don't know your normal dynamic with your partner or how long you've been with them but I'd assume that if you're not feeling well (even if that means months of no sex) and you aren't into it, they should just let it be until you're ready.
I get wanting to have sex when someone else isn't feeling it. I've been in that position before, wanting to get it on while my partner wasn't into it. But there's no way I'd ever pressure and push until they gave in. I wouldn't enjoy sex with someone who didn't want it. That sounds awful. I'd just go take care of myself at that point.
I also understand giving in and saying yes to appease your partner because you love them and want to show that to them and sometimes that means sex when maybe you're not into it really. Which might actually not be super healthy... but I think most anyone in a long term relationship who's having sex regularly can somewhat understand this. But to be asked over and over again and trying to touch you even when you said no? That's definitely taking it too far. That's going beyond just pity sex. That's being pressured into sex.
I don't like the way they responded to you either at the end. You faked it to be done with it because you weren't feeling it, which you told them at the start. But then you gave in to give them something that you thought would make them happy but it backfired. It sounds like it would have backfired even if you didn't fake it. Even if you just told them the truth and said you weren't going to be able to come they would have been upset so it's not the faking it that is the problem here (though you should avoid that in any healthy relationship, it's not the end of the world).
Is this how they are normally? Are they insecure about themselves? It's typical to not always come from sex so that shouldn't have been a problem. I can understand a partner not wanting their SO to fake it but their response to you about that was uncalled for. Plus mean texts after the fact? Childish and manipulative.
They owe you a huge apology. You don't owe them one at all. It's okay to explain yourself, why you faked it, so you can keep open communication in your relationship, but beyond that? You did nothing wrong. Don't let them bully you into apologizing but you should expect a big apology and a statement of what they did wrong and why it was wrong. It could be heat of the moment why they responded the way they did but ultimately pressuring your SO into having sex is a big NO NO. If they don't see that now in the relationship you can expect that they'll do something like this again with you in the future.
I hope you are okay. Let me know what happens if you like. I'm curious to see if they realize that what they did was wrong and wind up apologizing to you. But I'd consider them in the doghouse for a bit even if they do apologize. Some major red flags there. Good luck, hon.
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
Hiiiiii! Can you do a fereal boys(?)x male reader irl. So, male reader is hesitant to do a face reveal because he has a big scar that runs along his face and ends at his collarbone from a car crash. He thinks fans will think he's ugly and send him hate, but he gets an overwhelming amount of compliments about his personality already, so he thought , fuck it. He does a face reveal on stream, and he gets a discord notification like 10 minutes after. And when he joins the all you hear is all the fereal boys fighting over reader. And reader is just sitting there quietly like "wtf is happening". (you can end it how you want, and I have this scar in real life, so this would mean a lot to me. I also just want to say that you are the best writer I have ever had the privilege of coming across.)
I hope I did your request justice! I really enjoy writing requests for people that pertain to things that aren’t typically seen in common fics, everyone deserves love! Also Quackity is pink text because George is blue :] <3
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Summary: Your recent stream reveals more than just your face
Genre: Fluff?
Pairing: Feral Boys X Reader
Pronouns: He/him
[A/n]: Requests are open <3
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"So why haven't you done a face reveal yet? I mean you've probably got the best chats among our whole friend group."
"I just, I don't think they're gonna like how I look."
"Dude, your fans are literally in love with you, I don't think they'll mind how you look."
"Yeah you get like hundreds of compliments every stream, I doubt that any of them would hate your face." You subconsciously rubbed at your scar, taking the boy's words into consideration. Should you do a face reveal? Would your fans really love you regardless of your scar?
"Ya know what, fuck it. I'm doing it." There were cheers from the boys as you started setting up for a stream. You had muted the call so you couldn't hear the boys talking but they probably weren't talking about anything important anyways.
Starting up the stream you waited a few minutes for people to join in. Once you felt there were enough people you started talking.
"Hey guys, welcome to my face reveal vid." The chat was flooded with people talking about how excited they are. There were also comments of people hyping you up. Without any further delay, you turned on your camera and allowed the viewers to see your face.
Immediately you were flooded with compliments and people absolutely adoring you. Your fans didn't mind your scar, they thought that it was cool. There were a couple questions that you didn't mind answering, but for the most part, it was just your chat simping for you. They hyped up everything from your looks to your voice to your personality.
Eventually though, you decided to end the stream and return to the call that your friends were in. Saying goodbye to your chat you ended the stream and unmuted the call.
At first, you thought they were speaking gibberish as they were all talking over each other though eventually, you were able to figure out that they were talking about someone.
"No way I'll let you have him, he's mine. I called dibs."
"You can't call dibs on a person Quackity."
"To be fair, I liked him before I saw his face, so I think it's only fair that I get him."
"He was my friend first, so I should get him."
"No way, me and him have more in common so he should be mine." Who are they talking about? You listened in a bit more trying to decipher who this 'he' was.
"(Y/n) is my best friend, therefore he should be with me."
"(Y/n) has been to my house the most times, he should be with me."
"He should be with me because he and I call almost every day so I talk to him the most!"
"I've known him the longest out of everyone here, I've liked him since before you guys even knew him."
"No no no, you guys are all wrong. See I don't need to give a reason for (Y/n) to be with me because he's already gonna pick me anyways." There was an uproar in the call, all the boys yelling at each other playfully.
"Uh, guys?" You had never heard the five go so silent so quickly.
"Hi (Y/n), how long have you been here?"
"Like the past five minutes."
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pompadourpink · 3 years
Hello mother, I found your "finding a good partner" post in the masterpost and I'm wondering what you mean by having a 3 week long interview. Is it before you agree to kiss them? And if so, how do you keep the guy patient? Thanks <3
Hello dear,
Before I agree to meet them! Experience showed me that making myself available immediately sends desperate signals which give you the image of someone who's so afraid of being alone they'll accept anything, even bad treatment, and that girl will end up dating a shadow who flirts with other people on the side, is never around, and calls her a headache if she requests one crumb of commitment.
So whether we're meeting online or in real life, I first act sweet but friendly, and then we talk and talk (through text then social media) for two to three weeks during which we discuss hobbies, career, childhood, stupid "would you rather" preferences, etc.; after which we go to dinner and the deed is done.
Why do I do it?
Someone who takes one glance at you and wants to go have drinks or rushes you to meet again is exclusively impressed by your appearance - that's the only thing they know. I think hook up culture is a waste of time - especially for girls who are less likely to get off anyway.
Getting a chance to know who I'm talking to before anything happens means I'm less likely to start catching feelings for someone and realise that we don't have the same values at all during a casual conversation, two months in. I will never take the chance of having a dear friend being disrespected by some crusty dude I thought was cute.
I know who I am and what I want. The first really good man I dated got a swipe right because he had a fun bio and was wearing a tiara and holding a cat on a pic and eventually spent an hour making me dinner every night. When you understand you can get that, you never want to compromise again, even if you don't want to settle down now.
I've been doing that for about five years, and anyone who passed the first-week mark never got impatient and instead quietly waited for me to make myself available. TikTok's algorithm decided I wanted to see lots of young women who don't know if they should get ready for a first date that night because they haven't heard from the guy in a while - and he's always a no show and comes up with a stupid excuse the next day. I sympathise but can't relate, because by the time the first date is finally planned (dinner, not drinks, I'm not 19 anymore - first impressions are important), I've been texting with the guy every day and he can't wait.
Clearly, most of those relationships ended up in a breakup after we realised we wanted different things, and that's okay, because there's no point in being with someone if you're not happy. I got to learn what I wanted, what I didn't want, got used to being treated with respect and feeling loved (for reference, I ended my worst relationship when the guy whistled for me to get my attention).
