#I still love Jin Qiu fight me
deltatrixter69 · 8 months
there are three types of espers who has justice
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Luo Yan is structured justice
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Yun Chuan is free form justice and
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Jin Qiu is broken corrupted justice
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just-1-scorpio · 8 months
Cellblock Chaos is a mess
Spoler warning!
This story is a mess. I already had a love-hate realetionship with this game. But this story made it harder to overlook the flaws of the game. This far the stories were actually good, or at the weary least likeble. Sorry if I will sound overthinking, or stupid, and for the grammer mistakes English is not my first launvige.
One of the many problems of this story is that it's too short for the story, and for the themes. The leinght of this event story, is just not enough for what they try to achieve, both with the themes, character "development", and such they try to achieve. Yes, we can say that lately the event stories are shorter, but they still meneged to work in a way. But here giving it more stage would have helped the story, and the writing, because as if now it feels as if they just rushed everything.
And an another problem stems from this. The character writing, and story writing. First the characters, and they interaction. Amber is likably through out the event, but they did a poorer job with Toland, and Jin Qiu. Yes, they have they moment, but those don't save the event. And an another thing is. I'm the only one who thinks that what Jin Qiu said about Amber feels rushed? If the event was longer, and the two had more screan time together, then it would have been better. It just feels rushed.
If they given more time, and more screan time between her, Jin Qiu, and Toland, then the ending had been better. Let's imagine Amber and Jin Qiu arguing like they did in the event, and Jin Qiu tells Amber what happand in the past (the guy he shoot), and with this unintentionaly opening up to Amber, and it's eather the two talking it out in an emotional screan, or Jin Qiu sends Amber out of his office. Eather way Amber, and the players would have more conection to him, so when Toland lies about him, it would have more of an emotional impact, along side with his monolog about her in the fight between him and Toland, and the ending. Similar with Toland in my openion. Imagine Toland not just using Amber's idias, but also getting things out of her, and using those too to manupilet her. It would't make her look this dumb.
If it was up to me, there would also be an another character, who was chought along side with Toland, who helped him in that particler crime, and is also a repited criminal, but instead of manipuleting Amber, he is actually touched and moved by her tryind to help him, and is ready to tell the everything, but can't because of Toland. And in the end his testemony doas not mean anything because nobady believes him, and Jin Qiu's own testemony. And before Amber realise, he asks Jin Qiu in they shared cell, that why didn't he told Amber what happand in the final comfortetion, and Jin Qiu answering that it's better this way, because then Amber might become similar to him, and lementing his unethical methods.
Is this sounds clishe? Yes. But is it better then we actually got? Posably.
This event is a whole mess.
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intyalote · 2 years
10 characters meme
tagged by @i-am-just-a-kiddo (a while ago, sorry it took me so long)! 10 characters from things I read/watched this year. anyone who wants to do this, consider yourself tagged by me.
ZHOU YING, Tai Sui ↳ ohhhh my god. fucked up and insane because he’s Seen Too Much (of everything except himself)! hates the world and just wants to see it burn but is tied to it because of his love for a single person! the top two breakdowns I had reading tai sui were both caused by him (if you’ve read it, That moment in the impassable sea & jinping (1) which took me forever to read because I was crying too much to see the words). so, so tragic.
ZHI XIU, Tai Sui ↳ yes I’m doing two tai sui characters fight me I can’t choose between them. no paramount spiritual sense, no way of clarity, no demon eyes, but one (1) rebellious disciple is enough for him to walk his own path with eyes unclouded. when he did That (flower in the mirror) and also That (conclusion) I screamed. the bittersweet joy of how he ends up post-canon is so. ugh. also gets some of the most beautifully moving lines and descriptions in the novel as you watch him grow.
MADI, Black Sails ↳ deserved sooo much better. is literally responsible for every good thing that happens in s3-4 managing the two pathetic men who landed on her island managing a war being the smartest person in every room she was in AND YET she still has to move on when her dreams are ruined because of the character development(?) she herself instigated in the man she loved. I would give her the world. 
SHENG LINGYUAN, Lie Huo Jiao Chou ↳ what’s left after you cut out everything that matters about yourself as a person and not the 人皇? when you were born to be a tool, how can you be anything else? and what about how just when you think you’ve escaped through death, you get thrown into the future you yourself wanted and created but it’s unrecognizable and holds no place for you? I am gently tucking him into bed so that he can rest. he doesn’t really deserve it but that’s ok.
MEDICINE SELLER, Mononoke ↳ mysterious in a way designed to appeal to Me Specifically. the protagonist, but the story isn’t about him, it meanders with him and he gets revealed along the way. very much an asshole but in a fun way? love his manner of speech ただの。薬売り。ですよ。voice acted line of all time. also ‘strict requirements for unleashing power’ is an excellent trope, love the structure of his chase for 形/真/理 in each case.
LI JIANTING, Qiang Jin Jiu ↳ another one who deserved better she is empress of my heart. completely stole the show in the second half of the novel, don’t want to spoil things but the development and consistency of her character from her upbringing to her fate is so well done. look I get that this is cezhou’s novel & also that the world t97 created couldn’t allow it but in another world... she absolutely could have ruled.
MORPHEUS, Sandman ↳ acts tough but has no idea what he’s doing, cares but can’t (or sometimes won’t) do anything about it, feels too much but is afraid to show it… he has it all for me, right down to the horribly complicated relationship with his child. I am so intrigued by him I’m reading comics (which are usually. difficult. for me to follow).
QIU CONGXUE, Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know ↳ not at all pure of heart, very dumb of ass. love how her reaction to accidentally ‘escaping’ the ghost path was to do her best to get rid of her newly acquired flesh. can’t grow brains, can’t teach anyone anything, can’t take over a sect, can be an extreme nuisance, but still has people who are so very fond of her and let her indulge herself.
TAKAHASHI, Koisenu Futari ↳ complete fucking mood. aro loner gathering a family he can care about without compromising who he is, makes good food, chill unless you annoy him. wins most relatable character of the year. pretty much bought the novel purely because I wanted more of his perspective, he means so much to me personally.
LYMOND, Lymond Chronicles ↳ still have only read the first book & a bit of the second but he is SUCH a bastard (complimentary). not an exceptionally bad person in his context, just completely incapable of being nice. good schemer but turns into the saddest and most pathetic surprised pikachu when he gets outplotted and needs to be saved by other people. very weird comparison incoming but he’s like a 1500s scotland cross between lin jingheng and mei changsu.
finally, as a bonus since I cheated a bit with tai sui, have a bond!  do I have anything meaningful to say? no. is he a good doggo? yes!
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yiifu · 1 year
brainrot for this week (mostly danmei): 
that ‘tian guan ci fu, bai wu jin ji’ (天官赐福, 百无禁忌) greeting is kinda like the tgcf version of ‘may the force be with you’ huh
just finished qian qiu book 1 and read another 10 chapters of the fan-translated version and all i have to say is that these people keep picking fights at every opportunity especially shen qiao (also shen qiao with that bamboo pole is hardcore giving me rogue one’s chirrut imwe vibes)
it’s been months and i’m still not over jiang cheng or nie huaisang or jin ling or lan jingyi or lan sizhui or jin guangyao or the whole yi city crew they’re lurking in my head rent-free at this point. do i even have a favourite character. idk. i will love you guys (mdzs side characters) forever <3
major fridge moment for a tweet cos i saw a tweet one time and it was a photo of escalators with the caption ‘chu wanning would’ve loved these’ and initially i thought they meant chu wanning, as a bob-the-builder, mechanical engineering, would-love-ikea type of person would love the technical and mechanical complexity of a modern-day invention like the escalator. just yesterday as i was walking to work it suddenly occurred to me that there is another meaning which was probably the original intention of the tweet. because of the 3799 steps. ofc chu wanning would have loved an escalator. LIKE IM SO STUPID LMAOO
finished tana french’s the likeness and i loved it. has vibes from both special topics in calamity physics and tsh, both of my fav dark academia books
finally getting back to moriarty the patriot and i had no idea that james bond was a woman in disguise??? also lowkey ship moran and miss moneypenny and highkey ship sherliam (I See The Vision)
been scouring twitter for immortality/haoyixing clips and now i’m even more desperate to see it released. maybe gonna watch luo yunxi’s till the end of the moon in the meantime to pretend that i’m seeing chu wanning live action portrayal
someone opened a local GO for mo ran’s official bday MD and i’m eyeing the shikishi and chibi acrylic keychain/standee set but that means i gotta spend money again
and finally, this golden tweet:
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geges · 3 years
I hope this isn't too rude or assuming, but I also wanted to know, if u had any favorite moments in any media u've liked that you're okay with sharing? (just asking since this also appears to be a fandom(??) / anime(??) blog and if u're ok with answering something really offtopic)
ANON I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU…. I WOULD LOVE TO INFODUMP ABT MY INTERESTS. PLS. sadly yes i’m mostly a fandom/interests blog, mostly cnovels and manhua, so this ask is pretty on-topic for my blog. obligatory disclaimer a lot of these things have Problems and Issues so this isn’t me saying i am an uncritical fan of the media this is just a list of scenes that make me incredibly hhghgnnneennn. some of them made me cry in the chicken feed aisle in a Tractor’s Supply once and im still upset abt that one. a lot of these have spoilers for various cnovels so i put it under a cut :)
additional warning that um. there's a lot of mentioned death/suicide. most of these are characters dying honestly
so, Media Of All Time favourite scenes:
(tgcf) legitimately every scene with qi rong im not joking i go crazy over him. notable mention of that scene in the Final Battle with gu zi……….. i’m insane
(liu yao) um. i don’t remember the main character’s name. but yeah him dying <3 jiayou! that one drives me insane i read it like once a week
(nan chan) mr human magikarp fucking dying and jin ling just….. losing it
(nan chan) jin ling’s subsequent imprisonment and isolation :)
(nan chan) JIN LING MURDER SPREE!!!!!!!
