#I still mostly ship Luna with Gentiana but like
I genuinely love that Kingsglaive is just the most by-the-books action movie ever. Like it’s so Hollywood Summer Blockbuster it’s funny. Which honestly suits how goddamn American the setting of FFXV is. But yeah like in the middle of all the fantasy video game shit in FFXV, like, Die Hard happens off-screen in the middle of the prologue. It’s great.
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earltealord · 7 years
FFXV Beach/Fixed Canon AU (Part 1)
This AU was made by myself and @the-flying-piano because we talk too much about FFXV on Skype and this honestly started as a way to protect the Nox Fleuret from their stupidly unfair fates in canon. But also started focusing on Ravus, cause we’re crushing on him hardcore.
(Ships we mostly focused on are lunyx, promptis, ravnis, and cindnea(?)) 
-The AU starts deviating from canon some after the attack on Insomnia, Nyx is save becuase Luna and Libertus went to find him and drag him out of the city. 
(Gentiana is like the MVP of this AU really cause she really makes all this compromises with the astrals to keep them safe)
-We figured if Ravus could be saved from the effects of the Ring, Nyx could too gosh dangit, past kings be damned!
-So Libertus departs to go live off somewhere near the rest stop near Lestallum, while Luna takes Nyx to Tenebrae with her
-She knows she still has to be the Oracle cause that’s just yknow her calling, so she still forms the covenant with the Titan and all that early game stuff still happens.
-It’s not until the Chocobros go to get the Regalia back, and like Ravus seeing Ardyn being a shit, so instead of him still being part of the Empire, he just up and dips.
-Well “dips” isn’t the right words, but it’s definitely a “fuck this shit I’m out” moment and he calls Luna and tells her to meet him near Galdin.
-So Nyx and Luna head to Galdin, and Nyx and Luna while driving down there had a talk about her betrothal to Noctis and Nyx did say and I quote "so you're marrying the Crown Prince? he's a bit... young for you don't ya think?"
-She then has to explain in this car ride how the marriage was supposed to be mostly a political thing to bring a sort of peace to Insomnia and Niflheim and while her and Noct have been friends since childhood she does not have romantic feelings for him, but it is her duty as the Oracle to protect and help her King. He kinda just lets out a huh, “so now that insomnia is gone.... and us kinda headed out to dodge, you're not technically obligated to do so anymore right?”
- she lets out a sort of hum of acknowledgment like “no..I guess I'm not” giving him a look that means she knows exactly where he is going with this (long story short they end up together in the most cheesy way and we wrote more dialog to this and it would take up it’s own post)
-So Ravus meets then at Galdin, and tells them they’re just gonna fucking hide for a bit, like somewhere no one can really find them, and they go to this like semi-deserted island, where legit no one knows who they are and they spend a copious amount of Gil to buy this stupid beach front house to live there for a bit.
-Of course to let them know they’re safe and such, Luna is still sending the notebook between her and Noctis, and tells the boys to visit
Post to be continued in Part 2
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lhugbereth · 7 years
I'd lke to add one more thing if u don't mind ^^- it's about luna/Noct and the chocobros. I think what bothered me most was when the director said Noct couldn't be himself around girls and Luna and can only be mostly himself around guy pals but "Oh this ship is still canon luna/Noct he loves her!" 8) ... like director does realize in order to have a relationship u also have to be complete urself and best friend? And that includes girl doing same thing? Why ppl think we ship chocobros together?
Oh yes, I definitely agree!! I’m not sure if the director’s statement is totally accurate, to be honest, though. I mean, look how Noct is with Cindy. He treats her....just like one of the guys, Prompto even rags on him once about “You can’t talk to her like that!” “well I just did” lol. And he doesn’t seem to have problems talking with Aranea or Iris or Gentiana...
I think the director was trying to excuse the very distant relationship between Noct and Luna by saying he has trouble talking to women in general, when I think the problem is just that he and Luna were always apart. They never saw each other, only sent messages through a diary (which, if you played the game like me, were always really lame messages like “got it” or “cool” hahah) They had nothing in common to talk about anyway. 
Point is, Luna and Noct had no chemistry. The bros do. Gay prevails *cheering*
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Beach Headcanons-FFXV crew
Whoo fluff fluffy McFluffinson! I needed to work on my fluff so why not use the cliche of a beach episode? (also some shipping) This came about thanks to @gaming-booty and our midnight ramblings, so I wanted to expand it into proper headcanons.
Set in that happy fluff au where everyone (bros, Nyx, Iris, Luna, Gentiana, Cindy, and Aranea in this case) is friends and everyone lives.
It is definitely Prompto’s idea. Everyone is on the way to Galdin Quay for the ferry, so he thinks, “Why not have a beach day?”
That being said, Iris jumps on the idea and pouts her way into calling a stop-off.