And now, I'm dating someone who dances with me every night, plays the guitar when I get stressed out, spends hours answering my endless questions (he's a surgeon) and has been talking about puppies for a while. We both know I want to leave town and he can't, so it's not like we're getting married, but we're taking each other seriously and I feel 100% safe around him. Here is what matters.
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iwavibes · 4 years
----haikyuu social media au
iwaizumi y/n, nekoma's second year manager, has always been in love with kozume kenma. in an attempt to get her to move on, her two best friends introduce her to the prettiest boys they know.
besides, the only way to move on is to actually move on, right?
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NOTE: kinda don't like this chapter but it's the only one we've got KSKSKSK // 1/2 of the extra updates as a thank you for 100+ followers 💞
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word count: 900+
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"It looks like it's just us today." You say, lifting your head up to a very confused Akaashi.
"That's weird. Bokuto said they'll be here." He takes a bite off the onigiri in his hands, eyes trained on you.
"Apparently, Kenma is sick so Bo and Kuroo are taking care of him." You show him the text Kuroo sent you.
He nodded his head in understanding. "I hope he gets better soon."
"Do you want to go somewhere? We're here anyways."
Akaashi paused in thought. He didn't really know where he wanted to go, he was under the impression that Kuroo and Bokuto would just drag everyone to wherever they like like always do. Still, one place always came to mind as one of his favorite spots to go to.
"A book cafe?" You ask, the moment you entered the small secluded shop, the strong scent of coffee engulfing your senses in an instant. The walls were adorned with bookshelves and a variety of framed paintings.
"Is this okay? If you don't like it we can always walk around…" he suggested shyly, avoiding your gaze as he did so. You couldn't help but smile at his bashful appearance.
"No… I think it's great, really." You assure him. His lips stretched into a small smile and you hate to admit how attractive it made him look.
"That's good to hear…" he trailed off, "we should go find a table. I'll go buy our drinks. What will you have?"
"Chocolate Milk?"
He nodded his head before walking to the counter, that left you to look for a spot to sit. You chose one right at the edge of the cafe, near a bookshelf. You figured Akaashi would like to be somewhere near the books. And you were right, the smile that settled on his lips said a lot and also the way he hurriedly walked to the nearest shelf. You found it adorable.
You've never been here but it was very peaceful. A comforting type of quietness settles around the shop and everything just seemed to give off a very warm feeling. You liked the sweetness of your beverage and how it oddly matched with the lofi songs currently playing.
You hear the chair in front of you creak and your eyes fall to Akaashi. His hands held a dark red leather bound book. There was no title on it but you see the way his eyes trained on the pages as if he was soaking up every word the book displayed.
"Read to me." The words leave your lips before you could stop them. You flinched in surprise at your own voice, looking over to Akaashi whose cerulean eyes bore into yours. "If it's okay."
You seem him nod in reply, leaning closer to you as he recited the words. You found yourself staring at him, the syllables falling from his lips like a harmonious song, you could listen to it for a long time.
This went on for a few more moments with the two of you drinking your drinks from time to time until he finished. Your eyes never left his frame, not even when he read out the last paragraph in his melodic voice.
"We are nothing more than specks in the wind. Small dusts carried away by the breath of time. Our names will be forgotten eventually and the people we look up to will be nothing more than distant memories of the people who once knew them. But for once, in this insignificant life of mine, I want to be remembered. I want to be remembered by my smile, my laugh, my touch and my gaze. I want you to remember me." He lifted his focus from the page to your awaiting eyes.
"You have a really nice voice." You tell him. Akaashi's brain seemed to have stopped working at the sound of your compliment, his body tensing up a bit but not enough to be noticed by you.
"Thank you, y/n." He replied. He looked to the watch that hung on the wall behind you, the clock displaying that it was already almost 6PM. "It looks like we've been here for a long time."
You turned towards the window, seeing the sky already turning dark. You hummed, "looks like we did."
"Let me walk you home." He offered, already standing up from his seat. You chuckled before nodding your head, saying 'sure' under your breath.
The stars glowed brightly over the dark sky, a mish mash of constellations already peeking into view. Akaashi is very observant so when you suddenly grew quiet by looking at the stars, it didn't take long for him to notice. In his mind you must be disappointed with the day's events.
"I'm sorry we didn't get to do something you like." He spoke up, looking down on the ground.
You let out a small puff of air through your nose as if you expected this reaction. A genuine smile bloomed in your features as you slightly tug on his arm to look at you. "It's okay, Akaashi. I enjoyed this day with you."
He could feel his cheeks heat up at your words. If you asked him what his brain was like right now, he might say it looked like that one meme with all those mini SpongeBobs panicking because that's exactly how he feels; like his brain cells were scrambling all over the place.
He certainly didn't expect that. How could you look at him like that? What was that in your eyes? What was he feeling? He barely knew you before this, hell you never talked this much face to face until today, yet you've somehow sparked something within him. What it is, he doesn't know yet.
"I-I'm really happy to hear that, y/n." He stammers a bit, mostly because of his thoughts but also the way you still held on to him. It felt like a small fire on his side. A soft burn in the cold night.
"Thank you, Akaashi." You grin cheekily at him. "I'm kinda glad the others aren't here to be honest. Knowing Kuroo, we would've probably been kicked out." And then you finally let go, Akaashi's head seemed to have finally cleared as you did so.
Akaashi laughed, eyes crinkling into perfect crescents as his smile grew wider. It looked like his whole face glowed with it. You kinda liked the way it looked on him.
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TAGLIST: @jesquisser @peteunderoos @rye-li @sophie-duck @elianetsantana @angrylittleriri @kpop-kk @winunk @mint-mai @applekenm ((can't tag)) @what-dose-nani-mean
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katyahina · 3 years
Speaking of the league, what are YOUR hcs??😳 (since u asked of mine as well lol)
OKAY I actually do, thank you for the ask!! However keep in mind that pretty much it's work in progress, because literally every single day I remember an item description I forgot or get a new perspective/idea on my own! But as of now (September 11th, 2021) here goes!
Under cut though because I have many headcanons, plus it's mostly text and no pictures this time...
* Valtr
- As the type to be 'obssessed with his job', formerly as a constable and now as a hunter, he struggles to have hobbies or even enjoy his rest time at all! But when his friends DO manage to convince him to relax and try to do something fun like drawing or cooking or whatever, he quickly gains enough competence in the thing to start criticizing and teaching THE person who showed him the way to begin with! That can be frustrating, and they have to ask him to STOP now, which is as hard as getting him to start was....
- I already talked about how seeing Vermin relies on one's own ability to define what is acceptable and what isn't in this post, but yeah. He stopped seeing Vermin because of 'nothing deserves to live anyway' mindset that makes Impurity rune redundant; however as dialogue suggests in my opinion, the hunter betraying him does piss him off enough to see it in them! If you never do though, presume he moves on sheer autopilot to at least find himself a replacement. He still does the right thing even if it does not matter anymore...
- His passionate praising and affection to confederates for squashing bugs is genuine but at the same time pragmatic! Vermin is seen by anyone with Impurity rune in what/who they deep down think should be exterminated, and theme of 'some things only can harm you if you are able to perceive them' is strong in Bloodborne - so Valtr needs to fuel the feeling that they are in the right in them, because if they hate themselves and see Vermin in themselves... at least they will suffer physically, at likeliest they'll die.
- Valtr is similar to Gehrman with the 'whatever your backstory/motivation/hunting style/etc is, if you are ready to kill and can do it WELL - you are accepted' approach (as opposed to Ludwig's quite unifying and inspiring chivalry), however, Valtr is of course way better at reading hidden emotions and needs of his subordinates than him.
* Yamamura
- Arrived with long hair in ponytail like concept art of him suggests, cut it short with a sword as sort of a sign of starting new life in Yharnam.