(huang jin tai) yan xiaohan getting drugged and immediately going to stab himself so that he doesn’t “betray” fu shen
(qian qiu) yan wushi hiding shen qiao in that buddha statue and running off to die
(teio) everything with bai ruoyao. i love him im so homophobic
(mo du) fei du suffering for five entire books straight
(mo du) that scene near the end where he has to grasp the trigger handhold and his Immense Certified Trauma kicks in
(mo du) luo wenzhou NOT pokemon evolving into a big red flag the second he got one glimpse past fei du’s walls. Like that man saw Fei Du: Genuinely Unwell Extraordinaire, and not only did he not jab fd with a horse tranq, he just went and made the man dinner. what the fuck
(twwtadsl) the betrayal scene <3
(tsomd) sui zhou almost dying for tang fan like 2302984 times but notable mention of the First Time when he tried to die for tang fan in the fight against the tomb guardian
(missing sect leader) wei jiangyue going “I JUST CANT STAND IT WHEN HE’S NOT ALRIGHT……………..”
(missing sect leader) wei jiangyue making a bet with ye you that hinges the fate of the world or whatever and his terms for if he wins. instead of using the chance to ask for something large. he asks yy to just tell him something. anything at all. just tell him something
(missing sect leader) wei jiangyue telling ye you he will die for him to repent for his father’s mistake but hiding the fact that his willingness to die for yy comes from his love for him, not his guilt
(missing sect leader) that scene where yy reveals his identity and wjy realises that no matter what he has to leave yy alone and cannot even approach him again. and just sinking in shame and regret to spend his entire lifetime in pain from the fact that his presence causes yy pain
(missing sect leader) in front of the entire jianghu. wei jiangyue giving himself up to the threat of being brutally killed be ye you if it meant yy was given some sort of closure. jesus christ i don’t even like this book this much and yy/wjy isn’t even canon why do they have so much on this list
(tong qian kan shi) the insect cave scene <3
(tqks) xuanmin closing his eyes as he is put through incredible pain and torture, being literally killed, in order for xue xian to enact his revenge against the great priest
(tqks) the great priest forcing xx to recognize that his revenge will also kill xuanmin as collateral, xx not recognising xuanmin, and xuanmin just. closing his eyes and accepting his death
(tqks) xuanmin using his last dying action to dig out his own bones and bury them under the mountains to free xue xian.
(tqks) xuanmin making his way over to the unconscious xue xian, kneeling in front of him (really falling lmao), and dying while never looking away from his face :)
(tqks) xx regaining his memories, remembering xuanmin, and looking up to see xuanmin laying dead in his arms. then feeling fear for the first time in his life. man. man. ok
(qqgk) the recurring imagery of snow. the snow. its about. it’s about. The devotion. oh god
(hsav) xiao yuan trying to die like. 6 times for yan heqing. also xya being tortured to save yhq. and then him trying to kill himself earlier . and then him killing himself for real later to make life easier for yhq
(tgcf) just. everything honestly. the “i am god” scene. the getting demolished by a ridiculous amount of swords scene.
(wushuang) cui buqu in the maze trying to die for feng xiao
(wushuang) feng xiao in the maze trying to die for cui buqu
(zhongji lanyin) su qing almost dying under the cave-in
(zhongji lanyin) hu bugui protecting su qing from the thorns
(谁动了我的骨灰坛) jiang xichu seeing chen man kill herself and not being able to do anything about it. literally the only scene i care abt from that book i ate that shit up
okay typing this out made me realise there is a very noticeable theme here. well. i really like tragedy so honestly i don't know know what i expected from this. if i re-read all my favourite books i would probably be able to give you a list of scenes i loved that have legitimate literary importance, value, and beauty, but sadly i have the memory of a goldfish and cannot remember most plots unless im Actively Looking At Them. so instead here is a list of scenes that are all candidates for making me cry during my next visit to a Tractor's Supply. thank you sm for the ask im in love with you
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drwcn · 3 years
#8 【Carbon in the Steel】
everyone is an orphan except wwx; dark! twin jades 
~see pinned post for all other work of this series ~
Jiang Cheng remembered the first time he met Wen Qing was when they caught the renegade Zhao Zhuliu.
It was at Jinlintai, during a special gathering of cultivators everywhere, rogue or sect-bound, that they first met as the respective head of their own clans. Qishan Wen was placed across from Yunmeng Jiang, and he remembered seeing Wen Qing’s face, painted white and impassive like porcelain, framed by her long black hair, lips as red as her robes. 
Jiang Cheng was ten, and she wasn't that much older, but she sure looked it. More confident too, more like she belonged. Jiang Cheng sneaked a glance towards his Wei-shushu, but his guardian was observing Zhao Zhuliu instead. 
Zhao Zhuliu was brought forth in chains and sealed by talismen carved into his skin. Jiang Cheng knew Zhao Zhuliu was a dangerous man. Everyone knew. This was the infamous Core Melting Hand. Most average cultivators subconsciously drew back in his presence because even when shackled and muzzled, a beast was still a beast.
Jiang Cheng remembered wondering why it was Gusu Lan’s disciples escorting the strange limping man to his trial, why they seemed to hate him more than anyone else...
The trial was more like a bloodbath. Zhao Zhuliu refused to give them any sliver of information no matter what Jin Guangshan asked or commanded the disciples to do to him. Zhao Zhuliu remained silent; he did not scream, he did not beg, he did not even acknowledge their existence. Most of the interrogation went by in such a blur that Jiang Cheng was lost by the end. 
The Lans stayed mostly quiet, though there was an intensity about them, a silent sort of animosity that permeated and electrified the air.
And finally when the Jins exhausted their methods, Lan Qiren, the Sect Master of Gusu Lan finally spoke. He asked only one question, a question that Jiang Cheng did not understand. 
"Where are the boys?"
Behind him, Wei Wuxian leaned in and whispered, “You’re telling me they’re torturing this poor sod just to look for some boys?”
“Hush, A-Xian.” Wei Changze admonished quietly.  
Jiang Cheng felt the nausea coil in his belly. It was a hard scene for anyone to witness, never mind a child of his age. Across from him, Wen Qing finally showed the slightest bit of reaction since this horrid thing started. She tilted her head at Lan Qiren, interested. (Jiang Cheng himself was shivering from the cold sweat down the back of his neck.) 
Zhao Zhuliu coughed wetly and swiped the trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. He chuckled once and then fell silent again.
The sects wanted to sentence Zhao Zhuliu to death, but Jin Guangshan was hesitant, probably all too aware of the value of a man with his skills. Gusu Lan insisted that they be the ones to incarcerate him, and for once the usually polite and pedantic sect seemed determined to fight Chief Cultivator on this. After some verbal struggle, the matter was settled.
"Did you know him, shishu?" Jiang Cheng asked after the meeting was adjourned.
"Why do you ask?"
"He looked at you when they dragged him out." Jiang Cheng frowned. "He didn't look at anyone. Not Lan Qiren, not Jin Guangshan. But he looked at you."
Wei Wuxian’s eyes grew wide. He trotted up to his father and tugged on his sleeve most unbecomingly, “A-die, a-die, you do you really know the Core Melting Hand?!” 
He did not seem impressed, more aghast. After all Zhao Zhuliu was a dangerous criminal. They said he killed countless cultivators and used them to perfect his craft. They said he was evil incarnate.  
Wei Changze sighed sadly, but he did not lie. Instead he took the children’s hands, one on each side, and walked with them down Jinlintai’s long tall stairs. 
"We’ve met, many years ago. Your mother knew his sister. They were the best of friends."
Cangse! You can’t do this! Sticking our noses where we don’t belong would only implicate us unnecessarily! For once in your life woman, stop and think of the consequences; of the children!!
Unbeknownst to Jiang Cheng, remnants of the fight between his guardians echoed in his Wei-shishu’s mind all the way home. He and A-Xian had fallen asleep on the boat, huddled together like puppies in the corner. Wei Changze draped his cloak gently over them and then placed his head in his hands. 
The children. She had stopped in her rushed packing of her things and looked at him.  Yes, exactly, the children. Lan Huan and Lan Zhan are out there, alone, now completely without protection. A-Zhan is only ten years old! Can you imagine our A-Xian or A-Cheng out there alone, with only A-Li to protect them? Can you?! 