First off: shopping for swimsuits at the hotel. Noctis settles on simple black board shorts (with the strings actually tied unlike his normal clothes that infuriates me to no end) Gladio picks out a black speedo always one to show off. Iggy is in a similar speedo, but has a swim shirt on as well. Prompto goes for the swim trunks that have chocobo and moogle art on them. Nyx goes for something different and tries a tech suit. Still black though. It’s the official color of like all of Lucis so I mean
The girls are a little more diverse in their suits. Aranea goes for a simple yet accentuating navy blue one piece. Luna looks for a while, and Iris has her try on a lot of things, but finally settles on a modest white bikini (as modest as you can get in a bikini). Iris goes for a pale pink, frilly bikini. Gentiana settles on a tasteful black one piece. Cindy is drawn towards the loudest neon orange bikini, that frames her assets quite well if you know what I mean (great now Prompto is red as a tomato LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE CINDY
Prompto and Iris drop about 5,000 gil on gear. Boogey boards, towels, umbrellas, a boombox- everything you need for a good day at the beach.
They get Ignis to make a giant picnic. Sandwiches, potato salad, fruit salad, the works.
Once they get there, Prompto and Iris burst out of the car and start running for the water. Nothing is going to stand in their way. Aranea, a closet lover of the ocean, struggles to hold herself back from doing the same thing. The rest straggle in behind, having to unload the car. But mostly, everyone dumps it all on Gladio and Ignis’ shoulders and heads to the beach.
You cannot get Prompto and Iris out of the water. Whatever you do. They are like fish. Aranea generally stays in the water too, mostly just swimming up and down the length of the beach.
Gladio would try to surf, and would probably be really good at it if he had a better board and better waves. But, sadly, Galdin Quay is not the best for surfing.
Noct tries to hang with Prompto for a while, but he is sunburnt easily. He settles on huddling under the umbrella, looking very out of place. (like this)
Ignis will have none of that ocean crap. He hangs back at the umbrella, somehow still looking busy even tho there’s literally nothing to do. He’s just a workoholic.
Nyx would be the self-elected life guard. He’d hang back with iggy and make sure no ones dies. Of course, he’d still pop in the water to have fun every once and a while, usually swimming up underneath Luna, hefting her on his shoulders, and then throwing her back into the water. He even times it alongside Gladio, with him attacking Iris. There is much squealing from the girls, but it is generally much fun all around.
 At one point, Luna and Iris definitely do that anime girl thing where they splash each other and look all innocent and cute
Gentiana pretty much hangs back with Iggy, but will go and frolic in the water with Luna when she wants her too. 
Cindy builds sandcastles. Pretty much the entire time. It starts small, but quickly grows large. Noctis ends up helping her, since he has nothing better to do. The two have a sand palace built by the end of the afternoon. Different people pop in and out of helping them, with everyone having pitched in by the end of the day.
Everyone pretty much does their own thing until lunch time comes around. Then, there is insanity. They all descend upon the basket containing the food, and Ignis  having trouble keeping up. Luckily, Luna and Gentiana step up to help him, distributing food like pros. 
They form a large circle around base, devouring their food and chatting away. Iris and Prompto lead their respective conversations, falling comfortably into the roll of being the lives of the party.
Nyx is flirting with Luna throughout the entire day. Like, seriously bro, her betrothed is right over there (although I am a LuNyx shipper, wholeheartedly willing to headcanon a way for their relationship to happen) 
Aranea flirts with Ignis as well. she loves that different sort of suit on him, and she hasn’t gone unnoticed either After a little while of her teasing him for wearing some so scandalous, Noctis gets sick of it. “Just kiss each other already, for Bahamut’s sake.” With slight hesitation (and one heck of a blush), he does. 
You’d better believe that Prompto is documenting everything. Between selfies and sneaky pictures of Gladio’s best wipe outs, this day will not soon be forgotten. 
Cliff diving. Gladio, Iris, Prompto, Cindy, Aranea. They take turns jumping off the nearby rock formations like lemmings, and have a damn good time doing so. 
Nobody wants to leave until sunset. Once the sun starts to droop, they all gather together to watch it fall. Some have drinks in hand, some have others hands in theirs. Prompto has his camera, Iris her phone camera, both taking pictures of the gorgeous skyline. Oranges and golds and purples dance through the sky as the orb dips below the horizon, taking it’s rest until the next day. With a collective sigh, they recognize that the day is over. 
The group cleans up, everyone pitching in to speed up the process. Once everyone is presentable, they take a group trip to Mother of Pearl to finish up the night with a delicious dinner. That and the cost of the rooms would nearly clear out their savings, but everyone agrees it will be worth it. Most of them are thoroughly sunburnt, and everyone who isn’t is sore and tired from the long day. The luxurious beds of the hotel will be well worth the price.  
Before Noct falls asleep, he lays in his bed, thinking back to the last time he had a day at the beach. It was right before he went to Tenebrae to meet Luna for the first time. Before they left from the port, his dad had pulled some strings and loosened their schedule a bit to allow young Noctis some time to just be a kid. Noct remembers swimming through the waves for the first time, and how different it was from the pools in Insomnia. A much deeper, more resonant blue, with so much more character and life to it then the stagnant blue water of the cement pools. He remembers being so proud of himself when he swam past the wave’s breaking point for the first time. He looked back towards his father, lounging comfortably in a beach chair. While Noct wasn’t looking, his father had put on shorts and a horrible Hawaiian shirt. Noctis was sent into a giggling fit at his fathers as he spotted him and waved. Noct sighed, and took a deep breath of the salty air before diving underwater again. As an adult, Noctis’ eyes close and he drifts off into sleep as he takes a whiff of the salty sea air. It’s fragrance is just the same as it was that day, twelve years ago. 
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