- Is unable to take a break like Valtr, however, for Yamamura it is very detrimental. Think of the person who never switches TV channel when it's bad news, never blocks internet content they hate or disturbed by, like, no matter how bad their mental state gets - they keep exposure up because 'well it will not disappear just because I stopped looking at it'. Valtr was very stoic and even felt the more in his element the worse things got - but Yamamura is an emotional, intricate, sensitive person, so his eventual insanity came from this. Just think of the person that denies every temporary comfort because "it will not change how the world is"... He is very self-destructive - that varies from understandable(?) denial of help when he needs it to crazy things such as defying himself his own human needs.
- Needs a hug but says he does not because "if I feel nice now it won't change how awful the world is :/". Valtr takes boundaries of his confederates seriously, however requests like 'let me wallow in literal insanity and suffer whereas simple affection could make a difference' are to be taken in reverse, so too bad, hugs from all confederates for him.
- Valtr did not offer Yamamura to leave the League directly, nor would Yamamura agree, yet Valtr recognized him as very sensitive so he started talking to him often, more often than with other League members that didn't instantly disappear to hunt in distant places, to know how he's feeling and what he is thinking. As result, they became very close.
- His Insight is high enough to make him be harmed by things others cannot even see - drown in the water others do not know even "exists" here, burnt trying to hold an object others do not know is even "burning", poisoned by a spike on a plant others can hold just fine - because for them this spike doesn't exist! The 'some things can only harm you if you perceive them', remember!
- Draws and writes and plays music - at least sometimes, because often his drawings might come to life and attack him, or sound of his music turn into something ears-scattering. Has a diary halving "japanese" and "english" language, as he has not heard his native speech in years before he died, thus many of his thoughts went "english". Some almost prophetic notes and drawings can be found in his diary.
- Choosen 'cursed' Cainhurst blade because it reminded him of home, did not care about its life-draining effects because 'well the hunt slowly ruins all of us anyway, choosing different way to harm oneself won't change it so why not through a weapon'. Like.... you see his problem by now I am sure.
* Henryk
- He believes that one true way to REALLY know the person is to fight/kill them, as he has almost supernatural empathy towards someone he just killed (like the rune he drops suggests). This mindset made him become fast friends with Valtr, however, he only lifted this mentality for Gascoigne and his family.
- Used to crush on Gascoigne, however introduced him to his family (that at the moment was only his adopted daughter, Viola) only after Gascoigne ditched the Healing Church. However, when he saw how desperate Viola got from almost the first sight, he knew what he needed to do, so he subtly helped her to win Gascoigne over and them to get together. He might have had some sadness within, but when the first daughter between Gascoigne and Viola was born, he cried such tears of joy that they presumably washed away any grudges he might have had left.
- Only accepts death in the honest battle, yet nothing can kill him, so his life is long overdue. Although, 'you' can defeat him, as his skill is severly weakened because of heartbreak upon seeing both Viola and Gascoigne dead.
- Took advantage of younger Madaras twin not knowing semantics to teach him say cuss words, cracked the hell up every time, got bonked by Valtr with the League staff upon being found out.
- Has strange heritage he is uncertain of, such as the suspiciously bolt-resistant costume and a music box that plays weird tune that feels familiar. He is as much descendant of land of Loran as Cainhurst nobles are descendants of Pthumerian royalties, but he knows even less about his mysterious heritage, so he ventures in Byrgenwerth when it was 'still good' to ask about melody music box he was given plays. He was not able to accomplish much though, so he opted out to just gifting this music box to Viola and Gascoigne as the wedding gift.
- When stressed throws knives at the pictures of his enemies that Viola drew, hung on the wall for convenience.
- Lets his actions speak for him instead of the words, however, when he DOES talk, usuall it is edgy james bond esque over the top quote.
- Although he does not talk much, he would accomplish more if he did; always, he has something important to say and is arguably better at delivering the point from the first try when Valtr struggles to explain it at the 10th time. He just knows what feelings and sentiments to cater to to be more convincing.
* Younger Madaras Twin
- He got very attached to humanity's more civilized ways in the contrast of his more feral brother, tried his best to learn to hold tools and speak some words from the start. Perhaps, his previous life no longer seemed as satisfying when he learned of something different.
- Has intense loyalty to Valtr. He killed his brother (and snake!!!) for the ideals Valtr introduced, without even having enough verbal/cognative development to comprehend complexities of 'crime and innosense' concept Valtr introduced. He still relays on Valtr as his moral compass, hence why he attacks the good hunter regardless of whether Valtr was killed or passed his leadership down. He does not have this deeply-rooted will for the Hunt normal hunters have that is so strong in can rise them up from the death - instead, he just sticks to Valtr (and Henryk as follows) as it 'feels right'. Is it son/father bond? Is it apprentice/mentor bond? Even dog/owner bond? It is hard to describe with a single term, but ether way, this guy traded what he felt more familiar and safe with for Valtr's ideology, and although Valtr values loaylty - what truly matters is WHAT you're loyal to, and this is why thus guy will always be a true confederate.
- Catches small animals that are unaffected by the beasthood to eat them raw as food - shared trait with my versions of Izzy and Amelia. Old habits die hard.
- Has very keen senses like his brother even if they appeared to be very different people upon more about the world being revealed, athough they are mostly tied to emotions. Without words, he is very likely to understand how you truly feel, if not try to provide comfort with cuddles and occasional cheek licks (like a dog...).
* Relevant Encounters
Older Twin: He has always been more reluctant to mingle with the humans than the older one. Did not enjoy using tools to eat, rejected getting a haircut, did not even try to learn to say some human words... He appreciates his upbringing more than some randos that 'found' him and his brother and declared the lifestyle he was perfectly fine with barbaric and animalistic. Never was a true member of the League per say - in fact, his death WAS what brought younger twin to be recognized as a confederate. However, he was very loving and strong in his own regard - he felt undying gratitude to his mother figure even though she appeared to be filled with Vermin, he could show attachment and loyalty not every 'civilized' human could.
Madaras Snake: Long time ago, a terrifying creature of superior kind settled within ancients, punishing those who searched for more knowledge than they were supposed to have with deadly gaze that petrified their bodies. However, it had snakes growing all over its head, and they disagreed with the main body, loving the humanity and wishing to 'live in dirt' with them. Creature had been slain yet lives in the void some dedicated researchers still look into, but some snakes were cut away from its body and settled within mankind, their origin explaining them having enough intelligence to raise human children. Indeed, their snake was a mother figure for them, but through eating beasts (who were in turn transformed people) she is filthy and depraved, and not everyone can accept that their parent figure was "nothing but filth all along".
Gascoigne: He had the same 'nothing deserves to live' depression that eventually reduced Valtr's ability to see Vermin much earlier - although unrealized, as he was trying to live his best life and even found joy in caring for his family. However it was enough for Impurity rune to 'not work' on him although Henryk suggested to hunt with the League. He was just like ':/ Nothing changed', and League that knew what that means was like '...oh no' internally. However, he is still in contact with friends of Henryk, and at times Gascoigne and Valtr find such great common ground that Henryk feels left out in these moments x)
Viola: Whereas she does not oppose the concept of teaching her girls to fight back as soon as they physically can, but she thinks that 'dad's friends are weird' and would rather prefer doing it within family or some more level-headed hunters (are there any?..). She still has faith in the future where her girls could grow up and accomplish things (oh no...), so she does NOT vibe with the idea of Valtr inspiring them to grow up to be cops stuck in the hunter mindset even when there will be no need.
Dorothy (younger daughter): Very scared of Valtr's antics, he can give QUITE a maniacal murdery speech whereas other people be like '...dude she's like, 6 :/' . However, she hoped that younger Madaras twin could teach her animals language at some point.
Sally (younger daughter): She thinks Valtr is really cool and sometimes wraps herself in blue blanket and puts actual bucket on her head to act like him (and maybe to scare her little sister a bit). It is "VERY similar", according to Henryk.