Wumei, I know you loved her, but we can’t get involved. This has nothing to do with Yunmeng Jiangs.
Yes. Yunmeng Jiang. That’s your responsibility, and I have never stopped you from your duty, but likewise you cannot stop me from doing mine. I am Baoshan Sanren’s disciple. I am not a Jiang. Qiu Baiti was like a sister to me; I am obligated to protect A-Zhan and A-Huan no less than you are obligated to protect the Jiang children. So stay, Chang’ge, because you have to. But I shall go, because I have to.
Cangse was gone for two years. When she returned, she brought Jiang Yanli home from her master’s temple, but even without asking, Wei Changze knew she was not able to find either of the nephews Lan Qiren and Zhao Zhuliu shared. 
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for-dramas-sake · 4 years
My Newest Obsession: Qing Qing Zi Jin
I love dramas that surprise the heck out of me and boy has this drama already delivered several big wallops. It’s a wild combination of action, revenge and poetry recitals. Who knew that it would work? But it so does!
There is our heroine Wen Ren Juan who is an attendee of this hoighty toighty school along with her sister. She is adorable, kindhearted, somewhat repressed socially because she thinks she can’t hold a candle to her beautiful, talented older sister and HELLA strong!
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The first time we meet her she jumps out of a runaway wagon and then pulls it to a stop to save her sister from falling off a cliff!
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Our male lead is Luo Qiu Chi, the bandit king of Dong Yi mountain. He has a sad past and a quest to find the assassin that almost took his life when he was younger.
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He is the wild card in this show and I love him to bits! He is full of charisma, talent, and pride (no small ego on this one), but he has a good heart and looks out for those who are weaker than him....also a huge poetry fan. No, I’m not kidding. He totally gets into it when he recites to Ren Juan.
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The first episodes are a blast to watch because the bandits on Dong Yi mountain kidnap 15 female students of the Zhu Xie Academy and ransom them. So 15 males students come to pay the ransom, but there is also a catch. The bandit king says they have to fight him all at once in order for the girls’ rescue. Oh boy and does it get intense.
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Luo Qiu Chi DOES compete with all the male students and beats all of them! He is the ultimate multi-tasker of the Tang Dynasty.
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You have to take the whole contest with a grain of salt, because it gets pretty unbelievable  pretty fast. At one point the bandit king is using both hands to draw calligraphy, write a poem and then fight a student. To say the least Luo Qiu Chi is talented, but it does become overkill. STILL so much fun! And there is a reason as to why he does it. He gives his back story to Ren Juan which includes getting beat up by students at the Academy years before. So this is a type of revenge for him.
After all the girls but Ren Juan and her sister are rescued, another guy shows up with the ransom. The showdown is....(wait for it...) a poetry recital contest! Oh my gosh, it’s too good.
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Due to a mistake, Qiu Chi loses! How could it happen? Oh well, but he restates that he can only take one girl. Due to rumors circulating that Ren Juan slept with the bandit king, the older sister is picked.  Ren Juan is heartbroken. But that leaves time for her to get to know the real Luo Qiu Chi.
And that’s only the first 2 episodes! 
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culturalgutter · 6 years
Jet ‘s Chang Mo-Kei’s kung fu has been struck by the Jinx Palm, blocking his chi, destroying his ability to perform kung fu and causing him to need constant infusions of chi from Taoist priest Chang San-Fung (Sammo Hung). But Chang can only be cured by a massive infusion of yang energy, which he receives after falling off a cliff and meets a hermit chained to a bolder who teaches him the Great Solar Stance to get back at the hermit’s own enemies. Afterwards, Chang is super-skilled and learns kung fu with the ease of Jet Li. Then things get crazy with everybody flying and chi all over the place, a Mongol princess, the King of Green Bat, all the martial arts schools fighting each other, hundreds of people running around with flags, the not-evil Evil Cult, Hermit Chained to a Boulder Fist. And then, as it gets to the big end fight, it just stops, teasing a sequel that was never made. And I was filled with wonder.
Wong Jing’s Kung Fu Cult Master (1993) is the first time I know that I watched something adapted from a Louis Cha story. It is based on the third novel in Cha’s Condor Trilogy, Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre. I probably saw it at the old Golden Classics Cinema in Toronto. It was when I was watching all the Jet Li movies. This one was memorable and, having no familiarity with the source material, I found it difficult to follow. That didn’t stop me from pretending later I had been struck by a Jinx Palm. (What do you expect me to do when you give me charcoal powder toothpaste, people?). I was filled with wonder.
Since then I have made sense of what I saw through translated comics adaptations, in particular Ma Wing-Shing’s Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (Comic One, 2002), the novel Kung Fu Cult Master adapts. It seems fitting that I would first read Louis Cha via the comics of Ma Shing-Wing and Tony Wong’s The Legendary Couple (ComicOne, 2002), an adaptation of Cha’s Return of the Condor Heroes. It parallels how I first encountered him in a way that I remember in Kung Fu Cult Master, rather than Chor Yuen’s elegant Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre (1978) or Wong Kar-Wai’s deconstruction and sorta prequel, Ashes of Time (Redux or not) (1993; 2008).
Behold this wonder! Gold Lion and Green Bat in Kung Fu Cult Master
Slightly more elegant Green Bat in Chor Yuen’s 1978 Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
The comics and the 1983 television adaptations allowed me to become familiar with Cha and these stories. They allowed me start to understand stories that assumed familiarity with the story, whether Kung Fu Cult Master, Ashes of Time, or  Jeffrey Lau’s Lunar New Year parody of The Legend of Condor Heroes, The Eagle Shooting Heroes (1993), shot with the same cast and at the same time as Ashes of Time. Please note Tony Leung Chiu-Wai in each film.
As the Blind Swordsmani in Ashes of Time
Suffering from a painful allergic reaction as Duan Zhixing in Eagle Shooting Heroes
In the early 1990s, Louis Cha was what Ip Man movies are now.
I watched some of the 2000s and 2010s tv adaptations in non-subtitled form, but by then I could understand who and what I was seeing. In fact, I was pleased when I could actually get the joke that the landlord and landlady in Stephen Chow’s Kung Fu Hustle (2006) were the ill-fated lovers of Return of the Condor Heroes, Yang Guo and Xiaolongnü played by Andy Lau and Idy Chan in the 1983 tv adaptation I borrowed from a good friend and have since gotten for myself.
Andy Lau as Yang Guo and Idy Chan as Xiaolongnu in 1983
Carman Lee as Xiaolongnu, Lois Koo as Yang Guo and giant condor friend in 1995.
Yuen Qiu as Xiaolongnu and Yuen Wah as Yang Guo in Kung Fu Hustle. Ha, I get the joke now! I can laugh!
And it helped a lot watching those shows when I read Tony Wong’s Legendary Couple, because the translations of the names were so different, but I recognized a disreputable Taoist when I saw him.* Sometimes the Wudang Clan is something to mess with.
Cha’s most adapted–and possibly referenced–books are the Condor Trilogy:  Legend of Condor Heroes; Return of the Condor Heroes; and, Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre. They are sequels, but follow family and kung fu school lines more than the adventures of any one protagonist through three novels. And luckily for us, McLehose Press is planning on translated the whole trilogy into English. The first volume, Legends of the Condor Heroes: A Hero Born, translanted by Anna Holmwood, is now available. No English speakers will ever need to struggle like I did again. The kung fu fantasy works of Louis Cha will be available to us all–or at least some of them.
Dr. Louis Cha Leung-yung was born in 1924 in Haining, Jiaxing, China and lives in Hong Kong. That’s right, Cha is still going at 94. He has worked as an editor editor and journalist, but it was his wuxia novels, written between 1955 and 1972 under the pseudonym “Jin Yong,” (Kam Yung in Cantonese) that brought him a tremendous success. According to Holmwood, “sales of his books worldwide stand at 300 million, and if bootleg copies are taken into consideration, that figure rises to a staggering one billion.”
Cha got his start as a copy editor in 1947 at Shanghai’s Ta Kung Po newspaper. He became deputy editor of Hong Kong’s Hsin Wan Po. He left journalism briefly to work as as screenwriter for Great Wall Movie Enterprises, Ltd. In 1959, Cha co-founded Hong Kong’s Ming Pao newspaper. And it was primarily Ming Pao that serialized his fifteen wuxia stories. His first was The Romance Of The Book And The Sword (1955). His last was Sword of the Yue Maiden. He retired from writing fiction in 1972 and he’s been updating and revising the work ever since. There was a time in the 1970s when his books were simultaneously banned in both the Mainland–because it was seen as satirizing and criticizing the Chinese government–and in Taiwan–because it was seen as somehow pro-Communist, anti-Kuomintang and critical of Taiwan’s one-party rule.In 1995, he retired from his position as editor-in-chief of Ming Pao. Cha has been active in Hong Kong politics, helping draft the Hong Kong Basic Law and then working on the Preparatory Committee in advance of the handover of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to China in 1997. And he’s spent much of the new millennium pursuing higher education. He studied at St. John’s College in Cambridge, receiving a doctorate in Chinese history in 2010. And the South China Morning Post reports that Cha (might have) received another doctorate, this one in Chinese literature from Peking University in 2013. Of course, this doesn’t even begin to cover his probable knowledge of martial arts like the Nine Yin Manual and 18 Dragon Palm. One assumes Dr. Cha is cultured in all things.
Dr. Louis Cha via the South China Morning Post
Whenever I think of Louis Cha, I think of Tony Leung Chiu-wai in Wong Kar-Wai’s In The Mood For Love (2000). Sure, there is lovely music and melancholy love with the sartorially unstoppable Maggie Cheung, but it is easy to overlook that not only is Tony Leung a writer, he is a writer of wuxia novels. I’m not saying that Wong made a movie about Louis Cha’s love life, which I hope is less depressing, but I think Cha and writers like Gu Long  and Wang Dulu were in the background. Especially after Ashes Of Time. And Ashes of Time is a lot easier to follow if you realize it is a deconstruction of the Condor Trilogy. It relies on the same kind of familiarity that Peter Greenaway relies on people having with The Tempest in watching Prospero’s Books (1991). I love that the touchstones for both extremely artsy-fartsy directors are different. I love that Wong works with a serialized wuxia writer. It would be like Greenaway deconstructing Tolkien or Robert E. Howard**—but all wrapped up together. The high and low brow have a common enemy. God save us from the middle brow.
And Cha is being compared to Tolkien and George R. R. Martin in many of the reviews of A Hero Born. In fact, right on the cover a blurb from the Irish Times reads, “A Chinese Lord of the Rings.” And I get it. It’s short hand. People need some kind of reference before they’ll pick up the book. That’s fine. There will be plenty of time for pedantry later. Once people have read the book and become Cha fans, they can start arguing on the internet, “Hey, Louis Cha is a much more prolific author than Tolkien ever was with a more profound influence on Chinese language literature and readers.”
I would probably make those comparisons myself if my first encounter with Cha’s characters and stories hadn’t been Kung Fu Cult Master. Then again, Kung Fu Cult Master is the first half of a projected two-art adaptation but, like Ralph Bakshi’s animated Lord of the Rings, there was never a part two. So. Yeah. It’s just that I don’t know what other comparison to make.
In an interview with South China Morning Post, Anna Holmwood describes Legends of the Condor Heroes: A Hero Born as “China’s Walter Scott mixed with The Lord of the Rings fantasy things. That’s exactly what it is.” For their part, the SCMP copy editor chose a title comparing the trilogy with George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice And Fire. A Hero Born is wuxia at its best. It’s 1205 CE and the Jin are encroaching on the Song Empire. The emperor is unworthy and the people are oppressed. Itinerant heroes try to make things right. Two of them, Skyfury Guo and Ironheart Yang encounter a grumpy Taoist priest Chu Qiuji*** who, while heroic, is a jerk. He avidly demonstrates why the Wu Tang Clan is nothing to mess with. Guo and Yang become involved in a fight with soldiers and must flee. Their children, Guo Jing and Yang Kang grow up on different sides of the conflict. Plus, there’s Genghis Khan! And a secret beggar sect! And one of my favorite characters keeps his wife’s body in a frozen cave! I wish I could do better, but I’ll just suggest you read the book, read the comics, watch the tv shows and movies.
Oh, yeah, and there’s plenty of fantastic kung fu move and school names and action. Comics, while also working in a static medium, don’t face the same kinds of challenges a novel does in depicting action. Comics creator Ma Wing-Shing in particular captures the force of the martial arts masters moves. I am particularly fond of his chi lines. But Holmwood has some interesting thoughts on translating the names of the various stances, fists and swords as well as conveying the choreography of a fight sans images.
“The name [of these moves] is very evocative and it’s part of the creating of the world, but what really matters to readers is can they follow who is doing what, what the actions are, who is hitting whom, and how they are hitting them,” she said. “When you are translating, you have to read on such a careful and deep level. You are constantly asking yourself: is the hand going there? Is it going up or down? How is this move working? That’s the most challenging part – is to be able to express what the actions are in a way that is going to be vivid on the page and people can clearly understand and follow what’s happening.”
“You can shorten sentences to make the action move, and use some short punchy verbs that make the actions very fast,” she said. “When you want to draw attention to the moment for dramatic effect, you add more details, slow it down, and make the sentence a big longer.”
And I have to say it works. Right from the start of A Hero Born, I easily imagine Chu Qiuji’s unnecessarily brutal fights with the heroes he mistakes for scoundrels. Does it help that I’ve read Ma Wing-Shing, Tony Wong and seen film and television adaptations of Cha’s stories? Maybe. But Holmwood does a good job of taking readers into the martial world. I can’t wait for the next translated volume of Legend of Condor Heroes finally presented if not in its original serial format, something close. McLehose is planning three more volumes of Legend of Condor Heroes before starting on Return of the Condor Heroes–making this a burly “trilogy.”
Ma Wing-Shing demonstrates how to draw punching.
  I wrote more about Ma Wing-Shing and his adaptation of Hero here.
*This Taoist is no Chang San-Fung / Zhang Sanfang.
***Or finally making my long hoped for film, Peter Greenaway’s Batman and Robin.
*There is one disreputable Taoist and then there is Chu Qiuji, who is extremely reputable, but incredibly judgmental and harsh. I am afraid to think of what Chu Qiuji might be without Taoism.
Cured of the Jinx Palm, Carol Borden has retired to Peach Blossom Island to study Nine Yin White Bone Claw.
The Many Forms of Louis Cha’s Condor Heroes Jet 's Chang Mo-Kei's kung fu has been struck by the Jinx Palm, blocking his chi, destroying his ability to perform kung fu and causing him to need constant infusions of chi from Taoist priest…
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babylon-crashing · 7 years
qiu jin: i die unfulfilled
autumn rain/ autumn wind/ i die unfulfilled
Poetry translation is never an exact science. Taking a concept, rich with metaphors, from one language and somehow then discovering a similar meaning in another has challenges. How does one find that original essence – the core of what the poet was trying to say – in an alien tongue? I have always found translation to be a synthesis of everything that has been done before my attempt and then a smoothing out of all the rough bits into something that sings to me. If there was a philosophy to this it'd go: be illiterate in all languages, just resonate with the soul of what is being said. I suppose that is the difference between professionals and amateurs. I will always be an amateur. To misquote the Japanese haiku poet Issa: “there will always be farmers/ laboring in the fields/ I don't feel guilty.”
Today I turn my attention to the Chinese radical feminist, revolutionary and martyr, Ch'iu Chin (better known through modern translation as Qiu Jin). If you've never heard her name before just know this: she was a lesbian poet who tried to overthrow the Qing dynasty in 1907 and then was executed, beheaded. One day someone will translate all her poetry, essays and speeches into English and that will be a blessing. Just now I am only looking at her last words, her death poem. They're simple, they look like this:
Technology fails us. According to Google Translate we get, “Autumn autumn rain sad people.” which are at least English words strung together in some sort of order. And they fail to capture any meaning of this poem. First let me reprint the best translation that I’ve found:
Autumn rain, autumn wind/ I die of sorrow.
[from the documentary, Autumn Gem]
Now let me tell you why this is so good. Ch'iu Chin's name literally translates into, “Autumn Gem,” and the 'autumn' is the metaphor that works in this poem. By the time of her arrest she was burned out, depressed and had realized that her revolutionary goals would never happen. She let herself be captured and executed so that she could become one of the Chinese heroines of myth who rose up to fight for women during times of oppression.
As one says, there are no bad translations, just different interpretations. I point this out simply because these are faithful to the word but the translators did not seem to know why they were written:
O Autumn Winds chilly, O Autumn Rains chilly, (Why you are spilling)
Frank C Yue
Autumn wind autumn rain makes one gloomy
Lu Yin
For whom does the autumn rain and wind lament?
All of which, out of context, still works. Getting executed would make one gloomy and spill. Then there is the fact that Ch'iu Chin became a symbol for the 1911 Revolution and her words were used to express the woes of other people, and thus we get the royal 'we'
Autumn wind and rain have brought overwhelming grief to many
Albert Chan 
The sorrow of autumn wind and autumn rain kills
China Heritage Quarterly
Again, this is all just a matter of interpretation of what comes before. Like I said, I can't read Chinese, I can just guesstimate from the works of others. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong and this was just a curious post that won't mean anything. Still, I love the poetry of Qiu Jin and if I can be part of helping her find an English audience then let us say that my day was good. Two translations that I think are kind of marvelous:
Autumn wind and autumn rain often bring forth unbearable sorrow
Alan Cykok 
The autumn wind and autumn rain agonize me so much.
Badass Women of Asia 
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Morre Jin Yong, com quase 100 anos e ao mesmo tempo imortal
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Faleceu ontem o autor chinês Jin Yong, cuja trilogia mais famosa ocupou a minha imaginação durante a primeira metade deste ano.