Gratia and Simon:
Yamamura was the last core member to join, and although skilled fighter in his own place, still needed to master plenty of skills and things about beasts. Valtr encouraged him to mingle with the Church hunters of Ludwig's kind under the guise of 'needing some training' as Church had some suspicious aura about it which did not sit well with Valtr. However, there was interior motive tied in as well - Valtr noticed Yamamura in his sensitive emotional spirit did not belong to League as much and it was ruining him, so he hoped he'd find more motivation and comfort with noble, optimistic ways of the Church hunters and keep friends from that kind of hunters even if something horrible comes up about the Church. And he was right - Yamamura laughed and smiled in his stay in Church Worskhop more than he ever did in the League, he made friends with two other 'weird weapon choice' hunters - as one picking 'cursed' blade socked from Cainhurst after the raid as it reminded him of home, and at the brink of his sanity he recites inspirational speech of the Church, not something relevant to the League. It was a matter of 'if you love them - let them be where they're happier' mindset in a way...
Yamamura however, ended up in (unfortunate) adventure to unveil the Church's secrets with his new friends - Simon as he shared same suspicions and Gratia because 'You are my friends, I will go where you go'! They were quite a team - Simon with his big information basis and ability to sneak everywhere and snatch everything, Gratia who is a huge physical force and Yamamura as 'the seer' hahah; If only all of them avoided being caught and lived longer...
Djura: Valtr used to affiliate with Djura as his weapon was crafted at Powder Kegs, and sudden change of heart with 'beast are people just less fortunate ones' did not sit right with him. He is not a coward to jump into the battle he cannot win, either. However, the fact that beasts of Old Yharnam have no means to escape anyway is what truly allowed Valtr to leave him be. He even has mild agreement with Djura that if a person League is chasing ends up escaping in Old Yharnam - they leave them be; they cannot escape, plus if they were so 'impure' they are probably soon to become the beast anyway. My inspiration was finding a single red-eyed scourge beast in Old Yharnam - and you collect Vermin from red-eyed old hunters, so. Perhaps, Valtr sees Djura as a sort of 'jailer' so he gives Djura a pass even if he's not the type to spare ANY beast normally... oh boy.
Church Doctors/Proto-Choir: Valtr thinks they are crazy, as they saw the 'filth within man' to be the soil to plant weird things within them, usually coming in the forms of the flowers. There is a rune on Clocktower Dial that looks like Impurity but slightly altered, which I took as the doctors misinterpreting (misspelling?) a concept and finding a way to 'plant' phantasms to cleanse mankind - yes, it has to do with how Milkweed rune makes your head a broccoli, as well as with Fluorescent Flowers and glowing plant life at Rom's back. "Watering" the dirt allows "flowers to grow from it", and Valtr is NOT here for it. Ya'll trying to toss humanity away, ya'll aren't slick!
Geranea: A nice doctor/hunter that attempted at Research Hall experiments to cleanse the beasthood, but early realized they were subjecting themselves to some otherwordly mind humans better be sceptical towards and chickened out. However, she did lose one eye (as existance of Eye Pendant suggests), so she made a habit from wearing a helmet that resembled a bucket, but with just one eye hole in it. As someone familiar with Caryll's runes language she helped Valtr to make sense of the 'inhuman noises' he got within him after eating a beast, however their approaches altered. Geranea refused to ever harm a human that still never turned into a beast, as no human deserves to die in her opinion, so she was dead set on treating 'impurity' medically. Valiant effort, but when you 'treat' terrible, dirty, depraved humans for too long - it infects you, and in Bloodborne so many psychological concepts are also literal. In the end she realized that SOME humans did deserve to die - mostly her for what she became from raw exposure, so she turned herself in to Valtr asking to be killed by his own hand, thus indirectly encouraging him to confirm his oath. He still wears her bucket helm unaltered despite having both eyes, as a reminder to not repeat her mistakes and from sentimentality. She did not stop being his friend just because she chosen a different (and less safe) way to rid the world of evil, after all, she still put up a fight against filth, so.
Dog: Back in his constable times, Valtr struggled to find a dog he'd like to keep as a companion. However, after like, 30 tries he met THE one most fodmiddable and aggressive to call his friend. He knew it was THE one xD Unfortunately, before the beast that invanded district Valtr was in started killing people, it had this exact dog as its first victim.
Izzy: She was very interested in her pursuit for what humanity really IS, what is the border between man and beast, and her picking interest in a guy that seemed to get something figured about "the world of man" was only a matter of time. She talked him into revealing the secret to her, having pretended to crush Vermin like others for some time, but actually secretly stocking most of it to research. Eventually she concluded Vermin was natural for humans and Valtr was the one crazy for wanting to cleanse it. You can imagine that did not go well... Even her eventual beast form had insectoid features. She is the only technically-confederate that Valtr doesn't count as such, the 'we do not talk about THAT one' deal for the League.
Eileen: She knows the hunt is a tragic necessity, not some sort of entrertainment to 'seek' for, thus she questions League's determination to seek the reasons to hunt 'not just tonight but every night', however, they do not seem to listen. However, she questions whether they feel pain or joy when someone they suspected to be Impure proves to be so, which puts her in complicated relationship with Valtr. I imagine he to be the one to be able to ground Valtr if he was ever to approach blood-drunkedness; meanwhile, she just does the 'STOP IT YOU ARE SCARING CHILDREN!' on him when he tries to start shit during the light of the day when people have a chance to have something good as the night of the hunt is far away.
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peanutbuttermandms · 4 years
They're playing it again.
I instinctively awoke to the graceful sound of the piano slowly playing the song I've come to love.
It's 5 A.M. The sun is about to come up.
The song is Gymnopédie No. 1. The person upstairs has been playing it ever since I moved into the apartment.
I don't know who they are. I wonder if they're a guy or a girl. I wonder what their hobbies are. Would they like me as much as I like them?
It's raining outside.
I walk over to the window and open it before I sit down on the floor under the window. The smell of the humid rain along with Erik Satie's song playing eventually lulled me to sleep.
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The night after that, I hear the song being composed.
Now I know I've stayed up late. Too busy texting and playing on my phone.
It's 3 A.M. now.
I wonder what the other neighbors think of this.
Are they annoyed by it?
Are they soothed by it?
They're probably sleeping right now anyway so it doesn't matter.
I wonder if the pianist upstairs even knows that there's someone out there who actually acknowledges their piano skills.
Because I do. I acknowledge them.
I appreciate them.
The next night, I don't hear the piano.
Could they actually have gotten some sleep?
Yeah, that's probably it. They've probably gone to sleep.
And the next night I’ll hear the sweet tune again.
They didn't play it again last night. It's been three nights since they've played the song.
But it's only been three nights. They'll come back. They'll play it again. Some day.
It's been two weeks since they've played the song. I miss the sound. I'm starting to lose hope.
I've got my first day of work in the morning. I should get some sleep.
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That morning, I stood outside the apartment complex, waiting for a taxi to come pick me up.
Then, I heard the tune. It was right behind me. Only it wasn't a piano this time. It was a man's voice.
What a pretty singing voice.
I whirl around to face the person only to see a man with purple, octopus-like hair and black lipstick. He was donning a black gothic type outfit.
"Are you the one that plays the song? Upstairs?"
I was so nervous that the song's name couldn't come to mind.
"Yes." he said calmly.
"What's your name?" I asked. My voice coming out as a whisper.