Em vez de ficar falando sobre alguém que eu nem conheço bem, vou apenas colar aqui as citações que copiei da sua trilogia (muito divertida e enriquecedora pra minha vida), pra que você possa conhecer um pouco sobre ele também:
officials and generals are becoming their servants
"We priests are supposed to be merciful and benevolent in our hearts and actions. But then we see a bunch of traitors and enemies that do nothing but add to the suffering of our people, and I could never be merciful nor benevolent."
The Book of Odes is also known as the Book of Songs (Shi Jing in Chinese), one of the Five Classics. The Four Books and Five Classics were the standard texts that all scholars studied back in the day. The other four Classics are the Book of Changes (Yi Jing) - this one features a lot in the wuxia genre, Book of History (Shu Jing), Book of Rites (Li Ji) and the Spring and Autumn Annals (Chun Qiu). The Four Books are the Great Learning (Da Xue), the Doctrine of Mean (Zhong Yong), the Analects of Confucius (Lun Yu) and Minces (Meng Zi).
He was like someone riding on a tiger’s back. He could not continue riding, but it was difficult to get off safely.
“Your apprentice brother scolded right. I am a heretic weirdo. Who doesn’t know about Eastern Heretic Huang Yaoshi, the owner of Peach Blossom Island? The thing Old Heretic Huang hates most this life is rules and conventions, especially saints and whatnots. These are just things to cheat dumb people. It’s such a joke that people have been blindly abiding to these rules and conventions for generations! I, Huang Yaoshi don’t believe in these nonsensical teachings. Everyone say I’m heretic, humph! At least a heretic is better than those jerks who talk about morals and principals but caused the deaths of so many!”
“Earth and heaven Are a stove, Nature is the worker! Yin and Yang are As charcoal, Thousand things are copper!”
Didn’t the emperors eat without plowing? Wearing clothes without weaving? Going out and coming in to the palace in a carriage? Are these not the common people’s blood and sweat? When the emperors reached their advance years their own hearts convicted them of all their merit and guilt; always enjoying the toil of the people while contributing only a few, how they have committed a multitude of sin while performing their office duty.
all eight battle formations: ‘tian fu’ [high as the sky], ‘di zai’ [strong as the earth], ‘feng yang’ [scattered like a wind], ‘yun chui’ [dangling like a cloud] , ‘long fei’ [flying dragon], ‘hu yi’ [winged tiger], ‘niao xiang’ [soaring bird], and ‘she pan’ [coiling snake]; which they have mastered skillfully.
As long as you live with an upright heart and keep your honor clean; then your life won’t be in vain. If other people treat us badly, we don’t need to repay their wickedness.
Along the way two people saw the white bones that were scattered among the tall grass of the prairie; they could not refrain from lamenting incessantly; both were thinking that the two of them loved each other, they would live harmoniously, they did not have any regrets; yet the common people’s misery was deep; they did not know the day peace and prosperity would reign on earth.
Of all the things to be born with, you were born with the love of saying negative things.
The saying ‘heaven never seals off all its exits’ isn’t a lie.
Her eyes were sensitive and her moves fast, her spirit was crystal clear and the more she fought the faster she became. Her mind wasn't phased by any distractions, and didn't even think of whether she would win or lose in this fierce battle; or for that matter, who lives and who dies.
"To flick my robe on the zenith of the high peak and to wash my feet in the river thousands of miles long."
"After the age of forty, I no longer relied on weaponry. Bushes, trees, bamboo sticks or rocks, all could be my swords. From then on, I achieved great progress and slowly reached the realm of overcoming the sword without a sword."
"Heavy sword with blunt edges, simplicity brings superiority. Before I reached the age of forty, I used it to roam the entire world under Heaven."
"Flexible Sword of the Purple Rose, I used it prior to the age of thirty. With it, I accidentally wounded a righteous man. A weapon of doom, I abandoned it in a deep valley."
"Fierce, aggressive and able to penetrate any obstacle, with it, I competed with the heroes of the Northern Plains during my teenage years."
"Even though our lives have been miserable, we have a time like this now - we are really most fortunate. Even if the pains of the past should cut our lives short, it wouldn't be something to worry about at all."
Huang Yaoshi did not follow ‘appropriateness’, the custom and regulations of the day. He was like a heavenly dragon that was out of this world.
‘For ten years life and death are boundless, immeasurable, unforgettable. Lonely graves a thousand li apart, unspeakable desolation. Unfulfilled desire to meet, slowly turns to dust. The hair on the temples white as frost.’
‘Twelve Plentifulness’ states: that if one thinks too much, the concentration will be disrupted. If one loves too much, the energy will break down. If one desires too much, one will lose one’s knowledge. If one has too many matters at hand, one will look weary in appearance. If one talks too much, it will affect one’s breathing. If one laughs too much, one will strain one’s organs. If one worries too much, it will affect one’s nerves. If one plays too much, it will affect one’s ideas. If one is too happy, it will result in complacency and trouble. If one is too angry, it will affect one’s pulse. If one experiences too much good, one will despair. If one experiences too much evil, one will invite chaos. If one does not rid the ‘Twelve Plentifulness’, one would not reach enlightenment.
Zhou Botong was always ready to have fun.
There are 5 elements within the human body – heart as governed by fire, lungs governed by gold, kidney by water, spleen by earth and liver by wood, in addition to that, there are the two chi(s) – Ying and Yang.
Attacking like gods in Heaven, while evading like ghosts in Hell. Just as lightning and thunder, even when over, they can still send chills down one’s spine.
His own energy was reflected back and He ZuDao's energy was added to it.
‘Grief-Disorder Writing Style’ created by Wang XiZhi*.
‘The Sea of Misery is endless, turn around towards the shore.’”
But master always says, the world is so vast, the honor of Wu Dang itself is insignificant. The importance is to research into the depths of martial arts philosophies, and pass them down to future generations, so the righteous martial arts will overcome those of evil. In addition, we could unite practitioners throughout our land, drive out the Mongols, and reclaim our country.
‘Zhuangzi’. These four lines mean, “The span of life, how can it forced? How would I know, if wanting to live was a mistake? How would I know, if man’s fear of death, was not like wandering outside during youth not knowing to return to his hometown? How would I know, if dead people would not regret previously seeking to live?”
Zhuangzi’s original meaning expounded that, life might not be bliss, death might not be suffering, life and death are actually no different, a living person is only “having a big dream”, and after dying is “greatly awakened”, and maybe after dying would feel that the previous time in life was stupid, why not die earlier? Just like after having a sad and terrifying nightmare, once awakened, would realize this annoying nightmare had simply went on for too long.
"Mama said those words with a dagger already thrust into her chest. She endured the severe pain just to warn me, but I did not keep the words she uttered through blood and tears in my heart.
He did not remember that it was because his own heart’s desire to harm others that they ended up this way; he also did not remember that Zhang Wuji had supplied him with fruits these past five years, every day without fail, so that he could live until today. He only remembered that this kid was too lucky while he was too unlucky, and he felt it was so unfair.
Turned out Zhang Wuji transmitted his Jiu Yang Shen Gong to her body, but she did not know how to unleash the formidable power of Shen Gong’s, which resulted in both swords being broken. If she was able to utilize the power to attack the enemy, only the enemy’s sword would be broken, while the sword in her hand would stay intact.
‘seeing demon as not a demon, let the demon defeat itself’
A warning example is close at hand, road to disaster is straight ahead.
“Things in the world are hard to describe through logic, life filled with unexpected, for nothing will keep one’s interest very long, there’s danger within good fortune, good fortune within danger.”
“Put away your worries, don’t be so bitter, even if you’re beautiful today, you will still be old some day, life has always been like this, who cares for money and fame.” “In the end, you still can’t escape fate. Like flowing water, what goes around comes around.”
In an instant, a gray-robed man became a gray dragon.
Should you have time, please come to Shaolin so you can give some more pointers.” Usually, this sort of sentence has a connotation of challenging someone to a fight. Yet Kong Sheng’s tone did not carry any of that meaning. He really does deeply respect Zhang WuJi’s kung fu.
“I know Hua Shan’s kung fu is great. So I don’t need to fight to test it out. But your ‘Repaying Kindness with Reprisal*’ skill is really quite unmatched, don’t you agree?”
Attacking like gods in Heaven, while evading like ghosts in Hell.
“You are officers and soldiers, yet you act like bandits and robbers, without any compassion toward common people.
“Subordinate is Zhao Yishang [lit. one injury]. This one is Qian Erbai [lit. two defeats]. This one is Sun Sanhui [lit. three destructions]. This one is Li Sicui [lit. four devastations].” Pointing to the other four men he continued, “That one is Zhou Wushu [lit. five loses]. That one is Wu Liupo [lit. six damages]. That one is Zheng Qimie [lit. seven extinguish], and the last one is Wang Bashuai [lit. eight feeble/weak].”
Keep the sword to behead the scaly dragon, Do not test it to strike the street dog.
Isn’t there a saying in the Jianghu world, ‘within four sides of the ocean, everybody is a brother’?