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My Masterlist
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 5 years
Shinsou fluff alphabet
Starting off this blog the right way
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
He really likes your eyes
Hes definitely the type of person that puppy dog eyes work on
When you look up at him with those pretty eyes he just melts into them
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
He would want a baby eventually
Like after you get married
But he loves the thought of having a baby with you
Seeing which traits come out from both of you
Or adopting a baby, he thinks that would be awesome too
He loves kids, hes just kinda scared that he doesn't know how to take care of them
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He is the c li n g I est mf
He acts like hes not but he is
He doesn't have a preference when it comes to being the little or big sppon
He loves holding you
Just wrapping his arms around your shoulders or waist and hugging you as tight as possible while pressing little kisses onto your forehead
And when you hold him he melts
He feels so loved and wanted
Play with his hair plz plz plz
His eyes will flutter shut and hell just be like
"Mmm... so comfy"
It's so cute
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Toshi is pretty spontaneous
So dates will either be
Let's go out at 3 in the morning and run around the city and buy junk food
"Babe, I got us reservations for this super fancy restaurant so make sure you get dressed up. Were leaving in an hour."
They're always fun tho, even the more formal dates are super silly with you two making jokes and just being crackheads
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
To Hitoshi, you are his inspiration
His reason for moving forward in life
Before you, his only goal was to become a hero - and even then no one seemed to believe he could
Then theres you
You who tells him that his quirk does not make him evil
It's super effective against villains
hell be a pro hero someday
Before he wanted to become hero simply because why not
But now he wants to become a hero for you, to show you that your positive words were not misplaced and he is someone you can count on
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It was one night after he was training with Aizawa in martial arts (since he knows his quirk isnt the most effective in battle if he cant get it to work)
And he walked out of the field to see you standing there with this big smile on your face
"What are you doing here? It's late, you should go home."
"I was but then I saw you training and wanted to watch 😊"
He kinda gives you a weird look and is like why
"Cause you're super cool Shinsou! If I wanna be a pro hero I need to make sure I can get strong too, so I wanted to take some pointers."
His eyes widen and hes like- you think I'm cool??? Me who has to do this training cause my quirk is useless most the time?? Me who's quirk actually sucks?? You think I'm cool.
You just give him this big smile and you're like well ya anyways see you tomorrow
And he kinda is just like fuckfuckfuckfuckdu kkckcdudyhsj the whole way home cause wow you're super cute and you're the only person to ever praise him like that
He lies awake all night and is like I'm in love fuk
So ya, he was in love long before you even started dating
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Hes so gentle with you
Like hell brush your hair out of your face and move it behind your ear
When you kiss his hand kinda just cups your jaw and his thumb rubs your cheek
He presses little kisses on your forehead when you hug
Theres times when he can be more rough, but you're his baby and he cherishes you so much
He doesn't wanna scare you in any way and treats you so well
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
When you're walking he likes to place his fingers with yours and holds onto your hand tight
But other than that, he prefers holding your hand by placing his on top of yours and lacing his fingers while his thumb rubs your pinky
Hell pick up your hand and press kisses on it
Lowkey to tease you cause he likes to see you blush but still
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
His first impression of you wasn't the best? It wasn't the worst either tho
He first met you at the sports festival
You were fighting after he did, so when he was walking back and you were going out you saw him
So you were like "great job in the match!!"
And he thought you were teasing him cause he felt he horribly lost so he got kinda pissed
And was like "ya whatever"
He realized you weren't lying later tho, when you kept talking to him whenever you would see him at school
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Oooooh yes, boy gets so jealous
You're HIS baby, not anyone elses
Hes put up with a lot of shit and a lot of shitty people and now that he has someone who loves him and he adores back - he doesn't like the fear of losing them
It's less of he gets angry when people flirt with you and more of he gets scared
Hes scared hes not the best and that you might decide you'll leave
He knows you love him and are loyal to him, but he cant shake that fear
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
So he initiated the first kiss
It was after your first date, and he kinda just kissed you out of nowhere (and you didn't mind at all)
While he does kiss you fairly gently, its lots of times a way to tease you
He loves to kiss you more roughly- the kinds of kisses that leave you breathless and your lips bruised
But he starts gentle half the time so that you get frustrated and have to try and make him kiss you deeper
Lots of tongue
Lots and lots of tongue
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
You did
Again, He knew he loved you before you started dating
But he didn't wanna put you off by saying it too soon so he waited for you
He did things to help you know he loved you, but he waited until you said it
The first time you said it you were cuddling
You were lying on his chest and he was playing with your hair on his bed and you quietly said "I love you Toshi. So much.."
His eyes widened and he got the biggest smile on his face
"I love you too baby"
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
His favorite memory with you is probably one of your first dates
He took you to an amusement park
You were holding hands the whole time and you were so happy throughout the whole night
Hearing your beautiful laugh, being able to play the games with you and win you prizes since hes for some reason super good at them, getting to be that annoying couple that just cuddles in all the lines
He was in heaven
of course you had to do the stereotypical couple thing and ride the ferris wheel
But! It got stuck when you were almost to the top (if only it had been at the top - it would have been peak amusement park date romance)
You two were so ready to kiss at the top, but now you get to make out for like 30 minutes?? Awesome!
Getting to have a whole photo shoot together with all the pretty lights from the park and the city?? Double awesome!
Sitting in the cramped seat and being able to just talk and cuddle without worrying about school or anything?? Tripple awesome!!!
Everything about the night was perfect, and now you two love going on amusement park dates (tho none will ever beat this one)
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
He won't Spoil you too much, hes broke anyways
Besides, hes not the most materialistic person anyways so he would rather give you gifts of like dates and stuff
When he does give gifts, it's more personal things
Hell spoil you for your birthday and anniversary tho, if you really want something hell do his best to get you it
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Because he loves that cute blush of yours ~
He teases you all the time, anything to get you to blush
So when he sees a pink, especially in the shade of your blush, he kinda smirks and is like aw
Also, its such a soft color, and you're his baby so he gets soft for you
So honestly pastel colors remind him of you too, but mainly pink
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
ANYTHING that will get you to blush
Hes tested out them all
Honey, sugar, babydoll, bub, cutie, EVERYTHING
But his favorites are baby, and kitten.
He likes cats so he tested out kitten and the BLUSH that erupted on your face, he was hooked
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
My dude he is so into ball room dancing
Like I guess that's modern if you're rich, but neither of you are so that's something you only see in like old movies
Dead ass he took you to an abandoned castle just to dance with you while he played music from like the 40s
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Loves rain
Wants to go play in it
He will drag you out into the rain so that you can run around and act like little kids
Then you'll come in eventually so you dont get sick and make tea and cuddle
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Hes more of the type that will just ignore his feelings when hes sad
Like it's no big deal they'll go away
But you got mad at him for doing that so now - he just tells you
Hell text you and be like "hey.. can we cuddle..."
And you'll immediately know what's up and run to cheer him up
When you're sad, he takes a more direct approach
He wants you to tell him straight up what's wrong, and hes willing to wait if you need time
Hell hold you until you're ready, but he won't leave until you're feeling better
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
He loves gossipping
Like you two talking about dumb stuff your classmates do
Makes up like 70% of your conversations
Also about movies, or TV shows, hes into a lot of fandoms and loves talking about them
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
That's it
Hes stressed? He will plop himself into your lap and you just know
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He likes showing off his martial art skills honestly
Hes gotten good at them, and many of the students dont bother with learning any formal fighting style since they're more into just using their quirk or swinging as they please
So it's something hes proud of
Hes also proud of it cause the 2 people he looks up to the most - aizawa and you - are also proud of him for it
So he loves showing you new things hes learned, or showing you how to do them so that you can be safer
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Again, hes spontaneous, so it kinda just came out
You two were just goofing around one night - spending time with each other since soon you would go into working at an agency since you had graduated
He was just thinking about how much hes gonna miss not being able to be around you all the time
So this man deadass ran into a gas station that was still open, bought a ring pop, and ran back out and was like
"Shit babe I'm so sorry this is such a horrible proposal but I'm doing it cause I don't wanna back out so- (y/n), will you marry me?"