This ‘rabbit-rose-up-falcon-fall-down’ exchange happened in a blink of the eye;
Zhang Wuji recalled how as a kid he followed his grandmaster going up this mountain and saw the Shaolin Sect’s Three Divine Monks right here in this pavilion. Although it was only a few years, but back then he was a lone thin and sickly kid; while today he was the Cult Leader of the Ming Cult, with all the honor and respect belonged to the position. He felt like the two visits were a world apart.
Grasping the Sparrow's Tail, Single Whip, Lifting up the Hand, White Crane Spreads its Wings, Brushing the Knee and the Twisted Step, Playing the Pipa, Step Forward Deflect Parry and Punch, Apparent Closure, Crossing Hands, Carrying the Tiger Returning to the Mountain......
*Xu Ling Ding Jin-Empty the neck, let energy reach the crown Han Xiong Ba Bei-Sink the chest, lift the back Chen Jian Zhui Zhou-Sink the shoulders, drop the elbows
and Song Yao Chui Tun - Loose waist, bend at the buttocks.*
perhaps if his heart was happy he would impart to them one or two special skills, then they would reap the benefit for the rest of their lives.
He thought that because of Lu Zhangke’s romatic nature, it would be easier to win his heart if Fan Yao raised the affair between a man and a woman.
He held the Saber horizontally across his chest, standing on the peak of the hill, his power and prestige made people shiver, he looked just like a deity.
This short episode between the two of them happened noiselessly.
“The fist technique starts with a focused attention, intention precedes strength, only then victory will be achieved
There was a great Persian philosopher by the name of Imam Mowaffaq Nishapuri; among his disciples, there were three outstanding students: Omar Khayyam, who was a master in literature studies, Nizam-ul-Mulk, who was an expert in political studies, and Hassan-i-Sabah, who excelled in martial arts. These three were good friends and bound themselves in an oath, to face fortune and adversity together, and not to forget each other in riches and honor. Later on because of his accomplishment, Nizam-al-Mulk became Vizier to the Seljukid Empire. His two old friends came to seek shelter. Nizam entreated the Shah, and Hassan was granted an official position. Omar was not willing to be a government official; he only asked for annual provision so that he could research and study astronomy, almanac and mathematics, also to drink wine and write poems in peace. Nizam generously granted each of his friends’ requests. Unexpectedly, Hassan was ambitious; he was unwilling to be someone else’s subordinate for long and thus staged a rebellion. His attempt was foiled and he fled to a mountain. Later on he became the chief of a sect whose prestige shook the world. This sect specifically took murder as their service, and was called the Hashhashin Sect. During the Crusades, whenever someone in the western region mentioned the name of The Old Man of the Mountain, Hassan, no hearts would be exempt from shaking in fear. Many of the western region’s rulers lost their lives under the innumerable assassins under The Old Man of the Mountain.
Xie Xun sighed, “It is common for people to repay kindness with evil; what’s so strange about that?”
“Once a word left a real man’s mouth, four horses would not be able to chase it.
For those who learn some kind of skill, isn’t it a delight to train it to perfection? A friend comes visit from afar, isn’t it a delight to the host? Even if they are upset, shouldn’t they be delighted?”
Song Yuanqiao realized Zhang Songxi was very reasonable, he bitterly put the sword back into its sheathe and said, “My mind is troubled, I’ll hear what Si Di has to say.”
“Song Shibo and the others are reasonable gentlemen; how could they recklessly blame others?” With a cold laugh Zhao Min said, “The more they are gentlemen, the more they will blame others recklessly.”
‘the distant road tries the horse’s strength, the course of time proves the man’s heart’.
A man’s real character cannot be recognized in just a dawn-to-dusk period.”
Truly in this wide world, there are crouching tigers and hidden dragons among the tall grasses and thick weeds. I wonder how many heroes and warriors are hiding quietly, whose names I have never heard of.”
“In this world, mistakes arise out of circumstances. Things are difficult to anticipate. You must not be excessively heartbroken.”
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Dance of the Phoenix - Episode 6
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So yes. I am weak. I decided to watch one more episode ather the cleaning. I mean... after watching something like this I will surely have sweet dreams. Maybe meet with Feng Xu or something, who knows.
Minister Bi reveals there are words that Xiaowu went to see Old Ba. He then offers them to stay at his place as he prepared nice rooms for them, but Jin Linyuan says it’s not necessary. Feng Wu Wants to protest but they decide to leave before she can say anything more.
Are we finally going to know who is this Zhao Ge girl ? Seems she was from the same school as Qingluan, but it’s not the case anymore. Zuo Qingluan wants her to come back, she would even beg their master, but Zhao Ge says it’s fine. While Mu Yao And Zuo Qingluan go take care of something, Zhao Ge leaves a note saying she’s going back to the capital by herself. Mu Yao and Zuo Qingluan are going to go to the border city.
Back in said city, Jun Linyuan and co go to see old Ba who’s still being threatened by Yu Ming Ye. Jun Linyuan forces the door open, but there is nobody inside. Then he notices the hand print left by Yu Ming Ye earlier to scare poor Old Ba. Our little prince is so smart and makes their favourite opponent come out. Again, during the fight yu Ming Ye uses Feng wu to threaten them and again Jun linyuan’s venom is acting up, but not as much since he claims her back. Yu Ming Ye escapes but Jun Linyuan says not to chase him, they need to find the celestial fruit. They ask old Ba about Feng Xiaowu, but he has a little trouble lying about it. Well in the end they leave because they heard enough and Jun Linyuan knocks on Feng Wu’s forehead. I can’t understand this guy. As they leave, Jun Linyuan’s chest hurts again and Feng Wu is like wow this guy is a male version of Lin Daiyu, which is extremely funny. Well to me. Lin Daiyu is a character from the Dream of the Red Pavilion and she’s always sick.
Feng Wu treats Jun Linyuan’s pain with acupuncture once they are back home. When she takes his pulse she feels there’s something unsusual and Feng Xun says it might be the loveless venom she made him eat back then. So she realizes that when he said she wasn’t one of them to Yu Ming Ye it was probably the curse.
Xuan Yi meets with and old man to tell him something but those screen writers won’t let us hear it DDD:
While she’s making medicine at night, Yu Ming Ye gets in her room to ask about Feng Xiao wu. He thinks their smell is similar. Is he a dog or what% But he says Feng Wu isn’t as pretty as Feng Xiaowu. They are all so dumb... But she tells him it seems Jun Linyuan found Xiaowu, so he should go and save her then. And he dropped a charm while leaving and now Jun Linyuan is finally being smart and suspects  that Feng Wu might have informed the darknight court of their whereabouts maybe and that she’s Feng Xiaowu. You’re half right... So he takes her out to look for Feng Xiaowu and she almost exposes herself.
From afar, Yu Mingye looks at them and a town’s person tells him he doesn’t stand a chance with the fifth lady. She’s loved by many as she’s nice and pretty. He follows them while Jun Linyuan tries to expose her.
Feng Liu th crazy cousin is getting more and more greedy, she even wants the pheonix chant sword for herself now and to become the next head of the family so she would be a match for Jun Linyuan.
Yu Ming Ye tries to go and save Xiaowu from the mean Jun Linyuan but both Feng Xun and Xuan Yi are waiting for him. Non-epic fight scene. Jun Linyuan joins at that moment too.
When Feng Wu comes back home, crazy cousin is ready to attack her and she wants to scar her face so Jun Linyuan won’t like her anymore. They are always that crazy, right? Side girls in dramas are really scary honestly. Qiu Ling tries to protect Feng Wu, which makes Feng Liu even more angry and crazy. Feng Wu fights her back with a pin takin from Qiu Ling’s hair.
Oh!!! EPIC FIGHTING SCENE! Nothing too crazy but the coordination there between Feng Xun, Xuan Yi and Jun Linyuan was awesome to look at.
And then it’s the end of episode 6. And no more episode. So I have no choice but to go to bed. However this is pretty annoying because this cliffhanger is killing me. I want to know what is going to happen next. This drama is really good seriously. Even though many things in the plot aren’t new, it still has somme freshness. The story really is addictive, the visuals are gorgeous, the OST is enchanting, the acting and dubbing are good. So far, 10/10!
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 8
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Something both Ten miles of Peach Blossom and The Pillow Book are just so wonderful at, is their soundtrack. I can’t get enough.  I love it so much, just hearing one of those songs makes m go squeaking and I hate so much the fact that Netflix automatically skips it when I watch episodes one after another.
Lexu has been in labour for seven days, no less and gives birth to a little prince. The Heavenly Lord and Yangcuo are pretty sure the foetus was impregnated by the golden lotus, but even if not, that baby isn’t your regular baby. The scene is exactly the same as when Mo Yuan was born.  It’s so creepy how they made Su Jin touch the baby’s face. Well it’s a little girl, it’s okay if she doesn’t know acting yet. I guess she’s supposed to look like she cares for the baby, like a big sister.