Hes down on one knee holding this ring pop and he expected you to start laughing (you did later) but instead you started crying and you just jump into his arms nodding
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Serendipity by BTS
His world changed when he met you, the love his life
Theres so much hurt in life, and you are his happiness
Even when you two fight, you only come back stronger
Hes so happy with you, and so hes worried that something will happen to take you away from him
This song kinda captures that
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
All the time
He planned it a few times fully before when he actually did, and they were all much more romantic than the ring pop
He thought of the ring and everything
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Do I even need to say that
He wants you two to be crazy cat parents so bad
Even tho the max you ever have at a time is 2
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janiedean · 6 years
How can you love Theon Greyjoy and make a long ass meta to defend him but at the same time, hate Cersei? Aren't Theon Greyjoy pre Reek and Cersei kinda similar? Those arrogance, jealousy, bad judgment of self capability, obsessed w social status ect. Yes, Theon change . But that because he was tortured. If Theon fans are being honest, they'll know that if Theon hadn't been tortured, he will always acting like a jerk and be like male version of Cersei. Why you can stand Theon but not Cersei?
.......... can you read?
first of all: I don’t do long-ass meta to defend theon unless it’s about people saying idiotic stuff about him that’s not in the text, but never mind.
second: if you think cersei and theon are the same damned person I don’t know what books you read, but never mind.
third: I listed openly all the reasons why I hate cersei here, you can have fun reading it.
fourth: I find theon an extremely better written and conceived character in every sense and that counts, because theon povs don’t bore me to death, cersei’s do.
theon has ordered ramsay to kill two innocent children to fake bran and rickon’s deaths. since it happened:
he’s had nightmares about it all the time during acok
he feels guilty about it
he can’t even think about it without feeling sick
he can’t get over it
hasn’t thought once that it was ramsay who pretty much suggested him the idea and has never used it to excuse himself
has spent adwd also feeling shit about it and ended up admitting to himself he did a crap thing
meanwhile cersei has ordered to have all of robert’s children murdered, which means at least fifteen kids among which a newborn, and since it happened, do you know what she thought about it?
no. she hasn’t thought about them once, she hasn’t regretted it once, she hasn’t given a fuck about them once, and whenever she thinks about someone she’s hurt it’s always IT WAS THEIR FAULT NEVER MINE.
theon does horrible stuff for stupid reasons but has a conscience and realizes at once he’s doing horrible things and he knows it and he feels bad about it, cersei is a narcissist piece of shit who doesn’t think of anyone else bar herself and doesn’t care for anyone else bar herself and doesn’t feel bad about *any* of the crap she’s pulled, hell she doesn’t even know she did it because she doesn’t care.
that’s enough of a difference to me, but if you wanna go on.
sixth: let’s see why your concept of ‘he’s the male version of cersei’ is dumb as fuck, shall we?
cersei at six/seven: convinces jaime to do sexual stuff with her to the point her mother separates them, molests tyrion in the cradle to the point where jaime had to told her to stop or he’d die. theon: was on pyke getting abused by his older brothers/asha says he was shy/too soft for their islands, was not molesting anyone.
cersei at twelve: kills her then friend because the poor girl had have a crush on jaime. theon at twelve: was being friends with robb while feeling like shit because he thought ned could kill him any moment and was struggling with being a hostage and far from his family. and certainly didn’t push robb down a well.
cersei at fifteen: LET’S CONVINCE JAIME TO RUIN HIS LIFE AND GET INTO THE KINGSGUARD WHILE PLANNING TO MARRY RHAEGAR AND DUMP HIM! theon at fifteen: most likely having a lot of sex but that’s it.
also, cersei killed her friend because the poor girl dared ask maggy if she’d ever marry jaime, like, SHE HAD A FUCKING TEENAGE CRUSH ON JAIME AND CERSEI KILLED HER BECAUSE SHE DARED HAVE A CRUSH ON A GUY SHE THINKS SHE OWNS.
theon’s actions contributed to robb’s death:
And Robb. Robb who had been more a brother to Theon than any son born of Balon Greyjoy’s loins. Murdered at the Red Wedding, butchered by the Freys. I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him.
yeah, sure. cersei couldn’t even muster the force of will to fake feeling bad about jaime losing his hand but lmao okay sure they’re the same person.
Aren't Theon Greyjoy pre Reek and Cersei kinda similar? Those arrogance, jealousy, bad judgment of self capability, obsessed w social status ect.
theon’s arrogance is a defense mechanism pretty much - he postures all the time. cersei’s really like that. theon’s jealous because he wants to be included and have a nice family the way the starks have because he didn’t have it at home and he feels emotionally neglected, cersei’s jealous of anyone else being in her spotlight. which is NOT the same thing. everyone in these books has bad judgment but theon takes bad decisions because he feels backed into a corner, cersei doesn’t even realize she’s taking bad decisions because she doesn’t think SHE is capable of taking bad decisions, while theon’s perfectly aware that he’s not doing the right thing from half of acok on. he does that anyway because he thinks he has no choice, but he has a lot more self-awareness than cersei has. theon’s obsessed with social status because he clings to that to construct a sense of identity, cersei’s obsessed with social status because she wants power.
a lot of people behave sort of similarly for wildly different reasons and those reasons are actually fundamental when deciding if you like a character or not.
Yes, Theon change . But that because he was tortured.
PEOPLE DON’T BECOME BETTER PERSONS THANKS TO EXTENSIVE TRAUMA. CERSEI ALSO WENT THROUGH THE WALK OF SHAME, IT DIDN’T MAKE HER A BETTER PERSON. SHE STAYED THE EXACT SAME AS BEFORE. does that make the walk of shame good? no, because regardless of whatever crap someone’s done, they don’t deserve it, same as no one deserves torturing.
what theon’s torture did was forcing him to face his issues in depth and make him figure out what he eventually really wanted the moment he was stripped bare, but do you think that if he never went to pyke and could have stayed with robb he’d have done the same shit he did in winterfell? no, because theon craved validation from other people, cersei just wants to rule other people. what theon is at the end of adwd is what he always had the potential of being but torture didn’t make him better. he didn’t change because he was tortured. I’ve written tons of meta on why theon at the end of adwd is most likely theon at his most genuine, but if you paid any attention to adwd, you’d have figured out that the moment he has the realization is the one I quoted above. most likely, if robb genuinely liked him and wanted to be friends with him, given robb’s preference in friends... then robb must have seen the guy who saves jeyne, not the guy who kills children. and maybe someone who saves jeyne jumping out of the window is not cersei ie ‘I will send my younger kid to whip someone so he becomes TOUGHER’ and such other amenities, or even better, ‘I’ll completely ignore that my brother has emotional needs and a personality of his own because I have to fuck someone who’s the male version of me because I’m that kind of narcissist’ but hey, totally the same person, right?
good fucking grief anon, cersei’s an asshole and she’s been since the moment she was born and it didn’t take posturing, theon’s turned into one because of crappy upbringing circumstances and who did a bunch of crap to be accepted by others, not to run the fucking seven kingdoms, and theon’s actually had a character evolution that couldn’t have been possible if he had always been an asshole, while cersei hasn’t because she’s been an asshole from the moment she was fucking born.
also, a bunch of theon fans actually love cersei as a character and they love her also because of those similarities and they find her an interesting character, while I personally can’t wait for the moment she fucking dies already and theon outlives her and most other people in these books, and that’s entirely my prerogative because they aren’t the same character, but the fact that *I* hate cersei doesn’t mean all theon fans do. 
but lmao, ‘if theon fans were honest’. good fucking grief theon fans are the least apologetic subfandom in here and we never glossed on the fact that theon is a trash fave, where the hell do you live?
also, last I checked, cersei laughed the moment she heard that cat went insane when she watched robb die in front of her and theon wishes he was dead at the red wedding, that good enough for you?
idk, I love theon because he’s imvho the best written and conceived character in these books all around and he has a compelling storyline that puts together a lot of themes I love (redemption, identity arcs, subversion of the traitor arc and so on), and cersei to me is the fucking least compelling main character in these books because I don’t give a fuck about someone who’s completely bonkers, cares nothing for anyone but herself and whose chapters I find annoying as fuck because her storyline is not what interests me in a fictional character in the slightest. you want male cersei, look at balon, not theon.
AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, just to be clear:
I only ever mention cersei when discussing anti jaimebrienne meta because it usually comes from cersei apologists, but other than that
I never talk about her because I know a lot of ppl I follow like her
I never tag my posts about her because of that
I never tag anti jc posts or anti c. posts differently from what anti-jb people and anti-brienne people do in this fucking fandom
I don’t go into the askbox of cersei stans asking them how in the fucking hell can they think she and jaime are the same person when the text disproved that from the first tyrion pov
I don’t reblog cersei gifsets
the only cersei I have in my blog is the fanart on the header which is crack fanart which happened because a friend and I were joking about she and athos being a bit too much into alcohol that’s fucking it
I don’t let other people know.
can y’all let me dislike this fucking asshole in peace (asshole isn’t even close to the loathing I feel for her but never mind) without deciding that’s hypocritical if I hate her and I don’t hate someone else who’s also not a pure cinnamon roll?
thank you and learn to fucking read because honestly, saying that theon is male cersei is a level of reaching that I can’t even find a fucking metaphor for, given how high it is.
it’s also called personal taste and I can dislike whatever fucking character I like, but for c. I actually have also personal reasons you can maybe discern from reading that linked post. but even if I hadn’t, it’d be my fucking business.
thanks for coming to my umpteenth ted talk. smh.
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letters-from-austin · 2 years
Monday, May 16th, 2022
Hello there friend, you don't know me, but I am writing this blog letter to tell you about myself and how my life has been lately. I've been told it might be therapeutic. Maybe it will be?
I can tell you my real first name, I don't mind. Every other name I'll be replacing though. Anyways, My name is Austin. It's good to meet you.
I've just been having a very difficult past year. My father away one year ago from cancer at the age of 61, just one week shy of his 62nd birthday. I am still a fucking wreck. I've been trying so hard to keep my family together and relaxed between my little sister, Marie and my older sister, Elizabeth as well as my Mom. They'll get into arguments about stupid things or somebody will say something, usually Elizabeth, that is genuinely a really shitty thing to say to someone. But during those tough times I've had my best friend by my side, Sue.
I met Sue at a call center job 5 years ago and in the training class, I thought she was cute. Gorgeous blonde hair, ocean blue eyes you could get lost in, freckles and glasses. I wanted to talk to her, i worked up the courage and asked if she wanted to hang on her lunch. She Did! I left the company shortly after and she was dating somebody so we sorta drifted away until a few months later when she texted me out of the blue to get dinner. We got together at the local Buffalo Wild Wings and watching her walk through those doors, my heart sunk. Eventually Sue became my best friend, and of course, I developed feelings for my best friend.
I fell in love with my best friend of 5 years because she is my best friend. Everytime I see Sue, my heart sinks like I am seeing her for the first time and falling all over again. I'd be on cloud 9 but to make it short, I am in love with my best friend and now it is a curse.
2 months ago, Sue told me she was talking to somebody. My heart sank but not in the usual way. I broke down, i felt distant. She tried to reassure me that maybe dating still ins't her thing. One month ago, they officially started dating and she told me. I went home after we hung out and threw up and sat in my room all day, no music, no TV, no computer, just sitting there. Heartbroken. Maybe it won't be so bad? Well, one week later, I saw it on Facebook. And then the snapchat posts, the texts she sends me, everything.
Fuck man I'm not ready for this. What's worse, Sue has known I've had feelings for her for years. I've never said the words "I'm in love with her" but I'm afraid if I do, I'll lose my best friend forever, I already feel like I am. My anxiety is telling me to be distant but it's also telling me she is already distant. This sucks man.
I know I am spilling alot on you, all this drama you don't care about. But if you're still reading. Thanks.
When we first talked about that we had feelings for each other. She would tell me she wasn't ready for dating after being in a long relationship and that she doesn't want to ruin our friendship. Oh, for any neckbeards out there, fuck off. I believe that she means it. I do. But we were always touchy lovely kinda friends. It always felt like we were a couple just without the stuff that made us a couple. We would embracefully hug each other often, on occasion hold hands when one has had a rough day, eat dinner, meet each others families, rub our hands on the others back to calm them, whatever. But we would also tell each other, "I love you."
I don't think I should be telling Sue I love her anymore but I can't stop. I want to, I always want to tell Sue that I love her.
On my Dad's birthday last week, one year after he passed, we had a family party at a bar, when I arrived I found Sue there. I handed something to my Mom and walked back outside hoping Sue didn't see me.
She did, we walked for a while. I am still always happy to see her, when I saw her, my heart sunk again. For the same reasons as usual and a new reason this time. I NEED to respect her relationship. She loves this dude. I have to respect her feelings. She mentioned when she was there that she was curious as to why I wouldn't touch her, she said it's okay if I don't wanna see "I love you" after she said to me "I love you." I walked Sue to her car and she hugged me and held me tight and asked if it was because of what she told me two weeks, now what 3 weeks prior. I said "Yes," but she didn't deny my feelings. She refused to deny my feelings. She said she doesn't wanna be a bitch me to me and I said maybe you have to. Sue looked at me and told me that she could never be a bitch to me with that beautiful smile on her face. Fuck, man....
I've been in so much emotional pain and I can't tell her why. I wish it was me and her, I wish. I am in love with my best friend and my dream has always to be with my best friend. Isn't that what love is?
I've never been in a real relationship before either, I am a 25 year old male community college student. I am socially awkward and dont understand how people and the world work. Every girl I've had feelings for before, never told me the truth about how they felt back. They gave me hope and ripped it out of my heart because they never communicated with me.
Sue, has given me a key to her house a few years ago and it makes me so fucking guilty to have it now. Why do I have it? Why should I have it??? Before Sue left the party, she kept assuring me that my feelings are valid. She told me it is okay to have that little piece of hope but my heart has been broken and crushed so many times before, I am so scared to open up my heart again.
I downloaded dating apps and just nobody, not a single person on that app, sparks my interest. None of them are attractive to me, they are attractive people thought but not to me. None of them are my best friend.
What the hell is wrong with me?
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bostonboyevans · 3 years
[text]: exactly, everything else will fade to black as you two stand up there together! it'll be like no one else in the world even exists in that moment. oh, I am for sure a rambling mess! ask Seb! you should see the cards I write him every month, sometimes more! or the mushy texts I send him in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. all very rambly Margot, haha.
[text]: I cannot wait to see those two together again! are you kidding? you don't have to thank me! we're honored you guys have asked him to be part of your special day. plus, any chance to see our babies together is a yes for me. they're so sweet with one another. I should have put in a good word to get you cast in this one since it's filming and set in Boston! you can keep hitting on my husband because I'll keep on hitting on your wife ;) haha Piper is taking after her mum when she was young! I keep saying she's my karma for being a bratty teen to my mum. I just can't believe Bradie is in school either! she's growing up so fast! I can never decide who she looks more like: you or Jade. I swear, she's 50/50, split right down the middle. I'm so glad to hear she's enjoying school! I.m holding on tight to both of them! I'm wondering how Axe is going to be two in just under two weeks!
[Text:] In that case I think I need to take some tips for you two! That sounds so cute, I need to come up with something like that for Jade just to mush over her a little more haha. Seeing you two happy is just the best I can't get enough of it (even if I am a little jealous you got him to marry you first...)