Bai Qian saved the girl that snake girl. She used thousands of years to finally take a human form. Since she has no where to go, Bai Qian sends her to Bai Zhen. I love how they joke around about the fact that whoever is looking for him goes to Zhe Yan’s peach blossom forest to find him, because they all know he will most likely be there and not at his own place. He doesn’t want to take her as his maid and takes her instead to his parents’ place to serve his mom instead. Which happens to be quite okay because they plan to move out and leave that grotto to Bai Qian, so when they’re gone Shaoxing (snake girl) can take care of her with Migu. His mom teases him a little bit about the fact that he’s the handsomest of her children, if he was born as a girl he would be more beautiful than Bai Qian. He protests a little bit and leaves for the peach blossom. She asks Zhe Yan if he’s not bothered by Bai Zhen who has been clinging to him since his first year of life, but Zhe Yan says that without Bai Zhen he would feel lonely and takes his leave too.
Die Feng goes and look for Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen: they can’t find neither Si Yin, nor Mo Yuan. That makes the both of them extremely shocked. The family rushes to find Bai Qian, extremely worried. Dramatic music. Dramatic fog. The mom is so anxious, but Zheyan says it’s okay, it’s a miracle she’s still alive, but they still can save her, but the only way is to give her half of one’s cultivation. The king says he’ll do it, but his wifey says it’s not okay since he’s king, he needs all of his power. She’s going to do it. But then Zhe Yan tries to stop her again, she’s in too much of a hurry, if she does that, there’s a chance she won’t be able to save Bai Qian and get into a demonic state. She asks Bai Zhen to take Zhe Yan out, but he scolds her again for not letting him finish what he has to say. Honestly, he’s doing it on purpose for taking such long breaks while speaking. He’s stopping her from acting too fast because they only need the shenzhi herb and it will solve the problem. Just... to get you have to beat four overly powerful beasts, but that okay, nothing to worry about. They fight a little about who’s going to get, but it’s Bai Qian father in the end that is going. He only has a few hours to go an co back, so he has to hurry.
Back at Kunlunxu, Li Jing pays a visit. He came to visit Si Yin. Zi Lan gets pretty annoyed at that, because all that happened was because of him. Die Feng calms him down and Li Jing just repeats over and over that he wants to meet with Si Yin. He brought what she wants, but Die Feng says he can ask as much as he wants, but Si Yin left. Li Jing is shocked and the disciples leaves.
Die Feng promises Mo Yuan that he will find back Si Yin and apologizes for not taking good care enough of him. No matter how far he has gone, Die Feng will bring them back together. Then he tells the other disciples to also go back to their family and leave Kunlunxu. This is so sad. He asks of them not to try to get revenge from the Yi as Mo Yuan sacrificed himself so the peace would reign. That moment is so solemn. THE SOUNDTRACK THOUGH. I love those scenes of the disciples paying respect to their master. It shows so much of Chinese culture in a beautiful way.
So mister Heavenly Lord isn’t that happy about Si Yin taking away Mo Yuan’s body and he doesn’t know how to deal with the situation, which he complains about to Donghua. Donghua says to just find a reason why there is no body and to just tell everyone that Si Yin and Mo Yuan went in hiding together. Seems that it convinces pretty well our Heavenly Lord. Siming praises Donghua for calming him down and Donghua says that since Si Yin was Mo Yuan’s favorite disciple, he’s surely most happy to be with him in his afterlife. Does Donghua also knows Si Yin is a girl? I don’t remember him seeing her, but if he did he would probably be able to see past Zhe Yan’s spell. It’s bad ass Donghua. Without the man bun. I am sorry about all those man bun comments, but I just dislike it so much on Donghua and don’t get why they aren’t more consistent with his hairstyle haha.
Bai Zhi comes back in a very very bad state. He managed to get the herb. Bai Qian is back to being a girl. They don’t have time to make the cultivation energy into a pill, so they will have to do it directly and no matter what they can’t stop in the middle of the process. And it works. First thing she worries about when she wakes up is her master, they put in a cave specially to preserve the freshness of his body. Sounds a little creepy like this, looks like Mo Yuan is their next lunch haha. It is actually normal when she says it, it’s just that this cave is optimal to preserve a body in a good state. They think that she almost died was to repay Mo Yuan for taking the lightning strokes for her, as she ascended as high immortal too easily. Bai Zhen brought Fengjiu so Bai Qian could see her and scolds her for not asking her brother’s help, he would have gave his blood to Mo Yuan for her. And thus thousands of year went by, without anyone talking about Mo Yuan or Qing Cang anymore.
Awww mature Bai Qian is just so beautiful. And she still brings flower to Mo Yuan like she used to at Kunlunxu. Seven days after, it’s the day Qing Cang could break the seal of the Donghuang bell. She’s planning on doing her best to keep him sealed him.
Bai Qian was in isolation for cultivation but something happened. Sangji came to see her, since there is a wedding promise between the two of them. But she’s not interested, she might even shatter to pieces in a few days and spending her last days alive taking care of him is a little unfair. Migu tells her that if she doesn’t want to marry him, then she can just not marry him. She tells him to take care of Sangji with Shaoxing and to go get her at the peach blossom forest when he’s gone. So Migu tells Sangji that Bai Qian went again in isolation which bothers him a lot. He’s upset that he didn’t even get to see her at all. Then Shaoxing come to give him some fruits and Migu is like great, looks like the prince likes Shaoxing, let her take care of him, less work for me, so he leaves the two of them together.  So Sangji is in love with her, but Shaoxing doesn’t want to follow him unless he breaks the engagement with Bai Qian. She owes too much to her, she saved her life. He tells her that according to Qing Qiu’s tradition, it would be up to Bai Qian to decide to whom Shaoxing would get married and he asks does she want that? She doesn’t she’d rather stay as a servant by his side. So he says let’s go back now then, why differ any longer. She doesn’t want to do something that would make her feel sorry for Bai Qian. He says that by not seeing her, that’s how they got to know each other, so it’s destiny. He’s not taking her as a made, he will marry her. And then they leave the fox cave.
When he gets to the heaven, Ye Hua notices that his uncle brought a little snake back with him. Awww, handsome Ye Hua. He calls out for Lian Song.  There have been traces of Qing Cang’s mount near Junji mountain lately. But he didn’t call him to tell him only about that. Sangji was supposed to stay at Qingqiu for at least three months to get to know Bai Qian before the wedding. Ye Hua says he doesn’t know about how it is with his relationship with Bai Qian, but he noticed he brought back a snake with him. It’s very bad and Lian Song hurries out. Ye Hua’s domestic asks him why does it matter that Sangji brought back a little snake. Ye Hua says before Bai Qian took in a snake maiden, so it means Sangji brought back Bai Qian’s servant back with him. Ye Hua called out Lian Song so he could lend a hand before things become bad.
So happy to finally see Ye Hua awwww! <3  I love this drama so much!
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 11
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Awwww, that opening though. It give me chills every time.
Anybody else loves a lot Qing Qiu? It’s so beautiful. Anyways, that morning Bai Zhen comes to Bai Qian’s place, but Migu says she’s not there. However Zhe Yan has came back. He’s going to explain to him the new wedding arrangements for Bai Qian.
Dong Hua wakes up Fengjiu and asks her how come she’s there. She says she followed her aunt and Donghua wonders if her aunt has any connections with Kunlunxu. So he didn’t know Si Yin was Bai Qian, well I guess he might have his doubts now that he saw the roll Bai Qian left. Fengjiu says her aunt doesn’t have any connections with them.
Li Jing went to Si Yin’s old quarters in Kunlun, still thinking of their past relationship. You can’t have back what you messed up dude. He ends up bumping into Donghua and Fengjiu. Siming is waiting for Donghua at the entrance of Kunlunxu and Donghua tells him about how somebody already knew about the bell being about to break open and sealing it back by themselves. And that person is most likely Bai Qian. Oh, Siming gossiping with Fengjiu. I love it. They are confused about how could Bai Qian know of the magic to seal the bell when she never went out of Qing Qiu ever since she was born, that and the fact that Mo Yuan never had any girls as disciple. Hearing what Shao Xing did, Fengjiu is really upset and wants to go get revenge. I missed Siming’s gossiping aww.
The Heavenly Lord lets Sangji take Shao Xing with him, but he can neve give her any title. On their way out, Fengjiu points her sword at Fengjiu. Fortunately, Siming brings peace for a while, but it won’t stop Fengjiu from yelling at Sangji. She puts back her sword only when Donghua tells her. Donghua asks Shao Xing about Si Yin, but Shao Xing says she doesn’t know. He insists a little more, but then Sangji says she really doesn’t know. Fengjiu keeps on following Donghua but as soon as he enters the Taichen palace, the guards don’t let her in. So she has to find another way to get in.
On Junji mountain, the Jinni beast noticed that Bai Qian is living there and doesn’t like having a human on his territory. When he gets in the house and sees the Yuqing Kunlun fan, he runs away. He’s wondering how come a female human can have that fan that used to belong to Mo Yuan’s disciple. But as he wonders, he gets caught by Ye Hua. Bai Qian is oblivious to all of this, when she sees red lightning, she’s like, that’s weird.
Their fight get to town and Jinni beast scares every body off. When he transforms in his animal form, Ye Hua has a little trouble containing him. He remembers he must not interfere with the civilians life. But there’s a little child in danger and he transforms in his dragon form to protect the child even though he’s not supposed to be seen in that form by the mortals. Then he kills the Jinni beast with a light beam. KAMEHAMEHAAAAA! That’s the spirit. He’s badly injured by the fight and changes in a smaller form to recuperate. And that’s how Bai Qian finds him. He recognizes Bai Qian as the boy in his dreams. Then Bai Qian says he’s the most handsome snake she ever saw hahaha. Hm... It’s a dragon Bai Qian, not a snake hahaha! How cute <3 So Ye Hua has to wait for three days before he can take back his human form. Bai Qian decides to keep him, well if he wants to leave, she won’t interfere, but he can never have another owner hahaa. Ye Hua is so “excuse meeee? owneeer?” Then she leaves him and he recognizes her fan.
To stabilize the power, Su Jin offers herself as concubines to the Heavenly Lord. He’s like well but no. I love her hairstyle though. She says that if he feels bad about it, he just has to promise her that after, no matter what is her wish, he shall make it come true for her. That would be enough to endure the sacrifice... That plan is stupid.
Bai Qian is taking care of her little snake. She tries to feed him raw meat and Ye Hua is like, well I don’t like my meat to be raw, I like it cooked. She kisses him to convince him to eat, but he’s offended hahaha. I love the two of them <3 She’s like ohh, the snakes here are so smart, you even know how to chose what you like to eat. So she takes him out to the market and Bai Ye Hua is like, it’s about to rain you stupid. So Ye Hua goes out and tells the immortal responsible for rain to not make it rain that day and goes back to the heavens.
Yan Zhi gets in town. She asks around about what happened and realizes it’s linked to the Jinni beast and she thinks that if she finds him, she might find her brother Li Yuan!
Bai Qian gets in trouble because of her fan. A dude accuses her of stealing it from him. He says it’s the Yuqing kunlun fan and right then Yan Zhi comes in the tea house.
And it ends on that note. Sooooo looking forward the next episode. I loved Yan Zhi. She’s such a sweet girl!
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 7
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So excited for another episode of Eternal Love!! This is stupid since I know all of the story, or almost, but oh well. Whatever makes me happy just makes me happy!
Zhe Yan tells Si Yin that he won’t wake up, so she gets really desperate and begs Zhe Yan to save him as he is known as the best doctor in the Heavens. However he can’t, Zhe Yan’s soul has been given out to seal and stop the Dnoghuang bell. Sh feels bad because Mo Yuan wasn’t fully healed after receiving three lightning bolts for her, so that’s why he couldn’t escape from it. But then Bai Zhen tells her to remember what Mo Yuan said to her before sealing the bell: “Wait for me”. He says that if Mo Yuan said it, he’s going to come back for sure. She gets convinced easily. So she decides to look out for Mo Yuan’s body. Bai Zhen asks her if she’d rather not go back to Qing Qiu, but she declines the offer, she wants to stay by her master’s side. Both Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen leaves her alone. Oh, so little lotus flower isn’t dead. It flashes and flower lotus boy comes out to stay with Si Yin guard Mo Yuan’s body.
So Bai Zhen doesn’t think that Mo Yuan will really come back, he only said that to comfort Bai Qian, but Zhe Yan tells him that he really doesn’t understand what kind of person Mo Yuan is. He says that if he wouldn’t be able to come, he wouldn’t leave that hope for Si Yin.
Bai Qian is sad sad sad. Lotus flower boy hugs her, but then she runs back to Mo Yuan’s side and starts striping next to a knife. She stabs herself, but not where she took out her clothes, so why take them out? Oh well, she has a really nice shoulder, Yang Mi is just one of the most gorgeous women in the world, in my opinion. Lotus flower boy seeing her doing so tries to stop her, but of course she doesn’t hear, nor see him. The nine tail fox’s blood can help to preserve someone’s body.  So she’s feeding it to him so he won’t rot away.
Time for the Yi brother to fight. Li Yuan isn’t really happy that Li Jing questions him being so in a hurry to take over the power. And reminds him that he always promised that as soon he would become king, he’d kill him. Well he’s already trying by strangling him. He acknowledges that he killed Li Jing’s mom and Li Jing pushes him away. The soldiers are also pointing against him. Seems like he agreed to Siming’s help. They want Li Jing as king because, one he’s stronger than Li Yuan, two the army has been deflated and  Li Yuan already plans on going again to war.  They don’t want that. He accuses them of betraying the crown, but they say they aren’t, they just want to switch the crown prince to one who will really care about the Yi people. Moreover the Tians said that if Li Jing becomes King they will accept their letter of surrender. Li Jing sends Li Yuan to jail and orders that Yan Zhi never be told about that situation.
Li Jing pushes away Xuannü again, but agrees that they must have been fated to be with each other as they both are... well not nice people. I think Li Jing could have been a nice guy though. Just things went wrong at some point.
The Heavenly Lord isn’t so happy that they can’t get back Mo Yuan’s corpse because Si Yin is sending them away. He sends his elder son to take care of the matter and remember that disciple that he put at risk the truce by wanting to avenge. Then Lexu comes in with a little girl. I hate so much the man bun on Donghua. The Heavenly Lord names her Sujin, in memory of her whole who sacrificed themselves at war and takes her in as a princess in the palace. Sujin is so cute as a child. So sad that she becomes what she will become ): The Heavenly lord entrusts Su Jin to his elder son Yangcuo. Lexu promises to take care of her as if she was her own daughter. She’s worried that’s because he blames her for not having kids. Even though they have been married for 30,000 years, she doesn’t know when she will have kids. Then Donghua tells her to go to Kunlunxu, there she will find her answers. Wow. I love how he says things without explaining.
Yang Cuo asks Si Yin not to look for revenge. She doesn’t agree and still wants to take revenge. Die Feng asks for forgiveness and says that nobody from Kunlunxu will look for revenge.
Lotus Flower boy feels that somebody touched the golden lotus. When he becomes a person, he won’t be back here and won’t even remember her. Then when he slowly disappears, he calls her name and for the first time, she hears him. She mistakes his voice for Mo Yuan’s voice. I feel so bad for that poor lotus flower boy.
When Lexu sees the lotus flower, she feels attracted to it and touches it than it gets into her. Die Feng tells her that this lotus flower was only staying in Kunlunxu waiting for it’s owner, so seeing that it disappeared, she must be the one. And she’s like how come is it me? They don’t know.
Die Feng goes to check on Si Yin and talk him into not going for revenge, but actually she doesn’t intend to. After all Mo Yuan lost his life to bring back that peace. She’s indeed the disciple that understands most Mo Yuan. Die Feng is wondering how come Mo Yuan’s body still hasn’t degraded. He then tells Si Yin about a jade the Yi have which can prevent the body to never rot.
She decides to go see Li Jing and ask for it, in the name of their past friendship. At first Li Jing thought she came for revenge, but she says that on the battlefield she was unable to know what’s wrong and what’s right, now she just came for borrowing the jade. He asks her if she wants it for Mo Yuan, but she won’t say. Then he says that because of their history, he should lend it to her even though she won’t tell her reasons, but he says it was lost. She leaves, depressed. And of course she has to bump into Xuannü on her way out who offers her to stay and rest a while before leaving. Already acting like an annoying queen. She also says that Li Jing gave her the jade and  that and if she wants she could give it to her. When Si Yin tries to catch it, she moves her hand away. The Si Yin pushes Xuannü and she falls on the ground. I think she’s exaggerating, that push wasn’t strong enough to make her fall down, Si Yin isn’t fully healed from her injuries and she kept feeding her blood to Mo Yuan. Li Jing comes right in and helps Xuannü to get up while Si Yin points to the jade, saying here’s the thing you lost. She’s so hurt and before leaving she says her biggest regret in her life is meeting Li Jing. He tries to run after her, but Xuannü ties him down and he uses a lot of strength to push her away, to the point that she coughs blood. Or is it from her past injuries? Maybe, but I like it better if it’s Li Jing who hurt her. He’s really mad at her and she tells him again that Si Yin only liked Mo Yuan, never, that he didn’t want to give her the jade because he’s jealous of Mo Yuan. My heart hurts for Li Jing. I don’t believe Xuannü is in love with Li Jing.
All the disciples all eat together. And drink. That scene is beautiful, with all of them pouring the alcool and bowing in direction of their lost ones’ usual sitting place and pouring he alcool on the ground. Si Yin propose another toast. To thank them for taking caring of her, even though she wasn’t a good student. Si Yin reminds them of one time they went to the Junji mountain to look at the sunrise and Die Feng says that once the mourning is done, they should go back again.
Then they all fall asleep suddenly. Looking at Si Yin, she clearly had something to do with it. She bids her farewell to them while they can’t hear her. Since she couldn’t get the jade, the only way to preserve Mo Yuan’s body would be to go back to Qing Qiu. On her way, she meets a girl being beaten by bad guys. Did she save her? Well she’s back to Qing Qiu and feeds her blood to Mo Yuan again. Or is it just some kind of unknown grotto? We’ll see next episode! Probably tomorrow, it’s too late tonight to keep looking, plus Netflix won’t load more than 24% after midnight for some reasons hmmm.
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