[Text:] Jade and I are hoping they'll get the hint eventually with a few nudges here and there, I'd love every second of having Axel as my son in law. Yeah thanks for thinking of me after it's underway! Nah honestly I've had a lot on with ASP anyway so you're forgiven. Oh I have permission now? Honestly I think my wife would prefer you hitting on her anyway! Ahh how they get revenge on us huh? I'm glad to hear she's doing well though, at least she's letting you know whos boss around here. Oh god she's definitely got Jade's swagger but I've persuaded her to be more interested in football than dance so I got my own back. That's so crazy to me, it seems like yesterday he was just a little nugget and now he's making all the ladies swoon!
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witch-noob · 5 years
Hotpot Adventure #3
Jin calls for Sage from the back of the dorm and finishes putting his bag around his shoulders. Sage walks in, hair kind of messy from waking up from the nap earlier. Her stomach is growling loudly.
Jin: You ready?
Sage: Yep! Do you have a list of ingredients? I have a whole list of other stuff the guys asked for.
Jin: Yeah I have it saved on my phone. What do they want?
Sage: Random stuff. Namjoon wanted a coffee so we have to stop by that Cafe, and then the department store.
Jin: We are the errand duo today
Jin laughs after that. He leads the way to the car downstairs and opens the passenger door for Sage to get in first. He notices she isn't very bundled up and it's pretty cold today according to his phone.
Jin: Why aren't you wearing gloves or a scarf. You're gonna get sick Sage.
Sage looks down and furrows her brows.
Sage: Sorry I forgot honestly. Let me text Jimin, he might have another pair.
Jin: I think you left a scarf in the backseat from yesterday, let me get it.
Jin goes searching for her scarf and Sage takes out her phone. As she texts, Jin finds the scarf and wraps in wround her in an obnoxious way to cover her vision. She laughs.
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Sage and Jin wait for Jimin. The elevator dings for the car garage and Jimin comes out with not just her gloves but a big coat with fur in the hood. Sages coat. That she forgot as well.
Jimin: Here.
He hands Sage her gloves and she puts them on. Jimin then helps her put on her coat.
Sage: I can do it myself too Jimin. [She laughs] I'm not a kid ya know.
Jimin: I know but I like helping you.
Jin: You like helping everyone, don't lie~
Sage: Tis is true
Jimin feins offence and raises his gloved hands. His hair is messy from the nap too.
Jimin: Should I apologize for being so great?
Sage: You sound like Jin
Jin: Stop copying me!
They all laugh together. Sage and Jin get in the car and Jimin waves goodbye as the elevator doors shut.
Jin proceeds to drive out of the garage and they get on the freeway, he puts on some music.
It's a quiet drive for the most part. Jin was always dependable while driving. And Sage liked to watch him too. She also knew how to drive, but the boys tended to like to drive her around. She didn't mind it, and she knew that if she asked to drive, they would let her.
They also had the option to hire a driver, and they did for special events, but when it's just Sage and the boys going out, they took their car instead. It's best not to forget how to drive after working so hard to get the license in the first place.
The song ended.
Jin: You want to pick one?
He handed her his phone and she changed apps from Melon to Spotify. Since that's what she's used too. Sage recently watched a movie with Tae and Jungkook. The song kept coming up in her head. It's was a great movie, everytime she talked to the other guys she told them to watch it. Sage played it for the rest of the way there on repeat and Jin didn't complain. Jin was happy to listen to things she liked. Sage tended to have good music tastes.
Sage sang some of the lyrics. Some out of key but it was really cute anyway. Jin knew she didn't really know the words. He wouldn't know either, they are in English after all and he's not as fluent as he wanted to be yet.
Eventually Jin parked the car in the lot outside of the mall. He grabbed his baseball cap and mask and slipped them on. His mask had a cute bear mouth print on it.
Sage put her dark purple mask on as well. They both left the car and made their way for the mall.
Sage: Let's go to the department store first, then food, then Cafe. Sound good?
Jin agreed and they entered, letting the warm air blast them in the face.
Sage grabbed the batteries and hangars she needed and headed toward the check out. Jin following along. He took the stuff from her hands as they waited in line for check out.
Jin: Let me hold them.
Sage: This is why my arms are noodles. You guys always do this.
Jin just smiled.
Jin: You skip arm day. I bet if you really wanted to, you could get ripped enough to take down Jungkookie in a arm wrestling match.
Sage bellowed out a laugh.
Sage: HA! Yeah right! He'd break my arm in half. Haven't you seen those videos on YouTube?
Jin: What? no.
Sage: If you did, you would probably never arm wrestle JK ever again.
Jin thinks about it for a moment.
Jin: Show me when we get home.
Sage laughs and agrees. This might scar him for life.
Jin grabs a chocolate bar and throws it in with the stuff.
After this they head to the grocery store and begin the hunt for the ingredients for hotpot. Jin shows Sage the list but it doesn't do much for her since she can't see how they'll end up making a hotpot. She just thought you through everything in a pot and warm it up on the stove. Maybe add some seasoning of some sort. She didn't know.
She not very good at cooking. Jin tries to help her understand the order of how things are gonna be done later tonight but she doesn't really get it still. Sage figures she'll learn later. They continue the hunt!
They spend about 2 hours shopping and the cart is full of food. They spend their time telling eachother jokes and showing funny videos as they browse. Jin finally places 2 beer cases on the bottom of the cart.
Jin: I think that's it. Can you text Hoseok if we have any onions in the fridge?
Sage: Didn't we use them for the stir fry a couple of days ago?
Jin: We did but we need two for tonight. I don't know if we had extras left over.
Sage took out her phone.
Sage: Okay I'll ask.
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Back at home Hoseok is on his laptop, headphones in, taking notes on some choreography he filmed of himself earlier. He was really in the zone. Hoseok in the zone is not someone who should be reckoned with.
Hoseok: JIMIN!!!!
Jimin flopped over on the bed, he was on his phone. Nearly having a heart attack from his hyung screaming at him when he was 5 ft away.
Jimin: what the! What!?
Hoseok does not budge his eyes from the screen as he yells. Jimin figures he can't tell how loud he's screaming.
Taehyung runs in.
Jimin rolls over and faceplants in his pillow. Hoseok noticed the door slam open from Tae's entrance and freaks out, falling to the floor and almost bringing his laptop with him. Jungkook is behind Tae and is just cracking up.
JK: What's going on?? Hahahaha!
Taehyung looks very confused and Hoseok looks like he aged 3 years.
Hoseok: Sage wants to know if there are onions. Please go check.
Hoseok clutches his heart and calms himself down.
Tae: Oh is that it?
Jimin: I'll go check. Jesus.
Jimin escapes. JK goes to lay on Jimin's bed and Tae still looks confused but he ends up leaving to go back to the living room. Jimin returns shortly.
Jimin: There's only a half left, I don't know if that's gonna be enough for a huge pot.
Hoseok gets up from the floor and back to his seat.
Hosoek: I'll text her back then.
JK from behind his phone.
Jk: Haha no wonder Army think we're funny.
Jimin goes to lay next to Jungkook and they share songs.
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Sage: Okay so Hobi said that there's only half of one.
Jin: Kay we need more. I'll be back, watch the cart!
Jin runs off in his woddle way. Sage hears a ping from her phone.
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Sage wondered what it was. It was probably why Hobi was acting so wierd. Knowing the boys.
Jin runs back with two onions. They both check out. Sage almost forgot about the tteokbokki for Yoongi but she got it in the end. They head out and load the back of the car with the bags. Then head back inside for the coffee.
Jin ends up getting an Americano as well. And Sage buys a White Mocha for Jimin, since he was the only one that didn't ask for anything. With the 3 coffees they head out to the car.
Jin immediately turns the heat on since it's getting colder as the sun is setting.
Jin plays a song he knew Sage liked to listen to and they both jam out as the car gets on the free way. Then she plays Ephipany after so that so that they can both sing along home.
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